1 /* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
2 /* vim:set et sts=4: */
3 /* ibus - The Input Bus
4  * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Peng Huang <shawn.p.huang@gmail.com>
5  * Copyright (C) 2018 Takao Fujiwara <takao.fujiwara1@gmail.com>
6  * Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Red Hat, Inc.
7  *
8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
21  * USA
22  */
24 #if !defined (__IBUS_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (IBUS_COMPILATION)
25 #error "Only <ibus.h> can be included directly"
26 #endif
28 #ifndef __IBUS_INPUT_CONTEXT_H_
29 #define __IBUS_INPUT_CONTEXT_H_
31 /**
32  * SECTION: ibusinputcontext
33  * @short_description: IBus input context proxy object.
34  * @stability: Stable
35  *
36  * An IBusInputContext is a proxy object of BusInputContext,
37  * which manages the context for input methods that supports
38  * text input in various natural languages.
39  *
40  * Clients call the IBusInputContext to invoke BusInputContext,
41  * through which invokes IBusEngine.
42  */
43 #include "ibusproxy.h"
44 #include "ibusenginedesc.h"
45 #include "ibustext.h"
47 /*
48  * Type macros.
49  */
51 /* define GOBJECT macros */
52 #define IBUS_TYPE_INPUT_CONTEXT             \
53     (ibus_input_context_get_type ())
54 #define IBUS_INPUT_CONTEXT(obj)             \
56 #define IBUS_INPUT_CONTEXT_CLASS(klass)     \
57     (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), IBUS_TYPE_INPUT_CONTEXT, IBusInputContextClass))
58 #define IBUS_IS_INPUT_CONTEXT(obj)          \
60 #define IBUS_IS_INPUT_CONTEXT_CLASS(klass)  \
62 #define IBUS_INPUT_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS(obj)   \
67 typedef struct _IBusInputContext IBusInputContext;
68 typedef struct _IBusInputContextClass IBusInputContextClass;
70 /**
71  * IBusInputContext:
72  *
73  * An opaque data type representing an IBusInputContext.
74  */
75 struct _IBusInputContext {
76     IBusProxy parent;
77     /* instance members */
78 };
80 struct _IBusInputContextClass {
81     IBusProxyClass parent;
82     /* signals */
84     /*< private >*/
85     /* padding */
86     gpointer pdummy[24];
87 };
89 GType        ibus_input_context_get_type    (void);
91 /**
92  * ibus_input_context_new:
93  * @path: The path to the object that emitting the signal.
94  * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
95  * @cancellable: A #GCancellable or %NULL.
96  * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
97  *
98  * Creates a new #IBusInputContext.
99  *
100  * Returns: A newly allocated #IBusInputContext.
101  */
102 IBusInputContext *
103              ibus_input_context_new         (const gchar        *path,
104                                              GDBusConnection    *connection,
105                                              GCancellable       *cancellable,
106                                              GError            **error);
107 /**
108  * ibus_input_context_new_async:
109  * @path: The path to the object that emitting the signal.
110  * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
111  * @cancellable: A #GCancellable or %NULL.
112  * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
113  *      The callback should not be %NULL.
114  * @user_data: The data to pass to callback.
115  *
116  * Creates a new #IBusInputContext asynchronously.
117  */
118 void         ibus_input_context_new_async   (const gchar        *path,
119                                              GDBusConnection    *connection,
120                                              GCancellable       *cancellable,
121                                              GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
122                                              gpointer            user_data);
124 /**
125  * ibus_input_context_new_async_finish:
126  * @res: A #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback pass to
127  *      ibus_input_context_new_async().
128  * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
129  *
130  * Finishes an operation started with ibus_input_context_new_async().
131  *
132  * Returns: A newly allocated #IBusInputContext.
133  */
134 IBusInputContext *
135              ibus_input_context_new_async_finish
136                                             (GAsyncResult       *res,
137                                              GError            **error);
138 /**
139  * ibus_input_context_get_input_context:
140  * @path: The path to the object that emitting the signal.
141  * @connection: A GDBusConnection.
142  *
143  * Gets an existing IBusInputContext.
144  *
145  * Returns: (transfer none): An existing #IBusInputContext.
146  */
147 IBusInputContext *
148              ibus_input_context_get_input_context
149                                             (const gchar        *path,
150                                              GDBusConnection    *connection);
151 /**
152  * ibus_input_context_get_input_context_async:
153  * @path: The path to the object that emitting the signal.
154  * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
155  * @cancellable: A #GCancellable or %NULL.
156  * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
157  *      The callback should not be %NULL.
158  * @user_data: The data to pass to callback.
159  *
160  * Gets an existing #IBusInputContext asynchronously.
161  */
162 void         ibus_input_context_get_input_context_async
163                                             (const gchar        *path,
164                                              GDBusConnection    *connection,
165                                              GCancellable       *cancellable,
166                                              GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
167                                              gpointer            user_data);
169 /**
170  * ibus_input_context_get_input_context_async_finish:
171  * @res: A #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback pass to
172  *      ibus_input_context_get_input_context_async().
173  * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
174  *
175  * Finishes an operation started with
176  * ibus_input_context_get_input_context_async().
177  *
178  * Returns: (transfer none): An existing #IBusInputContext.
179  */
180 IBusInputContext *
181              ibus_input_context_get_input_context_async_finish
182                                             (GAsyncResult       *res,
183                                              GError            **error);
185 /**
186  * ibus_input_context_process_hand_writing_event:
187  * @context: An IBusInputContext.
188  * @coordinates: An array of gdouble (0.0 to 1.0) which represents a stroke (i.e. [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...]).
189  * @coordinates_len: The number of elements in the array. The number should be even and >= 4.
190  *
191  * Pass a handwriting stroke to an input method engine.
192  *
193  * In this API, a coordinate (0.0, 0.0) represents the top-left corner of an area for
194  * handwriting, and (1.0, 1.0) does the bottom-right. Therefore, for example, if
195  * a user writes a character 'L', the array would be something like [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
196  * and coordinates_len would be 6.
197  *
198  * The function is usually called when a user releases the mouse button in a hand
199  * writing area.
200  *
201  * see_also: #IBusEngine::process-hand-writing-event
202  */
203 void         ibus_input_context_process_hand_writing_event
204                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
205                                              const gdouble      *coordinates,
206                                              guint               coordinates_len);
208 /**
209  * ibus_input_context_cancel_hand_writing:
210  * @context: An IBusInputContext.
211  * @n_strokes: The number of strokes to be removed. Pass 0 to remove all.
212  *
213  * Clear handwriting stroke(s) in the current input method engine.
214  *
215  * see_also: #IBusEngine::cancel-hand-writing
216  */
217 void         ibus_input_context_cancel_hand_writing
218                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
219                                              guint               n_strokes);
221 /**
222  * ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async:
223  * @context: An IBusInputContext.
224  * @keyval: Key symbol of a key event.
225  * @keycode: Keycode of a key event.
226  * @state: Key modifier flags.
227  * @timeout_msec: The timeout in milliseconds or -1 to use the default timeout.
228  * @cancellable: A GCancellable or NULL.
229  * @callback: A GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or NULL
230  *      if you don't care about the result of the method invocation.
231  * @user_data: The data to pass to callback.
232  *
233  * Pass the key event to input method engine.
234  *
235  * Key symbols are characters/symbols produced by key press, for example,
236  * pressing "s" generates key symbol "s"; pressing shift-"s" generates key symbol "S".
237  * Same key on keyboard may produce different key symbols on different keyboard layout.
238  * e.g., "s" key on QWERTY keyboard produces "o" in DVORAK layout.
239  *
240  * Unlike key symbol, keycode is only determined by the location of the key, and
241  * irrelevant of the keyboard layout.
242  *
243  * Briefly speaking, input methods that expect certain keyboard layout should use
244  * keycode; otherwise keyval is sufficient.
245  * For example, Chewing, Cangjie, Wubi expect an en-US QWERTY keyboard, these should
246  * use keycode; while pinyin can rely on keyval only, as it is less sensitive to
247  * the keyboard layout change, DVORAK users can still use DVORAK layout to input pinyin.
248  *
249  * Use ibus_keymap_lookup_keysym() to convert keycode to keysym in given keyboard layout.
250  *
251  * see_also: #IBusEngine::process-key-event
252  */
253 void        ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async
254                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
255                                              guint32             keyval,
256                                              guint32             keycode,
257                                              guint32             state,
258                                              gint                timeout_msec,
259                                              GCancellable       *cancellable,
260                                              GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
261                                              gpointer            user_data);
263 /**
264  * ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async_finish:
265  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
266  * @res: A #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to
267  *      ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async().
268  * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
269  *
270  * Finishes an operation started with
271  *      ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async().
272  *
273  * Returns: %TRUE if the key event is processed;
274  *      %FALSE otherwise or some errors happen and the @error will be set.
275  */
276 gboolean     ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async_finish
277                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
278                                              GAsyncResult       *res,
279                                              GError            **error);
281 /**
282  * ibus_input_context_process_key_event:
283  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
284  * @keyval: Key symbol of a key event.
285  * @keycode: Keycode of a key event.
286  * @state: Key modifier flags.
287  *
288  * Pass the key event to input method engine and wait for the reply from
289  * ibus (i.e. synchronous IPC).
290  *
291  * Returns: %TRUE for successfully process the key; %FALSE otherwise.
292  *
293  * See also: ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async()
294  */
295 gboolean     ibus_input_context_process_key_event
296                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
297                                              guint32             keyval,
298                                              guint32             keycode,
299                                              guint32             state);
302 /**
303  * ibus_input_context_set_cursor_location:
304  * @context: An IBusInputContext.
305  * @x: X coordinate of the cursor.
306  * @y: Y coordinate of the cursor.
307  * @w: Width of the cursor.
308  * @h: Height of the cursor.
309  *
310  * Set the cursor location of IBus input context asynchronously.
311  *
312  * see_also: #IBusEngine::set-cursor-location
313  */
314 void         ibus_input_context_set_cursor_location
315                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
316                                              gint32              x,
317                                              gint32              y,
318                                              gint32              w,
319                                              gint32              h);
320 /**
321  * ibus_input_context_set_cursor_location_relative:
322  * @context: An IBusInputContext.
323  * @x: X coordinate of the cursor.
324  * @y: Y coordinate of the cursor.
325  * @w: Width of the cursor.
326  * @h: Height of the cursor.
327  *
328  * Set the relative cursor location of IBus input context asynchronously.
329  */
330 void         ibus_input_context_set_cursor_location_relative
331                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
332                                              gint32              x,
333                                              gint32              y,
334                                              gint32              w,
335                                              gint32              h);
336 /**
337  * ibus_input_context_set_capabilities:
338  * @context: An IBusInputContext.
339  * @capabilities: Capabilities flags of IBusEngine, see #IBusCapabilite
340  *
341  * Set the capabilities flags of client application asynchronously.
343  * The panel component does nothing for an application that doesn't support focus.
344  *
345  * see_also: #IBusEngine::set-capabilities
346  */
347 void         ibus_input_context_set_capabilities
348                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
349                                              guint32             capabilities);
351 /**
352  * ibus_input_context_property_activate:
353  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
354  * @prop_name: A property name (e.g. "InputMode.WideLatin")
355  * @state: A status of the property (e.g. PROP_STATE_CHECKED)
356  *
357  * Activate the property asynchronously.
358  *
359  * See also: #IBusEngine::property_activate
360  */
361 void         ibus_input_context_property_activate
362                                             (IBusInputContext *context,
363                                              const gchar      *prop_name,
364                                              guint32           state);
366 /**
367  * ibus_input_context_focus_in:
368  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
369  *
370  * Invoked when the client application get focus. An asynchronous IPC will
371  * be performed.
372  *
373  * see_also: #IBusEngine::focus_in.
374  */
375 void         ibus_input_context_focus_in    (IBusInputContext   *context);
377 /**
378  * ibus_input_context_focus_out:
379  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
380  *
381  * Invoked when the client application get focus. An asynchronous IPC will be performed.
382  *
383  * see_also: #IBusEngine::focus_out.
384  */
385 void         ibus_input_context_focus_out   (IBusInputContext   *context);
388 /**
389  * ibus_input_context_reset:
390  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
391  *
392  * Invoked when the IME is reset. An asynchronous IPC will be performed.
393  *
394  * see_also: #IBusEngine::reset
395  */
396 void         ibus_input_context_reset       (IBusInputContext   *context);
398 /**
399  * ibus_input_context_get_engine_async:
400  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
401  * @timeout_msec: The timeout in milliseconds or -1 to use the default timeout.
402  * @cancellable: A #GCancellable or %NULL.
403  * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or
404  *     %NULL if you don't care about the result of the method invocation.
405  * @user_data: The data to pass to callback.
406  *
407  * An asynchronous IPC will be performed.
408  */
409 void         ibus_input_context_get_engine_async
410                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
411                                              gint                timeout_msec,
412                                              GCancellable       *cancellable,
413                                              GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
414                                              gpointer            user_data);
416 /**
417  * ibus_input_context_get_engine_async_finish:
418  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
419  * @res: A #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to
420  *   ibus_input_context_get_engine_async().
421  * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
422  *
423  * Finishes an operation started with ibus_input_context_get_engine_async().
424  *
425  * Returns: (transfer none): An IME engine description for the context, or
426  *     %NULL.
427  */
428 IBusEngineDesc *
429              ibus_input_context_get_engine_async_finish
430                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
431                                              GAsyncResult       *res,
432                                              GError            **error);
434 /**
435  * ibus_input_context_get_engine:
436  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
437  *
438  * Gets an IME engine description for the context.
439  * A synchronous IPC will be performed.
440  *
441  * Returns: (transfer none): An IME engine description for the context, or NULL.
442  */
443 IBusEngineDesc *
444              ibus_input_context_get_engine  (IBusInputContext   *context);
446 /**
447  * ibus_input_context_set_engine:
448  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
449  * @name: A name of the engine.
450  *
451  * Invoked when the IME engine is changed.
452  * An asynchronous IPC will be performed.
453  */
454 void         ibus_input_context_set_engine  (IBusInputContext   *context,
455                                              const gchar        *name);
457 /**
458  * ibus_input_context_set_surrounding_text:
459  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
460  * @text: An #IBusText surrounding the current cursor on the application.
461  * @cursor_pos: Current cursor position in characters in @text.
462  * @anchor_pos: Anchor position of selection in @text.
463 */
464 void         ibus_input_context_set_surrounding_text
465                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
466                                              IBusText           *text,
467                                              guint32             cursor_pos,
468                                              guint32             anchor_pos);
470 /**
471  * ibus_input_context_needs_surrounding_text:
472  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
473  *
474  * Check whether the current engine requires surrounding-text.
475  *
476  * Returns: %TRUE if surrounding-text is needed by the current engine;
477  * %FALSE otherwise.
478  */
479 gboolean     ibus_input_context_needs_surrounding_text
480                                             (IBusInputContext   *context);
482 /**
483  * ibus_input_context_set_content_type:
484  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
485  * @purpose: Primary purpose of the input context, as an #IBusInputPurpose.
486  * @hints: Hints that augment @purpose, as an #IBusInputHints.
487  *
488  * Set content-type (primary purpose and hints) of the context.  This
489  * information is particularly useful to implement intelligent
490  * behavior in engines, such as automatic input-mode switch and text
491  * prediction.  For example, to restrict input to numbers, the client
492  * can call this function with @purpose set to
494  *
495  * See also: #IBusEngine::set-content-type
496  */
497 void         ibus_input_context_set_content_type
498                                             (IBusInputContext   *context,
499                                              guint               purpose,
500                                              guint               hints);
502 /**
503  * ibus_input_context_set_client_commit_preedit:
504  * @context: An #IBusInputContext.
505  * @client_commit: %TRUE if your input context commits pre-edit texts
506  *     with Space or Enter key events or mouse click events. %FALSE if
507  *     ibus-daemon commits pre-edit texts with those events.
508  *     The default is %FALSE. The behavior is decided with
509  *     ibus_engine_update_preedit_text_with_mode() to commit, clear or
510  *     keep the pre-edit text and this API is important in ibus-hangul.
511  *
512  * Set whether #IBusInputContext commits pre-edit texts or not.
513  * If %TRUE, 'update-preedit-text-with-mode' signal is emitted
514  * instead of 'update-preedit-text' signal.
515  * If your client receives the 'update-preedit-text-with-mode' signal,
516  * the client needs to implement commit_text() of pre-edit text when
517  * GtkIMContextClass.focus_out() is called in case an IME desires that
518  * behavior but it depends on each IME.
519  *
520  * See also ibus_engine_update_preedit_text_with_mode().
521  */
522 void         ibus_input_context_set_client_commit_preedit (
523                                              IBusInputContext   *context,
524                                              gboolean            client_commit);
527 #endif