1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
4 Doom 3 GPL Source Code
5 Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
7 This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
9 Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
24 If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
26 ===========================================================================
27 */
29 #define IDD_FINDTEXTURE                          10000
30 #define IDD_ENTITY                               10001
31 #define IDD_GAMMA                                10002
32 #define IDD_FINDBRUSH                            10003
33 #define IDD_ROTATE                               10004
34 #define IDD_SIDES                                10005
35 #define IDD_ABOUT                                10006
36 #define IDD_SURFACE                              10007
37 #define IDD_PROJECT                              10008
38 #define IDD_TEXTUREBAR                           10009
39 #define IDD_ADDCMD                               10010
40 #define IDD_PLAYWAVE                             10011
41 #define IDD_TEXLIST                              10012
42 #define IDD_DLG_PREFS                            10013
43 #define IDD_DLG_MAPINFO                          10014
44 #define IDD_DLG_ENTITYLIST                       10015
45 #define IDD_DLG_SCRIPTS                          10016
46 #define IDD_DLG_NEWPROJECT                       10017
47 #define IDD_DLG_COMMANDLIST                      10018
48 #define IDD_DLG_INFORMATION                      10019
49 #define IDD_DLG_GROUP                            10020
50 #define IDD_DLG_CAMERA                           10021
51 #define IDD_DLG_CAMERAEVENT                      10022
52 #define IDD_DLG_CAMERATARGET                     10023
53 #define IDD_DLG_WAIT                             10024
54 #define IDD_DIALOG_SCALE                         10025
55 #define IDD_DIALOG_FINDREPLACE                   10026
56 #define IDD_DIALOG_STAIRS                        10027
57 #define IDD_DIALOG_INPUT                         10028
58 #define IDD_DIALOG_TEXTURELIST                   10029
59 #define IDD_DIALOG_NEWPATCH                      10030
60 #define IDD_DIALOG_TEXTURELAYOUT                 10031
61 #define IDD_DIALOG_CAP                           10032
62 #define IDD_DIALOG_THICKEN                       10033
63 #define IDD_DIALOG_PATCH                         10034
64 #define IDD_DIALOG_LIGHT                         10035
65 #define IDD_DIALOG_ENTITY                        10036
66 #define IDD_DIALOG_COLORS                        10037
67 #define IDD_DIALOG_INSPECTORS                    10038
68 #define IDD_DIALOG_TEXTURE                       10039
69 #define IDD_DIALOG_PREVIEW                       10040
70 #define IDD_DIALOG_CONSOLE                       10041
71 #define IDD_DIALOG_COMMENTS                      10042
72 #define IDD_DIALOG_EDITVIEW                      10043
73 #define IDD_DIALOG_EDITPREVIEW                   10044
74 #define IDD_DIALOG_NEW_INSPECTORS                10045
75 #define IDD_DIALOG_NEWCURVE                      10046
76 #define IDD_DIALOG_GETSTRING                     10047
77 #define IDD_ENTFINDREPLACE                       10048
78 #define IDR_ACCELERATOR1                         10049
79 #define IDR_ACCEL_SURFACE                        10050
80 #define IDR_MINIACCEL                            10051
81 #define IDR_MAINFRAME                            10052
82 #define IDR_RADIANTYPE                           10053
83 #define IDR_SHADERFRAME                          10054
84 #define IDR_SHADERTYPE                           10055
85 #define IDR_TOOLBAR1                             10056
86 #define IDR_TOOLBAR_SCALELOCK                    10057
87 #define IDR_TOOLBAR_ADVANCED                     10058
88 #define IDR_MENU_DROP                            10059
89 #define IDR_MENU_QUAKE3                          10060
90 #define IDR_MENU_EV                              10061
91 #define IDR_POPUP_TEXTURE                        10062
92 #define IDR_POPUP_SELECTION                      10063
93 #define IDR_POPUP_VIEW                           10064
94 #define IDR_POPUP_GROUP                          10065
95 #define IDR_POPUP_SPLINE                         10066
96 #define IDR_POPUP_MATERIAL                       10067
97 #define IDR_POPUP_ENTITY                         10068
98 #define IDB_IENDCAP                              10069
99 #define IDB_ENDCAP                               10070
100 #define IDB_BEVEL                                10071
101 #define IDB_IBEVEL                               10072
102 #define IDB_VIEWQE4                              10073
103 #define IDB_VIEW4WAY                             10074
104 #define IDB_VIEWDEFAULT                          10075
105 #define IDB_VIEWDEFAULT2                         10076
106 #define IDB_VIEWDEFAULT3                         10077
107 #define IDB_VIEWDEFAULT_Z                        10078
108 #define IDB_BITMAP_GROUPS                        10079
109 #define IDB_BITMAP_MATERIAL                      10080
110 #define IDB_BITMAP_HSB                           10081
111 #define IDB_BITMAP_RGB                           10082
113 #define IDC_VIEWDEFAULT                          10200
114 #define IDC_VIEWDEFAULT_Z                        10201
115 #define IDC_SELECT                               10202
116 #define IDC_APPLY                                10203
117 #define IDC_REFRESH                              10204
118 #define IDC_BUTTON_RELOAD                        10205
119 #define IDC_BUTTON_ADD                           10206
120 #define IDC_BUTTON_OPEN                          10207
121 #define IDC_APPLY2                               10208
122 #define IDC_APPLY_DIFFERENT                      10209
123 #define IDC_BUTTON_PLAY                          10210
124 #define IDC_CHECK1                               10211
125 #define IDC_TESTCAMERA                           10212
126 #define IDC_CHECK_LIVE                           10213
127 #define IDC_BTN_HIDE                             10214
128 #define IDC_SPIN1                                10215
129 #define IDC_SPIN2                                10216
130 #define IDC_SPIN3                                10217
131 #define IDC_RADIO2                               10218
132 #define IDC_RADIO3                               10219
133 #define IDC_RADIO_VIEWTYPE                       10220
134 #define IDC_RADIO_FALLOFF2                       10221
135 #define IDC_RADIO_VIEWTYPE2                      10222
136 #define IDC_RADIO_FALLOFF3                       10223
137 #define IDC_RADIO_VIEWTYPE3                      10224
138 #define IDC_LIST_ENTITIES                        10225
139 #define IDC_RADIO_VIEWTYPE4                      10226
140 #define IDC_EDIT_TOTALBRUSHES                    10227
141 #define IDC_CHECK_LOADLAST                       10228
142 #define IDC_CHECK_AUTOSAVE                       10229
143 #define IDC_CHECK_LOADLASTMAP                    10230
144 #define IDC_LIST_ENTITY                          10231
145 #define IDC_LIST_SCRIPTS                         10232
146 #define IDC_NEW                                  10233
147 #define IDC_EDIT                                 10234
148 #define IDC_EDIT_NAME                            10235
149 #define IDC_RUN                                  10236
150 #define IDC_LIST_COMMANDS                        10237
151 #define IDC_CHECK_FACE                           10238
152 #define IDC_CHECK_RIGHTCLICK                     10239
153 #define IDC_CHECK_TEXTUREWINDOW                  10240
154 #define IDC_CHECK_TEXTURETOOLBAR                 10241
155 #define IDC_CHECK_LIGHTDRAW                      10242
156 #define IDC_CHECK_SNAPT                          10243
157 #define IDC_CHECK_TEXTURESCROLLBAR               10244
158 #define IDC_CHECK_RUNQUAKE                       10245
159 #define IDC_CHECK_SETGAME                        10246
160 #define IDC_CHECK_DISPLAYLISTS                   10247
161 #define IDC_EDIT_AUTOSAVE                        10248
162 #define IDC_CHK_FLAT                             10249
163 #define IDC_CHECK_NEWMAPFORMAT                   10250
164 #define IDC_BTN_APPLYTEXTURESTUFF                10251
165 #define IDC_CHECK_QE4PAINTING                    10252
166 #define IDC_BTN_PLAY                             10253
167 #define IDC_BTN_ADD                              10254
168 #define IDC_BTN_TEXTURE                          10255
169 #define IDC_BTN_PREVIEW                          10256
170 #define IDC_BTN_ADDTARGET                        10257
171 #define IDC_BTN_SET                              10258
172 #define IDC_BTN_OLDCOLOR                         10259
173 #define IDC_BUTTON_MODEL                         10260
174 #define IDC_SPIN_AUTOSAVE                        10261
175 #define IDC_BTN_DEL                              10262
176 #define IDC_BUTTON_SOUND                         10263
177 #define IDC_CHECK_SIZEPAINT                      10264
178 #define IDC_BTN_EDIT                             10265
179 #define IDC_BUTTON_GUI                           10266
180 #define IDC_EDIT_X                               10267
181 #define IDC_SPIN_UNDO                            10268
182 #define IDC_BTN_HIDEALL                          10269
183 #define IDC_BUTTON_PARTICLE                      10270
184 #define IDC_CHECK_SNAPSHOTS                      10271
185 #define IDC_BTN_SHOWALL                          10272
186 #define IDC_BUTTON_SKIN                          10273
187 #define IDC_EDIT_FIND                            10274
188 #define IDC_SPIN_POINTSIZE                       10275
189 #define IDC_BUTTON_CURVE                         10276
190 #define IDC_EDIT_REPLACE                         10277
191 #define IDC_EDIT_S                               10278
192 #define IDC_CHECK_SELECTED                       10279
193 #define IDC_EDIT_T                               10280
194 #define IDC_CHECK_FORCE                          10281
195 #define IDC_EDIT1                                10282
196 #define IDC_ROTATE_BOX                           10283
197 #define IDC_ROTZ                                 10284
198 #define IDC_EDIT_TOTALENTITIES                   10285
199 #define IDC_EDIT_Y                               10286
200 #define IDC_EDIT_KEY                             10287
201 #define IDC_EDIT_INPUT                           10288
202 #define IDC_EDIT_PATH                            10289
203 #define IDC_PARTICLE_EDIT2                       10290
204 #define IDC_ROTY                                 10291
205 #define IDC_EDIT_NET                             10292
206 #define IDC_EDIT_Z                               10293
207 #define IDC_EDIT_COMMENTS                        10294
208 #define IDC_E_VALUE_FIELD                        10295
209 #define IDC_E_LIST                               10296
210 #define IDC_E_COMMENT                            10297
211 #define IDC_E_PROPS                              10298
212 #define IDC_E_135                                10299
213 #define IDC_E_180                                10300
214 #define IDC_E_225                                10301
215 #define IDC_E_270                                10302
216 #define IDC_E_90                                 10303
217 #define IDC_E_45                                 10304
218 #define IDC_E_0                                  10305
219 #define IDC_E_315                                10306
220 #define IDC_E_UP                                 10307
221 #define IDC_E_DOWN                               10308
222 #define IDC_E_ADDPROP                            10309
223 #define IDC_E_DELPROP                            10310
224 #define IDC_E_CREATE                             10311
225 #define IDC_E_STATUS                             10312
226 #define IDC_SHIFT_BOX                            10313
227 #define IDC_HSHIFT                               10314
228 #define IDC_VSHIFT                               10315
229 #define IDC_ROTATEV                              10316
230 #define IDC_HSTRETCH                             10317
231 #define IDC_SCALEV                               10318
232 #define IDC_EDIT_STATUSPOINTSIZE                 10319
233 #define IDC_SCALEH                               10320
234 #define IDC_EDIT_ROTATION                        10321
235 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD1                        10322
236 #define IDC_EDIT_UNDOLEVELS                      10323
237 #define IDC_HSCALE                               10324
238 #define IDC_VSCALE                               10325
239 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD1                          10326
240 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD2                        10327
241 #define IDC_ROTATE                               10328
242 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD2                          10329
243 #define IDC_SLIDER_CAMSPEED                      10330
244 #define IDC_G_EDIT                               10331
245 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD3                        10332
246 #define IDC_CHECK_CAMXYUPDATE                    10333
247 #define IDC_STATIC_KEY                           10334
248 #define IDC_FIND_BRUSH                           10335
249 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD3                          10336
250 #define IDC_STATIC_VALUE                         10337
251 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD4                        10338
252 #define IDC_E_KEY_FIELD                          10339
253 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD4                          10340
254 #define IDC_FIND_ENTITY                          10341
255 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD5                        10342
256 #define IDC_SIDES                                10343
257 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD5                          10344
258 #define IDC_COMBO_WHATGAME                       10345
259 #define IDC_ROTX                                 10346
260 #define IDC_BTN_COLOR                            10347
261 #define IDC_STATIC_COLOR                         10348
262 #define IDC_E_COLOR                              10349
263 #define IDC_ABOUT_GLVENDOR                       10350
264 #define IDC_ABOUT_GLVERSION                      10351
265 #define IDC_BTN_THECOLOR                         10352
266 #define IDC_ABOUT_GLRENDERER                     10353
267 #define IDC_STATIC_STUFF                         10354
268 #define IDC_TEXTURE                              10355
269 #define IDC_CHECK_ALTDRAG                        10356
270 #define IDC_PRJRSHCMD                            10357
271 #define IDC_SPIN_HSHIFT                          10358
272 #define IDC_CHECK_MOUSECHASE                     10359
273 #define IDC_PRJREMOTEBASE                        10360
274 #define IDC_SPIN_VSHIFT                          10361
275 #define IDC_CHECK_FACECOLOR                      10362
276 #define IDC_PRJENTITYPATH                        10363
277 #define IDC_SPIN_VSCALE                          10364
278 #define IDC_CHECK_NOCLAMP                        10365
279 #define IDC_PRJTEXPATH                           10366
280 #define IDC_SPIN_HSCALE                          10367
281 #define IDC_PRJAUTOSAVE                          10368
282 #define IDC_SPIN_ROTATE                          10369
283 #define IDC_ADDCMD                               10370
284 #define IDC_EDIT_ROTATEAMT                       10371
285 #define IDC_CMD_LIST                             10372
286 #define IDC_CHECK_DLLENTITIES                    10373
287 #define IDC_PRJBASEPATH                          10374
288 #define IDC_CHECK_WIDETOOLBAR                    10375
289 #define IDC_CMDCOMMAND                           10376
290 #define IDC_CHECK_BUGGYICD                       10377
291 #define IDC_CMDMENUTEXT                          10378
292 #define IDC_CHECK_SGIOPENGL                      10379
293 #define IDC_REMCMD                               10380
294 #define IDC_PRJINTERVAL                          10381
295 #define IDC_CHECK_HICOLOR                        10382
296 #define IDC_PRJMAPSPATH                          10383
297 #define IDC_CHECK_SHADERTEST                     10384
298 #define IDC_EDITCMD                              10385
299 #define IDC_CHECK_SHOWSHADERS                    10386
300 #define IDC_ABOUT_GLEXTENSIONS                   10387
301 #define IDC_LIST_TEXTURES                        10388
302 #define IDC_COMBO_WIDTH                          10389
303 #define IDC_COMBO_HEIGHT                         10390
304 #define IDC_BTN_PATCHDETAILS                     10391
305 #define IDC_BTN_PATCHRESET                       10392
306 #define IDC_BTN_PATCHNATURAL                     10393
307 #define IDC_RADIO_CAP                            10394
308 #define IDC_BTN_PATCHFIT                         10395
309 #define IDC_RADIO_CAP2                           10396
310 #define IDC_CHECK_SEAMS                          10397
311 #define IDC_BTN_FLIPX                            10398
312 #define IDC_RADIO_CAP3                           10399
313 #define IDC_EDIT_AMOUNT                          10400
314 #define IDC_BTN_FLIPY                            10401
315 #define IDC_RADIO_CAP4                           10402
316 #define IDC_BTN_ASSIGNSOUND                      10403
317 #define IDC_BTN_AXIAL                            10404
318 #define IDC_BTN_ASSIGNMODEL                      10405
319 #define IDC_BTN_FACEFIT                          10406
320 #define IDC_SLIDER_TEXTUREQUALITY                10407
321 #define IDC_LIST1                                10408
322 #define IDC_BTN_BRUSHFIT                         10409
323 #define IDC_LIST_EVENTS                          10410
324 #define IDC_LIST_WAV                             10411
325 #define IDC_PARTICLE_LIST1                       10412
326 #define IDC_LIST_VARS                            10413
327 #define IDC_TREE1                                10414
328 #define IDC_TREE_TEXTURES                        10415
329 #define IDC_COMBO_ROW                            10416
330 #define IDC_COMBO_COL                            10417
331 #define IDC_COMBO_TYPE                           10418
332 #define IDC_EDIT_WIDTH                           10419
333 #define IDC_CHECK_BPRIMIT                        10420
334 #define IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT                          10421
335 #define IDC_SPIN_WIDTH                           10422
336 #define IDC_SPIN_HEIGHT                          10423
337 #define IDC_COMBO_SHADERS                        10424
338 #define IDC_TREE_GROUP                           10425
339 #define IDC_CHECK_NOSTIPPLE                      10426
340 #define IDC_TAB_MODE                             10427
341 #define IDC_CHECK_POINT                          10428
342 #define IDC_CHECK_EQUALRADIUS                    10429
343 #define IDC_RADIO_FALLOFF                        10430
344 #define IDC_CHECK_PROJECTED                      10431
345 #define IDC_CHECK_EXPLICITFALLOFF                10432
346 #define IDC_CHECK_CENTER                         10433
347 #define IDC_SLIDER_BRIGHTNESS                    10434
348 #define IDC_CHECK_PARALLEL                       10435
349 #define IDC_CHECK_SHADOWS                        10436
350 #define IDC_CHECK_DIFFUSE                        10437
351 #define IDC_CHECK_SPECULAR                       10438
352 #define IDC_EDIT_RADIUSY                         10439
353 #define IDC_EDIT_RADIUSZ                         10440
354 #define IDC_EDIT_RADIUSX                         10441
355 #define IDC_EDIT_TARGETX                         10442
356 #define IDC_EDIT_TARGETY                         10443
357 #define IDC_EDIT_TARGETZ                         10444
358 #define IDC_EDIT_RIGHTX                          10445
359 #define IDC_EDIT_RIGHTY                          10446
360 #define IDC_EDIT_RIGHTZ                          10447
361 #define IDC_EDIT_UPX                             10448
362 #define IDC_EDIT_UPY                             10449
363 #define IDC_EDIT_UPZ                             10450
364 #define IDC_EDIT_STARTX                          10451
365 #define IDC_EDIT_STARTY                          10452
366 #define IDC_EDIT_STARTZ                          10453
367 #define IDC_EDIT_ENDX                            10454
368 #define IDC_EDIT_ENDY                            10455
369 #define IDC_EDIT_ENDZ                            10456
370 #define IDC_EDIT_CENTERX                         10457
371 #define IDC_COMBO_TEXTURE                        10458
372 #define IDC_EDIT_CENTERY                         10459
373 #define IDC_EDIT_MAPS                            10460
374 #define IDC_EDIT_CENTERZ                         10461
375 #define IDC_EDIT_CAM_NAME                        10462
376 #define IDC_COMBO_SPLINES                        10463
377 #define IDC_SCROLLBAR_SEGMENT                    10464
378 #define IDC_EDIT_LENGTH                          10465
379 #define IDC_EDIT_SEGMENT                         10466
380 #define IDC_BTN_ADDEVENT                         10467
381 #define IDC_BTN_DELEVENT                         10468
382 #define IDC_CHECK_TRACKCAMERA                    10469
383 #define IDC_RADIO_EVENT                          10470
384 #define IDC_EDIT_TOTALSEGMENTS                   10471
385 #define IDC_RADIO5                               10472
386 #define IDC_RADIO6                               10473
387 #define IDC_RADIO7                               10474
388 #define IDC_RADIO8                               10475
389 #define IDC_EDIT_PARAM                           10476
390 #define IDC_RADIO9                               10477
391 #define IDC_RADIO_FIXED                          10478
392 #define IDC_RADIO10                              10479
393 #define IDC_RADIO11                              10480
394 #define IDC_RADIO_EDITPOINTS                     10481
395 #define IDC_RADIO12                              10482
396 #define IDC_RADIO_EDITPOINTS2                    10483
397 #define IDC_BTN_DELETEPOINTS                     10484
398 #define IDC_RADIO13                              10485
399 #define IDC_EDIT_TYPE                            10486
400 #define IDC_RADIO14                              10487
401 #define IDC_BTN_SELECTALL                        10488
402 #define IDC_RADIO15                              10489
403 #define IDC_CHECK_SUBDIVIDE                      10490
404 #define IDC_RADIO16                              10491
405 #define IDC_SLIDER_HORZ                          10492
406 #define IDC_SLIDER_VERT                          10493
407 #define IDC_EDIT_HORZ                            10494
408 #define IDC_EDIT_VERT                            10495
409 #define IDC_LOAD                                 10496
410 #define IDC_PREVIEW                              10497
411 #define IDC_CHECK_HIDEROOT                       10498
412 #define IDC_CHECK_ABSOLUTE                       10499
413 #define IDC_LIGHTPREVIEW                         10500
414 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR1                        10501
415 #define IDC_STATIC_RGB_RECT                      10502
416 #define IDC_STATIC_HSB_RECT                      10503
417 #define IDC_EDIT_RED                             10504
418 #define IDC_SPIN_RED                             10505
419 #define IDC_EDIT_GREEN                           10506
420 #define IDC_SPIN_GREEN                           10507
421 #define IDC_EDIT_BLUE                            10508
422 #define IDC_SPIN_BLUE                            10509
423 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR2                        10510
424 #define IDC_STATIC_NEWCOLOR                      10511
425 #define IDC_EDIT_HUE                             10512
426 #define IDC_SPIN_HUE                             10513
427 #define IDC_ANIMATION_SLIDER                     10514
428 #define IDC_EDIT_SAT                             10515
429 #define IDC_SPIN_SAT                             10516
430 #define IDC_BTN_APPLY                            10517
431 #define IDC_EDIT_VAL                             10518
432 #define IDC_SPIN_VAL                             10519
433 #define IDC_EDIT_OVERBRIGHT                      10520
434 #define IDC_SPIN_OVERBRIGHT                      10521
435 #define IDC_WAITSTR                              10522
436 #define IDC_COMBO_CLASS                          10523
437 #define IDC_EDIT_INFO                            10524
438 #define IDC_LIST_KEYVAL                          10525
439 #define IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE                        10526
440 #define IDC_BUTTON_CREATE                        10527
441 #define IDC_CUSTOM1                              10528
442 #define IDC_TAB_INSPECTOR                        10529
443 #define IDC_STATIC_TITLE                         10530
444 #define IDC_STATIC_VAL                           10531
445 #define IDC_TREE_MEDIA                           10532
446 #define IDC_EDIT_CONSOLE                         10533
447 #define IDC_BUTTON_SAVE                          10534
448 #define IDC_STATIC_LINE                          10535
449 #define IDC_BUTTON_GOTO                          10536
450 #define IDC_EDIT_GOTO                            10537
451 #define IDC_EDIT_LINE                            10538
452 #define IDC_ENTITY_PLAY_ANIM                     10539
453 #define IDC_ENTITY_ANIMATIONS                    10540
454 #define IDC_ENTITY_STOP_ANIM                     10541
455 #define IDC_ENTITY_CURRENT_ANIM                  10542
456 #define IDC_COMBO_CURVES                         10543
457 #define IDC_EDIT_FIND_KEY                        10544
458 #define IDC_EDIT_FIND_VALUE                      10545
459 #define IDC_EDIT_REPLACE_KEY                     10546
460 #define IDC_EDIT_REPLACE_VALUE                   10547
461 #define IDC_KEYCOPY                              10548
462 #define IDC_VALUECOPY                            10549
464 #define IDC_REPLACE                              10551
465 #define IDC_FIND                                 10552
466 #define IDC_PROMPT                               10553
467 #define IDC_CHECK_SELECTALLMATCHING              10554
469 #define ID_COLOR_SUPERMAL                        30000
470 #define ID_Menu                                  30001
471 #define ID_DROP_VIEWOPTIONS                      30002
472 #define ID_VIEWOPTIONS_WIREFRAME                 30003
473 #define ID_WIREFRAME_ON                          30004
474 #define ID_WIREFRAME_OFF                         30005
475 #define ID_VIEWOPTIONS_FORCEVISIBILITY           30006
476 #define ID_FORCEVISIBILITY_ON                    30007
477 #define ID_FORCEVISIBILITY_OFF                   30008
478 #define ID_SELECT_COMPLETEENTITY                 30009
479 #define ID_PATCH_NURBEDITOR                      30010
480 #define ID_PRECISION_CURSOR_CYCLE                30011
481 #define ID_THEMES_MAX                            30012
483 #define ID_MATERIAL_EDIT                         30014
484 #define ID_SELECT_ALLTARGETS                     30015
485 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCOMBATNODES                  30016
486 #define ID_FILE_IMPORT                           30017
487 #define ID_VIEW_XY                               30018
488 #define ID_VIEW_SIDE                             30019
489 #define ID_VIEW_FRONT                            30020
490 #define ID_CAMERATOGGLE                          30021
491 #define ID_VIEW_CAMERATOGGLE                     30022
492 #define ID_TEXTURES_POPUP                        30023
493 #define ID_POPUP_SELECTION                       30024
494 #define ID_VIEW_CHANGE                           30025
495 #define ID_VIEW_CAMERAUPDATE                     30026
496 #define ID_VIEW_CLIPPER                          30027
497 #define ID_PREFS                                 30028
498 #define ID_TOGGLE_LOCK                           30029
499 #define ID_EDIT_MAPINFO                          30030
500 #define ID_EDIT_ENTITYINFO                       30031
501 #define ID_BRUSH_SCRIPTS                         30032
502 #define ID_VIEW_NEXTVIEW                         30033
503 #define ID_HELP_COMMANDLIST                      30034
504 #define ID_FILE_NEWPROJECT                       30035
505 #define ID_SNAPTOGRID                            30036
506 #define ID_SPLIT_SELECTED                        30037
507 #define ID_CLIP_SELECTED                         30038
508 #define ID_FLIP_CLIP                             30039
509 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW_YZ                         30040
510 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW_XZ                         30041
511 #define ID_COLORS_GRIDTEXT                       30042
512 #define ID_COLORS_BRUSH                          30043
513 #define ID_COLORS_SELECTEDBRUSH                  30044
514 #define ID_COLORS_CLIPPER                        30045
515 #define ID_COLORS_GRIDBLOCK                      30046
516 #define ID_COLORS_VIEWNAME                       30047
517 #define ID_COLOR_SETORIGINAL                     30048
518 #define ID_COLOR_SETQER                          30049
519 #define ID_COLOR_SETBLACK                        30050
520 #define ID_BYEBYE                                30051
521 #define ID_SELECT_SCALE                          30052
522 #define ID_SELECT_MOUSEROTATE                    30053
523 #define ID_TEXTURE_REPLACESELECTED               30054
524 #define ID_TEXTURE_REPLACEALL                    30055
525 #define ID_SELECT_COMPLETE_ENTITY                30056
526 #define ID_SCALELOCKX                            30057
527 #define ID_SCALELOCKY                            30058
528 #define ID_SCALELOCKZ                            30059
529 #define ID_VIEW_CUBICCLIPPING                    30060
530 #define ID_FILE_PROJECTSETTINGS                  30061
531 #define ID_VIEW_CUBEOUT                          30062
532 #define ID_VIEW_CUBEIN                           30063
533 #define ID_NODES_LOADNODES                       30064
534 #define ID_NODES_SHOWNODES                       30065
535 #define ID_NODES_SHOWLINKS                       30066
536 #define ID_NODES_REMOVEALLNODES                  30067
537 #define ID_NODES_COUNTNODES                      30068
538 #define ID_NODES_GIVEMONEYTONELNO                30069
539 #define ID_FILE_SAVEREGION                       30070
540 #define ID_FILE_LOADREGION                       30071
541 #define ID_SELECTION_MOVEDOWN                    30072
542 #define ID_TOOLBAR_MAIN                          30073
543 #define ID_SELECTION_MOVEUP                      30074
544 #define ID_TOOLBAR_TEXTURE                       30075
545 #define ID_BRUSH_MAKECONE                        30076
546 #define ID_TEXTURES_LOAD                         30077
547 #define ID_TOGGLE_ROTATELOCK                     30078
548 #define ID_CURVE_CYLINDER                        30079
549 #define ID_CURVE_ENDCAP                          30080
550 #define ID_CURVE_BEVEL                           30081
551 #define ID_CURVE_SPHERE                          30082
552 #define ID_CURVE_HEMISPHERE                      30083
553 #define ID_CURVE_QUARTER                         30084
554 #define ID_CURVE_EIGHTHSPHERE                    30085
555 #define ID_CURVE_INVERTCURVE                     30086
556 #define ID_FILE_IMPORTMAP                        30087
557 #define ID_FILE_EXPORTMAP                        30088
558 #define ID_EDIT_LOADPREFAB                       30089
559 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCURVES                       30090
560 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGELEFT            30091
561 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGERIGHT           30092
562 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGEUP              30093
563 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGEDOWN            30094
564 #define ID_TEXTURES_LOADLIST                     30095
565 #define ID_DONTSELECTCURVE                       30096
566 #define ID_CONVERTCURVES                         30097
567 #define ID_DYNAMIC_LIGHTING                      30098
568 #define ID_PATCH_SHOWBOUNDINGBOX                 30099
569 #define ID_CURVE_SIMPLEPATCHMESH                 30100
570 #define ID_PATCH_WIREFRAME                       30101
571 #define ID_PATCH_WELD                            30102
572 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHTUBE                       30103
573 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHCONE                       30104
574 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHENDCAP                     30105
575 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHBEVEL                      30106
576 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHINVERTEDENDCAP             30107
577 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHINVERTEDBEVEL              30108
578 #define ID_PATCH_DRILLDOWN                       30109
579 #define ID_CURVE_LOADPATCHFILE                   30110
580 #define ID_CURVE_INSERTROW                       30111
581 #define ID_CURVE_INSERTCOLUMN                    30112
582 #define ID_CURVE_DELETEROW                       30113
583 #define ID_CURVE_DELETECOLUMN                    30114
584 #define ID_PATCH_INSDEL                          30115
585 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_ADDCOLUMN                30116
586 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_INSERTCOLUMN             30117
587 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_ADDROW                   30118
588 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_INSERTROW                30119
589 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_FIRSTCOLUMN              30120
590 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_LASTCOLUMN               30121
591 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_FIRSTROW                 30122
592 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_LASTROW                  30123
593 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVE                        30124
594 #define ID_PATCH_BEND                            30125
595 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHDENSETUBE                  30126
596 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHVERYDENSETUBE              30127
597 #define ID_CURVE_CAP                             30128
598 #define ID_CURVE_CAP_INVERTEDBEVEL               30129
599 #define ID_CURVE_CAP_INVERTEDENDCAP              30130
600 #define ID_CURVE_REDISPERSE_ROWS                 30131
601 #define ID_CURVE_REDISPERSE_COLS                 30132
602 #define ID_PATCH_NATURALIZE                      30133
603 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHSQUARE                     30134
604 #define ID_BRUSH_PRIMITIVES_SPHERE               30135
605 #define ID_BRUSH_PRIMITIVES_TORUS                30136
606 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_200       30137
607 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_100       30138
608 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_50        30139
609 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_25        30140
610 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_10        30141
611 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVETEXTUREX                30142
612 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLUSH                        30143
613 #define ID_CURVE_OVERLAY_SET                     30144
614 #define ID_CURVE_OVERLAY_CLEAR                   30145
615 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVETEXTUREY                30146
616 #define ID_CURVE_THICKEN                         30147
617 #define ID_CURVE_CYCLECAP                        30148
618 #define ID_CURVE_CYCLECAPALT                     30149
619 #define ID_CURVE_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE                30150
620 #define ID_PLUGINS_REFRESH                       30151
621 #define ID_TEXTURES_RELOADSHADERS                30152
622 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_BOUNDINGBOX           30153
623 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_WRITEFRAME            30154
626 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SKINNED               30157
628 #define ID_SHOW_ENTITIES                         30159
629 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_WIREFRAME             30160
630 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWHINT                         30161
631 #define ID_VIEW_OPENGLLIGHTING                   30162
632 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCAULK                        30163
633 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWANGLES                       30164
634 #define ID_EDIT_SAVEPREFAB                       30165
637 #define ID_CURVE_PRIMITIVES_SPHERE               30168
638 #define ID_VIEW_HIDESHOW_HIDESELECTED            30169
639 #define ID_VIEW_HIDESHOW_SHOWHIDDEN              30170
640 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHADERS_SHOW                 30171
641 #define ID_SELECTION_CSGADD                      30172
642 #define ID_VIEW_HIDESHOW_HIDENOTSELECTED         30173
643 #define ID_SELECTION_CSGMERGE                    30174
644 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLUSH_UNUSED                 30175
645 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_REMOVE                     30176
646 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_ADDTO_WORLD                30177
647 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_NEWGROUP                   30178
648 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_NAME                       30179
649 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_ADDTO                      30180
650 #define ID_SHOW_LIGHTVOLUMES                     30181
651 #define ID_SHOW_LIGHTTEXTURES                    30182
652 #define ID_SHOW_DOOM                             30183
653 #define ID_SPLINES_MODE                          30184
654 #define ID_SPLINES_LOAD                          30185
655 #define ID_SPLINES_SAVE                          30186
656 #define ID_MATERIAL_INFO                         30187
657 #define ID_SPLINE_TEST                           30188
658 #define ID_POPUP_NEWCAMERA_INTERPOLATED          30189
659 #define ID_POPUP_NEWCAMERA_SPLINE                30190
660 #define ID_POPUP_NEWCAMERA_FIXED                 30191
661 #define ID_SELECTION_MOVEONLY                    30192
662 #define ID_SELECT_BRUSHESONLY                    30193
663 #define ID_SELECT_BYBOUNDINGBRUSH                30194
664 #define ID_TEXTURES_HIDEALL                      30195
665 #define ID_SELECTION_COMBINE                     30196
666 #define ID_PATCH_COMBINE                         30197
667 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERMODE                       30198
668 #define ID_VIEW_REBUILDRENDERDATA                30199
669 #define ID_VIEW_REALTIMEREBUILD                  30200
670 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERENTITYOUTLINES             30201
671 #define ID_VIEW_MATERIALANIMATION                30202
672 #define ID_DROP_NEWMODEL                         30203
673 #define ID_SELECT_AXIALTEXTURE_BYWIDTH           30204
674 #define ID_SELECT_AXIALTEXTURE_BYHEIGHT          30205
675 #define ID_SELECT_AXIALTEXTURE_ARBITRARY         30206
676 #define ID_SELECTION_EXPORT_TOOBJ                30207
677 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERSELECTION                  30208
678 #define ID_VIEW_SHOW_SHOWVISPORTALS              30209
679 #define ID_SELECT_NOMODELS                       30210
680 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERSOUND                      30211
681 #define ID_SOUND_POPUP                           30212
682 #define ID_SOUND_SHOWSOUNDVOLUMES                30213
684 #define ID_VIEW_SHOW_NODRAW                      30215
685 #define ID_SELECT_MOUSESCALE                     30216
686 #define ID_SELECTION_EXPORT_TOCM                 30217
687 #define ID_SPLINES_EDITPOINTS                    30218
688 #define ID_SPLINES_ADDPOINTS                     30219
689 #define ID_SPLINES_INSERTPOINTS                  30220
690 #define ID_SPLINES_DELETEPOINTS                  30221
691 #define ID_PLUGIN_START                          30222
692 #define ID_PLUGIN_END                            30223
693 #define ID_FILE_EXIT                             30224
694 #define ID_FILE_SAVEAS                           30225
695 #define ID_VIEW_CENTER                           30226
696 #define ID_VIEW_UPFLOOR                          30227
697 #define ID_VIEW_DOWNFLOOR                        30228
698 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPX                           30229
699 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPY                           30230
700 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPZ                           30231
701 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEX                         30232
702 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEY                         30233
703 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEZ                         30234
704 #define ID_BSP_FULLVIS                           30235
705 #define ID_BSP_FASTVIS                           30236
706 #define ID_BSP_NOVIS                             30237
707 #define ID_BSP_RELIGHT                           30238
708 #define ID_BSP_ENTITIES                          30239
709 #define ID_FILE_POINTFILE                        30240
710 #define ID_VIEW_100                              30241
711 #define ID_VIEW_75                               30242
712 #define ID_VIEW_50                               30243
713 #define ID_VIEW_25                               30244
714 #define ID_VIEW_12                               30245
715 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHOWALL                      30246
716 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHOWINUSE                    30247
717 #define ID_TEXTURES_TOGGLEVIEW                   30248
718 #define ID_SELECTION_CREATEENTITY                30249
719 #define ID_SELECTION_EDITENTITY                  30250
720 #define ID_MISC_BENCHMARK                        30251
721 #define ID_REGION_OFF                            30252
722 #define ID_REGION_SETXY                          30253
723 #define ID_REGION_SETBRUSH                       30254
724 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKEHOLLOW                  30255
725 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTPARTIALTALL           30256
726 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTCOMPLETETALL          30257
727 #define ID_SELECTION_CSGSUBTRACT                 30258
728 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTTOUCHING              30259
729 #define ID_VIEW_NEAREST                          30260
730 #define ID_VIEW_NEARESTMIPMAP                    30261
731 #define ID_VIEW_LINEAR                           30262
732 #define ID_VIEW_BILINEAR                         30263
733 #define ID_VIEW_BILINEARMIPMAP                   30264
734 #define ID_VIEW_TRILINEAR                        30265
735 #define ID_TEXTURES_WIREFRAME                    30266
736 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLATSHADE                    30267
737 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWNAMES                        30268
738 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOMIN                           30269
739 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOMOUT                          30270
740 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCOORDINATES                  30271
741 #define ID_VIEW_Z100                             30272
742 #define ID_VIEW_ZZOOMIN                          30273
743 #define ID_VIEW_ZZOOMOUT                         30274
744 #define ID_SELECTION_CLONE                       30275
745 #define ID_SELECTION_DESELECT                    30276
746 #define ID_SELECTION_DELETE                      30277
747 #define ID_SELECTION_DRAGVERTECIES               30278
748 #define ID_SELECTION_DRAGEDGES                   30279
749 #define ID_REGION_SETTALLBRUSH                   30280
750 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTINSIDE                30281
751 #define ID_PROJECT_RELEAD                        30282
752 #define ID_PROJECT_CHANGE                        30283
753 #define ID_MISC_GAMMA                            30284
754 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWENT                          30285
755 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWPATH                         30286
756 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWLIGHTS                       30287
757 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCLIP                         30288
758 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWWATER                        30289
759 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWWORLD                        30290
760 #define ID_MISC_TEXTUREBACKGROUN                 30291
761 #define ID_TEXTUREBK                             30292
762 #define ID_COLORS_XYBK                           30293
763 #define ID_FILE_ABOUT                            30294
764 #define ID_VIEW_CONSOLE                          30295
765 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITY                           30296
766 #define ID_VIEW_TEXTURE                          30297
767 #define ID_COLORS_MAJOR                          30298
768 #define ID_COLORS_MINOR                          30299
769 #define ID_SELECTION_CONNECT                     30300
770 #define ID_FILE_LOADPROJECT                      30301
771 #define ID_MISC_FINDBRUSH                        30302
772 #define ID_MISC_NEXTLEAKSPOT                     30303
773 #define ID_MISC_PREVIOUSLEAKSPOT                 30304
774 #define ID_BRUSH_3SIDED                          30305
775 #define ID_BRUSH_4SIDED                          30306
776 #define ID_BRUSH_5SIDED                          30307
777 #define ID_BRUSH_6SIDED                          30308
778 #define ID_BRUSH_7SIDED                          30309
779 #define ID_BRUSH_8SIDED                          30310
780 #define ID_BRUSH_9SIDED                          30311
781 #define ID_SELECTION_ARBITRARYROTATION           30312
782 #define ID_BRUSH_ARBITRARYSIDED                  30313
783 #define ID_SELECTION_UNGROUPENTITY               30314
784 #define ID_MISC_SELECTENTITYCOLOR                30315
785 #define ID_MISC_PRINTXY                          30316
786 #define ID_HELP_ABOUT                            30317
787 #define ID_EDIT_COPYBRUSH                        30318
788 #define ID_EDIT_PASTEBRUSH                       30319
789 #define ID_TEXTURES_INSPECTOR                    30320
790 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWDETAIL                       30321
791 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKE_DETAIL                 30322
792 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKE_STRUCTURAL             30323
793 #define ID_REGION_SETSELECTION                   30324
794 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWBLOCKS                       30325
795 #define ID_CAMERA_UP                             30326
796 #define ID_CAMERA_DOWN                           30327
797 #define ID_CAMERA_LEFT                           30328
798 #define ID_CAMERA_RIGHT                          30329
799 #define ID_CAMERA_FORWARD                        30330
800 #define ID_CAMERA_BACK                           30331
801 #define ID_CAMERA_ANGLEUP                        30332
802 #define ID_CAMERA_ANGLEDOWN                      30333
803 #define ID_CAMERA_STRAFELEFT                     30334
804 #define ID_CAMERA_STRAFERIGHT                    30335
805 #define ID_GRID_TOGGLE                           30336
806 #define ID_ENTITYLIST                            30337
807 #define ID_MAPINFO                               30338
808 #define ID_TOGGLECONSOLE                         30339
809 #define ID_TOGGLECAMERA                          30340
810 #define ID_TOGGLEZ                               30341
811 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW                            30342
812 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_DEC                 30343
813 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_INC                 30344
814 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_FIT                 30345
815 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_ROTATECLOCK         30346
817 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALEUP             30348
818 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALEDOWN           30349
819 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTLEFT           30350
820 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTRIGHT          30351
821 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTUP             30352
822 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTDOWN           30353
823 #define ID_GRID_NEXT                             30354
824 #define ID_GRID_PREV                             30355
825 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALELEFT           30356
826 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALERIGHT          30357
827 #define ID_SELECTION_PRINT                       30358
828 #define ID_SELECTION_TOGGLESIZEPAINT             30359
829 #define ID_PATCH_TAB                             30360
830 #define ID_PATCH_ENTER                           30361
831 #define ID_SELECT_SNAPTOGRID                     30362
832 #define ID_PATCH_INSPECTOR                       30363
833 #define ID_SELECT_ALL                            30364
834 #define ID_CURVE_FREEZE                          30365
835 #define ID_CURVE_UNFREEZE                        30366
836 #define ID_CURVE_UNFREEZEALL                     30367
837 #define ID_SELECT_RESELECT                       30368
838 #define ID_FITBRUSH                              30369
839 #define ID_FITFACE                               30370
840 #define ID_VIEW_CROSSHAIR                        30371
841 #define ID_SELECTION_INVERT                      30372
842 #define ID_VIEW_GROUPS                           30373
843 #define ID_PROJECTED_LIGHT                       30374
844 #define ID_SPLINES_POPUP                         30375
845 #define ID_SELECTION_CENTER_ORIGIN               30376
846 #define ID_CURVE_INCREASE_VERT                   30377
847 #define ID_CURVE_DECREASE_VERT                   30378
848 #define ID_CURVE_INCREASE_HORZ                   30379
849 #define ID_CURVE_DECREASE_HORZ                   30380
850 #define ID_GRID_START                            30381
851 #define ID_GRID_POINT0625                        30382
852 #define ID_GRID_POINT125                         30383
853 #define ID_GRID_POINT25                          30384
854 #define ID_GRID_POINT5                           30385
855 #define ID_GRID_1                                30386
856 #define ID_GRID_2                                30387
857 #define ID_GRID_4                                30388
858 #define ID_GRID_8                                30389
859 #define ID_GRID_16                               30390
860 #define ID_GRID_32                               30391
861 #define ID_GRID_64                               30392
862 #define ID_GRID_END                              30393
863 #define ID_VIEW_MEDIABROWSER                     30394
864 #define ID_VIEW_GAME                             30395
865 #define ID_PATCH_NATURALIZEALT                   30396
866 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWTRIGGERS                     30397
867 #define ID_AUTOCAULK                             30398
868 #define ID_MISC_FINDORREPLACEENTITY              30399
869 #define ID_MISC_SETVIEWPOS                       30400
870 #define ID_MISC_FINDNEXTENT                      30401
871 #define ID_SELECTION_VIEW_WIREFRAMEON            30402
872 #define ID_SELECTION_VIEW_WIREFRAMEOFF           30403
873 #define ID_SELECTION_VIEW_VISIBLEON              30404
874 #define ID_SELECTION_VIEW_VISIBLEOFF             30405
875 /* Begin SS2 changes */
876 #define ID_SET_VIEW_TOP                          30406
877 #define ID_SET_VIEW_SIDE                         30407
878 #define ID_SET_VIEW_FRONT                        30408
879 /* End changes */
880 #define ID_ENTITY_START                          40000
881 #define ID_ENTITY_END                            45000
883 // Next default values for new objects
884 //
887 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                1
888 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        10083
889 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         30406
890 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         10555
891 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           10083
892 #endif
893 #endif