1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
5 using System.Buffers;
6 using System.Collections.Generic;
7 using System.Diagnostics;
8 using System.IO;
9 using System.Net.Http.Headers;
10 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
11 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
12 using System.Threading;
13 using System.Threading.Tasks;
15 using CURLAUTH = Interop.Http.CURLAUTH;
16 using CURLcode = Interop.Http.CURLcode;
17 using CURLoption = Interop.Http.CURLoption;
18 using CurlProtocols = Interop.Http.CurlProtocols;
19 using CURLProxyType = Interop.Http.curl_proxytype;
20 using SafeCurlHandle = Interop.Http.SafeCurlHandle;
21 using SafeCurlSListHandle = Interop.Http.SafeCurlSListHandle;
22 using SafeCallbackHandle = Interop.Http.SafeCallbackHandle;
23 using SeekCallback = Interop.Http.SeekCallback;
24 using ReadWriteCallback = Interop.Http.ReadWriteCallback;
25 using ReadWriteFunction = Interop.Http.ReadWriteFunction;
26 using SslCtxCallback = Interop.Http.SslCtxCallback;
27 using DebugCallback = Interop.Http.DebugCallback;
29 namespace System.Net.Http
30 {
31     internal partial class CurlHandler : HttpMessageHandler
32     {
33         /// <summary>Provides all of the state associated with a single request/response, referred to as an "easy" request in libcurl parlance.</summary>
34         private sealed class EasyRequest : TaskCompletionSource<HttpResponseMessage>
35         {
36             /// <summary>Maximum content length where we'll use COPYPOSTFIELDS to let libcurl dup the content.</summary>
37             private const int InMemoryPostContentLimit = 32 * 1024; // arbitrary limit; could be tweaked in the future based on experimentation
38             /// <summary>Debugging flag used to enable CURLOPT_VERBOSE to dump to stderr when not redirecting it to the event source.</summary>
39             private static readonly bool s_curlDebugLogging = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CURLHANDLER_DEBUG_VERBOSE") == "true";
41             internal readonly CurlHandler _handler;
42             internal readonly MultiAgent _associatedMultiAgent;
43             internal readonly HttpRequestMessage _requestMessage;
44             internal readonly CurlResponseMessage _responseMessage;
45             internal readonly CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
46             internal Stream _requestContentStream;
47             internal long? _requestContentStreamStartingPosition;
48             internal bool _inMemoryPostContent;
50             internal SafeCurlHandle _easyHandle;
51             private SafeCurlSListHandle _requestHeaders;
53             internal SendTransferState _sendTransferState;
54             internal StrongToWeakReference<EasyRequest> _selfStrongToWeakReference;
56             private SafeCallbackHandle _callbackHandle;
EasyRequest(CurlHandler handler, MultiAgent agent, HttpRequestMessage requestMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken)58             public EasyRequest(CurlHandler handler, MultiAgent agent, HttpRequestMessage requestMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken) :
59                 base(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously)
60             {
61                 Debug.Assert(handler != null, $"Expected non-null {nameof(handler)}");
62                 Debug.Assert(agent != null, $"Expected non-null {nameof(agent)}");
63                 Debug.Assert(requestMessage != null, $"Expected non-null {nameof(requestMessage)}");
65                 _handler = handler;
66                 _associatedMultiAgent = agent;
67                 _requestMessage = requestMessage;
69                 _cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
70                 _responseMessage = new CurlResponseMessage(this);
71             }
73             /// <summary>
74             /// Initialize the underlying libcurl support for this EasyRequest.
75             /// This is separated out of the constructor so that we can take into account
76             /// any additional configuration needed based on the request message
77             /// after the EasyRequest is configured and so that error handling
78             /// can be better handled in the caller.
79             /// </summary>
InitializeCurl()80             internal void InitializeCurl()
81             {
82                 // Create the underlying easy handle
83                 SafeCurlHandle easyHandle = Interop.Http.EasyCreate();
84                 if (easyHandle.IsInvalid)
85                 {
86                     throw new OutOfMemoryException();
87                 }
88                 _easyHandle = easyHandle;
90                 EventSourceTrace("Configuring request.");
92                 // Before setting any other options, turn on curl's debug tracing
93                 // if desired.  CURLOPT_VERBOSE may also be set subsequently if
94                 // EventSource tracing is enabled.
95                 if (s_curlDebugLogging)
96                 {
97                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
98                 }
100                 // Before actually configuring the handle based on the state of the request,
101                 // do any necessary cleanup of the request object.
102                 SanitizeRequestMessage();
104                 // Configure the handle
105                 SetUrl();
106                 SetNetworkingOptions();
107                 SetMultithreading();
108                 SetTimeouts();
109                 SetRedirection();
110                 SetVerb();
111                 SetVersion();
112                 SetDecompressionOptions();
113                 SetProxyOptions(_requestMessage.RequestUri);
114                 SetCredentialsOptions(_handler._useDefaultCredentials ? GetDefaultCredentialAndAuth() : _handler.GetCredentials(_requestMessage.RequestUri));
115                 SetCookieOption(_requestMessage.RequestUri);
116                 SetRequestHeaders();
117                 SetSslOptions();
119                 EventSourceTrace("Done configuring request.");
120             }
EnsureResponseMessagePublished()122             public void EnsureResponseMessagePublished()
123             {
124                 // If the response message hasn't been published yet, do any final processing of it before it is.
125                 if (!Task.IsCompleted)
126                 {
127                     EventSourceTrace("Publishing response message");
129                     // On Windows, if the response was automatically decompressed, Content-Encoding and Content-Length
130                     // headers are removed from the response. Do the same thing here.
131                     DecompressionMethods dm = _handler.AutomaticDecompression;
132                     if (dm != DecompressionMethods.None)
133                     {
134                         HttpContentHeaders contentHeaders = _responseMessage.Content.Headers;
135                         IEnumerable<string> encodings;
136                         if (contentHeaders.TryGetValues(HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentEncoding, out encodings))
137                         {
138                             foreach (string encoding in encodings)
139                             {
140                                 if (((dm & DecompressionMethods.GZip) != 0 && string.Equals(encoding, EncodingNameGzip, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ||
141                                     ((dm & DecompressionMethods.Deflate) != 0 && string.Equals(encoding, EncodingNameDeflate, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
142                                 {
143                                     contentHeaders.Remove(HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentEncoding);
144                                     contentHeaders.Remove(HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentLength);
145                                     break;
146                                 }
147                             }
148                         }
149                     }
150                 }
152                 // Now ensure it's published.
153                 bool completedTask = TrySetResult(_responseMessage);
154                 Debug.Assert(completedTask || Task.IsCompletedSuccessfully,
155                     "If the task was already completed, it should have been completed successfully; " +
156                     "we shouldn't be completing as successful after already completing as failed.");
158                 // If we successfully transitioned it to be completed, we also handed off lifetime ownership
159                 // of the response to the owner of the task.  Transition our reference on the EasyRequest
160                 // to be weak instead of strong, so that we don't forcibly keep it alive.
161                 if (completedTask)
162                 {
163                     Debug.Assert(_selfStrongToWeakReference != null, "Expected non-null wrapper");
164                     _selfStrongToWeakReference.MakeWeak();
165                 }
166             }
CleanupAndFailRequest(Exception error)168             public void CleanupAndFailRequest(Exception error)
169             {
170                 try
171                 {
172                     Cleanup();
173                 }
174                 catch (Exception exc)
175                 {
176                     // This would only happen in an aggregious case, such as a Stream failing to seek when
177                     // it claims to be able to, but in case something goes very wrong, make sure we don't
178                     // lose the exception information.
179                     error = new AggregateException(error, exc);
180                 }
181                 finally
182                 {
183                     FailRequest(error);
184                 }
185             }
FailRequest(Exception error)187             public void FailRequest(Exception error)
188             {
189                 Debug.Assert(error != null, "Expected non-null exception");
190                 EventSourceTrace("Failing request: {0}", error);
192                 var oce = error as OperationCanceledException;
193                 if (oce != null)
194                 {
195                     TrySetCanceled(oce.CancellationToken);
196                 }
197                 else
198                 {
199                     if (error is InvalidOperationException || error is IOException || error is CurlException || error == null)
200                     {
201                         error = CreateHttpRequestException(error);
202                     }
203                     TrySetException(error);
204                 }
205                 // There's not much we can reasonably assert here about the result of TrySet*.
206                 // It's possible that the task wasn't yet completed (e.g. a failure while initiating the request),
207                 // it's possible that the task was already completed as success (e.g. a failure sending back the response),
208                 // and it's possible that the task was already completed as failure (e.g. we handled the exception and
209                 // faulted the task, but then tried to fault it again while finishing processing in the main loop).
211                 // Make sure the exception is available on the response stream so that it's propagated
212                 // from any attempts to read from the stream.
213                 _responseMessage.ResponseStream.SignalComplete(error);
214             }
Cleanup()216             public void Cleanup() // not called Dispose because the request may still be in use after it's cleaned up
217             {
218                 // Don't dispose of the ResponseMessage.ResponseStream as it may still be in use
219                 // by code reading data stored in the stream. Also don't dispose of the request content
220                 // stream; that'll be handled by the disposal of the request content by the HttpClient,
221                 // and doing it here prevents reuse by an intermediate handler sitting between the client
222                 // and this handler.
224                 // However, if we got an original position for the request stream, we seek back to that position,
225                 // for the corner case where the stream does get reused before it's disposed by the HttpClient
226                 // (if the same request object is used multiple times from an intermediate handler, we'll be using
227                 // ReadAsStreamAsync, which on the same request object will return the same stream object, which
228                 // we've already advanced).
229                 if (_requestContentStream != null && _requestContentStream.CanSeek)
230                 {
231                     Debug.Assert(_requestContentStreamStartingPosition.HasValue, "The stream is seekable, but we don't have a starting position?");
232                     _requestContentStream.Position = _requestContentStreamStartingPosition.GetValueOrDefault();
233                 }
235                 // Dispose of the underlying easy handle.  We're no longer processing it.
236                 _easyHandle?.Dispose();
238                 // Dispose of the request headers if we had any.  We had to keep this handle
239                 // alive as long as the easy handle was using it.  We didn't need to do any
240                 // ref counting on the safe handle, though, as the only processing happens
241                 // in Process, which ensures the handle will be rooted while libcurl is
242                 // doing any processing that assumes it's valid.
243                 _requestHeaders?.Dispose();
245                 // Dispose native callback resources
246                 _callbackHandle?.Dispose();
248                 // Release any send transfer state, which will return its buffer to the pool
249                 _sendTransferState?.Dispose();
250             }
SanitizeRequestMessage()252             private void SanitizeRequestMessage()
253             {
254                 // Make sure Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length make sense together.
255                 if (_requestMessage.Content != null)
256                 {
257                     SetChunkedModeForSend(_requestMessage);
258                 }
259             }
SetUrl()261             private void SetUrl()
262             {
263                 Uri requestUri = _requestMessage.RequestUri;
265                 long scopeId;
266                 if (IsLinkLocal(requestUri, out scopeId))
267                 {
268                     // Uri.AbsoluteUri doesn't include the ScopeId/ZoneID, so if it is link-local,
269                     // we separately pass the scope to libcurl.
270                     EventSourceTrace("ScopeId: {0}", scopeId);
271                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPE, scopeId);
272                 }
274                 EventSourceTrace("Url: {0}", requestUri);
275                 string idnHost = requestUri.IdnHost;
276                 string url = requestUri.Host == idnHost ?
277                                 requestUri.AbsoluteUri :
278                                 new UriBuilder(requestUri) { Host = idnHost }.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
280                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_URL, url);
281                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, (long)(CurlProtocols.CURLPROTO_HTTP | CurlProtocols.CURLPROTO_HTTPS));
282             }
IsLinkLocal(Uri url, out long scopeId)284             private static bool IsLinkLocal(Uri url, out long scopeId)
285             {
286                 IPAddress ip;
287                 if (IPAddress.TryParse(url.DnsSafeHost, out ip) && ip.IsIPv6LinkLocal)
288                 {
289                     scopeId = ip.ScopeId;
290                     return true;
291                 }
293                 scopeId = 0;
294                 return false;
295             }
SetNetworkingOptions()297             private void SetNetworkingOptions()
298             {
299                 // Disable the TCP Nagle algorithm.  It's disabled by default starting with libcurl 7.50.2,
300                 // and when enabled has a measurably negative impact on latency in key scenarios
301                 // (e.g. POST'ing small-ish data).
302                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY, 1L);
303             }
SetMultithreading()305             private void SetMultithreading()
306             {
307                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L);
308             }
SetTimeouts()310             private void SetTimeouts()
311             {
312                 // Set timeout limit on the connect phase.
313                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, int.MaxValue);
315                 // Override the default DNS cache timeout.  libcurl defaults to a 1 minute
316                 // timeout, but we extend that to match the Windows timeout of 10 minutes.
317                 const int DnsCacheTimeoutSeconds = 10 * 60;
318                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, DnsCacheTimeoutSeconds);
319             }
SetRedirection()321             private void SetRedirection()
322             {
323                 if (!_handler._automaticRedirection)
324                 {
325                     return;
326                 }
328                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
330                 CurlProtocols redirectProtocols = string.Equals(_requestMessage.RequestUri.Scheme, UriSchemeHttps, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?
331                     CurlProtocols.CURLPROTO_HTTPS : // redirect only to another https
332                     CurlProtocols.CURLPROTO_HTTP | CurlProtocols.CURLPROTO_HTTPS; // redirect to http or to https
333                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS, (long)redirectProtocols);
335                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, _handler._maxAutomaticRedirections);
336                 EventSourceTrace("Max automatic redirections: {0}", _handler._maxAutomaticRedirections);
337             }
339             /// <summary>
340             /// When a Location header is received along with a 3xx status code, it's an indication
341             /// that we're likely to redirect.  Prepare the easy handle in case we do.
342             /// </summary>
SetPossibleRedirectForLocationHeader(string location)343             internal void SetPossibleRedirectForLocationHeader(string location)
344             {
345                 // Reset cookies in case we redirect.  Below we'll set new cookies for the
346                 // new location if we have any.
347                 if (_handler._useCookies)
348                 {
349                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_COOKIE, IntPtr.Zero);
350                 }
352                 // Parse the location string into a relative or absolute Uri, then combine that
353                 // with the current request Uri to get the new location.
354                 var updatedCredentials = default(KeyValuePair<NetworkCredential, CURLAUTH>);
355                 Uri newUri;
356                 if (Uri.TryCreate(_requestMessage.RequestUri, location.Trim(), out newUri))
357                 {
358                     // Just as with WinHttpHandler, for security reasons, we drop the server credential if it is
359                     // anything other than a CredentialCache. We allow credentials in a CredentialCache since they
360                     // are specifically tied to URIs.
361                     updatedCredentials = _handler._useDefaultCredentials ?
362                         GetDefaultCredentialAndAuth() :
363                         GetCredentials(newUri, _handler.Credentials as CredentialCache, s_orderedAuthTypes);
365                     // Reset proxy - it is possible that the proxy has different credentials for the new URI
366                     SetProxyOptions(newUri);
368                     // Set up new cookies
369                     if (_handler._useCookies)
370                     {
371                         SetCookieOption(newUri);
372                     }
373                 }
375                 // Set up the new credentials, either for the new Uri if we were able to get it,
376                 // or to empty creds if we couldn't.
377                 SetCredentialsOptions(updatedCredentials);
379                 // Set the headers again. This is a workaround for libcurl's limitation in handling
380                 // headers with empty values.
381                 SetRequestHeaders();
382             }
SetContentLength(CURLoption lengthOption)384             private void SetContentLength(CURLoption lengthOption)
385             {
386                 Debug.Assert(lengthOption == CURLoption.CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE || lengthOption == CURLoption.CURLOPT_INFILESIZE);
388                 if (_requestMessage.Content == null)
389                 {
390                     // Tell libcurl there's no data to be sent.
391                     SetCurlOption(lengthOption, 0L);
392                     return;
393                 }
395                 long? contentLengthOpt = _requestMessage.Content.Headers.ContentLength;
396                 if (contentLengthOpt != null)
397                 {
398                     long contentLength = contentLengthOpt.GetValueOrDefault();
399                     if (contentLength <= int.MaxValue)
400                     {
401                         // Tell libcurl how much data we expect to send.
402                         SetCurlOption(lengthOption, contentLength);
403                     }
404                     else
405                     {
406                         // Similarly, tell libcurl how much data we expect to send.  However,
407                         // as the amount is larger than a 32-bit value, switch to the "_LARGE"
408                         // equivalent libcurl options.
409                         SetCurlOption(
410                             lengthOption == CURLoption.CURLOPT_INFILESIZE ? CURLoption.CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE : CURLoption.CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE,
411                             contentLength);
412                     }
413                     EventSourceTrace("Set content length: {0}", contentLength);
414                     return;
415                 }
417                 // There is content but we couldn't determine its size.  Don't set anything.
418             }
SetVerb()420             private void SetVerb()
421             {
422                 EventSourceTrace<string>("Verb: {0}", _requestMessage.Method.Method);
424                 if (_requestMessage.Method == HttpMethod.Put)
425                 {
426                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
427                     SetContentLength(CURLoption.CURLOPT_INFILESIZE);
428                 }
429                 else if (_requestMessage.Method == HttpMethod.Head)
430                 {
431                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1L);
432                 }
433                 else if (_requestMessage.Method == HttpMethod.Post)
434                 {
435                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_POST, 1L);
437                     // Set the content length if we have one available. We must set POSTFIELDSIZE before setting
438                     // COPYPOSTFIELDS, as the setting of COPYPOSTFIELDS uses the size to know how much data to read
439                     // out; if POSTFIELDSIZE is not done before, COPYPOSTFIELDS will look for a null terminator, and
440                     // we don't necessarily have one.
441                     SetContentLength(CURLoption.CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE);
443                     // For most content types and most HTTP methods, we use a callback that lets libcurl
444                     // get data from us if/when it wants it.  However, as an optimization, for POSTs that
445                     // use content already known to be entirely in memory, we hand that data off to libcurl
446                     // ahead of time.  This not only saves on costs associated with all of the async transfer
447                     // between the content and libcurl, it also lets libcurl do larger writes that can, for
448                     // example, enable fewer packets to be sent on the wire.
449                     var inMemContent = _requestMessage.Content as ByteArrayContent;
450                     ArraySegment<byte> contentSegment;
451                     if (inMemContent != null &&
452                         inMemContent.TryGetBuffer(out contentSegment) &&
453                         contentSegment.Count <= InMemoryPostContentLimit) // skip if we'd be forcing libcurl to allocate/copy a large buffer
454                     {
455                         // Only pre-provide the content if the content still has its ContentLength
456                         // and if that length matches the segment.  If it doesn't, something has been overridden,
457                         // and we should rely on reading from the content stream to get the data.
458                         long? contentLength = inMemContent.Headers.ContentLength;
459                         if (contentLength.HasValue && contentLength.GetValueOrDefault() == contentSegment.Count)
460                         {
461                             _inMemoryPostContent = true;
463                             // Debug double-check array segment; this should all have been validated by the ByteArrayContent
464                             Debug.Assert(contentSegment.Array != null, "Expected non-null byte content array");
465                             Debug.Assert(contentSegment.Count >= 0, $"Expected non-negative byte content count {contentSegment.Count}");
466                             Debug.Assert(contentSegment.Offset >= 0, $"Expected non-negative byte content offset {contentSegment.Offset}");
467                             Debug.Assert(contentSegment.Array.Length - contentSegment.Offset >= contentSegment.Count,
468                                 $"Expected offset {contentSegment.Offset} + count {contentSegment.Count} to be within array length {contentSegment.Array.Length}");
470                             // Hand the data off to libcurl with COPYPOSTFIELDS for it to copy out the data. (The alternative
471                             // is to use POSTFIELDS, which would mean we'd need to pin the array in the ByteArrayContent for the
472                             // duration of the request.  Often with a ByteArrayContent, the data will be small and the copy cheap.)
473                             unsafe
474                             {
475                                 fixed (byte* inMemContentPtr = contentSegment.Array)
476                                 {
477                                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, new IntPtr(inMemContentPtr + contentSegment.Offset));
478                                     EventSourceTrace("Set post fields rather than using send content callback");
479                                 }
480                             }
481                         }
482                     }
483                 }
484                 else if (_requestMessage.Method == HttpMethod.Trace)
485                 {
486                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, _requestMessage.Method.Method);
487                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1L);
488                 }
489                 else
490                 {
491                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, _requestMessage.Method.Method);
492                     if (_requestMessage.Content != null)
493                     {
494                         SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
495                         SetContentLength(CURLoption.CURLOPT_INFILESIZE);
496                     }
497                 }
498             }
SetVersion()500             private void SetVersion()
501             {
502                 Version v = _requestMessage.Version;
503                 if (v != null)
504                 {
505                     // Try to use the requested version, if a known version was explicitly requested.
506                     // If an unknown version was requested, we simply use libcurl's default.
507                     var curlVersion =
508                         (v.Major == 1 && v.Minor == 1) ? Interop.Http.CurlHttpVersion.CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 :
509                         (v.Major == 1 && v.Minor == 0) ? Interop.Http.CurlHttpVersion.CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 :
510                         (v.Major == 2 && v.Minor == 0) ? Interop.Http.CurlHttpVersion.CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0 :
511                         Interop.Http.CurlHttpVersion.CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE;
513                     if (curlVersion != Interop.Http.CurlHttpVersion.CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE)
514                     {
515                         // Ask libcurl to use the specified version if possible.
516                         CURLcode c = Interop.Http.EasySetOptionLong(_easyHandle, CURLoption.CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, (long)curlVersion);
517                         if (c == CURLcode.CURLE_OK)
518                         {
519                             // Success.  The requested version will be used.
520                             EventSourceTrace("HTTP version: {0}", v);
521                         }
522                         else if (c == CURLcode.CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL)
523                         {
524                             // The requested version is unsupported.  Fall back to using the default version chosen by libcurl.
525                             EventSourceTrace("Unsupported protocol: {0}", v);
526                         }
527                         else
528                         {
529                             // Some other error. Fail.
530                             ThrowIfCURLEError(c);
531                         }
532                     }
533                 }
534             }
SetDecompressionOptions()536             private void SetDecompressionOptions()
537             {
538                 if (!_handler.SupportsAutomaticDecompression)
539                 {
540                     return;
541                 }
543                 DecompressionMethods autoDecompression = _handler.AutomaticDecompression;
544                 bool gzip = (autoDecompression & DecompressionMethods.GZip) != 0;
545                 bool deflate = (autoDecompression & DecompressionMethods.Deflate) != 0;
546                 if (gzip || deflate)
547                 {
548                     string encoding = (gzip && deflate) ? EncodingNameGzip + "," + EncodingNameDeflate :
549                                        gzip ? EncodingNameGzip :
550                                        EncodingNameDeflate;
551                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING, encoding);
552                     EventSourceTrace<string>("Encoding: {0}", encoding);
553                 }
554             }
SetProxyOptions(Uri requestUri)556             internal void SetProxyOptions(Uri requestUri)
557             {
558                 if (!_handler._useProxy)
559                 {
560                     // Explicitly disable the use of a proxy.  This will prevent libcurl from using
561                     // any proxy, including ones set via environment variable.
562                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PROXY, string.Empty);
563                     EventSourceTrace("UseProxy false, disabling proxy");
564                     return;
565                 }
567                 if (_handler.Proxy == null)
568                 {
569                     // UseProxy was true, but Proxy was null.  Let libcurl do its default handling,
570                     // which includes checking the http_proxy environment variable.
571                     EventSourceTrace("UseProxy true, Proxy null, using default proxy");
573                     // Since that proxy set in an environment variable might require a username and password,
574                     // use the default proxy credentials if there are any.  Currently only NetworkCredentials
575                     // are used, as we can't query by the proxy Uri, since we don't know it.
576                     SetProxyCredentials(_handler.DefaultProxyCredentials as NetworkCredential);
578                     return;
579                 }
581                 // Custom proxy specified.
582                 Uri proxyUri;
583                 try
584                 {
585                     // Should we bypass a proxy for this URI?
586                     if (_handler.Proxy.IsBypassed(requestUri))
587                     {
588                         SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PROXY, string.Empty);
589                         EventSourceTrace("Proxy's IsBypassed returned true, bypassing proxy");
590                         return;
591                     }
593                     // Get the proxy Uri for this request.
594                     proxyUri = _handler.Proxy.GetProxy(requestUri);
595                     if (proxyUri == null)
596                     {
597                         EventSourceTrace("GetProxy returned null, using default.");
598                         return;
599                     }
600                 }
601                 catch (PlatformNotSupportedException)
602                 {
603                     // WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy throws PlatformNotSupportedException,
604                     // in which case we should use the default rather than the custom proxy.
605                     EventSourceTrace("PlatformNotSupportedException from proxy, using default");
606                     return;
607                 }
609                 // Configure libcurl with the gathered proxy information
611                 // uri.AbsoluteUri/ToString() omit IPv6 scope IDs.  SerializationInfoString ensures these details
612                 // are included, but does not properly handle international hosts.  As a workaround we check whether
613                 // the host is a link-local IP address, and based on that either return the SerializationInfoString
614                 // or the AbsoluteUri. (When setting the request Uri itself, we instead use CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPE to
615                 // set the scope id and the url separately, avoiding these issues and supporting versions of libcurl
616                 // prior to v7.37 that don't support parsing scope IDs out of the url's host.  As similar feature
617                 // doesn't exist for proxies.)
618                 IPAddress ip;
619                 string proxyUrl = IPAddress.TryParse(proxyUri.DnsSafeHost, out ip) && ip.IsIPv6LinkLocal ?
620                     proxyUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.SerializationInfoString, UriFormat.UriEscaped) :
621                     proxyUri.AbsoluteUri;
623                 EventSourceTrace<string>("Proxy: {0}", proxyUrl);
624                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, (long)CURLProxyType.CURLPROXY_HTTP);
625                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PROXY, proxyUrl);
626                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, proxyUri.Port);
628                 KeyValuePair<NetworkCredential, CURLAUTH> credentialScheme = GetCredentials(
629                     proxyUri, _handler.Proxy.Credentials, s_orderedAuthTypes);
630                 SetProxyCredentials(credentialScheme.Key);
631             }
SetProxyCredentials(NetworkCredential credentials)633             private void SetProxyCredentials(NetworkCredential credentials)
634             {
635                 if (credentials == CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials)
636                 {
637                     EventSourceTrace("DefaultCredentials set for proxy. Skipping.");
638                 }
639                 else if (credentials != null)
640                 {
641                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.UserName))
642                     {
643                         throw new ArgumentException(SR.net_http_argument_empty_string, "UserName");
644                     }
646                     // Unlike normal credentials, proxy credentials are URL decoded by libcurl, so we URL encode
647                     // them in order to allow, for example, a colon in the username.
648                     string credentialText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.Domain) ?
649                         WebUtility.UrlEncode(credentials.UserName) + ":" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(credentials.Password) :
650                         string.Format("{2}\\{0}:{1}", WebUtility.UrlEncode(credentials.UserName), WebUtility.UrlEncode(credentials.Password), WebUtility.UrlEncode(credentials.Domain));
652                     EventSourceTrace("Proxy credentials set.");
653                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, credentialText);
654                 }
655             }
SetCredentialsOptions(KeyValuePair<NetworkCredential, CURLAUTH> credentialSchemePair)657             internal void SetCredentialsOptions(KeyValuePair<NetworkCredential, CURLAUTH> credentialSchemePair)
658             {
659                 if (credentialSchemePair.Key == null)
660                 {
661                     EventSourceTrace("Credentials cleared.");
662                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_USERNAME, IntPtr.Zero);
663                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PASSWORD, IntPtr.Zero);
664                     return;
665                 }
667                 NetworkCredential credentials = credentialSchemePair.Key;
668                 CURLAUTH authScheme = credentialSchemePair.Value;
669                 string userName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.Domain) ?
670                     credentials.UserName :
671                     credentials.Domain + "\\" + credentials.UserName;
673                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_USERNAME, userName);
674                 SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, (long)authScheme);
675                 if (credentials.Password != null)
676                 {
677                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_PASSWORD, credentials.Password);
678                 }
680                 EventSourceTrace("Credentials set.");
681             }
GetDefaultCredentialAndAuth()683             private static KeyValuePair<NetworkCredential, CURLAUTH> GetDefaultCredentialAndAuth() =>
684                 new KeyValuePair<NetworkCredential, CURLAUTH>(CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials, CURLAUTH.Negotiate);
SetCookieOption(Uri uri)686             internal void SetCookieOption(Uri uri)
687             {
688                 if (!_handler._useCookies)
689                 {
690                     return;
691                 }
693                 string cookieValues = _handler.CookieContainer.GetCookieHeader(uri);
694                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookieValues))
695                 {
696                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_COOKIE, cookieValues);
697                     EventSourceTrace<string>("Cookies: {0}", cookieValues);
698                 }
699             }
SetRequestHeaders()701             internal void SetRequestHeaders()
702             {
703                 var slist = new SafeCurlSListHandle();
705                 bool suppressContentType;
706                 if (_requestMessage.Content != null)
707                 {
708                     // Add content request headers
709                     AddRequestHeaders(_requestMessage.Content.Headers, slist);
710                     suppressContentType = _requestMessage.Content.Headers.ContentType == null;
711                 }
712                 else
713                 {
714                     suppressContentType = true;
715                 }
717                 if (suppressContentType)
718                 {
719                     // Remove the Content-Type header libcurl adds by default.
720                     ThrowOOMIfFalse(Interop.Http.SListAppend(slist, NoContentType));
721                 }
723                 // Add request headers
724                 AddRequestHeaders(_requestMessage.Headers, slist);
726                 // Since libcurl always adds a Transfer-Encoding header, we need to explicitly block
727                 // it if caller specifically does not want to set the header
728                 if (_requestMessage.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked.HasValue &&
729                     !_requestMessage.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked.Value)
730                 {
731                     ThrowOOMIfFalse(Interop.Http.SListAppend(slist, NoTransferEncoding));
732                 }
734                 // Since libcurl adds an Expect header if it sees enough post data, we need to explicitly block
735                 // it unless the caller has explicitly opted-in to it.
736                 if (!_requestMessage.Headers.ExpectContinue.GetValueOrDefault())
737                 {
738                     ThrowOOMIfFalse(Interop.Http.SListAppend(slist, NoExpect));
739                 }
741                 if (!slist.IsInvalid)
742                 {
743                     SafeCurlSListHandle prevList = _requestHeaders;
744                     _requestHeaders = slist;
745                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, slist);
746                     prevList?.Dispose();
747                 }
748                 else
749                 {
750                     slist.Dispose();
751                 }
752             }
SetSslOptions()754             private void SetSslOptions()
755             {
756                 // SSL Options should be set regardless of the type of the original request,
757                 // in case an http->https redirection occurs.
758                 //
759                 // While this does slow down the theoretical best path of the request the code
760                 // to decide that we need to register the callback is more complicated than, and
761                 // potentially more expensive than, just always setting the callback.
762                 SslProvider.SetSslOptions(this, _handler.ClientCertificateOptions);
763             }
765             internal bool ServerCertificateValidationCallbackAcceptsAll => ReferenceEquals(
766                 _handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback,
767                 HttpClientHandler.DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator);
SetCurlCallbacks( IntPtr easyGCHandle, ReadWriteCallback receiveHeadersCallback, ReadWriteCallback sendCallback, SeekCallback seekCallback, ReadWriteCallback receiveBodyCallback, DebugCallback debugCallback)769             internal void SetCurlCallbacks(
770                 IntPtr easyGCHandle,
771                 ReadWriteCallback receiveHeadersCallback,
772                 ReadWriteCallback sendCallback,
773                 SeekCallback seekCallback,
774                 ReadWriteCallback receiveBodyCallback,
775                 DebugCallback debugCallback)
776             {
777                 if (_callbackHandle == null)
778                 {
779                     _callbackHandle = new SafeCallbackHandle();
780                 }
782                 // Add callback for processing headers
783                 Interop.Http.RegisterReadWriteCallback(
784                     _easyHandle,
785                     ReadWriteFunction.Header,
786                     receiveHeadersCallback,
787                     easyGCHandle,
788                     ref _callbackHandle);
789                 ThrowOOMIfInvalid(_callbackHandle);
791                 // If we're sending data as part of the request and it wasn't already added as
792                 // in-memory data, add callbacks for sending request data.
793                 if (!_inMemoryPostContent && _requestMessage.Content != null)
794                 {
795                     Interop.Http.RegisterReadWriteCallback(
796                         _easyHandle,
797                         ReadWriteFunction.Read,
798                         sendCallback,
799                         easyGCHandle,
800                         ref _callbackHandle);
801                     Debug.Assert(!_callbackHandle.IsInvalid, $"Should have been allocated (or failed) when originally adding handlers");
803                     Interop.Http.RegisterSeekCallback(
804                         _easyHandle,
805                         seekCallback,
806                         easyGCHandle,
807                         ref _callbackHandle);
808                     Debug.Assert(!_callbackHandle.IsInvalid, $"Should have been allocated (or failed) when originally adding handlers");
809                 }
811                 // If we're expecting any data in response, add a callback for receiving body data
812                 if (_requestMessage.Method != HttpMethod.Head)
813                 {
814                     Interop.Http.RegisterReadWriteCallback(
815                         _easyHandle,
816                         ReadWriteFunction.Write,
817                         receiveBodyCallback,
818                         easyGCHandle,
819                         ref _callbackHandle);
820                     Debug.Assert(!_callbackHandle.IsInvalid, $"Should have been allocated (or failed) when originally adding handlers");
821                 }
823                 if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled)
824                 {
825                     SetCurlOption(CURLoption.CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
826                     CURLcode curlResult = Interop.Http.RegisterDebugCallback(
827                         _easyHandle,
828                         debugCallback,
829                         easyGCHandle,
830                         ref _callbackHandle);
831                     Debug.Assert(!_callbackHandle.IsInvalid, $"Should have been allocated (or failed) when originally adding handlers");
832                     if (curlResult != CURLcode.CURLE_OK)
833                     {
834                         EventSourceTrace("Failed to register debug callback.");
835                     }
836                 }
837             }
SetSslCtxCallback(SslCtxCallback callback, IntPtr userPointer)839             internal CURLcode SetSslCtxCallback(SslCtxCallback callback, IntPtr userPointer)
840             {
841                 if (_callbackHandle == null)
842                 {
843                     _callbackHandle = new SafeCallbackHandle();
844                 }
846                 return Interop.Http.RegisterSslCtxCallback(_easyHandle, callback, userPointer, ref _callbackHandle);
847             }
AddRequestHeaders(HttpHeaders headers, SafeCurlSListHandle handle)849             private static void AddRequestHeaders(HttpHeaders headers, SafeCurlSListHandle handle)
850             {
851                 foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>> header in headers)
852                 {
853                     if (string.Equals(header.Key, HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentLength, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
854                     {
855                         // avoid overriding libcurl's handling via INFILESIZE/POSTFIELDSIZE
856                         continue;
857                     }
859                     string headerKeyAndValue;
860                     string[] values = header.Value as string[];
861                     Debug.Assert(values != null, "Implementation detail, but expected Value to be a string[]");
862                     if (values != null && values.Length < 2)
863                     {
864                         // 0 or 1 values
865                         headerKeyAndValue = values.Length == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[0]) ?
866                             header.Key + ";" : // semicolon used by libcurl to denote empty value that should be sent
867                             header.Key + ": " + values[0];
868                     }
869                     else
870                     {
871                         // Either Values wasn't a string[], or it had 2 or more items. Both are handled by GetHeaderString.
872                         string headerValue = headers.GetHeaderString(header.Key);
873                         headerKeyAndValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(headerValue) ?
874                             header.Key + ";" : // semicolon needed by libcurl; see above
875                             header.Key + ": " + headerValue;
876                     }
878                     ThrowOOMIfFalse(Interop.Http.SListAppend(handle, headerKeyAndValue));
879                 }
880             }
SetCurlOption(CURLoption option, string value)882             internal void SetCurlOption(CURLoption option, string value)
883             {
884                 ThrowIfCURLEError(Interop.Http.EasySetOptionString(_easyHandle, option, value));
885             }
TrySetCurlOption(CURLoption option, string value)887             internal CURLcode TrySetCurlOption(CURLoption option, string value)
888             {
889                 return Interop.Http.EasySetOptionString(_easyHandle, option, value);
890             }
SetCurlOption(CURLoption option, long value)892             internal void SetCurlOption(CURLoption option, long value)
893             {
894                 ThrowIfCURLEError(Interop.Http.EasySetOptionLong(_easyHandle, option, value));
895             }
SetCurlOption(CURLoption option, IntPtr value)897             internal void SetCurlOption(CURLoption option, IntPtr value)
898             {
899                 ThrowIfCURLEError(Interop.Http.EasySetOptionPointer(_easyHandle, option, value));
900             }
SetCurlOption(CURLoption option, SafeHandle value)902             internal void SetCurlOption(CURLoption option, SafeHandle value)
903             {
904                 ThrowIfCURLEError(Interop.Http.EasySetOptionPointer(_easyHandle, option, value));
905             }
ThrowOOMIfFalse(bool appendResult)907             private static void ThrowOOMIfFalse(bool appendResult)
908             {
909                 if (!appendResult)
910                 {
911                     ThrowOOM();
912                 }
913             }
ThrowOOMIfInvalid(SafeHandle handle)915             private static void ThrowOOMIfInvalid(SafeHandle handle)
916             {
917                 if (handle.IsInvalid)
918                 {
919                     ThrowOOM();
920                 }
921             }
ThrowOOM()923             private static void ThrowOOM()
924             {
925                 throw CreateHttpRequestException(new CurlException((int)CURLcode.CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY, isMulti: false));
926             }
928             internal sealed class SendTransferState : IDisposable
929             {
930                 internal byte[] Buffer { get; private set; }
931                 internal int Offset { get; set; }
932                 internal int Count { get; set; }
933                 internal Task<int> Task { get; private set; }
SendTransferState(int bufferLength)935                 public SendTransferState(int bufferLength)
936                 {
937                     Debug.Assert(bufferLength > 0 && bufferLength <= MaxRequestBufferSize, $"Expected 0 < bufferLength <= {MaxRequestBufferSize}, got {bufferLength}");
938                     Buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(bufferLength);
939                 }
Dispose()941                 public void Dispose()
942                 {
943                     byte[] b = Buffer;
944                     if (b != null)
945                     {
946                         Buffer = null;
947                         ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Return(b);
948                     }
949                 }
SetTaskOffsetCount(Task<int> task, int offset, int count)951                 public void SetTaskOffsetCount(Task<int> task, int offset, int count)
952                 {
953                     Debug.Assert(offset >= 0, "Offset should never be negative");
954                     Debug.Assert(count >= 0, "Count should never be negative");
955                     Debug.Assert(offset <= count, "Offset should never be greater than count");
957                     Task = task;
958                     Offset = offset;
959                     Count = count;
960                 }
961             }
StoreLastEffectiveUri()963             internal void StoreLastEffectiveUri()
964             {
965                 IntPtr urlCharPtr; // do not free; will point to libcurl private memory
966                 CURLcode urlResult = Interop.Http.EasyGetInfoPointer(_easyHandle, Interop.Http.CURLINFO.CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, out urlCharPtr);
967                 if (urlResult == CURLcode.CURLE_OK && urlCharPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
968                 {
969                     string url = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(urlCharPtr);
970                     if (url != _requestMessage.RequestUri.OriginalString)
971                     {
972                         Uri finalUri;
973                         if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out finalUri))
974                         {
975                             _requestMessage.RequestUri = finalUri;
976                         }
977                     }
978                     return;
979                 }
981                 Debug.Fail("Expected to be able to get the last effective Uri from libcurl");
982             }
EventSourceTrace(string formatMessage, TArg0 arg0, [CallerMemberName] string memberName = null)984             private void EventSourceTrace<TArg0>(string formatMessage, TArg0 arg0, [CallerMemberName] string memberName = null)
985             {
986                 CurlHandler.EventSourceTrace(formatMessage, arg0, easy: this, memberName: memberName);
987             }
EventSourceTrace(string message, [CallerMemberName] string memberName = null)989             private void EventSourceTrace(string message, [CallerMemberName] string memberName = null)
990             {
991                 CurlHandler.EventSourceTrace(message, easy: this, memberName: memberName);
992             }
993         }
994     }
995 }