1package pubsub
3import (
4	"fmt"
5	"math"
6	"time"
8	"github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/peer"
11type PeerScoreThresholds struct {
12	// GossipThreshold is the score threshold below which gossip propagation is supressed;
13	// should be negative.
14	GossipThreshold float64
16	// PublishThreshold is the score threshold below which we shouldn't publish when using flood
17	// publishing (also applies to fanout and floodsub peers); should be negative and <= GossipThreshold.
18	PublishThreshold float64
20	// GraylistThreshold is the score threshold below which message processing is supressed altogether,
21	// implementing an effective graylist according to peer score; should be negative and <= PublisThreshold.
22	GraylistThreshold float64
24	// AcceptPXThreshold is the score threshold below which PX will be ignored; this should be positive
25	// and limited to scores attainable by bootstrappers and other trusted nodes.
26	AcceptPXThreshold float64
28	// OpportunisticGraftThreshold is the median mesh score threshold before triggering opportunistic
29	// grafting; this should have a small positive value.
30	OpportunisticGraftThreshold float64
33func (p *PeerScoreThresholds) validate() error {
34	if p.GossipThreshold > 0 {
35		return fmt.Errorf("invalid gossip threshold; it must be <= 0")
36	}
37	if p.PublishThreshold > 0 || p.PublishThreshold > p.GossipThreshold {
38		return fmt.Errorf("invalid publish threshold; it must be <= 0 and <= gossip threshold")
39	}
40	if p.GraylistThreshold > 0 || p.GraylistThreshold > p.PublishThreshold {
41		return fmt.Errorf("invalid graylist threshold; it must be <= 0 and <= publish threshold")
42	}
43	if p.AcceptPXThreshold < 0 {
44		return fmt.Errorf("invalid accept PX threshold; it must be >= 0")
45	}
46	if p.OpportunisticGraftThreshold < 0 {
47		return fmt.Errorf("invalid opportunistic grafting threshold; it must be >= 0")
48	}
49	return nil
52type PeerScoreParams struct {
53	// Score parameters per topic.
54	Topics map[string]*TopicScoreParams
56	// Aggregate topic score cap; this limits the total contribution of topics towards a positive
57	// score. It must be positive (or 0 for no cap).
58	TopicScoreCap float64
60	// P5: Application-specific peer scoring
61	AppSpecificScore  func(p peer.ID) float64
62	AppSpecificWeight float64
64	// P6: IP-colocation factor.
65	// The parameter has an associated counter which counts the number of peers with the same IP.
66	// If the number of peers in the same IP exceeds IPColocationFactorThreshold, then the value
67	// is the square of the difference, ie (PeersInSameIP - IPColocationThreshold)^2.
68	// If the number of peers in the same IP is less than the threshold, then the value is 0.
69	// The weight of the parameter MUST be negative, unless you want to disable for testing.
70	// Note: In order to simulate many IPs in a managable manner when testing, you can set the weight to 0
71	//       thus disabling the IP colocation penalty.
72	IPColocationFactorWeight    float64
73	IPColocationFactorThreshold int
74	IPColocationFactorWhitelist map[string]struct{}
76	// P7: behavioural pattern penalties.
77	// This parameter has an associated counter which tracks misbehaviour as detected by the
78	// router. The router currently applies penalties for the following behaviors:
79	// - attempting to re-graft before the prune backoff time has elapsed.
80	// - not following up in IWANT requests for messages advertised with IHAVE.
81	//
82	// The value of the parameter is the square of the counter over the threshold, which decays with
83	// BehaviourPenaltyDecay.
84	// The weight of the parameter MUST be negative (or zero to disable).
85	BehaviourPenaltyWeight, BehaviourPenaltyThreshold, BehaviourPenaltyDecay float64
87	// the decay interval for parameter counters.
88	DecayInterval time.Duration
90	// counter value below which it is considered 0.
91	DecayToZero float64
93	// time to remember counters for a disconnected peer.
94	RetainScore time.Duration
97type TopicScoreParams struct {
98	// The weight of the topic.
99	TopicWeight float64
101	// P1: time in the mesh
102	// This is the time the peer has ben grafted in the mesh.
103	// The value of of the parameter is the time/TimeInMeshQuantum, capped by TimeInMeshCap
104	// The weight of the parameter MUST be positive (or zero to disable).
105	TimeInMeshWeight  float64
106	TimeInMeshQuantum time.Duration
107	TimeInMeshCap     float64
109	// P2: first message deliveries
110	// This is the number of message deliveries in the topic.
111	// The value of the parameter is a counter, decaying with FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay, and capped
112	// by FirstMessageDeliveriesCap.
113	// The weight of the parameter MUST be positive (or zero to disable).
114	FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight, FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay float64
115	FirstMessageDeliveriesCap                                 float64
117	// P3: mesh message deliveries
118	// This is the number of message deliveries in the mesh, within the MeshMessageDeliveriesWindow of
119	// message validation; deliveries during validation also count and are retroactively applied
120	// when validation succeeds.
121	// This window accounts for the minimum time before a hostile mesh peer trying to game the score
122	// could replay back a valid message we just sent them.
123	// It effectively tracks first and near-first deliveries, ie a message seen from a mesh peer
124	// before we have forwarded it to them.
125	// The parameter has an associated counter, decaying with MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay.
126	// If the counter exceeds the threshold, its value is 0.
127	// If the counter is below the MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold, the value is the square of
128	// the deficit, ie (MessageDeliveriesThreshold - counter)^2
129	// The penalty is only activated after MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation time in the mesh.
130	// The weight of the parameter MUST be negative (or zero to disable).
131	MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight, MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay      float64
132	MeshMessageDeliveriesCap, MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold     float64
133	MeshMessageDeliveriesWindow, MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation time.Duration
135	// P3b: sticky mesh propagation failures
136	// This is a sticky penalty that applies when a peer gets pruned from the mesh with an active
137	// mesh message delivery penalty.
138	// The weight of the parameter MUST be negative (or zero to disable)
139	MeshFailurePenaltyWeight, MeshFailurePenaltyDecay float64
141	// P4: invalid messages
142	// This is the number of invalid messages in the topic.
143	// The value of the parameter is the square of the counter, decaying with
144	// InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay.
145	// The weight of the parameter MUST be negative (or zero to disable).
146	InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight, InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay float64
149// peer score parameter validation
150func (p *PeerScoreParams) validate() error {
151	for topic, params := range p.Topics {
152		err := params.validate()
153		if err != nil {
154			return fmt.Errorf("invalid score parameters for topic %s: %w", topic, err)
155		}
156	}
158	// check that the topic score is 0 or something positive
159	if p.TopicScoreCap < 0 {
160		return fmt.Errorf("invalid topic score cap; must be positive (or 0 for no cap)")
161	}
163	// check that we have an app specific score; the weight can be anything (but expected positive)
164	if p.AppSpecificScore == nil {
165		return fmt.Errorf("missing application specific score function")
166	}
168	// check the IP colocation factor
169	if p.IPColocationFactorWeight > 0 {
170		return fmt.Errorf("invalid IPColocationFactorWeight; must be negative (or 0 to disable)")
171	}
172	if p.IPColocationFactorWeight != 0 && p.IPColocationFactorThreshold < 1 {
173		return fmt.Errorf("invalid IPColocationFactorThreshold; must be at least 1")
174	}
176	// check the behaviour penalty
177	if p.BehaviourPenaltyWeight > 0 {
178		return fmt.Errorf("invalid BehaviourPenaltyWeight; must be negative (or 0 to disable)")
179	}
180	if p.BehaviourPenaltyWeight != 0 && (p.BehaviourPenaltyDecay <= 0 || p.BehaviourPenaltyDecay >= 1) {
181		return fmt.Errorf("invalid BehaviourPenaltyDecay; must be between 0 and 1")
182	}
183	if p.BehaviourPenaltyThreshold < 0 {
184		return fmt.Errorf("invalid BehaviourPenaltyThreshold; must be >= 0")
185	}
187	// check the decay parameters
188	if p.DecayInterval < time.Second {
189		return fmt.Errorf("invalid DecayInterval; must be at least 1s")
190	}
191	if p.DecayToZero <= 0 || p.DecayToZero >= 1 {
192		return fmt.Errorf("invalid DecayToZero; must be between 0 and 1")
193	}
195	// no need to check the score retention; a value of 0 means that we don't retain scores
196	return nil
199func (p *TopicScoreParams) validate() error {
200	// make sure we have a sane topic weight
201	if p.TopicWeight < 0 {
202		return fmt.Errorf("invalid topic weight; must be >= 0")
203	}
205	// check P1
206	if p.TimeInMeshQuantum == 0 {
207		return fmt.Errorf("invalid TimeInMeshQuantum; must be non zero")
208	}
209	if p.TimeInMeshWeight < 0 {
210		return fmt.Errorf("invalid TimeInMeshWeight; must be positive (or 0 to disable)")
211	}
212	if p.TimeInMeshWeight != 0 && p.TimeInMeshQuantum <= 0 {
213		return fmt.Errorf("invalid TimeInMeshQuantum; must be positive")
214	}
215	if p.TimeInMeshWeight != 0 && p.TimeInMeshCap <= 0 {
216		return fmt.Errorf("invalid TimeInMeshCap; must be positive")
217	}
219	// check P2
220	if p.FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight < 0 {
221		return fmt.Errorf("invallid FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight; must be positive (or 0 to disable)")
222	}
223	if p.FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight != 0 && (p.FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay <= 0 || p.FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay >= 1) {
224		return fmt.Errorf("invalid FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay; must be between 0 and 1")
225	}
226	if p.FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight != 0 && p.FirstMessageDeliveriesCap <= 0 {
227		return fmt.Errorf("invalid FirstMessageDeliveriesCap; must be positive")
228	}
230	// check P3
231	if p.MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight > 0 {
232		return fmt.Errorf("invalid MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight; must be negative (or 0 to disable)")
233	}
234	if p.MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight != 0 && (p.MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay <= 0 || p.MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay >= 1) {
235		return fmt.Errorf("invalid MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay; must be between 0 and 1")
236	}
237	if p.MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight != 0 && p.MeshMessageDeliveriesCap <= 0 {
238		return fmt.Errorf("invalid MeshMessageDeliveriesCap; must be positive")
239	}
240	if p.MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight != 0 && p.MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold <= 0 {
241		return fmt.Errorf("invalid MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold; must be positive")
242	}
243	if p.MeshMessageDeliveriesWindow < 0 {
244		return fmt.Errorf("invalid MeshMessageDeliveriesWindow; must be non-negative")
245	}
246	if p.MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight != 0 && p.MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation < time.Second {
247		return fmt.Errorf("invalid MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation; must be at least 1s")
248	}
250	// check P3b
251	if p.MeshFailurePenaltyWeight > 0 {
252		return fmt.Errorf("invalid MeshFailurePenaltyWeight; must be negative (or 0 to disable)")
253	}
254	if p.MeshFailurePenaltyWeight != 0 && (p.MeshFailurePenaltyDecay <= 0 || p.MeshFailurePenaltyDecay >= 1) {
255		return fmt.Errorf("invalid MeshFailurePenaltyDecay; must be between 0 and 1")
256	}
258	// check P4
259	if p.InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight > 0 {
260		return fmt.Errorf("invalid InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight; must be negative (or 0 to disable)")
261	}
262	if p.InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay <= 0 || p.InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay >= 1 {
263		return fmt.Errorf("invalid InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay; must be between 0 and 1")
264	}
266	return nil
269const (
270	DefaultDecayInterval = time.Second
271	DefaultDecayToZero   = 0.01
274// ScoreParameterDecay computes the decay factor for a parameter, assuming the DecayInterval is 1s
275// and that the value decays to zero if it drops below 0.01
276func ScoreParameterDecay(decay time.Duration) float64 {
277	return ScoreParameterDecayWithBase(decay, DefaultDecayInterval, DefaultDecayToZero)
280// ScoreParameterDecay computes the decay factor for a parameter using base as the DecayInterval
281func ScoreParameterDecayWithBase(decay time.Duration, base time.Duration, decayToZero float64) float64 {
282	// the decay is linear, so after n ticks the value is factor^n
283	// so factor^n = decayToZero => factor = decayToZero^(1/n)
284	ticks := float64(decay / base)
285	return math.Pow(decayToZero, 1/ticks)