1 #include "ide.h"
MakeTitle()3 void Ide::MakeTitle()
4 {
5 String title;
6 if(!main.IsEmpty())
7 title << main;
8 if(!mainconfigname.IsEmpty() && mainconfigname == mainconfigparam)
9 title << " - " << mainconfigname;
10 else
11 if(!mainconfigname.IsEmpty()) {
12 title << " - " << mainconfigname;
13 title << " ( " << mainconfigparam << " )";
14 }
15 if(!title.IsEmpty())
16 title << " - ";
17 title << "TheIDE";
18 if(designer) {
19 title << " - " << designer->GetFileName();
20 int cs = designer->GetCharset();
21 if(cs >= 0)
22 title << " " << CharsetName(cs);
23 }
24 else
25 if(!editfile.IsEmpty()) {
26 title << " - " << editfile;
27 int chrset = editor.GetCharset();
28 title << " " << IdeCharsetName(chrset)
29 << " " << (findarg(Nvl(editfile_line_endings, line_endings), LF, DETECT_LF) >= 0 ? "LF" : "CRLF");
30 if(editor.IsTruncated())
31 title << " [Truncated]";
32 if(editor.IsView())
33 title << " [View]";
34 else
35 if(editor.IsReadOnly())
36 title << " [Read Only]";
37 if(editor.IsDirty())
38 title << " *";
39 }
40 if(!IsNull(editfile))
41 for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
42 if(NormalizePath(editfile) == NormalizePath(bookmark[i].file))
43 title << Format(" <%d>", i);
44 title << " { " << GetVarsName() << " }";
45 if(isscanning)
46 title << " (scanning files)";
47 Title(title.ToWString());
48 }
CanToggleReadOnly()50 bool Ide::CanToggleReadOnly()
51 {
52 return NormalizePath(GetActiveFilePath()) == NormalizePath(editfile) && !editor.IsView();
53 }
ToggleReadOnly()55 void Ide::ToggleReadOnly()
56 {
57 if(CanToggleReadOnly() && IsActiveFile()) {
58 #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32
59 FindFile ff(editfile);
60 if(ff && ff.IsReadOnly()) {
61 dword attrib = GetFileAttributes(editfile);
63 SetFileAttributes(editfile, attrib);
64 }
65 #endif
66 editor.SetEditable(editor.IsReadOnly());
67 ActiveFile().readonly = editor.IsReadOnly();
68 SavePackage();
69 MakeTitle();
70 SetBar();
71 }
72 }
AdjustMainConfig()74 void Ide::AdjustMainConfig()
75 {
76 const Workspace& wspc = IdeWorkspace();
77 if(!wspc.GetCount())
78 return;
79 const Array<Package::Config>& f = wspc.GetPackage(0).config;
80 for(int i = 0; i < f.GetCount(); i++)
81 if(f[i].param == mainconfigparam)
82 return;
83 if(f.GetCount()) {
84 mainconfigparam = f[0].param;
85 mainconfigname = f[0].name;
86 SetMainConfigList();
87 }
88 }
GetFirstFile()90 String Ide::GetFirstFile()
91 {
92 const Workspace& wspc = IdeWorkspace();
93 for(int i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++) {
94 const Package& p = wspc.GetPackage(i);
95 for(int j = 0; j < p.GetCount(); j++)
96 if(!p[j].separator)
97 return SourcePath(wspc[i], p[j]);
98 }
99 return Null;
100 }
SetMain(const String & package)102 void Ide::SetMain(const String& package)
103 {
104 FlushFile();
105 SaveWorkspace();
106 transferfilecache.Clear();
107 main = package;
108 export_dir = GetHomeDirFile(main);
109 history.Clear();
110 mainconfigname.Clear();
111 mainconfigparam.Clear();
112 ScanWorkspace();
113 editfile.Clear();
114 LoadFromFile(THISBACK(SerializeWorkspace), WorkspaceFile());
115 tabs.FixIcons();
116 editorsplit.Zoom(0);
117 String e = editfile;
118 UpdateFormat();
119 editfile.Clear();
120 MakeTitle();
121 MakeIcon();
122 SyncMainConfigList();
123 AdjustMainConfig();
124 SyncBuildMode();
125 SetHdependDirs();
126 SetBar();
127 HideBottom();
128 SyncUsc();
129 if(auto_check)
130 NewCodeBase();
131 if(IsNull(e))
132 e = GetFirstFile();
133 EditFile(e);
134 }
Exit()136 void Ide::Exit()
137 {
138 if(debugger)
139 debugger->Stop();
140 SaveFile();
141 SaveWorkspace();
142 FlushFile();
143 console.Kill();
144 Break(IDOK);
145 IdeExit = true;
146 }
OpenMainPackage()148 bool Ide::OpenMainPackage()
149 {
150 String version = SplashCtrl::GenerateVersionNumber();
151 String tt = "Select main package";
152 #ifdef bmYEAR
153 tt << " (TheIDE " << version
154 << Format(" %d-%02d-%02d %d:%02d)", bmYEAR , bmMONTH, bmDAY, bmHOUR, bmMINUTE);
155 #else
156 tt << " (TheIDE " << version << ')';
157 #endif
158 String p = SelectPackage(tt, main, true, true);
159 if(p.IsEmpty()) return false;
160 main.Clear();
161 if(!IsOpen())
162 Open();
163 SetMain(p);
164 return true;
165 }
NewMainPackage()167 void Ide::NewMainPackage()
168 {
169 if(setmain_newide) {
170 CreateHost(false, false)->Launch(GetExeFilePath() + " --nosplash");
171 }
172 else {
173 SaveCodeBase();
174 OpenMainPackage();
175 }
176 }
PackageCursor()178 void Ide::PackageCursor()
179 {
180 WorkspaceWork::PackageCursor();
181 String p = GetActivePackage();
182 if(p.IsEmpty()) return;
183 String ef = ToLower(NormalizePath(editfile));
184 for(int i = 0; i < filelist.GetCount(); i++)
185 if(ToLower(NormalizePath(SourcePath(p, filelist[i]))) == ef) {
186 filelist.SetCursor(i);
187 break;
188 }
189 SetBar();
190 }
EditWorkspace()192 void Ide::EditWorkspace()
193 {
194 EditPackages(main, GetActivePackage(), pocfg);
195 ScanWorkspace();
196 SyncWorkspace();
197 }
WorkspaceFile()199 String Ide::WorkspaceFile()
200 {
201 String nm;
202 for(const char *s = main; *s; s++)
203 nm.Cat(*s == '\\' || *s == '/' ? '$' : *s);
204 String cfg = ConfigFile("cfg");
205 RealizeDirectory(cfg);
206 return AppendFileName(cfg, ForceExt(nm + '@' + GetVarsName(), ".cfg"));
207 }
SaveWorkspace()209 void Ide::SaveWorkspace()
210 {
211 if(console.console) return;
212 if(main.IsEmpty()) return;
213 StoreToFile(THISBACK(SerializeWorkspace), WorkspaceFile());
214 }
SyncMainConfigList()216 void Ide::SyncMainConfigList()
217 {
218 mainconfiglist.Clear();
219 const Workspace& wspc = IdeWorkspace();
220 if(wspc.GetCount() <= 0) return;
221 const Array<Package::Config>& f = wspc.GetPackage(0).config;
222 for(int i = 0; i < f.GetCount(); i++)
223 mainconfiglist.Add(f[i].param, Nvl(f[i].name, f[i].param));
224 SetMainConfigList();
225 }
SetMainConfigList()227 void Ide::SetMainConfigList()
228 {
229 mainconfiglist <<= mainconfigparam;
230 mainconfigname = mainconfiglist.GetValue();
231 mainconfiglist.Tip("Main configuration: " + mainconfigparam);
232 }
OnMainConfigList()234 void Ide::OnMainConfigList()
235 {
236 mainconfigparam = ~mainconfiglist;
237 SetMainConfigList();
238 MakeTitle();
239 }
UscFile(const String & file)241 void Ide::UscFile(const String& file)
242 {
243 try {
244 ParseUscFile(file);
245 }
246 catch(CParser::Error& e) {
247 ShowConsole();
248 console << e << "\n";
249 }
250 }
UscProcessDir(const String & dir)252 void Ide::UscProcessDir(const String& dir)
253 {
254 for(FindFile ff(AppendFileName(dir, "*.usc")); ff; ff.Next())
255 UscFile(AppendFileName(dir, ff.GetName()));
256 }
UscProcessDirDeep(const String & dir)258 void Ide::UscProcessDirDeep(const String& dir)
259 {
260 UscProcessDir(dir);
261 for(FindFile ff(AppendFileName(dir, "*")); ff; ff.Next())
262 if(ff.IsFolder())
263 UscProcessDirDeep(ff.GetPath());
264 }
SyncUsc()266 void Ide::SyncUsc()
267 {
268 CleanUsc();
269 UscProcessDir(GetLocalDir());
270 UscProcessDir(GetFileFolder(ConfigFile("x")));
272 if(IsNull(main))
273 return;
274 ::Workspace wspc;
275 wspc.Scan(main);
276 int i;
277 for(i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++) {
278 const Package& p = wspc.GetPackage(i);
279 for(int j = 0; j < p.file.GetCount(); j++) {
280 String file = SourcePath(wspc[i], p.file[j]);
281 if(ToLower(GetFileExt(file)) == ".usc")
282 UscFile(file);
283 }
284 }
285 }
CodeBaseSync()287 void Ide::CodeBaseSync()
288 {
289 if(auto_check)
290 SyncCodeBase();
291 }
SyncWorkspace()293 void Ide::SyncWorkspace()
294 {
295 SyncUsc();
296 CodeBaseSync();
297 }
IsTextFile(const String & file,int maxline)299 bool IsTextFile(const String& file, int maxline) {
300 byte buffer[16384];
301 FileIn fi(file);
302 if(!fi.IsOpen())
303 return false;
304 int count = fi.Get(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
305 buffer[count] = 0;
306 const byte *end = buffer + count;
307 const byte *q = buffer;
308 const byte *x = q;
309 while(q < end) {
310 if(*q < 32) {
311 int c = *q;
312 if(c == '\n') {
313 if(q - x > maxline) return false;
314 x = q;
315 }
316 else
317 if(c != '\r' && c != '\t' && c != '\v' && c != '\f' && c != 0x1a)
318 return false;
319 }
320 q++;
321 }
322 return true;
323 }
325 /*
326 Console& Ide::GetConsole()
327 {
328 int q = btabs.GetCursor();
329 return q == BFINDINFILES ? console2 : console;
330 }
331 */
Renumber()332 void Ide::Renumber() {
333 for(int i = 0; i < filedata.GetCount(); i++)
334 ::Renumber(filedata[i].lineinfo);
335 editor.Renumber();
336 }
CycleFiles()338 void Ide::CycleFiles()
339 {
340 if(++tabi >= tablru.GetCount())
341 tabi = 0;
342 if(tabi < tablru.GetCount()) {
343 blocktabs = true;
344 EditFile(tablru[tabi]);
345 }
346 }
DeactivateBy(Ctrl * new_focus)348 void Ide::DeactivateBy(Ctrl *new_focus)
349 {
350 if(deactivate_save && issaving == 0 && !new_focus && editor.GetLength64() < 1000000) {
351 DeactivationSave(true);
352 SaveFile();
353 DeactivationSave(false);
354 }
355 TopWindow::DeactivateBy(new_focus);
356 }
Activate()358 void Ide::Activate()
359 {
360 InvalidateFileTimeCache();
361 TopWindow::Activate();
362 }
Key(dword key,int count)364 bool Ide::Key(dword key, int count)
365 {
366 dword *k = IdeKeys::AK_DELLINE().key;
367 if(key == k[0] || key == k[1]) {
368 editor.DeleteLine();
369 return true;
370 }
371 k = IdeKeys::AK_CUTLINE().key;
372 if(key == k[0] || key == k[1]) {
373 editor.CutLine();
374 return true;
375 }
376 switch(key) {
377 case K_SHIFT_CTRL_UP:
379 case K_ALT_DELETE:
380 return filelist.Key(key, count);
381 case K_ALT_UP:
382 return filelist.Key(K_UP, 0);
383 case K_ALT_DOWN:
384 return filelist.Key(K_DOWN, 0);
385 case K_ALT_PAGEUP:
386 return package.Key(K_UP, 0);
387 case K_ALT_PAGEDOWN:
388 return package.Key(K_DOWN, 0);
389 case K_CTRL|K_ALT_LEFT:
390 TabsLR( TabBar::JumpDirLeft );
391 return true;
392 case K_CTRL|K_ALT_RIGHT:
393 TabsLR( TabBar::JumpDirRight );
394 return true;
395 case K_CTRL|K_ALT_B:
396 TabsStackLR( TabBar::JumpDirLeft );
397 return true;
398 case K_CTRL|K_ALT_N:
399 TabsStackLR( TabBar::JumpDirRight );
400 return true;
401 case K_SHIFT|K_CTRL_O:
402 AddFile(WorkspaceWork::ANY_FILE);
403 return true;
405 case K_ALT_KEY|K_KEYUP:
407 #endif
408 case K_CTRL_KEY|K_KEYUP:
409 if(tabi) {
410 tabi = 0;
411 AddLru();
412 }
413 return true;
414 case K_CTRL_TAB:
416 case K_ALT|K_TAB:
417 case K_OPTION|K_TAB:
418 #endif
419 CycleFiles();
420 return true;
421 case K_ALT_C|K_SHIFT:
422 CodeBrowser();
423 return true;
424 case K_ALT_RIGHT:
425 default:
426 if(key >= K_SHIFT_CTRL_0 && key <= K_SHIFT_CTRL_9) {
427 Bookmark& b = bookmark[key - K_SHIFT_CTRL_0];
428 b.file = editfile;
429 b.pos = editor.GetEditPos();
430 MakeTitle();
431 return true;
432 }
433 if(key >= K_CTRL_0 && key <= K_CTRL_9) {
434 GotoBookmark(bookmark[key - K_CTRL_0]);
435 return true;
436 }
437 }
438 return false;
439 }
GotoBookmark(const Bookmark & b)441 void Ide::GotoBookmark(const Bookmark& b)
442 {
443 if(b.file.IsEmpty()) return;
444 EditFile(b.file);
445 if(bookmark_pos)
446 editor.SetEditPos(b.pos);
447 }
IsHistDiff(int i)449 bool Ide::IsHistDiff(int i)
450 {
451 if(i < 0 || i >= history.GetCount())
452 return false;
453 Bookmark& b = history[i];
454 return b.file != editfile || abs(editor.GetCursor64() - b.pos.cursor) > 20;
455 }
IdePaste(String & data)457 void Ide::IdePaste(String& data)
458 {
459 data.Clear();
460 if(AcceptFiles(Clipboard())) {
461 Vector<String> s = GetFiles(Clipboard());
462 for(int i = 0; i < s.GetCount(); i++)
463 if(FileExists(s[i]) && IsTextFile(s[i], 10000)) {
464 int64 len = GetFileLength(s[i]);
465 if(data.GetLength() + len > 104857600) {
466 Exclamation("The paste size breaks the 100MB limit.");
467 return;
468 }
469 data.Cat(LoadFile(s[i]));
470 }
471 }
472 }
AddHistory()474 void Ide::AddHistory()
475 {
476 if(history.GetCount()) {
477 if(IsHistDiff(histi))
478 ++histi;
479 }
480 else
481 histi = 0;
482 history.At(histi);
483 Bookmark& b = history.Top();
484 b.file = editfile;
485 b.pos = editor.GetEditPos();
486 SetBar();
487 }
EditorEdit()489 void Ide::EditorEdit()
490 {
491 AddHistory();
492 TouchFile(editfile);
493 }
GetHistory(int d)495 int Ide::GetHistory(int d)
496 {
497 if(history.GetCount())
498 for(int i = histi + (d > 0); i >= 0 && i < history.GetCount(); i += d)
499 if(IsHistDiff(i))
500 return i;
501 return -1;
502 }
History(int d)504 void Ide::History(int d)
505 {
506 int i = GetHistory(d);
507 if(i >= 0) {
508 histi = i;
509 GotoBookmark(history[histi]);
510 SetBar();
511 }
512 }
BookKey(int key)514 void Ide::BookKey(int key)
515 {
516 Key(key, 1);
517 }
DoDisplay()519 void Ide::DoDisplay()
520 {
521 Point p = editor.GetColumnLine(editor.GetCursor64());
522 String s;
523 s << "Ln " << p.y + 1 << ", Col " << p.x + 1;
524 int64 l, h;
525 editor.GetSelection(l, h);
526 if(h > l)
527 s << ", Sel " << h - l;
528 display.SetLabel(s);
530 ManageDisplayVisibility();
531 }
ManageDisplayVisibility()533 void Ide::ManageDisplayVisibility()
534 {
535 display.Show(!designer);
536 }
SetIdeState(int newstate)538 void Ide::SetIdeState(int newstate)
539 {
540 if(newstate != idestate)
541 {
542 if(newstate == BUILDING)
543 build_start_time = GetSysTime();
544 else
545 {
546 if(idestate == BUILDING && !IsNull(build_start_time))
547 stat_build_time += int(GetSysTime() - build_start_time);
548 build_start_time = Null;
549 }
550 }
551 idestate = newstate;
552 MakeTitle();
553 SetBar();
554 }
MakeIcon()556 void Ide::MakeIcon() {
557 Image li = IdeImg::PackageLarge2();
558 WString mp = main.ToWString();
559 if(!IsNull(mp))
560 {
561 Size isz = li.GetSize();
562 ImageDraw idraw(isz);
563 Draw& mdraw = idraw.Alpha();
564 idraw.DrawImage(0, 0, li);
565 mdraw.DrawImage(0, 0, li, White);
566 int fh = DPI(14);
567 Size sz(0, 0);
568 Font font;
569 while(fh > DPI(8)) {
570 font = StdFont(fh);
571 sz = GetTextSize(mp, font) + Size(4, 2);
572 if(sz.cx <= isz.cx)
573 break;
574 fh--;
575 }
576 int x = max((isz.cx - sz.cx) / 2, 0);
577 int y = isz.cy - sz.cy;
578 idraw.DrawRect(x, y, sz.cx, sz.cy, White);
579 mdraw.DrawRect(x, y, sz.cx, sz.cy, White);
580 idraw.DrawText(x + 2, y + 1, mp, font, Black);
581 DrawFrame(idraw, x, y, sz.cx, sz.cy, LtBlue);
582 if(state_icon)
583 idraw.DrawImage(0, 0, decode(state_icon, 1, IdeImg::IconDebuggingLarge2(),
584 2, IdeImg::IconRunningLarge2(),
585 IdeImg::IconBuildingLarge2()));
586 li = idraw;
587 }
588 LargeIcon(li);
589 }
SetIcon()591 void Ide::SetIcon()
592 {
593 int new_state_icon = 0;
594 if((bool)debugger && !IdeIsDebugLock()) {
595 new_state_icon = 1;
596 return;
597 }
598 else
599 if((GetTimeClick() / 800) & 1) {
600 if(debugger)
601 new_state_icon = 2;
602 else
603 if(idestate == BUILDING)
604 new_state_icon = 3;
605 }
606 if(state_icon == new_state_icon)
607 return;
608 state_icon = new_state_icon;
609 MakeIcon();
610 #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32
611 switch(state_icon) {
612 case 1: Icon(DPI(IdeImg::IconDebugging(), IdeImg::IconDebuggingLarge())); break;
613 case 2: Icon(DPI(IdeImg::IconRunning(), IdeImg::IconRunningLarge())); break;
614 case 3: Icon(DPI(IdeImg::IconBuilding(), IdeImg::IconBuildingLarge())); break;
615 default: Icon(DPI(IdeImg::Icon(), IdeImg::PackageLarge()));
616 }
617 #else
618 switch(state_icon) {
619 case 1: Icon(IdeImg::IconDebugging()); break;
620 case 2: Icon(IdeImg::IconRunning()); break;
621 case 3: Icon(IdeImg::IconBuilding()); break;
622 default: Icon(IdeImg::Icon());
623 }
624 #endif
625 }
Periodic()627 void Ide::Periodic()
628 {
629 CheckFileUpdate();
630 SetIcon();
631 if(debugger && debugger->IsFinished() && !IdeIsDebugLock())
632 IdeEndDebug();
633 if(file_scanned) {
634 EditFileAssistSync2();
635 file_scanned = false;
636 }
637 }
IdeWorkspace() const639 const Workspace& Ide::IdeWorkspace() const
640 {
641 static Workspace wspc;
642 static String _main;
643 if(main != _main || wspc.GetCount() == 0) {
644 wspc.Scan(main);
645 _main = main;
646 }
647 else {
648 for(int i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++)
649 if(wspc.GetPackage(i).time != FileGetTime(PackagePath(wspc[i]))) {
650 wspc.Scan(main);
651 break;
652 }
653 }
654 return wspc;
655 }
AddPackage(const String & p)657 void Ide::AddPackage(const String& p)
658 {
659 const Workspace& wspc = IdeWorkspace();
660 for(int i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++){
661 if(wspc[i] == p)
662 return;
663 }
664 if(!PromptOKCancel("Package [* " + p + "] is not yet in the workspace.&Do you want to add it?"))
665 return;
666 OptItem& m = actual.uses.Add();
667 m.text = p;
668 SaveLoadPackage();
669 }
GetPackageIndex()671 int Ide::GetPackageIndex()
672 {
673 const Workspace& wspc = IdeWorkspace();
674 for(int i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++)
675 if(wspc[i] == package.GetCurrentName())
676 return i;
677 return -1;
678 }
GotoDiffLeft(int line,DiffDlg * df)680 void Ide::GotoDiffLeft(int line, DiffDlg *df)
681 {
682 EditFile(df->editfile);
683 editor.SetCursor(editor.GetPos64(line));
684 editor.SetFocus();
685 }
GotoDiffRight(int line,FileDiff * df)687 void Ide::GotoDiffRight(int line, FileDiff *df)
688 {
689 EditFile(df->GetExtPath());
690 editor.SetCursor(editor.GetPos64(line));
691 editor.SetFocus();
692 }
Diff()694 void Ide::Diff()
695 {
696 if(IsNull(editfile))
697 return;
698 FileDiff diffdlg(AnySourceFs());
699 diffdlg.diff.WhenLeftLine = THISBACK1(GotoDiffLeft, &diffdlg);
700 diffdlg.diff.WhenRightLine = THISBACK1(GotoDiffRight, &diffdlg);
701 diffdlg.Execute(editfile);
702 }
DiffLog()704 void Ide::DiffLog()
705 {
706 String log_path = GetTargetLogPath();
707 if(IsNull(editfile) || IsNull(log_path) || max(GetFileLength(editfile), GetFileLength(log_path)) > 100*1024*1024)
708 return;
709 FileDiff diffdlg(AnySourceFs());
710 diffdlg.diff.WhenLeftLine = THISBACK1(GotoDiffLeft, &diffdlg);
711 diffdlg.diff.WhenRightLine = THISBACK1(GotoDiffRight, &diffdlg);
712 diffdlg.Execute(editfile, log_path);
713 }
715 struct ConflictDiff : TopWindow {
716 Label left, right;
717 TextDiffCtrl diff;
LayoutConflictDiff719 virtual void Layout()
720 {
721 Size sz = GetSize();
722 int fy = GetStdFont().GetCy() + DPI(5);
723 left.LeftPos(0, sz.cx / 2).TopPos(0, fy);
724 right.RightPos(0, sz.cx / 2).TopPos(0, fy);
725 diff.HSizePos().VSizePos(fy, 0);
726 }
SetConflictDiff728 void Set(const char *lname, const String& l, const char *rname, const String& r)
729 {
730 left = "\1[=* \1" + String(lname);
731 right = "\1[=* \1" + String(rname);
732 diff.Set(l, r);
733 }
ConflictDiffConflictDiff735 ConflictDiff() {
736 SetRect(GetWorkArea().Deflated(DPI(32)));
737 Sizeable().Zoomable();
738 Add(left);
739 Add(right);
740 Add(diff);
741 }
742 };
LoadConflictFile(const String & n)744 String Ide::LoadConflictFile(const String& n)
745 {
746 return n.GetCount() == 1 ? GitCmd(GetFileFolder(editfile), "show :" + n + ":./" + GetFileName(editfile))
747 : LoadFile(n);
748 }
DiffFiles(const char * lname,const String & l,const char * rname,const String & r)750 void Ide::DiffFiles(const char *lname, const String& l, const char *rname, const String& r)
751 {
752 ConflictDiff diff;
753 diff.Set(lname, LoadConflictFile(l), rname, LoadConflictFile(r));
754 diff.Execute();
755 }
SvnHistory()757 void Ide::SvnHistory()
758 {
759 if(IsNull(editfile))
760 return;
761 RunRepoDiff(editfile);
762 }