1 /*
2  * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, ircd/channel.h
3  * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen
4  * Copyright (C) 1996 - 1997 Carlo Wood
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9  * any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19  */
20 /** @file
21  * @brief Channel management and maintenance.
22  * @version $Id$
23  */
24 #ifndef INCLUDED_channel_h
25 #define INCLUDED_channel_h
26 #ifndef INCLUDED_ircd_defs_h
27 #include "ircd_defs.h"        /* NICKLEN */
28 #endif
29 #ifndef INCLUDED_sys_types_h
30 #include <sys/types.h>
31 #define INCLUDED_sys_types_h
32 #endif
33 #ifndef INCLUDED_res_h
34 #include "res.h"
35 #endif
37 struct SLink;
38 struct Client;
40 /*
41  * General defines
42  */
44 #define MAXMODEPARAMS   6	/**< Maximum number of mode parameters */
45 #define MODEBUFLEN      200	/**< Maximum length of a mode */
47 #define KEYLEN          23	/**< Maximum length of a key */
48 #define CHANNELLEN      200	/**< Maximum length of a channel */
50 #define MAXJOINARGS	15 	/**< number of slots for join buffer */
51 #define STARTJOINLEN	10 	/**< fuzzy numbers */
52 #define STARTCREATELEN	20
54 /*
55  * Macro's
56  */
58 #define ChannelExists(n)        (0 != FindChannel(n))
60 #define CHFL_CHANOP             0x0001  /**< Channel operator */
61 #define CHFL_VOICE              0x0002  /**< the power to speak */
62 #define CHFL_DEOPPED            0x0004  /**< Is de-opped by a server */
63 #define CHFL_SERVOPOK           0x0008  /**< Server op allowed */
64 #define CHFL_ZOMBIE             0x0010  /**< Kicked from channel */
65 #define CHFL_BURST_JOINED       0x0100  /**< Just joined by net.junction */
66 #define CHFL_BANVALID           0x0800  /**< CHFL_BANNED bit is valid */
67 #define CHFL_BANNED             0x1000  /**< Channel member is banned */
68 #define CHFL_SILENCE_IPMASK     0x2000  /**< silence mask is a CIDR */
69 #define CHFL_BURST_ALREADY_OPPED	0x04000
70 					/**< In oob BURST, but was already
71 					 * joined and opped
72 					 */
73 #define CHFL_BURST_ALREADY_VOICED	0x08000
74 					/**< In oob BURST, but was already
75 					 * joined and voiced
76 					 */
77 #define CHFL_CHANNEL_MANAGER	0x10000	/**< Set when creating channel or using
78 					 * Apass
79 					 */
80 #define CHFL_USER_PARTING       0x20000 /**< User is already parting that
81 					 * channel
82 					 */
83 #define CHFL_DELAYED            0x40000 /**< User's join message is delayed */
89 /* Channel Visibility macros */
91 #define MODE_CHANOP     CHFL_CHANOP	/**< +o Chanop */
92 #define MODE_VOICE      CHFL_VOICE	/**< +v Voice */
93 #define MODE_PRIVATE    0x0004		/**< +p Private */
94 #define MODE_SECRET     0x0008		/**< +s Secret */
95 #define MODE_MODERATED  0x0010		/**< +m Moderated */
96 #define MODE_TOPICLIMIT 0x0020		/**< +t Topic Limited */
97 #define MODE_INVITEONLY 0x0040		/**< +i Invite only */
98 #define MODE_NOPRIVMSGS 0x0080		/**< +n No Private Messages */
99 #define MODE_KEY        0x0100		/**< +k Keyed */
100 #define MODE_BAN        0x0200		/**< +b Ban */
101 #define MODE_LIMIT      0x0400		/**< +l Limit */
102 #define MODE_REGONLY    0x0800  	/**< Only +r users may join */
103 #define MODE_DELJOINS   0x1000  	/**< New join messages are delayed */
104 #define MODE_REGISTERED 0x2000  	/**< +R registered with services */
105 #define MODE_NOCOLOR    0x4000          /**< +c No colors */
106 #define MODE_NOCTCP     0x8000          /**< +C No CTCPs except ACTION */
107 #define MODE_SAVE	0x20000		/**< save this mode-with-arg 'til
108 					 * later */
109 #define MODE_FREE	0x40000 	/**< string needs to be passed to
110 					 * MyFree() */
111 #define MODE_BURSTADDED	0x80000		/**< channel was created by a BURST */
112 #define MODE_UPASS	0x100000
113 #define MODE_APASS	0x200000
114 #define MODE_WASDELJOINS 0x400000 	/**< Not DELJOINS, but some joins
115 					 * pending */
116 /** mode flags which take another parameter (With PARAmeterS)
117  */
120 /** Available Channel modes */
121 #define infochanmodes feature_bool(FEAT_OPLEVELS) ? "AbiklmnopstUvrDdRcC" : "biklmnopstvrDdRcC"
122 /** Available Channel modes that take parameters */
123 #define infochanmodeswithparams feature_bool(FEAT_OPLEVELS) ? "AbkloUv" : "bklov"
125 #define HoldChannel(x)          (!(x))
126 /** name invisible */
127 #define SecretChannel(x)        ((x) && ((x)->mode.mode & MODE_SECRET))
128 /** channel not shown but names are */
129 #define HiddenChannel(x)        ((x) && ((x)->mode.mode & MODE_PRIVATE))
130 /** channel visible */
131 #define ShowChannel(v,c)        (PubChannel(c) || find_channel_member((v),(c)))
132 #define PubChannel(x)           ((!x) || ((x)->mode.mode & \
133                                     (MODE_PRIVATE | MODE_SECRET)) == 0)
135 #define IsGlobalChannel(name)   (*(name) == '#')
136 #define IsLocalChannel(name)    (*(name) == '&')
137 #define IsChannelName(name)     (IsGlobalChannel(name) || IsLocalChannel(name))
139 typedef enum ChannelGetType {
142 } ChannelGetType;
144 /* used in SetMode() in channel.c and m_umode() in s_msg.c */
146 #define MODE_NULL      0
147 #define MODE_ADD       0x40000000
148 #define MODE_DEL       0x20000000
150 /* used in ListingArgs.flags */
152 #define LISTARG_TOPICLIMITS     0x0001
153 #define LISTARG_SHOWSECRET      0x0002
154 #define LISTARG_NEGATEWILDCARD  0x0004
155 #define LISTARG_SHOWMODES       0x0008
157 /**
158  * Maximum acceptable lag time in seconds: A channel younger than
159  * this is not protected against hacking admins.
160  * Mainly here to check if the TS clocks really sync (otherwise this
161  * will start causing HACK notices.
162  * This value must be the same on all servers.
163  *
164  * This value has been increased to 1 day in order to distinguish this
165  * "normal" type of HACK wallops / desyncs, from possiblity still
166  * existing bugs.
167  */
168 #define TS_LAG_TIME 86400
172 extern const char* const PartFmt1;
173 extern const char* const PartFmt2;
174 extern const char* const PartFmt1serv;
175 extern const char* const PartFmt2serv;
178 /*
179  * Structures
180  */
182 /** Information about a client on one channel
183  *
184  * This structure forms a sparse matrix with users down the side, and
185  * channels across the top.  This matrix holds all the information about
186  * which users are on what channels, and what modes that user has on that
187  * channel (if they are op'd, voice'd and cached information if they are
188  * banned or not)
189  */
190 struct Membership {
191   struct Client*     user;		/**< The user */
192   struct Channel*    channel;		/**< The channel */
193   struct Membership* next_member;	/**< The next user on this channel */
194   struct Membership* prev_member;	/**< The previous user on this channel*/
195   struct Membership* next_channel;	/**< Next channel this user is on */
196   struct Membership* prev_channel;	/**< Previous channel this user is on*/
197   unsigned int       status;		/**< Flags for op'd, voice'd, etc */
198   unsigned short     oplevel;		/**< Op level */
199 };
201 #define MAXOPLEVELDIGITS    3
202 #define MAXOPLEVEL          999
204 #define IsZombie(x)         ((x)->status & CHFL_ZOMBIE) /**< see \ref zombie */
205 #define IsDeopped(x)        ((x)->status & CHFL_DEOPPED)
206 #define IsBanned(x)         ((x)->status & CHFL_BANNED)
207 #define IsBanValid(x)       ((x)->status & CHFL_BANVALID)
208 #define IsChanOp(x)         ((x)->status & CHFL_CHANOP)
209 #define OpLevel(x)          ((x)->oplevel)
210 #define HasVoice(x)         ((x)->status & CHFL_VOICE)
211 #define IsServOpOk(x)       ((x)->status & CHFL_SERVOPOK)
212 #define IsBurstJoined(x)    ((x)->status & CHFL_BURST_JOINED)
213 #define IsVoicedOrOpped(x)  ((x)->status & CHFL_VOICED_OR_OPPED)
214 #define IsChannelManager(x) ((x)->status & CHFL_CHANNEL_MANAGER)
215 #define IsUserParting(x)    ((x)->status & CHFL_USER_PARTING)
216 #define IsDelayedJoin(x)    ((x)->status & CHFL_DELAYED)
218 #define SetBanned(x)        ((x)->status |= CHFL_BANNED)
219 #define SetBanValid(x)      ((x)->status |= CHFL_BANVALID)
220 #define SetDeopped(x)       ((x)->status |= CHFL_DEOPPED)
221 #define SetServOpOk(x)      ((x)->status |= CHFL_SERVOPOK)
222 #define SetBurstJoined(x)   ((x)->status |= CHFL_BURST_JOINED)
223 #define SetZombie(x)        ((x)->status |= CHFL_ZOMBIE)
224 #define SetChannelManager(x) ((x)->status |= CHFL_CHANNEL_MANAGER)
225 #define SetOpLevel(x, v)    (void)((x)->oplevel = (v))
226 #define SetUserParting(x)   ((x)->status |= CHFL_USER_PARTING)
227 #define SetDelayedJoin(x)   ((x)->status |= CHFL_DELAYED)
229 #define ClearBanned(x)      ((x)->status &= ~CHFL_BANNED)
230 #define ClearBanValid(x)    ((x)->status &= ~CHFL_BANVALID)
231 #define ClearDeopped(x)     ((x)->status &= ~CHFL_DEOPPED)
232 #define ClearServOpOk(x)    ((x)->status &= ~CHFL_SERVOPOK)
233 #define ClearBurstJoined(x) ((x)->status &= ~CHFL_BURST_JOINED)
234 #define ClearDelayedJoin(x) ((x)->status &= ~CHFL_DELAYED)
236 /** Mode information for a channel */
237 struct Mode {
238   unsigned int mode;
239   unsigned int limit;
240   char key[KEYLEN + 1];
241   char upass[KEYLEN + 1];
242   char apass[KEYLEN + 1];
243 };
245 #define BAN_IPMASK         0x0001  /**< ban mask is an IP-number mask */
246 #define BAN_OVERLAPPED     0x0002  /**< ban overlapped, need bounce */
247 #define BAN_BURSTED        0x0004  /**< Ban part of last BURST */
248 #define BAN_BURST_WIPEOUT  0x0008  /**< Ban will be wiped at EOB */
249 #define BAN_EXCEPTION      0x0010  /**< Ban is an exception */
250 #define BAN_DEL            0x4000  /**< Ban is being removed */
251 #define BAN_ADD            0x8000  /**< Ban is being added */
253 /** A single ban for a channel. */
254 struct Ban {
255   struct Ban* next;           /**< next ban in the channel */
256   struct irc_in_addr address; /**< address for BAN_IPMASK bans */
257   time_t when;                /**< timestamp when ban was added */
258   unsigned short flags;       /**< modifier flags for the ban */
259   unsigned char nu_len;       /**< length of nick!user part of banstr */
260   unsigned char addrbits;     /**< netmask length for BAN_IPMASK bans */
261   char who[NICKLEN+1];        /**< name of client that set the ban */
262   char banstr[NICKLEN+USERLEN+HOSTLEN+3];  /**< hostmask that the ban matches */
263 };
265 /** Information about a channel */
266 struct Channel {
267   struct Channel*    next;	/**< next channel in the global channel list */
268   struct Channel*    prev;	/**< previous channel */
269   struct Channel*    hnext;	/**< Next channel in the hash table */
270   struct DestructEvent* destruct_event;
271   time_t             creationtime; /**< Creation time of this channel */
272   time_t             topic_time;   /**< Modification time of the topic */
273   unsigned int       users;	   /**< Number of clients on this channel */
274   struct Membership* members;	   /**< Pointer to the clients on this channel*/
275   struct SLink*      invites;	   /**< List of invites on this channel */
276   struct Ban*        banlist;      /**< List of bans on this channel */
277   struct Mode        mode;	   /**< This channels mode */
278   char               topic[TOPICLEN + 1]; /**< Channels topic */
279   char               topic_nick[NICKLEN + 1]; /**< Nick of the person who set
280 						*  The topic
281 						*/
282   char               chname[1];	   /**< Dynamically allocated string of the
283 				     * channel name
284 				     */
285 };
287 /** Information about a /list in progress */
288 struct ListingArgs {
289   time_t max_time;
290   time_t min_time;
291   unsigned int max_users;
292   unsigned int min_users;
293   unsigned int flags;
294   time_t max_topic_time;
295   time_t min_topic_time;
296   unsigned int bucket;
297   char wildcard[CHANNELLEN];
298 };
300 struct ModeBuf {
301   unsigned int		mb_add;		/**< Modes to add */
302   unsigned int		mb_rem;		/**< Modes to remove */
303   struct Client	       *mb_source;	/**< Source of MODE changes */
304   struct Client	       *mb_connect;	/**< Connection of MODE changes */
305   struct Channel       *mb_channel;	/**< Channel they affect */
306   unsigned int		mb_dest;	/**< Destination of MODE changes */
307   unsigned int		mb_count;	/**< Number of modes w/args */
308   struct {
309     unsigned int	mbm_type;	/**< Type of argument */
310     union {
311       unsigned int	mbma_uint;	/**< A limit */
312       char	       *mbma_string;	/**< A string */
313       struct Client    *mbma_client;	/**< A client */
314     }			mbm_arg;	/**< The mode argument */
315     unsigned short      mbm_oplevel;    /**< Oplevel for a bounce */
316   }			mb_modeargs[MAXMODEPARAMS];
317 					/**< A mode w/args */
318 };
320 #define MODEBUF_DEST_CHANNEL	0x00001	/**< Mode is flushed to channel */
321 #define MODEBUF_DEST_SERVER	0x00002	/**< Mode is flushed to server */
323 #define MODEBUF_DEST_OPMODE	0x00100	/**< Send server mode as OPMODE */
324 #define MODEBUF_DEST_DEOP	0x00200	/**< Deop the offender */
325 #define MODEBUF_DEST_BOUNCE	0x00400	/**< Bounce the modes */
326 #define MODEBUF_DEST_LOG	0x00800	/**< Log the mode changes to OPATH */
328 #define MODEBUF_DEST_HACK2	0x02000	/**< Send a HACK(2) notice, reverse */
329 #define MODEBUF_DEST_HACK3	0x04000	/**< Send a HACK(3) notice, TS == 0 */
330 #define MODEBUF_DEST_HACK4	0x08000	/**< Send a HACK(4) notice, TS == 0 */
332 #define MODEBUF_DEST_NOKEY	0x10000	/**< Don't send the real key */
334 #define MB_TYPE(mb, i)		((mb)->mb_modeargs[(i)].mbm_type)
335 #define MB_UINT(mb, i)		((mb)->mb_modeargs[(i)].mbm_arg.mbma_uint)
336 #define MB_STRING(mb, i)	((mb)->mb_modeargs[(i)].mbm_arg.mbma_string)
337 #define MB_CLIENT(mb, i)	((mb)->mb_modeargs[(i)].mbm_arg.mbma_client)
338 #define MB_OPLEVEL(mb, i)       ((mb)->mb_modeargs[(i)].mbm_oplevel)
340 /** A buffer represeting a list of joins to send */
341 struct JoinBuf {
342   struct Client	       *jb_source;	/**< Source of joins (ie, joiner) */
343   struct Client	       *jb_connect;	/**< Connection of joiner */
344   unsigned int		jb_type;	/**< Type of join (JOIN or CREATE) */
345   char		       *jb_comment;	/**< part comment */
346   time_t		jb_create;	/**< Creation timestamp */
347   unsigned int		jb_count;	/**< Number of channels */
348   unsigned int		jb_strlen;	/**< length so far */
349   struct Channel       *jb_channels[MAXJOINARGS];
350 					/**< channels joined or whatever */
351 };
353 #define JOINBUF_TYPE_JOIN	0	/**< send JOINs */
354 #define JOINBUF_TYPE_CREATE	1	/**< send CREATEs */
355 #define JOINBUF_TYPE_PART	2	/**< send PARTs */
356 #define JOINBUF_TYPE_PARTALL	3	/**< send local PARTs, but not remote */
358 extern struct Channel* GlobalChannelList;
359 extern int             LocalChanOperMode;
361 /*
362  * Proto types
363  */
364 extern void channel_modes(struct Client *cptr, char *mbuf, char *pbuf,
365                           int buflen, struct Channel *chptr,
366 			  struct Membership *member);
367 extern int set_mode(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr,
368                     struct Channel* chptr, int parc, char* parv[],
369                     char* mbuf, char* pbuf, char* npbuf, int* badop);
370 extern void send_hack_notice(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr,
371                              int parc, char *parv[], int badop, int mtype);
372 extern struct Channel *get_channel(struct Client *cptr,
373                                    char *chname, ChannelGetType flag);
374 extern struct Membership* find_member_link(struct Channel * chptr,
375                                            const struct Client* cptr);
376 extern int sub1_from_channel(struct Channel* chptr);
377 extern int destruct_channel(struct Channel* chptr);
378 extern void add_user_to_channel(struct Channel* chptr, struct Client* who,
379                                 unsigned int flags, int oplevel);
380 extern void make_zombie(struct Membership* member, struct Client* who,
381                         struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr,
382                         struct Channel* chptr);
383 extern struct Client* find_chasing(struct Client* sptr, const char* user, int* chasing);
384 void add_invite(struct Client *cptr, struct Channel *chptr);
385 int number_of_zombies(struct Channel *chptr);
387 extern const char* find_no_nickchange_channel(struct Client* cptr);
388 extern struct Membership* find_channel_member(struct Client* cptr, struct Channel* chptr);
389 extern int member_can_send_to_channel(struct Membership* member, int reveal);
390 extern int client_can_send_to_channel(struct Client *cptr, struct Channel *chptr, int reveal);
392 extern void remove_user_from_channel(struct Client *sptr, struct Channel *chptr);
393 extern void remove_user_from_all_channels(struct Client* cptr);
395 extern int is_chan_op(struct Client *cptr, struct Channel *chptr);
396 extern int is_zombie(struct Client *cptr, struct Channel *chptr);
397 extern int has_voice(struct Client *cptr, struct Channel *chptr);
398 /*
399    NOTE: pointer is compared, and not dereferenced, called by
400    add_target with a void*, since targets could be anything,
401    this function can't make any assumptions that it has a channel
402 */
403 extern int IsInvited(struct Client* cptr, const void* chptr);
404 extern void send_channel_modes(struct Client *cptr, struct Channel *chptr);
405 extern char *pretty_mask(char *mask);
406 extern void del_invite(struct Client *cptr, struct Channel *chptr);
407 extern void list_set_default(void); /* this belongs elsewhere! */
409 extern void RevealDelayedJoinIfNeeded(struct Client *sptr, struct Channel *chptr);
410 extern void RevealDelayedJoin(struct Membership *member);
411 extern void CheckDelayedJoins(struct Channel *chan);
413 extern void modebuf_init(struct ModeBuf *mbuf, struct Client *source,
414 			 struct Client *connect, struct Channel *chan,
415 			 unsigned int dest);
416 extern void modebuf_mode(struct ModeBuf *mbuf, unsigned int mode);
417 extern void modebuf_mode_uint(struct ModeBuf *mbuf, unsigned int mode,
418 			      unsigned int uint);
419 extern void modebuf_mode_string(struct ModeBuf *mbuf, unsigned int mode,
420 				char *string, int free);
421 extern void modebuf_mode_client(struct ModeBuf *mbuf, unsigned int mode,
422 				struct Client *client, int oplevel);
423 extern int modebuf_flush(struct ModeBuf *mbuf);
424 extern void modebuf_extract(struct ModeBuf *mbuf, char *buf);
426 extern void mode_ban_invalidate(struct Channel *chan);
427 extern void mode_invite_clear(struct Channel *chan);
429 extern int mode_parse(struct ModeBuf *mbuf, struct Client *cptr,
430 		      struct Client *sptr, struct Channel *chptr,
431 		      int parc, char *parv[], unsigned int flags,
432 		      struct Membership* member);
434 #define MODE_PARSE_SET		0x01	/**< actually set channel modes */
435 #define MODE_PARSE_STRICT	0x02	/**< +m +n +t style not supported */
436 #define MODE_PARSE_FORCE	0x04	/**< force the mode to be applied */
437 #define MODE_PARSE_BOUNCE	0x08	/**< we will be bouncing the modes */
438 #define MODE_PARSE_NOTOPER	0x10	/**< send "not chanop" to user */
439 #define MODE_PARSE_NOTMEMBER	0x20	/**< send "not member" to user */
440 #define MODE_PARSE_WIPEOUT	0x40	/**< wipe out +k and +l during burst */
441 #define MODE_PARSE_BURST	0x80	/**< be even more strict w/extra args */
443 extern void joinbuf_init(struct JoinBuf *jbuf, struct Client *source,
444 			 struct Client *connect, unsigned int type,
445 			 char *comment, time_t create);
446 extern void joinbuf_join(struct JoinBuf *jbuf, struct Channel *chan,
447 			 unsigned int flags);
448 extern int joinbuf_flush(struct JoinBuf *jbuf);
449 extern struct Ban *make_ban(const char *banstr);
450 extern struct Ban *find_ban(struct Client *cptr, struct Ban *banlist);
451 extern int apply_ban(struct Ban **banlist, struct Ban *newban, int free);
452 extern void free_ban(struct Ban *ban);
454 #endif /* INCLUDED_channel_h */