3 * @package    Joomla.Platform
4 *
5 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2020 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
7 */
9defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
12 * Static class to handle loading of libraries.
13 *
14 * @package  Joomla.Platform
15 * @since    1.7.0
16 */
17abstract class JLoader
19	/**
20	 * Container for already imported library paths.
21	 *
22	 * @var    array
23	 * @since  1.7.0
24	 */
25	protected static $classes = array();
27	/**
28	 * Container for already imported library paths.
29	 *
30	 * @var    array
31	 * @since  1.7.0
32	 */
33	protected static $imported = array();
35	/**
36	 * Container for registered library class prefixes and path lookups.
37	 *
38	 * @var    array
39	 * @since  3.0.0
40	 */
41	protected static $prefixes = array();
43	/**
44	 * Holds proxy classes and the class names the proxy.
45	 *
46	 * @var    array
47	 * @since  3.2
48	 */
49	protected static $classAliases = array();
51	/**
52	 * Holds the inverse lookup for proxy classes and the class names the proxy.
53	 *
54	 * @var    array
55	 * @since  3.4
56	 */
57	protected static $classAliasesInverse = array();
59	/**
60	 * Container for namespace => path map.
61	 *
62	 * @var    array
63	 * @since  3.1.4
64	 */
65	protected static $namespaces = array('psr0' => array(), 'psr4' => array());
67	/**
68	 * Holds a reference for all deprecated aliases (mainly for use by a logging platform).
69	 *
70	 * @var    array
71	 * @since  3.6.3
72	 */
73	protected static $deprecatedAliases = array();
75	/**
76	 * Method to discover classes of a given type in a given path.
77	 *
78	 * @param   string   $classPrefix  The class name prefix to use for discovery.
79	 * @param   string   $parentPath   Full path to the parent folder for the classes to discover.
80	 * @param   boolean  $force        True to overwrite the autoload path value for the class if it already exists.
81	 * @param   boolean  $recurse      Recurse through all child directories as well as the parent path.
82	 *
83	 * @return  void
84	 *
85	 * @since   1.7.0
86	 */
87	public static function discover($classPrefix, $parentPath, $force = true, $recurse = false)
88	{
89		try
90		{
91			if ($recurse)
92			{
93				$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
94					new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($parentPath),
95					RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST
96				);
97			}
98			else
99			{
100				$iterator = new DirectoryIterator($parentPath);
101			}
103			/** @type  $file  DirectoryIterator */
104			foreach ($iterator as $file)
105			{
106				$fileName = $file->getFilename();
108				// Only load for php files.
109				if ($file->isFile() && $file->getExtension() === 'php')
110				{
111					// Get the class name and full path for each file.
112					$class = strtolower($classPrefix . preg_replace('#\.php$#', '', $fileName));
114					// Register the class with the autoloader if not already registered or the force flag is set.
115					if ($force || empty(self::$classes[$class]))
116					{
117						self::register($class, $file->getPath() . '/' . $fileName);
118					}
119				}
120			}
121		}
122		catch (UnexpectedValueException $e)
123		{
124			// Exception will be thrown if the path is not a directory. Ignore it.
125		}
126	}
128	/**
129	 * Method to get the list of registered classes and their respective file paths for the autoloader.
130	 *
131	 * @return  array  The array of class => path values for the autoloader.
132	 *
133	 * @since   1.7.0
134	 */
135	public static function getClassList()
136	{
137		return self::$classes;
138	}
140	/**
141	 * Method to get the list of deprecated class aliases.
142	 *
143	 * @return  array  An associative array with deprecated class alias data.
144	 *
145	 * @since   3.6.3
146	 */
147	public static function getDeprecatedAliases()
148	{
149		return self::$deprecatedAliases;
150	}
152	/**
153	 * Method to get the list of registered namespaces.
154	 *
155	 * @param   string  $type  Defines the type of namespace, can be prs0 or psr4.
156	 *
157	 * @return  array  The array of namespace => path values for the autoloader.
158	 *
159	 * @since   3.1.4
160	 */
161	public static function getNamespaces($type = 'psr0')
162	{
163		if ($type !== 'psr0' && $type !== 'psr4')
164		{
165			throw new InvalidArgumentException('Type needs to be prs0 or psr4!');
166		}
168		return self::$namespaces[$type];
169	}
171	/**
172	 * Loads a class from specified directories.
173	 *
174	 * @param   string  $key   The class name to look for (dot notation).
175	 * @param   string  $base  Search this directory for the class.
176	 *
177	 * @return  boolean  True on success.
178	 *
179	 * @since   1.7.0
180	 */
181	public static function import($key, $base = null)
182	{
183		// Only import the library if not already attempted.
184		if (!isset(self::$imported[$key]))
185		{
186			// Setup some variables.
187			$success = false;
188			$parts   = explode('.', $key);
189			$class   = array_pop($parts);
190			$base    = (!empty($base)) ? $base : __DIR__;
191			$path    = str_replace('.', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $key);
193			// Handle special case for helper classes.
194			if ($class === 'helper')
195			{
196				$class = ucfirst(array_pop($parts)) . ucfirst($class);
197			}
198			// Standard class.
199			else
200			{
201				$class = ucfirst($class);
202			}
204			// If we are importing a library from the Joomla namespace set the class to autoload.
205			if (strpos($path, 'joomla') === 0)
206			{
207				// Since we are in the Joomla namespace prepend the classname with J.
208				$class = 'J' . $class;
210				// Only register the class for autoloading if the file exists.
211				if (is_file($base . '/' . $path . '.php'))
212				{
213					self::$classes[strtolower($class)] = $base . '/' . $path . '.php';
214					$success = true;
215				}
216			}
217			/*
218			 * If we are not importing a library from the Joomla namespace directly include the
219			 * file since we cannot assert the file/folder naming conventions.
220			 */
221			else
222			{
223				// If the file exists attempt to include it.
224				if (is_file($base . '/' . $path . '.php'))
225				{
226					$success = (bool) include_once $base . '/' . $path . '.php';
227				}
228			}
230			// Add the import key to the memory cache container.
231			self::$imported[$key] = $success;
232		}
234		return self::$imported[$key];
235	}
237	/**
238	 * Load the file for a class.
239	 *
240	 * @param   string  $class  The class to be loaded.
241	 *
242	 * @return  boolean  True on success
243	 *
244	 * @since   1.7.0
245	 */
246	public static function load($class)
247	{
248		// Sanitize class name.
249		$key = strtolower($class);
251		// If the class already exists do nothing.
252		if (class_exists($class, false))
253		{
254			return true;
255		}
257		// If the class is registered include the file.
258		if (isset(self::$classes[$key]))
259		{
260			$found = (bool) include_once self::$classes[$key];
262			if ($found)
263			{
264				self::loadAliasFor($class);
265			}
267			// If the class doesn't exists, we probably have a class alias available
268			if (!class_exists($class, false))
269			{
270				// Search the alias class, first none namespaced and then namespaced
271				$original = array_search($class, self::$classAliases) ? : array_search('\\' . $class, self::$classAliases);
273				// When we have an original and the class exists an alias should be created
274				if ($original && class_exists($original, false))
275				{
276					class_alias($original, $class);
277				}
278			}
280			return true;
281		}
283		return false;
284	}
286	/**
287	 * Directly register a class to the autoload list.
288	 *
289	 * @param   string   $class  The class name to register.
290	 * @param   string   $path   Full path to the file that holds the class to register.
291	 * @param   boolean  $force  True to overwrite the autoload path value for the class if it already exists.
292	 *
293	 * @return  void
294	 *
295	 * @since   1.7.0
296	 */
297	public static function register($class, $path, $force = true)
298	{
299		// When an alias exists, register it as well
300		if (key_exists(strtolower($class), self::$classAliases))
301		{
302			self::register(self::stripFirstBackslash(self::$classAliases[strtolower($class)]), $path, $force);
303		}
305		// Sanitize class name.
306		$class = strtolower($class);
308		// Only attempt to register the class if the name and file exist.
309		if (!empty($class) && is_file($path))
310		{
311			// Register the class with the autoloader if not already registered or the force flag is set.
312			if ($force || empty(self::$classes[$class]))
313			{
314				self::$classes[$class] = $path;
315			}
316		}
317	}
319	/**
320	 * Register a class prefix with lookup path.  This will allow developers to register library
321	 * packages with different class prefixes to the system autoloader.  More than one lookup path
322	 * may be registered for the same class prefix, but if this method is called with the reset flag
323	 * set to true then any registered lookups for the given prefix will be overwritten with the current
324	 * lookup path. When loaded, prefix paths are searched in a "last in, first out" order.
325	 *
326	 * @param   string   $prefix   The class prefix to register.
327	 * @param   string   $path     Absolute file path to the library root where classes with the given prefix can be found.
328	 * @param   boolean  $reset    True to reset the prefix with only the given lookup path.
329	 * @param   boolean  $prepend  If true, push the path to the beginning of the prefix lookup paths array.
330	 *
331	 * @return  void
332	 *
333	 * @throws  RuntimeException
334	 *
335	 * @since   3.0.0
336	 */
337	public static function registerPrefix($prefix, $path, $reset = false, $prepend = false)
338	{
339		// Verify the library path exists.
340		if (!file_exists($path))
341		{
342			$path = (str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, '', $path) == $path) ? basename($path) : str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, '', $path);
344			throw new RuntimeException('Library path ' . $path . ' cannot be found.', 500);
345		}
347		// If the prefix is not yet registered or we have an explicit reset flag then set set the path.
348		if ($reset || !isset(self::$prefixes[$prefix]))
349		{
350			self::$prefixes[$prefix] = array($path);
351		}
352		// Otherwise we want to simply add the path to the prefix.
353		else
354		{
355			if ($prepend)
356			{
357				array_unshift(self::$prefixes[$prefix], $path);
358			}
359			else
360			{
361				self::$prefixes[$prefix][] = $path;
362			}
363		}
364	}
366	/**
367	 * Offers the ability for "just in time" usage of `class_alias()`.
368	 * You cannot overwrite an existing alias.
369	 *
370	 * @param   string          $alias     The alias name to register.
371	 * @param   string          $original  The original class to alias.
372	 * @param   string|boolean  $version   The version in which the alias will no longer be present.
373	 *
374	 * @return  boolean  True if registration was successful. False if the alias already exists.
375	 *
376	 * @since   3.2
377	 */
378	public static function registerAlias($alias, $original, $version = false)
379	{
380		// PHP is case insensitive so support all kind of alias combination
381		$lowercasedAlias = strtolower($alias);
383		if (!isset(self::$classAliases[$lowercasedAlias]))
384		{
385			self::$classAliases[$lowercasedAlias] = $original;
387			$original = self::stripFirstBackslash($original);
389			if (!isset(self::$classAliasesInverse[$original]))
390			{
391				self::$classAliasesInverse[$original] = array($lowercasedAlias);
392			}
393			else
394			{
395				self::$classAliasesInverse[$original][] = $lowercasedAlias;
396			}
398			// If given a version, log this alias as deprecated
399			if ($version)
400			{
401				self::$deprecatedAliases[] = array('old' => $alias, 'new' => $original, 'version' => $version);
402			}
404			return true;
405		}
407		return false;
408	}
410	/**
411	 * Register a namespace to the autoloader. When loaded, namespace paths are searched in a "last in, first out" order.
412	 *
413	 * @param   string   $namespace  A case sensitive Namespace to register.
414	 * @param   string   $path       A case sensitive absolute file path to the library root where classes of the given namespace can be found.
415	 * @param   boolean  $reset      True to reset the namespace with only the given lookup path.
416	 * @param   boolean  $prepend    If true, push the path to the beginning of the namespace lookup paths array.
417	 * @param   string   $type       Defines the type of namespace, can be prs0 or psr4.
418	 *
419	 * @return  void
420	 *
421	 * @throws  RuntimeException
422	 *
423	 * @note    The default argument of $type will be changed in J4 to be 'psr4'
424	 * @since   3.1.4
425	 */
426	public static function registerNamespace($namespace, $path, $reset = false, $prepend = false, $type = 'psr0')
427	{
428		if ($type !== 'psr0' && $type !== 'psr4')
429		{
430			throw new InvalidArgumentException('Type needs to be prs0 or psr4!');
431		}
433		// Verify the library path exists.
434		if (!file_exists($path))
435		{
436			$path = (str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, '', $path) == $path) ? basename($path) : str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, '', $path);
438			throw new RuntimeException('Library path ' . $path . ' cannot be found.', 500);
439		}
441		// Trim leading and trailing backslashes from namespace, allowing "\Parent\Child", "Parent\Child\" and "\Parent\Child\" to be treated the same way.
442		$namespace = trim($namespace, '\\');
444		// If the namespace is not yet registered or we have an explicit reset flag then set the path.
445		if ($reset || !isset(self::$namespaces[$type][$namespace]))
446		{
447			self::$namespaces[$type][$namespace] = array($path);
448		}
450		// Otherwise we want to simply add the path to the namespace.
451		else
452		{
453			if ($prepend)
454			{
455				array_unshift(self::$namespaces[$type][$namespace], $path);
456			}
457			else
458			{
459				self::$namespaces[$type][$namespace][] = $path;
460			}
461		}
462	}
464	/**
465	 * Method to setup the autoloaders for the Joomla Platform.
466	 * Since the SPL autoloaders are called in a queue we will add our explicit
467	 * class-registration based loader first, then fall back on the autoloader based on conventions.
468	 * This will allow people to register a class in a specific location and override platform libraries
469	 * as was previously possible.
470	 *
471	 * @param   boolean  $enablePsr       True to enable autoloading based on PSR-0.
472	 * @param   boolean  $enablePrefixes  True to enable prefix based class loading (needed to auto load the Joomla core).
473	 * @param   boolean  $enableClasses   True to enable class map based class loading (needed to auto load the Joomla core).
474	 *
475	 * @return  void
476	 *
477	 * @since   3.1.4
478	 */
479	public static function setup($enablePsr = true, $enablePrefixes = true, $enableClasses = true)
480	{
481		if ($enableClasses)
482		{
483			// Register the class map based autoloader.
484			spl_autoload_register(array('JLoader', 'load'));
485		}
487		if ($enablePrefixes)
488		{
489			// Register the J prefix and base path for Joomla platform libraries.
490			self::registerPrefix('J', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/joomla');
492			// Register the prefix autoloader.
493			spl_autoload_register(array('JLoader', '_autoload'));
494		}
496		if ($enablePsr)
497		{
498			// Register the PSR based autoloader.
499			spl_autoload_register(array('JLoader', 'loadByPsr0'));
500			spl_autoload_register(array('JLoader', 'loadByPsr4'));
501			spl_autoload_register(array('JLoader', 'loadByAlias'));
502		}
503	}
505	/**
506	 * Method to autoload classes that are namespaced to the PSR-4 standard.
507	 *
508	 * @param   string  $class  The fully qualified class name to autoload.
509	 *
510	 * @return  boolean  True on success, false otherwise.
511	 *
512	 * @since   3.7.0
513	 */
514	public static function loadByPsr4($class)
515	{
516		$class = self::stripFirstBackslash($class);
518		// Find the location of the last NS separator.
519		$pos = strrpos($class, '\\');
521		// If one is found, we're dealing with a NS'd class.
522		if ($pos !== false)
523		{
524			$classPath = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($class, 0, $pos)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
525			$className = substr($class, $pos + 1);
526		}
527		// If not, no need to parse path.
528		else
529		{
530			$classPath = null;
531			$className = $class;
532		}
534		$classPath .= $className . '.php';
536		// Loop through registered namespaces until we find a match.
537		foreach (self::$namespaces['psr4'] as $ns => $paths)
538		{
539			if (strpos($class, "{$ns}\\") === 0)
540			{
541				$nsPath = trim(str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ns), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
543				// Loop through paths registered to this namespace until we find a match.
544				foreach ($paths as $path)
545				{
546					$classFilePath = realpath($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr_replace($classPath, '', 0, strlen($nsPath) + 1));
548					// We do not allow files outside the namespace root to be loaded
549					if (strpos($classFilePath, realpath($path)) !== 0)
550					{
551						continue;
552					}
554					// We check for class_exists to handle case-sensitive file systems
555					if (file_exists($classFilePath) && !class_exists($class, false))
556					{
557						$found = (bool) include_once $classFilePath;
559						if ($found)
560						{
561							self::loadAliasFor($class);
562						}
564						return $found;
565					}
566				}
567			}
568		}
570		return false;
571	}
573	/**
574	 * Method to autoload classes that are namespaced to the PSR-0 standard.
575	 *
576	 * @param   string  $class  The fully qualified class name to autoload.
577	 *
578	 * @return  boolean  True on success, false otherwise.
579	 *
580	 * @since   3.2.0
581	 *
582	 * @deprecated 4.0 this method will be removed
583	 */
584	public static function loadByPsr0($class)
585	{
586		$class = self::stripFirstBackslash($class);
588		// Find the location of the last NS separator.
589		$pos = strrpos($class, '\\');
591		// If one is found, we're dealing with a NS'd class.
592		if ($pos !== false)
593		{
594			$classPath = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($class, 0, $pos)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
595			$className = substr($class, $pos + 1);
596		}
597		// If not, no need to parse path.
598		else
599		{
600			$classPath = null;
601			$className = $class;
602		}
604		$classPath .= str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className) . '.php';
606		// Loop through registered namespaces until we find a match.
607		foreach (self::$namespaces['psr0'] as $ns => $paths)
608		{
609			if (strpos($class, $ns) === 0)
610			{
611				// Loop through paths registered to this namespace until we find a match.
612				foreach ($paths as $path)
613				{
614					$classFilePath = realpath($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $classPath);
616					// We do not allow files outside the namespace root to be loaded
617					if (strpos($classFilePath, realpath($path)) !== 0)
618					{
619						continue;
620					}
622					// We check for class_exists to handle case-sensitive file systems
623					if (file_exists($classFilePath) && !class_exists($class, false))
624					{
625						$found = (bool) include_once $classFilePath;
627						if ($found)
628						{
629							self::loadAliasFor($class);
630						}
632						return $found;
633					}
634				}
635			}
636		}
638		return false;
639	}
641	/**
642	 * Method to autoload classes that have been aliased using the registerAlias method.
643	 *
644	 * @param   string  $class  The fully qualified class name to autoload.
645	 *
646	 * @return  boolean  True on success, false otherwise.
647	 *
648	 * @since   3.2
649	 */
650	public static function loadByAlias($class)
651	{
652		$class = strtolower(self::stripFirstBackslash($class));
654		if (isset(self::$classAliases[$class]))
655		{
656			// Force auto-load of the regular class
657			class_exists(self::$classAliases[$class], true);
659			// Normally this shouldn't execute as the autoloader will execute applyAliasFor when the regular class is
660			// auto-loaded above.
661			if (!class_exists($class, false) && !interface_exists($class, false))
662			{
663				class_alias(self::$classAliases[$class], $class);
664			}
665		}
666	}
668	/**
669	 * Applies a class alias for an already loaded class, if a class alias was created for it.
670	 *
671	 * @param   string  $class  We'll look for and register aliases for this (real) class name
672	 *
673	 * @return  void
674	 *
675	 * @since   3.4
676	 */
677	public static function applyAliasFor($class)
678	{
679		$class = self::stripFirstBackslash($class);
681		if (isset(self::$classAliasesInverse[$class]))
682		{
683			foreach (self::$classAliasesInverse[$class] as $alias)
684			{
685				class_alias($class, $alias);
686			}
687		}
688	}
690	/**
691	 * Autoload a class based on name.
692	 *
693	 * @param   string  $class  The class to be loaded.
694	 *
695	 * @return  boolean  True if the class was loaded, false otherwise.
696	 *
697	 * @since   1.7.3
698	 */
699	public static function _autoload($class)
700	{
701		foreach (self::$prefixes as $prefix => $lookup)
702		{
703			$chr = strlen($prefix) < strlen($class) ? $class[strlen($prefix)] : 0;
705			if (strpos($class, $prefix) === 0 && ($chr === strtoupper($chr)))
706			{
707				return self::_load(substr($class, strlen($prefix)), $lookup);
708			}
709		}
711		return false;
712	}
714	/**
715	 * Load a class based on name and lookup array.
716	 *
717	 * @param   string  $class   The class to be loaded (without prefix).
718	 * @param   array   $lookup  The array of base paths to use for finding the class file.
719	 *
720	 * @return  boolean  True if the class was loaded, false otherwise.
721	 *
722	 * @since   3.0.0
723	 */
724	private static function _load($class, $lookup)
725	{
726		// Split the class name into parts separated by camelCase.
727		$parts = preg_split('/(?<=[a-z0-9])(?=[A-Z])/x', $class);
728		$partsCount = count($parts);
730		foreach ($lookup as $base)
731		{
732			// Generate the path based on the class name parts.
733			$path = realpath($base . '/' . implode('/', array_map('strtolower', $parts)) . '.php');
735			// Load the file if it exists and is in the lookup path.
736			if (strpos($path, realpath($base)) === 0 && file_exists($path))
737			{
738				$found = (bool) include_once $path;
740				if ($found)
741				{
742					self::loadAliasFor($class);
743				}
745				return $found;
746			}
748			// Backwards compatibility patch
750			// If there is only one part we want to duplicate that part for generating the path.
751			if ($partsCount === 1)
752			{
753				// Generate the path based on the class name parts.
754				$path = realpath($base . '/' . implode('/', array_map('strtolower', array($parts[0], $parts[0]))) . '.php');
756				// Load the file if it exists and is in the lookup path.
757				if (strpos($path, realpath($base)) === 0 && file_exists($path))
758				{
759					$found = (bool) include_once $path;
761					if ($found)
762					{
763						self::loadAliasFor($class);
764					}
766					return $found;
767				}
768			}
769		}
771		return false;
772	}
774	/**
775	 * Loads the aliases for the given class.
776	 *
777	 * @param   string  $class  The class.
778	 *
779	 * @return  void
780	 *
781	 * @since   3.8.0
782	 */
783	private static function loadAliasFor($class)
784	{
785		if (!key_exists($class, self::$classAliasesInverse))
786		{
787			return;
788		}
790		foreach (self::$classAliasesInverse[$class] as $alias)
791		{
792			// Force auto-load of the alias class
793			class_exists($alias, true);
794		}
795	}
797	/**
798	 * Strips the first backslash from the given class if present.
799	 *
800	 * @param   string  $class  The class to strip the first prefix from.
801	 *
802	 * @return  string  The striped class name.
803	 *
804	 * @since   3.8.0
805	 */
806	private static function stripFirstBackslash($class)
807	{
808		return $class && $class[0] === '\\' ? substr($class, 1) : $class;
809	}
812// Check if jexit is defined first (our unit tests mock this)
813if (!function_exists('jexit'))
815	/**
816	 * Global application exit.
817	 *
818	 * This function provides a single exit point for the platform.
819	 *
820	 * @param   mixed  $message  Exit code or string. Defaults to zero.
821	 *
822	 * @return  void
823	 *
824	 * @codeCoverageIgnore
825	 * @since   1.7.0
826	 */
827	function jexit($message = 0)
828	{
829		exit($message);
830	}
834 * Intelligent file importer.
835 *
836 * @param   string  $path  A dot syntax path.
837 * @param   string  $base  Search this directory for the class.
838 *
839 * @return  boolean  True on success.
840 *
841 * @since   1.7.0
842 */
843function jimport($path, $base = null)
845	return JLoader::import($path, $base);