1 /*************************************************************************************************
2  * C language binding
3  *                                                      Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Mikio Hirabayashi
4  * This file is part of Kyoto Cabinet.
5  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
6  * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
7  * 3 of the License, or any later version.
8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9  * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
10  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
11  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
12  * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
13  *************************************************************************************************/
16 #ifndef _KCLANGC_H                       /* duplication check */
17 #define _KCLANGC_H
19 #if defined(__cplusplus)
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif
23 #if !defined(__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS)
24 #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS  1           /**< enable limit macros for C++ */
25 #endif
27 #include <assert.h>
28 #include <ctype.h>
29 #include <errno.h>
30 #include <float.h>
31 #include <limits.h>
32 #include <locale.h>
33 #include <math.h>
34 #include <setjmp.h>
35 #include <stdarg.h>
36 #include <stddef.h>
37 #include <stdio.h>
38 #include <stdlib.h>
39 #include <signal.h>
40 #include <string.h>
41 #include <time.h>
42 #include <stdint.h>
45 /**
46  * C wrapper of polymorphic database.
47  */
48 typedef struct {
49   void* db;                              /**< dummy member */
50 } KCDB;
53 /**
54  * C wrapper of polymorphic cursor.
55  */
56 typedef struct {
57   void* cur;                             /**< dummy member */
58 } KCCUR;
61 /**
62  * Binary string of byte array.
63  */
64 typedef struct {
65   char* buf;                             /**< pointer to the data region */
66   size_t size;                           /**< size of the data region */
67 } KCSTR;
70 /**
71  * Key-Value record.
72  */
73 typedef struct {
74   KCSTR key;                             /**< key string */
75   KCSTR value;                           /**< value string */
76 } KCREC;
79 /**
80  * Error codes.
81  */
82 enum {
83   KCESUCCESS,                            /**< success */
84   KCENOIMPL,                             /**< not implemented */
85   KCEINVALID,                            /**< invalid operation */
86   KCENOREPOS,                            /**< no repository */
87   KCENOPERM,                             /**< no permission */
88   KCEBROKEN,                             /**< broken file */
89   KCEDUPREC,                             /**< record duplication */
90   KCENOREC,                              /**< no record */
91   KCELOGIC,                              /**< logical inconsistency */
92   KCESYSTEM,                             /**< system error */
93   KCEMISC = 15                           /**< miscellaneous error */
94 };
97 /**
98  * Open modes.
99  */
100 enum {
101   KCOREADER = 1 << 0,                    /**< open as a reader */
102   KCOWRITER = 1 << 1,                    /**< open as a writer */
103   KCOCREATE = 1 << 2,                    /**< writer creating */
104   KCOTRUNCATE = 1 << 3,                  /**< writer truncating */
105   KCOAUTOTRAN = 1 << 4,                  /**< auto transaction */
106   KCOAUTOSYNC = 1 << 5,                  /**< auto synchronization */
107   KCONOLOCK = 1 << 6,                    /**< open without locking */
108   KCOTRYLOCK = 1 << 7,                   /**< lock without blocking */
109   KCONOREPAIR = 1 << 8                   /**< open without auto repair */
110 };
113 /**
114  * Merge modes.
115  */
116 enum {
117   KCMSET,                                /**< overwrite the existing value */
118   KCMADD,                                /**< keep the existing value */
119   KCMREPLACE,                            /**< modify the existing record only */
120   KCMAPPEND                              /**< append the new value */
121 };
124 /** The package version. */
125 extern const char* const KCVERSION;
128 /** Special pointer for no operation by the visiting function. */
129 extern const char* const KCVISNOP;
132 /** Special pointer to remove the record by the visiting function. */
133 extern const char* const KCVISREMOVE;
136 /**
137  * Call back function to visit a full record.
138  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
139  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
140  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
141  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
142  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
143  * value is assigned.
144  * @param opq an opaque pointer.
145  * @return If it is the pointer to a region, the value is replaced by the content.  If it
146  * is KCVISNOP, nothing is modified.  If it is KCVISREMOVE, the record is removed.
147  */
148 typedef const char* (*KCVISITFULL)(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz,
149                                    const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz, size_t* sp, void* opq);
152 /**
153  * Call back function to visit an empty record.
154  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
155  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
156  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
157  * value is assigned.
158  * @param opq an opaque pointer.
159  * @return If it is the pointer to a region, the value is replaced by the content.  If it
160  * is KCVISNOP or KCVISREMOVE, nothing is modified.
161  */
162 typedef const char* (*KCVISITEMPTY)(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t* sp, void* opq);
165 /**
166  * Call back function to process the database file.
167  * @param path the path of the database file.
168  * @param count the number of records.
169  * @param size the size of the available region.
170  * @param opq an opaque pointer.
171  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
172  */
173 typedef int32_t (*KCFILEPROC)(const char* path, int64_t count, int64_t size, void* opq);
176 /**
177  * Allocate a region on memory.
178  * @param size the size of the region.
179  * @return the pointer to the allocated region.  The region of the return value should be
180  * released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
181  */
182 void* kcmalloc(size_t size);
185 /**
186  * Release a region allocated in the library.
187  * @param ptr the pointer to the region.
188  */
189 void kcfree(void* ptr);
192 /**
193  * Get the time of day in seconds.
194  * @return the time of day in seconds.  The accuracy is in microseconds.
195  */
196 double kctime(void);
199 /**
200  * Convert a string to an integer.
201  * @param str specifies the string.
202  * @return the integer.  If the string does not contain numeric expression, 0 is returned.
203  */
204 int64_t kcatoi(const char* str);
207 /**
208  * Convert a string with a metric prefix to an integer.
209  * @param str the string, which can be trailed by a binary metric prefix.  "K", "M", "G", "T",
210  * "P", and "E" are supported.  They are case-insensitive.
211  * @return the integer.  If the string does not contain numeric expression, 0 is returned.  If
212  * the integer overflows the domain, INT64_MAX or INT64_MIN is returned according to the
213  * sign.
214  */
215 int64_t kcatoix(const char* str);
218 /**
219  * Convert a string to a real number.
220  * @param str specifies the string.
221  * @return the real number.  If the string does not contain numeric expression, 0.0 is
222  * returned.
223  */
224 double kcatof(const char* str);
227 /**
228  * Get the hash value by MurMur hashing.
229  * @param buf the source buffer.
230  * @param size the size of the source buffer.
231  * @return the hash value.
232  */
233 uint64_t kchashmurmur(const void* buf, size_t size);
236 /**
237  * Get the hash value by FNV hashing.
238  * @param buf the source buffer.
239  * @param size the size of the source buffer.
240  * @return the hash value.
241  */
242 uint64_t kchashfnv(const void* buf, size_t size);
245 /**
246  * Calculate the levenshtein distance of two regions.
247  * @param abuf the pointer to the region of one buffer.
248  * @param asiz the size of the region of one buffer.
249  * @param bbuf the pointer to the region of the other buffer.
250  * @param bsiz the size of the region of the other buffer.
251  * @param utf flag to treat keys as UTF-8 strings.
252  * @return the levenshtein distance of two regions.
253  */
254 size_t kclevdist(const void* abuf, size_t asiz, const void* bbuf, size_t bsiz, int32_t utf);
257 /**
258  * Get the quiet Not-a-Number value.
259  * @return the quiet Not-a-Number value.
260  */
261 double kcnan();
264 /**
265  * Get the positive infinity value.
266  * @return the positive infinity value.
267  */
268 double kcinf();
271 /**
272  * Check a number is a Not-a-Number value.
273  * @return true for the number is a Not-a-Number value, or false if not.
274  */
275 int32_t kcchknan(double num);
278 /**
279  * Check a number is an infinity value.
280  * @return true for the number is an infinity value, or false if not.
281  */
282 int32_t kcchkinf(double num);
285 /**
286  * Get the readable string of an error code.
287  * @param code the error code.
288  * @return the readable string of the error code.
289  */
290 const char* kcecodename(int32_t code);
293 /**
294  * Create a polymorphic database object.
295  * @return the created database object.
296  * @note The object of the return value should be released with the kcdbdel function when it is
297  * no longer in use.
298  */
299 KCDB* kcdbnew(void);
302 /**
303  * Destroy a database object.
304  * @param db the database object.
305  */
306 void kcdbdel(KCDB* db);
309 /**
310  * Open a database file.
311  * @param db a database object.
312  * @param path the path of a database file.  If it is "-", the database will be a prototype
313  * hash database.  If it is "+", the database will be a prototype tree database.  If it is ":",
314  * the database will be a stash database.  If it is "*", the database will be a cache hash
315  * database.  If it is "%", the database will be a cache tree database.  If its suffix is
316  * ".kch", the database will be a file hash database.  If its suffix is ".kct", the database
317  * will be a file tree database.  If its suffix is ".kcd", the database will be a directory
318  * hash database.  If its suffix is ".kcf", the database will be a directory tree database.
319  * If its suffix is ".kcx", the database will be a plain text database.  Otherwise, this
320  * function fails.  Tuning parameters can trail the name, separated by "#".  Each parameter is
321  * composed of the name and the value, separated by "=".  If the "type" parameter is specified,
322  * the database type is determined by the value in "-", "+", ":", "*", "%", "kch", "kct",
323  * "kcd", kcf", and "kcx".  All database types support the logging parameters of "log",
324  * "logkinds", and "logpx".  The prototype hash database and the prototype tree database do
325  * not support any other tuning parameter.  The stash database supports "bnum".  The cache
326  * hash database supports "opts", "bnum", "zcomp", "capcnt", "capsiz", and "zkey".  The cache
327  * tree database supports all parameters of the cache hash database except for capacity
328  * limitation, and supports "psiz", "rcomp", "pccap" in addition.  The file hash database
329  * supports "apow", "fpow", "opts", "bnum", "msiz", "dfunit", "zcomp", and "zkey".  The file
330  * tree database supports all parameters of the file hash database and "psiz", "rcomp",
331  * "pccap" in addition.  The directory hash database supports "opts", "zcomp", and "zkey".
332  * The directory tree database supports all parameters of the directory hash database and
333  * "psiz", "rcomp", "pccap" in addition.  The plain text database does not support any other
334  * tuning parameter.
335  * @param mode the connection mode.  KCOWRITER as a writer, KCOREADER as a reader.
336  * The following may be added to the writer mode by bitwise-or: KCOCREATE, which means
337  * it creates a new database if the file does not exist, KCOTRUNCATE, which means it
338  * creates a new database regardless if the file exists, KCOAUTOTRAN, which means each
339  * updating operation is performed in implicit transaction, KCOAUTOSYNC, which means
340  * each updating operation is followed by implicit synchronization with the file system.  The
341  * following may be added to both of the reader mode and the writer mode by bitwise-or:
342  * KCONOLOCK, which means it opens the database file without file locking,
343  * KCOTRYLOCK, which means locking is performed without blocking, KCONOREPAIR, which
344  * means the database file is not repaired implicitly even if file destruction is detected.
345  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
346  * @note The tuning parameter "log" is for the original "tune_logger" and the value specifies
347  * the path of the log file, or "-" for the standard output, or "+" for the standard error.
348  * "logkinds" specifies kinds of logged messages and the value can be "debug", "info", "warn",
349  * or "error".  "logpx" specifies the prefix of each log message.  "opts" is for "tune_options"
350  * and the value can contain "s" for the small option, "l" for the linear option, and "c" for
351  * the compress option.  "bnum" corresponds to "tune_bucket".  "zcomp" is for "tune_compressor"
352  * and the value can be "zlib" for the ZLIB raw compressor, "def" for the ZLIB deflate
353  * compressor, "gz" for the ZLIB gzip compressor, "lzo" for the LZO compressor, "lzma" for the
354  * LZMA compressor, or "arc" for the Arcfour cipher.  "zkey" specifies the cipher key of the
355  * compressor.  "capcount" is for "cap_count".  "capsize" is for "cap_size".  "psiz" is for
356  * "tune_page".  "rcomp" is for "tune_comparator" and the value can be "lex" for the lexical
357  * comparator or "dec" for the decimal comparator.  "pccap" is for "tune_page_cache".  "apow"
358  * is for "tune_alignment".  "fpow" is for "tune_fbp".  "msiz" is for "tune_map".  "dfunit" is
359  * for "tune_defrag".  Every opened database must be closed by the kcdbclose method when it is
360  * no longer in use.  It is not allowed for two or more database objects in the same process to
361  * keep their connections to the same database file at the same time.
362  */
363 int32_t kcdbopen(KCDB* db, const char* path, uint32_t mode);
366 /**
367  * Close the database file.
368  * @param db a database object.
369  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
370  */
371 int32_t kcdbclose(KCDB* db);
374 /**
375  * Get the code of the last happened error.
376  * @param db a database object.
377  * @return the code of the last happened error.
378  */
379 int32_t kcdbecode(KCDB* db);
382 /**
383  * Get the supplement message of the last happened error.
384  * @param db a database object.
385  * @return the supplement message of the last happened error.
386  */
387 const char* kcdbemsg(KCDB* db);
390 /**
391  * Accept a visitor to a record.
392  * @param db a database object.
393  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
394  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
395  * @param fullproc a call back function to visit a record.
396  * @param emptyproc a call back function to visit an empty record space.
397  * @param opq an opaque pointer to be given to the call back functions.
398  * @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
399  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
400  * @note The operation for each record is performed atomically and other threads accessing the
401  * same record are blocked.  To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be
402  * performed in this function.
403  */
404 int32_t kcdbaccept(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz,
405                    KCVISITFULL fullproc, KCVISITEMPTY emptyproc, void* opq, int32_t writable);
408 /**
409  * Accept a visitor to multiple records at once.
410  * @param db a database object.
411  * @param keys specifies an array of binary strings of the keys.
412  * @param knum specifies the number of the keys.
413  * @param fullproc a call back function to visit a record.
414  * @param emptyproc a call back function to visit an empty record space.
415  * @param opq an opaque pointer to be given to the call back functions.
416  * @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
417  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
418  * @note The operations for specified records are performed atomically and other threads
419  * accessing the same records are blocked.  To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation
420  * must not be performed in this function.
421  */
422 int32_t kcdbacceptbulk(KCDB* db, const KCSTR* keys, size_t knum,
423                        KCVISITFULL fullproc, KCVISITEMPTY emptyproc,
424                        void* opq, int32_t writable);
427 /**
428  * Iterate to accept a visitor for each record.
429  * @param db a database object.
430  * @param fullproc a call back function to visit a record.
431  * @param opq an opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
432  * @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
433  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
434  * @note The whole iteration is performed atomically and other threads are blocked.  To avoid
435  * deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
436  */
437 int32_t kcdbiterate(KCDB* db, KCVISITFULL fullproc, void* opq, int32_t writable);
440 /**
441  * Scan each record in parallel.
442  * @param db a database object.
443  * @param fullproc a call back function to visit a record.
444  * @param opq an opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
445  * @param thnum the number of worker threads.
446  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
447  * @note This function is for reading records and not for updating ones.  The return value of
448  * the visitor is just ignored.  To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
449  * be performed in this function.
450  */
451 int32_t kcdbscanpara(KCDB* db, KCVISITFULL fullproc, void* opq, size_t thnum);
454 /**
455  * Set the value of a record.
456  * @param db a database object.
457  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
458  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
459  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
460  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
461  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
462  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
463  * record exists, the value is overwritten.
464  */
465 int32_t kcdbset(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
468 /**
469  * Add a record.
470  * @param db a database object.
471  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
472  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
473  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
474  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
475  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
476  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
477  * record exists, the record is not modified and false is returned.
478  */
479 int32_t kcdbadd(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
482 /**
483  * Replace the value of a record.
484  * @param db a database object.
485  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
486  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
487  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
488  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
489  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
490  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, no new record is created and false is returned.
491  * If the corresponding record exists, the value is modified.
492  */
493 int32_t kcdbreplace(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
496 /**
497  * Append the value of a record.
498  * @param db a database object.
499  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
500  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
501  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
502  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
503  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
504  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
505  * record exists, the given value is appended at the end of the existing value.
506  */
507 int32_t kcdbappend(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
510 /**
511  * Add a number to the numeric value of a record.
512  * @param db a database object.
513  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
514  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
515  * @param num the additional number.
516  * @param orig the origin number if no record corresponds to the key.  If it is INT64_MIN and
517  * no record corresponds, this function fails.  If it is INT64_MAX, the value is set as the
518  * additional number regardless of the current value.
519  * @return the result value, or INT64_MIN on failure.
520  * @note The value is serialized as an 8-byte binary integer in big-endian order, not a decimal
521  * string.  If existing value is not 8-byte, this function fails.
522  */
523 int64_t kcdbincrint(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, int64_t num, int64_t orig);
526 /**
527  * Add a number to the numeric value of a record.
528  * @param db a database object.
529  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
530  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
531  * @param num the additional number.
532  * @param orig the origin number if no record corresponds to the key.  If it is negative
533  * infinity and no record corresponds, this function fails.  If it is positive infinity, the
534  * value is set as the additional number regardless of the current value.
535  * @return the result value, or Not-a-number on failure.
536  * @note The value is serialized as an 16-byte binary fixed-point number in big-endian order,
537  * not a decimal string.  If existing value is not 16-byte, this function fails.
538  */
539 double kcdbincrdouble(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, double num, double orig);
542 /**
543  * Perform compare-and-swap.
544  * @param db a database object.
545  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
546  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
547  * @param ovbuf the pointer to the old value region.  NULL means that no record corresponds.
548  * @param ovsiz the size of the old value region.
549  * @param nvbuf the pointer to the new value region.  NULL means that the record is removed.
550  * @param nvsiz the size of new old value region.
551  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
552  */
553 int32_t kcdbcas(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz,
554                 const char* ovbuf, size_t ovsiz, const char* nvbuf, size_t nvsiz);
557 /**
558  * Remove a record.
559  * @param db a database object.
560  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
561  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
562  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
563  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, false is returned.
564  */
565 int32_t kcdbremove(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz);
568 /**
569  * Retrieve the value of a record.
570  * @param db a database object.
571  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
572  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
573  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
574  * value is assigned.
575  * @return the pointer to the value region of the corresponding record, or NULL on failure.
576  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, NULL is returned.  Because an additional zero
577  * code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be
578  * treated as a C-style string.  The region of the return value should be released with the
579  * kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
580  */
581 char* kcdbget(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t* sp);
584 /**
585  * Check the existence of a record.
586  * @param db a database object.
587  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
588  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
589  * @return the size of the value, or -1 on failure.
590  */
591 int32_t kcdbcheck(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz);
594 /**
595  * Retrieve the value of a record.
596  * @param db a database object.
597  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
598  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
599  * @param vbuf the pointer to the buffer into which the value of the corresponding record is
600  * written.
601  * @param max the size of the buffer.
602  * @return the size of the value, or -1 on failure.
603  */
604 int32_t kcdbgetbuf(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, char* vbuf, size_t max);
607 /**
608  * Retrieve the value of a record and remove it atomically.
609  * @param db a database object.
610  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
611  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
612  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
613  * value is assigned.
614  * @return the pointer to the value region of the corresponding record, or NULL on failure.
615  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, NULL is returned.  Because an additional zero
616  * code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be
617  * treated as a C-style string.  The region of the return value should be released with the
618  * kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
619  */
620 char* kcdbseize(KCDB* db, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t* sp);
623 /**
624  * Store records at once.
625  * @param db a database object.
626  * @param recs the records to store.
627  * @param rnum specifies the number of the records.
628  * @param atomic true to perform all operations atomically, or false for non-atomic operations.
629  * @return the number of stored records, or -1 on failure.
630  */
631 int64_t kcdbsetbulk(KCDB* db, const KCREC* recs, size_t rnum, int32_t atomic);
634 /**
635  * Remove records at once.
636  * @param db a database object.
637  * @param keys the keys of the records to remove.
638  * @param knum specifies the number of the keys.
639  * @param atomic true to perform all operations atomically, or false for non-atomic operations.
640  * @return the number of removed records, or -1 on failure.
641  */
642 int64_t kcdbremovebulk(KCDB* db, const KCSTR* keys, size_t knum, int32_t atomic);
645 /**
646  * Retrieve records at once.
647  * @param db a database object.
648  * @param keys the keys of the records to retrieve.
649  * @param knum specifies the number of the keys.
650  * @param recs an array to contain the result.  Its size must be sufficient.
651  * @param atomic true to perform all operations atomically, or false for non-atomic operations.
652  * @return the number of retrieved records, or -1 on failure.
653  * @note The regions of the key and the value of each element of the result should be released
654  * with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
655  */
656 int64_t kcdbgetbulk(KCDB* db, const KCSTR* keys, size_t knum, KCREC* recs, int32_t atomic);
659 /**
660  * Synchronize updated contents with the file and the device.
661  * @param db a database object.
662  * @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
663  * synchronization with the file system.
664  * @param proc a postprocessor call back function.  If it is NULL, no postprocessing is
665  * performed.
666  * @param opq an opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
667  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
668  * @note The operation of the postprocessor is performed atomically and other threads accessing
669  * the same record are blocked.  To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
670  * be performed in this function.
671  */
672 int32_t kcdbsync(KCDB* db, int32_t hard, KCFILEPROC proc, void* opq);
675 /**
676  * Occupy database by locking and do something meanwhile.
677  * @param db a database object.
678  * @param writable true to use writer lock, or false to use reader lock.
679  * @param proc a processor object.  If it is NULL, no processing is performed.
680  * @param opq an opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
681  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
682  * @note The operation of the processor is performed atomically and other threads accessing
683  * the same record are blocked.  To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
684  * be performed in this function.
685  */
686 int32_t kcdboccupy(KCDB* db, int32_t writable, KCFILEPROC proc, void* opq);
689 /**
690  * Create a copy of the database file.
691  * @param db a database object.
692  * @param dest the path of the destination file.
693  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
694  */
695 int32_t kcdbcopy(KCDB* db, const char* dest);
698 /**
699  * Begin transaction.
700  * @param db a database object.
701  * @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
702  * synchronization with the file system.
703  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
704  */
705 int32_t kcdbbegintran(KCDB* db, int32_t hard);
708 /**
709  * Try to begin transaction.
710  * @param db a database object.
711  * @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
712  * synchronization with the file system.
713  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
714  */
715 int32_t kcdbbegintrantry(KCDB* db, int32_t hard);
718 /**
719  * End transaction.
720  * @param db a database object.
721  * @param commit true to commit the transaction, or false to abort the transaction.
722  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
723  */
724 int32_t kcdbendtran(KCDB* db, int32_t commit);
727 /**
728  * Remove all records.
729  * @param db a database object.
730  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
731  */
732 int32_t kcdbclear(KCDB* db);
735 /**
736  * Dump records into a file.
737  * @param db a database object.
738  * @param dest the path of the destination file.
739  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
740  */
741 int32_t kcdbdumpsnap(KCDB* db, const char* dest);
744 /**
745  * Load records from a file.
746  * @param db a database object.
747  * @param src the path of the source file.
748  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
749  */
750 int32_t kcdbloadsnap(KCDB* db, const char* src);
753 /**
754  * Get the number of records.
755  * @param db a database object.
756  * @return the number of records, or -1 on failure.
757  */
758 int64_t kcdbcount(KCDB* db);
761 /**
762  * Get the size of the database file.
763  * @param db a database object.
764  * @return the size of the database file in bytes, or -1 on failure.
765  */
766 int64_t kcdbsize(KCDB* db);
769 /**
770  * Get the path of the database file.
771  * @param db a database object.
772  * @return the path of the database file, or an empty string on failure.
773  * @note The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is
774  * no longer in use.
775  */
776 char* kcdbpath(KCDB* db);
779 /**
780  * Get the miscellaneous status information.
781  * @param db a database object.
782  * @return the result string of tab saparated values, or NULL on failure.  Each line consists of
783  * the attribute name and its value separated by a tab character.
784  * @note The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is
785  * no longer in use.
786  */
787 char* kcdbstatus(KCDB* db);
790 /**
791  * Get keys matching a prefix string.
792  * @param db a database object.
793  * @param prefix the prefix string.
794  * @param strary an array to contain the result.  Its size must be sufficient.
795  * @param max the maximum number to retrieve.
796  * @return the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
797  * @note The region of each element of the result should be released with the kcfree function
798  * when it is no longer in use.
799  */
800 int64_t kcdbmatchprefix(KCDB* db, const char* prefix, char** strary, size_t max);
803 /**
804  * Get keys matching a regular expression string.
805  * @param db a database object.
806  * @param regex the regular expression string.
807  * @param strary an array to contain the result.  Its size must be sufficient.
808  * @param max the maximum number to retrieve.
809  * @return the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
810  * @note The region of each element of the result should be released with the kcfree function
811  * when it is no longer in use.
812  */
813 int64_t kcdbmatchregex(KCDB* db, const char* regex, char** strary, size_t max);
816 /**
817  * Get keys similar to a string in terms of the levenshtein distance.
818  * @param db a database object.
819  * @param origin the origin string.
820  * @param range the maximum distance of keys to adopt.
821  * @param utf flag to treat keys as UTF-8 strings.
822  * @param strary an array to contain the result.  Its size must be sufficient.
823  * @param max the maximum number to retrieve.
824  * @return the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
825  * @note The region of each element of the result should be released with the kcfree function
826  * when it is no longer in use.
827  */
828 int64_t kcdbmatchsimilar(KCDB* db, const char* origin, uint32_t range, int32_t utf,
829                          char** strary, size_t max);
832 /**
833  * Merge records from other databases.
834  * @param db a database object.
835  * @param srcary an array of the source detabase objects.
836  * @param srcnum the number of the elements of the source array.
837  * @param mode the merge mode.  KCMSET to overwrite the existing value, KCMADD to keep the
838  * existing value, KCMREPLACE to modify the existing record only, KCMAPPEND to append the new
839  * value.
840  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
841  */
842 int32_t kcdbmerge(KCDB* db, KCDB** srcary, size_t srcnum, uint32_t mode);
845 /**
846  * Create a polymorphic cursor object.
847  * @param db a database object.
848  * @return the return value is the created cursor object.
849  * @note The object of the return value should be released with the kccurdel function when it is
850  * no longer in use.
851  */
852 KCCUR* kcdbcursor(KCDB* db);
855 /**
856  * Destroy a cursor object.
857  * @param cur the cursor object.
858  */
859 void kccurdel(KCCUR* cur);
862 /**
863  * Accept a visitor to the current record.
864  * @param cur a cursor object.
865  * @param fullproc a call back function to visit a record.
866  * @param opq an opaque pointer to be given to the call back functions.
867  * @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
868  * @param step true to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
869  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
870  * @note The operation for each record is performed atomically and other threads accessing
871  * the same record are blocked.  To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
872  * be performed in this function.
873  */
874 int32_t kccuraccept(KCCUR* cur, KCVISITFULL fullproc, void* opq,
875                     int32_t writable, int32_t step);
878 /**
879  * Set the value of the current record.
880  * @param cur a cursor object.
881  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
882  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
883  * @param step true to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
884  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
885  */
886 int32_t kccursetvalue(KCCUR* cur, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz, int32_t step);
889 /**
890  * Remove the current record.
891  * @param cur a cursor object.
892  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
893  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, false is returned.  The cursor is moved to the
894  * next record implicitly.
895  */
896 int32_t kccurremove(KCCUR* cur);
899 /**
900  * Get the key of the current record.
901  * @param cur a cursor object.
902  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value
903  * is assigned.
904  * @param step true to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
905  * @return the pointer to the key region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
906  * @note If the cursor is invalidated, NULL is returned.  Because an additional zero
907  * code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be
908  * treated as a C-style string.  The region of the return value should be released with the
909  * kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
910  */
911 char* kccurgetkey(KCCUR* cur, size_t* sp, int32_t step);
914 /**
915  * Get the value of the current record.
916  * @param cur a cursor object.
917  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value
918  * is assigned.
919  * @param step true to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
920  * @return the pointer to the value region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
921  * @note If the cursor is invalidated, NULL is returned.  Because an additional zero
922  * code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be
923  * treated as a C-style string.  The region of the return value should be released with the
924  * kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
925  */
926 char* kccurgetvalue(KCCUR* cur, size_t* sp, int32_t step);
929 /**
930  * Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.
931  * @param cur a cursor object.
932  * @param ksp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
933  * value is assigned.
934  * @param vbp the pointer to the variable into which the pointer to the value region is
935  * assigned.
936  * @param vsp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the value region is
937  * assigned.
938  * @param step true to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
939  * @return the pointer to the pair of the key region, or NULL on failure.
940  * @note If the cursor is invalidated, NULL is returned.  Because an additional zero code is
941  * appended at the end of each region of the key and the value, each region can be treated
942  * as a C-style string.  The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree
943  * function when it is no longer in use.
944  */
945 char* kccurget(KCCUR* cur, size_t* ksp, const char** vbp, size_t* vsp, int32_t step);
948 /**
949  * Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record and remove it atomically.
950  * @param cur a cursor object.
951  * @param ksp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
952  * value is assigned.
953  * @param vbp the pointer to the variable into which the pointer to the value region is
954  * assigned.
955  * @param vsp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the value region is
956  * assigned.
957  * @return the pointer to the pair of the key region, or NULL on failure.
958  * @note If the cursor is invalidated, NULL is returned.  Because an additional zero code is
959  * appended at the end of each region of the key and the value, each region can be treated
960  * as a C-style string.  The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree
961  * function when it is no longer in use.  The cursor is moved to the next record implicitly.
962  */
963 char* kccurseize(KCCUR* cur, size_t* ksp, const char** vbp, size_t* vsp);
966 /**
967  * Jump the cursor to the first record for forward scan.
968  * @param cur a cursor object.
969  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
970  */
971 int32_t kccurjump(KCCUR* cur);
974 /**
975  * Jump the cursor to a record for forward scan.
976  * @param cur a cursor object.
977  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
978  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
979  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
980  */
981 int32_t kccurjumpkey(KCCUR* cur, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz);
984 /**
985  * Jump the cursor to the last record for backward scan.
986  * @param cur a cursor object.
987  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
988  * @note This method is dedicated to tree databases.  Some database types, especially hash
989  * databases, may provide a dummy implementation.
990  */
991 int32_t kccurjumpback(KCCUR* cur);
994 /**
995  * Jump the cursor to a record for backward scan.
996  * @param cur a cursor object.
997  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
998  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
999  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1000  * @note This method is dedicated to tree databases.  Some database types, especially hash
1001  * databases, will provide a dummy implementation.
1002  */
1003 int32_t kccurjumpbackkey(KCCUR* cur, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz);
1006 /**
1007  * Step the cursor to the next record.
1008  * @param cur a cursor object.
1009  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1010  */
1011 int32_t kccurstep(KCCUR* cur);
1014 /**
1015  * Step the cursor to the previous record.
1016  * @param cur a cursor object.
1017  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1018  * @note This method is dedicated to tree databases.  Some database types, especially hash
1019  * databases, may provide a dummy implementation.
1020  */
1021 int32_t kccurstepback(KCCUR* cur);
1024 /**
1025  * Get the database object.
1026  * @param cur a cursor object.
1027  * @return the database object.
1028  */
1029 KCDB* kccurdb(KCCUR* cur);
1032 /**
1033  * Get the code of the last happened error.
1034  * @param cur a cursor object.
1035  * @return the code of the last happened error.
1036  */
1037 int32_t kccurecode(KCCUR* cur);
1040 /**
1041  * Get the supplement message of the last happened error.
1042  * @param cur a cursor object.
1043  * @return the supplement message of the last happened error.
1044  */
1045 const char* kccuremsg(KCCUR* cur);
1048 /**
1049  * C wrapper of index database.
1050  */
1051 typedef struct {
1052   void* db;                              /**< dummy member */
1053 } KCIDX;
1056 /**
1057  * Create an index database object.
1058  * @return the created database object.
1059  * @note The object of the return value should be released with the kcidxdel function when it is
1060  * no longer in use.
1061  */
1062 KCIDX* kcidxnew(void);
1065 /**
1066  * Destroy a database object.
1067  * @param idx the database object.
1068  */
1069 void kcidxdel(KCIDX* idx);
1072 /**
1073  * Open a database file.
1074  * @param idx a database object.
1075  * @param path the path of a database file.  The same as with the polymorphic database.
1076  * @param mode the connection mode.  The same as with the polymorphic database.
1077  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1078  */
1079 int32_t kcidxopen(KCIDX* idx, const char* path, uint32_t mode);
1082 /**
1083  * Close the database file.
1084  * @param idx a database object.
1085  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1086  */
1087 int32_t kcidxclose(KCIDX* idx);
1090 /**
1091  * Get the code of the last happened error.
1092  * @param idx a database object.
1093  * @return the code of the last happened error.
1094  */
1095 int32_t kcidxecode(KCIDX* idx);
1098 /**
1099  * Get the supplement message of the last happened error.
1100  * @param idx a database object.
1101  * @return the supplement message of the last happened error.
1102  */
1103 const char* kcidxemsg(KCIDX* idx);
1106 /**
1107  * Set the value of a record.
1108  * @param idx a database object.
1109  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1110  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1111  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
1112  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
1113  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1114  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
1115  * record exists, the value is overwritten.
1116  */
1117 int32_t kcidxset(KCIDX* idx, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
1120 /**
1121  * Add a record.
1122  * @param idx a database object.
1123  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1124  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1125  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
1126  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
1127  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1128  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
1129  * record exists, the record is not modified and false is returned.
1130  */
1131 int32_t kcidxadd(KCIDX* idx, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
1134 /**
1135  * Replace the value of a record.
1136  * @param idx a database object.
1137  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1138  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1139  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
1140  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
1141  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1142  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, no new record is created and false is returned.
1143  * If the corresponding record exists, the value is modified.
1144  */
1145 int32_t kcidxreplace(KCIDX* idx, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
1148 /**
1149  * Append the value of a record.
1150  * @param idx a database object.
1151  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1152  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1153  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
1154  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
1155  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1156  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
1157  * record exists, the given value is appended at the end of the existing value.
1158  */
1159 int32_t kcidxappend(KCIDX* idx, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
1162 /**
1163  * Remove a record.
1164  * @param idx a database object.
1165  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1166  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1167  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1168  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, false is returned.
1169  */
1170 int32_t kcidxremove(KCIDX* idx, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz);
1173 /**
1174  * Retrieve the value of a record.
1175  * @param idx a database object.
1176  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1177  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1178  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1179  * value is assigned.
1180  * @return the pointer to the value region of the corresponding record, or NULL on failure.
1181  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, NULL is returned.  Because an additional zero
1182  * code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be
1183  * treated as a C-style string.  The region of the return value should be released with the
1184  * kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
1185  */
1186 char* kcidxget(KCIDX* idx, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t* sp);
1189 /**
1190  * Synchronize updated contents with the file and the device.
1191  * @param idx a database object.
1192  * @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
1193  * synchronization with the file system.
1194  * @param proc a postprocessor call back function.  If it is NULL, no postprocessing is
1195  * performed.
1196  * @param opq an opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
1197  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1198  * @note The operation of the postprocessor is performed atomically and other threads accessing
1199  * the same record are blocked.  To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
1200  * be performed in this function.
1201  */
1202 int32_t kcidxsync(KCIDX* idx, int32_t hard, KCFILEPROC proc, void* opq);
1205 /**
1206  * Remove all records.
1207  * @param idx a database object.
1208  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1209  */
1210 int32_t kcidxclear(KCIDX* idx);
1213 /**
1214  * Get the number of records.
1215  * @param idx a database object.
1216  * @return the number of records, or -1 on failure.
1217  */
1218 int64_t kcidxcount(KCIDX* idx);
1221 /**
1222  * Get the size of the database file.
1223  * @param idx a database object.
1224  * @return the size of the database file in bytes, or -1 on failure.
1225  */
1226 int64_t kcidxsize(KCIDX* idx);
1229 /**
1230  * Get the path of the database file.
1231  * @param idx a database object.
1232  * @return the path of the database file, or an empty string on failure.
1233  * @note The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is
1234  * no longer in use.
1235  */
1236 char* kcidxpath(KCIDX* idx);
1239 /**
1240  * Get the miscellaneous status information.
1241  * @param idx a database object.
1242  * @return the result string of tab saparated values, or NULL on failure.  Each line consists of
1243  * the attribute name and its value separated by a tab character.
1244  * @note The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is
1245  * no longer in use.
1246  */
1247 char* kcidxstatus(KCIDX* idx);
1250 /**
1251  * Reveal the inner database object.
1252  * @return the inner database object, or NULL on failure.
1253  */
1254 KCDB* kcidxrevealinnerdb(KCIDX* idx);
1257 /**
1258  * C wrapper of memory-saving string hash map.
1259  */
1260 typedef struct {
1261   void* map;                             /**< dummy member */
1262 } KCMAP;
1265 /**
1266  * C wrapper of iterator of memory-saving string hash map.
1267  */
1268 typedef struct {
1269   void* iter;                            /**< dummy member */
1273 /**
1274  * C wrapper of sorter of memory-saving string hash map.
1275  */
1276 typedef struct {
1277   void* iter;                            /**< dummy member */
1281 /**
1282  * Create a string hash map object.
1283  * @param bnum the number of buckets of the hash table.  If it is not more than 0, the default
1284  * setting 31 is specified.
1285  * @return the created map object.
1286  * @note The object of the return value should be released with the kcmapdel function when it is
1287  * no longer in use.
1288  */
1289 KCMAP* kcmapnew(size_t bnum);
1292 /**
1293  * Destroy a map object.
1294  * @param map the map object.
1295  */
1296 void kcmapdel(KCMAP* map);
1299 /**
1300  * Set the value of a record.
1301  * @param map the map object.
1302  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1303  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1304  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
1305  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
1306  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
1307  * record exists, the value is overwritten.
1308  */
1309 void kcmapset(KCMAP* map, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
1312 /**
1313  * Add a record.
1314  * @param map the map object.
1315  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1316  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1317  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
1318  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
1319  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1320  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
1321  * record exists, the record is not modified and false is returned.
1322  */
1323 int32_t kcmapadd(KCMAP* map, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
1326 /**
1327  * Replace the value of a record.
1328  * @param map the map object.
1329  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1330  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1331  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
1332  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
1333  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1334  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, no new record is created and false is returned.
1335  * If the corresponding record exists, the value is modified.
1336  */
1337 int32_t kcmapreplace(KCMAP* map, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
1340 /**
1341  * Append the value of a record.
1342  * @param map the map object.
1343  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1344  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1345  * @param vbuf the pointer to the value region.
1346  * @param vsiz the size of the value region.
1347  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created.  If the corresponding
1348  * record exists, the given value is appended at the end of the existing value.
1349  */
1350 void kcmapappend(KCMAP* map, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz);
1353 /**
1354  * Remove a record.
1355  * @param map the map object.
1356  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1357  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1358  * @return true on success, or false on failure.
1359  * @note If no record corresponds to the key, false is returned.
1360  */
1361 int32_t kcmapremove(KCMAP* map, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz);
1364 /**
1365  * Retrieve the value of a record.
1366  * @param map the map object.
1367  * @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
1368  * @param ksiz the size of the key region.
1369  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1370  * value is assigned.
1371  * @return the pointer to the value region of the corresponding record, or NULL on failure.
1372  */
1373 const char* kcmapget(KCMAP* map, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t* sp);
1376 /**
1377  * Remove all records.
1378  * @param map the map object.
1379  */
1380 void kcmapclear(KCMAP* map);
1383 /**
1384  * Get the number of records.
1385  * @param map the map object.
1386  * @return the number of records.
1387  */
1388 size_t kcmapcount(KCMAP* map);
1391 /**
1392  * Create a string hash map iterator object.
1393  * @param map a map object.
1394  * @return the return value is the created iterator object.
1395  * @note The object of the return value should be released with the kcmapiterdel function when
1396  * it is no longer in use.
1397  * @note This object will not be invalidated even when the map object is updated once.
1398  * However, phantom records may be retrieved if they are removed after creation of each iterator.
1399  */
1400 KCMAPITER* kcmapiterator(KCMAP* map);
1403 /**
1404  * Destroy an iterator object.
1405  * @param iter the iterator object.
1406  */
1407 void kcmapiterdel(KCMAPITER* iter);
1410 /**
1411  * Get the key of the current record.
1412  * @param iter the iterator object.
1413  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1414  * value is assigned.
1415  * @return the pointer to the key region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
1416  */
1417 const char* kcmapitergetkey(KCMAPITER* iter, size_t* sp);
1420 /**
1421  * Get the value of the current record.
1422  * @param iter the iterator object.
1423  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1424  * value is assigned.
1425  * @return the pointer to the value region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
1426  */
1427 const char* kcmapitergetvalue(KCMAPITER* iter, size_t* sp);
1430 /**
1431  * Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.
1432  * @param iter the iterator object.
1433  * @param ksp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1434  * value is assigned.
1435  * @param vbp the pointer to the variable into which the pointer to the value region is
1436  * assigned.
1437  * @param vsp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the value region is
1438  * assigned.
1439  * @return the pointer to the key region, or NULL on failure.
1440  */
1441 const char* kcmapiterget(KCMAPITER* iter, size_t* ksp, const char** vbp, size_t* vsp);
1444 /**
1445  * Step the cursor to the next record.
1446  * @param iter the iterator object.
1447  */
1448 void kcmapiterstep(KCMAPITER* iter);
1451 /**
1452  * Create a string hash map sorter object.
1453  * @param map a map object.
1454  * @return the return value is the created sorter object.
1455  * @note The object of the return value should be released with the kcmapsortdel function when
1456  * it is no longer in use.
1457  * @note This object will not be invalidated even when the map object is updated once.
1458  * However, phantom records may be retrieved if they are removed after creation of each sorter.
1459  */
1460 KCMAPSORT* kcmapsorter(KCMAP* map);
1463 /**
1464  * Destroy an sorter object.
1465  * @param sort the sorter object.
1466  */
1467 void kcmapsortdel(KCMAPSORT* sort);
1470 /**
1471  * Get the key of the current record.
1472  * @param sort the sorter object.
1473  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1474  * value is assigned.
1475  * @return the pointer to the key region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
1476  */
1477 const char* kcmapsortgetkey(KCMAPSORT* sort, size_t* sp);
1480 /**
1481  * Get the value of the current record.
1482  * @param sort the sorter object.
1483  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1484  * value is assigned.
1485  * @return the pointer to the value region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
1486  */
1487 const char* kcmapsortgetvalue(KCMAPSORT* sort, size_t* sp);
1490 /**
1491  * Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.
1492  * @param sort the sorter object.
1493  * @param ksp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1494  * value is assigned.
1495  * @param vbp the pointer to the variable into which the pointer to the value region is
1496  * assigned.
1497  * @param vsp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the value region is
1498  * assigned.
1499  * @return the pointer to the key region, or NULL on failure.
1500  */
1501 const char* kcmapsortget(KCMAPSORT* sort, size_t* ksp, const char** vbp, size_t* vsp);
1504 /**
1505  * Step the cursor to the next record.
1506  * @param sort the sorter object.
1507  */
1508 void kcmapsortstep(KCMAPSORT* sort);
1511 /**
1512  * C wrapper of memory-saving string hash map.
1513  */
1514 typedef struct {
1515   void* list;                            /**< dummy member */
1516 } KCLIST;
1519 /**
1520  * Create a string array list object.
1521  * @return the created list object.
1522  * @note The object of the return value should be released with the kclistdel function when it is
1523  * no longer in use.
1524  */
1525 KCLIST* kclistnew();
1528 /**
1529  * Destroy a list object.
1530  * @param list the list object.
1531  */
1532 void kclistdel(KCLIST* list);
1535 /**
1536  * Insert a record at the bottom of the list.
1537  * @param list the list object.
1538  * @param buf the pointer to the record region.
1539  * @param size the size of the record region.
1540  */
1541 void kclistpush(KCLIST* list, const char* buf, size_t size);
1544 /**
1545  * Remove a record at the bottom of the list.
1546  * @param list the list object.
1547  * @return true if the operation success, or false if there is no record in the list.
1548  */
1549 int32_t kclistpop(KCLIST* list);
1552 /**
1553  * Insert a record at the top of the list.
1554  * @param list the list object.
1555  * @param buf the pointer to the record region.
1556  * @param size the size of the record region.
1557  */
1558 void kclistunshift(KCLIST* list, const char* buf, size_t size);
1561 /**
1562  * Remove a record at the top of the list.
1563  * @param list the list object.
1564  * @return true if the operation success, or false if there is no record in the list.
1565  */
1566 int32_t kclistshift(KCLIST* list);
1569 /**
1570  * Insert a record at the position of the given index of the list.
1571  * @param list the list object.
1572  * @param buf the pointer to the record region.
1573  * @param size the size of the record region.
1574  * @param idx the index of the position.  It must be equal to or less than the number of
1575  * records.
1576  */
1577 void kclistinsert(KCLIST* list, const char* buf, size_t size, size_t idx);
1580 /**
1581  * Remove a record at the position of the given index of the list.
1582  * @param list the list object.
1583  * @param idx the index of the position.  It must be less than the number of records.
1584  */
1585 void kclistremove(KCLIST* list, size_t idx);
1588 /**
1589  * Retrieve a record at the position of the given index of the list.
1590  * @param list the list object.
1591  * @param idx the index of the position.  It must be less than the number of records.
1592  * @param sp the pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return
1593  * value is assigned.
1594  * @return the pointer to the region of the retrieved record.
1595  */
1596 const char* kclistget(KCLIST* list, size_t idx, size_t* sp);
1599 /**
1600  * Remove all records.
1601  * @param list the list object.
1602  */
1603 void kclistclear(KCLIST* list);
1606 /**
1607  * Get the number of records.
1608  * @param list the list object.
1609  * @return the number of records.
1610  */
1611 size_t kclistcount(KCLIST* list);
1614 #if defined(__cplusplus)
1615 }
1616 #endif
1618 #endif                                   /* duplication check */
1620 /* END OF FILE */