1 /** @file pre.c
2  *
3  *  This is the preprocessor and all its routines.
4  */
5 /* #[ License : */
6 /*
7  *   Copyright (C) 1984-2017 J.A.M. Vermaseren
8  *   When using this file you are requested to refer to the publication
9  *   J.A.M.Vermaseren "New features of FORM" math-ph/0010025
10  *   This is considered a matter of courtesy as the development was paid
11  *   for by FOM the Dutch physics granting agency and we would like to
12  *   be able to track its scientific use to convince FOM of its value
13  *   for the community.
14  *
15  *   This file is part of FORM.
16  *
17  *   FORM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
18  *   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
19  *   Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
20  *   version.
21  *
22  *   FORM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
23  *   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
24  *   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
25  *   details.
26  *
27  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
28  *   with FORM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
29  */
30 /* #] License : */
31 /*
32   	#[ Includes :
33 */
34 #include "form3.h"
36 static UBYTE pushbackchar = 0;
37 static int oldmode = 0;
38 static int stopdelay = 0;
39 static STREAM *oldstream = 0;
40 static UBYTE underscore[2] = {'_',0};
41 static PREVAR *ThePreVar = 0;
43 static KEYWORD precommands[] = {
44 	 {"add"          , DoPreAdd       , 0, 0}
45 	,{"addseparator" , DoPreAddSeparator,0,0}
46 	,{"append"       , DoPreAppend    , 0, 0}
47 	,{"appendpath"   , DoPreAppendPath, 0, 0}
48 	,{"assign"       , DoPreAssign    , 0, 0}
49 	,{"break"        , DoPreBreak     , 0, 0}
50 	,{"breakdo"      , DoBreakDo      , 0, 0}
51 	,{"call"         , DoCall         , 0, 0}
52 	,{"case"         , DoPreCase      , 0, 0}
53 	,{"clearoptimize", DoClearOptimize, 0, 0}
54 	,{"close"        , DoPreClose     , 0, 0}
55 	,{"closedictionary", DoPreCloseDictionary,0,0}
56 	,{"commentchar"  , DoCommentChar  , 0, 0}
57 	,{"create"       , DoPreCreate    , 0, 0}
58 	,{"debug"        , DoDebug        , 0, 0}
59 	,{"default"      , DoPreDefault   , 0, 0}
60 	,{"define"       , DoDefine       , 0, 0}
61 	,{"do"           , DoDo           , 0, 0}
62 	,{"else"         , DoElse         , 0, 0}
63 	,{"elseif"       , DoElseif       , 0, 0}
64 	,{"enddo"        , DoEnddo        , 0, 0}
65 	,{"endif"        , DoEndif        , 0, 0}
66 	,{"endinside"    , DoEndInside    , 0, 0}
67 	,{"endprocedure" , DoEndprocedure , 0, 0}
68 	,{"endswitch"    , DoPreEndSwitch , 0, 0}
69 	,{"exchange"     , DoPreExchange  , 0, 0}
70 	,{"external"     , DoExternal     , 0, 0}
71 	,{"factdollar"   , DoFactDollar   , 0, 0}
72 	,{"fromexternal" , DoFromExternal , 0, 0}
73 	,{"if"           , DoIf           , 0, 0}
74 	,{"ifdef"        , DoIfydef       , 0, 0}
75 	,{"ifndef"       , DoIfndef       , 0, 0}
76 	,{"include"      , DoInclude      , 0, 0}
77 	,{"inside"       , DoInside       , 0, 0}
78 	,{"message"      , DoMessage      , 0, 0}
79 	,{"opendictionary", DoPreOpenDictionary,0,0}
80 	,{"optimize"     , DoOptimize     , 0, 0}
81 	,{"pipe"         , DoPipe         , 0, 0}
82 	,{"preout"       , DoPreOut       , 0, 0}
83 	,{"prependpath"  , DoPrePrependPath,0, 0}
84 	,{"printtimes"   , DoPrePrintTimes, 0, 0}
85 	,{"procedure"    , DoProcedure    , 0, 0}
86 	,{"procedureextension" , DoPrcExtension   , 0, 0}
87 	,{"prompt"       , DoPrompt       , 0, 0}
88 	,{"redefine"     , DoRedefine     , 0, 0}
89 	,{"remove"       , DoPreRemove    , 0, 0}
90 	,{"reset"        , DoPreReset     , 0, 0}
91 	,{"reverseinclude"   , DoReverseInclude   , 0, 0}
92 	,{"rmexternal"   , DoRmExternal   , 0, 0}
93 	,{"rmseparator"  , DoPreRmSeparator,0, 0}
94 	,{"setexternal"  , DoSetExternal  , 0, 0}
95 	,{"setexternalattr"  , DoSetExternalAttr  , 0, 0}
96 	,{"setrandom"    , DoSetRandom    , 0, 0}
97 	,{"show"         , DoPreShow      , 0, 0}
98 	,{"skipextrasymbols" , DoSkipExtraSymbols , 0, 0}
99 	,{"switch"       , DoPreSwitch    , 0, 0}
100 	,{"system"       , DoSystem       , 0, 0}
101 	,{"terminate"    , DoTerminate    , 0, 0}
102 	,{"timeoutafter" , DoTimeOutAfter , 0, 0}
103 	,{"toexternal"   , DoToExternal   , 0, 0}
104 	,{"undefine"     , DoUndefine     , 0, 0}
105 	,{"usedictionary", DoPreUseDictionary,0,0}
106 	,{"write"        , DoPreWrite     , 0, 0}
107 };
109 /*
110   	#] Includes :
111  	# [ PreProcessor :
112  		#[ GetInput :
114 		Gets one input character. If we reach the end of a stream
115 		we pop to the previous stream and try again.
116 		If there are no more streams we let this be known.
117 */
GetInput()119 UBYTE GetInput()
120 {
121 	UBYTE c;
122 	while ( AC.CurrentStream ) {
123 		c = GetFromStream(AC.CurrentStream);
124 		if ( c != ENDOFSTREAM ) {
125 #ifdef WITHMPI
126 			if ( PF.me == MASTER
127 				 && AC.NoShowInput <= 0
128 				 && AC.CurrentStream->type != PREVARSTREAM )
129 #else
130 			if ( AC.NoShowInput <= 0 && AC.CurrentStream->type != PREVARSTREAM )
131 #endif
132 				CharOut(c);
133 			return(c);
134 		}
135 		AC.CurrentStream = CloseStream(AC.CurrentStream);
136 		if ( stopdelay && AC.CurrentStream == oldstream ) {
137 			stopdelay = 0; AP.AllowDelay = 1;
138 		}
139 	}
140 	return(ENDOFINPUT);
141 }
143 /*
144  		#] GetInput :
145  		#[ ClearPushback :
146 */
ClearPushback()148 VOID ClearPushback()
149 {
150 	pushbackchar = 0;
151 }
153 /*
154  		#] ClearPushback :
155  		#[ GetChar :
157 		Reads one character. If it encounters a quote it immediately
158 		takes the whole preprocessor variable and opens a stream
159 		for it and starts reading the stream.
160 		Note that we have to take special precautions for escaped quotes.
161 		That is why we remember the previous character. We allow the
162 		(dubious?) construction of ending a stream with a backslash and
163 		then using it to escape an object in the parent stream.
164 */
GetChar(int level)166 UBYTE GetChar(int level)
167 {
168 	UBYTE namebuf[MAXPRENAMESIZE+2], c, *s, *t;
169 	static UBYTE lastchar, charinbuf = 0;
170 	int i, j, raiselow, olddelay;
171 	STREAM *stream;
172 	if ( level > 0 ) {
173 		lastchar = '`';
174 		goto higherlevel;
175 	}
176 	if ( pushbackchar ) { c = pushbackchar; pushbackchar = 0; return(c); }
177 	if ( charinbuf ) { c = charinbuf; charinbuf = 0; return(c); }
178 	c = GetInput();
179 	for(;;) {
180 		if ( c == '\\' ) {
181 			charinbuf = GetInput();
182 			if ( charinbuf != LINEFEED ) {
183 				pushbackchar = charinbuf;
184 				charinbuf = 0;
185 				break;
186 			}
187 			charinbuf = 0;  /* Escaped linefeed -> skip leading blanks */
188 			while ( ( c = GetInput() ) == ' ' || c == '\t' ) {}
189 		}
190 		else if ( c == '\'' || c == '`' ) {
191 			if ( AP.DelayPrevar == 1 && c == '\'' ) {
192 				AP.DelayPrevar = 0;
193 				break;
194 			}
195 			lastchar = c;
196 higherlevel:
197 			c = GetInput();
198 			if ( c == '!' && lastchar == '`' ) {
199 				if ( stopdelay == 0 ) oldstream = AC.CurrentStream;
200 				AP.AllowDelay = 0;
201 				stopdelay = 1;
202 				c = GetInput();
203 			}
204 			if ( c == '~' && lastchar == '`' ) {
205 				if ( AP.AllowDelay ) {
206 					pushbackchar = c;
207 					c = lastchar;
208 					AP.DelayPrevar = 1;
209 					break;
210 				}
211 			}
212 			else {
213 				pushbackchar = c;
214 			}
215 			olddelay = AP.DelayPrevar;
216 			AP.DelayPrevar = 0;
217 			i = 0; lastchar = 0;
218 			for (;;) {
219 				if ( pushbackchar ) { c = pushbackchar; pushbackchar = 0; }
220 				else { c = GetInput(); }
221 				if ( c == ENDOFINPUT || ( ( c == '\'' || c == LINEFEED )
222 				&& lastchar != '\\' ) ) {
223 					break;
224 				}
225 				if ( c == '{' ) { /* Try the preprocessor calculator */
226 					if ( PreCalc() == 0 ) Terminate(-1);
227 					c = GetInput();    /* This is either a { or a number */
228 					if ( c == '{' ) {
229 						MesPrint("@Illegal set inside preprocessor variable name");
230 						Terminate(-1);
231 					}
232 				}
233 				if ( c == '`' && lastchar != '\\' ) {
234 					c = GetChar(1);
235 					if ( c == ENDOFINPUT || ( ( c == '\'' || c == LINEFEED )
236 					&& lastchar != '\\' ) ) {
237 						break;
238 					}
239 				}
240 				if ( lastchar == '\\' ) { i--; lastchar = 0; }
241 				else lastchar = c;
242 				namebuf[i++] = c;
243 				if ( i > MAXPRENAMESIZE ) {
244 					namebuf[i] = 0;
245 					Error1("Preprocessor variable name too long: ",namebuf);
246 				}
247 			}
248 			namebuf[i++] = 0;
249 			if ( c != '\'' ) {
250 				Error1("Unmatched quotes for preprocessor variable",namebuf);
251 			}
252 			AP.DelayPrevar = olddelay;
253 			if ( namebuf[0] == '$' ) {
254 				raiselow = PRENOACTION;
255 				if ( AP.PreproFlag && *AP.preStart) {
256 					s = EndOfToken(AP.preStart);
257 					c = *s; *s = 0;
258 					if ( ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"ifdef") == 0
259 					|| StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"ifndef") == 0 )
260 					&& GetDollar(namebuf+1) < 0 ) {
261 						*s = c; c = ' ';
262 						break;
263 					}
264 					*s = c;
265 				}
266 				else {
267 					s = EndOfToken(namebuf+1);
268 					if ( *s == '[' ) { while ( *s ) s++; }
269 				}
270 				if ( *s == '-' && s[1] == '-' && s[2] == 0 )
271 					raiselow = PRELOWERAFTER;
272 				else if ( *s == '+' && s[1] == '+' && s[2] == 0 )
273 					raiselow = PRERAISEAFTER;
274 				c = *s; *s = 0;
275 				if ( OpenStream(namebuf+1,DOLLARSTREAM,0,raiselow) == 0 ) {
276 					*s = c;
277 					MesPrint("@Undefined variable %s used as preprocessor variable",
278 						namebuf);
279 					Terminate(-1);
280 				}
281 				*s = c;
282 			}
283 			else {
284 				raiselow = PRENOACTION;
285 				if ( AP.PreproFlag && *AP.preStart) {
286 					s = EndOfToken(AP.preStart);
287 					c = *s; *s = 0;
288 					if ( ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"ifdef") == 0
289 					|| StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"ifndef") == 0 )
290 					&& GetPreVar(namebuf,WITHOUTERROR) == 0 ) {
291 						*s = c; c = ' ';
292 						break;
293 					}
294 					*s = c;
295 				}
296 				s = EndOfToken(namebuf);
297 				if ( *s == '_' ) s++;
298 				if ( *s == '-' && s[1] == '-' && s[2] == 0 )
299 					raiselow = PRELOWERAFTER;
300 				else if ( *s == '+' && s[1] == '+' && s[2] == 0 )
301 					raiselow = PRERAISEAFTER;
302 				else if ( *s == '(' && namebuf[i-2] == ')' ) {
303 /*
304 					Now count the arguments and separate them by zeroes
305 					Check on the ?var construction and if present, reset
306 					some comma's.
307 					Make the assignments of the variables
308 					Run the macro.
309 					Undefine the variables
310 */
311 					int nargs = 1;
312 					PREVAR *p;
313 					*s++ = 0; namebuf[i-2] = 0;
314 					if ( StrICmp(namebuf,(UBYTE *)"random_") == 0 ) {
315 						UBYTE *ranvalue;
316 						ranvalue = PreRandom(s);
317 						PutPreVar(namebuf,ranvalue,(UBYTE *)"?a",1);
318 						M_free(ranvalue,"PreRandom");
319 						goto dostream;
320 					}
321 					else if ( StrICmp(namebuf,(UBYTE *)"tolower_") == 0 ) {
322 						UBYTE *ss = s;
323 						while ( *ss ) { *ss = (UBYTE)(tolower(*ss)); ss++; }
324 						PutPreVar(namebuf,s,(UBYTE *)"?a",1);
325 						goto dostream;
326 					}
327 					else if ( StrICmp(namebuf,(UBYTE *)"toupper_") == 0 ) {
328 						UBYTE *ss = s;
329 						while ( *ss ) { *ss = (UBYTE)(toupper(*ss)); ss++; }
330 						PutPreVar(namebuf,s,(UBYTE *)"?a",1);
331 						goto dostream;
332 					}
333 					while ( *s ) {
334 						if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
335 						if ( *s == ',' ) { *s = 0; nargs++; }
336 						s++;
337 					}
338 					GetPreVar(namebuf,WITHERROR);
339 					p = ThePreVar;
340 					if ( p == 0 ) {
341 						MesPrint("@Illegal use of arguments in preprocessor variable %s",namebuf);
342 						Terminate(-1);
343 					}
344 					if ( p->nargs <= 0 || ( p->wildarg == 0 && nargs != p->nargs )
345 						|| ( p->wildarg > 0 && nargs < p->nargs-1 ) ) {
346 						MesPrint("@Arguments of macro %s do not match",namebuf);
347 						Terminate(-1);
348 					}
349 					if ( p->wildarg > 0 ) {
350 /*
351 						Change some zeroes into commas
352 */
353 						s = namebuf;
354 						for ( j = 0; j < p->wildarg; j++ ) {
355 							while ( *s ) s++;
356 							s++;
357 						}
358 						for ( j = 0; j < nargs-p->nargs; j++ ) {
359 							while ( *s ) s++;
360 							*s++ = ',';
361 						}
362 					}
363 /*
364 						Now we can make the assignments
365 */
366 					s = namebuf;
367 					while ( *s ) s++;
368 					s++;
369 					t = p->argnames;
370 					for ( j = 0; j < p->nargs; j++ ) {
371 						if ( ( nargs == p->nargs-1 ) && ( *t == '?' ) ) {
372 							PutPreVar(t,0,0,0);
373 						}
374 						else {
375 							PutPreVar(t,s,0,0);
376 							while ( *s ) s++;
377 							s++;
378 						}
379 						while ( *t ) t++;
380 						t++;
381 					}
382 				}
383 dostream:;
384 				if ( ( stream = OpenStream(namebuf,PREVARSTREAM,0,raiselow) ) == 0 ) {
385 /*
386 					Eat comma before or after. This is `no value'
387 */
388 				}
389 				else if ( stream->inbuffer == 0 ) {
390 					c = GetInput();
391 					if ( level > 0 && c == '\'' ) return(c);
392 					goto endofloop;
393 				}
394 			}
395 			c = GetInput();
396 		}
397 		else if ( c == '{' ) { /* Try the preprocessor calculator */
398 			if ( PreCalc() == 0 ) Terminate(-1);
399 			c = GetInput();    /* This is either a { or a number */
400 			break;
401 		}
402 		else break;
403 endofloop:;
404 	}
405 	return(c);
406 }
408 /*
409  		#] GetChar :
410  		#[ CharOut :
411 */
CharOut(UBYTE c)413 VOID CharOut(UBYTE c)
414 {
415 	if ( c == LINEFEED ) {
416 		AM.OutBuffer[AP.InOutBuf++] = c;
417 		WriteString(INPUTOUT,AM.OutBuffer,AP.InOutBuf);
418 		AP.InOutBuf = 0;
419 	}
420 	else {
421 		if ( AP.InOutBuf >= AM.OutBufSize || c == LINEFEED ) {
422 			WriteString(INPUTOUT,AM.OutBuffer,AP.InOutBuf);
423 			AP.InOutBuf = 0;
424 		}
425 		AM.OutBuffer[AP.InOutBuf++] = c;
426 	}
427 }
429 /*
430  		#] CharOut :
431  		#[ UnsetAllowDelay :
432 */
UnsetAllowDelay()434 VOID UnsetAllowDelay()
435 {
436 	if ( ThePreVar != 0 ) {
437 		if ( ThePreVar->nargs > 0 ) AP.AllowDelay = 0;
438 	}
439 }
441 /*
442  		#] UnsetAllowDelay :
443  		#[ GetPreVar :
445 		We use the model of a heap. If the same name has been used more
446 		than once the last definition is used. This gives the impression
447 		of local variables.
449 		There are two types: The regular ones and the expression variables.
450 		The last ones are like UNCHANGED_exprname and ZERO_exprname or
451 		UNCHANGED_ and ZERO_.
452 */
454 static UBYTE *yes = (UBYTE *)"1";
455 static UBYTE *no  = (UBYTE *)"0";
456 static UBYTE numintopolynomial[12];
457 #include "vector.h"
458 static Vector(UBYTE, exprstr);  /* Used for numactiveexprs_ and activeexprnames_. */
GetPreVar(UBYTE * name,int flag)460 UBYTE *GetPreVar(UBYTE *name, int flag)
461 {
463 	int i, mode;
464 	WORD number;
465 	UBYTE *t, c = 0, *tt = 0;
466 	t = name; while ( *t ) t++;
467 	if ( t[-1] == '-' && t[-2] == '-' && t-2 > name && t[-3] != '_' ) {
468 		t -= 2; c = *t; *t = 0; tt = t;
469 	}
470 	else if ( t[-1] == '+' && t[-2] == '+' && t-2 > name && t[-3] != '_' ) {
471 		t -= 2; c = *t; *t = 0; tt = t;
472 	}
473 	else if ( StrICmp(name,(UBYTE *)"time_") == 0 ) {
474 		UBYTE millibuf[24];
475 		LONG millitime, timepart;
476 		int timepart1, timepart2;
477 		static char timestring[40];
478 /*		millitime = TimeCPU(1); */
479 		millitime = GetRunningTime();
480 		timepart = millitime%1000;
481 		millitime /= 1000;
482 		timepart /= 10;
483 		timepart1 = timepart / 10;
484 		timepart2 = timepart % 10;
485 		NumToStr(millibuf,millitime);
486     	sprintf(timestring,"%s.%1d%1d",millibuf,timepart1,timepart2);
487 		return((UBYTE *)timestring);
488 	}
489 	else if ( ( StrICmp(name,(UBYTE *)"timer_") == 0 )
490 	       || ( StrICmp(name,(UBYTE *)"stopwatch_") == 0 ) ) {
491 		static char timestring[40];
492     	sprintf(timestring,"%ld",(GetRunningTime() - AP.StopWatchZero));
493 		return((UBYTE *)timestring);
494 	}
495 	else if ( StrICmp(name, (UBYTE *)"numactiveexprs_") == 0 ) {
496 		/* the number of active expressions */
497 		int n = 0;
498 		for ( i = 0; i < NumExpressions; i++ ) {
499 			EXPRESSIONS e = Expressions + i;
500 			switch ( e->status ) {
507 					n++;
508 					break;
509 			}
510 		}
511 		VectorReserve(exprstr, 41);  /* up to 128-bit */
512 		LongCopy(n, (char *)VectorPtr(exprstr));
513 		return VectorPtr(exprstr);
514 	}
515 	else if ( StrICmp(name, (UBYTE *)"activeexprnames_") == 0 ) {
516 		/* the list of active expressions separated by commas */
517 		int j = 0;
518 		VectorReserve(exprstr, 16);  /* at least 1 character for '\0' */
519 		for ( i = 0; i < NumExpressions; i++ ) {
520 			UBYTE *p, *s;
521 			int len, k;
522 			EXPRESSIONS e = Expressions + i;
523 			switch ( e->status ) {
530 					s = AC.exprnames->namebuffer + e->name;
531 					len = StrLen(s);
532 					VectorSize(exprstr) = j;  /* j bytes must be copied in extending the buffer. */
533 					VectorReserve(exprstr, j + len * 2 + 1);
534 					p = VectorPtr(exprstr);
535 					if ( j > 0 ) p[j++] = ',';
536 					for ( k = 0; k < len; k++ ) {
537 						if ( s[k] == ',' || s[k] == '|' ) p[j++] = '\\';
538 						p[j++] = s[k];
539 					}
540 					break;
541 			}
542 		}
543 		VectorPtr(exprstr)[j] = '\0';
544 		return VectorPtr(exprstr);
545 	}
546 	else if ( StrICmp(name, (UBYTE *)"path_") == 0 ) {
547 		/* the current FORM path (for debugging both in .c and .frm) */
548 		if ( AM.Path ) {
549 			return(AM.Path);
550 		}
551 		else {
552 			return((UBYTE *)"");
553 		}
554 	}
555 	t = name;
556 	while ( *t && *t != '_' ) t++;
557 	for ( i = NumPre-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
558 		if ( *t == '_' && ( StrICmp(name,PreVar[i].name) == 0 ) ) {
559 			if ( c ) *tt = c;
560 			ThePreVar = PreVar+i;
561 			return(PreVar[i].value);
562 		}
563 		else if ( StrCmp(name,PreVar[i].name) == 0 ) {
564 			if ( c ) *tt = c;
565 			ThePreVar = PreVar+i;
566 			return(PreVar[i].value);
567 		}
568 	}
569 	if ( *t == '_' ) {
570 		if ( StrICmp(name,(UBYTE *)"EXTRASYMBOLS_") == 0 ) goto extrashort;
571 		*t = 0;
572 		if ( StrICmp(name,(UBYTE *)"UNCHANGED") == 0 ) mode = 1;
573 		else if ( StrICmp(name,(UBYTE *)"ZERO") == 0 ) mode = 0;
574 		else if ( StrICmp(name,(UBYTE *)"SHOWINPUT") == 0 ) {
575 			*t++ = '_';
576 			if ( c ) *tt = c;
577 			if ( AC.NoShowInput > 0 ) return(no);
578 			else return(yes);
579 		}
580 		else if ( StrICmp(name,(UBYTE *)"EXTRASYMBOLS") == 0 ) {
581 			*t++ = '_';
582 extrashort:;
583 			number = cbuf[AM.sbufnum].numrhs;
584 			t = numintopolynomial;
585 			NumCopy(number,t);
586 			return(numintopolynomial);
587 		}
588 		else mode = -1;
589 		*t++ = '_';
590 		if ( mode >= 0 ) {
591 			ThePreVar = 0;
592 			if ( *t ) {
593 				if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,t,&number,NOAUTO) == CEXPRESSION ) {
594 					if ( c ) *tt = c;
595 					if ( ( Expressions[number].vflags & ( 1 << mode ) ) != 0 )
596 						 return(yes);
597 					else return(no);
598 				}
599 			}
600 			else {
601 /*
602 				Here we have to test all active results.
603 				These are in `negative' so the flags have to be zero.
604 */
605 				if ( c ) *tt = c;
606 				if ( ( AR.expflags & ( 1 << mode ) ) == 0 ) return(yes);
607 				else return(no);
608 			}
609 		}
610 	}
611 	if ( ( t = (UBYTE *)(getenv((char *)(name))) ) != 0 ) {
612 		if ( c ) *tt = c;
613 		ThePreVar = 0;
614 		return(t);
615 	}
616 	if ( c ) *tt = c;
617 	if ( flag == WITHERROR ) {
618 		Error1("Undefined preprocessor variable",name);
619 	}
620 	return(0);
621 }
623 /*
624  		#] GetPreVar :
625  		#[ PutPreVar :
626 */
628 /**
629  *  Inserts/Updates a preprocessor variable in the name administration.
630  *
631  *  @param   name    Character string with the variable name.
632  *  @param   value   Character string with a possible value.
633  *                   Special case: if this argument is zero, then we have no
634  *                   value. Note: This is different from having an empty
635  *                   argument! This should only occur when the name starts
636  *                   with a ?
637  *  @param   args    Character string with possible arguments.
638  *  @param   mode    =0: always create a new name entry, =1: try to do a
639  *                   redefinition if possible.
640  *  @return          Index of used entry in name list.
641  */
PutPreVar(UBYTE * name,UBYTE * value,UBYTE * args,int mode)642 int PutPreVar(UBYTE *name, UBYTE *value, UBYTE *args, int mode)
643 {
644 	int i, ii, num = 2, nnum = 2, numargs = 0;
645 	UBYTE *s, *t, *u = 0;
646 	PREVAR *p;
647 	if ( value == 0 && name[0] != '?' ) {
648 		MesPrint("@Illegal empty value for preprocessor variable %s",name);
649 		Terminate(-1);
650 	}
651 	if ( args ) {
652 		s = args; num++;
653 		while ( *s ) {
654 			if ( *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' ) num++;
655 			s++;
656 		}
657 	}
658 	if ( mode == 1 ) {
659 		i = NumPre;
660 		while ( --i >= 0 ) {
661 			if ( StrCmp(name,PreVar[i].name) == 0 ) {
662 				u = PreVar[i].name;
663 				break;
664 			}
665 		}
666 	}
667 	else i = -1;
668 	if ( i < 0 ) { p = (PREVAR *)FromList(&AP.PreVarList); ii = p - PreVar; }
669 	else         { p = &(PreVar[i]);            ii = i; }
670 	if ( value ) {
671 		s = value; while ( *s ) { s++; num++; }
672 	}
673 	else num = 1;
674 	if ( i >= 0 ) {
675 		if ( p->value ) {
676 			s = p->value;
677 			while ( *s ) { s++; nnum++; }
678 		}
679 		else nnum = 1;
680 		if ( nnum >= num ) {
681 /*
682 			We can keep this in place
683 */
684 			if ( value && p->value ) {
685 				s = value;
686 				t = p->value;
687 				while ( *s ) *t++ = *s++;
688 				*t = 0;
689 			}
690 			else p->value = 0;
691 			return(i);
692 		}
693 	}
694 	s = name;  while ( *s ) { s++; num++; }
695 	t = (UBYTE *)Malloc1(num,"PreVariable");
696 	p->name = t;
697 	s = name;  while ( *s ) *t++ = *s++; *t++ = 0;
698 	if ( value ) {
699 		p->value = t;
700 		s = value; while ( *s ) *t++ = *s++; *t = 0;
701 		if ( AM.atstartup && t[-1] == '\n' ) t[-1] = 0;
702 	}
703 	else p->value = 0;
704 	p->wildarg = 0;
705 	if ( args ) {
706 		int first = 1;
707 		t++; p->argnames = t;
708 		s = args;
709 		while ( *s ) {
710 			if ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) { s++; continue; }
711 			if ( *s == ',' ) {
712 				s++; *t++ = 0; numargs++;
713 				while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
714 				if ( *s == '?' ) {
715 					if ( p->wildarg > 0 ) {
716 						Error0("More than one ?var in #define");
717 					}
718 					p->wildarg = numargs;
719 				}
720 			}
721 			else if ( *s == '?' && first ) {
722 				p->wildarg = 1; *t++ = *s++;
723 			}
724 			else { *t++ = *s++; }
725 			first = 0;
726 		}
727 		*t = 0;
728 		numargs++;
729 		p->nargs = numargs;
730 	}
731 	else {
732 		p->nargs = 0;
733 		p->argnames = 0;
734 	}
735 	if ( u ) M_free(u,"replace PreVar value");
736 	return(ii);
737 }
739 /*
740  		#] PutPreVar :
741  		#[ PopPreVars :
742 */
PopPreVars(int tonumber)744 VOID PopPreVars(int tonumber)
745 {
746 	PREVAR *p = &(PreVar[NumPre]);
747 	while ( NumPre > tonumber ) {
748 		NumPre--; p--;
749 		M_free(p->name,"popping PreVar");
750 		p->name = p->value = 0;
751 	}
752 }
754 /*
755  		#] PopPreVars :
756  		#[ IniModule :
757 */
IniModule(int type)759 VOID IniModule(int type)
760 {
762 	WORD **w, i;
763 	CBUF *C = cbuf+AC.cbufnum;
764 	/*[05nov2003 mt]:*/
765 #ifdef WITHMPI
766 	/* To prevent
767 	 *   (1) FlushOut() and PutOut() on the slaves to send a mess to the master
768 	 *       compiling a module,
769 	 *   (2) EndSort() called from poly_factorize_expression() on the master
770 	 *       waits for the slaves.
771 	 */
772 	PF.parallel=0;
773 	/*BTW, this was the bug preventing usage of more than 1 expression!*/
774 #endif
776 	AR.BracketOn = 0;
777 	AR.StoreData.dirtyflag = 0;
778 	AC.bracketindexflag = 0;
779 	AT.bracketindexflag = 0;
781 /*[06nov2003 mt]:*/
782 #ifdef WITHMPI
783 	/* This flag may be set in the procedure tokenize(). */
784 	AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag = 0;
785 /*[20oct2009 mt]:*/
786 	PF.mkSlaveInfile=0;
787 	PF.slavebuf.PObuffer=NULL;
788 	for(i=0; i<NumExpressions; i++)
789 		Expressions[i].vflags &= ~ISINRHS;
790 /*:[20oct2009 mt]*/
791 #endif
792 /*:[06nov2003 mt]*/
794 	/*[19nov2003 mt]:*/
795 	/*The module counter:*/
796 	(AC.CModule)++;
797 	/*:[19nov2003 mt]*/
799 	if ( !type ) {
800 		if ( C->rhs ) {
801 			w = C->rhs; i = C->maxrhs;
802 			do { *w++ = 0; } while ( --i > 0 );
803 		}
804 		if ( C->lhs ) {
805 			w = C->lhs; i = C->maxlhs;
806 			do { *w++ = 0; } while ( --i > 0 );
807 		}
808 	}
809 	C->numlhs = C->numrhs = 0;
810 	ClearTree(AC.cbufnum);
811 	while ( AC.NumLabels > 0 ) {
812 		AC.NumLabels--;
813 		if ( AC.LabelNames[AC.NumLabels] ) M_free(AC.LabelNames[AC.NumLabels],"LabelName");
814 	}
816 	C->Pointer = C->Buffer;
818 	AC.Commercial[0] = 0;
820 	AC.IfStack = AC.IfHeap;
821 	AC.arglevel = 0;
822 	AC.termlevel = 0;
823 	AC.IfLevel = 0;
824 	AC.WhileLevel = 0;
825 	AC.RepLevel = 0;
826 	AC.insidelevel = 0;
827 	AC.dolooplevel = 0;
828 	AC.MustTestTable = 0;
829 	AO.PrintType = 0;				/* Otherwise statistics can get spoiled */
830 	AC.ComDefer = 0;
831 	AC.CollectFun = 0;
832 	AM.S0->PolyWise = 0;
833 	AC.SymChangeFlag = 0;
834 	AP.lhdollarerror = 0;
835 	AR.PolyFun = AC.lPolyFun;
836 	AR.PolyFunInv = AC.lPolyFunInv;
837 	AR.PolyFunType = AC.lPolyFunType;
838 	AR.PolyFunExp = AC.lPolyFunExp;
839 	AR.PolyFunVar = AC.lPolyFunVar;
840 	AR.PolyFunPow = AC.lPolyFunPow;
841 	AC.mparallelflag = AC.parallelflag | AM.hparallelflag;
842 	AC.inparallelflag = 0;
843 	AC.mProcessBucketSize = AC.ProcessBucketSize;
844 	NumPotModdollars = 0;
845 	AC.topolynomialflag = 0;
847 	if ( AM.totalnumberofthreads > 1 ) AS.MultiThreaded = 1;
848 	else AS.MultiThreaded = 0;
849 	for ( i = 1; i < AM.totalnumberofthreads; i++ ) {
850 		AB[i]->T.S0->PolyWise = 0;
851 	}
852 #endif
853 	OpenTemp();
854 }
856 /*
857  		#] IniModule :
858  		#[ IniSpecialModule :
859 */
IniSpecialModule(int type)861 VOID IniSpecialModule(int type)
862 {
863 	DUMMYUSE(type);
864 }
866 /*
867  		#] IniSpecialModule :
868  		#[ PreProcessor :
869 */
PreProcessor()871 VOID PreProcessor()
872 {
873 	int moduletype = FIRSTMODULE;
874 	int specialtype = 0;
875 	int error1 = 0, error2 = 0, retcode, numstatement, retval;
876 	UBYTE c, *t, *s;
877 	AP.StopWatchZero = GetRunningTime();
878 	AC.compiletype = 0;
879 	AP.PreContinuation = 0;
880 	AP.PreAssignLevel = 0;
881 	AP.gNumPre = NumPre;
882 	AC.iPointer = AC.iBuffer;
883 	AC.iPointer[0] = 0;
885 	if ( AC.CheckpointFlag == -1 ) DoRecovery(&moduletype);
886 	AC.CheckpointStamp = Timer(0);
888 	for(;;) {
889 /*		if ( A.StatisticsFlag ) CharOut(LINEFEED); */
891 		IniModule(moduletype);
893 		/*Re-define preprocessor variable CMODULE_ as a current module number, starting from 1*/
894 		/*The module counter is AC.CModule, it is incremented in IniModule*/
895 		{
896 			UBYTE buf[24];/*64/Log_2[10] = 19.3, this is enough for any integer*/
897 			NumToStr(buf,AC.CModule);
898 			PutPreVar((UBYTE *)"CMODULE_",buf,0,1);
899 		}
901 		if ( specialtype ) IniSpecialModule(specialtype);
903 		numstatement = 0;
904 		for(;;) {	/* Read a single line/statement */
905 			c = GetChar(0);
906 			if ( c == AP.ComChar ) {  /* This line is commentary */
907 				LoadInstruction(5);
908 				if ( AC.CurrentStream->FoldName ) {
909 					t = AP.preStart;
910 					if ( *t && t[1] && t[2] == '#' && t[3] == ']' ) {
911 						t += 4;
912 						while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' ) t++;
913 						s = AC.CurrentStream->FoldName;
914 						while ( *s == *t ) { s++; t++; }
915 						if ( *s == 0 && ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t'
916 						|| *t == ':' ) ) {
917 							while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' ) t++;
918 							if ( *t == ':' ) {
919 								AC.CurrentStream = CloseStream(AC.CurrentStream);
920 							}
921 						}
922 					}
923 				}
924 				*AP.preStart = 0;
925 				continue;
926 			}
927 			while ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' ) c = GetChar(0);
928 			if ( c == LINEFEED ) continue;
929 			if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) {
930 /*				CharOut(LINEFEED); */
931 				Warning(".end instruction generated");
932 				moduletype = ENDMODULE; specialtype = 0;
933 				goto endmodule; /* Fake one */
934 			}
935 			if ( c == '#' ) {
936 				if ( PreProInstruction() ) { error1++; error2++; AP.preError++; }
937 				*AP.preStart = 0;
938 			}
939 			else if ( c == '.' ) {
940 				if ( ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) ||
941 				( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) ) {
942 					LoadInstruction(1);
943 					continue;
944 				}
945 				if ( ModuleInstruction(&moduletype,&specialtype) ) { error2++; AP.preError++; }
946 				if ( specialtype ) SetSpecialMode(moduletype,specialtype);
947 				if ( AP.PreInsideLevel != 0 ) {
948 					MesPrint("@end of module instructions may not be used inside");
949 					MesPrint("@the scope of a %#inside %#endinside construction.");
950 					Terminate(-1);
951 				}
952 				if ( AC.RepLevel > 0 ) {
953 					MesPrint("&EndRepeat statement(s) missing");
954 					error2++; AP.preError++;
955 				}
956 				if ( AC.tablecheck == 0 ) {
957 					AC.tablecheck = 1;
958 					if ( TestTables() ) { error2++; AP.preError++; }
959 				}
960 				if ( AP.PreContinuation ) {
961 					error1++; error2++;
962 					MesPrint("&Unfinished statement. Missing ;?");
963 				}
964 				if ( moduletype == GLOBALMODULE ) MakeGlobal();
965 				else {
966 endmodule:			if ( error2 == 0 && AM.qError == 0 ) {
967 						retcode = ExecModule(moduletype);
968 #ifdef WITHMPI
969 						if(PF.slavebuf.PObuffer!=NULL){
970 							M_free(PF.slavebuf.PObuffer,"PF inbuf");
971 							PF.slavebuf.PObuffer=NULL;
972 						}
973 #endif
974 						UpdatePositions();
975 						if ( retcode < 0 ) error1++;
976 						if ( retcode ) { error2++; AP.preError++; }
977 					}
978 					else {
979 						EXPRESSIONS e;
980 						WORD j;
981 						for ( j = 0, e = Expressions; j < NumExpressions; j++, e++ ) {
982 							if ( e->replace == NEWLYDEFINEDEXPRESSION ) e->replace = REGULAREXPRESSION;
983 						}
984 					}
985 					switch ( moduletype ) {
986 						case STOREMODULE:
987 							if ( ExecStore() ) error1++;
988 							break;
989 						case CLEARMODULE:
990 							FullCleanUp();
991 							error1 = error2 = AP.preError = 0;
992 							AM.atstartup = 1;
993 							PutPreVar((UBYTE *)"DATE_",(UBYTE *)MakeDate(),0,1);
994 							AM.atstartup = 0;
995 							if ( AM.resetTimeOnClear ) {
997 								ClearAllThreads();
998 #endif
999 								AM.SumTime += TimeCPU(1);
1000 								TimeCPU(0);
1001 							}
1002 							AP.StopWatchZero = GetRunningTime();
1003 							break;
1004 						case ENDMODULE:
1005 							Terminate( -( error1 | error2 ) );
1006 					}
1007 				}
1008 				AC.tablecheck = 0;
1009 				AC.compiletype = 0;
1010 				if ( AC.exprfillwarning > 0 ) {
1011 					AC.exprfillwarning = 0;
1012 				}
1013 				if ( AC.CheckpointFlag && error1 == 0 && error2 == 0 ) DoCheckpoint(moduletype);
1014 				break;  /* start a new module */
1015 			}
1016 			else {
1017 				if ( ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) ||
1018 				( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) ) {
1019 					pushbackchar = c;
1020 					LoadInstruction(5);
1021 					continue;
1022 				}
1023 				UngetChar(c);
1024 				if ( AP.PreContinuation ) {
1025 					retval = LoadStatement(OLDSTATEMENT);
1026 				}
1027 				else {
1028 					numstatement++;
1029 					AC.CurrentStream->prevline = AC.CurrentStream->linenumber;
1030 					retval = LoadStatement(NEWSTATEMENT);
1031 				}
1032 				if ( retval < 0 ) {
1033 					error1++;
1034 					if ( retval == -1 ) AP.PreContinuation = 0;
1035 					else AP.PreContinuation = 1;
1036 					TryRecover(0);
1037 				}
1038 				else if ( retval > 0 ) AP.PreContinuation = 0;
1039 				else AP.PreContinuation = 1;
1040 				if ( error1 == 0 && !AP.PreContinuation ) {
1041 					if ( ( AP.PreDebug & PREPROONLY ) == 0 ) {
1042 						int onpmd = NumPotModdollars;
1043 #ifdef WITHMPI
1044 						WORD oldRhsExprInModuleFlag = AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag;
1045 						if ( AP.PreAssignFlag ) AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag = 0;
1046 #endif
1047 						if ( AP.PreOut || ( AP.PreDebug & DUMPTOCOMPILER )
1048 								== DUMPTOCOMPILER )
1049 									MesPrint(" %s",AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel]);
1050 						retcode = CompileStatement(AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel]);
1051 						if ( retcode < 0 ) error1++;
1052 						if ( retcode ) { error2++; AP.preError++; }
1053 						if ( AP.PreAssignFlag ) {
1054 							if ( retcode == 0 ) {
1055 								if ( ( retcode = CatchDollar(0) ) < 0 ) error1++;
1056 								else if ( retcode > 0 ) { error2++; AP.preError++; }
1057 							}
1058 							else CatchDollar(-1);
1060 							if ( AP.PreAssignLevel <=0 )
1061 								AP.PreAssignFlag = 0;
1062 							NumPotModdollars = onpmd;
1063 #ifdef WITHMPI
1064 							AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag = oldRhsExprInModuleFlag;
1065 #endif
1066 						}
1067 					}
1068 					else {
1069 						MesPrint(" %s",AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel]);
1070 					}
1071 				}
1072 				else if ( !AP.PreContinuation ) {
1073 					if ( AP.PreAssignLevel > 0 ) {
1075 						if ( AP.PreAssignLevel <=0 )
1076 							AP.PreAssignFlag = 0;
1077 					}
1078 				}
1079 /*
1080 				if ( !AP.PreContinuation ) AP.PreAssignFlag = 0;
1081 */
1082 			}
1083 		}
1084 	}
1085 }
1087 /*
1088  		#] PreProcessor :
1089  		#[ PreProInstruction :
1090 */
PreProInstruction()1092 int PreProInstruction()
1093 {
1094 	UBYTE *s, *t;
1095 	KEYWORD *key;
1096 	AP.PreproFlag = 1;
1097 	AP.preFill = 0;
1098 	AP.AllowDelay = 0;
1099 	AP.DelayPrevar = 0;
1101 	oldmode = 0;
1102 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) {
1103 		LoadInstruction(3);
1104 		if ( ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"case") == 0
1105 		|| StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"default") == 0 )
1106 		&& AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] == SEARCHINGPRECASE ) {
1107 			LoadInstruction(0);
1108 		}
1109 		else if ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"assign ") == 0 ) {}
1110 		else { LoadInstruction(1); }
1111 	}
1112 	else if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) {
1113 		LoadInstruction(3);
1114 		if ( ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"else") == 0
1115 		|| StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"elseif") == 0 )
1116 		&& AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] == LOOKINGFORELSE ) {
1117 			LoadInstruction(0);
1118 		}
1119 		else if ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"assign ") == 0 ) {}
1120 		else {
1121 			LoadInstruction(1);
1122 		}
1123 	}
1124 	else {
1125 		LoadInstruction(0);
1126 	}
1127 	AP.PreproFlag = 0;
1128 	t = AP.preStart;
1129 	if ( *t == '-' ) {
1130 		if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] == EXECUTINGPRESWITCH
1131 			&& AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] == EXECUTINGIF )
1132 			AC.NoShowInput = 1;
1133 	}
1134 	else if ( *t == '+' ) {
1135 		if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] == EXECUTINGPRESWITCH
1136 			&& AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] == EXECUTINGIF )
1137 			AC.NoShowInput = 0;
1138 	}
1139 	else if ( *t == ':' ) {}
1140 	else {
1141 retry:;
1142 		key = FindKeyWord(t,precommands,sizeof(precommands)/sizeof(KEYWORD));
1143 		s = EndOfToken(t);
1144 		if ( key == 0 ) {
1145 			if ( *s == ';' ) {
1146 				*s = 0; goto retry;
1147 			}
1148 			else {
1149 				*s = 0;
1150 				MesPrint("@Unrecognized preprocessor instruction: %s",t);
1151 				return(-1);
1152 			}
1153 		}
1154 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == ',' ) s++;
1155 		t = s;
1156 		while ( *t ) t++;
1157 		while ( ( t[-1] == ';' ) && ( t[-2] != '\\' ) ) {
1158 			t--; *t = 0;
1159 		}
1160 		return((key->func)(s));
1161 	}
1162 	return(0);
1163 }
1165 /*
1166  		#] PreProInstruction :
1167  		#[ LoadInstruction :
1169 		0:  preprocessor instruction that may involve matching of brackets
1170 		1:  runs straight to end-of-line
1171 		2:	runs to ;
1172 		3:	only gets one word without `' interpretation.
1173 		5:	with pushbackchar, but inside commentary. -> 1
1175 To be added:
1176 	In define, redefine, call and listed do we may have delayed substitution
1177 	of preprocessor variables.
1178 */
LoadInstruction(int mode)1180 int LoadInstruction(int mode)
1181 {
1182 	UBYTE *s, *sstart, *t, c, cp;
1183 	LONG position, fillpos = 0;
1184 	int bralevel = 0, parlevel = 0, first = 1;
1185 	int quotelevel = 0;
1186 	if ( AP.preFill ) {
1187 		s = AP.preFill;
1188 		AP.preFill = 0;
1189 		if ( s[1] != LINEFEED && s[1] != ENDOFINPUT ) {
1190 			s[0] = s[1]; s++;
1191 		}
1192 		else { oldmode = mode; return(0); }
1193 	}
1194 	else { s = AP.preStart; }
1195 	sstart = s; *s = 0;
1196 	for(;;) {
1197 		if ( ( mode & 1 ) == 1 ) {
1198 			if ( pushbackchar && ( mode == 3 || mode == 5 ) ) {
1199 				c = pushbackchar; pushbackchar = 0;
1200 			}
1201 			else c = GetInput();
1202 		}
1203 		else {
1204 			c = GetChar(0);
1205 		}
1207 		if ( mode == 2 && c == ';' ) break;
1208 		if ( ( mode == 1 || mode == 5 ) && c == LINEFEED ) break;
1209 		if ( mode == 3 && FG.cTable[c] != 0 ) {
1210 			if ( c == '$' ) {
1211 				pushbackchar = '$';
1212 				*s++ = 'a'; *s++ = 's'; *s++ = 's'; *s++ = 'i';
1213 				*s++ = 'g'; *s++ = 'n'; *s++ = ' '; *s = 0;
1214 			}
1215 			AP.preFill = s; *s++ = 0; *s = c;
1216 			oldmode = mode;
1217 			return(0);
1218 		}
1219 		if ( mode == 0 && first ) {
1220 			if ( c == '$' ) {
1221 dodollar:		s = sstart;
1222 				*s++ = 'a'; *s++ = 's'; *s++ = 's'; *s++ = 'i';
1223 				*s++ = 'g'; *s++ = 'n'; *s = 0;
1224 				pushbackchar = c;
1225 				oldmode = mode;
1226 				return(0);
1227 			}
1228 			if ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ',' ) {}
1229 			else first = 0;
1230 		}
1231 		else if ( mode == 1 && first && c == '$' && oldmode == 3 ) goto dodollar;
1232 		if ( c == ENDOFINPUT || ( c == LINEFEED
1233 /*		&& bralevel == 0  */
1234 		&& quotelevel == 0 ) ) {
1235 			if ( mode == 2 && c == ENDOFINPUT ) {
1236 				MesPrint("@Unexpected end of instruction");
1237 				oldmode = mode;
1238 				return(-1);
1239 			}
1240 /*
1241 			if ( mode == 0 && bralevel ) {
1242 				MesPrint("@Unmatched brackets");
1243 				oldmode = mode;
1244 				return(-1);
1245 			}
1246 */
1247 			if ( mode != 2 ) break;
1248 		}
1249 		if ( quotelevel ) {
1250 			if ( c == '\\' ) {
1251 				if ( ( mode == 1 ) || ( mode == 5 ) ) c = GetInput();
1252 				else {
1253 					c = GetChar(0);
1254 				}
1255 				if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) {
1256 					MesPrint("@Unmatched \"");
1257 					if ( mode == 2 && c == ENDOFINPUT ) {
1258 						MesPrint("@Unexpected end of instruction");
1259 					}
1260 /*
1261 					if ( mode == 0 && bralevel ) {
1262 						MesPrint("@Unmatched brackets");
1263 					}
1264 */
1265 					oldmode = mode;
1266 					return(-1);
1267 				}
1268 				else if ( c == LINEFEED ) {}
1269 				else if ( c == '"' ) { *s++ = '\\'; }
1270 				else {
1271 					*s++ = '\\';
1272 				}
1273 			}
1274 			else if ( c == '"' ) {
1275 				quotelevel = 0;
1276 				AP.AllowDelay = 0;
1277 			}
1278 		}
1279 		else if ( c == '\\' ) {
1280 			if ( ( mode == 1 ) || ( mode == 5 ) ) cp = GetInput();
1281 			else {
1282 				cp = GetChar(0);
1283 			}
1284 			if ( cp == LINEFEED ) continue;
1285 			if ( mode != 2 || cp != ';' ) *s++ = c;
1286 			c = cp;
1287 		}
1288 		else if ( c == '"' ) {
1289 /*
1290 			Now look back in the buffer and determine what the keyword is.
1291 			If it is define or redefine, put AllowDelay to 1.
1292 */
1293 			t = AP.preStart;
1294 			while ( FG.cTable[*t] <= 1 ) t++;
1295 			cp = *t; *t = 0;
1296 			if ( ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"define") == 0 )
1297 				|| ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"redefine") == 0 ) ) {
1298 				AP.AllowDelay = 1;
1299 				oldstream = AC.CurrentStream;
1300 			}
1301 			*t = cp;
1302 			quotelevel = 1;
1303 		}
1304 		else if ( quotelevel == 0 && bralevel == 0 && c == '(' ) {
1305 			t = AP.preStart;
1306 			while ( FG.cTable[*t] <= 1 ) t++;
1307 			cp = *t; *t = 0;
1308 			if ( ( parlevel == 0 )
1309 				 && ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"call") == 0 ) ) {
1310 				AP.AllowDelay = 1;
1311 				oldstream = AC.CurrentStream;
1312 			}
1313 			*t = cp;
1314 			parlevel++;
1315 		}
1316 		else if ( quotelevel == 0 && bralevel == 0 && c == ')' ) {
1317 			parlevel--;
1318 		}
1319 		else if ( quotelevel == 0 && parlevel == 0 && c == '{' ) {
1320 			t = AP.preStart;
1321 			while ( FG.cTable[*t] <= 1 ) t++;
1322 			cp = *t; *t = 0;
1323 			if ( ( bralevel == 0 )
1324 				&& ( ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"call") == 0 )
1325 				|| ( StrICmp(AP.preStart,(UBYTE *)"do") == 0 ) ) ) {
1326 				AP.AllowDelay = 1;
1327 				oldstream = AC.CurrentStream;
1328 			}
1329 			*t = cp;
1330 			bralevel++;
1331 		}
1332 		else if ( quotelevel == 0 && parlevel == 0 && c == '}' ) {
1333 			bralevel--;
1334 			if ( bralevel < 0 ) {
1335 				if ( mode != 5 ) {
1336 					MesPrint("@Unmatched brackets");
1337 					oldmode = mode;
1338 					return(-1);
1339 				}
1340 				bralevel = 0;
1341 			}
1342 		}
1343 		if ( s >= (AP.preStop-1) ) {
1344 			UBYTE **ppp;
1345 			position = s - AP.preStart;
1346 			if ( AP.preFill ) fillpos = AP.preFill - AP.preStart;
1347 			ppp = &(AP.preStart); /* to avoid a compiler warning */
1348 			if ( DoubleLList((VOID ***)ppp,&AP.pSize,sizeof(UBYTE),
1349 			"instruction buffer") ) { *s = 0; oldmode = mode; return(-1); }
1350 			AP.preStop = AP.preStart + AP.pSize-3;
1351 			s = AP.preStart + position;
1352 			if ( AP.preFill ) AP.preFill = fillpos + AP.preStart;
1353 		}
1354 		*s++ = c;
1355 	}
1356 	*s = 0;
1357 	oldmode = mode;
1358 	if ( mode == 0 ) {
1359 		if ( ExpandTripleDots(1) < 0 ) return(-1);
1360 	}
1361 	return(0);
1362 }
1364 /*
1365  		#] LoadInstruction :
1366  		#[ LoadStatement :
1368 		Puts the current string together in the input buffer.
1369 		Does things like placing comma's where needed and expand ...
1370 		We force a comma after the keyword. Before 8-sep-2009 the program might
1371 		not put a comma if a + or - followed. And then the compiler ate
1372 		the + or - and we needed repair code in the routines that used the
1373 		+ or - (Print, modulus, multiply and (a)bracket). This worked but
1374 		the problem was with statements like  Dimension -4; which then would
1375 		be processed as Dimension 4; (JV)
1376 */
LoadStatement(int type)1378 int LoadStatement(int type)
1379 {
1380 	UBYTE *s, c, cp;
1381 	int retval = 0, stringlevel = 0, newstatement = 0;
1382 	if ( type == NEWSTATEMENT ) { AP.eat = 1; newstatement = 1;
1383 		s = AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel]; }
1384 	else { s = AC.iPointer; *s = 0; c = ' '; goto blank; }
1385 	*s = 0;
1386 	for(;;) {
1387 		c = GetChar(0);
1388 		if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) { retval = -1; break; }
1389 		if ( stringlevel == 0 ) {
1390 			if ( c == LINEFEED ) { retval = 0; break; }
1391 			if ( c == ';' ) {
1392 				if ( AP.eat < 0 ) s--;
1393 				while ( ( c = GetChar(0) ) == ' ' || c == '\t' ) {}
1394 				if ( c != LINEFEED ) UngetChar(c);
1395 				retval = 1;
1396 				break;
1397 			}
1398 		}
1399 		if ( c == '\\' ) {
1400 			cp = GetChar(0);
1401 			if ( cp == LINEFEED ) continue;
1402 			*s++ = c;
1403 			c = cp;
1404 		}
1405 		if ( c == '"' ) {
1406 			if ( stringlevel == 0 ) stringlevel = 1;
1407 			else stringlevel = 0;
1408 			AP.eat = 0;
1409 		}
1410 		else if ( stringlevel == 0 ) {
1411 			if ( c == '\t' ) c = ' ';
1412 			if ( c == ' ' ) {
1413 blank:			if ( newstatement < 0 ) newstatement = 0;
1414 				if ( AP.eat && ( newstatement == 0 ) ) continue;
1415 				c = ',';
1416 				AP.eat = -2;
1417 				if ( newstatement > 0 ) newstatement = -1;
1418 			}
1419 			else if ( chartype[c] <= 3 ) {
1420 				AP.eat = 0;
1421 				if ( newstatement < 0 ) newstatement = 0;
1422 			}
1423 			else if ( c == ',' ) {
1424 				if ( newstatement > 0 ) {
1425 					newstatement = -1;
1426 					AP.eat = -2;
1427 				}
1428 /*				else if ( AP.eat == -2 ) { s--; } */
1429 				else if ( AP.eat == -2 ) { AP.eat = 1; continue; }
1430 				else { goto doall; }
1431 			}
1432 			else {
1433 doall:;			if ( AP.eat < 0 ) {
1434 					if ( newstatement == 0 ) s--;
1435 					else { newstatement = 0; }
1436 				}
1437 				else if ( newstatement == 1 ) newstatement = 0;
1438 				AP.eat = 1;
1439 				if ( c == '*' && s > AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel] && s[-1] == '*' ) {
1440 					s[-1] = '^';
1441 					continue;
1442 				}
1443 			}
1444 		}
1445 		if ( s >= AC.iStop ) {
1446 			if ( !AP.iBufError ) {
1447 				LONG position = s - AC.iBuffer;
1448 				LONG position2 = AC.iPointer - AC.iBuffer;
1449 				UBYTE **ppp = &(AC.iBuffer); /* to avoid a compiler warning */
1450 				if ( DoubleLList((VOID ***)ppp,&AC.iBufferSize
1451 				,sizeof(UBYTE),"statement buffer") ) {
1452 					*s = 0; retval = -1; AP.iBufError = 1;
1453 				}
1454 				AC.iPointer = AC.iBuffer + position2;
1455 				AC.iStop = AC.iBuffer + AC.iBufferSize-2;
1456 				s = AC.iBuffer + position;
1457 			}
1458 			if ( AP.iBufError ) {
1459 				for(;;){
1460 					c = GetChar(0);
1461 					if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) { retval = -1; break; }
1462 					if ( c == '"' ) {
1463 						if ( stringlevel > 0 ) stringlevel = 0;
1464 						else stringlevel = 1;
1465 					}
1466 					else if ( c == LINEFEED && !stringlevel ) { retval = -2; break; }
1467 					else if ( c == ';' && !stringlevel ) {
1468 						while ( ( c = GetChar(0) ) == ' ' || c == '\t' ) {}
1469 						if ( c != LINEFEED ) UngetChar(c);
1470 						retval = -1;
1471 						break;
1472 					}
1473 					else if ( c == '\\' ) c = GetChar(0);
1474 				}
1475 				break;
1476 			}
1477 		}
1478 		*s++ = c;
1479 	}
1480 	AC.iPointer = s;
1481 	*s = 0;
1482 	if ( stringlevel > 0 ) {
1483 		MesPrint("@Unbalanced \". Runaway string");
1484 		retval = -1;
1485 	}
1486 	if ( retval == 1 ) {
1487 		if ( ExpandTripleDots(0) < 0 ) retval = -1;
1488 	}
1489 	return(retval);
1490 }
1492 /*
1493  		#] LoadStatement :
1494  		#[ ExpandTripleDots :
1495 */
IsSignChar(UBYTE c)1497 static inline int IsSignChar(UBYTE c)
1498 {
1499 	return c == '+' || c == '-';
1500 }
IsAlphanumericChar(UBYTE c)1502 static inline int IsAlphanumericChar(UBYTE c)
1503 {
1504 	return FG.cTable[c] == 0 || FG.cTable[c] == 1;
1505 }
CanParseSignedNumber(const UBYTE * s)1507 static inline int CanParseSignedNumber(const UBYTE *s)
1508 {
1509 	while ( IsSignChar(*s) ) s++;
1510 	return FG.cTable[*s] == 1;
1511 }
ExpandTripleDots(int par)1513 int ExpandTripleDots(int par)
1514 {
1515 	UBYTE *s, *s1, *s2, *n1, *n2, *t1, *t2, *startp, operator1, operator2, c, cc;
1516 	UBYTE *nBuffer, *strngs, *Buffer, *Stop;
1517 	LONG withquestion, x1, x2, y1, y2, number, inc, newsize, pow, fullsize;
1518 	int i, error = 0, i1 ,i2, ii, *nums = 0;
1520 	if ( par == 0 ) {
1521 		Buffer = AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel]; Stop = AC.iStop;
1522 	}
1523 	else {
1524 		Buffer = AP.preStart; Stop = AP.preStop;
1525 	}
1526 	s = Buffer; while ( *s ) s++;
1527 	fullsize = s - Buffer;
1528 	if ( fullsize < 7 ) return(error);
1530 	s = Buffer+2;
1531 	while ( *s ) {
1532 		if ( *s != '.' || ( s[-1] != ',' && FG.cTable[s[-1]] != 5 ) )
1533 			{ s++; continue; }
1534 		if ( s[-1] == '%' || s[-1] == '^' || s[1] != '.' || s[2] != '.' )
1535 			{ s++; continue; }
1536 		s1 = s - 2;
1537 		s += 3;
1538 		if ( *s != s[-4] && ( *s != '+' || s[-4] != '-' )
1539 		 && ( *s != '-' || s[-4] != '+' ) ) {
1540 			MesPrint("&Improper operators for ...");
1541 			error = -1;
1542 		}
1543 		operator1 = s[-4];
1544 		operator2 = *s++;
1545 		if ( operator1 == ':' ) operator1 = '.';
1546 		if ( operator2 == ':' ) operator2 = '.';
1547 /*
1548 		We have now O1...O2 (O stands for operator)
1549 		Full syntax is
1550 		[str]#1[?]O1...O2[str]#2[?]   (Special case)
1551 		in which both strings are identical and if one ? then also the other.
1552 		<pattern1>O1...O2<pattern2>   (General case)
1553 		in which the difference in the patterns is just numerical.
1554 */
1555 		s2 = s;			/* the beginning of the second string */
1556 		if ( *s2 != '<' || *s1 != '>' ) {	/* Special case */
1557 			startp = s1+1;
1558 			withquestion = ( *s1 == '?' ); s1--;
1559 			while ( FG.cTable[*s1] == 1 && s1 >= Buffer ) s1--;
1560 			n1 = s1+1;		/* Beginning of first number */
1561 			if ( FG.cTable[*n1] != 1 ) {
1562 				MesPrint("&No first number in ... operator");
1563 				error = -1;
1564 			}
1565 			while ( FG.cTable[*s1] <= 1 && s1 >= Buffer ) s1--;
1566 			s1++;
1567 /*
1568 			We have now the first string from s1 to n1, number from n1
1569 */
1570 			t1 = s1; t2 = s2;
1571 			while ( t1 < n1 && *t1 == *t2 ) { t1++; t2++; }
1572 			n2 = t2;
1573 			if ( FG.cTable[*t2] != 1 ) {
1574 				MesPrint("&No second number in ... operator");
1575 				error = -1;
1576 			}
1577 			x2 = 0;
1578 			while ( FG.cTable[*t2] == 1 ) x2 = 10*x2 + *t2++ - '0';
1579 			x1 = 0;
1580 			while ( FG.cTable[*t1] == 1 ) x1 = 10*x1 + *t1++ - '0';
1581 			if ( withquestion != ( *t2 == '?' ) ) {
1582 				MesPrint("&Improper use of ? in ... operator");
1583 				if ( *t2 == '?' ) t2++;
1584 				error = -1;
1585 			}
1586 			else if ( withquestion ) t2++;
1587 			if ( FG.cTable[*t2] <= 2 ) {
1588 				MesPrint("&Illegal object after ... construction");
1589 				error = -1;
1590 			}
1591 			c = *n1; *n1 = 0; s = t2;
1592 			if ( error ) continue;
1593 /*
1594 			At this point the syntax has been fulfilled. We have
1595 			str in s1.
1596 			x1,x2 are #1,#2
1597 			operator1,operator2 are the two operators.
1598 			s points at whatever comes after.
1599 			Expansion will have to be computed.
1600 */
1601 			if ( x2 < x1 ) { number = x1-x2; inc = -1; y1 = x2; y2 = x1; }
1602 			else           { number = x2-x1; inc =  1; y1 = x1; y2 = x2; }
1603 			newsize = (number+1)*(n1-s1)		    /* the strings   */
1604 		    	     + number					    /* the operators */
1605 		        	 +(number+1)*(withquestion?1:0)	/* questionmarks */
1606 			         +(number+1);                   /* last digits   */
1607 			pow = 10;
1608 			for ( i = 1; i < 10; i++, pow *= 10 ) {
1609 				if ( y1 >= pow )      newsize += number+1;
1610 				else if ( y2 >= pow ) newsize += y2-pow+1;
1611 				else break;
1612 			}
1613 			while ( Buffer+(fullsize+newsize-(s-s1)) >= Stop ) {
1614 				LONG strpos = s1-Buffer;
1615 				LONG endstr = n1-Buffer;
1616 				LONG startq = startp - Buffer;
1617 				LONG position = s - Buffer;
1618 				UBYTE **ppp;
1619 				if ( par == 0 ) {
1620 					LONG position2 = AC.iPointer - AC.iBuffer;
1621 					ppp = &(AC.iBuffer); /* to avoid a compiler warning */
1622 					if ( DoubleLList((VOID ***)ppp,&AC.iBufferSize
1623 						,sizeof(UBYTE),"statement buffer") ) {
1624 							Terminate(-1);
1625 					}
1626 					AC.iPointer = AC.iBuffer + position2;
1627 					AC.iStop = AC.iBuffer + AC.iBufferSize-2;
1628 					Buffer = AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel]; Stop = AC.iStop;
1629 				}
1630 				else {
1631 					LONG fillpos = 0;
1632 					if ( AP.preFill ) fillpos = AP.preFill - AP.preStart;
1633 					ppp = &(AP.preStart); /* to avoid a compiler warning */
1634 					if ( DoubleLList((VOID ***)ppp,&AP.pSize,sizeof(UBYTE),
1635 						"instruction buffer") ) {
1636 							Terminate(-1);
1637 					}
1638 					AP.preStop = AP.preStart + AP.pSize-3;
1639 					if ( AP.preFill ) AP.preFill = fillpos + AP.preStart;
1640 					Buffer = AP.preStart; Stop = AP.preStop;
1641 				}
1642 				s  = Buffer + position;
1643 				n1 = Buffer + endstr;
1644 				s1 = Buffer + strpos;
1645 				startp = Buffer + startq;
1646 			}
1647 /*
1648 			We have space for the expansion in the buffer.
1649 			There are two cases: new size >  old size
1650 			                     old size >= new size
1651 			Note that whereever we move things, it will be at least startp.
1652 */
1653 			if ( newsize > (s-s1) ) {
1654 				t2 = Buffer + fullsize;
1655 				t1 = t2 + (newsize - (s-s1));
1656 				*t1 = 0;
1657 				while ( t2 > s ) { *--t1 = *--t2; }
1658 			}
1659 			else if ( newsize < (s-s1) ) {
1660 				t1 = s1 + newsize; t2 = s; s = t1;
1661 				while ( *t2 ) *t1++ = *t2++;
1662 				*t1 = 0;
1663 			}
1664 			for ( x1 += inc, t1 = startp; number > 0; number--, x1 += inc ) {
1665 				*t1++ = operator1;
1666 				cc = operator1; operator1 = operator2; operator2 = cc;
1667 				t2 = s1; while ( *t2 ) *t1++ = *t2++;
1668 				x2 = x1; n2 = t1;
1669 				do {
1670 					*t1++ = '0' + x2 % 10;
1671 					x2 /= 10;
1672 				} while ( x2 );
1673 				s2 = t1 - 1;
1674 				while ( s2 > n2 ) { cc = *s2; *s2 = *n2; *n2++ = cc; s2--; }
1675 				if ( withquestion ) *t1++ = '?';
1676 			}
1677 			fullsize += newsize - ( s - s1 );
1678 			*n1 = c;
1679 		}
1680 		else {		/* General case. Find the patterns first */
1681 			t1 = s1; s1--;
1682 			while ( s1 > Buffer ) {
1683 				if ( *s1 == '<' ) break;
1684 				s1--;
1685 			}
1686 			t2 = s2;
1687 			while ( *t2 ) {
1688 				if ( *t2 == '>' ) break;
1689 				t2++;
1690 			}
1691 			if ( *s1 != '<' || *t2 != '>' ) {
1692 				MesPrint("&Illegal attempt to use ... operator");
1693 				return(-1);
1694 			}
1695 			s1++; s2++;		/* Pointers to the patterns */
1696 			nums = (int *)Malloc1((t1-s1)*2*(sizeof(int)+sizeof(UBYTE))
1697 							,"Expand ...");
1698 			strngs = (UBYTE *)(nums + 2*(t1-s1));
1699 			n1 = s1; n2 = s2; ii = -1; i = 0;
1700 			s = strngs;
1701 			while ( n1 < t1 || n2 < t2 ) {
1702 				/* Check the next characters can be parsed as numbers including signs. */
1703 				if ( CanParseSignedNumber(n1) && CanParseSignedNumber(n2) ) {
1704 					/*
1705 					 * Don't allow the cases that one has the sign and the other doesn't,
1706 					 * and the meaning changes without the sign. For example,
1707 					 *   <f(1)>+...+<f(3)>       Allowed
1708 					 *   <f(-2)>+...+<f(2)>      Allowed
1709 					 *   <f(x-2)>+...+<f(x+2)>   Allowed
1710 					 *   <f(x-2)>+...+<f(x2)>    Not allowed
1711 					 */
1712 					int sign1 = IsSignChar(*n1);
1713 					int sign2 = IsSignChar(*n2);
1714 					int inword1 = s1 < n1 && IsAlphanumericChar(n1[-1]);
1715 					int inword2 = s2 < n2 && IsAlphanumericChar(n2[-1]);
1716 					if ( ( sign1 ^ sign2 ) && ( inword1 || inword2 ) ) break;  /* Not allowed. */
1717 					if ( sign1 || sign2 ) {
1718 						*s++ = '+';  /* Marker indicating we need the sign. */
1719 					}
1720 				} else {
1721 					/* If they are not numbers, they should be same. */
1722 					if ( *n1 == *n2 ) { *s++ = *n1++; n2++; continue; }
1723 					else break;
1724 				}
1725 				ParseSignedNumber(x1,n1)
1726 				ParseSignedNumber(x2,n2)
1727 				if ( x1 == x2 ) {
1728 					if ( s != strngs && ( s[-1] == '+' || s[-1] == '-' ) ) {
1729 						/* We need the sign. */
1730 						s--;
1731 						if ( x1 >= 0 ) {
1732 							*s++ = '+';
1733 						}
1734 					}
1735 					s = NumCopy(x1, s);
1736 				}
1737 				else {
1738 					nums[2*i] = x1; nums[2*i+1] = x2;
1739 					i++; *s++ = 0;
1740 				}
1741 			}
1742 			if ( n1 < t1 || n2 < t2 ) {
1743 				MesPrint("&Improper use of ... operator.");
1744 theend:			M_free(nums,"Expand ...");
1745 				return(-1);
1746 			}
1747 			*s = 0;
1748 			if ( i == 0 ) ii = 0;
1749 			else {
1750 				ii = nums[0] - nums[1];
1751 				if ( ii < 0 ) ii = -ii;
1752 				for ( x1 = 1; x1 < i; x1++ ) {
1753 					x2 = nums[2*x1]-nums[2*x1+1];
1754 					if ( x2 < 0 ) x2 = -x2;
1755 					if ( x2 != ii ) {
1756 						MesPrint("&Improper synchronization of numbers in ... operator");
1757 						goto theend;
1758 					}
1759 				}
1760 			}
1761 			ii++;
1762 /*
1763 			We have now proper syntax.
1764 			There are i+1 strings in strngs and i pairs of numbers
1765 			in nums. Each time a start value and a finish value.
1766 			We have ii steps. If ii <= 2, it will fit in the existing
1767 			allocation. But this is hardly useful.
1768 			We make a new allocation and copy from the old.
1769 			Compute space.
1770 */
1771 			x2 = s - strngs - i;  /* -1 for eond-of-string and +1 for the operator*/
1772 			for ( i1 = 0; i1 < i; i1++ ) {
1773 				i2 = nums[2*i1];
1774 				x1 = nums[2*i1+1];
1775 				if ( i2 < 0 ) i2 = -i2;
1776 				if ( x1 < 0 ) x1 = -x1;
1777 				if ( x1 > i2 ) i2 = x1;
1778 				x1 = 2;
1779 				while ( i2 > 0 ) { i2 /= 10; x1++; }
1780 				x2 += x1;
1781 			}
1782 			x2 *= ii;	/* Space for the expanded string (a bit more) */
1783 			x2 += fullsize;
1784 			x2 += 5;		/* This will definitely hold everything */
1785 			x2 += sizeof(UBYTE *);
1786 			x2 = x2 - (x2 & (sizeof(UBYTE *)-1));
1788 			nBuffer = (UBYTE *)Malloc1(x2,"input buffer");
1789 			n1 = nBuffer; s = Buffer; s1--;
1790 			while ( s < s1 ) *n1++ = *s++;
1791 /*
1792 			Solution of the special case that no comma was generated
1793 			due to the presence of < to start the pattern.
1794 			We get a comma when the word before ends in an alphanumeric
1795 			character, a _ or a ] and the word inside starts with an
1796 			alphanumeric character, a [ (or an _ (for future considerations))
1797 */
1798 			if ( ( ( n1 > nBuffer ) && ( ( FG.cTable[n1[-1]] <= 1 )
1799 			|| ( n1[-1] == '_' ) || ( n1[-1] == ']' ) ) ) &&
1800 			( ( FG.cTable[strngs[0]] <= 1 ) || ( strngs[0] == '[' )
1801 			 || ( strngs[0] == '_' ) ) ) *n1++ = ',';
1803 			for ( i1 = 0; i1 < ii; i1++ ) {
1804 				s = strngs; while ( *s ) *n1++ = *s++;
1805 				for ( i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++ ) {
1806 					if ( n1 > nBuffer && IsSignChar(n1[-1]) ) {
1807 						/* We need the sign of counters. */
1808 						n1--;
1809 						if ( nums[2*i2] >= 0 ) {
1810 							*n1++ = '+';
1811 						}
1812 					}
1813 					n1 = NumCopy((WORD)(nums[2*i2]),n1);
1814 					if ( nums[2*i2] > nums[2*i2+1] ) nums[2*i2]--;
1815 					else nums[2*i2]++;
1816 					s++; while ( *s ) *n1++ = *s++;
1817 				}
1818 				if ( ( i1 & 1 ) == 0 ) *n1++ = operator1;
1819 				else *n1++ = operator2;
1820 			}
1821 			n1--;	/* drop the trailing operator */
1822 			s = t2 + 1; n2 = n1;
1823 /*
1824 			Similar extra comma
1825 */
1826 			if ( ( ( ( FG.cTable[n1[-1]] <= 1 )
1827 			|| ( n1[-1] == '_' ) || ( n1[-1] == ']' ) ) ) &&
1828 			( ( FG.cTable[s[0]] <= 1 ) || ( s[0] == '[' )
1829 			 || ( s[0] == '_' ) ) ) *n1++ = ',';
1831 			while ( *s ) *n1++ = *s++;
1832 			*n1 = 0;
1833 			if ( par == 0 ) {
1834 				LONG nnn1 = n1-nBuffer;
1835 				LONG nnn2 = n2-nBuffer;
1836 				LONG nnn3;
1837 				while ( AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel] + x2 >= AC.iStop ) {
1838 					LONG position = s-Buffer;
1839 					LONG position2 = AC.iPointer - AC.iBuffer;
1840 					UBYTE **ppp;
1841 					ppp = &(AC.iBuffer); /* to avoid a compiler warning */
1842 					if ( DoubleLList((VOID ***)ppp,&AC.iBufferSize
1843 						,sizeof(UBYTE),"statement buffer") ) {
1844 							Terminate(-1);
1845 					}
1846 					AC.iPointer = AC.iBuffer + position2;
1847 					AC.iStop = AC.iBuffer + AC.iBufferSize-2;
1848 					Buffer = AC.iBuffer+AP.PreAssignStack[AP.PreAssignLevel]; Stop = AC.iStop;
1849 					s  = Buffer + position;
1850 				}
1851 /*
1852 				This can be improved. We only have to start from the first term.
1853 */
1854 				for ( nnn3 = 0; nnn3 < nnn1; nnn3++ ) Buffer[nnn3] = nBuffer[nnn3];
1855 				Buffer[nnn3] = 0;
1856 				n1 = Buffer + nnn1;
1857 				n2 = Buffer + nnn2;
1858 				M_free(nBuffer,"input buffer");
1859 				M_free(nums,"Expand ...");
1860 			}
1861 			else { /* Comes here only inside a real preprocessor instruction */
1862 				AP.preStop = nBuffer + x2 - 2;
1863 				AP.pSize = x2;
1864 				M_free(AP.preStart,"input buffer");
1865 				M_free(nums,"Expand ...");
1866 				AP.preStart = nBuffer;
1867 				Buffer = AP.preStart; Stop = AP.preStop;
1868 			}
1869 			fullsize = n1 - Buffer;
1870 			s = n2;
1871 		}
1872 	}
1873 	return(error);
1874 }
1876 /*
1877  		#] ExpandTripleDots :
1878  		#[ FindKeyWord :
1879 */
FindKeyWord(UBYTE * theword,KEYWORD * table,int size)1881 KEYWORD *FindKeyWord(UBYTE *theword, KEYWORD *table, int size)
1882 {
1883 	int low,med,hi;
1884 	UBYTE *s1, *s2;
1885 	low = 0;
1886 	hi = size-1;
1887 	while ( hi >= low ) {
1888 		med = (hi+low)/2;
1889 		s1 = (UBYTE *)(table[med].name);
1890 		s2 = theword;
1891 		while ( *s1 && tolower(*s1) == tolower(*s2) ) { s1++; s2++; }
1892 		if ( *s1 == 0 &&
1893 /*[30apr2004 mt]:*/
1894 /* The bug!:
1895 				FG.cTable[*s2] != 1 && FG.cTable[*s2] != 2
1896 */
1897 				FG.cTable[*s2] != 0 && FG.cTable[*s2] != 1
1898 /*		( *s2 == ' ' || *s2 == '\t' || *s2 == 0 || *s2 == ',' || *s2 == '(' ) */
1899 			 )
1900 			return(table+med);
1901 		if ( tolower(*s2) > tolower(*s1) ) low = med+1;
1902 		else hi = med - 1;
1903 	}
1904 	return(0);
1905 }
1907 /*
1908  		#] FindKeyWord :
1909  		#[ FindInKeyWord :
1910 */
FindInKeyWord(UBYTE * theword,KEYWORD * table,int size)1912 KEYWORD *FindInKeyWord(UBYTE *theword, KEYWORD *table, int size)
1913 {
1914 	int i;
1915 	UBYTE *s1, *s2;
1916 	for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
1917 		s1 = (UBYTE *)(table[i].name);
1918 		s2 = theword;
1919 		while ( *s1 && tolower(*s1) == tolower(*s2) ) { s1++; s2++; }
1920 		if ( *s2 == 0 || *s2 == ' ' || *s2 == ',' || *s2 == '\t' )
1921 			return(table+i);
1922 	}
1923 	return(0);
1924 }
1926 /*
1927  		#] FindInKeyWord :
1928  		#[ TheDefine :
1929 */
1931 /**
1932  *  Preprocessor assignment. Possible arguments and values are treated and the
1933  *  new preprocessor variable is put into the name administration.
1934  *
1935  *  @param   s      Pointer to the character string following the preprocessor
1936  *                  command.
1937  *  @param   mode   Bitmask. 0-bit clear: always create a new name entry, 0-bit
1938  *                  set: try to redefine an existing name, 1-bit set: ignore
1939  *                  preprocessor if/switch status.
1940  *  @return         zero: no errors, negative number: errors.
1941  */
TheDefine(UBYTE * s,int mode)1942 int TheDefine(UBYTE *s, int mode)
1943 {
1944 	UBYTE *name, *value, *valpoin, *args = 0, c;
1945 	if ( ( mode & 2 ) == 0 ) {
1946 		if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
1947 		if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
1948 	}
1949 	else { mode &= ~2; }
1950 	name = s;
1951 	if ( chartype[*s] != 0 ) goto illname;
1952 	s++;
1953 	while ( chartype[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
1954 	value = s;
1955 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
1956 	c = *s; *value = 0;
1957 	if ( c == 0 ) {
1958 		if ( PutPreVar(name,(UBYTE *)"1",0,mode) < 0 ) return(-1);
1959 		return(0);
1960 	}
1961 	if ( c == '(' ) {	/* arguments. scan for correctness */
1962 		s++; args = s;
1963 		for (;;) {
1964 			if ( chartype[*s] != 0 ) goto illarg;
1965 			s++;
1966 			while ( chartype[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
1967 			while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
1968 			if ( *s == ')' ) break;
1969 			if ( *s != ',' ) goto illargs;
1970 			s++;
1971 			while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
1972 		}
1973 		*s++ = 0;
1974 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
1975 		c = *s;
1976 	}
1977 	if ( c == '"' ) {
1978 		s++; valpoin = value = s;
1979 		while ( *s != '"' ) {
1980 			if ( *s == '\\' ) {
1981 				if ( s[1] == 'n' ) { *valpoin++ = LINEFEED; s += 2; }
1982 				else if ( s[1] == '"' ) { *valpoin++ = '"'; s += 2; }
1983 				else if ( s[1] == 0 ) goto illval;
1984 				else { *valpoin++ = *s++; *valpoin++ = *s++; }
1985 			}
1986 			else *valpoin++ = *s++;
1987 		}
1988 		*valpoin = 0;
1989 		if ( PutPreVar(name,value,args,mode) < 0 ) return(-1);
1990 	}
1991 	else {
1992 		MesPrint("@Illegal string for preprocessor variable %s. Forgotten double quotes (\") ?",name);
1993 		return(-1);
1994 	}
1995 	return(0);
1996 illname:;
1997 	MesPrint("@Illegally formed name of preprocessor variable");
1998 	return(-1);
1999 illarg:;
2000 	MesPrint("@Illegally formed name of argument of preprocessor definition");
2001 	return(-1);
2002 illargs:;
2003 	MesPrint("@Illegally formed arguments of preprocessor definition");
2004 	return(-1);
2005 illval:;
2006 	MesPrint("@Illegal valpoin for preprocessor variable %s",name);
2007 	return(-1);
2008 }
2010 /*
2011  		#] TheDefine :
2012  		#[ DoCommentChar :
2013 */
DoCommentChar(UBYTE * s)2015 int DoCommentChar(UBYTE *s)
2016 {
2017 	UBYTE c;
2018 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2019 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2020 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2021 	if ( *s == 0 || *s == '\n' ) {
2022 		MesPrint("@No valid comment character specified");
2023 		return(-1);
2024 	}
2025 	c = *s++;
2026 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2027 	if ( *s != 0 && *s != '\n' ) {
2028 		MesPrint("@Comment character should be a single valid character");
2029 		return(-1);
2030 	}
2031 	AP.ComChar = c;
2032 	return(0);
2033 }
2035 /*
2036  		#] DoCommentChar :
2037  		#[ DoPreAssign :
2039 		Routine assigns a 'value' to a $variable.
2040 		Syntax: #assign
2041 			next line(s) a statement of the type
2042 			$name = expression;
2043 		Note: at the moment of the assign there cannot be an 'open' statement.
2044 */
DoPreAssign(UBYTE * s)2046 int DoPreAssign(UBYTE *s)
2047 {
2048 	int error = 0;
2049 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) {
2050 		return(0);
2051 	}
2052 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) {
2053 		return(0);
2054 	}
2055 	if ( *s ) {
2056 		MesPrint("@Illegal characters in %#assign instruction");
2057 		error = 1;
2058 	}
2060 	AP.PreAssignFlag = 1;
2061 /*
2062 	if ( AP.PreContinuation ) {
2063 		MesPrint("@Assign instructions cannot occur inside statements");
2064 		MesPrint("@Missing ; ?");
2065 		AP.PreContinuation = 0;
2066 		error = 1;
2067 	}
2068 */
2069 	return(error);
2070 }
2072 /*
2073  		#] DoPreAssign :
2074  		#[ DoDefine :
2075 */
DoDefine(UBYTE * s)2077 int DoDefine(UBYTE *s)
2078 {
2079 	return(TheDefine(s,0));
2080 }
2082 /*
2083  		#] DoDefine :
2084  		#[ DoRedefine :
2085 */
DoRedefine(UBYTE * s)2087 int DoRedefine(UBYTE *s)
2088 {
2089 	return(TheDefine(s,1));
2090 }
2092 /*
2093  		#] DoRedefine :
2094  		#[ ClearMacro :
2096 		Undefines the arguments of a macro after its use.
2097 */
ClearMacro(UBYTE * name)2099 int ClearMacro(UBYTE *name)
2100 {
2101 	int i;
2102 	PREVAR *p;
2103 	UBYTE *s;
2104 	for ( i = NumPre-1, p = &(PreVar[NumPre-1]); i >= 0; i--, p-- ) {
2105 		if ( StrCmp(name,p->name) == 0 ) break;
2106 	}
2107 	if ( i < 0 ) return(-1);
2108 	if ( p->nargs <= 0 ) return(0);
2109 	s = p->argnames;
2110 	for ( i = 0; i < p->nargs; i++ ) {
2111 		TheUndefine(s);
2112 		while ( *s ) s++;
2113 		s++;
2114 	}
2115 	return(0);
2116 }
2118 /*
2119  		#] ClearMacro :
2120  		#[ TheUndefine :
2122 		There is a complication here. If there are redefine statements
2123 		they will be pointing at the wrong variable if their number is
2124 		greater than the number of the variable we pop.
2125 */
TheUndefine(UBYTE * name)2127 int TheUndefine(UBYTE *name)
2128 {
2129 	int i, inum, error = 0;
2130 	PREVAR *p;
2131 	for ( i = NumPre-1, p = &(PreVar[NumPre-1]); i >= 0; i--, p-- ) {
2132 		if ( StrCmp(name,p->name) == 0 ) {
2133 			M_free(p->name,"undefining PreVar");
2134 			NumPre--;
2135 			inum = i;
2136 			while ( i < NumPre ) {
2137 				p->name  = p[1].name;
2138 				p->value = p[1].value;
2139 				p++; i++;
2140 			}
2141 			p->name = 0; p->value = 0;
2142 			{
2143 				CBUF *CC = cbuf + AC.cbufnum;
2144 				int j, k;
2145 				for ( j = 1; j <= CC->numlhs; j++ ) {
2146 					if ( CC->lhs[j][0] == TYPEREDEFPRE ) {
2147 						if ( CC->lhs[j][2] > inum ) CC->lhs[j][2]--;
2148 						else if ( CC->lhs[j][2] == inum ) {
2149 							for ( k = inum - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
2150 								if ( StrCmp(name, PreVar[k].name) == 0 ) break;
2151 							if ( k >= 0 ) CC->lhs[j][2] = k;
2152 							else {
2153 								MesPrint("@Conflict between undefining a preprocessor variable and a redefine statement");
2154 								error = 1;
2155 							}
2156 						}
2157 					}
2158 				}
2159 #ifdef PARALLELCODE
2160 				for ( j = 0; j < AC.numpfirstnum; j++ ) {
2161 					if ( AC.pfirstnum[j] > inum ) AC.pfirstnum[j]--;
2162 					else if ( AC.pfirstnum[j] == inum ) {
2163 						for ( k = inum - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
2164 							if ( StrCmp(name, PreVar[k].name) == 0 ) break;
2165 						if ( k >= 0 ) AC.pfirstnum[j] = k;
2166 					}
2167 				}
2168 #endif
2169 			}
2170 			break;
2171 		}
2172 	}
2173 	return(error);
2174 }
2176 /*
2177  		#] TheUndefine :
2178  		#[ DoUndefine :
2179 */
DoUndefine(UBYTE * s)2181 int DoUndefine(UBYTE *s)
2182 {
2183 	UBYTE *name, *t;
2184 	int error = 0, retval;
2185 /*
2186 	int i;
2187 	PREVAR *p;
2188 */
2189 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2190 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2191 	name = s;
2192 	if ( chartype[*s] != 0 ) goto illname;
2193 	s++;
2194 	while ( chartype[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
2195 	t = s;
2196 	if ( *s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' ) goto illname;
2197 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2198 	if ( *s ) {
2199 		MesPrint("@Undefine should just have a variable name");
2200 		error = -1;
2201 	}
2202 	*t = 0;
2203 	if ( ( retval = TheUndefine(name) ) != 0 ) {
2204 		if ( error == 0 ) return(retval);
2205 		if ( error > 0 ) error = retval;
2206 	}
2207 /*
2208 	for ( i = NumPre-1, p = &(PreVar[NumPre-1]); i >= 0; i--, p-- ) {
2209 		if ( StrCmp(name,p->name) == 0 ) {
2210 			M_free(p->name,"undefining PreVar");
2211 			NumPre--;
2212 			while ( i < NumPre ) {
2213 				p->name  = p[1].name;
2214 				p->value = p[1].value;
2215 				p++; i++;
2216 			}
2217 			p->name = 0; p->value = 0;
2218 			break;
2219 		}
2220 	}
2221 */
2222 	return(error);
2223 illname:;
2224 	MesPrint("@Illegally formed name of preprocessor variable");
2225 	return(-1);
2226 }
2228 /*
2229  		#] DoUndefine :
2230  		#[ DoInclude :
2231 */
DoInclude(UBYTE * s)2233 int DoInclude(UBYTE *s) { return(Include(s,FILESTREAM)); }
2235 /*
2236  		#] DoInclude :
2237  		#[ DoReverseInclude :
2238 */
DoReverseInclude(UBYTE * s)2240 int DoReverseInclude(UBYTE *s) { return(Include(s,REVERSEFILESTREAM)); }
2242 /*
2243  		#] DoReverseInclude :
2244  		#[ Include :
2245 */
Include(UBYTE * s,int type)2247 int Include(UBYTE *s, int type)
2248 {
2249 	UBYTE *name = s, *fold, *t, c, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0;
2250 	int str1offset, withnolist = AC.NoShowInput;
2251 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2252 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2253     if ( *s == '-' || *s == '+' ) {
2254 		if ( *s == '-' ) withnolist = 1;
2255 		else             withnolist = 0;
2256 		s++;
2257 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2258 		name = s;
2259 	}
2260 	if ( *s == '"' ) {
2261 		while ( *s && *s != '"' ) {
2262 			if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
2263 			s++;
2264 		}
2265 		t = s++;
2266 	}
2267 	else {
2268 		while ( *s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' ) {
2269 			if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
2270 			s++;
2271 		}
2272 		t = s;
2273 	}
2274 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2275 	if ( *s == '#' ) {
2276 		*t = 0;
2277 		s++;
2278 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2279 		fold = s;
2280 		if ( *s == 0 ) {
2281 			MesPrint("@Empty fold name");
2282 			return(-1);
2283 		}
2284 continue_fold:
2285 		while ( *s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' ) {
2286 			if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
2287 			s++;
2288 		}
2289 		t = s;
2290 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2291 		if ( *s ) {
2292 			/*
2293 			 * A non-whitespace character is found. Continue parsing the fold.
2294 			 */
2295 			goto continue_fold;
2296 		}
2297 	}
2298 	else if ( *s == 0 ) {
2299 		fold = 0;
2300 	}
2301 	else {
2302 		MesPrint("@Improper syntax for file name");
2303 		return(-1);
2304 	}
2305 	*t = 0;
2306 	if ( fold ) {
2307 		fold = strDup1(fold,"foldname");
2308 	}
2309 /*
2310 	We have the name of the file in 'name' and the fold in 'fold' (or NULL)
2311 */
2312 	if ( OpenStream(name,type,0,PRENOACTION) == 0 ) {
2313 		if ( fold ) { M_free(fold,"foldname"); fold = 0; }
2314 		return(-1);
2315 	}
2316 	if ( fold ) {
2317 		LONG position = -1;
2318 		int foldopen = 0;
2319 		LONG linenum = 0, prevline = 0;
2320 		name = strDup1(name,"name of include file");
2321 		AC.CurrentStream->FoldName = strDup1(fold,"name of fold");
2322 		AC.NoShowInput++;
2323 		for(;;) {
2324 			c = GetFromStream(AC.CurrentStream);
2325 			if ( c == ENDOFSTREAM ) {
2326 				AC.CurrentStream = CloseStream(AC.CurrentStream);
2327 				goto nofold;
2328 			}
2329 			if ( c == AP.ComChar ) {
2330 				str1offset = AC.CurrentStream-AC.Streams;
2331 				LoadInstruction(1);
2332 				if ( AC.CurrentStream != str1offset+AC.Streams ) {
2333 					c = ENDOFSTREAM;
2334 				}
2335 				else {
2336 					t = AP.preStart;
2337 					if ( t[2] == '#' && ( ( t[3] == '[' && !foldopen )
2338 					|| ( t[3] == ']' && foldopen ) ) ) {
2339 						t += 4;
2340 						while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' ) t++;
2341 						s = AC.CurrentStream->FoldName;
2342 						while ( *s == *t ) { s++; t++; }
2343 						if ( *s == 0 && ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t'
2344 						|| *t == ':' ) ) {
2345 							while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' ) t++;
2346 							if ( *t == ':' ) {
2347 								if ( foldopen == 0 ) {
2348 									foldopen = 1;
2349 									position = GetStreamPosition(AC.CurrentStream);
2350 									linenum = AC.CurrentStream->linenumber;
2351 									prevline = AC.CurrentStream->prevline;
2352 									c3 = AC.CurrentStream->isnextchar;
2353 									c1 = AC.CurrentStream->nextchar[0];
2354 									c2 = AC.CurrentStream->nextchar[1];
2355 								}
2356 								else {
2357 									foldopen = 0;
2358 									PositionStream(AC.CurrentStream,position);
2359 									AC.CurrentStream->linenumber = linenum;
2360 									AC.CurrentStream->prevline = prevline;
2361 									AC.CurrentStream->eqnum = 1;
2362 									AC.NoShowInput--;
2363 									AC.CurrentStream->isnextchar = c3;
2364 									AC.CurrentStream->nextchar[0] = c1;
2365 									AC.CurrentStream->nextchar[1] = c2;
2366 									break;
2367 								}
2368 							}
2369 						}
2370 					}
2371 				}
2372 			}
2373 			else {
2374 				while ( c != LINEFEED && c != ENDOFSTREAM ) {
2375 					c = GetFromStream(AC.CurrentStream);
2376 					if ( c == ENDOFSTREAM ) {
2377 						AC.CurrentStream = CloseStream(AC.CurrentStream);
2378 						break;
2379 					}
2380 				}
2381 			}
2382 			if ( c == ENDOFSTREAM ) {
2383 nofold:
2384 				MesPrint("@Cannot find fold %s in file %s",fold,name);
2385 				UngetChar(c);
2386 				AC.NoShowInput--;
2387 				M_free(name,"name of include file");
2388 				Terminate(-1);
2389 			}
2390 		}
2391 		M_free(name,"name of include file");
2392 	}
2393 	AC.NoShowInput = withnolist;
2394 	if ( fold ) { M_free(fold,"foldname"); fold = 0; }
2395 	return(0);
2396 }
2398 /*
2399  		#] Include :
2400  		#[ DoPreExchange :
2402 		Exchanges the names of expressions or the contents of dollars
2403 		Syntax:
2404 			#exchange expr1,expr2
2405 			#exchange $var1,$var2
2406 */
DoPreExchange(UBYTE * s)2408 int DoPreExchange(UBYTE *s)
2409 {
2410 	int error = 0;
2411 	UBYTE *s1, *s2;
2412 	WORD num1, num2;
2413 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2414 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2415 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == ',' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2416 	if ( *s == '$' ) {
2417 		s++; s1 = s; while ( FG.cTable[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
2418 		if ( *s != ',' && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' ) goto syntax;
2419 		*s++ = 0;
2420 		while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2421 		if ( *s != '$' ) goto syntax;
2422 		s++; s2 = s; while ( FG.cTable[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
2423 		if ( *s != 0 && *s != ';' ) goto syntax;
2424 		*s = 0;
2425 		if ( ( num1 = GetDollar(s1) ) <= 0 ) {
2426 			MesPrint("@$%s has not been defined (yet)",s1);
2427 			error = 1;
2428 		}
2429 		if ( ( num2 = GetDollar(s2) ) <= 0 ) {
2430 			MesPrint("@$%s has not been defined (yet)",s2);
2431 			error = 1;
2432 		}
2433 		if ( error == 0 ) {
2434 			ExchangeDollars((int)num1,(int)num2);
2435 		}
2436 	}
2437 	else {
2438 		s1 = s; s = SkipAName(s);
2439 		if ( *s != ',' && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' ) goto syntax;
2440 		*s++ = 0;
2441 		while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2442 		if ( FG.cTable[*s] != 0 && *s != '[' ) goto syntax;
2443 		s2 = s; s = SkipAName(s);
2444 		if ( *s != 0 && *s != ';' ) goto syntax;
2445 		*s = 0;
2446 	    if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,s1,&num1,NOAUTO) != CEXPRESSION ) {
2447 			MesPrint("@%s is not an expression",s1);
2448 			error = 1;
2449 		}
2450 	    if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,s2,&num2,NOAUTO) != CEXPRESSION ) {
2451 			MesPrint("@%s is not an expression",s2);
2452 			error = 1;
2453 		}
2454 		if ( error == 0 ) {
2455 			ExchangeExpressions((int)num1,(int)num2);
2456 		}
2457 	}
2458 	return(error);
2459 syntax:
2460 	MesPrint("@Proper syntax: %#exchange expr1,expr2 or %#exchange $var1,$var2");
2461 	return(1);
2462 }
2464 /*
2465  		#] DoPreExchange :
2466  		#[ DoCall :
2467 */
DoCall(UBYTE * s)2469 int DoCall(UBYTE *s)
2470 {
2471 	UBYTE *t, *u, *v, *name, c, cp, *args1, *args2, *t1, *t2, *wild = 0;
2472 	int bratype = 0, wildargs = 0, inwildargs = 0, nwildargs = 0;
2473 	PROCEDURE *p;
2474 	int streamoffset;
2475 	int i, namesize, narg1, narg2, bralevel, numpre;
2476 	LONG i1, i2;
2477 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2478 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2479 /*
2480 	1:	Get the name of the procedure.
2481 	2:	Locate the procedure.
2482 */
2483 	name = s; s = EndOfToken(s); c = *s; *s = 0;
2484 	for ( i = NumProcedures-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
2485 		if ( StrCmp(Procedures[i].name,name) == 0 ) break;
2486 	}
2487 	p = (PROCEDURE *)FromList(&AP.ProcList);
2488 	if ( i < 0 ) {	/* Try to find a file */
2489 		namesize = 0;
2490 		t = name;
2491 		while ( *t ) { t++; namesize++; }
2492 		t = AP.procedureExtension;
2493 		while ( *t ) { t++; namesize++; }
2494 		t = p->name = (UBYTE *)Malloc1(namesize+2,"procedure");
2495 		u = name;
2496 		while ( *u ) *t++ = *u++;
2497 		*t++ = '.';
2498 		v = AP.procedureExtension;
2499 		while ( *v ) *t++ = *v++;
2500 		*t = 0;
2501 		p->loadmode = 0;	/* buffer should be freed at end */
2502 		p->p.buffer = LoadInputFile(p->name,PROCEDUREFILE);
2503 		if ( p->p.buffer == 0 ) return(-1);
2504 		t[-4] = 0;
2505 	}
2506 	else {
2507 		p->p.buffer = Procedures[i].p.buffer;
2508 		p->name = Procedures[i].name;
2509 		p->loadmode = 1;
2510 	}
2511 	t = p->p.buffer;
2513 	if ( *t++ != '#' ) goto wrongfile;
2515 	t += 9;
2517 	u = EndOfToken(t);
2518 	cp = *u; *u = 0;
2519 	if ( StrCmp(t,name) != 0 ) goto wrongfile;
2520 	*u = cp;
2521 	*s = c;
2522 /*
2523 	The pointer p points to the contents of the procedure (in memory)
2524 	Now we have to match the arguments. u points to after the name
2525 	in the 'file', s to after the name in the call statement.
2526 */
2527 	bralevel = narg1 = narg2 = 0; args2 = u;
2529 	if ( *u == '(' ) {
2530 		u++; SKIPBLANKS(u)
2531 		args2 = u;
2532 		while ( *u != ')' ) {
2533 			if ( *u == '?' ) { wildargs++; u++; nwildargs = narg2+1; }
2534 			narg2++; u = EndOfToken(u); SKIPBLANKS(u)
2535 			if ( *u == ',' ) { u++; SKIPBLANKS(u) }
2536 			else if ( *u != ')' || ( wildargs > 1 ) ) {
2537 				MesPrint("@Illegal argument field in procedure %s",p->name);
2538 				return(-1);
2539 			}
2540 		}
2541 	}
2542 	while ( *u != LINEFEED ) u++;
2544 	args1 = s+1;
2545 	if ( *s == '(' ) bratype = 1;
2546 	do {
2547 		if ( *s == '{' && bratype == 0 ) bralevel++;
2548 		else if ( *s == '(' && bratype == 1 ) bralevel++;
2549 		else if ( *s == '}' && bratype == 0 ) {
2550 			bralevel--;
2551 			if ( bralevel == 0 ) {
2552 				*s = 0; narg1++;
2553 				if ( wildargs && narg1 == nwildargs ) wild = s;
2554 			}
2555 		}
2556 		else if ( *s == ')' && bratype == 1 ) {
2557 			bralevel--;
2558 			if ( bralevel == 0 ) {
2559 				*s = 0; narg1++;
2560 				if ( wildargs && narg1 == nwildargs ) wild = s;
2561 			}
2562 		}
2563 		/*[12dec2003 mt]:*/
2564 		/*else if ( *s == ',' || *s == '|' ) {*/
2565 		else if (set_in(*s,AC.separators)) {/*Function set_in see in
2566 															file tools.c*/
2567 		/*:[12dec2003 mt]*/
2568 			*s = 0; narg1++;
2569 			if ( wildargs && narg1 == nwildargs ) wild = s;
2570 		}
2571 		else if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
2572 		s++;
2573 	} while ( bralevel > 0 );
2574 	if ( wildargs && narg1 >= narg2-1 ) {
2575 		inwildargs = narg1-narg2+1;
2576 		if ( inwildargs == 0 ) nwildargs = 0;
2577 		else {
2578 			while ( inwildargs > 1 ) {
2579 				*wild = ',';
2580 				while ( *wild ) wild++;
2581 				inwildargs--;
2582 			}
2583 		}
2584 	}
2585 	else if ( narg1 != narg2 && ( narg2 != 0 || narg1 != 1 || *args1 != 0 ) ) {
2586 		MesPrint("@Arguments of procedure %s are not matching",p->name);
2587 		return(-1);
2588 	}
2589 	numpre = -NumPre-1;	/* For the stream */
2590 	for ( i = 0; i < narg2; i++ ) {
2591 		t = args2;
2592 		if ( *t == '?' ) {
2593 			args2++;
2594 		}
2595 		if ( *t == '?' && inwildargs == 0 ) {
2596 			args2 = EndOfToken(args2); c = *args2; *args2 = 0;
2597 			if ( PutPreVar(t,(UBYTE *)"",0,0) < 0 ) return(-1);
2598 		}
2599 		else {
2600 			args2 = EndOfToken(args2); c = *args2; *args2 = 0;
2601 			t1 = t2 = args1;
2602 			while ( *t1 ) {
2603 				if ( *t1 == '\\' ) t1++;
2604 				if ( t1 != t2 ) *t2 = *t1;
2605 				t2++; t1++;
2606 			}
2607 			*t2 = 0;
2608 			if ( PutPreVar(t,args1,0,0) < 0 ) return(-1);
2609 			args1 = t1+1;                  /* Next argument */
2610 		}
2611 		*args2 = c; SKIPBLANKS(args2)  /* skip to next name */
2612 		args2++; SKIPBLANKS(args2)
2613 	}
2614 	streamoffset = AC.CurrentStream - AC.Streams;
2615 	args1 = AC.CurrentStream->name;
2616 	AC.CurrentStream->name = p->name;
2617 	i1 = AC.CurrentStream->linenumber;
2618 	i2 = AC.CurrentStream->prevline;
2619 	AC.CurrentStream->prevline   =
2620 	AC.CurrentStream->linenumber = 2;
2621 	OpenStream(u+1,PREREADSTREAM3,numpre,PRENOACTION);
2622 	AC.Streams[streamoffset].name = args1;
2623 	AC.Streams[streamoffset].linenumber = i1;
2624 	AC.Streams[streamoffset].prevline   = i2;
2626 	return(0);
2627 wrongfile:;
2628 	if ( i < 0 ) MesPrint("@File %s is not a proper procedure",p->name);
2629 	else MesPrint("!!!Internal error with procedure names: %s",name);
2630 	return(-1);
2631 }
2633 /*
2634  		#] DoCall :
2635  		#[ DoDebug :
2636 */
DoDebug(UBYTE * s)2638 int DoDebug(UBYTE *s)
2639 {
2640 	int x;
2641 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2642 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2643 	NeedNumber(x,s,nonumber)
2644 	if ( x < 0 || x >(PREPROONLY
2646 					| DUMPOUTTERMS
2647 					| DUMPINTERMS
2648 					| DUMPTOSORT
2650 #ifdef WITHPTHREADS
2651 					| THREADSDEBUG
2652 #endif
2653 			 ) ) goto nonumber;
2654 	AP.PreDebug = 0;
2655 	if ( ( x & PREPROONLY     ) != 0 ) AP.PreDebug |= PREPROONLY;     /* 1  */
2656 	if ( ( x & DUMPTOCOMPILER ) != 0 ) AP.PreDebug |= DUMPTOCOMPILER; /* 2  */
2657 	if ( ( x & DUMPOUTTERMS   ) != 0 ) AP.PreDebug |= DUMPOUTTERMS;   /* 4  */
2658 	if ( ( x & DUMPINTERMS    ) != 0 ) AP.PreDebug |= DUMPINTERMS;    /* 8  */
2659 	if ( ( x & DUMPTOSORT     ) != 0 ) AP.PreDebug |= DUMPTOSORT;     /* 16 */
2660 	if ( ( x & DUMPTOPARALLEL ) != 0 ) AP.PreDebug |= DUMPTOPARALLEL; /* 32 */
2661 #ifdef WITHPTHREADS
2662 	if ( ( x & THREADSDEBUG   ) != 0 ) AP.PreDebug |= THREADSDEBUG;   /* 64 */
2663 #endif
2664 	return(0);
2665 nonumber:
2666 	MesPrint("@Illegal argument for debug instruction");
2667 	return(1);
2668 }
2670 /*
2671  		#] DoDebug :
2672  		#[ DoTerminate :
2673 */
DoTerminate(UBYTE * s)2675 int DoTerminate(UBYTE *s)
2676 {
2677 	int x;
2678 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2679 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2680 	if ( *s ) {
2681 		NeedNumber(x,s,nonumber)
2682 		Terminate(x);
2683 	}
2684 	else {
2685 		Terminate(-1);
2686 	}
2687 	return(0);
2688 nonumber:
2689 	MesPrint("@Illegal argument for terminate instruction");
2690 	return(1);
2691 }
2693 /*
2694  		#] DoTerminate :
2695  		#[ DoDo :
2697 		The do loop has three varieties:
2698 		#do i = num1,num2 [,num3]
2699 		#do i = {string1,string2,....,stringn}
2700 			The | as separator is also allowed for backwards compatibility
2701 		#do i = expression      One by one all terms of the expression
2702 */
DoDo(UBYTE * s)2704 int DoDo(UBYTE *s)
2705 {
2707 	UBYTE *t, c, *u, *uu;
2708 	DOLOOP *loop;
2709 	WORD expnum;
2710 	LONG linenum  = AC.CurrentStream->linenumber;
2711 	int oldNoShowInput = AC.NoShowInput, i, oldpreassignflag;
2713 	if ( ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH )
2714 	|| ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) ) {
2715 		if ( PreSkip((UBYTE *)"do",(UBYTE *)"enddo",1) ) return(-1);
2716 		return(0);
2717 	}
2719 /*
2720 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2721 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2722 */
2723 	AddToPreTypes(PRETYPEDO);
2725 	loop = (DOLOOP *)FromList(&AP.LoopList);
2726 	loop->firstdollar = loop->lastdollar = loop->incdollar = -1;
2727 	loop->NumPreTypes = AP.NumPreTypes-1;
2728 	loop->PreIfLevel = AP.PreIfLevel;
2729 	loop->PreSwitchLevel = AP.PreSwitchLevel;
2730 	AC.NoShowInput = 1;
2731 	if ( PreLoad(&(loop->p),(UBYTE *)"do",(UBYTE *)"enddo",1,"doloop") ) return(-1);
2732 	AC.NoShowInput = oldNoShowInput;
2733 	loop->NoShowInput = AC.NoShowInput;
2734 /*
2735 	Get now the name. We have to take great care when the name is terminated!
2736 */
2737 	s = loop->p.buffer + (s - AP.preStart);
2739 	loop->name = s;
2740 	if ( chartype[*s] != 0 ) goto illname;
2741 	s++;
2742 	while ( chartype[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
2743 	t = s;
2744 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2745 	if ( *s != '=' ) goto illdo;
2746 	s++;
2747 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
2748 	*t = 0;
2750 	if ( *s == '{' ) {
2751 		loop->type = LISTEDLOOP;
2752 		s++; loop->vars = s;
2753 		loop->lastnum = 0;
2754 		while ( *s != '}' && *s != 0 ) {
2755 			if ( set_in(*s,AC.separators) ) { *s = 0; loop->lastnum++; }
2756 			else if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
2757 			s++;
2758 		}
2759 		if ( *s == 0 ) goto illdo;
2760 		*s++ = 0;
2761 		loop->lastnum++;
2762 		loop->firstnum = 0;
2763 		loop->contents = s;
2764 	}
2765 	else if ( *s == '-' || *s == '+' || chartype[*s] == 1 || *s == '$' ) {
2766 		loop->type = NUMERICALLOOP;
2767 		t = s;
2768 		while ( *s && *s != ',' ) s++;
2769 		if ( *s == 0 ) goto illdo;
2770 		if ( *t == '$' ) {
2771 			c = *s; *s = 0;
2772 			if ( GetName(AC.dollarnames,t+1,&loop->firstdollar,NOAUTO) != CDOLLAR ) {
2773 				MesPrint("@%s is undefined in first parameter in %#do instruction",t);
2774 				return(-1);
2775 			}
2776 			loop->firstnum = DolToLong(BHEAD loop->firstdollar);
2777 			if ( AN.ErrorInDollar ) {
2778 				MesPrint("@%s does not evaluate into a valid loop parameter",t);
2779 				return(-1);
2780 			}
2781 			*s++ = c;
2782 		}
2783 		else {
2784 			*s = '}';
2785 			if ( PreEval(t,&loop->firstnum) == 0 ) goto illdo;
2786 			*s++ = ',';
2787 		}
2788 		t = s;
2789 		while ( *s && *s != ',' && *s != ';' && *s != LINEFEED ) s++;
2790 		c = *s;
2791 		if ( *t == '$' ) {
2792 			*s = 0;
2793 			if ( GetName(AC.dollarnames,t+1,&loop->lastdollar,NOAUTO) != CDOLLAR ) {
2794 				MesPrint("@%s is undefined in second parameter in %#do instruction",t);
2795 				return(-1);
2796 			}
2797 			loop->lastnum = DolToLong(BHEAD loop->lastdollar);
2798 			if ( AN.ErrorInDollar ) {
2799 				MesPrint("@%s does not evaluate into a valid loop parameter",t);
2800 				return(-1);
2801 			}
2802 			*s++ = c;
2803 		}
2804 		else {
2805 			*s = '}';
2806 			if ( PreEval(t,&loop->lastnum) == 0 ) goto illdo;
2807 			*s++ = c;
2808 		}
2809 		if ( c == ',' ) {
2810 			t = s;
2811 			while ( *s && *s != ';' && *s != LINEFEED ) s++;
2812 			if ( *t == '$' ) {
2813 				c = *s; *s = 0;
2814 				if ( GetName(AC.dollarnames,t+1,&loop->incdollar,NOAUTO) != CDOLLAR ) {
2815 					MesPrint("@%s is undefined in third parameter in %#do instruction",t);
2816 					return(-1);
2817 				}
2818 				loop->incnum = DolToLong(BHEAD loop->incdollar);
2819 				if ( AN.ErrorInDollar ) {
2820 					MesPrint("@%s does not evaluate into a valid loop parameter",t);
2821 					return(-1);
2822 				}
2823 				*s++ = c;
2824 			}
2825 			else {
2826 				c = *s; *s = '}';
2827 				if ( PreEval(t,&loop->incnum) == 0 ) goto illdo;
2828 				*s++ = c;
2829 			}
2830 		}
2831 		else loop->incnum = 1;
2832 		loop->contents = s;
2833 	}
2834 	else if ( ( chartype[*s] == 0 ) || ( *s == '[' ) ) {
2835 		int oldNumPotModdollars = NumPotModdollars;
2836 #ifdef WITHMPI
2837 		WORD oldRhsExprInModuleFlag = AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag;
2838 		AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag = 0;
2839 #endif
2840 		t = s;
2841 		if ( ( s = SkipAName(s) ) == 0 ) goto illdo;
2842 		c = *s; *s = 0;
2843 		if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,t,&expnum,NOAUTO) == CEXPRESSION ) {
2844 			loop->type = ONEEXPRESSION;
2845 /*
2846 			We should remember the expression by name for when it gets
2847 			renumbered!!! If it gets deleted there will be a crash or at
2848 			least the loop terminates.
2849 */
2850 			loop->vars = t;
2851 		}
2852 		else goto illdo;
2853 		if ( c == ',' || c == '\t' || c == ';' ) { s++; }
2854 		else if ( c != 0 && c != '\n' ) goto illdo;
2855 		while ( *s == ',' || *s == '\t' || *s == ';' ) s++;
2856 		if ( *s != 0 && *s != '\n' ) goto illdo;
2857 		loop->firstnum = 0;
2858 		s++;
2859 		loop->contents = s;
2860 		loop->incnum = 0;
2861 /*
2862 		Next determine size of statement and allocate space
2863 */
2864 		while ( *t ) t++;
2865 		i = t - loop->vars;
2866 		t = loop->name;
2867 		while ( *t ) { t++; i++; }
2868 		i += 4;
2869 		loop->dollarname = Malloc1((LONG)i,"do-loop instruction");
2870 /*
2871 		Construct the statement
2872 */
2873 		u = loop->dollarname;
2874 		*u++ = '$'; t = loop->name; while ( *t ) *u++ = *t++;
2875 		*u++ = '_'; uu = u; *u++ = '='; t = loop->vars;
2876 		while ( *t ) *u++ = *t++;
2877 		*t = 0; *u = 0;
2878 /*
2879 		Compile and put in dollar variable.
2880 		Note that we remember the dollar by name and that this name ends in _
2881 */
2882 		oldpreassignflag = AP.PreAssignFlag;
2883 		AP.PreAssignFlag = 2;
2884         CompileStatement(loop->dollarname);
2885 		if ( CatchDollar(0) ) {
2886 			MesPrint("@Cannot load expression in do loop");
2887 			return(-1);
2888 		}
2889 		AP.PreAssignFlag = oldpreassignflag;
2890 		NumPotModdollars = oldNumPotModdollars;
2891 #ifdef WITHMPI
2892 		AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag = oldRhsExprInModuleFlag;
2893 #endif
2894 		*uu = 0;
2895 	}
2896 	else goto illdo; /* Syntax problems */
2897 	loop->errorsinloop = 0;
2898 /*	loop->startlinenumber = linenum+1; 5-oct-2000 One too much? */
2899 	loop->startlinenumber = linenum;
2900 	PutPreVar(loop->name,(UBYTE *)"0",0,0);
2901 	loop->firstloopcall = 1;
2902 	return(DoEnddo(s));
2903 illname:;
2904 	MesPrint("@Improper name for do loop variable");
2905 	return(-1);
2906 illdo:;
2907 	MesPrint("@Improper syntax in do loop instruction");
2908 	return(-1);
2909 }
2911 /*
2912  		#] DoDo :
2913  		#[ DoBreakDo :
2915 		#dobreak [num]
2916 		jumps out of num #do-loops (if there are that many) (default is 1)
2917 */
DoBreakDo(UBYTE * s)2919 int DoBreakDo(UBYTE *s)
2920 {
2921 	DOLOOP *loop;
2922 	WORD levels;
2924 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2925 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
2927 	if ( NumDoLoops <= 0 ) {
2928 		MesPrint("@%#dobreak without %#do");
2929 		return(1);
2930 	}
2931 /*
2932 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEDO ) { MessPreNesting(4); return(-1); }
2933 */
2934 	while ( *s && ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) ) s++;
2935 	if ( *s == 0 ) {
2936 		levels = 1;
2937 	}
2938 	else if ( FG.cTable[*s] == 1 ) {
2939 		levels = 0;
2940 		while ( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' ) { levels = 10*levels + *s++ - '0'; }
2941 		if ( *s != 0 ) goto improper;
2942 	}
2943 	else {
2944 improper:
2945 		MesPrint("@Improper syntax of %#dobreak instruction");
2946 		return(1);
2947 	}
2948 	if ( levels > NumDoLoops ) {
2949 		MesPrint("@Too many loop levels requested in %#breakdo instruction");
2950 		Terminate(-1);
2951 	}
2952 	while ( levels > 0 ) {
2953 		while ( AC.CurrentStream->type != PREREADSTREAM
2954 		  && AC.CurrentStream->type != PREREADSTREAM2
2955 		  && AC.CurrentStream->type != PREREADSTREAM3 ) {
2956 			AC.CurrentStream = CloseStream(AC.CurrentStream);
2957 		}
2958 		while ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEDO
2959 		&& AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEPROCEDURE ) AP.NumPreTypes--;
2960 		if ( AC.CurrentStream->type == PREREADSTREAM3
2961 		|| AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] == PRETYPEPROCEDURE ) {
2962 			MesPrint("@Trying to jump out of a procedure with a %#breakdo instruction");
2963 			Terminate(-1);
2964 		}
2965 		loop = &(DoLoops[NumDoLoops-1]);
2966 		AP.NumPreTypes = loop->NumPreTypes;
2967 		AP.PreIfLevel = loop->PreIfLevel;
2968 		AP.PreSwitchLevel = loop->PreSwitchLevel;
2969 /*
2970 		AP.NumPreTypes--;
2971 */
2972 		NumDoLoops--;
2973 		DoUndefine(loop->name);
2974 		M_free(loop->p.buffer,"loop->p.buffer");
2975 		loop->firstloopcall = 0;
2977 		AC.CurrentStream = CloseStream(AC.CurrentStream);
2978 		levels--;
2979 	}
2980 	return(0);
2981 }
2983 /*
2984  		#] DoBreakDo :
2985  		#[ DoElse :
2986 */
DoElse(UBYTE * s)2988 int DoElse(UBYTE *s)
2989 {
2990 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEIF ) {
2991 		if ( AP.PreIfLevel <= 0 ) MesPrint("@%#else without corresponding %#if");
2992 		else MessPreNesting(1);
2993 		return(-1);
2994 	}
2995 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
2996 	while ( *s == ' ' ) s++;
2997 	if ( tolower(*s) == 'i' && tolower(s[1]) == 'f' && s[2]
2998 		&& FG.cTable[s[2]] > 1 && s[2] != '_' ) {
2999 		s += 2;
3000 		while ( *s == ' ' ) s++;
3001 		return(DoElseif(s));
3002 	}
3003 	if ( AP.PreIfLevel <= 0 ) {
3004 		MesPrint("@%#else without corresponding %#if");
3005 		return(-1);
3006 	}
3007 	switch ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] ) {
3008 		case EXECUTINGIF:
3009 			AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] = LOOKINGFORENDIF;
3010 			break;
3012 			AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] = EXECUTINGIF;
3013 			break;
3015 			break;
3016 	}
3017 	return(0);
3018 }
3020 /*
3021  		#] DoElse :
3022  		#[ DoElseif :
3023 */
DoElseif(UBYTE * s)3025 int DoElseif(UBYTE *s)
3026 {
3027 	int condition;
3028 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEIF ) {
3029 		if ( AP.PreIfLevel <= 0 ) MesPrint("@%#elseif without corresponding %#if");
3030 		else MessPreNesting(2);
3031 		return(-1);
3032 	}
3033 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3034 	if ( AP.PreIfLevel <= 0 ) {
3035 		MesPrint("@%#elseif without corresponding %#if");
3036 		return(-1);
3037 	}
3038 	switch ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] ) {
3039 		case EXECUTINGIF:
3040 			AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] = LOOKINGFORENDIF;
3041 			break;
3043 			if ( ( condition = EvalPreIf(s) ) < 0 ) return(-1);
3044 			AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] = condition;
3045 			break;
3047 			break;
3048 	}
3049 	return(0);
3050 }
3052 /*
3053  		#] DoElseif :
3054  		#[ DoEnddo :
3056 		At the first call there is no stream yet.
3057 		After that we have to close the stream and start a new one.
3058 */
DoEnddo(UBYTE * s)3060 int DoEnddo(UBYTE *s)
3061 {
3063 	DOLOOP *loop;
3064 	UBYTE *t, *tt, *value, numstr[16];
3065 	LONG xval;
3066 	int xsign, retval;
3067 	DUMMYUSE(s);
3068 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3069 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3070 /*
3071 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ||
3072 		AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) {
3073 		if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] == PRETYPEDO ) AP.NumPreTypes--;
3074 		else { MessPreNesting(3); return(-1); }
3075 		return(0);
3076 	}
3077 */
3078 	if ( NumDoLoops <= 0 ) {
3079 		MesPrint("@%#enddo without %#do");
3080 		return(1);
3081 	}
3082 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEDO ) { MessPreNesting(4); return(-1); }
3083 	loop = &(DoLoops[NumDoLoops-1]);
3084 	if ( !loop->firstloopcall ) AC.CurrentStream = CloseStream(AC.CurrentStream);
3086 	if ( loop->errorsinloop ) {
3087 		MesPrint("++++Errors in Loop");
3088 		goto finish;
3089 	}
3090 	if ( loop->type == LISTEDLOOP ) {
3091 		if ( loop->firstnum >= loop->lastnum ) goto finish;
3092 		loop->firstnum++;
3093 		t = value = loop->vars;
3094 		while ( *value ) value++;
3095 		value++;
3096 		loop->vars = value;
3097 		value = tt = t;
3098 		while ( *value ) {
3099 			if ( *value == '\\' ) value++;
3100 			*tt++ = *value++;
3101 		}
3102 		*tt = 0;
3103 		PutPreVar(loop->name,t,0,1);	/* We overwrite the definition */
3104 	}
3105 	else if ( loop->type == NUMERICALLOOP ) {
3107 		if ( !loop->firstloopcall ) {
3108 /*
3109 			Test whether the variable was changed inside the loop into
3110 			a different numerical value. If so, adjust.
3111 */
3112 			t = GetPreVar(loop->name,WITHOUTERROR);
3113 			if ( t ) {
3114 				value = t;
3115 				xsign = 1;
3116 				while ( *value && ( *value == ' '
3117 						|| *value == '-' || *value == '+' ) ) {
3118 					if ( *value == '-' ) xsign = -xsign;
3119 					value++;
3120 				}
3121 				t = value; xval = 0;
3122 				while ( *value >= '0' && *value <= '9' ) xval = 10*xval + *value++ - '0';
3123 				while ( *value && *value == ' ' ) value++;
3124 				if ( *value == 0 ) {
3125 /*
3126 					Now we may substitute the loopvalue.
3127 */
3128 					if ( xsign < 0 ) xval = -xval;
3129 					if ( loop->incdollar >= 0 ) {
3130 						loop->incnum = DolToLong(BHEAD loop->incdollar);
3131 						if ( AN.ErrorInDollar ) {
3132 							MesPrint("@%s does not evaluate into a valid third loop parameter",DOLLARNAME(Dollars,loop->incdollar));
3133 							return(-1);
3134 						}
3135 					}
3136 					loop->firstnum = xval + loop->incnum;
3137 				}
3138 			}
3139 			if ( loop->lastdollar >= 0 ) {
3140 				loop->lastnum = DolToLong(BHEAD loop->lastdollar);
3141 				if ( AN.ErrorInDollar ) {
3142 					MesPrint("@%s does not evaluate into a valid second loop parameter",DOLLARNAME(Dollars,loop->lastdollar));
3143 					return(-1);
3144 				}
3145 			}
3146 		}
3147 		if ( ( loop->incnum > 0 && loop->firstnum > loop->lastnum )
3148 		|| ( loop->incnum < 0 && loop->firstnum < loop->lastnum ) ) goto finish;
3149 		NumToStr(numstr,loop->firstnum);
3150 		t = numstr;
3151 		loop->firstnum += loop->incnum;
3152 		PutPreVar(loop->name,t,0,1);	/* We overwrite the definition */
3153 	}
3154 	else if ( loop->type == ONEEXPRESSION ) {
3155 /*
3156 		Find the dollar expression
3157 */
3158 		WORD numdollar = GetDollar(loop->dollarname+1);
3159 		DOLLARS d = Dollars + numdollar;
3160 		WORD *w, *dw, v, *ww;
3161 		if ( (d->where) == 0 ) {
3162 			d->type = DOLUNDEFINED;
3163 			M_free(loop->dollarname,"do-loop instruction");
3164 			goto finish;
3165 		}
3166 		w = d->where + loop->incnum;
3167 		if ( *w == 0 ) {
3168 			M_free(d->where,"dollar");
3169 			d->where = 0;
3170 			d->type = DOLUNDEFINED;
3171 			M_free(loop->dollarname,"do-loop instruction");
3172 			goto finish;
3173 		}
3174 		loop->incnum += *w;
3175 /*
3176 		Now the term has to be converted to text.
3177 */
3178 		ww = w + *w; v = *ww; *ww = 0;
3179 		dw = d->where; d->where = w;
3180 		t = WriteDollarToBuffer(numdollar,1);
3181 		d->where = dw; *ww = v;
3182 		PutPreVar(loop->name,t,0,1);	/* We overwrite the definition */
3183 		M_free(t,"dollar");
3184 	}
3185 	if ( loop->firstloopcall ) OpenStream(loop->contents,PREREADSTREAM2,0,PRENOACTION);
3186 	else OpenStream(loop->contents,PREREADSTREAM,0,PRENOACTION);
3187 	AC.CurrentStream->prevline   =
3188 	AC.CurrentStream->linenumber = loop->startlinenumber;
3189 	AC.CurrentStream->eqnum = 0;
3190 	loop->firstloopcall = 0;
3191 	return(0);
3192 finish:;
3193 	NumDoLoops--;
3194 	retval = DoUndefine(loop->name);
3195 	M_free(loop->p.buffer,"loop->p.buffer");
3196 	loop->firstloopcall = 0;
3197 	AP.NumPreTypes--;
3198 	return(retval);
3199 }
3201 /*
3202  		#] DoEnddo :
3203  		#[ DoEndif :
3204 */
DoEndif(UBYTE * s)3206 int DoEndif(UBYTE *s)
3207 {
3208 	DUMMYUSE(s);
3209 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEIF ) {
3210 		if ( AP.PreIfLevel <= 0 ) MesPrint("@%#endif without corresponding %#if");
3211 		else MessPreNesting(5);
3212 		return(-1);
3213 	}
3214 	AP.NumPreTypes--;
3215 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3216 	if ( AP.PreIfLevel <= 0 ) {
3217 		MesPrint("@%#endif without corresponding %#if");
3218 		return(-1);
3219 	}
3220 	AP.PreIfLevel--;
3221 	return(0);
3222 }
3224 /*
3225  		#] DoEndif :
3226  		#[ DoEndprocedure :
3228 		Action is simple: close the current stream if it is still
3229 		the stream from which the statement came.
3230 		Then pop the current procedure and all its local derivatives.
3231 		if loadmode > 1 the procedure was defined locally.
3232 */
DoEndprocedure(UBYTE * s)3234 int DoEndprocedure(UBYTE *s)
3235 {
3236 	DUMMYUSE(s);
3237 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEPROCEDURE ) {
3238 		MessPreNesting(6);
3239 		return(-1);
3240 	}
3241 	AP.NumPreTypes--;
3242 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3243 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3244 	AC.CurrentStream = CloseStream(AC.CurrentStream);
3245 	do {
3246 		NumProcedures--;
3247 		if ( Procedures[NumProcedures].loadmode == 0 ) {
3248 			M_free(Procedures[NumProcedures].p.buffer,"procedures buffer");
3249 			M_free(Procedures[NumProcedures].name,"procedures name");
3250 		}
3251 	} while ( Procedures[NumProcedures].loadmode > 1 );
3252 	return(0);
3253 }
3255 /*
3256  		#] DoEndprocedure :
3257  		#[ DoIf :
3258 */
DoIf(UBYTE * s)3260 int DoIf(UBYTE *s)
3261 {
3262 	int condition;
3263 	AddToPreTypes(PRETYPEIF);
3264 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3265 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] == EXECUTINGIF ) {
3266 		condition = EvalPreIf(s);
3267 		if ( condition < 0 ) return(-1);
3268 	}
3269 	else condition = LOOKINGFORENDIF;
3270 	if ( AP.PreIfLevel+1 >= AP.MaxPreIfLevel ) {
3271 		int **ppp = &AP.PreIfStack; /* To avoid a compiler warning */
3272 		if ( DoubleList((VOID ***)ppp,&AP.MaxPreIfLevel,sizeof(int),
3273 			"PreIfLevels") ) return(-1);
3274 	}
3275 	AP.PreIfStack[++AP.PreIfLevel] = condition;
3276 	return(0);
3277 }
3279 /*
3280  		#] DoIf :
3281  		#[ DoIfdef :
3282 */
DoIfdef(UBYTE * s,int par)3284 int DoIfdef(UBYTE *s, int par)
3285 {
3286 	int condition;
3287 	AddToPreTypes(PRETYPEIF);
3288 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3289 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] == EXECUTINGIF ) {
3290 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3291 		if ( ( *s == 0 ) == ( par == 1 ) ) condition = LOOKINGFORELSE;
3292 		else                               condition = EXECUTINGIF;
3293 	}
3294 	else condition = LOOKINGFORENDIF;
3295 	if ( AP.PreIfLevel+1 >= AP.MaxPreIfLevel ) {
3296 		int **ppp = &AP.PreIfStack; /* to avoid a compiler warning */
3297 		if ( DoubleList((VOID ***)ppp,&AP.MaxPreIfLevel,sizeof(int),
3298 			"PreIfLevels") ) return(-1);
3299 	}
3300 	AP.PreIfStack[++AP.PreIfLevel] = condition;
3301 	return(0);
3302 }
3304 /*
3305  		#] DoIfdef :
3306  		#[ DoIfydef :
3307 */
DoIfydef(UBYTE * s)3309 int DoIfydef(UBYTE *s)
3310 {
3311 	return DoIfdef(s,1);
3312 }
3314 /*
3315  		#] DoIfydef :
3316  		#[ DoIfndef :
3317 */
DoIfndef(UBYTE * s)3319 int DoIfndef(UBYTE *s)
3320 {
3321 	return DoIfdef(s,2);
3322 }
3324 /*
3325  		#] DoIfndef :
3326  		#[ DoInside :
3328 	#inside $var1,...,$varn
3329 		statements without .sort
3330 	#endinside
3332 	executes the statements on the contents of the $ variables as if they
3333 	are a module. The results are put back in the dollar variables.
3334 	To do this right we need a struct with
3335 		old compiler buffer
3336 		list of numbers of dollars
3337 		length of the list
3338 		length of the array containing the list
3339 	Because we need to compose statements, the statement buffer must be
3340 	empty. This means that we have to test for that. Same at the end. We
3341 	must have a completed statement.
3342 */
DoInside(UBYTE * s)3344 int DoInside(UBYTE *s)
3345 {
3347 	int numdol, error = 0;
3348 	WORD *nb, newsize, i;
3349 	UBYTE *name, c;
3350 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3351 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3352 	if ( AP.PreInsideLevel != 0 ) {
3353 		MesPrint("@Illegal nesting of %#inside/%#endinside instructions");
3354 		return(-1);
3355 	}
3356 /*
3357 	if ( AP.PreContinuation ) {
3358 		error = -1;
3359 		MesPrint("@%#inside cannot be inside a regular statement");
3360 	}
3361 */
3363 /*
3364 	Now the dollars to do
3365 */
3366 	AP.inside.numdollars = 0;
3367 	for(;;) {
3368 		while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3369 		if ( *s == 0 ) break;
3370 		if ( *s != '$' ) {
3371 			MesPrint("@%#inside instruction can have only $ variables for parameters");
3372 			return(-1);
3373 		}
3374 		s++;
3375 		name = s;
3376 		while (chartype[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
3377 		c = *s; *s = 0;
3378 		if ( ( numdol = GetDollar(name) ) < 0 ) {
3379 			MesPrint("@%#inside: $%s has not (yet) been defined",name);
3380 			*s = c;
3381 			error = -1;
3382 		}
3383 		else {
3384 			*s = c;
3385 			if ( AP.inside.numdollars >= AP.inside.size ) {
3386 				if ( AP.inside.buffer == 0 ) newsize = 20;
3387 				else                         newsize = 2*AP.inside.size;
3388 				nb = (WORD *)Malloc1(newsize*sizeof(WORD),"insidebuffer");
3389 				if ( AP.inside.buffer ) {
3390 					for ( i = 0; i < AP.inside.size; i++ ) nb[i] = AP.inside.buffer[i];
3391 					M_free(AP.inside.buffer,"insidebuffer");
3392 				}
3393 				AP.inside.buffer = nb;
3394 				AP.inside.size = newsize;
3395 			}
3396 			AP.inside.buffer[AP.inside.numdollars++] = numdol;
3397 		}
3398 	}
3399 /*
3400 	We have to store the configuration of the compiler buffer, so that
3401 	we know where to start executing and how to reset the buffer.
3402 */
3403 	AP.inside.oldcompiletype = AC.compiletype;
3404 	AP.inside.oldparallelflag = AC.mparallelflag;
3405 	AP.inside.oldnumpotmoddollars = NumPotModdollars;
3406 	AP.inside.oldcbuf = AC.cbufnum;
3407 	AP.inside.oldrbuf = AM.rbufnum;
3408 	AP.inside.oldcnumlhs = AR.Cnumlhs,
3409 	AddToPreTypes(PRETYPEINSIDE);
3410 	AP.PreInsideLevel = 1;
3411 	AC.cbufnum = AP.inside.inscbuf;
3412 	AM.rbufnum = AP.inside.inscbuf;
3413 	clearcbuf(AC.cbufnum);
3414 	AC.compiletype = 0;
3415 	AC.mparallelflag = PARALLELFLAG;
3416 #ifdef WITHMPI
3417 	/*
3418 	 * We use AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag, PotModdollars, and AC.pfirstnum
3419 	 * in order to check (1) whether there are expression names in RHS,
3420 	 * (2) which dollar variables can be modified, and (3) which
3421 	 * preprocessor variables can be redefined, in #inside.
3422 	 * We store the current values of them, and then reset them.
3423 	 */
3424 	PF_StoreInsideInfo();
3425 	AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag = 0;
3426 	NumPotModdollars = 0;
3427 	AC.numpfirstnum = 0;
3428 #endif
3429 	return(error);
3430 }
3432 /*
3433  		#] DoInside :
3434  		#[ DoEndInside :
3435 */
DoEndInside(UBYTE * s)3437 int DoEndInside(UBYTE *s)
3438 {
3440 	WORD numdol, *oldworkpointer = AT.WorkPointer, *term, *t, j, i;
3441 	DOLLARS d, nd;
3442 	WORD oldbracketon = AR.BracketOn;
3443 	WORD *oldcompresspointer = AR.CompressPointer;
3444 	int oldmultithreaded = AS.MultiThreaded;
3445 	/* int oldmparallelflag = AC.mparallelflag; */
3446 	FILEHANDLE *f;
3447 #ifdef WITHMPI
3448 	int error = 0;
3449 #endif
3450 	DUMMYUSE(s);
3451 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3452 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3453 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPEINSIDE ) {
3454 		if ( AP.PreInsideLevel != 1 ) MesPrint("@%#endinside without corresponding %#inside");
3455 		else MessPreNesting(11);
3456 		return(-1);
3457 	}
3458 	AP.NumPreTypes--;
3459 	if ( AP.PreInsideLevel != 1 ) {
3460 		MesPrint("@%#endinside without corresponding %#inside");
3461 		return(-1);
3462 	}
3463 	if ( AP.PreContinuation ) {
3464 		MesPrint("@%#endinside: previous statement not terminated.");
3465 		Terminate(-1);
3466 	}
3467 	AC.compiletype = AP.inside.oldcompiletype;
3468 	AR.Cnumlhs = cbuf[AM.rbufnum].numlhs;
3469 #ifdef WITHMPI
3470 	/*
3471 	 * If the #inside...#endinside contains expressions in RHS, only the master executes it
3472 	 * and then broadcasts the result to the all slaves. If not, the all processes execute
3473 	 * it and in this case no MPI interactions are needed.
3474 	 */
3475 	if ( PF.me == MASTER || !AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag ) {
3476 #endif
3477 	AR.BracketOn = 0;
3478 	AS.MultiThreaded = 0;
3479 	/* AC.mparallelflag = PARALLELFLAG; */
3480 	if ( AR.CompressPointer == 0 ) AR.CompressPointer = AR.CompressBuffer;
3481 	f = AR.infile; AR.infile = AR.outfile; AR.outfile = f;
3482 /*
3483 	Now we have to execute the statements on the proper dollars.
3484 */
3485 	for ( i = 0; i < AP.inside.numdollars; i++ ) {
3486 		numdol = AP.inside.buffer[i];
3487 		nd = d = Dollars + numdol;
3488 		if ( d->type != DOLZERO ) {
3489 			if ( d->type != DOLTERMS ) nd = DolToTerms(BHEAD numdol);
3490 			term = nd->where;
3491 			NewSort(BHEAD0);
3492 			NewSort(BHEAD0);
3493 			AR.MaxDum = AM.IndDum;
3494 			while ( *term ) {
3495 				t = oldworkpointer; j = *term;
3496 				NCOPY(t,term,j);
3497 				AT.WorkPointer = t;
3498 				AN.IndDum = AM.IndDum;
3499 				AR.CurDum = ReNumber(BHEAD term);
3500 				if ( Generator(BHEAD oldworkpointer,0) ) {
3501 					MesPrint("@Called from %#endinside");
3502 					MesPrint("@Evaluating variable $%s",DOLLARNAME(Dollars,numdol));
3503 					Terminate(-1);
3504 				}
3505 			}
3506 			AT.WorkPointer = oldworkpointer;
3507 			CleanDollarFactors(d);
3508 			if ( d->where ) { M_free(d->where,"dollar contents"); d->where = 0; }
3509 			EndSort(BHEAD (WORD *)((VOID *)(&(d->where))),2);
3510 			LowerSortLevel();
3511 			term = d->where; while ( *term ) term += *term;
3512 			d->size = term - d->where;
3513 			if ( nd != d ) M_free(nd,"Copy of dollar variable");
3514 			if ( d->where[0] == 0 ) {
3515 				M_free(d->where,"dollar contents"); d->where = 0;
3516 				d->type = DOLZERO;
3517 			}
3518 		}
3519 	}
3520 #ifdef WITHMPI
3521 	}
3522 	if ( AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag ) {
3523 		/*
3524 		 * The only master executed the statements in #inside.
3525 		 * We need to broadcast the result to the all slaves.
3526 		 */
3527 		for ( i = 0; i < AP.inside.numdollars; i++ ) {
3528 			/*
3529 			 * Mark $-variables specified in the #inside instruction as modified
3530 			 * such that they will be broadcast.
3531 			 */
3532 			AddPotModdollar(AP.inside.buffer[i]);
3533 		}
3534 		/* Now actual broadcast of modified variables. */
3535 		if ( NumPotModdollars > 0 ) {
3536 			error = PF_BroadcastModifiedDollars();
3537 			if ( error ) goto cleanup;
3538 		}
3539 		if ( AC.numpfirstnum > 0 ) {
3540 			error = PF_BroadcastRedefinedPreVars();
3541 			if ( error ) goto cleanup;
3542 		}
3543 	}
3544 cleanup:
3545 #endif
3546 	f = AR.infile; AR.infile = AR.outfile; AR.outfile = f;
3547 	AC.cbufnum = AP.inside.oldcbuf;
3548 	AM.rbufnum = AP.inside.oldrbuf;
3549 	AR.Cnumlhs = AP.inside.oldcnumlhs;
3550 	AR.BracketOn = oldbracketon;
3551 	AP.PreInsideLevel = 0;
3552 	AR.CompressPointer = oldcompresspointer;
3553 	AS.MultiThreaded = oldmultithreaded;
3554 	AC.mparallelflag = AP.inside.oldparallelflag;
3555 	NumPotModdollars = AP.inside.oldnumpotmoddollars;
3557 #ifdef WITHMPI
3558 	PF_RestoreInsideInfo();
3559 	if ( error ) return error;
3560 #endif
3561 	return(0);
3562 }
3564 /*
3565  		#] DoEndInside :
3566  		#[ DoMessage :
3567 */
DoMessage(UBYTE * s)3569 int DoMessage(UBYTE *s)
3570 {
3571 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3572 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3573 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3574 	MesPrint("~~~%s",s);
3575 	return(0);
3576 }
3578 /*
3579  		#] DoMessage :
3580  		#[ DoPipe :
3581 */
DoPipe(UBYTE * s)3583 int DoPipe(UBYTE *s)
3584 {
3585 #ifndef WITHPIPE
3586 	DUMMYUSE(s);
3587 #endif
3588 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3589 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3590 #ifdef WITHPIPE
3592 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3593 	if ( OpenStream(s,PIPESTREAM,0,PRENOACTION) == 0 ) return(-1);
3594 	return(0);
3595 #else
3596 	Error0("Pipes not implemented on this computer/system");
3597 	return(-1);
3598 #endif
3599 }
3601 /*
3602  		#] DoPipe :
3603  		#[ DoPrcExtension :
3604 */
DoPrcExtension(UBYTE * s)3606 int DoPrcExtension(UBYTE *s)
3607 {
3608 	UBYTE *t, *u, c;
3609 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3610 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3611 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3612 	if ( *s == 0 || *s == '\n' ) {
3613 		MesPrint("@No valid procedure extension specified");
3614 		return(-1);
3615 	}
3616 	if ( FG.cTable[*s] != 0 ) {
3617 		MesPrint("@Procedure extension should be a string starting with an alphabetic character. No whitespace.");
3618 		return(-1);
3619 	}
3620 	t = s;
3621 	while ( *s && *s != '\n' && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' ) s++;
3622 	u = s;
3623 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3624 	if ( *s != 0 && *s != '\n' ) {
3625 		MesPrint("@Too many parameters in ProcedureExtension instruction");
3626 		return(-1);
3627 	}
3628 	c = *u; *u = 0;
3629 	if ( AP.procedureExtension ) M_free(AP.procedureExtension,"ProcedureExtension");
3630 	AP.procedureExtension = strDup1(t,"ProcedureExtension");
3631 	*u = c;
3632 	return(0);
3633 }
3635 /*
3636  		#] DoPrcExtension :
3637  		#[ DoPreOut :
3638 */
DoPreOut(UBYTE * s)3640 int DoPreOut(UBYTE *s)
3641 {
3642 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3643 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3644 	if ( tolower(*s) == 'o' ) {
3645 		if ( tolower(s[1]) == 'n' && s[2] == 0 ) {
3646 			AP.PreOut = 1;
3647 			return(0);
3648 		}
3649 		if ( tolower(s[1]) == 'f' && tolower(s[2]) == 'f' && s[3] == 0 ) {
3650 			AP.PreOut = 0;
3651 			return(0);
3652 		}
3653 	}
3654 	MesPrint("@Illegal option in PreOut instruction");
3655 	return(-1);
3656 }
3658 /*
3659  		#] DoPreOut :
3660  		#[ DoPrePrintTimes :
3661 */
DoPrePrintTimes(UBYTE * s)3663 int DoPrePrintTimes(UBYTE *s)
3664 {
3665 	DUMMYUSE(s);
3666 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3667 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3668 	PrintRunningTime();
3669 	return(0);
3670 }
3672 /*
3673  		#] DoPrePrintTimes :
3674  		#[ DoPreAppend :
3676 		Syntax:
3677 		#append <filename>
3678 */
DoPreAppend(UBYTE * s)3680 int DoPreAppend(UBYTE *s)
3681 {
3682 	UBYTE *name, *to;
3684 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3685 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3686 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
3687 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3688 /*
3689 	Determine where to write
3690 */
3691 	if ( *s == '<' ) {
3692 		s++;
3693 		name = to = s;
3694 		while ( *s && *s != '>' ) {
3695 			if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
3696 			*to++ = *s++;
3697 		}
3698 		if ( *s == 0 ) {
3699 			MesPrint("@Improper termination of filename");
3700 			return(-1);
3701 		}
3702 		s++;
3703 		*to = 0;
3704 		if ( *name ) { GetAppendChannel((char *)name); }
3705 		else goto improper;
3706 	}
3707 	else {
3708 improper:
3709 		MesPrint("@Proper syntax is: %#append <filename>");
3710 		return(-1);
3711 	}
3712 	return(0);
3713 }
3715 /*
3716  		#] DoPreAppend :
3717  		#[ DoPreCreate :
3719 		Syntax:
3720 		#create <filename>
3721 */
DoPreCreate(UBYTE * s)3723 int DoPreCreate(UBYTE *s)
3724 {
3725 	UBYTE *name, *to;
3727 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3728 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3729 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
3730 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3731 /*
3732 	Determine where to write
3733 */
3734 	if ( *s == '<' ) {
3735 		s++;
3736 		name = to = s;
3737 		while ( *s && *s != '>' ) {
3738 			if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
3739 			*to++ = *s++;
3740 		}
3741 		if ( *s == 0 ) {
3742 			MesPrint("@Improper termination of filename");
3743 			return(-1);
3744 		}
3745 		s++;
3746 		*to = 0;
3747 		if ( *name ) { GetChannel((char *)name,0); }
3748 		else goto improper;
3749 	}
3750 	else {
3751 improper:
3752 		MesPrint("@Proper syntax is: %#create <filename>");
3753 		return(-1);
3754 	}
3755 	return(0);
3756 }
3758 /*
3759  		#] DoPreCreate :
3760  		#[ DoPreRemove :
3761 */
DoPreRemove(UBYTE * s)3763 int DoPreRemove(UBYTE *s)
3764 {
3765 	UBYTE *name, *to;
3766 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3767 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3768 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
3769 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3770 	if ( *s == '<' ) { s++; }
3771 	else {
3772 		MesPrint("@Proper syntax is: %#remove <filename>");
3773 		return(-1);
3774 	}
3775 	name = to = s;
3776 	while ( *s && *s != '>' ) {
3777 		if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
3778 		*to++ = *s++;
3779 	}
3780 	if ( *s == 0 ) {
3781 		MesPrint("@Improper filename");
3782 		return(-1);
3783 	}
3784 	s++;
3785 	*to = 0;
3786 	CloseChannel((char *)name);
3787 	remove((char *)name);
3788 	return(0);
3789 }
3791 /*
3792  		#] DoPreRemove :
3793  		#[ DoPreClose :
3794 */
DoPreClose(UBYTE * s)3796 int DoPreClose(UBYTE *s)
3797 {
3798 	UBYTE *name, *to;
3799 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3800 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3801 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
3802 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3803 	if ( *s == '<' ) { s++; }
3804 	else {
3805 		MesPrint("@Proper syntax is: %#close <filename>");
3806 		return(-1);
3807 	}
3808 	name = to = s;
3809 	while ( *s && *s != '>' ) {
3810 		if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
3811 		*to++ = *s++;
3812 	}
3813 	if ( *s == 0 ) {
3814 		MesPrint("@Improper filename");
3815 		return(-1);
3816 	}
3817 	s++;
3818 	*to = 0;
3819 	return(CloseChannel((char *)name));
3820 }
3822 /*
3823  		#] DoPreClose :
3824  		#[ DoPreWrite :
3826 		Syntax:
3827 		#write [<filename>] "formatstring" [,objects]
3828 		The format string can contain the following special objects/codes
3829 		\n  newline
3830 		\t  tab
3831 		\!	if last entry in string: no linefeed at end
3832 		\b	put \ in output
3833 		%$  $-variable (to be found among the objects)
3834 		%e  expression (name to be found among the objects)
3835 		%E  expression without ; (name to be found among the objects)
3836 		%s	string (to be found among the objects) (with or without "")
3837 		%S	subterms (see PrintSubtermList)
3838 */
DoPreWrite(UBYTE * s)3840 int DoPreWrite(UBYTE *s)
3841 {
3842 	HANDLERS h;
3844 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
3845 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3846 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
3848 #ifdef WITHMPI
3849 	if ( PF.me != MASTER ) return 0;
3850 #endif
3852 	h.oldsilent    = AM.silent;
3853 	h.newlogonly   = h.oldlogonly = AM.FileOnlyFlag;
3854 	h.newhandle    = h.oldhandle  = AC.LogHandle;
3855 	h.oldprinttype = AO.PrintType;
3857 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
3858 /*
3859 	Determine where to write
3860 */
3861 	if( (s=defineChannel(s,&h))==0 ) return(-1);
3863 	return(writeToChannel(WRITEOUT,s,&h));
3864 }
3866 /*
3867  		#] DoPreWrite :
3868  		#[ DoProcedure :
3870 		We have to read this procedure into a buffer.
3871 		The only complications are:
3872 		1: we have to seek through the file to do this efficiently
3873 		   the file operations under VMS cannot do this properly
3874 		   (unless we use the proper ANSI structs?)
3875 		   This is the reason why we read whole input files under VMS.
3876 		2: what to do when the same name is used twice.
3877 		Note that we have to do the reading without substitution of
3878 		preprocessor variables.
3879 */
DoProcedure(UBYTE * s)3881 int DoProcedure(UBYTE *s)
3882 {
3883 	UBYTE c;
3884 	PROCEDURE *p;
3885 	LONG i;
3886 	if ( ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH )
3887 	|| ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) ) {
3888 		if ( PreSkip((UBYTE *)"procedure",(UBYTE *)"endprocedure",1) ) return(-1);
3889 		return(0);
3890 	}
3891 	p = (PROCEDURE *)FromList(&AP.ProcList);
3892 	if ( PreLoad(&(p->p),(UBYTE *)"procedure",(UBYTE *)"endprocedure"
3893 		,1,(char *)"procedure") ) return(-1);
3895 	p->loadmode = 2;
3896 	s = p->p.buffer + 10;
3897 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == LINEFEED ) s++;
3898 	if ( chartype[*s] ) {
3899 		MesPrint("@Illegal name for procedure");
3900 		return(-1);
3901 	}
3902 	p->name = s++;
3903 	while ( chartype[*s] == 0 || chartype[*s] == 1 ) s++;
3904 	c = *s; *s = 0;
3905 	p->name = strDup1(p->name,"procedure");
3906 	*s = c;
3907 /*
3908 	Check for double names
3909 */
3910 	for ( i = NumProcedures-2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
3911 		if ( StrCmp(Procedures[i].name,p->name) == 0 ) {
3912 			Error1("Multiple occurrence of procedure name ",p->name);
3913 		}
3914 	}
3915 	return(0);
3916 }
3918 /*
3919  		#] DoProcedure :
3920  		#[ DoPreBreak :
3921 */
DoPreBreak(UBYTE * s)3923 int DoPreBreak(UBYTE *s)
3924 {
3925 	DUMMYUSE(s);
3926 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3927 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPESWITCH ) {
3928 		if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel <= 0 )
3929 			 MesPrint("@Break without corresponding Switch");
3930 		else MessPreNesting(7);
3931 		return(-1);
3932 	}
3933 	if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel <= 0 ) {
3934 		MesPrint("@Break without corresponding Switch");
3935 		return(-1);
3936 	}
3937 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] == EXECUTINGPRESWITCH )
3938 		AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] = SEARCHINGPREENDSWITCH;
3939 	return(0);
3940 }
3942 /*
3943  		#] DoPreBreak :
3944  		#[ DoPreCase :
3945 */
DoPreCase(UBYTE * s)3947 int DoPreCase(UBYTE *s)
3948 {
3949 	UBYTE *t;
3950 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3951 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPESWITCH ) {
3952 		if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel <= 0 )
3953 			 MesPrint("@Case without corresponding Switch");
3954 		else MessPreNesting(8);
3955 		return(-1);
3956 	}
3957 	if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel <= 0 ) {
3958 		MesPrint("@Case without corresponding Switch");
3959 		return(-1);
3960 	}
3961 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != SEARCHINGPRECASE ) return(0);
3964 	t = s;
3965 	while ( *s ) { if ( *s == '\\' ) s++; s++; }
3966 	while ( s > t && ( s[-1] == ' ' || s[-1] == '\t' ) && s[-2] != '\\' ) {
3967 		if ( s[-2] == '\\' ) s--;
3968 		s--;
3969 	}
3970 	if ( *t == '"' && s > t+1 && s[-1] == '"' && s[-2] != '\\' ) {
3971 		t++; s--; *s = 0;
3972 	}
3973 	else *s = 0;
3974 	s = AP.PreSwitchStrings[AP.PreSwitchLevel];
3975 	while ( *t == *s && *t ) { s++; t++; }
3976 	if ( *t || *s ) return(0);	/* case did not match */
3977 	AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] = EXECUTINGPRESWITCH;
3978 	return(0);
3979 }
3981 /*
3982  		#] DoPreCase :
3983  		#[ DoPreDefault :
3984 */
DoPreDefault(UBYTE * s)3986 int DoPreDefault(UBYTE *s)
3987 {
3988 	DUMMYUSE(s);
3989 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
3990 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPESWITCH ) {
3991 		if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel <= 0 )
3992 			 MesPrint("@Default without corresponding Switch");
3993 		else MessPreNesting(9);
3994 		return(-1);
3995 	}
3996 	if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel <= 0 ) {
3997 		MesPrint("@Default without corresponding Switch");
3998 		return(-1);
3999 	}
4000 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != SEARCHINGPRECASE ) return(0);
4001 	AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] = EXECUTINGPRESWITCH;
4002 	return(0);
4003 }
4005 /*
4006  		#] DoPreDefault :
4007  		#[ DoPreEndSwitch :
4008 */
DoPreEndSwitch(UBYTE * s)4010 int DoPreEndSwitch(UBYTE *s)
4011 {
4012 	DUMMYUSE(s);
4013 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
4014 	if ( AP.PreTypes[AP.NumPreTypes] != PRETYPESWITCH ) {
4015 		if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel <= 0 )
4016 			 MesPrint("@EndSwitch without corresponding Switch");
4017 		else MessPreNesting(10);
4018 		return(-1);
4019 	}
4020 	AP.NumPreTypes--;
4021 	if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel <= 0 ) {
4022 		MesPrint("@EndSwitch without corresponding Switch");
4023 		return(-1);
4024 	}
4025 	M_free(AP.PreSwitchStrings[AP.PreSwitchLevel--],"pre switch string");
4026 	return(0);
4027 }
4029 /*
4030  		#] DoPreEndSwitch :
4031  		#[ DoPreSwitch :
4033 		There should be a string after this.
4034 		We have to store it somewhere.
4035 */
DoPreSwitch(UBYTE * s)4037 int DoPreSwitch(UBYTE *s)
4038 {
4039 	UBYTE *t, *switchstring, **newstrings;
4040 	int newnum, i, *newmodes;
4041 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
4043 	t = s;
4044 	while ( *s ) { if ( *s == '\\' ) s++; s++; }
4045 	while ( s > t && ( s[-1] == ' ' || s[-1] == '\t' ) && s[-2] != '\\' ) {
4046 		if ( s[-2] == '\\' ) s--;
4047 		s--;
4048 	}
4049 	if ( *t == '"' && s > t+1 && s[-1] == '"' && s[-2] != '\\' ) {
4050 		t++; s--; *s = 0;
4051 	}
4052 	else *s = 0;
4053 	switchstring = (UBYTE *)Malloc1((s-t)+1,"case string");
4054 	s = switchstring;
4055 	while ( *t ) {
4056 		if ( *t == '\\' ) t++;
4057 		*s++ = *t++;
4058 	}
4059 	*s = 0;
4060 	if ( AP.PreSwitchLevel >= AP.NumPreSwitchStrings ) {
4061 		newnum = 2*AP.NumPreSwitchStrings;
4062 		newstrings = (UBYTE **)Malloc1(sizeof(UBYTE *)*(newnum+1),"case strings");
4063 		newmodes   = (int *)Malloc1(sizeof(int)*(newnum+1),"case strings");
4064 		for ( i = 0; i < AP.NumPreSwitchStrings; i++ )
4065 			newstrings[i] = AP.PreSwitchStrings[i];
4066 		M_free(AP.PreSwitchStrings,"AP.PreSwitchStrings");
4067 		for ( i = 0; i <= AP.NumPreSwitchStrings; i++ )
4068 			newmodes[i] = AP.PreSwitchModes[i];
4069 		M_free(AP.PreSwitchModes,"AP.PreSwitchModes");
4070 		AP.PreSwitchStrings = newstrings;
4071 		AP.PreSwitchModes   = newmodes;
4072 		AP.NumPreSwitchStrings = newnum;
4073 	}
4074 	AP.PreSwitchStrings[++AP.PreSwitchLevel] = switchstring;
4075 	if ( ( AP.PreSwitchLevel > 1 )
4076 	 && ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel-1] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) )
4077 		AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] = SEARCHINGPREENDSWITCH;
4078 	else
4079 		AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] = SEARCHINGPRECASE;
4080 	AddToPreTypes(PRETYPESWITCH);
4081 	return(0);
4082 }
4084 /*
4085  		#] DoPreSwitch :
4086  		#[ DoPreShow :
4088 		Print the contents of the preprocessor variables
4089 */
DoPreShow(UBYTE * s)4091 int DoPreShow(UBYTE *s)
4092 {
4093 	int i;
4094 	UBYTE *name, c;
4095 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
4096 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
4097 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
4098 	if ( *s == 0 ) {
4099 		MesPrint("%#The preprocessor variables:");
4100 		for ( i = 0; i < NumPre; i++ ) {
4101 			MesPrint("%d: %s = \"%s\"",i,PreVar[i].name,PreVar[i].value);
4102 		}
4103 	}
4104 	else {
4105 		while ( *s ) {
4106 			name = s; while ( *s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && *s != ',' ) s++;
4107 			c = *s; *s = 0;
4108 			for ( i = 0; i < NumPre; i++ ) {
4109 				if ( StrCmp(PreVar[i].name,name) == 0 )
4110 					MesPrint("%d: %s = \"%s\"",i,PreVar[i].name,PreVar[i].value);
4111 			}
4112 			*s = c;
4113 			while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
4114 		}
4115 	}
4116 	return(0);
4117 }
4119 /*
4120  		#] DoPreShow :
4121  		#[ DoSystem :
4122 */
4124 /*
4125  * A macro for translating the contents of `x' into a string after expanding.
4126  */
4127 #define STRINGIFY(x)  STRINGIFY__(x)
4128 #define STRINGIFY__(x) #x
DoSystem(UBYTE * s)4130 int DoSystem(UBYTE *s)
4131 {
4132 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
4133 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
4134 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
4135 #ifdef WITHSYSTEM
4137 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
4138 	if ( *s == '-' && s[1] == 'e' ) {
4139 		LONG err;
4140 		UBYTE str[24];
4141 		s += 2;
4142 		if ( *s != ' ' ) {
4143 			MesPrint("@Syntax error in #system command.");
4144 			return(-1);
4145 		}
4146 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
4147 		err = system((char *)s);
4148 		NumToStr(str,err);
4149 		PutPreVar((UBYTE *)"SYSTEMERROR_",str,0,1);
4150 	}
4151 	else if ( system((char *)s) ) {
4152 		MesPrint("@System call returned with error condition");
4153 		Terminate(-1);
4154 	}
4155 	return(0);
4156 #else
4157 	Error0("External programs not implemented on this computer/system");
4158 	return(-1);
4159 #endif
4160 }
4162 /*
4163  		#] DoSystem :
4164  		#[ PreLoad :
4166 		Loads a loop or procedure into a special buffer.
4167 		Note: The current instruction is already in the preStart buffer
4168 */
PreLoad(PRELOAD * p,UBYTE * start,UBYTE * stop,int mode,char * message)4170 int PreLoad(PRELOAD *p, UBYTE *start, UBYTE *stop, int mode, char *message)
4171 {
4172 	UBYTE *s, *t, *top, *newbuffer, c;
4173 	LONG i, ppsize, linenum = AC.CurrentStream->linenumber;
4174 	int size1, size2, level, com=0, last=1, strng = 0;
4175 	p->size = AP.pSize;
4176 	p->buffer = (UBYTE *)Malloc1(p->size+1,message);
4177 	top = p->buffer + p->size - 2;
4178 	t = p->buffer; *t++ = '#';
4179 	s = start; size1 = size2 = 0;
4180 	while ( *s ) { s++; size1++; }
4181 	s = stop; while ( *s ) { s++; size2++; }
4182 	s = AP.preStart; while ( *s ) *t++ = *s++; *t++ = LINEFEED;
4183 	level = 1;
4184 	i = 100;
4185 	for (;;) {
4186 		c = GetInput();
4187 		if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) {
4188 			MesPrint("@Missing %#%s, Should match line %l",stop,linenum);
4189 			return(-1);
4190 		}
4191 		if ( c == AP.ComChar && last == 1 ) com = 1;
4192 		if ( c == LINEFEED ) { last = 1; com = 0; }
4193 		else last = 0;
4195 		if ( ( c == '"' ) && ( com == 0 ) ) { strng ^= 1; }
4197 		if ( ( c == '#' ) && ( com == 0 ) ) i = 0;
4198 		else i++;
4200 		if ( t >= top ) {
4201 			ppsize = t - p->buffer;
4202 			p->size *= 2;
4203 			newbuffer = (UBYTE *)Malloc1(p->size,message);
4204 			t = newbuffer; s = p->buffer;
4205 			while ( --ppsize >= 0 ) *t++ = *s++;
4206 			M_free(p->buffer,"loading do loop");
4207 			p->buffer = newbuffer;
4208 			top = p->buffer + p->size - 2;
4209 		}
4210 		*t++ = c;
4211 		if ( strng == 0 ) {
4212 		  if ( ( i == size2 ) && ( com == 0 ) ) {
4213 			*t = 0;
4214 			if ( StrICmp(t-size2,(UBYTE *)(stop)) == 0 ) {
4215 				while ( ( c = GetInput() ) != LINEFEED && c != ENDOFINPUT ) {}
4216 				level--;
4217 				if ( level <= 0 ) break;
4218 				if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) Error1("Missing #",stop);
4219 				*t++ = LINEFEED; *t = 0; last = 1;
4220 			}
4221 		  }
4222 		  if ( ( i == size1 ) && mode && ( com == 0 ) ) {
4223 			*t = 0;
4224 			if ( StrICmp(t-size1,(UBYTE *)(start)) == 0 ) {
4225 /*
4226 				while ( ( c = GetInput() ) != LINEFEED && c != ENDOFINPUT ) {}
4227 				if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) Error1("Missing #",stop);
4228 */
4229 				level++;
4230 			}
4231 		  }
4232 		  if ( i == 1 && t[-2] == LINEFEED ) {
4233 			if ( c == '-' )      AC.NoShowInput = 1;
4234 			else if ( c == '+' ) AC.NoShowInput = 0;
4235 		  }
4236 		}
4237 	}
4238 	*t++ = LINEFEED;
4239 	*t = 0;
4240 	return(0);
4241 }
4243 /*
4244  		#] PreLoad :
4245  		#[ PreSkip :
4247 		Skips a loop or procedure.
4248 		Note: The current instruction is already in the preStart buffer
4249 */
4251 #define SKIPBUFSIZE 20
PreSkip(UBYTE * start,UBYTE * stop,int mode)4253 int PreSkip(UBYTE *start, UBYTE *stop, int mode)
4254 {
4255 	UBYTE *s, *t, buffer[SKIPBUFSIZE+2], c;
4256 	LONG i, linenum = AC.CurrentStream->linenumber;
4257 	int size1, size2, level, com=0, last=1;
4259 	t = buffer; *t++ = '#';
4260 	s = start; size1 = size2 = 0;
4261 	while ( *s ) { s++; size1++; }
4262 	s = stop; while ( *s ) { s++; size2++; }
4263 	level = 1;
4264 	i = 0;
4265 	for (;;) {
4266 		c = GetInput();
4267 		if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) {
4268 			MesPrint("@Missing %#%s, Should match line %l",stop,linenum);
4269 			return(-1);
4270 		}
4271 		if ( c == AP.ComChar && last == 1 ) com = 1;
4272 		if ( c == LINEFEED ) { last = 1; com = 0; i = 0; t = buffer; }
4273 		else last = 0;
4274 		if ( ( c == '#' ) && ( com == 0 ) ) { i = 0; t = buffer; }
4275 		else i++;
4277 		if ( i < SKIPBUFSIZE ) *t++ = c;
4278 		if ( ( i == size2 ) && ( com == 0 ) ) {
4279 			*t = 0;
4280 			if ( StrICmp(t-size2,(UBYTE *)(stop)) == 0 ) {
4281 				while ( ( c = GetInput() ) != LINEFEED && c != ENDOFINPUT ) {}
4282 				level--;
4283 				if ( level <= 0 ) {
4284 					pushbackchar = LINEFEED;
4285 					break;
4286 				}
4287 				if ( c == ENDOFINPUT ) Error1("Missing #",stop);
4288 				i = 0; t = buffer;
4289 			}
4290 		}
4291 		if ( ( i == size1 ) && mode && ( com == 0 ) ) {
4292 			*t = 0;
4293 			if ( StrICmp(t-size1,(UBYTE *)(start)) == 0 ) {
4294 				while ( ( c = GetInput() ) != LINEFEED && c != ENDOFINPUT ) {}
4295 				level++;
4296 				i = 0; t = buffer;
4297 			}
4298 		}
4299 	}
4300 	return(0);
4301 }
4303 /*
4304  		#] PreSkip :
4305  		#[ StartPrepro :
4306 */
StartPrepro()4308 VOID StartPrepro()
4309 {
4310 	int **ppp;
4311 	AP.MaxPreIfLevel = 2;
4312 	ppp = &AP.PreIfStack;
4313 	if ( DoubleList((VOID ***)ppp,&AP.MaxPreIfLevel,sizeof(int),
4314 			"PreIfLevels") ) Terminate(-1);
4315 	AP.PreIfLevel = 0; AP.PreIfStack[0] = EXECUTINGIF;
4317 	AP.NumPreSwitchStrings = 10;
4318 	AP.PreSwitchStrings = (UBYTE **)Malloc1(sizeof(UBYTE *)*
4319 								(AP.NumPreSwitchStrings+1),"case strings");
4320 	AP.PreSwitchModes   = (int *)Malloc1(sizeof(int)*
4321 								(AP.NumPreSwitchStrings+1),"case strings");
4322 	AP.PreSwitchModes[0] = EXECUTINGPRESWITCH;
4323 	AP.PreSwitchLevel = 0;
4324 }
4326 /*
4327  		#] StartPrepro :
4328  		#[ EvalPreIf :
4330 		Evaluates the condition in an if instruction.
4331 		The return value is EXECUTINGIF if the condition is true.
4332 		If it is false the returnvalue is LOOKINGFORELSE.
4333 		An error gives a return value of -1
4334 */
EvalPreIf(UBYTE * s)4336 int EvalPreIf(UBYTE *s)
4337 {
4338 	UBYTE *t, *u;
4339 	int val;
4340 	t = s;
4341 	while ( *t ) t++;
4342 	*t++ = ')';
4343 	*t = 0;
4344 	if ( ( u = PreIfEval(s,&val) ) == 0 ) return(-1);
4345 	if ( u < t ) {
4346 		MesPrint("@Unmatched parentheses in condition");
4347 		return(-1);
4348 	}
4349 	if ( val ) return(EXECUTINGIF);
4350 	else       return(LOOKINGFORELSE);
4351 }
4353 /*
4354  		#] EvalPreIf :
4355  		#[ PreIfEval :
4357 		Used for recursions in the evaluation of a preprocessor if-condition.
4358 		It determines whether the contents of () is true or false
4359 		(or in error).
4360 		The return value is the address of the first character after the
4361 		closing parenthesis or null if there is an error.
4362 		In value we find true(1) or false(0)
4363 		We enter after the opening parenthesis.
4364 		There are levels:
4365 			0: orlevel:  a || b
4366 			1: andlevel: a && b
4367 			2: eqlevel:  a == b or a != b or a = b
4368 			3: cmplevel: a > b or a >= b or a < b or a <= b or a >~ b etc
4369 */
PreIfEval(UBYTE * s,int * value)4371 UBYTE *PreIfEval(UBYTE *s, int *value)
4372 {
4373 	int orlevel = 0, andlevel = 0, eqlevel = 0, cmplevel = 0;
4374 	int type, val;
4375 	LONG val2;
4376 	int ortype, orval, cmptype, cmpval, eqtype, eqval, andtype, andval;
4377 	UBYTE *t, *eqt, *cmpt, c;
4378 	int eqop, cmpop;
4379 	ortype = orval = cmptype = cmpval = eqtype = eqval = andtype = andval = 0;
4380 	eqop = cmpop = 0;
4381 	eqt = cmpt = 0;
4382 	*value = 0;
4383 	while ( *s != ')' ) {
4384 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r' ) s++;
4385 		t = s;
4386 		s = pParseObject(s,&type,&val2);
4387 		if ( s == 0 ) return(0);
4388 		val = val2;
4389 		c = *s;
4390 		*s++ = 0;    /* in case the object is a string without " */
4391 		while ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' ) {
4392 			c = *s; *s++ = 0;
4393 		}
4394 		if ( *t == '"' ) t++;
4395 		switch(c) {
4396 			case '|':
4397 				if ( *s != '|' ) goto illoper;
4398 				s++;
4399 				/* fall through */
4400 			case ')':
4401 				if ( cmplevel ) {
4402 					if ( type == 0 || cmptype == 0 ) goto illobject;
4403 					val = PreCmp(type,val,t,cmptype,cmpval,cmpt,cmpop);
4404 					type = 0;
4405 					cmplevel = 0;
4406 				}
4407 				if ( eqlevel ) {
4408 					val = PreEq(type,val,t,eqtype,eqval,eqt,eqop);
4409 					type = 0;
4410 					eqlevel = 0;
4411 				}
4412 				if ( andlevel ) {
4413 					if ( andtype != 0 || type != 0 ) goto illobject;
4414 					val &= andval;
4415 					andlevel = 0;
4416 				}
4417 				if ( orlevel ) {
4418 					if ( ortype != 0 || type != 0 ) goto illobject;
4419 					val |= orval;
4420 				}
4421 				if ( c == ')' ) {
4422 					*value = val;
4423 					return(s);
4424 				}
4425 				orlevel = 1;
4426 				orval = val;
4427 				ortype = type;
4428 				break;
4429 			case '&':
4430 				if ( *s != '&' ) goto illoper;
4431 				s++;
4432 				if ( cmplevel ) {
4433 					if ( type == 0 || cmptype == 0 ) goto illobject;
4434 					val = PreCmp(type,val,t,cmptype,cmpval,cmpt,cmpop);
4435 					type = 0;
4436 					cmplevel = 0;
4437 				}
4438 				if ( eqlevel ) {
4439 					val = PreEq(type,val,t,eqtype,eqval,eqt,eqop);
4440 					type = 0;
4441 					eqlevel = 0;
4442 				}
4443 				if ( andlevel ) {
4444 					if ( andtype != 0 || type != 0 ) goto illobject;
4445 					val &= andval;
4446 				}
4447 				andlevel = 1;
4448 				andval = val;
4449 				andtype = type;
4450 				break;
4451 			case '!':
4452 			case '=':
4453 				if ( eqlevel ) goto illorder;
4454 				if ( cmplevel ) {
4455 					if ( type == 0 || cmptype == 0 ) goto illobject;
4456 					val = PreCmp(type,val,t,cmptype,cmpval,cmpt,cmpop);
4457 					type = 0;
4458 					cmplevel = 0;
4459 				}
4460 				if ( c == '!' && *s != '=' ) goto illoper;
4461 				if ( *s == '=' ) s++;
4462 				if ( c == '!' ) eqop = 1;
4463 				else eqop = 0;
4464 				eqlevel = 1; eqt = t; eqval = val; eqtype = type;
4465 				break;
4466 			case '>':
4467 			case '<':
4468 				if ( cmplevel ) goto illorder;
4469 				if ( c == '<' ) cmpop = -1;
4470 				else            cmpop = 1;
4471 				cmplevel = 1; cmpt = t; cmpval = val; cmptype = type;
4472 				if ( *s == '=' ) {
4473 					s++;
4474 					if ( *s == '~' ) { s++; cmpop *= 4; }
4475 					else cmpop *= 2;
4476 				}
4477 				else if ( *s == '~' ) { s++; cmpop *= 3; }
4478 				break;
4479 			default:
4480 				goto illoper;
4481 		}
4482 	}
4483 	return(s);
4484 illorder:
4485 	MesPrint("@illegal order of operators");
4486 	return(0);
4487 illobject:
4488 	MesPrint("@illegal object for this operator");
4489 	return(0);
4490 illoper:
4491 	MesPrint("@illegal operator");
4492 	return(0);
4493 }
4495 /*
4496  		#] PreIfEval :
4497  		#[ PreCmp :
4498 */
PreCmp(int type,int val,UBYTE * t,int type2,int val2,UBYTE * t2,int cmpop)4500 int PreCmp(int type, int val, UBYTE *t, int type2, int val2, UBYTE *t2, int cmpop)
4501 {
4502 	if ( type == 2 || type2 == 2 || cmpop < -2 || cmpop > 2 ) {
4503 		if ( cmpop < 0 && cmpop > -3 ) cmpop -= 2;
4504 		if ( cmpop > 0 && cmpop <  3 ) cmpop += 2;
4505 		     if ( cmpop ==  3 ) val = StrCmp(t2,t) >  0;
4506 		else if ( cmpop ==  4 ) val = StrCmp(t2,t) >= 0;
4507 		else if ( cmpop == -3 ) val = StrCmp(t2,t) <  0;
4508 		else if ( cmpop == -4 ) val = StrCmp(t2,t) <= 0;
4509 	}
4510 	else {
4511 		     if ( cmpop ==  1 ) val = ( val2 >  val );
4512 		else if ( cmpop ==  2 ) val = ( val2 >= val );
4513 		else if ( cmpop == -1 ) val = ( val2 <  val );
4514 		else if ( cmpop == -2 ) val = ( val2 <= val );
4515 	}
4516 	return(val);
4517 }
4519 /*
4520  		#] PreCmp :
4521  		#[ PreEq :
4522 */
PreEq(int type,int val,UBYTE * t,int type2,int val2,UBYTE * t2,int eqop)4524 int PreEq(int type, int val, UBYTE *t, int type2, int val2, UBYTE *t2, int eqop)
4525 {
4526 	UBYTE str[20];
4527 	if ( type == 2 || type2 == 2 ) {
4528 		if ( type  != 2 ) { NumToStr(str,val ); t  = str; }
4529 		if ( type2 != 2 ) { NumToStr(str,val2); t2 = str; }
4530 		if ( eqop == 1 ) val = StrCmp(t,t2) != 0;
4531 		else             val = StrCmp(t,t2) == 0;
4532 	}
4533 	else {
4534 		if ( eqop ) val = val != val2;
4535 		else        val = val == val2;
4536 	}
4537 	return(val);
4538 }
4540 /*
4541  		#] PreEq :
4542  		#[ pParseObject :
4544 		Parses a preprocessor object. We can have:
4545 		1: a number  (type = 1)
4546 		2: a string  (type = 2)
4547 		3: an expression between parentheses (type = 0)
4548 		4: a special function (type = 3)
4549 		If the object is not a number, an expression or a special operator
4550 		we try to interprete it as a string.
4551 */
pParseObject(UBYTE * s,int * type,LONG * val2)4553 UBYTE *pParseObject(UBYTE *s, int *type, LONG *val2)
4554 {
4555 	UBYTE *t, c;
4556 	int sign, val = 0;
4557 	LONG x;
4558 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
4559 	if ( *s == '(' ) {
4560 		s++;
4561 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r' ) s++;
4562 		s = PreIfEval(s,&val);
4563 		*type = 0;
4564 		*val2 = val;
4565 		return(s);
4566 	}
4567 	else if ( *s == '$' && s[1] == '(' ) {
4568 		s += 2;
4569 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r' ) s++;
4570 		s = PreIfDollarEval(s,&val);
4571 		*type = 0; *val2 = val;
4572 		return(s);
4573 	}
4574 	if ( *s == 0 ) {
4575 illend:
4576 		MesPrint("@illegal end of condition");
4577 		return(0);
4578 	}
4579 	if ( *s == '"' ) {
4580 		s++;
4581 		while ( *s && *s != '"' ) {
4582 			if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
4583 			s++;
4584 		}
4585 		if ( *s == 0 ) goto illend;
4586 		else *s = 0;
4587 		*type = 2;
4588 		s++;
4590 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r' ) s++;
4592 		return(s);
4593 	}
4594 	t = s; sign = 1; x = 0;
4595 	if ( chartype[*t] == 0 ) {	/* Special operators and strings without "" */
4596 		do { t++; } while ( chartype[*t] <= 1 );
4597 		if ( *t == '(' ) {
4598 			WORD ttype;
4599 			c = *t; *t = 0;
4600 			if ( StrICmp(s,(UBYTE *)"termsin") == 0 ) {
4601 				UBYTE *tt;
4602 				WORD numdol, numexp;
4603 				ttype = 0;
4604 together:
4605 				*t++ = c;
4606 				while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == '\r' ) t++;
4607 				if ( *t == '$' ) {
4608 					t++; tt = t; while (chartype[*tt] <= 1 ) tt++;
4609 					c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4610 					if ( ( numdol = GetDollar(t) ) > 0 ) {
4611 						*tt = c;
4612 						if ( ttype == 1 ) {
4613 							x = SizeOfDollar(numdol);
4614 						}
4615 						else {
4616 							x = TermsInDollar(numdol);
4617 						}
4618 					}
4619 					else {
4620 						MesPrint("@$%s has not (yet) been defined",t);
4621 						*tt = c;
4622 						Terminate(-1);
4623 					}
4624 				}
4625 				else {
4626 					tt = SkipAName(t);
4627 					c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4628 					if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,t,&numexp,NOAUTO) == NAMENOTFOUND ) {
4629 						MesPrint("@%s has not (yet) been defined",t);
4630 						*tt = c;
4631 						Terminate(-1);
4632 					}
4633 					else {
4634 						*tt = c;
4635 						if ( ttype == 1 ) {
4636 							x = SizeOfExpression(numexp);
4637 						}
4638 						else {
4639 							x = TermsInExpression(numexp);
4640 						}
4641 					}
4642 				}
4643 				while ( *tt == ' ' || *tt == '\t'
4644 						 || *tt == '\n' || *tt == '\r' ) tt++;
4645 				if ( *tt != ')' ) {
4646 					MesPrint("@Improper use of terms($var) or terms(expr)");
4647 					Terminate(-1);
4648 				}
4649 				*type = 3;
4650 				s = tt+1;
4651 				*val2 = x;
4652 				return(s);
4653 			}
4654 			else if ( StrICmp(s,(UBYTE *)"sizeof") == 0 ) {
4655 				ttype = 1;
4656 				goto together;
4657 			}
4658 			else if ( StrICmp(s,(UBYTE *)"exists") == 0 ) {
4659 				UBYTE *tt;
4660 				WORD numdol, numexp;
4661 				*t++ = c;
4662 				while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == '\r' ) t++;
4663 				if ( *t == '$' ) {
4664 					t++; tt = t; while (chartype[*tt] <= 1 ) tt++;
4665 					c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4666 					if ( ( numdol = GetDollar(t) ) >= 0 ) { x = 1; }
4667 					else                                  { x = 0; }
4668 					*tt = c;
4669 				}
4670 				else {
4671 					tt = SkipAName(t);
4672 					c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4673 					if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,t,&numexp,NOAUTO) == NAMENOTFOUND ) { x = 0; }
4674 					else { x = 1; }
4675 					*tt = c;
4676 				}
4677 				while ( *tt == ' ' || *tt == '\t'
4678 						 || *tt == '\n' || *tt == '\r' ) tt++;
4679 				if ( *tt != ')' ) {
4680 					MesPrint("@Improper use of exists($var) or exists(expr)");
4681 					Terminate(-1);
4682 				}
4683 				*type = 3;
4684 				s = tt+1;
4685 				*val2 = x;
4686 				return(s);
4687 			}
4688 			else if ( StrICmp(s,(UBYTE *)"isnumerical") == 0 ) {
4690 				UBYTE *tt;
4691 				WORD numdol, numexp;
4692 				*t++ = c;
4693 				while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == '\r' ) t++;
4694 				if ( *t == '$' ) {
4695 					t++; tt = t; while (chartype[*tt] <= 1 ) tt++;
4696 					c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4697 					if ( ( numdol = GetDollar(t) ) < 0 ) {
4698 						MesPrint("@$ variable in isnumerical(%s) does not exist",t);
4699 						Terminate(-1);
4700 					}
4701 					x = DolToLong(BHEAD numdol);
4702 					if ( AN.ErrorInDollar ) {
4703 						DOLLARS d = Dollars + numdol;
4704 						x = 0;
4705 						if ( d->type == DOLNUMBER || d->type == DOLTERMS ) {
4706 							if ( d->where[0] == 0 ) x = 1;
4707 							else if ( d->where[d->where[0]] == 0 ) {
4708 								if ( ABS(d->where[d->where[0]-1]) == d->where[0]-1 )
4709 									x = 1;
4710 							}
4711 						}
4712 					}
4713 					else x = 1;
4714 					*tt = c;
4715 				}
4716 				else {
4717 					tt = SkipAName(t);
4718 					c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4719 					if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,t,&numexp,NOAUTO) == NAMENOTFOUND ) {
4720 						MesPrint("@expression in isnumerical(%s) does not exist",t);
4721 						Terminate(-1);
4722 					}
4723 					x = TermsInExpression(numexp);
4724 					if ( x != 1 ) x = 0;
4725 					else {
4726 						WORD *term = AT.WorkPointer;
4727 						if ( GetFirstTerm(term,numexp) < 0 ) {
4728 							MesPrint("@error reading expression in isnumerical(%s)",t);
4729 							Terminate(-1);
4730 						}
4731 						if ( *term == ABS(term[*term-1])+1 ) x = 1;
4732 						else                                 x = 0;
4733 					}
4734 					*tt = c;
4735 				}
4736 				while ( *tt == ' ' || *tt == '\t'
4737 						 || *tt == '\n' || *tt == '\r' ) tt++;
4738 				if ( *tt != ')' ) {
4739 					MesPrint("@Improper use of isnumerical($var) or numerical(expr)");
4740 					Terminate(-1);
4741 				}
4742 				*type = 3;
4743 				s = tt+1;
4744 				*val2 = x;
4745 				return(s);
4746 			}
4747 			else if ( StrICmp(s,(UBYTE *)("maxpowerof")) == 0 ) {
4748 				UBYTE *tt;
4749 				WORD numsym;
4750 				int stype;
4751 				*t++ = c;
4752 				while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == '\r' ) t++;
4753 				tt = SkipAName(t);
4754 				c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4755 				if ( ( stype = GetName(AC.varnames,t,&numsym,NOAUTO) ) == NAMENOTFOUND ) {
4756 					MesPrint("@%s has not (yet) been defined",t);
4757 					*tt = c;
4758 					Terminate(-1);
4759 				}
4760 				else if ( stype != CSYMBOL ) {
4761 					MesPrint("@%s should be a symbol",t);
4762 					*tt = c;
4763 					Terminate(-1);
4764 				}
4765 				else {
4766 					*tt = c;
4767 					x = symbols[numsym].maxpower;
4768 				}
4769 				while ( *tt == ' ' || *tt == '\t'
4770 						 || *tt == '\n' || *tt == '\r' ) tt++;
4771 				if ( *tt != ')' ) {
4772 					MesPrint("@Improper use of maxpowerof(symbol)");
4773 					Terminate(-1);
4774 				}
4775 				*type = 3;
4776 				s = tt+1;
4777 				*val2 = x;
4778 				return(s);
4779 			}
4780 			else if ( StrICmp(s,(UBYTE *)("minpowerof")) == 0 ) {
4781 				UBYTE *tt;
4782 				WORD numsym;
4783 				int stype;
4784 				*t++ = c;
4785 				while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == '\r' ) t++;
4786 				tt = SkipAName(t);
4787 				c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4788 				if ( ( stype = GetName(AC.varnames,t,&numsym,NOAUTO) ) == NAMENOTFOUND ) {
4789 					MesPrint("@%s has not (yet) been defined",t);
4790 					*tt = c;
4791 					Terminate(-1);
4792 				}
4793 				else if ( stype != CSYMBOL ) {
4794 					MesPrint("@%s should be a symbol",t);
4795 					*tt = c;
4796 					Terminate(-1);
4797 				}
4798 				else {
4799 					*tt = c;
4800 					x = symbols[numsym].minpower;
4801 				}
4802 				while ( *tt == ' ' || *tt == '\t'
4803 						 || *tt == '\n' || *tt == '\r' ) tt++;
4804 				if ( *tt != ')' ) {
4805 					MesPrint("@Improper use of minpowerof(symbol)");
4806 					Terminate(-1);
4807 				}
4808 				*type = 3;
4809 				s = tt+1;
4810 				*val2 = x;
4811 				return(s);
4812 			}
4813 			else if ( StrICmp(s,(UBYTE *)"isfactorized") == 0 ) {
4814 				UBYTE *tt;
4815 				WORD numdol, numexp;
4816 				*t++ = c;
4817 				while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == '\r' ) t++;
4818 				if ( *t == '$' ) {
4819 					t++; tt = t; while (chartype[*tt] <= 1 ) tt++;
4820 					c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4821 					if ( ( numdol = GetDollar(t) ) > 0 ) {
4822 						if ( Dollars[numdol].factors != 0 ) x = 1;
4823 						else x = 0;
4824 					}
4825 					else {
4826 						MesPrint("@ %s should be the name of an expression or a $ variable",t-1);
4827 						Terminate(-1);
4828 					}
4829 					*tt = c;
4830 				}
4831 				else {
4832 					tt = SkipAName(t);
4833 					c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4834 					if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,t,&numexp,NOAUTO) == NAMENOTFOUND ) {
4835 						MesPrint("@ %s should be the name of an expression or a $ variable",t);
4836 						Terminate(-1);
4837 					}
4838 					else {
4839 						if ( ( Expressions[numexp].vflags & ISFACTORIZED ) != 0 ) x = 1;
4840 						else x = 0;
4841 					}
4842 					*tt = c;
4843 				}
4844 				while ( *tt == ' ' || *tt == '\t'
4845 						 || *tt == '\n' || *tt == '\r' ) tt++;
4846 				if ( *tt != ')' ) {
4847 					MesPrint("@Improper use of isfactorized($var) or isfactorized(expr)");
4848 					Terminate(-1);
4849 				}
4850 				*type = 3;
4851 				s = tt+1;
4852 				*val2 = x;
4853 				return(s);
4854 			}
4855 			else if ( StrICmp(s,(UBYTE *)"isdefined") == 0 ) {
4856 				UBYTE *tt;
4857 				*t++ = c;
4858 				while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == '\r' ) t++;
4859 				tt = SkipAName(t);
4860 				c = *tt; *tt = 0;
4861 				if ( GetPreVar(t,WITHOUTERROR) != 0 ) x = 1;
4862 				else x = 0;
4863 				*tt = c;
4864 				while ( *tt == ' ' || *tt == '\t'
4865 						 || *tt == '\n' || *tt == '\r' ) tt++;
4866 				if ( *tt != ')' ) {
4867 					MesPrint("@Improper use of isdefined(var)");
4868 					Terminate(-1);
4869 				}
4870 				*type = 3;
4871 				s = tt+1;
4872 				*val2 = x;
4873 				return(s);
4874 			}
4875 			else *t = c;
4876 		}
4877 		else if ( *t == '=' || *t == '<' || *t == '>' || *t == '!'
4878 		|| *t == ')' || *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == 0 || *t == '\n' ) {
4879 			*val2 = 0;
4880 			*type = 2;
4881 			return(t);
4882 		}
4883 		else {
4884 			MesPrint("@Illegal use of string in preprocessor condition: %s",s);
4885 			Terminate(-1);
4886 		}
4887 	}
4888 	while ( *t == '-' || *t == '+' || *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' ) {
4889 		if ( *t == '-' ) sign = -sign;
4890 		t++;
4891 	}
4892 	while ( chartype[*t] == 1 ) { x = 10*x + *t++ - '0'; }
4893 	while ( *t == ' ' || *t == '\t' ) t++;
4894 	if ( chartype[*t] == 8 || *t == ')' || *t == '=' || *t == 0 ) {
4895 		*val2 = sign > 0 ? x: -x;
4896 		*type = 1;
4897 		return(t);
4898 	}
4899 	while ( chartype[*t] != 8 && *t != ')' && *t != '=' && *t ) t++;
4900 	while ( ( t > s ) && ( t[-1] == ' ' || t[-1] == '\t' ) ) t--;
4901 	*type = 2;
4902 	*val2 = val;
4903 	return(t);
4904 }
4906 /*
4907  		#] pParseObject :
4908  		#[ PreCalc :
4910 		To be called when a { is encountered.
4911 		Action: read first till matching }. This is to be stored.
4912 		Next we look whether this is a set or whether it can be
4913 		evaluated. If it is a set we consider it as a new stream.
4914 		The stream will have to be deallocated when read completely.
4915 		If it is to be evaluated we do that and put the result in
4916 		a stream.
4917 */
PreCalc()4919 UBYTE *PreCalc()
4920 {
4921 	UBYTE *buff, *s = 0, *t, *newb, c;
4922 	int size, i, n, parlevel = 0, bralevel = 0;
4923 	LONG answer;
4924 	ULONG uanswer;
4925 	size = n = 0;
4926 	buff = 0; c = '{';
4927 	for (;;) {
4928 		if ( n >= size ) {
4929 			if ( size == 0 ) size = 72;
4930 			else size *= 2;
4931 			if ( ( newb = (UBYTE *)Malloc1(size+2,"{}") ) == 0 ) return(0);
4932 			s = newb;
4933 			if ( buff ) {
4934 				i = n;
4935 				t = buff;
4936 				NCOPYB(s,t,i);
4937 				M_free(buff,"pre calc buffer");
4938 			}
4939 			else s = newb;
4940 			buff = newb;
4941 		}
4942 		*s++ = c; n++;
4943 		c = GetChar(0);
4944 		if ( c == 0 ) {
4945 			Error0("Unmatched {}");
4946 			M_free(buff,"precalc buffer");
4947 			return(0);
4948 		}
4949 		else if ( c == '{' ) { bralevel++; }
4950 		else if ( c == '}' ) {
4951 			if ( --bralevel < 0 ) { *s++ = c; *s = 0; break; }
4952 		}
4953 		else if ( c == '(' ) { parlevel++; }
4954 		else if ( c == ')' ) {
4955 			if ( --parlevel < 0 ) { *s++ = c; *s = 0; goto setstring; }
4956 		}
4957 		else if ( chartype[c] != 1 && chartype[c] != 5
4958 		&& chartype[c] != 6 && c != '!' && c != '&'
4959 		&& c != '|' && c != '\\' ) { *s++ = c; *s = 0; goto setstring; }
4960 	}
4961 	if ( parlevel > 0 ) goto setstring;
4962 /*
4963 	Try now to evaluate the string.
4964 	If it works, copy the resulting value back into buff as a string.
4965 */
4966 	answer = 0;
4967 	if ( PreEval(buff+1,&answer) == 0 ) goto setstring;
4968 	t = buff + size;
4969 	s = buff;
4970 	if ( answer < 0 ) { *s++ = '-'; }
4971 	uanswer = LongAbs(answer);
4972 	n = 0;
4973 	do {
4974 		*--t = ( uanswer % 10 ) + '0';
4975 		uanswer /= 10;
4976 		n++;
4977 	} while ( uanswer > 0 );
4978 	NCOPYB(s,t,n);
4979 	*s = 0;
4980 setstring:;
4981 /*
4982 	Open a stream that contains the current string.
4983 	Mark it to be removed after termination.
4984 */
4985 	if ( OpenStream(buff,PRECALCSTREAM,0,PRENOACTION) == 0 ) return(0);
4986 	return(buff);
4987 }
4989 /*
4990  		#] PreCalc :
4991  		#[ PreEval :
4993 		Operations are:
4994 		+, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, !,  ^% (postfix 2log), ^/ (postfix sqrt)
4995 */
PreEval(UBYTE * s,LONG * x)4997 UBYTE *PreEval(UBYTE *s, LONG *x)
4998 {
4999 	LONG y, z, a;
5000 	int tobemultiplied, tobeadded = 1, expsign, i;
5001 	UBYTE *t;
5002 	*x = 0; a = 1;
5003 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5004 	for(;;){
5005 		if ( *s == '+' || *s == '-' ) {
5006 			if ( *s == '-' ) tobeadded = -1;
5007 			else tobeadded = 1;
5008 			s++;
5009 			while ( *s == '-' || *s == '+' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) {
5010 				if ( *s == '-' ) tobeadded = -tobeadded;
5011 				s++;
5012 			}
5013 		}
5014 		tobemultiplied = 0;
5015 		for(;;){
5016 			while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5017 			if ( *s <= '9' && *s >= '0' ) {
5018 				ULONG uy;
5019 				ParseNumber(uy,s)
5020 				y = uy;  /* may cause an implementation-defined behaviour */
5021 			}
5022 			else if ( *s == '(' || *s == '{' ) {
5023 				if ( ( t = PreEval(s+1,&y) ) == 0 ) return(0);
5024 				s = t;
5025 			}
5026 			else return(0);
5027 			while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5028 			expsign = 1;
5029 			while ( *s == '^' || *s == '!' ) {
5030 				s++;
5031 				if ( s[-1] == '!' ) {   /* factorial of course */
5032 					while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5033 					if ( y < 0 ) {
5034 						MesPrint("@Negative value in preprocessor factorial: %l",y);
5035 						return(0);
5036 					}
5037 					else if ( y == 0 ) y = 1;
5038 					else if ( y > 1 ) {
5039 						z = y-1;
5040 						while ( z > 0 ) { y = y*z; z--; }
5041 					}
5042 					continue;
5043 				}
5044 				else if ( *s == '%' ) {	/* ^% is postfix 2log */
5045 					s++;
5046 					while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5047 					z = y;
5048 					if ( z <= 0 ) {
5049 						MesPrint("@Illegal value in preprocessor logarithm: %l",z);
5050 						return(0);
5051 					}
5052 					y = 0; z >>= 1;
5053 					while ( z ) { y++; z >>= 1; }
5054 					continue;
5055 				}
5056 				else if ( *s == '/' ) { /* ^/ is postfix sqrt */
5057 					LONG yy, zz;
5058 					s++;
5059 					while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5060 					z = y;
5061 					if ( z <= 0 ) {
5062 						MesPrint("@Illegal value in preprocessor square root: %l",z);
5063 						return(0);
5064 					}
5065 					if ( z > 8 ) {		/* Very crude integer square root */
5066 						zz = z;
5067 						yy = 0; zz >>= 1;
5068 						while ( zz ) { yy++; zz >>= 1; }
5069 						zz = z >> (yy/2); i = 10; y = 0;
5070 						do {
5071 							yy = zz/2 + z/(2*zz); i--;
5072 							if ( y == yy ) break;
5073 							y = zz; zz = yy;
5074 						} while ( y != yy && i > 0 );
5075 						while ( y*y < z ) y++;
5076 						while ( y*y > z ) y--;
5077 					}
5078 					else if ( z >= 4 ) y = 2;
5079 					else if ( z == 0 ) y = 0;
5080 					else y = 1;
5081 					continue;
5082 				}
5083 				while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5084 				while ( *s == '-' || *s == '+' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) {
5085 					if ( *s == '-' ) expsign = -expsign;
5086 				}
5087 				if ( *s <= '9' && *s >= '0' ) {
5088 					ParseNumber(z,s)
5089 				}
5090 				else if ( *s == '(' || *s == '{' ) {
5091 					if ( ( t = PreEval(s+1,&z) ) == 0 ) return(0);
5092 					s = t;
5093 				}
5094 				else return(0);
5095 				while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5096 				y = iexp(y,(int)z);
5097 			}
5098 			if ( tobemultiplied == 0 ) {
5099 				if ( expsign < 0 ) a = 1/y;
5100 				else a = y;
5101 			}
5102 			else {
5103 				if ( tobemultiplied > 2 && expsign != 1 ) {
5104 					MesPrint("&Incorrect use of ^ with & or |. Use brackets!");
5105 					Terminate(-1);
5106 				}
5107 				tobemultiplied *= expsign;
5108 				if ( tobemultiplied == 1 ) a *= y;
5109 				else if ( tobemultiplied == 3 ) a &= y;
5110 				else if ( tobemultiplied == 4 ) a |= y;
5111 				else {
5112 					if ( y == 0 || tobemultiplied == -2 ) {
5113 						MesPrint("@Division by zero in preprocessor calculator");
5114 						Terminate(-1);
5115 					}
5116 					if ( tobemultiplied == 2 ) a %= y;
5117 					else a /= y;
5118 				}
5119 			}
5120 			if ( *s == '%' ) tobemultiplied = 2;
5121 			else if ( *s == '*' ) tobemultiplied = 1;
5122 			else if ( *s == '/' ) tobemultiplied = -1;
5123 			else if ( *s == '&' ) tobemultiplied = 3;
5124 			else if ( *s == '|' ) tobemultiplied = 4;
5125 			else {
5126 				ULONG ux, ua;
5127 				ux = *x;
5128 				ua = a;
5129 				if ( tobeadded >= 0 ) ux += ua;
5130 				else ux -= ua;
5131 				*x = ULongToLong(ux);
5132 				if ( *s == ')' || *s == '}' ) return(s+1);
5133 				else if ( *s == '-' || *s == '+' ) { tobeadded = 1; break; }
5134 				else return(0);
5135 			}
5136 			s++;
5137 		}
5138 	}
5139 /*	return(0); */
5140 }
5142 /*
5143  		#] PreEval :
5144  		#[ AddToPreTypes :
5145 */
AddToPreTypes(int type)5147 void AddToPreTypes(int type)
5148 {
5149 	if ( AP.NumPreTypes >= AP.MaxPreTypes ) {
5150 		int i, *newlist = (int *)Malloc1(sizeof(int)*(2*AP.MaxPreTypes+1)
5151 						,"preprocessor type lists");
5152 		for ( i = 0; i <= AP.MaxPreTypes; i++ ) newlist[i] = AP.PreTypes[i];
5153 		M_free(AP.PreTypes,"preprocessor type lists");
5154 		AP.PreTypes = newlist;
5155 		AP.MaxPreTypes = 2*AP.MaxPreTypes;
5156 	}
5157 	AP.PreTypes[++AP.NumPreTypes] = type;
5158 }
5160 /*
5161  		#] AddToPreTypes :
5162  		#[ MessPreNesting :
5163 */
MessPreNesting(int par)5165 void MessPreNesting(int par)
5166 {
5167 	MesPrint("@(%d)Illegal nesting of %#if, %#do, %#procedure and/or %#switch",par);
5168 }
5170 /*
5171  		#] MessPreNesting :
5172  		#[ DoPreAddSeparator :
5174 		Preprocessor directives "addseparator" and "rmseparator" add/remove
5175 		separator characters used to separate function arguments.
5176 		Example:
5178 			#define QQ "a|g|a"
5179 			#addseparator %
5180 			*Comma must be quoted!:
5181 			#rmseparator ","
5182 			#rmseparator |
5183 			#call H(a,a%`QQ')
5185 		Characters ' ', '\t' and '"' are ignored!
5186 */
DoPreAddSeparator(UBYTE * s)5188 int DoPreAddSeparator(UBYTE *s)
5189 {
5190 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5191 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5192 	for(;*s != '\0';s++){
5193 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '"') s++;
5194 		/* Todo:
5195 		if ( set_in(*s,invalidseparators) ) {
5196 			MesPrint("@Invalid separator specified");
5197 			return(-1);
5198 		}
5199 		*/
5200 		set_set(*s,AC.separators);
5201 	}
5202 	return(0);
5203 }
5205 /*
5206  		#] DoPreAddSeparator :
5207  		#[ DoPreRmSeparator :
5209 		See commentary with DoPreAddSeparator
5211 		Characters ' ', '\t' and '"' are ignored!
5212 */
DoPreRmSeparator(UBYTE * s)5213 int DoPreRmSeparator(UBYTE *s)
5214 {
5215 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5216 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5217 	for(;*s != '\0';s++){
5218 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '"') s++;
5219 		set_del(*s,AC.separators);
5220 	}
5221 	return(0);
5222 }
5224 /*
5225  		#] DoPreRmSeparator :
5226  		#[ DoExternal:
5228 		#external ["prevar"] command
5229 */
DoExternal(UBYTE * s)5230 int DoExternal(UBYTE *s)
5231 {
5233 	UBYTE *prevar=0;
5234 	int externalD= 0;
5235 #else
5236 	DUMMYUSE(s);
5237 #endif
5238 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5239 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5240 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
5243 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5244 	if(*s == '"'){/*prevar to store the descriptor is defined*/
5245 		prevar=++s;
5247 		if ( chartype[*s] == 0 )for(;*s != '"'; s++)switch(chartype[*s]){
5248 			case 10:/*'\0' fits here*/
5249 				MesPrint("@Can't finde closing \"");
5250 				Terminate(-1);
5251 				break;
5252 			case 0:case 1: continue;
5253 			default:
5254 				break;
5255 		}
5256 		if(*s != '"'){
5257 				MesPrint("@Illegal name of preprocessor variable to store external channel");
5258 				return(-1);
5259       }
5260       *s='\0';
5261 		for(s++; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; s++);
5262 	}
5264 	if(*s == '\0'){
5265 		MesPrint("@Illegal external command");
5266 		return(-1);
5267 	}
5268 	/*here s is a command*/
5269    /*See the file extcmd.c*/
5270 	/*[08may2006 mt]:*/
5271 	externalD=openExternalChannel(
5272 				s,
5273  				AX.daemonize,
5274 				AX.shellname,
5275 				AX.stderrname);
5276 	/*:[08may2006 mt]*/
5277 	if(externalD<1){/*error?*/
5278 		/*Not quite correct - terminate the program on error:*/
5279 		Error1("Can't start external program",s);
5280 		return(-1);
5281 	}
5282    /*Now external command runs.*/
5284    if(prevar){/*Store the external channel descriptor in the provided variable:*/
5285 		UBYTE buf[21];/* 64/Log_2[10] = 19.3, so this is enough forever...*/
5286 		NumToStr(buf,externalD);
5287 		if ( PutPreVar(prevar,buf,0,1) < 0 ) return(-1);
5288 	}
5290 	AX.currentExternalChannel=externalD;
5291 	/*[08may2006 mt]:*/
5292 	if(AX.currentPrompt!=0){/*Change default terminator*/
5293 		if(setTerminatorForExternalChannel(  (char *)AX.currentPrompt)){
5294 			MesPrint("@Prompt is too long");
5295 			return(-1);
5296 		}
5297 	}
5298 	setKillModeForExternalChannel(AX.killSignal,AX.killWholeGroup);
5299 	/*:[08may2006 mt]*/
5300 	return(0);
5301 #else /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL*/
5302 	Error0("External channel: not implemented on this computer/system");
5303 	return(-1);
5304 #endif /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL ... else*/
5305 }
5307 /*
5308  		#] DoExternal:
5309  		#[ DoPrompt:
5310 			#prompt string
5311 */
DoPrompt(UBYTE * s)5313 int DoPrompt(UBYTE *s)
5314 {
5316 	DUMMYUSE(s);
5317 #endif
5318 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5319 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5322 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5323 	if ( AX.currentPrompt )
5324 			M_free(AX.currentPrompt,"external channel prompt");
5325 	if ( *s == '\0' )
5326 		AX.currentPrompt = (UBYTE *)strDup1((UBYTE *)"","external channel prompt");
5327 	else
5328 		AX.currentPrompt = strDup1(s,"external channel prompt");
5329 	if(  setTerminatorForExternalChannel( (char *)AX.currentPrompt) > 0  ){
5330 		MesPrint("@Prompt is too long");
5331 		return(-1);
5332 	}
5333 	/*else: if 0, ok; if -1, there is no current channel-ok, just prompt is stored.*/
5334 	return(0);
5335 #else /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL*/
5336 	Error0("External channel: not implemented on this computer/system");
5337 	return(-1);
5338 #endif /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL ... else*/
5339 }
5340 /*
5341  		#] DoPrompt:
5342  		#[ DoSetExternal:
5343 			#setexternal n
5344 */
DoSetExternal(UBYTE * s)5346 int DoSetExternal(UBYTE *s)
5347 {
5349 	int n=0;
5350 #else
5351 	DUMMYUSE(s);
5352 #endif
5353 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5354 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5355 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
5358 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5359 	while ( chartype[*s] == 1 ) { n = 10*n + *s++ - '0'; }
5360 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5361 	if(*s!='\0'){
5362 		MesPrint("@setexternal: number expected");
5363 		return(-1);
5364 	}
5365 	if(selectExternalChannel(n)<0){
5366 		MesPrint("@setexternal: invalid number");
5367 		return(-1);
5368 	}
5369 	AX.currentExternalChannel=n;
5370 	return(0);
5371 #else /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL*/
5372 	Error0("External channel: not implemented on this computer/system");
5373 	return(-1);
5374 #endif /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL ... else*/
5375 }
5376 /*
5377  		#] DoSetExternal:
5378  		#[ DoSetExternalAttr:
5379 */
pickupword(UBYTE * s)5381 static FORM_INLINE UBYTE *pickupword(UBYTE *s)
5382 {
5384 	for(;*s>' ';s++)switch(*s){
5385 		case '=':
5386 		case ',':
5387 		case ';':
5388 			return(s);
5389 	}/*for(;*s>' ';s++)switch(*s)*/
5390 	return(s);
5391 }
5392 /*Returns 0 if the first string (case insensitively) equal to
5393   the beginning of the second string (of length n):
5394 */
strINCmp(UBYTE * a,UBYTE * b,int n)5395 static inline int strINCmp(UBYTE *a, UBYTE *b, int n)
5396 {
5397 	for(;n>0;n--)if(tolower(*a++)!=tolower(*b++))
5398 		return(1);
5399 	return(*a != '\0');
5400 }
5402 #define KILL "kill"
5403 #define KILLALL "killall"
5404 #define DAEMON "daemon"
5405 #define SHELL "shell"
5406 #define STDERR "stderr"
5408 #define TRUE_EXPR "true"
5409 #define FALSE_EXPR "false"
5410 #define NOSHELL "noshell"
5411 #define TERMINAL "terminal"
5413 /*
5414 	Expects comma-separated list of pairs name=value
5415 */
DoSetExternalAttr(UBYTE * s)5416 int DoSetExternalAttr(UBYTE *s)
5417 {
5419 	int lnam,lval;
5420 	UBYTE *nam,*val;
5421 #else
5422 	DUMMYUSE(s);
5423 #endif
5424 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5425 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5426 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
5429 	do{
5430 		/*Read the name:*/
5431 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5432 		s=pickupword(nam=s);
5433 		lnam=s-nam;
5434 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5435 		if(*s++!='='){
5436 			MesPrint("@External channel:'=' expected instead of %s",s-1);
5437 			return(-1);
5438 		}
5439 		/*Read the value:*/
5440 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5441 		val=s;
5443 		for(;;){
5444 			UBYTE *m;
5445 			s=pickupword(s);
5446 			m=s;
5447 			while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5448          if( (*s == ',')||(*s == '\n')||(*s == ';')||(*s == '\0') ){
5449 				s=m;
5450 				break;
5451 			}
5452 		}/*for(;;)*/
5454 		lval=s-val;
5455 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5457 		if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)SHELL,nam,lnam)==0){
5458 			if(AX.shellname!=NULL)
5459 				M_free(AX.shellname,"external channel shellname");
5460 			if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)NOSHELL,val,lval)==0)
5461 				AX.shellname=NULL;
5462 			else{
5463 				UBYTE *ch,*b;
5464 				b=ch=AX.shellname=Malloc1(lval+1,"external channel shellname");
5465 				while(ch-b<lval)
5466 					*ch++=*val++;
5467 				*ch='\0';
5468 			}
5469 		}else if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)DAEMON,nam,lnam)==0){
5470 			if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)TRUE_EXPR,val,lval)==0)
5471 				AX.daemonize = 1;
5472 			else if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)FALSE_EXPR,val,lval)==0)
5473 				AX.daemonize = 0;
5474 			else{
5475 				MesPrint("@External channel:true or false expected for %s",DAEMON);
5476 				return(-1);
5477 			}
5478 		}else	if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)KILLALL,nam,lnam)==0){
5479 			if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)TRUE_EXPR,val,lval)==0)
5480 				AX.killWholeGroup = 1;
5481 			else if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)FALSE_EXPR,val,lval)==0)
5482 				AX.killWholeGroup = 0;
5483 			else{
5484 				MesPrint("@External channel: true or false expected for %s",KILLALL);
5485 				return(-1);
5486 			}
5487 		}else	if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)KILL,nam,lnam)==0){
5488 			int i,n=0;
5489 			for(i=0;i<lval;i++)
5490 				if( *val>='0' && *val<= '9' )
5491 					n = 10*n + *val++  - '0';
5492 				else{
5493 					MesPrint("@External channel: number expected for %s",KILL);
5494 					return(-1);
5495 				}
5496 				AX.killSignal=n;
5497 		}else	if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)STDERR,nam,lnam)==0){
5498 			if( AX.stderrname != NULL ) {
5499 				M_free(AX.stderrname,"external channel stderrname");
5500 			}
5501 			if(strINCmp((UBYTE *)TERMINAL,val,lval)==0)
5502 				AX.stderrname = NULL;
5503 			else{
5504 				UBYTE *ch,*b;
5505 				b=ch=AX.stderrname=Malloc1(lval+1,"external channel stderrname");
5506 				while(ch-b<lval)
5507 					*ch++=*val++;
5508 				*ch='\0';
5509 			}
5510 		}else{
5511 			nam[lnam+1]='\0';
5512 			MesPrint("@External channel: unrecognized attribute",nam);
5513 			return(-1);
5514 		}
5515 	}while(*s++ == ',');
5516 	if(  (*(s-1)>' ')&&(*(s-1)!=';')  ){
5517 		MesPrint("@External channel: syntax error: %s",s-1);
5518 		return(-1);
5519 	}
5520    return(0);
5521 #else /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL*/
5522 	Error0("External channel: not implemented on this computer/system");
5523 	return(-1);
5524 #endif /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL ... else*/
5525 }
5526 /*
5527  		#] DoSetExternalAttr:
5528  		#[ DoRmExternal:
5529 			#rmexternal [n] (if 0, close all)
5530 */
DoRmExternal(UBYTE * s)5532 int DoRmExternal(UBYTE *s)
5533 {
5535 	int n = -1;
5536 #else
5537 	DUMMYUSE(s);
5538 #endif
5539 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5540 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5541 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
5544 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5545 	if( chartype[*s] == 1 ){
5546 		for(n=0; chartype[*s] == 1 ; s++) { n = 10*n + *s - '0'; }
5547 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5548 	}
5549 	if(*s!='\0'){
5550 		MesPrint("@rmexternal: invalid number");
5551 		return(-1);
5552 	}
5553 	switch(n){
5554 		case 0:/*Close all opened channels*/
5555 			closeAllExternalChannels();
5556 			AX.currentExternalChannel=0;
5557 			/*Do not clean AX.currentPrompt!*/
5558 			return(0);
5559 		case -1:/*number is not specified - try current*/
5560 			n=AX.currentExternalChannel;
5561 			/* fall through */
5562 		default:
5563 			closeExternalChannel(n);/*No reaction for possible error*/
5564 	}
5565 	if (n == AX.currentExternalChannel)/*cleaned up by closeExternalChannel()*/
5566 		AX.currentExternalChannel=0;
5567 	return(0);
5568 #else /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL*/
5569 	Error0("External channel: not implemented on this computer/system");
5570 	return(-1);
5571 #endif /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL ... else*/
5573 }
5574 /*
5575  		#] DoRmExternal:
5576  		#[ DoFromExternal :
5577 				#fromexternal
5578 					is used to read the text from the running external
5579 					program, the synthax is similar to the #include
5580 					directive.
5581 				#fromexternal "varname"
5582 					is used to read the text from the running external
5583 					program into the preprocessor variable varname.
5584 					directive.
5585 				#fromexternal "varname" maxlength
5586 					is used to read the text from the running external
5587 					program into the preprocessor variable varname.
5588 					directive. Only first maxlength characters are
5589 					stored.
5591 					FORM continues to read the running external
5592 					program output until the extrenal program outputs a
5593 					prompt.
5595 */
DoFromExternal(UBYTE * s)5597 int DoFromExternal(UBYTE *s)
5598 {
5600 	UBYTE *prevar=0;
5601 	int lbuf=-1;
5602 	int withNoList=AC.NoShowInput;
5603 	int oldpreassignflag;
5604 #else
5605 	DUMMYUSE(s);
5606 #endif
5607 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5608 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5609 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
5614 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5615 	/*[17may2006 mt]:*/
5616 	if ( *s == '-' || *s == '+' ) {
5617 		if ( *s == '-' )
5618 			withNoList = 1;
5619 		else
5620 			withNoList = 0;
5621 		s++;
5622 		while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5623 	}/*if ( *s == '-' || *s == '+' )*/
5624 	/*:[17may2006 mt]*/
5625 	/*[02feb2006 mt]:*/
5626 	if(*s == '"'){/*prevar to store the output is defined*/
5627 		prevar=++s;
5629 		if ( *s=='$' || chartype[*s] == 0 )for(;*s != '"'; s++)switch(chartype[*s]){
5630 			case 10:/*'\0' fits here*/
5631 				MesPrint("@Can't finde closing \"");
5632 				Terminate(-1);
5633 				break;
5634 			case 0:case 1: continue;
5635 			default:
5636 				break;
5637 		}
5638 		if(*s != '"'){
5639 				MesPrint("@Illegal name to store output of external channel");
5640 				return(-1);
5641       }
5642       *s='\0';
5643 		for(s++; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; s++);
5644 	}/*if(*s == '"')*/
5646 	if(*s != '\0'){
5647 		if( chartype[*s] == 1 ){
5648 			for(lbuf=0; chartype[*s] == 1 ; s++) { lbuf = 10*lbuf + *s - '0'; }
5649 			while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5650 		}
5651 		if( (*s!='\0')||(lbuf<0) ){
5652 			MesPrint("@Illegal buffer length in fromexternal");
5653 			return(-1);
5654 		}
5655 	}/*if(*s != '\0')*/
5656 	/*:[02feb20006 mt]*/
5657 	if(getCurrentExternalChannel()!=AX.currentExternalChannel)
5658 		/*[08may20006 mt]:*/
5659 		/*selectExternalChannel(AX.currentExternalChannel);*/
5660 		if(selectExternalChannel(AX.currentExternalChannel)){
5661 			MesPrint("@No current external channel");
5662 			return(-1);
5663 		}
5664 		/*:[08may20006 mt]*/
5666 	/*[02feb2006 mt]:*/
5667 	if(prevar!=0){/*The result must be stored into preprovar*/
5668       UBYTE *buf;
5669 		int cc = 0;
5670 		if(lbuf == -1){/*Unlimited buffer, everything must be stored*/
5671 			int i;
5672 			buf=Malloc1( (lbuf=255)+1,"Fromexternal");
5673 			/*[18may20006 mt]:*/
5674 			/*for(i=0;(cc=getcFromExtChannel())!=EOF;i++){*/
5675 			/* May 2006: now getcFromExtChannelOk returns EOF while
5676 				getcFromExtChannelFailure returns -2 (see comments in
5677 				exctcmd.c):*/
5678 			for(i=0;(cc=getcFromExtChannel())>0;i++){
5679 			/*:[18may20006 mt]*/
5680 				if(i==lbuf){
5681 					int j;
5682 					UBYTE *tmp=Malloc1( (lbuf*=2)+1,"Fromexternal");
5683 					for(j=0;j<i;j++)tmp[j]=buf[j];
5684 					M_free(buf,"Fromexternal");
5685 					buf=tmp;
5686 				}
5687 				buf[i]=(UBYTE)(cc);
5688 			}/*for(i=0;(cc=getcFromExtChannel())>0;i++)*/
5689 			/*[18may20006 mt]:*/
5690          if(cc == -2){
5691 				MesPrint("@No current external channel");
5692 				return(-1);
5693 			}
5694 			lbuf=i;
5695 			/*:[18may20006 mt]*/
5696 			buf[i]='\0';
5697 		}else{/*Fixed buffer, only lbuf chars must be stored*/
5698 			int i;
5699 			buf=Malloc1(lbuf+1,"Fromexternal");
5700 			for(i=0; i<lbuf;i++){
5701 			/*[18may20006 mt]:*/
5702 				/*if( (cc=getcFromExtChannel())==EOF )*/
5703 				/* May 2006: now getcFromExtChannelOk returns EOF while
5704 					getcFromExtChannelFailure returns -2 (see comments in
5705 					exctcmd.c):*/
5706 				if( (cc=getcFromExtChannel())<1 )
5707 			/*:[18may20006 mt]*/
5708 					break;
5709 				buf[i]=(UBYTE)(cc);
5710 			}
5711 			buf[i]='\0';
5712 			/*[18may20006 mt]:*/
5713 			/*if(cc!=EOF)
5714 				while(getcFromExtChannel()!=EOF);*//*Eat the rest*/
5715 			/* May 2006: now getcFromExtChannelOk returns EOF while
5716 				getcFromExtChannelFailure returns -2 (see comments in
5717 				exctcmd.c):*/
5718 			if(cc>0)
5719 				while(getcFromExtChannel()>0);/*Eat the rest*/
5720 			else if(cc == -2){
5721 				MesPrint("@No current external channel");
5722 				return(-1);
5723 			}
5724 			/*:[18may20006 mt]*/
5725 		}
5726 		/*[18may20006 mt]:*/
5727 		if(*prevar == '$'){/*Put the answer to the dollar variable*/
5728 			int oldNumPotModdollars = NumPotModdollars;
5729 #ifdef WITHMPI
5730 			WORD oldRhsExprInModuleFlag = AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag;
5731 			AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag = 0;
5732 #endif
5733 			/*Here lbuf is the actual length of buf!*/
5734 			/*"prevar=buf'\0'":*/
5735 			UBYTE *pbuf=Malloc1(StrLen(prevar)+1+lbuf+1,"Fromexternal to dollar");
5736 			UBYTE *c=pbuf;
5737 			UBYTE *b=prevar;
5738 			while(*b!='\0'){*c++ = *b++;}
5739 			*c++='=';
5740 			b=buf;
5741 			while(  (*c++=*b++)!='\0'  );
5742 			oldpreassignflag = AP.PreAssignFlag;
5743 			AP.PreAssignFlag = 1;
5744 			if ( ( cc = CompileStatement(pbuf) ) || ( cc = CatchDollar(0) ) ) {
5745 				Error1("External channel: can't asign output to dollar variable ",prevar);
5746 			}
5747 			AP.PreAssignFlag = oldpreassignflag;
5748 			NumPotModdollars = oldNumPotModdollars;
5749 #ifdef WITHMPI
5750 			AC.RhsExprInModuleFlag = oldRhsExprInModuleFlag;
5751 #endif
5752 			M_free(pbuf,"Fromexternal to dollar");
5753 		}else{
5754 			cc = PutPreVar(prevar, buf, 0, 1) < 0;
5755 		}
5756 		/*:[18may20006 mt]*/
5757 		M_free(buf,"Fromexternal");
5758 		if ( cc ) return(-1);
5759 		return(0);
5760 	}
5761 	/*:[02feb2006 mt]*/
5762 	if ( OpenStream(s,EXTERNALCHANNELSTREAM,0,PRENOACTION) == 0 ) return(-1);
5763 	/*[17may2006 mt]:*/
5764 	AC.NoShowInput = withNoList;
5765 	/*:[17may2006 mt]*/
5766 	return(0);
5767 #else
5768 	Error0("External channel: not implemented on this computer/system");
5769 	return(-1);
5770 #endif
5771 }
5773 /*
5774  		#] DoFromExternal :
5775  		#[ DoToExternal :
5776 			#toexetrnal
5777 */
5781 /*A wrapper to writeBufToExtChannel, see the file extcmd.c:*/
WriteToExternalChannel(int handle,UBYTE * buffer,LONG size)5782 LONG WriteToExternalChannel(int handle, UBYTE *buffer, LONG size)
5783 {
5784 	/*ATT! handle is not used! Actual output is performed to
5785 	 	the current external channel, see extcmd.c!*/
5786 	DUMMYUSE(handle);
5787 	if(writeBufToExtChannel((char*)buffer,size))
5788 		return(-1);
5789 	return(size);
5790 }
5791 #endif /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL*/
DoToExternal(UBYTE * s)5793 int DoToExternal(UBYTE *s)
5794 {
5796    HANDLERS h;
5797    LONG	(*OldWrite)(int handle, UBYTE *buffer, LONG size) = WriteFile;
5798 	int ret=-1;
5799 #else
5800 	DUMMYUSE(s);
5801 #endif
5802 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
5803 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
5804 	if ( AP.preError ) return(0);
5807 	h.oldsilent=AM.silent;
5808 	h.newlogonly = h.oldlogonly = AM.FileOnlyFlag;
5809 	h.newhandle = h.oldhandle = AC.LogHandle;
5810 	h.oldprinttype = AO.PrintType;
5812 	WriteFile=&WriteToExternalChannel;
5814 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5816 	if(AX.currentExternalChannel==0){
5817 		MesPrint("@No current external channel");
5818 		goto DoToExternalReady;
5819 	}
5821 	if(getCurrentExternalChannel()!=AX.currentExternalChannel)
5822 		selectExternalChannel(AX.currentExternalChannel);
5824 	ret=writeToChannel(EXTERNALCHANNELOUT,s,&h);
5825 	DoToExternalReady:
5826 		WriteFile=OldWrite;
5827 		return(ret);
5828 #else /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL*/
5829 	Error0("External channel: not implemented on this computer/system");
5830 	return(-1);
5831 #endif /*ifdef WITHEXTERNALCHANNEL ... else*/
5833 }
5835 /*
5836  		#] DoToExternal :
5837  		#[ defineChannel :
5838 */
defineChannel(UBYTE * s,HANDLERS * h)5840 UBYTE *defineChannel(UBYTE *s, HANDLERS *h)
5841 {
5842 	UBYTE *name,*to;
5844 	if ( *s != '<' )
5845 		return(s);
5847 	s++;
5848 	name = to = s;
5849 	while ( *s && *s != '>' ) {
5850 		if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
5851 		*to++ = *s++;
5852 	}
5853 	if ( *s == 0 ) {
5854 		MesPrint("@Improper termination of filename");
5855 		return(0);
5856 	}
5857 	s++;
5858 	*to = 0;
5859 	if ( *name ) {
5860 		h->newhandle = GetChannel((char *)name,0);
5861 		h->newlogonly = 1;
5862 	}
5863 	else if ( AC.LogHandle >= 0 ) {
5864 		h->newhandle = AC.LogHandle;
5865 		h->newlogonly = 1;
5866 	}
5867 	return(s);
5868 }
5870 /*
5871  		#] defineChannel :
5872  		#[ writeToChannel :
5873 */
writeToChannel(int wtype,UBYTE * s,HANDLERS * h)5875 int writeToChannel(int wtype, UBYTE *s, HANDLERS *h)
5876 {
5877 	UBYTE *to, *fstring, *ss, *sss, *s1, c, c1;
5878 	WORD  num, number, nfac;
5879 	WORD oldOptimizationLevel;
5880 	UBYTE Out[MAXLINELENGTH+14], *stopper;
5881 	int nosemi, i;
5882 	int plus = 0;
5884 /*
5885 	Now determine the format string
5886 */
5887 	while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' ) s++;
5888 	if ( *s != '"' ) {
5889 		MesPrint("@No format string present");
5890 		return(-1);
5891 	}
5892 	s++; fstring = to = s;
5893 	while ( *s ) {
5894 		if ( *s == '\\' ) {
5895 			s++;
5896 			if ( *s == '\\' ) {
5897 				*to++ = *s++;
5898 				if ( *s == '\\' ) *to++ = *s++;
5899 			}
5900 			else if ( *s == '"' ) *to++ = *s++;
5901 			else { *to++ = '\\'; *to++ = *s++; }
5902 		}
5903 		else if ( *s == '"' ) break;
5904 		else *to++ = *s++;
5905 	}
5906 	if ( *s != '"' ) {
5907 		MesPrint("@No closing \" in format string");
5908 		return(-1);
5909 	}
5910 	*to = 0; s++;
5911 	if ( AC.LineLength > 20 && AC.LineLength <= MAXLINELENGTH ) stopper = Out + AC.LineLength;
5912 	else stopper = Out + MAXLINELENGTH;
5913 	to = Out;
5914 /*
5915 	s points now at the list of objects (if any)
5916 	we can start executing the format string.
5917 */
5918 	AM.silent = 0;
5919 	AC.LogHandle = h->newhandle;
5920 	AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->newlogonly;
5921 	if ( h->newhandle >= 0 ) {
5922 		AO.PrintType |= PRINTLFILE;
5923 	}
5924 	while ( *fstring ) {
5925 		if ( to >= stopper ) {
5926 			if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE && AC.IsFortran90 == ISFORTRAN90 ) {
5927 				*to++ = '&';
5928 			}
5929 			num = to - Out;
5930 			WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
5931 			to = Out;
5932 			if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE
5933 			 || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) {
5934 				number = 7;
5935 				for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) *to++ = ' ';
5936 				to[-2] = '&';
5937 			}
5938 		}
5939 		if ( *fstring == '\\' ) {
5940 			fstring++;
5941 			if ( *fstring == 'n' ) {
5942 				num = to - Out;
5943 				WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
5944 				to = Out;
5945 				fstring++;
5946 			}
5947 			else if ( *fstring == 't' ) { *to++ = '\t'; fstring++; }
5948 			else if ( *fstring == 'b' ) { *to++ = '\\'; fstring++; }
5949 			else *to++ = *fstring++;
5950 		}
5951 		else if ( *fstring == '%' ) {
5952 			plus = 0;
5953 retry:
5954 			fstring++;
5955 			if ( *fstring == 'd' ) {
5956 				int sign,dig;
5957 				number = -1;
5958 donumber:
5959 				while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
5960 				sign = 1;
5961 				while ( *s == '+' || *s == '-' ) {
5962 					if ( *s == '-' ) sign = -sign;
5963 					s++;
5964 				}
5965 				dig = 0; ss = s; if ( sign < 0 ) { ss--; *ss = '-'; dig++; }
5966 				while ( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' ) { s++; dig++; }
5967 				if ( number < 0 ) {
5968 					while ( ss < s ) {
5969 						if ( to >= stopper ) {
5970 							num = to - Out;
5971 							WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
5972 							to = Out;
5973 						}
5974 						if ( *ss == '\\' ) ss++;
5975 						*to++ = *ss++;
5976 					}
5977 				}
5978 				else {
5979 					if ( number < dig ) { dig = number; ss = s - dig; }
5980 					while ( number > dig ) {
5981 						if ( to >= stopper ) {
5982 							num = to - Out;
5983 							WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
5984 							to = Out;
5985 						}
5986 						*to++ = ' '; number--;
5987 					}
5988 					while ( ss < s ) {
5989 						if ( to >= stopper ) {
5990 							num = to - Out;
5991 							WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
5992 							to = Out;
5993 						}
5994 						if ( *ss == '\\' ) ss++;
5995 						*to++ = *ss++;
5996 					}
5997 				}
5998 				fstring++;
5999 			}
6000 			else if ( *fstring == '$' ) {
6001 				UBYTE *dolalloc;
6002 				number = AO.OutSkip;
6003 dodollar:
6004 				while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6005 				if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE
6006 				 || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) {
6007 					number = 7;
6008 				}
6009 				if ( *s != '$' ) {
6010 nodollar:			MesPrint("@$-variable expected in #write instruction");
6011 					AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6012 					AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6013 					AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6014 					AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6015 					return(-1);
6016 				}
6017 				s++; ss = s;
6018 				while ( chartype[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
6019 				if ( s == ss ) goto nodollar;
6020 				c = *s; *s = 0;
6021 				num = GetDollar(ss);
6022 				if ( num < 0 ) {
6023 					MesPrint("@#write instruction: $%s has not been defined",ss);
6024 					AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6025 					AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6026 					AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6027 					AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6028 					return(-1);
6029 				}
6030 				*s = c;
6031 				if ( *s == '[' ) {
6032 					if ( Dollars[num].nfactors <= 0 ) {
6033 						*s = 0;
6034 						MesPrint("@#write instruction: $%s has not been factorized",ss);
6035 						AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6036 						AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6037 						AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6038 						AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6039 						return(-1);
6040 					}
6041 /*
6042 					Now get the number between the []
6043 */
6044 					nfac = GetDollarNumber(&s,Dollars+num);
6046 					if ( Dollars[num].nfactors == 1 && nfac == 1 ) goto writewhole;
6048 					if ( ( dolalloc = WriteDollarFactorToBuffer(num,nfac,0) ) == 0 ) {
6049 						AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6050 						AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6051 						AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6052 						AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6053 						return(-1);
6054 					}
6055 					goto writealloc;
6056 				}
6057 				else if ( *s && *s != ' ' && *s != ',' && *s != '\t' ) {
6058 					MesPrint("@#write instruction: illegal characters after $-variable");
6059 					AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6060 					AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6061 					AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6062 					AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6063 					return(-1);
6064 				}
6065 				else {
6066 writewhole:
6067 				  if ( ( dolalloc = WriteDollarToBuffer(num,0) ) == 0 ) {
6068 					AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6069 					AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6070 					AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6071 					AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6072 					return(-1);
6073 				  }
6074 				  else {
6075 writealloc:
6076 					ss = dolalloc;
6077 					while ( *ss ) {
6078 						if ( to >= stopper ) {
6079 							if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE && AC.IsFortran90 == ISFORTRAN90 ) {
6080 								*to++ = '&';
6081 							}
6082 							num = to - Out;
6083 							WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6084 							to = Out;
6085 							for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) *to++ = ' ';
6086 							if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE
6087 							 || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) to[-2] = '&';
6088 						}
6089 						if ( chartype[*ss] > 3 ) { *to++ = *ss++; }
6090 						else {
6091 							sss = ss; while ( chartype[*ss] <= 3 ) ss++;
6092 							if ( ( to + (ss-sss) ) >= stopper ) {
6093 								if ( (ss-sss) >= (stopper-Out) ) {
6094 									if ( ( to - stopper ) < 10 ) {
6095 										if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE && AC.IsFortran90 == ISFORTRAN90 ) {
6096 											*to++ = '&';
6097 										}
6098 										num = to - Out;
6099 										WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6100 										to = Out;
6101 										for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) *to++ = ' ';
6102 										if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE
6103 										 || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) to[-2] = '&';
6104 									}
6105 									while ( (ss-sss) >= (stopper-Out) ) {
6106 										while ( to < stopper-1 ) {
6107 											*to++ = *sss++;
6108 										}
6109 										if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE && AC.IsFortran90 == ISFORTRAN90 ) {
6110 											*to++ = '&';
6111 										}
6112 										else {
6113 											*to++ = '\\';
6114 										}
6115 										num = to - Out;
6116 										WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6117 										to = Out;
6118 										if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE
6119 										 || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) {
6120 											for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) *to++ = ' ';
6121 											to[-2] = '&';
6122 										}
6123 									}
6124 								}
6125 								else {
6126 									if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE && AC.IsFortran90 == ISFORTRAN90 ) {
6127 										*to++ = '&';
6128 									}
6129 									num = to - Out;
6130 									WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6131 									to = Out;
6132 									for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) *to++ = ' ';
6133 									if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE
6134 									 || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) to[-2] = '&';
6135 								}
6136 							}
6137 							while ( sss < ss ) *to++ = *sss++;
6138 						}
6139 					}
6140 				  }
6141 				  M_free(dolalloc,"written dollar");
6142 				  fstring++;
6143 				}
6144 			}
6145 			else if ( *fstring == 's' ) {
6146 				fstring++;
6147 				while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6148 				if ( *s == '"' ) {
6149 					s++; ss = s;
6150 					while ( *s ) {
6151 						if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
6152 						else if ( *s == '"' ) break;
6153 						s++;
6154 					}
6155 					if ( *s == 0 ) {
6156 						MesPrint("@#write instruction: Missing \" in string");
6157 						AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6158 						AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6159 						AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6160 						AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6161 						return(-1);
6162 					}
6163 					while ( ss < s ) {
6164 						if ( to >= stopper ) {
6165 							num = to - Out;
6166 							WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6167 							to = Out;
6168 						}
6169 						if ( *ss == '\\' ) ss++;
6170 						*to++ = *ss++;
6171 					}
6172 					s++;
6173 				}
6174 				else {
6175 					sss = ss = s;
6176 					while ( *s && *s != ',' ) {
6177 						if ( *s == '\\' ) { s++; sss = s+1; }
6178 						s++;
6179 					}
6180 					while ( s > sss+1 && ( s[-1] == ' ' || s[-1] == '\t' ) ) s--;
6181 					while ( ss < s ) {
6182 						if ( to >= stopper ) {
6183 							num = to - Out;
6184 							WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6185 							to = Out;
6186 						}
6187 						if ( *ss == '\\' ) ss++;
6188 						*to++ = *ss++;
6189 					}
6190 				}
6191 			}
6192 			else if ( *fstring == 'X' ) {
6193 				fstring++;
6194 				if ( cbuf[AM.sbufnum].numrhs > 0 ) {
6195 /*
6196 					This should be only to the value of AM.oldnumextrasymbols
6197 */
6198 					UBYTE *s = GetPreVar(AM.oldnumextrasymbols,0);
6199 					WORD x = 0;
6200 					while ( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' ) x = 10*x + *s++ - '0';
6201 					if ( x > 0 )
6202 						PrintSubtermList(1,x);
6203 					else
6204 						PrintSubtermList(1,cbuf[AM.sbufnum].numrhs);
6205 				}
6206 			}
6207 			else if ( *fstring == 'O' ) {
6208 				number = AO.OutSkip;
6209 dooptim:
6210 				fstring++;
6211 /*
6212 				First test whether there is an optimization buffer
6213 */
6214 				if ( AO.OptimizeResult.code == NULL && AO.OptimizationLevel != 0 ) {
6215 					MesPrint("@In #write instruction: no optimization results available!");
6216 					return(-1);
6217 				}
6218 				num = to - Out;
6219 				WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6220 				to = Out;
6221 				if ( AO.OptimizationLevel != 0 ) {
6222 					WORD oldoutskip = AO.OutSkip;
6223 					AO.OutSkip = number;
6224 					optimize_print_code(0);
6225 					AO.OutSkip = oldoutskip;
6226 				}
6227 			}
6228 			else if ( *fstring == 'e' || *fstring == 'E' ) {
6229 				if ( *fstring == 'E'
6230 					|| AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE
6231 					|| AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) nosemi = 1;
6232 				else nosemi = 0;
6233 				fstring++;
6234 				while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6235 				if ( chartype[*s] != 0 && *s != '[' ) {
6236 noexpr:				MesPrint("@expression name expected in #write instruction");
6237 					AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6238 					AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6239 					AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6240 					AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6241 					return(-1);
6242 				}
6243 				ss = s;
6244 				if ( ( s = SkipAName(ss) ) == 0 || s[-1] == '_' ) goto noexpr;
6245 				s1 = s; c = c1 = *s1;
6246 				if ( c1 == '(' ) {
6247 					SKIPBRA3(s)
6248 					if ( *s == ')' ) {
6249 						AO.CurBufWrt = s1+1;
6250 						c = *s; *s = 0;
6251 					}
6252 					else {
6253 						MesPrint("@Illegal () specifier in expression name in #write");
6254 						AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6255 						AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6256 						AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6257 						AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6258 						return(-1);
6259 					}
6260 				}
6261 				else AO.CurBufWrt = (UBYTE *)underscore;
6262 				*s1 = 0;
6263 				num = to - Out;
6264 				if ( num > 0 ) WriteUnfinString(wtype,Out,num);
6265 				to = Out;
6266 				oldOptimizationLevel = AO.OptimizationLevel;
6267 				AO.OptimizationLevel = 0;
6268 				if ( WriteOne(ss,(int)num,nosemi,plus) < 0 ) {
6269 					AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6270 					AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6271 					AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6272 					AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6273 					return(-1);
6274 				}
6275 				AO.OptimizationLevel = oldOptimizationLevel;
6276 				*s1 = c1;
6277 				if ( s > s1 ) *s++ = c;
6278 			}
6279 /*
6280 			File content
6281 */
6282 			else if ( ( *fstring == 'f' ) || ( *fstring == 'F' ) ) {
6283 				LONG n;
6284 				while ( *s == ',' || *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6285 				ss = s;
6286 				while ( *s && *s != ',' ) {
6287 					if ( *s == '\\' ) s++;
6288 					s++;
6289 				}
6290 				c = *s; *s = 0;
6291 				s1 = LoadInputFile(ss,HEADERFILE);
6292 				*s = c;
6293 /*
6294 				There should have been a way to pass the file size.
6295 				Also there should be conversions for \r\n etc.
6296 */
6297 				if ( s1 ) {
6298 					ss = s1; while ( *ss ) ss++;
6299 					n = ss-s1;
6300 					WriteString(wtype,s1,n);
6301 					M_free(s1,"copy file");
6302 				}
6303 				else if ( *fstring == 'F' ) {
6304 					*s = 0;
6305 					MesPrint("@Error in #write: could not open file %s",ss);
6306 					*s = c;
6307 					goto ReturnWithError;
6308 				}
6309 				fstring++;
6310 			}
6311 			else if ( *fstring == '%' ) {
6312 				*to++ = *fstring++;
6313 			}
6314 			else if ( FG.cTable[*fstring] == 1 ) {  /* %#S */
6315 				number = 0;
6316 				while ( FG.cTable[*fstring] == 1 ) {
6317 					number = 10*number + *fstring++ - '0';
6318 				}
6319 				if ( *fstring == 'O' ) goto dooptim;
6320 				else if ( *fstring == 'd' ) goto donumber;
6321 				else if ( *fstring == '$' ) goto dodollar;
6322 				else if ( *fstring == 'X' || *fstring == 'x' ) {
6323 					if ( number > 0 && number <= cbuf[AM.sbufnum].numrhs ) {
6324 						UBYTE buffer[80], *out, *old1, *old2, *old3;
6325 						WORD *term, first;
6326 						if ( *fstring == 'X' ) {
6327 							out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)AC.extrasym,buffer);
6328 							if ( AC.extrasymbols == 0 ) {
6329 								out = NumCopy(number,out);
6330 								out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"_",out);
6331 							}
6332 							else if ( AC.extrasymbols == 1 ) {
6333 								if ( AC.OutputMode == CMODE ) {
6334 									out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"[",out);
6335 									out = NumCopy(number,out);
6336 									out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"]",out);
6337 								}
6338 								else {
6339 									out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"(",out);
6340 									out = NumCopy(number,out);
6341 									out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)")",out);
6342 								}
6343 							}
6344 							out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"=",out);
6345 							ss = buffer;
6346 							while ( ss < out ) {
6347 								if ( to >= stopper ) {
6348 									num = to - Out;
6349 									WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6350 									to = Out;
6351 								}
6352 								*to++ = *ss++;
6353 							}
6354 						}
6355 						term = cbuf[AM.sbufnum].rhs[number];
6356 						first = 1;
6357 						if ( *term == 0 ) {
6358 							*to++ = '0';
6359 						}
6360 						else {
6361 							old1 = AO.OutFill;
6362 							old2 = AO.OutputLine;
6363 							old3 = AO.OutStop;
6364 							AO.OutFill = to;
6365 							AO.OutputLine = Out;
6366 							AO.OutStop = Out + AC.LineLength;
6367 							while ( *term ) {
6368 								if ( WriteInnerTerm(term,first) ) Terminate(-1);
6369 								term += *term;
6370 								first = 0;
6371 							}
6372 							to = Out + (AO.OutFill-AO.OutputLine);
6373 							AO.OutFill = old1;
6374 							AO.OutputLine = old2;
6375 							AO.OutStop = old3;
6376 						}
6377 					}
6378 					fstring++;
6379 				}
6380 				else {
6381 					goto IllegControlSequence;
6382 				}
6383 			}
6384 			else if ( *fstring == '+' ) {
6385 				plus = 1; goto retry;
6386 			}
6387 			else if ( *fstring == 0 ) {
6388 				*to++ = 0;
6389 			}
6390 			else {
6391 IllegControlSequence:
6392 				MesPrint("@Illegal control sequence in format string in #write instruction");
6393 ReturnWithError:
6394 				AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6395 				AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6396 				AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6397 				AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6398 				return(-1);
6399 			}
6400 		}
6401 		else {
6402 			*to++ = *fstring++;
6403 		}
6404 	}
6405 /*
6406 	Now flush the output
6407 */
6408 	num = to - Out;
6409 	/*[15apr2004 mt]:*/
6410 	if(wtype==EXTERNALCHANNELOUT){
6411 		if(num!=0)
6412 			WriteUnfinString(wtype,Out,num);
6413 	}else
6414 	/*:[15apr2004 mt]*/
6415 	WriteString(wtype,Out,num);
6416 /*
6417 	and restore original parameters
6418 */
6419 	AM.FileOnlyFlag = h->oldlogonly;
6420 	AC.LogHandle = h->oldhandle;
6421 	AO.PrintType = h->oldprinttype;
6422 	AM.silent = h->oldsilent;
6423 	return(0);
6424 }
6426 /*
6427  		#] writeToChannel :
6428  		#[ DoFactDollar :
6430 		Executes the #factdollar $var
6431 		      instruction
6432 */
DoFactDollar(UBYTE * s)6434 int DoFactDollar(UBYTE *s)
6435 {
6437 	WORD numdollar, *oldworkpointer;
6439 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
6440 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
6441 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6442 	if ( *s == '$' ) {
6443 		if ( GetName(AC.dollarnames,s+1,&numdollar,NOAUTO) != CDOLLAR ) {
6444 			MesPrint("@%s is undefined",s);
6445 			return(-1);
6446 		}
6447 		s = SkipAName(s+1);
6448 		if ( *s != 0 ) {
6449 			MesPrint("@#FactDollar should have a single $variable for its argument");
6450 			return(-1);
6451 		}
6452 		NewSort(BHEAD0);
6453 		oldworkpointer = AT.WorkPointer;
6454 		if ( DollarFactorize(BHEAD numdollar) ) return(-1);
6455 		AT.WorkPointer = oldworkpointer;
6456 		LowerSortLevel();
6457 		return(0);
6458 	}
6459 	else if ( ParenthesesTest(s) ) return(-1);
6460 	else {
6461 		MesPrint("@#FactDollar should have a single $variable for its argument");
6462 		return -1;
6463 	}
6464 }
6466 /*
6467  		#] DoFactDollar :
6468  		#[ GetDollarNumber :
6469 */
GetDollarNumber(UBYTE ** inp,DOLLARS d)6471 WORD GetDollarNumber(UBYTE **inp, DOLLARS d)
6472 {
6473 	UBYTE *s = *inp, c, *name;
6474 	WORD number, nfac, *w;
6475 	DOLLARS dd;
6476 	s++;
6477 	if ( *s == '$' ) {
6478 		s++; name = s;
6479 		while ( FG.cTable[*s] < 2 ) s++;
6480 		c = *s; *s = 0;
6481 		if ( GetName(AC.dollarnames,name,&number,NOAUTO) == NAMENOTFOUND ) {
6482 			MesPrint("@dollar in #write should have been defined previously");
6483 			Terminate(-1);
6484 		}
6485 		*s = c;
6486 		dd = Dollars + number;
6487 		if ( c == '[' ) {
6488 			*inp = s;
6489 			nfac = GetDollarNumber(inp,dd);
6490 			s = *inp;
6491 			if ( *s != ']' ) {
6492 				MesPrint("@Illegal factor for dollar variable");
6493 				Terminate(-1);
6494 			}
6495 			*inp = s+1;
6496 			if ( nfac == 0 ) {
6497 				if ( dd->nfactors > d->nfactors ) {
6498 TooBig:
6499 					MesPrint("@Factor number for dollar variable too large");
6500 					Terminate(-1);
6501 				}
6502 				return(dd->nfactors);
6503 			}
6504 			w = dd->factors[nfac-1].where;
6505 			if ( w == 0 ) {
6506 				if ( dd->factors[nfac-1].value > d->nfactors ||
6507 				     dd->factors[nfac-1].value < 0 ) goto TooBig;
6508 				return(dd->factors[nfac-1].value);
6509 			}
6510 			if ( *w == 4 && w[4] == 0 && w[3] == 3 && w[2] == 1
6511 			  && w[1] <= d->nfactors ) return(w[1]);
6512 			if ( w[*w] == 0 && w[*w-1] == *w-1 ) goto TooBig;
6513 IllNum:
6514 			MesPrint("@Illegal factor number for dollar variable");
6515 			Terminate(-1);
6516 		}
6517 		else {	/* The dollar should be a number */
6518 			if ( dd->type == DOLZERO ) {
6519 				return(0);
6520 			}
6521 			else if ( dd->type == DOLTERMS || dd->type == DOLNUMBER ) {
6522 				w = dd->where;
6523 				if ( *w == 4 && w[4] == 0 && w[3] == 3 && w[2] == 1
6524 				  && w[1] <= d->nfactors ) return(w[1]);
6525 				if ( w[*w] == 0 && w[*w-1] == *w-1 ) goto TooBig;
6526 				goto IllNum;
6527 			}
6528 			else goto IllNum;
6529 		}
6530 	}
6531 	else if ( FG.cTable[*s] == 1 ) {
6532 		WORD x = *s++ - '0';
6533 		while ( FG.cTable[*s] == 1 ) {
6534 			x = 10*x + *s++ - '0';
6535 			if ( x > d->nfactors ) {
6536 				MesPrint("@Factor number %d for dollar variable too large",x);
6537 				Terminate(-1);
6538 			}
6539 		}
6540 		if ( *s != ']' ) {
6541 			MesPrint("@Illegal factor number for dollar variable");
6542 			Terminate(-1);
6543 		}
6544 		s++; *inp = s;
6545 		return(x);
6546 	}
6547 	else {
6548 		MesPrint("@Illegal factor indicator for dollar variable");
6549 		Terminate(-1);
6550 	}
6551 	return(-1);
6552 }
6554 /*
6555  		#] GetDollarNumber :
6556  		#[ DoSetRandom :
6558 		Executes the #SetRandom number
6559 */
DoSetRandom(UBYTE * s)6561 int DoSetRandom(UBYTE *s)
6562 {
6563 	ULONG x;
6564 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
6565 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
6566 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6567 	x = 0;
6568 	while ( FG.cTable[*s] == 1 ) {
6569 		x = 10*x + (*s++-'0');
6570 	}
6571 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6572 	if ( *s  == 0 ) {
6573 #ifdef WITHPTHREADS
6574 #ifdef WITHSORTBOTS
6575 		int id, totnum = MaX(2*AM.totalnumberofthreads-3,AM.totalnumberofthreads);
6576 #else
6577 		int id, totnum = AM.totalnumberofthreads;
6578 #endif
6579 		for ( id = 0; id < totnum; id++ ) {
6580 			AB[id]->R.wranfseed = x;
6581 			if ( AB[id]->R.wranfia ) M_free(AB[id]->R.wranfia,"wranf");
6582 			AB[id]->R.wranfia = 0;
6583 		}
6584 #else
6585 		AR.wranfseed = x;
6586 		if ( AR.wranfia ) M_free(AR.wranfia,"wranf");
6587 		AR.wranfia = 0;
6588 #endif
6589 		return(0);
6590 	}
6591 	else {
6592 		MesPrint("@proper syntax is #SetRandom number");
6593 		return(-1);
6594 	}
6595 }
6597 /*
6598  		#] DoSetRandom :
6599  		#[ DoOptimize :
6601 		Executes the #Optimize(expr) instruction.
6602 */
DoOptimize(UBYTE * s)6604 int DoOptimize(UBYTE *s)
6605 {
6607 	UBYTE *exprname;
6608 	WORD numexpr;
6609 	int error = 0, i;
6610 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
6611 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
6612 	DUMMYUSE(*s)
6613 	exprname = s; s = SkipAName(s);
6614 	if ( *s != 0 && *s != ';' ) {
6615 		MesPrint("@proper syntax is #Optimize,expression");
6616 		return(-1);
6617 	}
6618 	*s = 0;
6619     if ( GetName(AC.exprnames,exprname,&numexpr,NOAUTO) != CEXPRESSION ) {
6620 		MesPrint("@%s is not an expression",exprname);
6621 		error = 1;
6622 	}
6623 	else if ( AP.preError == 0 ) {
6624 		EXPRESSIONS e = Expressions + numexpr;
6625 		POSITION position;
6626 		int firstterm;
6627 		WORD *term = AT.WorkPointer;
6628 		ClearOptimize();
6629 		if ( AO.OptimizationLevel == 0 ) return(0);
6630 		switch ( e->status ) {
6633 				break;
6634 			default:
6635 				MesPrint("@Expression %s is not an active unhidden local or global expression.",exprname);
6636 				Terminate(-1);
6637 				break;
6638 		}
6639 #ifdef WITHMPI
6640 		if ( PF.me == MASTER )
6641 #endif
6642 		RevertScratch();
6643 		for ( i = NumExpressions-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
6644 			AS.OldOnFile[i] = Expressions[i].onfile;
6645 			AS.OldNumFactors[i] = Expressions[i].numfactors;
6646 			AS.Oldvflags[i] = Expressions[i].vflags;
6647 			Expressions[i].vflags &= ~(ISUNMODIFIED|ISZERO);
6648 		}
6649 		for ( i = 0; i < NumExpressions; i++ ) {
6650 			if ( i == numexpr ) {
6651 				PutPreVar(AM.oldnumextrasymbols,
6652 						GetPreVar((UBYTE *)"EXTRASYMBOLS_",0),0,1);
6653 				Optimize(numexpr, 0);
6654 				AO.OptimizeResult.nameofexpr = strDup1(exprname,"optimize expression name");
6655 				continue;
6656 			}
6657 #ifdef WITHMPI
6658 			if ( PF.me == MASTER ) {
6659 #endif
6660 			e = Expressions + i;
6661 			switch ( e->status ) {
6662 				case LOCALEXPRESSION:
6663 				case SKIPLEXPRESSION:
6664 				case DROPLEXPRESSION:
6667 				case SKIPGEXPRESSION:
6668 				case DROPGEXPRESSION:
6669 				case HIDELEXPRESSION:
6670 				case HIDEGEXPRESSION:
6675 					break;
6676 				default:
6677 					continue;
6678 			}
6679 			AR.GetFile = 0;
6680 			SetScratch(AR.infile,&(e->onfile));
6681 			if ( GetTerm(BHEAD term) <= 0 ) {
6682 				MesPrint("@Expression %d has problems reading from scratchfile",i);
6683 				Terminate(-1);
6684 			}
6685 			term[3] = i;
6686 			AR.DeferFlag = 0;
6687 			SeekScratch(AR.outfile,&position);
6688 			e->onfile = position;
6689 			*AM.S0->sBuffer = 0; firstterm = -1;
6690 			do {
6691 				WORD *oldipointer = AR.CompressPointer;
6692 				WORD *comprtop = AR.ComprTop;
6693 				AR.ComprTop = AM.S0->sTop;
6694 				AR.CompressPointer = AM.S0->sBuffer;
6695 				if ( firstterm > 0 ) {
6696 					if ( PutOut(BHEAD term,&position,AR.outfile,1) < 0 ) goto DoSerr;
6697 				}
6698 				else if ( firstterm < 0 ) {
6699 					if ( PutOut(BHEAD term,&position,AR.outfile,0) < 0 ) goto DoSerr;
6700 					firstterm++;
6701 				}
6702 				else {
6703 					if ( PutOut(BHEAD term,&position,AR.outfile,-1) < 0 ) goto DoSerr;
6704 					firstterm++;
6705 				}
6706 				AR.CompressPointer = oldipointer;
6707 				AR.ComprTop = comprtop;
6708 			} while ( GetTerm(BHEAD term) );
6709 			if ( FlushOut(&position,AR.outfile,1) ) {
6710 DoSerr:
6711 				MesPrint("@Expression %d has problems writing to scratchfile",i);
6712 				Terminate(-1);
6713 			}
6714 #ifdef WITHMPI
6715 			}
6716 #endif
6717 		}
6718 /*
6719 		Now some administration and we are done
6720 */
6721 		UpdateMaxSize();
6722 	}
6723 	else {
6724 		ClearOptimize();
6725 	}
6726 	return(error);
6728 }
6730 /*
6731  		#] DoOptimize :
6732  		#[ DoClearOptimize :
6734 		Clears all relevant buffers of the output optimization
6735 */
DoClearOptimize(UBYTE * s)6737 int DoClearOptimize(UBYTE *s)
6738 {
6739 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
6740 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
6741 	DUMMYUSE(*s);
6742 	return(ClearOptimize());
6743 }
6745 /*
6746  		#] DoClearOptimize :
6747  		#[ DoSkipExtraSymbols :
6749 		Adds the intermediate variables of the previous optimization
6750 		to the list of extra symbols, provided it has not yet been erased
6751 		by a #clearoptimize
6752 		To remove them again one needs to use the 'delete extrasymbols;'
6753 		or the 'delete extrasymbols>num;' statement in which num is the
6754 		old number of extra symbols.
6755 */
DoSkipExtraSymbols(UBYTE * s)6757 int DoSkipExtraSymbols(UBYTE *s)
6758 {
6759 	CBUF *C = cbuf + AM.sbufnum;
6760 	WORD tt = 0, j = 0, oldval = AO.OptimizeResult.minvar;
6761 	if ( AO.OptimizeResult.code == NULL ) return(0);
6762 	if ( AO.OptimizationLevel == 0 ) return(0);
6763 	while ( *s == ',' ) s++;
6764 	if ( *s == 0 ) {
6765 		AO.OptimizeResult.minvar = AO.OptimizeResult.maxvar+1;
6766 	}
6767 	else {
6768 		while ( *s <= '9' && *s >= '0' ) j = 10*j + *s++ - '0';
6769 		if ( *s ) {
6770 			MesPrint("@Illegal use of #SkipExtraSymbols instruction");
6771 			Terminate(-1);
6772 		}
6773 		AO.OptimizeResult.minvar += j;
6774 		if ( AO.OptimizeResult.minvar > AO.OptimizeResult.maxvar )
6775 			AO.OptimizeResult.minvar = AO.OptimizeResult.maxvar+1;
6776 	}
6777 	j = AO.OptimizeResult.minvar - oldval;
6778 	while ( j > 0 ) {
6779 		AddRHS(AM.sbufnum,1);
6780 		AddNtoC(AM.sbufnum,1,&tt,16);
6781 		AddToCB(C,0)
6782 		InsTree(AM.sbufnum,C->numrhs);
6783 		j--;
6784 	}
6785 	return(0);
6786 }
6788 /*
6789  		#] DoSkipExtraSymbols :
6790  		#[ DoPreReset :
6792 		Does a reset of variables.
6793 		Currently only the timer (stopwatch) of `timer_'
6794 */
DoPreReset(UBYTE * s)6796 int DoPreReset(UBYTE *s)
6797 {
6798 	UBYTE *ss, c;
6799 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
6800 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
6801 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6802 	if ( *s == 0 ) {
6803 		MesPrint("@proper syntax is #Reset variable");
6804 		return(-1);
6805 	}
6806 	ss = s;
6807 	while ( FG.cTable[*s] == 0 ) s++;
6808 	c = *s; *s = 0;
6809 	if ( ( StrICmp(ss,(UBYTE *)"timer") == 0 )
6810 	  || ( StrICmp(ss,(UBYTE *)"stopwatch") == 0 ) ) {
6811 		*s = c;
6812 		AP.StopWatchZero = GetRunningTime();
6813 		return(0);
6814 	}
6815 	else {
6816 		*s = c;
6817 		MesPrint("@proper syntax is #Reset variable");
6818 		return(-1);
6819 	}
6820 }
6822 /*
6823  		#] DoPreReset :
6824  		#[ DoPreAppendPath :
6825 */
DoAddPath(UBYTE * s,int bPrepend)6827 static int DoAddPath(UBYTE *s, int bPrepend)
6828 {
6829 	/* NOTE: this doesn't support some file systems, e.g., 0x5c with CP932. */
6831 	UBYTE *path, *path_end, *current_dir, *current_dir_end, *NewPath, *t;
6832 	int bRelative, n;
6834 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
6835 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
6837 	/* Parse the path in the input. */
6838 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;  /* skip spaces */
6839 	if ( *s == '"' ) {  /* the path is given by "..." */
6840 		path = ++s;
6841 		while ( *s && *s != '"' ) {
6842 			if ( SEPARATOR != '\\' && *s == '\\' ) {  /* escape character, e.g., "\\\"" */
6843 				if ( !s[1] ) goto ImproperPath;
6844 				s++;
6845 			}
6846 			s++;
6847 		}
6848 		if ( *s != '"' ) goto ImproperPath;
6849 		path_end = s++;
6850 	}
6851 	else {
6852 		path = s;
6853 		while ( *s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' ) {
6854 			if ( SEPARATOR != '\\' && *s == '\\' ) {  /* escape character, e.g., "\\ " */
6855 				if ( !s[1] ) goto ImproperPath;
6856 				s++;
6857 			}
6858 			s++;
6859 		}
6860 		path_end = s;
6861 	}
6862 	if ( path == path_end ) goto ImproperPath;  /* empty path */
6863 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;  /* skip spaces */
6864 	if ( *s ) goto ImproperPath;  /* extra tokens found */
6866 	/* Check if the path is an absolute path. */
6867 	bRelative = 1;
6868 	if ( path[0] == SEPARATOR ) {  /* starts with the directory separator */
6869 		bRelative = 0;
6870 	}
6871 #ifdef WINDOWS
6872 	else if ( chartype[path[0]] == 0 && path[1] == ':' ) {  /* starts with (drive letter): */
6873 		bRelative = 0;
6874 	}
6875 #endif
6877 	/* Get the current file directory when a relative path is given. */
6878 	if ( bRelative ) {
6879 		if ( !AC.CurrentStream ) goto FileNameUnavailable;
6880 		if ( AC.CurrentStream->type != FILESTREAM && AC.CurrentStream->type != REVERSEFILESTREAM ) goto FileNameUnavailable;
6881 		if ( !AC.CurrentStream->name ) goto FileNameUnavailable;
6882 		s = current_dir = current_dir_end = AC.CurrentStream->name;
6883 		while ( *s ) {
6884 			if ( SEPARATOR != '\\' && *s == '\\' && s[1] ) {  /* escape character, e.g., "\\\"" */
6885 				s += 2;
6886 				continue;
6887 			}
6888 			if ( *s == SEPARATOR ) {
6889 				current_dir_end = s;
6890 			}
6891 			s++;
6892 		}
6893 	}
6894 	else {
6895 		current_dir = current_dir_end = NULL;
6896 	}
6898 	/* Allocate a buffer for new AM.Path. */
6899 	n = path_end - path;
6900 	if ( AM.Path ) n += StrLen(AM.Path) + 1;
6901 	if ( current_dir != current_dir_end ) n+= current_dir_end - current_dir + 1;
6902 	s = NewPath = (UBYTE *)Malloc1(n + 1,"add path");
6904 	/* Construct new FORM path. */
6905 	if ( bPrepend ) {
6906 		if ( current_dir != current_dir_end ) {
6907 			t = current_dir;
6908 			while ( t != current_dir_end ) *s++ = *t++;
6909 			*s++ = SEPARATOR;
6910 		}
6911 		t = path;
6912 		while ( t != path_end ) *s++ = *t++;
6913 		if ( AM.Path ) *s++ = PATHSEPARATOR;
6914 	}
6915 	if ( AM.Path ) {
6916 		t = AM.Path;
6917 		while ( *t ) *s++ = *t++;
6918 	}
6919 	if ( !bPrepend ) {
6920 		if ( AM.Path ) *s++ = PATHSEPARATOR;
6921 		if ( current_dir != current_dir_end ) {
6922 			t = current_dir;
6923 			while ( t != current_dir_end ) *s++ = *t++;
6924 			*s++ = SEPARATOR;
6925 		}
6926 		t = path;
6927 		while ( t != path_end ) *s++ = *t++;
6928 	}
6929 	*s = '\0';
6931 	/* Update AM.Path. */
6932 	if ( AM.Path ) M_free(AM.Path,"add path");
6933 	AM.Path = NewPath;
6935 	return(0);
6937 ImproperPath:
6938 	MesPrint("@Improper syntax for %#%sPath", bPrepend ? "Prepend" : "Append");
6939 	return(-1);
6941 FileNameUnavailable:
6942 	/* This may be improved in future. */
6943 	MesPrint("@Sorry, %#%sPath can't resolve the current file name from here", bPrepend ? "Prepend" : "Append");
6944 	return(-1);
6945 }
6947 /**
6948  * Appends the given path (absolute or relative to the current file directory)
6949  * to the FORM path.
6950  *
6951  * Syntax:
6952  *   #appendpath <path>
6953  */
DoPreAppendPath(UBYTE * s)6954 int DoPreAppendPath(UBYTE *s)
6955 {
6956 	return DoAddPath(s, 0);
6957 }
6959 /*
6960  		#] DoPreAppendPath :
6961  		#[ DoPrePrependPath :
6962 */
6964 /**
6965  * Prepends the given path (absolute or relative to the current file directory)
6966  * to the FORM path.
6967  *
6968  * Syntax:
6969  *   #prependpath <path>
6970  */
DoPrePrependPath(UBYTE * s)6971 int DoPrePrependPath(UBYTE *s)
6972 {
6973 	return DoAddPath(s, 1);
6974 }
6976 /*
6977  		#] DoPrePrependPath :
6978  		#[ DoTimeOutAfter :
6980 		Executes the #timeoutafter number
6981 */
DoTimeOutAfter(UBYTE * s)6983 int DoTimeOutAfter(UBYTE *s)
6984 {
6985 	ULONG x;
6986 	if ( AP.PreSwitchModes[AP.PreSwitchLevel] != EXECUTINGPRESWITCH ) return(0);
6987 	if ( AP.PreIfStack[AP.PreIfLevel] != EXECUTINGIF ) return(0);
6988 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6989 	x = 0;
6990 	while ( FG.cTable[*s] == 1 ) {
6991 		x = 10*x + (*s++-'0');
6992 	}
6993 	while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;
6994 	if ( *s  == 0 ) {
6995 		alarm(x);
6996 		return(0);
6997 	}
6998 	else {
6999 		MesPrint("@proper syntax is #TimeoutAfter number");
7000 		return(-1);
7001 	}
7002 }
7004 /*
7005  		#] DoTimeOutAfter :
7006  	# ] PreProcessor :
7007 */