1 // Created on: 1994-08-30
2 // Created by: Jean Yves LEBEY
3 // Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
18 #include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
19 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
20 #include <Standard_NoSuchObject.hxx>
21 #include <Standard_ProgramError.hxx>
22 #include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
23 #include <TopAbs.hxx>
24 #include <TopExp.hxx>
25 #include <TopoDS.hxx>
26 #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
27 #include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
28 #include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
29 #include <TopoDS_Shell.hxx>
30 #include <TopoDS_Solid.hxx>
31 #include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
32 #include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
33 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder.hxx>
34 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_define.hxx>
35 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_EdgeBuilder.hxx>
36 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_FaceBuilder.hxx>
37 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo.hxx>
38 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_HBuilder.hxx>
39 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_kpresu.hxx>
40 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveSet.hxx>
41 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet.hxx>
42 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet.hxx>
43 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_SolidBuilder.hxx>
44 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet.hxx>
45 #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_WireToFace.hxx>
46 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_BuildTool.hxx>
47 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_connex.hxx>
48 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_CurveIterator.hxx>
49 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_EXPORT.hxx>
50 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure.hxx>
51 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_PointIterator.hxx>
52 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference.hxx>
53 #include <TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceIterator.hxx>
54 #include <TopOpeBRepTool_EXPORT.hxx>
55 #include <TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer.hxx>
57 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
58 extern Standard_Boolean TopOpeBRepBuild_GettraceKPB();
debiskole()59 void debiskole() {}
60 #endif
62 Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean FUNKP_KPiskolesh(const TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder& BU,const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS,const TopoDS_Shape& Sarg,TopTools_ListOfShape& lShsd,TopTools_ListOfShape& lfhsd);
63 Standard_EXPORT void FUNKP_KPmakefaces(const TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder& BU, const TopoDS_Shape& Fac1, const TopTools_ListOfShape& LF2,
64 const TopAbs_State Stfac1, const TopAbs_State Stfac2,
65 const Standard_Boolean R1, const Standard_Boolean R2,TopTools_ListOfShape& Lres);
68 //=======================================================================
69 //function : MergeKPartiskole
70 //purpose :
71 //=======================================================================
MergeKPartiskole()73 void TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::MergeKPartiskole()
74 {
75 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
76 Standard_Boolean TKPB = TopOpeBRepBuild_GettraceKPB();
77 if (TKPB) KPreturn(myIsKPart);
78 debiskole();
79 #endif
81 Standard_Integer ibid;
83 if ( myIsKPart != 1 ) return;
85 GMapShapes(myShape1,myShape2);
86 // NYI : on doit pouvoir faire l'economie du mapping GMapShapes(...)
87 // NYI en allant chercher l'indice 1,2 retourne par GShapeRank(S)
88 // NYI dans la DS. l'index est defini pour tous les shapes HasSameDomain
90 TopTools_ListOfShape& lmergesha1 = ChangeMerged(myShape1,myState1);
91 ChangeMerged(myShape2,myState2);
93 TopTools_ListOfShape lShsd1,lShsd2; // liste de solides HasSameDomain
94 TopTools_ListOfShape lfhsd1,lfhsd2; // liste de faces HasSameDomain
95 KPiskolesh(myShape1,lShsd1,lfhsd1);
96 KPiskolesh(myShape2,lShsd2,lfhsd2);
97 // traitement de tous les solides NYI
98 TopoDS_Shape sol1 = lShsd1.First();
99 TopoDS_Shape sol2 = lShsd2.First();
101 ChangeMerged(sol1,myState1);
102 ChangeMerged(sol2,myState2);
104 TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape itm1;
105 itm1.Initialize(myKPMAPf1f2);
106 if ( ! itm1.More() ) return;
108 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
109 if (TKPB) {
110 std::cout<<""<<std::endl;
111 for (; itm1.More();itm1.Next()) {
112 const TopoDS_Shape& f = itm1.Key();
113 Standard_Integer fi = myDataStructure->Shape(f);
114 std::cout<<"face "<<fi<<" : ";
115 const TopTools_ListOfShape& l = itm1.Value();
116 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(l);
117 for(; it.More(); it.Next()) {
118 const TopoDS_Shape& ff = it.Value();
119 Standard_Integer ffi = myDataStructure->Shape(ff);
120 std::cout<<ffi<<" ";
121 }
122 std::cout<<std::endl;
123 }
124 itm1.Initialize(myKPMAPf1f2);
125 }
126 #endif
128 TopTools_ListOfShape LFIN;
129 TopTools_ListOfShape* plfIN = NULL;
130 const TopoDS_Shape* pfOU = NULL;
131 const TopoDS_Shape* pfIN = NULL;
133 for (; itm1.More();itm1.Next()) {
134 // const TopoDS_Shape& f = itm1.Key();
135 // myDataStructure->Shape(f); //DEB
136 const TopTools_ListOfShape& los = itm1.Value();
137 Standard_Boolean emp = los.IsEmpty();
138 if (!emp) {
139 if (plfIN == NULL) plfIN = (TopTools_ListOfShape*)&itm1.Value();
140 if (pfOU == NULL) pfOU = &itm1.Key();
141 if (pfIN == NULL) pfIN = &plfIN->First();
142 for (TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(los);it.More();it.Next()) LFIN.Append(it.Value());
143 }
144 }
146 if ( plfIN==NULL) return;
147 if ( pfOU==NULL) return;
148 if ( pfIN==NULL) return;
150 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
151 Standard_Integer ifOU; Standard_Boolean tSPS = GtraceSPS(*pfOU,ifOU);
152 if(tSPS || TKPB) {
153 // Standard_Integer iOU = myDataStructure->Shape(*pfOU);
154 // Standard_Integer iIN = myDataStructure->Shape(*pfIN);
155 GdumpSHA(*pfOU, (char *) "MergeKPartiskole pfOU ");std::cout<<std::endl;
156 GdumpSAMDOM(LFIN, (char *) "LFIN : ");
157 debiskole();
158 }
159 #endif
161 Standard_Integer rankpfOU = GShapeRank(*pfOU);
162 Standard_Integer rankpfIN = GShapeRank(*pfIN);
163 if ( rankpfOU != 1 && rankpfOU != 2 ) return;
164 if ( rankpfIN != 1 && rankpfIN != 2 ) return;
166 // solfOU = solide dont la face *pfOU est OUT / faces LFIN
167 // solfIN = solide dont les faces *plfIN sont IN / face *pfOU
168 TopoDS_Shape solfOU;
169 if (rankpfOU == 1) solfOU = sol1;
170 else solfOU = sol2;
171 TopoDS_Shape solfIN;
172 if (rankpfIN == 1) solfIN = sol1;
173 else solfIN = sol2;
174 TopAbs_State stsolfOU = KPclasSS(solfOU,*pfOU, solfIN);
175 TopAbs_State stsolfIN = KPclasSS(solfIN,LFIN,solfOU);
176 TopAbs_State stfOU = TopAbs_OUT;
177 TopAbs_State stfIN = TopAbs_IN;
179 TopAbs_State stsol1=TopAbs_UNKNOWN,stsol2=TopAbs_UNKNOWN;
180 TopAbs_State stfac1=TopAbs_UNKNOWN,stfac2=TopAbs_UNKNOWN;
181 TopoDS_Shape fac1,fac2;
182 if (rankpfOU == 1 ) {
183 stsol1 = stsolfOU; stfac1 = stfOU; fac1 = *pfOU;
184 stsol2 = stsolfIN; stfac2 = stfIN; fac2 = *pfIN;
185 }
186 else if (rankpfOU == 2 ) {
187 stsol1 = stsolfIN; stfac1 = stfIN; fac1 = *pfIN;
188 stsol2 = stsolfOU; stfac2 = stfOU; fac2 = *pfOU;
189 }
191 Standard_Integer ires,icla1,icla2;
192 KPiskoleanalyse(stfac1,stfac2,stsol1,stsol2,ires,icla1,icla2);
193 if (ires == RESUNDEF) return;
194 if (icla1 == SHEUNDEF || icla2 == SHEUNDEF) return;
196 TopoDS_Shape she1; // she1 = shell accedant fac1
197 TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape Mfacshe1;
198 TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(sol1,TopAbs_FACE,TopAbs_SHELL,Mfacshe1);
199 const TopTools_ListOfShape& lshe1 = Mfacshe1.FindFromKey(fac1);
200 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itlshe1(lshe1);
201 she1 = itlshe1.Value();
203 TopoDS_Shape she2; // she2 = shell accedant fac2
204 TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape Mfacshe2;
205 TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(sol2,TopAbs_FACE,TopAbs_SHELL,Mfacshe2);
206 const TopTools_ListOfShape& lshe2 = Mfacshe2.FindFromKey(fac2);
207 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itlshe2(lshe2);
208 she2 = itlshe2.Value();
210 ChangeMerged(she1,myState1);
211 ChangeMerged(she2,myState2);
213 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
214 if (TKPB) { std::cout<<"stsol1 ";TopAbs::Print(stsol1,std::cout); std::cout<<" "; }
215 if (TKPB) { std::cout<<"stsol2 ";TopAbs::Print(stsol2,std::cout); std::cout<<std::endl; }
216 debiskole();
217 #endif
219 TopoDS_Shell newshe;
221 if ( ires == RESNULL ) {
222 return;
223 }
225 else if (ires == RESSHAPE1) {
226 myBuildTool.MakeShell(newshe);
227 newshe = TopoDS::Shell(she1);
228 }
230 else if (ires == RESSHAPE2) {
231 myBuildTool.MakeShell(newshe);
232 newshe = TopoDS::Shell(she2);
233 }
235 else if ( ires == RESFACE1 ) {
236 if (rankpfOU == 1) {
237 // resultat = face de rang 1 et face de rang 1 = face OUT
238 lmergesha1.Append(*pfOU);
239 ChangeMerged(fac2,myState2).Append(*pfOU);
240 }
241 else if (rankpfOU == 2) {
242 // resultat = face de rang 1 et face de rang 1 = faces IN
243 GCopyList(*plfIN,lmergesha1);
244 GCopyList(*plfIN,ChangeMerged(fac2,myState2));
245 }
246 return;
247 }
249 else if ( ires == RESFACE2 ) {
250 if (rankpfOU == 2) {
251 // resultat = face de rang 2 et face de rang 2 = face OUT
252 lmergesha1.Append(*pfOU);
253 ChangeMerged(fac1,myState1).Append(*pfOU);
254 }
255 else if (rankpfOU == 1) {
256 // resultat = face de rang 2 et face de rang 2 = faces IN
257 GCopyList(*plfIN,lmergesha1);
258 GCopyList(*plfIN,ChangeMerged(fac1,myState1));
259 }
260 return;
261 }
263 else if (ires == RESNEWSHE) {
265 itm1.Initialize(myKPMAPf1f2);
266 if (! itm1.More() ) return;
268 TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape addedfaces;
269 for (; itm1.More();itm1.Next()) {
271 const TopoDS_Shape& f1 = itm1.Key();
272 const TopTools_ListOfShape& lf2 = itm1.Value();
273 if (lf2.IsEmpty()) continue;
275 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it2;
276 it2.Initialize(lf2);
277 const TopoDS_Shape& f2 = it2.Value();
279 /*#ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
280 Standard_Integer ii1 = myDataStructure->Shape(f1);
281 Standard_Integer ii2 = myDataStructure->Shape(f2);
282 #endif*/
283 Standard_Integer rankf1 = GShapeRank(f1);
284 Standard_Integer rankf2 = GShapeRank(f2);
285 if (rankf1 == 0) continue;
286 if (rankf2 == 0) continue;
288 TopAbs_State stf1,stf2; KPclassFF(f1,f2,stf1,stf2);
289 if ( rankf1 == 1 ) KPiskoleanalyse(stf1,stf2,stsol1,stsol2,ires,ibid,ibid);
290 if ( rankf1 == 2 ) KPiskoleanalyse(stf2,stf1,stsol2,stsol1,ires,ibid,ibid);
291 if (ires == RESUNDEF) continue;
293 Standard_Boolean r1 = (stsol1 == TopAbs_IN);
294 Standard_Boolean r2 = (stsol2 == TopAbs_IN);
295 TopoDS_Shape fac;
296 if ( rankf1 == 1 ) fac = KPmakeface(f1,lf2,stf1,stf2,r1,r2);
297 if ( rankf1 == 2 ) fac = KPmakeface(f1,lf2,stf1,stf2,r2,r1);
298 if ( fac.IsNull() ) continue;
299 if ( ! fac.IsNull() ) addedfaces.Bind(fac,fac);
301 TopAbs_State statemergef1 = (rankf1 == 1) ? myState1 : myState2;
302 TopAbs_State statemergef2 = (rankf2 == 2) ? myState2 : myState1;
303 ChangeMerged(f1,statemergef1).Append(fac);
304 it2.Initialize(lf2);
305 for (;it2.More();it2.Next())
306 ChangeMerged(it2.Value(),statemergef2).Append(fac);
308 // les faces de she1 sauf les tangentes et celles deja ajoutees
309 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer fex1;
310 for (fex1.Init(she1,TopAbs_FACE); fex1.More(); fex1.Next()) {
311 const TopoDS_Shape& facur = fex1.Current();
313 Standard_Boolean isfsd = myKPMAPf1f2.IsBound(facur);
314 Standard_Boolean isadded = addedfaces.IsBound(facur);
315 Standard_Boolean toadd = (!isfsd) && (!isadded) ;
317 if ( toadd ) {
318 TopoDS_Shape fori = facur;
319 if (stsol1 == TopAbs_IN) fori.Complement();
320 addedfaces.Bind(fori,fori);
321 }
322 }
324 // les faces de she2 sauf les tangentes et celles deja ajoutees
325 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer fex2;
326 for (fex2.Init(she2,TopAbs_FACE); fex2.More(); fex2.Next()) {
327 const TopoDS_Shape& facur = fex2.Current();
329 Standard_Boolean isfsd = myKPMAPf1f2.IsBound(facur);
330 Standard_Boolean isadded = addedfaces.IsBound(facur);
331 Standard_Boolean toadd = (!isfsd) && (!isadded) ;
333 if ( toadd ) {
334 TopoDS_Shape fori = facur;
335 if (stsol2 == TopAbs_IN) fori.Complement();
336 addedfaces.Bind(fori,fori);
337 }
338 }
339 } // === fin iteration fac1,fac2
341 TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeShape itadd(addedfaces);
342 Standard_Boolean yauadd = itadd.More();
343 if (yauadd) {
344 myBuildTool.MakeShell(newshe);
345 myBuildTool.Closed(newshe,Standard_True); // NYI : check exact du caractere closed du shell
346 }
347 for (; itadd.More(); itadd.Next() ) {
348 const TopoDS_Shape& ftoadd = itadd.Key();
349 myBuildTool.AddShellFace(newshe,ftoadd);
350 }
352 } // === fin RESNEWSHE
354 else {
355 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
356 std::cout<<"MergeKPartiskole : ires = "<<ires<<std::endl;
357 #endif
358 }
360 TopoDS_Solid newsol;
361 if ( !newshe.IsNull() ) {
362 myBuildTool.MakeSolid(newsol);
363 myBuildTool.AddSolidShell(newsol,newshe);
364 }
366 if ( icla1 == SHECLASAUTR || icla1 == SHEGARDAUTR ) {
367 // n.b. : ne pas prendre she1 accedant f1
368 TopTools_ListOfShape loshe1;
369 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer ex1;
370 for (ex1.Init(sol1,TopAbs_SHELL); ex1.More(); ex1.Next()) {
371 const TopoDS_Shape& shecur = ex1.Current();
372 if (she1.IsEqual(shecur)) continue;
373 if (icla1 == SHECLASAUTR) {
374 TopAbs_State state1 = KPclasSS(shecur,fac1,sol2);
375 if (state1 == myState1) loshe1.Append(shecur);
376 }
377 else if (icla1 == SHEGARDAUTR) {
378 loshe1.Append(shecur);
379 }
380 }
381 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
382 // Standard_Integer nshe1 = loshe1.Extent();
383 #endif
384 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itloshe1;
385 for( itloshe1.Initialize(loshe1); itloshe1.More(); itloshe1.Next() ) {
386 const TopoDS_Shape& shecur = itloshe1.Value();
387 myBuildTool.AddSolidShell(newsol,shecur);
388 }
389 }
391 if ( icla2 == SHECLASAUTR || icla2 == SHEGARDAUTR ) {
392 // n.b. : ne pas prendre she2 accedant f2
393 TopTools_ListOfShape loshe2;
394 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer ex2;
395 for (ex2.Init(sol2,TopAbs_SHELL); ex2.More(); ex2.Next()) {
396 const TopoDS_Shape& shecur = ex2.Current();
397 if (she2.IsEqual(shecur)) continue;
398 if (icla2 == SHECLASAUTR) {
399 TopAbs_State state2 = KPclasSS(shecur,fac2,sol1);
400 if (state2 == myState2) loshe2.Append(shecur);
401 }
402 else if (icla2 == SHEGARDAUTR) {
403 loshe2.Append(shecur);
404 }
405 }
406 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
407 // Standard_Integer nshe2 = loshe2.Extent();
408 #endif
409 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itloshe2;
410 for( itloshe2.Initialize(loshe2); itloshe2.More(); itloshe2.Next() ) {
411 const TopoDS_Shape& shecur = itloshe2.Value();
412 myBuildTool.AddSolidShell(newsol,shecur);
413 }
414 }
416 // le solide final
417 if ( !newsol.IsNull() ) {
418 lmergesha1.Append(newsol);
419 }
421 } // MergeKPartiskole
424 //=======================================================================
425 //function : KPiskole
426 //purpose : detection faces collees
427 //=======================================================================
KPiskole()429 Standard_Integer TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::KPiskole()
430 {
432 TopTools_ListOfShape lShsd1,lShsd2; // liste de solides HasSameDomain
433 TopTools_ListOfShape lfhsd1,lfhsd2; // liste de faces HasSameDomain
435 Standard_Boolean iskp1 = KPiskolesh(myShape1,lShsd1,lfhsd1);
436 if ( !iskp1 ) return 0;
437 Standard_Integer nfhsd1 = lfhsd1.Extent();
438 if ( nfhsd1 == 0 ) return 0;
440 Standard_Boolean iskp2 = KPiskolesh(myShape2,lShsd2,lfhsd2);
441 if ( !iskp2 ) return 0;
442 Standard_Integer nfhsd2 = lfhsd2.Extent();
443 if ( nfhsd2 == 0 ) return 0;
445 // Si l'un des objets est constitue de plusieur solides on passe
446 // dans le cas general , sinon on obtient
447 //** Exception ** Standard_OutOfRange: TCollection_IndexedDataMap::FindFromKey at
448 // TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::MergeKPartiskole(this = 0xf7988),
449 // line 397 in "/adv_21/MDL/k1deb/ref/prod/TopOpeBRepBuild/src/TopOpeBRepBuild_KPart.cxx"
450 // DPF le 10/07/1997
451 Standard_Integer nshsd1 = lShsd1.Extent();
452 Standard_Integer nshsd2 = lShsd2.Extent();
453 if (nshsd1>1 || nshsd2>1) return 0;
455 TopTools_ListOfShape lf1,lf2;
456 TopTools_ListOfShape les; //section
458 for (TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itlf1(lfhsd1);
459 itlf1.More();itlf1.Next()) {
461 const TopoDS_Shape& f1 = itlf1.Value();
462 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
463 // Standard_Boolean isb1 = myKPMAPf1f2.IsBound(f1); // DEB
464 #endif
465 lf1.Clear(); lf1.Append(f1);
466 lf2.Clear(); KPSameDomain(lf1,lf2);
467 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
468 // Standard_Integer n1 = lf1.Extent();
469 // Standard_Integer n2 = lf2.Extent();
470 #endif
472 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
473 Standard_Integer iF1; Standard_Boolean tSPS1 = GtraceSPS(f1,iF1);
474 if(tSPS1) {
475 GdumpSHA(f1, (char *) "KPiskole ");std::cout<<std::endl;
476 GdumpSAMDOM(lf2, (char *) "lf2 : ");
477 }
478 #endif
480 for (TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itlf2(lf2);
481 itlf2.More(); itlf2.Next() ) {
483 const TopoDS_Shape& f2 = itlf2.Value();
484 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
485 // Standard_Boolean isb2 = myKPMAPf1f2.IsBound(f2); // DEB
486 #endif
487 TopAbs_State state1,state2;
488 Standard_Boolean classok = KPiskoleFF(f1,f2,state1,state2);
489 if ( ! classok ) return 0;
491 // on va reconstuire la face OUT
492 if ( state1 == TopAbs_OUT && state2 == TopAbs_IN) {
493 Standard_Boolean isb1 = myKPMAPf1f2.IsBound(f1);
494 if ( ! isb1 ) { TopTools_ListOfShape los; myKPMAPf1f2.Bind(f1,los); }
495 TopTools_ListOfShape& los = myKPMAPf1f2.ChangeFind(f1);
496 los.Append(f2);
498 Standard_Boolean isb2 = myKPMAPf1f2.IsBound(f2);
499 if ( ! isb2 ) { TopTools_ListOfShape los1; myKPMAPf1f2.Bind(f2,los1); }
500 }
501 else if ( state2 == TopAbs_OUT && state1 == TopAbs_IN) {
502 Standard_Boolean isb2 = myKPMAPf1f2.IsBound(f2);
503 if ( ! isb2 ) { TopTools_ListOfShape los; myKPMAPf1f2.Bind(f2,los); }
504 TopTools_ListOfShape& los = myKPMAPf1f2.ChangeFind(f2);
505 los.Append(f1);
507 Standard_Boolean isb1 = myKPMAPf1f2.IsBound(f1);
508 if ( ! isb1 ) { TopTools_ListOfShape los1; myKPMAPf1f2.Bind(f1,los1); }
509 }
511 // les aretes de la face IN sont des aretes de section
512 TopoDS_Shape fw;
513 if (state1 == TopAbs_IN) fw = f1;
514 else if (state2 == TopAbs_IN) fw = f2;
515 if (fw.IsNull()) continue;
517 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer ex(fw,TopAbs_EDGE);
518 for (;ex.More();ex.Next()) les.Append(ex.Current());
519 }
520 }
522 // aretes de section iskole
523 TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DS = myDataStructure->ChangeDS();
524 DS.InitSectionEdges(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(les);
525 for (;it.More();it.Next()) DS.AddSectionEdge(TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()));
527 return 1;
528 } // TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::KPiskole
530 //=======================================================================
531 //function : KPiskoleanalyse
532 //purpose :
533 //=======================================================================
KPiskoleanalyse(const TopAbs_State Stfac1,const TopAbs_State Stfac2,const TopAbs_State Stsol1,const TopAbs_State Stsol2,Standard_Integer & ires,Standard_Integer & icla1,Standard_Integer & icla2) const535 void TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::KPiskoleanalyse(const TopAbs_State Stfac1, const TopAbs_State Stfac2,
536 const TopAbs_State Stsol1, const TopAbs_State Stsol2,
537 Standard_Integer& ires,Standard_Integer& icla1,Standard_Integer& icla2) const
538 {
539 ires = RESUNDEF; icla1 = icla2 = SHEUNDEF;
541 if (Opefus()) {
542 if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_OUT && Stsol2 == TopAbs_OUT) {
543 ires = RESNEWSHE; icla1 = SHEGARDAUTR; icla2 = SHEGARDAUTR;
544 }
545 else if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_OUT && Stsol2 == TopAbs_IN ) {
546 ires = RESSHAPE1; icla1 = SHECLASAUTR; icla2 = SHEAUCU;
547 }
548 else if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_IN && Stsol2 == TopAbs_OUT) {
549 ires = RESSHAPE2; icla1 = SHEAUCU; icla2 = SHECLASAUTR;
550 }
551 }
552 else if (Opec12()) {
553 if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_OUT && Stsol2 == TopAbs_OUT) {
554 ires = RESSHAPE1; icla1 = SHEGARDAUTR; icla2 = SHEAUCU;
555 }
556 else if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_OUT && Stsol2 == TopAbs_IN ) {
557 ires = RESNEWSHE; icla1 = SHECLASAUTR; icla2 = SHEAUCU;
558 }
559 else if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_IN && Stsol2 == TopAbs_OUT) {
560 ires = RESNULL; icla1 = icla2 = SHEAUCU;
561 }
562 }
563 else if (Opec21()) {
564 if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_OUT && Stsol2 == TopAbs_OUT) {
565 ires = RESSHAPE2; icla1 = SHEAUCU; icla2 = SHEGARDAUTR;
566 }
567 else if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_OUT && Stsol2 == TopAbs_IN ) {
568 ires = RESNULL; icla1 = icla2 = SHEAUCU;
569 }
570 else if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_IN && Stsol2 == TopAbs_OUT) {
571 ires = RESNEWSHE; icla1 = SHEAUCU; icla2 = SHECLASAUTR;
572 }
573 }
574 else if (Opecom()) {
575 if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_OUT && Stsol2 == TopAbs_OUT) {
576 if (Stfac1 == TopAbs_IN) {
577 ires = RESFACE1; icla1 = icla2 = SHEAUCU;
578 }
579 if (Stfac2 == TopAbs_IN) {
580 ires = RESFACE2; icla1 = icla2 = SHEAUCU;
581 }
582 }
583 else if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_OUT && Stsol2 == TopAbs_IN ) {
584 ires = RESSHAPE2; icla1 = SHECLASAUTR; icla2 = SHEGARDAUTR;
585 }
586 else if (Stsol1 == TopAbs_IN && Stsol2 == TopAbs_OUT) {
587 ires = RESSHAPE1; icla1 = SHEGARDAUTR; icla2 = SHECLASAUTR;
588 }
589 }
591 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
592 Standard_Boolean TKPB = TopOpeBRepBuild_GettraceKPB();
593 if (TKPB) std::cout<<"ires = "<<ires<<" icla1 "<<icla1<<" icla2 "<<icla2<<std::endl;
594 #endif
595 } // TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::KPiskoleanalyse
FUNKP_KPmakefaces(const TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder & BU,const TopoDS_Shape & Fac1,const TopTools_ListOfShape & LF2,const TopAbs_State Stfac1,const TopAbs_State,const Standard_Boolean R1,const Standard_Boolean R2,TopTools_ListOfShape & Lres)597 Standard_EXPORT void FUNKP_KPmakefaces(const TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder& BU,
598 const TopoDS_Shape& Fac1,
599 const TopTools_ListOfShape& LF2,
600 const TopAbs_State Stfac1,
601 const TopAbs_State /*Stfac2*/,
602 const Standard_Boolean R1,
603 const Standard_Boolean R2,
604 TopTools_ListOfShape& Lres)
605 {
606 // reconstruisons la face qui contient les autres
607 BRep_Builder BB;
608 TopoDS_Face fac; BB.MakeFace(fac);
610 Standard_Integer rankIN = 0;
611 TopTools_ListOfShape LFSO,LFDO;
613 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
614 Standard_Integer iF1; Standard_Boolean tSPS = BU.GtraceSPS(Fac1,iF1);
615 if(tSPS) { BU.GdumpSHA(Fac1, (char *) "KPmakeFace ");std::cout<<std::endl; }
616 #endif
618 if (Stfac1 == TopAbs_OUT) {
619 TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = Fac1.EmptyCopied();
620 fac = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape);
621 // fac = TopoDS::Face(Fac1.EmptyCopied());
622 Standard_Integer rankF = BU.GShapeRank(Fac1);
623 rankIN = (rankF) ? ( (rankF==1) ? 2 : 1) : 0;
624 BU.GFindSamDomSODO(Fac1,LFSO,LFDO);
625 }
626 else {
627 throw Standard_ProgramError("KPmakeface Stfac1 != OUT");
628 }
630 if (rankIN == 0) {
631 throw Standard_ProgramError("KPmakeface rankIN = 0");
632 }
634 TopTools_ListOfShape LFIN;
635 BU.GFindSameRank(LFSO,rankIN,LFIN);
636 BU.GFindSameRank(LFDO,rankIN,LFIN);
638 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
639 if(tSPS) {
640 BU.GdumpSAMDOM(LFSO, (char *) "LESO : ");
641 BU.GdumpSAMDOM(LFDO, (char *) "LEDO : ");
642 BU.GdumpSAMDOM(LFIN, (char *) "LFIN : ");
643 }
644 #endif
646 TopOpeBRepBuild_WireToFace wtof;
648 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer wex1;
649 for (wex1.Init(Fac1,TopAbs_WIRE); wex1.More(); wex1.Next()) {
650 const TopoDS_Shape& wicur = wex1.Current();
651 TopoDS_Wire wori = TopoDS::Wire(wicur);
652 if (R1) wori.Complement();
653 wtof.AddWire(wori);
654 //myBuildTool.AddFaceWire(fac,wori);
655 }
657 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer wex2;
658 for (TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it2(LF2);it2.More();it2.Next()) {
659 const TopoDS_Shape& Fac2 = it2.Value();
660 for (wex2.Init(Fac2,TopAbs_WIRE); wex2.More(); wex2.Next()) {
661 const TopoDS_Shape& wicur = wex2.Current();
662 TopoDS_Wire wori = TopoDS::Wire(wicur);
663 if (R2) wori.Complement();
664 wtof.AddWire(wori);
665 //myBuildTool.AddFaceWire(fac,wori);
666 }
667 }
669 const TopoDS_Face& F1 = TopoDS::Face(Fac1);
670 wtof.MakeFaces(F1,Lres);
671 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
672 // Standard_Integer nlres = Lres.Extent(); // DEB
673 #endif
675 return;
676 } // FUNKP_KPmakefaces
678 //=======================================================================
679 //function : KPmakeface
680 //purpose :
681 //=======================================================================
KPmakeface(const TopoDS_Shape & Fac1,const TopTools_ListOfShape & LF2,const TopAbs_State Stfac1,const TopAbs_State,const Standard_Boolean R1,const Standard_Boolean R2)683 TopoDS_Shape TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::KPmakeface(const TopoDS_Shape& Fac1,
684 const TopTools_ListOfShape& LF2,
685 const TopAbs_State Stfac1,
686 const TopAbs_State /*Stfac2*/,
687 const Standard_Boolean R1,
688 const Standard_Boolean R2)
689 {
690 // reconstruisons la face qui contient l'autre
691 BRep_Builder BB;
692 TopoDS_Face fac; BB.MakeFace(fac);
694 Standard_Integer rankIN = 0;
695 TopTools_ListOfShape LFSO,LFDO;
697 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
698 Standard_Integer iF1;
699 Standard_Boolean tSPS = GtraceSPS(Fac1,iF1);
700 if(tSPS) {
701 GdumpSHA(Fac1, (char *) "KPmakeFace ");
702 std::cout<<std::endl;
703 }
704 #endif
706 if (Stfac1 == TopAbs_OUT) {
707 TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = Fac1.EmptyCopied();
708 fac = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape);
709 // fac = TopoDS::Face(Fac1.EmptyCopied());
710 Standard_Integer rankF = GShapeRank(Fac1);
711 rankIN = (rankF) ? ( (rankF==1) ? 2 : 1) : 0;
712 GFindSamDomSODO(Fac1,LFSO,LFDO);
713 }
714 else {
715 throw Standard_ProgramError("KPmakeface Stfac1 != OUT");
716 }
718 if (rankIN == 0) {
719 throw Standard_ProgramError("KPmakeface rankIN = 0");
720 }
722 TopTools_ListOfShape LFIN;
723 GFindSameRank(LFSO,rankIN,LFIN);
724 GFindSameRank(LFDO,rankIN,LFIN);
726 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
727 if(tSPS) {
728 GdumpSAMDOM(LFSO, (char *) "LESO : ");
729 GdumpSAMDOM(LFDO, (char *) "LEDO : ");
730 GdumpSAMDOM(LFIN, (char *) "LFIN : ");
731 }
732 #endif
735 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer wex1;
736 for (wex1.Init(Fac1,TopAbs_WIRE); wex1.More(); wex1.Next()) {
737 const TopoDS_Shape& wicur = wex1.Current();
738 TopoDS_Shape wori = wicur;
739 if (R1) wori.Complement();
740 myBuildTool.AddFaceWire(fac,wori);
741 }
743 TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer wex2;
744 for (TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it2(LF2);it2.More();it2.Next()) {
745 const TopoDS_Shape& Fac2 = it2.Value();
746 for (wex2.Init(Fac2,TopAbs_WIRE); wex2.More(); wex2.Next()) {
747 const TopoDS_Shape& wicur = wex2.Current();
748 TopoDS_Shape wori = wicur;
749 if (R2) wori.Complement();
750 myBuildTool.AddFaceWire(fac,wori);
751 }
752 }
754 return fac;
755 } // TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::KPmakeface
FUNKP_KPiskolesh(const TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder & BU,const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure & BDS,const TopoDS_Shape & Sarg,TopTools_ListOfShape & lShsd,TopTools_ListOfShape &)757 Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean FUNKP_KPiskolesh(const TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder& BU,
758 const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS,
759 const TopoDS_Shape& Sarg,
760 TopTools_ListOfShape& lShsd,
761 TopTools_ListOfShape& /*lfhsd*/)
762 // <lShsd> : the list of solids same domain with <Sarg>
763 // sol is <lShsd>'s first solid
764 // <lfhsd> : the list of <sol>'s same domain faces, none of the list carries geometric interf
765 {
766 if ( Sarg.IsNull() ) return Standard_False;
768 Standard_Integer nsol = BU.KPlhsd(Sarg,TopAbs_SOLID,lShsd);
769 if ( nsol == 0 ) return Standard_False;
770 const TopoDS_Shape& sol = lShsd.First();
772 TopTools_ListOfShape lfhg;
773 Standard_Integer nfhg = BU.KPlhg(sol,TopAbs_FACE,lfhg);
774 if ( nfhg != 0 ) {
775 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape its(lfhg);
776 for(; its.More(); its.Next()) {
777 TopOpeBRepDS_ListIteratorOfListOfInterference iti(BDS.ShapeInterferences(its.Value()));
778 for (;iti.More();iti.Next()) {
779 Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference) ssi;
780 ssi = Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference)::DownCast(iti.Value());
781 if (ssi.IsNull()) {
782 return Standard_False;
783 }
784 }
785 }
786 }
787 return Standard_True;
788 } // FUNKP_KPiskolesh
790 //=======================================================================
791 //function : KPiskolesh
792 //purpose :
793 // KPiskolesh :
794 // S est il un shape traite par le cas particulier du collage ?
795 // si oui : retourne un solide et une liste de faces de collage
796 //=======================================================================
KPiskolesh(const TopoDS_Shape & Sarg,TopTools_ListOfShape & lShsd,TopTools_ListOfShape & lfhsd) const798 Standard_Boolean TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::KPiskolesh(const TopoDS_Shape& Sarg,
799 TopTools_ListOfShape& lShsd,
800 TopTools_ListOfShape& lfhsd) const
801 {
802 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
803 Standard_Boolean TKPB = TopOpeBRepBuild_GettraceKPB();
804 #endif
805 const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS = myDataStructure->DS();
806 Standard_Boolean iskolesh = FUNKP_KPiskolesh(*this,BDS,Sarg,lShsd,lfhsd);
807 if (!iskolesh) return Standard_False;
809 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
810 Standard_Integer nfhsd =
811 #endif
812 KPlhsd(Sarg,TopAbs_FACE,lfhsd);
813 TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(lfhsd);
814 for (; it.More(); it.Next() ) {
815 const TopoDS_Shape& fac = it.Value();
816 Standard_Boolean isplan = FUN_tool_plane(fac); //pro7993 BUG
817 if ( !isplan ) return Standard_False;
819 Standard_Integer nw = KPls(fac,TopAbs_WIRE);
820 if (nw > 1) return Standard_False;
822 TopTools_ListOfShape lehg;
823 Standard_Integer nehg = KPlhg(fac,TopAbs_EDGE,lehg);
824 if ( nehg != 0 ) return Standard_False;
826 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
827 Standard_Integer isol = myDataStructure->Shape(Sarg);
828 Standard_Integer ifac = myDataStructure->Shape(fac);
829 if(TKPB){std::cout<<"isol "<<isol<<std::endl;}
830 if(TKPB){std::cout<<"nfhsd "<<nfhsd<<std::endl;}
831 if(TKPB){std::cout<<"ifac "<<ifac<<std::endl;}
832 if(TKPB){std::cout<<"isplan "<<isplan<<std::endl;}
833 if(TKPB){std::cout<<"nehg "<<nehg<<std::endl;}
834 if(TKPB){std::cout<<std::endl;}
835 #endif
836 }
838 return Standard_True;
839 } // TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::KPiskolesh