1 /*
2   xrus - keyboard switcher/indicator
3   Copyright (c) 1996 Alexander V. Lukyanov
4   This is free software with no warranty.
5   See COPYING for details.
6 */
8 struct   KeyCombination
9 {
10    int      KeysNum;       /* Number of keys in this combination  */
11    KeySym   Keys[4];       /* KeySyms of the combinations         */
12    int      KeysPressed;   /* Bit mask of pressed keys            */
13    int      KeysArmed;     /* Flag indicating that the combination is armed
14                               and will fire upon release of any of the keys */
15    void     (*Fire)(void); /* Callback */
16 };
18 void  ParseKeyCombination(const char *str,struct KeyCombination *kc,char *err);
19 void  KeyCombinationProcessKeyPress(struct KeyCombination *kc,KeySym ks);
20 int   KeyCombinationProcessKeyRelease(struct KeyCombination *kc,KeySym ks,int fire);
21 void  PrintParseErrors(const char *resource,char *err);