1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
2 /*
3  *     Copyright 2017 Couchbase, Inc.
4  *
5  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *   limitations under the License.
16  */
19 /**
20  * @file
21  * @brief Command codes for libcouchbase.
22  *
23  * @details
24  * These codes may be passed to 'lcb_cntl'.
25  *
26  * Note that the constant values are also public API; thus allowing forwards
27  * and backwards compatibility.
28  */
30 #ifndef LCB_CNTL_H
31 #define LCB_CNTL_H
33 #ifdef __cplusplus
34 extern "C" {
35 #endif
38 /**
39  * @ingroup lcb-cntl
40  * @defgroup lcb-cntl-settings Setting List
41  * @brief Adjust tunables for the client
42  * @details
43  *
44  * The constants in this file are used to control the behavior of the library.
45  * All of the operations above may be passed as the `cmd` parameter to the
46  * lcb_cntl() function, thus:
47  *
48  * @code{.c}
49  * char something;
50  * lcb_error_t rv;
51  * rv = lcb_cntl(instance, LCB_CNTL_GET, LCB_CNTL_FOO, &something);
52  * @endcode
53  *
54  * will retrieve the setting of `LCB_CNTL_FOO` into `something`.
55  *
56  * You may also use the lcb_cntl_string() function, which operates on
57  * strings and can set various configuration properties fairly simply. Note
58  * however that string names are subject to change, and not all configuration
59  * directives have a string alias:
60  *
61  * @code{.c}
62  * rv = lcb_cntl_string("operation_timeout", "5.0");
63  * @endcode
64  *
65  * Of the commands listed below, some will be read-only (i.e. you may only
66  * _read_ the setting using the @ref LCB_CNTL_GET `mode`), some will be write-only
67  * (i.e. you may only _modify_ the setting, and use @ref LCB_CNTL_SET for the `mode`)
68  * and some will be both readable and writable.
69  *
70  * Along the documentation of each specific command, there is a table displaying
71  * the modes supported and the expected pointer type to be passed as the `arg`
72  * value into lcb_cntl(). Note that some read-write commands require different
73  * pointer types depending on whether the `mode` is retrieval or storage.
74  *
75  *
76  * @section lcb-time-info Timeout and Time Value Settings
77  *
78  * There are various settings on the library that control behavior with
79  * respect to wall clock time.
80  *
81  * Timeout settings control how long the library will wait for a certain event
82  * before proceeding to the next course of action (which may either be to try
83  * a different operation or fail the current one, depending on the specific
84  * timeout).
85  *
86  * Other settings may configure how often the library proactively polls for
87  * a configuration update, retries various interally retried operations and
88  * so forth.
89  *
90  * Time values are specified in _microseconds_ stored within an `lcb_U32`.
91  *
92  * When specified as an argument to lcb_cntl_string() or through the connection
93  * string, it will be parsed from a string float value where the integer-part
94  * is in seconds and the fractional-part is in fractions of a second.
95  *
96  * Note that timeouts in libcouchbase are implemented via an event loop
97  * scheduler. As such their accuracy and promptness is limited by how
98  * often the event loop is invoked and how much wall time is spent in
99  * each of their handlers. Specifically if you issue long running blocking
100  * calls within any of the handlers (and this means any of the library's
101  * callbacks) then the timeout accuracy will be impacted.
102  *
103  * Further behavior is dependent on the event loop plugin itself and how
104  * it schedules timeouts.
105  *
106  *
107  * @par Configuration Stability Attributes
108  * Configuration parameters are still subject to the API classification used
109  * in @ref lcb_attributes. For _deprecated_ control commands, lcb_cntl() will
110  * either perform the operation, _or_ consider it a no-op, _or_ return an error
111  * code.
112  */
114 /**
115  * @addtogroup lcb-cntl-settings
116  * @{
117  */
119 /**
120  * @name Modes
121  * Modes for the lcb_cntl() `mode` argument
122  * @{
123  */
124 #define LCB_CNTL_SET 0x01 /**< @brief Modify a setting */
125 #define LCB_CNTL_GET 0x00 /**< @brief Retrieve a setting */
126 /**@}*/
128 /**
129  * @brief Operation Timeout
130  *
131  * The operation timeout is the maximum amount of time the library will wait
132  * for an operation to receive a response before invoking its callback with
133  * a failure status.
134  *
135  * An operation may timeout if:
136  *
137  * * A server is taking too long to respond
138  * * An updated cluster configuration has not been promptly received
139  *
140  * @code{.c}
141  * lcb_U32 tmo = 3500000;
142  * lcb_cntl(instance, LCB_CNTL_SET, LCB_CNTL_OP_TIMEOUT, &tmo);
143  * @endcode
144  *
145  * @cntl_arg_both{lcbU32*}
146  * @committed
147  * @see lcb-time-info
148  */
149 #define LCB_CNTL_OP_TIMEOUT             0x00
151 /**
152  * @brief Views Timeout
153  * This is the I/O timeout for HTTP requests issues with LCB_HTTP_TYPE_VIEWS
154  *
155  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
156  * @committed
157  */
158 #define LCB_CNTL_VIEW_TIMEOUT           0x01
160 /**
161  * @brief N1QL Timeout
162  * This is the I/O timeout for N1QL queries, issued via lcb_n1ql_query()
163  *
164  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
165  * @committed
166  */
167 #define LCB_CNTL_N1QL_TIMEOUT 0x3D
169 /**
170  * @brief Get the name of the bucket
171  * This returns the name of the bucket this instance is connected to, or `NULL`
172  * if not yet connected to a bucket
173  *
174  * @cntl_arg_getonly{`const char*`}
175  * @committed
176  */
177 #define LCB_CNTL_BUCKETNAME             0x30
179 /**
180  * @brief Get the bucket type.
181  * This returns the bucket type - which is either of the following:
182  *
187  *
188  * @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/architecture/core-data-access-buckets.html
189  *
190  * @cntl_arg_getonly{lcb_BTYPE*}
191  */
192 #define LCB_CNTL_BUCKETTYPE             0x48
194 /**
195  * @brief Get the handle type.
196  * This returns the handle type - which is either LCB_TYPE_CLUSTER or
198  *
199  * @cntl_arg_getonly{lcb_type_t*}
200  */
201 #define LCB_CNTL_HANDLETYPE             0x04
203 /**@brief Get the vBucket handle.
204  * Obtains the current cluster configuration from the client.
205  *
206  * @cntl_arg_getonly{lcbvb_CONFIG**}
207  */
208 #define LCB_CNTL_VBCONFIG               0x05
210 /**@brief Get the iops implementation instance
211  *
212  * @cntl_arg_getonly{lcb_io_opt_t*}
213  * @uncommitted
214  */
215 #define LCB_CNTL_IOPS                   0x06
218 /** @brief Structure containing mapping information for a key */
219 typedef struct lcb_cntl_vbinfo_st {
220     int version;
222     union {
223         /** v0 */
224         struct {
225             const void *key; /**< **Input** Key */
226             lcb_SIZE nkey; /**< **Input** Length of key */
227             int vbucket; /**< **Output** Mapped vBucket */
228             int server_index; /**< **Output** Server index for vBucket */
229         } v0;
230     } v;
231 } lcb_cntl_vbinfo_t;
233 /**
234  * @brief Get the vBucket ID for a given key, based on the current configuration
235  *
236  * @cntl_arg_getonly{lcb_cntl_vbinfo_t*}
237  * @committed
238  */
239 #define LCB_CNTL_VBMAP                  0x07
242 /**
243  * Modes for handling IPv6 in the IO layer.
244  */
245 typedef enum {
246     LCB_IPV6_DISABLED = 0x00, /**< disable IPv6 */
247     LCB_IPV6_ONLY = 0x1, /**< enforce only IPv6 */
248     LCB_IPV6_ALLOW = 0x02 /**< use both IPv6 and IPv4 */
249 } lcb_ipv6_t;
251 /**
252  * @brief IPv4/IPv6 selection policy
253  *
254  * Setting which controls whether hostname lookups should prefer IPv4 or IPv6
255  *
256  * Use `ipv6` in the connection string (e.g. "ipv6=allow" or "ipv6=only")
257  *
258  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_ipv6_t*}
259  * @committed
260  */
261 #define LCB_CNTL_IP6POLICY              0x0b
263 /**
264  * @brief Configuration error threshold.
265  *
266  * This number indicates how many
267  * network/mapping/not-my-vbucket errors are received before a configuration
268  * update is requested again.
269  *
270  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_SIZE*}
271  */
272 #define LCB_CNTL_CONFERRTHRESH          0x0c
274 /**
275  * @brief Default timeout for lcb_durability_poll()
276  * @ingroup lcb-time-info
277  *
278  * This is the time the client will
279  * spend sending repeated probes to a given key's vBucket masters and replicas
280  * before they are deemed not to have satisfied the durability requirements
281  *
282  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
283  * @committed
284  */
285 #define LCB_CNTL_DURABILITY_TIMEOUT     0x0d
287 /**
288  * @brief Polling grace interval for lcb_durability_poll()
289  *
290  * This is the time the client will wait between repeated probes to
291  * a given server.
292  *
293  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
294  * @committed
295  */
298 /**
299  * @brief Timeout for otherwise unspecified HTTP requests
300  *
301  * Examples of these kinds of HTTP requests might be cluster management,
302  * user management, etc.
303  *
304  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
305  * @committed
306  */
307 #define LCB_CNTL_HTTP_TIMEOUT           0x0f
309 /**
310  * @brief Print verbose plugin load information to console
311  *
312  * This modifies a static, global setting regarding whether to
313  * print verbose information when trying to dynamically load an IO plugin.
314  * The information printed can be useful in determining why a plugin failed
315  * to load. This setting can also be controlled via the
316  * "LIBCOUCHBASE_DLOPEN_DEBUG" environment variable (and if enabled from the
317  * environment, will override the setting mentioned here).
318  *
319  * @cntl_arg_both{int*}
320  *
321  * @note Pass NULL to lcb_cntl for the 'instance' parameter.
322  * @volatile
323  */
324 #define LCB_CNTL_IOPS_DLOPEN_DEBUG       0x11
326 /**@brief Initial bootstrap timeout.
327  * This is how long the client will wait to obtain the initial configuration.
328  *
329  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
330  * @committed*/
333 /**
334  * @brief Randomize order of bootstrap nodes.
335  *
336  * This controls whether the connection attempts for configuration retrievals
337  * should be done in the supplied order or whether they should be randomized.
338  *
339  * For the initial connection the supplied order is the list of hosts provided
340  * in the lcb_create_st structure. For subsequent connections this is the
341  * order of nodes as received by the server.
342  *
343  * @cntl_arg_both{int*}
344  * @committed
345  */
348 /**
349  * @brief Determine if file-based configuration has been loaded
350  *
351  * If the configuration cache is in use, the argument pointer
352  * will be set to a true value. If the configuration cache was not used,
353  * the argument pointer will be set to false.
354  *
355  * A false value may indicates that the client will need to load the
356  * configuration from the network. This may be caused by the following:
357  * - The configuration cache did not exist or was empty
358  * - The configuration cache contained stale information
359  *
360  * @cntl_arg_getonly{int*}
361  * @uncommitted
362  */
365 /**
366  * @brief Force a specific SASL mechanism
367  *
368  * Force a specific SASL mechanism to use for authentication. This
369  * can allow a user to ensure a certain level of security and have the
370  * connection fail if the desired mechanism is not available.
371  *
372  * When setting this value, the arg parameter shall be a
373  * `NUL`-terminated string or a `NULL` pointer (to unset). When retrieving
374  * this value, the parameter shall be set to a `char **`. Note that this
375  * value (in LCB_CNTL_GET) is valid only until the next call to a
376  * libcouchbase API, after which it may have been freed.
377  *
378  * @cntl_arg_get_and_set{char**, char*}
379  */
380 #define LCB_CNTL_FORCE_SASL_MECH 0x16
382 /**
383  * @brief Maximum number of HTTP redirects to follow
384  * Set how many redirects the library should follow for the single request.
385  * Set to -1 to remove limit at all.
386  *
387  * @cntl_arg_both{int*}
388  * @uncommitted
389  */
390 #define LCB_CNTL_MAX_REDIRECTS 0x17
392 /**
393  * @name Logging
394  *
395  * Verbose logging may be enabled by default using the environment variable
396  * `LCB_LOGLEVEL` and setting it to a number > 1; higher values produce more
397  * verbose output. The maximum level is `5`.
398  *
399  * You may also install your own logger using lcb_cntl() and the
400  * @ref LCB_CNTL_LOGGER constant. Note that
401  * the logger functions will not be called rapidly from within hot paths.
402  * @{
403  */
405 /**
406  * @brief Logging Levels
407  * @committed
408  */
409 typedef enum {
410     LCB_LOG_TRACE = 0, /**< the most verbose level */
411     LCB_LOG_DEBUG, /**< diagnostic information, required to investigate problems */
412     LCB_LOG_INFO,  /**< useful notices, not often */
413     LCB_LOG_WARN,  /**< error notifications */
414     LCB_LOG_ERROR, /**< error messages, usually the library have to re-initialize connection instance */
415     LCB_LOG_FATAL, /**< fatal errors, the library cannot proceed */
416     LCB_LOG_MAX /**< internal value for total number of levels */
417 } lcb_log_severity_t;
419 struct lcb_logprocs_st;
421 /**
422  * @brief Logger callback
423  *
424  *
425  * This callback is invoked for each logging message emitted
426  * @param procs the logging structure provided
427  * @param iid instance id
428  * @param subsys a string describing the module which emitted the message
429  * @param severity one of the LCB_LOG_* severity constants.
430  * @param srcfile the source file which emitted this message
431  * @param srcline the line of the file for the message
432  * @param fmt a printf format string
433  * @param ap a va_list for vprintf
434  */
435 typedef void (*lcb_logging_callback)(struct lcb_logprocs_st *procs,
436         unsigned int iid, const char *subsys, int severity, const char *srcfile,
437         int srcline, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
439 /**
440  * @brief Logging context
441  * @volatile
442  *
443  * This structure defines the logging handlers. Currently there is only
444  * a single field defined which is the default callback for the loggers.
445  * This API may change.
446  */
447 typedef struct lcb_logprocs_st {
448     int version;
449     union { struct { lcb_logging_callback callback; } v0; } v;
450 } lcb_logprocs;
452 /**
453  * @brief Access the lcb_logprocs structure
454  * @uncommitted
455  *
456  * The lcb_logoprocs structure passed must not be freed until the instance
457  * is completely destroyed. This will only happen once the destruction
458  * callback is called (see lcb_set_destroy_callback()).
459  *
460  * @cntl_arg_get_and_set{lcb_logprocs**,lcb_logprocs*}*/
461 #define LCB_CNTL_LOGGER 0x18
463 /**
464  * Helper to express printf spec for sensitive data. Usage:
465  *
466  *   printf("Logged as " LCB_LOG_SPEC("%s") " user", LCB_LOG_UD(instance, doc->username));
467  */
468 #define LCB_LOG_SPEC(fmt) "%s" fmt "%s"
470 #define LCB_LOG_UD_OTAG "<ud>"
471 #define LCB_LOG_UD_CTAG "</ud>"
472 /**
473  * User data is data that is stored into Couchbase by the application user account.
474  *
475  * - Key and value pairs in JSON documents, or the key exclusively
476  * - Application/Admin usernames that identify the human person
477  * - Names and email addresses asked during product registration and alerting
478  * - Usernames
479  * - Document xattrs
480  * - Query statements included in the log file collected by support that leak
481  *   the document fields (Select floor_price from stock).
482  */
483 #define LCB_LOG_UD(instance, val)                                                                                      \
484     lcb_is_redacting_logs(instance) ? LCB_LOG_UD_OTAG : "", val, lcb_is_redacting_logs(instance) ? LCB_LOG_UD_CTAG : ""
486 #define LCB_LOG_MD_OTAG "<md>"
487 #define LCB_LOG_MD_CTAG "</md>"
488 /**
489  * Metadata is logical data needed by Couchbase to store and process user data.
490  *
491  * - Cluster name
492  * - Bucket names
493  * - DDoc/view names
494  * - View code
495  * - Index names
496  * - Mapreduce Design Doc Name and Definition (IP)
497  * - XDCR Replication Stream Names
498  * - And other couchbase resource specific meta data
499  */
500 #define LCB_LOG_MD(instance, val)                                                                                      \
501     lcb_is_redacting_logs(instance) ? LCB_LOG_MD_OTAG : "", val, lcb_is_redacting_logs(instance) ? LCB_LOG_MD_CTAG : ""
503 #define LCB_LOG_SD_OTAG "<sd>"
504 #define LCB_LOG_SD_CTAG "</sd>"
505 /**
506  * System data is data from other parts of the system Couchbase interacts with over the network.
507  *
508  * - IP addresses
509  * - IP tables
510  * - Hosts names
511  * - Ports
512  * - DNS topology
513  */
514 #define LCB_LOG_SD(instance, val)                                                                                      \
515     lcb_is_redacting_logs(instance) ? LCB_LOG_SD_OTAG : "", val, lcb_is_redacting_logs(instance) ? LCB_LOG_SD_CTAG : ""
516 /**@}*/
519 /**
520  * @brief Refresh Throttling
521  *
522  * Modify the amount of time (in microseconds) before the
523  * @ref LCB_CNTL_CONFERRTHRESH will forcefully be set to its maximum
524  * number forcing a configuration refresh.
525  *
526  * Note that if you expect a high number of timeouts in your operations, you
527  * should set this to a high number (along with `CONFERRTHRESH`). If you
528  * are using the default timeout setting, then this value is likely optimal.
529  *
530  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
532  */
535 /**
536  * @brief Get the transport used to fetch cluster configuration.
537  * @cntl_arg_getonly{lcb_config_transport_t*}
538  * @uncommitted
539  */
542 /**
543  * @brief Per-node configuration timeout.
544  *
545  * The per-node configuration timeout sets the amount of time to wait
546  * for each node within the bootstrap/configuration process. This interval
547  * is a subset of the @ref LCB_CNTL_CONFIGURATION_TIMEOUT
548  * option mentioned above and is intended
549  * to ensure that the bootstrap process does not wait too long for a given
550  * node. Nodes that are physically offline may never respond and it may take
551  * a long time until they are detected as being offline.
552  * See CCBC-261 and CCBC-313 for more reasons.
553  *
554  * @note the `CONFIGURATION_TIMEOUT` should be higher than this number.
555  * No check is made to ensure that this is the case, however.
556  *
557  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
559  * @committed
560  */
563 /**
564  * @brief Idling/Persistence for HTTP bootstrap
565  *
566  * By default the behavior of the library for HTTP bootstrap is to keep the
567  * stream open at all times (opening a new stream on a different host if the
568  * existing one is broken) in order to proactively receive configuration
569  * updates.
570  *
571  * The default value for this setting is -1. Changing this to another number
572  * invokes the following semantics:
573  *
574  * - The configuration stream is not kept alive indefinitely. It is kept open
575  *   for the number of seconds specified in this setting. The socket is closed
576  *   after a period of inactivity (indicated by this setting).
577  *
578  * - If the stream is broken (and no current refresh was requested by the
579  *   client) then a new stream is not opened.
580  *
581  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
582  * @volatile
583  */
586 /**
587  * @brief Get the current SCM changeset for the library binary
588  * @cntl_arg_getonly{char**}
589  */
590 #define LCB_CNTL_CHANGESET 0x1F
592 /**
593  * @brief File used for the configuration cache.
594  *
595  * The configuration
596  * cache allows to bootstrap from a cluster without using the initial
597  * bootstrap connection, considerably reducing latency. If the file passed
598  * does not exist, the normal bootstrap process is performed and the file
599  * is written to with the current information.  File will be updated as
600  * the configuration in the cluster changes.  Multiple instances may race
601  * to update the file, and that is the intended behavior.
602  *
603  * @note The leading directories for the file must exist, otherwise the file
604  * will never be created.
605  *
606  * @note Configuration cache is not supported for memcached buckets
607  * @cntl_arg_get_and_set{char**, char*}
608  * @uncommitted
610  */
611 #define LCB_CNTL_CONFIGCACHE 0x21
613 /**
614  * @brief File used for read-only configuration cache
615  *
616  * This is identical to the @ref LCB_CNTL_CONFIGCACHE directive, except that
617  * it guarantees that the library will never overwrite or otherwise modify
618  * the path specified.
619  *
621  */
622 #define LCB_CNTL_CONFIGCACHE_RO 0x36
624 /**
625  * SSL options
626  *
627  * @committed
628  */
629 typedef enum {
630     LCB_SSL_ENABLED = 1 << 0, /**< Use SSL */
631     LCB_SSL_NOVERIFY = 1 << 1, /**< Don't verify certificates */
632     LCB_SSL_NOGLOBALINIT = 1 << 2 /**< Do not call SSL's global init functions */
633 } lcb_SSLOPTS;
635 /**
636  * @brief Get SSL Mode
637  *
638  * Retrieve the SSL mode currently in use by the library. This is a read-only
639  * setting. To set the SSL mode at the library, specify the appropriate values
640  * within the connection string. See @ref lcb_create_st3 for details.
641  *
642  * @cntl_arg_getonly{`int*` (value is one of @ref lcb_SSLOPTS)}
643  * @committed
644  */
645 #define LCB_CNTL_SSL_MODE 0x22
647 /**
648  * @brief Get SSL Certificate path
649  *
650  * Retrieve the path to the CA certificate (if any) being used.
651  *
652  * @cntl_arg_getonly{`char**`}
653  * @see LCB_CNTL_SSL_MODE
654  * @committed
655  */
656 #define LCB_CNTL_SSL_CERT 0x23
658 /**
659  * @brief Get SSL private key path
660  *
661  * Retrieve the path to the private key (if any) being used.
662  * When key specified, the library will use it to authenticate on the services,
663  * skipping all other authentication mechanisms (SASL, HTTP Basic auth, etc)
664  *
665  * @cntl_arg_getonly{`char**`}
666  * @see LCB_CNTL_SSL_MODE
667  * @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/5.0/security/security-certs-auth.html
668  * @committed
669  */
670 #define LCB_CNTL_SSL_KEY 0x4b
672 /**
673  * @brief Get SSL trust store path
674  *
675  * Trust store might be NULL, in this case the library expects it to be concatenated with certificate.
676  *
677  * @cntl_arg_getonly{`char**`}
678  * @see LCB_CNTL_SSL_MODE
679  * @see https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/5.0/security/security-certs-auth.html
680  * @committed
681  */
682 #define LCB_CNTL_SSL_TRUSTSTORE 0x4d
684 /**
685  * Alias for @ref LCB_CNTL_SSL_CERT for backward compatibility.
686  * @deprecated
687  */
690 /**
691  * @brief Select retry mode to manipulate
692  */
693 typedef enum {
694     LCB_RETRY_ON_TOPOCHANGE = 0, /**< Select retry for topology */
695     LCB_RETRY_ON_SOCKERR, /**< Select retry for network errors */
696     LCB_RETRY_ON_VBMAPERR, /**< Select retry for NOT_MY_VBUCKET responses */
698     /** Retry when there is no node for the item. This case is special as the
699      * `cmd` setting is treated as a boolean rather than a bitmask*/
701     LCB_RETRY_ON_MAX /**<< maximum index */
704 typedef enum {
705     /**Don't retry any commands. A command which has been forwarded to
706      * a server and a not-my-vbucket has been received in response for it
707      * will result in a failure.*/
708     LCB_RETRY_CMDS_NONE = 0,
710     /**Only retry simple retrieval operations (excludes touch,
711      * get-and-touch, and get-locked) which may be retried many numbers of times
712      * without risking unintended data manipulation. */
713     LCB_RETRY_CMDS_GET = 0x01,
715     /**Retry operations which may potentially fail because they have been
716      * accepted by a previous server, but will not silently corrupt data.
717      * Such commands include mutation operations containing a CAS.*/
718     LCB_RETRY_CMDS_SAFE = 0x03, /* Includes 'GET', plus a new flag (e.g. 0x02|0x01) */
720     /**Retry all commands, disregarding any potential unintended receipt of
721      * errors or data mutation.*/
722     LCB_RETRY_CMDS_ALL = 0x07 /* e.g. 0x01|0x03| NEW FLAG: 0x04 */
725 /**@brief Create a retry setting value
726  * @param mode the mode to set (@see lcb_RETRYMODEOPTS)
727  * @param policy the policy determining which commands should be retried
728  * (@see lcb_RETRYCMDOPTS)
729  * @return a value which can be assigned to an `lcb_U32` and passed to
730  * the @ref LCB_CNTL_RETRYMODE setting
731  */
732 #define LCB_RETRYOPT_CREATE(mode, policy) (((mode) << 16) | policy)
734 /** Get mode from retry setting value */
735 #define LCB_RETRYOPT_GETMODE(u) ((u) >> 16)
736 /** Get policy from retry setting value */
737 #define LCB_RETRYOPT_GETPOLICY(u) ((u)&0xffff)
739 /**
740  * @volatile
741  *
742  * @brief Set retry policies
743  *
744  * This function sets the retry behavior. The retry behavior is the action the
745  * library should take when a command has failed because of a failure which
746  * may be a result of environmental and/or topology issues. In such cases it
747  * may be possible to retry the command internally and have it succeed a second
748  * time without propagating an error back to the application.
749  *
750  * The behavior consists of a _mode_ and _command_ selectors. The _command_
751  * selector indicates which commands should be retried (and which should be
752  * propagated up to the user) whereas the _mode_ indicates under which
753  * circumstances should the _command_ policy be used.
754  *
755  * Disable retries anywhere:
756  * @code{.c}
757  * for (int ii = 0; ii < LCB_RETRY_ON_MAX; ++ii) {
758  *   lcb_U32 val = LCB_RETRYOPT_CREATE(ii, LCB_RETRY_CMDS_NONE);
759  *   lcb_error_t err = lcb_cntl(instance, LCB_CNTL_SET, LCB_CNTL_RETRYMODE, &val);
760  * }
761  * @endcode
762  *
763  * Only retry simple GET operations when retry is needed because of topology
764  * changes:
765  * @code{.c}
767  * lcb_cntl(instance, LCB_CNTL_SET, LCB_CNTL_RETRYMODE, &val);
768  * @endcode
769  *
770  * Determine the behavior of the library when a `NOT_MY_VBUCKET` is received:
771  * @code{.c}
773  * lcb_cntl(instance, LCB_CNTL_GET, LCB_CNTL_RETRYMODE, &val);
774  * lcb_U32 policy = LCB_RETRYOPT_GETPOLICY(val);
775  * @endcode
776  *
777  * @cntl_arg_both{`lcb_U32 *`}
778  */
779 #define LCB_CNTL_RETRYMODE 0x24
781 /**
782  * @brief Enumeration representing various URL forms to use for the configuration
783  * stream */
784 typedef enum {
785     /** `/pools/default/b[s]/$bucket`: Introduced in Couchbase Server 2.5 */
788     /** `/pools/default/buckets[Streaming]/$bucket`. */
791     /** Try `25PLUS` first and fallback to `COMPAT` */
795 /**
796  * @brief Set the URL selection mode.
797  *
798  * The URL type can be a mask of the #lcb_HTCONFIG_URLTYPE constants which
799  * indicate which URLs the HTTP provider should use.
800  *
801  * The default is to use the `25PLUS` URI first, and fallback on the compat uri
802  * if the terse one fails with an HTTP 404 (Not Found). The new-style URI is
803  * considered more efficient on cluster resources and can help the cluster
804  * maintain many more streaming connections than the compat version, however
805  * it is only available in Couchbase Server 2.5 and greater.
806  *
807  * This setting is only used when CCCP is disabled. This will typically be for
808  * older clusters or for memcached buckets.
809  * @cntl_arg_both{`int*` (value is one of @ref lcb_HTCONFIG_URLTYPE)}
811  * @volatile Primarily here to support tests and buggy HTTP servers/proxies
812  * which do not like to maintain a connection upon receipt of a 404.
813  */
816 /**
817  * Determines whether to run the event loop internally within lcb_destroy()
818  * until no more I/O resources remain for the library. This is usually only
819  * necessary if you are creating a lot of instances and/or are using memory
820  * leak analysis tools.
821  *
822  * @cntl_arg_both{`int*` (as a boolean)}
823  * @see lcb_destroy_async() and lcb_set_destroy_callback()
824  * @volatile
825  */
826 #define LCB_CNTL_SYNCDESTROY 0x28
828 /**
829  * Sets the logging level for the console logger. If a logger is already
830  * initialized (either from the environment, or via lcb_cntl_logger() then
831  * this operation does nothing.
832  *
833  * This is mainly useful for applications which want to proxy the built in
834  * logging options via command line options and the like, rather than setting
835  * it from the environment.
836  *
837  * The argument passed to lcb_cntl() is an integer of 0 until
838  * `LCB_LOG_MAX`, though the actual type is of `lcb_U32` rather than
839  * an enum type #lcb_log_severity_t.
840  *
841  * @cntl_arg_setonly{const lcb_U32 *}
842  * @see LCB_CNTL_LOGGER
843  */
846 /**
847  *
848  * Sets the output file (as a `FILE*`) for the console logger. Note that
849  * any existing file pointer will be cleared (but not `fclose()`d.
850  *
851  * If used with lcb_cntl_string(), (using the `console_log_file` parameter),
852  * the third argument is taken as the _name_ of a file. Note that the user
853  * is responsible for closing the file.
854  *
855  * This setting does not require a library handle and therefore the first
856  * argument to lcb_cntl() should be `NULL`.
857  *
858  *
859  * @cntl_arg_get_and_set{`FILE**`, `FILE*`}
860  * @see LCB_CNTL_LOGGER
862  */
863 #define LCB_CNTL_CONLOGGER_FP 0x3B
865 /**
866  * Sets the behavior for reporting network errors. By default network errors
867  * are returned as `LCB_NETWORK_ERROR` return codes for compatibility reasons.
868  * More detailed error codes may be available by enabling this option which will
869  * return appropriate error codes which have a category of
871  *
872  * Using this option means your programming model is centered around the various
873  * LCB_EIF* macros (see <libcouchbase/error.h>) rather than individual codes.
874  *
875  * @cntl_arg_both{int * (As a boolean)}
876  */
879 /**
880  *
881  * Sets the interval at which the retry queue will attempt to resend a failed
882  * operation. When an operation fails and the retry policy (see
883  * @ref LCB_CNTL_RETRYMODE) allows the operation to be retried, it shall be
884  * placed into a queue, and then be retried within a given interval.
885  *
886  * Setting a high value will be friendlier on the network but also potentially
887  * increase latency, while setting this to a low value may cause unnecessary
888  * network traffic for operations which are not yet ready to be retried.
889  *
890  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32* (microseconds)}
891  *
893  */
896 /**
897  *
898  * When an operation has been retried more than once and it has still not
899  * succeeded, the library will attempt to back off for the operation by
900  * scheduling it to be retried in `LCB_CNTL_RETRY_INTEVAL * ${n}` microseconds,
901  * where `${n}` is the factor controlled by this setting.
902  *
903  * @cntl_arg_both{float*}
904  */
907 /**
908  * Whether commands are retried immediately upon receipt of not-my-vbucket
909  * replies.
910  *
911  * Since version 2.4.8, packets by default are retried immediately on a
912  * different node if it had previously failed with a not-my-vbucket
913  * response, and is thus not subject to the @ref LCB_CNTL_RETRY_INTERVAL
914  * and @ref LCB_CNTL_RETRY_BACKOFF settings. Disabling this setting will
915  * restore the older behavior. This may be used in case there are problems
916  * with the default heuristic/retry algorithm.
917  *
918  * @volatile
919  */
920 #define LCB_CNTL_RETRY_NMV_IMM 0x37
922 /**
923  * Set the maximum pool size for pooled http (view request) sockets. This should
924  * be set to 1 (the default) unless you plan to execute concurrent view requests.
925  * You may set this to 0 to disable pooling
926  *
927  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_SIZE}
928  * @volatile
929  */
932 /**
933  * Determine whether or not a new configuration should be received when an error
934  * is received over the HTTP API (i.e. via lcb_make_http_request().
935  *
936  * The default value is true, however you may wish to disable this if you are
937  * expectedly issuing a lot of requests which may result in an error.
938  *
939  * @cntl_arg_both{int (as boolean)}
940  * @uncommitted
941  */
944 /**
945  * Set the behavior of the lcb_sched_leave() API call. By default the
946  * lcb_sched_leave() will also set up the necessary requirements for flushing
947  * to the network. If this option is off then an explicit call to
948  * lcb_sched_flush() must be performed instead.
949  *
950  * @cntl_arg_both{int (as boolean)}
951  * @volatile
952  */
955 /**
956  *
957  * Request the server to return an additional 16 bytes of data for each
958  * mutation operation. This extra information may help with more reliable
959  * durability polling, but will also increase the size of the response packet.
960  *
961  * This should be set on the instance before issuing lcb_connect(). While this
962  * may also be set after lcb_connect() is called, it will currently only take
963  * effect when a server reconnects (which itself may be undefined).
964  *
965  * @cntl_arg_both{int (as boolean)}
966  */
969 /**
970  * This setting determines whether the lcb_durability_poll() function will
971  * transparently attempt to use mutation token functionality (rather than checking
972  * the CAS). This option is most useful for older code which does
973  * explicitly use mutation tokens but would like to use its benefits when
974  * ensuring durability constraints are satisfied.
975  *
976  * This option is enabled by default. Users may wish to disable this if they
977  * are performing durability operations against items stored from different
978  * client instances, as this will make use of a client-global state which is
979  * derived on a per-vBucket basis. This means that the last mutation performed
980  * on a given vBucket for the client will be used, which in some cases may be
981  * older or newer than the mutations passed to the lcb_durability_poll()
982  * function.
983  *
984  * @cntl_arg_both{int (as boolean)}
985  * @volatile
986  */
989 /**
990  * This read-only property determines if the mutation token mechanism is supported
991  * on the cluster itself. This will only be accurate once a single operation
992  * has been performed on the cluster - or in other words, once a connection
993  * to a data node has been established for the purposes of normal operations.
994  *
995  * @cntl_arg_getonly{int (as boolean)}
996  * @uncommitted
997  */
1001 /**
1002  * This setting determines if calls to lcb_wait() and lcb_wait3() will reset
1003  * the timeout of pending operations to the time that lcb_wait() was called,
1004  * rather than having the operation maintain the time of the call which
1005  * scheduled it. If the time between lcb_store3() and family and the lcb_wait()
1006  * functions is long, it is recommended to disable this setting in order to
1007  * avoid prematurely having operations time out.
1008  *
1009  * @cntl_arg_both{int (as boolean)}
1010  * @uncommitted
1011  *
1012  * Use `"readj_wait_tmo"` for the string version
1013  */
1016 /**
1017  * Clears the internal prepared statement cache for N1QL
1018  *
1019  * This does not take any arguments, and is valid only on @ref LCB_CNTL_SET
1020  * @uncommitted
1021  */
1022 #define LCB_CNTL_N1QL_CLEARACHE 0x3E
1024 /**
1025  * Sets additional text for negotiation. This allows wrappers or applications
1026  * to add additional identifying information which can then be seen in the
1027  * server logs.
1028  *
1029  * @cntl_arg_get_and_set{`const char**`, `const char*`}
1030  *
1031  * Use `"client_string"` for the string version
1032  */
1033 #define LCB_CNTL_CLIENT_STRING 0x3F
1035 typedef const char *lcb_BUCKETCRED[2];
1037 /**
1038  * Set credentials for a bucket. This is used for N1QL and CBFT APIs to allow
1039  * access to multiple buckets. It can also be used to set the password
1040  * of the current bucket when reconnecting (in case it changes).
1041  *
1042  * The format for the credentials is an array of two nul-terminated strings,
1043  * the first refers to the bucket and the second refers to the password.
1044  */
1045 #define LCB_CNTL_BUCKET_CRED 0x40
1047 /**
1048  * Set the amount of time the client should wait before retrying a
1049  * not-my-vbucket response packet. The default is 100ms. The value should
1050  * be specified in microseconds.
1051  *
1052  * Use `"retry_nmv_interval"` with lcb_cntl_string()
1053  *
1054  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1055  */
1058 /**
1059  * Limit the number of bytes to be read (and thereby processed) during I/O
1060  * read operations. This setting may be useful when the network is faster than
1061  * processing resources.
1062  *
1063  * @note This setting only works for event-style I/O plugins. This means it
1064  * has no effect on completion style plugins such as libuv or Windows IOCP
1065  *
1066  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1067  */
1068 #define LCB_CNTL_READ_CHUNKSIZE 0x42
1070 /**
1071  * Enable/Disable the Error Map feature. This is disabled by default.
1072  * Works only on servers which support error map
1073  *
1074  * Use `enable_errmap` in the connection string
1075  *
1076  * @cntl_arg_both{int* (as boolean)}
1077  */
1078 #define LCB_CNTL_ENABLE_ERRMAP 0x43
1080 /**
1081  * Enable/Disable sending the SELECT_BUCKET command after authentication.
1082  * This is useful to test auth, and should not be set by end-users.
1083  *
1084  * Note that even if this feature is enabled (the default), the client will
1085  * only send `SELECT_BUCKET` if the server indicates that it is supported
1086  * during negotiation.
1087  *
1088  * Use `select_bucket` in the connection string
1089  *
1090  * @cntl_arg_both{int* (as boolean)}
1091  */
1092 #define LCB_CNTL_SELECT_BUCKET 0x44
1094 /**
1095  * Enable/Disable setting the `TCP_KEEPALIVE` option on created sockets.
1096  * This is enabled by default for I/O backends which support it.
1097  *
1098  * The keepalive interval will be set to the operating system default.
1099  *
1100  * @cntl_arg_both{int* (as boolean)}
1101  */
1102 #define LCB_CNTL_TCP_KEEPALIVE 0x45
1104 /**
1105  * Set the amount of time to wait in between polling for a new configuration.
1106  * This will have no effect if connected to a Memcached buckets, or using
1107  * HTTP or File-based configurations (see the `bootstrap_on` connection
1108  * string option).
1109  *
1110  * This option facilitates 'fast failover' - in that the client can preemptively
1111  * check for any cluster topology updates before encountering an error.
1112  *
1113  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1114  *
1115  * The value for this option is a time value. See the top of this header
1116  * in respect to how to specify this.
1117  *
1118  * Using a value of `0` disables this feature.
1119  *
1120  * You can also use `config_poll_interval` in the connection string.
1121  *
1122  * @note
1123  * Background polling is implemented in the library's non-blocking event loop.
1124  * Synchronous clients (i.e. those using `lcb_wait()`) will only be able to
1125  * poll as often as the library's event loop is active. If the library is
1126  * suspended, that is, if not inside an `lcb_wait()` call, the library will
1127  * be unable to do any kind of background polling.
1128  */
1131 /**
1132  * From version 2.7.4, the C library sends a HELLO command before
1133  * authentication. This works on all modern server versions, but may cause
1134  * disconnects on more ancient variants (Couchbase 2.x for example).
1135  *
1136  * This setting will disable the sending of the HELLO command (which older
1137  * servers don't understand anyway). To disable the sending of hello, set this
1138  * value to false.
1139  *
1140  * @cntl_arg_both{int* (as boolean)}
1141  * @committed
1142  *
1143  * You can also use `send_hello=false` in the connection string.
1144  */
1145 #define LCB_CNTL_SEND_HELLO 0x47
1147 /**
1148  * Once redaction is enabled, anything at ERROR, WARN and INFO will wrap
1149  * sensitive information with special tags, for further processing with the goal
1150  * to remove or encrypt that information.  DEBUG or TRACE level logging are
1151  * expected to have specific info.
1152  *
1153  * Use `log_redaction` in the connection string
1154  *
1155  * @cntl_arg_both{int* (as boolean)}
1156  * @committed
1157  */
1158 #define LCB_CNTL_LOG_REDACTION 0x4c
1160 /**
1161  * Activate/deactivate end-to-end tracing.
1162  *
1163  * Use `enable_tracing` in the connection string
1164  *
1165  * @cntl_arg_both{int* (as boolean)}
1166  * @see lcb-tracing-api
1167  * @committed
1168  */
1169 #define LCB_CNTL_ENABLE_TRACING 0x4e
1171 typedef enum {
1178 } lcbtrace_THRESHOLDOPTS;
1180 /**
1181  * Flush interval for orphaned spans queue in default tracer.
1182  *
1183  * This is the time the tracer will wait between repeated attempts
1184  * to flush most recent orphaned spans.
1185  *
1186  * Use `tracing_orphaned_queue_flush_interval` in the connection string
1187  *
1188  * @code{.c}
1189  * lcb_U32 tmo = 10000000; // 10 seconds in microseconds
1191  * @endcode
1192  *
1193  * @code{.c}
1194  * rv = lcb_cntl_string("tracing_orphaned_queue_flush_interval", "10.0");
1195  * @endcode
1196  *
1197  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1198  * @committed
1199  */
1202 /**
1203  * Size of orphaned spans queue in default tracer.
1204  *
1205  * Queues in default tracer has fixed size, and it will remove information about older spans,
1206  * when the limit will be reached before flushing time.
1207  *
1208  * Use `tracing_orphaned_queue_size` in the connection string
1209  *
1210  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1211  * @committed
1212  */
1215 /**
1216  * Flush interval for spans with total time over threshold in default tracer.
1217  *
1218  * This is the time the tracer will wait between repeated attempts
1219  * to flush threshold queue.
1220  *
1221  * Use `tracing_threshold_queue_flush_interval` in the connection string
1222  *
1223  * @code{.c}
1224  * lcb_U32 tmo = 10000000; // 10 seconds in microseconds
1226  * @endcode
1227  *
1228  * @code{.c}
1229  * rv = lcb_cntl_string("tracing_threshold_queue_flush_interval", "10.0");
1230  * @endcode
1231  *
1232  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1233  * @committed
1234  */
1237 /**
1238  * Size of threshold queue in default tracer.
1239  *
1240  * Queues in default tracer has fixed size, and it will remove information about older spans,
1241  * when the limit will be reached before flushing time.
1242  *
1243  * Use `tracing_threshold_queue_size` in the connection string
1244  *
1245  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1246  * @committed
1247  */
1250 /**
1251  * Minimum time for the tracing span of KV service to be considered by threshold tracer.
1252  *
1253  * Use `tracing_threshold_kv` in the connection string
1254  *
1255  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1256  * @committed
1257  */
1260 /**
1261  * Minimum time for the tracing span of N1QL service to be considered by threshold tracer.
1262  *
1263  * Use `tracing_threshold_n1ql` in the connection string
1264  *
1265  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1266  * @committed
1267  */
1270 /**
1271  * Minimum time for the tracing span of VIEW service to be considered by threshold tracer.
1272  *
1273  * Use `tracing_threshold_view` in the connection string
1274  *
1275  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1276  * @committed
1277  */
1280 /**
1281  * Minimum time for the tracing span of FTS service to be considered by threshold tracer.
1282  *
1283  * Use `tracing_threshold_fts` in the connection string
1284  *
1285  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1286  * @committed
1287  */
1290 /**
1291  * Minimum time for the tracing span of ANALYTICS service to be considered by threshold tracer.
1292  *
1293  * Use `tracing_threshold_analytics` in the connection string
1294  *
1295  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1296  * @committed
1297  */
1300 /**
1301  * Options for how to handle compression
1302  *
1303  * @committed
1304  */
1305 typedef enum {
1306     /** Do not perform compression in any direction. Data which is received
1307      * compressed via the server will be indicated as such by having the
1308      * `LCB_VALUE_F_SNAPPYCOMP` flag set in the lcb_GETRESPv0::datatype field */
1309     LCB_COMPRESS_NONE = 0x00,
1311     /**
1312      * Decompress incoming data, if the data has been compressed at the server.
1313      * If this is set, the `datatype` field in responses will always be stripped
1314      * of the `LCB_VALUE_F_SNAPPYCOMP` flag.
1315      */
1316     LCB_COMPRESS_IN = 1 << 0,
1318     /**
1319      * Compress outgoing data. Note that if the `datatype` field contains the
1320      * `LCB_VALUE_F_SNAPPYCOMP` flag, then the data will never be compressed
1321      * as it is assumed that it is already compressed.
1322      */
1323     LCB_COMPRESS_OUT = 1 << 1,
1328     /**
1329      * By default the library will send a HELLO command to the server to
1330      * determine whether compression is supported or not. Because commands may
1331      * be pipelined prior to the scheduing of the HELLO command it is possible
1332      * that the first few commands may not be compressed when schedule due to
1333      * the library not yet having negotiated settings with the server. Setting
1334      * this flag will force the client to assume that all servers support
1335      * compression despite a HELLO not having been intially negotiated.
1336      */
1337     LCB_COMPRESS_FORCE = 1 << 2
1338 } lcb_COMPRESSOPTS;
1340 /**
1341  * @brief Control how the library handles compression and deflation to and from
1342  * the server.
1343  *
1344  * Starting in Couchbase Server 3.0, compression can optionally be applied to
1345  * incoming and outcoming data. For incoming (i.e. `GET` requests) the data
1346  * may be received in compressed format and then allow the client to inflate
1347  * the data upon receipt. For outgoing (i.e. `SET` requests) the data may be
1348  * compressed on the client side and then be stored and recognized on the
1349  * server itself.
1350  *
1351  * The default behavior is to transparently handle compression for both incoming
1352  * and outgoing data.
1353  *
1354  * Note that if the lcb_STORECMDv0::datatype field is set with compression
1355  * flags, the data will _never_ be compressed by the library as this is an
1356  * indication that it is _already_ compressed.
1357  *
1358  * @cntl_arg_both{`int*` (value is one of @ref lcb_COMPRESSOPTS)}
1359  * @committed
1360  */
1363 /**
1364  * Minimum size of the document payload to be compressed when compression enabled.
1365  *
1366  * Use `compression_min_size` in the connection string
1367  *
1368  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1369  * @committed
1370  */
1373 /**
1374  * Minimum compression ratio (compressed / original) of the compressed payload to allow sending it to cluster.
1375  *
1376  * Use `compression_min_ratio` in the connection string
1377  *
1378  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1379  * @committed
1380  */
1384 /**
1385  * Select type of network (alternative addresses).
1386  *
1387  * Use `network` in the connection string
1388  *
1389  * @cntl_arg_get_and_set{`const char**`, `const char*`}
1390  *
1391  * @uncommitted
1392  */
1393 #define LCB_CNTL_NETWORK 0x5b
1395 /**
1396  * The amount of time the pool should wait before closing idle connections.
1397  *
1398  * Use `http_pool_timeout` in the connection string
1399  *
1400  * @cntl_arg_both{lcb_U32*}
1401  * @committed
1402  */
1403 #define LCB_CNTL_HTTP_POOL_TIMEOUT 0x5d
1405 /**
1406  * This is not a command, but rather an indicator of the last item.
1407  * @internal
1408  */
1409 #define LCB_CNTL__MAX                    0x5f
1411 /**@}*/
1413 #ifdef __cplusplus
1414 }
1415 #endif
1417 #include "cntl-private.h"
1419 #endif /* LCB_CNTL_H */