2 /* libiso_msgs   (generated from libdax_msgs : Fri Feb 22 19:42:52 CET 2008)
3    Message handling facility of libisofs.
4    Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>,
6    This file is part of the libisofs project; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
8    or later as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    See COPYING file for details.
11 */
14 /*
15   *Never* set this macro outside libiso_msgs.c !
16   The entrails of the message handling facility are not to be seen by
17   the other library components or the applications.
18 */
23 #include <pthread.h>
24 #endif
27 struct libiso_msgs_item {
29  double timestamp;
30  pid_t process_id;
31  int origin;
33  int severity;
34  int priority;
36  /* Apply for your developer's error code range at
37       libburn-hackers@pykix.org
38     Report introduced codes in the list below. */
39  int error_code;
41  char *msg_text;
42  int os_errno;
44  struct libiso_msgs_item *prev,*next;
46 };
49 struct libiso_msgs {
51  int refcount;
53  struct libiso_msgs_item *oldest;
54  struct libiso_msgs_item *youngest;
55  int count;
57  int queue_severity;
58  int print_severity;
59  char print_id[81];
62  pthread_mutex_t lock_mutex;
63 #endif
66 };
68 #endif /* LIBISO_MSGS_H_INTERNAL */
78                           /* Architectural aspects */
79 /*
80   libdax_msgs is designed to serve in libraries which want to offer their
81   applications a way to control the output of library messages. It shall be
82   incorporated by an owner, i.e. a software entity which encloses the code
83   of the .c file.
85   Owner of libdax_msgs is libburn. A fully compatible variant named libiso_msgs
86   is owned by libisofs and can get generated by a script of the libburn
87   project: libburn/libiso_msgs_to_xyz_msgs.sh .
89   Reason: One cannot link two owners of the same variant together because
90   both would offer the same functions to the linker. For that situation one
91   has to create a compatible variant as it is done for libisofs.
93   Compatible variants may get plugged together by call combinations like
94     burn_set_messenger(iso_get_messenger());
95   A new variant would demand a _set_messenger() function if it has to work
96   with libisofs. If only libburn is planned as link partner then a simple
97   _get_messenger() does suffice.
98   Take care to shutdown libburn before its provider of the *_msgs object
99   gets shut down.
101 */
103                           /* Public Opaque Handles */
105 /** A pointer to this is a opaque handle to a message handling facility */
106 struct libiso_msgs;
108 /** A pointer to this is a opaque handle to a single message item */
109 struct libiso_msgs_item;
111 #endif /* ! LIBISO_MSGS_H_INTERNAL */
114                             /* Public Macros */
117 /* Registered Severities */
119 /* It is well advisable to let applications select severities via strings and
120    forwarded functions libiso_msgs__text_to_sev(), libiso_msgs__sev_to_text().
121    These macros are for use by the owner of libiso_msgs.
122 */
124 /** Use this to get messages of any severity. Do not use for submitting.
125 */
126 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_ALL                                          0x00000000
129 /** Messages of this severity shall transport plain disk file paths
130     whenever an event of severity SORRY or above is related with an
131     individual disk file.
132     No message text shall be added to the file path. The ERRFILE message
133     shall be issued before the human readable message which carries the
134     true event severity. That message should contain the file path so it
135     can be found by strstr(message, path)!=NULL.
136     The error code shall be the same as with the human readable message.
137 */
138 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_ERRFILE                                      0x08000000
141 /** Debugging messages not to be visible to normal users by default
142 */
143 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_DEBUG                                        0x10000000
145 /** Update of a progress report about long running actions
146 */
147 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_UPDATE                                       0x20000000
149 /** Not so usual events which were gracefully handled
150 */
151 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_NOTE                                         0x30000000
153 /** Possibilities to achieve a better result
154 */
155 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_HINT                                         0x40000000
157 /** Warnings about problems which could not be handled optimally
158 */
159 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_WARNING                                      0x50000000
162 /** Non-fatal error messages indicating that parts of an action failed but
163     processing may go on if one accepts deviations from the desired result.
165     SORRY may also be the severity for incidents which are severe enough
166     for FAILURE but happen within already started irrevocable actions,
167     like ISO image generation. A precondition for such a severity ease is
168     that the action can be continued after the incident.
169     See below MISHAP for what xorriso would need instead of this kind of SORRY
170     and generates for itself in case of libisofs image generation.
172     E.g.: A pattern yields no result.
173           A speed setting cannot be made.
174           A libisofs input file is inaccessible during image generation.
176     After SORRY a function should try to go on if that makes any sense
177     and if no threshold prescribes abort on SORRY. The function should
178     nevertheless indicate some failure in its return value.
179     It should - but it does not have to.
180 */
181 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_SORRY                                        0x60000000
184 /** A FAILURE (see below) which can be tolerated during long lasting
185     operations just because they cannot simply be stopped or revoked.
187     xorriso converts libisofs SORRY messages issued during image generation
188     into MISHAP messages in order to allow its evaluators to distinguish
189     image generation problems from minor image composition problems.
190     E.g.:
191       A libisofs input file is inaccessible during image generation.
193     After a MISHAP a function should behave like after SORRY.
194 */
195 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_MISHAP                                       0x64000000
198 /** Non-fatal error indicating that an important part of an action failed and
199     that only a new setup of preconditions will give hope for sufficient
200     success.
202     E.g.: No media is inserted in the output drive.
203           No write mode can be found for inserted media.
204           A libisofs input file is inaccessible during grafting.
206     After FAILURE a function should end with a return value indicating failure.
207     It is at the discretion of the function whether it ends immediately in any
208     case or whether it tries to go on if the eventual threshold allows.
209 */
210 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_FAILURE                                      0x68000000
213 /** An error message which puts the whole operation of the program in question
215     E.g.: Not enough memory for essential temporary objects.
216           Irregular errors from resources.
217           Programming errors (soft assert).
219     After FATAL a function should end very soon with a return value
220     indicating severe failure.
221 */
222 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_FATAL                                        0x70000000
225 /** A message from an abort handler which will finally finish libburn
226 */
227 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_ABORT                                        0x71000000
229 /** A severity to exclude or discard any possible message.
230     Do not use this severity for submitting.
231 */
232 #define LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_NEVER                                        0x7fffffff
235 /* Registered Priorities */
237 /* Priorities are to be selected by the programmers and not by the user. */
239 #define LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_ZERO                                        0x00000000
240 #define LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_LOW                                         0x10000000
241 #define LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_MEDIUM                                      0x20000000
242 #define LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_HIGH                                        0x30000000
243 #define LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_TOP                                         0x7ffffffe
245 /* Do not use this priority for submitting */
246 #define LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_NEVER                                       0x7fffffff
249 /* Origin numbers of libburn drives may range from 0 to 1048575 */
250 #define LIBISO_MSGS_ORIGIN_DRIVE_BASE          0
251 #define LIBISO_MSGS_ORIGIN_DRIVE_TOP     0xfffff
253 /* Origin numbers of libisofs images may range from 1048575 to 2097152 */
254 #define LIBISO_MSGS_ORIGIN_IMAGE_BASE   0x100000
255 #define LIBISO_MSGS_ORIGIN_IMAGE_TOP    0x1fffff
259                             /* Public Functions */
261        /* Calls initiated from inside the direct owner (e.g. from libburn) */
264 /** Create new empty message handling facility with queue and issue a first
265     official reference to it.
266     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
267     @return >0 success, <=0 failure
268 */
269 int libiso_msgs_new(struct libiso_msgs **m, int flag);
272 /** Destroy a message handling facility and all its eventual messages.
273     The submitted pointer gets set to NULL.
274     Actually only the last destroy call of all official references to the
275     object will really dispose it. All others just decrement the reference
276     counter.
277     Call this function only with official reference pointers obtained by
278     libiso_msgs_new() or libiso_msgs_refer(), and only once per such pointer.
279     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
280     @return 1 for success, 0 for pointer to NULL, -1 for fatal error
281 */
282 int libiso_msgs_destroy(struct libiso_msgs **m, int flag);
285 /** Create an official reference to an existing libiso_msgs object. The
286     references keep the object alive at least until it is released by
287     a matching number of destroy calls. So each reference MUST be revoked
288     by exactly one call to libiso_msgs_destroy().
289     @param pt The pointer to be set and registered
290     @param m  A pointer to the existing object
291     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
292     @return 1 for success, 0 for failure
293 */
294 int libiso_msgs_refer(struct libiso_msgs **pt, struct libiso_msgs *o, int flag);
297 /** Submit a message to a message handling facility.
298     @param origin  program specific identification number of the originator of
299                    a message. E.g. drive number. Programs should have an own
300                    range of origin numbers. See above LIBISO_MSGS_ORIGIN_*_BASE
301                    Use -1 if no number is known.
302     @param error_code  Unique error code. Use only registered codes. See below.
303                    The same unique error_code may be issued at different
304                    occasions but those should be equivalent out of the view
305                    of a libiso_msgs application. (E.g. "cannot open ATA drive"
306                    versus "cannot open SCSI drive" would be equivalent.)
307     @param severity The LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_* of the event.
308     @param priority The LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_* number of the event.
309     @param msg_text Printable and human readable message text.
310     @param os_errno Eventual error code from operating system (0 if none)
311     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
312     @return 1 on success, 0 on rejection, <0 for severe errors
313 */
314 int libiso_msgs_submit(struct libiso_msgs *m, int origin, int error_code,
315                        int severity, int priority, char *msg_text,
316                        int os_errno, int flag);
320      /* Calls from applications (to be forwarded by direct owner) */
323 /** Convert a registered severity number into a severity name
324     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes:
325       bit0= list all severity names in a blank separated string
326     @return >0 success, <=0 failure
327 */
328 int libiso_msgs__sev_to_text(int severity, char **severity_name,
329                              int flag);
332 /** Convert a severity name into a severity number,
333     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
334     @return >0 success, <=0 failure
335 */
336 int libiso_msgs__text_to_sev(char *severity_name, int *severity,
337                              int flag);
340 /** Set minimum severity for messages to be queued (default
341     LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_ALL) and for messages to be printed directly to stderr
342     (default LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_NEVER).
343     @param print_id A text of at most 80 characters to be printed before
344                     any eventually printed message (default is "libiso: ").
345     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
346     @return always 1 for now
347 */
348 int libiso_msgs_set_severities(struct libiso_msgs *m, int queue_severity,
349                                int print_severity, char *print_id, int flag);
352 /** Obtain a message item that has at least the given severity and priority.
353     Usually all older messages of lower severity are discarded then. If no
354     item of sufficient severity was found, all others are discarded from the
355     queue.
356     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
357     @return 1 if a matching item was found, 0 if not, <0 for severe errors
358 */
359 int libiso_msgs_obtain(struct libiso_msgs *m, struct libiso_msgs_item **item,
360                        int severity, int priority, int flag);
363 /** Destroy a message item obtained by libiso_msgs_obtain(). The submitted
364     pointer gets set to NULL.
365     Caution: Copy eventually obtained msg_text before destroying the item,
366              if you want to use it further.
367     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
368     @return 1 for success, 0 for pointer to NULL, <0 for severe errors
369 */
370 int libiso_msgs_destroy_item(struct libiso_msgs *m,
371                              struct libiso_msgs_item **item, int flag);
374 /** Obtain from a message item the three application oriented components as
375     submitted with the originating call of libiso_msgs_submit().
376     Caution: msg_text becomes a pointer into item, not a copy.
377     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
378     @return 1 on success, 0 on invalid item, <0 for servere errors
379 */
380 int libiso_msgs_item_get_msg(struct libiso_msgs_item *item,
381                              int *error_code, char **msg_text, int *os_errno,
382                              int flag);
385 /** Obtain from a message item the submitter identification submitted
386     with the originating call of libiso_msgs_submit().
387     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
388     @return 1 on success, 0 on invalid item, <0 for servere errors
389 */
390 int libiso_msgs_item_get_origin(struct libiso_msgs_item *item,
391                             double *timestamp, pid_t *process_id, int *origin,
392                             int flag);
395 /** Obtain from a message item severity and priority as submitted
396     with the originating call of libiso_msgs_submit().
397     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
398     @return 1 on success, 0 on invalid item, <0 for servere errors
399 */
400 int libiso_msgs_item_get_rank(struct libiso_msgs_item *item,
401                               int *severity, int *priority, int flag);
404 #ifdef LIDBAX_MSGS_________________
407                       /* Registered Error Codes */
410 Format: error_code  (LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_*,LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_*) = explanation
411 If no severity or priority are fixely associated, use "(,)".
413 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 Range "libiso_msgs"        :  0x00000000 to 0x0000ffff
416  0x00000000 (ALL,ZERO)     = Initial setting in new libiso_msgs_item
417  0x00000001 (DEBUG,ZERO)   = Test error message
418  0x00000002 (DEBUG,ZERO)   = Debugging message
419  0x00000003 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Out of virtual memory
422 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
423 Range "elmom"              :  0x00010000 to 0x0001ffff
427 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 Range "scdbackup"          :  0x00020000 to 0x0002ffff
430  Accessing and defending drives:
432  0x00020001 (SORRY,LOW)    = Cannot open busy device
433  0x00020002 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Encountered error when closing drive
434  0x00020003 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Could not grab drive
435  0x00020004 (NOTE,HIGH)    = Opened O_EXCL scsi sibling
436  0x00020005 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Failed to open device
437  0x00020006 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Too many scsi siblings
438  0x00020007 (NOTE,HIGH)    = Closed O_EXCL scsi siblings
439  0x00020008 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Device busy. Failed to fcntl-lock
440  0x00020009 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Neither stdio-path nor its directory exist
442  General library operations:
444  0x00020101 (WARNING,HIGH) = Cannot find given worker item
445  0x00020102 (SORRY,HIGH)   = A drive operation is still going on
446  0x00020103 (WARNING,HIGH) = After scan a drive operation is still going on
447  0x00020104 (SORRY,HIGH)   = NULL pointer caught
448  0x00020105 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Drive is already released
449  0x00020106 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Drive is busy on attempt to close
450  0x00020107 (WARNING,HIGH) = A drive is still busy on shutdown of library
451  0x00020108 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Drive is not grabbed on disc status inquiry
452  0x00020108 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Could not allocate new drive object
453  0x00020109 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Library not running
454  0x0002010a (FATAL,HIGH)   = Unsuitable track mode
455  0x0002010b (FATAL,HIGH)   = Burn run failed
456  0x0002010c (FATAL,HIGH)   = Failed to transfer command to drive
457  0x0002010d (DEBUG,HIGH)   = Could not inquire TOC
458  0x0002010e (FATAL,HIGH)   = Attempt to read ATIP from ungrabbed drive
459  0x0002010f (DEBUG,HIGH)   = SCSI error condition on command
460  0x00020110 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Persistent drive address too long
461  0x00020111 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Could not allocate new auxiliary object
462  0x00020112 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Bad combination of write_type and block_type
463  0x00020113 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Drive capabilities not inquired yet
464  0x00020114 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Attempt to set ISRC with bad data
465  0x00020115 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Attempt to set track mode to unusable value
466  0x00020116 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Track mode has unusable value
467  0x00020117 (FATAL,HIGH)   = toc_entry of drive is already in use
468  0x00020118 (DEBUG,HIGH)   = Closing track
469  0x00020119 (DEBUG,HIGH)   = Closing session
470  0x0002011a (NOTE,HIGH)    = Padding up track to minimum size
471  0x0002011b (FATAL,HIGH)   = Attempt to read track info from ungrabbed drive
472  0x0002011c (FATAL,HIGH)   = Attempt to read track info from busy drive
473  0x0002011d (FATAL,HIGH)   = SCSI error on write
474  0x0002011e (SORRY,HIGH)   = Unsuitable media detected
475  0x0002011f (SORRY,HIGH)   = Burning is restricted to a single track
476  0x00020120 (NOTE,HIGH)    = FORMAT UNIT ignored
477  0x00020121 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Write preparation setup failed
478  0x00020122 (FATAL,HIGH)   = SCSI error on format_unit
479  0x00020123 (SORRY,HIGH)   = DVD Media are unsuitable for desired track type
480  0x00020124 (SORRY,HIGH)   = SCSI error on set_streaming
481  0x00020125 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Write start address not supported
482  0x00020126 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Write start address not properly aligned
483  0x00020127 (NOTE,HIGH)    = Write start address is ...
484  0x00020128 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Unsupported inquiry_type with mmc_get_performance
485  0x00020129 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Will not format media type
486  0x0002012a (FATAL,HIGH)   = Cannot inquire write mode capabilities
487  0x0002012b (FATAL,HIGH)   = Drive offers no suitable write mode with this job
488  0x0002012c (SORRY,HIGH)   = Too many logical tracks recorded
489  0x0002012d (FATAL,HIGH)   = Exceeding range of permissible write addresses
490  0x0002012e (NOTE,HIGH)    = Activated track default size
491  0x0002012f (SORRY,HIGH)   = SAO is restricted to single fixed size session
492  0x00020130 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Drive and media state unsuitable for blanking
493  0x00020131 (SORRY,HIGH)   = No suitable formatting type offered by drive
494  0x00020132 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Selected format is not suitable for libburn
495  0x00020133 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Cannot mix data and audio in SAO mode
496  0x00020134 (NOTE,HIGH)    = Defaulted TAO to DAO
497  0x00020135 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Cannot perform TAO, job unsuitable for DAO
498  0x00020136 (SORRY,HIGH)   = DAO burning restricted to single fixed size track
499  0x00020137 (HINT,HIGH)    = TAO would be possible
500  0x00020138 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Cannot reserve track
501  0x00020139 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Write job parameters are unsuitable
502  0x0002013a (FATAL,HIGH)   = No suitable media detected
503  0x0002013b (DEBUG,HIGH)   = SCSI command indicates host or driver error
504  0x0002013c (SORRY,HIGH)   = Malformed capabilities page 2Ah received
505  0x0002013d (DEBUG,LOW)    = Waiting for free buffer space takes long time
506  0x0002013e (SORRY,HIGH)   = Timeout with waiting for free buffer. Now disabled
507  0x0002013f (DEBUG,LOW)    = Reporting total time spent with waiting for buffer
508  0x00020140 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Drive is busy on attempt to write random access
509  0x00020141 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Write data count not properly aligned
510  0x00020142 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Drive is not grabbed on random access write
511  0x00020143 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Read start address not properly aligned
512  0x00020144 (SORRY,HIGH)   = SCSI error on read
513  0x00020145 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Drive is busy on attempt to read data
514  0x00020146 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Drive is a virtual placeholder
515  0x00020147 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Cannot address start byte
516  0x00020148 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Cannot write desired amount of data
517  0x00020149 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Unsuitable filetype for pseudo-drive
518  0x0002014a (SORRY,HIGH)   = Cannot read desired amount of data
519  0x0002014b (SORRY,HIGH)   = Drive is already registered and scanned
520  0x0002014c (FATAL,HIGH)   = Emulated drive caught in SCSI function
521  0x0002014d (SORRY,HIGH)   = Asynchromous SCSI error
522  0x0002014f (SORRY,HIGH)   = Timeout with asynchromous SCSI command
523  0x00020150 (DEBUG,LOW)    = Reporting asynchronous waiting time
524  0x00020151 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Read attempt on write-only drive
525  0x00020152 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Cannot start fifo thread
526  0x00020153 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Read error on fifo input
527  0x00020154 (NOTE,HIGH)    = Forwarded input error ends output
528  0x00020155 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Desired fifo buffer too large
529  0x00020156 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Desired fifo buffer too small
530  0x00020157 (FATAL,HIGH)   = burn_source is not a fifo object
531  0x00020158 (DEBUG,LOW)    = Reporting thread disposal precautions
532  0x00020159 (DEBUG,HIGH)   = TOC Format 0 returns inconsistent data
534  libiso_audioxtr:
535  0x00020200 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Cannot open audio source file
536  0x00020201 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Audio source file has unsuitable format
537  0x00020202 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Failed to prepare reading of audio data
541 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
542 Range "vreixo"              :  0x00030000 to 0x0003ffff
544  0x0003ffff (FAILURE,HIGH) = Operation canceled
545  0x0003fffe (FATAL,HIGH)   = Unknown or unexpected fatal error
546  0x0003fffd (FAILURE,HIGH) = Unknown or unexpected error
547  0x0003fffc (FATAL,HIGH)   = Internal programming error
548  0x0003fffb (FAILURE,HIGH) = NULL pointer where NULL not allowed
549  0x0003fffa (FATAL,HIGH)   = Memory allocation error
550  0x0003fff9 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Interrupted by a signal
551  0x0003fff8 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Invalid parameter value
552  0x0003fff7 (FATAL,HIGH)   = Cannot create a needed thread
553  0x0003fff6 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Write error
554  0x0003fff5 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Buffer read error
555  0x0003ffc0 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Trying to add a node already added to another dir
556  0x0003ffbf (FAILURE,HIGH) = Node with same name already exist
557  0x0003ffbe (FAILURE,HIGH) = Trying to remove a node that was not added to dir
558  0x0003ffbd (FAILURE,HIGH) = A requested node does not exist
559  0x0003ffbc (FAILURE,HIGH) = Image already bootable
560  0x0003ffbb (FAILURE,HIGH) = Trying to use an invalid file as boot image
561  0x0003ff80 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Error on file operation
562  0x0003ff7f (FAILURE,HIGH) = Trying to open an already opened file
563  0x0003ff7e (FAILURE,HIGH) = Access to file is not allowed
564  0x0003ff7d (FAILURE,HIGH) = Incorrect path to file
565  0x0003ff7c (FAILURE,HIGH) = The file does not exist in the filesystem
566  0x0003ff7b (FAILURE,HIGH) = Trying to read or close a file not opened
567  0x0003ff7a (FAILURE,HIGH) = Directory used where no dir is expected
568  0x0003ff79 (FAILURE,HIGH) = File read error
569  0x0003ff78 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Not dir used where a dir is expected
570  0x0003ff77 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Not symlink used where a symlink is expected
571  0x0003ff76 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Cannot seek to specified location
572  0x0003ff75 (HINT,MEDIUM)  = File not supported in ECMA-119 tree and ignored
573  0x0003ff74 (HINT,MEDIUM)  = File bigger than supported by used standard
574  0x0003ff73 (MISHAP,HIGH)  = File read error during image creation
575  0x0003ff72 (HINT,MEDIUM)  = Cannot convert filename to requested charset
576  0x0003ff71 (SORRY,HIGH)   = File cannot be added to the tree
577  0x0003ff70 (HINT,MEDIUM)  = File path breaks specification constraints
578  0x0003ff00 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Charset conversion error
579  0x0003feff (FAILURE,HIGH) = Too much files to mangle
580  0x0003fec0 (FAILURE,HIGH) = Wrong or damaged Primary Volume Descriptor
581  0x0003febf (SORRY,HIGH)   = Wrong or damaged RR entry
582  0x0003febe (SORRY,HIGH)   = Unsupported RR feature
583  0x0003febd (FAILURE,HIGH) = Wrong or damaged ECMA-119
584  0x0003febc (FAILURE,HIGH) = Unsupported ECMA-119 feature
585  0x0003febb (SORRY,HIGH)   = Wrong or damaged El-Torito catalog
586  0x0003feba (SORRY,HIGH)   = Unsupported El-Torito feature
587  0x0003feb9 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Cannot patch isolinux boot image
588  0x0003feb8 (SORRY,HIGH)   = Unsupported SUSP feature
589  0x0003feb7 (WARNING,HIGH) = Error on a RR entry that can be ignored
590  0x0003feb6 (HINT,MEDIUM)  = Error on a RR entry that can be ignored
591  0x0003feb5 (WARNING,HIGH) = Multiple ER SUSP entries found
592  0x0003feb4 (HINT,MEDIUM)  = Unsupported volume descriptor found
593  0x0003feb3 (WARNING,HIGH) = El-Torito related warning
594  0x0003feb2 (MISHAP,HIGH)  = Image write cancelled
595  0x0003feb1 (WARNING,HIGH) = El-Torito image is hidden
597 Outdated codes which may not be re-used for other purposes than
598 re-instating them, if ever:
600 X 0x00031001 (SORRY,HIGH)    = Cannot read file (ignored)
601 X 0x00031002 (FATAL,HIGH)    = Cannot read file (operation canceled)
602 X 0x00031000 (FATAL,HIGH)    = Unsupported ISO-9660 image
603 X 0x00031001 (HINT,MEDIUM)   = Unsupported Vol Desc that will be ignored
604 X 0x00031002 (FATAL,HIGH)    = Damaged ISO-9660 image
605 X 0x00031003 (SORRY,HIGH)    = Cannot read previous image file
606 X 0x00030101 (HINT,MEDIUM)   = Unsupported SUSP entry that will be ignored
607 X 0x00030102 (SORRY,HIGH)    = Wrong/damaged SUSP entry
608 X 0x00030103 (WARNING,MEDIUM)= Multiple SUSP ER entries where found
609 X 0x00030111 (SORRY,HIGH)    = Unsupported RR feature
610 X 0x00030112 (SORRY,HIGH)    = Error in a Rock Ridge entry
611 X 0x00030201 (HINT,MEDIUM)   = Unsupported Boot Vol Desc that will be ignored
612 X 0x00030202 (SORRY,HIGH)    = Wrong El-Torito catalog
613 X 0x00030203 (HINT,MEDIUM)   = Unsupported El-Torito feature
614 X 0x00030204 (SORRY,HIGH)    = Invalid file to be an El-Torito image
615 X 0x00030205 (WARNING,MEDIUM)= Cannot properly patch isolinux image
616 X 0x00030206 (WARNING,MEDIUM)= Copying El-Torito from a previous image without
617 X                              enough info about it
618 X 0x00030301 (NOTE,MEDIUM)   = Unsupported file type for Joliet tree
621 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
622 Range "application"         :  0x00040000 to 0x0004ffff
624  0x00040000 (ABORT,HIGH)    : Application supplied message
625  0x00040001 (FATAL,HIGH)    : Application supplied message
626  0x00040002 (SORRY,HIGH)    : Application supplied message
627  0x00040003 (WARNING,HIGH)  : Application supplied message
628  0x00040004 (HINT,HIGH)     : Application supplied message
629  0x00040005 (NOTE,HIGH)     : Application supplied message
630  0x00040006 (UPDATE,HIGH)   : Application supplied message
631  0x00040007 (DEBUG,HIGH)    : Application supplied message
632  0x00040008 (*,HIGH)        : Application supplied message
635 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
636 Range "libisofs-xorriso"    :  0x00050000 to 0x0005ffff
638 This is an alternative representation of libisofs.so.6 error codes in xorriso.
639 If values returned by iso_error_get_code() do not fit into 0x30000 to 0x3ffff
640 then they get truncated to 16 bit and mapped into this range.
641 (This should never need to happen, of course.)
643 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
644 Range "libisoburn"          :  0x00060000 to 0x00006ffff
646  0x00060000 (*,*)           : Message which shall be attributed to libisoburn
648  >>> the messages of libisoburn need to be registered individually
651 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
653 #endif /* LIDBAX_MSGS_________________ */
659                              /* Internal Functions */
662 /** Lock before doing side effect operations on m */
663 static int libiso_msgs_lock(struct libiso_msgs *m, int flag);
665 /** Unlock after effect operations on m are done */
666 static int libiso_msgs_unlock(struct libiso_msgs *m, int flag);
669 /** Create new empty message item.
670     @param link Previous item in queue
671     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
672     @return >0 success, <=0 failure
673 */
674 static int libiso_msgs_item_new(struct libiso_msgs_item **item,
675                                 struct libiso_msgs_item *link, int flag);
677 /** Destroy a message item obtained by libiso_msgs_obtain(). The submitted
678     pointer gets set to NULL.
679     @param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
680     @return 1 for success, 0 for pointer to NULL
681 */
682 static int libiso_msgs_item_destroy(struct libiso_msgs_item **item, int flag);
685 #endif /* LIBISO_MSGS_H_INTERNAL */
688 #endif /* ! LIBISO_MSGS_H_INCLUDED */