1 // liblives.hpp
2 // LiVES (lives-exe)
3 // (c) G. Finch <salsaman+lives@gmail.com> 2015 - 2018
4 // Released under the GPL 3 or later
5 // see file ../COPYING for licensing details
7 /** \file liblives.hpp
8     Header file for liblives.
9 */
11 #ifndef HAS_LIBLIVES_H
12 #define HAS_LIBLIVES_H
14 /**
15    Version number major
16 */
19 /**
20    Version number minor
21 */
24 /**
25    Version number micro
26 */
29 /**
30    Macro to check if livesApp version is >= major.minor.micro
31 */
32 #define LIVES_CHECK_VERSION(major, minor, micro) (major > LIVES_VERSION_MAJOR || (major == LIVES_VERSION_MAJOR && (minor > LIVES_VERSION_MINOR || (minor == LIVES_VERSION_MINOR && micro >= LIVES_VERSION_MICRO)))) ///<
34 // defs shared with lbindings.c
36 /**
37    Filechooser hinting types
38 */
39 typedef enum {
40   LIVES_FILE_CHOOSER_VIDEO_AUDIO,  ///< file chooser options for single video or audio file
41   LIVES_FILE_CHOOSER_AUDIO_ONLY, ///< file chooser options for single audio file
42   //  LIVES_FILE_CHOOSER_VIDEO_AUDIO_MULTI, ///< file chooser options for multiple video or audio files
43   //LIVES_FILE_CHOOSER_VIDEO_RANGE ///< file chooser options for video range (start time/number of frames)
44 } lives_filechooser_t;
46 /**
47    LiVES operation mode
48 */
49 typedef enum {
50   LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_INVALID = -1, ///< livesApp instance is invalid
51   LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT, ///< clip editor mode
52   LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK ///< multitrack mode
53 } lives_interface_mode_t;
56 /**
57    LiVES operational status
58 */
59 typedef enum {
60   LIVES_STATUS_INVALID = -1, ///< livesApp instance is invalid
61   LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY, ///< application is starting up; not ready
62   LIVES_STATUS_READY, ///< application is ready for commands
63   LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, ///< application is playing, only player commands will be responded to
64   LIVES_STATUS_PROCESSING, ///< application is processing, commands will be ignored
65   LIVES_STATUS_PREVIEW ///< user is previewing an operation, commands will be ignored
66 } lives_status_t;
69 /**
70    Endian values
71 */
72 typedef enum {
75 } lives_endian_t;
78 /**
79    Callback types
80 */
81 typedef enum {
82   LIVES_CALLBACK_FRAME_SYNCH = 1, ///< sent when a frame is displayed
83   LIVES_CALLBACK_PLAYBACK_STARTED = 2,  ///< sent when a/v playback starts or clip is switched
84   LIVES_CALLBACK_PLAYBACK_STOPPED = 3, ///< sent when a/v playback ends
85   /// sent when a/v playback ends and there is recorded data for
86   /// rendering/previewing
89   LIVES_CALLBACK_RECORD_STARTED = 32, ///< sent when record starts (TODO)
90   LIVES_CALLBACK_RECORD_STOPPED = 33, ///< sent when record stops (TODO)
92   LIVES_CALLBACK_APP_QUIT = 64, ///< sent when app quits
94   LIVES_CALLBACK_CLIP_OPENED = 128, ///< sent after a clip is opened
95   LIVES_CALLBACK_CLIP_CLOSED = 129, ///< sent after a clip is closed
98   LIVES_CALLBACK_CLIPSET_OPENED = 256, ///< sent after a clip set is opened
99   LIVES_CALLBACK_CLIPSET_SAVED = 257, ///< sent after a clip set is closed
101   LIVES_CALLBACK_MODE_CHANGED = 4096, ///< sent when interface mode changes
103   LIVES_CALLBACK_OBJECT_DESTROYED = 16384, ///< sent when livesApp object is deleted
105 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
106   LIVES_CALLBACK_PRIVATE = 32768 ///< for internal use
107 #endif
108 } lives_callback_t;
111 /**
112    Character encoding types
113 */
114 typedef enum {
115   LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8, ///< UTF-8 char encoding
116   LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_LOCAL8BIT, ///< 8 bit locale file encoding
117   LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_FILESYSTEM, ///< file system encoding (UTF-8 on windows, local8bit on others)
118   //LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16, ///< UTF-16 char encoding
119 } lives_char_encoding_t;
121 /**
122    Default character encoding
123 */
126 /**
127    Dialog response values
128 */
129 typedef enum {
130   // positive values for custom responses
132   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_NONE = 0, ///< Response not obtained
133   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_OK, ///< OK button clicked
134   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_RETRY, ///< Retry button clicked
135   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_ABORT, ///< Abort button clicked
136   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_RESET, ///< Reset button clicked
137   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_SHOW_DETAILS, ///< Show details button clicked
138   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_CANCEL, ///< Cancel button clicked
139   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, ///< Accept button clicked
140   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_YES, ///< Yes button clicked
141   LIVES_DIALOG_RESPONSE_NO ///< No button clicked
142 } lives_dialog_response_t;
145 /**
146    Audio sources
147 */
148 typedef enum {
149   LIVES_AUDIO_SOURCE_UNKNOWN = -1, ///< Unknown / invalid
150   LIVES_AUDIO_SOURCE_INTERNAL, ///< Audio source is internal to LiVES
151   LIVES_AUDIO_SOURCE_EXTERNAL ///< Audio source is external to LiVES
152 } lives_audio_source_t;
155 /**
156    Audio players
157 */
158 typedef enum {
159   LIVES_AUDIO_PLAYER_UNKNOWN = -1, ///< Unknown / invalid
160   LIVES_AUDIO_PLAYER_PULSE, ///< Audio playback is through PulseAudio
161   LIVES_AUDIO_PLAYER_JACK, ///< Audio playback is thorugh Jack
162   LIVES_AUDIO_PLAYER_SOX, ///< Audio playback is through Sox
163   LIVES_AUDIO_PLAYER_MPLAYER, ///< Audio playback is through mplayer
164   LIVES_AUDIO_PLAYER_MPLAYER2 ///< Audio playback is through mplayer2
165 } lives_audio_player_t;
168 /**
169    Multitrack insert modes
170 */
171 typedef enum {
173 } lives_insert_mode_t;
176 /**
177    Multitrack gravity
178 */
179 typedef enum {
180   LIVES_GRAVITY_NORMAL, ///< no gravity
181   LIVES_GRAVITY_LEFT, ///< inserted blocks gravitate to the left
182   LIVES_GRAVITY_RIGHT ///< inserted blocks gravitate to the right
183 } lives_gravity_t;
186 /**
187    Player looping modes (bitmap)
188 */
189 typedef enum {
190   LIVES_LOOP_MODE_NONE = 0, ///< no looping
191   LIVES_LOOP_MODE_CONTINUOUS = 1, ///< both video and audio loop continuously
192   LIVES_LOOP_MODE_FIT_AUDIO = 2 ///< video keeps looping until audio playback finishes
193 } lives_loop_mode_t;
196 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
198 #ifdef __cplusplus
200 #include <vector>
201 #include <list>
202 #include <map>
204 #include <inttypes.h>
206 #include <string>
208 /**
209    typedef
210 */
211 typedef unsigned long ulong;
214 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
215 extern "C" {
216 void binding_cb(lives_callback_t cb_type, const char *msgstring, uint64_t id);
217 }
218 #endif
220 using namespace std;
222 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
225 /**
226    lives namespace.
227 */
228 namespace lives {
230 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
232 /**
233    typedef
234 */
235 typedef class livesApp livesApp;
237 /**
238   typedef
239 */
240 typedef class set set;
242 /**
243    typedef
244 */
245 typedef class clip clip;
247 /**
248    typedef
249 */
250 typedef class effectKey effectKey;
252 /**
253    typedef
254 */
255 typedef class effectKeyMap effectKeyMap;
257 /**
258    typedef
259 */
260 typedef class effect effect;
263 /**
264    typedef
265 */
266 typedef class player player;
269 /**
270    typedef
271 */
272 typedef class multitrack multitrack;
275 /**
276    typedef
277 */
278 typedef class block block;
281 /**
282    typedef
283 */
284 typedef class livesString livesString;
287 /**
288    typedef
289 */
290 typedef list<livesString> livesStringList;
293 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
296 /**
297    class "livesString".
298    A subclass of std::string which automatically handles various character encodings.
299 */
300 class livesString : public std::string {
301 public:
livesString(const string & str="",lives_char_encoding_t e=LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT)302   livesString(const string &str = "", lives_char_encoding_t e = LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT) : std::string(str), m_encoding(e) {}
livesString(const string & str,size_t pos,size_t len=npos,lives_char_encoding_t e=LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT)303   livesString(const string &str, size_t pos, size_t len = npos,
304               lives_char_encoding_t e = LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT) : std::string(str, pos,
305                     len), m_encoding(e) {}
livesString(const char * s,lives_char_encoding_t e=LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT)306   livesString(const char *s, lives_char_encoding_t e = LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT) : std::string(s), m_encoding(e) {}
livesString(const char * s,size_t n,lives_char_encoding_t e=LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT)307   livesString(const char *s, size_t n, lives_char_encoding_t e = LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT) : std::string(s, n),
308     m_encoding(e) {}
livesString(size_t n,char c,lives_char_encoding_t e=LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT)309   livesString(size_t n, char c, lives_char_encoding_t e = LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT) : std::string(n, c), m_encoding(e) {}
310   template <class InputIterator>
livesString(InputIterator first,InputIterator last,lives_char_encoding_t e=LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT)311   livesString(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
312               lives_char_encoding_t e = LIVES_CHAR_ENCODING_DEFAULT) : std::string(first, last), m_encoding(e) {}
314   /**
315      Change the character encoding of the string.
316      @param enc the character encoding to convert to.
317      @return either the same string if no conversion is needed, or a new string if conversion is needed
318   */
319   livesString toEncoding(lives_char_encoding_t enc);
321   /**
322      Define the character encoding of the string.
323      @param enc the character encoding the string is in.
324   */
325   void setEncoding(lives_char_encoding_t enc);
327   /**
328      Return the encoding that the string was declared as.
329      @return the character encoding the string is in.
330   */
331   lives_char_encoding_t encoding();
333 private:
334   lives_char_encoding_t m_encoding;
335 };
337 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
338 typedef void *(*callback_f)(void *);
340 typedef struct {
341   ulong id;
342   livesApp *object;
343   lives_callback_t cb_type;
344   callback_f func;
345   void *data;
346 } closure;
348 typedef list<closure *> closureList;
349 typedef list<closure *>::iterator closureListIterator;
350 #endif
352 /**
353    Struct passed to modeChanged callback.
354 */
355 typedef struct {
356   lives_interface_mode_t mode; ///< mode changed to
357 } modeChangedInfo;
360 /**
361    Struct passed to appQuit callback.
362 */
363 typedef struct {
364   int signum; ///< signal which caused the app to exit, or 0 if the user or script quit normally.
365 } appQuitInfo;
368 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
369 typedef struct {
370   ulong id;
371   char *response;
372 } _privateInfo;
375 typedef bool (*private_callback_f)(_privateInfo *, void *);
376 #endif
378 /**
379    Type of callback function for LIVES_CALLBACK_MODE_CHANGED.
381    @see livesApp::addCallback(lives_callback_t cb_type, modeChanged_callback_f func, void *data)
382 */
383 typedef bool (*modeChanged_callback_f)(livesApp *, modeChangedInfo *, void *);
385 /**
386    Type of callback function for LIVES_CALLBACK_APP_QUIT.
388    @see livesApp::addCallback(lives_callback_t cb_type, appQuit_callback_f func, void *data)
389 */
390 typedef bool (*appQuit_callback_f)(livesApp *, appQuitInfo *, void *);
393 /**
394    Type of callback function for LIVES_CALLBACK_OBJECT_DESTROYED.
396    @see livesApp::addCallback(lives_callback_t cb_type, objectDestroyed_callback_f func, void *data)
397 */
398 typedef bool (*objectDestroyed_callback_f)(livesApp *, void *);
401 /**
402    class "livesApp".
403    Represents a single LiVES application. Note that currently only one such instance can be valid at a time,
404    attempting to create a second concurrent instance will return an invalid instance.
405 */
406 class livesApp {
407   friend set;
408   friend clip;
409   friend effectKeyMap;
410   friend effectKey;
411   friend player;
412   friend multitrack;
413   friend block;
415 public:
416   /**
417      Constructor with no arguments.
418   */
419   livesApp();
421   /**
422      Constructor with argc, argv arguments.
423      argv array is equivalent to commandline options passed to the LiVES application.
424      @param argc count of number of arguments
425      @param argv[] array of options.
426   */
427   livesApp(int argc, char *argv[]);
429   /**
430      Destructor: closes the LiVES application.
431      Deletes any callbacks which were set for this instance.
432   */
433   ~livesApp();
435   /**
436      Returns whether the instance is valid or not.
437      A valid instance is connected to a running LiVES application.
438      @return true if instance is connected to a running LiVES application.
439   */
440   bool isValid() const;
442   /**
443      @return true if status() == LIVES_STATUS_READY.
444      @see status().
445   */
446   bool isReady() const;
448   /**
449      Equivalent to status() == LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
450      @return true if status() == LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
451      @see status().
452   */
453   bool isPlaying() const;
455   /**
456      @return the current set.
457   */
458   const set &getSet();
460   /**
461      @return the current effectKeyMap.
462   */
463   const effectKeyMap &getEffectKeyMap();
465   /**
466      @return the player for this livesApp.
467   */
468   const player &getPlayer();
470   /**
471      @return the multitrack object for this livesApp.
472   */
473   const multitrack &getMultitrack();
475   /**
476      Remove a previously added callback.
477      @param id value previously returned from addCallback.
478      @return true if playback was stopped.
479   */
480   bool removeCallback(ulong id) const;
482   /**
483      Add a modeChanged callback.
484      @param cb_type must have value LIVES_CALLBACK_MODE_CHANGED.
485      @param func function to be called when this signal is received.
486      @param data data to be passed to callback function
487      @return unsigned long callback_id
489      @see removeCallback().
490   */
491   ulong addCallback(lives_callback_t cb_type, modeChanged_callback_f func, void *data) const;
493   /**
494      Add an appQuit callback.
495      @param cb_type must have value LIVES_CALLBACK_APP_QUIT
496      @param func function to be called when this signal is received.
497      @param data data to be passed to callback function
498      @return unsigned long callback_id
500      @see removeCallback().
501   */
502   ulong addCallback(lives_callback_t cb_type, appQuit_callback_f func, void *data) const;
504   /**
505      Add an objectDestroyed callback.
506      @param cb_type must have value LIVES_CALLBACK_OBJECT_DESTROYED
507      @param func function to be called when this signal is received.
508      @param data data to be passed to callback function
509      @return unsigned long callback_id
511      @see removeCallback().
512   */
513   ulong addCallback(lives_callback_t cb_type, objectDestroyed_callback_f func, void *data) const;
515   /**
516      Show Info dialog in the LiVES GUI.
517      Only has an effect when status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY.
518      @param text text to be diaplayed in the dialog.
519      @param blocking if true then function will block until the user presses "OK"
520      @return if blocking, returns the response code from the dialog.
521   */
522   lives_dialog_response_t showInfo(livesString text, bool blocking = true);
524   /**
525       Allow the user choose a file via a fileselector.
526       Only has an effect when status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY, otherwise returns an empty livesString.
527       After returning, the setting that the user selected for deinterlace may be obtained by calling
528       deinterlaceOption(). This value can the be passed into openFile().
529       Chooser type will direct the user towards the type of file to choose, however there is no guarantee
530       that a file of the "correct" type will be returned. If the user cancels then an empty livesString will be returned.
531       @param dirname directory name to start in (or NULL)
532       @param chooser_type must be either LIVES_FILE_CHOOSER_VIDEO_AUDIO or LIVES_FILE_CHOOSER_AUDIO_ONLY.
533       @param title title of window to display, or NULL to use a default title.
534       @return the name of the file selected.
535       @see openFile().
536   */
537   livesString chooseFileWithPreview(livesString dirname, lives_filechooser_t chooser_type, livesString title = livesString(""));
539   /**
540      Open a file and return a clip for it.
541      Only works when status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY, otherwise an invalid clip is returned.
542      If the file pointed to cannot be opened as a clip, an invalid clip is returned.
543      If interactive() is true, the user may cancel the load, or choose to load only part of the file.
544      @param fname the full pathname of the file to open
545      @param with_audio if true the audio will be loaded as well as the video
546      @param stime the time in seconds from which to start loading
547      @param frames number of frames to open (0 means all frames)
548      @param deinterlace set to true to force deinterlacing
549      @return a clip.
550      @see chooseFileWithPreview().
551      @see deinterlaceOption().
552   */
553   clip openFile(livesString fname, bool with_audio = true, double stime = 0., int frames = 0, bool deinterlace = false);
555   /**
556      Returns a list of available sets. The list returned depends on the setting of prefs::tmpDir().
557      This may be an expensive operation as it requires accessing the underlying filesystem.
558      If the set is invalid, an empty livesStringList is returned.
559      @return a list<livesString> of set names.
560      @see reloadSet().
561      @see set::save().
562   */
563   livesStringList availableSets();
565   /**
566       Allow the user to choose a set to open.
567       Only has an effect when status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY, and there are no currently open clips,
568       otherwise returns an empty livesString.
569       If the user cancels, an empty livesString is returned.
570       The valid list of sets to choose from will be equivalent to the list returned by availableSets().
571       @return the name of the set selected.
572       @see reloadSet().
573       @see availableSets().
574   */
575   livesString chooseSet();
577   /**
578      Reload an existing clip set.
579      Only works when status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY, otherwise false is returned.
580      A set may not be accessed concurrently by more than one copy of LiVES.
581      The valid list of sets is equivalent to the list returned by availableSets().
582      If setname is an empty livesString, chooseSet() will be called first to get a set name.
583      @param setname the name of the set to reload.
584      @see chooseSet().
585      @see availableSets().
586   */
587   bool reloadSet(livesString setname);
589   /**
590      Change the interactivity of the GUI application.
591      Interactivity is via menus and keyboard accelerators
592      @param setting set to true to allow interaction with the GUI.
593      @return the new setting.
594      @see interactive().
595   */
596   bool setInteractive(bool setting);
598   /**
599      Returns whether the GUI app is in interactive mode.
600      @return true if GUI interactivity via menus and keyboard accelerators is enabled.
601      @see setInteractive().
602   */
603   bool interactive();
605   /**
606      Returns last setting of deinterlace by user.
607      @return value that the user selected during the last filechooser with preview operation.
608      This value may be passed into openFile().
609      @see openFile().
610   */
611   bool deinterlaceOption();
613   /**
614      Get the current interface mode of the livesApp.
615      If the livesApp is invalid, returns LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_INVALID.
616      @return current mode.
617      @see setMode().
618   */
619   lives_interface_mode_t mode();
621   /**
622      Set the current interface mode of the livesApp.
623      Only works if status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY.
624      If the livesApp is invalid, returns LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_INVALID.
625      @param mode the interface mode to set to
626      @return the new interface mode.
627      @see mode().
628   */
629   lives_interface_mode_t setMode(lives_interface_mode_t mode);//, livesMultitrackSettings settings=NULL);
631   /**
632      Get the current operational status of the livesApp.
633      @return current status.
634      @see isReady().
635      @see isPlaying().
636   */
637   lives_status_t status() const;
639   /**
640      If status() is LIVES_STATUS_PROCESSING, cancel the current processing if possible.
641      @return true if the processing was cancelled.
642   */
643   bool cancel();
647 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
648   // For internal use only.
649   closureList &closures();
650   void invalidate();
651   void setClosures(closureList cl);
653   bool setPref(const char *prefidx, bool val) const;
654   bool setPref(const char *prefidx, int val) const;
655   bool setPref(const char *prefidx, int bitfield, bool val) const;
657 #endif
659 protected:
660   ulong addCallback(lives_callback_t cb_type, private_callback_f func, void *data) const;
662 private:
663   ulong m_id;
664   closureList m_closures;
665   set *m_set;
666   player *m_player;
667   effectKeyMap *m_effectKeyMap;
668   multitrack *m_multitrack;
670   pthread_t *m_thread;
672   bool m_deinterlace;
674   ulong appendClosure(lives_callback_t cb_type, callback_f func, void *data) const;
675   void init(int argc, char *argv[]);
677   void operator=(livesApp const &); // Don't implement
678   livesApp(const livesApp &other); // Don't implement
680 };
684 /**
685    class "clip".
686    Represents a clip which is open in LiVES.
687    @see set::nthClip()
688    @see livesApp::openFile()
689    @see player::foregroundClip()
690    @see player::backgroundClip()
691 */
692 class clip {
693   friend livesApp;
694   friend set;
695   friend block;
696   friend multitrack;
697   friend player;
699 public:
701   /**
702      Creates a new, invalid clip
703   */
704   clip();
706   /**
707      Check if clip is valid.
708      A clip is valid if it is loaded in a valid livesApp instance, and the livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY.
709      @see livesApp::openFile().
710      @return true if the clip is valid.
711   */
712   bool isValid() const;
714   /**
715      Number of frames in this clip.
716      If the clip is audio only, 0 is returned.
717      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
718      @return int number of frames, or 0 if clip is not valid.
719   */
720   int frames();
722   /**
723      Width of the clip in pixels.
724      If the clip is audio only, 0 is returned.
725      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
726      @return int width in pixels, or 0 if clip is not valid.
727   */
728   int width();
730   /**
731      Height of the clip in pixels.
732      If the clip is audio only, 0 is returned.
733      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
734      @return int height in pixels, or 0 if clip is not valid.
735   */
736   int height();
738   /**
739      Framerate (frames per second) of the clip.
740      If the clip is audio only, 0.0 is returned.
741      If clip is not valid then 0.0 is returned.
742      @return double framerate of the clip, or 0.0 if clip is not valid.
743   */
744   double FPS();
746   /**
747      Framerate (frames per second) that the clip is/will be played back at.
748      This may vary from the normal FPS(). During playback it will be equivalent to player::FPS().
749      If livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK then this will return multitrack::FPS().
750      IF the clip is invalid, 0. is returned.
751      @return the playback framerate
752      @see player::setCurrentFPS().
753      @see player::FPS().
754   */
755   double playbackFPS();
757   /**
758      Human readable name of the clip.
759      If clip is not valid then empty livesString is returned.
760      @return livesString name, or empty livesString if clip is not valid.
761   */
762   livesString name();
764   /**
765      Audio rate for this clip.
766      If the clip is video only, 0 is returned.
767      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
768      Note this is not necessarily the same as the soundcard audio rate which can be obtained via prefs::audioPlayerRate().
769      @return int audio rate, or 0 if clip is not valid.
770      @see playbackAudioRate()
771   */
772   int audioRate();
774   /**
775      The current playback audio rate for this clip, which may differ from audioRate().
776      If the clip is video only, 0 is returned.
777      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
778      Note this is not necessarily the same as the soundcard audio rate which can be obtained via prefs::audioPlayerRate().
779      If livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK then this will return multitrack::audioRate().
780      @return int playback audio rate, or 0 if clip is not valid.
781      @see audiorate().
782   */
783   int playbackAudioRate();
785   /**
786      Number of audio channels (eg. left, right) for this clip.
787      If the clip is video only, 0 is returned.
788      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
789      @return int audio channels, or 0 if clip is not valid.
790   */
791   int audioChannels();
793   /**
794      Size in bits of audio samples (eg. 8, 16, 32) for this clip.
795      If the clip is video only, 0 is returned.
796      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
797      @return int audio sample size, or 0 if clip is not valid.
798   */
799   int audioSampleSize();
801   /**
802      Returns whether the audio is signed (true) or unsigned (false).
803      If clip is video only or not valid then the return value is undefined.
804      @return bool audio signed.
805   */
806   bool audioSigned();
808   /**
809      Returns the endianness of the audio.
810      If clip is video only or not valid then the return value is undefined.
811      @return bool audio signed.
812   */
813   lives_endian_t audioEndian();
816   /**
817      Returns the length in seconds for audio in the clip
818      If the clip is invalid, returns 0.
819      @return the length of the clip audio, in seconds.
820   */
821   double audioLength();
823   /**
824      Start of the selected frame region.
825      If the clip is audio only, 0 is returned.
826      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
827      @return int frame selection start, or 0 if clip is not valid.
828   */
829   int selectionStart();
831   /**
832      End of the selected frame region.
833      If the clip is audio only, 0 is returned.
834      If clip is not valid then 0 is returned.
835      @return int frame selection end, or 0 if clip is not valid.
836   */
837   int selectionEnd();
840   /**
841      Select all frames in the clip. if the clip is invalid does nothing.
842      Only works is livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
843      @return true if the operation was successful.
844   */
845   bool selectAll();
847   /**
848      Set the selection start frame for the clip. If the new start is > selectionEnd() then selection end will be set to the new start.
849      If the clip is invalid there is no effect.
850      Only functions if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
851      @param start the selection start frame which must be in range 1 <= start <= frames().
852      @see setSelectionEnd().
853   */
854   bool setSelectionStart(unsigned int start);
856   /**
857      Set the selection end frame for the clip. If the new end is < selectionStart() then selection start will be set to the new end.
858      If the clip is invalid there is no effect.
859      Only functions if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
860      @param end the selection end frame which must be in range 1 <= end <= frames().
861      @see setSelectionStart().
862   */
863   bool setSelectionEnd(unsigned int end);
865   /**
866      Switch to this clip as the current foreground clip.
867      Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING and livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIP_EDITOR.
868      If clips are switched during playback, the application acts as if livesApp::loopMode() were set to LIVES_LOOP_MODE_CONTINUOUS.
869      If the clip is invalid, nothing happens and false is returned.
870      @return true if the switch was successful.
871      @see player::setForegroundClip()
872   */
873   bool switchTo();
875   /**
876      Switch to this clip as the current background clip.
877      Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING and livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIP_EDITOR.
878      If the clip is invalid, nothing happens and false is returned.
879      @return true if the switch was successful.
880      @see player::setBackgroundClip()
881   */
882   bool setIsBackground();
884   /**
885      @return true if the two clips have the same internal id, and belong to the same livesApp.
886   */
operator ==(const clip & other)887   inline bool operator==(const clip &other) {
888     return other.m_uid == m_uid && m_lives == other.m_lives;
889   }
891 protected:
892   clip(ulong uid, livesApp *lives = NULL);
893   ulong m_uid;
895 private:
896   livesApp *m_lives;
898 };
902 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
903 typedef vector<ulong> clipList;
904 typedef vector<ulong>::iterator clipListIterator;
905 #endif
907 ///// set ////////
910 /**
911    class "set".
912    Represents a list of clips and/or layouts which are open in LiVES. May be obtained from livesApp::getSet().
913    @see livesApp::getSet()
914 */
915 class set {
916   friend livesApp;
918 public:
920   /**
921      Returns whether the set is valid or not.
922      The set is valid if belongs to a valid livesApp, and the livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY.
923      @return true if the set is valid (associated with a valid livesApp instance).
924   */
925   bool isValid() const;
927   /**
928      Returns the current name of the set.
929      If it has not been defined, an empty livesString is returned. If the set is invalid, an empty livesString is returned.
930      @return livesString name.
931   */
932   livesString name() const;
934   /**
935      Set the name of the current set. Only works if there are clips loaded, and the livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY.
936      Can only be done if the current set has no name. You need to do this before saving a layout if the current set has no name.
937      If name is an empty string, the user can choose the name at runtime. If livesApp::interactive() is false, the user can cancel.
938      Valid set names may not be empty, begin with a "." or contain spaces or the characters / \ * or ". The set name must not be in use by
939      another copy of LiVES. The maximum length of a set name is 128 characters.
940      @param name the name of the set
941      @return true if the name was set.
942      @see name().
943   */
944   bool setName(livesString name = livesString()) const;
946   /**
947      Save the set, and close all open clips and layouts.
948      If the set name is empty, the user can choose the name via the GUI. If livesApp::interactive() is false, the user may not cancel.
949      If the name is defined, and it points to a different, existing set, the set will not be saved and false will be returned,
950      unless force_append is set to true, in which case the current clips and layouts will be appended to the other set.
951      Saving a set with a new name is an expensive operation as it requires moving files in the underlying filesystem.
952      See setName() for the rules on valid set names.
953      @param name name to save set as, or empty livesString to let the user choose a name.
954      @param force_append set to true to force appending to another existing set.
955      @return true if the set was saved.
956   */
957   bool save(livesString name, bool force_append = false) const;
959   /**
960      Save the set, and close all open clips and layouts.
961      The current set name() is used. If the set name is not defined, the user will be prompted to enter it at runtime.
962      @return true if the set was saved.
963   */
964   bool save() const;
966   /**
967      Returns the number of clips in the set. If the set is invalid, returns 0.
968      @return number of clips.
969      @see indexOf().
970      @see nthClip().
971   */
972   unsigned int numClips() const;
974   /**
975      Returns the nth clip in the set. If n  >= numClips(), returns an invalid clip. If the set is invalid, returns an invalid clip.
976      @return the nth clip in the set.
977      @see indexOf().
978      @see numClips().
979   */
980   clip nthClip(unsigned int n) const;
982   /**
983      Returns the index of a clip in the currentSet. If the clip is not in the current set, then -1 is returned.
984      If the set is invalid or the clip is invalid, returns -1.
985      @return the index of the clip in the set.
986      @see nthClip().
987      @see numClips().
988   */
989   int indexOf(clip c) const;
991   /**
992      Returns a list of layout names for this set. If the set is invalid, returns an empty livesStringList.
993      @return a list of layout names for this set.
994      @see livesApp::reloadLayout().
995   */
996   livesStringList layoutNames(unsigned int n) const;
998   /**
999      @return true if the two sets belong to the same livesApp.
1000   */
operator ==(const set & other) const1001   inline bool operator==(const set &other) const {
1002     return other.m_lives == m_lives;
1003   }
1006 protected:
1007   set(livesApp *lives = NULL);
1009 private:
1010   livesApp *m_lives;
1011   clipList m_clips;
1013   void update_clip_list(void);
1016 };
1022 /**
1023    class "player".
1024    Represents a media player associated with a livesApp.
1025    @see livesApp::getPlayer()
1026 */
1027 class player {
1028   friend livesApp;
1030 public:
1032   /**
1033      Returns whether the player is valid or not.
1034      A valid player belongs to a valid livesApp, and the livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY.
1035      @return true if the player is valid.
1036   */
1037   bool isValid() const;
1039   /**
1040      @return true if the livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
1041   */
1042   bool isPlaying() const;
1045   /**
1046      @return true if the player is set to record. Recording will only actually occur if isPlaying() is also true.
1047   */
1048   bool isRecording() const;
1050   /**
1051      Set playback in a detached window.
1052      If the livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT and prefs::sepWinSticky() is true, the window appears straight away;
1053      otherwise it appears only when isPlaying() is true.
1054      @param setting the value to set to
1055      @see setFS().
1056      @see sepWin().
1057   */
1058   void setSepWin(bool setting) const;
1060   /**
1061      @return true if playback is in a separate window from the main GUI.
1062      @see setSepWin().
1063   */
1064   bool sepWin() const;
1066   /**
1067      Set playback fullscreen. Use of setFS() is recommended instead.
1068      @param setting the value to set to
1069      @see setFS().
1070      @see fullScreen().
1071   */
1072   void setFullScreen(bool setting) const;
1074   /**
1075      @return true if playback is full screen.
1076      @see setFullScreen().
1077   */
1078   bool fullScreen() const;
1080   /**
1081      Combines the functionality of setSepWin() and setFullScreen().
1082      If the livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT and prefs::sepWinSticky() is true, the window appears straight away,
1083      but it will only fill the screen when isPlaying() is true; otherwise it appears only when isPlaying() is true.
1084      @param setting the value to set to
1085      @see setSepWin()
1086      @see setFullScreen()
1087   */
1088   void setFS(bool setting) const;
1090   /**
1091      Commence playback of video and audio with the currently selected clip.
1092      Only has an effect when livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY.
1093      @return true if playback was started.
1094   */
1095   bool play() const;
1097   /**
1098      Stop playback.
1099      If livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, nothing happens.
1100      @return true if playback was stopped.
1101   */
1102   bool stop() const;
1104   /**
1105      Set the foreground clip for the player. Equivalent to clip::switchTo() except that it only functions when
1106      livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING and the livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT.
1107      If the clip is invalid, or isActive() is false, nothing happens and false is returned.
1108      @param c the clip to set as foreground.
1109      @return true if the function was successful.
1110      @see foregroundClip().
1111      @see setBackgroundClip().
1112   */
1113   bool setForegroundClip(clip c) const;
1115   /**
1116      Returns the current foreground clip of the player. If isActive() is false, returns an invalid clip.
1117      If the livesApp::mode() is not LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT, returns an invalid clip.
1118      @return the current foreground clip.
1119      @see setForegroundClip().
1120      @see backgroundClip().
1121   */
1122   clip foregroundClip() const;
1124   /**
1125      Set the background clip for the player. Equivalent to clip::setIsBackground() except that it only functions when
1126      livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING and the livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT.
1127      Only works if there is one or more transition effects active.
1128      If the clip is invalid, or isActive() is false, nothing happens and false is returned.
1129      @return true if the function was successful.
1130      @see backgroundClip().
1131      @see setForegroundClip().
1132   */
1133   bool setBackgroundClip(clip c) const;
1135   /**
1136      Returns the current background clip of the player. If isActive() is false, returns an invalid clip.
1137      If the livesApp::mode() is not LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT, returns an invalid clip.
1138      @return the current background clip.
1139      @see setBackgroundClip().
1140      @see foregroundClip().
1141   */
1142   clip backgroundClip() const;
1144   /**
1145      Set the current playback start time in seconds (this is also the insertion point in multitrack mode).
1146      Only works if the livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY. If livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIP_EDITOR,
1147      the start time may not be set beyond the end of the current clip (video and audio).
1148      The outcome of setting playback beyond the end of video but not of audio and vice-versa depends on the value of loopMode().
1149      If livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULITRACK, setting the current time may cause the timeline to stretch visually
1150      (i.e zoom out).
1151      The miminum value is 0.0 in every mode. Values < 0. will be ignored.
1152      If isValid() is false, nothing happens and 0. is returned.
1153      @param time the time in seconds to set playback start time to.
1154      @return the new playback start time.
1155      @see videoPlaybackTime().
1156      @see multitrack::setCurrentTime().
1157   */
1158   double setPlaybackStartTime(double time) const;
1160   /**
1161      Set the video playback frame. Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING and livesApp::mode() is
1163      If the frame parameter is < 1 or > foregroundClip().frames() nothing happens.
1164      If background is true, the function sets the frame for backgroundClip().
1165      If background is false and prefs::audioFollowsFPSChanges() is true, then the audio playback will sync to the new video position.
1166      @param frame the new frame to set to
1167      @param background if true sets the frame for the background clip (if any)
1168      @return the video frame set to, or 0 if the operation is invalid.
1169      @see videoPlaybackTime()
1170      @see setPlaybackTime()
1171   */
1172   int setVideoPlaybackFrame(int frame, bool background = false) const;
1174   /**
1175      Return the current clip playback time. If livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT, then this returns
1176      the current playback time for video in the current foregroundClip(), or the current backgroundClip() if background is true:
1177      if there is no background clip, 0. is returned.
1178      If livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK, then this returns the current player time in the multitrack timeline,
1179      (equivalent to multitrack::currentTime()), and the background parameter is ignored.
1180      This function works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
1181      If isValid() is false, 0. is returned.
1182      @param background if true returns the playback time for the background clip.
1183      @return the current foreground or background clip playback time.
1184      @see setVideoPlaybackFrame().
1185      @see audioPlaybackTime().
1186      @see elapsedTime().
1187      @see multitrack::currentTime().
1188   */
1189   double videoPlaybackTime(bool background = false) const;
1191   /**
1192      Set the audio playback time. Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING and livesApp::mode() is
1193      LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT and prefs::isRealtimeAudioPlayer() is true for prefs::audioPlayer().
1194      Does not work if prefs::audioSource() is LIVES_AUDIO_SOURCE_INTERNAL and player::recording() is true.
1195      If the time parameter is < 0. or > clip::audioLength() nothing happens.
1196      The time is actually set to the nearest video frame start to the requested time.
1197      @param time the new time to set to
1198      @return the audio playback time, or 0. if the operation is invalid.
1199      @see audioPlaybackTime()
1200      @see setVideoPlaybackFrame()
1201   */
1202   double setAudioPlaybackTime(double time) const;
1204   /**
1205      Return the current clip audio playback time in seconds. If livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT, then this returns
1206      the current playback time for audio in the current foregroundClip().
1207      If livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK, then this returns the current player time in the multitrack timeline
1208      (equivalent to multitrack::currentTime()).
1209      This function works with livesApp::status() of LIVES_STATUS_READY and LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
1210      If isValid() is false, 0. is returned.
1211      If prefs::audioSource() is not LIVES_AUDIO_SOURCE_INTERNAL the value returned is not defined.
1212      @return the current clip audio playback time.
1213      @see videoPlaybackTime().
1214      @see elapsedTime().
1215      @see multitrack::currentTime().
1216   */
1217   double audioPlaybackTime() const;
1219   /**
1220      Return the elapsed time, i.e. total time in seconds since playback began.
1221      If livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, 0. is returned.
1222      @return the time in seconds since playback began.
1223      @see playbackTime().
1224      @see audioPlaybackTime().
1225      @see multitrack::currentTime().
1226   */
1227   double elapsedTime() const;
1229   /**
1230      Set the current playback framerate in frames per second. Only works if livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT and
1231      livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
1232      Allowed values range from -prefs::maxFPS() to +prefs::maxFPS().
1233      If prefs::audioFollowsFPSChanges() is true, then the audio playback rate will change proportionally.
1234      If isPlaying() is false, nothing happens and 0. is returned.
1235      Note, the setting only applies to the current clip; if the clip being played is switched then currentFPS() may change.
1236      @param fps the framerate to set
1237      @return the new framerate
1238      @see currentFPS().
1239   */
1240   double setCurrentFPS(double fps) const;
1242   /**
1243      Return the current playback framerate in frames per second of the player.
1244      If isValid() is false, returns 0. If livesApp::status is neither LIVES_STATUS_READY nor LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, returns 0.
1245      Otherwise, this is equivalent to foregroundClip::playbackFPS().
1246      @return the current or potential playback rate in frames per second.
1247      @see setCurrentFPS().
1248      @see clip::playbackFPS().
1249   */
1250   double currentFPS() const;
1252   /**
1253      Return the current audio rate of the player.
1254      If isValid() is false, returns 0. If livesApp::status is neither LIVES_STATUS_READY nor LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, returns 0.
1255      Otherwise, this is equivalent to foregroundClip::playbackAudioRate().
1256      Note this is not necessarily the same as the soundcard audio rate which can be obtained via prefs::audioPlayerRate().
1257      @return the current or potential audio rate in Hz.
1258      @see clip::playbackAudioRate().
1259   */
1260   int currentAudioRate() const;
1262   /**
1263      Set the loop mode for the player. The value is a bitmap, however LIVES_LOOP_MODE_FIT_AUDIO
1264      only has meaning when livesApp::mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT.
1265      If isValid() is false, nothing happens.
1266      @param mode the desired loop mode
1267      @return the new loop mode
1268      @see loopMode().
1269   */
1270   lives_loop_mode_t setLoopMode(lives_loop_mode_t mode) const;
1272   /**
1273      Return the loop mode of the player.
1274      If isValid() is false, returns LIVES_LOOP_MODE_NONE.
1275      @return the current loop mode of the player
1276      @see setLoopMode().
1277   */
1278   lives_loop_mode_t loopMode() const;
1280   /**
1281      Set ping pong mode. If pingPong is true then rather than looping forward, video and audio will "bounce"
1282      forwards and backwards off their end points, provided the mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT.
1283      If mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK, then the value is ignored.
1284      @param setting the desired value
1285      @return the new value
1286      @see pingPong().
1287      @see loopMode().
1288   */
1289   bool setPingPong(bool setting) const;
1291   /**
1292      Return ping pong mode. If pingPong is true then rather than looping forward, video and audio will "bounce"
1293      forwards and backwards off their end points, provided the mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT.
1294      If mode() is LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK, then the value is ignored.
1295      If the player is invalid, false is returned.
1296      @return the current value.
1297      @see setPingPong().
1298      @see loopMode().
1299   */
1300   bool pingPong() const;
1302   /**
1303      Resets the clip::playbackFPS() for the current foreground clip, so it is equal to the clip::FPS().
1304      Resets the clip::playbackAudioRate so it is equal to the clip::audioRate().
1305      If possible equalizes the audioPlaybackTime() with the playbackTime() so video and audio are in sync.
1306      Only works if isPlaying() is true.
1307      @return true if the method succeeded.
1308   */
1309   bool resyncFPS() const;
1312   /**
1313      @return true if the two players belong to the same livesApp.
1314   */
operator ==(const player & other) const1315   inline bool operator==(const player &other) const {
1316     return other.m_lives == m_lives;
1317   }
1320 protected:
1321   player(livesApp *lives = NULL);
1323 private:
1324   livesApp *m_lives;
1326 };
1328 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1330 /**
1331    class "effectKey".
1332    Represents a single effect key slot. A valid livesApp will have a map of these (effectKeyMapping()) whose size() is equal to
1333    prefs::rteKeysVirtual().
1334    @see effectKeyMap::operator[]
1335 */
1336 class effectKey {
1337   friend effectKeyMap;
1338 public:
1339   /**
1340      Creates a new, invalid effect key
1341   */
1342   effectKey();
1344   /**
1345      Returns whether the effectKey is valid or not.
1346      An effect key is valid if it is owned by a valid livesApp, and the livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY,
1347      and the key value is in the range 1 <= key <= prefs::rteKeysVirtual.
1348      @return true if the effectKey is valid.
1349   */
1350   bool isValid() const;
1352   /**
1353      Return the (physical or virtual) key associated with this effectKey.
1354      Effects (apart from generators) are applied in ascending key order.
1355      Physical keys (1 - 9) can also be toggled from the keyboard by simultaneously holding down the ctrl key,
1356      provided livesApp::interactive() is true.
1357      If the effectKey is invalid, 0 is returned.
1358      @return the physical or virtual key associated with this effectKey.
1359   */
1360   int key();
1362   /**
1363      Return the number of modes for this effectKey slot. Modes run from 0 to numModes() - 1.
1364      Effects can be mapped to modes in ascending order, but only one mode is the active mode for the effectKey.
1365      If the effectKey is invalid, 0 will be returned.
1366      @return the number of modes for this effectKey.
1367   */
1368   int numModes();
1370   /**
1371      Return the number of mapped modes for this effectKey slot. Modes run from 0 to numModes() - 1.
1372      When numMappedModes() == numModes() for an effectKey, no more effects may be mapped to it until a mapping is erased.
1373      If the effectKey is invalid, 0 will be returned.
1374      @return the number of modes for this effectKey.
1375   */
1376   int numMappedModes();
1378   /**
1379      Set the current mode this effectKey.
1380      Only works if the effecKey is valid, a valid effect is mapped to the mode, and livesApp::status() is
1382      @param mode the mode to switch to.
1383      @return the new mode of the effectKey.
1384      @see currentMode().
1385      @see numMappedModes().
1386   */
1387   int setCurrentMode(int mode);
1389   /**
1390      Get the current mode for this effectKey.
1391      If the effectKey is invalid, the current mode is -1.
1392      @return the current mode of the effectKey.
1393      @see setCurrentMode().
1394   */
1395   int currentMode();
1397   /**
1398      Enable an effect mapped to this effectKey, mode().
1399      Only works if the effecKey is valid, a valid effect is mapped to the mode, and livesApp::status() is
1401      @param setting the value to set to
1402      @return the new state of the effectKey
1403      @see enabled().
1404   */
1405   bool setEnabled(bool setting);
1407   /**
1408      Return a value to indicate whether the effect mapped to this effectKey, mode() is active.
1409      If the effectKey is invalid, returns false.
1410      @return true if the effect mapped at mode() is enabled.
1411      @see setEnabled().
1412   */
1413   bool enabled();
1415   /**
1416      Map an effect to the next unused mode for the effectKey.
1417      Will only work if the livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING or LIVES_STATUS_READY.
1418      The effectKey and the effect must share the same owner livesApp, and both must be valid.
1419      @param e the effect to append
1420      @return the mode number the effect was mapped to, or -1 if the mapping failed.
1421      @see removeMapping().
1422   */
1423   int appendMapping(effect e);
1425   /**
1426      Remove an effect from being mapped to this key.
1427      Will only work if the livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING or LIVES_STATUS_READY.
1428      If the effectKey is invalid, or if no effect is mapped to the mode, false is returned and nothing happens.
1429      If an effect is removed, effects mapped to higher mode numbers on the same effectKey will move down a mode to close the gap.
1430      Note: the currentMode() does not change unless this is the last mapped effect for this effectKey,
1431      so this may cause the currently enabled effect to change.
1432      @param mode the mode to remove the effect from.
1433      @return true if an effect was unmapped.
1434      @see appendMapping().
1435   */
1436   bool removeMapping(int mode);
1438   /**
1439      Returns the effect mapped to the key at the specified mode.
1440      If the effectKey is invalid, or if no effect is mapped to the mode, an invalid effect is returned.
1441      @param mode the specified mode.
1442      @return the effect mapped to the key at the specified mode.
1443   */
1444   effect at(int mode);
1450   /**
1451      @return true if the two effectKeys have the same livesApp and key value and belong to the same livesApp
1452   */
operator ==(const effectKey & other)1453   inline bool operator==(const effectKey &other) {
1454     return other.m_key == m_key && m_lives == other.m_lives;
1455   }
1457 protected:
1458   effectKey(livesApp *lives, int key);
1460 private:
1461   int m_key;
1462   livesApp *m_lives;
1464 };
1468 /**
1469    class "effectKeyMap".
1470    Represents a mapping of effectKey instances to key slots. Real time effects are always applied in order of ascending index value
1471    (with the exception of generator effects, which are applied first).
1472    @see livesApp::getEffectKeyMap()
1473 */
1474 class effectKeyMap {
1475   friend livesApp;
1476 public:
1477   /**
1478     Returns whether the effectKeyMap is valid or not.
1479     A valid effectKeyMap is owned by a valid livesApp, the livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY,
1480     and the index is 1 <= i <= prefs::rteKeysVirtual().
1481     @return true if the effectKeyMap is valid.
1482   */
1483   bool isValid() const;
1485   /**
1486     Unmap all effects from effectKey mappings, leaving an empty map.
1487     Only has an effect when livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY.
1488     @return true if all effects were unmapped
1489   */
1490   bool clear() const;
1492   /**
1493     Returns the ith effect key for this key map.
1494     Valid range for i is 1 <= i <= prefs::rteKeysVirtual().
1495     For values of i outside this range, an invalid effectKey is returned.
1496     @param i the index value
1497     @return an effectKey with index i.
1498     @see effectKey::operator[]
1499   */
1500   effectKey at(int i) const;
1502   /**
1503     Returns the number of key slots (indices) in the effectKeyMap.
1504     The valid range of keys is 1 <= key <= size().
1505     Equivalent to prefs::rteKeysVirtual(), except that if the effectKeyMap is invalid, returns 0.
1506     @return the number of key slots.
1507     @see prefs::rteKeysVirtual()
1508   */
1509   size_t size() const;
1511   /**
1512     @return true if the two effectKeyMaps have the same livesApp
1513   */
operator ==(const effectKeyMap & other) const1514   inline bool operator==(const effectKeyMap &other) const {
1515     return other.m_lives == m_lives;
1516   }
1518   /**
1519     Returns an effect key with index i for this key map. The value of i may be chosen freely, but if it is outside the range
1520     1 <= i <= size() then the effectKey will be considered invalid.
1521     @return an effectKey with index i for this key map.
1522     @see at()
1523   */
operator [](int i) const1524   inline effectKey operator [](int i) const {
1525     return effectKey(m_lives, i);
1526   }
1529 protected:
1530   effectKeyMap(livesApp *lives);
1532 private:
1533   livesApp *m_lives;
1534 };
1538 /**
1539    class "effect".
1540    Represents a single effect.
1541 */
1542 class effect {
1543   friend effectKey;
1544   friend multitrack;
1545 public:
1546   /**
1547      Create a new effect from a hashname. In case of multiple matches, only the first match is returned.
1548      The hashname should be in utf-8 format, and matching is case insensitive.
1549      In the case of no matches, an invalid effect is returned.
1550      If livesApp::isInvalid() is true, or livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY, an invalid effect will be returned.
1551      Implementation note: we use const livesApp & here to avoid the destructor being called on a copy object,
1552      which would cause LiVES to terminate prematurely.
1553      @param lives a livesApp instance
1554      @param hashname the hashname of an effect, a concatenation of package name, filter name, and if match_full is true,
1555      author and version string. If the filter has "extra_authors" these are also checked.
1556      @param match_full if true then author and version string must match, otherwise only package name and filter name are matched.
1557      If false then the hashname and the target must be equivalent strings.
1558      @return an effect.
1559   */
1560   effect(const livesApp &lives, livesString hashname, bool match_full = false);
1562   /**
1563      Create a new effect from a template. In case of multiple matches, only the first match is returned.
1564      In the case of no matches, an invalid effect is returned.
1565      LiVESStrings here should be in utf-8 format and matching is case insensitive.
1566      If livesApp::isInvalid() is true, or livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY, an invalid effect will be returned.
1567      Implementation note: we use const livesApp & here to avoid the destructor being called on a copy object,
1568      which would cause LiVES to terminate prematurely.
1569      @param lives a livesApp instance
1570      @param package a package name (e.g. "frei0r", "LADSPA"), or "" to match any package.
1571      @param fxname the name of a filter (e.g. "chroma blend") or "" to match any filter name.
1572      @param author the name of the author of the effect (e.g. "jsmith") or "" to match any author. If the plugin has "extra_authors"
1573      this value is also permitted as a match.
1574      @param version the number of a version to match, or 0 to match any version.
1575      @return an effect.
1576   */
1577   effect(const livesApp &lives, livesString package, livesString fxname, livesString author = livesString(), int version = 0);
1579   /**
1580      Returns whether the effect is valid or not.
1581      A valid effect is owned by a valid livesApp, whose livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY,
1582      and which references an existing effect plugin.
1583      @return true if the effect is valid.
1584   */
1585   bool isValid() const;
1587   /**
1588      @return true if the two effects have the same index and the same livesApp owner
1589   */
operator ==(const effect & other)1590   inline bool operator==(const effect &other) {
1591     return other.m_idx == m_idx && m_lives == other.m_lives;
1592   }
1594 protected:
1595   effect();
1596   effect(livesApp *m_lives, int idx);
1597   livesApp *m_lives;
1598   int m_idx;
1600 private:
1602 };
1606 /**
1607    class "block".
1608    Represents a sequence of frames from the same clip on the same track which forms part of a layout.
1609    This is an abstracted level, since layouts are fundamentally formed of "events" which may span multiple tracks.
1610 */
1611 class block {
1612   friend multitrack;
1614 public:
1616   /**
1617      returns whether the block is valid or not. A block may become invalid if it is deleted from a layout for example.
1618      Undoing a deletion does not cause a block to become valid again, you need to search for it again by time and track number.
1619      If the livesApp::mode() is changed from LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK, then all existing blocks become invalid.
1620      @return whether the block is contained in an active multitrack instance.
1621   */
1622   bool isValid() const;
1624   /**
1625      Returns a reference to the block on the specified track at the specified time. If no such block exists, returns an invalid block.
1626      @param m the multitrack object
1627      @param track the track number. Values < 0 indicate backing audio tracks.
1628      @param time the time in seconds on the timeline.
1629      @return the block on the given track at the given time.
1630   */
1631   block(multitrack m, int track, double time);
1633   /**
1634      Returns the start time in seconds of the block.
1635      If the block is invalid, returns -1.
1636      @return start time in seconds.
1637   */
1638   double startTime();
1640   /**
1641      Returns the duration in seconds of the block.
1642      If the block is invalid, returns -1.
1643      @return duration in seconds.
1644   */
1645   double length();
1647   /**
1648      Returns the clip which is the source of frames for this block.
1649      If the block is invalid, returns an invalid clip.
1650      @return the clip which is the source of frames for this block.
1651   */
1652   clip clipSource();
1654   /**
1655      Returns the track number to which this block is currently attached.
1656      A track number < 0 indicates a backing audio track.
1657      If the block is invalid, returns 0.
1658      @return the current track number for this block.
1659   */
1660   int track();
1662   /**
1663      Removes a block from the multitrack timeline. Upon being removed, the block becomes invalid.
1664      Undoing the operation does not cause the block to become valid again, although it can be searched for using the constructor.
1665      If the block is invalid, nothing happens and false is returned.
1666      Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY.
1667      May cause other blocks to move, depending on the setting of multitrack::gravity().
1668      @return true if the block was removed.
1669      @see multitrack::insertBlock().
1670   */
1671   bool remove();
1673   /**
1674      Move the block to a new track at a new timeline time.
1675      Depending on the value of multitrack::insertMode(), it may not be possible to do the insertion.
1676      In case of failure an invalid block is returned.
1677      Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY and isActive() is true.
1678      Note: the actual place where the block ends up, and its final size depends on various factors such as the multitrack::gravity() setting,
1679      the multitrack::insertMode() setting, and the location of other blocks in the layout.
1680      The insertion may cause other blocks to relocate.
1681      If the block is invalid, nothing happens and false is returned.
1682      @param track the new track to move to.
1683      @param time the timeline time in seconds to move to.
1684      @return true if the block could be moved.
1685   */
1686   bool moveTo(int track, double time);
1690 protected:
1691   /**
1692      Protected initialiser
1693   */
1694   block(multitrack *m = NULL, ulong uid = 0l);
1697 private:
1698   ulong m_uid;
1699   livesApp *m_lives;
1701   void invalidate();
1702 };
1706 /**
1707    class "multitrack".
1708    Represents the multitrack object in a livesApp.
1709 */
1710 class multitrack {
1711   friend livesApp;
1712   friend block;
1714 public:
1716   /**
1717      returns whether the multitrack is valid or not. A valid multitrack is one which is owned by a valid livesApp,
1718      whose livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY.
1719      @return whether the multitrack is valid
1720   */
1721   bool isValid() const;
1723   /**
1724      returns whether the multitrack is active or not. This is equivent to livesApp::mode() == LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_MULTITRACK.
1725      @return whether the multitrack is active or not.
1726   */
1727   bool isActive() const;
1729   /**
1730      Set the current track if isActive() is true.
1731      Only works when livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
1732      @param track a value >= 0 represents a video track, a value < 0 represents a backing audio track.
1733      @return true if the track setting was successful.
1734      @see currentTrack().
1735   */
1736   bool setCurrentTrack(int track) const;
1738   /**
1739      If isActive() is true, then this method returns the current active track.
1740      The active track defines the insertion point for video and audio, along with the currentTime().
1741      If isActive() is false, or the livesApp::status is not LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING
1742      then the return value is undefined.
1743      @return the current active track in multitrack mode. A value >= 0 represents a video track, a value < 0 represents a backing audio track.
1744      @see setCurrentTrack().
1745   */
1746   int currentTrack() const;
1748   /**
1749      Set the current playback start time in seconds. This is also the insertion point for insertBlock().
1750      Only works if the livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY and isActive() is true.
1751      Setting the current time may cause the timeline to stretch visually (i.e zoom out).
1752      The miminum value is 0.0; values < 0.0 will be ignored.
1753      This function is synonymous with player::setPlaybackTime().
1754      @param time the time in seconds to set playback start time to.
1755      @return the new playback start time.
1756      @see currentTime().
1757   */
1758   double setCurrentTime(double time) const;
1760   /**
1761      Return the current playback time in seconds. If isActive() is true this returns the current player time in the multitrack timeline
1762      (equivalent to to player::playbackTime(), and during playback, equivalent to player::elapsedTime() plus a constant offset).
1763      This function works when livesApp::status() is LIVE_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING.
1764      If isActive() is false, 0. is returned.
1765      @return the current clip playback time.
1766      @see setCurrentTime().
1767      @see currentAudioTime().
1768      @see elapsedTime().
1769   */
1770   double currentTime() const;
1772   /**
1773      If isActive() is true, then this method returns the label for a track.
1774      @param track the track number. A value >= 0 represents a video track, a value < 0 represents a backing audio track.
1775      @return the track label, or empty livesString if the specified track does not exist.
1776      @see setTrackLabel().
1777   */
1778   livesString trackLabel(int track) const;
1780   /**
1781      Set the label for a track. This is for display purposes only and has no other effect.
1782      If isActive() is false, the track label is not changed, and false is returned.
1783      If the label is not provided, or is an empty livesString, the user will be prompted to enter a name at runtime.
1784      @param track the track number. Must be >= 0.
1785      @param label a livesString containing the text to label the track with.
1786      @return true if it was possible to change the label.
1787      @see trackLabel().
1788   */
1789   bool setTrackLabel(int track, livesString label = livesString()) const;
1791   /**
1792      Returns the value of the multitrack gravity. This value, together with the insertMode() defines what happens when a block is inserted,
1793      moved or deleted.
1794      If isActive() is false, the return value is undefined.
1795      @return the multitrack gravity.
1796      @see insertMode().
1797   */
1798   lives_gravity_t gravity() const;
1800   /**
1801      Set the gravity mode for multitrack. If isActive() is false, nothing happens and an undefined value is returned,
1802      otherwise if livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, nothing happens.
1803      @param mode the new gravity mode to set.
1804      @return the new gravity mode.
1805      @see gravity().
1806   */
1807   lives_gravity_t setGravity(lives_gravity_t mode) const;
1809   /**
1810      Returns the value of the multitrack insert mode. This value, together with gravity() defines what happens when a block is inserted,
1811      moved or deleted.
1812      If isActive() is false, the return value is undefined.
1813      @return the multitrack insert mode.
1814      @see gravity().
1815   */
1816   lives_insert_mode_t insertMode() const;
1818   /**
1819      Set the gravity mode for multitrack. If isActive() is false, nothing happens and an undefined value is returned,
1820      otherwise if livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, nothing happens.
1821      @param mode the new insert mode to set.
1822      @return the new insert mode.
1823      @see insertMode().
1824   */
1825   lives_insert_mode_t setInsertMode(lives_insert_mode_t mode) const;
1828   /**
1829      Append a new video track into the timeline. Only works if isActive() is true, and livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY.
1830      @param in_front set to true to insert a video track in front of existing video tracks. Otherwise insert will be behind.
1831      @return the index number of the newly added track, or -1 if the operation failed.
1832   */
1833   int addVideoTrack(bool in_front) const;
1836   /**
1837      Returns the number of video tracks for multitrack. If isActive() is false, 0 is returned.
1838      @return the number of video tracks
1839      @see addVideoTrack()
1840   */
1841   int numVideoTracks() const;
1844   /**
1845      Returns the number of audio backing tracks for multitrack. If isActive() is false, 0 is returned.
1846      @return the number of audio tracks
1847   */
1848   int numAudioTracks() const;
1851   /**
1852      Return the framerate of the multitrack in frames per second.
1853      If isActive() is false, returns 0. Otherwise when the livesAPP::status() is LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, player::FPS() takes this value.
1854      @return the framerate of the multitrack in frames per second.
1855   */
1856   double FPS() const;
1858   /**
1859      Insert frames from clip c into currentTrack() at currentTime()
1860      If ignore_selection_limits is true, then all frames from the clip will be inserted,
1861      otherwise (the default) only frames from clip::selectionStart() to clip::selectionEnd() will be used.
1862      If without_audio is false (the default), audio is also inserted.
1863      Frames are automatically resampled to fit layout::fps().
1864      Depending on the insertMode(), it may not be possible to do the insertion. In case of failure an invalid block is returned.
1865      If the current track is a backing audio track, then only audio is inserted;
1866      in this case if without_audio is true an invalid block is returned.
1867      Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY and isActive() is true.
1868      Note: the actual place where the block ends up, and its final size depends on various factors such as the gravity() setting,
1869      the insertMode() setting, and the location of other blocks in the layout.
1870      The insertion may cause other blocks to relocate.
1871      @param c the clip to insert from
1872      @param ignore_selection_limits if true then all frames from the clip will be inserted
1873      @param without_audio if false then audio is also inserted
1874      @return the newly inserted block.
1875      @see setCurrentTrack().
1876      @see setCurrentTime().
1877      @see clip::setSelectionStart().
1878      @see clip::setSelectionEnd().
1879      @see setGravity().
1880      @see block::remove().
1881   */
1882   block insertBlock(clip c, bool ignore_selection_limits = false, bool without_audio = false) const;
1884   /**
1885      Wipe the current layout, leaving a blank layout.
1886      If force is false, then the user will have a chance to cancel (if livesApp::interactive() is true),
1887      or to save the layout.
1888      Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY and isActive() is true.
1889      Otherwise, the layout will not be wiped, and an empty livesString will be returned.
1890      @param force set to true to force the layout to be wiped.
1891      @return the name which the layout was saved to, or empty livesString if it was not saved.
1892   */
1893   livesString wipeLayout(bool force = false) const;
1895   /**
1896      Allow the user to graphically choose a layout to load for the set.
1897      Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY and isActive() is true, otherwise an empty livesString is returned.
1898      @return the name of the layout selected.
1899      @see reloadLayout().
1900      @see availableLayouts().
1901   */
1902   livesString chooseLayout() const;
1904   /**
1905      Return a list of the available layouts for the currently loaded set.
1906      If livesApp::isReady() is false, or if no set is loaded, then an empty livesStringList is returned.
1907      @return list of available layouts for the currently loaded set
1908      @see reloadLayout().
1909   */
1910   livesStringList availableLayouts() const;
1912   /**
1913      Reload the selected layout, replacing the current multitrack layout.
1914      Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY and isActive() is true.
1915      The layout must be "owned" by the currently loaded set, otherwise an error may be shown and it will not be loaded.
1916      If filename is an empty livesString, chooseLayout() will be called first to get the layout name.
1917      If livesApp::interactive() is true, the user will have a chance to save the current layout (if any) first.
1918      @param filename the filename of the layout to load
1919      @return true if the specified layout could be loaded
1920      @see chooseLayout().
1921      @see availableLayouts().
1922      @see saveLayout().
1923   */
1924   bool reloadLayout(livesString filename) const;
1926   /**
1927      Save the current layout using the name supplied. The layout will be saved in the layouts directory for the
1928      currently loaded set, so the name should not include any directory component.
1929      Only works if the livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY, and the current layout is not empty,
1930      otherwise an empty livesString is returned. Note that this WILL work even if isActive() is false.
1931      If livesApp::interactive() is true, the user may choose to cancel the operation.
1932      If the layout name is empty, the user will be prompted graphically to enter a name. If the set name is empty, the user will be
1933      prompted to enter a set name (if livesApp::interactive() is true; otherwise this will fail and an empty string will be returned).
1934      Rarely it will not be possible to save a layout (if it was generated by recording events, and it contains generated audio or video).
1935      @param name the name to save the layout
1936      @return the filename the set was saved to, or empty livesString if saving failed.
1937      @see wipeLayout().
1938      @see reloadLayout();
1939      @see set::setName().
1940   */
1941   livesString saveLayout(livesString name) const;
1943   /**
1944      Save the current layout using the current layout name.
1945      Only works if the livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY, and the current layout is not empty,
1946      otherwise an empty livesString is returned. Note that this WILL work even if isActive() is false.
1947      If livesApp::interactive() is true, the user may choose to cancel the operation.
1948      If the layout name has not been previously set, the user will be prompted graphically to enter a name.
1949      If the set name is empty, the user will be
1950      prompted to enter a set name (if livesApp::interactive() is true; otherwise this will fail and an empty string will be returned).
1951      Rarely it will not be possible to save a layout (if it was generated by recording events, and it contains generated audio or video).
1952      @return the filename the set was saved to, or empty livesString if saving failed.
1953      @see wipeLayout().
1954      @see reloadLayout();
1955      @see set::setName().
1956   */
1957   livesString saveLayout() const;
1959   /**
1960      Render the current layout to a new clip and return it.
1961      Only works if isActive() is true, and livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY, and the current layout is not empty.
1962      If livesApp::interactive() is true, the user may choose to cancel the operation, or to render fewer than all frames.
1963      After rendering, if prefs::mtExitRender() is true, the livesApp::mode() will change to LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT,
1964      and isActive() will change to false.
1965      @param render_audio true if audio should be rendered in addition to video.
1966      @param normalise_audio if true then the audio volume is normalized (backing audio gets half volume, video tracks get half volume)
1967      @return clip a new clip which contains the rendered video, or an invalid clip in case of failure.
1968   */
1969   clip render(bool render_audio = true, bool normalise_audio = true) const;
1971   /**
1972      Returns the current autotransition effect for multitrack mode.
1973      If no effect is set, returns an invalid effect.
1974      If the owning livesApp::isInvalid() is true, or if livesApp::Status() is LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY, returns an invalid effect.
1975      @return the autotransition effect for multitrack.
1976      @see setAutoTransition().
1977      @see disableAutoTransition().
1978   */
1979   effect autoTransition() const;
1981   /**
1982      Set the current autotransition effect for multitrack mode to "None" (no effect).
1983      If the livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, returns false and nothing happens.
1984      @return true if the autotransition was disabled.
1985      @see autoTransition().
1986      @see setAutoTransition().
1987   */
1988   bool disableAutoTransition() const;
1990   /**
1991      Set the current autotransition effect for multitrack mode.
1992      If the livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_READY or LIVES_STATUS_PLAYING, returns false and nothing happens.
1993      If the effect is not a transition, false is returned and nothing happens.
1994      If the effect is invalid, this is the same as calling disableAutoTransition().
1995      @param autotrans the new autotransition effect for multitrack.
1996      @return true if the autotransition was changed.
1997      @see autoTransition().
1998      @see disableAutoTransition().
1999   */
2000   bool setAutoTransition(effect autotrans) const;
2002   /**
2003      @return true if the two layouts have the same livesApp owner
2004   */
operator ==(const multitrack & other) const2005   inline bool operator==(const multitrack &other) const {
2006     return m_lives == other.m_lives;
2007   }
2010 protected:
2011   multitrack(livesApp *lives = NULL);
2013   /**
2014      The linked LiVES application
2015   */
2016   livesApp *m_lives;
2019 };
2026 /**
2027    Preferences. Valid values are only returned if the livesApp::isValid() is true, and livesApp::status() is not LIVES_STATUS_NOTREADY.
2028    Implementation note: we use const livesApp & here to avoid the destructor being called on a copy object,
2029    which would cause LiVES to terminate prematurely.
2030 */
2031 namespace prefs {
2032 /**
2033   @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2034   @return the currently preferred directory for loading video clips.
2035 */
2036 livesString currentVideoLoadDir(const livesApp &lives);
2038 /**
2039    @param lives a reference to a valid const livesApp &instance
2040    @return the currently preferred directory for loading and saving audio.
2041 */
2042 livesString currentAudioDir(const livesApp &lives);
2044 /**
2045    Despite the name, this is the working directory for the LiVES application.
2046    The valid list of sets is drawn from this directory, for it is here that they are saved and loaded.
2047    The value can only be set at runtime through the GUI preferences window. Otherwise you can override the default value
2048    when the livesApp() is created via argv[] option "-tmpdir", eg: <BR>
2049    <BR><BLOCKQUOTE><I>
2050    char *argv[2]; <BR>
2051    argv[0]="-tmpdir"; <BR>
2052    argv[1]="/home/user/tempdir/"; <BR>
2053    livesApp lives(2, argv); <BR>
2054    </I></BLOCKQUOTE>
2055    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2056    @return the LiVES working directory
2057 */
2058 livesString tmpDir(const livesApp &lives);
2060 /**
2061    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2062    @return the current audio source
2063    @see setAudioSource().
2064 */
2065 lives_audio_source_t audioSource(const livesApp &lives);
2067 /**
2068    Set the audio source. Only works if livesApp::status() is LIVES_STATUS_READY.
2069    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2070    @param asrc the desired audio source
2071    @return true if the audio source could be changed.
2072 */
2073 bool setAudioSource(const livesApp &lives, lives_audio_source_t asrc);
2075 /**
2076    @param lives a reference to a livesApp instance
2077    @return the current audio player
2078 */
2079 lives_audio_player_t audioPlayer(const livesApp &lives);
2081 /**
2082    Returns the audio rate for the player. Note this may be different from the clip audio rate.
2083    Only valid if isRealtimeAudioPlayer(lives.audioPlayer()) is true.
2084    @param lives a reference to a livesApp instance
2085    @return the current audio player rate in Hz.
2086    @see isRealtimeAudioPlayer()
2087 */
2088 int audioPlayerRate(const livesApp &lives);
2090 /**
2091    @param ptype an audio player type
2092    @return true if the audio player type is realtime controllable
2093 */
2094 bool isRealtimeAudioPlayer(lives_audio_player_t ptype);
2096 /**
2097    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2098    @return the maximum value for effectKey indices
2099 */
2100 int rteKeysVirtual(const livesApp &lives);
2102 /**
2103    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2104    @return the maximum allowed framerate for a clip
2105 */
2106 double maxFPS(const livesApp &lives);
2108 /**
2109    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2110    @return true if the audio clip changes to match video clip changes during playback
2111    @see setAudioFollowsVideoChanges().
2112 */
2113 bool audioFollowsVideoChanges(const livesApp &lives);
2115 /**
2116    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2117    @return true if the clip audio playback rate changes to match video clip framerate changes during playback
2118    @see setAudioFollowsFPSChanges().
2119 */
2120 bool audioFollowsFPSChanges(const livesApp &lives);
2122 /**
2123    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2124    @param setting the new setting
2125    @return true if the preference was updated
2126    @see audioFollowsFPSChanges
2127 */
2128 bool setAudioFollowsFPSChanges(const livesApp &lives, bool setting);
2130 /**
2131    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2132    @param setting the new setting
2133    @return true if the preference was updated
2134    @see audioFollowsFPSChanges
2135 */
2136 bool setAudioFollowsVideoChanges(const livesApp &lives, bool setting);
2138 /**
2139    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2140    @return true if the separate playback window is shown even when livesApp::isPlaying() is false.
2141    @see setSepWinSticky()
2142    @see player::sepWin()
2143 */
2144 bool sepWinSticky(const livesApp &lives);
2146 /**
2147    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2148    @return true if the preference was updated
2149    @see sepWinSticky()
2150    @see player::sepWin()
2151 */
2152 bool setSepWinSticky(const livesApp &lives, bool);
2154 /**
2155    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2156    @return true if the livesApp::mode() switches to LIVES_INTERFACE_MODE_CLIPEDIT after calling multitrack::render()
2157    @see setMtExitRender()
2158    @see multitrack::render()
2159 */
2160 bool mtExitRender(const livesApp &lives);
2162 /**
2163    @param lives a reference to a valid livesApp instance
2164    @param setting the new setting
2165    @return true if the preference was updated
2166    @see mtExitRender().
2167    @see multitrack::render().
2168 */
2169 bool setMtExitRender(const livesApp &lives, bool setting);
2172 }
2175 }
2177 #endif // __cplusplus
2179 #endif //HAS_LIBLIVES_H