1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see https://eclipse.org/sumo
3 // Copyright (C) 2012-2019 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials
5 // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
8 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
9 /****************************************************************************/
10 /// @file    Helper.h
11 /// @author  Robert Hilbrich
12 /// @author  Leonhard Luecken
13 /// @date    15.09.2017
14 /// @version $Id$
15 ///
16 // C++ TraCI client API implementation
17 /****************************************************************************/
18 #ifndef Helper_h
19 #define Helper_h
22 // ===========================================================================
23 // included modules
24 // ===========================================================================
25 #include <config.h>
27 #include <vector>
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <libsumo/Subscription.h>
30 #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
32 // ===========================================================================
33 // class declarations
34 // ===========================================================================
35 class Position;
36 class PositionVector;
37 class RGBColor;
38 class MSEdge;
39 class MSPerson;
41 // ===========================================================================
42 // type definitions
43 // ===========================================================================
44 typedef std::map<const MSLane*, std::pair<double, double> >  LaneCoverageInfo; // also declared in MSLane.h!
46 // ===========================================================================
47 // class definitions
48 // ===========================================================================
50 class LaneStoringVisitor {
51 public:
52     /// @brief Constructor
LaneStoringVisitor(std::set<std::string> & ids,const PositionVector & shape,const double range,const int domain)53     LaneStoringVisitor(std::set<std::string>& ids, const PositionVector& shape,
54                        const double range, const int domain)
55         : myIDs(ids), myShape(shape), myRange(range), myDomain(domain) {}
57     /// @brief Destructor
~LaneStoringVisitor()58     ~LaneStoringVisitor() {}
60     /// @brief Adds the given object to the container
61     void add(const MSLane* const l) const;
63     /// @brief The container
64     std::set<std::string>& myIDs;
65     const PositionVector& myShape;
66     const double myRange;
67     const int myDomain;
69 private:
70     /// @brief invalidated copy constructor
71     LaneStoringVisitor(const LaneStoringVisitor& src);
73     /// @brief invalidated assignment operator
74     LaneStoringVisitor& operator=(const LaneStoringVisitor& src);
75 };
77 #define LANE_RTREE_QUAL RTree<MSLane*, MSLane, float, 2, LaneStoringVisitor>
78 template<>
RectSphericalVolume(Rect * a_rect)79 inline float LANE_RTREE_QUAL::RectSphericalVolume(Rect* a_rect) {
80     ASSERT(a_rect);
81     const float extent0 = a_rect->m_max[0] - a_rect->m_min[0];
82     const float extent1 = a_rect->m_max[1] - a_rect->m_min[1];
83     return .78539816f * (extent0 * extent0 + extent1 * extent1);
84 }
86 template<>
CombineRect(Rect * a_rectA,Rect * a_rectB)87 inline LANE_RTREE_QUAL::Rect LANE_RTREE_QUAL::CombineRect(Rect* a_rectA, Rect* a_rectB) {
88     ASSERT(a_rectA && a_rectB);
89     Rect newRect;
90     newRect.m_min[0] = rtree_min(a_rectA->m_min[0], a_rectB->m_min[0]);
91     newRect.m_max[0] = rtree_max(a_rectA->m_max[0], a_rectB->m_max[0]);
92     newRect.m_min[1] = rtree_min(a_rectA->m_min[1], a_rectB->m_min[1]);
93     newRect.m_max[1] = rtree_max(a_rectA->m_max[1], a_rectB->m_max[1]);
94     return newRect;
95 }
97 namespace libsumo {
99 /**
100 * @class Helper
101 * @brief C++ TraCI client API implementation
102 */
103 class Helper {
104 public:
105     static void subscribe(const int commandId, const std::string& id, const std::vector<int>& variables,
106                           const double beginTime, const double endTime, const int contextDomain = 0, const double range = 0.);
108     static void handleSubscriptions(const SUMOTime t);
110     /// @brief helper functions
111     static TraCIPositionVector makeTraCIPositionVector(const PositionVector& positionVector);
112     static TraCIPosition makeTraCIPosition(const Position& position, const bool includeZ = false);
113     static Position makePosition(const TraCIPosition& position);
115     static PositionVector makePositionVector(const TraCIPositionVector& vector);
116     static TraCIColor makeTraCIColor(const RGBColor& color);
117     static RGBColor makeRGBColor(const TraCIColor& color);
119     static MSEdge* getEdge(const std::string& edgeID);
120     static const MSLane* getLaneChecking(const std::string& edgeID, int laneIndex, double pos);
121     static std::pair<MSLane*, double> convertCartesianToRoadMap(const Position& pos, const SUMOVehicleClass vClass);
123     static void findObjectShape(int domain, const std::string& id, PositionVector& shape);
125     static void collectObjectsInRange(int domain, const PositionVector& shape, double range, std::set<std::string>& into);
127     /// @brief Filter the given ID-Set (which was obtained from an R-Tree search)
128     ///        according to the filters set by the subscription or firstly build the object ID list if
129     ///        if the filters rather demand searching along the road network than considering a geometric range.
130     /// @param[in] s Subscription which holds the filter specification to be applied
131     /// @param[in/out] objIDs Set of object IDs that is to be filtered. Result is stored in place.
132     /// @note Currently this assumes that the objects are vehicles.
133     static void applySubscriptionFilters(const Subscription& s, std::set<std::string>& objIDs);
135     static void setRemoteControlled(MSVehicle* v, Position xyPos, MSLane* l, double pos, double posLat, double angle,
136                                     int edgeOffset, ConstMSEdgeVector route, SUMOTime t);
138     static void setRemoteControlled(MSPerson* p, Position xyPos, MSLane* l, double pos, double posLat, double angle,
139                                     int edgeOffset, ConstMSEdgeVector route, SUMOTime t);
141     static void postProcessRemoteControl();
143     static void cleanup();
145     static void registerVehicleStateListener();
147     static const std::vector<std::string>& getVehicleStateChanges(const MSNet::VehicleState state);
149     static void clearVehicleStates();
151     /// @name functions for moveToXY
152     /// @{
153     static bool moveToXYMap(const Position& pos, double maxRouteDistance, bool mayLeaveNetwork, const std::string& origID, const double angle,
154                             double speed, const ConstMSEdgeVector& currentRoute, const int routePosition, MSLane* currentLane, double currentLanePos, bool onRoad,
155                             double& bestDistance, MSLane** lane, double& lanePos, int& routeOffset, ConstMSEdgeVector& edges);
157     static bool moveToXYMap_matchingRoutePosition(const Position& pos, const std::string& origID,
158             const ConstMSEdgeVector& currentRoute, int routeIndex,
159             double& bestDistance, MSLane** lane, double& lanePos, int& routeOffset);
161     static bool findCloserLane(const MSEdge* edge, const Position& pos, double& bestDistance, MSLane** lane);
163     class LaneUtility {
164     public:
LaneUtility(double dist_,double perpendicularDist_,double lanePos_,double angleDiff_,bool ID_,bool onRoute_,bool sameEdge_,const MSEdge * prevEdge_,const MSEdge * nextEdge_)165         LaneUtility(double dist_, double perpendicularDist_, double lanePos_, double angleDiff_, bool ID_,
166                     bool onRoute_, bool sameEdge_, const MSEdge* prevEdge_, const MSEdge* nextEdge_) :
167             dist(dist_), perpendicularDist(perpendicularDist_), lanePos(lanePos_), angleDiff(angleDiff_), ID(ID_),
168             onRoute(onRoute_), sameEdge(sameEdge_), prevEdge(prevEdge_), nextEdge(nextEdge_) {}
LaneUtility()169         LaneUtility() {}
~LaneUtility()170         ~LaneUtility() {}
172         double dist;
173         double perpendicularDist;
174         double lanePos;
175         double angleDiff;
176         bool ID;
177         bool onRoute;
178         bool sameEdge;
179         const MSEdge* prevEdge;
180         const MSEdge* nextEdge;
181     };
182     /// @}
184     class SubscriptionWrapper : public VariableWrapper {
185     public:
186         SubscriptionWrapper(VariableWrapper::SubscriptionHandler handler, SubscriptionResults& into, ContextSubscriptionResults& context);
187         void setContext(const std::string& refID);
188         bool wrapDouble(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const double value);
189         bool wrapInt(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const int value);
190         bool wrapString(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const std::string& value);
191         bool wrapStringList(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const std::vector<std::string>& value);
192         bool wrapPosition(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const TraCIPosition& value);
193         bool wrapColor(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const TraCIColor& value);
194         bool wrapRoadPosition(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const TraCIRoadPosition& value);
195     private:
196         SubscriptionResults myResults;
197         ContextSubscriptionResults myContextResults;
198         SubscriptionResults& myActiveResults;
199     private:
200         /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator
201         SubscriptionWrapper& operator=(const SubscriptionWrapper& s) = delete;
202     };
204 private:
205     static void handleSingleSubscription(const Subscription& s);
207     /// @brief Adds lane coverage information from newLaneCoverage into aggregatedLaneCoverage
208     /// @param[in/out] aggregatedLaneCoverage - aggregated lane coverage info, to which the new will be added
209     /// @param[in] newLaneCoverage - new lane coverage to be added
210     /// @todo Disjunct ranges are not handled (LaneCoverageInfo definition would need to allow several intervals per lane) but
211     ///       the intermediate range is simply assimilated.
212     static void fuseLaneCoverage(std::shared_ptr<LaneCoverageInfo> aggregatedLaneCoverage, const std::shared_ptr<LaneCoverageInfo> newLaneCoverage);
214 private:
215     class VehicleStateListener : public MSNet::VehicleStateListener {
216     public:
217         void vehicleStateChanged(const SUMOVehicle* const vehicle, MSNet::VehicleState to, const std::string& info = "");
218         /// @brief Changes in the states of simulated vehicles
219         std::map<MSNet::VehicleState, std::vector<std::string> > myVehicleStateChanges;
220     };
222     /// @brief The list of known, still valid subscriptions
223     static std::vector<Subscription> mySubscriptions;
225     /// @brief Map of commandIds -> their executors; applicable if the executor applies to the method footprint
226     static std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<VariableWrapper> > myWrapper;
228     /// @brief Changes in the states of simulated vehicles
229     static VehicleStateListener myVehicleStateListener;
231     /// @brief A storage of objects
232     static std::map<int, NamedRTree*> myObjects;
234     /// @brief A storage of lanes
235     static LANE_RTREE_QUAL* myLaneTree;
237     static std::map<std::string, MSVehicle*> myRemoteControlledVehicles;
238     static std::map<std::string, MSPerson*> myRemoteControlledPersons;
240     /// @brief invalidated standard constructor
241     Helper() = delete;
242 };
244 }
247 #endif
249 /****************************************************************************/