1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
2 unit LazPaintType;
4 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
6 interface
8 uses
9   Classes, SysUtils, Inifiles, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, UConfig, UImage, UTool, Forms, BGRALayers, Graphics, Menus,
10   UScripting, Dialogs, Controls
11   {$IFDEF LINUX}, InterfaceBase{$ENDIF};
13 const
14   LazPaintVersion = 7010600;
LazPaintVersionStrnull16   function LazPaintVersionStr: string;
18   {
20   Improvements accepted:
21   ----------------------
22   Mac:
23   - combobox dropdown rect without scrollbar
24   Scripting
25   Color picker
26   - From final image
27   - With radius
28   Translation of curve modes (in dropdown)
29   Lasso
30   Utiliser les touches de direction
31   Mettre a jour le curseur quand on change d'outil (notamment avec Espace)
33   Possible improvements:
34   ----------------------
35   Integrate tools in window (partly done)
36   Hue/color blend mode
37   Acquisition (Twain)
39   Format:
40   - TIM image format
41   - load/save image DPI
42   - load/save RAW
44   Filters:
45   - filtre de vagues en translation
46   - filtre pontillisme
47   - G'MIC filters
48   - surface blur
49   - smart zoom using vectorization
51   Tools:
52   - 3D text
53   - erase tool in empty selection
54   - aliased selection
55   - antialiased magic wand
57   Known bugs:
58   - Puppy linx: title bar disappears sometimes
59   }
61 const
62   OriginalDPI = 96;
63   ToolWindowFixedSize = {$IFDEF LINUX}bsDialog{$ELSE}bsToolWindow{$ENDIF};
64   ToolWindowSizeable = {$IFDEF LINUX}bsSizeable{$ELSE}bsSizeToolWin{$ENDIF};
65   ToolWindowStyle = {$IF defined(LINUX) and defined(LCLqt5)}fsNormal{$ELSE}fsStayOnTop{$ENDIF};
LazPaintCurrentVersionnull67   function LazPaintCurrentVersion : String;
69 type
70   TPictureFilter = (pfNone,
71                     pfBlurPrecise, pfBlurRadial, pfBlurFast, pfBlurBox, pfBlurCorona, pfBlurDisk, pfBlurMotion, pfBlurCustom,
72                     pfSharpen, pfSmooth, pfMedian, pfNoise, pfPixelate, pfClearType, pfClearTypeInverse, pfFunction,
pfEmbossnull73                     pfEmboss, pfPhong, pfContour, pfGrayscale, pfNegative, pfLinearNegative, pfComplementaryColor, pfNormalize,
74                     pfSphere, pfTwirl, pfWaveDisplacement, pfCylinder, pfPlane,
75                     pfPerlinNoise,pfCyclicPerlinNoise,pfClouds,pfCustomWater,pfWater,pfRain,pfWood,pfWoodVertical,pfPlastik,pfMetalFloor,pfCamouflage,
76                     pfSnowPrint,pfStone,pfRoundStone,pfMarble);
78 const
79   PictureFilterStr : array[TPictureFilter] of string =
80                    ('None',
81                     'BlurPrecise', 'BlurRadial', 'BlurFast', 'BlurBox', 'BlurCorona', 'BlurDisk', 'BlurMotion', 'BlurCustom',
82                     'Sharpen', 'Smooth', 'Median', 'Noise', 'Pixelate', 'ClearType', 'ClearTypeInverse', 'Function',
83                     'Emboss', 'Phong', 'Contour', 'Grayscale', 'Negative', 'LinearNegative', 'ComplementaryColor', 'Normalize',
84                     'Sphere', 'Twirl', 'WaveDisplacement', 'Cylinder', 'Plane',
85                     'PerlinNoise','CyclicPerlinNoise','Clouds','CustomWater','Water','Rain','Wood','WoodVertical','Plastik','MetalFloor','Camouflage',
86                     'SnowPrint','Stone','RoundStone','Marble');
88   IsColoredFilter: array[TPictureFilter] of boolean =
89                    (false,
90                     false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
91                     false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true,
92                     false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false,
93                     false, false, false, false, false,
94                     false,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,
95                     true,true,true,true);
97 const
98   MinZoomForGrid = 4;
100 type
101   TVSCursorPosition = record
102      bounds: TRect;
103      c: TPointF;
104      rx,ry: single;
105   end;
106   ArrayOfLayerId = array of integer;
108 const
109   OnlyRenderChange : TRect = (left:-32768;top:-32768;right:0;bottom:0);
IsOnlyRenderChangenull111 function IsOnlyRenderChange(const ARect:TRect): boolean;
113 type
114     ArrayOfBGRABitmap = array of TBGRABitmap;
115     TColorTarget = (ctForeColorSolid, ctForeColorStartGrad, ctForeColorEndGrad,
116                     ctBackColorSolid, ctBackColorStartGrad, ctBackColorEndGrad,
117                     ctOutlineColorSolid, ctOutlineColorStartGrad, ctOutlineColorEndGrad);
118     TFlipOption = (foAuto, foWholePicture, foSelection, foCurrentLayer);
120     PImageEntry = ^TImageEntry;
122     { TImageEntry }
124     TImageEntry = object
125       bmp: TBGRABitmap;
126       bpp: integer;
127       frameIndex, frameCount: integer;
128       isDuplicate: boolean;
Emptynull129       class function Empty: TImageEntry; static;
NewFrameIndexnull130       class function NewFrameIndex: integer; static;
131       procedure FreeAndNil;
132     end;
133     ArrayOfImageEntry = array of TImageEntry;
135 type
136     TLatestVersionUpdateHandler = procedure(ANewVersion: string) of object;
137     TLazPaintCustomOnlineUpdater = class
138        OnLatestVersionUpdate: TLatestVersionUpdateHandler;
139     end;
141 type
142   TLazPaintCustomInstance = class;
143   TLazPaintInstanceEvent = procedure(AInstance : TLazPaintCustomInstance) of object;
144   TTopMostInfo = record
145      defined: boolean;
146      toolboxHidden, choosecolorHidden, layerstackHidden, imagelistHidden: NativeInt;
147   end;
148   TCheckFunction = function: boolean of object;
150   { TLazPaintCustomInstance }
152   TLazPaintCustomInstance = class(TInterfacedObject,IConfigProvider)
153   private
154     FBlackAndWhite: boolean;
GetDarkThemenull155     function GetDarkTheme: boolean;
156     procedure SetDarkTheme(AValue: boolean);
157   protected
158     FRestartQuery: boolean;
QueryInterfacenull159     function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
_AddRefnull160     function _AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
_Releasenull161     function _Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
GetIconsnull163     function GetIcons(ASize: integer): TImageList; virtual; abstract;
GetToolBoxWindowPopupnull164     function GetToolBoxWindowPopup: TPopupMenu; virtual; abstract;
165     procedure SetToolBoxWindowPopup(AValue: TPopupMenu); virtual; abstract;
GetFullscreennull166     function GetFullscreen: boolean; virtual; abstract;
167     procedure SetFullscreen(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetDockLayersAndColorsnull168     function GetDockLayersAndColors: boolean; virtual; abstract;
169     procedure SetDockLayersAndColors(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetScriptContextnull170     function GetScriptContext: TScriptContext; virtual; abstract;
GetShowSelectionNormalnull171     function GetShowSelectionNormal: boolean; virtual; abstract;
172     procedure SetShowSelectionNormal(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetGridVisiblenull173     function GetGridVisible: boolean; virtual; abstract;
174     procedure SetGridVisible(const AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetEmbeddednull175     function GetEmbedded: boolean; virtual; abstract;
GetTopMostHasFocusnull176     function GetTopMostHasFocus: boolean; virtual; abstract;
GetTopMostVisiblenull177     function GetTopMostVisible: boolean; virtual; abstract;
GetTopMostOkToUnfocusnull178     function GetTopMostOkToUnfocus: boolean; virtual; abstract;
GetConfignull180     function GetConfig: TLazPaintConfig; virtual; abstract;
GetImagenull181     function GetImage: TLazPaintImage; virtual; abstract;
GetImageActionnull182     function GetImageAction: TObject; virtual; abstract;
GetToolManagernull183     function GetToolManager: TToolManager; virtual; abstract;
184     procedure SetBlackAndWhite(AValue: boolean); virtual;
GetZoomFactornull185     function GetZoomFactor: single; virtual;
GetUpdateStackOnTimernull187     function GetUpdateStackOnTimer: boolean; virtual; abstract;
188     procedure SetUpdateStackOnTimer(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetChooseColorHeightnull190     function GetChooseColorHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
GetChooseColorWidthnull191     function GetChooseColorWidth: integer; virtual; abstract;
192     procedure SetChooseColorHeight(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
193     procedure SetChooseColorWidth(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
GetChooseColorVisiblenull194     function GetChooseColorVisible: boolean; virtual; abstract;
195     procedure SetChooseColorVisible(const AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetChooseColorTargetnull196     function GetChooseColorTarget: TColorTarget; virtual; abstract;
197     procedure SetChooseColorTarget(const AValue: TColorTarget); virtual; abstract;
GetToolboxVisiblenull199     function GetToolboxVisible: boolean; virtual; abstract;
200     procedure SetToolboxVisible(const AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetToolboxHeightnull201     function GetToolboxHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
GetToolboxWidthnull202     function GetToolboxWidth: integer; virtual; abstract;
GetImageListWindowVisiblenull204     function GetImageListWindowVisible: boolean; virtual; abstract;
205     procedure SetImageListWindowVisible(const AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetImageListWindowHeightnull206     function GetImageListWindowHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
GetImageListWindowWidthnull207     function GetImageListWindowWidth: integer; virtual; abstract;
208     procedure SetImageListWindowHeight(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
209     procedure SetImageListWindowWidth(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
GetLayerWindowVisiblenull211     function GetLayerWindowVisible: boolean; virtual; abstract;
212     procedure SetLayerWindowVisible(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
GetLayerWindowHeightnull213     function GetLayerWindowHeight: integer; virtual; abstract;
GetLayerWindowWidthnull214     function GetLayerWindowWidth: integer; virtual; abstract;
215     procedure SetLayerWindowHeight(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
216     procedure SetLayerWindowWidth(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
GetMainFormBoundsnull218     function GetMainFormBounds: TRect; virtual; abstract;
219   public
220     Title,AboutText: string;
221     EmbeddedResult: TModalResult;
222     EmbeddedImageBackup: TBGRABitmap;
224     constructor Create; virtual; abstract;
225     constructor Create(AEmbedded: boolean); virtual; abstract;
226     procedure RegisterThemeListener(AHandler: TNotifyEvent; ARegister: boolean); virtual; abstract;
227     procedure NotifyThemeChanged; virtual; abstract;
228     procedure StartLoadingImage(AFilename: string); virtual; abstract;
229     procedure EndLoadingImage; virtual; abstract;
230     procedure StartSavingImage(AFilename: string); virtual; abstract;
231     procedure EndSavingImage; virtual; abstract;
232     procedure ReportActionProgress(AProgressPercent: integer); virtual; abstract;
233     procedure SaveMainWindowPosition; virtual; abstract;
234     procedure RestoreMainWindowPosition; virtual; abstract;
235     procedure Donate; virtual; abstract;
236     procedure UseConfig(ini: TInifile); virtual; abstract;
237     procedure AssignBitmap(bmp: TBGRABitmap); virtual; abstract;
238     procedure EditBitmap(var bmp: TBGRABitmap; ConfigStream: TStream = nil; ATitle: String = ''; AOnRun: TLazPaintInstanceEvent = nil; AOnExit: TLazPaintInstanceEvent = nil; ABlackAndWhite : boolean = false); virtual; abstract;
EditTexturenull239     function EditTexture(ASource: TBGRABitmap): TBGRABitmap; virtual; abstract;
240     procedure EditSelection; virtual; abstract;
ProcessCommandLinenull241     function ProcessCommandLine: boolean; virtual; abstract;
ProcessCommandsnull242     function ProcessCommands(commands: TStringList): boolean; virtual; abstract;
243     procedure ChangeIconSize(size: integer); virtual; abstract;
244     procedure Show; virtual; abstract;
Hidenull245     function Hide: boolean; virtual; abstract;
246     procedure Run; virtual; abstract;
247     procedure Restart; virtual; abstract;
248     procedure CancelRestart; virtual; abstract;
249     procedure NotifyImageChange(RepaintNow: boolean; ARect: TRect); virtual; abstract;
250     procedure NotifyImageChangeCompletely(RepaintNow: boolean); virtual; abstract;
251     procedure NotifyImagePaint; virtual; abstract;
252     procedure NotifyStackChange; virtual; abstract;
TryOpenFileUTF8null253     function TryOpenFileUTF8(filename: string; skipDialogIfSingleImage: boolean = false): boolean; virtual; abstract;
ExecuteFilternull254     function ExecuteFilter(filter: TPictureFilter; skipDialog: boolean = false): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
RunScriptnull255     function RunScript(AFilename: string; ACaption: string = ''): boolean; virtual; abstract;
256     procedure AdjustChooseColorHeight; virtual; abstract;
257     procedure ColorFromFChooseColor; virtual; abstract;
258     procedure ColorToFChooseColor; virtual; abstract;
259     procedure ExitColorEditor; virtual; abstract;
ColorEditorActivenull260     function ColorEditorActive: boolean; virtual; abstract;
GetColornull261     function GetColor(ATarget: TColorTarget): TBGRAPixel;
262     procedure SetColor(ATarget: TColorTarget; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
ShowSaveOptionDlgnull263     function ShowSaveOptionDlg(AParameters: TVariableSet; AOutputFilenameUTF8: string;
264                                ASkipOptions: boolean; AExport: boolean): boolean; virtual; abstract;
ShowColorIntensityDlgnull265     function ShowColorIntensityDlg(AParameters: TVariableSet): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowColorLightnessDlgnull266     function ShowColorLightnessDlg(AParameters: TVariableSet): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowShiftColorsDlgnull267     function ShowShiftColorsDlg(AParameters: TVariableSet): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowColorizeDlgnull268     function ShowColorizeDlg(AParameters: TVariableSet): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowColorCurvesDlgnull269     function ShowColorCurvesDlg(AParameters: TVariableSet): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowRadialBlurDlgnull270     function ShowRadialBlurDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject; blurType:TRadialBlurType; ACaption: string = ''): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowMotionBlurDlgnull271     function ShowMotionBlurDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowCustomBlurDlgnull272     function ShowCustomBlurDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowEmbossDlgnull273     function ShowEmbossDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowRainDlgnull274     function ShowRainDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowPixelateDlgnull275     function ShowPixelateDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowNoiseFilterDlgnull276     function ShowNoiseFilterDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowTwirlDlgnull277     function ShowTwirlDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowWaveDisplacementDlgnull278     function ShowWaveDisplacementDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowPhongFilterDlgnull279     function ShowPhongFilterDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowFunctionFilterDlgnull280     function ShowFunctionFilterDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowSharpenDlgnull281     function ShowSharpenDlg(AFilterConnector: TObject): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
ShowPosterizeDlgnull282     function ShowPosterizeDlg(AParameters: TVariableSet): TScriptResult; virtual; abstract;
283     procedure ShowPrintDlg; virtual; abstract;
OpenImagenull284     function OpenImage (FileName: string; AddToRecent: Boolean= True): boolean; virtual; abstract;
285     procedure AddToImageList(const FileNames: array of String); virtual; abstract;
286     procedure UpdateToolbar; virtual; abstract;
287     procedure UpdateEditPicture(ADelayed: boolean); virtual; abstract;
HideTopmostnull288     function HideTopmost: TTopMostInfo; virtual; abstract;
289     procedure ShowTopmost(AInfo: TTopMostInfo); virtual; abstract;
290     procedure ShowCanvasSizeDlg; virtual; abstract;
291     procedure ShowRepeatImageDlg; virtual; abstract;
292     procedure ShowAboutDlg; virtual; abstract;
293     procedure ShowMessage(ACaption: string; AMessage: string; ADlgType: TMsgDlgType = mtInformation);
294     procedure ShowError(ACaption: string; AMessage: string);
SaveQuestionnull295     function SaveQuestion(ATitle: string): integer;
ShowNewImageDlgnull296     function ShowNewImageDlg(out bitmap: TBGRABitmap):boolean; virtual; abstract;
ShowResampleDialognull297     function ShowResampleDialog(AParameters: TVariableSet):boolean; virtual; abstract;
298     procedure UpdateWindows; virtual; abstract;
299     procedure Wait(ACheckActive: TCheckFunction; ADelayMs: integer); virtual; abstract;
300     procedure AddColorToPalette(AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
301     procedure RemoveColorFromPalette(AColor: TBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
303     property BlackAndWhite: boolean read FBlackAndWhite write SetBlackAndWhite;
305     procedure ScrollLayerStackOnItem(AIndex: integer; ADelayedUpdate: boolean = true); virtual; abstract;
306     procedure InvalidateLayerStack; virtual; abstract;
307     procedure UpdateLayerStackOnTimer; virtual; abstract;
MakeNewBitmapReplacementnull308     function MakeNewBitmapReplacement(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRABitmap; virtual; abstract;
309     procedure ChooseTool(Tool : TPaintToolType); virtual; abstract;
GetOnlineUpdaternull310     function GetOnlineUpdater: TLazPaintCustomOnlineUpdater; virtual;
312     property GridVisible: boolean read GetGridVisible write SetGridVisible;
314     procedure MoveToolboxTo(X,Y: integer); virtual; abstract;
315     property ToolboxVisible: boolean read GetToolboxVisible write SetToolboxVisible;
316     property ToolboxWidth: integer read GetToolboxWidth;
317     property ToolboxHeight: integer read GetToolboxHeight;
318     property ToolboxWindowPopup: TPopupMenu read GetToolBoxWindowPopup write SetToolBoxWindowPopup;
320     procedure MoveChooseColorTo(X,Y: integer); virtual; abstract;
321     property ChooseColorVisible: boolean read GetChooseColorVisible write SetChooseColorVisible;
322     property ChooseColorWidth: integer read GetChooseColorWidth write SetChooseColorWidth;
323     property ChooseColorHeight: integer read GetChooseColorHeight write SetChooseColorHeight;
325     procedure MoveLayerWindowTo(X,Y: integer); virtual; abstract;
326     property LayerWindowWidth: integer read GetLayerWindowWidth write SetLayerWindowWidth;
327     property LayerWindowHeight: integer read GetLayerWindowHeight write SetLayerWindowHeight;
328     property LayerWindowVisible: boolean read GetLayerWindowVisible write SetLayerWindowVisible;
330     procedure ImageListWindowVisibleKeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); virtual; abstract;
331     procedure MoveImageListWindowTo(X,Y: integer); virtual; abstract;
332     property ImageListWindowWidth: integer read GetImageListWindowWidth write SetImageListWindowWidth;
333     property ImageListWindowHeight: integer read GetImageListWindowHeight write SetImageListWindowHeight;
334     property ImageListWindowVisible: boolean read GetImageListWindowVisible write SetImageListWindowVisible;
336     property ChooseColorTarget: TColorTarget read GetChooseColorTarget write setChooseColorTarget;
337     property Config: TLazPaintConfig read GetConfig;
338     property Image: TLazPaintImage read GetImage;
339     property ImageAction: TObject read GetImageAction;
340     property ZoomFactor: single read GetZoomFactor;
341     property ToolManager: TToolManager read GetToolManager;
342     property Embedded: boolean read GetEmbedded;
343     property TopMostHasFocus: boolean read GetTopMostHasFocus;
344     property TopMostOkToUnfocus: boolean read GetTopMostOkToUnfocus;
345     property TopMostVisible: boolean read GetTopMostVisible;
347     property ShowSelectionNormal: boolean read GetShowSelectionNormal write SetShowSelectionNormal;
348     property ScriptContext: TScriptContext read GetScriptContext;
349     property MainFormBounds: TRect read GetMainFormBounds;
350     property DockLayersAndColors: boolean read GetDockLayersAndColors write SetDockLayersAndColors;
351     property Fullscreen: boolean read GetFullscreen write SetFullscreen;
352     property RestartQuery: boolean read FRestartQuery;
353     property DarkTheme: boolean read GetDarkTheme write SetDarkTheme;
354     property UpdateStackOnTimer: boolean read GetUpdateStackOnTimer write SetUpdateStackOnTimer;
356     property Icons[ASize: integer]: TImageList read GetIcons;
357   end;
StrToPictureFilternull359 function StrToPictureFilter(const s: ansistring): TPictureFilter;
360 procedure SafeSetFocus(AControl: TWinControl);
WindowBorderWidthnull361 function WindowBorderWidth(AForm: TForm): integer;
WindowBorderTopHeightnull362 function WindowBorderTopHeight(AForm: TForm; {%H-}AIncludeTitle: boolean): integer;
WindowBorderBottomHeightnull363 function WindowBorderBottomHeight(AForm: TForm): integer;
WindowOutermostBorderWidthnull364 function WindowOutermostBorderWidth: integer;
WindowOutermostBorderHeightnull365 function WindowOutermostBorderHeight: integer;
GetWindowFullWidthnull366 function GetWindowFullWidth(AForm: TForm): integer;
367 procedure SetWindowFullWidth(AForm: TForm; AWidth: integer);
GetWindowFullHeightnull368 function GetWindowFullHeight(AForm: TForm): integer;
369 procedure SetWindowFullHeight(AForm: TForm; AHeight: integer);
370 procedure SetWindowFullSize(AForm: TForm; AWidth,AHeight: integer);
371 procedure SetWindowTopLeftCorner(AForm: TForm; X,Y: integer);
GetWindowTopLeftCornernull372 function GetWindowTopLeftCorner(AForm: TForm): TPoint;
PascalToCSSCasenull373 function PascalToCSSCase(AIdentifier: string): string;
CSSToPascalCasenull374 function CSSToPascalCase(AIdentifier: string): string;
376 implementation
378 uses LCLType, BGRAUTF8, LCLIntf, FileUtil, UResourceStrings, LCVectorialFill;
LazPaintVersionStrnull380 function LazPaintVersionStr: string;
381 var numbers: TStringList;
382   i,remaining: cardinal;
383 begin
384   numbers := TStringList.Create;
385   remaining := LazPaintVersion;
386   for i := 1 to 4 do
387   begin
388     numbers.Insert(0, IntToStr(remaining mod 100));
389     remaining := remaining div 100;
390   end;
391   while (numbers.Count > 1) and (numbers[numbers.Count-1]='0') do
392     numbers.Delete(numbers.Count-1);
393   numbers.Delimiter:= '.';
394   result := numbers.DelimitedText;
395   numbers.Free;
396 end;
LazPaintCurrentVersionnull398 function LazPaintCurrentVersion: String;
399 const
400 {$IFDEF CPU64}
401   LazPaintProcessorInfo = ' (64-bit)';
402 {$ELSE}
403   LazPaintProcessorInfo = ' (32-bit)';
404 {$ENDIF}
405 begin
406   result := LazPaintVersionStr {$IFDEF DEBUG} + ' Beta'{$ENDIF} + LazPaintProcessorInfo;
407 end;
IsOnlyRenderChangenull409 function IsOnlyRenderChange(const ARect: TRect): boolean;
410 begin
411   result := (ARect.left = OnlyRenderChange.left) and
412     (ARect.top  = OnlyRenderChange.top) and
413     (ARect.right = OnlyRenderChange.right) and
414     (ARect.bottom = OnlyRenderChange.bottom);
415 end;
StrToPictureFilternull417 function StrToPictureFilter(const s: ansistring): TPictureFilter;
418 var pf: TPictureFilter;
419     ls: ansistring;
420 begin
421   result := pfNone;
422   ls:= UTF8LowerCase(s);
423   for pf := low(TPictureFilter) to high(TPictureFilter) do
424     if ls = UTF8LowerCase(PictureFilterStr[pf]) then
425     begin
426       result := pf;
427       break;
428     end;
429 end;
431 procedure SafeSetFocus(AControl: TWinControl);
432 begin
433   try
434     AControl.SetFocus;
435   except
436   end;
437 end;
WindowBorderWidthnull439 function WindowBorderWidth(AForm: TForm): integer;
440 begin
441   If AForm.BorderStyle = bsNone then
442   begin
443     result := 0;
444     exit;
445   end;
446   {$IFDEF LINUX}
447   result := (GetWindowFullWidth(AForm)-AForm.ClientWidth) div 2;
448   {$ELSE}
449   if AForm.BorderStyle in[bsSizeable,bsSizeToolWin] then
450     result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME)
451   else if AForm.BorderStyle in[bsSingle,bsDialog,bsToolWindow] then
452     result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME)
453   else
454     result := 0;
455   {$ENDIF}
456 end;
WindowBorderTopHeightnull458 function WindowBorderTopHeight(AForm: TForm; AIncludeTitle: boolean): integer;
459 begin
460   if AForm.BorderStyle = bsNone then
461   begin
462     result := 0;
463     exit;
464   end;
465   {$IFDEF LINUX}
466   result := GetWindowFullHeight(AForm) - AForm.ClientHeight - WindowBorderBottomHeight(AForm);
467   {$ELSE}
468   result := WindowBorderBottomHeight(AForm);
469   if AIncludeTitle and (AForm.BorderStyle <> bsNone) then
470   begin
471     if AForm.BorderStyle in[bsToolWindow,bsSizeToolWin] then
472     begin
473       result += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMCAPTION)
474     end
475     else result += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
476   end;
477   {$ENDIF}
478 end;
WindowBorderBottomHeightnull480 function WindowBorderBottomHeight(AForm: TForm): integer;
481 begin
482   {$IFDEF LINUX}
483   result := WindowBorderWidth(AForm);
484   {$ELSE}
485   if AForm.BorderStyle in[bsSizeable,bsSizeToolWin] then
486     result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME)
487   else if AForm.BorderStyle in[bsSingle,bsDialog,bsToolWindow] then
488     result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME)
489   else
490     result := 0;
491   {$ENDIF}
492 end;
WindowOutermostBorderWidthnull494 function WindowOutermostBorderWidth: integer;
495 begin
496   result := {$IFDEF LINUX}1{$ELSE}GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER){$ENDIF};
497 end;
WindowOutermostBorderHeightnull499 function WindowOutermostBorderHeight: integer;
500 begin
501   result := {$IFDEF LINUX}1{$ELSE}GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER){$ENDIF};
502 end;
GetWindowFullWidthnull504 function GetWindowFullWidth(AForm: TForm): integer;
505 {$IFDEF LINUX}var r: TRect;{$ENDIF}
506 begin
507   {$IFDEF LINUX}
508   if AForm.BorderStyle <> bsNone then
509   begin
510     r := rect(0,0,AForm.Width,AForm.Height);
511     WidgetSet.GetWindowRect(AForm.Handle, r);
512     result := r.right-r.left;
513   end else
514   {$ENDIF}
515   result := AForm.Width + WindowBorderWidth(AForm)*2;
516 end;
518 procedure SetWindowFullWidth(AForm: TForm; AWidth: integer);
519 begin
520   AForm.Width := AWidth - WindowBorderWidth(AForm)*2;
521 end;
GetWindowFullHeightnull523 function GetWindowFullHeight(AForm: TForm): integer;
524 {$IFDEF LINUX}var r: TRect;{$ENDIF}
525 begin
526   {$IFDEF LINUX}
527   if AForm.BorderStyle <> bsNone then
528   begin
529     r := rect(0,0,AForm.Width,AForm.Height);
530     WidgetSet.GetWindowRect(AForm.Handle, r);
531     result := r.bottom-r.top;
532   end else
533   {$ENDIF}
534   result := AForm.Height + WindowBorderTopHeight(AForm,True) + WindowBorderBottomHeight(AForm);
535 end;
537 procedure SetWindowFullHeight(AForm: TForm; AHeight: integer);
538 begin
539   AForm.Height := AHeight - WindowBorderTopHeight(AForm,True) - WindowBorderBottomHeight(AForm);
540 end;
542 procedure SetWindowFullSize(AForm: TForm; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
543 begin
544   AForm.SetBounds(AForm.Left,AForm.Top, AWidth - WindowBorderWidth(AForm)*2,
545       AHeight - WindowBorderTopHeight(AForm,True) - WindowBorderBottomHeight(AForm));
546 end;
548 procedure SetWindowTopLeftCorner(AForm: TForm; X, Y: integer);
549 begin
550   AForm.SetBounds(X,Y,AForm.Width,AForm.Height);
551 end;
GetWindowTopLeftCornernull553 function GetWindowTopLeftCorner(AForm: TForm): TPoint;
554 begin
555   result := Point(AForm.Left,AForm.Top);
556 end;
PascalToCSSCasenull558 function PascalToCSSCase(AIdentifier: string): string;
559 var
560   i: Integer;
561 begin
562   result := AIdentifier;
563   for i := length(result) downto 1 do
564     if result[i] <> lowercase(result[i]) then
565     begin
566       result[i] := lowercase(result[i]);
567       if i > 1 then Insert('-', result, i);
568     end;
569 end;
CSSToPascalCasenull571 function CSSToPascalCase(AIdentifier: string): string;
572 var
573   i: Integer;
574 begin
575   result := AIdentifier;
576   for i := length(result) downto 1 do
577   begin
578     if (i = 1) or (result[i-1] = '-') then
579       result[i] := upcase(result[i]) else
580     if result[i] = '-' then delete(result, i, 1);
581   end;
582 end;
584 { TImageEntry }
TImageEntry.Emptynull586 class function TImageEntry.Empty: TImageEntry;
587 begin
588   result.bmp := nil;
589   result.bpp := 0;
590   result.frameIndex := -1;
591   result.frameCount := 0;
592   result.isDuplicate:= false;
593 end;
TImageEntry.NewFrameIndexnull595 class function TImageEntry.NewFrameIndex: integer;
596 begin
597   result := -1;
598 end;
600 procedure TImageEntry.FreeAndNil;
601 begin
602   SysUtils.FreeAndNil(bmp);
603   bpp := 0;
604 end;
TLazPaintCustomInstance.GetDarkThemenull606 function TLazPaintCustomInstance.GetDarkTheme: boolean;
607 begin
608   if Assigned(Config) then
609     result := Config.GetDarkTheme
610   else
611     result := false;
612 end;
614 procedure TLazPaintCustomInstance.SetDarkTheme(AValue: boolean);
615 begin
616   if Assigned(Config) then
617   begin
618     if AValue <> Config.GetDarkTheme then
619     begin
620       Config.SetDarkTheme(AValue);
621       NotifyThemeChanged;
622     end;
623   end;
624 end;
626 { Interface gateway }
QueryInterfacenull627 function TLazPaintCustomInstance.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
628 begin
629   if GetInterface(iid, obj) then
630     Result := S_OK
631   else
632     Result := longint(E_NOINTERFACE);
633 end;
635 { There is no automatic reference counting, but it is compulsory to define these functions }
_AddRefnull636 function TLazPaintCustomInstance._AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
637 begin
638   result := 0;
639 end;
_Releasenull641 function TLazPaintCustomInstance._Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
642 begin
643   result := 0;
644 end;
TLazPaintCustomInstance.SaveQuestionnull646 function TLazPaintCustomInstance.SaveQuestion(ATitle: string): integer;
647 var top: TTopMostInfo;
648 begin
649   top := HideTopmost;
650   result := QuestionDlg (ATitle,rsSaveChanges,mtWarning,[mrYes,rsYes,mrNo,rsNo,mrCancel,rsCancel],'');
651   ShowTopmost(top);
652 end;
GetOnlineUpdaternull654 function TLazPaintCustomInstance.GetOnlineUpdater: TLazPaintCustomOnlineUpdater;
655 begin
656   result := nil;
657 end;
GetZoomFactornull659 function TLazPaintCustomInstance.GetZoomFactor: single;
660 begin
661   result := 1;
662 end;
GetColornull664 function TLazPaintCustomInstance.GetColor(ATarget: TColorTarget): TBGRAPixel;
GetStartColornull665   function GetStartColor(AFill: TVectorialFill): TBGRAPixel;
666   begin
667     if AFill.FillType = vftGradient then
668       result := AFill.Gradient.StartColor
669       else result := AFill.AverageColor;
670   end;
GetEndColornull671   function GetEndColor(AFill: TVectorialFill): TBGRAPixel;
672   begin
673     if AFill.FillType = vftGradient then
674       result := AFill.Gradient.EndColor
675       else result := AFill.AverageColor;
676   end;
678 begin
679   case ATarget of
680     ctForeColorSolid: result := ToolManager.ForeFill.AverageColor;
681     ctForeColorStartGrad: result := GetStartColor(ToolManager.ForeFill);
682     ctForeColorEndGrad: result := GetEndColor(ToolManager.ForeFill);
683     ctBackColorSolid: result := ToolManager.BackFill.AverageColor;
684     ctBackColorStartGrad: result := GetStartColor(ToolManager.BackFill);
685     ctBackColorEndGrad: result := GetEndColor(ToolManager.BackFill);
686     ctOutlineColorSolid: result := ToolManager.OutlineFill.AverageColor;
687     ctOutlineColorStartGrad: result := GetStartColor(ToolManager.OutlineFill);
688     ctOutlineColorEndGrad: result := GetEndColor(ToolManager.OutlineFill);
689   else
690     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
691   end;
692   if BlackAndWhite then result := BGRAToGrayscale(result);
693 end;
695 procedure TLazPaintCustomInstance.SetColor(ATarget: TColorTarget;
696   AColor: TBGRAPixel);
697 begin
698   if BlackAndWhite then AColor := BGRAToGrayscale(AColor);
699   case ATarget of
700     ctForeColorSolid: if ToolManager.ForeFill.FillType = vftSolid then
701                         ToolManager.ForeColor := AColor;
702     ctForeColorStartGrad: if ToolManager.ForeFill.FillType = vftGradient then
703                             ToolManager.ForeFill.Gradient.StartColor := AColor;
704     ctForeColorEndGrad: if ToolManager.ForeFill.FillType = vftGradient then
705                           ToolManager.ForeFill.Gradient.EndColor := AColor;
706     ctBackColorSolid: if ToolManager.BackFill.FillType = vftSolid then
707                         ToolManager.BackColor := AColor;
708     ctBackColorStartGrad: if ToolManager.BackFill.FillType = vftGradient then
709                             ToolManager.BackFill.Gradient.StartColor := AColor;
710     ctBackColorEndGrad: if ToolManager.BackFill.FillType = vftGradient then
711                           ToolManager.BackFill.Gradient.EndColor := AColor;
712     ctOutlineColorSolid: if ToolManager.OutlineFill.FillType = vftSolid then
713                         ToolManager.OutlineColor := AColor;
714     ctOutlineColorStartGrad: if ToolManager.OutlineFill.FillType = vftGradient then
715                             ToolManager.OutlineFill.Gradient.StartColor := AColor;
716     ctOutlineColorEndGrad: if ToolManager.OutlineFill.FillType = vftGradient then
717                           ToolManager.OutlineFill.Gradient.EndColor := AColor;
718   end;
719 end;
721 procedure TLazPaintCustomInstance.SetBlackAndWhite(AValue: boolean);
722 begin
723   if FBlackAndWhite=AValue then Exit;
724   FBlackAndWhite:=AValue;
725 end;
727 procedure TLazPaintCustomInstance.ShowMessage(ACaption: string; AMessage: string; ADlgType: TMsgDlgType = mtInformation);
728 var top: TTopMostInfo;
729   elems: TStringList;
730   res: TModalResult;
731 begin
732   top := HideTopmost;
733   elems := TStringList.Create;
734   elems.Delimiter:= #9;
735   elems.StrictDelimiter:= true;
736   elems.DelimitedText:= AMessage;
737   if (elems.Count = 3) and (elems[1] = rsDownload) then
738   begin
739     res := QuestionDlg(ACaption,elems[0],ADlgType,[mrOk,rsDownload,mrCancel,rsCancel],'');
740     if res = mrOk then OpenURL(elems[2]);
741   end else
742     QuestionDlg(ACaption,AMessage,ADlgType,[mrOk,rsOkay],'');
743   elems.Free;
744   ShowTopmost(top);
745 end;
747 procedure TLazPaintCustomInstance.ShowError(ACaption: string; AMessage: string);
748 begin
749   ShowMessage(ACaption,AMessage,mtError);
750 end;
752 end.