1# -*- test-case-name: foolscap.test.test_banana -*-
3from __future__ import print_function
4from twisted.python import log
5from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
6from foolscap.tokens import Violation
7from foolscap.slicer import BaseSlicer, BaseUnslicer
8from foolscap.constraint import OpenerConstraint, Any, IConstraint
9from foolscap.util import AsyncAND
12class ListSlicer(BaseSlicer):
13    opentype = ("list",)
14    trackReferences = True
15    slices = list
17    def sliceBody(self, streamable, banana):
18        for i in self.obj:
19            yield i
21class ListUnslicer(BaseUnslicer):
22    opentype = ("list",)
24    maxLength = None
25    itemConstraint = None
26    debug = False
28    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
29        if isinstance(constraint, Any):
30            return
31        assert isinstance(constraint, ListConstraint)
32        self.maxLength = constraint.maxLength
33        self.itemConstraint = constraint.constraint
35    def start(self, count):
36        #self.opener = foo # could replace it if we wanted to
37        self.list = []
38        self.count = count
39        if self.debug:
40            log.msg("%s[%d].start with %s" % (self, self.count, self.list))
41        self.protocol.setObject(count, self.list)
42        self._ready_deferreds = []
44    def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
45        if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
46            # list is full, no more tokens accepted
47            # this is hit if the max+1 item is a primitive type
48            raise Violation("the list is full")
49        if self.itemConstraint:
50            self.itemConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
52    def doOpen(self, opentype):
53        # decide whether the given object type is acceptable here. Raise a
54        # Violation exception if not, otherwise give it to our opener (which
55        # will normally be the RootUnslicer). Apply a constraint to the new
56        # unslicer.
57        if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
58            # this is hit if the max+1 item is a non-primitive type
59            raise Violation("the list is full")
60        if self.itemConstraint:
61            self.itemConstraint.checkOpentype(opentype)
62        unslicer = self.open(opentype)
63        if unslicer:
64            if self.itemConstraint:
65                unslicer.setConstraint(self.itemConstraint)
66        return unslicer
68    def update(self, obj, index):
69        # obj has already passed typechecking
70        if self.debug:
71            log.msg("%s[%d].update: [%d]=%s" % (self, self.count, index, obj))
72        assert isinstance(index, int)
73        self.list[index] = obj
74        return obj
76    def receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred=None):
77        if ready_deferred:
78            self._ready_deferreds.append(ready_deferred)
79        if self.debug:
80            log.msg("%s[%d].receiveChild(%s)" % (self, self.count, obj))
81        # obj could be a primitive type, a Deferred, or a complex type like
82        # those returned from an InstanceUnslicer. However, the individual
83        # object has already been through the schema validation process. The
84        # only remaining question is whether the larger schema will accept
85        # it.
86        if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
87            # this is redundant
88            # (if it were a non-primitive one, it would be caught in doOpen)
89            # (if it were a primitive one, it would be caught in checkToken)
90            raise Violation("the list is full")
91        if isinstance(obj, Deferred):
92            if self.debug:
93                log.msg(" adding my update[%d] to %s" % (len(self.list), obj))
94            obj.addCallback(self.update, len(self.list))
95            obj.addErrback(self.printErr)
96            placeholder = "list placeholder for arg[%d], rd=%s" % \
97                          (len(self.list), ready_deferred)
98            self.list.append(placeholder)
99        else:
100            self.list.append(obj)
102    def printErr(self, why):
103        print("ERR!")
104        print(why.getBriefTraceback())
105        log.err(why)
107    def receiveClose(self):
108        ready_deferred = None
109        if self._ready_deferreds:
110            ready_deferred = AsyncAND(self._ready_deferreds)
111        return self.list, ready_deferred
113    def describe(self):
114        return "[%d]" % len(self.list)
117class ListConstraint(OpenerConstraint):
118    """The object must be a list of objects, with a given maximum length. To
119    accept lists of any length, use maxLength=None. All member objects must
120    obey the given constraint."""
122    opentypes = [("list",)]
123    name = "ListConstraint"
125    def __init__(self, constraint, maxLength=None, minLength=0):
126        self.constraint = IConstraint(constraint)
127        self.maxLength = maxLength
128        self.minLength = minLength
130    def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
131        if not isinstance(obj, list):
132            raise Violation("not a list")
133        if self.maxLength is not None and len(obj) > self.maxLength:
134            raise Violation("list too long")
135        if len(obj) < self.minLength:
136            raise Violation("list too short")
137        for o in obj:
138            self.constraint.checkObject(o, inbound)