1 /** @file notation.c
2  *
3  *  Contains the functions that deal with the rewriting and manipulation
4  *	of expressions/terms in polynomial representation.
5  */
6 /* #[ License : */
7 /*
8  *   Copyright (C) 1984-2017 J.A.M. Vermaseren
9  *   When using this file you are requested to refer to the publication
10  *   J.A.M.Vermaseren "New features of FORM" math-ph/0010025
11  *   This is considered a matter of courtesy as the development was paid
12  *   for by FOM the Dutch physics granting agency and we would like to
13  *   be able to track its scientific use to convince FOM of its value
14  *   for the community.
15  *
16  *   This file is part of FORM.
17  *
18  *   FORM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
19  *   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
20  *   Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
21  *   version.
22  *
23  *   FORM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
24  *   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
25  *   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
26  *   details.
27  *
28  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
29  *   with FORM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
30  */
31 /* #] License : */
32 /*
33   	#[ Includes :
34 */
36 #include "form3.h"
38 /*
39   	#] Includes :
40  		#[ NormPolyTerm :
42 		Brings a term to normal form.
44 		This routine knows objects of the following types:
45 			SYMBOL
46 			HAAKJE
49 		The SNUMBER and LNUMBER are worked into the coefficient.
50 		One of the essences here is that everything can be done in place.
51 */
NormPolyTerm(PHEAD WORD * term)53 int NormPolyTerm(PHEAD WORD *term)
54 {
55 	WORD *tcoef, ncoef, *tstop, *tfill, *t, *tt;
56 	int equal, i;
57 	WORD *r1, *r2, *r3, *r4, *r5, *rfirst, rv;
58 	WORD *lnum, nnum;		/* Scratch, originally for factorials */
59 /*
60 	One: find the coefficient
61 */
62 	tcoef = term+*term;
63 	ncoef = tcoef[-1];
64 	tstop = tcoef - ABS(tcoef[-1]);
65 	tfill = t = term + 1;
66 	rfirst = 0;
67 	if ( t >= tstop ) { return(*term); }
68 	while ( t < tstop ) {
69 		switch ( *t ) {
70 			case SYMBOL:
71 				if ( rfirst == 0 ) {
72 /*
73 					Here we only need to sort
74 					1: assume no equals. Bubble.
75 */
76 					rfirst = t;
77 					r2 = rfirst+4; tt = r3 = t + t[1]; equal = 0;
78 					while ( r2 < r3 ) {
79 						r1 = r2 - 2;
80 						if ( *r2 > *r1 ) { r2 += 2; continue; }
81 						if ( *r2 == *r1 ) { r2 += 2; equal = 1; continue; }
82 						rv = *r1; *r1 = *r2; *r2 = rv;
83 						r1 -= 2; r2 -= 2; r4 = r2 + 2;
84 						while ( r1 > t ) {
85 							if ( *r2 >= *r1 ) { r2 = r4; break; }
86 							rv = *r1; *r1 = *r2; *r2 = rv;
87 							r1 -= 2; r2 -= 2;
88 						}
89 					}
90 /*
91 					2: hunt down the equal objects
92 					   postpone eliminating zero powers.
93 */
94 					if ( equal ) {
95 						r1 = t+2; r2 = r1+2;
96 						while ( r2 < r3 ) {
97 							if ( *r1 == *r2 ) {
98 								r1[1] += r2[1];
99 								r4 = r2+2;
100 								while ( r4 < r3 ) *r2++ = *r4++;
101 								t[1] -= 2;
102 								r2 = r1 + 2; r3 -= 2;
103 							}
104 						}
105 					}
106 				}
107 				else {
108 /*
109 					Here we only need to insert
110 */
111 					r1 = t + 2; tt = r3 = t + t[1];
112 					while ( r1 < r3 ) {
113 						r2 = rfirst+2; r4 = rfirst + rfirst[1];
114 						while ( r2 < r4 ) {
115 							if ( *r1 == *r2 ) {
116 								r2[1] += r1[1];
117 								break;
118 							}
119 							else if ( *r2 > *r1 ) {
120 								r5 = r4;
121 								while ( r5 > r2 ) { r5[1] = r5[-1]; r5[0] = r5[-2]; r5 -= 2; }
122 								rfirst[1] += 2;
123 								*r2 = *r1; r2[1] = r1[1];
124 								break;
125 							}
126 							r2 += 2;
127 						}
128 						if ( r2 == r4 ) {
129 							rfirst[1] += 2;
130 							*r2++ = *r1++; *r2++ = *r1++;
131 						}
132 						else r1 += 2;
133 					}
134 				}
135 				t = tt;
136 				break;
137 			case HAAKJE:	/* Here we skip brackets */
138 				t += t[1];
139 				break;
140 			case SNUMBER:
141 				if ( t[2] < 0 ) {
142 					t[2] = -t[2];
143 					if ( t[3] & 1 ) ncoef = -ncoef;
144 				}
145 				else if ( t[2] == 0 ) {
146 					if ( t[3] < 0 ) goto NormInf;
147 					goto NormZero;
148 				}
149 				lnum = TermMalloc("lnum");
150 				lnum[0] = t[2];
151 				nnum = 1;
152 				if ( t[3] && RaisPow(BHEAD (UWORD *)lnum,&nnum,(UWORD)(ABS(t[3]))) ) goto FromNorm;
153 				ncoef = REDLENG(ncoef);
154 				if ( t[3] < 0 ) {
155 					if ( Divvy(BHEAD (UWORD *)tstop,&ncoef,(UWORD *)lnum,nnum) )
156 						goto FromNorm;
157 				}
158 				else if ( t[3] > 0 ) {
159 					if ( Mully(BHEAD (UWORD *)tstop,&ncoef,(UWORD *)lnum,nnum) )
160 						goto FromNorm;
161 				}
162 				ncoef = INCLENG(ncoef);
163 				t += t[1];
164 				TermFree(lnum,"lnum");
165 				break;
166 			case LNUMBER:
167 				ncoef = REDLENG(ncoef);
168 				if ( Mully(BHEAD (UWORD *)tstop,&ncoef,(UWORD *)(t+3),t[2]) ) goto FromNorm;
169 				ncoef = INCLENG(ncoef);
170 				t += t[1];
171 				break;
172 			default:
173 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
174 				MesPrint("Illegal code in NormPolyTerm");
175 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
176 				Terminate(-1);
177 				break;
178 		}
179 	}
180 /*
181 	Now we try to eliminate objects to the power zero.
182 */
183 	if ( rfirst ) {
184 		r2 = rfirst+2;
185 		r3 = rfirst + rfirst[1];
186 		while ( r2 < r3 ) {
187 			if ( r2[1] == 0 ) {
188 				r1 = r2 + 2;
189 				while ( r1 < r3 ) { r1[-2] = r1[0]; r1[-1] = r1[1]; r1 += 2; }
190 				r3 -= 2;
191 				rfirst[1] -= 2;
192 			}
193 			else { r2 += 2; }
194 		}
195 		if ( rfirst[1] < 4 ) rfirst = 0;
196 	}
197 /*
198 	Finally we put the term together
199 */
200 	if ( rfirst ) {
201 		i = rfirst[1];
202 		NCOPY(tfill,rfirst,i)
203 	}
204 	i = ABS(ncoef)-1;
205 	NCOPY(tfill,tstop,i)
206 	*tfill++ = ncoef;
207 	*term = tfill - term;
208 	return(*term);
209 NormZero:
210 	*term = 0;
211 	return(0);
212 NormInf:
213 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
214 	MesPrint("0^0 in NormPolyTerm");
215 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
216 	Terminate(-1);
217 	return(-1);
218 FromNorm:
219 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
220 	MesCall("NormPolyTerm");
221 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
222 	Terminate(-1);
223 	return(-1);
224 }
226 /*
227  		#] NormPolyTerm :
228  		#[ ComparePoly :
229 */
230 /**
231  *	Compares two terms. The answer is:
232  *	0	equal ( with exception of the coefficient )
233  *	>0	term1 comes first.
234  *	<0	term2 comes first.
235  *	This routine should not return an error condition.
236  *
237  *	The address of this routine is to be put in AR.CompareRoutine when we
238  *	want to use it for sorting.
239  *	This makes all existing code work properly and we can just replace the
240  *	routine on a thread by thread basis (each thread has its own AR struct).
241  *	Don't forget to put the old routine back afterwards!
242  *
243  *	@param term1 First input term
244  *	@param term2 Second input term
245  *	@param level Not used for polynomials
246  *	@return 0	equal ( with exception of the coefficient if level == 0. )
247  *	        >0	term1 comes first.
248  *	        <0	term2 comes first.
249  */
ComparePoly(WORD * term1,WORD * term2,WORD level)253 WORD ComparePoly(WORD *term1, WORD *term2, WORD level)
254 {
255 	WORD *t1, *t2, *t3, *t4, *tstop1, *tstop2;
256 	tstop1 = term1 + *term1;
257 	tstop1 -= ABS(tstop1[-1]);
258 	tstop2 = term2 + *term2;
259 	tstop2 -= ABS(tstop2[-1]);
260 	t1 = term1+1;
261 	t2 = term2+1;
262 	while ( t1 < tstop1 && t2 < tstop2 ) {
263 		if ( *t1 == *t2 ) {
264 			if ( *t1 == HAAKJE ) {
265 				if ( t1[2] != t2[2] ) return(t2[2]-t1[2]);
266 				t1 += t1[1]; t2 += t2[1];
267 			}
268 			else {	/* must be type SYMBOL */
269 				t3 = t1 + t1[1]; t4 = t2 + t2[1];
270 				t1 += 2; t2 += 2;
271 				while ( t1 < t3 && t2 < t4 ) {
272 					if ( *t1 != *t2 ) return(*t2-*t1);
273 					if ( t1[1] != t2[1] ) return(t2[1]-t1[1]);
274 					t1 += 2; t2 += 2;
275 				}
276 				if ( t1 < t3 ) return(-1);
277 				if ( t2 < t4 ) return(1);
278 			}
279 		}
280 		else return(*t2-*t1);
281 	}
282 	if ( t1 < tstop1 ) return(-1);
283 	if ( t2 < tstop2 ) return(1);
284 	return(0);
285 }
287 #endif
289 /*
290  		#] ComparePoly :
291  		#[ ConvertToPoly :
292 */
293 /**
294  *		Converts a generic term to polynomial notation in which there are
295  *		only symbols and brackets.
296  *		During conversion there will be only symbols. Brackets are stripped.
297  *		Objects that need 'translation' are put inside a special compiler
298  *		buffer and represented by a symbol. The numbering of the extra
299  *		symbols is down from the maximum. In principle there can be a
300  *		problem when running into the already assigned ones.
301  *		The output overwrites the input.
302  *		comlist is the compiler code. Used for the various options
303  */
305 static int FirstWarnConvertToPoly = 1;
ConvertToPoly(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * outterm,WORD * comlist,WORD par)307 int ConvertToPoly(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *outterm, WORD *comlist, WORD par)
308 {
309 	WORD *tout, *tstop, ncoef, *t, *r, *tt, *ttwo = 0;
310 	int i, action = 0;
311 	tt = term + *term;
312 	ncoef = ABS(tt[-1]);
313 	tstop = tt - ncoef;
314 	tout = outterm+1;
315 	t = term + 1;
316 	if ( comlist[2] == DOALL ) {
317 	  while ( t < tstop ) {
318 		if ( *t == SYMBOL ) {
319 			r = t+2;
320 			t += t[1];
321 			while ( r < t ) {
322 				if ( r[1] > 0 ) {
323 					*tout++ = SYMBOL;
324 					*tout++ = 4;
325 					*tout++ = r[0];
326 					*tout++ = r[1];
327 				}
328 				else {
329 					tout[1] = SYMBOL;
330 					tout[2] = 4;
331 					tout[3] = r[0];
332 					tout[4] = -1;
333 					i = FindSubterm(tout+1);
334 					*tout++ = SYMBOL;
335 					*tout++ = 4;
336 					*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
337 					*tout++ = -r[1];
338 					action = 1;
339 				}
340 				r += 2;
341 			}
342 		}
343 		else if ( *t == DOTPRODUCT ) {
344 			r = t + 2;
345 			t += t[1];
346 			while ( r < t ) {
347 				tout[1] = DOTPRODUCT;
348 				tout[2] = 5;
349 				tout[3] = r[0];
350 				tout[4] = r[1];
351 				if ( r[2] < 0 ) {
352 					tout[5] = -1;
353 				}
354 				else {
355 					tout[5] = 1;
356 				}
357 				i = FindSubterm(tout+1);
358 				*tout++ = SYMBOL;
359 				*tout++ = 4;
360 				*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
361 				*tout++ = ABS(r[2]);
362 				r += 3;
363 				action = 1;
364 			}
365 		}
366 		else if ( *t == VECTOR ) {
367 			r = t + 2;
368 			t += t[1];
369 			while ( r < t ) {
370 				tout[1] = VECTOR;
371 				tout[2] = 4;
372 				tout[3] = r[0];
373 				tout[4] = r[1];
374 				i = FindSubterm(tout+1);
375 				*tout++ = SYMBOL;
376 				*tout++ = 4;
377 				*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
378 				*tout++ = 1;
379 				r += 2;
380 				action = 1;
381 			}
382 		}
383 		else if ( *t == INDEX ) {
384 			r = t + 2;
385 			t += t[1];
386 			while ( r < t ) {
387 				tout[1] = INDEX;
388 				tout[2] = 3;
389 				tout[3] = r[0];
390 				i = FindSubterm(tout+1);
391 				*tout++ = SYMBOL;
392 				*tout++ = 4;
393 				*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
394 				*tout++ = 1;
395 				r++;
396 				action = 1;
397 			}
398 		}
399 		else if ( *t == HAAKJE) {
400 			if ( par ) {
401 				tout[0] = 1; tout[1] = 1; tout[2] = 3;
402 				*outterm = (tout+3)-outterm;
403 				if ( NormPolyTerm(BHEAD outterm) < 0 ) return(-1);
404 				tout = outterm + *outterm;
405 				tout -= 3;
406 				i = t[1]; NCOPY(tout,t,i);
407 				ttwo = tout-1;
408 			}
409 			else { t += t[1]; }
410 		}
411 		else if ( *t >= FUNCTION ) {
412 			i = FindSubterm(t);
413 			t += t[1];
414 			*tout++ = SYMBOL;
415 			*tout++ = 4;
416 			*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
417 			*tout++ = 1;
418 			action = 1;
419 		}
420 		else {
421 			if ( FirstWarnConvertToPoly ) {
422 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
423 				MesPrint("Illegal object in conversion to polynomial notation");
424 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
425 				FirstWarnConvertToPoly = 0;
426 			}
427 			return(-1);
428 		}
429 	  }
430 	  NCOPY(tout,tstop,ncoef)
431 	  if ( ttwo ) {
432 		WORD hh = *ttwo;
433 		*ttwo = tout-ttwo;
434 		if ( ( i = NormPolyTerm(BHEAD ttwo) ) >= 0 ) i = action;
435 		tout = ttwo + *ttwo;
436 		*ttwo = hh;
437 		*outterm = tout - outterm;
438 	  }
439 	  else {
440 		*outterm = tout-outterm;
441 		if ( ( i = NormPolyTerm(BHEAD outterm) ) >= 0 ) i = action;
442 	  }
443 	}
444 	else if ( comlist[2] == ONLYFUNCTIONS ) {
445 	  while ( t < tstop ) {
446 		if ( *t >= FUNCTION ) {
447 			if ( comlist[1] == 3 ) {
448 				i = FindSubterm(t);
449 				t += t[1];
450 				*tout++ = SYMBOL;
451 				*tout++ = 4;
452 				*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
453 				*tout++ = 1;
454 				action = 1;
455 			}
456 			else {
457 				for ( i = 3; i < comlist[1]; i++ ) {
458 					if ( *t == comlist[i] ) break;
459 				}
460 				if ( i < comlist[1] ) {
461 					i = FindSubterm(t);
462 					t += t[1];
463 					*tout++ = SYMBOL;
464 					*tout++ = 4;
465 					*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
466 					*tout++ = 1;
467 					action = 1;
468 				}
469 				else {
470 					i = t[1]; NCOPY(tout,t,i);
471 				}
472 			}
473 		}
474 		else {
475 			i = t[1]; NCOPY(tout,t,i);
476 		}
477 	  }
478 	  NCOPY(tout,tstop,ncoef)
479 	  *outterm = tout-outterm;
480 	  Normalize(BHEAD outterm);
481 	  i = action;
482 	}
483 	else {
484 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
485 		MesPrint("Illegal internal code in conversion to polynomial notation");
486 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
487 		i = -1;
488 	}
489 	return(i);
490 }
492 /*
493  		#] ConvertToPoly :
494  		#[ LocalConvertToPoly :
495 */
496 /**
497  *		Converts a generic term to polynomial notation in which there are
498  *		only symbols and brackets.
499  *		During conversion there will be only symbols. Brackets are stripped.
500  *		Objects that need 'translation' are put inside a special compiler
501  *		buffer and represented by a symbol. The numbering of the extra
502  *		symbols is down from the maximum. In principle there can be a
503  *		problem when running into the already assigned ones.
504  *		This uses the FindTree for searching in the global tree and
505  *		then looks further in the AT.ebufnum. This allows fully parallel
506  *		processing. Hence we need no locks. Cannot be used in the same
507  *		module as ConvertToPoly.
508  */
LocalConvertToPoly(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * outterm,WORD startebuf,WORD par)510 int LocalConvertToPoly(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *outterm, WORD startebuf, WORD par)
511 {
512 	WORD *tout, *tstop, ncoef, *t, *r, *tt, *ttwo = 0;
513 	int i, action = 0;
514 	tt = term + *term;
515 	ncoef = ABS(tt[-1]);
516 	tstop = tt - ncoef;
517 	tout = outterm+1;
518 	t = term + 1;
519 	while ( t < tstop ) {
520 		if ( *t == SYMBOL ) {
521 			r = t+2;
522 			t += t[1];
523 			while ( r < t ) {
524 				if ( r[1] > 0 ) {
525 					*tout++ = SYMBOL;
526 					*tout++ = 4;
527 					*tout++ = r[0];
528 					*tout++ = r[1];
529 				}
530 				else {
531 					tout[1] = SYMBOL;
532 					tout[2] = 4;
533 					tout[3] = r[0];
534 					tout[4] = -1;
535 					i = FindLocalSubterm(BHEAD tout+1,startebuf);
536 					*tout++ = SYMBOL;
537 					*tout++ = 4;
538 					*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
539 					*tout++ = -r[1];
540 					action = 1;
541 				}
542 				r += 2;
543 			}
544 		}
545 		else if ( *t == DOTPRODUCT ) {
546 			r = t + 2;
547 			t += t[1];
548 			while ( r < t ) {
549 				tout[1] = DOTPRODUCT;
550 				tout[2] = 5;
551 				tout[3] = r[0];
552 				tout[4] = r[1];
553 				if ( r[2] < 0 ) {
554 					tout[5] = -1;
555 				}
556 				else {
557 					tout[5] = 1;
558 				}
559 				i = FindLocalSubterm(BHEAD tout+1,startebuf);
560 				*tout++ = SYMBOL;
561 				*tout++ = 4;
562 				*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
563 				*tout++ = ABS(r[2]);
564 				r += 3;
565 				action = 1;
566 			}
567 		}
568 		else if ( *t == VECTOR ) {
569 			r = t + 2;
570 			t += t[1];
571 			while ( r < t ) {
572 				tout[1] = VECTOR;
573 				tout[2] = 4;
574 				tout[3] = r[0];
575 				tout[4] = r[1];
576 				i = FindLocalSubterm(BHEAD tout+1,startebuf);
577 				*tout++ = SYMBOL;
578 				*tout++ = 4;
579 				*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
580 				*tout++ = 1;
581 				r += 2;
582 				action = 1;
583 			}
584 		}
585 		else if ( *t == INDEX ) {
586 			r = t + 2;
587 			t += t[1];
588 			while ( r < t ) {
589 				tout[1] = INDEX;
590 				tout[2] = 3;
591 				tout[3] = r[0];
592 				i = FindLocalSubterm(BHEAD tout+1,startebuf);
593 				*tout++ = SYMBOL;
594 				*tout++ = 4;
595 				*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
596 				*tout++ = 1;
597 				r++;
598 				action = 1;
599 			}
600 		}
601 		else if ( *t == HAAKJE) {
602 			if ( par ) {
603 				tout[0] = 1; tout[1] = 1; tout[2] = 3;
604 				*outterm = (tout+3)-outterm;
605 				if ( NormPolyTerm(BHEAD outterm) < 0 ) return(-1);
606 				tout = outterm + *outterm;
607 				tout -= 3;
608 				i = t[1]; NCOPY(tout,t,i);
609 				ttwo = tout-1;
610 			}
611 			else { t += t[1]; }
612 		}
613 		else if ( *t >= FUNCTION ) {
614 			i = FindLocalSubterm(BHEAD t,startebuf);
615 			t += t[1];
616 			*tout++ = SYMBOL;
617 			*tout++ = 4;
618 			*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES-i;
619 			*tout++ = 1;
620 			action = 1;
621 		}
622 		else {
623 			if ( FirstWarnConvertToPoly ) {
624 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
625 				MesPrint("Illegal object in conversion to polynomial notation");
626 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
627 				FirstWarnConvertToPoly = 0;
628 			}
629 			return(-1);
630 		}
631 	}
632 	NCOPY(tout,tstop,ncoef)
633 	if ( ttwo ) {
634 		WORD hh = *ttwo;
635 		*ttwo = tout-ttwo;
636 		if ( ( i = NormPolyTerm(BHEAD ttwo) ) >= 0 ) i = action;
637 		tout = ttwo + *ttwo;
638 		*ttwo = hh;
639 		*outterm = tout - outterm;
640 	}
641 	else {
642 		*outterm = tout-outterm;
643 		if ( ( i = NormPolyTerm(BHEAD outterm) ) >= 0 ) i = action;
644 	}
645 	return(i);
646 }
648 /*
649  		#] LocalConvertToPoly :
650  		#[ ConvertFromPoly :
652 		Converts a generic term from polynomial notation to the original
653 		in which the extra symbols have been replaced by their values.
654 		The output is in outterm.
655 		We only deal with the extra symbols in the range from < i <= to
656 		The output has to be sent to TestSub because it may contain
657 		subexpressions when extra symbols have been replaced.
658 */
ConvertFromPoly(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * outterm,WORD from,WORD to,WORD offset,WORD par)660 int ConvertFromPoly(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *outterm, WORD from, WORD to, WORD offset, WORD par)
661 {
662 	WORD *tout, *tstop, *tstop1, ncoef, *t, *r, *tt;
663 	int i;
664 /*	first = 1; */
665 	tt = term + *term;
666 	tout = outterm+1;
667 	ncoef = ABS(tt[-1]);
668 	tstop = tt - ncoef;
669 /*
670 	r = t = term + 1;
671 	while ( t < tstop ) {
672 		if ( *t == SYMBOL ) {
673 			tstop1 = t + t[1];
674 			tt = t + 2;
675 			while ( tt < tstop1 ) {
676 				if ( ( *tt < MAXVARIABLES - to )
677 				  || ( *tt >= MAXVARIABLES - from ) ) {
678 					tt += 2;
679 				}
680 				else break;
681 			}
682 			if ( tt >= tstop1 ) { t = tstop1; continue; }
683 			while ( r < t ) *tout++ = *r++;
684 			t += 2;
685 			first = 0;
686 			while ( t < tstop1 ) {
687 				if ( ( *t < MAXVARIABLES - to )
688 				  || ( *t >= MAXVARIABLES - from ) ) {
689 					*tout++ = SYMBOL;
690 					*tout++ = 4;
691 					*tout++ = *t++;
692 					*tout++ = *t++;
693 				}
694 				else {
695 					*tout++ = SUBEXPRESSION;
696 					*tout++ = SUBEXPSIZE;
697 					*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES - *t++ + offset;
698 					*tout++ = *t++;
699 					if ( par ) *tout++ = AT.ebufnum;
700 					else       *tout++ = AM.sbufnum;
701 					FILLSUB(tout)
702 				}
703 			}
704 			r = t;
705 		}
706 		else {
707 			t += t[1];
708 		}
709 	}
710 	if ( first ) {
711 		i = *term; t = term;
712 		NCOPY(outterm,t,i);
713 		return(*term);
714 	}
715 	while ( r < t ) *tout++ = *r++;
716 	NCOPY(tout,tstop,ncoef)
717 	*outterm = tout-outterm;
718 */
719 	t = term + 1;
720 	while ( t < tstop ) {
721 		if ( *t == SYMBOL ) {
722 			tstop1 = t + t[1];
723 			tt = t + 2;
724 			while ( tt < tstop1 ) {
725 				if ( ( *tt < MAXVARIABLES - to )
726 				  || ( *tt >= MAXVARIABLES - from ) ) {
727 					tt += 2;
728 				}
729 				else {
730 					*tout++ = SUBEXPRESSION;
731 					*tout++ = SUBEXPSIZE;
732 					*tout++ = MAXVARIABLES - *tt++ + offset;
733 					*tout++ = *tt++;
734 					if ( par ) *tout++ = AT.ebufnum;
735 					else       *tout++ = AM.sbufnum;
736 					FILLSUB(tout)
737 				}
738 			}
739 			r = tout; t += 2;
740 			*tout++ = SYMBOL; *tout++ = 0;
741 			while ( t < tstop1 ) {
742 				if ( ( *t < MAXVARIABLES - to )
743 				  || ( *t >= MAXVARIABLES - from ) ) {
744 					*tout++ = *t++;
745 					*tout++ = *t++;
746 				}
747 				else { t += 2; }
748 			}
749 			r[1] = tout - r;
750 			if ( r[1] <= 2 ) tout = r;
751 		}
752 		else {
753 			i = t[1]; NCOPY(tout,t,i)
754 		}
755 	}
756 	NCOPY(tout,tstop,ncoef)
757 	*outterm = tout-outterm;
758 	return(*outterm);
759 }
761 /*
762  		#] ConvertFromPoly :
763  		#[ FindSubterm :
765 		In this routine we look up a variable.
766 		If we don't find it we will enter it in the subterm compiler buffer
767 		Searching is by tree structure.
768 		Adding changes the tree.
770 		Notice that in TFORM we should be in sequential mode.
771 */
FindSubterm(WORD * subterm)773 WORD FindSubterm(WORD *subterm)
774 {
775 	WORD old[5], *ss, *term, number;
776 	CBUF *C = cbuf + AM.sbufnum;
777 	LONG oldCpointer;
778 	term = subterm-1;
779 	ss = subterm+subterm[1];
780 /*
781 		Convert to proper term
782 */
783 	old[0] = *term; old[1] = ss[0]; old[2] = ss[1]; old[3] = ss[2]; old[4] = ss[3];
784 	ss[0] = 1; ss[1] = 1; ss[2] = 3; ss[3] = 0; *term = subterm[1]+4;
785 /*
786 		We may have to add the term to the compiler
787 		buffer and then to the tree. This cannot be done in parallel and
788 		hence we have to set a lock.
789 */
790 	LOCK(AM.sbuflock);
792 	oldCpointer = C->Pointer-C->Buffer; /* Offset of course !!!!!*/
793 	AddRHS(AM.sbufnum,1);
794 	AddNtoC(AM.sbufnum,*term,term,8);
795 	AddToCB(C,0)
796 /*
797 		See whether we have this one already. If not, insert it in the tree.
798 */
799 	number = InsTree(AM.sbufnum,C->numrhs);
800 /*
801 		Restore old values and return what is needed.
802 */
803 	if ( number < (C->numrhs) ) {	/* It existed already */
804 		C->Pointer = oldCpointer + C->Buffer;
805 		C->numrhs--;
806 	}
807     else {
809 		WORD dim = DimensionSubterm(subterm);
811 		if ( dim == -MAXPOSITIVE ) {	/* Give error message but continue */
812 			WORD *old = AN.currentTerm;
813 			AN.currentTerm = term;
814 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
815 			MesPrint("Dimension out of range in %t");
816 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
817 			AN.currentTerm = old;
818 		}
819 /*
820 		Store the dimension
821 */
822 		C->dimension[number] = dim;
823 	}
824 	UNLOCK(AM.sbuflock);
826 	*term = old[0]; ss[0] = old[1]; ss[1] = old[2]; ss[2] = old[3]; ss[3] = old[4];
827 	return(number);
828 }
830 /*
831  		#] FindSubterm :
832  		#[ FindLocalSubterm :
834 		In this routine we look up a variable.
835 		If we don't find it we will enter it in the subterm compiler buffer
836 		Searching is by tree structure.
837 		Adding changes the tree.
839 		Notice that in TFORM we should be in sequential mode.
840 */
FindLocalSubterm(PHEAD WORD * subterm,WORD startebuf)842 WORD FindLocalSubterm(PHEAD WORD *subterm, WORD startebuf)
843 {
844 	WORD old[5], *ss, *term, number, i, j, *t1, *t2;
845 	CBUF *C = cbuf + AT.ebufnum;
846 	term = subterm-1;
847 	ss = subterm+subterm[1];
848 /*
849 		Convert to proper term
850 */
851 	old[0] = *term; old[1] = ss[0]; old[2] = ss[1]; old[3] = ss[2]; old[4] = ss[3];
852 	ss[0] = 1; ss[1] = 1; ss[2] = 3; ss[3] = 0; *term = subterm[1]+4;
853 /*
854 		First see whether we have this one already in the global buffer.
855 */
856 	number = FindTree(AM.sbufnum,term);
857 	if ( number > 0 ) goto wearehappy;
858 /*
859 	Now look whether it is in the ebufnum between startebuf and numrhs
860 	Note however that we need an offset of (numxsymbol-startebuf)
861 */
862 	for ( i = startebuf+1; i <= C->numrhs; i++ ) {
863 		t1 = C->rhs[i]; t2 = term;
864 		if ( *t1 == *t2 ) {
865 			j = *t1;
866 			while ( *t1 == *t2 && j > 0 ) { t1++; t2++; j--; }
867 			if ( j <= 0 ) {
868 				number = i-startebuf+numxsymbol;
869 				goto wearehappy;
870 			}
871 		}
872 	}
873 /*
874 	Now we have to add it to cbuf[AT.ebufnum]
875 */
876 	AddRHS(AT.ebufnum,1);
877 	AddNtoC(AT.ebufnum,*term,term,9);
878 	AddToCB(C,0)
879 	number = C->numrhs-startebuf+numxsymbol;
880 wearehappy:
881 	*term = old[0]; ss[0] = old[1]; ss[1] = old[2]; ss[2] = old[3]; ss[3] = old[4];
882 	return(number);
883 }
885 /*
886  		#] FindLocalSubterm :
887  		#[ PrintSubtermList :
889 		Prints all the expressions in the subterm compiler buffer.
890 		The format is such that they give definitions of the temporary
891 		variables of which the contents are stored in this buffer.
892 		These variables have the names Z_123 etc.
893 */
PrintSubtermList(int from,int to)895 void PrintSubtermList(int from,int to)
896 {
897 	UBYTE buffer[80], *out, outbuffer[300];
898 	int first, i, ii, inc = 1;
899 	WORD *term;
900 	CBUF *C = cbuf + AM.sbufnum;
901 /*
902 	if ( to < from ) inc = -1;
903 	if ( to == from ) inc = 0;
904 */
905 	if ( from <= to ) {
906 		inc = 1; to += inc;
907 	}
908 	else {
909 		inc = -1; to += inc;
910 	}
911 	AO.OutFill = AO.OutputLine = outbuffer;
912 	AO.OutStop = AO.OutputLine+AC.LineLength;
913 	AO.IsBracket = 0;
914 	AO.OutSkip = 3;
916 	if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) {
917 		TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"      ");
918 		AO.OutSkip = 7;
919 	}
920 	else if ( ( AO.Optimize.debugflags & 1 ) == 1 ) {}
921 	else if ( AO.OutSkip > 0 ) {
922 		for ( i = 0; i < AO.OutSkip; i++ ) TokenToLine((UBYTE *)" ");
923 	}
924 	i = from;
925 	do {
926 		if ( ( AO.Optimize.debugflags & 1 ) == 1 ) {
927 			TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"id ");
928 			for ( ii = 3; ii < AO.OutSkip; ii++ ) TokenToLine((UBYTE *)" ");
929 		}
930 /*
931 		if ( AC.OutputMode == NORMALFORMAT ) {
932 			TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"id ");
933 		}
934 */
935 		else if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) {}
936 		else { TokenToLine((UBYTE *)" "); }
938 		out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)AC.extrasym,buffer);
939 		if ( AC.extrasymbols == 0 ) {
940 			out = NumCopy(i,out);
941 			out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"_",out);
942 		}
943 		else if ( AC.extrasymbols == 1 ) {
944 			out = AddArrayIndex(i,out);
945 		}
946 		out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"=",out);
947 		TokenToLine(buffer);
948 		term = C->rhs[i];
949 		first = 1;
950 		if ( *term == 0 ) {
951 			out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"0",buffer);
952 			if ( AC.OutputMode != FORTRANMODE && AC.OutputMode != PFORTRANMODE ) {
953 				out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)";",out);
954 			}
955 			TokenToLine(buffer);
956 		}
957 		else {
958 			while ( *term ) {
959 				if ( WriteInnerTerm(term,first) ) Terminate(-1);
960 				term += *term;
961 				first = 0;
962 			}
963 			if ( AC.OutputMode != FORTRANMODE && AC.OutputMode != PFORTRANMODE ) {
964 				out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)";",buffer);
965 				TokenToLine(buffer);
966 			}
967 		}
968 /*
969 		There is a problem with FiniLine because it prepares for a
970 		continuation line in fortran mode.
971 		But the next statement should start on a blank line.
972 */
973 /*
974 		FiniLine();
975 		if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) {
976 			AO.OutFill = AO.OutputLine;
977 			TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"      ");
978 			AO.OutSkip = 7;
979 		}
980 */
981 		if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) {
982 			AO.OutSkip = 6;
983 			FiniLine();
984 			AO.OutSkip = 7;
985 		}
986 		else {
987 			FiniLine();
988 		}
989 		i += inc;
990 	} while ( i != to );
991 }
993 /*
994  		#] PrintSubtermList :
995  		#[ PrintExtraSymbol :
997 		Prints the definition of extra symbol num as the contents
998 		of the expression in terms.
999 		The parameter par has three options:
1000 			EXTRASYMBOL      num is interpreted as the number of an extra symbol
1001 			REGULARSYMBOL    num is interpreted as the number of a symbol.
1002 			                 It could still be an extra symbol.
1003 			EXPRESSIONNUMBER num is the number of an expression.
1004 		terms contains the rhs expression.
1005 */
PrintExtraSymbol(int num,WORD * terms,int par)1007 void PrintExtraSymbol(int num, WORD *terms,int par)
1008 {
1009 	UBYTE buffer[80], *out, outbuffer[300];
1010 	int first, i;
1011 	WORD *term;
1013 	AO.OutFill = AO.OutputLine = outbuffer;
1014 	AO.OutStop = AO.OutputLine+AC.LineLength;
1015 	AO.IsBracket = 0;
1017 	if ( AC.OutputMode == FORTRANMODE || AC.OutputMode == PFORTRANMODE ) {
1018 		TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"      ");
1019 		AO.OutSkip = 7;
1020 	}
1021 	else if ( ( AO.Optimize.debugflags & 1 ) == 1 ) {
1022 		TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"id ");
1023 		for ( i = 3; i < AO.OutSkip; i++ ) TokenToLine((UBYTE *)" ");
1024 	}
1025 	else if ( AO.OutSkip > 0 ) {
1026 		for ( i = 0; i < AO.OutSkip; i++ ) TokenToLine((UBYTE *)" ");
1027 	}
1028 	out = buffer;
1029 	switch ( par ) {
1030 		case REGULARSYMBOL:
1031 			if ( num >= MAXVARIABLES-cbuf[AM.sbufnum].numrhs ) {
1032 				num = MAXVARIABLES-num;
1033 			}
1034 			else {
1035 				out = StrCopy(FindSymbol(num),out);
1036 /*				out = StrCopy(VARNAME(symbols,num),out); */
1037 				break;
1038 			}
1039 			/* fall through */
1040 		case EXTRASYMBOL:
1041 			out = StrCopy(FindExtraSymbol(num),out);
1042 /*
1043 			out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)AC.extrasym,out);
1044 			if ( AC.extrasymbols == 0 ) {
1045 				out = NumCopy(num,out);
1046 				out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"_",out);
1047 			}
1048 			else if ( AC.extrasymbols == 1 ) {
1049 				out = AddArrayIndex(num,out);
1050 			}
1051 */
1052 			break;
1054 			out = StrCopy(EXPRNAME(num),out);
1055 			break;
1056 		default:
1057 			MesPrint("Illegal option in PrintExtraSymbol");
1058 			Terminate(-1);
1059 	}
1060 	out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"=",out);
1061 	TokenToLine(buffer);
1062 	term = terms;
1063 	first = 1;
1064 	if ( *term == 0 ) {
1065 		out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)"0",buffer);
1066 		TokenToLine(buffer);
1067 	}
1068 	else {
1069 		while ( *term ) {
1070 			if ( WriteInnerTerm(term,first) ) Terminate(-1);
1071 			term += *term;
1072 			first = 0;
1073 		}
1074 	}
1075 	if ( AC.OutputMode != FORTRANMODE && AC.OutputMode != PFORTRANMODE ) {
1076 		out = StrCopy((UBYTE *)";",buffer);
1077 		TokenToLine(buffer);
1078 	}
1079 	FiniLine();
1080 }
1082 /*
1083  		#] PrintExtraSymbol :
1084  		#[ FindSubexpression :
1086 		In this routine we look up a subexpression.
1087 		If we don't find it we will enter it in the subterm compiler buffer
1088 		Searching is by tree structure.
1089 		Adding changes the tree.
1091 		Notice that in TFORM we should be in sequential mode.
1092 */
FindSubexpression(WORD * subexpr)1094 WORD FindSubexpression(WORD *subexpr)
1095 {
1096 	WORD *term, number;
1097 	CBUF *C = cbuf + AM.sbufnum;
1098 	LONG oldCpointer;
1100 	term = subexpr;
1101 	while ( *term ) term += *term;
1102 	number = term - subexpr;
1103 /*
1104 		We may have to add the subexpression to the tree.
1105 		This requires a lock.
1106 */
1107 	LOCK(AM.sbuflock);
1109 	oldCpointer = C->Pointer-C->Buffer; /* Offset of course !!!!!*/
1110 	AddRHS(AM.sbufnum,1);
1111 /*
1112 		Add the terms to the compiler buffer. Paste on a zero.
1113 */
1114 	AddNtoC(AM.sbufnum,number,subexpr,10);
1115 	AddToCB(C,0)
1116 /*
1117 		See whether we have this one already. If not, insert it in the tree.
1118 */
1119 	number = InsTree(AM.sbufnum,C->numrhs);
1120 /*
1121 		Restore old values and return what is needed.
1122 */
1123 	if ( number < (C->numrhs) ) {	/* It existed already */
1124 		C->Pointer = oldCpointer + C->Buffer;
1125 		C->numrhs--;
1126 	}
1127     else {
1129 		WORD dim = DimensionExpression(BHEAD subexpr);
1130 /*
1131 		Store the dimension
1132 */
1133 		C->dimension[number] = dim;
1134 	}
1136 	UNLOCK(AM.sbuflock);
1138 	return(number);
1139 }
1141 /*
1142  		#] FindSubexpression :
1143  		#[ ExtraSymFun :
1144 */
ExtraSymFun(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD level)1146 int ExtraSymFun(PHEAD WORD *term,WORD level)
1147 {
1148 	WORD *oldworkpointer = AT.WorkPointer;
1149 	WORD *termout, *t1, *t2, *t3, *tstop, *tend, i;
1150 	int retval = 0;
1151 	tend = termout = term + *term;
1152 	tstop = tend - ABS(tend[-1]);
1153 	t3 = t1 = term+1; t2 = termout+1;
1154 /*
1155 	First refind the function(s). There is at least one.
1156 */
1157 	while ( t1 < tstop ) {
1158 		if ( *t1 == EXTRASYMFUN && t1[1] == FUNHEAD+2 ) {
1159 			if ( t1[FUNHEAD] == -SNUMBER && t1[FUNHEAD+1] <= numxsymbol
1160 							&& t1[FUNHEAD+1] > 0 ) {
1161 				i = t1[FUNHEAD+1];
1162 			}
1163 			else if ( t1[FUNHEAD] == -SYMBOL && t1[FUNHEAD+1] < MAXVARIABLES
1164 							&& t1[FUNHEAD+1] >= MAXVARIABLES-numxsymbol ) {
1165 				i = MAXVARIABLES - t1[FUNHEAD+1];
1166 			}
1167 			else goto nocase;
1168 			while ( t3 < t1 ) *t2++ = *t3++;
1169 /*
1170 				Now inset the rhs pointer
1171 */
1172 			*t2++ = SUBEXPRESSION;
1173 			*t2++ = SUBEXPSIZE;
1174 			*t2++ = i;
1175 			*t2++ = 1;
1176 			*t2++ = AM.sbufnum;
1177 			FILLSUB(t2)
1178 			t3 = t1 = t1 + t1[1];
1179 		}
1180 		else if ( *t1 == EXTRASYMFUN && t1[1] == FUNHEAD ) {
1181 			while ( t3 < t1 ) *t2++ = *t3++;
1182 			t3 = t1 = t1 + t1[1];
1183 		}
1184 		else {
1185 nocase:;
1186 			t1 = t1 + t1[1];
1187 		}
1188 	}
1189 	while ( t3 < tend ) *t2++ = *t3++;
1190 	*termout = t2 - termout;
1191 	AT.WorkPointer = t2;
1192 	if ( AT.WorkPointer >= AT.WorkTop ) {
1193 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1194 		MesWork();
1195 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1196 		AT.WorkPointer = oldworkpointer;
1197 		return(-1);
1198 	}
1199 	retval = Generator(BHEAD termout,level);
1200 	AT.WorkPointer = oldworkpointer;
1201 	if ( retval < 0 ) {
1202 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1203 		MesCall("ExtraSymFun");
1204 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1205 	}
1206 	return(retval);
1207 }
1209 /*
1210  		#] ExtraSymFun :
1211  		#[ PruneExtraSymbols :
1212 */
PruneExtraSymbols(WORD downto)1214 int PruneExtraSymbols(WORD downto)
1215 {
1216 	CBUF *C = cbuf + AM.sbufnum;
1217 	if ( downto < C->numrhs && downto >= 0 ) {  /* !!!!! */
1218 		ClearTree(AM.sbufnum);
1219 		C->numrhs = downto;
1220 		if ( downto == 0 ) {
1221 			C->Pointer = C->Buffer;
1222 		}
1223 		else {
1224 			WORD *w = C->rhs[downto], i;
1225 			while ( *w ) w += *w;
1226 			C->Pointer = w+1;
1227 			for ( i = 1; i <= downto; i++ ) {
1228 				InsTree(AM.sbufnum,i);
1229 			}
1230 		}
1231 	}
1232 	return(0);
1233 }
1235 /*
1236  		#] PruneExtraSymbols :
1237 */