1 /*
2   Copyright (c) 2005-2019 by Jakob Schröter <js@camaya.net>
3   This file is part of the gloox library. http://camaya.net/gloox
5   This software is distributed under a license. The full license
6   agreement can be found in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
7   This software may not be copied, modified, sold or distributed
8   other than expressed in the named license agreement.
10   This software is distributed without any warranty.
11 */
13 /*! @mainpage gloox API Documentation
14  *
15  * @section contents Contents
16  * @ref intro_sec <br>
17  * @ref handlers_sec <br>
18  * @ref comp_sec <br>
19  * @ref client_sec <br>
20  * @ref block_conn_sec <br>
21  * @ref roster_sec <br>
22  * @ref privacy_sec <br>
23  * @ref auth_sec <br>
24  * @ref msg_sec <br>
25  * @ref xeps_sec <br>
26  * @ref filetransfer_sec <br>
27  * @ref proxy_sec <br>
28  * @ref upgrading_sec <br>
29  * <br>
30  *
31  * @section intro_sec Introduction
32  *
33  * The design of gloox follows the so-called observer pattern, which basically means that everything is
34  * event-driven. There are two ways you can connect to the Jabber/XMPP network using gloox, either as
35  * client or as component. For a C++ XMPP server library see <http://camaya.net/glooxd>.
36  *
37  * @note Section 11.5 of the XMPP specification (RFC 3290) requires that only UTF-8 is used as encoding
38  * for any traffic sent over the wire. Since gloox cannot know which encoding is used in any given input,
39  * it is a requirement that any input to gloox is valid UTF-8.
40  *
41  * @section handlers_sec Event Handlers
42  *
43  * The most important tools of gloox are the event handlers. Currently, there exist 4 handlers for
44  * the basic protocol as defined in the RFCs, as well as numerous handlers for events generated by
45  * the included XEP-implementations and for additional functionality. Additionally, a log handler,
46  * a generic tag handler and a handler for connection events are available.
47  *
48  * Basically these handlers are virtual interfaces from which you derive a class and implement a few
49  * virtual functions. Then you register such an object with the respective protocol implementation. A
50  * short example:
51  * @code
52  * class MyClass : public PresenceHandler
53  * {
54  *   public:
55  *     // reimplemented from PresenceHandler
56  *     virtual void handlePresence( const Presence& presence );
57  *
58  *   [...]
59  * };
60  *
61  * void MyClass::handlePresence( const Presence& presence )
62  * {
63  *   // extract further information from the Presence object
64  * }
65  * @endcode
66  *
67  * Somewhere else you do something like this:
68  * @code
69  * OtherClass::doSomething()
70  * {
71  *   Client* client = new Client( ... );
72  *   [...]
73  *   MyClass* handler = new MyClass( ... );
74  *   client->registerPresenceHandler( handler );
75  * }
76  * @endcode
77  *
78  * Now, every time a presence stanza (not subscription stanza) is received, handlePresence() is called
79  * with the current stanza as argument. You can then use the extensive getters of the Stanza class to
80  * extract stanza data.
81  *
82  * This works similar for all the other event handlers.
83  * Another example, this time using the connection event handler (class @link gloox::ConnectionListener
84  * ConnectionListener @endlink):
85  * @code
86  * class MyClass : public ConnectionListener
87  * {
88  *   public:
89  *     virtual void onConnect();
90  *
91  *     virtual bool onTLSConnect( ... );
92  * };
93  *
94  * void MyClass::onConnect()
95  * {
96  *   // do something when the connection is established
97  * }
98  *
99  * bool MyClass::onTLSConnect( const CertInfo& info )
100  * {
101  *   // decide whether you trust the certificate, examine the CertInfo structure
102  *   return true; // if you trust it, otherwise return false
103  * }
104  * @endcode
105  *
106  * @note The ConnectionListener interface is a peculiarity. You MUST re-implement
107  * @link gloox::ConnectionListener::onTLSConnect() ConnectionListener::onTLSConnect() @endlink if
108  * you want to be able to connect successfully to TLS/SSL enabled servers. Even though gloox tries
109  * to verify the server's certificate it does not automatically trust a server. The client's programmer
110  * and/or user have to decide whether to trust a server or not. This trust is expressed by the return
111  * value of onTLSConnect(). @b False means you don't trust the server/certificate and as a consequence
112  * the connection is dropped immediately.
113  *
114  * @section comp_sec Components
115  *
116  * A component in the Jabber/XMPP network is an add-on to a server which runs externally
117  * to the actual server software, but can have similar privileges. Components use a protocol described in
118  * @xep{0114} to connect and authenticate to a server.
119  *
120  * The @link gloox::Component Component @endlink class supports this protocol and can be used to create
121  * a new Jabber component. It's as simple as:
122  * @code
123  * Component* comp = new Component( ... );
124  * comp->connect();
125  * @endcode
126  *
127  * @section client_sec Clients
128  *
129  * A client can be an end-user's chat client, a bot, or a similar entity not tied to a particular
130  * server. The @link gloox::Client Client @endlink class implements the necessary functionality to
131  * connect to an XMPP server. Usage is, again, pretty simple:
132  * @code
133  * class MyClass : public ConnectionListener, PresenceHandler
134  * {
135  *   public:
136  *     void doSomething();
137  *
138  *     virtual void handlePresence( ... );
139  *
140  *     virtual void onConnect();
141  *
142  *     virtual bool onTLSConnect( const CertInfo& info );
143  * };
144  *
145  * void MyClass::doSomething()
146  * {
147  *   JID jid( "jid@server/resource" );
148  *   Client* client = new Client( jid, "password" );
149  *   client->registerConnectionListener( this );
150  *   client->registerPresenceHandler( this );
151  *   client->connect();
152  * }
153  *
154  * void MyClass::onConnect()
155  * {
156  *   // connection established, auth done (see API docs for exceptions)
157  * }
158  *
159  * bool MyClass::onTLSConnect( const CertInfo& info )
160  * {
161  *   // examine certificate info
162  * }
163  *
164  * void MyClass::handlePresence( Presence* presence )
165  * {
166  *   // presence info
167  * }
168  * @endcode
169  *
170  * @note gloox does not officially support the style of connection which is usually used on port
171  * 5223, i.e. SSL encryption before any XML is sent, because it's a legacy method and not standard XMPP.
172  * However, gloox includes a ConnectionTLS class that, as a side-effect, allows you to establish such
173  * connections.
174  *
175  * @note @link gloox::Client::connect() Client::connect() @endlink by default blocks until the
176  * connection ends (either @link gloox::Client::disconnect() Client::disconnect() @endlink is called
177  * or the server closes the connection).
178  *
179  * @section block_conn_sec Blocking vs. Non-blocking Connections
180  *
181  * For some kind of bots a blocking connection (the default behaviour) is ideal. All the bot does is
182  * react to events coming from the server. However, for end user clients or anything with a GUI this
183  * is far from perfect.
184  *
185  * In these cases non-blocking connections can be used. If
186  * @link gloox::ClientBase::connect() ClientBase::connect( false ) @endlink is
187  * called, the function returnes immediately after the connection has been established. It is then
188  * the resposibility of the programmer to initiate receiving of data from the socket.
189  *
190  * The easiest way is to call @link gloox::ClientBase::recv() ClientBase::recv() @endlink
191  * periodically with the desired timeout (in microseconds) as parameter. The default value of -1
192  * means the call blocks until any data was received, which is then parsed automatically.
193  *
194  * As an alternative to periodic polling you can get a hold of the raw file descriptor used for the
195  * connection. You can then use select() on it and use
196  * @link gloox::ClientBase::recv() ClientBase::recv() @endlink when select indicates that data is
197  * available. You should @b not recv() any data from the file descriptor directly as there is no
198  * way to feed that back into the parser.
199  *
200  * To get the file descriptor you'll need to set a connection class (e.g. an instance of
201  * @link gloox::ConnectionTCPClient ConnectionTCPClient @endlink) manually, like so:
202  *
203  * @code
204  * Client* client = new Client( ... );
205  * ConnectionTCPClient* conn = new ConnectionTCPClient( client, client->logInstance(), server, port );
206  * client->setConnectionImpl( conn );
207  *
208  * client->connect( false );
209  * int sock = conn->socket();
210  *
211  * [...]
212  * @endcode
213  *
214  * It would also be possible to fetch the fd like this:
215  *
216  * @code
217  * Client* client = new Client( ... );
218  * client->connect( false );
219  * int sock = static_cast<ConnectionTCPClient*>( client->connectionImpl() )->socket();
220  *
221  * [...]
222  * @endcode
223  * Obviously this will only work as long as you haven't set a different type of connection using setConnectionImpl().
224  *
225  * @note This has changed in 0.9. ClientBase::fileDescriptor() is no longer available.
226  *
227  * @section roster_sec Roster Management
228  *
229  * Among others, RFC 3921 defines the protocol to manage one's contact list (roster). In gloox, the
230  * @link gloox::RosterManager RosterManager @endlink class implements this functionality. A few
231  * easy-to-use functions are available to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the presence of remote
232  * entities. It is also possible to add a contact to a roster without actually subscribing to the
233  * contacts presence. Additionally, the interface @link gloox::RosterListener RosterListener @endlink
234  * offers many callbacks for various roster-related events.
235  *
236  * If you create a Client object as shown above, you also get a RosterManager for free.
237  * @link gloox::Client::rosterManager() Client::rosterManager() @endlink returns a pointer to the
238  * object.
239  *
240  * @section privacy_sec Privacy Lists
241  *
242  * Also defined in RFC 3921: Privacy Lists. A Privacy List can be used to explicitely block or allow
243  * sending of stanzas from and to contacts, respectively. You can define rules based on JID, stanza type,
244  * etc. The @link gloox::PrivacyManager PrivacyManager @endlink class and the
245  * @link gloox::PrivacyListHandler PrivacyListHandler @endlink virtual interface allow for full
246  * flexibility in Privacy List handling.
247  *
248  * @code
249  * PrivacyManager* p = new PrivacyManager( ... );
250  * [...]
251  * PrivacyListHandler::PrivacyList list;
252  * PrivacyItem item( PrivacyItem::TypeJid, PrivacyItem::ActionDeny,
253  *                   PrivacyItem::PacketMessage, "me@there.com" );
254  * list.push_back( item );
255  *
256  * PrivacyItem item2( PrivacyItem::TypeJid, PrivacyItem::ActionAllow,
257  *                    PrivacyItem::PacketIq, "me@example.org" );
258  * list.push_back( item2 );
259  *
260  * p->store( "myList", list );
261  * @endcode
262  *
263  * @section auth_sec Authentication
264  *
265  * gloox supports old-style IQ-based authentication defined in @xep{0078} as well as several SASL mechanisms.
266  * See the documentation of the @link gloox::Client Client @endlink class for more information.
267  *
268  * @section msg_sec Sending and Receiving of Chat Messages
269  *
270  * For Messaging it is recommended to use the MessageSession interface. It handles sending and receiving
271  * of messages as well as message events and chat states (such as typing notifications, etc.). See
272  * @link gloox::MessageSession MessageSession @endlink for more details.
273  *
274  * @section xeps_sec Protocol Extensions (XEPs)
275  *
276  * The XMPP Standards Foundation has published a number of extensions to the core protocols, called
277  * XMPP Extension Protocols (XEPs). A couple of these XEPs are implemented in gloox:
278  *
279  * @li @xep{0004} @link gloox::DataForm Data Forms @endlink
280  * @li @xep{0012} @link gloox::LastActivity  Last Activity @endlink
281  * @li @xep{0013} @link gloox::FlexibleOffline Flexible Offline Message Retrieval @endlink
282  * @li @xep{0022} Message Events (see @link gloox::MessageSession MessageSession @endlink for examples)
283  * @li @xep{0027} Current Jabber OpenPGP Usage (see @link gloox::GPGSigned GPGSigned @endlink
284  * and @link gloox::GPGEncrypted GPGEncrypted @endlink)
285  * @li @xep{0030} @link gloox::Disco Service Discovery @endlink
286  * @li @xep{0045} @link gloox::MUCRoom Multi-User Chat @endlink
287  * @li @xep{0047} In-Band Bytestreams, used with @ref filetransfer_sec
288  * @li @xep{0048} @link gloox::BookmarkStorage Bookmark Storage @endlink
289  * @li @xep{0049} @link gloox::PrivateXML Private XML Storage @endlink
290  * @li @xep{0050} @link gloox::Adhoc Ad-hoc Commands @endlink
291  * @li @xep{0054} @link gloox::VCardManager vcard-temp @endlink
292  * @li @xep{0060} @link gloox::PubSub::Manager Publish-Subscribe @endlink
293  * @li @xep{0065} @link gloox::SOCKS5BytestreamManager SOCKS5 Bytestreams @endlink, used with
294  * @ref filetransfer_sec and @ref proxy_sec
295  * @li @xep{0066} @link gloox::OOB Out of Band Data @endlink, also used with @ref filetransfer_sec
296  * @li @xep{0077} @link gloox::Registration In-Band Registration @endlink
297  * @li @xep{0078} Non-SASL Authentication (automatically used if the server does not support SASL)
298  * @li @xep{0079} @link gloox::AMP Advanced Message Processing @endlink
299  * @li @xep{0083} Nested Roster Groups (automatically used if supported by the server, see
300  * @link gloox::RosterManager::delimiter() RosterManager @endlink)
301  * @li @xep{0085} Chat State Notifications (see @link gloox::MessageSession MessageSession @endlink for
302  * examples)
303  * @li @xep{0091} @link gloox::DelayedDelivery Delayed Delivery @endlink (old spec)
304  * @li @xep{0092} Software Version (integrated into @link gloox::Disco Service Discovery @endlink)
305  * @li @xep{0095} @link gloox::SIManager Stream Initiation @endlink, used with @ref filetransfer_sec
306  * @li @xep{0096} @ref filetransfer_sec
307  * @li @xep{0106} @link gloox::JID::escapeNode() JID Escaping @endlink
308  * @li @xep{0114} @link gloox::Component Jabber Component Protocol @endlink
309  * @li @xep{0115} @link gloox::Capabilities Entity Capabilities @endlink (used automatically internally)
310  * @li @xep{0124} @link gloox::ConnectionBOSH Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH) @endlink
311  * @li @xep{0131} @link gloox::SHIM Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata @endlink
312  * @li @xep{0138} Stream Compression (used automatically if gloox is compiled with zlib and if the server
313  * supports it)
314  * @li @xep{0145} @link gloox::Annotations Annotations @endlink
315  * @li @xep{0153} @link gloox::VCardUpdate vCard-based Avatars @endlink
316  * @li @xep{0166} @link gloox::Jingle::SessionManager Jingle @endlink
317  * @li @xep{0172} @link gloox::Nickname User Nickname @endlink
318  * @li @xep{0174} @link gloox::LinkLocal::Manager Link-local Messaging @endlink
319  * @li @xep{0176} @link gloox::Jingle::ICEUDP Jingle ICE-UDP Transport Method @endlink
320  * @li @xep{0184} @link gloox::Receipt Message Receipts @endlink
321  * @li @xep{0198} Stream Management (integrated into @link gloox::Client @endlink)
322  * @li @xep{0199} @link gloox::ClientBase::xmppPing() XMPP Ping @endlink
323  * @li @xep{0203} @link gloox::DelayedDelivery Delayed Delivery @endlink (new spec)
324  * @li @xep{0206} XMPP Over BOSH, see @link gloox::ConnectionBOSH BOSH @endlink
325  * @li @xep{0224} @link gloox::Attention Attention @endlink
326  * @li @xep{0234} @link gloox::Jingle::FileTransfer Jingle File Transfer @endlink
327  * @li @xep{0256} @link gloox::LastActivity::Query Last Activity in Presence @endlink
328  * @li @xep{0280} @link gloox::Carbons Message Carbons @endlink
329  * @li @xep{0297} @link gloox::Forward Stanza Forwarding @endlink
330  * @li @xep{0352} @link gloox::Client::hasClientStateIndication() Client State Indication @endlink
331  *
332  * Further extensions can easily be implemented using
333  * @link gloox::StanzaExtension StanzaExtensions @endlink.
334  *
335  * @section filetransfer_sec File Transfer
336  *
337  * For file transfer, gloox implements @xep{0095} (Stream Initiation) as well @xep{0096} (File Transfer)
338  * for the signalling, and @xep{0065} (SOCKS5 Bytestreams) as well as @xep{0047} (In-Band Bytestreams)
339  * for the transport. See @link gloox::SIProfileFT SIProfileFT @endlink.
340  *
341  * @section proxy_sec HTTP and SOCKS5 Proxy support
342  *
343  * gloox is capable of traversing HTTP as well as SOCKS5 proxies, even chained. See
344  * @link gloox::ConnectionHTTPProxy ConnectionHTTPProxy @endlink and
345  * @link gloox::ConnectionSOCKS5Proxy ConnectionSOCKS5Proxy @endlink.
346  *
347  * @section upgrading_sec Upgrading from earlier versions
348  *
349  * See <a href='upgrading.html'>Upgrading</a>.
350  *
351  */
353 #ifndef GLOOX_H__
354 #define GLOOX_H__
356 #include "macros.h"
358 #include <string>
359 #include <list>
360 #include <map>
362 /**
363  * @brief The namespace for the gloox library.
364  *
365  * @author Jakob Schröter <js@camaya.net>
366  * @since 0.3
367  */
368 namespace gloox
369 {
370   /** Client namespace (RFC 3920)*/
371   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_CLIENT;
373   /** Component Accept namespace (@xep{0114}) */
374   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_COMPONENT_ACCEPT;
376   /** Component Connect namespace (@xep{0114}) */
377   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_COMPONENT_CONNECT;
379   /** Service Discovery Info namespace (@xep{0030}) */
380   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_DISCO_INFO;
382   /** Service Discovery Items namespace (@xep{0030}) */
383   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_DISCO_ITEMS;
385   /** Service Discovery Publish namespace (@xep{0030}) */
386   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_DISCO_PUBLISH;
388   /** Adhoc Commands namespace (@xep{0050}) */
389   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_ADHOC_COMMANDS;
391   /** Stream Compression namespace (@xep{0138}) */
392   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_COMPRESSION;
394   /** Flexible Offline Message Retrieval (@xep{0013}) */
395   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_OFFLINE;
397   /** Chat State Notifications namespace (@xep{0085}) */
398   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_CHAT_STATES;
400   /** Advanced Message Processing (@xep{0079}) */
401   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_AMP;
403   /** In-Band Bytestreams namespace (@xep{0047}) */
404   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_IBB;
406   /** Feature Negotiation namespace (@xep{0020}) */
407   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_FEATURE_NEG;
409   /** Chat Session Negotiation namespace (@xep{0155}) */
410   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_CHATNEG;
412   /** XHTML-IM namespace (@xep{0071}) */
413   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_XHTML_IM;
415   /** Delayed Delivery namespace (@xep{0203}) */
416   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_DELAY;
418   /** Roster namespace (RFC 3921) */
419   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_ROSTER;
421   /** Software Version namespace (@xep{0092}) */
422   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_VERSION;
424   /** In-Band Registration namespace (@xep{0077}) */
425   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_REGISTER;
427   /** Privacy lists namespace (RFC 3921) */
428   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_PRIVACY;
430   /** Non-SASL Authentication namespace (@xep{0078}) */
431   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_AUTH;
433   /** Private XML Storage namespace (@xep{0049}) */
434   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_PRIVATE_XML;
436   /** Last Activity namespace (@xep{0012}) */
437   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_LAST;
439   /** Jabber Search namespace (@xep{0055}) */
440   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_SEARCH;
442   /** Out of Band Data (IQ) namespace (@xep{0066}) */
443   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_IQ_OOB;
445   /** Data Forms namespace (@xep{0004}) */
446   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_X_DATA;
448   /** Message Events (@xep{0022}) */
449   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_X_EVENT;
451   /** Out of Band Data (X) namespace (@xep{0066}) */
452   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_X_OOB;
454   /** Delayed Delivery namespace (@xep{0091}) */
455   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_X_DELAY;
457   /** Current Jabber OpenPGP Usage (Sign.) (@xep{0027}) */
458   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_X_GPGSIGNED;
460   /** Current Jabber OpenPGP Usage (Enc.) (@xep{0027}) */
461   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_X_GPGENCRYPTED;
463   /** vcard-temp namespace (@xep{0054}) */
464   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_VCARD_TEMP;
466   /** vCard-Based Avatars namespace (@xep{0153}) */
467   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_X_VCARD_UPDATE;
469   /** Bookmark Storage namespace (@xep{0048}) */
470   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_BOOKMARKS;
472   /** Annotations namespace (@xep{0145}) */
473   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_ANNOTATIONS;
475   /** Nested Roster Groups namespace (@xep{0083}) */
476   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_ROSTER_DELIMITER;
478   /** XMPP Ping namespace (@xep{0199}) */
479   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_XMPP_PING;
481   /** Stream Initiation namespace (@xep{0095}) */
482   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_SI;
484   /** File transfer profile of Stream Initiation (@xep{0096}) */
485   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_SI_FT;
487   /** SOCKS5 Bytestreams namespace (@xep{0065}) */
488   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_BYTESTREAMS;
490   /** Multi-User Chat namespace (@xep{0045}) */
491   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MUC;
493   /** Multi-User Chat namespace (user) (@xep{0045}) */
494   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MUC_USER;
496   /** Multi-User Chat namespace (admin) (@xep{0045}) */
497   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MUC_ADMIN;
499   /** Multi-User Chat namespace (unique) (@xep{0045}) */
500   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MUC_UNIQUE;
502   /** Multi-User Chat namespace (owner) (@xep{0045}) */
503   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MUC_OWNER;
505   /** Multi-User Chat namespace (roominfo) (@xep{0045}) */
506   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MUC_ROOMINFO;
508   /** Multi-User Chat namespace (rooms) (@xep{0045}) */
509   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MUC_ROOMS;
511   /** Multi-User Chat namespace (request) (@xep{0045}) */
512   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MUC_REQUEST;
514   /** PubSub namespace (@xep{0060}) */
515   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_PUBSUB;
517   /** PubSub namespace (errors) (@xep{0060}) */
518   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_PUBSUB_ERRORS;
520   /** PubSub namespace (event) (@xep{0060}) */
521   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_PUBSUB_EVENT;
523   /** PubSub namespace (owner) (@xep{0060}) */
524   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_PUBSUB_OWNER;
526   /** Entity Capabilities namespace (@xep{0115}) */
527   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_CAPS;
529   /** SOCKS5 Fast Mode namespace */
530   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_FT_FASTMODE;
532   /** XMPP stream namespace (RFC 3920) */
533   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM;
535   /** XMPP stream namespace (RFC 3920) */
536   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_XMPP_STREAM;
538   /** XMPP stanzas namespace (RFC 3920) */
539   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_XMPP_STANZAS;
541   /** TLS Stream Feature namespace (RFC 3920) */
542   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM_TLS;
544   /** SASL Stream Feature namespace (RFC 3920) */
545   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM_SASL;
547   /** Resource Bind Stream Feature (RFC 3921) */
548   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM_BIND;
550   /** Session Create Stream Feature (RFC 3921) */
551   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM_SESSION;
553   /** Non-SASL Auth. Stream Feature (@xep{0078}) */
554   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM_IQAUTH;
556   /** In-Band Registration namespace (@xep{0077}) */
557   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM_IQREGISTER;
559   /** Stream Compression Feature namespace (@xep{0138}) */
560   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM_COMPRESS;
562   /** General HTTP binding (BOSH) namespace (@xep{0124}) */
563   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_HTTPBIND;
565   /** XMPP-over-BOSH extensions (@xep{0206}) */
566   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_XMPP_BOSH;
568   /** Message Receipt namespace (@xep{0184}) */
569   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_RECEIPTS;
571   /** Message Receipt namespace (@xep{0172}) */
572   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_NICKNAME;
574   /** Jabber RPC namespace (@xep{0009}) */
575   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_JABBER_RPC;
577   /** Jingle namespace (@xep{0166}) */
578   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_JINGLE;
580   /** Jingle error namespace (@xep{0166}) */
581   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_JINGLE_ERRORS;
583   /** Jingle ICE-UDP Transport namespace (@xep{0176}) */
584   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP;
586   /** Jingle File Transfer namespace (@xep{0234}) */
587   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER;
589   /** Jingle File Transfer namespace (multiple files) (@xep{0234}) */
590   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER_MULTI;
592   /** Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata (SHIM) namespace (@xep{0131}) */
593   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_SHIM;
595   /** Attention namespace (@xep{0224}) */
596   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_ATTENTION;
598   /** Stream Management namespace (@xep{0198}) */
599   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STREAM_MANAGEMENT;
601   /** Stanza Forwarding namespace (@xep{0297}) */
602   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_STANZA_FORWARDING;
604   /** Message Carbons namespace (@xep{0280}) */
605   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_MESSAGE_CARBONS;
607   /** Client State Indication namespace (@xep{0352}) */
608   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_CLIENT_STATE_INDICATION;
610   /** Use of Cryptographic Hash Functions in XMPP namespace (@xep{0300}) */
611   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_HASHES;
613   /** IO Data (@xep{0244}) */
614   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS_IODATA;
616   /** Supported stream version (major). */
617   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMPP_STREAM_VERSION_MAJOR;
619   /** Supported stream version (minor). */
620   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMPP_STREAM_VERSION_MINOR;
622   /** gloox version */
623   GLOOX_API extern const std::string GLOOX_VERSION;
625   /** gloox caps node */
626   GLOOX_API extern const std::string GLOOX_CAPS_NODE;
628   /** A string containing "xmlns". */
629   GLOOX_API extern const std::string XMLNS;
631   /** A string containing "type". */
632   GLOOX_API extern const std::string TYPE;
634   /** An empty string. */
635   GLOOX_API extern const std::string EmptyString;
637   /**
638    * This describes the possible states of a stream.
639    */
640   enum ConnectionState
641   {
642     StateDisconnected,              /**< The client is in disconnected state. */
643     StateConnecting,                /**< The client is currently trying to establish a connection. */
644     StateConnected                  /**< The client is connected to the server but authentication is not
645                                      * (yet) done. */
646   };
648   /**
649    * Describes stream events that get emitted by means of ConnectionListener::onStreamEvent().
650    * @since 0.9
651    */
652   enum StreamEvent
653   {
654     StreamEventConnecting,          /**< The Client is about to initaite the connection. */
655     StreamEventEncryption,          /**< The Client is about to negotiate encryption. */
656     StreamEventCompression,         /**< The Client is about to negotiate compression. */
657     StreamEventAuthentication,      /**< The Client is about to authenticate. */
658     StreamEventSessionInit,         /**< The Client is about to create a session. */
659     StreamEventResourceBinding,     /**< The Client is about to bind a resource to the stream. */
660     StreamEventSMEnable,            /**< The Client is about to request Stream Management (@xep{0198}).
661                                      * @since 1.0.4 */
662     StreamEventSMResume,            /**< The Client is about to request resumption by means of Stream Management
663                                      * (@xep{0198}).
664                                      * @since 1.0.4 */
665     StreamEventSMResumed,           /**< The stream has successfully been resumed by means of Stream Management
666                                      * (@xep{0198}).
667                                      * @since 1.0.4 */
668     StreamEventSMEnableFailed,      /**< The attempt to enable Stream Management
669                                      * (@xep{0198}) failed. This is not critical.
670                                      * @since 1.0.4 */
671     StreamEventSMResumeFailed,      /**< The attempt to resume an aborted session by means of Stream Management
672                                      * (@xep{0198}) failed. This is not critical.
673                                      * @since 1.0.4 */
674     StreamEventSessionCreation,     /**< The Client is about to create a session.
675                                      * @since 0.9.1 */
676     StreamEventRoster,              /**< The Client is about to request the roster. */
677     StreamEventFinished             /**< The log-in phase is completed. */
678   };
680   /**
681    * This describes connection error conditions.
682    */
683   enum ConnectionError
684   {
685     ConnNoError,                    /**< Not really an error. Everything went just fine. */
686     ConnStreamError,                /**< A stream error occured. The stream has been closed.
687                                      * Use ClientBase::streamError() to find the reason. */
688     ConnStreamVersionError,         /**< The incoming stream's version is not supported */
689     ConnStreamClosed,               /**< The stream has been closed (by the server). */
690     ConnProxyAuthRequired,          /**< The HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy requires authentication.
691                                      * @since 0.9 */
692     ConnProxyAuthFailed,            /**< HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy authentication failed.
693                                      * @since 0.9 */
694     ConnProxyNoSupportedAuth,       /**< The HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy requires an unsupported auth mechanism.
695                                      * @since 0.9 */
696     ConnIoError,                    /**< An I/O error occured. */
697     ConnParseError,                 /**< An XML parse error occurred. */
698     ConnConnectionRefused,          /**< The connection was refused by the server (on the socket level).
699                                      * @since 0.9 */
700     ConnDnsError,                   /**< Resolving the server's hostname failed.
701                                      * @since 0.9 */
702     ConnOutOfMemory,                /**< Out of memory. Uhoh. */
703     ConnNoSupportedAuth,            /**< The auth mechanisms the server offers are not supported
704                                      * or the server offered no auth mechanisms at all. */
705     ConnTlsFailed,                  /**< The server's certificate could not be verified or the TLS
706                                      * handshake did not complete successfully. */
707     ConnTlsNotAvailable,            /**< The server didn't offer TLS while it was set to be required,
708                                      * or TLS was not compiled in.
709                                      * @since 0.9.4 */
710     ConnCompressionFailed,          /**< Negotiating/initializing compression failed.
711                                      * @since 0.9 */
712     ConnAuthenticationFailed,       /**< Authentication failed. Username/password wrong or account does
713                                      * not exist. Use ClientBase::authError() to find the reason. */
714     ConnUserDisconnected,           /**< The user (or higher-level protocol) requested a disconnect. */
715     ConnNotConnected                /**< There is no active connection. */
716   };
718   /**
719    * ClientBase's policy regarding TLS usage. Use with ClientBase::setTls().
720    */
721   enum TLSPolicy
722   {
723     TLSDisabled,                    /**< Don't use TLS. */
724     TLSOptional,                    /**< Use TLS if compiled in and offered by the server. */
725     TLSRequired                     /**< Don't attempt to log in if the server didn't offer TLS
726                                      * or if TLS was not compiled in. Disconnect error will be
727                                      * ConnTlsNotAvailable. */
728   };
730   /**
731    * Supported Stream Features.
732    */
733   enum StreamFeature
734   {
735     StreamFeatureBind                  =    1, /**< The server supports resource binding. */
736     StreamFeatureUnbind                =    2, /**< The server supports binding multiple resources. */
737     StreamFeatureSession               =    4, /**< The server supports sessions. */
738     StreamFeatureStartTls              =    8, /**< The server supports &lt;starttls&gt;. */
739     StreamFeatureIqRegister            =   16, /**< The server supports @xep{0077} (In-Band
740                                                 * Registration). */
741     StreamFeatureIqAuth                =   32, /**< The server supports @xep{0078} (Non-SASL
742                                                 * Authentication). */
743     StreamFeatureCompressZlib          =   64, /**< The server supports @xep{0138} (Stream
744                                                 * Compression) (Zlib). */
745     StreamFeatureCompressDclz          =  128, /**< The server supports @xep{0138} (Stream
746                                                 * Compression) (LZW/DCLZ). */
747     StreamFeatureStreamManagement      =  256, /**< The server supports @xep{0198} (Stream Management). */
748     StreamFeatureClientStateIndication =  512  /**< The server supports @xep{0352} (Client State Indication). */
749     // SaslMechanism below must be adjusted accordingly.
750   };
752   /**
753    * Supported SASL mechanisms.
754    */
755   // must be adjusted with changes to StreamFeature enum above
756   enum SaslMechanism
757   {
758     SaslMechNone          =      0, /**< Invalid SASL Mechanism. */
759     SaslMechScramSha1     =   1024, /**< SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 accroding to RFC 5801 */
760     SaslMechScramSha1Plus =   2048, /**< SASL SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS accroding to RFC 5801 */
761     SaslMechDigestMd5     =   4096, /**< SASL Digest-MD5 according to RFC 2831. */
762     SaslMechPlain         =   8192, /**< SASL PLAIN according to RFC 2595 Section 6. */
763     SaslMechAnonymous     =  16384, /**< SASL ANONYMOUS according to draft-ietf-sasl-anon-05.txt/
764                                      * RFC 2245 Section 6. */
765     SaslMechExternal      =  32768, /**< SASL EXTERNAL according to RFC 2222 Section 7.4. */
766     SaslMechGssapi        =  65536, /**< SASL GSSAPI (Win32 only). */
767     SaslMechNTLM          = 131072, /**< SASL NTLM (Win32 only). */
768     SaslMechAll           = 262143  /**< Includes all supported SASL mechanisms. */
769   };
771   /**
772    * This describes stream error conditions as defined in RFC 3920 Sec. 4.7.3.
773    */
774   enum StreamError
775   {
776     StreamErrorBadFormat,           /**< The entity has sent XML that cannot be processed;
777                                      * this error MAY be used instead of the more specific XML-related
778                                      * errors, such as &lt;bad-namespace-prefix/&gt;, &lt;invalid-xml/&gt;,
779                                      * &lt;restricted-xml/&gt;, &lt;unsupported-encoding/&gt;, and
780                                      * &lt;not-well-formed/&gt;, although the more specific errors are
781                                      * preferred. */
782     StreamErrorBadNamespacePrefix,  /**< The entity has sent a namespace prefix that is unsupported, or has
783                                      * sent no namespace prefix on an element that requires such a prefix
784                                      * (see XML Namespace Names and Prefixes (Section 11.2)). */
785     StreamErrorConflict,            /**< The server is closing the active stream for this entity because a
786                                      * new stream has been initiated that conflicts with the existing
787                                      * stream. */
788     StreamErrorConnectionTimeout,   /**< The entity has not generated any traffic over the stream for some
789                                      * period of time (configurable according to a local service policy).*/
790     StreamErrorHostGone,            /**< the value of the 'to' attribute provided by the initiating entity
791                                      * in the stream header corresponds to a hostname that is no longer
792                                      * hosted by the server.*/
793     StreamErrorHostUnknown,         /**< The value of the 'to' attribute provided by the initiating entity
794                                      * in the stream header does not correspond to a hostname that is hosted
795                                      * by the server. */
796     StreamErrorImproperAddressing,  /**< A stanza sent between two servers lacks a 'to' or 'from' attribute
797                                      * (or the attribute has no value). */
798     StreamErrorInternalServerError, /**< the server has experienced a misconfiguration or an
799                                      * otherwise-undefined internal error that prevents it from servicing the
800                                      * stream. */
801     StreamErrorInvalidFrom,         /**< The JID or hostname provided in a 'from' address does not match an
802                                      * authorized JID or validated domain negotiated between servers via SASL
803                                      * or dialback, or between a client and a server via authentication and
804                                      * resource binding.*/
805     StreamErrorInvalidId,           /**< The stream ID or dialback ID is invalid or does not match an ID
806                                      * previously provided. */
807     StreamErrorInvalidNamespace,    /**< The streams namespace name is something other than
808                                      * "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" or the dialback namespace name is
809                                      * something other than "jabber:server:dialback" (see XML Namespace Names
810                                      * and Prefixes (Section 11.2)). */
811     StreamErrorInvalidXml,          /**< The entity has sent invalid XML over the stream to a server that
812                                      * performs validation (see Validation (Section 11.3)). */
813     StreamErrorNotAuthorized,       /**< The entity has attempted to send data before the stream has been
814                                      * authenticated, or otherwise is not authorized to perform an action
815                                      * related to stream negotiation; the receiving entity MUST NOT process
816                                      * the offending stanza before sending the stream error. */
817     StreamErrorPolicyViolation,     /**< The entity has violated some local service policy; the server MAY
818                                      * choose to specify the policy in the &lt;text/&gt;  element or an
819                                      * application-specific condition element. */
820     StreamErrorRemoteConnectionFailed,/**< The server is unable to properly connect to a remote entity that
821                                      * is required for authentication or authorization. */
822     StreamErrorResourceConstraint,  /**< the server lacks the system resources necessary to service the
823                                      * stream. */
824     StreamErrorRestrictedXml,       /**< The entity has attempted to send restricted XML features such as a
825                                      * comment, processing instruction, DTD, entity reference, or unescaped
826                                      * character (see Restrictions (Section 11.1)). */
827     StreamErrorSeeOtherHost,        /**< The server will not provide service to the initiating entity but is
828                                      * redirecting traffic to another host; the server SHOULD specify the
829                                      * alternate hostname or IP address (which MUST be a valid domain
830                                      * identifier) as the XML character data of the &lt;see-other-host/&gt;
831                                      * element. */
832     StreamErrorSystemShutdown,      /**< The server is being shut down and all active streams are being
833                                      * closed. */
834     StreamErrorUndefinedCondition,  /**< The error condition is not one of those defined by the other
835                                      * conditions in this list; this error condition SHOULD be used only in
836                                      * conjunction with an application-specific condition. */
837     StreamErrorUnsupportedEncoding, /**< The initiating entity has encoded the stream in an encoding that is
838                                      * not supported by the server (see Character Encoding (Section 11.5)).
839                                      */
840     StreamErrorUnsupportedStanzaType,/**< The initiating entity has sent a first-level child of the stream
841                                      * that is not supported by the server. */
842     StreamErrorUnsupportedVersion,  /**< The value of the 'version' attribute provided by the initiating
843                                      * entity in the stream header specifies a version of XMPP that is not
844                                      * supported by the server; the server MAY specify the version(s) it
845                                      * supports in the &lt;text/&gt; element. */
846     StreamErrorXmlNotWellFormed,    /**< The initiating entity has sent XML that is not well-formed as
847                                      * defined by [XML]. */
848     StreamErrorUndefined            /**< An undefined/unknown error occured. Also used if a diconnect was
849                                      * user-initiated. Also set before and during a established connection
850                                      * (where obviously no error occured). */
851   };
853   /**
854    * Describes types of stanza errors.
855    */
856   enum StanzaErrorType
857   {
858     StanzaErrorTypeAuth,            /**< Retry after providing credentials. */
859     StanzaErrorTypeCancel,          /**< Do not retry (the error is unrecoverable). */
860     StanzaErrorTypeContinue,        /**< Proceed (the condition was only a warning). */
861     StanzaErrorTypeModify,          /**< Retry after changing the data sent. */
863     StanzaErrorTypeWait,            /**< Retry after waiting (the error is temporary). */
864     StanzaErrorTypeUndefined        /**< No error. */
865   };
867   /**
868    * Describes the defined stanza error conditions of RFC 3920.
869    * Used by, eg., Stanza::error().
870    */
871   enum StanzaError
872   {
874     StanzaErrorBadRequest,          /**< The sender has sent XML that is malformed or that cannot be
875                                      * processed (e.g., an IQ stanza that includes an unrecognized value
876                                      * of the 'type' attribute); the associated error type SHOULD be
877                                      * "modify". */
878     StanzaErrorConflict,            /**< Access cannot be granted because an existing resource or session
879                                      * exists with the same name or address; the associated error type
880                                      * SHOULD be "cancel". */
881     StanzaErrorFeatureNotImplemented,/**< The feature requested is not implemented by the recipient or
882                                       * server and therefore cannot be processed; the associated error
883                                       * type SHOULD be "cancel". */
884     StanzaErrorForbidden,           /**< The requesting entity does not possess the required permissions to
885                                      * perform the action; the associated error type SHOULD be "auth". */
886     StanzaErrorGone,                /**< The recipient or server can no longer be contacted at this address
887                                      * (the error stanza MAY contain a new address in the XML character data
888                                      * of the &lt;gone/&gt; element); the associated error type SHOULD be
889                                      * "modify". */
890     StanzaErrorInternalServerError, /**< The server could not process the stanza because of a
891                                      * misconfiguration or an otherwise-undefined internal server error; the
892                                      * associated error type SHOULD be "wait". */
893     StanzaErrorItemNotFound,        /**< The addressed JID or item requested cannot be found; the associated
894                                      * error type SHOULD be "cancel". */
895     StanzaErrorJidMalformed,        /**< The sending entity has provided or communicated an XMPP address
896                                      * (e.g., a value of the 'to' attribute) or aspect thereof (e.g., a
897                                      * resource identifier) that does not adhere to the syntax defined in
898                                      * Addressing Scheme (Section 3); the associated error type SHOULD be
899                                      * "modify". */
900     StanzaErrorNotAcceptable,       /**< The recipient or server understands the request but is refusing to
901                                      * process it because it does not meet criteria defined by the recipient
902                                      * or server (e.g., a local policy regarding acceptable words in
903                                      * messages); the associated error type SHOULD be "modify". */
904     StanzaErrorNotAllowed,          /**< The recipient or server does not allow any entity to perform the
905                                      * action; the associated error type SHOULD be "cancel". */
906     StanzaErrorNotAuthorized,       /**< The sender must provide proper credentials before being allowed to
907                                      * perform the action, or has provided impreoper credentials; the
908                                      * associated error type should be "auth". */
909     StanzaErrorNotModified,         /**< The item requested has not changed since it was last requested;
910                                      * the associated error type SHOULD be "continue". */
911     StanzaErrorPaymentRequired,     /**< The requesting entity is not authorized to access the requested
912                                      * service because payment is required; the associated error type SHOULD
913                                      * be "auth". */
914     StanzaErrorRecipientUnavailable,/**< The intended recipient is temporarily unavailable; the associated
915                                      * error type SHOULD be "wait" (note: an application MUST NOT return
916                                      * this error if doing so would provide information about the intended
917                                      * recipient's network availability to an entity that is not authorized
918                                      * to know such information). */
919     StanzaErrorRedirect,            /**< The recipient or server is redirecting requests for this
920                                      * information to another entity, usually temporarily (the error
921                                      * stanza SHOULD contain the alternate address, which MUST be a valid
922                                      * JID, in the XML character data of the &lt;redirect/&gt; element);
923                                      * the associated error type SHOULD be "modify". */
924     StanzaErrorRegistrationRequired,/**< The requesting entity is not authorized to access the requested
925                                      * service because registration is required; the associated error type
926                                      * SHOULD be "auth". */
927     StanzaErrorRemoteServerNotFound,/**< A remote server or service specified as part or all of the JID of
928                                      * the intended recipient does not exist; the associated error type
929                                      * SHOULD be "cancel". */
930     StanzaErrorRemoteServerTimeout, /**< A remote server or service specified as part or all of the JID of
931                                      * the intended recipient (or required to fulfill a request) could not
932                                      * be contacted within a reasonable amount of time; the associated error
933                                      * type SHOULD be "wait". */
934     StanzaErrorResourceConstraint,  /**< The server or recipient lacks the system resources necessary to
935                                      * service the request; the associated error type SHOULD be "wait". */
936     StanzaErrorServiceUnavailable,  /**< The server or recipient does not currently provide the requested
937                                      * service; the associated error type SHOULD be "cancel". */
938     StanzaErrorSubscribtionRequired,/**< The requesting entity is not authorized to access the requested
939                                      * service because a subscription is required; the associated error type
940                                      * SHOULD be "auth". */
941     StanzaErrorUndefinedCondition,  /**< The error condition is not one of those defined by the other
942                                      * conditions in this list; any error type may be associated with this
943                                      * condition, and it SHOULD be used only in conjunction with an
944                                      * application-specific condition. */
945     StanzaErrorUnexpectedRequest,   /**< The recipient or server understood the request but was not
946                                      * expecting it at this time (e.g., the request was out of order);
947                                      * the associated error type SHOULD be "wait". */
948     StanzaErrorUnknownSender,       /**< The stanza 'from' address specified by a connected client is not
949                                      * valid for the stream (e.g., the stanza does not include a 'from'
950                                      * address when multiple resources are bound to the stream); the
951                                      * associated error type SHOULD be "modify".*/
952     StanzaErrorUndefined            /**< No stanza error occured. */
953   };
955   /**
956    * Describes the possible 'available presence' types.
957    */
958 //   enum Presence
959 //   {
960 //     PresenceUnknown,                /**< Unknown status. */
961 //     PresenceAvailable,              /**< The entity or resource is online and available. */
962 //     PresenceChat,                   /**< The entity or resource is actively interested in chatting. */
963 //     PresenceAway,                   /**< The entity or resource is temporarily away. */
964 //     PresenceDnd,                    /**< The entity or resource is busy (dnd = "Do Not Disturb"). */
965 //     PresenceXa,                     /**< The entity or resource is away for an extended period (xa =
966 //                                      * "eXtended Away"). */
967 //     PresenceUnavailable             /**< The entity or resource is offline. */
968 //   };
970   /**
971    * Describes the verification results of a certificate.
972    */
973   enum CertStatus
974   {
975     CertOk               =  0,      /**< The certificate is valid and trusted. */
976     CertInvalid          =  1,      /**< The certificate is not trusted. */
977     CertSignerUnknown    =  2,      /**< The certificate hasn't got a known issuer. */
978     CertRevoked          =  4,      /**< The certificate has been revoked. */
979     CertExpired          =  8,      /**< The certificate has expired. */
980     CertNotActive        = 16,      /**< The certifiacte is not yet active. */
981     CertWrongPeer        = 32,      /**< The certificate has not been issued for the
982                                      * peer we're connected to. */
983     CertSignerNotCa      = 64       /**< The signer is not a CA. */
984   };
986   /**
987    * Describes the certificate presented by the peer.
988    */
989   struct CertInfo
990   {
991     int status;                     /**< Bitwise or'ed CertStatus or CertOK. */
992     bool chain;                     /**< Determines whether the cert chain verified ok. */
993     std::string issuer;             /**< The name of the issuing entity.*/
994     std::string server;             /**< The server the certificate has been issued for. */
995     int date_from;                  /**< The date from which onwards the certificate is valid
996                                      * (UNIX timestamp; UTC).
997                                      * @todo Change type to time_t or long? */
998     int date_to;                    /**< The date up to which the certificate is valid
999                                      * (UNIX timestamp; UTC).
1000                                      * @todo Change type to time_t or long? */
1001     std::string protocol;           /**< The encryption protocol used for the connection. */
1002     std::string cipher;             /**< The cipher used for the connection. */
1003     std::string mac;                /**< The MAC used for the connection. */
1004     std::string compression;        /**< The compression used for the connection. */
1005   };
1007   /**
1008    * Describes the defined SASL (and non-SASL) error conditions.
1009    */
1010   enum AuthenticationError
1011   {
1012     AuthErrorUndefined,             /**< No error occurred, or error condition is unknown. */
1013     SaslAborted,                    /**< The receiving entity acknowledges an &lt;abort/&gt; element sent
1014                                      * by the initiating entity; sent in reply to the &lt;abort/&gt;
1015                                      * element. */
1016     SaslIncorrectEncoding,          /**< The data provided by the initiating entity could not be processed
1017                                      * because the [BASE64] encoding is incorrect (e.g., because the encoding
1018                                      * does not adhere to the definition in Section 3 of [BASE64]); sent in
1019                                      * reply to a &lt;response/&gt; element or an &lt;auth/&gt; element with
1020                                      * initial response data. */
1021     SaslInvalidAuthzid,             /**< The authzid provided by the initiating entity is invalid, either
1022                                      * because it is incorrectly formatted or because the initiating entity
1023                                      * does not have permissions to authorize that ID; sent in reply to a
1024                                      * &lt;response/&gt; element or an &lt;auth/&gt; element with initial
1025                                      * response data.*/
1026     SaslInvalidMechanism,           /**< The initiating entity did not provide a mechanism or requested a
1027                                      * mechanism that is not supported by the receiving entity; sent in reply
1028                                      * to an &lt;auth/&gt; element. */
1029     SaslMalformedRequest,           /**< The request is malformed (e.g., the &lt;auth/&gt; element includes
1030                                      * an initial response but the mechanism does not allow that); sent in
1031                                      * reply to an &lt;abort/&gt;, &lt;auth/&gt;, &lt;challenge/&gt;, or
1032                                      * &lt;response/&gt; element. */
1033     SaslMechanismTooWeak,           /**< The mechanism requested by the initiating entity is weaker than
1034                                      * server policy permits for that initiating entity; sent in reply to a
1035                                      * &lt;response/&gt; element or an &lt;auth/&gt; element with initial
1036                                      * response data. */
1037     SaslNotAuthorized,              /**< The authentication failed because the initiating entity did not
1038                                      * provide valid credentials (this includes but is not limited to the
1039                                      * case of an unknown username); sent in reply to a &lt;response/&gt;
1040                                      * element or an &lt;auth/&gt; element with initial response data. */
1041     SaslTemporaryAuthFailure,       /**< The authentication failed because of a temporary error condition
1042                                      * within the receiving entity; sent in reply to an &lt;auth/&gt; element
1043                                      * or &lt;response/&gt; element. */
1044     NonSaslConflict,                /**< @xep{0078}: Resource Conflict */
1045     NonSaslNotAcceptable,           /**< @xep{0078}: Required Information Not Provided */
1046     NonSaslNotAuthorized            /**< @xep{0078}: Incorrect Credentials */
1047   };
1049   /**
1050    * Identifies log sources.
1051    */
1052   enum LogArea
1053   {
1054     LogAreaClassParser                = 0x000001, /**< Log messages from Parser. */
1055     LogAreaClassConnectionTCPBase     = 0x000002, /**< Log messages from ConnectionTCPBase. */
1056     LogAreaClassClient                = 0x000004, /**< Log messages from Client. */
1057     LogAreaClassClientbase            = 0x000008, /**< Log messages from ClientBase. */
1058     LogAreaClassComponent             = 0x000010, /**< Log messages from Component. */
1059     LogAreaClassDns                   = 0x000020, /**< Log messages from DNS. */
1060     LogAreaClassConnectionHTTPProxy   = 0x000040, /**< Log messages from ConnectionHTTPProxy */
1061     LogAreaClassConnectionSOCKS5Proxy = 0x000080, /**< Log messages from ConnectionSOCKS5Proxy */
1062     LogAreaClassConnectionTCPClient   = 0x000100, /**< Log messages from ConnectionTCPClient. */
1063     LogAreaClassConnectionTCPServer   = 0x000200, /**< Log messages from ConnectionTCPServer. */
1064     LogAreaClassS5BManager            = 0x000400, /**< Log messages from SOCKS5BytestreamManager. */
1065     LogAreaClassSOCKS5Bytestream      = 0x000800, /**< Log messages from SOCKS5Bytestream. */
1066     LogAreaClassConnectionBOSH        = 0x001000, /**< Log messages from ConnectionBOSH */
1067     LogAreaClassConnectionTLS         = 0x002000, /**< Log messages from ConnectionTLS */
1068     LogAreaLinkLocalManager           = 0x004000, /**< Log messages from LinkLocalManager */
1069     LogAreaAllClasses                 = 0x01FFFF, /**< All log messages from all the classes. */
1070     LogAreaXmlIncoming                = 0x020000, /**< Incoming XML. */
1071     LogAreaXmlOutgoing                = 0x040000, /**< Outgoing XML. */
1072     LogAreaUser                       = 0x800000, /**< User-defined sources. */
1073     LogAreaAll                        = 0xFFFFFF  /**< All log sources. */
1074   };
1076   /**
1077    * Describes a log message's severity.
1078    */
1079   enum LogLevel
1080   {
1081     LogLevelDebug,                  /**< Debug messages. */
1082     LogLevelWarning,                /**< Non-crititcal warning messages. */
1083     LogLevelError                   /**< Critical, unrecoverable errors. */
1084   };
1086   /**
1087    * The possible Message Events according to @xep{0022}.
1088    */
1089   enum MessageEventType
1090   {
1091     MessageEventOffline   =  1,     /**< Indicates that the message has been stored offline by the
1092                                      * intended recipient's server. */
1093     MessageEventDelivered =  2,     /**< Indicates that the message has been delivered to the
1094                                      * recipient. */
1095     MessageEventDisplayed =  4,     /**< Indicates that the message has been displayed */
1096     MessageEventComposing =  8,     /**< Indicates that a reply is being composed. */
1097     MessageEventInvalid   = 16,     /**< Invalid type. */
1098     MessageEventCancel    = 32      /**< Cancels the 'Composing' event. */
1099   };
1101   /**
1102    * The possible Chat States according to @xep{0085}.
1103    */
1104   enum ChatStateType
1105   {
1106     ChatStateActive       =  1,     /**< User is actively participating in the chat session. */
1107     ChatStateComposing    =  2,     /**< User is composing a message. */
1108     ChatStatePaused       =  4,     /**< User had been composing but now has stopped. */
1109     ChatStateInactive     =  8,     /**< User has not been actively participating in the chat session. */
1110     ChatStateGone         = 16,     /**< User has effectively ended their participation in the chat
1111                                      * session. */
1112     ChatStateInvalid      = 32      /**< Invalid type. */
1113   };
1115   /**
1116    * Describes the possible error conditions for resource binding.
1117    */
1118   enum ResourceBindError
1119   {
1120     RbErrorUnknownError,            /**< An unknown error occured. */
1121     RbErrorBadRequest,              /**< Resource identifier cannot be processed. */
1122     RbErrorNotAllowed,              /**< Client is not allowed to bind a resource. */
1123     RbErrorConflict                 /**< Resource identifier is in use. */
1124   };
1126   /**
1127    * Describes the possible error conditions for session establishemnt.
1128    */
1129   enum SessionCreateError
1130   {
1131     ScErrorUnknownError,            /**< An unknown error occured. */
1132     ScErrorInternalServerError,     /**< Internal server error. */
1133     ScErrorForbidden,               /**< Username or resource not allowed to create session. */
1134     ScErrorConflict                 /**< Server informs newly-requested session of resource
1135                                      * conflict. */
1136   };
1138   /**
1139    * Currently implemented message session filters.
1140    */
1141   enum MessageSessionFilter
1142   {
1143     FilterMessageEvents    = 1,     /**< Message Events (@xep{0022}) */
1144     FilterChatStates       = 2      /**< Chat State Notifications (@xep{0085}) */
1145   };
1147   /**
1148    * Defined MUC room affiliations. See @xep{0045} for default privileges.
1149    */
1150   enum MUCRoomAffiliation
1151   {
1152     AffiliationNone,                /**< No affiliation with the room. */
1153     AffiliationOutcast,             /**< The user has been banned from the room. */
1154     AffiliationMember,              /**< The user is a member of the room. */
1155     AffiliationOwner,               /**< The user is a room owner. */
1156     AffiliationAdmin,               /**< The user is a room admin. */
1157     AffiliationInvalid              /**< Invalid affiliation. */
1158   };
1160   /**
1161    * Defined MUC room roles. See @xep{0045} for default privileges.
1162    */
1163   enum MUCRoomRole
1164   {
1165     RoleNone,                       /**< Not present in room. */
1166     RoleVisitor,                    /**< The user visits a room. */
1167     RoleParticipant,                /**< The user has voice in a moderatd room. */
1168     RoleModerator,                  /**< The user is a room moderator. */
1169     RoleInvalid                     /**< Invalid role. */
1170   };
1172   /**
1173    * Configuration flags for a room.
1174    */
1175   enum MUCRoomFlag
1176   {
1177     FlagPasswordProtected  = 1<< 1, /**< Password-protected room. */
1178     FlagPublicLogging      = 1<< 2, /**< Room conversation is logged. Code: 170 */
1179     FlagPublicLoggingOff   = 1<< 3, /**< Room conversation is not logged. Code: 171 */
1180     FlagHidden             = 1<< 4, /**< Hidden room. */
1181     FlagMembersOnly        = 1<< 5, /**< Members-only room. */
1182     FlagModerated          = 1<< 6, /**< Moderated room. */
1183     FlagNonAnonymous       = 1<< 7, /**< Non-anonymous room. Code: 100, 172 */
1184     FlagOpen               = 1<< 8, /**< Open room. */
1185     FlagPersistent         = 1<< 9, /**< Persistent room .*/
1186     FlagPublic             = 1<<10, /**< Public room. */
1187     FlagSemiAnonymous      = 1<<11, /**< Semi-anonymous room. Code: 173 */
1188     FlagTemporary          = 1<<12, /**< Temporary room. */
1189     FlagUnmoderated        = 1<<13, /**< Unmoderated room. */
1190     FlagUnsecured          = 1<<14, /**< Unsecured room. */
1191     FlagFullyAnonymous     = 1<<15  /**< Fully anonymous room. Code: 174 */
1192     // keep in sync with MUCUserFlag below
1193   };
1195   /**
1196    * Configuration flags for a user.
1197    */
1198   // keep in sync with MUCRoomFlag above
1199   enum MUCUserFlag
1200   {
1201     UserSelf               = 1<<16, /**< Other flags relate to the current user him/herself. Code: 110 */
1202     UserNickChanged        = 1<<17, /**< The user changed his/her nickname. Code: 303 */
1203     UserKicked             = 1<<18, /**< The user has been kicked. Code: 307 */
1204     UserBanned             = 1<<19, /**< The user has been banned. Code: 301 */
1205     UserAffiliationChanged = 1<<20, /**< The user's affiliation with the room changed and as a result
1206                                      * he/she has been removed from the room. Code: 321 */
1207     UserRoomDestroyed      = 1<<21, /**< The room has been destroyed. */
1208     UserNickAssigned       = 1<<22, /**< Service has assigned or modified occupant's roomnick.
1209                                      * Code: 210*/
1210     UserNewRoom            = 1<<23, /**< The room has been newly created. Code: 201*/
1211     UserMembershipRequired = 1<<24, /**< User is being removed from the room because the room has
1212                                      * been changed to members-only and the user is not a member.
1213                                      * Code: 322 */
1214     UserRoomShutdown       = 1<<25, /**< User is being removed from the room because of a system
1215                                      * shutdown. Code: 332 */
1216     UserAffiliationChangedWNR = 1<<26 /**< The user's affiliation changed While Not in the Room.
1217                                        * Code: 101 */
1218   };
1220   /**
1221    * Describes possible subscription types according to RFC 3921, Section 9.
1222    */
1223   enum SubscriptionType
1224   {
1225     S10nNone,                       /**< Contact and user are not subscribed to each other, and
1226                                      * neither has requested a subscription from the other. */
1227     S10nNoneOut,                    /**< Contact and user are not subscribed to each other, and
1228                                      * user has sent contact a subscription request but contact
1229                                      * has not replied yet. */
1230     S10nNoneIn,                     /**< Contact and user are not subscribed to each other, and
1231                                      * contact has sent user a subscription request but user has
1232                                      * not replied yet (note: contact's server SHOULD NOT push or
1233                                      * deliver roster items in this state, but instead SHOULD wait
1234                                      * until contact has approved subscription request from user). */
1235     S10nNoneOutIn,                  /**< Contact and user are not subscribed to each other, contact
1236                                      * has sent user a subscription request but user has not replied
1237                                      * yet, and user has sent contact a subscription request but
1238                                      * contact has not replied yet. */
1239     S10nTo,                         /**< User is subscribed to contact (one-way). */
1240     S10nToIn,                       /**< User is subscribed to contact, and contact has sent user a
1241                                      * subscription request but user has not replied yet. */
1242     S10nFrom,                       /**< Contact is subscribed to user (one-way). */
1243     S10nFromOut,                    /**< Contact is subscribed to user, and user has sent contact a
1244                                      * subscription request but contact has not replied yet. */
1245     S10nBoth                        /**< User and contact are subscribed to each other (two-way). */
1246   };
1248   /**
1249    * A list of strings.
1250    */
1251   typedef std::list<std::string> StringList;
1253   /**
1254    * A list of pointers to strings.
1255    */
1256   typedef std::list<std::string*> StringPList;
1258   /**
1259    * A map of strings.
1260    */
1261   typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> StringMap;
1263   /**
1264    * A multimap of strings.
1265    */
1266   typedef std::multimap<std::string, std::string> StringMultiMap;
1268   class StanzaExtension;
1269   /**
1270    * A list of StanzaExtensions.
1271    */
1272   typedef std::list<const StanzaExtension*> StanzaExtensionList;
1273 }
1275 extern "C"
1276 {
1277   GLOOX_API const char* gloox_version();
1278 }
1280 #endif // GLOOX_H__