2Module      : PostgREST.Config
3Description : Manages PostgREST configuration type and parser.
6{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
11{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
13module PostgREST.Config
14  ( AppConfig (..)
15  , Environment
16  , JSPath
17  , JSPathExp(..)
18  , LogLevel(..)
19  , OpenAPIMode(..)
20  , Proxy(..)
21  , toText
22  , isMalformedProxyUri
23  , readAppConfig
24  , readPGRSTEnvironment
25  , toURI
26  , parseSecret
27  ) where
29import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types      as JOSE
30import qualified Crypto.JWT             as JWT
31import qualified Data.Aeson             as JSON
32import qualified Data.ByteString        as B
33import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
34import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8  as BS
35import qualified Data.Configurator      as C
36import qualified Data.Map.Strict        as M
37import qualified Data.Text              as T
39import qualified GHC.Show (show)
41import Control.Lens            (preview)
42import Control.Monad           (fail)
43import Crypto.JWT              (JWK, JWKSet, StringOrURI, stringOrUri)
44import Data.Aeson              (encode, toJSON)
45import Data.Either.Combinators (mapLeft)
46import Data.List               (lookup)
47import Data.List.NonEmpty      (fromList, toList)
48import Data.Maybe              (fromJust)
49import Data.Scientific         (floatingOrInteger)
50import Data.Time.Clock         (NominalDiffTime)
51import Numeric                 (readOct, showOct)
52import System.Environment      (getEnvironment)
53import System.Posix.Types      (FileMode)
55import PostgREST.Config.JSPath           (JSPath, JSPathExp (..),
56                                          pRoleClaimKey)
57import PostgREST.Config.Proxy            (Proxy (..),
58                                          isMalformedProxyUri, toURI)
59import PostgREST.DbStructure.Identifiers (QualifiedIdentifier, toQi)
61import Protolude      hiding (Proxy, toList, toS)
62import Protolude.Conv (toS)
65data AppConfig = AppConfig
66  { configAppSettings           :: [(Text, Text)]
67  , configDbAnonRole            :: Text
68  , configDbChannel             :: Text
69  , configDbChannelEnabled      :: Bool
70  , configDbExtraSearchPath     :: [Text]
71  , configDbMaxRows             :: Maybe Integer
72  , configDbPoolSize            :: Int
73  , configDbPoolTimeout         :: NominalDiffTime
74  , configDbPreRequest          :: Maybe QualifiedIdentifier
75  , configDbPreparedStatements  :: Bool
76  , configDbRootSpec            :: Maybe QualifiedIdentifier
77  , configDbSchemas             :: NonEmpty Text
78  , configDbConfig              :: Bool
79  , configDbTxAllowOverride     :: Bool
80  , configDbTxRollbackAll       :: Bool
81  , configDbUri                 :: Text
82  , configFilePath              :: Maybe FilePath
83  , configJWKS                  :: Maybe JWKSet
84  , configJwtAudience           :: Maybe StringOrURI
85  , configJwtRoleClaimKey       :: JSPath
86  , configJwtSecret             :: Maybe B.ByteString
87  , configJwtSecretIsBase64     :: Bool
88  , configLogLevel              :: LogLevel
89  , configOpenApiMode           :: OpenAPIMode
90  , configOpenApiServerProxyUri :: Maybe Text
91  , configRawMediaTypes         :: [B.ByteString]
92  , configServerHost            :: Text
93  , configServerPort            :: Int
94  , configServerUnixSocket      :: Maybe FilePath
95  , configServerUnixSocketMode  :: FileMode
96  }
98data LogLevel = LogCrit | LogError | LogWarn | LogInfo
100instance Show LogLevel where
101  show LogCrit  = "crit"
102  show LogError = "error"
103  show LogWarn  = "warn"
104  show LogInfo  = "info"
106data OpenAPIMode = OAFollowPriv | OAIgnorePriv | OADisabled
107  deriving Eq
109instance Show OpenAPIMode where
110  show OAFollowPriv = "follow-privileges"
111  show OAIgnorePriv = "ignore-privileges"
112  show OADisabled   = "disabled"
114-- | Dump the config
115toText :: AppConfig -> Text
116toText conf =
117  unlines $ (\(k, v) -> k <> " = " <> v) <$> pgrstSettings ++ appSettings
118  where
119    -- apply conf to all pgrst settings
120    pgrstSettings = (\(k, v) -> (k, v conf)) <$>
121      [("db-anon-role",              q . configDbAnonRole)
122      ,("db-channel",                q . configDbChannel)
123      ,("db-channel-enabled",            T.toLower . show . configDbChannelEnabled)
124      ,("db-extra-search-path",      q . T.intercalate "," . configDbExtraSearchPath)
125      ,("db-max-rows",                   maybe "\"\"" show . configDbMaxRows)
126      ,("db-pool",                       show . configDbPoolSize)
127      ,("db-pool-timeout",               show . floor . configDbPoolTimeout)
128      ,("db-pre-request",            q . maybe mempty show . configDbPreRequest)
129      ,("db-prepared-statements",        T.toLower . show . configDbPreparedStatements)
130      ,("db-root-spec",              q . maybe mempty show . configDbRootSpec)
131      ,("db-schemas",                q . T.intercalate "," . toList . configDbSchemas)
132      ,("db-config",                 q . T.toLower . show . configDbConfig)
133      ,("db-tx-end",                 q . showTxEnd)
134      ,("db-uri",                    q . configDbUri)
135      ,("jwt-aud",                       toS . encode . maybe "" toJSON . configJwtAudience)
136      ,("jwt-role-claim-key",        q . T.intercalate mempty . fmap show . configJwtRoleClaimKey)
137      ,("jwt-secret",                q . toS . showJwtSecret)
138      ,("jwt-secret-is-base64",          T.toLower . show . configJwtSecretIsBase64)
139      ,("log-level",                 q . show . configLogLevel)
140      ,("openapi-mode",              q . show . configOpenApiMode)
141      ,("openapi-server-proxy-uri",  q . fromMaybe mempty . configOpenApiServerProxyUri)
142      ,("raw-media-types",           q . toS . B.intercalate "," . configRawMediaTypes)
143      ,("server-host",               q . configServerHost)
144      ,("server-port",                   show . configServerPort)
145      ,("server-unix-socket",        q . maybe mempty T.pack . configServerUnixSocket)
146      ,("server-unix-socket-mode",   q . T.pack . showSocketMode)
147      ]
149    -- quote all app.settings
150    appSettings = second q <$> configAppSettings conf
152    -- quote strings and replace " with \"
153    q s = "\"" <> T.replace "\"" "\\\"" s <> "\""
155    showTxEnd c = case (configDbTxRollbackAll c, configDbTxAllowOverride c) of
156      ( False, False ) -> "commit"
157      ( False, True  ) -> "commit-allow-override"
158      ( True , False ) -> "rollback"
159      ( True , True  ) -> "rollback-allow-override"
160    showJwtSecret c
161      | configJwtSecretIsBase64 c = B64.encode secret
162      | otherwise                 = toS secret
163      where
164        secret = fromMaybe mempty $ configJwtSecret c
165    showSocketMode c = showOct (configServerUnixSocketMode c) mempty
167-- This class is needed for the polymorphism of overrideFromDbOrEnvironment
168-- because C.required and C.optional have different signatures
169class JustIfMaybe a b where
170  justIfMaybe :: a -> b
172instance JustIfMaybe a a where
173  justIfMaybe a = a
175instance JustIfMaybe a (Maybe a) where
176  justIfMaybe a = Just a
178-- | Reads and parses the config and overrides its parameters from env vars,
179-- files or db settings.
180readAppConfig :: [(Text, Text)] -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Text -> IO (Either Text AppConfig)
181readAppConfig dbSettings optPath prevDbUri = do
182  env <- readPGRSTEnvironment
183  -- if no filename provided, start with an empty map to read config from environment
184  conf <- maybe (return $ Right M.empty) loadConfig optPath
186  case C.runParser (parser optPath env dbSettings) =<< mapLeft show conf of
187    Left err ->
188      return . Left $ "Error in config " <> err
189    Right parsedConfig ->
190      Right <$> decodeLoadFiles parsedConfig
191  where
192    -- Both C.ParseError and IOError are shown here
193    loadConfig :: FilePath -> IO (Either SomeException C.Config)
194    loadConfig = try . C.load
196    decodeLoadFiles :: AppConfig -> IO AppConfig
197    decodeLoadFiles parsedConfig =
198      decodeJWKS <$>
199        (decodeSecret =<< readSecretFile =<< readDbUriFile prevDbUri parsedConfig)
201parser :: Maybe FilePath -> Environment -> [(Text, Text)] -> C.Parser C.Config AppConfig
202parser optPath env dbSettings =
203  AppConfig
204    <$> parseAppSettings "app.settings"
205    <*> reqString "db-anon-role"
206    <*> (fromMaybe "pgrst" <$> optString "db-channel")
207    <*> (fromMaybe True <$> optBool "db-channel-enabled")
208    <*> (maybe ["public"] splitOnCommas <$> optValue "db-extra-search-path")
209    <*> optWithAlias (optInt "db-max-rows")
210                     (optInt "max-rows")
211    <*> (fromMaybe 10 <$> optInt "db-pool")
212    <*> (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 10 <$> optInt "db-pool-timeout")
213    <*> (fmap toQi <$> optWithAlias (optString "db-pre-request")
214                                    (optString "pre-request"))
215    <*> (fromMaybe True <$> optBool "db-prepared-statements")
216    <*> (fmap toQi <$> optWithAlias (optString "db-root-spec")
217                                    (optString "root-spec"))
218    <*> (fromList . splitOnCommas <$> reqWithAlias (optValue "db-schemas")
219                                                   (optValue "db-schema")
220                                                   "missing key: either db-schemas or db-schema must be set")
221    <*> (fromMaybe True <$> optBool "db-config")
222    <*> parseTxEnd "db-tx-end" snd
223    <*> parseTxEnd "db-tx-end" fst
224    <*> reqString "db-uri"
225    <*> pure optPath
226    <*> pure Nothing
227    <*> parseJwtAudience "jwt-aud"
228    <*> parseRoleClaimKey "jwt-role-claim-key" "role-claim-key"
229    <*> (fmap encodeUtf8 <$> optString "jwt-secret")
230    <*> (fromMaybe False <$> optWithAlias
231          (optBool "jwt-secret-is-base64")
232          (optBool "secret-is-base64"))
233    <*> parseLogLevel "log-level"
234    <*> parseOpenAPIMode "openapi-mode"
235    <*> parseOpenAPIServerProxyURI "openapi-server-proxy-uri"
236    <*> (maybe [] (fmap encodeUtf8 . splitOnCommas) <$> optValue "raw-media-types")
237    <*> (fromMaybe "!4" <$> optString "server-host")
238    <*> (fromMaybe 3000 <$> optInt "server-port")
239    <*> (fmap T.unpack <$> optString "server-unix-socket")
240    <*> parseSocketFileMode "server-unix-socket-mode"
241  where
242    parseAppSettings :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config [(Text, Text)]
243    parseAppSettings key = addFromEnv . fmap (fmap coerceText) <$> C.subassocs key C.value
244      where
245        addFromEnv f = M.toList $ M.union fromEnv $ M.fromList f
246        fromEnv = M.mapKeys fromJust $ M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isJust k) $ M.mapKeys normalize env
247        normalize k = ("app.settings." <>) <$> T.stripPrefix "PGRST_APP_SETTINGS_" (toS k)
249    parseSocketFileMode :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config FileMode
250    parseSocketFileMode k =
251      optString k >>= \case
252        Nothing -> pure 432 -- return default 660 mode if no value was provided
253        Just fileModeText ->
254          case readOct $ T.unpack fileModeText of
255            []              ->
256              fail "Invalid server-unix-socket-mode: not an octal"
257            (fileMode, _):_ ->
258              if fileMode < 384 || fileMode > 511
259                then fail "Invalid server-unix-socket-mode: needs to be between 600 and 777"
260                else pure fileMode
262    parseOpenAPIMode :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config OpenAPIMode
263    parseOpenAPIMode k =
264      optString k >>= \case
265        Nothing                  -> pure OAFollowPriv
266        Just "follow-privileges" -> pure OAFollowPriv
267        Just "ignore-privileges" -> pure OAIgnorePriv
268        Just "disabled"          -> pure OADisabled
269        Just _                   -> fail "Invalid openapi-mode. Check your configuration."
271    parseOpenAPIServerProxyURI :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe Text)
272    parseOpenAPIServerProxyURI k =
273      optString k >>= \case
274        Nothing                            -> pure Nothing
275        Just val | isMalformedProxyUri val -> fail "Malformed proxy uri, a correct example: https://example.com:8443/basePath"
276                 | otherwise               -> pure $ Just val
278    parseJwtAudience :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe StringOrURI)
279    parseJwtAudience k =
280      optString k >>= \case
281        Nothing -> pure Nothing -- no audience in config file
282        Just aud -> case preview stringOrUri (T.unpack aud) of
283          Nothing -> fail "Invalid Jwt audience. Check your configuration."
284          aud' -> pure aud'
286    parseLogLevel :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config LogLevel
287    parseLogLevel k =
288      optString k >>= \case
289        Nothing      -> pure LogError
290        Just "crit"  -> pure LogCrit
291        Just "error" -> pure LogError
292        Just "warn"  -> pure LogWarn
293        Just "info"  -> pure LogInfo
294        Just _       -> fail "Invalid logging level. Check your configuration."
296    parseTxEnd :: C.Key -> ((Bool, Bool) -> Bool) -> C.Parser C.Config Bool
297    parseTxEnd k f =
298      optString k >>= \case
299        --                                          RollbackAll AllowOverride
300        Nothing                        -> pure $ f (False,      False)
301        Just "commit"                  -> pure $ f (False,      False)
302        Just "commit-allow-override"   -> pure $ f (False,      True)
303        Just "rollback"                -> pure $ f (True,       False)
304        Just "rollback-allow-override" -> pure $ f (True,       True)
305        Just _                         -> fail "Invalid transaction termination. Check your configuration."
307    parseRoleClaimKey :: C.Key -> C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config JSPath
308    parseRoleClaimKey k al =
309      optWithAlias (optString k) (optString al) >>= \case
310        Nothing  -> pure [JSPKey "role"]
311        Just rck -> either (fail . show) pure $ pRoleClaimKey rck
313    reqWithAlias :: C.Parser C.Config (Maybe a) -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe a) -> [Char] -> C.Parser C.Config a
314    reqWithAlias orig alias err =
315      orig >>= \case
316        Just v  -> pure v
317        Nothing ->
318          alias >>= \case
319            Just v  -> pure v
320            Nothing -> fail err
322    optWithAlias :: C.Parser C.Config (Maybe a) -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe a) -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe a)
323    optWithAlias orig alias =
324      orig >>= \case
325        Just v  -> pure $ Just v
326        Nothing -> alias
328    reqString :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config Text
329    reqString k = overrideFromDbOrEnvironment C.required k coerceText
331    optString :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe Text)
332    optString k = mfilter (/= "") <$> overrideFromDbOrEnvironment C.optional k coerceText
334    optValue :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe C.Value)
335    optValue k = overrideFromDbOrEnvironment C.optional k identity
337    optInt :: (Read i, Integral i) => C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe i)
338    optInt k = join <$> overrideFromDbOrEnvironment C.optional k coerceInt
340    optBool :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe Bool)
341    optBool k = join <$> overrideFromDbOrEnvironment C.optional k coerceBool
343    overrideFromDbOrEnvironment :: JustIfMaybe a b =>
344                               (C.Key -> C.Parser C.Value a -> C.Parser C.Config b) ->
345                               C.Key -> (C.Value -> a) -> C.Parser C.Config b
346    overrideFromDbOrEnvironment necessity key coercion =
347      case reloadableDbSetting <|> M.lookup envVarName env of
348        Just dbOrEnvVal -> pure $ justIfMaybe $ coercion $ C.String dbOrEnvVal
349        Nothing  -> necessity key (coercion <$> C.value)
350      where
351        dashToUnderscore '-' = '_'
352        dashToUnderscore c   = c
353        envVarName = "PGRST_" <> (toUpper . dashToUnderscore <$> toS key)
354        reloadableDbSetting =
355          let dbSettingName = T.pack $ dashToUnderscore <$> toS key in
356          if dbSettingName `notElem` [
357            "server_host", "server_port", "server_unix_socket", "server_unix_socket_mode", "log_level",
358            "db_anon_role", "db_uri", "db_channel_enabled", "db_channel", "db_pool", "db_pool_timeout", "db_config"]
359          then lookup dbSettingName dbSettings
360          else Nothing
362    coerceText :: C.Value -> Text
363    coerceText (C.String s) = s
364    coerceText v            = show v
366    coerceInt :: (Read i, Integral i) => C.Value -> Maybe i
367    coerceInt (C.Number x) = rightToMaybe $ floatingOrInteger x
368    coerceInt (C.String x) = readMaybe $ toS x
369    coerceInt _            = Nothing
371    coerceBool :: C.Value -> Maybe Bool
372    coerceBool (C.Bool b)   = Just b
373    coerceBool (C.String s) =
374      -- parse all kinds of text: True, true, TRUE, "true", ...
375      case readMaybe . toS $ T.toTitle $ T.filter isAlpha $ toS s of
376        Just b  -> Just b
377        -- numeric instead?
378        Nothing -> (> 0) <$> (readMaybe $ toS s :: Maybe Integer)
379    coerceBool _            = Nothing
381    splitOnCommas :: C.Value -> [Text]
382    splitOnCommas (C.String s) = T.strip <$> T.splitOn "," s
383    splitOnCommas _            = []
385-- | Read the JWT secret from a file if configJwtSecret is actually a
386-- filepath(has @ as its prefix). To check if the JWT secret is provided is
387-- in fact a file path, it must be decoded as 'Text' to be processed.
388readSecretFile :: AppConfig -> IO AppConfig
389readSecretFile conf =
390  maybe (return conf) readSecret maybeFilename
391  where
392    maybeFilename = T.stripPrefix "@" . decodeUtf8 =<< configJwtSecret conf
393    readSecret filename = do
394      jwtSecret <- chomp <$> BS.readFile (toS filename)
395      return $ conf { configJwtSecret = Just jwtSecret }
396    chomp bs = fromMaybe bs (BS.stripSuffix "\n" bs)
398decodeSecret :: AppConfig -> IO AppConfig
399decodeSecret conf@AppConfig{..} =
400  case (configJwtSecretIsBase64, configJwtSecret) of
401    (True, Just secret) ->
402      either fail (return . updateSecret) $ decodeB64 secret
403    _ -> return conf
404  where
405    updateSecret bs = conf { configJwtSecret = Just bs }
406    decodeB64 = B64.decode . encodeUtf8 . T.strip . replaceUrlChars . decodeUtf8
407    replaceUrlChars = T.replace "_" "/" . T.replace "-" "+" . T.replace "." "="
409-- | Parse `jwt-secret` configuration option and turn into a JWKSet.
411-- There are three ways to specify `jwt-secret`: text secret, JSON Web Key
412-- (JWK), or JSON Web Key Set (JWKS). The first two are converted into a JWKSet
413-- with one key and the last is converted as is.
414decodeJWKS :: AppConfig -> AppConfig
415decodeJWKS conf =
416  conf { configJWKS = parseSecret <$> configJwtSecret conf }
418parseSecret :: ByteString -> JWKSet
419parseSecret bytes =
420  fromMaybe (maybe secret (\jwk' -> JWT.JWKSet [jwk']) maybeJWK)
421    maybeJWKSet
422  where
423    maybeJWKSet = JSON.decode (toS bytes) :: Maybe JWKSet
424    maybeJWK = JSON.decode (toS bytes) :: Maybe JWK
425    secret = JWT.JWKSet [JWT.fromKeyMaterial keyMaterial]
426    keyMaterial = JWT.OctKeyMaterial . JWT.OctKeyParameters $ JOSE.Base64Octets bytes
428-- | Read database uri from a separate file if `db-uri` is a filepath.
429readDbUriFile :: Maybe Text -> AppConfig -> IO AppConfig
430readDbUriFile maybeDbUri conf =
431  case maybeDbUri of
432    Just prevDbUri ->
433      pure $ conf { configDbUri = prevDbUri }
434    Nothing ->
435      case T.stripPrefix "@" $ configDbUri conf of
436        Nothing -> return conf
437        Just filename -> do
438          dbUri <- T.strip <$> readFile (toS filename)
439          return $ conf { configDbUri = dbUri }
441type Environment = M.Map [Char] Text
443-- | Read environment variables that start with PGRST_
444readPGRSTEnvironment :: IO Environment
445readPGRSTEnvironment =
446  M.map T.pack . M.fromList . filter (isPrefixOf "PGRST_" . fst) <$> getEnvironment