2# Functions to perform multivariate matrix
3# calculations on portfolios of assets.
5# I've modified these to minimize the number of
6# times the same calculation or statistic is run, and to minimize duplication
7# of code from function to function.  This should make things more
8# efficient when running against very large numbers of instruments or portfolios.
10# Copyright (c) 2008 Kris Boudt and Brian G. Peterson
11# Copyright (c) 2004-2020 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson for PerformanceAnalytics
12# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
13# for full details see the file COPYING
15# $Id$
19M3.MM.old = function(R,...){
20  cAssets = ncol(R); T = nrow(R);
21  if(!hasArg(mu)) mu = apply(R,2,'mean') else mu=mu=list(...)$mu
22  M3 = matrix(rep(0,cAssets^3),nrow=cAssets,ncol=cAssets^2)
23  for(t in c(1:T))
24  {
25    centret = as.numeric(matrix(R[t,]-mu,nrow=cAssets,ncol=1))
26    M3 = M3 + ( centret%*%t(centret) )%x%t(centret)
27  }
28  return( 1/T*M3 );
31#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
33#'@rdname CoMoments
34M3.MM <- function(R, unbiased = FALSE, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
35  if(!hasArg(mu)) mu = colMeans(R) else mu=list(...)$mu
37  x <- coredata(R)
39  NN <- NROW(x)
40  PP <- NCOL(x)
42  Xc <- x - matrix(mu, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE)
44  if (unbiased) {
45    if (NN < 3) stop("R should have at least 3 observations")
46    CC <- NN / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
47  } else {
48    CC <- 1 / NN
49  }
51  M3 <- .Call('M3sample', as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, CC, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
52  if (as.mat) M3 <- M3.vec2mat(M3, PP)
54  return( M3 )
57M4.MM.old = function(R,...){
58  cAssets = ncol(R); T = nrow(R);
59  if(!hasArg(mu))   mu = apply(R,2,'mean')  else mu=list(...)$mu
60  M4 = matrix(rep(0,cAssets^4),nrow=cAssets,ncol=cAssets^3);
61  for(t in c(1:T))
62  {
63    centret = as.numeric(matrix(R[t,]-mu,nrow=cAssets,ncol=1))
64    M4 = M4 + ( centret%*%t(centret) )%x%t(centret)%x%t(centret)
65  }
66  return( 1/T*M4 );
69#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
71#'@rdname CoMoments
72M4.MM <- function(R, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
73  if(!hasArg(mu)) mu = colMeans(R) else mu=list(...)$mu
75  x <- coredata(R)
77  NN <- NROW(x)
78  PP <- NCOL(x)
80  Xc <- x - matrix(mu, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE)
82  M4 <- .Call('M4sample', as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
83  if (as.mat) M4 <- M4.vec2mat(M4, PP)
85  return( M4 )
88multivariate_mean <- function(w, mu) {
89  return( t(w) %*% mu )
92StdDev.MM <- function(w, sigma) {
93  return( sqrt(t(w) %*% sigma %*% w) )
96skewness.MM <- function(w, sigma, M3) {
97  w <- as.numeric(w)
98  if (NCOL(M3) != 1) M3 <- M3.mat2vec(M3)
99  m3_univ <- .Call('M3port', w, M3, length(w), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
100  return( m3_univ / (StdDev.MM(w, sigma))^3 )
103kurtosis.MM <- function(w, sigma, M4) {
104  w <- as.numeric(w)
105  if (NCOL(M4) != 1) M4 <- M4.mat2vec(M4)
106  m4_univ <- .Call('M4port', w, M4, length(w), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
107  return( m4_univ / (StdDev.MM(w, sigma))^4 )
110SR.StdDev.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma) {
111  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / StdDev.MM(w, sigma)   )
114GVaR.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, p) {
115  return( -multivariate_mean(w, mu) - qnorm(1 - p) * StdDev.MM(w, sigma) )
118SR.GVaR.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, p) {
119  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / GVaR.MM(w, mu, sigma, p) )
122mVaR.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) {
123  skew <- skewness.MM(w, sigma, M3)
124  exkurt <- kurtosis.MM(w, sigma, M4) - 3
125  z <- qnorm(1 - p)
126  zc <- z + (1 / 6) * (z^2 - 1) * skew
127  Zcf <- zc + (1 / 24) * (z^3 - 3 * z) * exkurt - (1 / 36) * (2 * z^3 - 5 * z) * skew^2
128  return( -multivariate_mean(w, mu) - Zcf * StdDev.MM(w, sigma) )
131SR.mVaR.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) {
132  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / mVaR.MM(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) )
135GES.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, p) {
136  return( -multivariate_mean(w, mu) + dnorm(qnorm(1 - p)) * StdDev.MM(w, sigma) / (1 - p) )
139SR.GES.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, p) {
140  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / GES.MM(w, mu, sigma, p) )
143Ipower = function(power,h){
144  # probably redundant now
145  fullprod = 1;
146  if( (power%%2)==0 ) #even number: number mod is zero
147  {
148    pstar = power/2;
149    for(j in c(1:pstar)){
150      fullprod = fullprod*(2*j)  }
151    I = fullprod*dnorm(h);
153    for(i in c(1:pstar) )
154    {
155      prod = 1;
156      for(j in c(1:i) ){
157        prod = prod*(2*j)  }
158      I = I + (fullprod/prod)*(h^(2*i))*dnorm(h)
159    }
160  }else{
161    pstar = (power-1)/2
162    for(j in c(0:pstar) ) {
163      fullprod = fullprod*( (2*j)+1 ) }
164    I = -fullprod*pnorm(h);
165    for(i in c(0:pstar) ){
166      prod = 1;
167      for(j in c(0:i) ){
168        prod = prod*( (2*j) + 1 )}
169      I = I + (fullprod/prod)*(h^(  (2*i) + 1))*dnorm(h) }
170  }
171  return(I)
174mES.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) {
175  skew <- skewness.MM(w, sigma, M3)
176  exkurt <- kurtosis.MM(w, sigma, M4) - 3
177  z <- qnorm(1 - p)
178  h <- z + (1 / 6) * (z^2 - 1) * skew
179  h <- h + (1 / 24) * (z^3 - 3 * z) * exkurt - (1 / 36) * (2 * z^3 - 5 * z) * skew^2
181  # E = dnorm(h)
182  # E = E + (1/24)*(   Ipower(4,h) - 6*Ipower(2,h) + 3*dnorm(h)   )*exkurt
183  # E = E +  (1/6)*(   Ipower(3,h) - 3*Ipower(1,h)   )*skew;
184  # E = E + (1/72)*(  Ipower(6,h) -15*Ipower(4,h)+ 45*Ipower(2,h) - 15*dnorm(h) )*(skew^2)
185  # E = E/(1-p)
186  E <- dnorm(h) * (1 + h^3 * skew / 6.0 +
187                     (h^6 - 9 * h^4 + 9 * h^2 + 3) * skew^2 / 72 +
188                     (h^4 - 2 * h^2 - 1) * exkurt / 24) / (1 - p)
190  return( -multivariate_mean(w, mu) - StdDev.MM(w, sigma) * min(-E, h) )
193SR.mES.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p){
194  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / mES.MM(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) )
197# Computes inner product between M3_1 and M3_2 and otherwise the Frobenius norm of M3_1
198M3.innprod <- function(p, M3_1, M3_2 = NULL) {
199  # p         : dimension of the data
200  # M3_1      : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) / 6)
201  # M3_2      : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) / 6)
203  if (NCOL(M3_1) != 1) stop("M3_1 should only contain the unique coskewness elements (see e.g. output of M3.MM(R, as.mat = FALSE))")
205  if (is.null(M3_2)) {
206    M3_2 <- M3_1
207  } else {
208    if (length(M3_1) != length(M3_2)) stop("M3_2 should only contain the unique coskewness elements (see e.g. output of M3.MM(R, as.mat = FALSE))")
209  }
211  .Call('M3innprod', M3_1, M3_2, as.integer(p), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
214# Computes inner product between M4_1 and M4_2 and otherwise the Frobenius norm of M4_1
215M4.innprod <- function(p, M4_1, M4_2 = NULL) {
216  # p         : dimension of the data
217  # M4_1      : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) * (p + 3) / 24)
218  # M4_2      : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) * (p + 3) / 24)
220  if (NCOL(M4_1) != 1) stop("M4_1 should only contain the unique coskewness elements (see e.g. output of M4.MM(R, as.mat = FALSE))")
222  if (is.null(M4_2)) {
223    M4_2 <- M4_1
224  } else {
225    if (length(M4_1) != length(M4_2)) stop("M4_2 should only contain the unique coskewness elements (see e.g. output of M4.MM(R, as.mat = FALSE))")
226  }
228  .Call('M4innprod', M4_1, M4_2, as.integer(p), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
231# Wrapper function for casting the vector with unique coskewness elements into the matrix format
232M3.vec2mat <- function(M3, p) {
233  # M3        : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) / 6)
234  # p         : dimension of the data
236  if (NCOL(M3) != 1) stop("M3 must be a vector")
238  .Call('M3vec2mat', M3, as.integer(p), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
241# Wrapper function for casting the coskewness matrix into the vector of unique elements
242M3.mat2vec <- function(M3) {
243  # M3        : numeric matrix of dimension p x p^2
245  if (is.null(dim(M3))) stop("M3 must be a matrix")
247  .Call('M3mat2vec', as.numeric(M3), NROW(M3), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
250# Wrapper function for casting the vector with unique cokurtosis elements into the matrix format
251M4.vec2mat <- function(M4, p) {
252  # M4        : numeric vector with unique cokurtosis elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) * (p + 3) / 24)
253  # p         : dimension of the data
255  if (NCOL(M4) != 1) stop("M4 must be a vector")
257  .Call('M4vec2mat', M4, as.integer(p), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
260# Wrapper function for casting the cokurtosis matrix into the vector of unique elements
261M4.mat2vec <- function(M4) {
262  # M4        : numeric matrix of dimension p x p^3
264  if (is.null(dim(M4))) stop("M4 must be a matrix")
266  .Call('M4mat2vec', as.numeric(M4), NROW(M4), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
269#' Functions for calculating shrinkage-based comoments of financial time series
271#' calculates covariance, coskewness and cokurtosis matrices using linear shrinkage
272#' between the sample estimator and a structured estimator
274#' The coskewness and cokurtosis matrices are defined as the matrices of dimension
275#' p x p^2 and p x p^3 containing the third and fourth order central moments. They
276#' are useful for measuring nonlinear dependence between different assets of the
277#' portfolio and computing modified VaR and modified ES of a portfolio.
279#' Shrinkage estimation for the covariance matrix was popularized by Ledoit and
280#' Wolf (2003, 2004). An extension to coskewness and cokurtosis matrices by
281#' Martellini and Ziemann (2010) uses the 1-factor and constant-correlation structured
282#' comoment matrices as targets. In Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017) the framework
283#' of single-target shrinkage for the coskewness and cokurtosis matrices is
284#' extended to a multi-target setting, making it possible to include several target matrices
285#' at once. Also, an option to enhance small sample performance for coskewness estimation
286#' was proposed, resulting in the option 'unbiasedMSE' present in the 'M3.shrink' function.
288#' The first four target matrices of the 'M2.shrink', 'M3.shrink' and 'M4.shrink'
289#' correspond to the models 'independent marginals', 'independent and identical marginals',
290#' 'observed 1-factor model' and 'constant correlation'. Coskewness shrinkage includes two
291#' more options, target 5 corresponds to the latent 1-factor model proposed in Simaan (1993)
292#' and target 6 is the coskewness matrix under central-symmetry, a matrix full of zeros.
293#' For more details on the targets, we refer to Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017) and
294#' the supplementary appendix.
296#' If f is a matrix containing multiple factors, then the shrinkage estimator will
297#' use each factor in a seperate single-factor model and use multi-target shrinkage
298#' to all targets matrices at once.
299#' @name ShrinkageMoments
300#' @concept co-moments
301#' @concept moments
302#' @aliases ShrinkageMoments M2.shrink M3.shrink M4.shrink
303#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
304#' asset returns
305#' @param targets vector of integers selecting the target matrices to shrink to. The first four
306#' structures are, in order: 'independent marginals', 'independent and identical marginals',
307#' 'observed 1-factor model' and 'constant correlation'. See Details.
308#' @param f vector or matrix with observations of the factor, to be used with target 3. See Details.
309#' @param unbiasedMSE TRUE/FALSE whether to use a correction to have an unbiased
310#' estimator for the marginal skewness values, in case of targets 1 and/or 2, default FALSE
311#' @param as.mat TRUE/FALSE whether to return the full moment matrix or only
312#' the vector with the unique elements (the latter is advised for speed), default
313#' TRUE
314#' @author Dries Cornilly
315#' @seealso \code{\link{CoMoments}} \cr \code{\link{StructuredMoments}} \cr \code{\link{EWMAMoments}} \cr \code{\link{MCA}}
316#' @references Boudt, Kris, Brian G. Peterson, and Christophe Croux. 2008.
317#' Estimation and Decomposition of Downside Risk for Portfolios with Non-Normal
318#' Returns. Journal of Risk. Winter.
320#' Boudt, Kris, Cornilly, Dries and Verdonck, Tim. 2017. A Coskewness Shrinkage
321#' Approach for Estimating the Skewness of Linear Combinations of Random Variables.
322#' Submitted. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2839781
324#' Ledoit, Olivier and Wolf, Michael. 2003. Improved estimation of the covariance matrix
325#' of stock returns with an application to portfolio selection. Journal of empirical
326#' finance, 10(5), 603-621.
328#' Ledoit, Olivier and Wolf, Michael. 2004. A well-conditioned estimator for large-dimensional
329#' covariance matrices. Journal of multivariate analysis, 88(2), 365-411.
331#' Martellini, Lionel and Ziemann, V\"olker. 2010. Improved estimates of higher-order
332#' comoments and implications for portfolio selection. Review of Financial
333#' Studies, 23(4), 1467-1502.
335#' Simaan, Yusif. 1993. Portfolio selection and asset pricing: three-parameter framework.
336#' Management Science, 39(5), 68-577.
337###keywords ts multivariate distribution models
338#' @examples
340#' data(edhec)
342#' # construct an underlying factor (market-factor, observed factor, PCA, ...)
343#' f <- rowSums(edhec)
345#' # multi-target shrinkage with targets 1, 3 and 4
346#' # as.mat = F' would speed up calculations in higher dimensions
347#' targets <- c(1, 3, 4)
348#' sigma <- M2.shrink(edhec, targets, f)$M2sh
349#' m3 <- M3.shrink(edhec, targets, f)$M3sh
350#' m4 <- M4.shrink(edhec, targets, f)$M4sh
352#' # compute equal-weighted portfolio modified ES
353#' mu <- colMeans(edhec)
354#' p <- length(mu)
355#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu,
356#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
358#' # compare to sample method
359#' sigma <- cov(edhec)
360#' m3 <- M3.MM(edhec)
361#' m4 <- M4.MM(edhec)
362#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu,
363#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
365#' @export M2.shrink
366M2.shrink <- function(R, targets = 1, f = NULL) {
367  # @author Dries Cornilly
368  #
370  # computes the shrinkage estimator of the covariance matrix
371  #
372  # Inputs:
373  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
374  # targets   : vector of integers indicating which targets to use
375  #           : T1 : independent, unequal marginals, Ledoit and Wolf (2003)
376  #           : T2 : independent, equal marginals, Ledoit and Wolf (2003)
377  #           : T3 : 1-factor model of Ledoit and Wolf (2003)
378  #                : if multiple factors are provided, additionall 1-factor structured matrices are added the end
379  #           : T4 : constant-correlation model of Ledoit and Wolf (2004)
380  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations, needed for 1-factor coskewness matrix of Martellini and Ziemann
381  #           : or a numeric matrix with columns as factors
382  # as.mat    : output as a matrix or as the vector with only unique coskewness eleements
383  #
384  # Outputs:
385  # M2sh      : the shrinkage estimator
386  # lambda    : vector with shrinkage intensities
387  # A         : A matrix in the QP
388  # b         : b vector in QP
390  X <- coredata(R)
392  # input checking
393  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
394  if (length(targets) == 0) stop("No targets selected")
395  if (prod(targets %in% 1:4) == 0) stop("Select valid targets (out of 1, 2, 3, 4)")
396  tt <- rep(FALSE, 4)
397  tt[targets] <- TRUE
398  targets <- tt
399  if (targets[3] && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
401  # prepare for additional factors if necessary
402  if (targets[3] && (NCOL(f) != 1)) {
403    nFactors <- NCOL(f)
404    if (nFactors > 1) {
405      f_other <- matrix(f[, 2:nFactors], ncol = nFactors - 1)
406      f <- f[, 1]
407      extraFactors <- TRUE
408      targets <- c(targets, rep(TRUE, nFactors - 1))
409    } else {
410      f <- c(f)
411      extraFactors <- FALSE
412    }
413  } else {
414    extraFactors <- FALSE
415  }
417  # compute useful variables
418  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
419  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
420  nT <- sum(targets)                                                # number of targets
422  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
423  Xc2 <- Xc^2
424  margvars <- colMeans(Xc2)
425  m11 <- as.numeric(t(Xc) %*% Xc) / NN
426  m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc2) / NN
428  ### coskewness estimators
429  M2 <- cov(X) * (NN - 1) / NN
430  T2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = PP * PP, ncol = nT)
431  iter <- 1
433  if (targets[1]) {
434    # independent marginals
435    T2[, iter] <- c(diag(margvars))
436    iter <- iter + 1
437  }
438  if (targets[2]) {
439    # independent and equally distributed marginals
440    T2[, iter] <- c(mean(margvars) * diag(PP))
441    iter <- iter + 1
442  }
443  if (targets[3]) {
444    # 1-factor model (Ledoit and Wolf (2003))
445    beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
446    fc <- f - mean(f)
447    fvar <- mean(fc^2)
448    T2_1f <- fvar * beta %*% t(beta)
449    diag(T2_1f) <- margvars
450    T2[, iter] <- T2_1f
451    iter <- iter + 1
452  }
453  if (targets[4]) {
454    # constant-correlation (Ledoit and Wolf (2004))
455    sd_vec <- sqrt(margvars)
456    R2 <- diag(1 / sd_vec) %*% M2 %*% diag(1 / sd_vec)
457    rcoef <- mean(R2[upper.tri(R2)])
458    R2 <- matrix(rcoef, nrow = PP, ncol = PP)
459    diag(R2) <- 1
460    T2[, iter] <- diag(sd_vec) %*% R2 %*% diag(sd_vec)
461    iter <- iter + 1
462  }
463  if (extraFactors) {
464    # 1-factor model (Ledoit and Wolf (2003)) - extra factors
465    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
466      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
467      beta_bis <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f_bis) / var(f_bis))
468      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
469      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
470      T2_1f <- fvar_bis * beta_bis %*% t(beta_bis)
471      diag(T2_1f) <- margvars
472      T2[, iter] <- T2_1f
473      iter <- iter + 1
474    }
475  }
477  ### build A for the QP
478  A <- matrix(NA, nrow = nT, ncol = nT)
479  for (ii in 1:nT) {
480    for (jj in ii:nT) {
481      A[ii, jj] <- A[jj, ii] <- sum((T2[, ii] - M2) * (T2[, jj] - M2))
482    }
483  }
485  ### build b for the QP
486  VM2vec <- .Call('VM2', m11, m22, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
488  b <- rep(VM2vec[1], nT)
489  iter <- 1
490  if (targets[1]) {
491    # independent marginals
492    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM2vec[3]
493    iter <- iter + 1
494  }
495  if (targets[2]) {
496    # independent and equally distributed marginals
497    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM2vec[2]
498    iter <- iter + 1
499  }
500  if (targets[3]) {
501    # 1-factor model (Ledoit and Wolf (2003))
502    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM2_1F', as.numeric(Xc), fc, fvar, m11, m22, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
503    iter <- iter + 1
504  }
505  if (targets[4]) {
506    # constant-correlation (Ledoit and Wolf (2004))
507    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM2_CC', as.numeric(Xc), rcoef, m11, m22, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
508    iter <- iter + 1
509  }
510  if (extraFactors) {
511    # 1-factor model (Ledoit and Wolf (2003)) - extra factors
512    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
513      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
514      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
515      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
516      b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM2_1F', as.numeric(Xc), fc_bis, fvar_bis, m11, m22, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
517      iter <- iter + 1
518    }
519  }
521  ### solve the QP
522  if (nT == 1) {
523    # single-target shrinkage
524    lambda <- b / A                                                 # compute optimal shrinkage intensity
525    lambda <- max(0, min(1, lambda))                                # must be between 0 and 1
526    M2sh <- (1 - lambda) * M2 + lambda * T2[, 1]                    # compute shrinkage estimator
527  } else {
528    # multi-target shrinkage
529    Aineq <- rbind(diag(nT), rep(-1, nT))                           # A matrix for inequalities quadratic program
530    bineq <- matrix(c(rep(0, nT), -1), ncol = 1)                    # b vector for inequalities quadratic program
531    lambda <- quadprog::solve.QP(A, b, t(Aineq), bineq, meq = 0)$solution # solve quadratic program
532    M2sh <- (1 - sum(lambda)) * M2                                  # initialize estimator at percentage of sample estimator
533    for (tt in 1:nT) {
534      M2sh <- M2sh + lambda[tt] * T2[, tt]                          # add the target matrices
535    }
536  }
538  return (list("M2sh" = M2sh, "lambda" = lambda, "A" = A, "b" = b))
541#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
543#'@rdname ShrinkageMoments
544M3.shrink <- function(R, targets = 1, f = NULL, unbiasedMSE = FALSE, as.mat = TRUE) {
545  # @author Dries Cornilly
546  #
548  # computes the shrinkage estimator of the coskewness matrix as in Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017)
549  #
550  # Inputs:
551  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
552  # targets   : vector of integers indicating which targets to use
553  #           : T1 : independent, unequal marginals
554  #           : T2 : independent, equal marginals
555  #           : T3 : 1-factor model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010)
556  #                : if multiple factors are provided, additionall 1-factor structured matrices are added the end
557  #           : T4 : constant-correlation model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010), symmetrized
558  #           : T5 : latent 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
559  #           : T6 : central-symmetric coskewness matrix (all zeros)
560  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations, needed for 1-factor coskewness matrix of Martellini and Ziemann
561  #           : or a numeric matrix with columns as factors
562  # unbiasedMSE : boolean determining if bias is corrected when estimating the MSE loss function
563  # as.mat    : output as a matrix or as the vector with only unique coskewness eleements
564  #
565  # Outputs:
566  # M3sh      : the shrinkage estimator
567  # lambda    : vector with shrinkage intensities
568  # A         : A matrix in the QP
569  # b         : b vector in QP
571  X <- coredata(R)
573  # input checking
574  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
575  if (length(targets) == 0) stop("No targets selected")
576  if (prod(targets %in% 1:6) == 0) stop("Select valid targets (out of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)")
577  tt <- rep(FALSE, 6)
578  tt[targets] <- TRUE
579  targets <- tt
580  if (targets[3] && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
581  if (unbiasedMSE && (sum(targets[c(3, 4, 5)]) > 0)) stop("UnbiasedMSE can only be combined with T2, T3 and T6")
583  # prepare for additional factors if necessary
584  if (targets[3] && (NCOL(f) != 1)) {
585    nFactors <- NCOL(f)
586    if (nFactors > 1) {
587      f_other <- matrix(f[, 2:nFactors], ncol = nFactors - 1)
588      f <- f[, 1]
589      extraFactors <- TRUE
590      targets <- c(targets, rep(TRUE, nFactors - 1))
591    } else {
592      f <- c(f)
593      extraFactors <- FALSE
594    }
595  } else {
596    extraFactors <- FALSE
597  }
599  # compute useful variables
600  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
601  if (unbiasedMSE) {
602    if (NN < 6) stop("R should have at least 6 observations")
603  }
604  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
605  nT <- sum(targets)                                                # number of targets
606  ncosk <- PP * (PP + 1) * (PP + 2) / 6                             # number of unique coskewness elements
608  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
609  Xc2 <- Xc^2
610  m11 <- as.numeric(t(Xc) %*% Xc) / NN
611  m21 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc) / NN
612  m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc2) / NN
613  m31 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc) / NN
614  m42 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^4) %*% Xc2) / NN
615  m33 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc^3) / NN
617  ### coskewness estimators
618  M3 <- M3.MM(X, unbiased = unbiasedMSE, as.mat = FALSE)
619  T3 <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(M3), ncol = nT)
620  iter <- 1
622  if (targets[1]) {
623    # independent marginals
624    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
625    if (unbiasedMSE) margskews <- margskews * NN^2 / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
626    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_T23', margskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
627    iter <- iter + 1
628  }
629  if (targets[2]) {
630    # independent and equally distributed marginals
631    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
632    if (unbiasedMSE) margskews <- margskews * NN^2 / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
633    margskews <- rep(mean(margskews), PP)
634    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_T23', margskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
635    iter <- iter + 1
636  }
637  if (targets[3]) {
638    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
639    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
640    beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
641    fc <- f - mean(f)
642    fskew <- mean(fc^3)
643    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_1F', margskews, beta, fskew, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
644    iter <- iter + 1
645  }
646  if (targets[4]) {
647    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) (symmetrized version)
648    margvars <- colMeans(Xc^2)
649    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
650    margkurts <- colMeans(Xc^4)
651    r_generalized <- .Call('M3_CCoefficients', margvars, margkurts, m21,
652                           m22, as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
653    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_CC', margvars, margskews, margkurts,
654                        r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2],
655                        r_generalized[3], PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
656    iter <- iter + 1
657  }
658  if (targets[5]) {
659    # 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
660    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
661    margskewsroot <- sign(margskews) * abs(margskews)^(1 / 3)
662    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_Simaan', margskewsroot, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
663    iter <- iter + 1
664  }
665  if (targets[6]) {
666    # central-symmetric
667    T3[, iter] <- rep(0, ncosk)
668    iter <- iter + 1
669  }
670  if (extraFactors) {
671    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) - extra factors
672    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
673      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
674      margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
675      beta_bis <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f_bis) / var(f_bis))
676      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
677      fskew_bis <- mean(fc_bis^3)
678      T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_1F', margskews, beta_bis, fskew_bis, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
679      iter <- iter + 1
680    }
681  }
683  ### build A for the QP
684  A <- matrix(NA, nrow = nT, ncol = nT)
685  for (ii in 1:nT) {
686    for (jj in ii:nT) {
687      A[ii, jj] <- A[jj, ii] <- .Call('M3innprod', T3[, ii] - M3, T3[, jj] - M3, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
688    }
689  }
691  ### build b for the QP
692  if (unbiasedMSE) {
693    VM3vec <- .Call('VM3kstat', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), m11 * NN, m21 * NN, m22 * NN,
694                    m31 * NN, m42 * NN, m33 * NN, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
695  } else {
696    VM3vec <- .Call('VM3', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), m11, m21, m22, m31, m42,
697                    m33, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
698  }
700  b <- rep(VM3vec[1], nT)
701  iter <- 1
702  if (targets[1]) {
703    # independent marginals
704    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM3vec[3]
705    iter <- iter + 1
706  }
707  if (targets[2]) {
708    # independent and equally distributed marginals
709    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM3vec[2]
710    iter <- iter + 1
711  }
712  if (targets[3]) {
713    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
714    fvar <- mean(fc^2)
715    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM3_1F', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2),
716                               fc, fvar, fskew, m11, m21, m22, m42, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
717    iter <- iter + 1
718  }
719  if (targets[4]) {
720    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) (symmetrized version)
721    marg5s <- colMeans(Xc^5)
722    marg6s <- colMeans(Xc^6)
723    m41 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^4) %*% Xc) / NN
724    m61 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^6) %*% Xc) / NN
725    m32 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc^2) / NN
726    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM3_CC', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), margvars, margskews, margkurts,
727                               marg5s, marg6s, m11, m21, m31, m32, m41, m61, r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2],
728                               r_generalized[3], NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
729    iter <- iter + 1
730  }
731  if (targets[5]) {
732    # 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
733    margskewsroot <- margskewsroot^(-2)
734    m51 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^5) %*% Xc) / NN
735    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM3_Simaan', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), margskewsroot, m11, m21, m22,
736                               m31, m42, m51, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
737    iter <- iter + 1
738  }
739  if (targets[6]) iter <- iter + 1
740  if (extraFactors) {
741    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) - extra factors
742    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
743      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
744      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
745      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
746      fskew_bis <- mean(fc_bis^3)
747      b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM3_1F', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), fc_bis, fvar_bis, fskew_bis,
748                                 m11, m21, m22, m42, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
749      iter <- iter + 1
750    }
751  }
753  ### solve the QP
754  if (nT == 1) {
755    # single-target shrinkage
756    lambda <- b / A                                                 # compute optimal shrinkage intensity
757    lambda <- max(0, min(1, lambda))                                # must be between 0 and 1
758    M3sh <- (1 - lambda) * M3 + lambda * T3                         # compute shrinkage estimator
759  } else {
760    # multi-target shrinkage
761    Aineq <- rbind(diag(nT), rep(-1, nT))                           # A matrix for inequalities quadratic program
762    bineq <- matrix(c(rep(0, nT), -1), ncol = 1)                    # b vector for inequalities quadratic program
763    lambda <- quadprog::solve.QP(A, b, t(Aineq), bineq, meq = 0)$solution # solve quadratic program
764    M3sh <- (1 - sum(lambda)) * M3                                  # initialize estimator at percentage of sample estimator
765    for (tt in 1:nT) {
766      M3sh <- M3sh + lambda[tt] * T3[, tt]                          # add the target matrices
767    }
768  }
769  if (as.mat) M3sh <- M3.vec2mat(M3sh, PP)
771  return (list("M3sh" = M3sh, "lambda" = lambda, "A" = A, "b" = b))
775#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
777#'@rdname ShrinkageMoments
778M4.shrink <- function(R, targets = 1, f = NULL, as.mat = TRUE) {
779  # @author Dries Cornilly
780  #
782  # computes the shrinkage estimator of the cokurtosis matrix as in Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017)
783  #
784  # Inputs:
785  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
786  # targets   : vector of integers indicating which targets to use
787  #           : T1 : independent, unequal marginals
788  #           : T2 : independent, equal marginals
789  #           : T3 : 1-factor model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010)
790  #                : if multiple factors are provided, additionall 1-factor structured matrices are added the end
791  #           : T4 : constant-correlation model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010)
792  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations, needed for 1-factor coskewness matrix of Martellini and Ziemann
793  #           : or a numeric matrix with columns as factors
794  # as.mat    : output as a matrix or as the vector with only unique coskewness eleements
795  #
796  # Outputs:
797  # M4sh      : the shrinkage estimator
798  # lambda    : vector with shrinkage intensities
799  # A         : A matrix in the QP
800  # b         : b vector in QP
802  X <- coredata(R)
804  # input checking
805  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
806  if (length(targets) == 0) stop("No targets selected")
807  if (prod(targets %in% 1:4) == 0) stop("Select valid targets (out of 1, 2, 3, 4)")
808  tt <- rep(FALSE, 4)
809  tt[targets] <- TRUE
810  targets <- tt
811  if (targets[3] && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
813  # prepare for additional factors if necessary
814  if (targets[3] && (NCOL(f) != 1)) {
815    nFactors <- NCOL(f)
816    if (nFactors > 1) {
817      f_other <- matrix(f[, 2:nFactors], ncol = nFactors - 1)
818      f <- f[, 1]
819      extraFactors <- TRUE
820      targets <- c(targets, rep(TRUE, nFactors - 1))
821    } else {
822      f <- c(f)
823      extraFactors <- FALSE
824    }
825  } else {
826    extraFactors <- FALSE
827  }
829  # compute useful variables
830  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
831  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
832  nT <- sum(targets)                                                # number of targets
834  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
835  Xc2 <- Xc^2
836  margvars <- colMeans(Xc2)
837  margkurts <- colMeans(Xc^4)
838  m11 <- as.numeric(t(Xc) %*% Xc) / NN
839  m21 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc) / NN
840  m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc2) / NN
841  m31 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc) / NN
842  m32 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc2) / NN
843  m41 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^4) %*% Xc) / NN
844  m42 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^4) %*% Xc2) / NN
846  ### coskewness estimators
847  M4 <- M4.MM(X, as.mat = FALSE)
848  T4 <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(M4), ncol = nT)
849  iter <- 1
851  if (targets[1]) {
852    # independent marginals
853    T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_T12', margkurts, margvars, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
854    iter <- iter + 1
855  }
856  if (targets[2]) {
857    # independent and equally distributed marginals
858    meanmargkurts <- mean(margkurts)
859    meank_iikk <- sqrt(mean(margvars^2))
860    T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_T12', rep(meanmargkurts, PP), rep(meank_iikk, PP), PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
861    iter <- iter + 1
862  }
863  if (targets[3]) {
864    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
865    beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
866    fc <- f - mean(f)
867    fvar <- mean(fc^2)
868    fkurt <- mean(fc^4)
869    epsvars <- margvars - beta^2 * fvar
870    T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_1f', margkurts, fvar, fkurt, epsvars, beta, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
871    iter <- iter + 1
872  }
873  if (targets[4]) {
874    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
875    marg6s <- colMeans(Xc^6)
876    r_generalized <- .Call('M4_CCoefficients', margvars, margkurts, marg6s,
877                           m22, m31, as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
878    T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_CC', margvars, margkurts, marg6s, r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2],
879                        r_generalized[3], r_generalized[4], PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
880    iter <- iter + 1
881  }
882  if (extraFactors) {
883    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) - extra factors
884    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
885      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
886      beta_bis <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f_bis) / var(f_bis))
887      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
888      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
889      fkurt_bis <- mean(fc_bis^4)
890      epsvars_bis <- margvars - beta_bis^2 * fvar_bis
891      T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_1f', margkurts, fvar_bis, fkurt_bis, epsvars_bis,
892                          beta_bis, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
893      iter <- iter + 1
894    }
895  }
897  ### build A for the QP
898  A <- matrix(NA, nrow = nT, ncol = nT)
899  for (ii in 1:nT) {
900    for (jj in ii:nT) {
901      A[ii, jj] <- A[jj, ii] <- .Call('M4innprod', T4[, ii] - M4, T4[, jj] - M4, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
902    }
903  }
905  ### build b for the QP
906  VM4vec <- .Call('VM4', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), m11, m21,
907                  m22, m31, m32, m41, m42, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
909  b <- rep(VM4vec[1], nT)
910  iter <- 1
911  if (targets[1]) {
912    # independent marginals
913    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM4vec[3]
914    iter <- iter + 1
915  }
916  if (targets[2]) {
917    # independent and equally distributed marginals
918    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM4vec[2]
919    iter <- iter + 1
920  }
921  if (targets[3]) {
922    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
923    fskew <- mean(fc^3)
924    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM4_1F', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), fc, fvar, fskew, fkurt,
925                               m11, m21, m22, m31, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
926    iter <- iter + 1
927  }
928  if (targets[4]) {
929    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
930    marg6s <- colMeans(Xc^6)
931    marg7s <- colMeans(Xc^7)
932    m33 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc^3) / NN
933    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM4_CC', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), m11, m21, m22, m31, m32, m33, m41,
934                               r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2], r_generalized[3], r_generalized[4],
935                               marg6s, marg7s, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
936    iter <- iter + 1
937  }
938  if (extraFactors) {
939    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) - extra factors
940    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
941      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
942      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
943      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
944      fskew_bis <- mean(fc_bis^3)
945      fkurt_bis <- mean(fc_bis^4)
946      b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM4_1F', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), fc_bis, fvar_bis, fskew_bis, fkurt_bis,
947                                 m11, m21, m22, m31, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
948      iter <- iter + 1
949    }
950  }
952  ### solve the QP
953  if (nT == 1) {
954    # single-target shrinkage
955    lambda <- b / A                                                 # compute optimal shrinkage intensity
956    lambda <- max(0, min(1, lambda))                                # must be between 0 and 1
957    M4sh <- (1 - lambda) * M4 + lambda * T4                         # compute shrinkage estimator
958  } else {
959    # multi-target shrinkage
960    Aineq <- rbind(diag(nT), rep(-1, nT))                           # A matrix for inequalities quadratic program
961    bineq <- matrix(c(rep(0, nT), -1), ncol = 1)                    # b vector for inequalities quadratic program
962    lambda <- quadprog::solve.QP(A, b, t(Aineq), bineq, meq = 0)$solution # solve quadratic program
963    M4sh <- (1 - sum(lambda)) * M4                                  # initialize estimator at percentage of sample estimator
964    for (tt in 1:nT) {
965      M4sh <- M4sh + lambda[tt] * T4[, tt]                          # add the target matrices
966    }
967  }
968  if (as.mat) M4sh <- M4.vec2mat(M4sh, PP)
970  return (list("M4sh" = M4sh, "lambda" = lambda, "A" = A, "b" = b))
974#' Functions for calculating structured comoments of financial time series
976#' calculates covariance, coskewness and cokurtosis matrices as structured estimators
978#' The coskewness and cokurtosis matrices are defined as the matrices of dimension
979#' p x p^2 and p x p^3 containing the third and fourth order central moments. They
980#' are useful for measuring nonlinear dependence between different assets of the
981#' portfolio and computing modified VaR and modified ES of a portfolio.
983#' Structured estimation is based on the assumption that the underlying data-generating
984#' process is known, or at least resembles the assumption. The first four structured estimators correspond to the models 'independent marginals',
985#' 'independent and identical marginals', 'observed multi-factor model' and 'constant correlation'.
986#' Coskewness estimation includes an additional model based on the latent 1-factor model
987#' proposed in Simaan (1993).
989#' The constant correlation and 1-factor coskewness and cokurtosis matrices can be found in
990#' Martellini and Ziemann (2010). If f is a matrix containing multiple factors,
991#' then the multi-factor model of Boudt, Lu and Peeters (2915) is used. For information
992#' about the other structured matrices, we refer to Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017)
993#' @name StructuredMoments
994#' @concept co-moments
995#' @concept moments
996#' @aliases StructuredMoments M2.struct M3.struct M4.struct
997#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
998#' asset returns
999#' @param struct string containing the preferred method. See Details.
1000#' @param f vector or matrix with observations of the factor, to be used with 'observedfactor'. See Details.
1001#' @param unbiasedMarg TRUE/FALSE whether to use a correction to have an unbiased
1002#' estimator for the marginal skewness values, in case of 'Indep' or 'IndepId', default FALSE
1003#' @param as.mat TRUE/FALSE whether to return the full moment matrix or only
1004#' the vector with the unique elements (the latter is advised for speed), default
1005#' TRUE
1006#' @author Dries Cornilly
1007#' @seealso \code{\link{CoMoments}} \cr \code{\link{ShrinkageMoments}} \cr \code{\link{EWMAMoments}} \cr \code{\link{MCA}}
1008#' @references Boudt, Kris, Lu, Wanbo and Peeters, Benedict. 2015. Higher order comoments of multifactor
1009#' models and asset allocation. Finance Research Letters, 13, 225-233.
1011#' Boudt, Kris, Brian G. Peterson, and Christophe Croux. 2008.
1012#' Estimation and Decomposition of Downside Risk for Portfolios with Non-Normal
1013#' Returns. Journal of Risk. Winter.
1015#' Boudt, Kris, Cornilly, Dries and Verdonck, Tim. 2017. A Coskewness Shrinkage
1016#' Approach for Estimating the Skewness of Linear Combinations of Random Variables.
1017#' Submitted. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2839781
1019#' Ledoit, Olivier and Wolf, Michael. 2003. Improved estimation of the covariance matrix
1020#' of stock returns with an application to portfolio selection. Journal of empirical
1021#' finance, 10(5), 603-621.
1023#' Martellini, Lionel and Ziemann, V\"olker. 2010. Improved estimates of higher-order
1024#' comoments and implications for portfolio selection. Review of Financial
1025#' Studies, 23(4), 1467-1502.
1027#' Simaan, Yusif. 1993. Portfolio selection and asset pricing: three-parameter framework.
1028#' Management Science, 39(5), 68-577.
1029###keywords ts multivariate distribution models
1030#' @examples
1032#' data(edhec)
1034#' # structured estimation with constant correlation model
1035#' # 'as.mat = F' would speed up calculations in higher dimensions
1036#' sigma <- M2.struct(edhec, "CC")
1037#' m3 <- M3.struct(edhec, "CC")
1038#' m4 <- M4.struct(edhec, "CC")
1040#' # compute equal-weighted portfolio modified ES
1041#' mu <- colMeans(edhec)
1042#' p <- length(mu)
1043#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu,
1044#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
1046#' # compare to sample method
1047#' sigma <- cov(edhec)
1048#' m3 <- M3.MM(edhec)
1049#' m4 <- M4.MM(edhec)
1050#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu,
1051#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
1053#' @export M2.struct
1054M2.struct <- function(R, struct = c("Indep", "IndepId", "observedfactor", "CC"), f = NULL) {
1055  # @author Dries Cornilly
1056  #
1058  # computes different strutured covariance estimators
1059  #
1060  # Inputs:
1061  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
1062  # struct    : select the structured estimator
1063  #           : Indep   : independent, unequal marginals (Ledoit and Wolf (2004))
1064  #           : IndepId : independent, equal marginals (Ledoit and Wolf (2003))
1065  #           : observedfactor : 1-factor or multi-factor linear model
1066  #           : CC : constant-correlation model of (Ledoit and Wolf (2004))
1067  # f         : numeric vector or matrix with factor observations
1068  #
1069  # Outputs:
1070  # covariance matrix
1072  X <- coredata(R)
1074  # input checking
1075  struct <- match.arg(struct)
1076  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
1077  if ((struct == "observedfactor") && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
1079  # compute useful variables
1080  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
1081  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
1083  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
1084  margvars <- colMeans(Xc^2)
1086  # compute the coskewness matrix
1087  if (struct == "Indep") {
1088    # independent marginals
1089    T2 <- diag(margvars)
1090    return (T2)
1092  } else if (struct == "IndepId") {
1093    # independent and equally distributed marginals
1094    T2 <- mean(margvars) * diag(PP)
1095    return (T2)
1097  } else if (struct == "observedfactor") {
1098    # linear factor model
1099    if (NCOL(f) == 1) {
1100      beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
1101      fc <- f - mean(f)
1102      fvar <- mean(fc^2)
1103      T2 <- fvar * beta %*% t(beta)
1104      diag(T2) <- margvars
1105    } else {
1106      mod <- stats::lm(X ~ f)
1107      beta <- t(mod$coefficients[-1,])
1108      fcov <- cov(f) * (NN - 1) / NN
1109      T2 <- beta %*% fcov %*% t(beta)
1110      epsvars <- colMeans(mod$residuals^2)
1111      T2 <- T2 + diag(epsvars)
1112    }
1113    return (T2)
1115  } else if (struct == "CC") {
1116    # constant-correlation
1117    sd_vec <- sqrt(margvars)
1118    M2 <- t(Xc) %*% Xc / NN
1119    R2 <- diag(1 / sd_vec) %*% M2 %*% diag(1 / sd_vec)
1120    rcoef <- mean(R2[upper.tri(R2)])
1121    R2 <- matrix(rcoef, nrow = PP, ncol = PP)
1122    diag(R2) <- 1
1123    T2 <- diag(sd_vec) %*% R2 %*% diag(sd_vec)
1124    return (T2)
1126  }
1130#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
1132#'@rdname StructuredMoments
1133M3.struct <- function(R, struct = c("Indep", "IndepId", "observedfactor", "CC", "latent1factor", "CS"),
1134                      f = NULL, unbiasedMarg = FALSE, as.mat = TRUE) {
1135  # @author Dries Cornilly
1136  #
1138  # computes different strutured coskewness estimators
1139  #
1140  # Inputs:
1141  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
1142  # struct    : select the structured estimator
1143  #           : Indep   : independent, unequal marginals
1144  #           : IndepId : independent, equal marginals
1145  #           : observedfactor : observed linear factor model
1146  #           : CC : constant-correlation model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010), symmetrized
1147  #           : latent1factor : latent 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
1148  #           : CS : central-symmetric coskewness matrix (all zeros)
1149  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations,
1150  # unbiasedMarg : boolean determining if bias is corrected when estimating the marginals with
1151  #              : methods "Indep" or "INdepID"
1152  #
1153  # Outputs:
1154  # coskewness matrix (as matrix or as vector, depending on as.mat)
1156  X <- coredata(R)
1158  # input checking
1159  struct <- match.arg(struct)
1160  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
1161  if ((struct == "observedfactor") && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
1162  if (unbiasedMarg && !((struct == "Indep") || (struct == "IndepId"))) stop("unbiasedMarg can only be combined with T2, T3 and T6")
1164  # compute useful variables
1165  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
1166  if (unbiasedMarg) {
1167    if (NN < 6) stop("R should have at least 6 observations")
1168  }
1169  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
1170  ncosk <- PP * (PP + 1) * (PP + 2) / 6                             # number of unique coskewness elements
1172  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
1173  margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
1175  # compute the coskewness matrix
1176  if (struct == "latent1factor") {
1177    # 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
1178    margskewsroot <- sign(margskews) * abs(margskews)^(1 / 3)
1179    T3 <- .Call('M3_Simaan', margskewsroot, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1180    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
1181    return (T3)
1183  } else if (struct == "Indep") {
1184    # independent marginals
1185    if (unbiasedMarg) margskews <- margskews * NN^2 / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
1186    T3 <- .Call('M3_T23', margskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1187    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
1188    return (T3)
1190  } else if (struct == "IndepId") {
1191    # independent and equally distributed marginals
1192    if (unbiasedMarg) margskews <- margskews * NN^2 / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
1193    margskews <- rep(mean(margskews), PP)
1194    T3 <- .Call('M3_T23', margskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1195    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
1196    return (T3)
1198  } else if (struct == "observedfactor") {
1199    # observed factor model
1200    if (NCOL(f) == 1) {
1201      beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
1202      fc <- f - mean(f)
1203      fskew <- mean(fc^3)
1204      T3 <- .Call('M3_1F', margskews, beta, fskew, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1205    } else {
1206      mod <- stats::lm(X ~ f)
1207      beta <- t(mod$coefficients[-1,])
1208      M3_factor <- M3.MM(f, as.mat = FALSE)
1209      M3_factor <- .Call('M3timesFull', M3_factor, beta, NCOL(beta), PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1210      epsskews <- colMeans(mod$residuals^3)
1211      T3 <- M3_factor + .Call('M3_T23', epsskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1212    }
1213    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
1214    return (T3)
1216  } else if (struct == "CC") {
1217    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) (symmetrized version)
1218    margvars <- colMeans(Xc^2)
1219    margkurts <- colMeans(Xc^4)
1220    m21 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^2) %*% Xc) / NN
1221    m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^2) %*% Xc^2) / NN
1222    r_generalized <- .Call('M3_CCoefficients', margvars, margkurts, m21,
1223                           m22, as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1224    T3 <- .Call('M3_CC', margvars, margskews, margkurts, r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2],
1225                r_generalized[3], PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1226    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
1227    return (T3)
1229  } else if (struct == "CS") {
1230    # coskewness matrix under central-symmetry
1231    return (rep(0, ncosk))
1233  }
1237#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
1239#'@rdname StructuredMoments
1240M4.struct <- function(R, struct = c("Indep", "IndepId", "observedfactor", "CC"), f = NULL, as.mat = TRUE) {
1241  # @author Dries Cornilly
1242  #
1244  # computes different strutured cokurtosis estimators
1245  #
1246  # Inputs:
1247  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
1248  # struct    : select the structured estimator
1249  #           : Indep   : independent, unequal marginals
1250  #           : IndepId : independent, equal marginals
1251  #           : observedfactor : linear factor model with observed factors
1252  #           : CC : constant-correlation model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010), symmetrized
1253  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations
1254  #
1255  # Outputs:
1256  # cokurtosis matrix (as matrix or as vector, depending on as.mat)
1258  X <- coredata(R)
1260  # input checking
1261  struct <- match.arg(struct)
1262  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
1263  if ((struct == "observedfactor") && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
1265  # compute useful variables
1266  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
1267  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
1269  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
1270  margkurts <- colMeans(Xc^4)
1271  margvars <- colMeans(Xc^2)
1273  # compute the coskewness matrix
1274  if (struct == "Indep") {
1275    # independent marginals
1276    T4 <- .Call('M4_T12', margkurts, margvars, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1277    if (as.mat) T4 <- M4.vec2mat(T4, PP)
1278    return (T4)
1280  } else if (struct == "IndepId") {
1281    # independent and equally distributed marginals
1282    meanmargkurts <- mean(margkurts)
1283    meank_iikk <- sqrt(mean(margvars^2))
1284    T4 <- .Call('M4_T12', rep(meanmargkurts, PP), rep(meank_iikk, PP), PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1285    if (as.mat) T4 <- M4.vec2mat(T4, PP)
1286    return (T4)
1288  } else if (struct == "observedfactor") {
1289    # linear factor model with observed factors
1290    if (NCOL(f) == 1) {
1291      beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
1292      fc <- f - mean(f)
1293      fvar <- mean(fc^2)
1294      fkurt <- mean(fc^4)
1295      epsvars <- margvars - beta^2 * fvar
1296      T4 <- .Call('M4_1f', margkurts, fvar, fkurt, epsvars, beta, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1297    } else {
1298      mod <- stats::lm(X ~ f)
1299      beta <- t(mod$coefficients[-1,])
1300      M4_factor <- M4.MM(f, as.mat = FALSE)
1301      M4_factor <- .Call('M4timesFull', M4_factor, beta, NCOL(beta), PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1302      epskurts <- colMeans(mod$residuals^4)
1303      epsvars <- colMeans(mod$residuals^2)
1304      Stransf <- beta %*% cov(f) %*% t(beta) * (NN - 1) / NN
1305      M4_factor <- M4_factor + .Call('M4_MFresid', as.numeric(Stransf), epsvars, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1306      T4 <- M4_factor + .Call('M4_T12', epskurts, epsvars, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1307    }
1308    if (as.mat) T4 <- M4.vec2mat(T4, PP)
1309    return (T4)
1311  } else if (struct == "CC") {
1312    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
1313    marg6s <- colMeans(Xc^6)
1314    m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^2) %*% Xc^2) / NN
1315    m31 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc) / NN
1316    r_generalized <- .Call('M4_CCoefficients', margvars, margkurts, marg6s,
1317                           m22, m31, as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1318    T4 <- .Call('M4_CC', margvars, margkurts, marg6s, r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2],
1319                r_generalized[3], r_generalized[4], PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1320    if (as.mat) T4 <- M4.vec2mat(T4, PP)
1321    return (T4)
1323  }
1327#' Functions for calculating EWMA comoments of financial time series
1329#' calculates exponentially weighted moving average covariance, coskewness and cokurtosis matrices
1331#' The coskewness and cokurtosis matrices are defined as the matrices of dimension
1332#' p x p^2 and p x p^3 containing the third and fourth order central moments. They
1333#' are useful for measuring nonlinear dependence between different assets of the
1334#' portfolio and computing modified VaR and modified ES of a portfolio.
1336#' EWMA estimation of the covariance matrix was popularized by the RiskMetrics report in 1996.
1337#' The M3.ewma and M4.ewma are straightforward extensions to the setting of third and fourth
1338#' order central moments
1339#' @name EWMAMoments
1340#' @concept co-moments
1341#' @concept moments
1342#' @aliases EWMAMoments M2.ewma M3.ewma M4.ewma
1343#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
1344#' asset returns (with mean zero)
1345#' @param lambda decay coefficient
1346#' @param last.M2 last estimated covariance matrix before the observed returns R
1347#' @param last.M3 last estimated coskewness matrix before the observed returns R
1348#' @param last.M4 last estimated cokurtosis matrix before the observed returns R
1349#' @param as.mat TRUE/FALSE whether to return the full moment matrix or only
1350#' the vector with the unique elements (the latter is advised for speed), default
1351#' TRUE
1352#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
1353#' @author Dries Cornilly
1354#' @seealso \code{\link{CoMoments}} \cr \code{\link{ShrinkageMoments}} \cr \code{\link{StructuredMoments}} \cr \code{\link{MCA}}
1355#' @references
1356#' JP Morgan. Riskmetrics technical document. 1996.
1357###keywords ts multivariate distribution models
1358#' @examples
1360#' data(edhec)
1362#' # EWMA estimation
1363#' # 'as.mat = F' would speed up calculations in higher dimensions
1364#' sigma <- M2.ewma(edhec, 0.94)
1365#' m3 <- M3.ewma(edhec, 0.94)
1366#' m4 <- M4.ewma(edhec, 0.94)
1368#' # compute equal-weighted portfolio modified ES
1369#' mu <- colMeans(edhec)
1370#' p <- length(mu)
1371#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu,
1372#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
1374#' # compare to sample method
1375#' sigma <- cov(edhec)
1376#' m3 <- M3.MM(edhec)
1377#' m4 <- M4.MM(edhec)
1378#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu,
1379#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
1381#' @export M2.ewma
1382M2.ewma <- function(R, lambda = 0.97, last.M2 = NULL, ...) {
1383  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP; top of R are oldest observations, bottom are the newest
1384  #           : assumes a mean of zero
1385  # lambda    : decay parameter for the correlations
1386  if(hasArg(lambda_var)) lambda_var <- list(...)$lambda_var else lambda_var <- NULL
1388  x <- coredata(R)
1389  NN <- NROW(x)
1390  PP <- NCOL(x)
1392  if (is.null(last.M2)) {
1393    if (lambda > 1 - 1e-07) {
1394      lambda_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
1395    } else {
1396      lambda_vec <- (1 - lambda) / (1 - lambda^NN) * lambda^((NN - 1):0)
1397    }
1398    Xc <- x * (matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE))^(1 / 2)
1399    M2 <- t(Xc) %*% Xc
1401    if (!is.null(lambda_var)) {
1402      sd_lambda <- sqrt(diag(M2))
1403      R2 <- diag(1 / sd_lambda) %*% M2 %*% diag(1 / sd_lambda)
1405      if (lambda_var > 1 - 1e-07) {
1406        lambda_var_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
1407      } else {
1408        lambda_var_vec <- (1 - lambda_var) / (1 - lambda_var^NN) * lambda_var^((NN - 1):0)
1409      }
1410      sd_lambda_var <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_var_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
1411      M2 <- diag(sd_lambda_var) %*% R2 %*% diag(sd_lambda_var)
1412    }
1413  } else {
1414    if (PP == 1) {
1415      x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
1416      NN <- 1
1417    }
1418    M2 <- last.M2
1419    for (tt in 1:NN) {
1420      xn <- matrix(x[tt,], nrow = 1)
1421      new.M2 <- t(xn) %*% xn
1422      M2 <- (1 - lambda) * new.M2 + lambda * M2
1423    }
1424  }
1426  return( M2 )
1429#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
1431#'@rdname EWMAMoments
1432M3.ewma <- function(R, lambda = 0.97, last.M3 = NULL, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
1433  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP; top of R are oldest observations, bottom are the newest
1434  #           : assumes a mean of zero
1435  # lambda    : decay parameter for the standardized coskewnesses
1436  # lambda_var : if not NULL, use lambda_var for the variances
1437  # as.mat    : TRUE/FALSE whether or not the output is a matrix or not
1438  if(hasArg(lambda_var)) lambda_var <- list(...)$lambda_var else lambda_var <- NULL
1440  x <- coredata(R)
1441  NN <- NROW(x)
1442  PP <- NCOL(x)
1444  if (is.null(last.M3)) {
1445    if (lambda > 1 - 1e-07) {
1446      lambda_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
1447    } else {
1448      lambda_vec <- (1 - lambda) / (1 - lambda^NN) * lambda^((NN - 1):0)
1449    }
1450    Xc <- x * (matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE))^(1 / 3)
1451    M3 <- .Call('M3sample', as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, 1.0, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1453    if (!is.null(lambda_var)) {
1454      sd_lambda <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
1455      R3 <- .Call('M3timesDiag', M3, 1 / sd_lambda, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1457      if (lambda_var > 1 - 1e-07) {
1458        lambda_var_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
1459      } else {
1460        lambda_var_vec <- (1 - lambda_var) / (1 - lambda_var^NN) * lambda_var^((NN - 1):0)
1461      }
1462      sd_lambda_var <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_var_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
1464      M3 <- .Call('M3timesDiag', R3, sd_lambda_var, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1465    }
1466  } else {
1467    if (PP == 1) {
1468      x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
1469      NN <- 1
1470      PP <- ncol(x)
1471    }
1472    if (NROW(last.M3) == PP) last.M3 <- M3.mat2vec(last.M3)
1473    M3 <- last.M3
1474    for (tt in 1:NN) {
1475      xn <- matrix(x[tt,], nrow = 1)
1476      new.M3 <- M3.MM(xn, as.mat = FALSE, mu = rep(0, PP))
1477      M3 <- (1 - lambda) * new.M3 + lambda * M3
1478    }
1479  }
1481  if (as.mat) M3 <- M3.vec2mat(M3, PP)
1483  return( M3 )
1486#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
1488#'@rdname EWMAMoments
1489M4.ewma <- function(R, lambda = 0.97, last.M4 = NULL, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
1490  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP; top of R are oldest observations, bottom are the newest
1491  #           : assumes a mean of zero
1492  # lambda    : decay parameter for the standardized cokurtosisses
1493  # lambda_var : if not NULL, use lambda_var for the variances
1494  # as.mat    : TRUE/FALSE whether or not the output is a matrix or not
1495  if(hasArg(lambda_var)) lambda_var <- list(...)$lambda_var else lambda_var <- NULL
1497  x <- coredata(R)
1498  NN <- NROW(x)
1499  PP <- NCOL(x)
1501  if (is.null(last.M4)) {
1502    if (lambda > 1 - 1e-07) {
1503      lambda_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
1504    } else {
1505      lambda_vec <- (1 - lambda) / (1 - lambda^NN) * lambda^((NN - 1):0)
1506    }
1507    Xc <- x * (matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE))^(1 / 4)
1508    M4 <- .Call('M4sample', as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics") * NN
1510    if (!is.null(lambda_var)) {
1511      sd_lambda <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
1512      R4 <- .Call('M4timesDiag', M4, 1 / sd_lambda, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1514      if (lambda_var > 1 - 1e-07) {
1515        lambda_var_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
1516      } else {
1517        lambda_var_vec <- (1 - lambda_var) / (1 - lambda_var^NN) * lambda_var^((NN - 1):0)
1518      }
1519      sd_lambda_var <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_var_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
1521      M4 <- .Call('M4timesDiag', R4, sd_lambda_var, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1522    }
1523  } else {
1524    if (PP == 1) {
1525      x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
1526      NN <- 1
1527      PP <- ncol(x)
1528    }
1529    if (NROW(last.M4) == PP) last.M4 <- M4.mat2vec(last.M4)
1530    M4 <- last.M4
1531    for (tt in 1:NN) {
1532      xn <- matrix(x[tt,], nrow = 1)
1533      new.M4 <- M4.MM(xn, as.mat = FALSE, mu = rep(0, PP))
1534      M4 <- (1 - lambda) * new.M4 + lambda * M4
1535    }
1536  }
1538  if (as.mat) M4 <- M4.vec2mat(M4, PP)
1540  return( M4 )
1544#' Functions for doing Moment Component Analysis (MCA) of financial time series
1546#' calculates MCA coskewness and cokurtosis matrices
1548#' The coskewness and cokurtosis matrices are defined as the matrices of dimension
1549#' p x p^2 and p x p^3 containing the third and fourth order central moments. They
1550#' are useful for measuring nonlinear dependence between different assets of the
1551#' portfolio and computing modified VaR and modified ES of a portfolio.
1553#' MCA is a generalization of PCA to higher moments. The principal components in
1554#' MCA are the ones that maximize the coskewness and cokurtosis present when projecting
1555#' onto these directions. It was introduced by Lim and Morton (2007) and applied to financial returns
1556#' data by Jondeau and Rockinger (2017)
1558#' If a coskewness matrix (argument M3) or cokurtosis matrix (argument M4) is passed in using ..., then
1559#' MCA is performed on the given comoment matrix instead of the sample coskewness or cokurtosis matrix.
1560#' @name MCA
1561#' @concept co-moments
1562#' @concept moments
1563#' @aliases MCA M3.MCA M4.MCA
1564#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
1565#' asset returns
1566#' @param k the number of components to use
1567#' @param as.mat TRUE/FALSE whether to return the full moment matrix or only
1568#' the vector with the unique elements (the latter is advised for speed), default
1569#' TRUE
1570#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
1571#' @author Dries Cornilly
1572#' @seealso \code{\link{CoMoments}} \cr \code{\link{ShrinkageMoments}} \cr \code{\link{StructuredMoments}} \cr \code{\link{EWMAMoments}}
1573#' @references
1574#' Lim, Hek-Leng and Morton, Jason. 2007. Principal Cumulant Component Analysis. working paper
1576#' Jondeau, Eric and Jurczenko, Emmanuel. 2017. Moment Component Analysis: An Illustration
1577#' With International Stock Markets. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
1578#' @examples
1579#' data(edhec)
1581#' # coskewness matrix based on two components
1582#' M3mca <- M3.MCA(edhec, k = 2)$M3mca
1584#' # screeplot MCA
1585#' M3dist <- M4dist <- rep(NA, ncol(edhec))
1586#' M3S <- M3.MM(edhec)  # sample coskewness estimator
1587#' M4S <- M4.MM(edhec)  # sample cokurtosis estimator
1588#' for (k in 1:ncol(edhec)) {
1589#'   M3MCA_list <- M3.MCA(edhec, k)
1590#'   M4MCA_list <- M4.MCA(edhec, k)
1592#'   M3dist[k] <- sqrt(sum((M3S - M3MCA_list$M3mca)^2))
1593#'   M4dist[k] <- sqrt(sum((M4S - M4MCA_list$M4mca)^2))
1594#' }
1595#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
1596#' plot(1:ncol(edhec), M3dist)
1597#' plot(1:ncol(edhec), M4dist)
1598#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
1600#' @export M3.MCA
1601M3.MCA <- function(R, k = 1, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
1602  # @author Dries Cornilly
1603  #
1605  # MCA on coskewness matrix
1606  #
1607  # Inputs:
1608  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
1609  # k         : number of components to use
1610  # as.mat    : TRUE/FALSE whether or not the output is a matrix or not
1611  #
1612  # Outputs:
1613  # M3mca     : coskewness matrix based on k factors
1614  # converged : logical indicating convergence
1615  # iter      : number of iterations at convergence / at end
1616  # U         : matrix with principal components
1618  x <- coredata(R)
1620  if (hasArg(maxit)) maxit <- list(...)$maxit else maxit <- 1000
1621  if (hasArg(abstol)) abstol <- list(...)$abstol else abstol <- 1e-05
1623  p <- NCOL(x)
1624  n <- NROW(x)
1626  # initialize projection matrix and sample coskewness matrix
1627  if (hasArg(M3)) {
1628    M3 <- list(...)$M3
1629    if (NROW(M3) == p) M3 <- M3.mat2vec(M3)
1630  } else {
1631    M3 <- M3.MM(x, as.mat = FALSE)
1632  }
1633  if (hasArg(U0)) U0 <- list(...)$U0 else U0 <- svd(M3.vec2mat(M3, p), nu = k, nv = 0)$u
1635  # iterate until convergence or maximum number of iterations is reached
1636  iter <- 0
1637  converged <- FALSE
1638  while ((iter < maxit) && !converged) {
1639    # project using the last projection matrix U0 and build new projection matrix U1
1640    Z3 <- .Call('M3HOOIiterator', M3, as.numeric(U0), p, k, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1641    U1 <- svd(Z3, nu = k, nv = 0)$u
1643    # check for convergence - absolute values are because the direction of the eigenvectors might alternate
1644    if (sqrt(sum((abs(U1) - abs(U0))^2)) < abstol) converged <- TRUE
1646    # update U and the iterator
1647    U0 <- U1
1648    iter <- iter + 1
1649  }
1651  # build estimated coskewness matrix from the projection matrix U0
1652  C3 <- .Call('M3timesFull', M3, as.numeric(t(U0)), p, k, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1653  M3mca <- .Call('M3timesFull', C3, as.numeric(U0), k, p, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1655  if (as.mat) M3mca <- M3.vec2mat(M3mca, p)
1657  return ( list("M3mca" = M3mca, "converged" = converged, "iter" = iter, "U" = U0) )
1661#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
1663#'@rdname MCA
1664M4.MCA <- function(R, k = 1, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
1665  # @author Dries Cornilly
1666  #
1668  # MCA on cokurtosis matrix
1669  #
1670  # Inputs:
1671  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
1672  # k         : number of components to use
1673  # as.mat    : TRUE/FALSE whether or not the output is a matrix or not
1674  #
1675  # Outputs:
1676  # M4mca     : cokurtosis matrix based on k factors
1677  # converged : logical indicating convergence
1678  # iter      : number of iterations at convergence / at end
1679  # U         : matrix with principal components
1681  x <- coredata(R)
1683  if (hasArg(maxit)) maxit <- list(...)$maxit else maxit <- 1000
1684  if (hasArg(abstol)) abstol <- list(...)$abstol else abstol <- 1e-05
1686  p <- NCOL(x)
1687  n <- NROW(x)
1689  # initialize projection matrix and sample cokurtosis matrix
1690  if (hasArg(M4)) {
1691    M4 <- list(...)$M4
1692    if (NROW(M4) == p) M4 <- M4.mat2vec(M4)
1693  } else {
1694    M4 <- M4.MM(x, as.mat = FALSE)
1695  }
1696  if (hasArg(U0)) U0 <- list(...)$U0 else U0 <- svd(M4.vec2mat(M4, p), nu = k, nv = 0)$u
1698  # iterate until convergence or maximum number of iterations is reached
1699  iter <- 0
1700  converged <- FALSE
1701  while ((iter < maxit) && !converged) {
1702    # project using the last projection matrix U0 and build new projection matrix U1
1703    Z4 <- .Call('M4HOOIiterator', M4, as.numeric(U0), p, k, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1704    U1 <- svd(Z4, nu = k, nv = 0)$u
1706    # check for convergence - absolute values are because the direction of the eigenvectors might alternate
1707    if (sqrt(sum((abs(U1) - abs(U0))^2)) < abstol) converged <- TRUE
1709    # update U and the iterator
1710    U0 <- U1
1711    iter <- iter + 1
1712  }
1714  # build estimated coskewness matrix from the projection matrix U0
1715  C4 <- .Call('M4timesFull', M4, as.numeric(t(U0)), p, k, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1716  M4mca <- .Call('M4timesFull', C4, as.numeric(U0), k, p, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
1718  if (as.mat) M4mca <- M4.vec2mat(M4mca, p)
1720  return ( list("M4mca" = M4mca, "converged" = converged, "iter" = iter, "U" = U0) )
1725# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
1727# Copyright (c) 2004-2020 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson and Kris Boudt
1729# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
1730# for full details see the file COPYING
1732# $Id$