1 /** @file gb/gb.h
2     Gameboy specific functions.
3 */
4 #ifndef _GB_H
5 #define _GB_H
7 #include <sys/types.h>
8 #include <sys/compiler.h>
9 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <gb/hardware.h>
11 #include <gb/sgb.h>
12 #include <gb/cgb.h>
14 typedef uint8_t UBYTE;
15 typedef uint8_t UINT8;
16 typedef int8_t INT8;
17 typedef uint16_t UWORD;
18 typedef int16_t WORD;
19 #ifndef NULL
20 #define NULL (void *)0
21 #endif
23 typedef union _fixed {
24   struct {
25     uint8_t l;
26     uint8_t h;
27   } b;
28   uint16_t w;
29 } fixed;
31 /** Joypad bits.
32     A logical OR of these is used in the wait_pad and joypad
33     functions.  For example, to see if the B button is pressed
34     try
36     uint8_t keys;
37     keys = joypad();
38     if (keys & J_B) {
39     	...
40     }
42     @see joypad
43  */
44 #define	J_START      0x80U
45 #define	J_SELECT     0x40U
46 #define	J_B          0x20U
47 #define	J_A          0x10U
48 #define	J_DOWN       0x08U
49 #define	J_UP         0x04U
50 #define	J_LEFT       0x02U
51 #define	J_RIGHT      0x01U
53 /** Screen modes.
54     Normally used by internal functions only.
55  */
56 #define	M_DRAWING    0x01U
57 #define	M_TEXT_OUT   0x02U
58 #define	M_TEXT_INOUT 0x03U
59 /** Set this in addition to the others to disable scrolling
60     If scrolling is disabled, the cursor returns to (0,0) */
61 #define M_NO_SCROLL  0x04U
62 /** Set this to disable \n interpretation */
63 #define M_NO_INTERP  0x08U
65 /** If this is set, sprite colours come from OBJ1PAL.  Else
66     they come from OBJ0PAL.
67 */
68 #define S_PALETTE    0x10U
69 /** If set the sprite will be flipped horizontally.
70  */
71 #define S_FLIPX      0x20U
72 /** If set the sprite will be flipped vertically.
73  */
74 #define S_FLIPY      0x40U
75 /** If this bit is clear, then the sprite will be displayed
76     ontop of the background and window.
77 */
78 #define S_PRIORITY   0x80U
80 /* Interrupt flags */
81 /** Vertical blank interrupt.
82     Occurs at the start of the vertical blank.  During this
83     period the video ram may be freely accessed.
84  */
85 #define VBL_IFLAG    0x01U
86 /** Interrupt when triggered by the STAT register.
87     See the Pan doc.
88 */
89 #define LCD_IFLAG    0x02U
90 /** Interrupt when the timer TIMA overflows.
91  */
92 #define TIM_IFLAG    0x04U
93 /** Occurs when the serial transfer has completed.
94  */
95 #define SIO_IFLAG    0x08U
96 /** Occurs on a transition of the keypad.
97  */
98 #define JOY_IFLAG    0x10U
100 /* Limits */
101 /** Width of the visible screen in pixels.
102  */
103 #define SCREENWIDTH  0xA0U
104 /** Height of the visible screen in pixels.
105  */
106 #define SCREENHEIGHT 0x90U
107 #define MINWNDPOSX   0x07U
108 #define MINWNDPOSY   0x00U
109 #define MAXWNDPOSX   0xA6U
110 #define MAXWNDPOSY   0x8FU
112 /* ************************************************************ */
114 /** Interrupt handlers
115  */
116 typedef void (*int_handler)(void) NONBANKED;
118 /** The remove functions will remove any interrupt
119    handler.  A handler of NULL will cause bad things
120    to happen.
121 */
122 void __LIB__ remove_VBL(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
124 void __LIB__  remove_LCD(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
126 void __LIB__ remove_TIM(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
128 void __LIB__ remove_SIO(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
130 void __LIB__ remove_JOY(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
132 /** Adds a V-blank interrupt handler.
133     The handler 'h' will be called whenever a V-blank
134     interrupt occurs.  Up to 4 handlers may be added,
135     with the last added being called last.  If the remove_VBL
136     function is to be called, only three may be added.
137     @see remove_VBL
138 */
139 void __LIB__ add_VBL(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
141 /** Adds a LCD interrupt handler.
142     Called when the LCD interrupt occurs, which is normally
143     when LY_REG == LYC_REG.
145     From pan/k0Pa:
146     There are various reasons for this interrupt to occur
147     as described by the STAT register ($FF40). One very
148     popular reason is to indicate to the user when the
149     video hardware is about to redraw a given LCD line.
150     This can be useful for dynamically controlling the SCX/
151     SCY registers ($FF43/$FF42) to perform special video
152     effects.
154     @see add_VBL
155 */
156 void __LIB__ add_LCD(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
158 /** Adds a timer interrupt handler.
160     From pan/k0Pa:
161     This interrupt occurs when the TIMA register ($FF05)
162     changes from $FF to $00.
164     @see add_VBL
165 */
166 void __LIB__ add_TIM(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
168 /** Adds a serial transmit complete interrupt handler.
170     From pan/k0Pa:
171     This interrupt occurs when a serial transfer has
172     completed on the game link port.
174     @see send_byte, receive_byte, add_VBL
175 */
176 void __LIB__ add_SIO(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
178 /** Adds a pad tranisition interrupt handler.
180     From pan/k0Pa:
181     This interrupt occurs on a transition of any of the
182     keypad input lines from high to low. Due to the fact
183     that keypad "bounce" is virtually always present,
184     software should expect this interrupt to occur one
185     or more times for every button press and one or more
186     times for every button release.
188     @see joypad
189 */
190 void __LIB__ add_JOY(int_handler h) NONBANKED;
192 /* ************************************************************ */
194 /** Set the current mode - one of M_* defined above */
195 void __LIB__ mode(uint8_t m) NONBANKED;
197 /** Returns the current mode */
198 uint8_t __LIB__ get_mode(void) NONBANKED;
200 /** GB type (GB, PGB, CGB) */
201 extern uint8_t _cpu;
203 /** Original GB or Super GB */
204 #define DMG_TYPE 0x01
205 /** Pocket GB or Super GB 2 */
206 #define MGB_TYPE 0xFF
207 /** Color GB */
208 #define CGB_TYPE 0x11
210 /** Time in VBL periods (60Hz) */
211 extern uint16_t sys_time;
213 /* ************************************************************ */
215 /** Send byte in _io_out to the serial port */
216 void __LIB__ send_byte(void);
218 /** Receive byte from the serial port in _io_in */
219 void __LIB__ receive_byte(void);
221 /** An OR of IO_* */
222 extern uint8_t _io_status;
223 /** Byte just read. */
224 extern uint8_t _io_in;
225 /** Write the byte to send here before calling send_byte()
226     @see send_byte
227 */
228 extern uint8_t _io_out;
230 /* Status codes */
231 /** IO is completed */
232 #define IO_IDLE		0x00U
233 /** Sending data */
234 #define IO_SENDING	0x01U
235 /** Receiving data */
236 #define IO_RECEIVING	0x02U
237 /** Error */
238 #define IO_ERROR	0x04U
240 /* ************************************************************ */
242 /* Multiple banks */
244 /** Switches the upper 16k bank of the 32k rom to bank rombank
245     using the MBC1 controller.
246     By default the upper 16k bank is 1. Make sure the rom you compile
247     has more than just bank 0 and bank 1, a 32k rom. This is done by
248     feeding lcc.exe the following switches:
250     -Wl-yt# where # is the type of cartridge. 1 for ROM+MBC1.
252     -Wl-yo# where # is the number of rom banks. 2,4,8,16,32.
253 */
254 #define SWITCH_ROM_MBC1(b) \
255   *(unsigned char *)0x2000 = (b)
257 #define SWITCH_RAM_MBC1(b) \
258   *(unsigned char *)0x4000 = (b)
260 #define ENABLE_RAM_MBC1 \
261   *(unsigned char *)0x0000 = 0x0A
263 #define DISABLE_RAM_MBC1 \
264   *(unsigned char *)0x0000 = 0x00
266 #define SWITCH_16_8_MODE_MBC1 \
267   *(unsigned char *)0x6000 = 0x00
269 #define SWITCH_4_32_MODE_MBC1 \
270   *(unsigned char *)0x6000 = 0x01
272 /* Note the order used here.  Writing the other way around
273  * on a MBC1 always selects bank 0 (d'oh)
274  */
275 /** MBC5 */
276 #define SWITCH_ROM_MBC5(b) \
277   *(unsigned char *)0x3000 = (uint16_t)(b)>>8; \
278   *(unsigned char *)0x2000 = (uint8_t)(b)
280 #define SWITCH_RAM_MBC5(b) \
281   *(unsigned char *)0x4000 = (b)
283 #define ENABLE_RAM_MBC5 \
284   *(unsigned char *)0x0000 = 0x0A
286 #define DISABLE_RAM_MBC5 \
287   *(unsigned char *)0x0000 = 0x00
289 /* ************************************************************ */
291 /** Delays the given number of milliseconds.
292     Uses no timers or interrupts, and can be called with
293     interrupts disabled (why nobody knows :)
294  */
295 void __LIB__ delay(uint16_t d) NONBANKED;
297 /* ************************************************************ */
299 /** Reads and returns the current state of the joypad.
300     Follows Nintendo's guidelines for reading the pad.
301     Return value is an OR of J_*
302     @see J_START
303 */
304 uint8_t __LIB__ joypad(void) NONBANKED;
306 /** Waits until all the keys given in mask are pressed.
307     Normally only used for checking one key, but it will
308     support many, even J_LEFT at the same time as J_RIGHT :)
309     @see joypad, J_START
310 */
311 uint8_t __LIB__ waitpad(uint8_t mask) NONBANKED;
313 /** Waits for the pad and all buttons to be released.
314 */
315 void __LIB__ waitpadup(void) NONBANKED;
317 /* ************************************************************ */
319 /** Enables unmasked interrupts
320     @see disable_interrupts
321 */
322 void __LIB__ enable_interrupts(void) NONBANKED;
324 /** Disables interrupts.
325     This function may be called as many times as you like;
326     however the first call to enable_interrupts will re-enable
327     them.
328     @see enable_interrupts
329 */
330 void __LIB__ disable_interrupts(void) NONBANKED;
332 /** Clears any pending interrupts and sets the interrupt mask
333     register IO to flags.
334     @see VBL_IFLAG
335     @param flags	A logical OR of *_IFLAGS
336 */
337 void __LIB__ set_interrupts(uint8_t flags) NONBANKED;
339 /** Performs a warm reset by reloading the CPU value
340     then jumping to the start of crt0 (0x0150)
341 */
342 void __LIB__ reset(void) NONBANKED;
344 /** Waits for the vertical blank interrupt (VBL) to finish.
345     This can be used to sync animation with the screen
346     re-draw.  If VBL interrupt is disabled, this function will
347     never return.  If the screen is off this function returns
348     immediatly.
349 */
350 void __LIB__ wait_vbl_done(void) NONBANKED;
352 /** Turns the display off.
353     Waits until the VBL interrupt before turning the display
354     off.
355     @see DISPLAY_ON
356 */
357 void __LIB__ display_off(void) NONBANKED;
359 /* ************************************************************ */
361 /** Copies data from somewhere in the lower address space
362     to part of hi-ram.
363     @param dst		Offset in high ram (0xFF00 and above)
364     			to copy to.
365     @param src		Area to copy from
366     @param n		Number of bytes to copy.
367 */
368 void __LIB__ hiramcpy(uint16_t dst, const void *src, uint16_t n) __smallc NONBANKED;
370 /* ************************************************************ */
372 /** Turns the display back on.
373     @see display_off, DISPLAY_OFF
374 */
375 #define DISPLAY_ON \
376   LCDC_REG|=0x80U
378 /** Turns the display off immediatly.
379     @see display_off, DISPLAY_ON
380 */
381 #define DISPLAY_OFF \
382   display_off();
384 /** Turns on the background layer.
385     Sets bit 0 of the LCDC register to 1.
386 */
387 #define SHOW_BKG \
388   LCDC_REG|=0x01U
390 /** Turns off the background layer.
391     Sets bit 0 of the LCDC register to 0.
392 */
393 #define HIDE_BKG \
394   LCDC_REG&=0xFEU
396 /** Turns on the window layer
397     Sets bit 5 of the LCDC register to 1.
398 */
399 #define SHOW_WIN \
400   LCDC_REG|=0x20U
402 /** Turns off the window layer.
403     Clears bit 5 of the LCDC register to 0.
404 */
405 #define HIDE_WIN \
406   LCDC_REG&=0xDFU
408 /** Turns on the sprites layer.
409     Sets bit 1 of the LCDC register to 1.
410 */
411 #define SHOW_SPRITES \
412   LCDC_REG|=0x02U
414 /** Turns off the sprites layer.
415     Clears bit 1 of the LCDC register to 0.
416 */
417 #define HIDE_SPRITES \
418   LCDC_REG&=0xFDU
420 /** Sets sprite size to 8x16 pixels, two tiles one above the other.
421     Sets bit 2 of the LCDC register to 1.
422 */
423 #define SPRITES_8x16 \
424   LCDC_REG|=0x04U
426 /** Sets sprite size to 8x8 pixels, one tile.
427     Clears bit 2 of the LCDC register to 0.
428 */
429 #define SPRITES_8x8 \
430   LCDC_REG&=0xFBU
432 /* ************************************************************ */
434 /** Sets the tile patterns in the Background Tile Pattern table.
435     Starting with the tile pattern x and carrying on for n number of
436     tile patterns.Taking the values starting from the pointer
437     data. Note that patterns 128-255 overlap with patterns 128-255
438     of the sprite Tile Pattern table.
440     GBC: Depending on the VBK_REG this determines which bank of
441     Background tile patterns are written to. VBK_REG=0 indicates the
442     first bank, and VBK_REG=1 indicates the second.
444     @param first_tile	Range 0 - 255
445     @param nb_tiles	Range 0 - 255
446 */
447 void __LIB__ set_bkg_data(uint16_t first_tile, uint16_t nb_tiles, unsigned char *data) __smallc NONBANKED;
449 /** Sets the tiles in the background tile table.
450     Starting at position x,y in tiles and writing across for w tiles
451     and down for h tiles. Taking the values starting from the pointer
452     data.
454     For the GBC, also see the pan/k00Pa section on VBK_REG.
456     @param x		Range 0 - 31
457     @param y		Range 0 - 31
458     @param w		Range 0 - 31
459     @param h		Range 0 - 31
460     @param data		Pointer to an unsigned char. Usually the
461     			first element in an array.
462 */
463 void __LIB__ set_bkg_tiles(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, unsigned char *tiles) __smallc NONBANKED;
465 void __LIB__ get_bkg_tiles(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, unsigned char *tiles) __smallc NONBANKED;
467 /** Moves the background layer to the position specified in x and y in pixels.
468     Where 0,0 is the top left corner of the GB screen. You'll notice the screen
469     wraps around in all 4 directions, and is always under the window layer.
470 */
471 void __LIB__ move_bkg(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) __smallc NONBANKED;
473 /** Moves the background relative to it's current position.
475     @see move_bkg
476 */
477 void __LIB__ scroll_bkg(int16_t x, int16_t y) __smallc NONBANKED;
479 /* ************************************************************ */
481 /** Sets the window tile data.
482     This is the same as set_bkg_data, as both the window layer and background
483     layer share the same Tile Patterns.
484     @see set_bkg_data
485 */
486 void __LIB__ set_win_data(uint16_t first_tile, uint16_t nb_tiles, unsigned char *data) __smallc NONBANKED;
488 /** Sets the tiles in the win tile table.
489     Starting at position x,y in
490     tiles and writing across for w tiles and down for h tiles. Taking the
491     values starting from the pointer data. Note that patterns 128-255 overlap
492     with patterns 128-255 of the sprite Tile Pattern table.
494     GBC only.
495     Depending on the VBK_REG this determines if you're setting the tile numbers
496     VBK_REG=0; or the attributes for those tiles VBK_REG=1;. The bits in the
497     attributes are defined as:
498     Bit 7 - 	Priority flag. When this is set, it puts the tile above the sprites
499     		with colour 0 being transparent. 0: below sprites, 1: above sprites
500 		Note SHOW_BKG needs to be set for these priorities to take place.
501     Bit 6 - 	Vertical flip. Dictates which way up the tile is drawn vertically.
502     		0: normal, 1: upside down.
503     Bit 5 - 	Horizontal flip. Dictates which way up the tile is drawn
504     		horizontally. 0: normal, 1:back to front.
505     Bit 4 - 	Not used.
506     Bit 3 - 	Character Bank specification. Dictates from which bank of
507     		Background Tile Patterns the tile is taken. 0: Bank 0, 1: Bank 1
508     Bit 2 - 	See bit 0.
509     Bit 1 - 	See bit 0.
510     Bit 0 - 	Bits 0-2 indicate which of the 7 BKG colour palettes the tile is
511 		assigned.
513     @param x		Range 0 - 31
514     @param y		Range 0 - 31
515     @param w		Range 0 - 31
516     @param h		Range 0 - 31
517 */
518 void __LIB__ set_win_tiles(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, unsigned char *tiles) __smallc NONBANKED;
520 void __LIB__ get_win_tiles(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, unsigned char *tiles) __smallc NONBANKED;
522 /** Moves the window layer to the position specified in x and y in pixels.
523     Where 7,0 is the top left corner of the GB screen. The window is locked to
524     the bottom right corner, and is always over the background layer.
525     @see SHOW_WIN, HIDE_WIN
526 */
527 void __LIB__ move_win(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) __smallc NONBANKED;
529 /** Move the window relative to its current position.
530     @see move_win
531 */
532 void __LIB__ scroll_win(int16_t x, int16_t y) __smallc NONBANKED;
534 /* ************************************************************ */
536 /** Sets the tile patterns in the Sprite Tile Pattern table.
537     Starting with the tile pattern x and carrying on for n number of
538     tile patterns.Taking the values starting from the pointer
539     data. Note that patterns 128-255 overlap with patterns 128-255 of
540     the Background Tile Pattern table.
542     GBC only.
543     Depending on the VBK_REG this determines which bank of Background tile
544     patterns are written to. VBK_REG=0 indicates the first bank, and VBK_REG=1
545     indicates the second.
546 */
547 void __LIB__ set_sprite_data(uint16_t first_tile, uint16_t nb_tiles, unsigned char *data) __smallc NONBANKED;
549 void __LIB__ get_sprite_data(uint16_t first_tile, uint16_t nb_tiles, unsigned char *data) __smallc NONBANKED;
551 /** Sets sprite n to display tile number t, from the sprite tile data.
552     If the GB is in 8x16 sprite mode then it will display the next
553     tile, t+1, below the first tile.
554     @param nb		Sprite number, range 0 - 39
555 */
556 void __LIB__ set_sprite_tile(uint16_t nb, uint16_t tile) __smallc NONBANKED;
558 uint8_t __LIB__ get_sprite_tile(uint16_t nb) NONBANKED;
560 /** Sets the property of sprite n to those defined in p.
561     Where the bits in p represent:
562     Bit 7 - 	Priority flag. When this is set the sprites appear behind the
563 		background and window layer. 0: infront, 1: behind.
564     Bit 6 - 	GBC only. Vertical flip. Dictates which way up the sprite is drawn
565 		vertically. 0: normal, 1:upside down.
566     Bit 5 - 	GBC only. Horizontal flip. Dictates which way up the sprite is
567     drawn horizontally. 0: normal, 1:back to front.
568     Bit 4 - 	DMG only. Assigns either one of the two b/w palettes to the sprite.
569 		0: OBJ palette 0, 1: OBJ palette 1.
570     Bit 3 -	GBC only. Dictates from which bank of Sprite Tile Patterns the tile
571 		is taken. 0: Bank 0, 1: Bank 1
572     Bit 2 -	See bit 0.
573     Bit 1 -	See bit 0.
574     Bit 0 - 	GBC only. Bits 0-2 indicate which of the 7 OBJ colour palettes the
575 		sprite is assigned.
577     @param nb		Sprite number, range 0 - 39
578 */
579 void __LIB__ set_sprite_prop(uint16_t nb, uint16_t prop) __smallc NONBANKED;
581 uint8_t __LIB__ get_sprite_prop(uint16_t nb) NONBANKED;
583 /** Moves the given sprite to the given position on the
584     screen.
585     Dont forget that the top left visible pixel on the screen
586     is at (8,16).  To put sprite 0 at the top left, use
587     move_sprite(0, 8, 16);
588 */
589 void __LIB__ move_sprite(uint16_t nb, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) __smallc NONBANKED;
591 /** Moves the given sprite relative to its current position.
592  */
593 void __LIB__ scroll_sprite(int16_t nb, int16_t x, int16_t y) __smallc  NONBANKED;
595 /* ************************************************************ */
597 void __LIB__ set_data(unsigned char *vram_addr, unsigned char *data, uint16_t len) __smallc NONBANKED;
599 void __LIB__ get_data(unsigned char *data, unsigned char *vram_addr, uint16_t len) __smallc NONBANKED;
601 void __LIB__ set_tiles(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, unsigned char *vram_addr, unsigned char *tiles) __smallc  NONBANKED;
603 void __LIB__ get_tiles(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, unsigned char *tiles, unsigned char *vram_addr) __smallc NONBANKED;
605 #endif /* _GB_H */