1# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6# TODO Move this to a package shared by CLI and SDK
7from enum import Enum
8from functools import total_ordering
9from importlib import import_module
11from knack.log import get_logger
14logger = get_logger(__name__)
17class APIVersionException(Exception):
18    def __init__(self, type_name, api_profile):
19        super(APIVersionException, self).__init__(type_name, api_profile)
20        self.type_name = type_name
21        self.api_profile = api_profile
23    def __str__(self):
24        return "Unable to get API version for type '{}' in profile '{}'".format(
25            self.type_name, self.api_profile)
28# Sentinel value for profile
29PROFILE_TYPE = object()
32class CustomResourceType:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
33    def __init__(self, import_prefix, client_name):
34        self.import_prefix = import_prefix
35        self.client_name = client_name
38class ResourceType(Enum):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
40    MGMT_APIMANAGEMENT = ('azure.mgmt.apimanagement', 'ApiManagementClient')
41    MGMT_KUSTO = ('azure.mgmt.kusto', 'KustoManagementClient')
42    MGMT_KEYVAULT = ('azure.mgmt.keyvault', 'KeyVaultManagementClient')
43    MGMT_STORAGE = ('azure.mgmt.storage', 'StorageManagementClient')
44    MGMT_COMPUTE = ('azure.mgmt.compute', 'ComputeManagementClient')
45    MGMT_NETWORK = ('azure.mgmt.network', 'NetworkManagementClient')
46    MGMT_NETWORK_DNS = ('azure.mgmt.dns', 'DnsManagementClient')
47    MGMT_AUTHORIZATION = ('azure.mgmt.authorization', 'AuthorizationManagementClient')
48    MGMT_CONTAINERREGISTRY = ('azure.mgmt.containerregistry', 'ContainerRegistryManagementClient')
49    MGMT_RESOURCE_FEATURES = ('azure.mgmt.resource.features', 'FeatureClient')
50    MGMT_RESOURCE_LINKS = ('azure.mgmt.resource.links', 'ManagementLinkClient')
51    MGMT_RESOURCE_LOCKS = ('azure.mgmt.resource.locks', 'ManagementLockClient')
52    MGMT_RESOURCE_POLICY = ('azure.mgmt.resource.policy', 'PolicyClient')
53    MGMT_RESOURCE_RESOURCES = ('azure.mgmt.resource.resources', 'ResourceManagementClient')
54    MGMT_RESOURCE_SUBSCRIPTIONS = ('azure.mgmt.resource.subscriptions', 'SubscriptionClient')
55    MGMT_RESOURCE_DEPLOYMENTSCRIPTS = ('azure.mgmt.resource.deploymentscripts', 'DeploymentScriptsClient')
56    MGMT_RESOURCE_TEMPLATESPECS = ('azure.mgmt.resource.templatespecs', 'TemplateSpecsClient')
57    MGMT_MONITOR = ('azure.mgmt.monitor', 'MonitorManagementClient')
58    DATA_KEYVAULT = ('azure.keyvault', 'KeyVaultClient')
59    DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS = ('azure.keyvault.keys', 'KeyClient')
60    DATA_PRIVATE_KEYVAULT = ('azure.cli.command_modules.keyvault.vendored_sdks.azure_keyvault_t1', 'KeyVaultClient')
61    DATA_KEYVAULT_ADMINISTRATION_BACKUP = ('azure.keyvault.administration', 'KeyVaultBackupClient')
62    DATA_KEYVAULT_ADMINISTRATION_ACCESS_CONTROL = ('azure.keyvault.administration', 'KeyVaultAccessControlClient')
63    MGMT_EVENTHUB = ('azure.mgmt.eventhub', 'EventHubManagementClient')
64    MGMT_APPSERVICE = ('azure.mgmt.web', 'WebSiteManagementClient')
65    MGMT_IOTCENTRAL = ('azure.mgmt.iotcentral', 'IotCentralClient')
66    MGMT_IOTHUB = ('azure.mgmt.iothub', 'IotHubClient')
67    MGMT_ARO = ('azure.mgmt.redhatopenshift', 'AzureRedHatOpenShift4Client')
68    MGMT_DATABOXEDGE = ('azure.mgmt.databoxedge', 'DataBoxEdgeManagementClient')
69    MGMT_CUSTOMLOCATION = ('azure.mgmt.extendedlocation', 'CustomLocations')
70    MGMT_CONTAINERSERVICE = ('azure.mgmt.containerservice', 'ContainerServiceClient')
71    # the "None" below will stay till a command module fills in the type so "get_mgmt_service_client"
72    # can be provided with "ResourceType.XXX" to initialize the client object. This usually happens
73    # when related commands start to support Multi-API
75    DATA_COSMOS_TABLE = ('azure.multiapi.cosmosdb', None)
76    MGMT_ADVISOR = ('azure.mgmt.advisor', None)
77    MGMT_MEDIA = ('azure.mgmt.media', None)
78    MGMT_BACKUP = ('azure.mgmt.recoveryservicesbackup', None)
79    MGMT_BATCH = ('azure.mgmt.batch', None)
80    MGMT_BATCHAI = ('azure.mgmt.batchai', None)
81    MGMT_BILLING = ('azure.mgmt.billing', None)
82    MGMT_BOTSERVICE = ('azure.mgmt.botservice', None)
83    MGMT_CDN = ('azure.mgmt.cdn', None)
84    MGMT_COGNITIVESERVICES = ('azure.mgmt.cognitiveservices', None)
85    MGMT_CONSUMPTION = ('azure.mgmt.consumption', None)
86    MGMT_CONTAINERINSTANCE = ('azure.mgmt.containerinstance', None)
87    MGMT_COSMOSDB = ('azure.mgmt.cosmosdb', None)
88    MGMT_DEPLOYMENTMANAGER = ('azure.mgmt.deploymentmanager', None)
89    MGMT_DATALAKE_ANALYTICS = ('azure.mgmt.datalake.analytics', None)
90    MGMT_DATALAKE_STORE = ('azure.mgmt.datalake.store', None)
91    MGMT_DATAMIGRATION = ('azure.mgmt.datamigration', None)
92    MGMT_EVENTGRID = ('azure.mgmt.eventgrid', None)
93    MGMT_DEVTESTLABS = ('azure.mgmt.devtestlabs', None)
94    MGMT_MAPS = ('azure.mgmt.maps', None)
95    MGMT_POLICYINSIGHTS = ('azure.mgmt.policyinsights', None)
96    MGMT_RDBMS = ('azure.mgmt.rdbms', None)
97    MGMT_REDIS = ('azure.mgmt.redis', None)
98    MGMT_RELAY = ('azure.mgmt.relay', None)
99    MGMT_RESERVATIONS = ('azure.mgmt.reservations', None)
100    MGMT_SEARCH = ('azure.mgmt.search', None)
101    MGMT_SERVICEBUS = ('azure.mgmt.servicebus', None)
102    MGMT_SERVICEFABRIC = ('azure.mgmt.servicefabric', None)
103    MGMT_SIGNALR = ('azure.mgmt.signalr', None)
104    MGMT_SQL = ('azure.mgmt.sql', None)
105    MGMT_SQLVM = ('azure.mgmt.sqlvirtualmachine', None)
106    MGMT_MANAGEDSERVICES = ('azure.mgmt.managedservices', None)
107    MGMT_NETAPPFILES = ('azure.mgmt.netappfiles', None)
108    DATA_STORAGE = ('azure.multiapi.storage', None)
109    DATA_STORAGE_BLOB = ('azure.multiapi.storagev2.blob', None)
110    DATA_STORAGE_FILEDATALAKE = ('azure.multiapi.storagev2.filedatalake', None)
111    DATA_STORAGE_FILESHARE = ('azure.multiapi.storagev2.fileshare', None)
112    DATA_STORAGE_QUEUE = ('azure.multiapi.storagev2.queue', None)
114    def __init__(self, import_prefix, client_name):
115        """Constructor.
117        :param import_prefix: Path to the (unversioned) module.
118        :type import_prefix: str.
119        :param client_name: Name the client for this resource type.
120        :type client_name: str.
121        """
122        self.import_prefix = import_prefix
123        self.client_name = client_name
126class SDKProfile:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
128    def __init__(self, default_api_version, profile=None):
129        """Constructor.
131        :param str default_api_version: Default API version if not overridden by a profile. Nullable.
132        :param profile: A dict operation group name to API version.
133        :type profile: dict[str, str]
134        """
135        self.profile = profile if profile is not None else {}
136        self.profile[None] = default_api_version
138    @property
139    def default_api_version(self):
140        return self.profile[None]
144    'latest': {
145        ResourceType.MGMT_STORAGE: '2021-06-01',
146        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK: '2021-02-01',
147        ResourceType.MGMT_COMPUTE: SDKProfile('2021-07-01', {
148            'resource_skus': '2019-04-01',
149            'disks': '2020-12-01',
150            'disk_encryption_sets': '2020-12-01',
151            'disk_accesses': '2020-05-01',
152            'snapshots': '2020-12-01',
153            'galleries': '2021-07-01',
154            'gallery_images': '2020-09-30',
155            'gallery_image_versions': '2021-07-01',
156            'shared_galleries': '2020-09-30',
157            'virtual_machine_scale_sets': '2021-04-01',
158        }),
159        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_FEATURES: '2021-07-01',
160        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LINKS: '2016-09-01',
161        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LOCKS: '2016-09-01',
162        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_POLICY: '2020-09-01',
163        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_RESOURCES: '2021-04-01',
164        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_SUBSCRIPTIONS: '2019-11-01',
165        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_DEPLOYMENTSCRIPTS: '2020-10-01',
166        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_TEMPLATESPECS: '2021-05-01',
167        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK_DNS: '2018-05-01',
168        ResourceType.MGMT_KEYVAULT: '2021-04-01-preview',
169        ResourceType.MGMT_AUTHORIZATION: SDKProfile('2020-04-01-preview', {
170            'classic_administrators': '2015-06-01',
171            'role_definitions': '2018-01-01-preview',
172            'provider_operations_metadata': '2018-01-01-preview'
173        }),
174        ResourceType.MGMT_CONTAINERREGISTRY: SDKProfile('2021-06-01-preview', {
175            'agent_pools': '2019-06-01-preview',
176            'tasks': '2019-06-01-preview',
177            'task_runs': '2019-06-01-preview',
178            'runs': '2019-06-01-preview',
179        }),
180        # The order does make things different.
181        # Please keep ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS before ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT
182        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS: None,
183        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT: '7.0',
184        ResourceType.DATA_PRIVATE_KEYVAULT: '7.2',
185        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_ADMINISTRATION_BACKUP: '7.2-preview',
186        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_ADMINISTRATION_ACCESS_CONTROL: '7.2-preview',
187        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE: '2018-11-09',
188        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_BLOB: '2020-04-08',
189        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILEDATALAKE: '2020-02-10',
190        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILESHARE: '2019-07-07',
191        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_QUEUE: '2018-03-28',
192        ResourceType.DATA_COSMOS_TABLE: '2017-04-17',
193        ResourceType.MGMT_EVENTHUB: '2021-06-01-preview',
194        ResourceType.MGMT_MONITOR: SDKProfile('2019-06-01', {
195            'activity_log_alerts': '2017-04-01',
196            'activity_logs': '2015-04-01',
197            'alert_rule_incidents': '2016-03-01',
198            'alert_rules': '2016-03-01',
199            'autoscale_settings': '2015-04-01',
200            'baseline': '2018-09-01',
201            'baselines': '2019-03-01',
202            'diagnostic_settings': '2017-05-01-preview',
203            'diagnostic_settings_category': '2017-05-01-preview',
204            'event_categories': '2015-04-01',
205            'guest_diagnostics_settings': '2018-06-01-preview',
206            'guest_diagnostics_settings_association': '2018-06-01-preview',
207            'log_profiles': '2016-03-01',
208            'metric_alerts': '2018-03-01',
209            'metric_alerts_status': '2018-03-01',
210            'metric_baseline': '2018-09-01',
211            'metric_definitions': '2018-01-01',
212            'metric_namespaces': '2017-12-01-preview',
213            'metrics': '2018-01-01',
214            'operations': '2015-04-01',
215            'scheduled_query_rules': '2018-04-16',
216            'service_diagnostic_settings': '2016-09-01',
217            'tenant_activity_logs': '2015-04-01',
218            'vm_insights': '2018-11-27-preview',
219            'private_link_resources': '2019-10-17-preview',
220            'private_link_scoped_resources': '2019-10-17-preview',
221            'private_link_scope_operation_status': '2019-10-17-preview',
222            'private_link_scopes': '2019-10-17-preview',
223            'private_endpoint_connections': '2019-10-17-preview',
224            'subscription_diagnostic_settings': '2017-05-01-preview'
225        }),
226        ResourceType.MGMT_APPSERVICE: '2020-09-01',
227        ResourceType.MGMT_IOTHUB: '2021-07-01',
228        ResourceType.MGMT_IOTCENTRAL: '2018-09-01',
229        ResourceType.MGMT_ARO: '2020-04-30',
230        ResourceType.MGMT_DATABOXEDGE: '2021-02-01-preview',
231        ResourceType.MGMT_CUSTOMLOCATION: '2021-03-15-preview',
232        ResourceType.MGMT_CONTAINERSERVICE: SDKProfile('2021-07-01', {
233            'container_services': '2017-07-01',
234            'open_shift_managed_clusters': '2019-09-30-preview'
235        })
236    },
237    '2020-09-01-hybrid': {
238        ResourceType.MGMT_STORAGE: '2019-06-01',
239        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK: '2018-11-01',
240        ResourceType.MGMT_COMPUTE: SDKProfile('2020-06-01', {
241            'resource_skus': '2019-04-01',
242            'disks': '2019-07-01',
243            'disk_encryption_sets': '2019-07-01',
244            'disk_accesses': '2020-05-01',
245            'snapshots': '2019-07-01',
246            'galleries': '2019-12-01',
247            'gallery_images': '2019-12-01',
248            'gallery_image_versions': '2019-12-01',
249            'virtual_machine_scale_sets': '2020-06-01'
250        }),
251        ResourceType.MGMT_KEYVAULT: '2016-10-01',
252        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_FEATURES: '2021-07-01',
253        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LINKS: '2016-09-01',
254        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LOCKS: '2016-09-01',
255        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_POLICY: '2016-12-01',
256        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_RESOURCES: '2019-10-01',
257        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_SUBSCRIPTIONS: '2016-06-01',
258        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_TEMPLATESPECS: '2015-01-01',
259        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK_DNS: '2016-04-01',
260        ResourceType.MGMT_AUTHORIZATION: SDKProfile('2015-07-01', {
261            'classic_administrators': '2015-06-01',
262            'policy_assignments': '2016-12-01',
263            'policy_definitions': '2016-12-01'
264        }),
265        # The order does make things different.
266        # Please keep ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS before ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT
267        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS: None,
268        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT: '2016-10-01',
269        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE: '2018-11-09',
270        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_BLOB: '2019-07-07',
271        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILEDATALAKE: '2019-07-07',
272        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILESHARE: '2019-07-07',
273        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_QUEUE: '2019-07-07',
274        ResourceType.DATA_COSMOS_TABLE: '2017-04-17',
275        ResourceType.MGMT_APPSERVICE: '2018-02-01',
276        ResourceType.MGMT_EVENTHUB: '2021-06-01-preview',
277        ResourceType.MGMT_IOTHUB: '2019-07-01-preview',
278        ResourceType.MGMT_DATABOXEDGE: '2019-08-01',
279        ResourceType.MGMT_CONTAINERREGISTRY: '2019-05-01',
280        ResourceType.MGMT_CONTAINERSERVICE: SDKProfile('2020-11-01', {
281            'container_services': '2017-07-01',
282            'open_shift_managed_clusters': '2019-09-30-preview'
283        })
284    },
285    '2019-03-01-hybrid': {
286        ResourceType.MGMT_STORAGE: '2017-10-01',
287        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK: '2017-10-01',
288        ResourceType.MGMT_COMPUTE: SDKProfile('2017-12-01', {
289            'resource_skus': '2017-09-01',
290            'disks': '2017-03-30',
291            'snapshots': '2017-03-30'
292        }),
293        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LINKS: '2016-09-01',
294        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LOCKS: '2016-09-01',
295        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_POLICY: '2016-12-01',
296        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_RESOURCES: '2018-05-01',
297        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_SUBSCRIPTIONS: '2016-06-01',
298        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_TEMPLATESPECS: '2015-01-01',
299        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK_DNS: '2016-04-01',
300        ResourceType.MGMT_KEYVAULT: '2016-10-01',
301        ResourceType.MGMT_AUTHORIZATION: SDKProfile('2015-07-01', {
302            'classic_administrators': '2015-06-01',
303            'policy_assignments': '2016-12-01',
304            'policy_definitions': '2016-12-01'
305        }),
306        # The order does make things different.
307        # Please keep ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS before ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT
308        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS: None,
309        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT: '2016-10-01',
310        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE: '2017-11-09',
311        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_BLOB: '2017-11-09',
312        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILEDATALAKE: '2017-11-09',
313        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILESHARE: '2017-11-09',
314        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_QUEUE: '2017-11-09',
315        ResourceType.DATA_COSMOS_TABLE: '2017-04-17',
316        # Full MultiAPI support is not done in AppService, the line below is merely
317        # to have commands show up in the hybrid profile which happens to have the latest
318        # API versions
319        ResourceType.MGMT_APPSERVICE: '2018-02-01',
320        ResourceType.MGMT_EVENTHUB: '2021-06-01-preview',
321        ResourceType.MGMT_IOTHUB: '2019-03-22',
322        ResourceType.MGMT_DATABOXEDGE: '2019-08-01'
323    },
324    '2018-03-01-hybrid': {
325        ResourceType.MGMT_STORAGE: '2016-01-01',
326        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK: '2017-10-01',
327        ResourceType.MGMT_COMPUTE: SDKProfile('2017-03-30'),
328        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LINKS: '2016-09-01',
329        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LOCKS: '2016-09-01',
330        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_POLICY: '2016-12-01',
331        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_RESOURCES: '2018-02-01',
332        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_SUBSCRIPTIONS: '2016-06-01',
333        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_TEMPLATESPECS: '2015-01-01',
334        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK_DNS: '2016-04-01',
335        ResourceType.MGMT_KEYVAULT: '2016-10-01',
336        ResourceType.MGMT_AUTHORIZATION: SDKProfile('2015-07-01', {
337            'classic_administrators': '2015-06-01'
338        }),
339        # The order does make things different.
340        # Please keep ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS before ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT
341        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS: None,
342        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT: '2016-10-01',
343        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE: '2017-04-17',
344        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_BLOB: '2017-04-17',
345        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILEDATALAKE: '2017-04-17',
346        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILESHARE: '2017-04-17',
347        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_QUEUE: '2017-04-17',
348        ResourceType.DATA_COSMOS_TABLE: '2017-04-17'
349    },
350    '2017-03-09-profile': {
351        ResourceType.MGMT_STORAGE: '2016-01-01',
352        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK: '2015-06-15',
353        ResourceType.MGMT_COMPUTE: SDKProfile('2016-03-30'),
354        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LINKS: '2016-09-01',
355        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_LOCKS: '2015-01-01',
356        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_POLICY: '2015-10-01-preview',
357        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_RESOURCES: '2016-02-01',
358        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_SUBSCRIPTIONS: '2016-06-01',
359        ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_TEMPLATESPECS: '2015-01-01',
360        ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK_DNS: '2016-04-01',
361        ResourceType.MGMT_KEYVAULT: '2016-10-01',
362        ResourceType.MGMT_AUTHORIZATION: SDKProfile('2015-07-01', {
363            'classic_administrators': '2015-06-01'
364        }),
365        # The order does make things different.
366        # Please keep ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS before ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT
367        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT_KEYS: None,
368        ResourceType.DATA_KEYVAULT: '2016-10-01',
369        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE: '2015-04-05',
370        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_BLOB: '2015-04-05',
371        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILEDATALAKE: '2015-04-05',
372        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_FILESHARE: '2015-04-05',
373        ResourceType.DATA_STORAGE_QUEUE: '2015-04-05'
374    }
378# We should avoid using ad hoc API versions,
379# use the version in a profile as much as possible.
381    ResourceType.MGMT_NETWORK: {
382        'vm_default_target_network': '2018-01-01',
383        'nw_connection_monitor': '2019-06-01',
384        'container_network': '2018-08-01',
385        'appservice_network': '2020-04-01',
386        'appservice_ensure_subnet': '2019-02-01'
387    }
391class _ApiVersions:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
392    def __init__(self, client_type, sdk_profile, post_process):
393        self._client_type = client_type
394        self._sdk_profile = sdk_profile
395        self._post_process = post_process
396        self._operations_groups_value = None
397        self._resolved = False
399    def _resolve(self):
400        if self._resolved:
401            return
403        self._operations_groups_value = {}
404        for operation_group_name, operation_type in self._client_type.__dict__.items():
405            if not isinstance(operation_type, property):
406                continue
408            value_to_save = self._sdk_profile.profile.get(
409                operation_group_name,
410                self._sdk_profile.default_api_version
411            )
412            self._operations_groups_value[operation_group_name] = self._post_process(value_to_save)
413        self._resolved = True
415    def __getattr__(self, item):
416        try:
417            self._resolve()
418            return self._operations_groups_value[item]
419        except KeyError:
420            raise AttributeError('Attribute {} does not exist.'.format(item))
423def _get_api_version_tuple(resource_type, sdk_profile, post_process=lambda x: x):
424    """Return a _ApiVersion instance where key are operation group and value are api version."""
425    return _ApiVersions(client_type=get_client_class(resource_type),
426                        sdk_profile=sdk_profile,
427                        post_process=post_process)
430def get_api_version(api_profile, resource_type, as_sdk_profile=False):
431    """Get the API version of a resource type given an API profile.
433    :param api_profile: The name of the API profile.
434    :type api_profile: str.
435    :param resource_type: The resource type.
436    :type resource_type: ResourceType.
437    :returns:  str -- the API version.
438    :raises: APIVersionException
439    """
440    try:
441        api_version = AZURE_API_PROFILES[api_profile][resource_type]
442        if as_sdk_profile:
443            return api_version  # Could be SDKProfile or string
444        if isinstance(api_version, SDKProfile):
445            api_version = _get_api_version_tuple(resource_type, api_version)
446        return api_version
447    except KeyError:
448        raise APIVersionException(resource_type, api_profile)
452class _SemVerAPIFormat:
453    """Basic semver x.y.z API format.
454    Supports x, or x.y, or x.y.z
455    """
457    def __init__(self, api_version_str):
458        try:
459            parts = api_version_str.split('.')
460            parts += [0, 0]  # At worst never read, at best minor/patch
461            self.major = int(parts[0])
462            self.minor = int(parts[1])
463            self.patch = int(parts[2])
464        except (ValueError, TypeError):
465            raise ValueError('The API version {} is not in a '
466                             'semver format'.format(api_version_str))
468    def __eq__(self, other):
469        return (self.major, self.minor, self.patch) == (other.major, other.minor, other.patch)
471    def __lt__(self, other):
472        return (self.major, self.minor, self.patch) < (other.major, other.minor, other.patch)
475@total_ordering  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
476class _DateAPIFormat:
477    """ Class to support comparisons for API versions in
478        YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD-preview, YYYY-MM-DD-profile, YYYY-MM-DD-profile-preview
479        or any string that starts with YYYY-MM-DD format. A special case is made for 'latest'.
480    """
482    def __init__(self, api_version_str):
483        try:
484            self.latest = self.preview = False
485            self.yyyy = self.mm = self.dd = None
486            if api_version_str == 'latest':
487                self.latest = True
488            else:
489                if 'preview' in api_version_str:
490                    self.preview = True
491                parts = api_version_str.split('-')
492                self.yyyy = int(parts[0])
493                self.mm = int(parts[1])
494                self.dd = int(parts[2])
495        except (ValueError, TypeError):
496            raise ValueError('The API version {} is not in a '
497                             'supported format'.format(api_version_str))
499    def __eq__(self, other):
500        return self.latest == other.latest and self.yyyy == other.yyyy and self.mm == other.mm and \
501            self.dd == other.dd and self.preview == other.preview
503    def __lt__(self, other):  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
504        if self.latest or other.latest:
505            if not self.latest and other.latest:
506                return True
507            if self.latest and not other.latest:
508                return False
509            return False
510        if self.yyyy < other.yyyy:
511            return True
512        if self.yyyy == other.yyyy:
513            if self.mm < other.mm:
514                return True
515            if self.mm == other.mm:
516                if self.dd < other.dd:
517                    return True
518                if self.dd == other.dd:
519                    if self.preview and not other.preview:
520                        return True
521        return False
524def _parse_api_version(api_version):
525    """Will try to parse it as a date, and if not working
526    as semver, and if still not working raise.
527    """
528    try:
529        return _DateAPIFormat(api_version)
530    except ValueError:
531        return _SemVerAPIFormat(api_version)
534def _cross_api_format_less_than(api_version, other):
535    """LT strategy that supports if types are different.
537    For now, let's assume that any Semver is higher than any DateAPI
538    This fits KeyVault, if later we have a counter-example we'll update
539    """
540    api_version = _parse_api_version(api_version)
541    other = _parse_api_version(other)
543    if type(api_version) is type(other):
544        return api_version < other
545    return isinstance(api_version, _DateAPIFormat) and isinstance(other, _SemVerAPIFormat)
548def _validate_api_version(api_version_str, min_api=None, max_api=None):
549    """Validate if api_version is inside the interval min_api/max_api.
550    """
551    if min_api and _cross_api_format_less_than(api_version_str, min_api):
552        return False
553    if max_api and _cross_api_format_less_than(max_api, api_version_str):
554        return False
555    return True
558def supported_api_version(api_profile, resource_type, min_api=None, max_api=None, operation_group=None):
559    """
560    Returns True if current API version for the resource type satisfies min/max range.
561    To compare profile versions, set resource type to None.
562    Can return a tuple<operation_group, bool> if the resource_type supports SDKProfile.
563    note: Currently supports YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD-preview, YYYY-MM-DD-profile
564    or YYYY-MM-DD-profile-preview  formatted strings.
565    """
566    if not isinstance(resource_type, (ResourceType, CustomResourceType)) and resource_type != PROFILE_TYPE:
567        raise ValueError("'resource_type' is required.")
568    if min_api is None and max_api is None:
569        raise ValueError('At least a min or max version must be specified')
570    api_version_obj = get_api_version(api_profile, resource_type, as_sdk_profile=True) \
571        if isinstance(resource_type, (ResourceType, CustomResourceType)) else api_profile
572    if isinstance(api_version_obj, SDKProfile):
573        api_version_obj = api_version_obj.profile.get(operation_group or '', api_version_obj.default_api_version)
574    return _validate_api_version(api_version_obj, min_api, max_api)
577def supported_resource_type(api_profile, resource_type):
578    if api_profile == 'latest' or resource_type is None:
579        return True
580    try:
581        return bool(AZURE_API_PROFILES[api_profile][resource_type])
582    except KeyError:
583        return False
586def _get_attr(sdk_path, mod_attr_path, checked=True):
587    try:
588        attr_mod, attr_path = mod_attr_path.split('#') \
589            if '#' in mod_attr_path else (mod_attr_path, '')
590        full_mod_path = '{}.{}'.format(sdk_path, attr_mod) if attr_mod else sdk_path
591        op = import_module(full_mod_path)
592        if attr_path:
593            # Only load attributes if needed
594            for part in attr_path.split('.'):
595                op = getattr(op, part)
596        return op
597    except (ImportError, AttributeError) as ex:
598        import traceback
599        logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
600        if checked:
601            return None
602        raise ex
605def get_client_class(resource_type):
606    return _get_attr(resource_type.import_prefix, '#' + resource_type.client_name)
609def get_versioned_sdk_path(api_profile, resource_type, operation_group=None):
610    """ Patch the unversioned sdk path to include the appropriate API version for the
611        resource type in question.
612        e.g. Converts azure.mgmt.storage.operations.storage_accounts_operations to
613                      azure.mgmt.storage.v2016_12_01.operations.storage_accounts_operations
614                      azure.keyvault.v7_0.models.KeyVault
615    """
616    api_version = get_api_version(api_profile, resource_type)
617    if api_version is None:
618        return resource_type.import_prefix
619    if isinstance(api_version, _ApiVersions):
620        if operation_group is None:
621            raise ValueError("operation_group is required for resource type '{}'".format(resource_type))
622        api_version = getattr(api_version, operation_group)
623    return '{}.v{}'.format(resource_type.import_prefix, api_version.replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_'))
626def get_versioned_sdk(api_profile, resource_type, *attr_args, **kwargs):
627    checked = kwargs.get('checked', True)
628    sub_mod_prefix = kwargs.get('mod', None)
629    operation_group = kwargs.get('operation_group', None)
630    sdk_path = get_versioned_sdk_path(api_profile, resource_type, operation_group)
631    if not attr_args:
632        # No attributes to load. Return the versioned sdk
633        return import_module(sdk_path)
634    results = []
635    for mod_attr_path in attr_args:
636        if sub_mod_prefix and '#' not in mod_attr_path:
637            mod_attr_path = '{}#{}'.format(sub_mod_prefix, mod_attr_path)
638        loaded_obj = _get_attr(sdk_path, mod_attr_path, checked)
639        results.append(loaded_obj)
640    return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results