1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) by Argonne National Laboratory
3  *     See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory
4  */
9 /* Error severity */
10 #define MPIR_ERR_FATAL 1
13 struct MPIR_Comm;
14 struct MPIR_Win;
16 /* Bindings for internal routines */
17 MPICH_API_PUBLIC int MPIR_Err_return_comm(struct MPIR_Comm *, const char[], int);
18 MPICH_API_PUBLIC int MPIR_Err_return_win(struct MPIR_Win *, const char[], int);
20 /* Only define if we have MPI_File */
21 MPICH_API_PUBLIC int MPIR_Err_return_file(MPI_File, const char[], int); /* Romio version */
22 #endif
23 /* FIXME:
24  * Update this description to match the current version of the routine,
25  * in particular, the pseudo-format types (even better, fix it so that
26  * the pseudo format types can work with the format attribute check).
27  */
28 /*@
29   MPIR_Err_create_code - Create an error code and associated message
30   to report an error
32   Input Parameters:
33 + lastcode - Previous error code (see notes)
34 . severity  - Indicates severity of error
35 . fcname - Name of the function in which the error has occurred.
36 . line  - Line number (usually '__LINE__')
37 . class - Error class
38 . generic_msg - A generic message to be used if not instance-specific
39  message is available
40 . instance_msg - A message containing printf-style formatting commands
41   that, when combined with the instance_parameters, specify an error
42   message containing instance-specific data.
43 - instance_parameters - The remaining parameters.  These must match
44  the formatting commands in 'instance_msg'.
46  Notes:
47  A typical use is\:
48 .vb
49    mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,
50                __func__, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_RANK,
51                "Invalid Rank", "Invalid rank %d", rank);
52 .ve
54   Predefined message may also be used.  Any message that uses the
55   prefix '"**"' will be looked up in a table.  This allows standardized
56   messages to be used for a message that is used in several different locations
57   in the code.  For example, the name '"**rank"' might be used instead of
58   '"Invalid Rank"'; this would also allow the message to be made more
59   specific and useful, such as
60 .vb
61    Invalid rank provided.  The rank must be between 0 and the 1 less than
62    the size of the communicator in this call.
63 .ve
64   This interface is compatible with the 'gettext' interface for
65   internationalization, in the sense that the 'generic_msg' and 'instance_msg'
66   may be used as arguments to 'gettext' to return a string in the appropriate
67   language; the implementation of 'MPID_Err_create_code' can then convert
68   this text into the appropriate code value.
70   The current set of formatting commands is undocumented and will change.
71   You may safely use '%d' and '%s' (though only use '%s' for names of
72   objects, not text messages, as using '%s' for a message breaks support for
73   internationalization.
75   This interface allows error messages to be chained together.  The first
76   argument is the last error code; if there is no previous error code,
77   use 'MPI_SUCCESS'.
79   Extended Format Specifiers:
80   In addition to the standard format specifies (e.g., %d for an int value),
81   MPIR_Err_create_code accepts some additional values that correspond to
82   various MPI types:
83 + i - an MPI rank; recognizes 'MPI_ANY_SOURCE', 'MPI_PROC_NULL', and
84       'MPI_ROOT'
85 . t - an MPI tag; recognizes 'MPI_ANY_TAG'.
86 . A - an MPI assert value.
87 . C - an MPI communicator.
88 . D - an MPI datatype.
89 . E - an MPI Errhandler.
90 . F - an MPI File object.
91 . G - an MPI Group.
92 . I - an MPI info object.
93 . O - an MPI Op.
94 . R - an MPI Request.
95 - W - an MPI Window object.
98   Module:
99   Error
101   @*/
102 MPICH_API_PUBLIC int MPIR_Err_create_code(int, int, const char[], int, int, const char[],
103                                           const char[], ...);
106 int MPIR_Err_create_code_valist(int, int, const char[], int, int, const char[], const char[],
107                                 va_list);
108 #endif
110 /*@
111   MPIR_Err_combine_codes - Combine two error codes, or more importantly
112   two lists of error messages.  The list associated with the second error
113   code is appended to the list associated with the first error code.  If
114   the list associated with the first error code has a dangling tail, which
115   is possible if the ring has wrapped and overwritten entries that were
116   once part of the list, then the append operation is not performed and
117   the error code for the first list is returned.
119   Input Parameter:
120 + errorcode1 - the error code associated with the first list
121 - errorcode2 - the error code associated with the second list
123   Return value:
124   An error code which resolves to the combined list of error messages
126   Notes:
127   If errorcode1 is equal to MPI_SUCCESS, then errorcode2 is returned.
128   Likewise, if errorcode2 is equal to MPI_SUCCESS, then errorcode1 is
129   returned.
131   Module:
132   Error
133   @*/
134 int MPIR_Err_combine_codes(int, int);
136 int MPIR_Err_is_fatal(int);
137 void MPIR_Err_init(void);
138 void MPIR_Err_preOrPostInit(void);
140 int MPIR_Err_set_msg(int code, const char *msg_string);
142 /* This routine is called when there is a fatal error. Now public because file
143  * error handling is defined in a separate file from comm and win, but all
144  * three need to call it */
145 void MPIR_Handle_fatal_error(struct MPIR_Comm *comm_ptr, const char fcname[], int errcode);
147 #define MPIR_ERR_CLASS_MASK 0x0000007f
148 #define MPIR_ERR_CLASS_SIZE 128
149 #define MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno_) (mpi_errno_ & MPIR_ERR_CLASS_MASK)
152 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
153 /* mpir_err.h */
154 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
156 /*
159 cvars:
160     - name        : MPIR_CVAR_COLL_ALIAS_CHECK
161       category    : COLLECTIVE
162       type        : int
163       default     : 1
164       class       : none
165       verbosity   : MPI_T_VERBOSITY_USER_BASIC
166       scope       : MPI_T_SCOPE_ALL_EQ
167       description : >-
168         Enable checking of aliasing in collective operations
171 */
173 /* Error checking (see --enable-error-checking for control of this) */
176 #define MPID_ERROR_LEVEL_ALL 1
178 /* Use MPID_ERROR_DECL to wrap declarations that are needed only when
179    error checking is turned on */
180 #define MPID_ERROR_DECL(a) a
187 #define MPID_BEGIN_ERROR_CHECKS if (MPIR_Process.do_error_checks) {
188 #define MPID_ELSE_ERROR_CHECKS }else{
190 #else
191 #error "Unknown value for error checking"
192 #endif
194 #else
197 #define MPID_ERROR_DECL(a)
198 #endif /* HAVE_ERROR_CHECKING */
200 /*
201  *  Standardized error checking macros.  These provide the correct tests for
202  *  common tests.  These set err with the encoded error value.
203  */
204 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_SEND_TAG(tag,err)                                  \
205     if ((tag) < 0 || (tag) > MPIR_Process.attrs.tag_ub) {               \
206         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
207                                    MPI_ERR_TAG, "**tag", "**tag %d", tag); \
208         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
209     }
211 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_RECV_TAG(tag,err)                                  \
212     if ((tag) < MPI_ANY_TAG || (tag) > MPIR_Process.attrs.tag_ub) {     \
213         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
214                                    MPI_ERR_TAG, "**tag", "**tag %d", tag); \
215         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
216     }
218 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_RANK(comm_ptr,rank,err)                            \
219     if ((rank) < 0 || (rank) >= (comm_ptr)->remote_size) {              \
220         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
221                                    MPI_ERR_RANK, "**rank", "**rank %d %d", rank, \
222                                    (comm_ptr)->remote_size);            \
223         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
224     }
226 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_SEND_RANK(comm_ptr,rank,err)                       \
227     if ((rank) < MPI_PROC_NULL || (rank) >= (comm_ptr)->remote_size) {  \
228         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
229                                    MPI_ERR_RANK, "**rank", "**rank %d %d", rank, \
230                                    (comm_ptr)->remote_size);            \
231         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
232     }
234 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_RECV_RANK(comm_ptr,rank,err)                       \
235     if ((rank) < MPI_ANY_SOURCE || (rank) >= (comm_ptr)->remote_size) { \
236         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
237                                    MPI_ERR_RANK, "**rank", "**rank %d %d", rank, \
238                                    (comm_ptr)->remote_size);            \
239         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
240     }
242 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_COUNT(count,err)                           \
243     if ((count) < 0) {                                          \
244         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                 \
245                                    MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,        \
246                                    __func__, __LINE__,            \
247                                    MPI_ERR_COUNT,               \
248                                    "**countneg",                \
249                                    "**countneg %d",             \
250                                    count);                      \
251         goto fn_fail;                                           \
252     }
254 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_DISP(disp,err)                             \
255     if ((disp) < 0) {                                           \
256         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                 \
257                                    MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,        \
258                                    __func__, __LINE__,            \
259                                    MPI_ERR_DISP,                \
260                                    "**rmadisp", 0);             \
261         goto fn_fail;                                           \
262     }
264 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ALIAS(ptr1,ptr2,err)                       \
265     if ((ptr1)==(ptr2) && (ptr1) != MPI_BOTTOM) {               \
266         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                 \
267                                    MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,        \
268                                    __func__, __LINE__,            \
269                                    MPI_ERR_BUFFER,              \
270                                    "**bufalias", 0);            \
271         goto fn_fail;                                           \
272     }
274 /* FIXME this test is probably too broad.  Comparing the (buffer,type,count)
275  * tuples is really what is needed to check for aliasing. */
276 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ALIAS_COLL(ptr1,ptr2,err)                  \
277     if (MPIR_CVAR_COLL_ALIAS_CHECK && (ptr1)==(ptr2)) {         \
278         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                 \
279                                    MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,        \
280                                    __func__, __LINE__,            \
281                                    MPI_ERR_BUFFER,              \
282                                    "**bufalias", 0);            \
283         goto fn_fail;                                           \
284     }
286 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNULL(arg,arg_name,err)                  \
287     if (!(arg)) {                                               \
288         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                 \
289                                    MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,        \
290                                    __func__, __LINE__,            \
291                                    MPI_ERR_ARG,                 \
292                                    "**nullptr",                 \
293                                    "**nullptr %s",              \
294                                    arg_name);                   \
295         goto fn_fail;                                           \
296     }
298 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNEG(arg,arg_name,err)                           \
299     if ((arg) < 0) {                                                    \
300         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,   \
301                                    __func__, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_ARG,       \
302                                    "**argneg",                          \
303                                    "**argneg %s %d", arg_name, arg);    \
304         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
305     }
307 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ARGNONPOS(arg,arg_name,err,errclass)       \
308     if ((arg) <= 0) {                                           \
309         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                 \
310                                    MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,        \
311                                    __func__, __LINE__,            \
312                                    errclass,                    \
313                                    "**argnonpos",               \
314                                    "**argnonpos %s %d",         \
315                                    arg_name, arg);              \
316         goto fn_fail;                                           \
317     }
319 /* An intracommunicator must have a root between 0 and local_size-1. */
320 /* intercomm can be between MPI_PROC_NULL (or MPI_ROOT) and remote_size-1 */
321 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_INTRA_ROOT(comm_ptr,root,err)                      \
322     if ((root) < 0 || (root) >= (comm_ptr)->local_size) {               \
323         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
324                                    MPI_ERR_ROOT, "**root", "**root %d", root); \
325         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
326     }
328 /* We use -2 (MPI_PROC_NULL and MPI_ROOT are negative) for the
329    intercomm test */
330 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_INTER_ROOT(comm_ptr,root,err)                      \
331     if ((root) < -3 || (root) >= (comm_ptr)->remote_size) {             \
332         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
333                                    MPI_ERR_ROOT, "**root", "**root %d", root); \
334         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
335     }
337 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_PERSISTENT(reqp,err)                               \
338     if ((reqp)->kind != MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__PREQUEST_SEND && (reqp)->kind != MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__PREQUEST_RECV) { \
339         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
340                                    MPI_ERR_REQUEST, "**requestnotpersist", 0); \
341         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
342     }
344 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_PERSISTENT_ACTIVE(reqp,err)                        \
345     if (((reqp)->kind == MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__PREQUEST_SEND ||            \
346          (reqp)->kind == MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__PREQUEST_RECV) && (reqp)->u.persist.real_request != NULL) { \
347         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
348                                    MPI_ERR_REQUEST, "**requestpersistactive", 0); \
349         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
350     }
352 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_COMM_INTRA(comm_ptr, err)                          \
353     if ((comm_ptr)->comm_kind != MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTRACOMM) {           \
354         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
355                                    MPI_ERR_COMM,"**commnotintra",0);    \
356         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
357     }
359 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_COMM_TAG(tag,err)                                  \
360     if ((tag) < 0 || (tag) > MPIR_Process.attrs.tag_ub) {               \
361         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
362                                    MPI_ERR_TAG, "**tag", "**tag %d", tag); \
363         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
364     }
366 /* Tests for totally meaningless datatypes first, then for
367  * MPI_DATATYPE_NULL as a separate case.
368  */
369 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_DATATYPE(datatype, name_, err_)                    \
370     {                                                                   \
371         if (HANDLE_GET_MPI_KIND(datatype) != MPIR_DATATYPE ||           \
372             (HANDLE_GET_KIND(datatype) == HANDLE_KIND_INVALID &&        \
373              datatype != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL))                            \
374         {                                                               \
375             err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                    \
376                                         MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,           \
377                                         __func__, __LINE__,               \
378                                         MPI_ERR_TYPE,                   \
379                                         "**dtype", 0);                  \
380             goto fn_fail;                                               \
381         }                                                               \
382         if (datatype == MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)                              \
383         {                                                               \
384             err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                    \
385                                         MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,           \
386                                         __func__, __LINE__,               \
387                                         MPI_ERR_TYPE,                   \
388                                         "**dtypenull",                  \
389                                         "**dtypenull %s",               \
390                                         name_);                         \
391             goto fn_fail;                                               \
392         }                                                               \
393     }
395 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_TYPE_RMA_ATOMIC(datatype_, err_)                   \
396     do {                                                                \
397         if (!MPIR_Type_is_rma_atomic(datatype_)) {                      \
398             err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                    \
399                                         MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,           \
400                                         __func__, __LINE__,               \
401                                         MPI_ERR_TYPE,                   \
402                                         "**rmatypenotatomic",           \
403                                         "**rmatypenotatomic %D",        \
404                                         datatype);                      \
405             goto fn_fail;                                               \
406         }                                                               \
407     } while (0)
409 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_WIN_FLAVOR(win_, flavor_, err_)            \
410     do {                                                        \
411         if ((win_)->create_flavor != (flavor_)) {               \
412             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT1((err_), MPI_ERR_RMA_FLAVOR,    \
413                                  goto fn_fail, "**winflavor",   \
414                                  "**winflavor %s", #flavor_);   \
415         }                                                       \
416     } while (0)
418 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_SENDBUF_INPLACE(sendbuf,count,err)                 \
419     if (count > 0 && sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {                         \
420         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
421                                    MPI_ERR_BUFFER, "**sendbuf_inplace", 0); \
422         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
423     }
425 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_RECVBUF_INPLACE(recvbuf,count,err)                 \
426     if (count > 0 && recvbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {                         \
427         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
428                                    MPI_ERR_BUFFER, "**recvbuf_inplace", 0); \
429         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
430     }
432 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_BUF_INPLACE(buf,count,err)                         \
433     if (count > 0 && buf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {                             \
434         err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, \
435                                    MPI_ERR_BUFFER, "**buf_inplace", 0); \
436         goto fn_fail;                                                   \
437     }
439 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_NAMED_BUF_INPLACE(buf, bufname, count, err)        \
440     do {                                                                \
441         if (count > 0 && buf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {                         \
442             MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP1(err, MPI_ERR_BUFFER, "**buf_inplace",  \
443                                  "**buf_inplace %s", bufname);          \
444         }                                                               \
445     } while (0)
447 /*
448  * Check that the triple (buf,count,datatype) does not specify a null
449  * buffer.  This does not guarantee that the buffer is valid but does
450  * catch the most common problems.
451  * Question:
452  * Should this be an (inlineable) routine?
453  * Since it involves extracting the datatype pointer for non-builtin
454  * datatypes, should it take a dtypeptr argument (valid only if not
455  * builtin)?
456  */
457 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_USERBUFFER(buf,count,dtype,err)                    \
458     if (count > 0 && buf == 0) {                                        \
459         int ferr = 0;                                                   \
460         if (HANDLE_IS_BUILTIN((dtype))) { ferr=1; }  \
461         else {                                                          \
462             MPI_Aint errsize;                                           \
463             MPIR_Datatype *errdtypeptr;                                 \
464             MPIR_Datatype_get_ptr(dtype,errdtypeptr);                   \
465             MPIR_Datatype_get_size_macro(dtype,errsize);                \
466             if (errdtypeptr && errdtypeptr->true_lb == 0 &&             \
467                 errsize > 0) { ferr=1; }                                \
468         }                                                               \
469         if (ferr) {                                                     \
470             err = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,                     \
471                                        MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,            \
472                                        __func__, __LINE__,                \
473                                        MPI_ERR_BUFFER,                  \
474                                        "**bufnull", 0);                 \
475             goto fn_fail;                                               \
476         }                                                               \
477     }
479 /* The following are placeholders.  We haven't decided yet whether these
480    should take a handle or pointer, or if they should take a handle and return
481    a pointer if the handle is valid.  These need to be rationalized with the
482    MPID_xxx_valid_ptr and MPID_xxx_get_ptr.
484    [BRT] They should not take a handle and return a pointer if they will be
485    placed inside of a #ifdef HAVE_ERROR_CHECKING block.  Personally, I think
486    the macros should take handles.  We already have macros for validating
487    pointers to various objects.
488 */
489 /* --BEGIN ERROR MACROS-- */
490 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE(handle_,kind_,err_,errclass_,gmsg_) { \
491         if (HANDLE_GET_MPI_KIND(handle_) != kind_ ||                    \
492             HANDLE_GET_KIND(handle_) == HANDLE_KIND_INVALID) {          \
493             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,errclass_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_);     \
494         }                                                               \
495     }
496 /* --END ERROR MACROS-- */
498 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_OP(op,err)                                         \
499     do {                                                                \
500         if (op == MPI_OP_NULL) {                                        \
501             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err,MPI_ERR_OP,goto fn_fail,"**opnull"); \
502         }                                                               \
503         else if (op == MPI_NO_OP || op == MPI_REPLACE) {                \
504             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err,MPI_ERR_OP,goto fn_fail,"**opnotallowed"); \
505         }                                                               \
506         else {                                                          \
507             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE(op,MPIR_OP,err,MPI_ERR_OP,"**op"); \
508         }                                                               \
509     } while (0)
511 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_OP_ACC(op,err)                                     \
512     do {                                                                \
513         if (op == MPI_OP_NULL) {                                        \
514             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err,MPI_ERR_OP,goto fn_fail,"**opnull"); \
515         }                                                               \
516         else if (op == MPI_NO_OP) {                                     \
517             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err,MPI_ERR_OP,goto fn_fail,"**opnotallowed"); \
518         }                                                               \
519         else {                                                          \
520             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE(op,MPIR_OP,err,MPI_ERR_OP,"**op"); \
521         }                                                               \
522         if (!HANDLE_IS_BUILTIN((op))) {               \
523             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err,MPI_ERR_OP,goto fn_fail,"**opnotpredefined"); \
524         }                                                               \
525     } while (0)
527 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_OP_GACC(op,err)                                    \
528     do {                                                                \
529         if (op == MPI_OP_NULL) {                                        \
530             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err,MPI_ERR_OP,goto fn_fail,"**opnull"); \
531         }                                                               \
532         else {                                                          \
533             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE(op,MPIR_OP,err,MPI_ERR_OP,"**op"); \
534         }                                                               \
535         if (!HANDLE_IS_BUILTIN((op))) {               \
536             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err,MPI_ERR_OP,goto fn_fail,"**opnotpredefined"); \
537         }                                                               \
538     } while (0)
540 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_GROUP(group,err)                                   \
541     if (group == MPI_GROUP_NULL) {                                      \
542         MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err,MPI_ERR_GROUP,goto fn_fail,"**groupnull"); \
543     }                                                                   \
544     else {                                                              \
545         MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE(group,MPIR_GROUP,err,MPI_ERR_GROUP,"**group"); \
546     }
548 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_COMM(comm_, err_)                                  \
549     {                                                                   \
550         if ((comm_) == MPI_COMM_NULL)                                   \
551         {                                                               \
552             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT((err_), MPI_ERR_COMM,goto fn_fail,"**commnull"); \
553         }                                                               \
554         else                                                            \
555         {                                                               \
556             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE((comm_), MPIR_COMM, (err_), MPI_ERR_COMM, "**comm"); \
557         }                                                               \
558     }
560 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_WIN(win_, err_)                                    \
561     {                                                                   \
562         if ((win_) == MPI_WIN_NULL)                                     \
563         {                                                               \
564             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT((err_), MPI_ERR_WIN,goto fn_fail, "**winnull"); \
565         }                                                               \
566         else                                                            \
567         {                                                               \
568             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE((win_), MPIR_WIN, (err_), MPI_ERR_WIN, "**win"); \
569         }                                                               \
570     }
572 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_REQUEST(request_, err_)                            \
573     {                                                                   \
574         if ((request_) == MPI_REQUEST_NULL)                             \
575         {                                                               \
576             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT((err_), MPI_ERR_REQUEST,goto fn_fail, "**requestnull"); \
577         }                                                               \
578         else                                                            \
579         {                                                               \
580             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE((request_), MPIR_REQUEST, (err_), MPI_ERR_REQUEST, "**request"); \
581         }                                                               \
582     }
584 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_REQUEST_OR_NULL(request_, err_)                    \
585     {                                                                   \
586         if ((request_) != MPI_REQUEST_NULL)                             \
587         {                                                               \
588             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE((request_), MPIR_REQUEST, (err_), MPI_ERR_REQUEST, "**request"); \
589         }                                                               \
590     }
592 /* This macro does *NOT* jump to fn_fail - all uses check mpi_errno */
593 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ARRAYREQUEST_OR_NULL(request_, i_, err_)           \
594     {                                                                   \
595         if ((request_) != MPI_REQUEST_NULL)                             \
596         {                                                               \
597             if (HANDLE_GET_MPI_KIND(request_) != MPIR_REQUEST) {        \
598                 MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT2(err_,MPI_ERR_REQUEST,goto fn_fail, \
599                                      "**request_invalid_kind","**request_invalid_kind %d %d", \
600                                      i_, HANDLE_GET_MPI_KIND(request_)); \
601             }                                                           \
602             else if (HANDLE_GET_KIND(request_) == HANDLE_KIND_INVALID) { \
603                 MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT1(err_,MPI_ERR_REQUEST,goto fn_fail, \
604                                      "**request","**request %d", i_);   \
605             }                                                           \
606         }                                                               \
607     }
609 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ERRHANDLER(errhandler_,err_)                       \
610     if (errhandler_ == MPI_ERRHANDLER_NULL) {                           \
611         MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,MPI_ERR_ARG,goto fn_fail,"**errhandlernull"); \
612     }                                                                   \
613     else {                                                              \
614         MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE(errhandler_,MPIR_ERRHANDLER,          \
615                                   err_,MPI_ERR_ARG,"**errhandler");     \
616     }
618 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_INFO(info_, err_)                                  \
619     {                                                                   \
620         if ((info_) == MPI_INFO_NULL)                                   \
621         {                                                               \
622             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_ERR_ARG,goto fn_fail, "**infonull"); \
623         }                                                               \
624         else                                                            \
625         {                                                               \
626             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE((info_), MPIR_INFO, (err_), MPI_ERR_ARG, "**info"); \
627         }                                                               \
628     }
630 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_INFO_OR_NULL(info_, err_)                          \
631     {                                                                   \
632         if ((info_) != MPI_INFO_NULL)                                   \
633         {                                                               \
634             MPIR_ERRTEST_VALID_HANDLE((info_), MPIR_INFO, (err_), MPI_ERR_ARG, "**info"); \
635         }                                                               \
636     }
638 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_KEYVAL(keyval_, object_, objectdesc_, err_)        \
639     {                                                                   \
640         if ((keyval_) == MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID)                            \
641         {                                                               \
642             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_ERR_KEYVAL,goto fn_fail, "**keyvalinvalid"); \
643         }                                                               \
644         else if (HANDLE_GET_MPI_KIND(keyval_) != MPIR_KEYVAL)           \
645         {                                                               \
646             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_ERR_KEYVAL,goto fn_fail, "**keyval"); \
647         }                                                               \
648         else if ((((keyval_) & 0x03c00000) >> 22) != (object_))         \
649         {                                                               \
650             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT1(err_, MPI_ERR_KEYVAL,goto fn_fail, "**keyvalobj", \
651                                  "**keyvalobj %s", (objectdesc_));      \
652         }                                                               \
653     }
655 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_KEYVAL_PERM(keyval_, err_)                         \
656     {                                                                   \
657         if (HANDLE_GET_MPI_KIND(keyval_) == MPIR_KEYVAL &&              \
658             HANDLE_IS_BUILTIN((keyval_)))            \
659         {                                                               \
660             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_ERR_KEYVAL,goto fn_fail, "**permattr"); \
661         }                                                               \
662     }
665 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_MPIT_INITIALIZED(err_)                             \
666     do {                                                                \
667         if (!MPIR_T_is_initialized()) {                                 \
668             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED, goto fn_fail, "**mpitinit"); \
669         }                                                               \
670     } while (0)
671 #else
673 #endif
675 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_CAT_INDEX(index_,err_)                             \
676     do {                                                                \
677         if ((index_) < 0 || ((unsigned) index_) >= utarray_len(cat_table)) \
678         {                                                               \
679             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_INDEX, goto fn_fail, "**catindex"); \
680         }                                                               \
681     } while (0)
683 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ENUM_HANDLE(handle_, err_)                         \
684     do {                                                                \
685         if ((handle_) == MPI_T_ENUM_NULL)                               \
686         {                                                               \
687             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, goto fn_fail, "**enumhandlenull"); \
688         }                                                               \
689         else if ((handle_)->kind != MPIR_T_ENUM_HANDLE)                 \
690         {                                                               \
691             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, goto fn_fail, "**enumhandle"); \
692         }                                                               \
693     } while (0)
695 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_ENUM_ITEM(enum_, index_, err_)                     \
696     do {                                                                \
697         if ((index_) < 0 || ((unsigned) index_) >= utarray_len((enum_)->items)) \
698         {                                                               \
699             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_ITEM, goto fn_fail, "**itemindex"); \
700         }                                                               \
701     } while (0)
703 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_CVAR_INDEX(index_,err_)                            \
704     do {                                                                \
705         if ((index_) < 0 || ((unsigned) index_) >= utarray_len(cvar_table)) \
706         {                                                               \
707             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_INDEX, goto fn_fail, "**cvarindex"); \
708         }                                                               \
709     } while (0)
711 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_CVAR_HANDLE(handle_, err_)                         \
712     do {                                                                \
713         if ((handle_) == MPI_T_CVAR_HANDLE_NULL)                        \
714         {                                                               \
715             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, goto fn_fail, "**cvarhandlenull"); \
716         }                                                               \
717         else if ((handle_)->kind != MPIR_T_CVAR_HANDLE)                 \
718         {                                                               \
719             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, goto fn_fail, "**cvarhandle"); \
720         }                                                               \
721     } while (0)
723 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_PVAR_INDEX(index_,err_)                            \
724     do {                                                                \
725         if ((index_) < 0 || ((unsigned) index_) >= utarray_len(pvar_table)) \
726         {                                                               \
727             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_INDEX, goto fn_fail, "**pvarindex"); \
728         }                                                               \
729     } while (0)
731 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_PVAR_HANDLE(handle_, err_)                         \
732     do {                                                                \
733         if (handle_ == MPI_T_PVAR_HANDLE_NULL)                          \
734         {                                                               \
735             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, goto fn_fail,"**pvarhandlenull"); \
736         }                                                               \
737         else if ((handle_)->kind != MPIR_T_PVAR_HANDLE)                 \
738         {                                                               \
739             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, goto fn_fail, "**pvarhandle"); \
740         }                                                               \
741     } while (0)
743 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_PVAR_SESSION(session_,err_)                        \
744     do {                                                                \
745         if ((session_) == MPI_T_PVAR_SESSION_NULL)                      \
746         {                                                               \
747             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_SESSION, goto fn_fail,"**pvarsessionnull"); \
748         }                                                               \
749         else if ((session_)->kind != MPIR_T_PVAR_SESSION)               \
750         {                                                               \
751             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_, MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_SESSION, goto fn_fail, "**pvarsession"); \
752         }                                                               \
753     } while (0)
755 /* some simple memcpy aliasing checks */
756 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKMEMCPYANDSTMT(err_,stmt_,src_,dst_,len_)            \
757     MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT3(MPIR_MEM_RANGES_OVERLAP((dst_),(len_),(src_),(len_)),err_,MPI_ERR_INTERN,stmt_,"**memcpyalias","**memcpyalias %p %p %L",(src_),(dst_),(long long)(len_))
758 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKMEMCPYANDJUMP(err_,src_,dst_,len_)                  \
759     MPIR_ERR_CHKMEMCPYANDSTMT((err_),goto fn_fail,(src_),(dst_),(len_))
761 /* Special MPI error "class/code" for out of memory */
762 /* FIXME: not yet done */
765 /*
766  * Standardized error setting and checking macros
767  * These are intended to simplify the insertion of standardized error
768  * checks
769  *
770  */
771 /* --BEGIN ERROR MACROS-- */
773 #define MPIR_ERR_POP(err_) \
774     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,MPI_ERR_OTHER,goto fn_fail,"**fail")
775 #define MPIR_ERR_POP_LABEL(err_, label_) \
776     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,MPI_ERR_OTHER,goto label_,"**fail")
777 #define MPIR_ERR_POPFATAL(err_) \
778     MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT(err_,MPI_ERR_OTHER,goto fn_fail,"**fail")
779 #define MPIR_ERR_POPFATAL_LABEL(err_, label_)                           \
780     MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT(err_,MPI_ERR_OTHER,goto label_,"**fail")
781 #define MPIR_ERR_CHECK(err_) \
782     if (unlikely(err_)) MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,MPI_ERR_OTHER,goto fn_fail,"**fail")
783 #else
784 #define MPIR_ERR_POP(err_) goto fn_fail
785 #define MPIR_ERR_POP_LABEL(err_, label_) goto label_
786 #define MPIR_ERR_POPFATAL(err_) goto fn_fail
787 #define MPIR_ERR_POPFATAL_LABEL(err_, label_) goto label_
788 #define MPIR_ERR_CHECK(err_) if (unlikely(err_)) goto fn_fail
789 #endif
791 /* If you add any macros to this list, make sure that you update
792  maint/extracterrmsgs to handle the additional macros (see the hash
793  KnownErrRoutines in that script)
794  ERR_SETSIMPLE is like ERR_SET except that it just sets the error, it
795  doesn't add it to an existing error.  This is appropriate in cases
796  where there can be no pre-existing error, and MPI_SUCCESS is needed for the
797  first argument to MPIR_Err_create_code .
798 */
800 #define MPIR_ERR_SETSIMPLE(err_,class_,msg_)                            \
801     err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__, \
802                                 __LINE__, class_, msg_, 0)
803 #define MPIR_ERR_SET(err_,class_,msg_)                                  \
804     err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__,       \
805                                 __LINE__, class_, msg_, 0)
806 #define MPIR_ERR_SET1(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)                    \
807     err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__,       \
808                                 __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_)
809 #define MPIR_ERR_SET2(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)              \
810     err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__,       \
811                                 __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_, arg2_)
812 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,msg_)                     \
813     do {                                                                \
814         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__,   \
815                                     __LINE__, class_, msg_, 0);         \
816         assert(err_);                                                   \
817         stmt_ ;                                                         \
818     } while (0)
819 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT1(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)       \
820     do {                                                                \
821         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__,   \
822                                     __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_); \
823         assert(err_);                                                   \
824         stmt_ ;                                                         \
825     } while (0)
826 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT2(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
827     do {                                                                \
828         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__,   \
829                                     __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_, arg2_); \
830         assert(err_);                                                   \
831         stmt_ ;                                                         \
832     } while (0)
833 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT3(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_, arg3_) \
834     do {                                                                \
835         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__,   \
836                                     __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_, arg2_, arg3_); \
837         assert(err_);                                                   \
838         stmt_ ;                                                         \
839     } while (0)
840 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT4(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_, arg3_, arg4_) \
841     do {                                                                \
842         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,__func__,   \
843                                     __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_, \
844                                     arg2_, arg3_, arg4_); \
845         assert(err_);                                                   \
846         stmt_ ;                                                         \
847     } while (0)
849 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALSIMPLE(err_,class_,msg_)                       \
850     err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,      \
851                                 __LINE__, class_, msg_, 0)
852 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATAL(err_,class_,msg_)                     \
853     err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,     \
854                                 __LINE__, class_, msg_, 0)
855 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATAL1(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)               \
856     err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,             \
857                                 __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_)
858 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATAL2(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)         \
859     err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,             \
860                                 __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_, arg2_)
861 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,msg_)                \
862     do {                                                                \
863         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,         \
864                                     __LINE__, class_, msg_, 0); stmt_ ; \
865     } while (0)
866 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT1(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)  \
867     do {                                                                \
868         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,         \
869                                     __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_); stmt_ ; \
870     } while (0)
871 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT2(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
872     do {                                                                \
873         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,         \
874                                     __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_, arg2_); stmt_ ; \
875     } while (0)
876 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT3(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_, arg3_) \
877     do {                                                                \
878         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,         \
879                                     __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_, arg2_, arg3_); stmt_ ; \
880     } while (0)
881 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT4(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_, arg3_, arg4_) \
882     do {                                                                \
883         err_ = MPIR_Err_create_code(err_,MPIR_ERR_FATAL,__func__,         \
884                                     __LINE__, class_, gmsg_, smsg_, arg1_, arg2_, arg3_, arg4_); stmt_ ; \
885     } while (0)
886 #define MPIR_ERR_ADD(err_, newerr_)                             \
887     do {                                                        \
888         (err_) = MPIR_Err_combine_codes((err_), (newerr_));     \
889     } while (0)
890 #else
891 /* Simply set the class, being careful not to override a previously
892    set class. */
893 #define MPIR_ERR_SETSIMPLE(err_,class_,msg_)    \
894     do {                                        \
895         err_ = class_;                          \
896     } while (0)
897 #define MPIR_ERR_SET(err_,class_,msg_)          \
898     do {                                        \
899         if (!err_) {                            \
900             err_=class_;                        \
901         }                                       \
902     } while (0)
903 #define MPIR_ERR_SET1(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)    \
904     MPIR_ERR_SET(err_,class_,msg_)
905 #define MPIR_ERR_SET2(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)      \
906     MPIR_ERR_SET(err_,class_,msg_)
907 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,msg_)     \
908     do {                                                \
909         if (!err_) {                                    \
910             err_ = class_;                              \
911         }                                               \
912         stmt_;                                          \
913     } while (0)
914 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT1(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)       \
915     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_)
916 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT2(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
917     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_)
918 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT3(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_) \
919     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_)
920 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT4(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_) \
921     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_)
923 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALSIMPLE(err_,class_,msg_)       \
924     do {                                                \
925         err_ = class_;                                  \
926     } while (0)
927 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATAL(err_,class_,msg_)     \
928     do {                                        \
929         if (!err_) {                            \
930             err_=class_;                        \
931         }                                       \
932     } while (0)
933 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATAL1(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)       \
934     MPIR_ERR_SET(err_,class_,msg_)
935 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATAL2(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
936     MPIR_ERR_SET(err_,class_,msg_)
937 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,msg_)        \
938     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,msg_)
939 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT1(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)  \
940     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_)
941 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT2(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
942     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_)
943 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT3(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_) \
944     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_)
945 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT4(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_) \
946     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_)
947     /* No-op - use original error class; discard newerr_ unless err is
948      * MPI_SUCCESS */
949 #define MPIR_ERR_ADD(err_, newerr_)             \
950     do {                                        \
951         if (!err_)                              \
952             err_ = newerr_;                     \
953     } while (0)
954 #endif
956 /* The following definitions are the same independent of the choice of
958 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(err_,class_,msg_)           \
959     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,msg_)
960 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP(err_,class_,msg_)              \
961     MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,msg_)
962 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,msg_)       \
963     do {                                                        \
964         if (cond_) {                                            \
965             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,msg_);        \
966         }                                                       \
967     } while (0)
968 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,msg_)  \
969     do {                                                        \
970         if (cond_) {                                            \
971             MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT(err_,class_,stmt_,msg_);   \
972         }                                                       \
973     } while (0)
974 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(cond_,err_,class_,msg_)             \
975     MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,msg_)
976 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDJUMP(cond_,err_,class_,msg_)                \
977     MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,msg_)
979 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP1(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)             \
980     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT1(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)
981 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP1(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)        \
982     MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT1(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)
983 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT1(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_) \
984     do {                                                                \
985         if (cond_) {                                                    \
986             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT1(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_);  \
987         }                                                               \
988     } while (0)
989 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT1(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_) \
990     do {                                                                \
991         if (cond_) {                                                    \
992             MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT1(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_); \
993         }                                                               \
994     } while (0)
995 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(cond_,err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)       \
996     MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT1(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)
997 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDJUMP1(cond_,err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)  \
998     MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT1(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_)
1000 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP2(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)       \
1001     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT2(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)
1002 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP2(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)  \
1003     MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT2(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)
1004 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT2(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
1005     do {                                                                \
1006         if (cond_) {                                                    \
1007             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT2(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_); \
1008         }                                                               \
1009     } while (0)
1010 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT2(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
1011     do {                                                                \
1012         if (cond_) {                                                    \
1013             MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT2(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_); \
1014         }                                                               \
1015     } while (0)
1016 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP2(cond_,err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
1017     MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT2(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)
1018 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDJUMP2(cond_,err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_) \
1019     MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT2(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_)
1021 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP3(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_) \
1022     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT3(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_)
1023 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP3(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_) \
1024     MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT3(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_)
1025 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT3(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_) \
1026     do {                                                                \
1027         if (cond_) {                                                    \
1028             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT3(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_); \
1029         }                                                               \
1030     } while (0)
1031 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT3(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_) \
1032     do {                                                                \
1033         if (cond_) {                                                    \
1034             MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT3(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_); \
1035         }                                                               \
1036     } while (0)
1037 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP3(cond_,err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_) \
1038     MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT3(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_)
1039 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDJUMP3(cond_,err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_) \
1040     MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT3(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_)
1042 #define MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP4(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_) \
1043     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT4(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_)
1044 #define MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP4(err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_) \
1045     MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT4(err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_)
1046 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT4(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_, arg4_) \
1047     do {                                                                \
1048         if (cond_) {                                                    \
1049             MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT4(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_); \
1050         }                                                               \
1051     } while (0)
1052 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT4(cond_,err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_, arg4_) \
1053     do {                                                                \
1054         if (cond_) {                                                    \
1055             MPIR_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT4(err_,class_,stmt_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_); \
1056         }                                                               \
1057     } while (0)
1058 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP4(cond_,err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_) \
1059     MPIR_ERR_CHKANDSTMT4(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_)
1060 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDJUMP4(cond_,err_,class_,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_) \
1061     MPIR_ERR_CHKFATALANDSTMT4(cond_,err_,class_,goto fn_fail,gmsg_,smsg_,arg1_,arg2_,arg3_,arg4_)
1063 #define MPIR_ERR_INTERNAL(err_, msg_)                                   \
1064     MPIR_ERR_SETFATAL1(err_, MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**intern", "**intern %s", msg_)
1065 #define MPIR_ERR_INTERNALANDSTMT(err_, msg_, stmt_)                     \
1066     MPIR_ERR_SETANDSTMT1(err_, MPI_ERR_INTERN, stmt_, "**intern", "**intern %s", msg_)
1067 #define MPIR_ERR_INTERNALANDJUMP(err_, msg_)            \
1068     MPIR_ERR_INTERNALANDSTMT(err_, msg_, goto fn_fail)
1069 #define MPIR_ERR_CHKINTERNAL(cond_, err_, msg_)         \
1070     do {                                                \
1071         if (cond_)                                      \
1072             MPIR_ERR_INTERNALANDJUMP(err_, msg_);       \
1073     } while (0)
1075 /* --END ERROR MACROS-- */
1077 /*
1078  * Special case for "is initialized".
1079  * This should be used in cases where there is no
1080  * additional error checking
1081  */
1083 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_INITIALIZED_ORDIE()                                \
1084     do {                                                                \
1085         if (MPL_atomic_load_int(&MPIR_Process.mpich_state) == MPICH_MPI_STATE__PRE_INIT || \
1086             MPL_atomic_load_int(&MPIR_Process.mpich_state) == MPICH_MPI_STATE__POST_FINALIZED) \
1087             {                                                           \
1088                 MPIR_Err_preOrPostInit();                               \
1089             }                                                           \
1090     } while (0)
1091 #else
1092 #define MPIR_ERRTEST_INITIALIZED_ORDIE() do {} while (0)
1093 #endif
1095 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1096 /* end of mpir_err.h */
1097 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1099 #endif /* MPIR_ERR_H_INCLUDED */