1 /**
2  * @file
3  * Representation of a mailbox
4  *
5  * @authors
6  * Copyright (C) 1996-2000,2010,2013 Michael R. Elkins <me@mutt.org>
7  * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Richard Russon <rich@flatcap.org>
8  *
9  * @copyright
10  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11  * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
12  * Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
13  * version.
14  *
15  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
18  * details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
21  * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22  */
27 #include "config.h"
28 #include <stdbool.h>
29 #include <stdint.h>
30 #include <sys/types.h>
31 #include <time.h>
32 #include "mutt/lib.h"
34 struct ConfigSubset;
35 struct Email;
37 #define MB_NORMAL 0
38 #define MB_HIDDEN 1
40 /**
41  * enum MailboxType - Supported mailbox formats
42  */
43 enum MailboxType
44 {
45   MUTT_MAILBOX_ANY = -2,   ///< Match any Mailbox type
46   MUTT_MAILBOX_ERROR = -1, ///< Error occurred examining Mailbox
47   MUTT_UNKNOWN = 0,        ///< Mailbox wasn't recognised
48   MUTT_MBOX,               ///< 'mbox' Mailbox type
49   MUTT_MMDF,               ///< 'mmdf' Mailbox type
50   MUTT_MH,                 ///< 'MH' Mailbox type
51   MUTT_MAILDIR,            ///< 'Maildir' Mailbox type
52   MUTT_NNTP,               ///< 'NNTP' (Usenet) Mailbox type
53   MUTT_IMAP,               ///< 'IMAP' Mailbox type
54   MUTT_NOTMUCH,            ///< 'Notmuch' (virtual) Mailbox type
55   MUTT_POP,                ///< 'POP3' Mailbox type
56   MUTT_COMPRESSED,         ///< Compressed file Mailbox type
57 };
59 /**
60  * ACL Rights - These show permission to...
61  */
62 typedef uint16_t AclFlags;          ///< Flags, e.g. #MUTT_ACL_ADMIN
63 #define MUTT_ACL_NO_FLAGS       0   ///< No flags are set
64 #define MUTT_ACL_ADMIN   (1 <<  0)  ///< Administer the account (get/set permissions)
65 #define MUTT_ACL_CREATE  (1 <<  1)  ///< Create a mailbox
66 #define MUTT_ACL_DELETE  (1 <<  2)  ///< Delete a message
67 #define MUTT_ACL_DELMX   (1 <<  3)  ///< Delete a mailbox
68 #define MUTT_ACL_EXPUNGE (1 <<  4)  ///< Expunge messages
69 #define MUTT_ACL_INSERT  (1 <<  5)  ///< Add/copy into the mailbox (used when editing a message)
70 #define MUTT_ACL_LOOKUP  (1 <<  6)  ///< Lookup mailbox (visible to 'list')
71 #define MUTT_ACL_POST    (1 <<  7)  ///< Post (submit messages to the server)
72 #define MUTT_ACL_READ    (1 <<  8)  ///< Read the mailbox
73 #define MUTT_ACL_SEEN    (1 <<  9)  ///< Change the 'seen' status of a message
74 #define MUTT_ACL_WRITE   (1 << 10)  ///< Write to a message (for flagging or linking threads)
76 #define MUTT_ACL_ALL    ((1 << 11) - 1)
78 /**
79  * struct Mailbox - A mailbox
80  */
81 struct Mailbox
82 {
83   struct Buffer pathbuf;              ///< Path of the Mailbox
84   char *realpath;                     ///< Used for duplicate detection, context comparison, and the sidebar
85   char *name;                         ///< A short name for the Mailbox
86   struct ConfigSubset *sub;           ///< Inherited config items
87   off_t size;                         ///< Size of the Mailbox
88   bool has_new;                       ///< Mailbox has new mail
90   // These next three are only set when MailCheckStats is set
91   int msg_count;                      ///< Total number of messages
92   int msg_unread;                     ///< Number of unread messages
93   int msg_flagged;                    ///< Number of flagged messages
95   int msg_new;                        ///< Number of new messages
96   int msg_deleted;                    ///< Number of deleted messages
97   int msg_tagged;                     ///< How many messages are tagged?
99   struct Email **emails;              ///< Array of Emails
100   int email_max;                      ///< Number of pointers in emails
101   int *v2r;                           ///< Mapping from virtual to real msgno
102   int vcount;                         ///< The number of virtual messages
104   bool notified;                      ///< User has been notified
105   enum MailboxType type;              ///< Mailbox type
106   bool newly_created;                 ///< Mbox or mmdf just popped into existence
107   struct timespec mtime;              ///< Time Mailbox was last changed
108   struct timespec last_visited;       ///< Time of last exit from this mailbox
109   struct timespec stats_last_checked; ///< Mtime of mailbox the last time stats where checked.
111   const struct MxOps *mx_ops;         ///< MXAPI callback functions
113   bool append                 : 1;    ///< Mailbox is opened in append mode
114   bool changed                : 1;    ///< Mailbox has been modified
115   bool dontwrite              : 1;    ///< Don't write the mailbox on close
116   bool first_check_stats_done : 1;    ///< True when the check have been done at least on time
117   bool peekonly               : 1;    ///< Just taking a glance, revert atime
118   bool verbose                : 1;    ///< Display status messages?
119   bool readonly               : 1;    ///< Don't allow changes to the mailbox
121   AclFlags rights;                    ///< ACL bits, see #AclFlags
123 #ifdef USE_COMP_MBOX
124   void *compress_info;                ///< Compressed mbox module private data
125 #endif
127   struct HashTable *id_hash;          ///< Hash Table by msg id
128   struct HashTable *subj_hash;        ///< Hash Table by subject
129   struct HashTable *label_hash;       ///< Hash Table for x-labels
131   struct Account *account;            ///< Account that owns this Mailbox
132   int opened;                         ///< Number of times mailbox is opened
134   uint8_t flags;                      ///< e.g. #MB_NORMAL
136   void *mdata;                        ///< Driver specific data
138   /**
139    * mdata_free - Free the private data attached to the Mailbox
140    * @param ptr Private data to be freed
141    *
142    * **Contract**
143    * - @a ptr  is not NULL
144    * - @a *ptr is not NULL
145    */
146   void (*mdata_free)(void **ptr);
148   struct Notify *notify;              ///< Notifications: #NotifyMailbox, #EventMailbox
150   int gen;                            ///< Generation number, for sorting
151 };
153 /**
154  * struct MailboxNode - List of Mailboxes
155  */
156 struct MailboxNode
157 {
158   struct Mailbox *mailbox;           ///< Mailbox in the list
159   STAILQ_ENTRY(MailboxNode) entries; ///< Linked list
160 };
161 STAILQ_HEAD(MailboxList, MailboxNode);
163 /**
164  * enum NotifyMailbox - Types of Mailbox Event
165  *
166  * Observers of #NT_MAILBOX will be passed an #EventMailbox.
167  *
168  * @note Delete notifications are sent **before** the object is deleted.
169  * @note Other notifications are sent **after** the event.
170  */
171 enum NotifyMailbox
172 {
173   NT_MAILBOX_ADD = 1,    ///< Mailbox has been added
174   NT_MAILBOX_DELETE,     ///< Mailbox is about to be deleted
175   NT_MAILBOX_DELETE_ALL, ///< All Mailboxes are about to be deleted
176   NT_MAILBOX_CHANGE,     ///< Mailbox has been changed
178   /* These don't really belong here as they are tied to GUI operations.
179    * Eventually, they'll be eliminated. */
180   NT_MAILBOX_INVALID,    ///< Email list was changed
181   NT_MAILBOX_RESORT,     ///< Email list needs resorting
182   NT_MAILBOX_SWITCH,     ///< Current Mailbox has changed
183   NT_MAILBOX_UPDATE,     ///< Update internal tables
184   NT_MAILBOX_UNTAG,      ///< Clear the 'last-tagged' pointer
185 };
187 /**
188  * struct EventMailbox - An Event that happened to a Mailbox
189  */
190 struct EventMailbox
191 {
192   struct Mailbox *mailbox; ///< The Mailbox this Event relates to
193 };
195 void            mailbox_changed   (struct Mailbox *m, enum NotifyMailbox action);
196 struct Mailbox *mailbox_find      (const char *path);
197 struct Mailbox *mailbox_find_name (const char *name);
198 void            mailbox_free      (struct Mailbox **ptr);
199 int             mailbox_gen       (void);
200 struct Mailbox *mailbox_new       (void);
201 bool            mailbox_set_subset(struct Mailbox *m, struct ConfigSubset *sub);
202 void            mailbox_size_add  (struct Mailbox *m, const struct Email *e);
203 void            mailbox_size_sub  (struct Mailbox *m, const struct Email *e);
204 void            mailbox_update    (struct Mailbox *m);
205 void            mailbox_gc_add    (struct Email *e);
206 void            mailbox_gc_run    (void);
208 const char *mailbox_get_type_name(enum MailboxType type);
210 /**
211  * mailbox_path - Get the Mailbox's path string
212  * @param m Mailbox
213  * @retval ptr Path string
214  */
mailbox_path(const struct Mailbox * m)215 static inline const char *mailbox_path(const struct Mailbox *m) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
216 {
217   return mutt_buffer_string(&m->pathbuf); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
218 }
220 #endif /* MUTT_CORE_MAILBOX_H */