2{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
10module Matterhorn.Types
11  ( ConnectionStatus(..)
12  , HelpTopic(..)
13  , MessageSelectState(..)
14  , ProgramOutput(..)
15  , MHEvent(..)
16  , InternalEvent(..)
17  , Name(..)
18  , ChannelSelectMatch(..)
19  , StartupStateInfo(..)
20  , MHError(..)
21  , AttachmentData(..)
22  , CPUUsagePolicy(..)
23  , SemEq(..)
24  , tabbedWindow
25  , getCurrentTabbedWindowEntry
26  , tabbedWindowNextTab
27  , tabbedWindowPreviousTab
28  , runTabShowHandlerFor
29  , getServerBaseUrl
30  , serverBaseUrl
31  , TabbedWindow(..)
32  , TabbedWindowEntry(..)
33  , TabbedWindowTemplate(..)
34  , ConnectionInfo(..)
35  , SidebarUpdate(..)
36  , PendingChannelChange(..)
37  , ViewMessageWindowTab(..)
38  , clearChannelUnreadStatus
39  , ChannelListEntry(..)
40  , ChannelListEntryType(..)
41  , ChannelListOrientation(..)
42  , channelListEntryUserId
43  , userIdsFromZipper
44  , entryIsDMEntry
45  , ciHostname
46  , ciPort
47  , ciUrlPath
48  , ciUsername
49  , ciPassword
50  , ciType
51  , ciAccessToken
52  , newChannelTopicDialog
53  , ChannelTopicDialogState(..)
54  , channelTopicDialogEditor
55  , channelTopicDialogFocus
57  , newSaveAttachmentDialog
58  , SaveAttachmentDialogState(..)
59  , attachmentPathEditor
60  , attachmentPathDialogFocus
62  , Config(..)
63  , configUserL
64  , configHostL
65  , configTeamL
66  , configPortL
67  , configUrlPathL
68  , configPassL
69  , configTokenL
70  , configTimeFormatL
71  , configDateFormatL
72  , configThemeL
73  , configThemeCustomizationFileL
74  , configSmartBacktickL
75  , configSmartEditingL
76  , configURLOpenCommandL
77  , configURLOpenCommandInteractiveL
78  , configActivityNotifyCommandL
79  , configActivityNotifyVersionL
80  , configActivityBellL
81  , configShowMessageTimestampsL
82  , configShowBackgroundL
83  , configShowMessagePreviewL
84  , configShowChannelListL
85  , configShowExpandedChannelTopicsL
86  , configEnableAspellL
87  , configAspellDictionaryL
88  , configUnsafeUseHTTPL
89  , configValidateServerCertificateL
90  , configChannelListWidthL
91  , configLogMaxBufferSizeL
92  , configShowOlderEditsL
93  , configShowTypingIndicatorL
94  , configAbsPathL
95  , configUserKeysL
96  , configHyperlinkingModeL
97  , configSyntaxDirsL
98  , configDirectChannelExpirationDaysL
99  , configCpuUsagePolicyL
100  , configDefaultAttachmentPathL
101  , configChannelListOrientationL
102  , configMouseModeL
104  , NotificationVersion(..)
105  , HelpScreen(..)
106  , PasswordSource(..)
107  , TokenSource(..)
108  , MatchType(..)
109  , Mode(..)
110  , ChannelSelectPattern(..)
111  , PostListContents(..)
112  , AuthenticationException(..)
113  , BackgroundInfo(..)
114  , RequestChan
115  , UserFetch(..)
116  , writeBChan
117  , InternalTheme(..)
119  , attrNameToConfig
121  , sortTeams
122  , mkTeamZipper
123  , mkTeamZipperFromIds
124  , teamZipperIds
125  , mkChannelZipperList
126  , ChannelListGroup(..)
127  , channelListGroupUnread
128  , nonDMChannelListGroupUnread
130  , trimChannelSigil
132  , ChannelSelectState(..)
133  , channelSelectMatches
134  , channelSelectInput
135  , emptyChannelSelectState
137  , TeamState(..)
138  , tsFocus
139  , tsMode
140  , tsPendingChannelChange
141  , tsRecentChannel
142  , tsReturnChannel
143  , tsEditState
144  , tsMessageSelect
145  , tsTeam
146  , tsChannelSelectState
147  , tsUrlList
148  , tsViewedMessage
149  , tsPostListOverlay
150  , tsUserListOverlay
151  , tsChannelListOverlay
152  , tsNotifyPrefs
153  , tsChannelTopicDialog
154  , tsReactionEmojiListOverlay
155  , tsThemeListOverlay
156  , tsSaveAttachmentDialog
158  , ChatState
159  , newState
160  , newTeamState
162  , csTeamZipper
163  , csCurrentTeam
164  , csTeams
165  , csTeam
166  , csChannelListOrientation
167  , csResources
168  , csLastMouseDownEvent
169  , csCurrentChannel
170  , csCurrentChannelId
171  , csCurrentTeamId
172  , csPostMap
173  , csUsers
174  , csConnectionStatus
175  , csWorkerIsBusy
176  , csChannel
177  , csChannels
178  , csClientConfig
179  , csInputHistory
180  , csMe
181  , timeZone
182  , whenMode
183  , setMode
184  , setMode'
186  , ChatEditState
187  , emptyEditState
188  , cedAttachmentList
189  , cedFileBrowser
190  , unsafeCedFileBrowser
191  , cedYankBuffer
192  , cedSpellChecker
193  , cedMisspellings
194  , cedEditMode
195  , cedEphemeral
196  , cedEditor
197  , cedAutocomplete
198  , cedAutocompletePending
199  , cedJustCompleted
201  , AutocompleteState(..)
202  , acPreviousSearchString
203  , acCompletionList
204  , acCachedResponses
205  , acType
207  , AutocompletionType(..)
209  , CompletionSource(..)
210  , AutocompleteAlternative(..)
211  , autocompleteAlternativeReplacement
212  , SpecialMention(..)
213  , specialMentionName
214  , isSpecialMention
216  , PostListOverlayState
217  , postListSelected
218  , postListPosts
220  , UserSearchScope(..)
221  , ChannelSearchScope(..)
223  , ListOverlayState
224  , listOverlaySearchResults
225  , listOverlaySearchInput
226  , listOverlaySearchScope
227  , listOverlaySearching
228  , listOverlayEnterHandler
229  , listOverlayNewList
230  , listOverlayFetchResults
231  , listOverlayRecordCount
232  , listOverlayReturnMode
234  , getUsers
236  , ChatResources(..)
237  , crUserPreferences
238  , crEventQueue
239  , crTheme
240  , crStatusUpdateChan
241  , crSubprocessLog
242  , crWebsocketActionChan
243  , crWebsocketThreadId
244  , crRequestQueue
245  , crFlaggedPosts
246  , crConn
247  , crConfiguration
248  , crSyntaxMap
249  , crLogManager
250  , crEmoji
251  , getSession
252  , getResourceSession
254  , specialUserMentions
256  , applyTeamOrder
257  , refreshTeamZipper
259  , UserPreferences(UserPreferences)
260  , userPrefShowJoinLeave
261  , userPrefFlaggedPostList
262  , userPrefGroupChannelPrefs
263  , userPrefDirectChannelPrefs
264  , userPrefTeammateNameDisplayMode
265  , userPrefTeamOrder
266  , userPrefFavoriteChannelPrefs
267  , dmChannelShowPreference
268  , groupChannelShowPreference
269  , favoriteChannelPreference
271  , defaultUserPreferences
272  , setUserPreferences
274  , WebsocketAction(..)
276  , Cmd(..)
277  , commandName
278  , CmdArgs(..)
280  , MH
281  , runMHEvent
282  , scheduleUserFetches
283  , scheduleUserStatusFetches
284  , getScheduledUserFetches
285  , getScheduledUserStatusFetches
286  , mh
287  , generateUUID
288  , generateUUID_IO
289  , mhSuspendAndResume
290  , mhHandleEventLensed
291  , mhHandleEventLensed'
292  , St.gets
293  , mhError
295  , mhLog
296  , mhGetIOLogger
297  , ioLogWithManager
298  , LogContext(..)
299  , withLogContext
300  , withLogContextChannelId
301  , getLogContext
302  , LogMessage(..)
303  , LogCommand(..)
304  , LogCategory(..)
306  , LogManager(..)
307  , startLoggingToFile
308  , stopLoggingToFile
309  , requestLogSnapshot
310  , requestLogDestination
311  , sendLogMessage
313  , requestQuit
314  , getMessageForPostId
315  , getParentMessage
316  , getReplyRootMessage
317  , resetSpellCheckTimer
318  , withChannel
319  , withChannelOrDefault
320  , userList
321  , resetAutocomplete
322  , isMine
323  , setUserStatus
324  , myUser
325  , myUsername
326  , myUserId
327  , usernameForUserId
328  , userByUsername
329  , userByNickname
330  , channelIdByChannelName
331  , channelIdByUsername
332  , userById
333  , allUserIds
334  , addNewUser
335  , useNickname
336  , useNickname'
337  , displayNameForUserId
338  , displayNameForUser
339  , raiseInternalEvent
340  , getNewMessageCutoff
341  , getEditedMessageCutoff
343  , HighlightSet(..)
344  , UserSet
345  , ChannelSet
346  , getHighlightSet
347  , emptyHSet
349  , moveLeft
350  , moveRight
352  , module Matterhorn.Types.Channels
353  , module Matterhorn.Types.Messages
354  , module Matterhorn.Types.Posts
355  , module Matterhorn.Types.Users
356  )
359import           Prelude ()
360import           Matterhorn.Prelude
362import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
363import qualified Brick
364import           Brick ( EventM, Next, Widget )
365import           Brick.Focus ( FocusRing, focusRing )
366import           Brick.Themes ( Theme )
367import           Brick.Main ( invalidateCache, invalidateCacheEntry )
368import           Brick.AttrMap ( AttrMap )
369import qualified Brick.BChan as BCH
370import           Brick.Forms (Form)
371import           Brick.Widgets.Edit ( Editor, editor, applyEdit )
372import           Brick.Widgets.List ( List, list )
373import qualified Brick.Widgets.FileBrowser as FB
374import           Control.Concurrent ( ThreadId )
375import           Control.Concurrent.Async ( Async )
376import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
377import           Control.Exception ( SomeException )
378import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MHF
379import qualified Control.Monad.State as St
380import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
381import qualified Data.Set as Set
382import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
383import qualified Data.Foldable as F
384import           Data.Function ( on )
385import qualified Data.Kind as K
386import           Data.Ord ( comparing )
387import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
388import           Data.List ( sortBy, nub, elemIndex, partition )
389import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
390import qualified Data.Text as T
391import qualified Data.Text.Zipper as Z2
392import           Data.Time.Clock ( getCurrentTime, addUTCTime )
393import           Data.UUID ( UUID )
394import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
395import           Lens.Micro.Platform ( at, makeLenses, lens, (%~), (^?!), (.=)
396                                     , (%=), (^?), (.~)
397                                     , _Just, Traversal', preuse, to
398                                     , SimpleGetter
399                                     )
400import           Network.Connection ( HostNotResolved, HostCannotConnect )
401import           Skylighting.Types ( SyntaxMap )
402import           System.Exit ( ExitCode )
403import           System.Random ( randomIO )
404import           Text.Aspell ( Aspell )
406import           Network.Mattermost ( ConnectionData )
407import           Network.Mattermost.Exceptions
408import           Network.Mattermost.Lenses
409import           Network.Mattermost.Types
410import           Network.Mattermost.Types.Config
411import           Network.Mattermost.WebSocket ( WebsocketEvent, WebsocketActionResponse )
413import           Matterhorn.Constants ( userSigil, normalChannelSigil )
414import           Matterhorn.InputHistory
415import           Matterhorn.Emoji
416import           Matterhorn.Types.Common
417import           Matterhorn.Types.Channels
418import           Matterhorn.Types.DirectionalSeq ( emptyDirSeq )
419import           Matterhorn.Types.KeyEvents
420import           Matterhorn.Types.Messages
421import           Matterhorn.Types.Posts
422import           Matterhorn.Types.RichText ( TeamBaseURL(..), TeamURLName(..) )
423import           Matterhorn.Types.Users
424import qualified Matterhorn.Zipper as Z
427-- * Configuration
429-- | A notification version for the external notifier
430data NotificationVersion =
431    NotifyV1
432    | NotifyV2
433    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
435-- | A user password is either given to us directly, or a command
436-- which we execute to find the password.
437data PasswordSource =
438    PasswordString Text
439    | PasswordCommand Text
440    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
442-- | An access token source.
443data TokenSource =
444    TokenString Text
445    | TokenCommand Text
446    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
448-- | The type of channel list group headings. Integer arguments indicate
449-- total number of channels in the group that have unread activity.
450data ChannelListGroup =
451    ChannelGroupPublicChannels Int
452    | ChannelGroupPrivateChannels Int
453    | ChannelGroupFavoriteChannels Int
454    | ChannelGroupDirectMessages Int
455    deriving (Eq)
457channelListGroupUnread :: ChannelListGroup -> Int
458channelListGroupUnread (ChannelGroupPublicChannels n)  = n
459channelListGroupUnread (ChannelGroupPrivateChannels n) = n
460channelListGroupUnread (ChannelGroupFavoriteChannels n) = n
461channelListGroupUnread (ChannelGroupDirectMessages n)  = n
464nonDMChannelListGroupUnread :: ChannelListGroup -> Int
465nonDMChannelListGroupUnread (ChannelGroupPublicChannels n)  = n
466nonDMChannelListGroupUnread (ChannelGroupPrivateChannels n) = n
467nonDMChannelListGroupUnread (ChannelGroupFavoriteChannels n) = n
468nonDMChannelListGroupUnread (ChannelGroupDirectMessages _)  = 0
470-- | The type of channel list entries.
471data ChannelListEntry =
472    ChannelListEntry { channelListEntryChannelId :: ChannelId
473                     , channelListEntryType :: ChannelListEntryType
474                     , channelListEntryUnread :: Bool
475                     , channelListEntrySortValue :: T.Text
476                     , channelListEntryFavorite :: Bool
477                     }
478                     deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
480data ChannelListEntryType =
481    CLChannel
482    -- ^ A non-DM entry
483    | CLUserDM UserId
484    -- ^ A single-user DM entry
485    | CLGroupDM
486    -- ^ A multi-user DM entry
487    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
489-- | This is how we represent the user's configuration. Most fields
490-- correspond to configuration file settings (see Config.hs) but some
491-- are for internal book-keeping purposes only.
492data Config =
493    Config { configUser :: Maybe Text
494           -- ^ The username to use when connecting.
495           , configHost :: Maybe Text
496           -- ^ The hostname to use when connecting.
497           , configTeam :: Maybe Text
498           -- ^ The team name to use when connecting.
499           , configPort :: Int
500           -- ^ The port to use when connecting.
501           , configUrlPath :: Maybe Text
502           -- ^ The server path to use when connecting.
503           , configPass :: Maybe PasswordSource
504           -- ^ The password source to use when connecting.
505           , configToken :: Maybe TokenSource
506           -- ^ The token source to use when connecting.
507           , configTimeFormat :: Maybe Text
508           -- ^ The format string for timestamps.
509           , configDateFormat :: Maybe Text
510           -- ^ The format string for dates.
511           , configTheme :: Maybe Text
512           -- ^ The name of the theme to use.
513           , configThemeCustomizationFile :: Maybe Text
514           -- ^ The path to the theme customization file, if any.
515           , configSmartBacktick :: Bool
516           -- ^ Whether to enable smart quoting characters.
517           , configSmartEditing :: Bool
518           -- ^ Whether to enable smart editing behaviors.
519           , configURLOpenCommand :: Maybe Text
520           -- ^ The command to use to open URLs.
521           , configURLOpenCommandInteractive :: Bool
522           -- ^ Whether the URL-opening command is interactive (i.e.
523           -- whether it should be given control of the terminal).
524           , configActivityNotifyCommand :: Maybe T.Text
525           -- ^ The command to run for activity notifications.
526           , configActivityNotifyVersion :: NotificationVersion
527           -- ^ The activity notifier version.
528           , configActivityBell :: Bool
529           -- ^ Whether to ring the terminal bell on activity.
530           , configShowMessageTimestamps :: Bool
531           -- ^ Whether to show timestamps on messages.
532           , configShowBackground :: BackgroundInfo
533           -- ^ Whether to show async background worker thread info.
534           , configShowMessagePreview :: Bool
535           -- ^ Whether to show the message preview area.
536           , configShowChannelList :: Bool
537           -- ^ Whether to show the channel list.
538           , configShowExpandedChannelTopics :: Bool
539           -- ^ Whether to show expanded channel topics.
540           , configEnableAspell :: Bool
541           -- ^ Whether to enable Aspell spell checking.
542           , configAspellDictionary :: Maybe Text
543           -- ^ A specific Aspell dictionary name to use.
544           , configUnsafeUseHTTP :: Bool
545           -- ^ Whether to permit an insecure HTTP connection.
546           , configValidateServerCertificate :: Bool
547           -- ^ Whether to validate TLS certificates.
548           , configChannelListWidth :: Int
549           -- ^ The width, in columns, of the channel list sidebar.
550           , configLogMaxBufferSize :: Int
551           -- ^ The maximum size, in log entries, of the internal log
552           -- message buffer.
553           , configShowOlderEdits :: Bool
554           -- ^ Whether to highlight the edit indicator on edits made
555           -- prior to the beginning of the current session.
556           , configShowTypingIndicator :: Bool
557           -- ^ Whether to show the typing indicator for other users,
558           -- and whether to send typing notifications to other users.
559           , configAbsPath :: Maybe FilePath
560           -- ^ A book-keeping field for the absolute path to the
561           -- configuration. (Not a user setting.)
562           , configUserKeys :: KeyConfig
563           -- ^ The user's keybinding configuration.
564           , configHyperlinkingMode :: Bool
565           -- ^ Whether to enable terminal hyperlinking mode.
566           , configSyntaxDirs :: [FilePath]
567           -- ^ The search path for syntax description XML files.
568           , configDirectChannelExpirationDays :: Int
569           -- ^ The number of days to show a user in the channel menu after a direct
570           -- message with them.
571           , configCpuUsagePolicy :: CPUUsagePolicy
572           -- ^ The CPU usage policy for the application.
573           , configDefaultAttachmentPath :: Maybe FilePath
574           -- ^ The default path for browsing attachments
575           , configChannelListOrientation :: ChannelListOrientation
576           -- ^ The orientation of the channel list.
577           , configMouseMode :: Bool
578           -- ^ Whether to enable mouse support in matterhorn
579           } deriving (Eq, Show)
581-- | The policy for CPU usage.
583-- The idea is that Matterhorn can benefit from using multiple CPUs,
584-- but the exact number is application-determined. We expose this policy
585-- setting to the user in the configuration.
586data CPUUsagePolicy =
587    SingleCPU
588    -- ^ Constrain the application to use one CPU.
589    | MultipleCPUs
590    -- ^ Permit the usage of multiple CPUs (the exact number is
591    -- determined by the application).
592    deriving (Eq, Show)
594-- | The state of the UI diagnostic indicator for the async worker
595-- thread.
596data BackgroundInfo =
597    Disabled
598    -- ^ Disable (do not show) the indicator.
599    | Active
600    -- ^ Show the indicator when the thread is working.
601    | ActiveCount
602    -- ^ Show the indicator when the thread is working, but include the
603    -- thread's work queue length.
604    deriving (Eq, Show)
606data UserPreferences =
607    UserPreferences { _userPrefShowJoinLeave :: Bool
608                    , _userPrefFlaggedPostList :: Seq FlaggedPost
609                    , _userPrefGroupChannelPrefs :: HashMap ChannelId Bool
610                    , _userPrefDirectChannelPrefs :: HashMap UserId Bool
611                    , _userPrefFavoriteChannelPrefs :: HashMap ChannelId Bool
612                    , _userPrefTeammateNameDisplayMode :: Maybe TeammateNameDisplayMode
613                    , _userPrefTeamOrder :: Maybe [TeamId]
614                    }
616hasUnread' :: ClientChannel -> Bool
617hasUnread' chan = fromMaybe False $ do
618    let info = _ccInfo chan
619    lastViewTime <- _cdViewed info
620    return $ _cdMentionCount info > 0 ||
621             (not (isMuted chan) &&
622              (((_cdUpdated info) > lastViewTime) ||
623               (isJust $ _cdEditedMessageThreshold info)))
625mkChannelZipperList :: UTCTime
626                    -> Config
627                    -> TeamId
628                    -> Maybe ClientConfig
629                    -> UserPreferences
630                    -> ClientChannels
631                    -> Users
632                    -> [(ChannelListGroup, [ChannelListEntry])]
633mkChannelZipperList now config tId cconfig prefs cs us =
634    let (privFavs, privEntries) = partitionFavorites $ getChannelEntriesByType tId prefs cs Private
635        (normFavs, normEntries) = partitionFavorites $ getChannelEntriesByType tId prefs cs Ordinary
636        (dmFavs,   dmEntries)   = partitionFavorites $ getDMChannelEntries now config cconfig prefs us cs
637        favEntries              = privFavs <> normFavs <> dmFavs
638    in [ let unread = length $ filter channelListEntryUnread favEntries
639         in (ChannelGroupFavoriteChannels unread, sortChannelListEntries favEntries)
640       , let unread = length $ filter channelListEntryUnread normEntries
641         in (ChannelGroupPublicChannels unread, sortChannelListEntries normEntries)
642       , let unread = length $ filter channelListEntryUnread privEntries
643         in (ChannelGroupPrivateChannels unread, sortChannelListEntries privEntries)
644       , let unread = length $ filter channelListEntryUnread dmEntries
645         in (ChannelGroupDirectMessages unread, sortDMChannelListEntries dmEntries)
646       ]
648sortChannelListEntries :: [ChannelListEntry] -> [ChannelListEntry]
649sortChannelListEntries = sortBy (comparing channelListEntrySortValue)
651sortDMChannelListEntries :: [ChannelListEntry] -> [ChannelListEntry]
652sortDMChannelListEntries = sortBy compareDMChannelListEntries
654partitionFavorites :: [ChannelListEntry] -> ([ChannelListEntry], [ChannelListEntry])
655partitionFavorites = partition channelListEntryFavorite
657getChannelEntriesByType :: TeamId -> UserPreferences -> ClientChannels -> Type -> [ChannelListEntry]
658getChannelEntriesByType tId prefs cs ty =
659    let matches (_, info) = info^.ccInfo.cdType == ty &&
660                            info^.ccInfo.cdTeamId == Just tId
661        pairs = filteredChannels matches cs
662        entries = mkEntry <$> pairs
663        mkEntry (cId, ch) = ChannelListEntry { channelListEntryChannelId = cId
664                                             , channelListEntryType = CLChannel
665                                             , channelListEntryUnread = hasUnread' ch
666                                             , channelListEntrySortValue = ch^.ccInfo.cdDisplayName.to T.toLower
667                                             , channelListEntryFavorite = isFavorite prefs cId
668                                             }
669    in entries
671getDMChannelEntries :: UTCTime
672                    -> Config
673                    -> Maybe ClientConfig
674                    -> UserPreferences
675                    -> Users
676                    -> ClientChannels
677                    -> [ChannelListEntry]
678getDMChannelEntries now config cconfig prefs us cs =
679    let oneOnOneDmChans = getSingleDMChannelEntries now config cconfig prefs us cs
680        groupChans = getGroupDMChannelEntries now config prefs cs
681    in groupChans <> oneOnOneDmChans
683compareDMChannelListEntries :: ChannelListEntry -> ChannelListEntry -> Ordering
684compareDMChannelListEntries e1 e2 =
685    let u1 = channelListEntryUnread e1
686        u2 = channelListEntryUnread e2
687        n1 = channelListEntrySortValue e1
688        n2 = channelListEntrySortValue e2
689    in if u1 == u2
690       then compare n1 n2
691       else if u1 && not u2
692            then LT
693            else GT
695useNickname' :: Maybe ClientConfig -> UserPreferences -> Bool
696useNickname' clientConfig prefs =
697    let serverSetting = case clientConfig^?_Just.to clientConfigTeammateNameDisplay of
698            Just TMNicknameOrFullname -> Just True
699            _                         -> Nothing
700        accountSetting = (== TMNicknameOrFullname) <$> (_userPrefTeammateNameDisplayMode prefs)
701        fallback = False
702    in fromMaybe fallback $ accountSetting <|> serverSetting
704displayNameForUser :: UserInfo -> Maybe ClientConfig -> UserPreferences -> Text
705displayNameForUser u clientConfig prefs
706    | useNickname' clientConfig prefs =
707        fromMaybe (u^.uiName) (u^.uiNickName)
708    | otherwise =
709        u^.uiName
711getGroupDMChannelEntries :: UTCTime
712                         -> Config
713                         -> UserPreferences
714                         -> ClientChannels
715                         -> [ChannelListEntry]
716getGroupDMChannelEntries now config prefs cs =
717    let matches (_, info) = info^.ccInfo.cdType == Group &&
718                            info^.ccInfo.cdTeamId == Nothing &&
719                            groupChannelShouldAppear now config prefs info
720    in fmap (\(cId, ch) -> ChannelListEntry { channelListEntryChannelId = cId
721                                            , channelListEntryType = CLGroupDM
722                                            , channelListEntryUnread = hasUnread' ch
723                                            , channelListEntrySortValue = ch^.ccInfo.cdDisplayName
724                                            , channelListEntryFavorite = isFavorite prefs cId
725                                            }) $
726       filteredChannels matches cs
728getSingleDMChannelEntries :: UTCTime
729                          -> Config
730                          -> Maybe ClientConfig
731                          -> UserPreferences
732                          -> Users
733                          -> ClientChannels
734                          -> [ChannelListEntry]
735getSingleDMChannelEntries now config cconfig prefs us cs =
736    let mapping = allDmChannelMappings cs
737        mappingWithUserInfo = catMaybes $ getInfo <$> mapping
738        getInfo (uId, cId) = do
739            c <- findChannelById cId cs
740            u <- findUserById uId us
741            case u^.uiDeleted of
742                True -> Nothing
743                False ->
744                    if dmChannelShouldAppear now config prefs c
745                    then return (ChannelListEntry { channelListEntryChannelId = cId
746                                                  , channelListEntryType = CLUserDM uId
747                                                  , channelListEntryUnread = hasUnread' c
748                                                  , channelListEntrySortValue = displayNameForUser u cconfig prefs
749                                                  , channelListEntryFavorite = isFavorite prefs cId
750                                                  })
751                    else Nothing
752    in mappingWithUserInfo
754-- | Return whether the specified channel has been marked as a favorite
755-- channel.
756isFavorite :: UserPreferences -> ChannelId -> Bool
757isFavorite prefs cId = favoriteChannelPreference prefs cId == Just True
759-- Always show a DM channel if it has unread activity or has been marked
760-- as a favorite.
762-- If it has no unread activity and if the preferences explicitly say to
763-- hide it, hide it.
765-- Otherwise, only show it if at least one of the other conditions are
766-- met (see 'or' below).
767dmChannelShouldAppear :: UTCTime -> Config -> UserPreferences -> ClientChannel -> Bool
768dmChannelShouldAppear now config prefs c =
769    let ndays = configDirectChannelExpirationDays config
770        localCutoff = addUTCTime (nominalDay * (-(fromIntegral ndays))) now
771        cutoff = ServerTime localCutoff
772        updated = c^.ccInfo.cdUpdated
773        Just uId = c^.ccInfo.cdDMUserId
774        cId = c^.ccInfo.cdChannelId
775    in if isFavorite prefs cId
776       then True
777       else (if hasUnread' c || maybe False (>= localCutoff) (c^.ccInfo.cdSidebarShowOverride)
778             then True
779             else case dmChannelShowPreference prefs uId of
780                    Just False -> False
781                    _ -> or [
782                                -- The channel was updated recently enough
783                                updated >= cutoff
784                            ])
786-- Always show a group DM channel if it has unread activity or has been
787-- marked as a favorite.
789-- If it has no unread activity and if the preferences explicitly say to
790-- hide it, hide it.
792-- Otherwise, only show it if at least one of the other conditions are
793-- met (see 'or' below).
794groupChannelShouldAppear :: UTCTime -> Config -> UserPreferences -> ClientChannel -> Bool
795groupChannelShouldAppear now config prefs c =
796    let ndays = configDirectChannelExpirationDays config
797        localCutoff = addUTCTime (nominalDay * (-(fromIntegral ndays))) now
798        cutoff = ServerTime localCutoff
799        updated = c^.ccInfo.cdUpdated
800        cId = c^.ccInfo.cdChannelId
801    in if isFavorite prefs cId
802       then True
803       else (if hasUnread' c || maybe False (>= localCutoff) (c^.ccInfo.cdSidebarShowOverride)
804             then True
805             else case groupChannelShowPreference prefs cId of
806                    Just False -> False
807                    _ -> or [
808                                -- The channel was updated recently enough
809                                updated >= cutoff
810                            ])
812dmChannelShowPreference :: UserPreferences -> UserId -> Maybe Bool
813dmChannelShowPreference ps uId = HM.lookup uId (_userPrefDirectChannelPrefs ps)
815groupChannelShowPreference :: UserPreferences -> ChannelId -> Maybe Bool
816groupChannelShowPreference ps cId = HM.lookup cId (_userPrefGroupChannelPrefs ps)
818favoriteChannelPreference :: UserPreferences -> ChannelId -> Maybe Bool
819favoriteChannelPreference ps cId = HM.lookup cId (_userPrefFavoriteChannelPrefs ps)
821-- * Internal Names and References
823-- | This 'Name' type is the type used in 'brick' to identify various
824-- parts of the interface.
825data Name =
826    ChannelMessages ChannelId
827    | MessageInput TeamId
828    | ChannelList TeamId
829    | HelpViewport
830    | HelpText
831    | ScriptHelpText
832    | ThemeHelpText
833    | SyntaxHighlightHelpText
834    | KeybindingHelpText
835    | ChannelSelectString TeamId
836    | ChannelSelectEntry ChannelSelectMatch
837    | CompletionAlternatives TeamId
838    | CompletionList TeamId
839    | JoinChannelList TeamId
840    | UrlList TeamId
841    | MessagePreviewViewport TeamId
842    | ThemeListSearchInput TeamId
843    | UserListSearchInput TeamId
844    | JoinChannelListSearchInput TeamId
845    | UserListSearchResults TeamId
846    | ThemeListSearchResults TeamId
847    | ViewMessageArea TeamId
848    | ViewMessageReactionsArea TeamId
849    | ChannelSidebar TeamId
850    | ChannelSelectInput TeamId
851    | AttachmentList TeamId
852    | AttachmentFileBrowser TeamId
853    | MessageReactionsArea TeamId
854    | ReactionEmojiList TeamId
855    | ReactionEmojiListInput TeamId
856    | TabbedWindowTabBar TeamId
857    | MuteToggleField TeamId
858    | ChannelMentionsField TeamId
859    | DesktopNotificationsField TeamId (WithDefault NotifyOption)
860    | PushNotificationsField TeamId (WithDefault NotifyOption)
861    | ChannelTopicEditor TeamId
862    | ChannelTopicSaveButton TeamId
863    | ChannelTopicCancelButton TeamId
864    | ChannelTopicEditorPreview TeamId
865    | ChannelTopic
866    | TeamList
867    | ClickableChannelListEntry ChannelId
868    | ClickableTeamListEntry TeamId
869    | ClickableURL Name Int LinkTarget
870    | ClickableURLInMessage MessageId Int LinkTarget
871    | ClickableUsernameInMessage MessageId Int Text
872    | ClickableUsername Name Int Text
873    | ClickableURLListEntry Int LinkTarget
874    | ClickableReactionInMessage PostId Text (Set UserId)
875    | ClickableReaction PostId Text (Set UserId)
876    | AttachmentPathEditor TeamId
877    | AttachmentPathSaveButton TeamId
878    | AttachmentPathCancelButton TeamId
879    | RenderedMessage MessageId
880    | ReactionEmojiListOverlayEntry (Bool, T.Text)
881    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
883-- | Types that provide a "semantically equal" operation. Two values may
884-- be semantically equal even if they are not equal according to Eq if,
885-- for example, they are equal on the basis of some fields that are more
886-- pertinent than others.
887class (Show a, Eq a, Ord a) => SemEq a where
888    semeq :: a -> a -> Bool
890instance SemEq Name where
891    semeq (ClickableURLInMessage mId1 _ t1) (ClickableURLInMessage mId2 _ t2) = mId1 == mId2 && t1 == t2
892    semeq (ClickableUsernameInMessage mId1 _ n) (ClickableUsernameInMessage mId2 _ n2) = mId1 == mId2 && n == n2
893    semeq a b = a == b
895instance SemEq a => SemEq (Maybe a) where
896    semeq Nothing Nothing = True
897    semeq (Just a) (Just b) = a `semeq` b
898    semeq _ _ = False
900-- | The sum type of exceptions we expect to encounter on authentication
901-- failure. We encode them explicitly here so that we can print them in
902-- a more user-friendly manner than just 'show'.
903data AuthenticationException =
904    ConnectError HostCannotConnect
905    | ResolveError HostNotResolved
906    | AuthIOError IOError
907    | LoginError LoginFailureException
908    | OtherAuthError SomeException
909    deriving (Show)
911-- | Our 'ConnectionInfo' contains exactly as much information as is
912-- necessary to start a connection with a Mattermost server. This is
913-- built up during interactive authentication and then is used to log
914-- in.
916-- If the access token field is non-empty, that value is used and the
917-- username and password values are ignored.
918data ConnectionInfo =
919    ConnectionInfo { _ciHostname :: Text
920                   , _ciPort     :: Int
921                   , _ciUrlPath  :: Text
922                   , _ciUsername :: Text
923                   , _ciPassword :: Text
924                   , _ciAccessToken :: Text
925                   , _ciType     :: ConnectionType
926                   }
928-- | We want to continue referring to posts by their IDs, but we don't
929-- want to have to synthesize new valid IDs for messages from the client
930-- itself (like error messages or informative client responses). To that
931-- end, a PostRef can be either a PostId or a newly-generated client ID.
932data PostRef
933    = MMId PostId
934    | CLId Int
935    deriving (Eq, Show)
937-- ** Channel-matching types
939-- | A match in channel selection mode.
940data ChannelSelectMatch =
941    ChannelSelectMatch { nameBefore :: Text
942                       -- ^ The content of the match before the user's
943                       -- matching input.
944                       , nameMatched :: Text
945                       -- ^ The potion of the name that matched the
946                       -- user's input.
947                       , nameAfter :: Text
948                       -- ^ The portion of the name that came after the
949                       -- user's matching input.
950                       , matchFull :: Text
951                       -- ^ The full string for this entry so it doesn't
952                       -- have to be reassembled from the parts above.
953                       , matchEntry :: ChannelListEntry
954                       -- ^ The original entry data corresponding to the
955                       -- text match.
956                       }
957                       deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
959data ChannelSelectPattern = CSP MatchType Text
960                          | CSPAny
961                          deriving (Eq, Show)
963data MatchType =
964    Prefix
965    | Suffix
966    | Infix
967    | Equal
968    | PrefixDMOnly
969    | PrefixNonDMOnly
970    deriving (Eq, Show)
972-- * Application State Values
974data ProgramOutput =
975    ProgramOutput { program :: FilePath
976                  , programArgs :: [String]
977                  , programStdout :: String
978                  , programStderr :: String
979                  , programExitCode :: ExitCode
980                  }
982defaultUserPreferences :: UserPreferences
983defaultUserPreferences =
984    UserPreferences { _userPrefShowJoinLeave     = True
985                    , _userPrefFlaggedPostList   = mempty
986                    , _userPrefGroupChannelPrefs = mempty
987                    , _userPrefDirectChannelPrefs = mempty
988                    , _userPrefFavoriteChannelPrefs = mempty
989                    , _userPrefTeammateNameDisplayMode = Nothing
990                    , _userPrefTeamOrder = Nothing
991                    }
993setUserPreferences :: Seq Preference -> UserPreferences -> UserPreferences
994setUserPreferences = flip (F.foldr go)
995    where go p u
996            | Just fp <- preferenceToFlaggedPost p =
997              u { _userPrefFlaggedPostList =
998                  _userPrefFlaggedPostList u Seq.|> fp
999                }
1000            | Just gp <- preferenceToDirectChannelShowStatus p =
1001              u { _userPrefDirectChannelPrefs =
1002                  HM.insert
1003                    (directChannelShowUserId gp)
1004                    (directChannelShowValue gp)
1005                    (_userPrefDirectChannelPrefs u)
1006                }
1007            | Just gp <- preferenceToGroupChannelPreference p =
1008              u { _userPrefGroupChannelPrefs =
1009                  HM.insert
1010                    (groupChannelId gp)
1011                    (groupChannelShow gp)
1012                    (_userPrefGroupChannelPrefs u)
1013                }
1014            | Just fp <- preferenceToFavoriteChannelPreference p =
1015              u { _userPrefFavoriteChannelPrefs =
1016                  HM.insert
1017                    (favoriteChannelId fp)
1018                    (favoriteChannelShow fp)
1019                    (_userPrefFavoriteChannelPrefs u)
1020                }
1021            | Just tIds <- preferenceToTeamOrder p =
1022              u { _userPrefTeamOrder = Just tIds
1023                }
1024            | preferenceName p == PreferenceName "join_leave" =
1025              u { _userPrefShowJoinLeave =
1026                  preferenceValue p /= PreferenceValue "false" }
1027            | preferenceCategory p == PreferenceCategoryDisplaySettings &&
1028              preferenceName p == PreferenceName "name_format" =
1029                  let PreferenceValue txt = preferenceValue p
1030                  in u { _userPrefTeammateNameDisplayMode = Just $ teammateDisplayModeFromText txt }
1031            | otherwise = u
1033-- | Log message tags.
1034data LogCategory =
1035    LogGeneral
1036    | LogAPI
1037    | LogWebsocket
1038    | LogError
1039    | LogUserMark
1040    deriving (Eq, Show)
1042-- | A log message.
1043data LogMessage =
1044    LogMessage { logMessageText :: !Text
1045               -- ^ The text of the log message.
1046               , logMessageContext :: !(Maybe LogContext)
1047               -- ^ The optional context information relevant to the log
1048               -- message.
1049               , logMessageCategory :: !LogCategory
1050               -- ^ The category of the log message.
1051               , logMessageTimestamp :: !UTCTime
1052               -- ^ The timestamp of the log message.
1053               }
1054               deriving (Eq, Show)
1056-- | A logging thread command.
1057data LogCommand =
1058    LogToFile FilePath
1059    -- ^ Start logging to the specified path.
1060    | LogAMessage !LogMessage
1061    -- ^ Log the specified message.
1062    | StopLogging
1063    -- ^ Stop any active logging.
1064    | ShutdownLogging
1065    -- ^ Shut down.
1066    | GetLogDestination
1067    -- ^ Ask the logging thread about its active logging destination.
1068    | LogSnapshot FilePath
1069    -- ^ Ask the logging thread to dump the current buffer to the
1070    -- specified destination.
1071    deriving (Show)
1073-- | A handle to the log manager thread.
1074data LogManager =
1075    LogManager { logManagerCommandChannel :: STM.TChan LogCommand
1076               , logManagerHandle :: Async ()
1077               }
1079startLoggingToFile :: LogManager -> FilePath -> IO ()
1080startLoggingToFile mgr loc = sendLogCommand mgr $ LogToFile loc
1082stopLoggingToFile :: LogManager -> IO ()
1083stopLoggingToFile mgr = sendLogCommand mgr StopLogging
1085requestLogSnapshot :: LogManager -> FilePath -> IO ()
1086requestLogSnapshot mgr path = sendLogCommand mgr $ LogSnapshot path
1088requestLogDestination :: LogManager -> IO ()
1089requestLogDestination mgr = sendLogCommand mgr GetLogDestination
1091sendLogMessage :: LogManager -> LogMessage -> IO ()
1092sendLogMessage mgr lm = sendLogCommand mgr $ LogAMessage lm
1094sendLogCommand :: LogManager -> LogCommand -> IO ()
1095sendLogCommand mgr c =
1096    STM.atomically $ STM.writeTChan (logManagerCommandChannel mgr) c
1098-- | 'ChatResources' represents configuration and connection-related
1099-- information, as opposed to current model or view information.
1100-- Information that goes in the 'ChatResources' value should be limited
1101-- to information that we read or set up prior to setting up the bulk of
1102-- the application state.
1103data ChatResources =
1104    ChatResources { _crSession             :: Session
1105                  , _crWebsocketThreadId   :: Maybe ThreadId
1106                  , _crConn                :: ConnectionData
1107                  , _crRequestQueue        :: RequestChan
1108                  , _crEventQueue          :: BCH.BChan MHEvent
1109                  , _crSubprocessLog       :: STM.TChan ProgramOutput
1110                  , _crWebsocketActionChan :: STM.TChan WebsocketAction
1111                  , _crTheme               :: AttrMap
1112                  , _crStatusUpdateChan    :: STM.TChan [UserId]
1113                  , _crConfiguration       :: Config
1114                  , _crFlaggedPosts        :: Set PostId
1115                  , _crUserPreferences     :: UserPreferences
1116                  , _crSyntaxMap           :: SyntaxMap
1117                  , _crLogManager          :: LogManager
1118                  , _crEmoji               :: EmojiCollection
1119                  }
1121-- | A "special" mention that does not map to a specific user, but is an
1122-- alias that the server uses to notify users.
1123data SpecialMention =
1124    MentionAll
1125    -- ^ @all: notify everyone in the channel.
1126    | MentionChannel
1127    -- ^ @channel: notify everyone in the channel.
1129data AutocompleteAlternative =
1130    UserCompletion User Bool
1131    -- ^ User, plus whether the user is in the channel that triggered
1132    -- the autocomplete
1133    | SpecialMention SpecialMention
1134    -- ^ A special mention.
1135    | ChannelCompletion Bool Channel
1136    -- ^ Channel, plus whether the user is a member of the channel
1137    | SyntaxCompletion Text
1138    -- ^ Name of a skylighting syntax definition
1139    | CommandCompletion CompletionSource Text Text Text
1140    -- ^ Source, name of a slash command, argspec, and description
1141    | EmojiCompletion Text
1142    -- ^ The text of an emoji completion
1144-- | The source of an autocompletion alternative.
1145data CompletionSource = Server | Client
1146                      deriving (Eq, Show)
1148specialMentionName :: SpecialMention -> Text
1149specialMentionName MentionChannel = "channel"
1150specialMentionName MentionAll = "all"
1152isSpecialMention :: T.Text -> Bool
1153isSpecialMention n = isJust $ lookup (T.toLower $ trimUserSigil n) pairs
1154    where
1155        pairs = mkPair <$> mentions
1156        mentions = [ MentionChannel
1157                   , MentionAll
1158                   ]
1159        mkPair v = (specialMentionName v, v)
1161autocompleteAlternativeReplacement :: AutocompleteAlternative -> Text
1162autocompleteAlternativeReplacement (EmojiCompletion e) =
1163    ":" <> e <> ":"
1164autocompleteAlternativeReplacement (SpecialMention m) =
1165    userSigil <> specialMentionName m
1166autocompleteAlternativeReplacement (UserCompletion u _) =
1167    userSigil <> userUsername u
1168autocompleteAlternativeReplacement (ChannelCompletion _ c) =
1169    normalChannelSigil <> (sanitizeUserText $ channelName c)
1170autocompleteAlternativeReplacement (SyntaxCompletion t) =
1171    "```" <> t
1172autocompleteAlternativeReplacement (CommandCompletion _ t _ _) =
1173    "/" <> t
1175-- | The type of data that the autocompletion logic supports. We use
1176-- this to track the kind of completion underway in case the type of
1177-- completion needs to change.
1178data AutocompletionType =
1179    ACUsers
1180    | ACChannels
1181    | ACCodeBlockLanguage
1182    | ACEmoji
1183    | ACCommands
1184    deriving (Eq, Show)
1186data AutocompleteState =
1187    AutocompleteState { _acPreviousSearchString :: Text
1188                      -- ^ The search string used for the
1189                      -- currently-displayed autocomplete results, for
1190                      -- use in deciding whether to issue another server
1191                      -- query
1192                      , _acCompletionList :: List Name AutocompleteAlternative
1193                      -- ^ The list of alternatives that the user
1194                      -- selects from
1195                      , _acType :: AutocompletionType
1196                      -- ^ The type of data that we're completing
1197                      , _acCachedResponses :: HM.HashMap Text [AutocompleteAlternative]
1198                      -- ^ A cache of alternative lists, keyed on search
1199                      -- string, for use in avoiding server requests.
1200                      -- The idea here is that users type quickly enough
1201                      -- (and edit their input) that would normally lead
1202                      -- to rapid consecutive requests, some for the
1203                      -- same strings during editing, that we can avoid
1204                      -- that by caching them here. Note that this cache
1205                      -- gets destroyed whenever autocompletion is not
1206                      -- on, so this cache does not live very long.
1207                      }
1209-- | The 'ChatEditState' value contains the editor widget itself as well
1210-- as history and metadata we need for editing-related operations.
1211data ChatEditState =
1212    ChatEditState { _cedEditor :: Editor Text Name
1213                  , _cedEditMode :: EditMode
1214                  , _cedEphemeral :: EphemeralEditState
1215                  , _cedYankBuffer :: Text
1216                  , _cedSpellChecker :: Maybe (Aspell, IO ())
1217                  , _cedMisspellings :: Set Text
1218                  , _cedAutocomplete :: Maybe AutocompleteState
1219                  -- ^ The autocomplete state. The autocompletion UI is
1220                  -- showing only when this state is present.
1221                  , _cedAutocompletePending :: Maybe Text
1222                  -- ^ The search string associated with the latest
1223                  -- in-flight autocompletion request. This is used to
1224                  -- determine whether any (potentially late-arriving)
1225                  -- API responses are for stale queries since the user
1226                  -- can type more quickly than the server can get us
1227                  -- the results, and we wouldn't want to show results
1228                  -- associated with old editor states.
1229                  , _cedAttachmentList :: List Name AttachmentData
1230                  -- ^ The list of attachments to be uploaded with the
1231                  -- post being edited.
1232                  , _cedFileBrowser :: Maybe (FB.FileBrowser Name)
1233                  -- ^ The browser for selecting attachment files.
1234                  -- This is a Maybe because the instantiation of the
1235                  -- FileBrowser causes it to read and ingest the
1236                  -- target directory, so this action is deferred
1237                  -- until the browser is needed.
1238                  , _cedJustCompleted :: Bool
1239                  -- A flag that indicates whether the most recent
1240                  -- editing event was a tab-completion. This is used by
1241                  -- the smart trailing space handling.
1242                  }
1244-- | An attachment.
1245data AttachmentData =
1246    AttachmentData { attachmentDataFileInfo :: FB.FileInfo
1247                   , attachmentDataBytes :: BS.ByteString
1248                   }
1249                   deriving (Eq, Show)
1251-- | We can initialize a new 'ChatEditState' value with just an edit
1252-- history, which we save locally.
1253emptyEditState :: TeamId -> ChatEditState
1254emptyEditState tId =
1255    ChatEditState { _cedEditor               = editor (MessageInput tId) Nothing ""
1256                  , _cedEphemeral            = defaultEphemeralEditState
1257                  , _cedEditMode             = NewPost
1258                  , _cedYankBuffer           = ""
1259                  , _cedSpellChecker         = Nothing
1260                  , _cedMisspellings         = mempty
1261                  , _cedAutocomplete         = Nothing
1262                  , _cedAutocompletePending  = Nothing
1263                  , _cedAttachmentList       = list (AttachmentList tId) mempty 1
1264                  , _cedFileBrowser          = Nothing
1265                  , _cedJustCompleted        = False
1266                  }
1268-- | A 'RequestChan' is a queue of operations we have to perform in the
1269-- background to avoid blocking on the main loop
1270type RequestChan = STM.TChan (IO (Maybe (MH ())))
1272-- | The 'HelpScreen' type represents the set of possible 'Help'
1273-- dialogues we have to choose from.
1274data HelpScreen =
1275    MainHelp
1276    | ScriptHelp
1277    | ThemeHelp
1278    | SyntaxHighlightHelp
1279    | KeybindingHelp
1280    deriving (Eq)
1282-- | Help topics
1283data HelpTopic =
1284    HelpTopic { helpTopicName         :: Text
1285              , helpTopicDescription  :: Text
1286              , helpTopicScreen       :: HelpScreen
1287              , helpTopicViewportName :: Name
1288              }
1289              deriving (Eq)
1291-- | Mode type for the current contents of the post list overlay
1292data PostListContents =
1293    PostListFlagged
1294    | PostListPinned ChannelId
1295    | PostListSearch Text Bool -- for the query and search status
1296    deriving (Eq)
1298-- | The 'Mode' represents the current dominant UI activity
1299data Mode =
1300    Main
1301    | ShowHelp HelpTopic Mode
1302    | ChannelSelect
1303    | UrlSelect
1304    | LeaveChannelConfirm
1305    | DeleteChannelConfirm
1306    | MessageSelect
1307    | MessageSelectDeleteConfirm
1308    | PostListOverlay PostListContents
1309    | UserListOverlay
1310    | ReactionEmojiListOverlay
1311    | ChannelListOverlay
1312    | ThemeListOverlay
1313    | ViewMessage
1314    | ManageAttachments
1315    | ManageAttachmentsBrowseFiles
1316    | EditNotifyPrefs
1317    | ChannelTopicWindow
1318    | SaveAttachmentWindow LinkChoice
1319    deriving (Eq)
1321-- | We're either connected or we're not.
1322data ConnectionStatus = Connected | Disconnected deriving (Eq)
1324-- | An entry in a tabbed window corresponding to a tab and its content.
1325-- Parameterized over an abstract handle type ('a') for the tabs so we
1326-- can give each a unique handle.
1327data TabbedWindowEntry a =
1328    TabbedWindowEntry { tweValue :: a
1329                      -- ^ The handle for this tab.
1330                      , tweRender :: a -> ChatState -> Widget Name
1331                      -- ^ The rendering function to use when this tab
1332                      -- is selected.
1333                      , tweHandleEvent :: a -> Vty.Event -> MH ()
1334                      -- ^ The event-handling function to use when this
1335                      -- tab is selected.
1336                      , tweTitle :: a -> Bool -> T.Text
1337                      -- ^ Title function for this tab, with a boolean
1338                      -- indicating whether this is the current tab.
1339                      , tweShowHandler :: a -> MH ()
1340                      -- ^ A handler to be invoked when this tab is
1341                      -- shown.
1342                      }
1344-- | The definition of a tabbed window. Note that this does not track
1345-- the *state* of the window; it merely provides a collection of tab
1346-- window entries (see above). To track the state of a tabbed window,
1347-- use a TabbedWindow.
1349-- Parameterized over an abstract handle type ('a') for the tabs so we
1350-- can give each a unique handle.
1351data TabbedWindowTemplate a =
1352    TabbedWindowTemplate { twtEntries :: [TabbedWindowEntry a]
1353                         -- ^ The entries in tabbed windows with this
1354                         -- structure.
1355                         , twtTitle :: a -> Widget Name
1356                         -- ^ The title-rendering function for this kind
1357                         -- of tabbed window.
1358                         }
1360-- | An instantiated tab window. This is based on a template and tracks
1361-- the state of the tabbed window (current tab).
1363-- Parameterized over an abstract handle type ('a') for the tabs so we
1364-- can give each a unique handle.
1365data TabbedWindow a =
1366    TabbedWindow { twValue :: a
1367                 -- ^ The handle of the currently-selected tab.
1368                 , twReturnMode :: Mode
1369                 -- ^ The mode to return to when the tab is closed.
1370                 , twTemplate :: TabbedWindowTemplate a
1371                 -- ^ The template to use as a basis for rendering the
1372                 -- window and handling user input.
1373                 , twWindowWidth :: Int
1374                 , twWindowHeight :: Int
1375                 -- ^ Window dimensions
1376                 }
1378-- | Construct a new tabbed window from a template. This will raise an
1379-- exception if the initially-selected tab does not exist in the window
1380-- template, or if the window template has any duplicated tab handles.
1382-- Note that the caller is responsible for determining whether to call
1383-- the initially-selected tab's on-show handler.
1384tabbedWindow :: (Show a, Eq a)
1385             => a
1386             -- ^ The handle corresponding to the tab that should be
1387             -- selected initially.
1388             -> TabbedWindowTemplate a
1389             -- ^ The template for the window to construct.
1390             -> Mode
1391             -- ^ When the window is closed, return to this application
1392             -- mode.
1393             -> (Int, Int)
1394             -- ^ The window dimensions (width, height).
1395             -> TabbedWindow a
1396tabbedWindow initialVal t retMode (width, height) =
1397    let handles = tweValue <$> twtEntries t
1398    in if | null handles ->
1399              error "BUG: tabbed window template must provide at least one entry"
1400          | length handles /= length (nub handles) ->
1401              error "BUG: tabbed window should have one entry per handle"
1402          | not (initialVal `elem` handles) ->
1403              error $ "BUG: tabbed window handle " <>
1404                      show initialVal <> " not present in template"
1405          | otherwise ->
1406              TabbedWindow { twTemplate = t
1407                           , twValue = initialVal
1408                           , twReturnMode = retMode
1409                           , twWindowWidth = width
1410                           , twWindowHeight = height
1411                           }
1413-- | Get the currently-selected tab entry for a tabbed window. Raise
1414-- an exception if the window's selected tab handle is not found in its
1415-- template (which is a bug in the tabbed window infrastructure).
1416getCurrentTabbedWindowEntry :: (Show a, Eq a)
1417                            => TabbedWindow a
1418                            -> TabbedWindowEntry a
1419getCurrentTabbedWindowEntry w =
1420    lookupTabbedWindowEntry (twValue w) w
1422-- | Run the on-show handler for the window tab entry with the specified
1423-- handle.
1424runTabShowHandlerFor :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> TabbedWindow a -> MH ()
1425runTabShowHandlerFor handle w = do
1426    let entry = lookupTabbedWindowEntry handle w
1427    tweShowHandler entry handle
1429-- | Look up a tabbed window entry by handle. Raises an exception if no
1430-- such entry exists.
1431lookupTabbedWindowEntry :: (Eq a, Show a)
1432                        => a
1433                        -> TabbedWindow a
1434                        -> TabbedWindowEntry a
1435lookupTabbedWindowEntry handle w =
1436    let matchesVal e = tweValue e == handle
1437    in case filter matchesVal (twtEntries $ twTemplate w) of
1438        [e] -> e
1439        _ -> error $ "BUG: tabbed window entry for " <> show (twValue w) <>
1440                     " should have matched a single entry"
1442-- | Switch a tabbed window's selected tab to its next tab, cycling back
1443-- to the first tab if the last tab is the selected tab. This also
1444-- invokes the on-show handler for the newly-selected tab.
1446-- Note that this does nothing if the window has only one tab.
1447tabbedWindowNextTab :: (Show a, Eq a)
1448                    => TabbedWindow a
1449                    -> MH (TabbedWindow a)
1450tabbedWindowNextTab w | length (twtEntries $ twTemplate w) == 1 = return w
1451tabbedWindowNextTab w = do
1452    let curIdx = case elemIndex (tweValue curEntry) allHandles of
1453            Nothing ->
1454                error $ "BUG: tabbedWindowNextTab: could not find " <>
1455                        "current handle in handle list"
1456            Just i -> i
1457        nextIdx = if curIdx == length allHandles - 1
1458                  then 0
1459                  else curIdx + 1
1460        newHandle = allHandles !! nextIdx
1461        allHandles = tweValue <$> twtEntries (twTemplate w)
1462        curEntry = getCurrentTabbedWindowEntry w
1463        newWin = w { twValue = newHandle }
1465    runTabShowHandlerFor newHandle newWin
1466    return newWin
1468-- | Switch a tabbed window's selected tab to its previous tab, cycling
1469-- to the last tab if the first tab is the selected tab. This also
1470-- invokes the on-show handler for the newly-selected tab.
1472-- Note that this does nothing if the window has only one tab.
1473tabbedWindowPreviousTab :: (Show a, Eq a)
1474                        => TabbedWindow a
1475                        -> MH (TabbedWindow a)
1476tabbedWindowPreviousTab w | length (twtEntries $ twTemplate w) == 1 = return w
1477tabbedWindowPreviousTab w = do
1478    let curIdx = case elemIndex (tweValue curEntry) allHandles of
1479            Nothing ->
1480                error $ "BUG: tabbedWindowPreviousTab: could not find " <>
1481                        "current handle in handle list"
1482            Just i -> i
1483        nextIdx = if curIdx == 0
1484                  then length allHandles - 1
1485                  else curIdx - 1
1486        newHandle = allHandles !! nextIdx
1487        allHandles = tweValue <$> twtEntries (twTemplate w)
1488        curEntry = getCurrentTabbedWindowEntry w
1489        newWin = w { twValue = newHandle }
1491    runTabShowHandlerFor newHandle newWin
1492    return newWin
1494data ChannelListOrientation =
1495    ChannelListLeft
1496    -- ^ Show the channel list to the left of the message area.
1497    | ChannelListRight
1498    -- ^ Show the channel list to the right of the message area.
1499    deriving (Eq, Show)
1501-- | This type represents the current state of our application at any
1502-- given time.
1503data ChatState =
1504    ChatState { _csResources :: ChatResources
1505              -- ^ Global application-wide resources that don't change
1506              -- much.
1507              , _csLastMouseDownEvent :: Maybe (Brick.BrickEvent Name MHEvent)
1508              -- ^ The most recent mouse click event we got. We reset
1509              -- this on mouse up so we can ignore clicks whenever this
1510              -- is already set.
1511              , _csTeams :: HashMap TeamId TeamState
1512              -- ^ The state for each team that we are in.
1513              , _csTeamZipper :: Z.Zipper () TeamId
1514              -- ^ The list of teams we can cycle through.
1515              , _csChannelListOrientation :: ChannelListOrientation
1516              -- ^ The orientation of the channel list.
1517              , _csMe :: User
1518              -- ^ The authenticated user.
1519              , _csChannels :: ClientChannels
1520              -- ^ The channels that we are showing, including their
1521              -- message lists.
1522              , _csPostMap :: HashMap PostId Message
1523              -- ^ The map of post IDs to messages. This allows us to
1524              -- access messages by ID without having to linearly scan
1525              -- channel message lists.
1526              , _csUsers :: Users
1527              -- ^ All of the users we know about.
1528              , _timeZone :: TimeZoneSeries
1529              -- ^ The client time zone.
1530              , _csConnectionStatus :: ConnectionStatus
1531              -- ^ Our view of the connection status.
1532              , _csWorkerIsBusy :: Maybe (Maybe Int)
1533              -- ^ Whether the async worker thread is busy, and its
1534              -- queue length if so.
1535              , _csClientConfig :: Maybe ClientConfig
1536              -- ^ The Mattermost client configuration, as we understand it.
1537              , _csInputHistory :: InputHistory
1538              -- ^ The map of per-channel input history for the
1539              -- application. We don't distribute the per-channel
1540              -- history into the per-channel states (like we do
1541              -- for other per-channel state) since keeping it
1542              -- under the InputHistory banner lets us use a nicer
1543              -- startup/shutdown disk file management API.
1544              }
1546-- | All application state specific to a team, along with state specific
1547-- to our user interface's presentation of that team. We include the
1548-- UI state relevant to the team so that we can easily switch which
1549-- team the UI is presenting without having to reinitialize the UI from
1550-- the new team. This allows the user to be engaged in just about any
1551-- application activity while viewing a team, switch to another team,
1552-- and return to the original team and resume what they were doing, all
1553-- without us doing any work.
1554data TeamState =
1555    TeamState { _tsFocus :: Z.Zipper ChannelListGroup ChannelListEntry
1556              -- ^ The channel sidebar zipper that tracks which channel
1557              -- is selected.
1558              , _tsPendingChannelChange :: Maybe PendingChannelChange
1559              -- ^ A pending channel change that we need to apply once
1560              -- the channel in question is available. We set this up
1561              -- when we need to change to a channel in the sidebar, but
1562              -- it isn't even there yet because we haven't loaded its
1563              -- metadata.
1564              , _tsRecentChannel :: Maybe ChannelId
1565              -- ^ The most recently-selected channel, if any.
1566              , _tsReturnChannel :: Maybe ChannelId
1567              -- ^ The channel to return to after visiting one or more
1568              -- unread channels.
1569              , _tsEditState :: ChatEditState
1570              -- ^ The state of the input box used for composing and
1571              -- editing messages and commands.
1572              , _tsMessageSelect :: MessageSelectState
1573              -- ^ The state of message selection mode.
1574              , _tsTeam :: Team
1575              -- ^ The team data.
1576              , _tsChannelSelectState :: ChannelSelectState
1577              -- ^ The state of the user's input and selection for
1578              -- channel selection mode.
1579              , _tsUrlList :: List Name (Int, LinkChoice)
1580              -- ^ The URL list used to show URLs drawn from messages in
1581              -- a channel.
1582              , _tsViewedMessage :: Maybe (Message, TabbedWindow ViewMessageWindowTab)
1583              -- ^ Set when the ViewMessage mode is active. The message
1584              -- being viewed. Note that this stores a message, not
1585              -- a message ID. That's because not all messages have
1586              -- message IDs (e.g. client messages) and we still
1587              -- want to support viewing of those messages. It's the
1588              -- responsibility of code that uses this message to always
1589              -- consult the chat state for the latest *version* of any
1590              -- message with an ID here, to be sure that the latest
1591              -- version is used (e.g. if it gets edited, etc.).
1592              , _tsPostListOverlay :: PostListOverlayState
1593              -- ^ The state of the post list overlay.
1594              , _tsUserListOverlay :: ListOverlayState UserInfo UserSearchScope
1595              -- ^ The state of the user list overlay.
1596              , _tsChannelListOverlay :: ListOverlayState Channel ChannelSearchScope
1597              -- ^ The state of the user list overlay.
1598              , _tsNotifyPrefs :: Maybe (Form ChannelNotifyProps MHEvent Name)
1599              -- ^ A form for editing the notification preferences for
1600              -- the current channel. This is set when entering
1601              -- EditNotifyPrefs mode and updated when the user
1602              -- changes the form state.
1603              , _tsChannelTopicDialog :: ChannelTopicDialogState
1604              -- ^ The state for the interactive channel topic editor
1605              -- window.
1606              , _tsMode :: Mode
1607              -- ^ The current application mode when viewing this team.
1608              -- This is used to dispatch to different rendering and
1609              -- event handling routines.
1610              , _tsReactionEmojiListOverlay :: ListOverlayState (Bool, T.Text) ()
1611              -- ^ The state of the reaction emoji list overlay.
1612              , _tsThemeListOverlay :: ListOverlayState InternalTheme ()
1613              -- ^ The state of the theme list overlay.
1614              , _tsSaveAttachmentDialog :: SaveAttachmentDialogState
1615              -- ^ The state for the interactive attachment-saving
1616              -- editor window.
1617              }
1619-- | Handles for the View Message window's tabs.
1620data ViewMessageWindowTab =
1621    VMTabMessage
1622    -- ^ The message tab.
1623    | VMTabReactions
1624    -- ^ The reactions tab.
1625    deriving (Eq, Show)
1627data PendingChannelChange =
1628    ChangeByChannelId TeamId ChannelId (Maybe (MH ()))
1629    | ChangeByUserId UserId
1631-- | Startup state information that is constructed prior to building a
1632-- ChatState.
1633data StartupStateInfo =
1634    StartupStateInfo { startupStateResources      :: ChatResources
1635                     , startupStateConnectedUser  :: User
1636                     , startupStateTeams          :: HM.HashMap TeamId TeamState
1637                     , startupStateTimeZone       :: TimeZoneSeries
1638                     , startupStateInitialHistory :: InputHistory
1639                     , startupStateInitialTeam    :: TeamId
1640                     }
1642-- | The state of the channel topic editor window.
1643data ChannelTopicDialogState =
1644    ChannelTopicDialogState { _channelTopicDialogEditor :: Editor T.Text Name
1645                            -- ^ The topic string editor state.
1646                            , _channelTopicDialogFocus :: FocusRing Name
1647                            -- ^ The window focus state (editor/buttons)
1648                            }
1650-- | The state of the attachment path window.
1651data SaveAttachmentDialogState =
1652    SaveAttachmentDialogState { _attachmentPathEditor :: Editor T.Text Name
1653                              -- ^ The attachment path editor state.
1654                              , _attachmentPathDialogFocus :: FocusRing Name
1655                              -- ^ The window focus state (editor/buttons)
1656                              }
1658sortTeams :: [Team] -> [Team]
1659sortTeams = sortBy (compare `on` (T.strip . sanitizeUserText . teamName))
1661mkTeamZipper :: HM.HashMap TeamId TeamState -> Z.Zipper () TeamId
1662mkTeamZipper m =
1663    let sortedTeams = sortTeams $ _tsTeam <$> HM.elems m
1664    in mkTeamZipperFromIds $ teamId <$> sortedTeams
1666mkTeamZipperFromIds :: [TeamId] -> Z.Zipper () TeamId
1667mkTeamZipperFromIds tIds = Z.fromList [((), tIds)]
1669teamZipperIds :: Z.Zipper () TeamId -> [TeamId]
1670teamZipperIds = concat . fmap snd . Z.toList
1672newTeamState :: Team
1673             -> Z.Zipper ChannelListGroup ChannelListEntry
1674             -> Maybe (Aspell, IO ())
1675             -> TeamState
1676newTeamState team chanList spellChecker =
1677    let tId = teamId team
1678    in TeamState { _tsMode                     = Main
1679                 , _tsFocus                    = chanList
1680                 , _tsEditState                = (emptyEditState tId) { _cedSpellChecker = spellChecker }
1681                 , _tsTeam                     = team
1682                 , _tsUrlList                  = list (UrlList tId) mempty 2
1683                 , _tsPostListOverlay          = PostListOverlayState emptyDirSeq Nothing
1684                 , _tsUserListOverlay          = nullUserListOverlayState tId
1685                 , _tsChannelListOverlay       = nullChannelListOverlayState tId
1686                 , _tsChannelSelectState       = emptyChannelSelectState tId
1687                 , _tsChannelTopicDialog       = newChannelTopicDialog tId ""
1688                 , _tsMessageSelect            = MessageSelectState Nothing
1689                 , _tsNotifyPrefs              = Nothing
1690                 , _tsPendingChannelChange     = Nothing
1691                 , _tsRecentChannel            = Nothing
1692                 , _tsReturnChannel            = Nothing
1693                 , _tsViewedMessage            = Nothing
1694                 , _tsThemeListOverlay         = nullThemeListOverlayState tId
1695                 , _tsReactionEmojiListOverlay = nullEmojiListOverlayState tId
1696                 , _tsSaveAttachmentDialog     = newSaveAttachmentDialog tId ""
1697                 }
1699-- | Make a new channel topic editor window state.
1700newChannelTopicDialog :: TeamId -> T.Text -> ChannelTopicDialogState
1701newChannelTopicDialog tId t =
1702    ChannelTopicDialogState { _channelTopicDialogEditor = editor (ChannelTopicEditor tId) Nothing t
1703                            , _channelTopicDialogFocus = focusRing [ ChannelTopicEditor tId
1704                                                                   , ChannelTopicSaveButton tId
1705                                                                   , ChannelTopicCancelButton tId
1706                                                                   ]
1707                            }
1709-- | Make a new attachment-saving editor window state.
1710newSaveAttachmentDialog :: TeamId -> T.Text -> SaveAttachmentDialogState
1711newSaveAttachmentDialog tId t =
1712    SaveAttachmentDialogState { _attachmentPathEditor = applyEdit Z2.gotoEOL $
1713                                                        editor (AttachmentPathEditor tId) (Just 1) t
1714                              , _attachmentPathDialogFocus = focusRing [ AttachmentPathEditor tId
1715                                                                       , AttachmentPathSaveButton tId
1716                                                                       , AttachmentPathCancelButton tId
1717                                                                       ]
1718                              }
1720nullChannelListOverlayState :: TeamId -> ListOverlayState Channel ChannelSearchScope
1721nullChannelListOverlayState tId =
1722    let newList rs = list (JoinChannelList tId) rs 2
1723    in ListOverlayState { _listOverlaySearchResults  = newList mempty
1724                        , _listOverlaySearchInput    = editor (JoinChannelListSearchInput tId) (Just 1) ""
1725                        , _listOverlaySearchScope    = AllChannels
1726                        , _listOverlaySearching      = False
1727                        , _listOverlayEnterHandler   = const $ return False
1728                        , _listOverlayNewList        = newList
1729                        , _listOverlayFetchResults   = const $ const $ const $ return mempty
1730                        , _listOverlayRecordCount    = Nothing
1731                        , _listOverlayReturnMode     = Main
1732                        }
1734nullThemeListOverlayState :: TeamId -> ListOverlayState InternalTheme ()
1735nullThemeListOverlayState tId =
1736    let newList rs = list (ThemeListSearchResults tId) rs 3
1737    in ListOverlayState { _listOverlaySearchResults  = newList mempty
1738                        , _listOverlaySearchInput    = editor (ThemeListSearchInput tId) (Just 1) ""
1739                        , _listOverlaySearchScope    = ()
1740                        , _listOverlaySearching      = False
1741                        , _listOverlayEnterHandler   = const $ return False
1742                        , _listOverlayNewList        = newList
1743                        , _listOverlayFetchResults   = const $ const $ const $ return mempty
1744                        , _listOverlayRecordCount    = Nothing
1745                        , _listOverlayReturnMode     = Main
1746                        }
1748nullUserListOverlayState :: TeamId -> ListOverlayState UserInfo UserSearchScope
1749nullUserListOverlayState tId =
1750    let newList rs = list (UserListSearchResults tId) rs 1
1751    in ListOverlayState { _listOverlaySearchResults  = newList mempty
1752                        , _listOverlaySearchInput    = editor (UserListSearchInput tId) (Just 1) ""
1753                        , _listOverlaySearchScope    = AllUsers Nothing
1754                        , _listOverlaySearching      = False
1755                        , _listOverlayEnterHandler   = const $ return False
1756                        , _listOverlayNewList        = newList
1757                        , _listOverlayFetchResults   = const $ const $ const $ return mempty
1758                        , _listOverlayRecordCount    = Nothing
1759                        , _listOverlayReturnMode     = Main
1760                        }
1762nullEmojiListOverlayState :: TeamId -> ListOverlayState (Bool, T.Text) ()
1763nullEmojiListOverlayState tId =
1764    let newList rs = list (ReactionEmojiList tId) rs 1
1765    in ListOverlayState { _listOverlaySearchResults  = newList mempty
1766                        , _listOverlaySearchInput    = editor (ReactionEmojiListInput tId) (Just 1) ""
1767                        , _listOverlaySearchScope    = ()
1768                        , _listOverlaySearching      = False
1769                        , _listOverlayEnterHandler   = const $ return False
1770                        , _listOverlayNewList        = newList
1771                        , _listOverlayFetchResults   = const $ const $ const $ return mempty
1772                        , _listOverlayRecordCount    = Nothing
1773                        , _listOverlayReturnMode     = MessageSelect
1774                        }
1776-- | The state of channel selection mode.
1777data ChannelSelectState =
1778    ChannelSelectState { _channelSelectInput :: Editor Text Name
1779                       , _channelSelectMatches :: Z.Zipper ChannelListGroup ChannelSelectMatch
1780                       }
1782emptyChannelSelectState :: TeamId -> ChannelSelectState
1783emptyChannelSelectState tId =
1784    ChannelSelectState { _channelSelectInput = editor (ChannelSelectInput tId) (Just 1) ""
1785                       , _channelSelectMatches = Z.fromList []
1786                       }
1788-- | The state of message selection mode.
1789data MessageSelectState =
1790    MessageSelectState { selectMessageId :: Maybe MessageId
1791                       }
1793-- | The state of the post list overlay.
1794data PostListOverlayState =
1795    PostListOverlayState { _postListPosts    :: Messages
1796                         , _postListSelected :: Maybe PostId
1797                         }
1799data InternalTheme =
1800    InternalTheme { internalThemeName :: Text
1801                  , internalTheme :: Theme
1802                  , internalThemeDesc :: Text
1803                  }
1805-- | The state of the search result list overlay. Type 'a' is the type
1806-- of data in the list. Type 'b' is the search scope type.
1807data ListOverlayState a b =
1808    ListOverlayState { _listOverlaySearchResults :: List Name a
1809                     -- ^ The list of search results currently shown in
1810                     -- the overlay.
1811                     , _listOverlaySearchInput :: Editor Text Name
1812                     -- ^ The editor for the overlay's search input.
1813                     , _listOverlaySearchScope :: b
1814                     -- ^ The overlay's current search scope.
1815                     , _listOverlaySearching :: Bool
1816                     -- ^ Whether a search is in progress (i.e. whether
1817                     -- we are currently awaiting a response from a
1818                     -- search query to the server).
1819                     , _listOverlayEnterHandler :: a -> MH Bool
1820                     -- ^ The handler to invoke on the selected element
1821                     -- when the user presses Enter.
1822                     , _listOverlayNewList :: Vec.Vector a -> List Name a
1823                     -- ^ The function to build a new brick List from a
1824                     -- vector of search results.
1825                     , _listOverlayFetchResults :: b -> Session -> Text -> IO (Vec.Vector a)
1826                     -- ^ The function to call to issue a search query
1827                     -- to the server.
1828                     , _listOverlayRecordCount :: Maybe Int
1829                     -- ^ The total number of available records, if known.
1830                     , _listOverlayReturnMode :: Mode
1831                     -- ^ The mode to return to when the window closes.
1832                     }
1834-- | The scope for searching for users in a user list overlay.
1835data UserSearchScope =
1836    ChannelMembers ChannelId TeamId
1837    | ChannelNonMembers ChannelId TeamId
1838    | AllUsers (Maybe TeamId)
1840-- | The scope for searching for channels to join.
1841data ChannelSearchScope =
1842    AllChannels
1844-- | Actions that can be sent on the websocket to the server.
1845data WebsocketAction =
1846    UserTyping UTCTime ChannelId (Maybe PostId) -- ^ user typing in the input box
1847    deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
1849-- * MH Monad
1851-- | Logging context information, in the event that metadata should
1852-- accompany a log message.
1853data LogContext =
1854    LogContext { logContextChannelId :: Maybe ChannelId
1855               }
1856               deriving (Eq, Show)
1858-- | A user fetching strategy.
1859data UserFetch =
1860    UserFetchById UserId
1861    -- ^ Fetch the user with the specified ID.
1862    | UserFetchByUsername Text
1863    -- ^ Fetch the user with the specified username.
1864    | UserFetchByNickname Text
1865    -- ^ Fetch the user with the specified nickname.
1866    deriving (Eq, Show)
1868data MHState =
1869    MHState { mhCurrentState :: ChatState
1870            , mhNextAction :: ChatState -> EventM Name (Next ChatState)
1871            , mhUsersToFetch :: [UserFetch]
1872            , mhPendingStatusList :: Maybe [UserId]
1873            }
1875-- | A value of type 'MH' @a@ represents a computation that can
1876-- manipulate the application state and also request that the
1877-- application quit
1878newtype MH a =
1879    MH { fromMH :: R.ReaderT (Maybe LogContext) (St.StateT MHState (EventM Name)) a }
1881-- | Use a modified logging context for the duration of the specified MH
1882-- action.
1883withLogContext :: (Maybe LogContext -> Maybe LogContext) -> MH a -> MH a
1884withLogContext modifyContext act =
1885    MH $ R.withReaderT modifyContext (fromMH act)
1887withLogContextChannelId :: ChannelId -> MH a -> MH a
1888withLogContextChannelId cId act =
1889    let f Nothing = Just $ LogContext (Just cId)
1890        f (Just c) = Just $ c { logContextChannelId = Just cId }
1891    in withLogContext f act
1893-- | Get the current logging context.
1894getLogContext :: MH (Maybe LogContext)
1895getLogContext = MH R.ask
1897-- | Log a message.
1898mhLog :: LogCategory -> Text -> MH ()
1899mhLog cat msg = do
1900    logger <- mhGetIOLogger
1901    liftIO $ logger cat msg
1903-- | Get a logger suitable for use in IO. The logger always logs using
1904-- the MH monad log context at the time of the call to mhGetIOLogger.
1905mhGetIOLogger :: MH (LogCategory -> Text -> IO ())
1906mhGetIOLogger = do
1907    ctx <- getLogContext
1908    mgr <- use (to (_crLogManager . _csResources))
1909    return $ ioLogWithManager mgr ctx
1911ioLogWithManager :: LogManager -> Maybe LogContext -> LogCategory -> Text -> IO ()
1912ioLogWithManager mgr ctx cat msg = do
1913    now <- getCurrentTime
1914    let lm = LogMessage { logMessageText = msg
1915                        , logMessageContext = ctx
1916                        , logMessageCategory = cat
1917                        , logMessageTimestamp = now
1918                        }
1919    sendLogMessage mgr lm
1921-- | Run an 'MM' computation, choosing whether to continue or halt based
1922-- on the resulting
1923runMHEvent :: ChatState -> MH () -> EventM Name (Next ChatState)
1924runMHEvent st (MH mote) = do
1925  let mhSt = MHState { mhCurrentState = st
1926                     , mhNextAction = Brick.continue
1927                     , mhUsersToFetch = []
1928                     , mhPendingStatusList = Nothing
1929                     }
1930  ((), st') <- St.runStateT (R.runReaderT mote Nothing) mhSt
1931  (mhNextAction st') (mhCurrentState st')
1933scheduleUserFetches :: [UserFetch] -> MH ()
1934scheduleUserFetches fs = MH $ do
1935    St.modify $ \s -> s { mhUsersToFetch = fs <> mhUsersToFetch s }
1937scheduleUserStatusFetches :: [UserId] -> MH ()
1938scheduleUserStatusFetches is = MH $ do
1939    St.modify $ \s -> s { mhPendingStatusList = Just is }
1941getScheduledUserFetches :: MH [UserFetch]
1942getScheduledUserFetches = MH $ St.gets mhUsersToFetch
1944getScheduledUserStatusFetches :: MH (Maybe [UserId])
1945getScheduledUserStatusFetches = MH $ St.gets mhPendingStatusList
1947-- | lift a computation in 'EventM' into 'MH'
1948mh :: EventM Name a -> MH a
1949mh = MH . R.lift . St.lift
1951generateUUID :: MH UUID
1952generateUUID = liftIO generateUUID_IO
1954generateUUID_IO :: IO UUID
1955generateUUID_IO = randomIO
1957mhHandleEventLensed :: Lens' ChatState b -> (e -> b -> EventM Name b) -> e -> MH ()
1958mhHandleEventLensed ln f event = MH $ do
1959    s <- St.get
1960    let st = mhCurrentState s
1961    n <- R.lift $ St.lift $ f event (st ^. ln)
1962    St.put (s { mhCurrentState = st & ln .~ n })
1964mhHandleEventLensed' :: Lens' ChatState b -> (b -> EventM Name b) -> MH ()
1965mhHandleEventLensed' ln f = MH $ do
1966    s <- St.get
1967    let st = mhCurrentState s
1968    n <- R.lift $ St.lift $ f (st ^. ln)
1969    St.put (s { mhCurrentState = st & ln .~ n })
1971mhSuspendAndResume :: (ChatState -> IO ChatState) -> MH ()
1972mhSuspendAndResume mote = MH $ do
1973    s <- St.get
1974    St.put $ s { mhNextAction = \ _ -> Brick.suspendAndResume (mote $ mhCurrentState s) }
1976-- | This will request that after this computation finishes the
1977-- application should exit
1978requestQuit :: MH ()
1979requestQuit = MH $ do
1980    s <- St.get
1981    St.put $ s { mhNextAction = Brick.halt }
1983instance Functor MH where
1984    fmap f (MH x) = MH (fmap f x)
1986instance Applicative MH where
1987    pure x = MH (pure x)
1988    MH f <*> MH x = MH (f <*> x)
1990instance MHF.MonadFail MH where
1991    fail = MH . MHF.fail
1993instance Monad MH where
1994    return x = MH (return x)
1995    MH x >>= f = MH (x >>= \ x' -> fromMH (f x'))
1997-- We want to pretend that the state is only the ChatState, rather
1998-- than the ChatState and the Brick continuation
1999instance St.MonadState ChatState MH where
2000    get = mhCurrentState `fmap` MH St.get
2001    put st = MH $ do
2002        s <- St.get
2003        St.put $ s { mhCurrentState = st }
2005instance St.MonadIO MH where
2006    liftIO = MH . St.liftIO
2008-- | This represents events that we handle in the main application loop.
2009data MHEvent =
2010    WSEvent WebsocketEvent
2011    -- ^ For events that arise from the websocket
2012    | WSActionResponse WebsocketActionResponse
2013    -- ^ For responses to websocket actions
2014    | RespEvent (MH ())
2015    -- ^ For the result values of async IO operations
2016    | RefreshWebsocketEvent
2017    -- ^ Tell our main loop to refresh the websocket connection
2018    | WebsocketParseError String
2019    -- ^ We failed to parse an incoming websocket event
2020    | WebsocketDisconnect
2021    -- ^ The websocket connection went down.
2022    | WebsocketConnect
2023    -- ^ The websocket connection came up.
2024    | BGIdle
2025    -- ^ background worker is idle
2026    | BGBusy (Maybe Int)
2027    -- ^ background worker is busy (with n requests)
2028    | RateLimitExceeded Int
2029    -- ^ A request initially failed due to a rate limit but will be
2030    -- retried if possible. The argument is the number of seconds in
2031    -- which the retry will be attempted.
2032    | RateLimitSettingsMissing
2033    -- ^ A request denied by a rate limit could not be retried because
2034    -- the response contained no rate limit metadata
2035    | RequestDropped
2036    -- ^ A request was reattempted due to a rate limit and was rate
2037    -- limited again
2038    | IEvent InternalEvent
2039    -- ^ MH-internal events
2041-- | Internal application events.
2042data InternalEvent =
2043    DisplayError MHError
2044    -- ^ Some kind of application error occurred
2045    | LoggingStarted FilePath
2046    | LoggingStopped FilePath
2047    | LogStartFailed FilePath String
2048    | LogDestination (Maybe FilePath)
2049    | LogSnapshotSucceeded FilePath
2050    | LogSnapshotFailed FilePath String
2051    -- ^ Logging events from the logging thread
2053-- | Application errors.
2054data MHError =
2055    GenericError T.Text
2056    -- ^ A generic error message constructor
2057    | NoSuchChannel T.Text
2058    -- ^ The specified channel does not exist
2059    | NoSuchUser T.Text
2060    -- ^ The specified user does not exist
2061    | AmbiguousName T.Text
2062    -- ^ The specified name matches both a user and a channel
2063    | ServerError MattermostError
2064    -- ^ A Mattermost server error occurred
2065    | ClipboardError T.Text
2066    -- ^ A problem occurred trying to deal with yanking or the system
2067    -- clipboard
2068    | ConfigOptionMissing T.Text
2069    -- ^ A missing config option is required to perform an operation
2070    | ProgramExecutionFailed T.Text T.Text
2071    -- ^ Args: program name, path to log file. A problem occurred when
2072    -- running the program.
2073    | NoSuchScript T.Text
2074    -- ^ The specified script was not found
2075    | NoSuchHelpTopic T.Text
2076    -- ^ The specified help topic was not found
2077    | AttachmentException SomeException
2078    -- ^ IO operations for attaching a file threw an exception
2079    | BadAttachmentPath T.Text
2080    -- ^ The specified file is either a directory or doesn't exist
2081    | AsyncErrEvent SomeException
2082    -- ^ For errors that arise in the course of async IO operations
2083    deriving (Show)
2085-- ** Application State Lenses
2087makeLenses ''ChatResources
2088makeLenses ''ChatState
2089makeLenses ''TeamState
2090makeLenses ''ChatEditState
2091makeLenses ''AutocompleteState
2092makeLenses ''PostListOverlayState
2093makeLenses ''ListOverlayState
2094makeLenses ''ChannelSelectState
2095makeLenses ''UserPreferences
2096makeLenses ''ConnectionInfo
2097makeLenses ''ChannelTopicDialogState
2098makeLenses ''SaveAttachmentDialogState
2099Brick.suffixLenses ''Config
2101applyTeamOrderPref :: Maybe [TeamId] -> ChatState -> ChatState
2102applyTeamOrderPref Nothing st = st
2103applyTeamOrderPref (Just prefTIds) st =
2104    let teams = _csTeams st
2105        ourTids = HM.keys teams
2106        tIds = filter (`elem` ourTids) prefTIds
2107        curTId = st^.csCurrentTeamId
2108        unmentioned = filter (not . wasMentioned) $ HM.elems teams
2109        wasMentioned ts = (teamId $ _tsTeam ts) `elem` tIds
2110        zipperTids = tIds <> (teamId <$> sortTeams (_tsTeam <$> unmentioned))
2111    in st { _csTeamZipper = (Z.findRight (== curTId) $ mkTeamZipperFromIds zipperTids)
2112          }
2114refreshTeamZipper :: MH ()
2115refreshTeamZipper = do
2116    tidOrder <- use (csResources.crUserPreferences.userPrefTeamOrder)
2117    St.modify (applyTeamOrderPref tidOrder)
2119applyTeamOrder :: [TeamId] -> MH ()
2120applyTeamOrder tIds = St.modify (applyTeamOrderPref $ Just tIds)
2122newState :: StartupStateInfo -> ChatState
2123newState (StartupStateInfo {..}) =
2124    let config = _crConfiguration startupStateResources
2125    in applyTeamOrderPref (_userPrefTeamOrder $ _crUserPreferences startupStateResources) $
2126       ChatState { _csResources                   = startupStateResources
2127                 , _csLastMouseDownEvent          = Nothing
2128                 , _csTeamZipper                  = Z.findRight (== startupStateInitialTeam) $
2129                                                    mkTeamZipper startupStateTeams
2130                 , _csTeams                       = startupStateTeams
2131                 , _csChannelListOrientation      = configChannelListOrientation config
2132                 , _csMe                          = startupStateConnectedUser
2133                 , _csChannels                    = noChannels
2134                 , _csPostMap                     = HM.empty
2135                 , _csUsers                       = noUsers
2136                 , _timeZone                      = startupStateTimeZone
2137                 , _csConnectionStatus            = Connected
2138                 , _csWorkerIsBusy                = Nothing
2139                 , _csClientConfig                = Nothing
2140                 , _csInputHistory                = startupStateInitialHistory
2141                 }
2143getServerBaseUrl :: TeamId -> MH TeamBaseURL
2144getServerBaseUrl tId = do
2145    st <- use id
2146    return $ serverBaseUrl st tId
2148serverBaseUrl :: ChatState -> TeamId -> TeamBaseURL
2149serverBaseUrl st tId =
2150    let baseUrl = connectionDataURL $ _crConn $ _csResources st
2151        tName = teamName $ st^.csTeam(tId).tsTeam
2152    in TeamBaseURL (TeamURLName $ sanitizeUserText tName) baseUrl
2154unsafeCedFileBrowser :: Lens' ChatEditState (FB.FileBrowser Name)
2155unsafeCedFileBrowser =
2156     lens (\st   -> st^.cedFileBrowser ^?! _Just)
2157          (\st t -> st & cedFileBrowser .~ Just t)
2159getSession :: MH Session
2160getSession = use (csResources.crSession)
2162getResourceSession :: ChatResources -> Session
2163getResourceSession = _crSession
2165whenMode :: Mode -> MH () -> MH ()
2166whenMode m act = do
2167    curMode <- use (csCurrentTeam.tsMode)
2168    when (curMode == m) act
2170setMode :: Mode -> MH ()
2171setMode m = do
2172    csCurrentTeam.tsMode .= m
2173    mh invalidateCache
2175setMode' :: Mode -> ChatState -> ChatState
2176setMode' m = csCurrentTeam.tsMode .~ m
2178resetSpellCheckTimer :: ChatEditState -> IO ()
2179resetSpellCheckTimer s =
2180    case s^.cedSpellChecker of
2181        Nothing -> return ()
2182        Just (_, reset) -> reset
2184-- ** Utility Lenses
2185csCurrentChannelId :: TeamId -> SimpleGetter ChatState ChannelId
2186csCurrentChannelId tId =
2187    csTeam(tId).tsFocus.to Z.unsafeFocus.to channelListEntryChannelId
2189csCurrentTeamId :: SimpleGetter ChatState TeamId
2190csCurrentTeamId =
2191    csTeamZipper.to Z.unsafeFocus
2193csCurrentTeam :: Lens' ChatState TeamState
2194csCurrentTeam =
2195    lens (\st   -> st^.csTeam(st^.csCurrentTeamId))
2196         (\st t -> st & csTeam(st^.csCurrentTeamId) .~ t)
2198csTeam :: TeamId -> Lens' ChatState TeamState
2199csTeam tId =
2200    lens (\ st -> st ^. csTeams . at tId ^?! _Just)
2201         (\ st t -> st & csTeams . at tId .~ Just t)
2203channelListEntryUserId :: ChannelListEntry -> Maybe UserId
2204channelListEntryUserId e =
2205    case channelListEntryType e of
2206        CLUserDM uId -> Just uId
2207        _ -> Nothing
2209userIdsFromZipper :: Z.Zipper ChannelListGroup ChannelListEntry -> [UserId]
2210userIdsFromZipper z =
2211    concat $ (catMaybes . fmap channelListEntryUserId . snd) <$> Z.toList z
2213entryIsDMEntry :: ChannelListEntry -> Bool
2214entryIsDMEntry e =
2215    case channelListEntryType e of
2216        CLUserDM {} -> True
2217        CLGroupDM {} -> True
2218        CLChannel {} -> False
2220csCurrentChannel :: Lens' ChatState ClientChannel
2221csCurrentChannel =
2222    lens (\ st -> findChannelById (st^.csCurrentChannelId(st^.csCurrentTeamId)) (st^.csChannels) ^?! _Just)
2223         (\ st n -> st & csChannels %~ addChannel (st^.csCurrentChannelId(st^.csCurrentTeamId)) n)
2225csChannel :: ChannelId -> Traversal' ChatState ClientChannel
2226csChannel cId =
2227    csChannels . channelByIdL cId
2229withChannel :: ChannelId -> (ClientChannel -> MH ()) -> MH ()
2230withChannel cId = withChannelOrDefault cId ()
2232withChannelOrDefault :: ChannelId -> a -> (ClientChannel -> MH a) -> MH a
2233withChannelOrDefault cId deflt mote = do
2234    chan <- preuse (csChannel(cId))
2235    case chan of
2236        Nothing -> return deflt
2237        Just c  -> mote c
2239-- ** 'ChatState' Helper Functions
2241raiseInternalEvent :: InternalEvent -> MH ()
2242raiseInternalEvent ev = do
2243    queue <- use (csResources.crEventQueue)
2244    writeBChan queue (IEvent ev)
2246writeBChan :: (MonadIO m) => BCH.BChan MHEvent -> MHEvent -> m ()
2247writeBChan chan e = do
2248    written <- liftIO $ BCH.writeBChanNonBlocking chan e
2249    when (not written) $
2250        error $ "mhSendEvent: BChan full, please report this as a bug!"
2252-- | Log and raise an error.
2253mhError :: MHError -> MH ()
2254mhError err = do
2255    mhLog LogError $ T.pack $ show err
2256    raiseInternalEvent (DisplayError err)
2258isMine :: ChatState -> Message -> Bool
2259isMine st msg =
2260    case msg^.mUser of
2261        UserI _ uid -> uid == myUserId st
2262        _ -> False
2264getMessageForPostId :: ChatState -> PostId -> Maybe Message
2265getMessageForPostId st pId = st^.csPostMap.at(pId)
2267getParentMessage :: ChatState -> Message -> Maybe Message
2268getParentMessage st msg
2269    | InReplyTo pId <- msg^.mInReplyToMsg
2270      = st^.csPostMap.at(pId)
2271    | otherwise = Nothing
2273getReplyRootMessage :: Message -> MH Message
2274getReplyRootMessage msg = do
2275    case postRootId =<< (msg^.mOriginalPost) of
2276        Nothing -> return msg
2277        Just rootId -> do
2278            st <- use id
2279            case getMessageForPostId st rootId of
2280                -- NOTE: this case should never happen. This is the
2281                -- case where a message has a root post ID but we
2282                -- don't have a copy of the root post in storage. This
2283                -- shouldn't happen because whenever we add a message
2284                -- to a channel, we always fetch the parent post and
2285                -- store it if it is in a thread. That should mean that
2286                -- whenever we reply to a post, if that post is itself
2287                -- a reply, we should have its root post in storage
2288                -- and this case should never match. Even though it
2289                -- shouldn't happen, rather than raising a BUG exception
2290                -- here we'll just fall back to the input message.
2291                Nothing -> return msg
2292                Just m -> return m
2294setUserStatus :: UserId -> Text -> MH ()
2295setUserStatus uId t = do
2296    csUsers %= modifyUserById uId (uiStatus .~ statusFromText t)
2297    cs <- use csChannels
2298    forM_ (allTeamIds cs) $ \tId ->
2299        mh $ invalidateCacheEntry $ ChannelSidebar tId
2301usernameForUserId :: UserId -> ChatState -> Maybe Text
2302usernameForUserId uId st = _uiName <$> findUserById uId (st^.csUsers)
2304displayNameForUserId :: UserId -> ChatState -> Maybe Text
2305displayNameForUserId uId st = do
2306    u <- findUserById uId (st^.csUsers)
2307    return $ displayNameForUser u (st^.csClientConfig) (st^.csResources.crUserPreferences)
2309-- | Note: this only searches users we have already loaded. Be
2310-- aware that if you think you need a user we haven't fetched, use
2311-- withFetchedUser!
2312userIdForUsername :: Text -> ChatState -> Maybe UserId
2313userIdForUsername name st =
2314    fst <$> (findUserByUsername name $ st^.csUsers)
2316channelIdByChannelName :: Text -> ChatState -> Maybe ChannelId
2317channelIdByChannelName name st =
2318    let matches (_, cc) = cc^.ccInfo.cdName == (trimChannelSigil name) &&
2319                          cc^.ccInfo.cdTeamId == (Just $ st^.csCurrentTeamId)
2320    in listToMaybe $ fst <$> filteredChannels matches (st^.csChannels)
2322channelIdByUsername :: Text -> ChatState -> Maybe ChannelId
2323channelIdByUsername name st = do
2324    uId <- userIdForUsername name st
2325    getDmChannelFor uId (st^.csChannels)
2327useNickname :: ChatState -> Bool
2328useNickname st =
2329    useNickname' (st^.csClientConfig) (st^.csResources.crUserPreferences)
2331trimChannelSigil :: Text -> Text
2332trimChannelSigil n
2333    | normalChannelSigil `T.isPrefixOf` n = T.tail n
2334    | otherwise = n
2336addNewUser :: UserInfo -> MH ()
2337addNewUser u = do
2338    csUsers %= addUser u
2339    -- Invalidate the cache because channel message rendering may need
2340    -- to get updated if this user authored posts in any channels.
2341    mh invalidateCache
2343data SidebarUpdate =
2344    SidebarUpdateImmediate
2345    | SidebarUpdateDeferred
2346    deriving (Eq, Show)
2349resetAutocomplete :: MH ()
2350resetAutocomplete = do
2351    csCurrentTeam.tsEditState.cedAutocomplete .= Nothing
2352    csCurrentTeam.tsEditState.cedAutocompletePending .= Nothing
2355-- * Slash Commands
2357-- | The 'CmdArgs' type represents the arguments to a slash-command; the
2358-- type parameter represents the argument structure.
2359data CmdArgs :: K.Type -> K.Type where
2360    NoArg    :: CmdArgs ()
2361    LineArg  :: Text -> CmdArgs Text
2362    UserArg  :: CmdArgs rest -> CmdArgs (Text, rest)
2363    ChannelArg :: CmdArgs rest -> CmdArgs (Text, rest)
2364    TokenArg :: Text -> CmdArgs rest -> CmdArgs (Text, rest)
2366-- | A 'CmdExec' value represents the implementation of a command when
2367-- provided with its arguments
2368type CmdExec a = a -> MH ()
2370-- | A 'Cmd' packages up a 'CmdArgs' specifier and the 'CmdExec'
2371-- implementation with a name and a description.
2372data Cmd =
2373    forall a. Cmd { cmdName    :: Text
2374                  , cmdDescr   :: Text
2375                  , cmdArgSpec :: CmdArgs a
2376                  , cmdAction  :: CmdExec a
2377                  }
2379-- | Helper function to extract the name out of a 'Cmd' value
2380commandName :: Cmd -> Text
2381commandName (Cmd name _ _ _ ) = name
2383-- *  Channel Updates and Notifications
2385userList :: ChatState -> [UserInfo]
2386userList st = filter showUser $ allUsers (st^.csUsers)
2387    where showUser u = not (isSelf u) && (u^.uiInTeam)
2388          isSelf u = (myUserId st) == (u^.uiId)
2390allUserIds :: ChatState -> [UserId]
2391allUserIds st = getAllUserIds $ st^.csUsers
2393-- BEWARE: you probably don't want this, but instead
2394-- State.Users.withFetchedUser, since this only looks up users in the
2395-- collection we have already loaded rather than all valid users on the
2396-- server.
2397userById :: UserId -> ChatState -> Maybe UserInfo
2398userById uId st = findUserById uId (st^.csUsers)
2400myUserId :: ChatState -> UserId
2401myUserId st = myUser st ^. userIdL
2403myUser :: ChatState -> User
2404myUser st = st^.csMe
2406myUsername :: ChatState -> Text
2407myUsername st = userUsername $ st^.csMe
2409-- BEWARE: you probably don't want this, but instead
2410-- State.Users.withFetchedUser, since this only looks up users in the
2411-- collection we have already loaded rather than all valid users on the
2412-- server.
2413userByUsername :: Text -> ChatState -> Maybe UserInfo
2414userByUsername name st = do
2415    snd <$> (findUserByUsername name $ st^.csUsers)
2417-- BEWARE: you probably don't want this, but instead
2418-- State.Users.withFetchedUser, since this only looks up users in the
2419-- collection we have already loaded rather than all valid users on the
2420-- server.
2421userByNickname :: Text -> ChatState -> Maybe UserInfo
2422userByNickname name st =
2423    snd <$> (findUserByNickname name $ st^.csUsers)
2425getUsers :: MH Users
2426getUsers = use csUsers
2428-- * HighlightSet
2430type UserSet = Set Text
2431type ChannelSet = Set Text
2433-- | The set of usernames, channel names, and language names used for
2434-- highlighting when rendering messages.
2435data HighlightSet =
2436    HighlightSet { hUserSet    :: Set Text
2437                 , hChannelSet :: Set Text
2438                 , hSyntaxMap  :: SyntaxMap
2439                 }
2441emptyHSet :: HighlightSet
2442emptyHSet = HighlightSet Set.empty Set.empty mempty
2444getHighlightSet :: ChatState -> HighlightSet
2445getHighlightSet st =
2446    let tId = st^.csCurrentTeamId
2447    in HighlightSet { hUserSet = addSpecialUserMentions $ getUsernameSet $ st^.csUsers
2448                    , hChannelSet = getChannelNameSet tId $ st^.csChannels
2449                    , hSyntaxMap = st^.csResources.crSyntaxMap
2450                    }
2452attrNameToConfig :: Brick.AttrName -> Text
2453attrNameToConfig = T.pack . intercalate "." . Brick.attrNameComponents
2455-- From: https://docs.mattermost.com/help/messaging/mentioning-teammates.html
2456specialUserMentions :: [T.Text]
2457specialUserMentions = ["all", "channel", "here"]
2459addSpecialUserMentions :: Set Text -> Set Text
2460addSpecialUserMentions s = foldr Set.insert s specialUserMentions
2462getNewMessageCutoff :: ChannelId -> ChatState -> Maybe NewMessageIndicator
2463getNewMessageCutoff cId st = do
2464    cc <- st^?csChannel(cId)
2465    return $ cc^.ccInfo.cdNewMessageIndicator
2467getEditedMessageCutoff :: ChannelId -> ChatState -> Maybe ServerTime
2468getEditedMessageCutoff cId st = do
2469    cc <- st^?csChannel(cId)
2470    cc^.ccInfo.cdEditedMessageThreshold
2472clearChannelUnreadStatus :: ChannelId -> MH ()
2473clearChannelUnreadStatus cId = do
2474    mh $ invalidateCacheEntry (ChannelMessages cId)
2475    csChannel(cId) %= (clearNewMessageIndicator .
2476                       clearEditedThreshold)
2478moveLeft :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
2479moveLeft v as =
2480    case elemIndex v as of
2481        Nothing -> as
2482        Just 0 -> as
2483        Just i ->
2484            let (h, t) = splitAt i as
2485            in init h <> [v, last h] <> tail t
2487moveRight :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
2488moveRight v as =
2489    case elemIndex v as of
2490        Nothing -> as
2491        Just i
2492            | i == length as - 1 -> as
2493            | otherwise ->
2494                let (h, t) = splitAt i as
2495                in h <> [head (tail t), v] <> (tail (tail t))