2# This file is part of:
4#  gpsman --- GPS Manager: a manager for GPS receiver data
6# Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Miguel Filgueiras migfilg@t-online.de
8#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9#      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10#      the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11#      (at your option) any later version.
13#      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14#      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16#      GNU General Public License for more details.
18#      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19#      along with this program.
21#  File: map.tcl
22#  Last change:  6 October 2013
24# Includes contributions by
25#  - Brian Baulch (baulchb _AT_ onthenet.com.au) marked "BSB contribution"
26#  - Stefan Heinen (stefan.heinen _AT_ djh-freeweb.de) marked "SH contribution"
27#  - David Gardner (djgardner _AT_ users.sourceforge.net) marked "DJG contribution"
28#  - Rudolf Martin (rudolf.martin _AT_ gmx.de) marked "RM contribution"
30## tags used:
31#    waypoints: WP WP=$name forWP=$ix lab=$name sq2
32#               possibly: inRT=$RTix inRT=:$number
33#    labels of WP: WP WPn forWP=$ix lab=$name txt
34#               possibly: inRT=$RTix inRT=:$number
35#    symbols of WP: WP WPsy lab=$name syforWP=$ix
36#    lines of RSs (RT stages):
37#               RT forRT=$ix from=$itWP to=$itWP stno=$number (>=0) line
38#    labels of RSs: RT forRT=$ix lab txt
39#    trackpoints: TR forTR=$ix inTR=$ix lab=$ix-$number sq2
40#               on first point: TRfirst TR=$ix
41#    labels of TP: TR forTR=$ix inTR=$ix lab=$ix-$number txt
42#    lines in TRs: TR forTR=$ix line
43#    first point in LNs: LN forLN=$ix LNfirst LN=$ix sq2
44#    lines in LNs: LN forLN=$ix line
45#    lines for measuring distance: measure mseg=$number (>0)
46#    for animation:
47#      - points: sq2 an=$no
48#        possibly: lastfor=$no
49#      - lines: line an=$no
50#      - blinking image: lab an=$no anblink=$no
51#    when saving map: temp
52#    for RT under definition:    mkRT
53#      - line from WP to cursor: mkRTfrom mkRTfrline mkRTtrans
54#      - point under cursor: mkRTfrom mkRTcursor mkRTtrans
55#      - line from cursor to WP (when editing RS): mkRTtoline mkRTtrans
56#      - stage: mkRTedge from=$itWP to=$itWP stno=$number line
57#    background images in grid: mapimage forIm=$dx,$dy
58#    background images not in grid: mapimage forIm=$number
59#    when loading background image ($n in {1, 2}):
60#      - WP name to place when geo-referencing map: mapfix mapfixname
61#      - name of 3rd WP when adjusting map: mapfix mapfixthird
62#      - temporary lines when fixing map: mapfix mapfixline=$n
63#      - lines when adjusting map: mapadjust mapfixline=$n
64#      - temporary points when adjusting map: mapfix mappoint=$n
65#    when simplifying/converting TR to RT/TR, with $w a window path,
66#     $n a natural number:
67#      - lines in converted RT/TR: exp=$w expconv=$w line
68#      - turnpoints in converted RT/TR: exp=$w expconv=$w sq2 lab=$n.$n
69#      - TR elements: exp=$w expTR=$w (in addition to normal tags)
72### map bindings
74# - by event
76# <Key-Up>	& scroll up (move map down) slowly
77# <Shift-Up>	& scroll NE (move map SW) slowly
78# <Key-Down>	& scroll down (move map up) slowly
79# <Shift-Down>	& scroll SW (move map NE) slowly
80# <Key-Left>	& scroll left (move map right) slowly
81# <Shift-Right>	& scroll SE (move map NW) slowly
82# <Shift-Left>	& scroll NW (move map SE) slowly
83# <Key-Right>	& scroll right (move map left) slowly
84# <Key-Delete>	& scroll up (move map down) fast
85# <Key-space>	& scroll down (move map up) fast
86# <Return>	& create waypoint
88# <Control-Motion> & panning slowly			% <---- SH
90# <Button-1>	& create waypoint, or
91#  		& add waypoint to route being edited on map (if any)
92# <Double-1>	& open item (if over item)
93# <Control-1>	& open waypoint menu (if over waypoint); otherwise
94#  		& Unix: open route menu if editing it on the map
95#  		& non-Unix: finish edition of route on map
96# <Shift-1>	& delete waypoint from route being edited on map (if any)
98# <B2-Motion>	& panning fast
99# <Shift-2>	& cancel edition of route on map
101# <Button-3>	& stop motion of waypoint (if one moving)
102#  		& Unix: finish edition of route on map
103#  		& non-Unix: open waypoint menu (if over waypoint); otherwise
104#  		& non-Unix: open route menu if editing it on the map
105# <Control-3>	& edit previous stage of route being edited on map (if any)
106# <Shift-3>	& mark position to measure distance and compute azimuth
107#                    (not when loading image or editing a route on map)
108# <Control-Shift-3>
109#  		& edit next stage of route being edited on map (if any)
111# <Button-4>	& scroll up (move map down)
112# <Shift-4>	& scroll up (move map down) fast
113# <Control-4>	& scroll left (move map right) fast
114# <Alt-4>		& scroll left (move map right)
115# <Button-5>	& scroll down (move map up)
116# <Shift-5>	& scroll down (move map up) fast
117# <Control-5>	& scroll right (move map left) fast
118# <Alt-5>		& scroll right (move map left)
120# - by action
122# scroll up (move map down) slowly	& <Key-Up>
123# scroll up (move map down)		& <Button-4>
124# scroll up (move map down) fast		& <Key-Delete>, <Shift-4>
126# scroll down (move map up) slowly	& <Key-Down>
127# scroll down (move map up)		& <Button-5>
128# scroll down (move map up) fast		& <Key-space>, <Shift-5>
130# scroll left (move map right) slowly	& <Key-Left>
131# scroll left (move map right)		& <Alt-4>
132# scroll left (move map right) fast	& <Control-4>
134# scroll right (move map left) slowly	& <Key-Right>
135# scroll right (move map left)		& <Alt-5>
136# scroll right (move map left) fast	& <Control-5>
138# scroll NE (move map SW) slowly		& <Shift-Up>
139# scroll SE (move map NW) slowly		& <Shift-Right>
140# scroll SW (move map NE) slowly		& <Shift-Down>
141# scroll NW (move map SE) slowly		& <Shift-Left>
143# panning slowly		& <Control-Motion>
144# panning fast		& <B2-Motion>
146# create waypoint 	& <Button-1>, <Return>
148# stop motion of waypoint (if one moving)		& <Button-3>
150# open item (if over item)	& <Double-1>
152# measure distance/azimuth & <Shift-3>
154# open waypoint menu (if over waypoint)	& Unix: <Control-1>
155#  					& non-Unix: <Button-3>
157# add waypoint to route being edited on map (if any)	& <Button-1>
158# delete waypoint from route being edited on map (if any)	& <Shift-1>
159# edit previous stage of route being edited on map (if any)
160# 						& <Control-3>
161# edit next stage of route being edited on map (if any)
162#  						& <Control-Shift-3>
163# open route menu if editing it on the map	& Unix: <Control-1>
164#  						& non-Unix: <Button-3>
166# finish edition of route on map			& Unix: <Button-3>
167#  						& non-Unix: <Control-1>
168# cancel edition of route on map	& <Shift-2>
171#  general bindings are set in proc SetMapBindings
172#  other bindings are set in procs:
173#      MapCreateWP, PutMapRTWPRS, PutMapTREls
174#  changes in scrolling/panning bindings should be reflected in
175#      proc MapBackNGPlaceWP
177proc SetMapBindings {} {
178    # set cursor and initial bindings for map items and perform other
179    #  initializations
180    # a logo or "dummy" text is created for this purpose and then destroyed
183    $Map configure -cursor crosshair
185    if { $UNIX } {
186	bind $Map <Enter> "focus $Map ; MapCursor"
187	bind $Map <Leave> { focus . ; UnMapCursor }
188    } else {
189	# SH contribution: focus when creating but no focus changes when
190	#  entering/leaving
191	focus $Map
192	bind $Map <Enter> MapCursor
193	bind $Map <Leave> { UnMapCursor }
194    }
196    #  changes in scrolling/panning bindings should be reflected in
197    #      proc MapBackNGPlaceWP
198    # scrolling in N-S, E-W
199    bind $Map <Key-Up> { ScrollMap y scroll -1 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
200    bind $Map <Key-Delete> { ScrollMap y scroll -1 pages ; MapCursorUpdate }
201    bind $Map <Key-space> { ScrollMap y scroll 1 pages ; MapCursorUpdate }
202    bind $Map <Key-Down> { ScrollMap y scroll 1 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
203    bind $Map <Key-Left> { ScrollMap x scroll -1 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
204    bind $Map <Key-Right> { ScrollMap x scroll 1 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
205    # scrolling in NE-SW, NW-SE
206    bind $Map <Shift-Up> { ScrollMap y scroll -1 units
207       ScrollMap x scroll 1 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
208    bind $Map <Shift-Down> { ScrollMap y scroll 1 units
209       ScrollMap x scroll -1 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
210    bind $Map <Shift-Left> { ScrollMap y scroll -1 units
211       ScrollMap x scroll -1 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
212    bind $Map <Shift-Right> { ScrollMap y scroll 1 units
213       ScrollMap x scroll 1 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
214    # panning
215    # SH contribution: marking during motion and panning with
216    #  Control-Motion at a lower speed
217    bind $Map <Motion> {$Map scan mark %x %y; MapCursorMotion %x %y}
218    bind $Map <Control-Motion> "$Map scan dragto %x %y 1; \
219	    SetVisibleOrigin x ; SetVisibleOrigin y ; MapCursorUpdate"
221    bind $Map <B2-Motion> "$Map scan dragto %x %y ; SetVisibleOrigin x ; \
222	    SetVisibleOrigin y ; MapCursorUpdate"
223    # BSB contribution: wheelmouse scrolling
224    bind $Map <Button-5> { ScrollMap y scroll 25 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
225    bind $Map <Button-4> { ScrollMap y scroll -25 units ; MapCursorUpdate }
226    bind $Map <Shift-Button-5> { ScrollMap y scroll 1 pages
227	MapCursorUpdate }
228    bind $Map <Shift-Button-4> { ScrollMap y scroll -1 pages
229	MapCursorUpdate }
230    bind $Map <Control-Button-5> { ScrollMap x scroll 1 pages
231	MapCursorUpdate }
232    bind $Map <Control-Button-4> { ScrollMap x scroll -1 pages
233	MapCursorUpdate }
234    bind $Map <Alt-Button-5> { ScrollMap x scroll 25 units
235	MapCursorUpdate }
236    bind $Map <Alt-Button-4> { ScrollMap x scroll -25 units
237	MapCursorUpdate }
239    set ts [linsert $MAPTYPES 0 dummy]
240    if { $Logo != "" } {
241	$Map create image $MAPW2 $MAPH2 -image $Logo -anchor center -tags $ts
242    } else { $Map create text 0 0 -tags $ts }
243    foreach m $MAPTYPES {
244	$Map bind $m <Enter> { HighLight }
245	$Map bind $m <Leave> { LowLight }
246    }
247    if { $LNSREACT } {
248	$Map bind LN <Enter> { HighLight }
249	$Map bind LN <Leave> { LowLight }
250    }
251    after 5000 "$Map delete dummy"
252    bind $Map <Button-1> { SafeSingleClick 1 MarkMapPoint %x %y }
253    bind $Map <Double-1> { SafeCompoundClick 1 Ignore ; break }
254    # bindings of mkRTtrans tag that did not work under some window managers
255    #  are now set in this way
256    foreach e "Control-1 Shift-1 Shift-2 Button-3 Control-3 Control-Shift-3" {
257        bind $Map <$e> "MapBinding $e %x %y ; break"
258    }
259    bind $Map <Shift-3> { MapMeasure %x %y }
260    # BSB contribution
261    bind $Map <Return> { MarkMapPoint %x %y }
262    return
265proc MapBinding {event x y} {
266    # answer to a map event
267    global UNIX MapMakingRT
269    switch $event {
270	Control-1 {
271	    if { $MapMakingRT } {
272		# SH contribution: roles of B-3 and Control-1 in non-Unix
273		if { $UNIX} {
274		    MapRTMenu -1 $x $y
275		} else { MapFinishRT $x $y }
276	    }
277	}
278	Shift-1 {
279	    if { $MapMakingRT } { MapDelFromRT sel }
280	}
281	Button-3 {
282	    if { $MapMakingRT } {
283		# SH contribution: roles of B-3 and Control-1 in non-Unix
284		if { $UNIX} {
285		    MapFinishRT $x $y
286		} else { MapRTMenu -1 $x $y }
287	    } else {
288		StopMapWPMoving
289	    }
290	}
291	Control-3 {
292	    if { $MapMakingRT} { MapChangeRTLastRS }
293	}
294	Control-Shift-3 {
295	    if { $MapMakingRT} { MapChangeRTNextRS }
296	}
297	Shift-2 {
298	    if { $MapMakingRT} { MapCancelRT ask close }
299	}
300    }
301    return
304### cursor: marking, moving
306proc MarkMapPoint {x y} {
307    # mark point on map if map is not void
308    global Map MapEmpty MapWPMoving MapMakingRT MapScale MapLoading \
309	    MapLoadWPs MapLoadWPNs MapLoadPos MapPFormat MapPFDatum OVx OVy \
312    set xx [expr $OVx+$x-$CRHAIRx] ; set yy [expr $OVy+$y-$CRHAIRy]
313    switch -glob $MapLoading {
314	0 {
315	    if { ! $MapEmpty } {
316		if { $MapWPMoving != -1 } {
317		    eval MapMoveWP [MapToPosn $xx $yy]
318		    return
319		} elseif { $MapMakingRT } {
320		    # this was a binding of mkRTtrans tag that
321		    #  did not work under some window managers
322		    MapAddToRT $x $y
323		    return
324		} else {
325		    # create new WP
326		    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(WP)] } {
327			Raise $EdWindow(WP) ; bell ; return
328		    }
329		    foreach "latd longd" [MapToPosn $xx $yy] { break }
330		    foreach "p pfmt datum" \
331			[FormatPosition $latd $longd $Datum \
332			     $MapPFormat $MapPFDatum DDD] { break }
333		    set opts [list create revert cancel]
334		    if { $CREATIONDATE } {
335			GMWPoint -1 $opts \
336				[FormData WP "PFrmt Posn Datum Date" \
337				    [list $pfmt $p $datum [Now]]]
338		    } else {
339			GMWPoint -1 $opts \
340				[FormData WP "Commt PFrmt Posn Datum" \
341				   [list [DateCommt [Now]] $pfmt $p $datum]]
342		    }
343		}
344	    }
345	}
346	NoRot=3 {
347	    # display first waypoint
348	    set MapLoadPos(origin,x) $xx ; set MapLoadPos(origin,y) $yy
349	    MapCreateWP $xx $yy [lindex $MapLoadWPs 0] [lindex $MapLoadWPNs 0]
350	    # change tags of line segments
351	    foreach a "1 2" {
352		set it [$Map find withtag mapfixline=$a]
353		$Map dtag $it mapfix ; $Map addtag mapadjust withtag $it
354	    }
355	    set dmx $MapLoadPos(dmx,1) ; set dmy $MapLoadPos(dmy,1)
356	    if { [set dir $MapLoadPos(dir)] == "x" } {
357		# compute coefficients of line (y=a x+b)
358		set MapLoadPos(a) [expr -1.0*$dmy/$dmx]
359		set MapLoadPos(b) [expr $yy-$MapLoadPos(a)*$xx]
360	    } else {
361		# compute coefficients of line (x=a y+b)
362		set MapLoadPos(a) [expr -1.0*$dmx/$dmy]
363		set MapLoadPos(b) [expr $xx-$MapLoadPos(a)*$yy]
364	    }
365	    set MapLoadPos(bound) $MapLoadPos(origin,$dir)
366	    set c dm$dir
367	    # Does 2nd point lie to the right (East), or above (North) the 1st
368	    #  in the terrain?
369	    set MapLoadPos(rtab) [expr $MapLoadPos($c,1) > 0]
370	    set MapLoading NoRot=end ; set MapScale 1e6
371	    MapCursor
372	}
373	NoRot=end {
374	    if { $MapLoadPos(scale) > 1e5 } {
375		bell
376	    } else {
377		foreach a "1 2" {
378		    set ix [lindex $MapLoadWPs $a]
379		    $Map delete forWP=$ix syforWP=$ix
380		    eval MapCreateWP $MapLoadPos(adj,$a) $ix \
381			    {[lindex $MapLoadWPNs $a]}
382		}
383		set MapScale $MapLoadPos(scale)
384		.wmapload.fr.bns.ok configure -state normal
385	    }
386	}
387	Affine*=[1-3] -  LeastSquares=* {
388	    # type of transformation and number of points to be placed
389	    regexp (.*)=(.*) $MapLoading z how n
390	    incr n -1
391	    set MapLoadPos($n,x) $xx ; set MapLoadPos($n,y) $yy
392	    if { [set ix [lindex $MapLoadWPs $n]] == -1 && \
393		   [set ix [DefineCtrlPoint .wmapload $n \
394				.wmapload.fr.frbx.bx 0]] == -1 } {
395		MapLoadBkCancel
396		return
397	    }
398	    MapCreateWP $xx $yy [lindex $MapLoadWPs $n] \
399		    [lindex $MapLoadWPNs $n]
400	    set MapLoading ${how}=$n
401	    $Map delete mapfixname
402	    MapCursor
403	    if { $n == 0 } {
404		.wmapload.fr.bns.ok configure -state normal
405	    }
406	    # continuation to either MapLoadBkDialDone or MapLoadBkCancel
407	}
408    }
409    return
412proc MapCursor {} {
413    # start following pointer on map if map is not void
414    global Map MapEmpty MapMakingRT MapRTCurrent MapLoading MapLoadWPNs \
415	    MapLoadPos MAPCOLOUR MapEditingRS MapRTNext DEFTRTWIDTH
417    switch -glob $MapLoading {
418	Affine*=[1-3] -  LeastSquares=* {
419	    $Map delete mapfix
420	    regsub .*= $MapLoading "" n
421	    incr n -1
422	    $Map create text 100 100 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -anchor sw \
423		    -text [lindex $MapLoadWPNs $n] -justify left \
424		    -tags [list map mapfix mapfixname]
425	}
426	NoRot=3 {
427	    $Map delete mapfix
428	    foreach a "1 2" {
429		set ts [list map mapfix mapfixline=$a]
430		eval $Map create line $MapLoadPos(pos,$a) \
431			-fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -width 2 -tags {$ts}
432	    }
433	    $Map create text 100 100 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -anchor sw \
434		    -text [lindex $MapLoadWPNs 0] -justify left \
435		    -tags [list map mapfix mapfixname]
436	}
437	NoRot=end {
438	    $Map delete mapfix
439	    # create two circles for 2nd and 3rd WPs
440	    foreach a "1 2" {
441		$Map create oval 100 100 105 105 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) \
442			-tags [list mapfix mappoint=$a]
443	    }
444	    $Map create text 100 100 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -anchor sw \
445		    -text [lindex $MapLoadWPNs 2] -justify center \
446		    -tags [list map mapfix mapfixthird]
447	    $Map create text 100 100 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -anchor sw \
448		    -text [lindex $MapLoadWPNs 1] -justify left \
449		    -tags [list map mapfix mapfixname]
450	}
451	0 {
452	    if { ! $MapEmpty && $MapMakingRT } {
453		if { $MapEditingRS } {
454		    set x [lindex $MapRTNext 0]
455		    set y [lindex $MapRTNext 1]
456		    $Map create line $x $y $x $y -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) \
457			    -arrow first -smooth 0 -width $DEFTRTWIDTH \
458			    -tags [list mkRT mkRTtoline mkRTtrans]
459		}
460		set x [lindex $MapRTCurrent 0] ; set y [lindex $MapRTCurrent 1]
461		$Map create line $x $y $x $y -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) \
462			-arrow first -smooth 0 -width $DEFTRTWIDTH \
463			-tags [list mkRT mkRTfrom mkRTfrline mkRTtrans]
464		$Map create oval [expr $x-3] [expr $y-3] \
465			[expr $x+3] [expr $y+3] -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) \
466			-tags [list mkRT mkRTfrom mkRTcursor mkRTtrans]
467	    }
468	}
469    }
470    return
473proc UnMapCursor {} {
474    # stop following pointer on map if map is not void
475    global Map MapEmpty MapMakingRT MapLoading XCoord YCoord CursorPos \
476	    UNIX RealTimeLogAnim
478    switch -glob $MapLoading {
479	Affine*=* -  NoRot=* -  LeastSquares=* {
480	    $Map delete mapfix
481	    # SH contribution: do not raise .wmapload under non-Unix
482	    if { $UNIX && [winfo exists .wmapload] } { Raise .wmapload }
483	}
484	0 {
485	    if { ! $MapEmpty } {
486		catch { unset CursorPos }
487		set XCoord "" ; set YCoord ""
488		if { $MapMakingRT } {
489		    $Map delete mkRTtrans
490		    # SH contribution: do not raise .gmRT under non-Unix
491		    if { $UNIX && [winfo exists .gmRT] } { Raise .gmRT }
492		} elseif { $UNIX && $RealTimeLogAnim && \
493			[winfo exists .simdrive] } {
494		    # raise driving simulator window
495		    Raise .simdrive
496		}
497	    }
498	}
499    }
500    return
503proc MapCursorMotion {x y} {
504    # compute coordinates of pointer on map if map is not void
505    global Map MapEmpty MapScale OVx OVy CursorPos MapMakingRT MapRTCurrent \
506	    MapLoading MapLoadPos MapWPMoving CRHAIRx CRHAIRy \
507	    MapEditingRS MapRTNext
509    set CursorPos [list $x $y]
510    set xx [expr $OVx+$x-$CRHAIRx] ; set yy [expr $OVy+$y-$CRHAIRy]
511    switch -glob $MapLoading {
512	Affine*=[1-3] -  LeastSquares=* {
513	    # move name of WP to be placed
514	    $Map coords mapfixname $xx $yy
515	}
516	NoRot=3 {
517	    # move name of 1st WP and lines to the other two WPs
518	    $Map coords mapfixname $xx $yy
519	    foreach a "1 2" {
520		$Map coords mapfixline=$a $xx $yy \
521		    [expr $xx+$MapLoadPos(dx,$a)] [expr $yy+$MapLoadPos(dy,$a)]
522	    }
523	}
524	NoRot=end {
525	    # move names and positions of 2nd and 3rd WPs
526	    # move 2nd on its line; then place 3rd according to scale
527	    set bound $MapLoadPos(bound) ; set rtab $MapLoadPos(rtab)
528	    if { $MapLoadPos(dir) == "x" } {
529		# $rtab!=0 means that segment is to the right of 1st point
530		#  assuming vector (0,1) in terrain coordinates to point North
531		if { $rtab } {
532		    if { $xx < $bound } { set xx $bound }
533		} elseif { $xx > $bound } {
534		    set xx $bound
535		}
536		set yy [expr $MapLoadPos(a)*$xx+$MapLoadPos(b)]
537	    } else {
538		# $rtab!=0 means that segment is above the 1st point
539		#  assuming vector (0,1) in terrain coordinates to point North
540		# y-coordinates in the canvas grow South!
541		if { $rtab } {
542		    if { $yy > $bound } { set yy $bound }
543		} elseif { $yy < $bound } {
544		    set yy $bound
545		}
546		set xx [expr $MapLoadPos(a)*$yy+$MapLoadPos(b)]
547	    }
548	    # move 2nd point
549	    $Map coords mappoint=1 [expr $xx-3] [expr $yy-3] \
550		                   [expr $xx+3] [expr $yy+3]
551	    $Map coords mapfixname $xx [expr $yy-8]
552	    # compute scale (m/pixel)
553	    set dx0 [expr $xx-$MapLoadPos(origin,x)]
554	    set dy0 [expr $yy-$MapLoadPos(origin,y)]
555	    if { [set d0 [expr sqrt($dx0*$dx0+$dy0*$dy0)]] < 1e-15 } {
556		set sc 1e6
557	    } else {
558		set sc [expr 1.0*$MapLoadPos(dist)/$d0]
559	    }
560	    # compute coords of 3rd point and move it
561	    set x3 [expr $MapLoadPos(origin,x)+1.0*$MapLoadPos(dmx,2)/$sc]
562	    set y3 [expr $MapLoadPos(origin,y)-1.0*$MapLoadPos(dmy,2)/$sc]
563	    $Map coords mappoint=2 [expr $x3-3] [expr $y3-3] \
564		                   [expr $x3+3] [expr $y3+3]
565	    $Map coords mapfixthird $x3 [expr $y3-8]
566	    MapScaleChange $sc
567	    set MapLoadPos(adj,1) [list $xx $yy]
568	    set MapLoadPos(adj,2) [list $x3 $y3]
569	    set MapLoadPos(scale) $sc
570	}
571	0 {
572	    if { ! $MapEmpty } {
573		SetMapCoords $xx $yy
574		if { $MapMakingRT } {
575		    set cx [lindex $MapRTCurrent 0]
576		    set cy [lindex $MapRTCurrent 1]
577		    $Map coords mkRTfrline $xx $yy $cx $cy
578		    $Map coords mkRTcursor [expr $xx-2] [expr $yy-2] \
579			    [expr $xx+2] [expr $yy+2]
580		    if { $MapEditingRS } {
581			set cx [lindex $MapRTNext 0]
582			set cy [lindex $MapRTNext 1]
583			$Map coords mkRTtoline $cx $cy $xx $yy
584		    }
585		}
586		if { $MapWPMoving != -1 } {
587		    BalloonMotion $x $y
588		}
589	    }
590	}
591    }
592    return
595proc MapCursorUpdate {} {
596    # update cursor coordinates after scrolling
597    global CursorPos
599    if { ! [catch {set CursorPos}] } {
600	eval MapCursorMotion $CursorPos
601    }
602    return
605### measuring
607proc MapMeasure {x y} {
608    # measuring a distance along a line on the map
609    # this proc is used both for starting the operation and for adding each
610    #  new point
611    #  $x,$y are the map coordinates of point
612    global MapEmpty MapLoading MapMakingRT MapMeasure FixedFont \
615    if { $MapEmpty || $MapMakingRT || $MapLoading != 0 } { return }
616    set xx [expr $OVx+$x-$CRHAIRx] ; set yy [expr $OVy+$y-$CRHAIRy]
617    set pn [MapToPosn $xx $yy]
618    if { $MapMeasure == "" } {
619	# list with total distance, number of segments, followed by
620	#  positions and coordinates for each point
621	set MapMeasure [list 0 0 $pn $xx $yy]
622	return
623    }
625    # used elsewhere
626    set w .mapmeasure
628    if { ! [winfo exists $w] } {
629	GMToplevel $w distazim +[expr $DPOSX+100]+[expr $DPOSY+100] {} \
630	    {WM_DELETE_WINDOW MapMeasureEnd} {}
632	frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
633	label $w.fr.fromto -text $TXT(distazim)
634	frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
635	label $w.fr.fr1.dist -width 15 -font $FixedFont -anchor w
636	label $w.fr.fr1.bear -width 15 -font $FixedFont -anchor w
637	frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
638	button $w.fr.frsel.loop -text $TXT(loop) -command MapMeasureLoop
639	button $w.fr.frsel.back -text $TXT(undo) -command MapMeasureUndo
640	button $w.fr.frsel.cr -text $TXT(crtLN) -command MapMeasureCreateLN
641	button $w.fr.frsel.cnc -text $TXT(cancel) -command MapMeasureEnd
643	pack $w.fr -side top
644	pack $w.fr.fr1.dist $w.fr.fr1.bear -side left -padx 5
645	pack $w.fr.frsel.loop $w.fr.frsel.back $w.fr.frsel.cr \
646	    $w.fr.frsel.cnc -side left -padx 5
647	pack $w.fr.fromto $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.frsel -side top -pady 5
648    }
649    MapMeasureAdd $pn $xx $yy
650    return
653proc MapMeasureAdd {posn xx yy} {
654    # add new point to measure line updating the map and the dialog window
655    #  unless distance to last point is less than 1 metre
656    global MapMeasure Map Datum DSCALE DTUNIT TXT
658    set pp [lindex $MapMeasure end-2]
659    set xxp [lindex $MapMeasure end-1]
660    set yyp [lindex $MapMeasure end]
661    foreach "dist nsegs p1" $MapMeasure { break }
662    if { [set dist [expr $dist+[ComputeDist $pp $posn $Datum]]] < 1e-3 } {
663	bell ; return
664    }
665    lappend MapMeasure $posn $xx $yy
666    set MapMeasure [lreplace $MapMeasure 0 1 $dist [incr nsegs]]
667    set dist [format "%8.3f" [expr $dist*$DSCALE]]
668    set bear [format "%5d" [ComputeBear $p1 $posn $Datum]]
669    $Map create line $xxp $yyp $xx $yy -width 4 -arrow last -fill green \
670	    -tags [list measure mseg=$nsegs]
671    set w .mapmeasure
672    $w.fr.fr1.dist configure -text "$dist $DTUNIT"
673    $w.fr.fr1.bear configure -text "$bear $TXT(degrees)"
674    return
677proc MapMeasureCreateLN {} {
678    # create LN from measurement line
679    # there must be at least two points
680    global MapMeasure EdWindow Datum MapPFormat MapPFDatum
682    if { [llength $MapMeasure] < 8 } { bell ; return }
683    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(LN)] } {
684	bell ; Raise $EdWindow(LN)
685	return
686    }
687    set lps ""
688    foreach "p xx yy" [lrange $MapMeasure 2 end] {
689	foreach "latd longd" $p { break }
690	set p [lindex \
691		[FormatPosition $latd $longd $Datum $MapPFormat $MapPFDatum] 0]
692	lappend lps [FormData LP posn [list $p]]
693    }
694    GMLine -1 {create revert cancel} [FormData LN "Datum PFrmt LPoints" \
695					  [list $MapPFDatum $MapPFormat $lps]]
696    return
699proc MapMeasureLoop {} {
700    # add segment from current to first point
701    # there must be at least two points
702    global MapMeasure
704    if { [llength $MapMeasure] < 8 } { bell ; return }
705    eval MapMeasureAdd [lrange $MapMeasure 2 4]
706    return
709proc MapMeasureUndo {} {
710    # delete last segment of measurement line or finish if there is
711    #  only one
712    global Map MapMeasure Datum DSCALE DTUNIT TXT
714    foreach "dist nsegs p1" $MapMeasure { break }
715    if { $nsegs < 2 } {
716	MapMeasureEnd
717	return
718    }
719    $Map delete mseg=$nsegs
720    set lp [lindex $MapMeasure end-2]
721    set MapMeasure [lrange $MapMeasure 0 end-3]
722    set pp [lindex $MapMeasure end-2]
723    set dist [expr $dist-[ComputeDist $pp $lp $Datum]]
724    set MapMeasure [lreplace $MapMeasure 0 1 $dist [incr nsegs -1]]
725    set dist [format "%8.3f" [expr $dist*$DSCALE]]
726    set bear [format "%5d" [ComputeBear $p1 $pp $Datum]]
727    set w .mapmeasure
728    $w.fr.fr1.dist configure -text "$dist $DTUNIT"
729    $w.fr.fr1.bear configure -text "$bear $TXT(degrees)"
730    return
733proc MapMeasureEnd {} {
734    # finish measuring distances
735    global Map MapMeasure
737    set MapMeasure ""
738    $Map delete measure
739    destroy .mapmeasure
740    return
743### scrolling and resizing
745proc ScrollMapTo {x0 y0 x y} {
746    # scroll map so that point at ($x0,$y0) is shown at ($x,$y),
747    #  pixel coordinates relative to canvas origin
748    global Map MapRange
750    ScrollMap x moveto [expr [lindex [$Map xview] 0]+($x0-$x)/$MapRange(x)]
751    ScrollMap y moveto [expr [lindex [$Map yview] 0]+($y0-$y)/$MapRange(y)]
752    return
755proc ScrollMap {dim args} {
756    # scroll map and set corresponding coordinate of origin of visible region
757    # $dim in {x, y}, $args suitable to {x,y}view command
758    global Map
760    eval $Map ${dim}view $args
761    SetVisibleOrigin $dim
762    return
765proc SetVisibleOrigin {dim} {
766    # set coordinate of origin of visible region
767    # $dim in {x, y}
768    global Map OV$dim MapRange
770    set sc [lindex [$Map ${dim}view] 0]
771    set OV$dim [expr $sc*$MapRange($dim)+$MapRange(${dim}0)]
772    return
775proc MapResize {} {
776    global Map MAPW2 MAPH2 MapWidth MapHeight
777    global OVx OVy
779    set cx [expr $MAPW2+$OVx] ; set cy [expr $MAPH2+$OVy]
780    set MapWidth [winfo width $Map] ; set MapHeight [winfo height $Map]
781    set MAPW2 [expr $MapWidth/2] ; set MAPH2 [expr $MapHeight/2]
782    SetMapBounds
783    ScrollMapTo $cx $cy [expr $MAPW2+$OVx] [expr $MAPH2+$OVy]
784    return
787### highlighting items
789proc HighLightWP {ix syit} {
790    # highlight WP representation
791    global Map MAPCOLOUR
793    $Map itemconfigure forWP=$ix -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
794    return
797proc HighLight {} {
798    # highlight mapped item where the pointer is currently on
799    global Map MAPCOLOUR
801    set ts [$Map itemcget [set it [$Map find withtag current]] -tags]
802    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {forRT=*}]] != -1 } {
803	set t [lindex $ts $i]
804	$Map itemconfigure $t -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
805	regsub forRT= $t "" ix
806	$Map itemconfigure inRT=$ix -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
807	return
808    }
809    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {forWP=*}]] != -1 } {
810	regsub forWP= [lindex $ts $i] "" ix
811	set syit [$Map find withtag syforWP=$ix]
812	HighLightWP $ix $syit
813	return
814    }
815    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {syforWP=*}]] != -1 } {
816	regsub syforWP= [lindex $ts $i] "" ix
817	HighLightWP $ix $it
818	return
819    }
820    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {for??=*}]] != -1 } {
821	$Map itemconfigure [lindex $ts $i] -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
822    }
823    return
826proc LowLight {} {
827    # finish highlighting a mapped item
828    global MAPCOLOUR Map RTColour TRColour LNColour
830    set ts [$Map itemcget [$Map find withtag current] -tags]
831    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {forRT=*}]] != -1 } {
832	set t [lindex $ts $i]
833	regsub forRT= $t "" ix
834	if { $ix != -1 } {
835	    set c $RTColour($ix)
836	} else { set c $MAPCOLOUR(RT) }
837	$Map itemconfigure $t -fill $c
838	$Map itemconfigure inRT=$ix -fill $MAPCOLOUR(WP)
839	return
840    }
841    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {forWP=*}]] != -1 } {
842	$Map itemconfigure [lindex $ts $i] -fill $MAPCOLOUR(WP)
843	# $Map delete syframe
844	## this avoids an infinite loop; don't ask me why...
845	# update idletasks
846	return
847    }
848    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {syforWP=*}]] != -1 } {
849	regsub syforWP= [lindex $ts $i] "" ix
850	$Map itemconfigure forWP=$i -fill $MAPCOLOUR(WP)
851	# cannot "$Map delete syframe": infinite loop...
852	return
853    }
854    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {forTR=*}]] != -1 } {
855	set t [lindex $ts $i]
856	regsub forTR= $t "" ix
857	if { $ix != -1 } {
858	    set c $TRColour($ix)
859	} else { set c $MAPCOLOUR(TR) }
860	$Map itemconfigure $t -fill $c
861	$Map itemconfigure inTR=$ix -fill $MAPCOLOUR(TP)
862	return
863    }
864    if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {forLN=*}]] != -1 } {
865	set t [lindex $ts $i]
866	regsub forLN= $t "" ix
867	if { $ix != -1 } {
868	    set c $LNColour($ix)
869	} else { set c $MAPCOLOUR(LN) }
870	$Map itemconfigure $t -fill $c
871    }
872    return
875### map bounds
877proc SetMapBounds {} {
878    # set map bounds according to mapped items and configure map buttons
879    global Map MapBounds MapEmpty MapRange MapWPMoving MapMakingRT WConf \
880	    MAPW2 MAPH2 MapWidth MapHeight MapTransfTitle PrevCentre
882    set MapBounds [$Map bbox all]
883    if { [$Map find all] != "" } {
884	# enlarge bounds so that corners can be scrolled to window centre
885	set mbs ""
886	foreach i "0 1 2 3" d [list $MAPW2 $MAPH2 $MAPW2 $MAPH2] \
887		s "-1 -1 1 1" {
888	    lappend mbs [expr $s*$d+[lindex $MapBounds $i]]
889	}
890	set MapBounds $mbs
891	foreach d "x y" i "0 1" ii "2 3" l [list $MapWidth $MapHeight] {
892	    set MapRange($d) \
893		    [expr [lindex $MapBounds $ii]-[lindex $MapBounds $i]]
894	    set MapRange(${d}0) [lindex $MapBounds $i]
895	}
896	set st normal
897	$Map configure -scrollregion $MapBounds
898	SetVisibleOrigin x ; SetVisibleOrigin y
899	set PrevCentre [list [lindex [$Map xview] 0] [lindex [$Map yview] 0]]
900    } else {
901	set st disabled
902	set MapEmpty 1 ; set MapTransfTitle ""
903	MapMeasureEnd
904	foreach b $WConf(mapdatum) { $b configure -state normal }
905	set MapRange(x) $MapWidth ; set MapRange(y) $MapHeight
906	set MapRange(x0) 0 ; set MapRange(y0) 0
907	$Map configure -scrollregion [list 0 0 $MapWidth $MapHeight]
908	set MapMakingRT 0
909	StopMapWPMoving
910    }
911    ChangeOnState mapstate $st
912    return
915### scale
917proc MapScaleToShow {scale} {
918    # compute distance and unit to show for map scale in metre/pixel
921    if { [set v [expr $DSCALE*$MAPSCLENGTH*$scale/1000.0]] < 0.999 } {
922	set u $SUBDTUNIT ; set v [expr 1.0*$v/$SUBDSCALE]
923    } else { set u $DTUNIT }
924    return "[format %.2f $v] $u"
927proc MapScaleFromDist {d} {
928    # compute scale in metre/pixel from distance shown on map window
931    return [expr $d*1000.0/$DSCALE/$MAPSCLENGTH]
934proc MapScaleChange {value} {
935    # show change in map scale
936    #  $value is either a scale in metre/pixel when geo-referencing image,
937    #   or distance to show on map window
940    if { $MapLoading != 0 } {
941	if { $value > 1e5 } {
942	    $MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.cv.val configure -text ?
943	    update idletasks
944	    return
945	}
946	set txt [MapScaleToShow $value]
947    } else {
948	if { $value < 1 } {
949	    set u $SUBDTUNIT ; set value [expr 1.0*$value/$SUBDSCALE]
950	    if { [expr int($value)] != $value } {
951		set value [format %.2f $value]
952	    }
953	} else { set u $DTUNIT }
954	set txt "$value $u"
955    }
956    $MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.cv.val configure -text $txt
957    update idletasks
958    return
961proc FixMapScale {proj} {
962    # compute map scale after a foreign geo-referencing file was used
963    #  by evaluating the distance between the inverse projections of
964    #  the map center and a point to its right at $MAPSCLENGTH pixels
965    # assume that the MPData array has the map projection parameters and
966    #  that the map transformation has been set up
967    # cannot call proc MapToPosn because proc MapProjectionIs has not
968    #  been called yet
969    global MapTransf MapScale MAPSCLENGTH MAPW2 MAPH2 MPData MAPPARTPROJ
971    foreach n "1 2" xm "$MAPW2 [expr $MAPW2+$MAPSCLENGTH]" {
972        set pt [MapInvert${MapTransf}Transf $xm $MAPH2]
973	if { ! [catch {set mp $MAPPARTPROJ($proj)}] } {
974	    set proj $mp
975	}
976	set p$n [eval Proj${proj}Invert MPData $pt]
977    }
978    set MapScale \
979	[expr 1000.0*[ComputeDist $p1 $p2 $MPData(datum)]/$MAPSCLENGTH]
980    return
983proc MapScaleSet {d} {
984    # apply map scale change
985    #  $d is number of distance units represented by $MAPSCLENGTH pixels
986    global Map MapScale MAPW2 MAPH2 MapMakingRT MapRTCurrent MapLoading \
987	    MapRange OVx OVy MapTransf MapEmpty MESS MapEditingRS MapRTNext
989    if { $MapLoading != 0 } { return }
990    set s [MapScaleFromDist $d]
991    if { $s == $MapScale } { return }
992    if { ! $MapEmpty && ! [MapNewScale${MapTransf}Transf $s] } {
993	GMMessage $MESS(transfcantscale)
994	return
995    }
996    SetCursor . watch
997    MapScaleChange $d
998    set r [expr $MapScale*1.0/$s]
999    set MapScale $s
1000    # pixel coordinates of centre, relative to canvas origin after scaling
1001    set xms [expr $r*($OVx+$MAPW2)] ; set yms [expr $r*($OVy+$MAPH2)]
1002    # scale map items
1003    foreach item [$Map find withtag sq2] {
1004	set cs [$Map coords $item]
1005	# coordinates of the centre of the square
1006	set x0 [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set y0 [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
1007	set dx [expr ($r-1)*$x0] ; set dy [expr ($r-1)*$y0]
1008	set ts [$Map gettags $item]
1009	if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {lab=*}]] != -1 } {
1010	    set t [lindex $ts $i]
1011	} else { set t $item }
1012	$Map move $t $dx $dy
1013    }
1014    foreach item [$Map find withtag {line||lab}] {
1015	set cs ""
1016	foreach c [$Map coords $item] {
1017	    lappend cs [expr $r*$c]
1018	}
1019	eval $Map coords $item $cs
1020    }
1021    if { $MapMakingRT } {
1022	set x [expr $r*[lindex $MapRTCurrent 0]]
1023	set y [expr $r*[lindex $MapRTCurrent 1]]
1024	set MapRTCurrent [list $x $y [lindex $MapRTCurrent 2]]
1025	if { $MapEditingRS } {
1026	    set x [expr $r*[lindex $MapRTNext 0]]
1027	    set y [expr $r*[lindex $MapRTNext 1]]
1028	    set MapRTNext [list $x $y [lindex $MapRTNext 2]]
1029	}
1030    }
1031    # compute new bounds and origin of visible part
1032    SetMapBounds
1033    # scroll old centre (xms,yms) to new centre
1034    ScrollMapTo $xms $yms [expr $OVx+$MAPW2] [expr $OVy+$MAPH2]
1035    ResetCursor .
1036    return
1039### abstract mapping procedures
1040## conversions between geodetic positions and map coordinates
1042proc MapFromPosn {latd longd datum} {
1043    # compute map coordinates from position
1044    global MapEmpty MapLoading MapScale MapProjPointProc MapProjInitProc \
1045	    MapProjection MapTransf MAPW2 MAPH2 WConf MPData MTData Datum \
1046	    RealTimeLogOn RealTimeLogAnim ASKPROJPARAMS
1048    if { $MapEmpty && ! $MapLoading } {
1049	set MapEmpty 0
1050	catch { unset MPData } ; catch { unset MTData }
1051	foreach b $WConf(mapdatum) { $b configure -state disabled }
1052	# do not ask for parameters confirmation if getting real-time log and
1053	#  animating it
1054	set oask $ASKPROJPARAMS
1055	if { $RealTimeLogOn && $RealTimeLogAnim } {
1056	    set ASKPROJPARAMS 0
1057	}
1058	set pt [$MapProjInitProc $MapProjection MPData $Datum \
1059		[list [list $latd $longd $datum]]]
1060	set ASKPROJPARAMS $oask
1061	# default transformation: no rotation
1062	# default initial location on map: $MAPW2 $MAPH2
1063	eval MapInitNoRotTransf $MapScale $pt $MAPW2 $MAPH2
1064    } else {
1065	set pt [$MapProjPointProc MPData $latd $longd $datum]
1066    }
1067    return [eval MapApply${MapTransf}Transf $pt]
1070proc MapToPosn {xm ym} {
1071    # compute latitude and longitude in projection datum from map coordinates
1072    global MapProjInvertProc MapTransf
1074    set pt [MapInvert${MapTransf}Transf $xm $ym]
1075    return [eval $MapProjInvertProc MPData $pt]
1078proc SetMapCoords {xm ym} {
1079    # set map cursor coordinates in selected format
1080    global MapProjInvertProc MapTransf MapPFormat MapPFDatum XCoord YCoord \
1081	    MapZone Datum ZGRID POSTYPE
1083    set pt [MapInvert${MapTransf}Transf $xm $ym]
1084    foreach "latd longd" [eval $MapProjInvertProc MPData $pt] { break }
1085    set p [lindex \
1086	       [FormatPosition $latd $longd $Datum $MapPFormat $MapPFDatum] 0]
1087    switch $POSTYPE($MapPFormat) {
1088	latlong -  nzgrid -  mh {
1089	    set MapZone ""
1090	    foreach "XCoord YCoord" [lrange $p 2 end] { break }
1091	}
1092	utm {
1093	    set XCoord [expr round([lindex $p 4])]
1094	    set YCoord [expr round([lindex $p 5])]
1095	    set MapZone "[lindex $p 2][lindex $p 3]"
1096	}
1097	grid {
1098	    foreach "MapZone XCoord YCoord" [lrange $p 2 end] { break }
1099	}
1100    }
1101    return
1104### displaying items
1106proc MapCreateWP {x y wpix name} {
1107    # create WP representation on map
1108    # return rectangle item
1109    global Map WPCommt WPSymbol WPDispOpt MAPCOLOUR ICONHEIGHT MapFont UNIX
1111    set its [set it [$Map create rectangle [expr $x-1] [expr $y-1] \
1112	             [expr $x+1] [expr $y+1] -fill $MAPCOLOUR(WP) \
1113		     -outline $MAPCOLOUR(WP) \
1114		     -tags [list WP WP=$name forWP=$wpix lab=$name sq2]]]
1115    switch [set o $WPDispOpt($wpix)] {
1116	name -
1117	s_name {
1118	    lappend its [$Map create text $x [expr $y-6-$ICONHEIGHT/2.0] \
1119		    -text $name -fill $MAPCOLOUR(WP) -font $MapFont \
1120		    -justify center \
1121		    -tags [list WP WPn forWP=$wpix lab=$name txt]]
1122	}
1123	comment -
1124	s_comment {
1125	    set t $WPCommt($wpix)
1126	    lappend its [$Map create text $x [expr $y-6-$ICONHEIGHT/2.0] \
1127		    -text $t -fill $MAPCOLOUR(WP) -font $MapFont \
1128		    -justify center \
1129		    -tags [list WP WPn forWP=$wpix lab=$name txt]]
1130	}
1131    }
1132    if { [string first s $o] == 0 } {
1133	set syim [lindex [SymbolImageName $WPSymbol($wpix)] 0]
1134	lappend its [$Map create image $x $y -anchor center \
1135		-image $syim -tags [list WP WPsy syforWP=$wpix lab=$name]]
1136    }
1137    # SH contribution: use B-3 in non-Unix systems instead of Control-1
1138    if { $UNIX } {
1139	set event "<Control-1>"
1140	set com "SafeCompoundClick 1 MapWPMenu $wpix"
1141    } else {
1142	set event "<Button-3>"
1143	set com "MapWPMenu $wpix"
1144    }
1145    foreach m $its {
1146	$Map bind $m <Double-1> "SafeCompoundClick 1 OpenItem WP $wpix"
1147	$Map bind $m $event $com
1148    }
1149    return $it
1152proc PutMapWP {ix} {
1153    # map WP with given index
1154    # return map item for the rectangle
1155    global Datum WPName WPPosn WPDatum WPMBack MapEmpty
1157    if { $MapEmpty && [set mbak $WPMBack($ix)] != "" } { LoadMapBack $mbak }
1158    set p [MapFromPosn [lindex $WPPosn($ix) 0] [lindex $WPPosn($ix) 1] \
1159	              $WPDatum($ix)]
1160    return [MapCreateWP [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1] $ix $WPName($ix)]
1163proc PutMapRT {ix} {
1164    # map RT with given index
1165    # return -1 if RT contains a WP either unknown or being edited, or
1166    #  the operation was aborted, otherwise 1
1167    global RTWPoints RTStages RTMBack MapEmpty
1169    if { $MapEmpty && [set mbak $RTMBack($ix)] != "" } { LoadMapBack $mbak }
1170    return [PutMapRTWPRS $ix $RTWPoints($ix) $RTStages($ix) \
1171	    [list RT forRT=$ix] inRT=$ix]
1174proc PutMapRTWPRS {ix wps rss rttags wptag} {
1175    # map RT having the WPs in $wps, RSs in $rss, adding $rttags to RT
1176    #  elements and $wptag (unless void) to WPs
1177    #  $ix may be -1, in which case there will be no bindings to open
1178    #    the RT
1179    # the colour is taken to be indexed by the head of $rttags
1180    # return -1 if RT contains a WP either unknown or being edited,
1181    #  or if operation was aborted, and 1 otherwise
1182    # slow operation dialog only used if $xi!=-1, "mkRT" not in $rttags and
1183    #  there are more than 100 WPs
1184    global WPDispl EdWindow GMEd Map MAPCOLOUR MESS TXT DataIndex MapFont \
1185	    RTWidth RTColour DEFTRTWIDTH
1187    if { $ix != -1 && [lindex $wps 100] != "" && \
1188	    [lsearch -exact $rttags mkRT] == -1 } {
1189	set slow 1
1190	set sid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(displ)]
1191    } else {
1192	set slow 0
1193	SetCursor . watch
1194    }
1195    set its ""
1196    foreach wp $wps {
1197	if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } {
1198	    UnMapRT $ix
1199	    SlowOpFinish $sid ""
1200	    return -1
1201	}
1202	set wpix [IndexNamed WP $wp]
1203	if { [set it [$Map find withtag WP=$wp]] == "" } {
1204	    if { $wpix == -1 } {
1205		set m "$MESS(cantmapRTunkn) $wp"
1206	    } elseif { [winfo exists $EdWindow(WP)] && \
1207		    $GMEd(WP,Index) == $wpix } {
1208		set m "$MESS(cantmapRTed): $wp"
1209	    } else { set m "" }
1210	    if { $m != "" } {
1211		if { $slow } {
1212		    SlowOpFinish $sid $m
1213		} else {
1214		    GMMessage $m
1215		    ResetCursor .
1216		}
1217		return -1
1218	    }
1219	    set it [PutMapWP $wpix]
1220	    set WPDispl($wpix) 1
1221	    SetDisplShowWindow WP $wpix select
1222	}
1223	lappend its $it
1224	if { $wptag != "" } {
1225	    $Map addtag $wptag withtag forWP=$wpix
1226	}
1227    }
1228    if { $ix != -1 } {
1229	set wdth $RTWidth($ix) ; set colour $RTColour($ix)
1230    } else {
1231	set wdth $DEFTRTWIDTH ; set colour $MAPCOLOUR(RT)
1232    }
1233    if { [lindex $rttags 0] == "mkRT" } { set colour $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) }
1234    set cs [$Map coords [set it0 [lindex $its 0]]]
1235    # coordinates of the centre of the square
1236    set x0 [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set y0 [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
1237    set ixlab $DataIndex(RSlabel)
1238    set k 0
1239    foreach it [lrange $its 1 end] st $rss {
1240	if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } {
1241	    UnMapRT $ix
1242	    SlowOpFinish $sid ""
1243	    return -1
1244	}
1245	if { $it != "" } {
1246	    set cs [$Map coords $it]
1247	    set x [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set y [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
1248	    set ts [concat $rttags [list from=$it0 to=$it stno=$k line]]
1249	    set zs [$Map create line $x0 $y0 $x $y -arrow last -smooth 0 \
1250		    -fill $colour -width $wdth -tags $ts]
1251	    if { [set sl [lindex $st $ixlab]] != "" } {
1252		set xl [expr ($x0+$x)/2] ; set yl [expr ($y0+$y)/2]
1253		set ts [linsert $rttags end lab txt]
1254		lappend zs [$Map create text $xl $yl \
1255		    -text $sl -fill $colour -font $MapFont \
1256		    -justify center -tags $ts]
1257	    }
1258	    if { $ix != -1 } {
1259		foreach l $zs {
1260		    $Map bind $l <Double-1> \
1261			    "SafeCompoundClick 1 OpenItem RT $ix"
1262		    $Map lower $l $it0
1263		}
1264	    } else {
1265		foreach l $zs { $Map lower $l $it0 }
1266	    }
1267	    set x0 $x ; set y0 $y ; set it0 $it
1268	    incr k
1269	}
1270    }
1271    if { $slow } {
1272	SlowOpFinish $sid ""
1273    } else { ResetCursor . }
1274    return 1
1277proc PutMapTREls {ix tps segsts datum tags} {
1278    # map TR elements
1279    #  $ix is index of TR or -1; used for tagging
1280    #  $tps is list of TR points with given $datum
1281    #  $segsts is list of indices (!=0) of TR points starting segments
1282    #  $tags is tags to add to all created canvas items (may be void)
1283    # slow operation dialog only used if there are more then 100 TPs
1284    # return -1 if operation was aborted, 1 otherwise
1286	MapFont TXT TRINFO
1288    if { [lindex $tps 101] != "" } {
1289	set slow 1
1290	set sid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(displ)]
1291    } else {
1292	set slow 0
1293	SetCursor . watch
1294    }
1295    set res 1
1296    set tags1 [linsert $tags 0 TR forTR=$ix inTR=$ix]
1297    set tags2 [linsert $tags 0 TR forTR=$ix line]
1298    set its "" ; set i 1
1299    if { $ix != -1 } {
1300	set name $TRName($ix) ; set wdth $TRWidth($ix)
1301	set colour $TRColour($ix)
1302    } else {
1303	set name "(???)" ; set wdth $DEFTTRWIDTH
1304	set colour $MAPCOLOUR(TR)
1305    }
1306    foreach tp $tps {
1307	if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } {
1308	    set res -1 ; break
1309	}
1310	set p [MapFromPosn [lindex $tp 0] [lindex $tp 1] $datum]
1311	set x [lindex $p 0] ; set y [lindex $p 1]
1312	set it [$Map create rectangle [expr $x-1] [expr $y-1] \
1313		  [expr $x+1] [expr $y+1] -fill $colour \
1314		  -outline $colour \
1315		  -tags [linsert $tags1 0 lab=$ix-$i sq2]]
1316	if { $i == 1 } {
1317	    $Map addtag TRfirst withtag $it
1318	    $Map addtag TR=$ix withtag $it
1319	}
1320	$Map bind $it <Double-1> "SafeCompoundClick 1 OpenItem TR $ix"
1321	lappend its $it
1322	if { $TRNUMBERINTVL && $i%$TRNUMBERINTVL == 0 } {
1323	    set t [$Map create text $x [expr $y-8] -text $i \
1324		    -fill $colour -font $MapFont -justify center \
1325		    -tags [linsert $tags1 0 lab=$ix-$i txt]]
1326	    $Map bind $t <Double-1> "SafeCompoundClick 1 OpenItem TR $ix"
1327	}
1328	switch $TRINFO {
1329	    number {
1330		set bbi [list ={$name}:$i]
1331	    }
1332	    date {
1333		set bbi [list ={$name}:[lindex $tp 4]]
1334	    }
1335	}
1336	BalloonBindings "$Map lab=$ix-$i" $bbi
1337	incr i
1338    }
1339    if { $res == 1 && [set rts [lreplace $its 0 0]] != "" } {
1340	set cs [$Map coords [set it0 [lindex $its 0]]]
1341	# coordinates of centre of the square
1342	set x0 [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set y0 [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
1343	set tpn 1 ; set nsst [lindex $segsts 0]
1344	foreach it $rts {
1345	    if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } {
1346		set res -1 ; break
1347	    }
1348	    set cs [$Map coords $it]
1349	    set x [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set y [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
1350	    if { $nsst == $tpn } {
1351		set segsts [lreplace $segsts 0 0]
1352		set nsst [lindex $segsts 0]
1353	    } else {
1354		set l [$Map create line $x0 $y0 $x $y -smooth 0 \
1355			-fill $colour -width $wdth -tags $tags2]
1356		$Map bind $l <Double-1> "SafeCompoundClick 1 OpenItem TR $ix"
1357		$Map lower $l $it0
1358	    }
1359	    set x0 $x ; set y0 $y
1360	    incr tpn
1361	}
1362    }
1363    if { $slow } {
1364	if { $res == -1 } { $Map delete forTR=$ix }
1365	SlowOpFinish $sid ""
1366    } else { ResetCursor . }
1367    return $res
1370proc PutMapTR {ix} {
1371    # map TR with given index
1372    # return -1 if operation was aborted, 1 otherwise
1373    global TRTPoints TRSegStarts TRDatum TRMBack MapEmpty
1375    if { $MapEmpty && [set mbak $TRMBack($ix)] != "" } { LoadMapBack $mbak }
1376    return [PutMapTREls $ix $TRTPoints($ix) $TRSegStarts($ix) $TRDatum($ix) ""]
1379proc PutMapLNEls {ix lps segsts datum tags} {
1380    # map LN elements
1381    #  $ix is index of LN or -1; used for tagging
1382    #  $lps is list of LN points with given $datum
1383    #  $segsts is list of indices (!=0) of LN points starting segments
1384    #  $tags is tags to add to all created canvas items (may be void)
1385    # slow operation dialog only used if there are more then 100 LPs
1386    # return -1 if operation was aborted, 1 otherwise
1389    if { [lindex $lps 101] != "" } {
1390	set slow 1
1391	set sid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(displ)]
1392    } else {
1393	set slow 0
1394	SetCursor . watch
1395    }
1396    set res 1
1397    if { $ix == -1 } {
1398	set colour $MAPCOLOUR(LN) ; set width $DEFTLNWIDTH
1399    } else {
1400	set colour $LNColour($ix) ; set width $LNWidth($ix)
1401    }
1402    set tgs [linsert $tags 0 LN forLN=$ix LNfirst LN=$ix sq2]
1403    set lp [lindex $lps 0]
1404    foreach "latd longd" [lindex $lp 0] { break }
1405    foreach "x0 y0" [MapFromPosn $latd $longd $datum] {}
1406    set its [$Map create rectangle [expr $x0-1] [expr $y0-1] \
1407	          [expr $x0+1] [expr $y0+1] -fill $colour \
1408		  -outline $colour -tags $tgs]
1409    set tgs [linsert $tags 0 LN forLN=$ix line]
1410    set lpn 1 ; set nsst [lindex $segsts 0]
1411    foreach lp [lreplace $lps 0 0] {
1412	if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } {
1413	    $Map delete forLN=$ix
1414	    set res -1
1415	    break
1416	}
1417	foreach "latd longd" [lindex $lp 0] { break }
1418	foreach "x y" [MapFromPosn $latd $longd $datum] {}
1419	if { $nsst == $lpn } {
1420	    set segsts [lreplace $segsts 0 0]
1421	    set nsst [lindex $segsts 0]
1422	} else {
1423	    $Map create line $x0 $y0 $x $y -smooth 0 -fill $colour \
1424		    -width $width -tags $tgs
1425	}
1426	set x0 $x ; set y0 $y
1427	incr lpn
1428    }
1429    if { $res != -1 && $LNSREACT } {
1430	$Map bind forLN=$ix <Double-1> "SafeCompoundClick 1 OpenItem LN $ix"
1431    }
1432    if { $slow } {
1433	SlowOpFinish $sid ""
1434    } else { ResetCursor . }
1435    return $res
1438proc PutMapLN {ix} {
1439    # map LN with given index
1440    # return -1 if operation was aborted, 1 otherwise
1441    global LNLPoints LNSegStarts LNDatum LNMBack MapEmpty
1443    if { $MapEmpty && [set mbak $LNMBack($ix)] != "" } { LoadMapBack $mbak }
1444    return [PutMapLNEls $ix $LNLPoints($ix) $LNSegStarts($ix) $LNDatum($ix) ""]
1447proc PutMapGREl {wh ix} {
1448    # map GR element of given kind and index
1449    # return -1 if the element cannot be unmapped/mapped, otherwise 1
1450    global ${wh}Displ
1452    if { [set ${wh}Displ($ix)] } {
1453	if { ! [UnMap $wh $ix] } { return -1 }
1454    }
1455    return [PutMap $wh $ix]
1458proc PutMapGR {ix} {
1459    # map GR with given index
1460    # use slow operation window explicitly only for WPs if there are more
1461    #  than 100
1462    # return -1 if an element cannot be unmapped/mapped, otherwise 1
1463    global GRConts TXT
1465    set res 1
1466    foreach p $GRConts($ix) {
1467	foreach "wh es" $p {}
1468	if { $wh == "LAP" } { continue }
1469	if { $wh == "WP" && [lindex $es 100] != "" } {
1470	    set slow 1
1471	    set sid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(displ)]
1472	} else { set slow 0 }
1473 	foreach e $es {
1474	    if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } {
1475		SlowOpFinish $sid ""
1476		return -1
1477	    } elseif { [set ex [IndexNamed $wh $e]] == -1 || \
1478			   [PutMapGREl $wh $ex] == -1 } {
1479		set res -1
1480	    }
1481 	}
1482	if { $slow } { SlowOpFinish $sid "" }
1483    }
1484    return $res
1487proc PutMap {wh ix} {
1488    # put item with index $ix and of type $wh (in $TYPES) on map
1489    #  if possible
1490    # set map bounds and change display button in show windows
1491    global Map ${wh}Displ
1493    set r [PutMap$wh $ix]
1494    SetMapBounds
1495    if { $r == -1 } {
1496	set [set wh]Displ($ix) 0
1497	return 0
1498    }
1499    set [set wh]Displ($ix) 1
1500    SetDisplShowWindow $wh $ix select
1501    return 1
1504proc PutMapAnimPoint {mpos no centre} {
1505    # display point for animation $no at map position given by
1506    #  first two elements of $mpos; scroll to centre if $centre
1507    # draw line from previous point if there is one
1510    set x [lindex $mpos 0] ; set y [lindex $mpos 1]
1511    if { [set itl [$Map find withtag lastfor=$no]] != "" } {
1512	set cs [$Map coords $itl]
1513	set x1 [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set y1 [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
1514	$Map create line $x $y $x1 $y1 -smooth 0 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(anim) \
1515		-width $DEFTTRWIDTH -tags [list an=$no line]
1516	$Map dtag $itl lastfor=$no
1517	set blit [$Map find withtag anblink=$no]
1518	$Map coords $blit $x $y
1519    } else {
1520	$Map create image $x $y -anchor center \
1521		-image $FRAMEIMAGE -tags [list lab an=$no anblink=$no]
1522	after 500 "MapBlink anblink=$no 1"
1523    }
1524    set it [$Map create rectangle [expr $x-1] [expr $y-1] [expr $x+1] \
1525	    [expr $y+1] -fill $MAPCOLOUR(anim) -outline $MAPCOLOUR(anim) \
1526	    -tags [list an=$no lastfor=$no sq2]]
1527    SetMapBounds
1528    if { $centre } {
1529	# scroll new point to centre
1530	ScrollMapTo $x $y [expr $OVx+$MAPW2] [expr $OVy+$MAPH2]
1531    }
1532    return
1535proc MapBlink {tag state} {
1536    # make items with $tag blink on map
1537    #  $state toggles between 1 and 0
1538    global Map
1540    set on 0
1541    foreach it [$Map find withtag $tag] {
1542	set on 1
1543	if { $state } { $Map lower $it } else { $Map raise $it }
1544    }
1545    if { $on } { after 500 "MapBlink $tag [expr 1-$state]" }
1546    return
1549proc UnMapWP {ix} {
1550    # delete WP with index $ix from map
1551    # fails if WP belongs to a mapped RT
1552    global Map WPName MapWPMoving
1554    set it [$Map find withtag WP=$WPName($ix)] ; set ts [$Map gettags $it]
1555    if { [lsearch -glob $ts {inRT=*}] == -1 } {
1556	$Map delete forWP=$ix syforWP=$ix
1557	if { $MapWPMoving == $ix } { StopMapWPMoving }
1558	return 1
1559    }
1560    return 0
1563proc UnMapRT {ix} {
1564    # delete RT with index $ix from map
1565    global Map
1567    $Map delete forRT=$ix
1568    foreach it [$Map find withtag inRT=$ix] {
1569	$Map dtag $it inRT=$ix
1570    }
1571    return 1
1574proc UnMapTR {ix} {
1575    # delete TR with index $ix from map
1576    global Map
1578    $Map delete forTR=$ix
1579    return 1
1582proc UnMapLN {ix} {
1583    # delete LN with index $ix from map
1584    global Map
1586    $Map delete forLN=$ix
1587    return 1
1590proc UnMapGR {ix} {
1591    # delete from map all items in GR with index $ix or in its subgroups
1592    # unmapping of some items may fail, but others will be unmapped
1593    global GRConts
1595    set r 1
1596    set wps ""
1597    foreach p $GRConts($ix) {
1598	set wh [lindex $p 0]
1599	if { $wh != "WP" } {
1600	    if { $wh == "LAP" } { continue }
1601	    foreach e [lindex $p 1] {
1602		if { [set eix [IndexNamed $wh $e]]==-1 || ![UnMap $wh $eix] } {
1603		    set r 0
1604		}
1605	    }
1606	} else { set wps [concat $wps [lindex $p 1]] }
1607    }
1608    foreach wp $wps {
1609	if { [set eix [IndexNamed WP $wp]]==-1 || ![UnMap WP $eix] } {
1610	    set r 0
1611	}
1612    }
1613    return $r
1616proc UnMap {wh ix args} {
1617    # delete item with index $ix and of type $wh (in $TYPES) from map
1618    #  $args not used, but needed because of callback in menus
1619    # if possible
1620    global Map ${wh}Displ
1622    if { [set r [UnMap$wh $ix]] } {
1623	set [set wh]Displ($ix) 0
1624	SetDisplShowWindow $wh $ix deselect
1625    }
1626    SetMapBounds
1627    return $r
1630### moving a WP
1632proc StartMapWPMoving {ix} {
1633    # WP with index $ix is to be placed elsewhere on map
1634    global MapWPMoving MESS WPName
1636    after 5 "BalloonCreate 0 [list =[format $MESS(movingWP) $WPName($ix)]]"
1637    set MapWPMoving $ix
1638    return
1641proc MapMoveWP {latd longd} {
1642    # place WP at a new position for $Datum
1643    global EdWindow GMEd MapWPMoving MapPFormat WPPosn WPPFrmt WPName WPDatum \
1644	    Datum MapPFDatum
1646    set ix $MapWPMoving
1647    StopMapWPMoving
1648    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(WP)] && $GMEd(WP,Index) == $ix } {
1649	bell ; Raise $EdWindow(WP)
1650	return
1651    }
1652    set name $WPName($ix)
1653    foreach "posn frmt datum" \
1654	[FormatPosition $latd $longd $Datum $MapPFormat $MapPFDatum DDD] {
1655	    break
1656    }
1657    set WPPosn($ix) $posn ; set WPPFrmt($ix) $frmt
1658    set WPDatum($ix) $datum
1659    MoveOnMap WP $ix $name 0 $name
1660    ChangeWPInRTWindows $name $name 1
1661    UpdateItemWindows WP $ix
1662    return
1665proc StopMapWPMoving {} {
1666    global MapWPMoving
1668    if { $MapWPMoving != -1 } { destroy .balloon }
1669    set MapWPMoving -1
1670    return
1673### updating item coordinates
1675proc MoveOnMap {wh ix oldname diffname newname} {
1676    # change mapped item with index $ix
1677    #  $wh in $TYPES
1678    #  if $diffname is set $oldname is different from $newname
1679    global WPDispOpt Map WPName MapMakingRT MapRTCurrent MapEditingRS MapRTNext
1681    if { $wh != "WP" } {
1682	UnMap $wh $ix ; PutMap $wh $ix
1683    } else {
1684	# change WP
1685	set it [$Map find withtag WP=$oldname]
1686	set ts [$Map gettags $it]
1687	if { [set iz [lsearch -glob $ts {inRT=*}]] == -1 } {
1688	    UnMap WP $ix ; PutMap $wh $ix
1689	    return
1690	}
1691	$Map delete forWP=$ix syforWP=$ix
1692	PutMap WP $ix
1693	# add  inRT=*  tags
1694	while { 1 } {
1695	    set t [lindex $ts $iz]
1696	    regsub inRT= $t "" rx
1697	    $Map addtag inRT=$rx withtag forWP=$ix
1698	    set ts [lrange $ts [expr $iz+1] end]
1699	    if { [set iz [lsearch -glob $ts {inRT=*}]] == -1 } { break }
1700	}
1701	set ni [$Map find withtag WP=$WPName($ix)]
1702	set x [$Map coords $ni]
1703	set y [lindex $x 1] ; set x [lindex $x 0]
1704	if { $MapMakingRT } {
1705	    if { [lindex $MapRTCurrent 2]==$it } {
1706		set MapRTCurrent [list $x $y $ni]
1707	    }
1708	    if { $MapEditingRS && [lindex $MapRTNext 2]==$it } {
1709		set MapRTNext [list $x $y $ni]
1710	    }
1711	}
1712	foreach lf [$Map find withtag from=$it] {
1713	    $Map dtag $lf from=$it ; $Map addtag from=$ni withtag $lf
1714	    set cs [lreplace [$Map coords $lf] 0 1 $x $y]
1715	    eval $Map coords $lf $cs
1716	}
1717	foreach lt [$Map find withtag to=$it] {
1718	    $Map dtag $lt to=$it ; $Map addtag to=$ni withtag $lt
1719	    set cs [lreplace [$Map coords $lt] 2 3 $x $y]
1720	    eval $Map coords $lt $cs
1721	}
1722    }
1723    return
1726### updating WP symbol
1728proc ChangeMapWPSymbol {ix symbol} {
1729    # change symbol of mapped WP if there is one
1730    global Map
1732    if { [set it [$Map find withtag syforWP=$ix]] != -1 } {
1733	foreach "x y" [$Map coords $it] { break }
1734	set ts [$Map gettags $it]
1735	$Map delete $it
1736	set syim [lindex [SymbolImageName $symbol] 0]
1737	$Map create image $x $y -anchor center -image $syim -tags $ts
1738    }
1739    return
1742### saving and clearing mao
1744proc SaveMap {fmt} {
1745    # save map in graphics file format
1746    #  $fmt is either PS, or in $ImgOutFormats (if the Img library is loaded)
1747    global Map OVx OVy MapWidth MapHeight
1749    SaveCanvas $Map [list $OVx $OVy \
1750	    [expr $OVx+$MapWidth] [expr $OVy+$MapHeight]] $fmt file
1751    return
1754proc PrintMap {} {
1755    # print map to postscript printer
1756    global Map OVx OVy MapWidth MapHeight
1758    SaveCanvas $Map [list $OVx $OVy \
1759	    [expr $OVx+$MapWidth] [expr $OVy+$MapHeight]] PS printer
1760    return
1763proc ClearMap {} {
1764    # clear map after confirmation
1765    global MESS
1767    if { [GMConfirm $MESS(okclrmap)] } {
1768	DoClearMap
1769    }
1770    return
1773proc DoClearMap {} {
1774    # delete all map items even if being edited
1775    global MpW Map MapLoading MapScale MapScInitVal MapImageItems \
1776	    MapImageFile WConf XCoord YCoord MapZone \
1777	    EdWindow GMEd TYPES MapMakingRT
1779    if { $MapMakingRT } { MapCancelRT dontask close }
1780    # RTs (if they exist) must be dealt with first
1781    if { [set i [lsearch -exact $TYPES RT]] != -1 } {
1782	set types [linsert [lreplace $TYPES $i $i] 0 RT]
1783    } else {
1784	set types $TYPES
1785    }
1786    foreach wh $types {
1787	if { [winfo exists $EdWindow($wh)] } {
1788	    set GMEd($wh,Displ) 0
1789	    set GMEd($wh,Data) [lreplace [set GMEd($wh,Data)] end end 0]
1790	    $EdWindow($wh).fr.frdw.displayed deselect
1791	}
1792	global ${wh}Displ
1793	foreach n [array names ${wh}Displ] {
1794	    set ${wh}Displ($n) 0
1795	}
1796    }
1797    eval $Map delete [$Map find all]
1798    set MapImageItems "" ; catch { unset MapImageFile }
1799    SetMapBounds
1800    set MapLoading 0
1801    StopMapWPMoving
1802    set XCoord "" ; set YCoord "" ; set MapZone ""
1803    $MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.mn configure -state normal
1804    foreach b $WConf(mapdatum) { $b configure -state normal }
1805    MapScaleChange $MapScInitVal
1806    set MapScale [MapScaleFromDist $MapScInitVal]
1807    ChangeOnState mapstateback disabled
1808    return
1811### menu for item on map
1813proc MapCreateMenu {wh title} {
1814    # create menu on map for item of type $wh with a dummy entry
1815    #  labelled $TXT($title)
1816    # return path of menu
1817    # SH contribution: no need for menubutton as in previous versions
1818    global Map TXT
1820    set mb $Map.m$wh
1821    destroy $mb
1822    menu $mb -tearoff 0
1823    $mb add command -label $TXT($title) -state disabled
1824    $mb add separator
1825    return $mb
1828proc MapWPMenu {ix} {
1829    # create menubutton and menus to put, on map, items in relation to
1830    #  mapped WP with given index, or for starting making a RT from it, or
1831    #  for creating a new WP at given distance and bearing
1832    global Map TXT WPName LsW MAXMENUITEMS MapBounds DSCALE EdWindow \
1833	    GMEd UNIX
1835    set wp $WPName($ix)
1836    set mapitem [$Map find withtag WP=$wp]
1837    set cs [$Map coords $mapitem]
1838    set sx [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set sy [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
1839    # SH contribution: no need for menubutton as in previous versions
1840    set menu [MapCreateMenu WP withWP]
1842    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(WP)] && $GMEd(WP,Index) == $ix } {
1843	set st disabled
1844    } else { set st normal }
1845    $menu add command -label $TXT(move) -state $st \
1846	    -command "StartMapWPMoving $ix"
1847    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(RT)] } {
1848	set st disabled
1849    } else { set st normal }
1850    $menu add command -label $TXT(startRT) -state $st \
1851	    -command "MapMakeRT $ix $sx $sy"
1853    foreach f "displ clear" tg "d c" {
1854	set mn $menu.$tg
1855	$menu add cascade -label "$TXT($f) ..." -menu $mn
1856	menu $mn -tearoff 0
1857	$mn add cascade -label "$TXT(within) ..." -menu $mn.within
1858	menu $mn.within -tearoff 0
1859	foreach d "1 5 10 20 50 100 200 300 500" {
1860	    $mn.within add command -label $d \
1861		    -command "MapWPsWithin $f [expr $d/$DSCALE] $ix"
1862	}
1863	$mn add cascade -label "$TXT(inrect) ..." -menu $mn.rect
1864	set mw $mn.rect
1865	menu $mw -tearoff 0
1866	set n 0 ; set m 0
1867	foreach it [$LsW.frlWP.frl.box get 0 end] {
1868	    if { $wp != $it } {
1869		if { $n > $MAXMENUITEMS } {
1870		    $mw add cascade -label "$TXT(more) ..." -menu $mw.m$m
1871		    set mw $mw.m$m ; menu $mw -tearoff 0
1872		    set n 0 ; incr m
1873		}
1874		$mw add command -label $it -command "MapWPsInRect $f $ix $it"
1875		incr n
1876	    }
1877	}
1878	$mn add cascade -label "$TXT(nameRT) ..." -menu $mn.rts
1879	menu $mn.rts -tearoff 0
1880	$mn.rts add command -label $TXT(forthisWP) \
1881		-command "MapRTsFor $ix $f"
1882	$mn.rts add command -label $TXT(formappedWPs) \
1883		-command "MapRTsForMappedWPs $f"
1884    }
1885    $menu add command -label $TXT(newWPatdb) -command "CreateWPAtDistBear $ix"
1886    # SH contribution: no need for "close menu" entry in non-Unix systems
1887    if { $UNIX } {
1888	$menu add command -label $TXT(closemenu) -command "destroy $menu"
1889    }
1890    eval $menu post [winfo pointerxy .]
1891    return
1894proc MapRTMenu {ix x y} {
1895    # create menubutton for RT on map or being built on map ($ix==-1)
1896    global TXT OVx OVy MapEditingRS MapEditedRS MapRTLast Map CRHAIRx CRHAIRy \
1897	    UNIX
1899    set xx [expr $OVx+$x-$CRHAIRx] ; set yy [expr $OVy+$y-$CRHAIRy]
1900    foreach it [$Map find overlapping $xx $yy [expr $xx+10] [expr $yy+10]] {
1901	set ts [$Map gettags $it]
1902	if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts forWP=*]] != -1 } {
1903	    regsub forWP= [lindex $ts $i] "" wpix
1904	    MapWPMenu $wpix
1905	    return
1906	}
1907    }
1908    # SH contribution: no need for menubutton as in previous versions
1909    set menu [MapCreateMenu RT route]
1911    if { $MapEditingRS } {
1912	$menu add command -label $TXT(stop) -command MapFinishRTLastWP
1913    } else {
1914	$menu add cascade -label $TXT(stop) -menu $menu.mnf
1915	menu $menu.mnf -tearoff 0
1916	# SH contribution: exchange roles of B-3 and Control-1 in
1917	#  non-Unix systems
1918	if { $UNIX } {
1919	    $menu.mnf add command -label $TXT(here) -accelerator "<Button-3>" \
1920		    -command "MapFinishRT $x $y"
1921	} else {
1922	    $menu.mnf add command -label $TXT(here) -accelerator "<Ctrl-B1>" \
1923		-command "MapFinishRT $x $y"
1924	}
1925	$menu.mnf add command -label $TXT(atprevwp) -command MapFinishRTLastWP
1926    }
1927    $menu add command -label $TXT(cancel) -accelerator "<Shift-B2>" \
1928	    -command "MapCancelRT ask close"
1929    if { $MapRTLast != 0 } {
1930	$menu add cascade -label $TXT(del) -menu $menu.mnd
1931	menu $menu.mnd -tearoff 0
1932	$menu.mnd add command -label $TXT(prevwp) -accelerator "<Shift-B1>" \
1933		-command "MapDelFromRT sel"
1934	if { $MapEditingRS && $MapEditedRS == 0 } {
1935	    set st disabled
1936	} else { set st normal }
1937	$menu.mnd add command -label $TXT(firstwp) -state $st \
1938		-command "MapDelFromRT 0"
1939    }
1940    if { $MapEditingRS } {
1941	if { $MapEditedRS != 0 } {
1942	    $menu add command -label $TXT(chglstrs) \
1943		    -accelerator "<Control-B3>" -command MapChangeRTLastRS
1944	}
1945	if { $MapEditedRS != $MapRTLast-1 } {
1946	    $menu add command -label $TXT(chgnxtrs) \
1947		    -accelerator "<Ctrl-Shift-B3>" -command MapChangeRTNextRS
1948	}
1949	$menu add command -label $TXT(contnend) -command MapContRTEnd
1950    } elseif { $MapRTLast != 0 } {
1951	$menu add command -label $TXT(chglstrs) -accelerator "<Control-B3>" \
1952		-command MapChangeRTLastRS
1953    }
1954    # SH contribution: no need for "close menu" entry in non-Unix systems
1955    if { $UNIX } {
1956	$menu add command -label $TXT(closemenu) -command "destroy $menu"
1957    }
1958    eval $menu post [winfo pointerxy .]
1959    return
1962### editing a RT
1964proc MapEditRT {} {
1965    # start editing on map RT currently in the RT edit window
1966    # this is assumed to be launched from the RT edit window
1967    global Map GMEd RTDispl RTWPoints MapMakingRT MapRTLast MAPCOLOUR MESS
1969    if { $MapMakingRT } { bell ; return }
1970    if { [.gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.bxn size] == 0 } {
1971	GMMessage $MESS(needs1wp)
1972	return
1973    }
1974    if { [set rtix $GMEd(RT,Index)] != -1 } {
1975	if { $RTDispl($rtix) } { UnMapRT $rtix }
1976	set wps $RTWPoints($rtix)
1977    } else {
1978	set wps [.gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box get 0 end]
1979    }
1980    if { [PutMapRTWPRS -1 $wps {} {mkRT mkRTedge} {}] == -1 } { return }
1981    set i -1
1982    foreach nwp $wps {
1983	set wpix [IndexNamed WP $nwp]
1984	$Map addtag inRT=:$i withtag forWP=$wpix
1985	incr i
1986    }
1987    set MapMakingRT 1 ; set MapRTLast $i
1988    GMRouteMapEdit
1989    set it [$Map find withtag WP=$nwp]
1990    set cs [$Map coords $it]
1991    MapStartRTEdit $rtix [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1] $it
1992    return
1995proc MapMakeRT {wpix x y} {
1996    # start making and mapping a RT for a mapped WP
1997    global Map MapMakingRT MapRTLast EdWindow WPName
1999    if { $MapMakingRT } { bell ; return }
2000    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(RT)] } { Raise $EdWindow(RT) ; bell ; return }
2001    set MapMakingRT 1 ; set MapRTLast 0
2002    set n $WPName($wpix)
2003    set it [$Map find withtag WP=$n]
2004    $Map addtag inRT=:-1 withtag forWP=$wpix
2005    GMRoute -1 {create cancel} [FormData RT "WPoints Displ" [list [list $n] 1]]
2006    MapStartRTEdit -1 $x $y $it
2007    return
2010proc MapStartRTEdit {rtix x y wpit} {
2011    # prepare RT to be edited on map
2012    global Map MapRTCurrent MapRTLast MapRTNewWPs MapEditingRS MapEditedRS \
2015    set MapEditingRS 0 ; set MapEditedRS -1
2016    set MapRTCurrent [list $x $y $wpit]
2017    set MapRTNewWPs ""
2018    GMRouteSelect end
2019    foreach it [$Map find withtag mkRT] {
2020	foreach t [$Map gettags $it] {
2021	    if { [regexp {^mkRT} $t] } { $Map dtag $it $t }
2022	}
2023    }
2024    $Map create line $x $y $x $y -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) -arrow first \
2025	    -smooth 0 -width $DEFTRTWIDTH \
2026	    -tags [list mkRT mkRTfrom mkRTfrline mkRTtrans]
2027    $Map create oval [expr $x-3] [expr $y-3] [expr $x+3] [expr $y+3] \
2028	    -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) \
2029	    -tags [list mkRT mkRTfrom mkRTcursor mkRTtrans]
2030    # all bindings of mkRTtrans tag are now set on the canvas
2031    return
2034proc MapFinishRTLastWP {} {
2035    # stop editing RT in the map
2036    global MapMakingRT TXT UNIX
2038    if { $MapMakingRT } {
2039	MapDestroyRT
2040	GMRouteMapEditEnd
2041    }
2042    if { ! $UNIX } {
2043	# SH contribution
2044	focus .gmRT
2045    }
2046    return
2049proc MapFinishRT {x y} {
2050    global MapMakingRT TXT UNIX
2052    if { $MapMakingRT } {
2053	MapAddToRT $x $y
2054	MapFinishRTLastWP
2055    }
2056    if { ! $UNIX } {
2057	# SH contribution
2058	focus .gmRT
2059    }
2060    return
2063proc MapAddToRT {x y} {
2064    global Map MapMakingRT MapRTCurrent MapRTLast MapRTNewWPs OVx OVy WPName \
2066	Datum MapEditingRS MapRTNext MapEditedRS MapWPMoving GMEd \
2069    if { ! $MapMakingRT || $MapWPMoving != -1 } { return }
2070    set xx [expr $OVx+$x-$CRHAIRx] ; set yy [expr $OVy+$y-$CRHAIRx]
2071    set its [$Map find overlapping [expr $xx-3] [expr $yy-3] \
2072	                           [expr $xx+3] [expr $yy+3]]
2073    set ix -1
2074    foreach it $its {
2075	set ts [$Map gettags $it]
2076	if { [set i [lsearch -glob $ts {*forWP=*}]] != -1 } {
2077	    set t [lindex $ts $i]
2078	    regsub .*forWP= $t "" ix
2079	    set name $WPName($ix)
2080	    # cannot repeat last WP
2081	    if { $name == [.gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box get end] } {
2082		bell ; return
2083	    }
2084	    break
2085	}
2086    }
2087    if { $ix == -1 } {
2088	# create new WP at $xx,$yy
2089	foreach "latd longd" [MapToPosn $xx $yy] { break }
2090	foreach "p pfmt datum" \
2091	 [FormatPosition $latd $longd $Datum $MapPFormat $MapPFDatum DDD] {
2092		break
2093	}
2094	set name [NewName WP]
2095	if { $CREATIONDATE } {
2096	    set data [FormData WP "Name PFrmt Posn Datum Date" \
2097		       [list $name $pfmt $p $datum [Now]]]
2098	} else {
2099	    set data [FormData WP "Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum" \
2100		       [list $name [DateCommt [Now]] $pfmt $p $datum]]
2101	}
2102	set ix [CreateItem WP $data]
2103	PutMap WP $ix
2104	lappend MapRTNewWPs $name
2105    }
2106    set maprttag (mkRTedge||forRT=$GMEd(RT,Index))
2107    if { $MapEditingRS } {
2108	# start and end points of the new stage
2109	set fromit [$Map find withtag WP=$name]
2110	set toit [lindex $MapRTNext 2]
2111	# change previous stage to end at $xx,$yy
2112	set oldst stno=$MapEditedRS
2113	set oldit [$Map find withtag $oldst&&$maprttag]
2114	set cs [$Map coords $oldit]
2115	$Map coords $oldit [lreplace $cs 2 3 $xx $yy]
2116	$Map itemconfigure $oldit -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT)
2117	$Map dtag $oldit to=$toit ; $Map addtag to=$fromit withtag $oldit
2118	set stno [lindex $MapEditedRS 0]
2119	# renumber RT items after this RS
2120	set nxt [expr $MapEditedRS+1]
2121	for { set n $MapRTLast } { $n > $nxt } { set n $i } {
2122	    set i [expr $n-1]
2123	    foreach it [$Map find withtag (stno=$i)&&$maprttag] {
2124		$Map dtag $it stno=$i ; $Map addtag stno=$n withtag $it
2125	    }
2126	    foreach it [$Map find withtag inRT=:$i] {
2127		$Map dtag $it inRT=:$i ; $Map addtag inRT=:$n withtag $it
2128	    }
2129	}
2130	# old end point of stage
2131	foreach it [$Map find withtag inRT=:$MapEditedRS] {
2132	    $Map dtag $it inRT=:$MapEditedRS
2133	    $Map addtag inRT=:$nxt withtag $it
2134	}
2135	$Map addtag inRT=:$MapEditedRS withtag forWP=$ix
2136	# create a new stage from the new point to the old end point
2137	set cs [$Map coords $fromit]
2138	set xx [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set yy [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
2139	set is [$Map create line $xx $yy \
2140		[lindex $MapRTNext 0] [lindex $MapRTNext 1] \
2141		-fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -arrow last -smooth 0 \
2142		-width $DEFTRTWIDTH -tags [list \
2143		           mkRT mkRTedge from=$fromit to=$toit stno=$nxt line]]
2144	set MapEditedRS $nxt
2145	set sel $nxt
2146	set MapRTCurrent [list $xx $yy $fromit]
2147	$Map coords mkRTfrom $xx $yy $xx $yy
2148    } else {
2149	$Map addtag inRT=:$MapRTLast withtag forWP=$ix
2150	set toit [$Map find withtag WP=$name]
2151	set cs [$Map coords $toit]
2152	set xx [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set yy [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
2153	$Map coords mkRTfrom $xx $yy $xx $yy
2154	set oldit [lindex $MapRTCurrent 2]
2155	set is [$Map create line [lindex $MapRTCurrent 0] \
2156		[lindex $MapRTCurrent 1] $xx $yy \
2157		-fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) -arrow last -smooth 0 \
2158		-width $DEFTRTWIDTH -tags [list \
2159		      mkRT mkRTedge to=$toit from=$oldit stno=$MapRTLast line]]
2160	set MapRTCurrent [list $xx $yy $toit]
2161	set sel end
2162    }
2163    GMRTChange insa $name
2164    GMRouteSelect $sel
2165    incr MapRTLast
2166    .gmRT.fr.fr3.frbt.del configure -state normal
2167    return
2170proc MapDelFromRT {which} {
2171    # delete WP from RT being built on map but fail if there is
2172    #  only one
2173    #  $which is either 0 (for 1st WP) or "sel" (for previous one)
2174    # GMRTChange will call MapDelRT1st or MapDelRTPrevious on success
2175    global MapMakingRT MapRTLast
2177    if { $MapMakingRT } {
2178	if { $MapRTLast == 0 } { bell ; return }
2179	GMRTChange del $which
2180    }
2181    return
2184proc MapDelRT1st {delwp} {
2185    # update map by deleting first WP on RT under construction on map
2186    global Map MapRTLast MapRTNewWPs MapEditedRS MapEditingRS GMEd
2188    if { $MapEditingRS } {
2189	if { $MapEditedRS == 0 } {
2190	    if { $MapRTLast == 1 } {
2191		MapContRTEnd
2192	    } else {
2193		MapChangeRTNextRS
2194	    }
2195	} else {
2196	    incr MapEditedRS -1
2197	}
2198    }
2199    set maprttag (mkRTedge||forRT=$GMEd(RT,index))
2200    # zero or one items will have this tag
2201    foreach it [$Map find withtag (stno=0)&&$maprttag] {
2202	$Map delete $it
2203    }
2204    foreach it [$Map find withtag inRT=:-1] {
2205	$Map dtag $it inRT=:-1
2206    }
2207    if { [set i [lsearch -exact $MapRTNewWPs $delwp]] != -1 && \
2208	    [lsearch -exact [.gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box get 0 end] $delwp] == \
2209	    -1 } {
2210	set MapRTNewWPs [lreplace $MapRTNewWPs $i $i]
2211	Forget WP [IndexNamed WP $delwp]
2212    }
2213    incr MapRTLast -1
2214    # renumber items
2215    set i -1
2216    while { $i < $MapRTLast } {
2217	set nxt [expr $i+1]
2218	foreach it [$Map find withtag (stno=$nxt)&&$maprttag] {
2219	    $Map dtag $it stno=$nxt ; $Map addtag stno=$i withtag $it
2220	}
2221	foreach it [$Map find withtag inRT=:$nxt] {
2222	    $Map dtag $it inRT=:$nxt ; $Map addtag inRT=:$i withtag $it
2223	}
2224	set i $nxt
2225    }
2226    return
2229proc MapDelRTPrevious {prevwp delwp} {
2230    # update map by deleting previous WP on RT under construction on map
2231    #  $delwp is name of deleted WP
2232    #  $prevwp is name of WP preceding $delwp
2233    global Map MapRTLast MapRTCurrent MapRTNewWPs MapEditingRS MapEditedRS \
2236    set maprttag (mkRTedge||forRT=$GMEd(RT,index))
2237    if { $MapEditingRS } {
2238	if { $MapEditedRS == 0 } {
2239	    MapDelRT1st $delwp
2240	    return
2241	}
2242	# zero or one items will have this tag
2243	foreach it [$Map find withtag (stno=$MapEditedRS)&&$maprttag] {
2244	    $Map delete $it
2245	}
2246	incr MapEditedRS -1
2247	set sel [set stno $MapEditedRS]
2248    } else {
2249	set stno [expr $MapRTLast-1]
2250	set sel end
2251    }
2252    incr MapRTLast -1
2253    set cit [$Map find withtag WP=$prevwp]
2254    set cs [$Map coords $cit]
2255    set xx [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set yy [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
2256    $Map coords mkRTfrom $xx $yy $xx $yy
2257    set MapRTCurrent [list $xx $yy $cit]
2258    # zero or one items will have this tag
2259    foreach it [$Map find withtag (stno=$stno)&&$maprttag] {
2260	$Map delete $it
2261    }
2262    foreach it [$Map find withtag inRT=:$stno] {
2263	$Map dtag $it inRT=:$stno
2264    }
2265    if { [set i [lsearch -exact $MapRTNewWPs $delwp]] != -1 && \
2266	    [lsearch -exact [.gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box get 0 end] $delwp] == \
2267	    -1 } {
2268	set MapRTNewWPs [lreplace $MapRTNewWPs $i $i]
2269	Forget WP [IndexNamed WP $delwp]
2270    }
2271    # renumber items
2272    set i $stno
2273    while { $i < $MapRTLast } {
2274	set nxt [expr $i+1]
2275	foreach it [$Map find withtag (stno=$nxt)&&$maprttag] {
2276	    $Map dtag $it stno=$nxt ; $Map addtag stno=$i withtag $it
2277	}
2278	foreach it [$Map find withtag inRT=:$nxt] {
2279	    $Map dtag $it inRT=:$nxt ; $Map addtag inRT=:$i withtag $it
2280	}
2281	set i $nxt
2282    }
2283    if { $MapEditingRS } {
2284	GMRouteSelect $MapEditedRS
2285	# create RS
2286	set toit [lindex $MapRTNext 2]
2287	set is [$Map create line $xx $yy \
2288		[lindex $MapRTNext 0] [lindex $MapRTNext 1] \
2289		-fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -arrow last -smooth 0 \
2290		-width $DEFTRTWIDTH -tags [list mkRT mkRTedge to=$toit \
2291		                             from=$cit stno=$MapEditedRS line]]
2292    } else {
2293	GMRouteSelect $MapRTLast
2294    }
2295    return
2298proc MapCancelRT {ask close} {
2299    # cancel construction of RT on map
2300    #  $ask is "ask" if cancellation must be confirmed when defining a new RT
2301    #  $close is "close" if RT window must be closed
2302    global MapMakingRT MapRTNewWPs MESS TXT GMEd
2304    if { $MapMakingRT && \
2305	    ( $GMEd(RT,Index) != -1 || $ask != "ask" || \
2306	      [GMConfirm [format $MESS(askforget) $TXT(nameRT)]] ) } {
2307	MapDestroyRT
2308	foreach wp $MapRTNewWPs {
2309	    Forget WP [IndexNamed WP $wp]
2310	}
2311	if { $close == "close" } { GMButton RT cancel }
2312    }
2313    return
2316proc MapDestroyRT {} {
2317    # destroy RT being made on map but display the original RT if it
2318    #  was already there
2319    global Map MapMakingRT MapRTLast GMEd RTDispl
2321    set MapMakingRT 0
2322    $Map delete mkRT
2323     while { $MapRTLast >= 0 } {
2324	incr MapRTLast -1
2325	foreach it [$Map find withtag inRT=:$MapRTLast] {
2326	    $Map dtag $it inRT=:$MapRTLast
2327	}
2328    }
2329    if { [set ix $GMEd(RT,Index)] != -1 && $RTDispl($ix) } { PutMapRT $ix }
2330    return
2333proc MapChangeRTLastRS {} {
2334    # open previous RS for editing when creating RT on map
2335    global MapMakingRT MapEditingRS MapEditedRS Map MapRTLast GMEd \
2338    if { ! $MapMakingRT } { return }
2339    set maprttag (mkRTedge||forRT=$GMEd(RT,index))
2340    if { $MapEditingRS } {
2341	if { $MapEditedRS == 0 } { bell ; return }
2342	# restore stage being edited
2343	$Map itemconfigure (stno=$MapEditedRS)&&$maprttag -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT)
2344	# open stage before this one
2345	set n [expr $MapEditedRS-1]
2346    } else { set n [expr $MapRTLast-1] }
2347    # RM contribution: must have the "mkRT" tag otherwise finds stages of
2348    #  all routes on map
2349    # changed by MF: may have "forRT=$ix" instead
2350    if { [set is [$Map find withtag (stno=$n)&&$maprttag]] == {} } {
2351	bell ; return
2352    }
2353    set ts [$Map gettags $is]
2354    set tx [lsearch -glob $ts to=*]
2355    set fx [lsearch -glob $ts from=*]
2356    if { $tx == -1 || $fx == -1 } { BUG "bad tags on stage" }
2357    regsub to= [lindex $ts $tx] "" toit
2358    regsub from= [lindex $ts $fx] "" fromit
2359    MapOpenStage -1 $n $is $fromit $toit
2360    return
2363proc MapChangeRTNextRS {} {
2364    # open next RS for editing when creating RT on map
2365    global MapMakingRT MapEditingRS MapEditedRS Map MapRTLast GMEd \
2368    if { ! $MapMakingRT || ! $MapEditingRS } { return }
2369    if { $MapEditedRS == $MapRTLast-1 } {
2370	MapContRTEnd
2371	return
2372    }
2373    # restore stage being edited
2374    $Map itemconfigure stno=$MapEditedRS -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT)
2375    # open stage after this one
2376    set n [expr $MapEditedRS+1]
2377    # RM contribution: must have the "mkRT" tag otherwise finds stages of
2378    #  all routes on map
2379    # changed by MF: may have "forRT=$ix" instead
2380    set maprttag (mkRTedge||forRT=$GMEd(RT,index))
2381    if { [set is [$Map find withtag (stno=$n)&&$maprttag]] == {} } {
2382	bell ; return
2383    }
2384    set ts [$Map gettags $is]
2385    set tx [lsearch -glob $ts to=*]
2386    set fx [lsearch -glob $ts from=*]
2387    if { $tx == -1 || $fx == -1 } { BUG "bad tags on stage" }
2388    regsub to= [lindex $ts $tx] "" toit
2389    regsub from= [lindex $ts $fx] "" fromit
2390    MapOpenStage -1 $n $is $fromit $toit
2391    return
2394proc MapContRTEnd {} {
2395    # finish editing RSs and continue at the end of RT being created on map
2396    global MapMakingRT MapEditingRS Map MapRTLast MapRTCurrent MapEditedRS \
2399    if { ! $MapMakingRT || ! $MapEditingRS } { return }
2400    set maprttag (mkRTedge||forRT=$GMEd(RT,index))
2401    $Map itemconfigure (stno=$MapEditedRS)&&$maprttag -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT)
2402    set n [expr $MapRTLast-1]
2403    if { [set wpit [$Map find withtag sq2&&inRT=:$n]] == "" } {
2404	BUG "no item for WP at end"
2405    }
2406    set cs [$Map coords $wpit]
2407    set x [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set y [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
2408    set MapRTCurrent [list $x $y $wpit]
2409    set MapEditingRS 0
2410    GMRouteSelect end
2411    $Map delete mkRTtrans
2412    $Map create line $x $y $x $y -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) -arrow first \
2413	    -smooth 0 -width $DEFTRTWIDTH \
2414	    -tags [list mkRT mkRTfrom mkRTfrline mkRTtrans]
2415    $Map create oval [expr $x-3] [expr $y-3] [expr $x+3] [expr $y+3] \
2416	    -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) \
2417	    -tags [list mkRT mkRTfrom mkRTcursor mkRTtrans]
2418    return
2421## editing RT stage
2423proc MapOpenStage {ix stno it fromit toit} {
2424    # open RT stage for editing on map
2425    #  $ix is RT index, -1 if RT is being built on map
2426    #  $stno is stage number (from 0)
2427    #  $it is map item of line representing the stage
2428    #  $fromit, $toit are the map items for the start and end WPs
2429    global MapMakingRT MapEditingRS Map MapRTCurrent MapRTNext MapEditedRS \
2432    if { $ix != -1 } {
2433	GMMessage "not yet" ; return
2434    }
2435    if { ! $MapMakingRT } { return }
2436    set MapEditedRS $stno
2437    GMRouteSelect $stno
2438    $Map itemconfigure $it -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
2439    set cs [$Map coords $fromit]
2440    set xx [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set yy [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
2441    set MapRTCurrent [list $xx $yy $fromit]
2442    set cs [$Map coords $toit]
2443    set xx [expr [lindex $cs 0]+1] ; set yy [expr [lindex $cs 1]+1]
2444    set MapRTNext [list $xx $yy $toit]
2445    $Map create line $xx $yy $xx $yy -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mkRT) \
2446	    -arrow first -smooth 0 -width $DEFTRTWIDTH \
2447	    -tags [list mkRT mkRTtoline mkRTtrans]
2448    set MapEditingRS 1
2449    return
2452### displaying or clearing sets of items
2454proc MapWPsWithin {how d ix} {
2455    # map or clear all WPs with distance $d of WP with index $ix
2456    #  $how in {displ, clear}
2457    # when clearing the given WP will not be cleared
2458    # slow operation dialog used if there are more than 100 WPs
2459    global WPName WPPosn WPDatum WPDispl EdWindow GMEd TXT
2461    set wpixs [array names WPName]
2462    if { [lindex $wpixs 100] != "" } {
2463	set slow 1
2464	set sid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(displ)]
2465    } else {
2466	set slow 0
2467	SetCursor . watch
2468    }
2469    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(WP)] } {
2470	set edix $GMEd(WP,Index)
2471    } else { set edix -1 }
2472    set displ [string compare $how clear]
2473    set p1 $WPPosn($ix) ; set d1 $WPDatum($ix)
2474    SetDatumData $d1
2475    foreach ix2 $wpixs {
2476	if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2477	if { $ix2 != $ix && (($displ && ! $WPDispl($ix2)) || \
2478		             (! $displ && $WPDispl($ix2))) } {
2479	    set p2 $WPPosn($ix2) ; set d2 $WPDatum($ix2)
2480	    if  { $d1 != $d2 } {
2481		set p2 [ToDatum [lindex $p2 0] [lindex $p2 1] $d2 $d1]
2482	    }
2483	    if { $d >= [lindex [ComputeDistFD $p1 $p2] 0] } {
2484		MapOrClear WP $displ $ix2 $edix
2485	    }
2486	}
2487    }
2488    SetMapBounds
2489    if { $slow } {
2490	SlowOpFinish $sid ""
2491    } else { ResetCursor . }
2492    return
2495proc MapWPsInRect {how ix1 wp2} {
2496    # map or clear all WPs in the rectangle defined by the WPs with index $ix1
2497    #  and name $wp2
2498    #  $how in {displ, clear}
2499    # when clearing the WP with index $ix1 will not be cleared
2500    # slow operation dialog used if there are more than 100 WPs
2501    global WPName WPPosn WPDatum WPDispl EdWindow GMEd
2503    set wpixs [array names WPName]
2504    if { [lindex $wpixs 100] != "" } {
2505	set slow 1
2506	set sid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(displ)]
2507    } else {
2508	set slow 0
2509	SetCursor . watch
2510    }
2511    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(WP)] } {
2512	set edix $GMEd(WP,Index)
2513    } else { set edix -1 }
2514    set displ [string compare $how clear]
2515    set p1 $WPPosn($ix1) ; set d1 $WPDatum($ix1)
2516    SetDatumData $d1
2517    set ix2 [IndexNamed WP $wp2]
2518    set p2 $WPPosn($ix2) ; set d2 $WPDatum($ix2)
2519    if  { $d1 != $d2 } {
2520	set p2 [ToDatum [lindex $p2 0] [lindex $p2 1] $d2 $d1]
2521    }
2522    set la1 [lindex $p1 0] ; set lo1 [lindex $p1 1]
2523    set la2 [lindex $p2 0] ; set lo2 [lindex $p2 1]
2524    if { $la1 >= $la2 } {
2525	set lamx $la1 ; set lamn $la2
2526    } else { set lamx $la2 ; set lamn $la1 }
2527    if { $lo1 >= $lo2 } {
2528	set lomx $lo1 ; set lomn $lo2
2529    } else { set lomx $lo2 ; set lomn $lo1 }
2530    foreach ixn $wpixs {
2531	if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2532	if { $ixn != $ix1 && (($displ && ! $WPDispl($ixn)) || \
2533		              (! $displ && $WPDispl($ixn))) } {
2534	    set pn $WPPosn($ixn) ; set dn $WPDatum($ixn)
2535	    if  { $d1 != $dn } {
2536		set pn [ToDatum [lindex $pn 0] [lindex $pn 1] $dn $d1]
2537	    }
2538	    set lan [lindex $pn 0]
2539	    if { $lamx>=$lan && $lan>=$lamn } {
2540		set lon [lindex $pn 1]
2541		if { $lomx>=$lon && $lon>=$lomn } {
2542		    MapOrClear WP $displ $ixn $edix
2543		}
2544	    }
2545	}
2546    }
2547    SetMapBounds
2548    if { $slow } {
2549	SlowOpFinish $sid ""
2550    } else { ResetCursor . }
2551    return
2554proc MapRTsFor {ix how} {
2555    # map or clear all RTs that contain the WP with index $ix
2556    #  $how in {displ, clear}
2557    global WPRoute RTDispl EdWindow GMEd
2559    set displ [string compare $how clear]
2560    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(RT)] } {
2561	set edix $GMEd(RT,Index)
2562    } else { set edix -1 }
2563    foreach rt $WPRoute($ix) {
2564	MapOrClear RT $displ [IndexNamed RT $rt] $edix
2565    }
2566    return
2569proc MapRTsForMappedWPs {how} {
2570    # map or clear all RTs for all mapped WPs
2571    #  $how in {displ, clear}
2572    global WPName WPDispl
2574    foreach ix [array names WPName] {
2575	if { $WPDispl($ix) } {
2576	    MapRTsFor $ix $how
2577	}
2578    }
2579    return
2582proc MapOrClear {wh displ ix edix} {
2583    # map or clear an item of type $wh in {WP, RT} with index $ix
2584    #  $displ is set if item is to be displayed
2585    #  $edix is the index of item being edited
2586    global GMEd ${wh}Displ EdWindow
2588    if { $ix == $edix } {
2589	if { $displ } {
2590	    if { ! $GMEd($wh,Displ) } {
2591		PutMap$wh $ix
2592		set $GMEd($wh,Displ) 1 ; set ${wh}Displ($ix) 1
2593		$EdWindow($wh).fr.frdw.displayed select
2594	    }
2595	} elseif { $GMEd($wh,Displ) && [UnMap$wh $ix] } {
2596	    set GMEd($wh,Displ) 0 ; set ${wh}Displ($ix) 0
2597	    $EdWindow($wh).fr.frdw.displayed deselect
2598	}
2599    } elseif { $displ } {
2600	PutMap$wh $ix
2601	set ${wh}Displ($ix) 1
2602    } elseif { [UnMap$wh $ix] } { set ${wh}Displ($ix) 0 }
2603    return
2606##### background image
2608### geo-referencing an image
2610proc MapLoadWPSelect {n} {
2611    # select WPs (existing or to be defined) for geo-referencing
2612    #  $n is either ">=INT" or number of WPs needed
2613    # global variables set:
2614    #  $MapLoadWPDefs is the maximum number of WPs that may be defined
2615    #   (will be 0 at the end)
2616    #  $MapLoadWPs is list with indices of WPs (-1 for those to be defined)
2617    #  $MapLoadWPNs is list of names of WPs ("(?)" for those to be defined)
2618    # return number of points selected on success, -1 if operation cancelled
2619    global Number MapLoadWPDefs MapLoadWPs MapLoadWPNs MapLoading WPName \
2622    set MapLoadWPs "" ; set MapLoadWPNs ""
2623    if { [regexp {^>=([1-9])$} $n x min] } {
2624	while 1 {
2625	    if { $Number(WP) < $min } {
2626		set MapLoadWPDefs [expr $min-$Number(WP)]
2627	    } else { set MapLoadWPDefs 0 }
2628	    set wps [ChooseItems WP many_0 MapLoadWPDefs [list =$TXT(cwpsdef)]]
2629	    if { $wps == -1 } { return -1 }
2630	    if { ! [regexp {^ *(0|([1-9][0-9]*)) *$} $MapLoadWPDefs \
2631			x MapLoadWPDefs] } {
2632		GMMessage [format $MESS(nan) $MapLoadWPDefs]
2633		continue
2634	    }
2635	    set n [expr $MapLoadWPDefs+[llength $wps]]
2636	    if { $n >= $min } { break }
2637	    GMMessage [format $MESS(needNpoints) 3]
2638	}
2639	if { ! [regexp {^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=} $MapLoading x how] } {
2640	    BUG bad contents of MapLoading in proc MapLoadWPSelect
2641	    return -1
2642	}
2643	set MapLoading ${how}=$n
2644	set MapLoadWPs $wps
2645	foreach ix $wps {
2646	    lappend MapLoadWPNs $WPName($ix)
2647	}
2648    } else {
2649	if { $Number(WP) < $n } {
2650	    set missing [expr $n-$Number(WP)]
2651	} else { set missing 0 }
2652	set no [expr $n-$missing]
2653	set MapLoadWPDefs $missing
2654	while { $no > 0 } {
2655	    set ds $MapLoadWPDefs
2656	    for { set i [expr $MapLoadWPDefs+1] } { $i <= $n } { incr i } {
2657		lappend ds $i
2658	    }
2659	    set wps [ChooseItems WP many_0 MapLoadWPDefs \
2660			 [list +$TXT(cwpsdef)/$ds]]
2661	    if { $wps == -1 } { return -1 }
2662	    foreach ix $wps {
2663		set nn $WPName($ix) ; set d 0
2664		foreach name $MapLoadWPNs {
2665		    if { $name == $nn } { set d 1 ; break }
2666		}
2667		if { $d } {
2668		    GMMessage [format $MESS(duplicate) $nn]
2669		} else {
2670		    lappend MapLoadWPs $ix ; lappend MapLoadWPNs $nn
2671		    incr no -1 ; incr n -1
2672		    if { $no == 0 } { break }
2673		}
2674	    }
2675	    if { $MapLoadWPDefs >= $n } {
2676		set MapLoadWPDefs $n ; break
2677	    }
2678	}
2679    }
2680    # number of WPs to be defined later
2681    while { $MapLoadWPDefs > 0 } {
2682	lappend MapLoadWPs -1 ; lappend MapLoadWPNs "(?)"
2683	incr MapLoadWPDefs -1
2684    }
2685    return $n
2688proc LoadMapBack {args} {
2689    # load map background
2690    # if $args==""  load either an image to be geo-ref'd, or information on
2691    #          an image and geo-referencing information
2692    # otherwise $args is list with name of a background definition and
2693    #          menu (not used)
2694    global Map File MESS
2696    if { [$Map find all] != "" && ! [GMConfirm $MESS(clrcurrmap)] } {
2697	return
2698    }
2699    if { $args == "" } {
2700	set r [LoadMapFixedBk ""]
2701	switch -- [lindex $r 0] {
2702	    0 {
2703		LoadMapBackImage $File(MapBkInfo)
2704	    }
2705	    1 {
2706		eval LoadMapBackGeoRef [lreplace $r 0 0]
2707	    }
2708	}
2709    } elseif { [set fn [GetDefFields backgrnd [lindex $args 0] file]] == ""  } {	BUG backgrnd definition with empty file
2710    } else {
2711	set r [LoadMapFixedBk $fn]
2712	if { [lindex $r 0] == 1 } {
2713	    eval LoadMapBackGeoRef [lreplace $r 0 0]
2714	}
2715    }
2716    return
2719proc BadImage {im filename} {
2720    # create image
2722    SetCursor . watch
2723    catch { image delete $im }
2724    set r [catch {image create photo $im -file $filename}]
2725    ResetCursor .
2726    return $r
2729proc MapCreateOriginImage {path} {
2730    # create map background image at origin
2731    # clear the map, disable scale and datum, and set image parameters
2732    global MpW Map MapImageFile MapImageHeight MapImageWidth MapImageItems \
2733	    MapImageGrid MAPW2 MAPH2 WConf
2735    DoClearMap
2736    $MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.mn configure -state disabled
2737    $MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.cv.val configure -text ?
2738    foreach b $WConf(mapdatum) { $b configure -state disabled }
2739    set MapImageFile(0,0) $path
2740    set MapImageHeight [image height MapImage]
2741    set MapImageWidth [image width MapImage]
2742    set MapImageItems [$Map create image 0 0 -image MapImage \
2743	                       -anchor nw -tags [list map mapimage forIm=0,0]]
2744    SetMapBounds
2745    # scroll image to centre it
2746    ScrollMapTo [expr $MapImageWidth/2.0] [expr $MapImageHeight/2.0] \
2747	        $MAPW2 $MAPH2
2748    set MapImageGrid(dxmin) -1 ; set MapImageGrid(dymin) -1
2749    set MapImageGrid(dxn) 3 ; set MapImageGrid(dyn) 3
2750    return
2753proc LoadMapParams {datum pdata tdata pformt pfdatum scale} {
2754    # load map parameters
2755    #  $pdata, $tdata describe projection and transformation and are pairs
2756    #   with name and list of pairs with parameter name and value
2757    # assume map is empty
2758    global MpW Map MPData MTData MapScale MapProjection MapProjTitle \
2761    set MapScale $scale
2762    catch {unset MPData} ; catch {unset MTData}
2763    MapProjectionIs [lindex $pdata 0]
2764    set MPData(datum) $datum
2765    if { [catch {set mp $MAPPARTPROJ($MapProjection)}] } {
2766	set mp $MapProjection
2767	foreach p [lindex $pdata 1] {
2768	    set MPData([lindex $p 0]) [lindex $p 1]
2769	}
2770	if { $MapProjection == "UTM" } {
2771	    regexp {^([0-9]+)[ ]*([A-Z])$} $MPData(UTMzone) x ze zn
2772	    set MPData(UTMzone) [list $ze $zn]
2773	}
2774    } else {
2775	foreach e $MAPPROJDATA($mp) v $MAPPARTPDATA($MapProjection) {
2776	    set MPData($e) $v
2777	}
2778	if { [lsearch -exact $MAPPROJAUX $mp] != -1 } {
2779	    Proj${mp}ComputeAux MPData $datum
2780	}
2781    }
2782    ChangeMapDatum $datum
2783    # do not reorder this:
2784    ChangeMapPFormat $pformt ; ChangeMPFDatum $pfdatum
2785    MapTransfIs [lindex $tdata 0]
2786    foreach p [lindex $tdata 1] {
2787	set MTData([lindex $p 0]) [lindex $p 1]
2788    }
2789    regsub {\.00 } [MapScaleToShow $scale] " " txt
2790    $MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.cv.val configure -text $txt
2791    return
2794proc LoadMapBackGeoRef {path datum pdata tdata scale ixps csps} {
2795    # load geo-referenced map background image
2796    #  $pdata, $tdata describe projection and transformation and are pairs
2797    #   with name and list of pairs with parameter name and value
2798    #  $ixps: list of image grid coordinates and path for subsidiary images in
2799    #   grid
2800    #  $csps: list of image canvas coordinates (NW) and path for subsidiary
2801    #   images not in grid
2802    global Map MapImageFile MapImageItems MapImageHeight MapImageWidth \
2803	    MapImageGrid MapImageNGrid MapImageNGCs MapEmpty MapPFormat MESS \
2804	    MapImageNGW MapImageNGH MapPFDatum
2806    foreach ixp $ixps {
2807	set p [lindex $ixp 2]
2808	if { [BadImage MapImage[lindex $ixp 0],[lindex $ixp 1] $p] } {
2809	    GMMessage "$MESS(badimage): $p"
2810	    return
2811	}
2812    }
2813    set MapImageNGrid 0
2814    foreach csp $csps {
2815	set p [lindex $csp 2]
2816	if { [BadImage MapImage$MapImageNGrid $p] } {
2817	    GMMessage "$MESS(badimage): $p"
2818	    return
2819	}
2820	incr MapImageNGrid
2821    }
2822    if { [BadImage MapImage $path] } {
2823	GMMessage "$MESS(badimage): $path"
2824	return
2825    }
2826    MapCreateOriginImage $path
2827    set dxmin 0 ; set dxmax 0 ; set dymin 0 ; set dymax 0
2828    foreach ixp $ixps {
2829	foreach "dx dy p" $ixp {}
2830	set MapImageFile($dx,$dy) $p
2831	set x [expr $MapImageWidth*$dx] ; set y [expr $MapImageHeight*$dy]
2832	set it [$Map create image $x $y \
2833		-image "MapImage$dx,$dy" -anchor nw \
2834		-tags [list map mapimage forIm=$dx,$dy]]
2835	$Map lower $it
2836	lappend MapImageItems $it
2837	if { $dx > $dxmax } { set dxmax $dx }
2838	if { $dy > $dymax } { set dymax $dy }
2839	if { $dx < $dxmin } { set dxmin $dx }
2840	if { $dy < $dymin } { set dymin $dy }
2841    }
2842    set MapImageGrid(dxmin) [expr $dxmin-1]
2843    set MapImageGrid(dymin) [expr $dymin-1]
2844    set MapImageGrid(dxn) [expr $dxmax+3-$dxmin]
2845    set MapImageGrid(dyn) [expr $dymax+3-$dymin]
2846    set ni 0
2847    foreach csp $csps {
2848	foreach "x y p" $csp {}
2849	set MapImageFile($ni) $p ; set MapImageNGCs($ni) $x,$y
2850	set MapImageNGW($ni) [image width MapImage$ni]
2851	set MapImageNGH($ni) [image height MapImage$ni]
2852	set it [$Map create image $x $y -image MapImage$ni -anchor nw \
2853		-tags [list map mapimage forIm=$ni]]
2854	$Map lower $it
2855	lappend MapImageItems $it
2856	incr ni
2857    }
2858    SetMapBounds
2859    LoadMapParams $datum $pdata $tdata $MapPFormat $MapPFDatum $scale
2860    set MapEmpty 0
2861    ChangeOnState mapstateback normal
2862    return
2865proc LoadMapBackImage {filename} {
2866    # load map background image to be geo-referenced, from file under $filename
2867    global MpW MapLoading MapScale MapLdOldScale MapScInitVal EdWindow \
2870    # select transformation
2871    set ts "" ; set rs "" ; set rlsq "" ; set rlsqf ""
2872    foreach t $MAPKNOWNTRANSFS {
2873	lappend ts $TXT(TRNSF$t) ; lappend rs $t
2874	lappend rlsq lsq=$t ; lappend rlsqf lsqf=$t
2875    }
2876    lappend ts "@[linsert $ts 0 $TXT(lstsqs)]" \
2877	"@[linsert $ts 0 $TXT(lstsqsfile)]" $TXT(tfwfile) \
2878	$TXT(ozimapfile) $TXT(cancel)
2879    lappend rs $rlsq $rlsqf TFW OziMap 0
2880    switch -glob -- [set how [GMSelect $MESS(georefhow) $ts $rs]] {
2881	0 { return }
2882	lsq=* {
2883	    if { ! [regexp {lsq=(.+)$} $how x LSqsTransf] } {
2884		BUG LoadMapBackImage regexp lsq= failed
2885	    }
2886	    set how LeastSquares
2887	}
2888	lsqf=* {
2889	    if { ! [regexp {lsqf=(.+)$} $how x LSqsTransf] } {
2890		BUG LoadMapBackImage regexp lsqf= failed
2891	    }
2892	    set how LeastSquaresFile
2893	}
2894    }
2896    # load and check image
2897    if { [BadImage MapImage $filename] } {
2898	GMMessage $MESS(badimage)
2899	return
2900    }
2901    MapCreateOriginImage [file join [pwd] $filename]
2902    # save scale
2903    set s [$MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.cv.val cget -text]
2904    if { [scan $s %d MapLdOldScale] != 1 } {
2905	set MapLdOldScale $MapScInitVal
2906    }
2907    switch $how {
2908	LeastSquaresFile -  OziMap -  TFW {
2909	    ReadApplyTransfData $how $filename
2910	}
2911	default {
2912	    # disable display of items being edited
2913	    foreach wh $TYPES {
2914		if { [winfo exists $EdWindow($wh)] } {
2915		    $EdWindow($wh).fr.frdw.displayed configure -state disabled
2916		}
2917	    }
2918	    # find number of control waypoints needed
2919	    set n $MAPTRANSFNPTS($how)
2920	    set MapLoading ${how}=$n
2921	    # dialog to select/define waypoints and supervise their placement
2922	    MapLoadBkDial $how $n
2923	}
2924    }
2925    return
2928proc ReadApplyTransfData {fmt filename} {
2929    # load or import transformation data from file and set up projection and
2930    #  transformation
2931    #  $fmt in {LeastSquaresFile, OziMap, TFW}
2932    # reading procs must return 0 on error or a list whose head is a list of
2933    #  latd,longd,datum to be projected (possibly empty); the whole list is
2934    #  passed as a parameter to the transformation initialization proc
2935    # initializion procs return 0 on error, or may return a list of WP
2936    #  names to be displayed (but see below!)
2937    global MPData MTData CDPData MESS MapScale MapLoading
2939    set MapLoading importing
2940    if { $fmt == "LeastSquaresFile" } {
2941	set indata [LoadLeastSquaresInfo]
2942	set fmt LeastSquares
2943    } else { set indata [Import$fmt $filename] }
2944    if { $indata != 0 } {
2945	set ps [lindex $indata 0]
2946	if { [set proj [ChooseDatumProjection $ps]] == 0 } {
2947	    set indata 0
2948	}
2949    }
2950    if { $indata == 0 } {
2951	MapLoadBkCancel
2952	return
2953    }
2954    catch {unset MPData} ; catch {unset MTData}
2955    array set MPData [array get CDPData]
2956    if { [set res [MapInit${fmt}Transf $indata $CDPData(main_proj)]] == 0 } {
2957	GMMessage $MESS(badTransfargs)
2958	MapLoadBkCancel
2959	return
2960    }
2961    MapProjectionIs $proj
2962    ChangeMapDatum $CDPData(datum)
2963    MapScaleChange $MapScale
2964    set MapLoading 0
2965    MapLoadBkDialDone
2966    # display WPs if needs be
2967    if { $fmt == "LeastSquares" } {
2968	foreach name $res { PutMap WP [IndexNamed WP $name] }
2969    }
2970    return
2973proc MapLoadBkDial {how n} {
2974    # dialog used during map background loading
2975    #  $how in $MAPKNOWNTRANSFS or LeastSquares
2976    #  $n is either ">=INT", or number of WPs used for geo-referencing
2977    # this dialog is changed by proc DefineCtrlPoint
2980    if { [set n [MapLoadWPSelect $n]] == -1 } {
2981	MapLoadBkCancel
2982	return
2983    }
2984    destroy .wmapload
2985    # used elsewhere
2986    set w .wmapload
2987    GMToplevel $w mapload +[expr $EPOSX+100]+$EPOSY {} \
2988        {WM_DELETE_WINDOW MapLoadBkCancel} {}
2990    frame $w.fr -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(messbg)
2991    label $w.fr.title -text $TXT(mapload) -relief sunken
2992    message $w.fr.text -aspect 800 -text $MESS(mapadjust)
2994    frame $w.fr.frbx
2995    listbox $w.fr.frbx.bx -width $LISTWIDTH -relief flat \
2996 	    -selectmode single -exportselection 1
2997    bind $w.fr.frbx.bx <Button-1> "$w.fr.frbx.bx selection clear 0 end"
2998    if { $n < 8 } {
2999	$w.fr.frbx.bx configure -height $n
3000	pack $w.fr.frbx.bx
3001    } else {
3002	$w.fr.frbx.bx configure -height 8 \
3003	    -yscrollcommand "$w.fr.frbx.bscr set"
3004	scrollbar $w.fr.frbx.bscr -command "$w.fr.frbx.bx yview"
3005	grid $w.fr.frbx.bx $w.fr.frbx.bscr -sticky ns
3006    }
3007    frame $w.fr.bns
3008    button $w.fr.bns.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command MapLoadBkDialDone \
3009	-state disabled
3010    button $w.fr.bns.cnc -text $TXT(cancel) -command MapLoadBkCancel
3011    pack $w.fr -side top
3012    pack $w.fr.bns.ok $w.fr.bns.cnc -side left
3013    pack $w.fr.title $w.fr.text $w.fr.frbx $w.fr.bns -side top -pady 5
3014    if { $how == "NoRot" } {
3015	# show WPs in the order they were selected
3016	set ix end
3017    } else {
3018	# show in reverse order because in these cases WPs will be taken
3019	#  from right to left of $MapLoadWPs by the cursor procedures
3020	set ix 0
3021    }
3022    foreach name $MapLoadWPNs {
3023	$w.fr.frbx.bx insert $ix $name
3024    }
3025    raise $w
3026    update idletasks
3028    if { $how == "NoRot" } {
3029	MapComputePositions
3030    }
3031    # control will be assumed by MapCursor, MarkMapPoint and MapLoadBkDialDone
3033    return
3036proc MapLoadRestore {} {
3037    # restore interface state after success or failure of map loading
3038    global MapLoading MapLoadPos EdWindow TYPES
3040    foreach wh $TYPES {
3041	if { [winfo exists $EdWindow($wh)] } {
3042	    $EdWindow($wh).fr.frdw.displayed configure -state normal
3043	}
3044    }
3045    set MapLoading 0
3046    destroy .wmapload
3047    catch {unset MapLoadPos}
3048    return
3051proc MapLoadBkDialDone {} {
3052    # successful end of map background loading dialog
3053    global Map MapLoading MapScale MapLoadWPs MapLoadPos MapEmpty EdWindow \
3054	    WPDispl GMEd MESS MPData MTData MapImageNGrid
3056    if { $MapLoading != 0 } {
3057	catch {unset MTData}
3058	set remap 0
3059	switch -glob $MapLoading {
3060	    Affine* {
3061		regexp {(Affine[a-zA-Z_]*)=} $MapLoading x tr
3062		if { ! [MapInit${tr}Transf] } {
3063		    GMMessage $MESS(cantsolve)
3064		    MapLoadBkCancel
3065		    return
3066		}
3067	    }
3068	    LeastSquares=* {
3069		if { [MapInitLeastSquaresTransf] == 0 } {
3070		    GMMessage $MESS(cantsolve)
3071		    MapLoadBkCancel
3072		    return
3073		}
3074		# must re-map all control points
3075		incr remap
3076	    }
3077	    NoRot=* {
3078		MapInitNoRotTransf $MapScale $MapLoadPos(xt0) \
3079			$MapLoadPos(yt0) $MapLoadPos(origin,x) \
3080			$MapLoadPos(origin,y)
3081	    }
3082	}
3083	MapScaleChange $MapScale
3084	MapLoadRestore
3085	$Map delete mapadjust
3086	set MapEmpty 0
3087	foreach wpix $MapLoadWPs {
3088	    if { $remap } {
3089		UnMapWP $wpix ; PutMapWP $wpix
3090	    }
3091	    set WPDispl($wpix) 1
3092	    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(WP)] && $GMEd(WP,Index) == $wpix } {
3093		set GMEd(WP,Displ) 1
3094		set GMEd(WP,Data) [lreplace $GMEd(WP,Data) end end 1]
3095		$EdWindow(WP).fr.frdw.displayed select
3096	    } else {
3097		SetDisplShowWindow WP $wpix select
3098	    }
3099	}
3100    }
3101    set MapEmpty 0
3102    set MapImageNGrid 0
3103    ChangeOnState mapstateback normal
3104    return
3107proc MapLoadBkCancel {} {
3108    # cancel loading a map background image
3109    global MpW Map MapLoading MapLdOldScale MapImageItems MapEmpty Dfctrl
3111    if { [winfo exists .wmapload.frd] } {
3112	set Dfctrl 0
3113	return
3114    }
3115    eval $Map delete [$Map find all]
3116    set MapEmpty 1
3117    set MapImageItems ""
3118    MapMeasureEnd
3119    SetMapBounds
3120    if { $MapLoading != 0 } {
3121	MapLoadRestore
3122	# now $MapLoading is 0
3123	$MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.mn configure -state normal
3124	MapScaleChange $MapLdOldScale
3125    }
3126    return
3129proc DefineCtrlPoint {w mpix lbox cancel} {
3130    # change map loading dialog to define a control waypoint
3131    #  $w is parent of frame that will be created and destroyed for
3132    #   entering the information
3133    #  $mpix is index of control waypoint in $MapLoadWPs and $MapLoadWPNs
3134    #   which will be updated with WP index and name on success
3135    #  $lbox is either "", or listbox in which names of defined waypoints
3136    #   must be replaced at index $mpix
3137    #  $cancel is true if Cancel button must be created
3138    # binding: Return for create
3139    # return WP index, or -1 on failure
3140    global PositionFormat TXT MESS NAMEWIDTH Datum CPDatum CPChangedPosn \
3141	    CREATIONDATE Dfctrl COLOUR MapLoadWPs MapLoadWPNs DefCPWindow \
3142	    INVTXT
3144    # used in ancillary procs
3145    set DefCPWindow $w
3146    destroy $w.frd
3147    set Dfctrl 0
3148    set CPChangedPosn 1 ; set CPDatum $Datum
3149    frame $w.frd -relief flat -borderwidth 2 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
3150    label $w.frd.ntitle -text "$TXT(name):"
3151    entry $w.frd.id -width $NAMEWIDTH -exportselection 1
3152    ShowTEdit $w.frd.id "" 1
3153    ShowPosnDatum $w.frd $PositionFormat [list ""] DefCPChangeDatum CPDatum \
3154	CPDatum normal 1 CPChangedPosn
3155    frame $w.frd.frb -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3156    button $w.frd.frb.ct -text $TXT(create) \
3157	    -command "$w.frd.frb.ct configure -state normal ; set Dfctrl 1"
3158    button $w.frd.frb.cnc -text $TXT(cancel) \
3159	    -command "$w.frd.frb.cnc configure -state normal ; set Dfctrl 0"
3160    grid configure $w.frd.ntitle -column 0 -row 0 -sticky w
3161    grid configure $w.frd.id -column 1 -row 0 -sticky w
3162    grid configure $w.frd.frp -column 0 -row 1 -columnspan 2 -pady 3
3163    grid configure $w.frd.frd -column 0 -row 2 -columnspan 2
3164    grid configure $w.frd.frb.ct -column 0 -row 0
3165    if { $cancel } {
3166	grid configure $w.frd.frb.cnc -column 1 -row 0
3167    }
3168    grid configure $w.frd.frb -column 0 -row 3 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3169    pack $w.frd -side top -pady 5
3171    update idletasks
3172    set pw [grab current]
3173    grab $w
3174    bind $w <Return> { set Dfctrl 1 ; break }
3175    raise $w
3176    focus $w.frd.id
3177    while 1 {
3178	tkwait variable Dfctrl
3180	if { $Dfctrl } {
3181	    set p [PosnGetCheck $w.frd.frp.frp1 $CPDatum GMMessage \
3182		       CPChangedPosn]
3183	    if { $p == "nil" } { bell ; continue }
3184	    if { [string trim [$w.frd.id get]] == "" } {
3185		set name [NewName WP]
3186	    } else {
3187		set name [CheckEntries GMMessage "" \
3188			               [list [list $w.frd.id CheckName]]]
3189		if { $name == "" } { continue }
3190		if { [CheckArrayElement WPName $name] } {
3191		    GMMessage $MESS(idinuse)
3192		    continue
3193		}
3194	    }
3195	    set pf $INVTXT([$w.frd.frp.pfmt cget -text])
3196	    if { $CREATIONDATE } {
3197		set data [FormData WP \
3198			      [list Name Posn PFrmt Datum Date Symbol] \
3199			      [list $name $p $pf $CPDatum [Now] mark_x]]
3200	    } else {
3201		set data [FormData WP [list Name Posn PFrmt Datum Symbol] \
3202			           [list $name $p $pf $CPDatum mark_x]]
3203	    }
3204	    set ix [CreateItem WP $data]
3205	    set MapLoadWPs [lreplace $MapLoadWPs $mpix $mpix $ix]
3206	    set MapLoadWPNs [lreplace $MapLoadWPNs $mpix $mpix $name]
3207	    if { $lbox != "" } {
3208		$lbox delete $mpix ; $lbox insert $mpix $name
3209	    }
3210	    break
3211	} else { set ix -1 ; break }
3212    }
3213    grab release $w
3214    foreach pg $pw {
3215	if { [winfo exists $pg] } { grab $pg }
3216    }
3217    pack forget $w.frd
3218    destroy $w.frd
3219    return $ix
3222proc DefCPChangeDatum {datum args} {
3223    # change datum of control WP being defined
3224    #  $args is not used but is needed as this is called-back from a menu
3225    global DefCPWindow
3227    ChangeDatum $datum CPDatum CPDatum CPChangedPosn $DefCPWindow.frd.frp
3228    return
3231proc MapGeoRefPoints {n} {
3232    # in command line mode just return the projected coordinates given
3233    #  by proc CmdProjCoords
3234    # in graphical mode compute planar Cartesian coordinates of $n WPs
3235    #  for geo-referencing and initialize projection procedure
3236    #    $MapLoadWPs is list of indices of relevant WPs
3237    #  assume that .wmapload is being used
3238    # return list of coordinates, or -1 on cancel
3239    global Datum MapLoadWPs WPPosn WPDatum MapProjInitProc MapProjPointProc \
3240	    MapProjection MPData Datum CMDLINE
3242    if { $CMDLINE } {
3243	return [CmdProjCoords $n]
3244    }
3245    for { set i 0 ; set ps "" } { $i < $n } { incr i } {
3246       if { [set ix [lindex $MapLoadWPs $i]] == -1 && \
3247            [set ix [DefineCtrlPoint .wmapload $i \
3248			 .wmapload.fr.frbx.bx 0]] == -1 } {
3249	   MapLoadBkCancel
3250	   return -1
3251       }
3252       set p $WPPosn($ix)
3253       set latd [lindex $p 0] ; set longd [lindex $p 1]
3254       if { [set datum $WPDatum($ix)] != $Datum } {
3255	   set p [ToDatum $latd $longd $datum $Datum]
3256	   set latd [lindex $p 0] ; set longd [lindex $p 1]
3257       }
3258       lappend ps [list $latd $longd $Datum]
3259   }
3260   catch {unset MPData}
3261   $MapProjInitProc $MapProjection MPData $Datum $ps
3262   set xys ""
3263   foreach p $ps {
3264       lappend xys [eval $MapProjPointProc MPData $p]
3265   }
3266   return $xys
3269proc MapComputePositions {} {
3270    # compute lines from 1st to 2nd and 1st to 3rd selected WPs
3271    #  when loading a map background image with no rotation
3272    # set MapLoadPos(xt0),MapLoadPos(yt0) to terrain coords of 1st WP
3273    global MapLoadPos MapWidth MapHeight
3275    if { [set tcs [MapGeoRefPoints 3]] == -1 } { return }
3276    set p0 [lindex $tcs 0]
3277    set MapLoadPos(xt0) [set xt0 [lindex $p0 0]]
3278    set MapLoadPos(yt0) [set yt0 [lindex $p0 1]]
3279    set mx $MapWidth
3280    if { $MapHeight > $MapWidth } { set mx $MapHeight }
3281    incr mx 10000
3282    # start with 3rd WP, then 2nd
3283    foreach a "2 1" {
3284	set p [lindex $tcs $a]
3285	set xta [lindex $p 0] ; set yta [lindex $p 1]
3286	# difference in projected coordinates from first point
3287	set MapLoadPos(dmx,$a) [set dx [expr $xta-$xt0]]
3288	set MapLoadPos(dmy,$a) [set dy [expr $yta-$yt0]]
3289	# $dx/$l is cos of angle of line from 1st point to point and x-axis
3290	# $dy/$l is sin of same angle
3291	# distance from point to first point
3292	set l [expr sqrt(1.0*$dx*$dx+1.0*$dy*$dy)]
3293	# difference in canvas coordinates between point and a point on the
3294	#  line from first point but at distance $mx (out of canvas)
3295        set MapLoadPos(dx,$a) [set dxc [expr $mx/$l*$dx]]
3296	set MapLoadPos(dy,$a) [set dyc [expr -$mx/$l*$dy]]
3297	# position of line from (100,100) to out of canvas, parallel to
3298	#  line from 1st point to point
3299	set MapLoadPos(pos,$a) [list 100 100 [expr 100+$dxc] [expr 100+$dyc]]
3300    }
3301    # for 2nd WP, using $dx,$dy and $l computed above
3302    # axis along which difference in coordinates is larger
3303    if { abs($dx) >= abs($dy) } {
3304	set MapLoadPos(dir) x
3305    } else {
3306	set MapLoadPos(dir) y
3307    }
3308    set MapLoadPos(dist) $l
3309    return
3312proc ClearMapBack {} {
3313    # clear map background images
3314    global MpW Map MapImageItems MapImageFile MESS
3316    if { [GMConfirm $MESS(okclrbkmap)] } {
3317	$Map delete mapimage
3318	set MapImageItems "" ; catch {unset MapImageFile}
3319	$MpW.frm.frmap3.fr3.mn configure -state normal
3320	ChangeOnState mapstateback disabled
3321	return 1
3322    }
3323    return 0
3326proc SaveMapBack {args} {
3327    # save map background image information
3328    # in graphical mode
3329    #  $args is either "" or file
3330    # in command line mode
3331    #  $args is list with path to image file and file to write on
3332    global Map MapImageFile MapScale MapProjection MPData MapTransf MTData \
3335    if { $CMDLINE } {
3336	set MapImageFile(0,0) [lindex $args 0]
3337	set args [lindex $args 1]
3338    } elseif { [$Map find withtag mapimage] == "" } { return }
3339    set pd $MapProjection
3340    if { [catch {set MAPPARTPROJ($MapProjection)}] } {
3341	foreach e $MAPPROJDATA($MapProjection) {
3342	    lappend pd "$e=$MPData($e)"
3343	}
3344    }
3345    set pt $MapTransf
3346    foreach e $MAPTRANSFDATA($MapTransf) {
3347	lappend pt "$e=$MTData($e)"
3348    }
3349    set lg "" ; set lc ""
3350    foreach n [array names MapImageFile] {
3351	if { [string first "," $n] != -1 } {
3352	    # image in grid
3353	    if { $n != "0,0" } {
3354		lappend lg [list $n $MapImageFile($n)]
3355	    }
3356	} else {
3357	    lappend lc [list $MapImageNGCs($n) $MapImageFile($n)]
3358	}
3359    }
3360    SaveFileTo $args mapback MapBkInfo $MapImageFile(0,0) $pd $pt $MapScale \
3361	    $lg $lc
3362    return
3365proc ExportMapTFW {} {
3366    # export parameters of the transformation used for map background image
3367    #  as a TFW file
3368    global Map
3370    if { [$Map find withtag mapimage] == "" } { return }
3371    ExportTFW [MapAffineParams]
3372    return
3375proc SaveMapParams {args} {
3376    # save map projection, transformation, position format of coordinates
3377    #  and scale when there is no background image
3378    #  $args is either "" or file
3379    global Map MapScale MapProjection MPData MapTransf MTData MapPFormat \
3382    if { [$Map find withtag mapimage] != "" } { return }
3383    set pd $MapProjection
3384    if { [catch {set MAPPARTPROJ($MapProjection)}] } {
3385	foreach e $MAPPROJDATA($MapProjection) {
3386	    lappend pd "$e=$MPData($e)"
3387	}
3388    }
3389    set pt $MapTransf
3390    foreach e $MAPTRANSFDATA($MapTransf) {
3391	lappend pt "$e=$MTData($e)"
3392    }
3393    SaveFileTo $args mapinfo MapInfo $pd $pt $MapPFormat $MapPFDatum $MapScale
3394    return
3397proc ChangeMapBack {} {
3398    # dialog used to change map background images
3399    # this dialog may be changed by proc DefineCtrlPoint
3400    global MapImageGrid MapImageFile TXT EPOSX EPOSY COLOUR MAPCOLOUR \
3401	    MapBackNGSelect MapBackNGIxs MapBackCellW MapBackCellH \
3402	    FixedFont
3404    # name .wchgmapbak used explicitly below
3405    set w .wchgmapbak
3406    if { [winfo exists $w] } { Raise $w ; return }
3408    GMToplevel $w mpbkchg +$EPOSX+$EPOSY {} \
3409        [list WM_DELETE_WINDOW  "destroy $w"] {}
3411    set MapBackNGSelect ""
3412    # width and height of grid cell
3413    set MapBackCellW 43 ; set MapBackCellH 21
3415    frame $w.fr -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(messbg)
3416    label $w.fr.title -text $TXT(mpbkchg) -relief sunken
3417    frame $w.fr.frg -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3418    frame $w.fr.frng -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3420    ## images in a grid
3421    set rw $MapBackCellW ; set rh $MapBackCellH
3422    set wd [expr 3*$rw] ; set hg [expr 3*$rh]
3423    set cv $w.fr.frg.grid
3424    canvas $cv -width $wd -height $hg -relief sunken \
3425	    -xscrollincrement $rw -yscrollincrement $rh
3426    # make central 3x3 grid: grid canvas 0,0 is upper left corner of -1,-1 slot
3427    for { set dx -1 } { $dx < 2 } { incr dx } {
3428	MapColumnBackGrid $cv $dx -1 3
3429    }
3430    # extend grid if needs be
3431    foreach d "x y" h "Column Row" \
3432	    omin "-1 $MapImageGrid(dxmin)" on "3 $MapImageGrid(dxn)" {
3433	if { [set d0 $MapImageGrid(d${d}min)] < -1 } {
3434	    for { set dd $d0 } { $dd < -1 } { incr dd } {
3435		Map${h}BackGrid $cv $dd $omin $on
3436		set bb [$cv bbox all]
3437		set x0 [lindex $bb 0] ; set y0 [lindex $bb 1]
3438		set x1 [lindex $bb 2] ; set y1 [lindex $bb 3]
3439		$cv configure -width [expr $x1-$x0] -height [expr $y1-$y0]
3440		$cv ${d}view scroll -1 units
3441	    }
3442	}
3443	if { [set df [expr $d0+$MapImageGrid(d${d}n)]] > 1 } {
3444	    for { set dd 2 } { $dd < $df } { incr dd } {
3445		Map${h}BackGrid $cv $dd $omin $on
3446		set bb [$cv bbox all]
3447		set x0 [lindex $bb 0] ; set y0 [lindex $bb 1]
3448		set x1 [lindex $bb 2] ; set y1 [lindex $bb 3]
3449		$cv configure -width [expr $x1-$x0] -height [expr $y1-$y0]
3450	    }
3451	}
3452    }
3454    foreach ixs [array names MapImageFile] {
3455	$cv itemconfigure forIm=$ixs -fill $MAPCOLOUR(fullgrid)
3456    }
3457    $cv itemconfigure forIm=0,0 -width 4 -outline $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
3458    set it [$cv create text [expr 1.5*$rw] [expr 1.5*$rh] -anchor center \
3459	     -text + -justify center]
3460    $cv bind $it <Enter> "MapBackGridEnter 0 0"
3461    $cv bind $it <Leave> "MapBackGridLeave 0 0"
3462    $cv bind $it <Button-1> "MapBackGridSelect 0 0"
3464    frame $w.fr.frg.cs
3465    label $w.fr.frg.cs.tit -text $TXT(mpbkgrcs):
3466    label $w.fr.frg.cs.cs -text 0,0
3468    frame $w.fr.frg.pt
3469    label $w.fr.frg.pt.tit -text $TXT(file):
3470    label $w.fr.frg.pt.pt -text $MapImageFile(0,0) -width 50
3472    frame $w.fr.frg.bns
3473    button $w.fr.frg.bns.ld -text $TXT(load) \
3474	    -command "MapBackGridLoad ; \
3475	              $w.fr.frg.bns.ld configure -state normal"
3476    button $w.fr.frg.bns.clr -text $TXT(clear) -state disabled \
3477	    -command "MapBackGridClear ; \
3478	              $w.fr.frg.bns.clr configure -state normal"
3480    ## images out of grid
3481    listbox $w.fr.frng.bx -width 50 -height 8 -relief flat -exportselection 1 \
3482	    -yscrollcommand "$w.fr.frng.bscr set" \
3483 	    -selectmode single -font $FixedFont
3484    bind $w.fr.frng.bx <Button-1> { MapBackBoxSetSelect [%W nearest %y] }
3485    bind $w.fr.frng.bx <Enter> { MapBackBoxShow }
3486    bind $w.fr.frng.bx <Leave> { .wchgmapbak.fr.frg.grid delete nongrid }
3487    set MapBackNGIxs ""
3488    foreach n [lsort [array names MapImageFile]] {
3489	if { [string first "," $n] == -1 } {
3490	    $w.fr.frng.bx insert end $MapImageFile($n)
3491	    lappend MapBackNGIxs $n
3492	}
3493    }
3494    scrollbar $w.fr.frng.bscr -command "$w.fr.frng.bx yview"
3495    frame $w.fr.frng.bns
3496    button $w.fr.frng.bns.ld -text $TXT(load) \
3497	    -command "MapBackNGridLoad ; \
3498	              $w.fr.frng.bns.ld configure -state normal"
3499    button $w.fr.frng.bns.clr -text $TXT(clear) -state disabled \
3500	    -command "MapBackNGridClear ; \
3501	              $w.fr.frng.bns.clr configure -state normal"
3502    # frame for defining control waypoint (used by proc DefineCtrlPoint)
3503    frame $w.fr.frng.df
3505    frame $w.fr.bns
3506    button $w.fr.bns.clrall -text $TXT(clearall) -command {
3507	if { [ClearMapBack] } {
3508	    destroy .wchgmapbak
3509	} else {
3510	    .wchgmapbak.fr.bns.clrall configure -state normal
3511	}
3512    }
3513    button $w.fr.bns.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
3515    pack $w.fr.frg.cs.tit $w.fr.frg.cs.cs -side left
3516    pack $w.fr.frg.pt.tit $w.fr.frg.pt.pt -side left
3517    pack $w.fr.frg.bns.ld $w.fr.frg.bns.clr -side left
3518    pack $w.fr.frg.grid $w.fr.frg.cs $w.fr.frg.pt $w.fr.frg.bns -side top \
3519	    -pady 5
3521    pack $w.fr.frng.bns.ld $w.fr.frng.bns.clr -side left
3522    grid configure $w.fr.frng.bx -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nesw
3523    grid configure $w.fr.frng.bscr -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns
3524    grid configure $w.fr.frng.bns -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3525    grid configure $w.fr.frng.df -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3527    pack $w.fr.bns.clrall $w.fr.bns.ok -side left
3528    grid configure $w.fr.title -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2
3529    grid configure $w.fr.frg -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nesw -pady 5
3530    grid configure $w.fr.frng -row 1 -column 1 -sticky nesw -pady 5 -padx 3
3531    grid configure $w.fr.bns -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3533    pack $w.fr
3535    update idletasks
3536    return
3539proc MapBackGridEnter {dx dy} {
3540    # cursor on image grid slot
3541    global MAPCOLOUR
3543    .wchgmapbak.fr.frg.grid itemconfigure forIm=$dx,$dy \
3544	    -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
3545    return
3548proc MapBackGridLeave {dx dy} {
3549    # cursor out of image grid slot
3550    global MAPCOLOUR MapImageFile
3552    if { [catch {set MapImageFile($dx,$dy)}] } {
3553	set c emptygrid
3554    } else { set c fullgrid }
3555    .wchgmapbak.fr.frg.grid itemconfigure forIm=$dx,$dy -fill $MAPCOLOUR($c)
3556    return
3559proc MapBackGridSelect {dx dy} {
3560    # click on an image grid slot
3561    global MAPCOLOUR MapImageFile
3563    set fr .wchgmapbak.fr.frg ; set cv $fr.grid
3564    set last [$fr.cs.cs cget -text]
3565    if { [catch {set p $MapImageFile($dx,$dy)}] } {
3566	set p ""
3567	$fr.bns.clr configure -state disabled
3568    } else {
3569	if { "$dx,$dy" != "0,0" } {
3570	    $fr.bns.clr configure -state normal
3571	}
3572    }
3573    $cv itemconfigure forIm=$last -width 2 -outline black
3574    $cv itemconfigure forIm=$dx,$dy -width 4 -outline $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
3575    .wchgmapbak.fr.frg.cs.cs configure -text $dx,$dy
3576    .wchgmapbak.fr.frg.pt.pt configure -text $p
3577    return
3580proc MapBackGridLoad {} {
3581    # (re-)load one image for map background
3582    global Map MapImageFile MapImageWidth MapImageHeight MapImageItems \
3583	    MapImageGrid File MESS TXT MAPCOLOUR
3585    set fr .wchgmapbak.fr.frg
3586    scan [set cs [$fr.cs.cs cget -text]] %d,%d dx dy
3587    if { [set f [GMOpenFile $TXT(loadfrm) Image r]] != ".." } {
3588	set filename $File(Image)
3589	if { [BadImage MapImage$cs $filename] } {
3590	    GMMessage $MESS(badimage)
3591	    return
3592	}
3593	set MapImageFile($cs) [file join [pwd] $filename]
3594	$fr.pt.pt configure -text $MapImageFile($cs)
3595	set cv $fr.grid
3596	$cv itemconfigure forIm=$cs -fill $MAPCOLOUR(fullgrid)
3597	$Map delete forIm=$cs
3598	set x [expr $MapImageWidth*$dx] ; set y [expr $MapImageHeight*$dy]
3599	set it [$Map create image $x $y \
3600		-image "MapImage$cs" -anchor nw \
3601		-tags [list map mapimage forIm=$cs]]
3602	$Map lower $it
3603	lappend MapImageItems $it
3604	SetMapBounds
3605	MapWideBackGrid $cv x $dx Column \
3606		$MapImageGrid(dymin) $MapImageGrid(dyn)
3607	MapWideBackGrid $cv y $dy Row \
3608		$MapImageGrid(dxmin) $MapImageGrid(dxn)
3609	$fr.bns.clr configure -state normal
3610    }
3611    return
3614proc MapBackGridClear {} {
3615    # clear one image from map background
3616    global Map MapImageFile MapImageItems MapImageGrid MAPCOLOUR MESS
3618    set fr .wchgmapbak.fr.frg
3619    scan [set cs [$fr.cs.cs cget -text]] %d,%d dx dy
3620    if { [GMConfirm "$MESS(okclrbkim) $cs"] } {
3621	set it [$Map find withtag forIm=$cs]
3622	$Map delete forIm=$cs
3623	SetMapBounds
3624	$fr.bns.clr configure -state disabled
3625	catch {image delete MapImage$cs}
3626	catch {unset MapImageFile($cs)}
3627	if { [set ix [lsearch -exact $MapImageItems $it]] >= 0 } {
3628	    set MapImageItems [lreplace $MapImageItems $ix $ix]
3629	}
3630	set cv $fr.grid
3631	$cv itemconfigure forIm=$cs -fill $MAPCOLOUR(emptygrid)
3632	if { ([MapShrinkBackGrid $cv x $dx %d,*] | \
3633		[MapShrinkBackGrid $cv y $dy *,%d]) && \
3634		[$cv find withtag forIm=$dx,$dy] == "" } {
3635	    $cv itemconfigure forIm=0,0 -outline $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel)
3636	    $fr.cs.cs configure -text 0,0
3637	    $fr.pt.pt configure -text $MapImageFile(0,0)
3638	} else {
3639	    $fr.pt.pt configure -text ""
3640	}
3641    }
3642    return
3645proc MapColumnBackGrid {gr dx dymin dyn} {
3646    # make column of grid in dialog used to change map
3647    #  background images
3648    #  $gr: canvas with grid
3649    #  $dx: grid coordinate
3650    #  $dymin: min grid y-coordinate
3651    #  $dyn: number of slots along y-coordinate
3652    global MapImageGrid MAPCOLOUR MapBackCellW MapBackCellH
3654    set m [expr $dymin+$dyn]
3655    set rw $MapBackCellW ; set rh $MapBackCellH
3656    for { set dy $dymin } { $dy < $m } { incr dy } {
3657	set it [$gr create rectangle [expr ($dx+1)*$rw+2] \
3658		[expr ($dy+1)*$rh+2] [expr ($dx+2)*$rw] \
3659		[expr ($dy+2)*$rh] -width 2 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(emptygrid) \
3660		-tags [list grid forIm=$dx,$dy]]
3661	$gr bind $it <Enter> "MapBackGridEnter $dx $dy"
3662	$gr bind $it <Leave> "MapBackGridLeave $dx $dy"
3663	$gr bind $it <Button-1> "MapBackGridSelect $dx $dy"
3664    }
3665    return
3668proc MapRowBackGrid {gr dy dxmin dxn} {
3669    # make row of grid in dialog used to change map
3670    #  background images
3671    #  $gr: canvas with grid
3672    #  $dy: grid coordinate
3673    #  $dxmin: min grid x-coordinate
3674    #  $dxn: number of slots along x-coordinate
3675    global MapImageGrid MAPCOLOUR MapBackCellW MapBackCellH
3677    set m [expr $dxmin+$dxn]
3678    set rw $MapBackCellW ; set rh $MapBackCellH
3679    for { set dx $dxmin } { $dx < $m } { incr dx } {
3680	set it [$gr create rectangle [expr ($dx+1)*$rw+2] \
3681		[expr ($dy+1)*$rh+2] [expr ($dx+2)*$rw] \
3682		[expr ($dy+2)*$rh] -width 2 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(emptygrid) \
3683		-tags [list grid forIm=$dx,$dy]]
3684	$gr bind $it <Enter> "MapBackGridEnter $dx $dy"
3685	$gr bind $it <Leave> "MapBackGridLeave $dx $dy"
3686	$gr bind $it <Button-1> "MapBackGridSelect $dx $dy"
3687    }
3688    return
3691proc MapWideBackGrid {gr dir c how omin on} {
3692    # add external row/column of grid in dialog used to change map
3693    #  background images if the external row/column becomes non-empty
3694    #  $gr: canvas with grid
3695    #  $dir in {x, y}
3696    #  $c: grid coordinate along $dir
3697    #  $how in {Row, Column} according to $dir
3698    #  $omin: min grid coordinate along other direction
3699    #  $on: number of slots along other direction
3700    global MapImageGrid
3702    if { $c != 0 } {
3703	set chg 0 ; set dd d$dir
3704	if { $c == [set m $MapImageGrid(${dd}min)] } {
3705	    set chg 1 ; set scr -1
3706	    incr MapImageGrid(${dd}min) -1 ; incr MapImageGrid(${dd}n)
3707	    Map${how}BackGrid $gr $MapImageGrid(${dd}min) $omin $on
3708	} elseif { $c == [expr $MapImageGrid(${dd}n)+$m-1] } {
3709	    set chg 1 ; set scr 0
3710	    incr MapImageGrid(${dd}n)
3711	    Map${how}BackGrid $gr [expr $c+1] $omin $on
3712	}
3713	if { $chg } {
3714	    set bb [$gr bbox all]
3715	    set x0 [lindex $bb 0] ; set y0 [lindex $bb 1]
3716	    set x1 [lindex $bb 2] ; set y1 [lindex $bb 3]
3717	    $gr configure -width [expr $x1-$x0] -height [expr $y1-$y0]
3718	    $gr ${dir}view scroll $scr units
3719	}
3720    }
3721    return
3724proc MapShrinkBackGrid {gr dir c fmt} {
3725    # delete external row/column of grid in dialog used to change map
3726    #  background images if its neighbour becomes empty (external rows
3727    #  and columns are always empty; minimum size is 3x3, as slot with
3728    #  origin is never emptied)
3729    # return 1 if there was shrinking
3730    #  $gr: canvas with grid
3731    #  $dir in {x, y}
3732    #  $c: grid coordinate along $dir
3733    #  $fmt in {"%d,*", "*,%d"}
3734    global MapImageGrid MapImageFile
3736    set chg 0
3737    if { $c != 0 } {
3738	set dd d$dir ; set patt [format $fmt $c]
3739	if { $c == [set c1 [expr $MapImageGrid(${dd}min)+1]] && \
3740		[NoBackImageAt $patt] } {
3741	    set chg 1 ; set scr 1 ; incr MapImageGrid(${dd}min)
3742	} elseif { $c == [expr $MapImageGrid(${dd}n)+$c1-3] && \
3743		[NoBackImageAt $patt] } {
3744	    set chg 1 ; set scr 0
3745	}
3746	if { $chg } {
3747	    incr MapImageGrid(${dd}n) -1
3748            set dc [expr 1-$scr-$scr]
3749            set cd [expr $c+$dc] ; set patt [format $fmt $cd]
3750	    foreach it [$gr find withtag grid] {
3751		if { [lsearch -glob [$gr gettags $it] forIm=$patt] != -1 } {
3752		    $gr delete $it
3753		}
3754	    }
3755	    set bb [$gr bbox all]
3756	    set x0 [lindex $bb 0] ; set y0 [lindex $bb 1]
3757	    set x1 [lindex $bb 2] ; set y1 [lindex $bb 3]
3758	    $gr configure -width [expr $x1-$x0] -height [expr $y1-$y0]
3759	    $gr ${dir}view scroll $scr units
3760	    if { abs($c) != 1 } {
3761		MapShrinkBackGrid $gr $dir [expr $c-$dc] $fmt
3762	    }
3763	}
3764    }
3765    return $chg
3768proc NoBackImageAt {patt} {
3769    # check whether there is a loaded image with coordinates of given pattern
3770    global MapImageFile
3772    if { [lsearch -glob [array names MapImageFile] $patt] == -1 } {
3773	return 1
3774    }
3775    return 0
3778proc MapBackBoxSetSelect {i} {
3779    # non-grided image selected in listbox corresponds to $i-th file there
3780    global MapBackNGSelect MapBackNGIxs
3782    .wchgmapbak.fr.frg.grid delete nongrid
3783    set MapBackNGSelect [lindex $MapBackNGIxs $i]
3784    .wchgmapbak.fr.frng.bns.clr configure -state normal
3785    MapBackBoxShow
3786    return
3789proc MapBackBoxShow {} {
3790    # show selected non-grided image over grid if grid canvas is not too small
3791    global Map MapBackNGSelect MapBackCellW MapBackCellH MapImageHeight \
3792	    MapImageWidth MAPCOLOUR MapImageNGW MapImageNGH
3794    if { $MapBackNGSelect != "" } {
3795	foreach "x0 y0" [$Map coords forIm=$MapBackNGSelect] {}
3796	set scx [expr 1.0*$MapBackCellW/$MapImageWidth]
3797	set scy [expr 1.0*$MapBackCellH/$MapImageHeight]
3798	set gx0 [expr $MapBackCellW+$x0*$scx]
3799	set gy0 [expr $MapBackCellH+$y0*$scy]
3800	set gxn [expr $MapBackCellW+($x0+$MapImageNGW($MapBackNGSelect))*$scx]
3801	set gyn [expr $MapBackCellH+($y0+$MapImageNGH($MapBackNGSelect))*$scy]
3802	.wchgmapbak.fr.frg.grid create rectangle $gx0 $gy0 $gxn $gyn \
3803		-fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -tags nongrid
3804    }
3805    return
3808proc MapBackNGridClear {} {
3809    # delete selected non-grided image
3810    global Map MapBackNGSelect MapBackNGIxs MapImageNGrid MapImageFile \
3811	    MapImageNGCs MapImageItems MapImageNGW MapImageNGH
3813    if { $MapBackNGSelect != "" && \
3814	    [set it [$Map find withtag forIm=$MapBackNGSelect]] != "" } {
3815	$Map delete $it
3816	if { $MapImageNGrid == $MapBackNGSelect+1 } { incr MapImageNGrid -1 }
3817	catch { unset MapImageFile($MapBackNGSelect) }
3818	catch { unset MapImageNGCs($MapBackNGSelect) }
3819	catch { unset MapImageNGW($MapBackNGSelect) }
3820	catch { unset MapImageNGH($MapBackNGSelect) }
3821	if { [set i [lsearch -exact $MapImageItems $it]] != -1 } {
3822	    set MapImageItems [lreplace $MapImageItems $i $i]
3823	}
3824	if { [set i [lsearch -exact $MapBackNGIxs $MapBackNGSelect]] != -1 } {
3825	    set MapBackNGIxs [lreplace $MapBackNGIxs $i $i]
3826	    .wchgmapbak.fr.frng.bx delete $i
3827	    .wchgmapbak.fr.frng.bx selection clear 0 end
3828	    .wchgmapbak.fr.frng.bns.clr configure -state disabled
3829	}
3830	set MapBackNGSelect ""
3831    }
3832    return
3835proc MapBackNGridLoad {} {
3836    # (re-) load a non-grided image to background
3837    global Map MapImageItems TXT MESS File MapImageNGrid MapImageFile \
3838	    MapImageNGCs MapBackNGIxs MapLoadWPs MapLoadPos WPPosn WPDatum \
3839	    MapImageNGW MapImageNGH
3841    if { [set f [GMOpenFile $TXT(loadfrm) Image r]] != ".." } {
3842	set filename $File(Image) ; set n $MapImageNGrid
3843	if { [BadImage MapImage$n $filename] } {
3844	    GMMessage $MESS(badimage)
3845	    return
3846	}
3847	set iwd [image width MapImage$n] ; set iht [image height MapImage$n]
3848	# geo-reference with 1 ctrl waypoint
3849	if { [MapLoadWPSelect 1] == -1 || \
3850	     ( $MapLoadWPs == -1 && \
3851	       [DefineCtrlPoint .wchgmapbak.fr.frng.df 0 "" 1] == -1 ) || \
3852	     [MapBackNGPlaceWP $n $iwd $iht] == -1 } {
3853	    image delete MapImage$n
3854	    return
3855	}
3856	# compute image NW corner canvas coordinates $x,$y
3857	#  WP canvas coordinates
3858	set ix $MapLoadWPs
3859	set p [MapFromPosn [lindex $WPPosn($ix) 0] [lindex $WPPosn($ix) 1] \
3860	              $WPDatum($ix)]
3861	set x [expr round([lindex $p 0]-$MapLoadPos(0,x))]
3862	set y [expr round([lindex $p 1]-$MapLoadPos(0,y))]
3863	# display image
3864	set it [$Map create image $x $y -image "MapImage$n" -anchor nw \
3865		-tags [list map mapimage forIm=$n]]
3866	$Map lower $it
3867	lappend MapImageItems $it
3868	SetMapBounds
3869	# update image data
3870	set MapImageFile($n) [file join [pwd] $filename]
3871	set MapImageNGCs($n) $x,$y
3872	set MapImageNGW($n) $iwd ; set MapImageNGH($n) $iht
3873	incr MapImageNGrid
3874	# update dialog
3875	.wchgmapbak.fr.frng.bx insert end $MapImageFile($n)
3876	.wchgmapbak.fr.frng.bx selection clear 0 end
3877	lappend MapBackNGIxs $n
3878    }
3879    return
3882proc MapBackNGPlaceWP {imno wd ht} {
3883    # display image MapImage$imno ($wd x $ht) in a canvas and let the user
3884    #  place WP with index $MapLoadWPs (!= -1) in it
3885    # return -1 if operation is cancelled; otherwise WP canvas coordinates
3886    #  (NW corner of image at 0,0) will be stored in MapLoadPos(0,_)
3887    global MapLoadWPs TXT MESS Dfctrl MPOSX MPOSY MapHeight MapWidth COLOUR \
3888	    MapNGLoading MapNGRangex MapNGRangey
3890    # window name used elsewhere
3891    set w .mapng ; set Dfctrl 0
3892    if { [set mw $MapWidth] > $wd } { set mw $wd }
3893    if { [set mh $MapHeight] > $ht } { set mh $ht }
3894    destroy $w
3895    GMToplevel $w mpbkchg +$MPOSX+$MPOSY {} \
3896        {WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set Dfctrl 0}} {}
3898    set MapNGLoading 1
3899    set MapNGRangex $wd ; set MapNGRangey $ht
3901    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 2 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
3902    message $w.fr.text -aspect 800 -text $MESS(mapadjust)
3903    set map $w.fr.map
3904    canvas $map -borderwidth 5 -relief groove -confine true \
3905	    -scrollregion [list 0 0 $wd $ht] -width $mw -height $mh \
3906	    -xscrollincrement 1 -yscrollincrement 1 \
3907	    -xscrollcommand "$w.fr.mhscr set" \
3908	    -yscrollcommand "$w.fr.mvscr set"
3909    scrollbar $w.fr.mhscr -orient horizontal -command "MapNGScroll x"
3910    scrollbar $w.fr.mvscr -command "MapNGScroll y"
3911    $map create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image MapImage$imno
3912    MapNGSetVOrigin x ; MapNGSetVOrigin y
3913    $map configure -cursor crosshair
3914    bind $map <Enter> "focus $map ; MapNGCursor"
3915    bind $map <Leave> { focus . ; UnMapNGCursor }
3916    bind $map <Motion> "$map scan mark %x %y; MapNGCursorMotion %x %y"
3917    bind $map <Button-1> { MarkMapNGPoint %x %y }
3918    bind $map <Return> { MarkMapNGPoint %x %y }
3920    # scrolling/panning bindings as for $Map
3921    bind $map <Key-Up> { MapNGScroll y scroll -1 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3922    bind $map <Key-Delete> { MapNGScroll y scroll -1 pages
3923       MapNGCursorUpdate }
3924    bind $map <Key-space> { MapNGScroll y scroll 1 pages ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3925    bind $map <Key-Down> { MapNGScroll y scroll 1 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3926    bind $map <Key-Left> { MapNGScroll x scroll -1 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3927    bind $map <Key-Right> { MapNGScroll x scroll 1 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3928    bind $map <Shift-Up> { MapNGScroll y scroll -1 units
3929       MapNGScroll x scroll 1 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3930    bind $map <Shift-Down> { MapNGScroll y scroll 1 units
3931       MapNGScroll x scroll -1 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3932    bind $map <Shift-Left> { MapNGScroll y scroll -1 units
3933       MapNGScroll x scroll -1 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3934    bind $map <Shift-Right> { MapNGScroll y scroll 1 units
3935       MapNGScroll x scroll 1 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3936    bind $map <Control-Motion> "$map scan dragto %x %y 1; \
3937	    MapNGSetVOrigin x ; MapNGSetVOrigin y ; MapNGCursorUpdate"
3938    bind $map <B2-Motion> "$map scan dragto %x %y ; MapNGSetVOrigin x ; \
3939	    MapNGSetVOrigin y ; MapNGCursorUpdate"
3940    bind $map <Button-5> { MapNGScroll y scroll 25 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3941    bind $map <Button-4> { MapNGScroll y scroll -25 units ; MapNGCursorUpdate }
3942    bind $map <Shift-Button-5> { MapNGScroll y scroll 1 pages
3943	MapNGCursorUpdate }
3944    bind $map <Shift-Button-4> { MapNGScroll y scroll -1 pages
3945	MapNGCursorUpdate }
3946    bind $map <Control-Button-5> { MapNGScroll x scroll 1 pages
3947	MapNGCursorUpdate }
3948    bind $map <Control-Button-4> { MapNGScroll x scroll -1 pages
3949	MapNGCursorUpdate }
3950    bind $map <Alt-Button-5> { MapNGScroll x scroll 25 units
3951	MapNGCursorUpdate }
3952    bind $map <Alt-Button-4> { MapNGScroll x scroll -25 units
3953	MapNGCursorUpdate }
3955    frame $w.fr.frbs
3956    button $w.fr.frbs.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command { set Dfctrl 1 } \
3957	-state disabled
3958    button $w.fr.frbs.cnc -text $TXT(cancel) -command { set Dfctrl 0 }
3960    pack $w.fr.frbs.ok $w.fr.frbs.cnc -side left
3961    grid configure $w.fr.text -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2
3962    grid configure $map -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nesw
3963    grid configure $w.fr.mvscr -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ns
3964    grid configure $w.fr.mhscr -row 2 -column 0 -sticky ew
3965    grid configure $w.fr.frbs -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3966    pack $w.fr
3967    # control is taken by the cursor procs; the "Ok" button is only
3968    #  enabled when the WP is placed in which case the relevant coordinates
3969    #  are stored in $MapLoadPos(0,x) and $MapLoadPos(0,y)
3970    update idletasks
3971    set gs [grab current]
3972    grab $w
3973    RaiseWindow $w
3974    tkwait variable Dfctrl
3975    DestroyRGrabs $w $gs
3976    if { $Dfctrl == 0 } { return -1 }
3977    return 0
3980proc MapNGScroll {dim args} {
3981    # scroll non-grid image map and set corresponding coordinate of origin
3982    #  of visible region
3983    # $dim in {x, y}, $args suitable to xview/yview commands
3984    #  scrollbar
3986    eval .mapng.fr.map ${dim}view $args
3987    MapNGSetVOrigin $dim
3988    return
3991proc MapNGSetVOrigin {dim} {
3992    # set coordinate of origin of visible region of non-grid image map
3993    # $dim in {x, y}
3994    global MapNGOV$dim MapNGRange$dim
3996    set sc [lindex [.mapng.fr.map ${dim}view] 0]
3997    set MapNGOV$dim [expr $sc*[set MapNGRange$dim]]
3998    return
4001proc MapNGCursor {} {
4002    # start following pointer on non-grid image map while waypoint is not
4003    #  placed
4004    # name of WP to place is in $MapLoadWPNs
4005    global MapLoadWPNs MAPCOLOUR MapNGLoading
4007    if { $MapNGLoading } {
4008	set map .mapng.fr.map
4009	$map delete mapfix
4010	$map create text 100 100 -fill $MAPCOLOUR(mapsel) -anchor sw \
4011		-text $MapLoadWPNs -justify left -tags mapfix
4012    }
4013    return
4016proc UnMapNGCursor {} {
4017    # stop following pointer on non-grid image map
4019    .mapng.fr.map delete mapfix
4020    return
4023proc MapNGCursorMotion {x y} {
4024    # follow pointer on non-grid image map
4025    global MapNGOVx MapNGOVy CRHAIRx CRHAIRy MapNGCursorPos
4027    set MapNGCursorPos [list $x $y]
4028    .mapng.fr.map coords mapfix [expr $MapNGOVx+$x-$CRHAIRx] \
4029	    [expr $MapNGOVy+$y-$CRHAIRy]
4030    return
4033proc MapNGCursorUpdate {} {
4034    # update cursor coordinates after scrolling
4035    global MapNGCursorPos
4037    if { ! [catch {set MapNGCursorPos}] } {
4038	eval MapNGCursorMotion $MapNGCursorPos
4039    }
4040    return
4043proc MarkMapNGPoint {x y} {
4044    # place waypoint on non-grid image map
4045    global MapNGOVx MapNGOVy CRHAIRx CRHAIRy MapLoadPos MapNGLoading \
4046	    MAPCOLOUR ICONHEIGHT MapFont MapLoadWPs MapLoadWPNs WPSymbol
4048    if { $MapNGLoading } {
4049	set MapNGLoading 0
4050	set map .mapng.fr.map
4051	$map delete mapfix
4052	set x [expr $MapNGOVx+$x-$CRHAIRx] ; set y [expr $MapNGOVy+$y-$CRHAIRy]
4053	set MapLoadPos(0,x) $x ; set MapLoadPos(0,y) $y
4054	$map create rectangle [expr $x-1] [expr $y-1] \
4055		[expr $x+1] [expr $y+1] -fill $MAPCOLOUR(WP) \
4056		-outline $MAPCOLOUR(WP)
4057	$map create text $x [expr $y-6-$ICONHEIGHT/2.0] \
4058		-text $MapLoadWPNs -fill $MAPCOLOUR(WP) -font $MapFont \
4059		-justify center
4060	set syim [lindex [SymbolImageName $WPSymbol($MapLoadWPs)] 0]
4061	$map create image $x $y -anchor center -image $syim
4062	.mapng.fr.frbs.ok configure -state normal
4063    }
4064    return
4067## BSB contribution
4069proc LoadIndexedMap {path} {
4070    # this loads a fixed or geo-referenced image as background for the map
4072    set r [LoadMapFixedBk $path]
4073    switch -- [lindex $r 0] {
4074	0 {
4075	    # no geo-referencing during auto-load
4076	}
4077	1 {
4078	    eval LoadMapBackGeoRef [lrange $r 1 end]
4079	}
4080    }
4081    return
4085#### locate or clear items on map
4087proc Locate {wh ix it} {
4088    # scroll map to get displayed item on centre
4089    #  $wh in $TYPES
4090    #  $ix (not in use) is item index
4091    #  $it is map item for main element of (data-base) item
4092    global Map OVx OVy MAPW2 MAPH2 PrevCentre
4094    if { [set cs [$Map coords $it]] != "" } {
4095	set PrevCentre [list [lindex [$Map xview] 0] [lindex [$Map yview] 0]]
4096	ScrollMapTo [lindex $cs 0] [lindex $cs 1] \
4097		[expr $OVx+$MAPW2] [expr $OVy+$MAPH2]
4098    }
4099    return
4102proc LocatePrevious {} {
4103    # scroll map to get back to previous centre
4104    global Map PrevCentre
4106    if { [set p $PrevCentre] != "" } {
4107	set PrevCentre [list [lindex [$Map xview] 0] [lindex [$Map yview] 0]]
4108	ScrollMap x moveto [lindex $p 0]
4109	ScrollMap y moveto [lindex $p 1]
4110    }
4111    return
4114proc SelectApplyMapped {wh mode comm} {
4115    # select one or more items currently displayed on map and apply
4116    #  a command to them
4117    #  $wh is type (in $TYPES except GR) of items
4118    #  $mode is selection mode (1st arg to proc GMChooseFrom)
4119    #  $comm is command to invoke with the following arguments:
4120    #     $wh, item index and map item
4121    #     if $wh in {RT, TR, LN} the map item is for the first point
4122    #     of the selected item
4123    global Map TXT LISTWIDTH RTIdNumber RTWPoints TRName LNName
4125    set ns "" ; set ixmits ""
4126    switch $wh {
4127	WP {
4128	    foreach it [$Map find withtag WP&&sq2] {
4129		set ts [$Map gettags $it]
4130		if { [set k1 [lsearch -glob $ts WP=*]] != -1 && \
4131			[set k2 [lsearch -glob $ts forWP=*]] != -1 } {
4132		    regsub WP= [lindex $ts $k1] "" n
4133		    regsub forWP= [lindex $ts $k2] "" ix
4134		    lappend ns [list $n $ix $it]
4135		}
4136	    }
4137	}
4138	RT {
4139	    foreach it [$Map find withtag WP&&sq2] {
4140		set ts [$Map gettags $it]
4141		if { [set k1 [lsearch -glob $ts inRT=*]] != -1 && \
4142			[set k2 [lsearch -glob $ts WP=*]] != -1 } {
4143		    regsub inRT= [lindex $ts $k1] "" ix
4144		    regsub WP= [lindex $ts $k2] "" wpn
4145		    if { [lindex $RTWPoints($ix) 0] == $wpn } {
4146			lappend ns [list $RTIdNumber($ix) $ix $it]
4147		    }
4148		}
4149	    }
4150	}
4151	TR -   LN {
4152	    foreach it [$Map find withtag ${wh}first] {
4153		set ts [$Map gettags $it]
4154		if { [set k [lsearch -glob $ts ${wh}=*]] != -1 } {
4155		    regsub ${wh}= [lindex $ts $k] "" ix
4156		    if { $ix != -1 } {
4157			# test as in previous version...
4158			lappend ns [list [set ${wh}Name($ix)] $ix $it]
4159		    }
4160		}
4161	    }
4162	}
4163    }
4164    if { [set ns [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $ns]] == "" } { return }
4165    set lns "" ; set lvs ""
4166    foreach t $ns {
4167	lappend lns [lindex $t 0]
4168	lappend lvs [lreplace $t 0 0]
4169    }
4170    foreach p [GMChooseFrom $mode [list $TXT(select) $TXT(name$wh)] \
4171	                    $LISTWIDTH $lns $lvs] {
4172	$comm $wh [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1]
4173    }
4174    return
4177proc SelectApplyUnmapped {wh mode comm} {
4178    # select one or more items not currently displayed on map and apply
4179    #  a command to them
4180    #  $wh is type (in $TYPES) of items
4181    #  $mode is selection mode (1st arg to proc GMChooseFrom)
4182    #  $comm is command to invoke with the following arguments:
4183    #     $wh, item index
4184    global Map TXT TYPES LISTWIDTH Storage
4186    set ids [lindex $Storage($wh) 0]
4187    global $ids ${wh}Displ
4189    set ns ""
4190    foreach ix [array names $ids] {
4191	if { ! [set ${wh}Displ($ix)] } {
4192	    lappend ns [list [set [set ids]($ix)] $ix]
4193	}
4194    }
4195    if { [set ns [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $ns]] == "" } { return }
4196    set lns "" ; set lvs ""
4197    foreach p $ns {
4198	lappend lns [lindex $p 0] ; lappend lvs [lindex $p 1]
4199    }
4200    foreach ix [GMChooseFrom $mode [list $TXT(select) $TXT(name$wh)] \
4201	                    $LISTWIDTH $lns $lvs] {
4202	$comm $wh $ix
4203    }
4204    return
4207### DJG contribution
4208proc NewGroupFromMap {mapped} {
4209    # Create a group based on the currently mapped (or unmapped) data
4210    global TXT Storage TYPES
4212    set ixmits ""
4213    # MF change: using $TYPES
4214    set whs [Delete $TYPES GR]
4215    #--
4216    if ($mapped)  {
4217	set namebase $TXT(dispitems)
4218	foreach wh $whs {
4219	    set ${wh}ns ""
4220	    set ids [lindex $Storage($wh) 0]
4221	    global $ids ${wh}Displ
4222	    foreach ix [array names $ids] {
4223		if { [set ${wh}Displ($ix)] } {
4224		    lappend ${wh}ns [set [set ids]($ix)]
4225		}
4226	    }
4227	}
4228    } else {
4229	set namebase $TXT(hiditems)
4230	foreach wh $whs {
4231	    set ${wh}ns ""
4232	    set ids [lindex $Storage($wh) 0]
4233	    global $ids ${wh}Displ
4234	    foreach ix [array names $ids] {
4235		if { ! [set ${wh}Displ($ix)] } {
4236		    lappend ${wh}ns [set [set ids]($ix)]
4237		}
4238	    }
4239	}
4240    }
4241    # MF change: leaving out void types and returning if there are no items
4242    set contents ""
4243    foreach wh $whs {
4244	if { [set ${wh}ns] != "" } {
4245	    lappend contents [list $wh [set ${wh}ns]]
4246	}
4247    }
4248    if { $contents == "" } { bell ; return }
4249    #--
4250    # Now find a name for this group
4251    # MF change: using proc CreateGRFor
4252    CreateGRFor "=$namebase" "" $contents
4253    return