1 #![allow(dead_code,
2          non_camel_case_types,
3          non_upper_case_globals,
4          non_snake_case)]
6 //!  Little Color Management System
7 //!  Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Marti Maria Saguer
8 //!
9 //! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
10 //! a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
11 //! to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
12 //! the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
13 //! and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
14 //! is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
15 //!
16 //! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
17 //! all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
18 //!
26 //!
27 //!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 //!
29 //! Version 2.8
31 use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_long, c_void};
32 #[doc(hidden)]
33 use libc;
34 use std::mem;
35 use libc::FILE;
36 use std::default::Default;
38 // That one is missing in Rust's libc
39 #[cfg(not(windows))]
40 #[doc(hidden)]
41 pub type tm = libc::tm;
42 #[cfg(windows)]
43 #[doc(hidden)]
44 #[repr(C)]
45 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
46 pub struct tm {
47     tm_sec: c_int,
48     tm_min: c_int,
49     tm_hour: c_int,
50     tm_mday: c_int,
51     tm_mon: c_int,
52     tm_year: c_int,
53     tm_wday: c_int,
54     tm_yday: c_int,
55     tm_isdst: c_int,
56 }
58 #[doc(hidden)]
59 pub type wchar_t = libc::wchar_t;
60 pub type Signature = u32;
61 pub type S15Fixed16Number = i32;
62 pub type Bool = c_int;
65 /// D50 XYZ normalized to Y=1.0
66 pub const D50X: f64 = 0.9642;
67 pub const D50Y: f64 = 1.0;
68 pub const D50Z: f64 = 0.8249;
70 /// V4 perceptual black
71 pub const PERCEPTUAL_BLACK_X: f64 = 0.00336;
72 pub const PERCEPTUAL_BLACK_Y: f64 = 0.0034731;
73 pub const PERCEPTUAL_BLACK_Z: f64 = 0.00287;
75 /// Definitions in ICC spec
76 /// 'acsp'
77 pub const MagicNumber: Signature = 0x61637370;
78 /// 'lcms'
79 pub const lcmsSignature: Signature = 0x6c636d73;
81 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
82 #[repr(u32)]
83 #[derive(Debug)]
84 pub enum TagTypeSignature {
85     /// 'chrm'
86     ChromaticityType                  = 0x6368726D,
87     /// 'clro'
88     ColorantOrderType                 = 0x636C726F,
89     /// 'clrt'
90     ColorantTableType                 = 0x636C7274,
91     /// 'crdi'
92     CrdInfoType                       = 0x63726469,
93     /// 'curv'
94     CurveType                         = 0x63757276,
95     /// 'data'
96     DataType                          = 0x64617461,
97     /// 'dict'
98     DictType                          = 0x64696374,
99     /// 'dtim'
100     DateTimeType                      = 0x6474696D,
101     /// 'devs'
102     DeviceSettingsType                = 0x64657673,
103     /// 'mft2'
104     Lut16Type                         = 0x6d667432,
105     /// 'mft1'
106     Lut8Type                          = 0x6d667431,
107     /// 'mAB '
108     LutAtoBType                       = 0x6d414220,
109     /// 'mBA '
110     LutBtoAType                       = 0x6d424120,
111     /// 'meas'
112     MeasurementType                   = 0x6D656173,
113     /// 'mluc'
114     MultiLocalizedUnicodeType         = 0x6D6C7563,
115     /// 'mpet'
116     MultiProcessElementType           = 0x6D706574,
117     /// 'ncol' -- DEPRECATED!
118     NamedColorType                    = 0x6E636F6C,
119     /// 'ncl2'
120     NamedColor2Type                   = 0x6E636C32,
121     /// 'para'
122     ParametricCurveType               = 0x70617261,
123     /// 'pseq'
124     ProfileSequenceDescType           = 0x70736571,
125     /// 'psid'
126     ProfileSequenceIdType             = 0x70736964,
127     /// 'rcs2'
128     ResponseCurveSet16Type            = 0x72637332,
129     /// 'sf32'
130     S15Fixed16ArrayType               = 0x73663332,
131     /// 'scrn'
132     ScreeningType                     = 0x7363726E,
133     /// 'sig '
134     SignatureType                     = 0x73696720,
135     /// 'text'
136     TextType                          = 0x74657874,
137     /// 'desc'
138     TextDescriptionType               = 0x64657363,
139     /// 'uf32'
140     U16Fixed16ArrayType               = 0x75663332,
141     /// 'bfd '
142     UcrBgType                         = 0x62666420,
143     /// 'ui16'
144     UInt16ArrayType                   = 0x75693136,
145     /// 'ui32'
146     UInt32ArrayType                   = 0x75693332,
147     /// 'ui64'
148     UInt64ArrayType                   = 0x75693634,
149     /// 'ui08'
150     UInt8ArrayType                    = 0x75693038,
151     /// 'vcgt'
152     VcgtType                          = 0x76636774,
153     /// 'view'
154     ViewingConditionsType             = 0x76696577,
155     /// 'XYZ '
156     XYZType                           = 0x58595A20
157 }
159 pub const BlueMatrixColumnTag: TagSignature = TagSignature::BlueColorantTag;
160 pub const GreenMatrixColumnTag: TagSignature = TagSignature::GreenColorantTag;
161 pub const RedMatrixColumnTag: TagSignature = TagSignature::RedColorantTag;
163 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
164 #[repr(u32)]
165 #[derive(Debug)]
166 pub enum TagSignature {
167     /// 'A2B0'
168     AToB0Tag                          = 0x41324230,
169     /// 'A2B1'
170     AToB1Tag                          = 0x41324231,
171     /// 'A2B2'
172     AToB2Tag                          = 0x41324232,
173     /// 'bXYZ'
174     BlueColorantTag                   = 0x6258595A,
175     /// 'bTRC'
176     BlueTRCTag                        = 0x62545243,
177     /// 'B2A0'
178     BToA0Tag                          = 0x42324130,
179     /// 'B2A1'
180     BToA1Tag                          = 0x42324131,
181     /// 'B2A2'
182     BToA2Tag                          = 0x42324132,
183     /// 'calt'
184     CalibrationDateTimeTag            = 0x63616C74,
185     /// 'targ'
186     CharTargetTag                     = 0x74617267,
187     /// 'chad'
188     ChromaticAdaptationTag            = 0x63686164,
189     /// 'chrm'
190     ChromaticityTag                   = 0x6368726D,
191     /// 'clro'
192     ColorantOrderTag                  = 0x636C726F,
193     /// 'clrt'
194     ColorantTableTag                  = 0x636C7274,
195     /// 'clot'
196     ColorantTableOutTag               = 0x636C6F74,
197     /// 'ciis'
198     ColorimetricIntentImageStateTag   = 0x63696973,
199     /// 'cprt'
200     CopyrightTag                      = 0x63707274,
201     /// 'crdi'
202     CrdInfoTag                        = 0x63726469,
203     /// 'data'
204     DataTag                           = 0x64617461,
205     /// 'dtim'
206     DateTimeTag                       = 0x6474696D,
207     /// 'dmnd'
208     DeviceMfgDescTag                  = 0x646D6E64,
209     /// 'dmdd'
210     DeviceModelDescTag                = 0x646D6464,
211     /// 'devs'
212     DeviceSettingsTag                 = 0x64657673,
213     /// 'D2B0'
214     DToB0Tag                          = 0x44324230,
215     /// 'D2B1'
216     DToB1Tag                          = 0x44324231,
217     /// 'D2B2'
218     DToB2Tag                          = 0x44324232,
219     /// 'D2B3'
220     DToB3Tag                          = 0x44324233,
221     /// 'B2D0'
222     BToD0Tag                          = 0x42324430,
223     /// 'B2D1'
224     BToD1Tag                          = 0x42324431,
225     /// 'B2D2'
226     BToD2Tag                          = 0x42324432,
227     /// 'B2D3'
228     BToD3Tag                          = 0x42324433,
229     /// 'gamt'
230     GamutTag                          = 0x67616D74,
231     /// 'kTRC'
232     GrayTRCTag                        = 0x6b545243,
233     /// 'gXYZ'
234     GreenColorantTag                  = 0x6758595A,
235     /// 'gTRC'
236     GreenTRCTag                       = 0x67545243,
237     /// 'lumi'
238     LuminanceTag                      = 0x6C756D69,
239     /// 'meas'
240     MeasurementTag                    = 0x6D656173,
241     /// 'bkpt'
242     MediaBlackPointTag                = 0x626B7074,
243     /// 'wtpt'
244     MediaWhitePointTag                = 0x77747074,
245     /// 'ncol' // Deprecated by the ICC
246     NamedColorTag                     = 0x6E636F6C,
247     /// 'ncl2'
248     NamedColor2Tag                    = 0x6E636C32,
249     /// 'resp'
250     OutputResponseTag                 = 0x72657370,
251     /// 'rig0'
252     PerceptualRenderingIntentGamutTag = 0x72696730,
253     /// 'pre0'
254     Preview0Tag                       = 0x70726530,
255     /// 'pre1'
256     Preview1Tag                       = 0x70726531,
257     /// 'pre2'
258     Preview2Tag                       = 0x70726532,
259     /// 'desc'
260     ProfileDescriptionTag             = 0x64657363,
261     /// 'dscm'
262     ProfileDescriptionMLTag           = 0x6473636D,
263     /// 'pseq'
264     ProfileSequenceDescTag            = 0x70736571,
265     /// 'psid'
266     ProfileSequenceIdTag              = 0x70736964,
267     /// 'psd0'
268     Ps2CRD0Tag                        = 0x70736430,
269     /// 'psd1'
270     Ps2CRD1Tag                        = 0x70736431,
271     /// 'psd2'
272     Ps2CRD2Tag                        = 0x70736432,
273     /// 'psd3'
274     Ps2CRD3Tag                        = 0x70736433,
275     /// 'ps2s'
276     Ps2CSATag                         = 0x70733273,
277     /// 'ps2i'
278     Ps2RenderingIntentTag             = 0x70733269,
279     /// 'rXYZ'
280     RedColorantTag                    = 0x7258595A,
281     /// 'rTRC'
282     RedTRCTag                         = 0x72545243,
283     /// 'rig2'
284     SaturationRenderingIntentGamutTag = 0x72696732,
285     /// 'scrd'
286     ScreeningDescTag                  = 0x73637264,
287     /// 'scrn'
288     ScreeningTag                      = 0x7363726E,
289     /// 'tech'
290     TechnologyTag                     = 0x74656368,
291     /// 'bfd '
292     UcrBgTag                          = 0x62666420,
293     /// 'vued'
294     ViewingCondDescTag                = 0x76756564,
295     /// 'view'
296     ViewingConditionsTag              = 0x76696577,
297     /// 'vcgt'
298     VcgtTag                           = 0x76636774,
299     /// 'meta'
300     MetaTag                           = 0x6D657461,
301     /// 'arts'
302     ArgyllArtsTag                     = 0x61727473,
303 }
304 pub use self::TagSignature::*;
306 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
307 #[repr(u32)]
308 #[derive(Debug)]
309 pub enum TechnologySignature {
310     /// 'dcam'
311     DigitalCamera                     = 0x6463616D,
312     /// 'fscn'
313     FilmScanner                       = 0x6673636E,
314     /// 'rscn'
315     ReflectiveScanner                 = 0x7273636E,
316     /// 'ijet'
317     InkJetPrinter                     = 0x696A6574,
318     /// 'twax'
319     ThermalWaxPrinter                 = 0x74776178,
320     /// 'epho'
321     ElectrophotographicPrinter        = 0x6570686F,
322     /// 'esta'
323     ElectrostaticPrinter              = 0x65737461,
324     /// 'dsub'
325     DyeSublimationPrinter             = 0x64737562,
326     /// 'rpho'
327     PhotographicPaperPrinter          = 0x7270686F,
328     /// 'fprn'
329     FilmWriter                        = 0x6670726E,
330     /// 'vidm'
331     VideoMonitor                      = 0x7669646D,
332     /// 'vidc'
333     VideoCamera                       = 0x76696463,
334     /// 'pjtv'
335     ProjectionTelevision              = 0x706A7476,
336     /// 'CRT '
337     CRTDisplay                        = 0x43525420,
338     /// 'PMD '
339     PMDisplay                         = 0x504D4420,
340     /// 'AMD '
341     AMDisplay                         = 0x414D4420,
342     /// 'KPCD'
343     PhotoCD                           = 0x4B504344,
344     /// 'imgs'
345     PhotoImageSetter                  = 0x696D6773,
346     /// 'grav'
347     Gravure                           = 0x67726176,
348     /// 'offs'
349     OffsetLithography                 = 0x6F666673,
350     /// 'silk'
351     Silkscreen                        = 0x73696C6B,
352     /// 'flex'
353     Flexography                       = 0x666C6578,
354     /// 'mpfs'
355     MotionPictureFilmScanner          = 0x6D706673,
356     /// 'mpfr'
357     MotionPictureFilmRecorder         = 0x6D706672,
358     /// 'dmpc'
359     DigitalMotionPictureCamera        = 0x646D7063,
360     /// 'dcpj'
361     DigitalCinemaProjector            = 0x64636A70
362 }
364 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
365 #[repr(u32)]
366 #[derive(Debug)]
367 pub enum ColorSpaceSignature {
368     /// 'XYZ '
369     XYZData                           = 0x58595A20,
370     /// 'Lab '
371     LabData                           = 0x4C616220,
372     /// 'Luv '
373     LuvData                           = 0x4C757620,
374     /// 'YCbr'
375     YCbCrData                         = 0x59436272,
376     /// 'Yxy '
377     YxyData                           = 0x59787920,
378     /// 'RGB '
379     RgbData                           = 0x52474220,
380     /// 'GRAY'
381     GrayData                          = 0x47524159,
382     /// 'HSV '
383     HsvData                           = 0x48535620,
384     /// 'HLS '
385     HlsData                           = 0x484C5320,
386     /// 'CMYK'
387     CmykData                          = 0x434D594B,
388     /// 'CMY '
389     CmyData                           = 0x434D5920,
390     /// 'MCH1'
391     MCH1Data                          = 0x4D434831,
392     /// 'MCH2'
393     MCH2Data                          = 0x4D434832,
394     /// 'MCH3'
395     MCH3Data                          = 0x4D434833,
396     /// 'MCH4'
397     MCH4Data                          = 0x4D434834,
398     /// 'MCH5'
399     MCH5Data                          = 0x4D434835,
400     /// 'MCH6'
401     MCH6Data                          = 0x4D434836,
402     /// 'MCH7'
403     MCH7Data                          = 0x4D434837,
404     /// 'MCH8'
405     MCH8Data                          = 0x4D434838,
406     /// 'MCH9'
407     MCH9Data                          = 0x4D434839,
408     /// 'MCHA'
409     MCHAData                          = 0x4D434841,
410     /// 'MCHB'
411     MCHBData                          = 0x4D434842,
412     /// 'MCHC'
413     MCHCData                          = 0x4D434843,
414     /// 'MCHD'
415     MCHDData                          = 0x4D434844,
416     /// 'MCHE'
417     MCHEData                          = 0x4D434845,
418     /// 'MCHF'
419     MCHFData                          = 0x4D434846,
420     /// 'nmcl'
421     NamedData                         = 0x6e6d636c,
422     /// '1CLR'
423     Sig1colorData                     = 0x31434C52,
424     /// '2CLR'
425     Sig2colorData                     = 0x32434C52,
426     /// '3CLR'
427     Sig3colorData                     = 0x33434C52,
428     /// '4CLR'
429     Sig4colorData                     = 0x34434C52,
430     /// '5CLR'
431     Sig5colorData                     = 0x35434C52,
432     /// '6CLR'
433     Sig6colorData                     = 0x36434C52,
434     /// '7CLR'
435     Sig7colorData                     = 0x37434C52,
436     /// '8CLR'
437     Sig8colorData                     = 0x38434C52,
438     /// '9CLR'
439     Sig9colorData                     = 0x39434C52,
440     /// 'ACLR'
441     Sig10colorData                    = 0x41434C52,
442     /// 'BCLR'
443     Sig11colorData                    = 0x42434C52,
444     /// 'CCLR'
445     Sig12colorData                    = 0x43434C52,
446     /// 'DCLR'
447     Sig13colorData                    = 0x44434C52,
448     /// 'ECLR'
449     Sig14colorData                    = 0x45434C52,
450     /// 'FCLR'
451     Sig15colorData                    = 0x46434C52,
452     /// 'LuvK'
453     LuvKData                          = 0x4C75764B
454 }
456 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
457 #[repr(u32)]
458 #[derive(Debug)]
459 pub enum ProfileClassSignature {
460     /// 'scnr'
461     InputClass                        = 0x73636E72,
462     /// 'mntr'
463     DisplayClass                      = 0x6D6E7472,
464     /// 'prtr'
465     OutputClass                       = 0x70727472,
466     /// 'link'
467     LinkClass                         = 0x6C696E6B,
468     /// 'abst'
469     AbstractClass                     = 0x61627374,
470     /// 'spac'
471     ColorSpaceClass                   = 0x73706163,
472     /// 'nmcl'
473     NamedColorClass                   = 0x6e6d636c
474 }
476 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
477 #[repr(u32)]
478 #[derive(Debug)]
479 pub enum PlatformSignature {
480     /// 'APPL'
481     Macintosh                         = 0x4150504C,
482     /// 'MSFT'
483     Microsoft                         = 0x4D534654,
484     /// 'SUNW'
485     Solaris                           = 0x53554E57,
486     /// 'SGI '
487     SGI                               = 0x53474920,
488     /// 'TGNT'
489     Taligent                          = 0x54474E54,
490     /// '*nix'   // From argyll -- Not official
491     Unices                            = 0x2A6E6978
492 }
494 ///'prmg'
495 pub const PerceptualReferenceMediumGamut:u32 =         0x70726d67;
497 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
498 #[repr(u32)]
499 #[derive(Debug)]
500 pub enum ColorimetricIntentImageState {
501     ///'scoe'
502     SceneColorimetryEstimates =              0x73636F65,
503     ///'sape'
504     SceneAppearanceEstimates =               0x73617065,
505     ///'fpce'
506     FocalPlaneColorimetryEstimates =         0x66706365,
507     ///'rhoc'
508     ReflectionHardcopyOriginalColorimetry =  0x72686F63,
509     ///'rpoc'
510     ReflectionPrintOutputColorimetry =       0x72706F63,
511 }
512 pub use crate::ColorimetricIntentImageState::*;
514 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
515 #[repr(u32)]
516 #[derive(Debug)]
517 pub enum StageSignature {
518     ///'cvst'
519     CurveSetElemType              = 0x63767374,
520     ///'matf'
521     MatrixElemType                = 0x6D617466,
522     ///'clut'
523     CLutElemType                  = 0x636C7574,
525     /// 'bACS'
526     BAcsElemType                  = 0x62414353,
527     /// 'eACS'
528     EAcsElemType                  = 0x65414353,
530     /// Custom from here, not in the ICC Spec
531     /// 'l2x '
532     XYZ2LabElemType               = 0x6C327820,
533     /// 'x2l '
534     Lab2XYZElemType               = 0x78326C20,
535     /// 'ncl '
536     NamedColorElemType            = 0x6E636C20,
537     /// '2 4 '
538     LabV2toV4                     = 0x32203420,
539     /// '4 2 '
540     LabV4toV2                     = 0x34203220,
542     /// Identities
543     /// 'idn '
544     IdentityElemType              = 0x69646E20,
546     /// Float to floatPCS
547     /// 'd2l '
548     Lab2FloatPCS                  = 0x64326C20,
549     /// 'l2d '
550     FloatPCS2Lab                  = 0x6C326420,
551     /// 'd2x '
552     XYZ2FloatPCS                  = 0x64327820,
553     /// 'x2d '
554     FloatPCS2XYZ                  = 0x78326420,
555     /// 'clp '
556     ClipNegativesElemType         = 0x636c7020
557 }
559 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
560 #[repr(u32)]
561 #[derive(Debug)]
562 pub enum CurveSegSignature {
563     /// 'parf'
564     FormulaCurveSeg               = 0x70617266,
565     /// 'samf'
566     SampledCurveSeg               = 0x73616D66,
567     /// 'curf'
568     SegmentedCurve                = 0x63757266
569 }
571 ///'StaA'
572 pub const StatusA:u32 =                    0x53746141;
573 ///'StaE'
574 pub const StatusE:u32 =                    0x53746145;
575 ///'StaI'
576 pub const StatusI:u32 =                    0x53746149;
577 ///'StaT'
578 pub const StatusT:u32 =                    0x53746154;
579 ///'StaM'
580 pub const StatusM:u32 =                    0x5374614D;
581 ///'DN  '
582 pub const DN:u32 =                         0x444E2020;
583 ///'DN P'
584 pub const DNP:u32 =                        0x444E2050;
585 ///'DNN '
586 pub const DNN:u32 =                        0x444E4E20;
587 ///'DNNP'
588 pub const DNNP:u32 =                       0x444E4E50;
590 /// Device attributes, currently defined values correspond to the low 4 bytes
591 /// of the 8 byte attribute quantity
592 pub const Reflective:u32 =     0;
593 pub const Transparency:u32 =   1;
594 pub const Glossy:u32 =         0;
595 pub const Matte:u32 =          2;
597 #[repr(C)]
598 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
599 #[derive(Debug)]
600 pub struct ICCData {
601     pub len: u32,
602     pub flag: u32,
603     pub data: [u8; 1],
604 }
606 impl Default for ICCData {
default() -> Self607     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
608 }
610 #[repr(C)]
611 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
612 #[derive(Debug)]
613 pub struct DateTimeNumber {
614     pub year: u16,
615     pub month: u16,
616     pub day: u16,
617     pub hours: u16,
618     pub minutes: u16,
619     pub seconds: u16,
620 }
622 impl Default for DateTimeNumber {
default() -> Self623     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
624 }
626 #[repr(C)]
627 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
628 #[derive(Debug)]
629 pub struct EncodedXYZNumber {
630     pub X: S15Fixed16Number,
631     pub Y: S15Fixed16Number,
632     pub Z: S15Fixed16Number,
633 }
635 impl Default for EncodedXYZNumber {
default() -> Self636     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
637 }
639 #[repr(C)]
640 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
641 #[derive(Debug)]
642 /// Profile ID as computed by MD5 algorithm
643 pub struct ProfileID {
644     pub ID32: [u32; 4],
645 }
647 impl Default for ProfileID {
default() -> Self648     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
649 }
651 #[repr(C)]
652 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
653 #[derive(Debug)]
654 pub struct ICCHeader {
655     /// Profile size in bytes
656     pub size: u32,
657     /// CMM for this profile
658     pub cmmId: Signature,
659     /// Format version number
660     pub version: u32,
661     /// Type of profile
662     pub deviceClass: ProfileClassSignature,
663     /// Color space of data
664     pub colorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature,
665     /// PCS, XYZ or Lab only
666     pub pcs: ColorSpaceSignature,
667     /// Date profile was created
668     pub date: DateTimeNumber,
669     /// Magic Number to identify an ICC profile
670     pub magic: Signature,
671     /// Primary Platform
672     pub platform: PlatformSignature,
673     /// Various bit settings
674     pub flags: u32,
675     /// Device manufacturer
676     pub manufacturer: Signature,
677     /// Device model number
678     pub model: u32,
679     /// Device attributes
680     pub attributes: u64,
681     /// Rendering intent
682     pub renderingIntent: Intent,
683     /// Profile illuminant
684     pub illuminant: EncodedXYZNumber,
685     /// Profile creator
686     pub creator: Signature,
687     /// Profile ID using MD5
688     pub profileID: ProfileID,
689     /// Reserved for future use
690     pub reserved: [i8; 28],
691 }
692 impl Default for ICCHeader {
default() -> Self693     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
694 }
696 #[repr(C)]
697 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
698 #[derive(Debug)]
699 pub struct TagBase {
700     pub sig: TagTypeSignature,
701     pub reserved: [i8; 4],
702 }
703 impl Default for TagBase {
default() -> Self704     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
705 }
707 #[repr(C)]
708 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
709 #[derive(Debug)]
710 pub struct TagEntry {
711     pub sig: TagSignature,
712     pub offset: u32,
713     pub size: u32,
714 }
715 impl Default for TagEntry {
default() -> Self716     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
717 }
719 pub type HANDLE = *mut c_void;
720 #[repr(C)]
721 pub struct _HPROFILE { _opaque_type: [u8; 0] }
722 pub type HPROFILE = *mut _HPROFILE;
723 #[repr(C)]
724 pub struct _HTRANSFORM { _opaque_type: [u8; 0] }
725 pub type HTRANSFORM = *mut _HTRANSFORM;
727 /// Maximum number of channels in ICC profiles
728 pub const MAXCHANNELS: usize =  16;
730 #[repr(C)]
731 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
732 pub struct PixelType(pub u32);
734 // Pixel types
735 /// Don't check colorspace
736 pub const PT_ANY: PixelType =   PixelType(0);
737 /// 1 & 2 are reserved
738 pub const PT_GRAY: PixelType =  PixelType(3);
739 pub const PT_RGB: PixelType =   PixelType(4);
740 pub const PT_CMY: PixelType =   PixelType(5);
741 pub const PT_CMYK: PixelType =  PixelType(6);
742 pub const PT_YCbCr: PixelType = PixelType(7);
743 /// Lu'v'
744 pub const PT_YUV: PixelType =   PixelType(8);
745 pub const PT_XYZ: PixelType =   PixelType(9);
746 pub const PT_Lab: PixelType =   PixelType(10);
747 /// Lu'v'K
748 pub const PT_YUVK: PixelType =  PixelType(11);
749 pub const PT_HSV: PixelType =   PixelType(12);
750 pub const PT_HLS: PixelType =   PixelType(13);
751 pub const PT_Yxy: PixelType =   PixelType(14);
753 pub const PT_MCH1: PixelType =  PixelType(15);
754 pub const PT_MCH2: PixelType =  PixelType(16);
755 pub const PT_MCH3: PixelType =  PixelType(17);
756 pub const PT_MCH4: PixelType =  PixelType(18);
757 pub const PT_MCH5: PixelType =  PixelType(19);
758 pub const PT_MCH6: PixelType =  PixelType(20);
759 pub const PT_MCH7: PixelType =  PixelType(21);
760 pub const PT_MCH8: PixelType =  PixelType(22);
761 pub const PT_MCH9: PixelType =  PixelType(23);
762 pub const PT_MCH10: PixelType = PixelType(24);
763 pub const PT_MCH11: PixelType = PixelType(25);
764 pub const PT_MCH12: PixelType = PixelType(26);
765 pub const PT_MCH13: PixelType = PixelType(27);
766 pub const PT_MCH14: PixelType = PixelType(28);
767 pub const PT_MCH15: PixelType = PixelType(29);
769 /// Identical to PT_Lab, but using the V2 old encoding
770 pub const PT_LabV2: PixelType = PixelType(30);
772 /// Format of pixel is defined by one cmsUInt32Number, using bit fields as follows
773 ///
774 ///                               2                1          0
775 ///                          3 2 10987 6 5 4 3 2 1 098 7654 321
776 ///                          A O TTTTT U Y F P X S EEE CCCC BBB
777 ///
778 ///            A: Floating point -- With this flag we can differentiate 16 bits as float and as int
779 ///            O: Optimized -- previous optimization already returns the final 8-bit value
780 ///            T: Pixeltype
781 ///            F: Flavor  0=MinIsBlack(Chocolate) 1=MinIsWhite(Vanilla)
782 ///            P: Planar? 0=Chunky, 1=Planar
783 ///            X: swap 16 bps endianness?
784 ///            S: Do swap? ie, BGR, KYMC
785 ///            E: Extra samples
786 ///            C: Channels (Samples per pixel)
787 ///            B: bytes per sample
788 ///            Y: Swap first - changes ABGR to BGRA and KCMY to CMYK
789 #[repr(C)]
790 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
791 pub struct PixelFormat(pub u32);
793 impl PixelFormat {
794     pub const GRAY_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(196617);
795     pub const GRAY_8_REV: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(204809);
796     pub const GRAY_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(196618);
797     pub const GRAY_16_REV: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(204810);
798     pub const GRAY_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(198666);
799     pub const GRAYA_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(196745);
800     pub const GRAYA_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(196746);
801     pub const GRAYA_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(198794);
802     pub const GRAYA_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(200841);
803     pub const GRAYA_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(200842);
804     pub const RGB_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(262169);
805     pub const RGB_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(266265);
806     pub const BGR_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(263193);
807     pub const BGR_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(267289);
808     pub const RGB_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(262170);
809     pub const RGB_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(266266);
810     pub const RGB_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(264218);
811     pub const BGR_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(263194);
812     pub const BGR_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(267290);
813     pub const BGR_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(265242);
814     pub const RGBA_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(262297);
815     pub const RGBA_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(266393);
816     pub const RGBA_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(262298);
817     pub const RGBA_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(266394);
818     pub const RGBA_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(264346);
819     pub const ARGB_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(278681);
820     pub const ARGB_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(282777);
821     pub const ARGB_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(278682);
822     pub const ABGR_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(263321);
823     pub const ABGR_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(267417);
824     pub const ABGR_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(263322);
825     pub const ABGR_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(267418);
826     pub const ABGR_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(265370);
827     pub const BGRA_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(279705);
828     pub const BGRA_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(283801);
829     pub const BGRA_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(279706);
830     pub const BGRA_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(281754);
831     pub const CMY_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(327705);
832     pub const CMY_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(331801);
833     pub const CMY_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(327706);
834     pub const CMY_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(331802);
835     pub const CMY_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(329754);
836     pub const CMYK_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(393249);
837     pub const CMYKA_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(393377);
838     pub const CMYK_8_REV: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(401441);
839     pub const CMYK_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(397345);
840     pub const CMYK_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(393250);
841     pub const CMYK_16_REV: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(401442);
842     pub const CMYK_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(397346);
843     pub const CMYK_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(395298);
844     pub const KYMC_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(394273);
845     pub const KYMC_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(394274);
846     pub const KYMC_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(396322);
847     pub const KCMY_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(409633);
848     pub const KCMY_8_REV: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(417825);
849     pub const KCMY_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(409634);
850     pub const KCMY_16_REV: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(417826);
851     pub const KCMY_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(411682);
852     pub const CMYK5_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1245225);
853     pub const CMYK5_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1245226);
854     pub const CMYK5_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1247274);
855     pub const KYMC5_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1246249);
856     pub const KYMC5_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1246250);
857     pub const KYMC5_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1248298);
858     pub const CMYK6_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1310769);
859     pub const CMYK6_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1314865);
860     pub const CMYK6_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1310770);
861     pub const CMYK6_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1314866);
862     pub const CMYK6_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1312818);
863     pub const CMYK7_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1376313);
864     pub const CMYK7_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1376314);
865     pub const CMYK7_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1378362);
866     pub const KYMC7_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1377337);
867     pub const KYMC7_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1377338);
868     pub const KYMC7_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1379386);
869     pub const CMYK8_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1441857);
870     pub const CMYK8_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1441858);
871     pub const CMYK8_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1443906);
872     pub const KYMC8_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1442881);
873     pub const KYMC8_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1442882);
874     pub const KYMC8_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1444930);
875     pub const CMYK9_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1507401);
876     pub const CMYK9_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1507402);
877     pub const CMYK9_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1509450);
878     pub const KYMC9_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1508425);
879     pub const KYMC9_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1508426);
880     pub const KYMC9_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1510474);
881     pub const CMYK10_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1572945);
882     pub const CMYK10_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1572946);
883     pub const CMYK10_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1574994);
884     pub const KYMC10_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1573969);
885     pub const KYMC10_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1573970);
886     pub const KYMC10_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1576018);
887     pub const CMYK11_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1638489);
888     pub const CMYK11_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1638490);
889     pub const CMYK11_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1640538);
890     pub const KYMC11_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1639513);
891     pub const KYMC11_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1639514);
892     pub const KYMC11_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1641562);
893     pub const CMYK12_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1704033);
894     pub const CMYK12_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1704034);
895     pub const CMYK12_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1706082);
896     pub const KYMC12_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1705057);
897     pub const KYMC12_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1705058);
898     pub const KYMC12_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1707106);
899     pub const XYZ_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(589850);
900     pub const Lab_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(655385);
901     pub const LabV2_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1966105);
902     pub const ALab_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(671897);
903     pub const ALabV2_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1982617);
904     pub const Lab_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(655386);
905     pub const LabV2_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(1966106);
906     pub const Yxy_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(917530);
907     pub const YCbCr_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(458777);
908     pub const YCbCr_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(462873);
909     pub const YCbCr_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(458778);
910     pub const YCbCr_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(462874);
911     pub const YCbCr_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(460826);
912     pub const YUV_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(524313);
913     pub const YUV_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(528409);
914     pub const YUV_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(524314);
915     pub const YUV_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(528410);
916     pub const YUV_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(526362);
917     pub const HLS_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(851993);
918     pub const HLS_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(856089);
919     pub const HLS_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(851994);
920     pub const HLS_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(856090);
921     pub const HLS_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(854042);
922     pub const HSV_8: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(786457);
923     pub const HSV_8_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(790553);
924     pub const HSV_16: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(786458);
925     pub const HSV_16_PLANAR: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(790554);
926     pub const HSV_16_SE: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(788506);
927     // Named color index. Only 16 bits allowed (don't check colorspace)
928     pub const NAMED_COLOR_INDEX: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(10);
929     pub const XYZ_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4784156);
930     pub const Lab_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4849692);
931     pub const LabA_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4849820);
932     pub const GRAY_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4390924);
933     pub const RGB_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4456476);
934     pub const RGBA_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4456604);
935     pub const ARGB_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4472988);
936     pub const BGR_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4457500);
937     pub const BGRA_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4474012);
938     pub const CMYK_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4587556);
939     pub const XYZ_DBL: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4784152);
940     pub const Lab_DBL: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4849688);
941     pub const GRAY_DBL: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4390920);
942     pub const RGB_DBL: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4456472);
943     pub const BGR_DBL: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4457496);
944     pub const CMYK_DBL: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4587552);
945     pub const GRAY_HALF_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4390922);
946     pub const RGB_HALF_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4456474);
947     pub const RGBA_HALF_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4456602);
948     pub const CMYK_HALF_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4587554);
949     pub const ARGB_HALF_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4472986);
950     pub const BGR_HALF_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4457498);
951     pub const BGRA_HALF_FLT: PixelFormat = PixelFormat(4474010);
953     ///   A: Floating point -- With this flag we can differentiate 16 bits as float and as int
float(&self) -> bool954     pub fn float(&self) -> bool {
955         ((self.0 >> 22) & 1) != 0
956     }
958     ///   O: Optimized -- previous optimization already returns the final 8-bit value
optimized(&self) -> bool959     pub fn optimized(&self) -> bool {
960         ((self.0 >> 21) & 1) != 0
961     }
963     ///   T: Color space (`PT_*`)
pixel_type(&self) -> PixelType964     pub fn pixel_type(&self) -> PixelType {
965         PixelType((self.0 >> 16) & 31)
966     }
968     ///   Y: Swap first - changes ABGR to BGRA and KCMY to CMYK
swapfirst(&self) -> bool969     pub fn swapfirst(&self) -> bool {
970         ((self.0 >> 14) & 1) != 0
971     }
973     ///   F: Flavor  0=MinIsBlack(Chocolate) 1=MinIsWhite(Vanilla)
min_is_white(&self) -> bool974     pub fn min_is_white(&self) -> bool {
975         ((self.0 >> 13) & 1) != 0
976     }
978     ///   P: Planar? 0=Chunky, 1=Planar
planar(&self) -> bool979     pub fn planar(&self) -> bool {
980         ((self.0 >> 12) & 1) != 0
981     }
983     ///   X: swap 16 bps endianness?
endian16(&self) -> bool984     pub fn endian16(&self) -> bool {
985         ((self.0 >> 11) & 1) != 0
986     }
988     ///   S: Do swap? ie, BGR, KYMC
doswap(&self) -> bool989     pub fn doswap(&self) -> bool {
990         ((self.0 >> 10) & 1) != 0
991     }
993     ///   E: Extra samples
extra(&self) -> usize994     pub fn extra(&self) -> usize {
995         ((self.0 >> 7) & 7) as usize
996     }
998     ///   C: Channels (Samples per pixel)
channels(&self) -> usize999     pub fn channels(&self) -> usize {
1000         ((self.0 >> 3) & 15) as usize
1001     }
1003     ///   B: bytes per sample
bytes_per_channel(&self) -> usize1004     pub fn bytes_per_channel(&self) -> usize {
1005         let res = (self.0 & 7) as usize;
1006         // 8 overflows the field
1007         if res != 0 {res} else {8}
1008     }
1010     /// size of pixel
bytes_per_pixel(&self) -> usize1011     pub fn bytes_per_pixel(&self) -> usize {
1012         self.bytes_per_channel() * (self.extra() + self.channels())
1013     }
1014 }
1016 #[test]
test_bpc()1017 fn test_bpc() {
1018     assert_eq!(8, PixelFormat::XYZ_DBL.bytes_per_channel());
1019     assert_eq!(8, PixelFormat::Lab_DBL.bytes_per_channel());
1020     assert_eq!(8, PixelFormat::GRAY_DBL.bytes_per_channel());
1021     assert_eq!(8, PixelFormat::RGB_DBL.bytes_per_channel());
1022     assert_eq!(8, PixelFormat::BGR_DBL.bytes_per_channel());
1023     assert_eq!(8, PixelFormat::CMYK_DBL.bytes_per_channel());
1024 }
1026 #[test]
test_pixelformat()1027 fn test_pixelformat() {
1028     assert_eq!(4, PixelFormat::CMYKA_8.channels());
1029     assert_eq!(1, PixelFormat::CMYKA_8.extra());
1031     assert!(!PixelFormat::CMYKA_8.doswap());
1032     assert_eq!(1, PixelFormat::CMYKA_8.bytes_per_channel());
1033     assert_eq!(5, PixelFormat::CMYKA_8.bytes_per_pixel());
1035     assert_eq!(2, PixelFormat::CMYK_HALF_FLT.bytes_per_channel());
1036     assert_eq!(PT_CMYK, PixelFormat::CMYK_HALF_FLT.pixel_type());
1037 }
1039 #[repr(C)]
1040 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
1041 #[derive(Debug)]
1042 pub struct CIEXYZ {
1043     pub X: f64,
1044     pub Y: f64,
1045     pub Z: f64,
1046 }
1047 impl Default for CIEXYZ {
default() -> Self1048     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1049 }
1051 #[repr(C)]
1052 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
1053 #[derive(Debug)]
1054 pub struct CIExyY {
1055     pub x: f64,
1056     pub y: f64,
1057     pub Y: f64,
1058 }
1059 impl Default for CIExyY {
default() -> Self1060     fn default() -> Self { CIExyY{x:0., y:0., Y:1.} }
1061 }
1063 #[repr(C)]
1064 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
1065 #[derive(Debug)]
1066 pub struct CIELab {
1067     pub L: f64,
1068     pub a: f64,
1069     pub b: f64,
1070 }
1071 impl Default for CIELab {
default() -> Self1072     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1073 }
1075 #[repr(C)]
1076 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
1077 #[derive(Debug)]
1078 pub struct CIELCh {
1079     pub L: f64,
1080     pub C: f64,
1081     pub h: f64,
1082 }
1083 impl Default for CIELCh {
default() -> Self1084     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1085 }
1087 #[repr(C)]
1088 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
1089 #[derive(Debug)]
1090 pub struct JCh {
1091     pub J: f64,
1092     pub C: f64,
1093     pub h: f64,
1094 }
1095 impl Default for JCh {
default() -> Self1096     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1097 }
1099 #[repr(C)]
1100 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
1101 #[derive(Debug)]
1102 pub struct CIEXYZTRIPLE {
1103     pub Red: CIEXYZ,
1104     pub Green: CIEXYZ,
1105     pub Blue: CIEXYZ,
1106 }
1108 #[repr(C)]
1109 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
1110 #[derive(Debug)]
1111 pub struct CIExyYTRIPLE {
1112     pub Red: CIExyY,
1113     pub Green: CIExyY,
1114     pub Blue: CIExyY,
1115 }
1117 /// Illuminant types for structs below
1118 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1119 #[repr(u32)]
1120 #[derive(Debug)]
1121 pub enum IlluminantType {
1122     UNKNOWN = 0x0000000,
1123     D50 =     0x0000001,
1124     D65 =     0x0000002,
1125     D93 =     0x0000003,
1126     F2 =      0x0000004,
1127     D55 =     0x0000005,
1128     A =       0x0000006,
1129     E =       0x0000007,
1130     F8 =      0x0000008,
1131 }
1133 #[repr(C)]
1134 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1135 #[derive(Debug)]
1136 pub struct ICCMeasurementConditions {
1137     pub Observer: u32,
1138     pub Backing: CIEXYZ,
1139     pub Geometry: u32,
1140     pub Flare: f64,
1141     pub IlluminantType: IlluminantType,
1142 }
1143 impl Default for ICCMeasurementConditions {
default() -> Self1144     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1145 }
1147 #[repr(C)]
1148 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1149 #[derive(Debug)]
1150 pub struct ICCViewingConditions {
1151     pub IlluminantXYZ: CIEXYZ,
1152     pub SurroundXYZ: CIEXYZ,
1153     pub IlluminantType: IlluminantType,
1154 }
1155 impl Default for ICCViewingConditions {
default() -> Self1156     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1157 }
1160 #[repr(u32)]
1161 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
1162 #[derive(Debug)]
1163 pub enum Surround {
1164     Avg       = 1,
1165     Dim       = 2,
1166     Dark      = 3,
1167     Cutsheet  = 4,
1168 }
1170 pub const D_CALCULATE: f64 = -1.;
1172 #[repr(C)]
1173 pub struct _cmsContext_struct { _opaque_type: [u8; 0] }
1174 // Each context holds its owns globals and its own plug-ins. There is a global context with the id = 0 for lecacy compatibility
1175 // though using the global context is not recommended. Proper context handling makes lcms more thread-safe.
1176 pub type Context = *mut _cmsContext_struct;
1177 pub type LogErrorHandlerFunction = ::std::option::Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(ContextID: Context, ErrorCode: u32, Text: *const c_char)>;
1179 #[repr(C)]
1180 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1181 #[derive(Debug)]
1182 pub struct ViewingConditions {
1183     pub whitePoint: CIEXYZ,
1184     pub Yb: f64,
1185     pub La: f64,
1186     pub surround: Surround,
1187     pub D_value: f64,
1188 }
1189 impl Default for ViewingConditions {
default() -> Self1190     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1191 }
1193 #[repr(C)]
1194 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1195 #[derive(Debug)]
1196 /// This describes a curve segment.
1197 ///
1198 /// For a table of supported types, see the manual. User can increase the number of
1199 /// available types by using a proper plug-in. Parametric segments allow 10 parameters at most
1200 pub struct CurveSegment {
1201     pub x0: f32,
1202     pub x1: f32,
1203     pub Type: i32,
1204     pub Params: [f64; 10],
1205     pub nGridPoints: u32,
1206     pub SampledPoints: *mut f32,
1207 }
1208 impl Default for CurveSegment {
default() -> Self1209     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1210 }
1212 pub enum ToneCurve { }
1213 pub enum Pipeline { }
1214 pub enum Stage { }
1216 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
1217 #[repr(u32)]
1218 #[derive(Debug)]
1219 /// Where to place/locate the stages in the pipeline chain
1220 pub enum StageLoc {
1221     AT_BEGIN = 0,
1222     AT_END = 1,
1223 }
1224 pub type SAMPLER16 = unsafe extern "C" fn(input: *const u16, output: *mut u16, user_data: *mut c_void) -> i32;
1225 pub type SAMPLERFLOAT = unsafe extern "C" fn(input: *const f32, output: *mut f32, user_data: *mut c_void) -> i32;
1227 #[repr(C)]
1228 pub struct MLU { _opaque_type: [u8; 0] }
1230 #[repr(C)]
1231 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1232 #[derive(Debug)]
1233 pub struct UcrBg {
1234     pub Ucr: *mut ToneCurve,
1235     pub Bg: *mut ToneCurve,
1236     pub Desc: *mut MLU,
1237 }
1239 pub const PRINTER_DEFAULT_SCREENS: u32 =     0x0001;
1240 pub const FREQUENCE_UNITS_LINES_CM: u32 =    0x0000;
1241 pub const FREQUENCE_UNITS_LINES_INCH: u32 =  0x0002;
1243 #[repr(C)]
1244 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1245 #[derive(Debug)]
1246 pub enum SpotShape {
1247     UNKNOWN         = 0,
1248     PRINTER_DEFAULT = 1,
1249     ROUND           = 2,
1250     DIAMOND         = 3,
1251     ELLIPSE         = 4,
1252     LINE            = 5,
1253     SQUARE          = 6,
1254     CROSS           = 7,
1255 }
1257 #[repr(C)]
1258 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1259 #[derive(Debug)]
1260 pub struct ScreeningChannel {
1261     pub Frequency: f64,
1262     pub ScreenAngle: f64,
1263     pub SpotShape: SpotShape,
1264 }
1265 impl Default for ScreeningChannel {
default() -> Self1266     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1267 }
1269 #[repr(C)]
1270 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1271 #[derive(Debug)]
1272 pub struct Screening {
1273     pub Flag: u32,
1274     pub nChannels: u32,
1275     pub Channels: [ScreeningChannel; 16],
1276 }
1277 impl Default for Screening {
default() -> Self1278     fn default() -> Self { unsafe { mem::zeroed() } }
1279 }
1280 #[repr(C)]
1281 pub struct NAMEDCOLORLIST { _opaque_type: [u8; 0] }
1283 #[repr(C)]
1284 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1285 #[derive(Debug)]
1286 /// Profile sequence descriptor.
1287 ///
1288 /// Some fields come from profile sequence descriptor tag, others
1289 /// come from Profile Sequence Identifier Tag
1290 pub struct PSEQDESC {
1291     pub deviceMfg: Signature,
1292     pub deviceModel: Signature,
1293     pub attributes: u64,
1294     pub technology: TechnologySignature,
1295     pub ProfileID: ProfileID,
1296     pub Manufacturer: *mut MLU,
1297     pub Model: *mut MLU,
1298     pub Description: *mut MLU,
1299 }
1301 #[repr(C)]
1302 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1303 #[derive(Debug)]
1304 pub struct SEQ {
1305     pub n: u32,
1306     pub ContextID: Context,
1307     pub seq: *mut PSEQDESC,
1308 }
1310 pub const EmbeddedProfileFalse: u32 =    0x00000000;
1311 pub const EmbeddedProfileTrue: u32 =     0x00000001;
1312 pub const UseAnywhere: u32 =             0x00000000;
1313 pub const UseWithEmbeddedDataOnly: u32 = 0x00000002;
1315 #[repr(C)]
1316 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1317 #[derive(Debug)]
1318 pub struct DICTentry {
1319     pub Next: *mut DICTentry,
1320     pub DisplayName: *mut MLU,
1321     pub DisplayValue: *mut MLU,
1322     pub Name: *mut wchar_t,
1323     pub Value: *mut wchar_t,
1324 }
1326 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1327 #[repr(u32)]
1328 #[derive(Debug)]
1329 pub enum InfoType {
1330     Description = 0,
1331     Manufacturer = 1,
1332     Model = 2,
1333     Copyright = 3,
1334 }
1335 #[repr(C)]
1336 pub struct IOHANDLER { _opaque_type: [u8; 0] }
1339 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1340 #[repr(u32)]
1341 #[derive(Debug)]
1342 pub enum Intent {
1343     /// ICC Intents
1344     Perceptual = 0,
1345     RelativeColorimetric = 1,
1346     Saturation = 2,
1347     AbsoluteColorimetric = 3,
1349     /// non-icc intents
1350     PreserveKOnlyPerceptual = 10,
1351     PreserveKOnlyRelativeColorimetric = 11,
1352     PreserveKOnlySaturation = 12,
1353     PreserveKPlanePerceptual = 13,
1354     PreserveKPlaneRelativeColorimetric = 14,
1355     PreserveKPlaneSaturation = 15,
1356 }
1358 // Flags
1360 /// Inhibit 1-pixel cache
1361 pub const FLAGS_NOCACHE: u32 =                  0x0040;
1362 /// Inhibit optimizations
1363 pub const FLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE: u32 =               0x0100;
1364 /// Don't transform anyway
1365 pub const FLAGS_NULLTRANSFORM: u32 =            0x0200;
1367 /// Proofing flags
1368 /// Out of Gamut alarm
1369 pub const FLAGS_GAMUTCHECK: u32 =               0x1000;
1370 /// Do softproofing
1371 pub const FLAGS_SOFTPROOFING: u32 =             0x4000;
1373 // Misc
1374 pub const FLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION: u32 =   0x2000;
1375 /// Don't fix scum dot
1376 pub const FLAGS_NOWHITEONWHITEFIXUP: u32 =      0x0004;
1377 /// Use more memory to give better accurancy
1378 pub const FLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC: u32 =           0x0400;
1379 /// Use less memory to minimize resources
1380 pub const FLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC: u32 =            0x0800;
1382 /// For devicelink creation
1383 /// Create 8 bits devicelinks
1384 pub const FLAGS_8BITS_DEVICELINK: u32 =         0x0008;
1385 /// Guess device class (for transform2devicelink)
1386 pub const FLAGS_GUESSDEVICECLASS: u32 =         0x0020;
1387 /// Keep profile sequence for devicelink creation
1388 pub const FLAGS_KEEP_SEQUENCE: u32 =            0x0080;
1390 /// Specific to a particular optimizations
1391 /// Force CLUT optimization
1392 pub const FLAGS_FORCE_CLUT: u32 =               0x0002;
1393 /// create postlinearization tables if possible
1394 pub const FLAGS_CLUT_POST_LINEARIZATION: u32 =  0x0001;
1395 /// create prelinearization tables if possible
1396 pub const FLAGS_CLUT_PRE_LINEARIZATION: u32 =   0x0010;
1398 /// Specific to unbounded mode
1399 /// Prevent negative numbers in floating point transforms
1400 pub const FLAGS_NONEGATIVES: u32 =              0x8000;
1402 /// Alpha channels are copied on `cmsDoTransform()`
1403 pub const FLAGS_COPY_ALPHA: u32 =           0x04000000;
1405 // Fine-tune control over number of gridpoints
FLAGS_GRIDPOINTS(n: u32) -> u321406 pub fn FLAGS_GRIDPOINTS(n: u32) -> u32 { ((n) & 0xFF) << 16 }
1408 /// CRD special
1409 pub const FLAGS_NODEFAULTRESOURCEDEF: u32 =     0x01000000;
1411 /// Use this flag to prevent changes being written to destination.
1412 pub const SAMPLER_INSPECT: u32 = 0x01000000;
1414 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
1415 #[repr(u32)]
1416 #[derive(Debug)]
1417 pub enum PSResourceType {
1418     PS_RESOURCE_CSA = 0,
1419     PS_RESOURCE_CRD = 1,
1420 }
1422 extern "C" {
cmsGetEncodedCMMversion() -> c_int1423     pub fn cmsGetEncodedCMMversion() -> c_int;
cmsstrcasecmp(s1: *const c_char, s2: *const c_char) -> c_int1424     pub fn cmsstrcasecmp(s1: *const c_char, s2: *const c_char) -> c_int;
cmsfilelength(f: *mut FILE) -> c_long1425     pub fn cmsfilelength(f: *mut FILE) -> c_long;
cmsCreateContext(Plugin: *mut c_void, UserData: *mut c_void) -> Context1426     pub fn cmsCreateContext(Plugin: *mut c_void, UserData: *mut c_void) -> Context;
cmsDeleteContext(ContexID: Context)1427     pub fn cmsDeleteContext(ContexID: Context);
cmsDupContext(ContextID: Context, NewUserData: *mut c_void) -> Context1428     pub fn cmsDupContext(ContextID: Context, NewUserData: *mut c_void) -> Context;
cmsGetContextUserData(ContextID: Context) -> *mut c_void1429     pub fn cmsGetContextUserData(ContextID: Context) -> *mut c_void;
cmsPlugin(Plugin: *mut c_void) -> Bool1430     pub fn cmsPlugin(Plugin: *mut c_void) -> Bool;
cmsPluginTHR(ContextID: Context, Plugin: *mut c_void) -> Bool1431     pub fn cmsPluginTHR(ContextID: Context, Plugin: *mut c_void) -> Bool;
cmsUnregisterPlugins()1432     pub fn cmsUnregisterPlugins();
cmsUnregisterPluginsTHR(ContextID: Context)1433     pub fn cmsUnregisterPluginsTHR(ContextID: Context);
cmsSetLogErrorHandler(Fn: LogErrorHandlerFunction)1434     pub fn cmsSetLogErrorHandler(Fn: LogErrorHandlerFunction);
cmsSetLogErrorHandlerTHR(ContextID: Context, Fn: LogErrorHandlerFunction)1435     pub fn cmsSetLogErrorHandlerTHR(ContextID: Context, Fn: LogErrorHandlerFunction);
cmsD50_XYZ() -> &'static CIEXYZ1436     pub fn cmsD50_XYZ() -> &'static CIEXYZ;
cmsD50_xyY() -> &'static CIExyY1437     pub fn cmsD50_xyY() -> &'static CIExyY;
cmsXYZ2xyY(Dest: *mut CIExyY, Source: *const CIEXYZ)1438     pub fn cmsXYZ2xyY(Dest: *mut CIExyY, Source: *const CIEXYZ);
cmsxyY2XYZ(Dest: *mut CIEXYZ, Source: *const CIExyY)1439     pub fn cmsxyY2XYZ(Dest: *mut CIEXYZ, Source: *const CIExyY);
cmsXYZ2Lab(WhitePoint: *const CIEXYZ, Lab: *mut CIELab, xyz: *const CIEXYZ)1440     pub fn cmsXYZ2Lab(WhitePoint: *const CIEXYZ, Lab: *mut CIELab, xyz: *const CIEXYZ);
cmsLab2XYZ(WhitePoint: *const CIEXYZ, xyz: *mut CIEXYZ, Lab: *const CIELab)1441     pub fn cmsLab2XYZ(WhitePoint: *const CIEXYZ, xyz: *mut CIEXYZ, Lab: *const CIELab);
cmsLab2LCh(LCh: *mut CIELCh, Lab: *const CIELab)1442     pub fn cmsLab2LCh(LCh: *mut CIELCh, Lab: *const CIELab);
cmsLCh2Lab(Lab: *mut CIELab, LCh: *const CIELCh)1443     pub fn cmsLCh2Lab(Lab: *mut CIELab, LCh: *const CIELCh);
cmsLabEncoded2Float(Lab: *mut CIELab, wLab: *const u16)1444     pub fn cmsLabEncoded2Float(Lab: *mut CIELab, wLab: *const u16);
cmsLabEncoded2FloatV2(Lab: *mut CIELab, wLab: *const u16)1445     pub fn cmsLabEncoded2FloatV2(Lab: *mut CIELab, wLab: *const u16);
cmsFloat2LabEncoded(wLab: *mut u16, Lab: *const CIELab)1446     pub fn cmsFloat2LabEncoded(wLab: *mut u16, Lab: *const CIELab);
cmsFloat2LabEncodedV2(wLab: *mut u16, Lab: *const CIELab)1447     pub fn cmsFloat2LabEncodedV2(wLab: *mut u16, Lab: *const CIELab);
cmsXYZEncoded2Float(fxyz: *mut CIEXYZ, XYZ: *const u16)1448     pub fn cmsXYZEncoded2Float(fxyz: *mut CIEXYZ, XYZ: *const u16);
cmsFloat2XYZEncoded(XYZ: *mut u16, fXYZ: *const CIEXYZ)1449     pub fn cmsFloat2XYZEncoded(XYZ: *mut u16, fXYZ: *const CIEXYZ);
cmsDeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab) -> f641450     pub fn cmsDeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab) -> f64;
cmsCIE94DeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab) -> f641451     pub fn cmsCIE94DeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab) -> f64;
cmsBFDdeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab) -> f641452     pub fn cmsBFDdeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab) -> f64;
cmsCMCdeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab, l: f64, c: f64) -> f641453     pub fn cmsCMCdeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab, l: f64, c: f64) -> f64;
cmsCIE2000DeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab, Kl: f64, Kc: f64, Kh: f64) -> f641454     pub fn cmsCIE2000DeltaE(Lab1: *const CIELab, Lab2: *const CIELab, Kl: f64, Kc: f64, Kh: f64) -> f64;
cmsWhitePointFromTemp(WhitePoint: *mut CIExyY, TempK: f64) -> Bool1455     pub fn cmsWhitePointFromTemp(WhitePoint: *mut CIExyY, TempK: f64) -> Bool;
cmsTempFromWhitePoint(TempK: *mut f64, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> Bool1456     pub fn cmsTempFromWhitePoint(TempK: *mut f64, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> Bool;
cmsAdaptToIlluminant(Result: *mut CIEXYZ, SourceWhitePt: *const CIEXYZ, Illuminant: *const CIEXYZ, Value: *const CIEXYZ) -> Bool1457     pub fn cmsAdaptToIlluminant(Result: *mut CIEXYZ, SourceWhitePt: *const CIEXYZ, Illuminant: *const CIEXYZ, Value: *const CIEXYZ) -> Bool;
cmsCIECAM02Init(ContextID: Context, pVC: *const ViewingConditions) -> HANDLE1458     pub fn cmsCIECAM02Init(ContextID: Context, pVC: *const ViewingConditions) -> HANDLE;
cmsCIECAM02Done(hModel: HANDLE)1459     pub fn cmsCIECAM02Done(hModel: HANDLE);
cmsCIECAM02Forward(hModel: HANDLE, pIn: *const CIEXYZ, pOut: *mut JCh)1460     pub fn cmsCIECAM02Forward(hModel: HANDLE, pIn: *const CIEXYZ, pOut: *mut JCh);
cmsCIECAM02Reverse(hModel: HANDLE, pIn: *const JCh, pOut: *mut CIEXYZ)1461     pub fn cmsCIECAM02Reverse(hModel: HANDLE, pIn: *const JCh, pOut: *mut CIEXYZ);
cmsBuildSegmentedToneCurve(ContextID: Context, nSegments: u32, Segments: *const CurveSegment) -> *mut ToneCurve1462     pub fn cmsBuildSegmentedToneCurve(ContextID: Context, nSegments: u32, Segments: *const CurveSegment) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(ContextID: Context, Type: i32, Params: *const f64) -> *mut ToneCurve1463     pub fn cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(ContextID: Context, Type: i32, Params: *const f64) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsBuildGamma(ContextID: Context, Gamma: f64) -> *mut ToneCurve1464     pub fn cmsBuildGamma(ContextID: Context, Gamma: f64) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID: Context, nEntries: u32, values: *const u16) -> *mut ToneCurve1465     pub fn cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID: Context, nEntries: u32, values: *const u16) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurveFloat(ContextID: Context, nEntries: u32, values: *const f32) -> *mut ToneCurve1466     pub fn cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurveFloat(ContextID: Context, nEntries: u32, values: *const f32) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsFreeToneCurve(Curve: *mut ToneCurve)1467     pub fn cmsFreeToneCurve(Curve: *mut ToneCurve);
cmsFreeToneCurveTriple(Curve: *mut *mut ToneCurve)1468     pub fn cmsFreeToneCurveTriple(Curve: *mut *mut ToneCurve);
cmsDupToneCurve(Src: *const ToneCurve) -> *mut ToneCurve1469     pub fn cmsDupToneCurve(Src: *const ToneCurve) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsReverseToneCurve(InGamma: *const ToneCurve) -> *mut ToneCurve1470     pub fn cmsReverseToneCurve(InGamma: *const ToneCurve) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsReverseToneCurveEx(nResultSamples: u32, InGamma: *const ToneCurve) -> *mut ToneCurve1471     pub fn cmsReverseToneCurveEx(nResultSamples: u32, InGamma: *const ToneCurve) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsJoinToneCurve(ContextID: Context, X: *const ToneCurve, Y: *const ToneCurve, nPoints: u32) -> *mut ToneCurve1472     pub fn cmsJoinToneCurve(ContextID: Context, X: *const ToneCurve, Y: *const ToneCurve, nPoints: u32) -> *mut ToneCurve;
cmsSmoothToneCurve(Tab: *mut ToneCurve, lambda: f64) -> Bool1473     pub fn cmsSmoothToneCurve(Tab: *mut ToneCurve, lambda: f64) -> Bool;
cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(Curve: *const ToneCurve, v: f32) -> f321474     pub fn cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(Curve: *const ToneCurve, v: f32) -> f32;
cmsEvalToneCurve16(Curve: *const ToneCurve, v: u16) -> u161475     pub fn cmsEvalToneCurve16(Curve: *const ToneCurve, v: u16) -> u16;
cmsIsToneCurveMultisegment(InGamma: *const ToneCurve) -> Bool1476     pub fn cmsIsToneCurveMultisegment(InGamma: *const ToneCurve) -> Bool;
cmsIsToneCurveLinear(Curve: *const ToneCurve) -> Bool1477     pub fn cmsIsToneCurveLinear(Curve: *const ToneCurve) -> Bool;
cmsIsToneCurveMonotonic(t: *const ToneCurve) -> Bool1478     pub fn cmsIsToneCurveMonotonic(t: *const ToneCurve) -> Bool;
cmsIsToneCurveDescending(t: *const ToneCurve) -> Bool1479     pub fn cmsIsToneCurveDescending(t: *const ToneCurve) -> Bool;
cmsGetToneCurveParametricType(t: *const ToneCurve) -> i321480     pub fn cmsGetToneCurveParametricType(t: *const ToneCurve) -> i32;
cmsEstimateGamma(t: *const ToneCurve, Precision: f64) -> f641481     pub fn cmsEstimateGamma(t: *const ToneCurve, Precision: f64) -> f64;
cmsGetToneCurveEstimatedTableEntries(t: *const ToneCurve) -> u321482     pub fn cmsGetToneCurveEstimatedTableEntries(t: *const ToneCurve) -> u32;
cmsGetToneCurveEstimatedTable(t: *const ToneCurve) -> *const u161483     pub fn cmsGetToneCurveEstimatedTable(t: *const ToneCurve) -> *const u16;
cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID: Context, InputChannels: u32, OutputChannels: u32) -> *mut Pipeline1484     pub fn cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID: Context, InputChannels: u32, OutputChannels: u32) -> *mut Pipeline;
cmsPipelineFree(lut: *mut Pipeline)1485     pub fn cmsPipelineFree(lut: *mut Pipeline);
cmsPipelineDup(Orig: *const Pipeline) -> *mut Pipeline1486     pub fn cmsPipelineDup(Orig: *const Pipeline) -> *mut Pipeline;
cmsGetPipelineContextID(lut: *const Pipeline) -> Context1487     pub fn cmsGetPipelineContextID(lut: *const Pipeline) -> Context;
cmsPipelineInputChannels(lut: *const Pipeline) -> u321488     pub fn cmsPipelineInputChannels(lut: *const Pipeline) -> u32;
cmsPipelineOutputChannels(lut: *const Pipeline) -> u321489     pub fn cmsPipelineOutputChannels(lut: *const Pipeline) -> u32;
cmsPipelineStageCount(lut: *const Pipeline) -> u321490     pub fn cmsPipelineStageCount(lut: *const Pipeline) -> u32;
cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(lut: *const Pipeline) -> *mut Stage1491     pub fn cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(lut: *const Pipeline) -> *mut Stage;
cmsPipelineGetPtrToLastStage(lut: *const Pipeline) -> *mut Stage1492     pub fn cmsPipelineGetPtrToLastStage(lut: *const Pipeline) -> *mut Stage;
cmsPipelineEval16(In: *const u16, Out: *mut u16, lut: *const Pipeline)1493     pub fn cmsPipelineEval16(In: *const u16, Out: *mut u16, lut: *const Pipeline);
cmsPipelineEvalFloat(In: *const f32, Out: *mut f32, lut: *const Pipeline)1494     pub fn cmsPipelineEvalFloat(In: *const f32, Out: *mut f32, lut: *const Pipeline);
cmsPipelineEvalReverseFloat(Target: *mut f32, Result: *mut f32, Hint: *mut f32, lut: *const Pipeline) -> Bool1495     pub fn cmsPipelineEvalReverseFloat(Target: *mut f32, Result: *mut f32, Hint: *mut f32, lut: *const Pipeline) -> Bool;
cmsPipelineCat(l1: *mut Pipeline, l2: *const Pipeline) -> Bool1496     pub fn cmsPipelineCat(l1: *mut Pipeline, l2: *const Pipeline) -> Bool;
cmsPipelineSetSaveAs8bitsFlag(lut: *mut Pipeline, On: Bool) -> Bool1497     pub fn cmsPipelineSetSaveAs8bitsFlag(lut: *mut Pipeline, On: Bool) -> Bool;
cmsPipelineInsertStage(lut: *mut Pipeline, loc: StageLoc, mpe: *mut Stage) -> bool1498     pub fn cmsPipelineInsertStage(lut: *mut Pipeline, loc: StageLoc, mpe: *mut Stage) -> bool;
cmsPipelineUnlinkStage(lut: *mut Pipeline, loc: StageLoc, mpe: *mut *mut Stage)1499     pub fn cmsPipelineUnlinkStage(lut: *mut Pipeline, loc: StageLoc, mpe: *mut *mut Stage);
1500     /// This function is quite useful to analyze the structure of a Pipeline and retrieve the Stage elements
1501     /// that conform the Pipeline.
1502     ///
1503     /// It should be called with the Pipeline, the number of expected elements and
1504     /// then a list of expected types followed with a list of double pointers to Stage elements. If
1505     /// the function founds a match with current pipeline, it fills the pointers and returns TRUE
1506     /// if not, returns FALSE without touching anything.
cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(Lut: *const Pipeline, n: u32, ...) -> Bool1507     pub fn cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(Lut: *const Pipeline, n: u32, ...) -> Bool;
cmsStageAllocIdentity(ContextID: Context, nChannels: u32) -> *mut Stage1508     pub fn cmsStageAllocIdentity(ContextID: Context, nChannels: u32) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageAllocToneCurves(ContextID: Context, nChannels: u32, Curves: *const *const ToneCurve) -> *mut Stage1509     pub fn cmsStageAllocToneCurves(ContextID: Context, nChannels: u32, Curves: *const *const ToneCurve) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageAllocMatrix(ContextID: Context, Rows: u32, Cols: u32, Matrix: *const f64, Offset: *const f64) -> *mut Stage1510     pub fn cmsStageAllocMatrix(ContextID: Context, Rows: u32, Cols: u32, Matrix: *const f64, Offset: *const f64) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID: Context, nGridPoints: u32, inputChan: u32, outputChan: u32, Table: *const u16) -> *mut Stage1511     pub fn cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID: Context, nGridPoints: u32, inputChan: u32, outputChan: u32, Table: *const u16) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageAllocCLutFloat(ContextID: Context, nGridPoints: u32, inputChan: u32, outputChan: u32, Table: *const f32) -> *mut Stage1512     pub fn cmsStageAllocCLutFloat(ContextID: Context, nGridPoints: u32, inputChan: u32, outputChan: u32, Table: *const f32) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageAllocCLut16bitGranular(ContextID: Context, clutPoints: *const u32, inputChan: u32, outputChan: u32, Table: *const u16) -> *mut Stage1513     pub fn cmsStageAllocCLut16bitGranular(ContextID: Context, clutPoints: *const u32, inputChan: u32, outputChan: u32, Table: *const u16) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageAllocCLutFloatGranular(ContextID: Context, clutPoints: *const u32, inputChan: u32, outputChan: u32, Table: *const f32) -> *mut Stage1514     pub fn cmsStageAllocCLutFloatGranular(ContextID: Context, clutPoints: *const u32, inputChan: u32, outputChan: u32, Table: *const f32) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageDup(mpe: *mut Stage) -> *mut Stage1515     pub fn cmsStageDup(mpe: *mut Stage) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageFree(mpe: *mut Stage)1516     pub fn cmsStageFree(mpe: *mut Stage);
cmsStageNext(mpe: *const Stage) -> *mut Stage1517     pub fn cmsStageNext(mpe: *const Stage) -> *mut Stage;
cmsStageInputChannels(mpe: *const Stage) -> u321518     pub fn cmsStageInputChannels(mpe: *const Stage) -> u32;
cmsStageOutputChannels(mpe: *const Stage) -> u321519     pub fn cmsStageOutputChannels(mpe: *const Stage) -> u32;
cmsStageType(mpe: *const Stage) -> StageSignature1520     pub fn cmsStageType(mpe: *const Stage) -> StageSignature;
cmsStageData(mpe: *const Stage) -> *mut c_void1521     pub fn cmsStageData(mpe: *const Stage) -> *mut c_void;
cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(mpe: *mut Stage, Sampler: SAMPLER16, Cargo: *mut c_void, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool1522     pub fn cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(mpe: *mut Stage, Sampler: SAMPLER16, Cargo: *mut c_void, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool;
cmsStageSampleCLutFloat(mpe: *mut Stage, Sampler: SAMPLERFLOAT, Cargo: *mut c_void, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool1523     pub fn cmsStageSampleCLutFloat(mpe: *mut Stage, Sampler: SAMPLERFLOAT, Cargo: *mut c_void, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool;
cmsSliceSpace16(nInputs: u32, clutPoints: *const u32, Sampler: SAMPLER16, Cargo: *mut c_void) -> Bool1524     pub fn cmsSliceSpace16(nInputs: u32, clutPoints: *const u32, Sampler: SAMPLER16, Cargo: *mut c_void) -> Bool;
cmsSliceSpaceFloat(nInputs: u32, clutPoints: *const u32, Sampler: SAMPLERFLOAT, Cargo: *mut c_void) -> Bool1525     pub fn cmsSliceSpaceFloat(nInputs: u32, clutPoints: *const u32, Sampler: SAMPLERFLOAT, Cargo: *mut c_void) -> Bool;
cmsMLUalloc(ContextID: Context, nItems: u32) -> *mut MLU1526     pub fn cmsMLUalloc(ContextID: Context, nItems: u32) -> *mut MLU;
cmsMLUfree(mlu: *mut MLU)1527     pub fn cmsMLUfree(mlu: *mut MLU);
cmsMLUdup(mlu: *const MLU) -> *mut MLU1528     pub fn cmsMLUdup(mlu: *const MLU) -> *mut MLU;
cmsMLUsetASCII(mlu: *mut MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, ASCIIString: *const c_char) -> Bool1529     pub fn cmsMLUsetASCII(mlu: *mut MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, ASCIIString: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsMLUsetWide(mlu: *mut MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, WideString: *const wchar_t) -> Bool1530     pub fn cmsMLUsetWide(mlu: *mut MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, WideString: *const wchar_t) -> Bool;
cmsMLUgetASCII(mlu: *const MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, Buffer: *mut c_char, BufferSize: u32) -> u321531     pub fn cmsMLUgetASCII(mlu: *const MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, Buffer: *mut c_char, BufferSize: u32) -> u32;
cmsMLUgetWide(mlu: *const MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, Buffer: *mut wchar_t, BufferSize: u32) -> u321532     pub fn cmsMLUgetWide(mlu: *const MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, Buffer: *mut wchar_t, BufferSize: u32) -> u32;
cmsMLUgetTranslation(mlu: *const MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, ObtainedLanguage: *mut c_char, ObtainedCountry: *mut c_char) -> Bool1533     pub fn cmsMLUgetTranslation(mlu: *const MLU, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, ObtainedLanguage: *mut c_char, ObtainedCountry: *mut c_char) -> Bool;
cmsMLUtranslationsCount(mlu: *const MLU) -> u321534     pub fn cmsMLUtranslationsCount(mlu: *const MLU) -> u32;
cmsMLUtranslationsCodes(mlu: *const MLU, idx: u32, LanguageCode: *mut c_char, CountryCode: *mut c_char) -> Bool1535     pub fn cmsMLUtranslationsCodes(mlu: *const MLU, idx: u32, LanguageCode: *mut c_char, CountryCode: *mut c_char) -> Bool;
cmsAllocNamedColorList(ContextID: Context, n: u32, ColorantCount: u32, Prefix: *const c_char, Suffix: *const c_char) -> *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST1536     pub fn cmsAllocNamedColorList(ContextID: Context, n: u32, ColorantCount: u32, Prefix: *const c_char, Suffix: *const c_char) -> *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST;
cmsFreeNamedColorList(v: *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST)1537     pub fn cmsFreeNamedColorList(v: *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST);
cmsDupNamedColorList(v: *const NAMEDCOLORLIST) -> *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST1538     pub fn cmsDupNamedColorList(v: *const NAMEDCOLORLIST) -> *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST;
cmsAppendNamedColor(v: *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST, Name: *const c_char, PCS: *mut u16, Colorant: *mut u16) -> Bool1539     pub fn cmsAppendNamedColor(v: *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST, Name: *const c_char, PCS: *mut u16, Colorant: *mut u16) -> Bool;
cmsNamedColorCount(v: *const NAMEDCOLORLIST) -> u321540     pub fn cmsNamedColorCount(v: *const NAMEDCOLORLIST) -> u32;
cmsNamedColorIndex(v: *const NAMEDCOLORLIST, Name: *const c_char) -> i321541     pub fn cmsNamedColorIndex(v: *const NAMEDCOLORLIST, Name: *const c_char) -> i32;
cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList: *const NAMEDCOLORLIST, nColor: u32, Name: *mut c_char, Prefix: *mut c_char, Suffix: *mut c_char, PCS: *mut u16, Colorant: *mut u16) -> Bool1542     pub fn cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList: *const NAMEDCOLORLIST, nColor: u32, Name: *mut c_char, Prefix: *mut c_char, Suffix: *mut c_char, PCS: *mut u16, Colorant: *mut u16) -> Bool;
cmsGetNamedColorList(xform: HTRANSFORM) -> *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST1543     pub fn cmsGetNamedColorList(xform: HTRANSFORM) -> *mut NAMEDCOLORLIST;
cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription(ContextID: Context, n: u32) -> *mut SEQ1544     pub fn cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription(ContextID: Context, n: u32) -> *mut SEQ;
cmsDupProfileSequenceDescription(pseq: *const SEQ) -> *mut SEQ1545     pub fn cmsDupProfileSequenceDescription(pseq: *const SEQ) -> *mut SEQ;
cmsFreeProfileSequenceDescription(pseq: *mut SEQ)1546     pub fn cmsFreeProfileSequenceDescription(pseq: *mut SEQ);
cmsDictAlloc(ContextID: Context) -> HANDLE1547     pub fn cmsDictAlloc(ContextID: Context) -> HANDLE;
cmsDictFree(hDict: HANDLE)1548     pub fn cmsDictFree(hDict: HANDLE);
cmsDictDup(hDict: HANDLE) -> HANDLE1549     pub fn cmsDictDup(hDict: HANDLE) -> HANDLE;
cmsDictAddEntry(hDict: HANDLE, Name: *const wchar_t, Value: *const wchar_t, DisplayName: *const MLU, DisplayValue: *const MLU) -> Bool1550     pub fn cmsDictAddEntry(hDict: HANDLE, Name: *const wchar_t, Value: *const wchar_t, DisplayName: *const MLU, DisplayValue: *const MLU) -> Bool;
cmsDictGetEntryList(hDict: HANDLE) -> *const DICTentry1551     pub fn cmsDictGetEntryList(hDict: HANDLE) -> *const DICTentry;
cmsDictNextEntry(e: *const DICTentry) -> *const DICTentry1552     pub fn cmsDictNextEntry(e: *const DICTentry) -> *const DICTentry;
cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(ContextID: Context) -> HPROFILE1553     pub fn cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(ContextID: Context) -> HPROFILE;
cmsGetProfileContextID(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Context1554     pub fn cmsGetProfileContextID(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Context;
cmsGetTagCount(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> i321555     pub fn cmsGetTagCount(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> i32;
cmsGetTagSignature(hProfile: HPROFILE, n: u32) -> TagSignature1556     pub fn cmsGetTagSignature(hProfile: HPROFILE, n: u32) -> TagSignature;
cmsIsTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature) -> Bool1557     pub fn cmsIsTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature) -> Bool;
cmsReadTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature) -> *mut c_void1558     pub fn cmsReadTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature) -> *mut c_void;
cmsWriteTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature, data: *const c_void) -> Bool1559     pub fn cmsWriteTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature, data: *const c_void) -> Bool;
cmsLinkTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature, dest: TagSignature) -> Bool1560     pub fn cmsLinkTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature, dest: TagSignature) -> Bool;
cmsTagLinkedTo(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature) -> TagSignature1561     pub fn cmsTagLinkedTo(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature) -> TagSignature;
cmsReadRawTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature, Buffer: *mut c_void, BufferSize: u32) -> u321562     pub fn cmsReadRawTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature, Buffer: *mut c_void, BufferSize: u32) -> u32;
cmsWriteRawTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature, data: *const c_void, Size: u32) -> Bool1563     pub fn cmsWriteRawTag(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: TagSignature, data: *const c_void, Size: u32) -> Bool;
cmsGetHeaderFlags(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u321564     pub fn cmsGetHeaderFlags(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u32;
cmsGetHeaderAttributes(hProfile: HPROFILE, Flags: *mut u64)1565     pub fn cmsGetHeaderAttributes(hProfile: HPROFILE, Flags: *mut u64);
cmsGetHeaderProfileID(hProfile: HPROFILE, ProfileID: *mut u8)1566     pub fn cmsGetHeaderProfileID(hProfile: HPROFILE, ProfileID: *mut u8);
cmsGetHeaderCreationDateTime(hProfile: HPROFILE, Dest: *mut tm) -> Bool1567     pub fn cmsGetHeaderCreationDateTime(hProfile: HPROFILE, Dest: *mut tm) -> Bool;
cmsGetHeaderRenderingIntent(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Intent1568     pub fn cmsGetHeaderRenderingIntent(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Intent;
cmsSetHeaderFlags(hProfile: HPROFILE, Flags: u32)1569     pub fn cmsSetHeaderFlags(hProfile: HPROFILE, Flags: u32);
cmsGetHeaderManufacturer(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u321570     pub fn cmsGetHeaderManufacturer(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u32;
cmsSetHeaderManufacturer(hProfile: HPROFILE, manufacturer: u32)1571     pub fn cmsSetHeaderManufacturer(hProfile: HPROFILE, manufacturer: u32);
cmsGetHeaderCreator(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u321572     pub fn cmsGetHeaderCreator(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u32;
cmsGetHeaderModel(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u321573     pub fn cmsGetHeaderModel(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u32;
cmsSetHeaderModel(hProfile: HPROFILE, model: u32)1574     pub fn cmsSetHeaderModel(hProfile: HPROFILE, model: u32);
cmsSetHeaderAttributes(hProfile: HPROFILE, Flags: u64)1575     pub fn cmsSetHeaderAttributes(hProfile: HPROFILE, Flags: u64);
cmsSetHeaderProfileID(hProfile: HPROFILE, ProfileID: *mut u8)1576     pub fn cmsSetHeaderProfileID(hProfile: HPROFILE, ProfileID: *mut u8);
cmsSetHeaderRenderingIntent(hProfile: HPROFILE, RenderingIntent: Intent)1577     pub fn cmsSetHeaderRenderingIntent(hProfile: HPROFILE, RenderingIntent: Intent);
cmsGetPCS(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> ColorSpaceSignature1578     pub fn cmsGetPCS(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> ColorSpaceSignature;
cmsSetPCS(hProfile: HPROFILE, pcs: ColorSpaceSignature)1579     pub fn cmsSetPCS(hProfile: HPROFILE, pcs: ColorSpaceSignature);
cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> ColorSpaceSignature1580     pub fn cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> ColorSpaceSignature;
cmsSetColorSpace(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: ColorSpaceSignature)1581     pub fn cmsSetColorSpace(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: ColorSpaceSignature);
cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> ProfileClassSignature1582     pub fn cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> ProfileClassSignature;
cmsSetDeviceClass(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: ProfileClassSignature)1583     pub fn cmsSetDeviceClass(hProfile: HPROFILE, sig: ProfileClassSignature);
cmsSetProfileVersion(hProfile: HPROFILE, Version: f64)1584     pub fn cmsSetProfileVersion(hProfile: HPROFILE, Version: f64);
cmsGetProfileVersion(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> f641585     pub fn cmsGetProfileVersion(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> f64;
cmsGetEncodedICCversion(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u321586     pub fn cmsGetEncodedICCversion(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> u32;
cmsSetEncodedICCversion(hProfile: HPROFILE, Version: u32)1587     pub fn cmsSetEncodedICCversion(hProfile: HPROFILE, Version: u32);
cmsIsIntentSupported(hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, UsedDirection: u32) -> Bool1588     pub fn cmsIsIntentSupported(hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, UsedDirection: u32) -> Bool;
cmsIsMatrixShaper(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Bool1589     pub fn cmsIsMatrixShaper(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Bool;
cmsIsCLUT(hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, UsedDirection: u32) -> Bool1590     pub fn cmsIsCLUT(hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, UsedDirection: u32) -> Bool;
_cmsICCcolorSpace(OurNotation: c_int) -> ColorSpaceSignature1591     pub fn _cmsICCcolorSpace(OurNotation: c_int) -> ColorSpaceSignature;
_cmsLCMScolorSpace(ProfileSpace: ColorSpaceSignature) -> c_int1592     pub fn _cmsLCMScolorSpace(ProfileSpace: ColorSpaceSignature) -> c_int;
cmsChannelsOf(ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature) -> u321593     pub fn cmsChannelsOf(ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature) -> u32;
cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hProfile: HPROFILE, nBytes: u32, lIsFloat: Bool) -> u321594     pub fn cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hProfile: HPROFILE, nBytes: u32, lIsFloat: Bool) -> u32;
cmsFormatterForPCSOfProfile(hProfile: HPROFILE, nBytes: u32, lIsFloat: Bool) -> u321595     pub fn cmsFormatterForPCSOfProfile(hProfile: HPROFILE, nBytes: u32, lIsFloat: Bool) -> u32;
cmsGetProfileInfo(hProfile: HPROFILE, Info: InfoType, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, Buffer: *mut wchar_t, BufferSize: u32) -> u321596     pub fn cmsGetProfileInfo(hProfile: HPROFILE, Info: InfoType, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, Buffer: *mut wchar_t, BufferSize: u32) -> u32;
cmsGetProfileInfoASCII(hProfile: HPROFILE, Info: InfoType, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, Buffer: *mut c_char, BufferSize: u32) -> u321597     pub fn cmsGetProfileInfoASCII(hProfile: HPROFILE, Info: InfoType, LanguageCode: *const c_char, CountryCode: *const c_char, Buffer: *mut c_char, BufferSize: u32) -> u32;
cmsOpenIOhandlerFromFile(ContextID: Context, FileName: *const c_char, AccessMode: *const c_char) -> *mut IOHANDLER1598     pub fn cmsOpenIOhandlerFromFile(ContextID: Context, FileName: *const c_char, AccessMode: *const c_char) -> *mut IOHANDLER;
cmsOpenIOhandlerFromStream(ContextID: Context, Stream: *mut FILE) -> *mut IOHANDLER1599     pub fn cmsOpenIOhandlerFromStream(ContextID: Context, Stream: *mut FILE) -> *mut IOHANDLER;
cmsOpenIOhandlerFromMem(ContextID: Context, Buffer: *mut c_void, size: u32, AccessMode: *const c_char) -> *mut IOHANDLER1600     pub fn cmsOpenIOhandlerFromMem(ContextID: Context, Buffer: *mut c_void, size: u32, AccessMode: *const c_char) -> *mut IOHANDLER;
cmsOpenIOhandlerFromNULL(ContextID: Context) -> *mut IOHANDLER1601     pub fn cmsOpenIOhandlerFromNULL(ContextID: Context) -> *mut IOHANDLER;
cmsGetProfileIOhandler(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> *mut IOHANDLER1602     pub fn cmsGetProfileIOhandler(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> *mut IOHANDLER;
cmsCloseIOhandler(io: *mut IOHANDLER) -> Bool1603     pub fn cmsCloseIOhandler(io: *mut IOHANDLER) -> Bool;
cmsMD5computeID(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Bool1604     pub fn cmsMD5computeID(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Bool;
cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ICCProfile: *const c_char, sAccess: *const c_char) -> HPROFILE1605     pub fn cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ICCProfile: *const c_char, sAccess: *const c_char) -> HPROFILE;
cmsOpenProfileFromFileTHR(ContextID: Context, ICCProfile: *const c_char, sAccess: *const c_char) -> HPROFILE1606     pub fn cmsOpenProfileFromFileTHR(ContextID: Context, ICCProfile: *const c_char, sAccess: *const c_char) -> HPROFILE;
cmsOpenProfileFromStream(ICCProfile: *mut FILE, sAccess: *const c_char) -> HPROFILE1607     pub fn cmsOpenProfileFromStream(ICCProfile: *mut FILE, sAccess: *const c_char) -> HPROFILE;
cmsOpenProfileFromStreamTHR(ContextID: Context, ICCProfile: *mut FILE, sAccess: *const c_char) -> HPROFILE1608     pub fn cmsOpenProfileFromStreamTHR(ContextID: Context, ICCProfile: *mut FILE, sAccess: *const c_char) -> HPROFILE;
cmsOpenProfileFromMem(MemPtr: *const c_void, dwSize: u32) -> HPROFILE1609     pub fn cmsOpenProfileFromMem(MemPtr: *const c_void, dwSize: u32) -> HPROFILE;
cmsOpenProfileFromMemTHR(ContextID: Context, MemPtr: *const c_void, dwSize: u32) -> HPROFILE1610     pub fn cmsOpenProfileFromMemTHR(ContextID: Context, MemPtr: *const c_void, dwSize: u32) -> HPROFILE;
cmsOpenProfileFromIOhandlerTHR(ContextID: Context, io: *mut IOHANDLER) -> HPROFILE1611     pub fn cmsOpenProfileFromIOhandlerTHR(ContextID: Context, io: *mut IOHANDLER) -> HPROFILE;
cmsOpenProfileFromIOhandler2THR(ContextID: Context, io: *mut IOHANDLER, write: Bool) -> HPROFILE1612     pub fn cmsOpenProfileFromIOhandler2THR(ContextID: Context, io: *mut IOHANDLER, write: Bool) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCloseProfile(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Bool1613     pub fn cmsCloseProfile(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> Bool;
cmsSaveProfileToFile(hProfile: HPROFILE, FileName: *const c_char) -> Bool1614     pub fn cmsSaveProfileToFile(hProfile: HPROFILE, FileName: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsSaveProfileToStream(hProfile: HPROFILE, Stream: *mut FILE) -> Bool1615     pub fn cmsSaveProfileToStream(hProfile: HPROFILE, Stream: *mut FILE) -> Bool;
cmsSaveProfileToMem(hProfile: HPROFILE, MemPtr: *mut c_void, BytesNeeded: *mut u32) -> Bool1616     pub fn cmsSaveProfileToMem(hProfile: HPROFILE, MemPtr: *mut c_void, BytesNeeded: *mut u32) -> Bool;
cmsSaveProfileToIOhandler(hProfile: HPROFILE, io: *mut IOHANDLER) -> u321617     pub fn cmsSaveProfileToIOhandler(hProfile: HPROFILE, io: *mut IOHANDLER) -> u32;
cmsCreateRGBProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY, Primaries: *const CIExyYTRIPLE, TransferFunction: *const *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE1618     pub fn cmsCreateRGBProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY, Primaries: *const CIExyYTRIPLE, TransferFunction: *const *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateRGBProfile(WhitePoint: *const CIExyY, Primaries: *const CIExyYTRIPLE, TransferFunction: *const *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE1619     pub fn cmsCreateRGBProfile(WhitePoint: *const CIExyY, Primaries: *const CIExyYTRIPLE, TransferFunction: *const *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateGrayProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY, TransferFunction: *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE1620     pub fn cmsCreateGrayProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY, TransferFunction: *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateGrayProfile(WhitePoint: *const CIExyY, TransferFunction: *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE1621     pub fn cmsCreateGrayProfile(WhitePoint: *const CIExyY, TransferFunction: *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLinkTHR(ContextID: Context, ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature, TransferFunctions: *const *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE1622     pub fn cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLinkTHR(ContextID: Context, ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature, TransferFunctions: *const *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature, TransferFunctions: *const *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE1623     pub fn cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature, TransferFunctions: *const *const ToneCurve) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLinkTHR(ContextID: Context, ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature, Limit: f64) -> HPROFILE1624     pub fn cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLinkTHR(ContextID: Context, ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature, Limit: f64) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLink(ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature, Limit: f64) -> HPROFILE1625     pub fn cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLink(ColorSpace: ColorSpaceSignature, Limit: f64) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateLab2ProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> HPROFILE1626     pub fn cmsCreateLab2ProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateLab2Profile(WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> HPROFILE1627     pub fn cmsCreateLab2Profile(WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateLab4ProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> HPROFILE1628     pub fn cmsCreateLab4ProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateLab4Profile(WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> HPROFILE1629     pub fn cmsCreateLab4Profile(WhitePoint: *const CIExyY) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateXYZProfileTHR(ContextID: Context) -> HPROFILE1630     pub fn cmsCreateXYZProfileTHR(ContextID: Context) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateXYZProfile() -> HPROFILE1631     pub fn cmsCreateXYZProfile() -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreate_sRGBProfileTHR(ContextID: Context) -> HPROFILE1632     pub fn cmsCreate_sRGBProfileTHR(ContextID: Context) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreate_sRGBProfile() -> HPROFILE1633     pub fn cmsCreate_sRGBProfile() -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateBCHSWabstractProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, nLUTPoints: u32, Bright: f64, Contrast: f64, Hue: f64, Saturation: f64, TempSrc: u32, TempDest: u32) -> HPROFILE1634     pub fn cmsCreateBCHSWabstractProfileTHR(ContextID: Context, nLUTPoints: u32, Bright: f64, Contrast: f64, Hue: f64, Saturation: f64, TempSrc: u32, TempDest: u32) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateBCHSWabstractProfile(nLUTPoints: u32, Bright: f64, Contrast: f64, Hue: f64, Saturation: f64, TempSrc: u32, TempDest: u32) -> HPROFILE1635     pub fn cmsCreateBCHSWabstractProfile(nLUTPoints: u32, Bright: f64, Contrast: f64, Hue: f64, Saturation: f64, TempSrc: u32, TempDest: u32) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateNULLProfileTHR(ContextID: Context) -> HPROFILE1636     pub fn cmsCreateNULLProfileTHR(ContextID: Context) -> HPROFILE;
cmsCreateNULLProfile() -> HPROFILE1637     pub fn cmsCreateNULLProfile() -> HPROFILE;
cmsTransform2DeviceLink(hTransform: HTRANSFORM, Version: f64, dwFlags: u32) -> HPROFILE1638     pub fn cmsTransform2DeviceLink(hTransform: HTRANSFORM, Version: f64, dwFlags: u32) -> HPROFILE;
cmsGetSupportedIntents(nMax: u32, Codes: *mut u32, Descriptions: *mut *mut c_char) -> u321639     pub fn cmsGetSupportedIntents(nMax: u32, Codes: *mut u32, Descriptions: *mut *mut c_char) -> u32;
cmsGetSupportedIntentsTHR(ContextID: Context, nMax: u32, Codes: *mut u32, Descriptions: *mut *mut c_char) -> u321640     pub fn cmsGetSupportedIntentsTHR(ContextID: Context, nMax: u32, Codes: *mut u32, Descriptions: *mut *mut c_char) -> u32;
cmsCreateTransformTHR(ContextID: Context, Input: HPROFILE, InputFormat: PixelFormat, Output: HPROFILE, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM1641     pub fn cmsCreateTransformTHR(ContextID: Context, Input: HPROFILE, InputFormat: PixelFormat, Output: HPROFILE, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM;
cmsCreateTransform(Input: HPROFILE, InputFormat: PixelFormat, Output: HPROFILE, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM1642     pub fn cmsCreateTransform(Input: HPROFILE, InputFormat: PixelFormat, Output: HPROFILE, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM;
cmsCreateProofingTransformTHR(ContextID: Context, Input: HPROFILE, InputFormat: PixelFormat, Output: HPROFILE, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Proofing: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, ProofingIntent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM1643     pub fn cmsCreateProofingTransformTHR(ContextID: Context,
1644                                          Input: HPROFILE,
1645                                          InputFormat: PixelFormat,
1646                                          Output: HPROFILE,
1647                                          OutputFormat: PixelFormat,
1648                                          Proofing: HPROFILE,
1649                                          Intent: Intent,
1650                                          ProofingIntent: Intent,
1651                                          dwFlags: u32)
1652                                          -> HTRANSFORM;
cmsCreateProofingTransform(Input: HPROFILE, InputFormat: PixelFormat, Output: HPROFILE, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Proofing: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, ProofingIntent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM1653     pub fn cmsCreateProofingTransform(Input: HPROFILE,
1654                                       InputFormat: PixelFormat,
1655                                       Output: HPROFILE,
1656                                       OutputFormat: PixelFormat,
1657                                       Proofing: HPROFILE,
1658                                       Intent: Intent,
1659                                       ProofingIntent: Intent,
1660                                       dwFlags: u32)
1661                                       -> HTRANSFORM;
cmsCreateMultiprofileTransformTHR(ContextID: Context, hProfiles: *mut HPROFILE, nProfiles: u32, InputFormat: PixelFormat, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM1662     pub fn cmsCreateMultiprofileTransformTHR(ContextID: Context,
1663                                              hProfiles: *mut HPROFILE,
1664                                              nProfiles: u32,
1665                                              InputFormat: PixelFormat,
1666                                              OutputFormat: PixelFormat,
1667                                              Intent: Intent,
1668                                              dwFlags: u32)
1669                                              -> HTRANSFORM;
cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(hProfiles: *mut HPROFILE, nProfiles: u32, InputFormat: PixelFormat, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM1670     pub fn cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(hProfiles: *mut HPROFILE, nProfiles: u32, InputFormat: PixelFormat, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM;
cmsCreateExtendedTransform(ContextID: Context, nProfiles: u32, hProfiles: *mut HPROFILE, BPC: *mut Bool, Intents: *mut u32, AdaptationStates: *mut f64, hGamutProfile: HPROFILE, nGamutPCSposition: u32, InputFormat: PixelFormat, OutputFormat: PixelFormat, dwFlags: u32) -> HTRANSFORM1671     pub fn cmsCreateExtendedTransform(ContextID: Context,
1672                                       nProfiles: u32,
1673                                       hProfiles: *mut HPROFILE,
1674                                       BPC: *mut Bool,
1675                                       Intents: *mut u32,
1676                                       AdaptationStates: *mut f64,
1677                                       hGamutProfile: HPROFILE,
1678                                       nGamutPCSposition: u32,
1679                                       InputFormat: PixelFormat,
1680                                       OutputFormat: PixelFormat,
1681                                       dwFlags: u32)
1682                                       -> HTRANSFORM;
cmsDeleteTransform(hTransform: HTRANSFORM)1683     pub fn cmsDeleteTransform(hTransform: HTRANSFORM);
cmsDoTransform(Transform: HTRANSFORM, InputBuffer: *const c_void, OutputBuffer: *mut c_void, Size: u32)1684     pub fn cmsDoTransform(Transform: HTRANSFORM, InputBuffer: *const c_void, OutputBuffer: *mut c_void, Size: u32);
1685     /// Deprecated
cmsDoTransformStride(Transform: HTRANSFORM, InputBuffer: *const c_void, OutputBuffer: *mut c_void, Size: u32, Stride: u32)1686     pub fn cmsDoTransformStride(Transform: HTRANSFORM, InputBuffer: *const c_void, OutputBuffer: *mut c_void, Size: u32, Stride: u32);
cmsDoTransformLineStride(Transform: HTRANSFORM, InputBuffer: *const c_void, OutputBuffer: *mut c_void, PixelsPerLine: u32, LineCount: u32, BytesPerLineIn: u32, BytesPerLineOut: u32, BytesPerPlaneIn: u32, BytesPerPlaneOut: u32)1687     pub fn cmsDoTransformLineStride(Transform: HTRANSFORM,
1688                                     InputBuffer: *const c_void,
1689                                     OutputBuffer: *mut c_void,
1690                                     PixelsPerLine: u32,
1691                                     LineCount: u32,
1692                                     BytesPerLineIn: u32,
1693                                     BytesPerLineOut: u32,
1694                                     BytesPerPlaneIn: u32,
1695                                     BytesPerPlaneOut: u32);
cmsSetAlarmCodes(NewAlarm: *const u16)1696     pub fn cmsSetAlarmCodes(NewAlarm: *const u16);
cmsGetAlarmCodes(NewAlarm: *mut u16)1697     pub fn cmsGetAlarmCodes(NewAlarm: *mut u16);
cmsSetAlarmCodesTHR(ContextID: Context, AlarmCodes: *const u16)1698     pub fn cmsSetAlarmCodesTHR(ContextID: Context, AlarmCodes: *const u16);
cmsGetAlarmCodesTHR(ContextID: Context, AlarmCodes: *mut u16)1699     pub fn cmsGetAlarmCodesTHR(ContextID: Context, AlarmCodes: *mut u16);
cmsSetAdaptationState(d: f64) -> f641700     pub fn cmsSetAdaptationState(d: f64) -> f64;
cmsSetAdaptationStateTHR(ContextID: Context, d: f64) -> f641701     pub fn cmsSetAdaptationStateTHR(ContextID: Context, d: f64) -> f64;
cmsGetTransformContextID(hTransform: HTRANSFORM) -> Context1702     pub fn cmsGetTransformContextID(hTransform: HTRANSFORM) -> Context;
cmsGetTransformInputFormat(hTransform: HTRANSFORM) -> PixelFormat1703     pub fn cmsGetTransformInputFormat(hTransform: HTRANSFORM) -> PixelFormat;
cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(hTransform: HTRANSFORM) -> PixelFormat1704     pub fn cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(hTransform: HTRANSFORM) -> PixelFormat;
cmsChangeBuffersFormat(hTransform: HTRANSFORM, InputFormat: PixelFormat, OutputFormat: PixelFormat) -> Bool1705     pub fn cmsChangeBuffersFormat(hTransform: HTRANSFORM, InputFormat: PixelFormat, OutputFormat: PixelFormat) -> Bool;
cmsGetPostScriptColorResource(ContextID: Context, Type: PSResourceType, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32, io: *mut IOHANDLER) -> u321706     pub fn cmsGetPostScriptColorResource(ContextID: Context, Type: PSResourceType, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32, io: *mut IOHANDLER) -> u32;
cmsGetPostScriptCSA(ContextID: Context, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32, Buffer: *mut c_void, dwBufferLen: u32) -> u321707     pub fn cmsGetPostScriptCSA(ContextID: Context, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32, Buffer: *mut c_void, dwBufferLen: u32) -> u32;
cmsGetPostScriptCRD(ContextID: Context, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32, Buffer: *mut c_void, dwBufferLen: u32) -> u321708     pub fn cmsGetPostScriptCRD(ContextID: Context, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32, Buffer: *mut c_void, dwBufferLen: u32) -> u32;
cmsIT8Alloc(ContextID: Context) -> HANDLE1709     pub fn cmsIT8Alloc(ContextID: Context) -> HANDLE;
cmsIT8Free(hIT8: HANDLE)1710     pub fn cmsIT8Free(hIT8: HANDLE);
cmsIT8TableCount(hIT8: HANDLE) -> u321711     pub fn cmsIT8TableCount(hIT8: HANDLE) -> u32;
cmsIT8SetTable(hIT8: HANDLE, nTable: u32) -> i321712     pub fn cmsIT8SetTable(hIT8: HANDLE, nTable: u32) -> i32;
cmsIT8LoadFromFile(ContextID: Context, cFileName: *const c_char) -> HANDLE1713     pub fn cmsIT8LoadFromFile(ContextID: Context, cFileName: *const c_char) -> HANDLE;
cmsIT8LoadFromMem(ContextID: Context, Ptr: *const c_void, len: u32) -> HANDLE1714     pub fn cmsIT8LoadFromMem(ContextID: Context, Ptr: *const c_void, len: u32) -> HANDLE;
cmsIT8SaveToFile(hIT8: HANDLE, cFileName: *const c_char) -> Bool1715     pub fn cmsIT8SaveToFile(hIT8: HANDLE, cFileName: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SaveToMem(hIT8: HANDLE, MemPtr: *mut c_void, BytesNeeded: *mut u32) -> Bool1716     pub fn cmsIT8SaveToMem(hIT8: HANDLE, MemPtr: *mut c_void, BytesNeeded: *mut u32) -> Bool;
cmsIT8GetSheetType(hIT8: HANDLE) -> *const c_char1717     pub fn cmsIT8GetSheetType(hIT8: HANDLE) -> *const c_char;
cmsIT8SetSheetType(hIT8: HANDLE, Type: *const c_char) -> Bool1718     pub fn cmsIT8SetSheetType(hIT8: HANDLE, Type: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SetComment(hIT8: HANDLE, cComment: *const c_char) -> Bool1719     pub fn cmsIT8SetComment(hIT8: HANDLE, cComment: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SetPropertyStr(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char, Str: *const c_char) -> Bool1720     pub fn cmsIT8SetPropertyStr(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char, Str: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char, Val: f64) -> Bool1721     pub fn cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char, Val: f64) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SetPropertyHex(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char, Val: u32) -> Bool1722     pub fn cmsIT8SetPropertyHex(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char, Val: u32) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SetPropertyMulti(hIT8: HANDLE, Key: *const c_char, SubKey: *const c_char, Buffer: *const c_char) -> Bool1723     pub fn cmsIT8SetPropertyMulti(hIT8: HANDLE, Key: *const c_char, SubKey: *const c_char, Buffer: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SetPropertyUncooked(hIT8: HANDLE, Key: *const c_char, Buffer: *const c_char) -> Bool1724     pub fn cmsIT8SetPropertyUncooked(hIT8: HANDLE, Key: *const c_char, Buffer: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8GetProperty(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char) -> *const c_char1725     pub fn cmsIT8GetProperty(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char) -> *const c_char;
cmsIT8GetPropertyDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char) -> f641726     pub fn cmsIT8GetPropertyDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char) -> f64;
cmsIT8GetPropertyMulti(hIT8: HANDLE, Key: *const c_char, SubKey: *const c_char) -> *const c_char1727     pub fn cmsIT8GetPropertyMulti(hIT8: HANDLE, Key: *const c_char, SubKey: *const c_char) -> *const c_char;
cmsIT8EnumProperties(hIT8: HANDLE, PropertyNames: *mut *mut *mut c_char) -> u321728     pub fn cmsIT8EnumProperties(hIT8: HANDLE, PropertyNames: *mut *mut *mut c_char) -> u32;
cmsIT8EnumPropertyMulti(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char, SubpropertyNames: *mut *mut *const c_char) -> u321729     pub fn cmsIT8EnumPropertyMulti(hIT8: HANDLE, cProp: *const c_char, SubpropertyNames: *mut *mut *const c_char) -> u32;
cmsIT8GetDataRowCol(hIT8: HANDLE, row: c_int, col: c_int) -> *const c_char1730     pub fn cmsIT8GetDataRowCol(hIT8: HANDLE, row: c_int, col: c_int) -> *const c_char;
cmsIT8GetDataRowColDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, row: c_int, col: c_int) -> f641731     pub fn cmsIT8GetDataRowColDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, row: c_int, col: c_int) -> f64;
cmsIT8SetDataRowCol(hIT8: HANDLE, row: c_int, col: c_int, Val: *const c_char) -> Bool1732     pub fn cmsIT8SetDataRowCol(hIT8: HANDLE, row: c_int, col: c_int, Val: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SetDataRowColDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, row: c_int, col: c_int, Val: f64) -> Bool1733     pub fn cmsIT8SetDataRowColDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, row: c_int, col: c_int, Val: f64) -> Bool;
cmsIT8GetData(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char, cSample: *const c_char) -> *const c_char1734     pub fn cmsIT8GetData(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char, cSample: *const c_char) -> *const c_char;
cmsIT8GetDataDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char, cSample: *const c_char) -> f641735     pub fn cmsIT8GetDataDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char, cSample: *const c_char) -> f64;
cmsIT8SetData(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char, cSample: *const c_char, Val: *const c_char) -> Bool1736     pub fn cmsIT8SetData(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char, cSample: *const c_char, Val: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8SetDataDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char, cSample: *const c_char, Val: f64) -> Bool1737     pub fn cmsIT8SetDataDbl(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char, cSample: *const c_char, Val: f64) -> Bool;
cmsIT8FindDataFormat(hIT8: HANDLE, cSample: *const c_char) -> c_int1738     pub fn cmsIT8FindDataFormat(hIT8: HANDLE, cSample: *const c_char) -> c_int;
cmsIT8SetDataFormat(hIT8: HANDLE, n: c_int, Sample: *const c_char) -> Bool1739     pub fn cmsIT8SetDataFormat(hIT8: HANDLE, n: c_int, Sample: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8EnumDataFormat(hIT8: HANDLE, SampleNames: *mut *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int1740     pub fn cmsIT8EnumDataFormat(hIT8: HANDLE, SampleNames: *mut *mut *mut c_char) -> c_int;
cmsIT8GetPatchName(hIT8: HANDLE, nPatch: c_int, buffer: *mut c_char) -> *const c_char1741     pub fn cmsIT8GetPatchName(hIT8: HANDLE, nPatch: c_int, buffer: *mut c_char) -> *const c_char;
cmsIT8GetPatchByName(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char) -> c_int1742     pub fn cmsIT8GetPatchByName(hIT8: HANDLE, cPatch: *const c_char) -> c_int;
cmsIT8SetTableByLabel(hIT8: HANDLE, cSet: *const c_char, cField: *const c_char, ExpectedType: *const c_char) -> c_int1743     pub fn cmsIT8SetTableByLabel(hIT8: HANDLE, cSet: *const c_char, cField: *const c_char, ExpectedType: *const c_char) -> c_int;
cmsIT8SetIndexColumn(hIT8: HANDLE, cSample: *const c_char) -> Bool1744     pub fn cmsIT8SetIndexColumn(hIT8: HANDLE, cSample: *const c_char) -> Bool;
cmsIT8DefineDblFormat(hIT8: HANDLE, Formatter: *const c_char)1745     pub fn cmsIT8DefineDblFormat(hIT8: HANDLE, Formatter: *const c_char);
cmsGBDAlloc(ContextID: Context) -> HANDLE1746     pub fn cmsGBDAlloc(ContextID: Context) -> HANDLE;
cmsGBDFree(hGBD: HANDLE)1747     pub fn cmsGBDFree(hGBD: HANDLE);
cmsGDBAddPoint(hGBD: HANDLE, Lab: *const CIELab) -> Bool1748     pub fn cmsGDBAddPoint(hGBD: HANDLE, Lab: *const CIELab) -> Bool;
cmsGDBCompute(hGDB: HANDLE, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool1749     pub fn cmsGDBCompute(hGDB: HANDLE, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool;
cmsGDBCheckPoint(hGBD: HANDLE, Lab: *const CIELab) -> Bool1750     pub fn cmsGDBCheckPoint(hGBD: HANDLE, Lab: *const CIELab) -> Bool;
cmsDetectBlackPoint(BlackPoint: *mut CIEXYZ, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool1751     pub fn cmsDetectBlackPoint(BlackPoint: *mut CIEXYZ, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool;
cmsDetectDestinationBlackPoint(BlackPoint: *mut CIEXYZ, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool1752     pub fn cmsDetectDestinationBlackPoint(BlackPoint: *mut CIEXYZ, hProfile: HPROFILE, Intent: Intent, dwFlags: u32) -> Bool;
1753     // Estimate total area coverage
cmsDetectTAC(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> f641754     pub fn cmsDetectTAC(hProfile: HPROFILE) -> f64;
cmsDesaturateLab(Lab: *mut CIELab, amax: f64, amin: f64, bmax: f64, bmin: f64) -> Bool1755     pub fn cmsDesaturateLab(Lab: *mut CIELab, amax: f64, amin: f64, bmax: f64, bmin: f64) -> Bool;
1756 }