1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2008 by Alexey Balakin                                  *
3  *   mathgl.abalakin@gmail.com                                             *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
16  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
17  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
19  ***************************************************************************/
20 #include <QLayout>
21 #include <QTableWidget>
22 #include <QToolBar>
23 #include <QInputDialog>
24 #include <QMessageBox>
25 #include <mgl2/mgl.h>
26 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 #include "mem_pnl.h"
28 #include "info_dlg.h"
29 #undef sprintf	// fix libintl bug of defining sprintf
30 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 #include "xpm/table.xpm"
32 #include "xpm/preview.xpm"
33 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 extern bool mglAutoSave;
35 extern mglParse parser;
36 QWidget *newDataWnd(InfoDialog *inf, QWidget *wnd, mglDataA *v);
37 void refreshData(QWidget *w);
38 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
createMemPanel(QWidget * p)39 QWidget *createMemPanel(QWidget *p)	// NOTE: parent should be MainWindow
40 {
41 	MemPanel *m = new MemPanel(p);
42 	m->wnd = p;	return m;
43 }
44 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
refreshMemPanel(QWidget * p)45 void refreshMemPanel(QWidget *p)
46 {
47 	MemPanel *m = dynamic_cast<MemPanel *>(p);
48 	if(m)	m->refresh();
49 }
50 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MemPanel(QWidget * parent)51 MemPanel::MemPanel(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
52 {
53 	infoDlg = new InfoDialog(this);
54 	infoDlg->setModal(true);	infoDlg->allowRefresh=false;
56 	QToolBar *t = new QToolBar(this);	t->setMovable(false);
57 	QVBoxLayout *v = new QVBoxLayout(this);	v->addWidget(t);
58 	t->addAction(QPixmap(":/png/document-new.png"), _("Create new data array"), this, SLOT(newTable()));
59 	t->addAction(QPixmap(table_xpm), _("Edit selected data array"), this, SLOT(editData()));
60 	t->addAction(QPixmap(":/png/edit-delete.png"), _("Delete selected data array"), this, SLOT(delData()));
61 	t->addAction(QPixmap(preview_xpm), _("Properties of selected data array"), this, SLOT(infoData()));
62 	t->addAction(QPixmap(":/png/view-refresh.png"), _("Update list of data arrays"), this, SLOT(refresh()));
63 	t->addSeparator();
64 	t->addAction(QPixmap(":/png/edit-clear.png"), _("Delete ALL data arrays"), this, SLOT(delAllData()));
66 	colSort = 0;
67 	tab = new QTableWidget(this);	tab->setColumnCount(3);	v->addWidget(tab);
68 	QStringList sl;	sl<<_("Name")<<_("Sizes")<<_("Memory");
69 	tab->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(sl);
70 	connect(tab, SIGNAL(cellClicked(int,int)), this, SLOT(tableClicked(int,int)));
71 	connect(tab, SIGNAL(cellDoubleClicked(int,int)), this, SLOT(tableDClicked(int,int)));
73 	setWindowTitle(_("Memory"));
74 }
75 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tableClicked(int,int col)76 void MemPanel::tableClicked(int, int col)
77 {	colSort = col;	tab->sortItems(col);	}
78 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tableDClicked(int row,int)79 void MemPanel::tableDClicked(int row, int)	{	editData(row);	}
80 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
newTable()81 void MemPanel::newTable()
82 {
83 	bool ok;
84 	QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, _("UDAV - New variable"),
85 				_("Enter name for new variable"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok);
86 	if(!ok || name.isEmpty())	return;
87 	mglDataA *v = parser.AddVar(name.toLocal8Bit().constData());
88 	QWidget *t;
89 	if(v->o)	t = (QWidget *)v->o;
90 	else		t = newDataWnd(infoDlg,wnd,v);
91 	t->showMaximized();	t->activateWindow();
92 	refresh();
93 }
94 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
editData(int n)95 void MemPanel::editData(int n)
96 {
97 	if(tab->rowCount()<1)	return;
98 	if(n<0)	n = tab->currentRow();
99 	if(n<0)	n = 0;
100 	mglDataA *v = parser.FindVar(tab->item(n,0)->text().toLocal8Bit().constData());
101 	if(!v)	return;
102 	QWidget *t;
103 	if(v->o)	t = (QWidget *)v->o;
104 	else		t = newDataWnd(infoDlg,wnd,v);
105 	t->showMaximized();	t->activateWindow();
106 }
107 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delData()108 void MemPanel::delData()
109 {
110 	if(tab->rowCount()<1)	return;
111 	int	n = tab->currentRow();
112 	if(n<0)	n = 0;
113 	mglDataA *v = parser.FindVar(tab->item(n,0)->text().toLocal8Bit().constData());
114 	if(v && v->o)	((QWidget *)v->o)->close();
115 	parser.DeleteVar(tab->item(n,0)->text().toLocal8Bit().constData());
116 	refresh();
117 }
118 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delAllData()119 void MemPanel::delAllData()
120 {
121 	if(QMessageBox::information(this, _("UDAV - delete all data"),
122 			_("Do you want to delete all data?"), QMessageBox::No,
123 			QMessageBox::Yes)!=QMessageBox::Yes)	return;
124 	parser.DeleteAll();	refresh();
125 }
126 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
infoData()127 void MemPanel::infoData()
128 {
129 	if(tab->rowCount()<1)	return;
130 	int	n = tab->currentRow();
131 	if(n<0)	n = 0;
132 	mglDataA *v = parser.FindVar(tab->item(n,0)->text().toLocal8Bit().constData());
133 	if(!v)	return;
134 	infoDlg->setVar(v);
135 	QString s = QString::fromWCharArray(v->Name());
136 	infoDlg->setWindowTitle(s + _(" - UDAV preview"));
137 	infoDlg->refresh();
138 	infoDlg->show();
139 }
140 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
refresh()141 void MemPanel::refresh()
142 {
143 	long n = parser.GetNumVar(), m=0;
144 	for(long i=0;i<n;i++)	if(parser.GetVar(i))	m++;
145 	tab->setRowCount(m);
146 	QString s;
147 	QTableWidgetItem *it;
148 	Qt::ItemFlags flags=Qt::ItemIsSelectable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
149 	for(long i=m=0;i<n;i++)
150 	{
151 		mglDataA *v = parser.GetVar(i);
152 		if(!v)	continue;
153 		s = QString::fromWCharArray(v->Name());
154 		it = new QTableWidgetItem(s);
155 		tab->setItem(m,0,it);	it->setFlags(flags);
156 		s.asprintf("%ld * %ld * %ld", v->GetNx(), v->GetNy(), v->GetNz());
157 		it = new QTableWidgetItem(s);
158 		tab->setItem(m,1,it);	it->setFlags(flags);
159 		it->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignVCenter);
160 		long sv = 0;
161 		if(dynamic_cast<mglData*>(v))	sv = v->GetNN()*sizeof(mreal)+sizeof(mglData);
162 		else if(dynamic_cast<mglDataC*>(v))	sv = v->GetNN()*sizeof(dual)+sizeof(mglDataC);
163 		else if(dynamic_cast<mglDataV*>(v))	sv = sizeof(mglDataV);
164 		else if(dynamic_cast<mglDataW*>(v))	sv = sizeof(mglDataW);
165 		else if(dynamic_cast<mglDataF*>(v))	sv = sizeof(mglDataF);
166 		else if(dynamic_cast<mglDataR*>(v))	sv = sizeof(mglDataR);
167 		else if(dynamic_cast<mglDataT*>(v))	sv = sizeof(mglDataT);
168 		if(sv==0)	s = _("unknown");
170 //		else if((sv>>80L)>0)	s.asprintf("%ld Yb",sv>>80L);
171 //		else if((sv>>70L)>0)	s.asprintf("%ld Zb",sv>>70L);
172 		else if((sv>>60L)>0)	s.asprintf("%ld Eb",sv>>60L);
173 		else if((sv>>50L)>0)	s.asprintf("%ld Pb",sv>>50L);
174 		else if((sv>>40L)>0)	s.asprintf("%ld Tb",sv>>40L);
175 #endif
176 		else if((sv>>30L)>0)	s.asprintf("%ld Gb",sv>>30L);
177 		else if((sv>>20L)>0)	s.asprintf("%ld Mb",sv>>20L);
178 		else if((sv>>10L)>0)	s.asprintf("%ld Kb",sv>>10L);
179 		else	s.asprintf("%ld b",sv);
180 		it = new QTableWidgetItem(s);
181 		tab->setItem(m,2,it);	it->setFlags(flags);
182 		it->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter);
183 		if(v->o)	refreshData((QWidget *)v->o);
184 		m++;
185 	}
186 	tab->sortItems(colSort);
187 }
188 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------