1# Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Cedric Bellegarde <cedric.bellegarde@adishatz.org>
2# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
3# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
4# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
5# (at your option) any later version.
6# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
7# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
9# GNU General Public License for more details.
10# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
11# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
13from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject, GLib, Handy
15from lollypop.helper_art import ArtBehaviour
16from lollypop.define import App, ArtSize, MARGIN_SMALL, MARGIN
17from lollypop.widgets_player_progress import ProgressPlayerWidget
18from lollypop.widgets_player_buttons import ButtonsPlayerWidget
19from lollypop.widgets_player_artwork import ArtworkPlayerWidget
20from lollypop.widgets_player_label import LabelPlayerWidget
21from lollypop.helper_size_allocation import SizeAllocationHelper
22from lollypop.helper_signals import SignalsHelper, signals
23from lollypop.utils import emit_signal
26class MiniPlayer(Handy.WindowHandle, SizeAllocationHelper, SignalsHelper):
27    """
28        Mini player shown in folded window
29    """
30    __gsignals__ = {
31        "revealed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (bool,)),
32    }
34    @signals
35    def __init__(self):
36        """
37            Init mini player
38        """
39        Handy.WindowHandle.__init__(self)
40        SizeAllocationHelper.__init__(self)
41        self.__previous_artwork_id = None
42        self.__per_track_cover = App().settings.get_value(
43            "allow-per-track-cover")
44        self.get_style_context().add_class("black")
45        self.__box = Gtk.Box.new(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0)
46        self.__box.show()
47        self.__box.get_style_context().add_class("padding")
48        self.__revealer = Gtk.Revealer.new()
49        self.__revealer.show()
50        self.__revealer_box = Gtk.Box.new(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
51                                          MARGIN_SMALL)
52        self.__revealer_box.show()
53        bottom_box = Gtk.Box.new(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, MARGIN_SMALL)
54        bottom_box.show()
55        self.__progress_widget = ProgressPlayerWidget()
56        self.__progress_widget.show()
57        self.__progress_widget.set_vexpand(True)
58        self.__progress_widget.set_margin_start(MARGIN)
59        self.__progress_widget.set_margin_end(MARGIN)
60        buttons_widget = ButtonsPlayerWidget(["banner-button-big"])
61        buttons_widget.show()
62        buttons_widget.update()
63        buttons_widget.set_property("valign", Gtk.Align.CENTER)
64        buttons_widget.set_margin_end(MARGIN_SMALL)
65        self.__artwork_widget = ArtworkPlayerWidget(ArtBehaviour.CROP_SQUARE)
66        self.__artwork_widget.show()
67        self.__artwork_widget.set_vexpand(True)
68        self.__artwork_widget.set_property("margin", MARGIN_SMALL)
69        self.__artwork_widget.get_style_context().add_class(
70                "transparent-cover-frame")
71        self.__label_box = Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, MARGIN)
72        self.__label_box.show()
73        self.__label_box.set_property("margin", MARGIN_SMALL)
74        self.__label_widget = LabelPlayerWidget(False, 9)
75        self.__label_widget.show()
76        self.__label_widget.update()
77        self.__label_widget.set_margin_start(MARGIN_SMALL)
78        self.__label_widget.set_margin_end(MARGIN_SMALL)
79        self.__artwork_button = Gtk.Image.new()
80        self.__artwork_button.show()
81        self.__label_box.pack_start(self.__artwork_button, False, False, 0)
82        self.__label_box.pack_start(self.__label_widget, False, False, 0)
83        button = Gtk.Button.new()
84        button.show()
85        button.get_style_context().add_class("banner-button-big")
86        button.set_property("halign", Gtk.Align.START)
87        button.set_property("valign", Gtk.Align.CENTER)
88        button.connect("clicked", self.__on_button_clicked)
89        button.set_image(self.__label_box)
90        button.set_margin_start(MARGIN_SMALL)
91        self.__background = Gtk.Image()
92        self.__background.show()
93        # Assemble UI
94        self.__box.pack_start(self.__revealer, False, True, 0)
95        self.__box.pack_start(bottom_box, False, False, 0)
96        bottom_box.pack_start(button, True, True, 0)
97        bottom_box.pack_end(buttons_widget, False, False, 0)
98        self.__revealer.add(self.__revealer_box)
99        self.__revealer_box.pack_start(self.__artwork_widget, False, True, 0)
100        self.__revealer_box.pack_end(self.__progress_widget, False, True, 0)
101        overlay = Gtk.Overlay.new()
102        overlay.show()
103        overlay.add(self.__background)
104        overlay.add_overlay(self.__box)
105        self.add(overlay)
106        return [
107            (App().player, "current-changed", "_on_current_changed")
108        ]
110    def reveal(self, reveal):
111        """
112            Reveal miniplayer
113            @param reveal as bool
114        """
115        if reveal:
116            self.__update_progress_visibility()
117            self.__revealer.set_reveal_child(True)
118            emit_signal(self, "revealed", True)
119            self.__progress_widget.update()
120            size = min(ArtSize.FULLSCREEN, self.width // 2)
121            self.__artwork_widget.set_art_size(size, size)
122            self.__artwork_widget.update(True)
123            if App().lookup_action("miniplayer").get_state():
124                self.__artwork_button.set_from_icon_name(
125                    "view-fullscreen-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)
126            else:
127                self.__artwork_button.set_from_icon_name(
128                    "pan-down-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)
129        else:
130            self.__revealer.set_reveal_child(False)
131            emit_signal(self, "revealed", False)
132            self.update_artwork()
133        self.__set_widgets_position()
135    def update_artwork(self):
136        """
137            Update artwork
138        """
139        if not self.revealed:
140            App().art_helper.set_album_artwork(
141                    App().player.current_track.album,
142                    ArtSize.SMALL,
143                    ArtSize.SMALL,
144                    self.__artwork_button.get_scale_factor(),
145                    ArtBehaviour.CACHE |
146                    ArtBehaviour.CROP_SQUARE,
147                    self.__on_button_artwork)
149    def do_get_preferred_width(self):
150        """
151            Force preferred width
152        """
153        (min, nat) = Gtk.Bin.do_get_preferred_width(self)
154        # Allow resizing
155        return (0, nat)
157    def do_get_preferred_height(self):
158        """
159            Force preferred height
160        """
161        (min, nat) = self.__box.get_preferred_height()
162        return (min, min)
164    @property
165    def revealed(self):
166        """
167            True if mini player revealed
168            @return bool
169        """
170        return self.__revealer.get_reveal_child()
173# PROTECTED           #
175    def _on_current_changed(self, player):
176        """
177            Update artwork and labels
178            @param player as Player
179        """
180        if player.current_track.id is None:
181            self.__on_artwork(None)
182            return
184        same_artwork = self.__previous_artwork_id ==\
185            player.current_track.album.id and not self.__per_track_cover
186        if same_artwork:
187            return
188        self.__previous_artwork_id = App().player.current_track.album.id
189        allocation = self.get_allocation()
190        self.__artwork_widget.set_artwork(
191                allocation.width,
192                allocation.height,
193                self.__on_artwork,
194                ArtBehaviour.BLUR_HARD | ArtBehaviour.DARKER)
195        self.update_artwork()
197    def _handle_width_allocate(self, allocation):
198        """
199            Handle artwork sizing
200            @param allocation as Gtk.Allocation
201        """
202        if SizeAllocationHelper._handle_width_allocate(self, allocation):
203            # We use parent height because we may be collapsed
204            parent = self.get_parent()
205            if parent is None:
206                height = self.height
207            else:
208                height = parent.get_allocated_height()
209            if self.__revealer.get_reveal_child():
210                size = min(ArtSize.FULLSCREEN, self.width // 2)
211                self.__artwork_widget.set_art_size(size, size)
212                self.__artwork_widget.update(True)
213            self.__artwork_widget.set_artwork(
214                allocation.width + 100, height + 100,
215                self.__on_artwork,
216                ArtBehaviour.BLUR_HARD | ArtBehaviour.DARKER)
218    def _handle_height_allocate(self, allocation):
219        """
220            Handle artwork sizing
221            @param allocation as Gtk.Allocation
222        """
223        if SizeAllocationHelper._handle_height_allocate(self, allocation):
224            # We use parent height because we may be collapsed
225            parent = self.get_parent()
226            if parent is None:
227                height = allocation.height
228            else:
229                height = parent.get_allocated_height()
230            self.__artwork_widget.set_artwork(
231                allocation.width + 100, height + 100,
232                self.__on_artwork,
233                ArtBehaviour.BLUR_HARD | ArtBehaviour.DARKER)
236# PRIVATE             #
238    def __update_progress_visibility(self):
239        """
240            Update progress bar visibility
241        """
242        if App().player.current_track.id is not None:
243            self.__progress_widget.show()
244        else:
245            self.__progress_widget.hide()
247    def __set_widgets_position(self):
248        """
249            Add label widget to wanted UI part
250        """
251        parent = self.__label_widget.get_parent()
252        if parent is not None:
253            parent.remove(self.__label_widget)
254        if self.revealed:
255            self.__revealer_box.pack_start(self.__label_widget, False, True, 0)
256        else:
257            self.__label_box.pack_start(self.__label_widget, False, False, 0)
259    def __on_button_clicked(self, *ignore):
260        """
261            Set revealer on/off
262        """
263        if App().lookup_action("miniplayer").get_state():
264            App().lookup_action("miniplayer").change_state(
265                GLib.Variant("b", False))
266        else:
267            self.reveal(not self.revealed)
269    def __on_button_artwork(self, surface):
270        """
271           Set artwork on button
272           @param surface as cairo.Surface
273        """
274        self.__artwork_button.set_from_surface(surface)
275        del surface
277    def __on_artwork(self, surface):
278        """
279            Set artwork
280            @param surface as str
281        """
282        self.__background.set_from_surface(surface)
283        if surface is None:
284            self.__background.get_style_context().add_class("black")
285        else:
286            self.__background.get_style_context().remove_class("black")
287            del surface