1 /* Copyright 2018-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric
2    Research/Unidata. */
3 /**
4  * @file
5  * @internal This header file contains macros, types and prototypes
6  * used to build and manipulate the netCDF metadata model.
7  *
8  * @author Ed Hartnett, Dennis Heimbigner, Ward Fisher
9  */
11 #ifndef _NC4INTERNAL_
12 #define _NC4INTERNAL_
13 #include "netcdf.h"
15 #include "config.h"
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <ctype.h>
19 #include <string.h>
21 #include "ncdimscale.h"
22 #include "nc_logging.h"
23 #include "ncindex.h"
24 #include "nc_provenance.h"
27 #include "netcdf_f.h"
28 #include "netcdf_mem.h"
29 #include "netcdf_filter.h"
30 #ifdef USE_PARALLEL
31 #include "netcdf_par.h"
32 #endif /* USE_PARALLEL */
34 /* Always needed */
35 #include "nc.h"
37 /** The file ID is stored in the first two bytes of ncid. */
38 #define FILE_ID_MASK (0xffff0000)
40 /** The group ID is stored in the last two bytes of ncid. */
41 #define GRP_ID_MASK (0x0000ffff)
43 /** File and group IDs are each 16 bits of the ncid. */
44 #define ID_SHIFT (16)
46 /* typedef enum {GET, PUT} NC_PG_T; */
47 /** These are the different objects that can be in our hash-lists. */
50 /** The netCDF V2 error code. */
51 #define NC_V2_ERR (-1)
53 /** The name of the root group. */
54 #define NC_GROUP_NAME "/"
56 /** One mega-byte. */
57 #define MEGABYTE 1048576
59 /** The HDF5 ID for the szip filter. */
60 #define HDF5_FILTER_SZIP 4
62 #define X_SCHAR_MIN     (-128)          /**< Minimum signed char value. */
63 #define X_SCHAR_MAX     127             /**< Maximum signed char value. */
64 #define X_UCHAR_MAX     255U            /**< Maximum unsigned char value. */
65 #define X_SHORT_MIN     (-32768)        /**< Minimum short value. */
66 #define X_SHRT_MIN      X_SHORT_MIN     /**< This alias is compatible with limits.h. */
67 #define X_SHORT_MAX     32767           /**< Maximum short value. */
68 #define X_SHRT_MAX      X_SHORT_MAX     /**< This alias is compatible with limits.h. */
69 #define X_USHORT_MAX    65535U          /**< Maximum unsigned short value. */
70 #define X_USHRT_MAX     X_USHORT_MAX    /**< This alias is compatible with limits.h. */
71 #define X_INT_MIN       (-2147483647-1) /**< Minimum int value. */
72 #define X_INT_MAX       2147483647      /**< Maximum int value. */
73 #define X_LONG_MIN      X_INT_MIN       /**< Minimum long value. */
74 #define X_LONG_MAX      X_INT_MAX       /**< Maximum long value. */
75 #define X_UINT_MAX      4294967295U     /**< Maximum unsigned int value. */
76 #define X_INT64_MIN     (-9223372036854775807LL-1LL)  /**< Minimum int64 value. */
77 #define X_INT64_MAX     9223372036854775807LL /**< Maximum int64 value. */
78 #define X_UINT64_MAX    18446744073709551615ULL /**< Maximum unsigned int64 value. */
79 #ifdef _WIN32 /* Windows, of course, has to be a *little* different. */
80 #define X_FLOAT_MAX     3.402823466e+38f
81 #else
82 #define X_FLOAT_MAX     3.40282347e+38f /**< Maximum float value. */
83 #endif /* _WIN32 */
84 #define X_FLOAT_MIN     (-X_FLOAT_MAX)  /**< Minimum float value. */
85 #define X_DOUBLE_MAX    1.7976931348623157e+308 /**< Maximum double value. */
86 #define X_DOUBLE_MIN    (-X_DOUBLE_MAX)         /**< Minimum double value. */
88 /** This is the number of netCDF atomic types. */
91 /** Number of parameters needed for ZLIB filter. */
92 #define CD_NELEMS_ZLIB 1
94 /** Get a pointer to the NC_FILE_INFO_T from dispatchdata field. */
95 #define NC4_DATA(nc) ((NC_FILE_INFO_T *)(nc)->dispatchdata)
97 /** Set a pointer to the NC_FILE_INFO_T in the dispatchdata field. */
98 #define NC4_DATA_SET(nc,data) ((nc)->dispatchdata = (void *)(data))
100 /* Reserved attribute flags: must be powers of 2. */
101 /** Hidden dimscale-related, per-variable attributes; immutable and
102  * unreadable thru API. */
103 #define DIMSCALEFLAG 1
105 /** Readonly global attributes; readable, but immutable thru the
106  * API. */
107 #define READONLYFLAG 2
109 /** Subset of readonly flags; readable by name only thru the API. */
110 #define NAMEONLYFLAG 4
112 /** Subset of readonly flags; Value is actually in file. */
115 /* Generic reserved Attributes */
116 #define NC_ATT_REFERENCE_LIST "REFERENCE_LIST" /**< HDF5 reference list attribute name. */
117 #define NC_ATT_CLASS "CLASS"                   /**< HDF5 class atttribute name. */
118 #define NC_ATT_DIMENSION_LIST "DIMENSION_LIST" /**< HDF5 dimension list attribute name. */
119 #define NC_ATT_NAME "NAME"                     /**< HDF5 name atttribute name. */
120 #define NC_ATT_COORDINATES COORDINATES         /**< Coordinates atttribute name. */
121 #define NC_ATT_FORMAT "_Format"                /**< Format atttribute name. */
123 /** Boolean type, to make the code easier to read. */
124 typedef enum {NC_FALSE = 0, NC_TRUE = 1} nc_bool_t;
126 /* Forward declarations. */
127 struct NC_GRP_INFO;
128 struct NC_TYPE_INFO;
129 struct NC_FIlterobject;
131 /**
132  * This struct provides indexed Access to Meta-data objects. See the
133  * document docs/indexing.dox for detailed information.
134  *
135  * Basically it provides a common header and use NCindex instances
136  * instead of linked lists.
137  *
140 */
141 typedef struct NC_OBJ
142 {
143     NC_SORT sort; /**< Type of object. */
144     char* name;   /**< Name, assumed to be null terminated. */
145     size_t id;    /**< This objects ID. */
146     unsigned int hashkey; /**< The hash key, crc32(name). */
147 } NC_OBJ;
149 /**
150  * This struct holds information about reserved attributes. These
151  * attributes cannot be created or read by the user (through the
152  * netCDF API).  */
153 typedef struct NC_reservedatt
154 {
155     const char *name; /**< Name of the reserved attribute. */
156     int flags;        /**< Flags that control handling of reserved attribute. */
157 } NC_reservedatt;
159 /** This is a struct to handle the dimension metadata. */
160 typedef struct NC_DIM_INFO
161 {
162     NC_OBJ hdr;             /**< The hdr contains the name and ID. */
163     struct NC_GRP_INFO *container;  /**< Pointer to containing group. */
164     size_t len;             /**< Length of this dimension. */
165     nc_bool_t unlimited;    /**< True if the dimension is unlimited */
166     nc_bool_t extended;     /**< True if the dimension needs to be extended. */
167     nc_bool_t too_long;     /**< True if len is too big to fit in local size_t. */
168     void *format_dim_info;  /**< Pointer to format-specific dim info. */
169     struct NC_VAR_INFO *coord_var; /**< The coord var, if it exists. */
170 } NC_DIM_INFO_T;
172 /** This is a struct to handle the attribute metadata. */
173 typedef struct NC_ATT_INFO
174 {
175     NC_OBJ hdr;             /**< The hdr contains the name and ID. */
176     struct NC_OBJ *container;    /**< Pointer to containing group|var. */
177     int len;                /**< Length of attribute data. */
178     nc_bool_t dirty;        /**< True if attribute modified. */
179     nc_bool_t created;      /**< True if attribute already created. */
180     nc_type nc_typeid;      /**< NetCDF type of attribute's data. */
181     void *format_att_info;  /**< Pointer to format-specific att info. */
182     void *data;             /**< The attribute data. */
183     nc_vlen_t *vldata;      /**< VLEN data (only used for vlen types). */
184     char **stdata;          /**< String data (only for string type). */
185 } NC_ATT_INFO_T;
187 /** This is a struct to handle the var metadata. */
188 typedef struct NC_VAR_INFO
189 {
190     NC_OBJ hdr;                  /**< The hdr contains the name and ID. */
191     char *hdf5_name;             /**< Used if name in HDF5 must be different from name. */
192     struct NC_GRP_INFO *container; /**< Pointer to containing group. */
193     size_t ndims;                /**< Number of dims. */
194     int *dimids;                 /**< Dim IDs. */
195     NC_DIM_INFO_T **dim;         /**< Pointer to array of NC_DIM_INFO_T. */
196     nc_bool_t is_new_var;        /**< True if variable is newly created. */
197     nc_bool_t was_coord_var;     /**< True if variable was a coordinate var, but either the dim or var has been renamed. */
198     nc_bool_t became_coord_var;  /**< True if variable _became_ a coordinate var, because either the dim or var has been renamed. */
199     nc_bool_t fill_val_changed;  /**< True if variable's fill value changes after it has been created. */
200     nc_bool_t attr_dirty;        /**< True if variable's attributes are dirty and should be rewritten. */
201     nc_bool_t created;           /**< Variable has already been created (_not_ that it was just created). */
202     nc_bool_t written_to;        /**< True if variable has data written to it. */
203     struct NC_TYPE_INFO *type_info; /**< Contains info about the variable type. */
204     int atts_read;               /**< If true, the atts have been read. */
205     nc_bool_t meta_read;         /**< True if this vars metadata has been completely read. */
206     nc_bool_t coords_read;       /**< True if this var has hidden coordinates att, and it has been read. */
207     NCindex *att;                /**< List of NC_ATT_INFO_T. */
208     nc_bool_t no_fill;           /**< True if no fill value is defined for var. */
209     void *fill_value;            /**< Pointer to fill value, or NULL. */
210     size_t *chunksizes;          /**< For chunked storage, an array (size ndims) of chunksizes. */
211     int storage;                 /**< Storage of this var, compact, contiguous, or chunked. */
212     int parallel_access;         /**< Type of parallel access for I/O on variable (collective or independent). */
213     nc_bool_t dimscale;          /**< True if var is a dimscale. */
214     nc_bool_t *dimscale_attached;  /**< Array of flags that are true if dimscale is attached for that dim index. */
215     nc_bool_t shuffle;           /**< True if var has shuffle filter applied. */
216     nc_bool_t fletcher32;        /**< True if var has fletcher32 filter applied. */
217     size_t chunk_cache_size;     /**< Size in bytes of the var chunk chache. */
218     size_t chunk_cache_nelems;   /**< Number of slots in var chunk cache. */
219     float chunk_cache_preemption; /**< Chunk cache preemtion policy. */
220     void *format_var_info;       /**< Pointer to any binary format info. */
221     NClist* filters;             /**< List of filters to be applied to var data.  */
222 } NC_VAR_INFO_T;
224 /** This is a struct to handle the field metadata from a user-defined
225  * type. */
226 typedef struct NC_FIELD_INFO
227 {
228     NC_OBJ hdr; /**< The hdr contains the name and ID. */
229     nc_type nc_typeid; /**< The type of this field. */
230     size_t offset;     /**< Offset in bytes of field. */
231     int ndims;         /**< Number of dims. */
232     int *dim_size;     /**< Dim sizes. */
233     void *format_field_info;  /**< Pointer to any binary format info for field. */
236 /** This is a struct to handle metadata for a user-defined enum
237  * type. */
238 typedef struct NC_ENUM_MEMBER_INFO
239 {
240     char *name;  /**< Name of member. */
241     void *value; /**< Value of member. */
244 /** This is a struct to handle metadata for a user-defined type. */
245 typedef struct NC_TYPE_INFO
246 {
247     NC_OBJ hdr;            /**< The hdr contains the name and ID. */
248     struct NC_GRP_INFO *container; /**< Containing group */
249     unsigned rc;                 /**< Ref. count of objects using this type */
250     int endianness;              /**< What endianness for the type? */
251     size_t size;                 /**< Size of the type in memory, in bytes */
252     nc_bool_t committed;         /**< True when datatype is committed in the file */
253     nc_type nc_type_class;       /**< NC_VLEN, NC_COMPOUND, NC_OPAQUE, NC_ENUM, NC_INT, NC_FLOAT, or NC_STRING. */
254     void *format_type_info;      /**< HDF5-specific type info. */
256     /** Information for each type or class */
257     union {
258         struct {
259             NClist* enum_member;    /**< <! NClist<NC_ENUM_MEMBER_INFO_T*> */
260             nc_type base_nc_typeid; /**< Typeid of the base type. */
261         } e;                        /**< Enum */
262         struct Fields {
263             NClist* field;        /**< <! NClist<NC_FIELD_INFO_T*> */
264         } c;                      /**< Compound */
265         struct {
266             nc_type base_nc_typeid; /**< Typeid of the base type. */
267         } v;                     /**< Variable-length. */
268     } u;                         /**< Union of structs, for each type/class. */
271 /** This holds information for one group. Groups reproduce with
272  * parthenogenesis. */
273 typedef struct NC_GRP_INFO
274 {
275     NC_OBJ hdr;                   /**< The hdr contains the name and ID. */
276     void *format_grp_info;        /**< Pointer to binary format info for group. */
277     struct NC_FILE_INFO *nc4_info; /**< Pointer containing NC_FILE_INFO_T. */
278     struct NC_GRP_INFO *parent;  /**< Pointer tp parent group. */
279     int atts_read;               /**< True if atts have been read for this group. */
280     NCindex* children;           /**< NCindex<struct NC_GRP_INFO*> */
281     NCindex* dim;                /**< NCindex<NC_DIM_INFO_T> * */
282     NCindex* att;                /**< NCindex<NC_ATT_INFO_T> * */
283     NCindex* type;               /**< NCindex<NC_TYPE_INFO_T> * */
284     /* Note that this is the list of vars with position == varid */
285     NCindex* vars;               /**< NCindex<NC_VAR_INFO_T> * */
286 } NC_GRP_INFO_T;
288 /* These constants apply to the cmode parameter in the
289  * HDF5_FILE_INFO_T defined below. */
290 #define NC_CREAT 2      /**< in create phase, cleared by ncendef */
291 #define NC_INDEF 8      /**< in define mode, cleared by ncendef */
292 #define NC_NSYNC 0x10   /**< synchronise numrecs on change */
293 #define NC_HSYNC 0x20   /**< synchronise whole header on change */
294 #define NC_NDIRTY 0x40  /**< numrecs has changed */
295 #define NC_HDIRTY 0x80  /**< header info has changed */
297 /** This is the metadata we need to keep track of for each
298  * netcdf-4/HDF5 file. */
299 typedef struct  NC_FILE_INFO
300 {
301     NC *controller; /**< Pointer to containing NC. */
302 #ifdef USE_PARALLEL4
303     MPI_Comm comm;  /**< Copy of MPI Communicator used to open the file. */
304     MPI_Info info;  /**< Copy of MPI Information Object used to open the file. */
305 #endif
306     int flags;      /**< Flags used to open the file. */
307     int cmode;      /**< Create mode used to create the file. */
308     nc_bool_t parallel;   /**< True if file is open for parallel access */
309     nc_bool_t redef;      /**< True if redefining an existing file */
310     int fill_mode;        /**< Fill mode for vars - Unused internally currently */
311     nc_bool_t no_write;   /**< true if nc_open has mode NC_NOWRITE. */
312     NC_GRP_INFO_T *root_grp; /**< Pointer to root group. */
313     short next_nc_grpid;  /**< Next available group ID. */
314     int next_typeid;      /**< Next available type ID. */
315     int next_dimid;       /**< Next available dim ID. */
316     /* Provide convenience vectors indexed by the object id.  This
317        allows for direct conversion of e.g. an nc_type to the
318        corresponding NC_TYPE_INFO_T object. */
319     NClist *alldims;   /**< List of all dims. */
320     NClist *alltypes;  /**< List of all types. */
321     NClist *allgroups; /**< List of all groups, including root group. */
322     void *format_file_info; /**< Pointer to binary format info for file. */
323     NC4_Provenance provenance; /**< File provenence info. */
324     struct NC4_Memio
325     {
326         NC_memio memio; /**< What we sent to image_init and what comes back. */
327         int locked;     /**< Do not copy and do not free. */
328         int persist;    /**< Should file be persisted out on close? */
329         int inmemory;   /**< NC_INMEMORY flag was set. */
330         int diskless;   /**< NC_DISKLESS flag was set => inmemory. */
331         int created;    /**< 1 => create, 0 => open. */
332         unsigned int imageflags; /**< for H5LTopen_file_image. */
333         size_t initialsize;      /**< Initial size. */
334         void *udata;    /**< Extra memory allocated in NC4_image_init. */
335     } mem;
338 /** Variable Length Datatype struct in memory. Must be identical to
339  * HDF5 hvl_t. (This is only used for VL sequences, not VL strings,
340  * which are stored in char *'s) */
341 typedef struct
342 {
343     size_t len; /**< Length of VL data (in base type units) */
344     void *p;    /**< Pointer to VL data */
345 } nc_hvl_t;
347 /** The names of the atomic data types. */
348 extern const char *nc4_atomic_name[NC_MAX_ATOMIC_TYPE + 1];
350 /* These functions convert between netcdf and HDF5 types. */
351 int nc4_get_typelen_mem(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, nc_type xtype, size_t *len);
352 int nc4_convert_type(const void *src, void *dest, const nc_type src_type,
353                      const nc_type dest_type, const size_t len, int *range_error,
354                      const void *fill_value, int strict_nc3);
356 /* These functions do HDF5 things. */
357 int nc4_reopen_dataset(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var);
358 int nc4_read_atts(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var);
360 /* Find items in the in-memory lists of metadata. */
361 int nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(int ncid, NC **nc, NC_GRP_INFO_T **grp,
362                        NC_FILE_INFO_T **h5);
363 int nc4_find_grp_h5(int ncid, NC_GRP_INFO_T **grp, NC_FILE_INFO_T **h5);
364 int nc4_find_nc4_grp(int ncid, NC_GRP_INFO_T **grp);
365 int nc4_find_dim(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, int dimid, NC_DIM_INFO_T **dim,
366                  NC_GRP_INFO_T **dim_grp);
367 int nc4_find_var(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, const char *name, NC_VAR_INFO_T **var);
368 int nc4_find_dim_len(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, int dimid, size_t **len);
369 int nc4_find_type(const NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, int typeid1, NC_TYPE_INFO_T **type);
370 NC_TYPE_INFO_T *nc4_rec_find_named_type(NC_GRP_INFO_T *start_grp, char *name);
371 NC_TYPE_INFO_T *nc4_rec_find_equal_type(NC_GRP_INFO_T *start_grp, int ncid1,
372                                         NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type);
373 int nc4_find_nc_att(int ncid, int varid, const char *name, int attnum,
374                     NC_ATT_INFO_T **att);
375 int nc4_find_grp_h5_var(int ncid, int varid, NC_FILE_INFO_T **h5,
376                         NC_GRP_INFO_T **grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T **var);
377 int nc4_find_grp_att(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, int varid, const char *name,
378                      int attnum, NC_ATT_INFO_T **att);
379 int nc4_get_typeclass(const NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, nc_type xtype,
380                       int *type_class);
382 /* Free various types */
383 int nc4_type_free(NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type);
385 /* These list functions add and delete vars, atts. */
386 int nc4_nc4f_list_add(NC *nc, const char *path, int mode);
387 int nc4_nc4f_list_del(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5);
388 int nc4_file_list_add(int ncid, const char *path, int mode,
389                       void **dispatchdata);
390 int nc4_file_list_get(int ncid, char **path, int *mode,
391                       void **dispatchdata);
392 int nc4_file_list_del(int ncid);
393 int nc4_file_change_ncid(int ncid, unsigned short new_ncid_index);
394 int nc4_var_list_add(NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, const char* name, int ndims,
395                      NC_VAR_INFO_T **var);
396 int nc4_var_list_add2(NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, const char* name,
397                       NC_VAR_INFO_T **var);
398 int nc4_var_set_ndims(NC_VAR_INFO_T *var, int ndims);
399 int nc4_var_list_del(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var);
400 int nc4_dim_list_add(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, const char *name, size_t len,
401                      int assignedid, NC_DIM_INFO_T **dim);
402 int nc4_dim_list_del(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_DIM_INFO_T *dim);
403 int nc4_type_new(size_t size, const char *name, int assignedid,
404                  NC_TYPE_INFO_T **type);
405 int nc4_type_list_add(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, size_t size, const char *name,
406                       NC_TYPE_INFO_T **type);
407 int nc4_type_list_del(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type);
408 int nc4_type_free(NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type);
409 int nc4_field_list_add(NC_TYPE_INFO_T* parent, const char *name,
410                        size_t offset, nc_type xtype, int ndims,
411                        const int *dim_sizesp);
412 int nc4_att_list_add(NCindex *list, const char *name, NC_ATT_INFO_T **att);
413 int nc4_att_list_del(NCindex *list, NC_ATT_INFO_T *att);
414 int nc4_grp_list_add(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, NC_GRP_INFO_T *parent, char *name,
415                      NC_GRP_INFO_T **grp);
416 int nc4_build_root_grp(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5);
417 int nc4_rec_grp_del(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp);
418 int nc4_enum_member_add(NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type, size_t size, const char *name,
419                         const void *value);
421 /* Check and normalize names. */
422 int NC_check_name(const char *name);
423 int nc4_check_name(const char *name, char *norm_name);
424 int nc4_normalize_name(const char *name, char *norm_name);
425 int nc4_check_dup_name(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, char *norm_name);
427 /* Find default fill value. */
428 int nc4_get_default_fill_value(const NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type_info, void *fill_value);
430 /* Get an att given pointers to file, group, and perhaps ver info. */
431 int nc4_get_att_ptrs(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var,
432                      const char *name, nc_type *xtype, nc_type mem_type,
433                      size_t *lenp, int *attnum, void *data);
435 /* Close the file. */
436 int nc4_close_netcdf4_file(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, int abort, NC_memio *memio);
438 /* HDF5 initialization/finalization */
439 extern int nc4_hdf5_initialized;
440 extern void nc4_hdf5_initialize(void);
441 extern void nc4_hdf5_finalize(void);
443 /* This is only included if --enable-logging is used for configure; it
444    prints info about the metadata to stderr. */
445 #ifdef LOGGING
446 int log_metadata_nc(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5);
447 #endif
449 /* Binary searcher for reserved attributes */
450 extern const NC_reservedatt *NC_findreserved(const char *name);
452 /**************************************************/
453 /* Internal filter related structures */
455 /* Internal filter actions */
456 #define NCFILTER_DEF		1
457 #define NCFILTER_REMOVE  	2
458 #define NCFILTER_INQ	    	3
459 #define NCFILTER_FILTERIDS      4
460 #define NCFILTER_INFO		5
462 #define NCFILTER_CLIENT_REG	10
464 #define NCFILTER_CLIENT_INQ	12
466 typedef enum NC_FILTER_SORT {
467 	NC_FILTER_SORT_SPEC=((int)1),
468 	NC_FILTER_SORT_IDS=((int)2),
469 	NC_FILTER_SORT_CLIENT=((int)3),
472 /* Provide structs to pass args to filter_actions function for HDF5*/
474 typedef struct NC_FILTER_SPEC_HDF5 {
475     int active;            /**< true iff HDF5 library was told to activate filter */
476     unsigned int filterid; /**< ID for arbitrary filter. */
477     size_t nparams;        /**< nparams for arbitrary filter. */
478     unsigned int* params;  /**< Params for arbitrary filter. */
481 typedef struct NC_FILTERIDS_HDF5 {
482     size_t nfilters;          /**< number of filters */
483     unsigned int* filterids;  /**< Filter ids. */
486 typedef struct NC_FILTER_CLIENT_HDF5 {
487     unsigned int id;
488     /* The filter info for hdf5 */
489     /* Avoid needing hdf.h by using void* */
490     void* info;
493 typedef struct NC_FILTER_OBJ_HDF5 {
494     NC_Filterobject hdr; /* So we can cast it */
495     NC_FILTER_SORT sort; /* discriminate union */
496     union {
497         NC_FILTER_SPEC_HDF5 spec;
498         NC_FILTERIDS_HDF5 ids;
499         NC_FILTER_CLIENT_HDF5 client;
500     } u;
503 extern void NC4_freefilterspec(NC_FILTER_SPEC_HDF5* f);
505 #endif /* _NC4INTERNAL_ */