1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
6  */
8 /** @file news_type.h Types related to news. */
10 #ifndef NEWS_TYPE_H
11 #define NEWS_TYPE_H
13 #include "core/enum_type.hpp"
14 #include "date_type.h"
15 #include "strings_type.h"
16 #include "sound_type.h"
18 /**
19  * Type of news.
20  */
21 enum NewsType {
22 	NT_ARRIVAL_COMPANY, ///< First vehicle arrived for company
23 	NT_ARRIVAL_OTHER,   ///< First vehicle arrived for competitor
24 	NT_ACCIDENT,        ///< An accident or disaster has occurred
25 	NT_COMPANY_INFO,    ///< Company info (new companies, bankruptcy messages)
26 	NT_INDUSTRY_OPEN,   ///< Opening of industries
27 	NT_INDUSTRY_CLOSE,  ///< Closing of industries
28 	NT_ECONOMY,         ///< Economic changes (recession, industry up/dowm)
29 	NT_INDUSTRY_COMPANY,///< Production changes of industry serviced by local company
30 	NT_INDUSTRY_OTHER,  ///< Production changes of industry serviced by competitor(s)
31 	NT_INDUSTRY_NOBODY, ///< Other industry production changes
32 	NT_ADVICE,          ///< Bits of news about vehicles of the company
33 	NT_NEW_VEHICLES,    ///< New vehicle has become available
34 	NT_ACCEPTANCE,      ///< A type of cargo is (no longer) accepted
35 	NT_SUBSIDIES,       ///< News about subsidies (announcements, expirations, acceptance)
36 	NT_GENERAL,         ///< General news (from towns)
37 	NT_END,             ///< end-of-array marker
38 };
40 /**
41  * References to objects in news.
42  *
43  * @warning
44  * Be careful!
45  * Vehicles are a special case, as news are kept when vehicles are autoreplaced/renewed.
46  * You have to make sure, #ChangeVehicleNews catches the DParams of your message.
47  * This is NOT ensured by the references.
48  */
49 enum NewsReferenceType {
50 	NR_NONE,      ///< Empty reference
51 	NR_TILE,      ///< Reference tile.     Scroll to tile when clicking on the news.
52 	NR_VEHICLE,   ///< Reference vehicle.  Scroll to vehicle when clicking on the news. Delete news when vehicle is deleted.
53 	NR_STATION,   ///< Reference station.  Scroll to station when clicking on the news. Delete news when station is deleted.
54 	NR_INDUSTRY,  ///< Reference industry. Scroll to industry when clicking on the news. Delete news when industry is deleted.
55 	NR_TOWN,      ///< Reference town.     Scroll to town when clicking on the news.
56 	NR_ENGINE,    ///< Reference engine.
57 };
59 /**
60  * Various OR-able news-item flags.
61  * @note #NF_INCOLOUR is set automatically if needed.
62  */
63 enum NewsFlag {
64 	NFB_INCOLOUR       = 0,                      ///< News item is shown in colour (otherwise it is shown in black & white).
65 	NFB_NO_TRANSPARENT = 1,                      ///< News item disables transparency in the viewport.
66 	NFB_SHADE          = 2,                      ///< News item uses shaded colours.
67 	NFB_WINDOW_LAYOUT  = 3,                      ///< First bit for window layout.
68 	NFB_WINDOW_LAYOUT_COUNT = 3,                 ///< Number of bits for window layout.
69 	NFB_VEHICLE_PARAM0 = 6,                      ///< String param 0 contains a vehicle ID. (special autoreplace behaviour)
71 	NF_INCOLOUR       = 1 << NFB_INCOLOUR,       ///< Bit value for coloured news.
72 	NF_NO_TRANSPARENT = 1 << NFB_NO_TRANSPARENT, ///< Bit value for disabling transparency.
73 	NF_SHADE          = 1 << NFB_SHADE,          ///< Bit value for enabling shading.
74 	NF_VEHICLE_PARAM0 = 1 << NFB_VEHICLE_PARAM0, ///< Bit value for specifying that string param 0 contains a vehicle ID. (special autoreplace behaviour)
76 	NF_THIN           = 0 << NFB_WINDOW_LAYOUT,  ///< Thin news item. (Newspaper with headline and viewport)
77 	NF_SMALL          = 1 << NFB_WINDOW_LAYOUT,  ///< Small news item. (Information window with text and viewport)
78 	NF_NORMAL         = 2 << NFB_WINDOW_LAYOUT,  ///< Normal news item. (Newspaper with text only)
79 	NF_VEHICLE        = 3 << NFB_WINDOW_LAYOUT,  ///< Vehicle news item. (new engine available)
80 	NF_COMPANY        = 4 << NFB_WINDOW_LAYOUT,  ///< Company news item. (Newspaper with face)
81 };
85 /**
86  * News display options
87  */
88 enum NewsDisplay {
89 	ND_OFF,        ///< Only show a reminder in the status bar
90 	ND_SUMMARY,    ///< Show ticker
91 	ND_FULL,       ///< Show newspaper
92 };
94 /**
95  * Per-NewsType data
96  */
97 struct NewsTypeData {
98 	const char * const name;    ///< Name
99 	const byte age;             ///< Maximum age of news items (in days)
100 	const SoundFx sound;        ///< Sound
102 	/**
103 	 * Construct this entry.
104 	 * @param name The name of the type.
105 	 * @param age The maximum age for these messages.
106 	 * @param sound The sound to play.
107 	 */
NewsTypeDataNewsTypeData108 	NewsTypeData(const char *name, byte age, SoundFx sound) :
109 		name(name),
110 		age(age),
111 		sound(sound)
112 	{
113 	}
115 	NewsDisplay GetDisplay() const;
116 };
118 /** Container for any custom data that must be deleted after the news item has reached end-of-life. */
119 struct NewsAllocatedData {
~NewsAllocatedDataNewsAllocatedData120 	virtual ~NewsAllocatedData() {}
121 };
124 /** Information about a single item of news. */
125 struct NewsItem {
126 	NewsItem *prev;              ///< Previous news item
127 	NewsItem *next;              ///< Next news item
128 	StringID string_id;          ///< Message text
129 	Date date;                   ///< Date of the news
130 	NewsType type;               ///< Type of the news
131 	NewsFlag flags;              ///< NewsFlags bits @see NewsFlag
133 	NewsReferenceType reftype1;  ///< Type of ref1
134 	NewsReferenceType reftype2;  ///< Type of ref2
135 	uint32 ref1;                 ///< Reference 1 to some object: Used for a possible viewport, scrolling after clicking on the news, and for deleting the news when the object is deleted.
136 	uint32 ref2;                 ///< Reference 2 to some object: Used for scrolling after clicking on the news, and for deleting the news when the object is deleted.
138 	std::unique_ptr<const NewsAllocatedData> data; ///< Custom data for the news item that will be deallocated (deleted) when the news item has reached its end.
140 	uint64 params[10]; ///< Parameters for string resolving.
142 	NewsItem(StringID string_id, NewsType type, NewsFlag flags, NewsReferenceType reftype1, uint32 ref1, NewsReferenceType reftype2, uint32 ref2, const NewsAllocatedData *data);
143 };
145 /** Container for a single string to be passed as NewsAllocatedData. */
146 struct NewsStringData : NewsAllocatedData {
147 	std::string string; ///< The string to retain.
NewsStringDataNewsStringData148 	NewsStringData(const std::string &str) : string(str) {}
149 };
151 /**
152  * Data that needs to be stored for company news messages.
153  * The problem with company news messages are the custom name
154  * of the companies and the fact that the company data is reset,
155  * resulting in wrong names and such.
156  */
157 struct CompanyNewsInformation : NewsAllocatedData {
158 	std::string company_name;       ///< The name of the company
159 	std::string president_name;     ///< The name of the president
160 	std::string other_company_name; ///< The name of the company taking over this one
162 	uint32 face; ///< The face of the president
163 	byte colour; ///< The colour related to the company
165 	CompanyNewsInformation(const struct Company *c, const struct Company *other = nullptr);
166 };
168 #endif /* NEWS_TYPE_H */