1 /* NUMlinprog.cpp
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2008,2011,2012,2015-2020 Paul Boersma
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
8  * your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this work. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 #include "melder.h"
20 #include "../external/glpk/glpk.h"
22 struct structNUMlinprog {
23 	glp_prob *linearProgram;
24 	integer numberOfConstraints, ivar, numberOfVariables;
25 	autovector<int> ind;
26 	autoVEC val;
27 	int status;
28 };
NUMlinprog_delete(NUMlinprog me)30 void NUMlinprog_delete (NUMlinprog me) {
31 	if (! me)
32 		return;
33 	if (my linearProgram)
34 		glp_delete_prob (my linearProgram);
35 	my ind.reset();
36 	my val.reset();
37 	Melder_free (me);
38 }
NUMlinprog_new(bool maximize)40 NUMlinprog NUMlinprog_new (bool maximize) {
41 	NUMlinprog me = nullptr;
42 	try {
43 		me = Melder_calloc (structNUMlinprog, 1);
44 		my linearProgram = glp_create_prob ();   // TODO: check
45 		glp_set_obj_dir (my linearProgram, maximize ? GLP_MAX : GLP_MIN);
46 	} catch (MelderError) {
47 		if (me) NUMlinprog_delete (me);
48 		return NULL;
49 	}
50 	return me;
51 }
NUMlinprog_addVariable(NUMlinprog me,double lowerBound,double upperBound,double coeff)53 void NUMlinprog_addVariable (NUMlinprog me, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double coeff) {
54 	glp_add_cols (my linearProgram, 1);
55 	glp_set_col_bnds (my linearProgram, (int) ++ my numberOfVariables,
56 		isundef (lowerBound) ? ( isundef (upperBound) ? GLP_FR : GLP_UP ) :
57 		isundef (upperBound) ? GLP_LO :
58 		lowerBound == upperBound ? GLP_FX : GLP_DB,
59 		lowerBound, upperBound);
60 	glp_set_obj_coef (my linearProgram, (int) my ivar, coeff);
61 }
NUMlinprog_addConstraint(NUMlinprog me,double lowerBound,double upperBound)63 void NUMlinprog_addConstraint (NUMlinprog me, double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
64 	try {
65 		if (NUMisEmpty (my ind.get())) {
66 			my ind = newvectorzero<int> (my numberOfVariables);
67 			my val = zero_VEC (my numberOfVariables);
68 		}
69 		glp_add_rows (my linearProgram, 1);   // TODO: check
70 		glp_set_row_bnds (my linearProgram, (int) ++ my numberOfConstraints,
71 			isundef (lowerBound) ? ( isundef (upperBound) ? GLP_FR : GLP_UP ) :
72 			isundef (upperBound) ? GLP_LO :
73 			lowerBound == upperBound ? GLP_FX : GLP_DB, lowerBound, upperBound);
74 		my ivar = 0;
75 	} catch (MelderError) {
76 		Melder_throw (U"Linear programming: constraint not added.");
77 	}
78 }
NUMlinprog_addConstraintCoefficient(NUMlinprog me,double coefficient)80 void NUMlinprog_addConstraintCoefficient (NUMlinprog me, double coefficient) {
81 	++ my ivar;
82 	my ind [my ivar] = (int) my ivar;
83 	my val [my ivar] = coefficient;
84 	if (my ivar == my numberOfVariables)
85 		glp_set_mat_row (my linearProgram, (int) my numberOfConstraints, (int) my numberOfVariables,
86 				my ind.asArgumentToFunctionThatExpectsOneBasedArray(),
87 				my val.asArgumentToFunctionThatExpectsOneBasedArray());
88 }
NUMlinprog_run(NUMlinprog me)90 void NUMlinprog_run (NUMlinprog me) {
91 	try {
92 		glp_smcp parm;
93 		glp_init_smcp (& parm);
94 		parm. msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
95 		my status = glp_simplex (my linearProgram, & parm);
96 		switch (my status) {
97 			case GLP_EBADB: Melder_throw (U"Unable to start the search, because the initial basis is invalid.");
98 			case GLP_ESING: Melder_throw (U"Unable to start the search, because the basis matrix is singular.");
99 			case GLP_ECOND: Melder_throw (U"Unable to start the search, because the basis matrix is ill-conditioned.");
100 			case GLP_EBOUND: Melder_throw (U"Unable to start the search, because some variables have incorrect bounds.");
101 			case GLP_EFAIL: Melder_throw (U"Search prematurely terminated due to solver failure.");
102 			case GLP_EOBJLL: Melder_throw (U"Search prematurely terminated: lower limit reached.");
103 			case GLP_EOBJUL: Melder_throw (U"Search prematurely terminated: upper limit reached.");
104 			case GLP_EITLIM: Melder_throw (U"Search prematurely terminated: iteration limit exceeded.");
105 			case GLP_ETMLIM: Melder_throw (U"Search prematurely terminated: time limit exceeded.");
106 			case GLP_ENOPFS: Melder_throw (U"The problem has no primal feasible solution.");
107 			case GLP_ENODFS: Melder_throw (U"The problem has no dual feasible solution.");
108 			default: break;
109 		}
110 		my status = glp_get_status (my linearProgram);
111 		switch (my status) {
112 			case GLP_INFEAS: Melder_throw (U"Solution is infeasible.");
113 			case GLP_NOFEAS: Melder_throw (U"Problem has no feasible solution.");
114 			case GLP_UNBND: Melder_throw (U"Problem has unbounded solution.");
115 			case GLP_UNDEF: Melder_throw (U"Solution is undefined.");
116 			default: break;
117 		}
118 		if (my status == GLP_FEAS)
119 			Melder_warning (U"Linear programming solution is feasible but not optimal.");
120 	} catch (MelderError) {
121 		Melder_throw (U"Linear programming: not run.");
122 	}
123 }
NUMlinprog_getPrimalValue(NUMlinprog me,integer ivar)125 double NUMlinprog_getPrimalValue (NUMlinprog me, integer ivar) {
126 	return glp_get_col_prim (my linearProgram, (int) ivar);
127 }
129 /* End of file NUMlinprog.cpp */