1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
3 //
4 /// @file File.h
9 #include <openvdb/version.h>
10 #include "io.h" // for MappedFile::Notifier
11 #include "Archive.h"
12 #include "GridDescriptor.h"
13 #include <algorithm> // for std::copy()
14 #include <iosfwd>
15 #include <iterator> // for std::back_inserter()
16 #include <map>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <string>
21 class TestFile;
22 class TestStream;
24 namespace openvdb {
27 namespace io {
29 /// Grid archive associated with a file on disk
30 class OPENVDB_API File: public Archive
31 {
32 public:
33     using NameMap = std::multimap<Name, GridDescriptor>;
34     using NameMapCIter = NameMap::const_iterator;
36     explicit File(const std::string& filename);
37     ~File() override;
39     /// @brief Copy constructor
40     /// @details The copy will be closed and will not reference the same
41     /// file descriptor as the original.
42     File(const File& other);
43     /// @brief Assignment
44     /// @details After assignment, this File will be closed and will not
45     /// reference the same file descriptor as the source File.
46     File& operator=(const File& other);
48     /// @brief Return a copy of this archive.
49     /// @details The copy will be closed and will not reference the same
50     /// file descriptor as the original.
51     SharedPtr<Archive> copy() const override;
53     /// @brief Return the name of the file with which this archive is associated.
54     /// @details The file does not necessarily exist on disk yet.
55     const std::string& filename() const;
57     /// @brief Open the file, read the file header and the file-level metadata,
58     /// and populate the grid descriptors, but do not load any grids into memory.
59     /// @details If @a delayLoad is true, map the file into memory and enable delayed loading
60     /// of grids, and if a notifier is provided, call it when the file gets unmapped.
61     /// @note Define the environment variable @c OPENVDB_DISABLE_DELAYED_LOAD to disable
62     /// delayed loading unconditionally.
63     /// @throw IoError if the file is not a valid VDB file.
64     /// @return @c true if the file's UUID has changed since it was last read.
65     /// @see setCopyMaxBytes
66     bool open(bool delayLoad = true, const MappedFile::Notifier& = MappedFile::Notifier());
68     /// Return @c true if the file has been opened for reading.
69     bool isOpen() const;
71     /// Close the file once we are done reading from it.
72     void close();
74     /// @brief Return this file's current size on disk in bytes.
75     /// @throw IoError if the file size cannot be determined.
76     Index64 getSize() const;
78     /// @brief Return the size in bytes above which this file will not be
79     /// automatically copied during delayed loading.
80     Index64 copyMaxBytes() const;
81     /// @brief If this file is opened with delayed loading enabled, make a private copy
82     /// of the file if its size in bytes is less than the specified value.
83     /// @details Making a private copy ensures that the file can't change on disk
84     /// before it has been fully read.
85     /// @warning If the file is larger than this size, it is the user's responsibility
86     /// to ensure that it does not change on disk before it has been fully read.
87     /// Undefined behavior and/or a crash might result otherwise.
88     /// @note Copying is enabled by default, but it can be disabled for individual files
89     /// by setting the maximum size to zero bytes.  A default size limit can be specified
90     /// by setting the environment variable @c OPENVDB_DELAYED_LOAD_COPY_MAX_BYTES
91     /// to the desired number of bytes.
92     void setCopyMaxBytes(Index64 bytes);
94     /// Return @c true if a grid of the given name exists in this file.
95     bool hasGrid(const Name&) const;
97     /// Return (in a newly created MetaMap) the file-level metadata.
98     MetaMap::Ptr getMetadata() const;
100     /// Read the entire contents of the file and return a list of grid pointers.
101     GridPtrVecPtr getGrids() const;
103     /// @brief Read just the grid metadata and transforms from the file and return a list
104     /// of pointers to grids that are empty except for their metadata and transforms.
105     /// @throw IoError if this file is not open for reading.
106     GridPtrVecPtr readAllGridMetadata();
108     /// @brief Read a grid's metadata and transform only.
109     /// @return A pointer to a grid that is empty except for its metadata and transform.
110     /// @throw IoError if this file is not open for reading.
111     /// @throw KeyError if no grid with the given name exists in this file.
112     GridBase::Ptr readGridMetadata(const Name&);
114     /// Read an entire grid, including all of its data blocks.
115     GridBase::Ptr readGrid(const Name&);
116     /// @brief Read a grid, including its data blocks, but only where it
117     /// intersects the given world-space bounding box.
118     GridBase::Ptr readGrid(const Name&, const BBoxd&);
120     /// @todo GridPtrVec readAllGrids(const Name&)
122     /// @brief Write the grids in the given container to the file whose name
123     /// was given in the constructor.
124     void write(const GridCPtrVec&, const MetaMap& = MetaMap()) const override;
126     /// @brief Write the grids in the given container to the file whose name
127     /// was given in the constructor.
128     template<typename GridPtrContainerT>
129     void write(const GridPtrContainerT&, const MetaMap& = MetaMap()) const;
131     /// A const iterator that iterates over all names in the file. This is only
132     /// valid once the file has been opened.
133     class NameIterator
134     {
135     public:
NameIterator(const NameMapCIter & iter)136         NameIterator(const NameMapCIter& iter): mIter(iter) {}
137         NameIterator(const NameIterator&) = default;
~NameIterator()138         ~NameIterator() {}
140         NameIterator& operator++() { mIter++; return *this; }
142         bool operator==(const NameIterator& iter) const { return mIter == iter.mIter; }
143         bool operator!=(const NameIterator& iter) const { return mIter != iter.mIter; }
145         Name operator*() const { return this->gridName(); }
gridName()147         Name gridName() const { return GridDescriptor::nameAsString(mIter->second.uniqueName()); }
149     private:
150         NameMapCIter mIter;
151     };
153     /// @return a NameIterator to iterate over all grid names in the file.
154     NameIterator beginName() const;
156     /// @return the ending iterator for all grid names in the file.
157     NameIterator endName() const;
159 private:
160     /// Read in all grid descriptors that are stored in the given stream.
161     void readGridDescriptors(std::istream&);
163     /// @brief Return an iterator to the descriptor for the grid with the given name.
164     /// If the name is non-unique, return an iterator to the first matching descriptor.
165     NameMapCIter findDescriptor(const Name&) const;
167     /// Return a newly created, empty grid of the type specified by the given grid descriptor.
168     GridBase::Ptr createGrid(const GridDescriptor&) const;
170     /// @brief Read a grid, including its data blocks, but only where it
171     /// intersects the given world-space bounding box.
172     GridBase::Ptr readGridByName(const Name&, const BBoxd&);
174     /// Read in and return the partially-populated grid specified by the given grid descriptor.
175     GridBase::ConstPtr readGridPartial(const GridDescriptor&, bool readTopology) const;
177     /// Read in and return the grid specified by the given grid descriptor.
178     GridBase::Ptr readGrid(const GridDescriptor&) const;
179     /// Read in and return the region of the grid specified by the given grid descriptor
180     /// that intersects the given world-space bounding box.
181     GridBase::Ptr readGrid(const GridDescriptor&, const BBoxd&) const;
182     /// Read in and return the region of the grid specified by the given grid descriptor
183     /// that intersects the given index-space bounding box.
184     GridBase::Ptr readGrid(const GridDescriptor&, const CoordBBox&) const;
186     /// @brief Partially populate the given grid by reading its metadata and transform and,
187     /// if the grid is not an instance, its tree structure, but not the tree's leaf nodes.
188     void readGridPartial(GridBase::Ptr, std::istream&, bool isInstance, bool readTopology) const;
190     /// @brief Retrieve a grid from @c mNamedGrids.  Return a null pointer
191     /// if @c mNamedGrids was not populated (because this file is random-access).
192     /// @throw KeyError if no grid with the given name exists in this file.
193     GridBase::Ptr retrieveCachedGrid(const Name&) const;
195     void writeGrids(const GridCPtrVec&, const MetaMap&) const;
197     MetaMap::Ptr fileMetadata();
198     MetaMap::ConstPtr fileMetadata() const;
200     const NameMap& gridDescriptors() const;
201     NameMap& gridDescriptors();
203     std::istream& inputStream() const;
205     friend class ::TestFile;
206     friend class ::TestStream;
208     struct Impl;
209     std::unique_ptr<Impl> mImpl;
210 };
213 ////////////////////////////////////////
216 inline void
write(const GridCPtrVec & grids,const MetaMap & meta)217 File::write(const GridCPtrVec& grids, const MetaMap& meta) const
218 {
219     this->writeGrids(grids, meta);
220 }
223 template<typename GridPtrContainerT>
224 inline void
write(const GridPtrContainerT & container,const MetaMap & meta)225 File::write(const GridPtrContainerT& container, const MetaMap& meta) const
226 {
227     GridCPtrVec grids;
228     std::copy(container.begin(), container.end(), std::back_inserter(grids));
229     this->writeGrids(grids, meta);
230 }
232 } // namespace io
233 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
234 } // namespace openvdb