2--                                                                          --
3--                            GNAT2XML COMPONENTS                           --
4--                                                                          --
5--                    G N A T 2 X M L . A D A _ T R E E S                   --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 B o d y                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--                     Copyright (C) 2012-2016, AdaCore                     --
10--                                                                          --
11-- Gnat2xml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it      --
12-- under terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by the Free --
13-- Software Foundation;  either version 2,  or  (at your option)  any later --
14-- version. Gnat2xml is distributed  in the hope  that it will be useful,   --
15-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-      --
17-- Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the  --
18-- GNU General Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If   --
19-- not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place Suite 330,   --
20-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                              --
21-- The gnat2xml tool was derived from the Avatox sources.                   --
24pragma Ada_2012;
26with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
27with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
28with Ada.Wide_Text_IO;
29with Unchecked_Deallocation;
30with System.WCh_Con;
31use type System.WCh_Con.WC_Encoding_Method;
32with GNAT.OS_Lib;
34with Snames;
35with Types;
36use type Types.Int;
38with ASIS_UL.Generic_Formatted_Output;
39with ASIS_UL.Output; use ASIS_UL;
40with ASIS_UL.Options;
41with ASIS_UL.Common;
42with Ada_Trees.Formatting.Dictionaries;
43with Ada_Trees.Self_Rep;
45with GNATCOLL.Paragraph_Filling;
47separate (Ada_Trees.Formatting)
49procedure Tree_To_Ada
50  (Root      : Ada_Tree;
51   Src_Buf   : in out Buffer;
52   Write_BOM : Boolean;
53   Options   : Formatting_Options;
54   Output_Name : String;
55   Form_String : String;
56   Do_Diff : Boolean;
57   Output_Written : out Boolean)
60   ----------------------------------------------------------------
61   --
62   --  Tree_To_Ada performs the following major passes:
63   --
64   --  Convert_Tree_To_Ada
65   --     Walks the Ada_Tree, using Ada_Templates to convert the tree into
66   --     text form in Out_Buf. Out_Buf is further modified by subsequent
67   --     passes. Builds the Line_Break table for use by Split_Lines and
68   --     Insert_NLs_And_Indentation. Builds the Tabs table for use by
69   --     Insert_Alignment.
70   --
71   --     Subsequent passes work on the text in Out_Buf, and not the
72   --     Ada_Tree. Therefore, if they need any syntactic/structural
73   --     information, it must be encoded in other data structures, such as the
74   --     Line_Breaks and Tabs tables.
75   --
76   --  Split_Lines (first time)
77   --     Determine which soft line breaks should be enabled.
78   --
79   --  Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines
80   --     Step through the source tokens and Out_Buf tokens. Copy comment and
81   --     blank line tokens into Out_Buf as they are encountered.
82   --
83   --  Split_Lines (again)
84   --     We do this again because inserted end-of-line comments can cause
85   --     lines to be too long. We don't want to split the line just before the
86   --     comment; we want to split at some auspicious soft line break(s).
87   --
88   --  Insert_NLs_And_Indentation
89   --     Insert newline characters and leading blanks for each soft line break
90   --     that was enabled by Split_Lines.
91   --
92   --  Insert_Alignment
93   --     Walk the Tabs table to calculate how many blanks (if any) should be
94   --     inserted for each Tab. Then insert those blanks in Out_Buf.
95   --
96   --  Keyword_Casing
97   --     Convert reserved words to the appropriate case as specified by
98   --     command-line options.
99   --
100   --  Insert_Form_Feeds
101   --     Implement the -ff switch, by inserting FF characters after
102   --     "pragma Page;".
103   --
104   --  Copy_Pp_Off_Regions
105   --     Regions where pretty printing should be turned off have been
106   --     formatted as usual. This phase undoes all that formatting by copying
107   --     text from Src_Buf to Out_Buf.
108   --
109   --  Final_Check
110   --     Go through the source tokens and Out_Buf tokens (the latter now
111   --     containing comments and blank lines), and make sure they (mostly)
112   --     match. If there is any mismatch besides a small set of allowed ones,
113   --     raise an exception. This pass makes no changes, so it serves no
114   --     useful purpose unless there is a bug in some previous pass; the
115   --     purpose is to prevent gnatpp from damaging the user's source code.
116   --     The algorithm in this pass is quite similar to the one in
117   --     Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines.
118   --
119   --  Write_Out_Buf
120   --     Write Out_Buf to the appropriate file (or Current_Output).
121   --
122   --  Each pass expects to be entered with Out_Buf's 'point' at the beginning,
123   --  and returns with Out_Buf's 'point' STILL at the beginning. Thus, passes
124   --  that step through Out_Buf need to call Reset(Out_Buf) before returning.
125   --
126   ----------------------------------------------------------------
128   Simulate_Token_Mismatch : Boolean renames Debug.Debug_Flag_8;
129   Disable_Final_Check : Boolean renames Debug.Debug_Flag_7;
130   function Enable_Token_Mismatch return Boolean is
131      ((Assert_Enabled or Debug.Debug_Flag_5)
132         and not Simulate_Token_Mismatch
133         and not Debug.Debug_Flag_6);
135   --  Miscellaneous useful Name_Ids:
137   Name_Empty : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("");
139   Name_Semicolon : constant Name_Id := Name_Find (";");
140   Name_L_Paren   : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("(");
141   Name_R_Paren   : constant Name_Id := Name_Find (")");
142   Name_Colon     : constant Name_Id := Name_Find (":");
143   Name_Assign    : constant Name_Id := Name_Find (":=");
144   Name_Bang      : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("!");
145   Name_Bar       : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("|");
146   Name_Arrow     : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("=>");
147   Name_Dot       : constant Name_Id := Name_Find (".");
149   Name_And_Then : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("and then");
150   Name_Or_Else  : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("or else");
152   Name_Q_And : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("""and""");
153   Name_Q_Or  : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("""or""");
154   Name_Q_Xor : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("""xor""");
155   Name_Q_Mod : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("""mod""");
156   Name_Q_Rem : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("""rem""");
157   Name_Q_Abs : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("""abs""");
158   Name_Q_Not : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("""not""");
160   Name_Depends : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("Depends");
162   Name_Tab_Insertion_Point : constant Name_Id :=
163     Name_Find ("tab insertion point");
164   Name_Tab_In_Out : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("tab in out");
165   Name_Dot_Dot : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("..");
166   Name_R_Sq : constant Name_Id := Name_Find ("]");
168   Op_Sym_Table : constant array (Positive range <>) of Name_Id :=
169     (Name_Q_And,
170      Name_Q_Or,
171      Name_Q_Xor,
172      Name_Q_Mod,
173      Name_Q_Rem,
174      Name_Q_Abs,
175      Name_Q_Not);
177   function Is_Op_Sym_With_Letters
178     (N    : Name_Id)
179      return Boolean is
180     (for some Op of Op_Sym_Table => N = Op);
181   --  True if N looks like a string literal that can be used as an operator
182   --  symbol containing letters, so case might matter. N should be in all
183   --  lower case.
185   Comment_Filling_Enabled : constant Boolean :=
186     Options.Format_Comments and Options.Reformat_Comment_Block;
188   Alignment_Enabled : constant Boolean :=
189     (Options.Align_Colons_In_Decl
190        or else Options.Align_Asign_In_Decl
191        or else Options.Align_Asign_In_Stmts
192        or else Options.Align_Arrows
193        or else Options.Align_Ats)
194     and then not ASIS_UL.Options.Generate_Representation_Clauses;
195   --  The old gnatpp had the ability to individually enable different kinds of
196   --  alignment; the new gnatpp does not. Instead, we align if ANY alignment
197   --  option is enabled; if all alignment is turned off, we don't align.
198   --  Alignment doesn't work when representation clauses are being generated.
200   procedure Put_To_Buffer (C : W_Char);
201   --  Append C to Buffer
203   Check_Whitespace : Boolean := True;
204   --  For debugging. Used during the Subtree_To_Ada phase. True except within
205   --  literals. Check for two blanks in a row.
207   procedure Init_Template_Table;
208   --  We call this to initialize Template_Table the first time Tree_To_Ada
209   --  is called, so that we can base the initialization in part on the
210   --  command-line options.
212   procedure Init_Pp_Off_And_On;
213   --  Initialize Pp_Off_On_Delimiters from Options
215   procedure Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (S : W_Str);
216   --  Assert that there are no lines with trailing blanks in S.
218   function Id_With_Casing
219     (Id                       : Name_Id;
220      Kind                     : Opt_ASIS_Elems;
221      Is_Predef                : Boolean;
222      Use_Name_Casing_For_Nils : Boolean := False)
223      return                     W_Str;
224   --  This handles casing of defining names and usage names, converting to
225   --  the appropriate case based on command-line options. Kind is the kind of
226   --  declaration denoted by Id, or an attribute, or nil. Is_Predef is True if
227   --  Id denotes a predefined Ada or GNAT identifier.
228   --
229   --  This is called early (during Subtree_To_Ada). Casing of reserved words
230   --  is handled later, in a separate pass (see Keyword_Casing), because they
231   --  are not explicit in the tree, except that operator symbols are handled
232   --  here. All of the Ada_Templates have reserved words in lower case.
233   --
234   --  Id_With_Casing is used for Def_Names, Usage_Names and pragmas. For
235   --  Def_Names, the Kind comes from the Symbol_Table, which only works
236   --  because it's within one unit. That doesn't work for Usage_Names; we
237   --  use the Decl_Kind attribute, which includes declared entities and
238   --  attributes. For pragmas, we use the Kind of the pragma node.
239   --
240   --  Is_Predef comes from the Is_Predef attribute of Usage_Names. It is
241   --  always False for Def_Names and pragmas.
242   --
243   --  Use_Name_Casing_For_Nils is documented in Do_Usage_Name.
245   function Good_Column (Indentation : Natural) return Natural is
246     ((Indentation / Options.PP_Indentation) * Options.PP_Indentation);
247   --  Make sure indentation is a multiple of PP_Indentation; otherwise style
248   --  checking complains "(style) bad column".
250   procedure Put_To_Buffer (C : W_Char) is
251   begin
252      pragma Assert
253        (if
254           Check_Whitespace and then Options.Par_Specs_Threshold = Natural'Last
255         then
256           (if C = ' ' then Lookback (Out_Buf) /= ' '));
257      --  No double blanks. Except that there is one special case when the
258      --  Par_Specs_Threshold switch is used, where we have an extra blank
259      --  (see Subp_Decl_With_Hard_Breaks).
260      pragma Assert (if C = NL then Lookback (Out_Buf) /= ' ');
261      --  no trailing blanks
263      Append_Any (Out_Buf, C);
264   end Put_To_Buffer;
266   Name_CPP_Class : aliased constant W_Str := "CPP_Class";
267   Name_CPP_Constructor : aliased constant W_Str := "CPP_Constructor";
268   Name_CPP_Virtual : aliased constant W_Str := "CPP_Virtual";
269   Name_CPP_Vtable  : aliased constant W_Str := "CPP_Vtable ";
270   Name_CPU : aliased constant W_Str := "CPU";
271   Name_Persistent_BSS : aliased constant W_Str := "Persistent_BSS";
272   Name_SPARK_Mode : aliased constant W_Str := "SPARK_Mode";
273   Name_Use_VADS_Size : aliased constant W_Str := "Use_VADS_Size";
274   Name_VADS_Size : aliased constant W_Str := "VADS_size";
276   Special_Case_Names : constant
277       array (Positive range <>) of access constant W_Str :=
278     (Name_CPP_Class'Access,
279      Name_CPP_Constructor'Access,
280      Name_CPP_Virtual'Access,
281      Name_CPP_Vtable 'Access,
282      Name_CPU'Access,
283      Name_Persistent_BSS'Access,
284      Name_SPARK_Mode'Access,
285      Name_Use_VADS_Size'Access,
286      Name_VADS_Size'Access);
288   function Id_With_Casing
289     (Id                       : Name_Id;
290      Kind                     : Opt_ASIS_Elems;
291      Is_Predef                : Boolean;
292      Use_Name_Casing_For_Nils : Boolean := False)
293      return                     W_Str
294   is
296      Str : W_Str := Get_Name_String (Id);
297      --  This is the name as declared
298      pragma Assert (Str'First = 1);
300      --  If it's a character literal, we want As_Declared -- it would be
301      --  unfortunate to turn 'a' into 'A'. Operators go by keyword casing.
302      --  Operator symbols (quoted) do so also, which seems wrong, but we're
303      --  going to mimic the old gnatpp for now. Note that some reserved
304      --  words can be an operator or an attribute name; hence the check
305      --  for Flat_Attribute_Reference_Kinds below. Predefined names use
306      --  As_Declared unless Use_Predefined_Casing is turned off. For
307      --  everything else, we use the appropriate option based on the Kind.
309      Casing : constant PP_Casing :=
310        (if Str (1) = ''' then As_Declared
311         elsif
312           Kind not in Flat_Attribute_Reference_Kinds
313           and then
314           (Str (1) = '"' -- operator symbol
315            or else Snames.Is_Keyword_Name (Id)
316            or else Id = Name_And_Then
317            or else Id = Name_Or_Else)
318         then
319           Options.PP_Keyword_Casing
320         elsif
321           Is_Predef and then Options.Use_Predefined_Casing
322         then
323           As_Declared
324         else
325           (case Kind is
326              when Flat_Attribute_Reference_Kinds =>
327                Options.PP_Attribute_Casing,
328              when Flat_Pragma_Kinds => Options.PP_Pragma_Casing,
329              when An_Enumeration_Literal_Specification =>
330                Options.PP_Enum_Literal_Casing,
331              when A_Flat_Type_Declaration |
332                A_Subtype_Declaration |
333                A_Formal_Type_Declaration |
334                A_Formal_Incomplete_Type_Declaration |
335                A_Task_Body_Declaration |
336                A_Protected_Body_Declaration =>
337                Options.PP_Type_Casing,
338              when A_Flat_Number_Declaration => Options.PP_Nnumbers_Casing,
339              when Not_An_Element            =>
340                (if
341                   Options.Is_PP
342                   and then not Use_Name_Casing_For_Nils
343                   and then Options.PP_Name_Casing = As_Declared
344                 then
345                   Mixed
346                 else Options.PP_Name_Casing),
347              when others => Options.PP_Name_Casing));
348      --  The Not_An_Element case is for identifiers specific to pragmas
349      --  and the like. But that only works if the Decl_Kind field is set,
350      --  which isn't true in xml2gnat, so we use PP_Name_Casing (which is
351      --  As_Declared) in that case.
353      use Ada_Trees.Formatting.Dictionaries;
354   begin
355      if Options.Use_Dictionary then
356         Check_With_Dictionary (Ada_Name => Str, Casing => Casing);
357         return Str;
358      else
359         case Casing is
360            when Lower_Case =>
361               return To_Lower (Str);
363            when Upper_Case =>
364               return To_Upper (Str);
366            when Mixed =>
367               if Kind in Flat_Attribute_Reference_Kinds | Flat_Pragma_Kinds
368               then
369                  --  Handle pragma and attribute names that are special cases
370                  --  (some portion should be in ALL CAPS).
372                  declare
373                     Lower : constant W_Str := To_Lower (Str);
374                  begin
375                     for Special of Special_Case_Names loop
376                        if Lower = To_Lower (Special.all) then
377                           return Special.all;
378                        end if;
379                     end loop;
380                  end;
381               end if;
383               return Capitalize (Str);
385            when As_Declared =>
386               return Str;
387         end case;
388      end if;
389   end Id_With_Casing;
391   package Buffered_Output is new ASIS_UL.Generic_Formatted_Output
392     (W_Char,
393      W_Str,
394      Basic_Put_Char => Put_To_Buffer);
396   procedure Indent (Amount : Integer);
398   procedure Indent (Amount : Integer) is
399      pragma Assert
400        (abs (Amount) in
401           0 |
402             1 |
403             Options.PP_Indentation |
404             Options.PP_Cont_Line_Indentation);
405      Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames All_Line_Breaks;
406   begin
407      Cur_Indentation := Cur_Indentation + Amount;
409      if abs (Amount) = Options.PP_Indentation then
410         pragma Assert (Point (Out_Buf) = Last_Position (Out_Buf) + 1);
411         if Last_Position (Out_Buf) =
412           Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Last (Line_Breaks)).Mark)
413         then
414--  pragma Assert (At_Point (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Last (Line_Breaks)).Mark));
415            Line_Breaks (Last (Line_Breaks)).Indentation := Cur_Indentation;
416         end if;
417      end if;
418   end Indent;
420   procedure Append_Line_Break
421     (Hard     : Boolean;
422      Affects_Comments : Boolean;
423      Level    : Nesting_Level;
424      Kind     : Ada_Tree_Kind;
425      Template : Name_Id);
427   procedure Append_Temp_Line_Break;
429   function Max_Nesting_Increment (Temp : Ada_Template) return Nesting_Level;
430   --  If a digit occurs after '@', this is an additional "nesting increment"
431   --  to be added to the nesting level when we recursively process the
432   --  subtree. This is intended to allow some line breaks to have precedence
433   --  over others. If no such digit occurs, the default is zero. This function
434   --  returns the maximum such nesting increment in the template.
436   function New_Level
437     (Tree          : Ada_Tree;
438      Subtree_Index : Query_Index;
439      Cur_Level     : Nesting_Level;
440      Temp          : Ada_Template)
441      return          Nesting_Level;
442   --  Compute a new nesting level for a subtree. This is usually one more than
443   --  the current level, but we also add in Max_Nesting_Increment.
445   procedure If_Statement_Check_1;
446   procedure If_Statement_Check_2 (Level_Of_If : Nesting_Level);
447   --  The above are for a special check related to if_statements, which comes
448   --  in two parts. If_Statement_Check_1 and _2 are called before and after
449   --  calling Subtree_To_Ada on the condition of an 'if'.
450   --
451   --  The compiler style checks complain if "then" appears by itself on the
452   --  line immediately following "if" (still true???), as in:
453   --     if <condition>
454   --     then
455   --  where <condition> is just long enough to split the line before "then",
456   --  but not long enough to be split itself. To avoid that, we make sure
457   --  at least one line break in <condition> is at the same level as the one
458   --  just before "then", thus ensuring that if the latter is enabled, some
459   --  line break within <condition> will also be enabled. The same goes for
460   --  "elsif".
461   --
462   --  Part _1 remembers the index of the first line break for the condition.
463   --  Then the condition is walked, possibly inserting some line breaks. Part
464   --  _2 then finds the minimum nested level (i.e. outermost), and patches
465   --  that to equal the level of the 'if'. If there are no line breaks in the
466   --  condition, but it is still long enough to force the "then" onto the next
467   --  line, then there's not much we can do -- the style check will fail in
468   --  that unlikely case.
470   procedure Append_Line_Break
471     (Hard     : Boolean;
472      Affects_Comments : Boolean;
473      Level    : Nesting_Level;
474      Kind     : Ada_Tree_Kind;
475      Template : Name_Id)
476   is
478      Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames All_Line_Breaks;
480   begin
481      --  If we see two line breaks in a row, we take the least indented one.
483      if Hard and then Lookback (Out_Buf) = NL then
484         if Line_Breaks (Last_Index (Line_Breaks)).Indentation >
485           Cur_Indentation
486         then
487            Line_Breaks (Last_Index (Line_Breaks)).Indentation :=
488              Cur_Indentation;
489         end if;
491         if not Options.Insert_Blank_Lines then
492            return;
493         end if;
494      end if;
496      Append
497        (Line_Breaks,
498         Line_Break'
499           (Mark        => Mark (Out_Buf, Name => (if Hard then '$' else '@')),
500            Hard        => Hard,
501            Affects_Comments => Affects_Comments,
502            Enabled     => Hard,
503            Level       => Level,
504            Indentation => Cur_Indentation,
505            Length      => <>,
506            Kind        => Kind,
507            Template    => Template,
508            UID         => Next_Line_Break_Unique_Id));
509      Next_Line_Break_Unique_Id := Next_Line_Break_Unique_Id + 1;
511      --  A hard line break gets NL
513      if Hard then
514         Buffered_Output.Put_Char (NL);
515      end if;
516   end Append_Line_Break;
518   procedure Append_Temp_Line_Break is
519      M : Marker;
521   begin
522      pragma Assert (Lookback (Out_Buf) /= ' '); -- no trailing blanks
523      Insert_NL (Out_Buf);
524      M := Mark_Previous (Out_Buf, Name => '-');
526      if False then -- Too slow, but we keep it for documentation
527         for L of All_Line_Breaks loop
528            pragma Assert (M /= L.Mark);
529         end loop;
530      end if;
532      Append
533        (Temp_Line_Breaks,
534         Line_Break'
535           (Mark        => M,
536            Hard        => True,
537            Affects_Comments => False,
538            Enabled     => True,
539            Level       => 0,
540            Indentation => Cur_Indentation,
541            Length      => <>,
542            Kind        => Not_An_Element,
543            Template    => Name_Find ("Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines"),
544            UID         => Next_Line_Break_Unique_Id));
545      Next_Line_Break_Unique_Id := Next_Line_Break_Unique_Id + 1;
546      pragma Assert (Char_At (Out_Buf, M) = NL);
547   end Append_Temp_Line_Break;
549   function Max_Nesting_Increment (Temp : Ada_Template) return Nesting_Level is
550      J : Positive := Temp'First;
551      C : W_Char;
553   begin
554      return Result : Nesting_Level := 0 do
555         while J <= Temp'Last loop
556            C := Temp (J);
558            case C is
559               when '@' =>
560                  declare
561                     Digit     : W_Char;
562                     Increment : Nesting_Level;
564                  begin
565                     if J < Temp'Last and then Temp (J + 1) in '0' .. '9' then
566                        J         := J + 1;
567                        Digit     := Temp (J);
568                        Increment := Nesting_Level (Char_To_Digit (Digit));
570                     else
571                        Increment := 0;
572                     end if;
574                     Result := Nesting_Level'Max (Result, Increment);
575                  end;
577               when others =>
578                  null;
579            end case;
581            J := J + 1;
582         end loop;
583      end return;
584   end Max_Nesting_Increment;
586   function New_Level
587     (Tree          : Ada_Tree;
588      Subtree_Index : Query_Index;
589      Cur_Level     : Nesting_Level;
590      Temp          : Ada_Template)
591      return          Nesting_Level
592   is
593   begin
594      pragma Assert
595        (if Tree.Kind in An_If_Path | An_Elsif_Path then Subtree_Index = 1);
597      return Cur_Level + Max_Nesting_Increment (Temp) + 1;
598   end New_Level;
600   First_If_Line_Break : Line_Break_Index;
601   --  Valid only between calls to If_Statement_Check_1 and
602   --  If_Statement_Check_2. Set by _1 to 1 past the end of the table, which
603   --  is where the next line break will be placed. Used by _2 to find the
604   --  first line break (if any) belonging to the condition.
606   procedure If_Statement_Check_1 is
607      Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames All_Line_Breaks;
608   begin
609      First_If_Line_Break := Last_Index (Line_Breaks) + 1;
610   end If_Statement_Check_1;
612   procedure If_Statement_Check_2 (Level_Of_If : Nesting_Level) is
613      Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames All_Line_Breaks;
614      Min : Nesting_Level := Nesting_Level'Last;
615   begin
616      --  Find the minimum level:
617      for J in First_If_Line_Break .. Last_Index (Line_Breaks) loop
618         Min := Nesting_Level'Min (Min, Line_Breaks (J).Level);
619      end loop;
621      --  Overwrite all line breaks at the minimum level to the level of the
622      --  'if':
623      for J in First_If_Line_Break .. Last_Index (Line_Breaks) loop
624         if Line_Breaks (J).Level = Min then
625            Line_Breaks (J).Level := Level_Of_If;
626         end if;
627      end loop;
628   end If_Statement_Check_2;
630   Inner_Loop_Count : Natural := 0;
632   procedure Split_Lines (First_Time : Boolean);
633   --  Enable soft line breaks as necessary to prevent too-long lines.
634   --  First_Time is for debugging.
636   procedure Split_Lines (First_Time : Boolean) is
637      Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames All_Line_Breaks;
639      procedure Remove_Duplicates;
640      --  Remove soft line breaks that have the same Mark as other line
641      --  break(s). This is necessary because we don't want line breaks to
642      --  form blank lines.
644      function Line_Length (F, L : Line_Break_Index) return Natural;
645      --  F and L are the first and last index forming a line; returns the
646      --  length of the line, not counting new-lines. F and L must be enabled.
648      function Worthwhile_Line_Break (X : Line_Break_Index) return Boolean;
649      --  Called for the first so-far-disabled line break on a line. Returning
650      --  False means don't bother enabling it.
652      procedure Assert;
653      --  Assert that the line Length has been set if and only if the line
654      --  break is enabled.
656      procedure Assert is
657      begin
658         for X in 1 .. Last_Index (Line_Breaks) loop
659            declare
660               Break : constant Line_Break := Line_Breaks (X);
662            begin
663               if X = Last_Index (Line_Breaks) then
664                  pragma Assert (Break.Enabled and then Break.Length = 0);
666               elsif Break.Enabled then
667                  pragma Assert
668                    (Break.Length = Line_Length (X, Next_Enabled (X)));
669                  pragma Assert
670                    (Break.Mark /= Line_Breaks (Next_Enabled (X)).Mark);
672               else
673                  pragma Assert (Break.Length = Natural'Last);
674               end if;
675            end;
676         end loop;
678         Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (To_W_Str (Out_Buf));
679         pragma Assert
680           (Position (Out_Buf, All_Line_Breaks (Last (All_Line_Breaks)).Mark) =
681            Last_Position (Out_Buf));
682      end Assert;
684      function Line_Length (F, L : Line_Break_Index) return Natural is
685         First : constant Line_Break := Line_Breaks (F);
686         Last  : constant Line_Break := Line_Breaks (L);
687         F_Pos : constant Natural := Position (Out_Buf, First.Mark);
688         L_Pos : constant Natural := Position (Out_Buf, Last.Mark);
690         NL_Count      : constant Natural := (if First.Hard then 1 else 0);
691         Leading_Blank : constant Natural :=
692           (if L_Pos > F_Pos + 1 and then Char_At (Out_Buf, F_Pos) = ' ' then 1
693            else 0);
694         Trailing_Blank : constant Natural :=
695           (if
696              L_Pos > F_Pos + 2 and then Char_At (Out_Buf, L_Pos - 1) = ' '
697            then
698              1
699            else 0);
700         Without_Indent : constant Natural :=
701           Position (Out_Buf, Last.Mark) -
702           Position (Out_Buf, First.Mark) -
703           NL_Count -
704           Leading_Blank -
705           Trailing_Blank;
706      --  The length without the indentation is just the difference between the
707      --  two marks, except that if the first one is hard, we don't count the
708      --  NL character. If it's soft, there is no NL character yet. Also, if
709      --  the first or last character is ' ', it doesn't count.
711      begin
712         --  If the line is blank, we ignore the indentation; we won't be
713         --  putting blanks in the output. Otherwise, the length is the
714         --  indentation plus the length without the indentation as
715         --  calculated above.
717         if Without_Indent = 0 then
718            return 0;
720         else
721            return First.Indentation + Without_Indent;
722         end if;
723      end Line_Length;
725      procedure Remove_Duplicates is
726         Temp : Line_Break_Vector;
727      --  ???If we have duplicates with different Indentation, should we choose
728      --  the least indented? If we remove a line break for a '[', should we
729      --  remove the corresponding one for ']', and vice-versa?
730      begin
731         Append (Temp, Line_Breaks (1));
733         for X in 2 .. Last_Index (Line_Breaks) loop
734            if Line_Breaks (X).Enabled
735              or else not Is_Empty_Line (X - 1, X)
736            then
737               Append (Temp, Line_Breaks (X));
739            else
740               pragma Assert (not Line_Breaks (X).Hard);
741            end if;
742         end loop;
743         Move (Target => Line_Breaks, Source => Temp);
744      end Remove_Duplicates;
746      function Worthwhile_Line_Break (X : Line_Break_Index) return Boolean is
747         This : constant Positive := Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (X).Mark);
748         Prev : Positive := Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (X - 1).Mark);
749         More : constant Boolean := -- more to be enabled to the right
750           X < Last_Index (Line_Breaks)
751           and then not Line_Breaks (X + 1).Enabled;
752         Threshold : constant Positive :=
753           (if True then Options.PP_Cont_Line_Indentation -- ????
754           else Positive'Max (Options.PP_Cont_Line_Indentation - 1,
755                              (if More then 6 -- arbitrary
756                              else 1)));
757      begin
758         if Line_Breaks (X - 1).Hard then
759            Prev := Prev + 1; -- skip NL
760         end if;
762         --  If we have something like:
763         --     P (...
764         --  there's no point in turning it into:
765         --     P
766         --       (...
767         --  assuming PP_Cont_Line_Indentation = 2, because it doesn't shorten
768         --  any lines. If the procedure name is slightly longer than "P":
769         --     Proc (...
770         --  there's _probably_ no point in turning it into:
771         --     Proc
772         --       (...
773         --  because it only saves 3 characters, so we will probably have
774         --  to split up the "..." parameters anyway.
776         if This - Prev <= Threshold then
777            return False;
778         end if;
779         return True;
780      end Worthwhile_Line_Break;
782      F   : Line_Break_Index := 1;
783      L   : Line_Break_Index;
784      Len : Natural;
786      Level       : Nesting_Level;
787      More_Levels : Boolean;
789      Again : constant String :=
790        (if First_Time then "first time" else " again");
792   --  Start of processing for Split_Lines
794   begin
795      pragma Debug (Format_Debug_Output ("before Split_Lines " & Again));
797      Remove_Duplicates;
798      if False then
799         --  ???For debugging, always split at optional newlines
800         for Line_Index in 1 .. Last_Index (Line_Breaks) loop
801            Line_Breaks (Line_Index).Enabled := True;
802         end loop;
803         return;
804      end if;
806      while F /= Last_Index (Line_Breaks) loop
807         Level       := 0;
808         More_Levels := True;
810         loop -- through levels
811            L   := Next_Enabled (F);
812            Len := Line_Length (F, L);
813            exit when Len <= Options.Max_Line_Length; -- short enough
814            exit when not More_Levels; -- no more line breaks to enable
816            More_Levels := False;
818            for X in F + 1 .. L - 1 loop
819               if Line_Breaks (X).Level > Level then
820                  More_Levels := True;
822               elsif Line_Breaks (X).Level = Level then
823                  Inner_Loop_Count := Inner_Loop_Count + 1;
825                  --  Don't enable the first one, unless it's "worthwhile"
826                  --  according to the heuristic.
827                  if X = F + 1 and then not Worthwhile_Line_Break (X) then
828                     null;
830                  --  We don't want soft line breaks to form blank lines, so
831                  --  don't enable this one if the previous one is already
832                  --  enabled.
834                  else
835                     pragma Assert
836                       (not Line_Breaks (X - 1).Enabled
837                        or else not Is_Empty_Line (X - 1, X));
838                     pragma Assert
839                       (if
840                          Line_Breaks (X - 1).Enabled
841                        then
842                          Line_Breaks (X - 1).Mark /= Line_Breaks (X).Mark);
843                     if True -- ????
844                       or else L = Last_Index (Line_Breaks)
845                       or else
846                         Line_Length (F, L + 1) >= Options.Max_Line_Length
847                     then
848                        Line_Breaks (X).Enabled := True;
849                     end if;
850                  end if;
851               end if;
852            end loop;
854            Level := Level + 1;
855         end loop; -- through levels
857         Line_Breaks (F).Length := Len;
858         F                      := L;
859      end loop; -- through line breaks
861      Line_Breaks (F).Length := 0; -- last line
863      pragma Debug (Format_Debug_Output ("after Split_Lines" & Again));
864      pragma Debug (Assert);
865   end Split_Lines;
867   procedure Insert_NLs_And_Indentation;
869   procedure Insert_NLs_And_Indentation is
870      --  We loop through Out_Buf, and for each character, take care of
871      --  the Line_Break at that character, if any. The Line_Breaks are in
872      --  Enabled_Line_Breaks. Enabled_Line_Breaks cannot have duplicates (two
873      --  elements at the same Mark), because hard line breaks take up space in
874      --  Out_Buf (there is an NL), and we never enable two soft line breaks in
875      --  a row.
877      At_Line_Start : Boolean := True;
878      Indentation   : Natural := 0;
880      Cur_Line : Line_Break_Index := 1;
881      Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames Enabled_Line_Breaks;
883   begin
884      Collect_Enabled_Line_Breaks (Syntax_Also => False);
886      Char_Loop : loop
887         pragma Assert
888           (Position (Out_Buf, Last_Element (Tabs).Mark) =
889            Last_Position (Out_Buf) + 1);
891         pragma Assert
892           (Point (Out_Buf) <=
893            Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark));
894--         if At_Point (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark) then
895--            Dbg_Out.Put ("\n");
896--         end if;
898         --  Even though Enabled_Line_Breaks cannot have duplicates, we still
899         --  need 'while' (not 'if'), because in one case we Move_Forward
900         --  below.
902         while At_Point (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark) loop
903            pragma Assert
904              (Point (Out_Buf) =
905               Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark));
906--            Dbg_Out.Put ("Point = \1, break = ", Image (Point (Out_Buf)));
907--            Dump_Marker (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark);
909            At_Line_Start := True;
911            --  A hard line break already has NL; for a soft one, we need to
912            --  add NL
914            if Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Hard then
915--               Dbg_Out.Put
916--                 ("\1: hard line break\n",
917--                  Image (Integer (Cur_Line)));
918               pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) = NL);
919               Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
921            else
922               --  A soft line break can be preceded or followed by a blank,
923               --  but never both, and never more than one. If there is a
924               --  blank, we replace it with NL, otherwise we insert NL.
926               if Lookback (Out_Buf) = ' ' then
927--                  Dbg_Out.Put
928--                    ("\1: soft line break Replace_Previous\n",
929--                     Image (Integer (Cur_Line)));
930                  pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) /= ' ');
931                  Replace_Previous (Out_Buf, NL);
932                  pragma Assert
933                    (not At_Point (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line + 1).Mark));
935               elsif Cur (Out_Buf) = ' ' then
936--                  Dbg_Out.Put
937--                    ("\1: soft line break Replace_Cur\n",
938--                     Image (Integer (Cur_Line)));
939                  Replace_Cur (Out_Buf, NL);
940                  pragma Assert
941                    (not At_Point (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line + 1).Mark));
942                  Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
944               else
945--                  Dbg_Out.Put
946--                    ("\1: soft line break insert\n",
947--                     Image (Integer (Cur_Line)));
948                  Insert_NL (Out_Buf);
949                  pragma Assert
950                    (not At_Point (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line + 1).Mark));
951               end if;
952            end if;
953            Indentation := Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Indentation;
955            pragma Assert
956              (At_End (Out_Buf) = (Cur_Line = Last_Index (Line_Breaks)));
957            exit Char_Loop when Cur_Line = Last_Index (Line_Breaks);
959            Cur_Line := Cur_Line + 1;
960--            Dbg_Out.Put
961--              ("    point = \1, next break = ",
962--               Image (Point (Out_Buf)));
963--            Dump_Marker (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark);
964--            Dbg_Out.Put ("\n");
965            pragma Assert
966              (Point (Out_Buf) <=
967               Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark));
968         end loop; -- through Line_Breaks table
970         --  We can't be At_End, because we would have done "exit Char_Loop"
971         --  above.
973         pragma Assert (not At_End (Out_Buf));
974         pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) not in NL | W_NUL);
976         if At_Line_Start then
977            for J in 1 .. Indentation loop
978               Insert (Out_Buf, ' ');
979            end loop;
980            At_Line_Start := False;
981         end if;
983         Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
984      end loop Char_Loop;
986      pragma Assert (At_End (Out_Buf));
987      pragma Assert (Cur_Line = Last_Index (Line_Breaks));
988      Reset (Out_Buf);
989      pragma Debug (Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (To_W_Str (Out_Buf)));
990   end Insert_NLs_And_Indentation;
992   function Remove_Extra_Line_Breaks return Char_Vector;
993   --  Removes extra NL's. The result has exactly one NL at the beginning, and
994   --  exactly one at the end. Also, if Preserve_Blank_Lines is False, we
995   --  collapse 3 or more NL's in a row down to 2.  ???It would be cleaner if
996   --  we didn't put multiple blank lines in in the first place.
997   --
998   --  This also converts LF to CRLF if appropriate.
1000   --  Wide_Text_IO accepts a Form parameter that inserts CR's on windows, but
1001   --  it doesn't do that on unix, so we insert CR's by hand.
1003   function Remove_Extra_Line_Breaks return Char_Vector is
1004      Is_Windows : constant Boolean := GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator = '\';
1005      Add_CR : constant Boolean :=
1006        (case Output.Out_File_Format is
1007           when Output.Default => (if Is_Windows then True else False),
1008           when Output.CRLF => True,
1009           when Output.LF => False);
1010      --  True if we should convert LF to CRLF -- if it was requested on the
1011      --  command line, or if we're on windows an nothing was requested.
1013   begin
1014      --  Optimize the case where we're not changing anything. The reason
1015      --  Remove_Extra_Line_Breaks keeps the initial NL is that this
1016      --  optimization wouldn't work otherwise.
1018      if Options.Preserve_Blank_Lines and then not Add_CR then
1019         return To_Vector (Out_Buf);
1020      end if;
1022      declare
1023         Result : Char_Vector;
1024      begin
1025         while Cur (Out_Buf) = NL loop
1026            Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
1027         end loop;
1028         Append (Result, W_LF);
1029         --  We don't want a CR here; caller skips the one LF character
1031         loop
1032            declare
1033               NL_Count : Natural := 0;
1034            begin
1035               while Cur (Out_Buf) = NL loop
1036                  Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
1037                  NL_Count := NL_Count + 1;
1038               end loop;
1040               exit when At_End (Out_Buf);
1042               if not Options.Preserve_Blank_Lines and then NL_Count > 2 then
1043                  NL_Count := 2;
1044               end if;
1046               for J in 1 .. NL_Count loop
1047                  if Add_CR then
1048                     Append (Result, W_CR);
1049                  end if;
1050                  Append (Result, W_LF);
1051               end loop;
1052            end;
1054            pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) /= NL);
1055            Append (Result, Cur (Out_Buf));
1056            Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
1057         end loop;
1059         if Add_CR then
1060            Append (Result, W_CR);
1061         end if;
1062         Append (Result, W_LF);
1063         Reset (Out_Buf);
1064         pragma Assert (Result (1) = NL);
1065         pragma Assert (Result (2) /= NL);
1066         if not Add_CR then
1067            pragma Assert (Result (Last_Index (Result) - 1) /= NL);
1068            pragma Assert (Result (Last_Index (Result)) = NL);
1069         end if;
1070         return Result;
1071      end;
1072   end Remove_Extra_Line_Breaks;
1074   procedure Write_Str (Out_Elems : W_Str);
1075   procedure Write_Out_Buf;
1076   procedure Write_Src_Buf;
1077   --  Write_Out_Buf writes Out_Buf to the output. This is the normal
1078   --  case. Write_Src_Buf writes the Src_Buf to the output. Write_Str is the
1079   --  code common to both Write_Out_Buf and Write_Src_Buf.
1081   procedure Write_Str (Out_Elems : W_Str) is
1082      use Wide_Text_IO;
1083      Out_File : File_Type;
1084   begin
1085      if False then -- ???Messes up the diff's.
1086         Formatted_Output.Put
1087           ("--  ???Inner_Loop_Count = \1\n",
1088            Image (Inner_Loop_Count));
1089      end if;
1091      Output_Written := True;
1092      if Output_Name /= "" then
1093         --  If Output_Name = "", leave Current_Output pointing to standard
1094         --  output; otherwise point it to the file.
1095         Create (Out_File, Name => Output_Name,
1096                 Form => Form_String & ",Text_Translation=NO");
1097         Set_Output (Out_File);
1098      end if;
1100      --  If a BOM (byte order mark) was found in the input, we want to put it
1101      --  in the output.
1103      if Write_BOM then
1104         if Options.Output_Encoding /= System.WCh_Con.WCEM_UTF8 then
1105            raise Program_Error;
1106         end if;
1107         Put (W_Char'Val (16#FEFF#)); -- BOM as a wide character
1108      end if;
1110      --  We must call New_Line for LF's (at least for the last one in the
1111      --  Out_Elems), because otherwise Wide_Text_IO adds an annoying blank
1112      --  line to the end of the file. It would probably be better to avoid
1113      --  Wide_Text_IO altogether, but we're currently using it to do Unicode
1114      --  encoding transformations. Note that Put(CR) is not guaranteed to work
1115      --  by the Ada standard, but the GNAT implementation won't molest it.
1117      for C of Out_Elems loop
1118         if C = W_LF then
1119            New_Line;
1120         else
1121            Put (C);
1122         end if;
1123      end loop;
1125      if Output_Name /= "" then
1126         Close (Out_File);
1127         Set_Output (Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Standard_Output);
1128      end if;
1129   end Write_Str;
1131   procedure Write_Out_Buf is
1132      pragma Assert (Point (Out_Buf) = 1);
1133      Normalized : constant Char_Vector := Remove_Extra_Line_Breaks;
1134      Out_Elems : W_Str renames Elems (Normalized)
1135        (2 .. Last_Index (Normalized)); -- 2 to skip initial NL
1136   begin
1137      --  In Do_Diff mode, don't write the output if it is identical to the
1138      --  input.
1140      if Do_Diff then
1141         declare
1142            Src_Elems : W_Str renames Elements (Src_Buf)
1143              (1 .. Last_Position (Src_Buf));
1144         begin
1145            if Out_Elems = Src_Elems then
1146               Output_Written := False;
1147               return;
1148            end if;
1149         end;
1150      end if;
1152      Write_Str (Out_Elems);
1153   end Write_Out_Buf;
1155   procedure Write_Src_Buf is
1156      Out_Elems : W_Str renames Elements (Src_Buf)
1157        (1 .. Last_Position (Src_Buf));
1158   begin
1159      Write_Str (Out_Elems);
1160   end Write_Src_Buf;
1162   procedure Subtree_To_Ada
1163     (Tree            : Ada_Tree;
1164      Cur_Level       : Nesting_Level;
1165      Index_In_Parent : Query_Index);
1166   --  We recursively walk the tree, and for most nodes, take the template
1167   --  from Template_Table, and pass it to Interpret_Template. Some nodes
1168   --  need special casing, and bypass the Template_Table. Subtree_To_Ada is
1169   --  directly recursive, and also mutually recursive with Interpret_Template.
1171   procedure Convert_Tree_To_Ada (Tree : Ada_Tree);
1172   --  Subtree_To_Ada with initial values for Cur_Level and Index_In_Parent,
1173   --  along with some fix-ups. In particular, we add a sentinel Line_Break
1174   --  at the beginning, and a sentinel Tab at the end.
1176   type Tree_Stack_Index is new Positive;
1177   type Tree_Array is array (Tree_Stack_Index range <>) of Ada_Tree;
1178   package Tree_Stacks is new ASIS_UL.Vectors
1179     (Tree_Stack_Index,
1180      Ada_Tree,
1181      Tree_Array);
1182   use Tree_Stacks;
1183   --  use all type Tree_Stacks.Vector;
1185   Tree_Stack : Tree_Stacks.Vector;
1186   --  Stack of trees that we're in the process of traversing. Pushed and
1187   --  popped at the beginning and end of Subtree_To_Ada.
1189   function Ancestor_Tree
1190     (N    : Tree_Stack_Index)
1191     return Ada_Tree;
1192   --  Returns the N'th ancestor of the current tree. Ancestor (0) is the
1193   --  current tree, Ancestor (1) is the parent of the current tree, Ancestor
1194   --  (2) is the grandparent of the current tree, and so on. Nil if the tree
1195   --  isn't deep enough.
1197   function Ancestor_Tree
1198     (N    : Tree_Stack_Index)
1199     return Ada_Tree is
1200   begin
1201      if Last_Index (Tree_Stack) <= N then
1202         return Nil;
1203      else
1204         return Tree_Stack (Last_Index (Tree_Stack) - N);
1205      end if;
1206   end Ancestor_Tree;
1208   function Parent_Tree return Ada_Tree is (Ancestor_Tree (1));
1210   Implicit_Null_Statement_Seen : Boolean := False;
1211   --  See the comments about labels under "when A_Null_Statement =>" below for
1212   --  an explanation of this.
1214   function Munge_Template
1215     (T    : Ada_Template;
1216      Kind : Ada_Tree_Kind)
1217      return Ada_Template;
1218   --  Modify the template in certain ways based on command-line options and
1219   --  the like.
1221   function Subp_Decl_With_Hard_Breaks
1222     (Tree : Ada_Tree;
1223      Is_Function, Is_Body : Boolean)
1224      return                 Ada_Template;
1225   --  For implementing Par_Specs_Threshold. This replaces the soft line break
1226   --  between parameters with a hard line break. If Is_Function is True, put
1227   --  a hard line break before "return". If Is_Body is True, put a hard line
1228   --  break before "is".
1230   function Munge_Template
1231     (T    : Ada_Template;
1232      Kind : Ada_Tree_Kind)
1233      return Ada_Template
1234   is
1235   begin
1236      if not Options.RM_Style_Spacing then
1237         return T;
1238      end if;
1239      declare
1240         Result : Bounded_W_Str (Max_Length => T'Length * 2);
1241         X      : Natural := T'First;
1242         function C return W_Char is (T (X));
1243         function Match
1244           (S    : Ada_Template)
1245            return Boolean is
1246           (T (X .. Natural'Min (T'Last, X + S'Length - 1)) = S);
1247      begin
1248         while X <= T'Last loop
1249            if Options.RM_Style_Spacing then
1250               if Match (" (") or else Match (" @(") then
1251                  X := X + 1; -- skip ' ' before '('
1252               elsif Match (" ^:") and then not Match (" ^:=") then
1253                  X := X + 1; -- skip ' ' before ':'
1254               elsif Kind in
1255                   A_Loop_Statement |
1256                     A_While_Loop_Statement |
1257                     A_For_Loop_Statement |
1258                     A_Block_Statement
1259                 and then Match (" :")
1260               then
1261                  X := X + 1; -- skip ' ' before ':' for statement name
1262               end if;
1263            end if;
1265            Append (Result, C);
1266            X := X + 1;
1267         end loop;
1269         return Ada_Template (To_String (Result));
1270      end;
1271   end Munge_Template;
1273   function Subp_Decl_With_Hard_Breaks
1274     (Tree : Ada_Tree;
1275      Is_Function, Is_Body : Boolean)
1276      return                 Ada_Template
1277   is
1278      T : Ada_Template renames Template_Table (Tree.Kind).all;
1279      T1 : constant W_Str :=
1280        (if Options.RM_Style_Spacing
1281           then Must_Replace (W_Str (T), "[@(~;@ ~)]",  "[$(~;$~)]")
1282           else Must_Replace (W_Str (T), "[@ (~;@ ~)]", "[$(~;$~)]"));
1283      T2 : constant W_Str :=
1284        (if Is_Function
1285           then Must_Replace (T1, "@1 return", "$ return")
1286           else T1);
1287      T3 : constant W_Str :=
1288        (if Is_Body and then Options.Separate_Line_For_IS
1289          then Must_Replace (T2, "@ is$", "$is$")
1290          else T2);
1291   begin
1292      return Result : constant Ada_Template := Ada_Template (T3) do
1293         if Assert_Enabled then
1294            if Result = T then
1295               Self_Rep.Stdo;
1296               Self_Rep.Put_Ada_Tree (Tree);
1297               Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line ("T = " & W_Str (T));
1298               Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line ("Result = " & W_Str (Result));
1299            end if;
1300            pragma Assert (Result /= T);
1301         end if;
1302      end return;
1303   end Subp_Decl_With_Hard_Breaks;
1305   package Alternative_Templates is
1307      --  Some templates that are used instead of the ones in Template_Table
1309      Prefix_Notation_Call_Alt_Templ_1 : constant Ada_Template :=
1310        Munge_Template (" @(", A_Function_Call);
1312      Prefix_Notation_Call_Alt_Templ_2 : constant Ada_Template :=
1313        Munge_Template ("[$(", A_Function_Call);
1315      Accept_Statement_Alt_Templ : constant Ada_Template :=
1316        Munge_Template
1317          (Labels & "accept !? @(~~)~?[ @(~;@ ~)]~!!",
1318           An_Accept_Statement);
1319      --  The last "!!" generates nothing, but satisfies the requirement that
1320      --  we use all the subtrees.
1322      --  ???Is the following correct for multi-dim arrays (only some indices
1323      --  need "range")?
1324      Constrained_Array_Definition_Alt_Templ_1 : constant Ada_Template :=
1325        Munge_Template
1326          ("array @(?range ~, range ~~) of !",
1327           A_Constrained_Array_Definition);
1329      Constrained_Array_Definition_Alt_Templ_2 : constant Ada_Template :=
1330        Munge_Template
1331          ("array @(?~, ~~) of !",
1332           A_Constrained_Array_Definition);
1334      Pragma_Alt_Templ : constant Ada_Template :=
1335        Munge_Template ("?[ @(~,@ ~)]~", Flat_Pragma_Kinds'First);
1337      Parameter_Specification_Alt_Templ : constant Ada_Template :=
1338        Munge_Template (" ^: ", A_Parameter_Specification);
1340      Block_Statement_Alt_Templ_1 : constant Ada_Template :=
1341        Munge_Template
1342          (Labels & "?~~ : ~!" & Handled_Seq_2,
1343           A_Block_Statement);
1345      Block_Statement_Alt_Templ_2 : constant Ada_Template :=
1346        Munge_Template
1347          (Labels & "?~~ : ~?declare$" & "{~;$~;$$}~" & Handled_Seq_2,
1348           A_Block_Statement);
1350      Extended_Return_Statement_Alt_Templ : constant Ada_Template :=
1351        Munge_Template (Labels & "return !!!", An_Extended_Return_Statement);
1352      --  The last "!!" generates nothing, but satisfies the requirement that
1353      --  we use all the subtrees.
1355   end Alternative_Templates;
1357   procedure Subtree_To_Ada
1358     (Tree            : Ada_Tree;
1359      Cur_Level       : Nesting_Level;
1360      Index_In_Parent : Query_Index)
1361   is
1362      pragma Unreferenced (Index_In_Parent); -- ???Needed?
1364      Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames All_Line_Breaks;
1366      procedure Subtrees_To_Ada
1367        (Tree               : Ada_Tree;
1368         Pre, Between, Post : Ada_Template);
1370      procedure Interpret_Template
1371        (T         : Ada_Template   := Template_Table (Tree.Kind).all;
1372         Subtrees  : Ada_Tree_Array := Tree.Subtrees;
1373         Cur_Level : Nesting_Level  := Subtree_To_Ada.Cur_Level;
1374         Kind      : Ada_Tree_Kind  := Tree.Kind);
1375      --  Interpret the template, printing literal characters, and recursively
1376      --  calling Subtree_To_Ada when the template calls for a subnode. Kind is
1377      --  for debugging.
1379      procedure Prefix_Notation_Call (Label_Names, Callee, Actuals : Ada_Tree);
1380      --  This is called for A_Function_Call and A_Procedure_Call_Statement
1381      --  when the Is_Prefix_Notation subtree is True. Prefix notation calls
1382      --  have special visibility rules, so we don't want to turn X.F(Y) into
1383      --  F(X, Y). Label_Names is always empty for function calls.
1385      procedure Append_Tab
1386        (Parent, Tree  : Ada_Tree_Base;
1387         T             : Ada_Template;
1388         Token_Text    : Name_Id;
1389         Index_In_Line : Tab_Index_In_Line;
1390         Is_Insertion_Point : Boolean);
1391      --  Append a Tab_Rec onto Tabs. If Token is Name_Empty, get the token
1392      --  from the template T.
1393      --
1394      --  Handling of "fake tabs":
1395      --  Fake tabs are used to deal with situations like this:
1396      --
1397      --     A_Long_Var_Name      : T          := 123;
1398      --     X                    : A_Long_Type_Name;
1399      --     A_Long_Constant_Name : constant T := 123;
1400      --
1401      --  where we wish to align the ":" and ":=" tokens. But the
1402      --  Insert_Alignment algorithm doesn't align things unless subsequent
1403      --  lines "match", which includes having the same number of tabs. But X
1404      --  has no ":=", so we add a fake tab so it will match the preceding and
1405      --  following lines.
1406      --
1407      --  Append_Tab inserts a fake tab after each ":" tab. If there is no
1408      --  ":=" following, the fake tab remains. If there IS a ":=", a real
1409      --  tab replaces the fake one.
1410      --
1411      --  Fake tabs initially have the same position as the preceding ":" tab.
1412      --  When Insert_Alignment calculates Max_Col, it ignores the fake ones,
1413      --  so they won't push anything further to the right. It sets the Col of
1414      --  the fake ones to Max_Col; hence Num_Blanks will be zero, so fake tabs
1415      --  won't insert any blanks.
1416      --
1417      --  Context clauses are handled in a similar manner:
1418      --
1419      --     with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
1420      --     with Ada.Exceptions;
1421      --     with Ada.Strings;             use Ada.Strings;
1423      procedure Append_Tab
1424        (Parent, Tree  : Ada_Tree_Base;
1425         T             : Ada_Template;
1426         Token_Text    : Name_Id;
1427         Index_In_Line : Tab_Index_In_Line;
1428         Is_Insertion_Point : Boolean)
1429      is
1430         Text : Name_Id;
1431         Pa              : Ada_Tree_Base := Parent;
1432         Tr              : Ada_Tree_Base := Tree;
1434         procedure Maybe_Replace_Fake_Tab;
1435         --  Replace a fake tab with a real one, if appropriate. In particular,
1436         --  if the last tab is fake, and the current one has the same
1437         --  Index_In_Line, Tree, and Parent, then the current one replaces the
1438         --  fake one.
1440         function Tab_Token (T : Ada_Template) return Name_Id;
1441         --  Returns the text of the token at the beginning of T, which is the
1442         --  portion of an Ada_Template immediately following "^".
1444         procedure Maybe_Replace_Fake_Tab is
1445         begin
1446            if Is_Empty (Tabs) then
1447               return;
1448            end if;
1450            declare
1451               Tb : constant Tab_Rec := Last_Element (Tabs);
1452            begin
1453               if Tb.Is_Fake
1454                 and then Tb.Index_In_Line = Index_In_Line
1455                 and then Tb.Tree = Tr
1456                 and then Tb.Parent = Pa
1457               then
1458                  pragma Assert (Tb.Token = Text);
1459                  pragma Assert
1460                    ((Text = Name_Assign and then Index_In_Line in 2 | 4)
1461                     or else
1462                       (Text = Snames.Name_Use and then Index_In_Line = 2));
1463                  pragma Assert (not Is_Insertion_Point);
1464                  Delete_Last (Tabs); -- replace fake tab with this real one
1465               end if;
1466            end;
1467         end Maybe_Replace_Fake_Tab;
1469         function Tab_Token (T : Ada_Template) return Name_Id is
1470            --  There is a limited number of possibilities, and we take
1471            --  advantage of that for efficiency. Currently, the only tokens
1472            --  that can follow "^" in templates are as shown below. This needs
1473            --  to be changed if we add more tabbing to templates.
1474            Tok  : Scanner.Token;
1475            Text : Name_Id;
1476         begin
1477            if T = "" then
1478               pragma Assert
1479                 (Tree.Kind in
1480                    A_Parameter_Specification | A_Formal_Object_Declaration);
1481               Text := Name_Tab_In_Out;
1482            else
1483               case T (T'First) is
1484                  when ':' =>
1485                     if Has_Prefix (W_Str (T), Prefix => ":=") then
1486                        Text := Name_Assign;
1487                     else
1488                        Text := Name_Colon;
1489                     end if;
1490                  when '|' =>
1491                     Text := Name_Bar;
1492                  when '=' =>
1493                     pragma Assert (Has_Prefix (W_Str (T), Prefix => "=>"));
1494                     Text := Name_Arrow;
1495                  when 'a' =>
1496                     pragma Assert (Has_Prefix (W_Str (T), Prefix => "at"));
1497                     Text := Snames.Name_At;
1498                  when 'r' =>
1499                     pragma Assert (Has_Prefix (W_Str (T), Prefix => "range"));
1500                     Text := Snames.Name_Range;
1501                  when '.' =>
1502                     pragma Assert (Tree.Kind in A_Component_Clause);
1503                     pragma Assert (Has_Prefix (W_Str (T), Prefix => ".."));
1504                     Text := Name_Dot_Dot;
1505                  when ']' =>
1506                     pragma Assert (Tree.Kind in A_Component_Clause);
1507                     Text := Name_R_Sq;
1508                     goto Skip_Assertion; -- ']' is not a legal token
1509                  when others =>
1510                     pragma Assert (False);
1511               end case;
1512               if Assert_Enabled then
1513                  Tok := Scanner.Get_Token (W_Str (T));
1514                  pragma Assert (Text = Tok.Normalized);
1515                  pragma Assert (Tok.Sloc.First = 1);
1516               end if;
1517               <<Skip_Assertion>>
1518            end if;
1519            pragma Assert
1520              (Text in
1521                 Name_Tab_In_Out |
1522                 Name_Assign |
1523                 Name_Colon |
1524                 Name_Arrow |
1525                 Name_Bar |
1526                 Snames.Name_At |
1527                 Snames.Name_Range |
1528                 Name_Dot_Dot |
1529                 Name_R_Sq);
1530            return Text;
1531         end Tab_Token;
1533      --  Start of processing for Append_Tab
1535      begin
1536         if not Alignment_Enabled then
1537            return;
1538         end if;
1540         if Tree /= null and then Tree.Kind = A_With_Clause then
1541            if Is_Nil (Get (Tree, Has_Limited))
1542              and then Is_Nil (Get (Tree, Has_Private))
1543            then
1544               Pa   := null;
1545               Tr   := null;
1546               Text := Snames.Name_With;
1547            else
1548               return; -- ignore "limited with" and "private with"
1549            end if;
1550         elsif Token_Text = Name_Empty then
1551            if Is_Insertion_Point then
1552               Text := Name_Tab_Insertion_Point;
1553            else
1554               Text := Tab_Token (T);
1555            end if;
1556         else
1557            Text := Token_Text;
1558         end if;
1560         Maybe_Replace_Fake_Tab;
1562         pragma Assert
1563           (Point (Out_Buf) =
1564            Last_Position (Out_Buf) + 1); -- ???Do we need Last_Position?
1565         Append
1566           (Tabs,
1567            Tab_Rec'
1568              (Pa,
1569               Tr,
1570               Token           => Text,
1571               Mark            => Mark (Out_Buf, '^'),
1572               Index_In_Line   => Index_In_Line,
1573               Col             => <>,
1574               Num_Blanks      => <>,
1575               Is_Fake         => False,
1576               Is_Insertion_Point => Is_Insertion_Point));
1577         pragma Assert
1578           (Position (Out_Buf, Last_Element (Tabs).Mark) =
1579            Last_Position (Out_Buf) + 1);
1581         --  Append a fake tab if appropriate
1583         if Tree /= null and then not Is_Insertion_Point then
1584            case Tree.Kind is
1585               when A_Variable_Declaration |
1586                 A_Constant_Declaration |
1587                 An_Integer_Number_Declaration |
1588                 A_Real_Number_Declaration |
1589                 A_Discriminant_Specification |
1590                 A_Component_Declaration |
1591                 A_Return_Variable_Specification =>
1592                  if Index_In_Line = 1 then
1593                     pragma Assert (Text = Name_Colon);
1594                     Append
1595                       (Tabs,
1596                        Tab_Rec'
1597                          (Parent          => Pa,
1598                           Tree            => Tr,
1599                           Token           => Name_Assign,
1600                           Mark            => Mark (Out_Buf, '^'),
1601                           Index_In_Line   => 2,
1602                           Col             => <>,
1603                           Num_Blanks      => <>,
1604                           Is_Fake         => True,
1605                           Is_Insertion_Point => False));
1606                  end if;
1608               when A_Parameter_Specification | A_Formal_Object_Declaration =>
1609                  if Index_In_Line = 3 then
1610                     pragma Assert (Text = Name_Tab_In_Out);
1611                     Append
1612                       (Tabs,
1613                        Tab_Rec'
1614                          (Parent          => Pa,
1615                           Tree            => Tr,
1616                           Token           => Name_Assign,
1617                           Mark            => Mark (Out_Buf, '^'),
1618                           Index_In_Line   => 4,
1619                           Col             => <>,
1620                           Num_Blanks      => <>,
1621                           Is_Fake         => True,
1622                           Is_Insertion_Point => False));
1623                  end if;
1625               when A_With_Clause =>
1626                  if Index_In_Line = 1 then
1627                     pragma Assert (Text = Snames.Name_With);
1628                     Append
1629                       (Tabs,
1630                        Tab_Rec'
1631                          (Parent          => Pa,
1632                           Tree            => Tr,
1633                           Token           => Snames.Name_Use,
1634                           Mark            => Mark (Out_Buf, '^'),
1635                           Index_In_Line   => 2,
1636                           Col             => <>,
1637                           Num_Blanks      => <>,
1638                           Is_Fake         => True,
1639                           Is_Insertion_Point => False));
1640                  end if;
1642               when A_Variant |
1643                 An_Aspect_Specification |
1644                 A_For_All_Quantified_Expression |
1645                 A_For_Some_Quantified_Expression |
1646                 An_Assignment_Statement |
1647                 A_Case_Path |
1648                 A_Select_Path |
1649                 An_Or_Path |
1650                 A_Case_Expression_Path |
1651                 A_Component_Clause |
1652                 An_Exception_Handler =>
1653                  null;
1655               when A_Pragma_Argument_Association |
1656                 A_Discriminant_Association       |
1657                 A_Record_Component_Association   |
1658                 An_Array_Component_Association   |
1659                 A_Parameter_Association          |
1660                 A_Generic_Association            =>
1661                  null;
1663               when others =>
1664                  --  No other tree kinds have tabs
1665                  pragma Assert (False);
1666            end case;
1667         end if;
1668      end Append_Tab;
1670      procedure Subtrees_To_Ada
1671        (Tree               : Ada_Tree;
1672         Pre, Between, Post : Ada_Template)
1673      is
1674         procedure Check_Between;
1675         --  Assert that Between doesn't contain any indentation or similar, so
1676         --  we don't need special processing as for Keep_Indentation.
1678         function Keep_Indentation (Post : Ada_Template) return Ada_Template;
1679         --  Remove everything from Post except for indentation commands
1681         procedure Check_Between is
1682         begin
1683            for X of Between loop
1684               if X in '{' | '}' | '[' | ']' | '(' | ')' | '&' |
1685                 '!' | '?' | '~'
1686               then
1687                  Self_Rep.Stdo;
1688                  Self_Rep.Put_Ada_Tree (Tree);
1689                  Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line
1690                    ("Incorrect Between string: " & W_Str (Between));
1691                  pragma Assert (False);
1692               end if;
1693            end loop;
1694         end Check_Between;
1696         pragma Debug (Check_Between);
1698         function Keep_Indentation (Post : Ada_Template) return Ada_Template is
1699            Result : Bounded_W_Str (Max_Length => Post'Length);
1700         begin
1701            for X of Post loop
1702               pragma Assert (X not in '(' | ')');
1703               if X in '{' | '}' | '[' | ']' then
1704                  Append (Result, X);
1705               end if;
1706            end loop;
1707            return Ada_Template (To_String (Result));
1708         end Keep_Indentation;
1710         pragma Assert (Tree.Kind in Flat_List_Kinds);
1711         Prev_With : Ada_Tree_Base := null;
1712         --  See Use_Same_Line below
1714      begin
1715         if Tree.Subtree_Count = 0 then
1716            return;
1717         end if;
1719         Interpret_Template (Pre, Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
1721         for Index in 1 .. Tree.Subtree_Count loop
1722            declare
1723               Subtree : constant Ada_Tree := Tree.Subtrees (Index);
1725               function Use_Same_Line return Boolean;
1726               --  Special case for use_package_clauses: We want to print "with
1727               --  A.B; use A.B;" on one line. Also, things like "with A.B; use
1728               --  A; use A.B;". This returns True in these cases. We don't do
1729               --  this special processing for use type clauses.
1731               function Has_Prefix (X, Y : Ada_Tree) return Boolean with
1732                  Pre => X.Kind in Usage_Names | A_Selected_Component
1733                  and then Y.Kind in Usage_Names | A_Selected_Component;
1734                  --  True if X contains Y, as in "A.B.C.D" contains "A.B".
1735                  --  I.e. if Y is a prefix of X.
1737               function Has_Prefix (X, Y : Ada_Tree) return Boolean is
1738               begin
1739                  if Ref (X) = Ref (Y) then
1740                     return True;
1741                  elsif X.Kind in Usage_Names then
1742                     return False;
1743                  else
1744                     pragma Assert (X.Kind = A_Selected_Component);
1745                     return Has_Prefix (X.Subtrees (1), Y);
1746                  end if;
1747               end Has_Prefix;
1749               function Use_Same_Line return Boolean is
1750               begin
1751                  --  For a with clause followed by one or more use package
1752                  --  clauses, Prev_With will be the with clause when
1753                  --  processing the use clauses. Otherwise, Prev_With is null.
1755                  if Prev_With = null
1756                    or else Options.Separate_Line_For_USE
1757                  then
1758                     return False; -- usual case
1759                  end if;
1761                  declare
1762                     pragma Assert (Prev_With.Kind = A_With_Clause);
1763                     With_Names : constant Ada_Tree := Prev_With.Subtrees (3);
1764                     Next_Subtree : constant Ada_Tree :=
1765                       Tree.Subtrees (Index + 1);
1766                  begin
1767                     if Next_Subtree.Kind = A_Use_Package_Clause
1768                       and then Next_Subtree.Subtrees (1).Subtree_Count = 1
1769                       and then With_Names.Subtree_Count = 1
1770                     then
1771                        declare
1772                           W : constant Ada_Tree := With_Names.Subtrees (1);
1773                           U : constant Ada_Tree :=
1774                             Next_Subtree.Subtrees (1).Subtrees (1);
1775                        begin
1776                           if Has_Prefix (W, U) or else Has_Prefix (U, W) then
1777                              return True;
1778                           end if;
1779                        end;
1780                     end if;
1781                  end;
1783                  return False; -- usual case
1784               end Use_Same_Line;
1786            begin
1787               pragma Assert (Tree.Kind not in An_If_Path | An_Elsif_Path);
1788               --  No need for If_Statement_Check here
1789               Subtree_To_Ada
1790                 (Subtree,
1791                  New_Level (Tree, Index, Cur_Level, Pre & Between & Post),
1792                  Index);
1793               --  ???Shouldn't this use the entire template?
1795               case Subtree.Kind is
1796                  when A_With_Clause =>
1797                     if Is_Nil (Get (Subtree, Has_Limited))
1798                       and then Is_Nil (Get (Subtree, Has_Private))
1799                     then
1800                        Prev_With := Subtree;
1801                     else
1802                        --  ignore "limited with" and "private with"
1803                        Prev_With := null;
1804                     end if;
1805                  when A_Use_Package_Clause =>
1806                     null; -- Leave Prev_With alone
1807                  when others =>
1808                     Prev_With := null;
1809               end case;
1811               if Index < Tree.Subtree_Count then
1812                  declare
1813                     Same_Line : constant Boolean := Use_Same_Line;
1814                     pragma Assert (if Same_Line then Between = ";$");
1815                     Tween : constant Ada_Template :=
1816                       (if
1817                          Same_Line
1818                        then
1819                          (if Prev_With = Tree.Subtrees (Index) then ";@ "
1820                           else ";$")
1821                        else -- else ";@1 "???
1822                        Between);
1823                  begin
1824                     if Subtree.Kind /= A_Comment then
1825                        Interpret_Template
1826                          (Tween, Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
1827                     end if;
1828                     if Same_Line then
1829                        Append_Tab
1830                          (Parent        => null,
1831                           Tree          => null,
1832                           T             => "",
1833                           Token_Text    => Snames.Name_Use,
1834                           Index_In_Line => 2,
1835                           Is_Insertion_Point => False);
1836                     end if;
1837                  end;
1839               else
1840                  pragma Assert (Index = Tree.Subtree_Count);
1841                  if Subtree.Kind = A_Comment then
1842                     Interpret_Template
1843                       (Keep_Indentation (Post), Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
1844                  else
1845                     Interpret_Template (Post, Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
1846                  end if;
1847               end if;
1848            end;
1849         end loop;
1850      end Subtrees_To_Ada;
1852      procedure Interpret_Template
1853        (T         : Ada_Template   := Template_Table (Tree.Kind).all;
1854         Subtrees  : Ada_Tree_Array := Tree.Subtrees;
1855         Cur_Level : Nesting_Level  := Subtree_To_Ada.Cur_Level;
1856         Kind      : Ada_Tree_Kind  := Tree.Kind)
1857      is
1859         pragma Assert (T = Munge_Template (T, Kind));
1860         J : Positive := T'First;
1861         subtype Subtrees_Index is Query_Index range 1 .. Subtrees'Last;
1862         Used : array (Subtrees_Index) of Boolean := (others => False);
1863         Cur_Subtree_Index : Query_Count                       := 0;
1864         Numeric_Arg       : Boolean;
1865         C                 : W_Char;
1867         function Debug_Template return Name_Id;
1869         function Debug_Template return Name_Id is
1870         begin
1871            if False then
1872               return W_Name_Find
1873                   ("X" & W_Str (T) & "X    [" & From_UTF8 (Image (J)) & "]");
1874            else
1875               return Name_Empty;
1876            end if;
1877         end Debug_Template;
1879         Nesting_Increment : Nesting_Level;
1881      --  Start of processing for Interpret_Template
1883      begin
1884         while J <= T'Last loop
1885            Numeric_Arg := False;
1886            C           := T (J);
1888            case C is
1889               --  The following characters are not currently used in templates
1890               --  (as literal text, or as the initial character of a special
1891               --  character sequence); reserved for future use.
1893               when '0' .. '9' |
1894                 '~'           |
1895                 '#'           |
1896                 '*'           |
1897                 '_'           |
1898                 '"'           |
1899                 '\'           |
1900                 '/'           =>
1901                  raise Program_Error with "Illegal template character";
1903               when '$' | '%' =>
1904                  Append_Line_Break
1905                    (Hard     => True,
1906                     Affects_Comments => C = '$',
1907                     Level    => Cur_Level,
1908                     Kind     => Kind,
1909                     Template => Debug_Template);
1910               when '@' =>
1911                  if J < T'Last and then T (J + 1) in '0' .. '9' then
1912                     J                 := J + 1;
1913                     Nesting_Increment :=
1914                       Nesting_Level (Char_To_Digit (T (J)));
1915                  else
1916                     Nesting_Increment := 0;
1917                  end if;
1918                  Append_Line_Break
1919                    (Hard     => False,
1920                     Affects_Comments => False,
1921                     Level    => Cur_Level + Nesting_Increment,
1922                     Kind     => Kind,
1923                     Template => Debug_Template);
1925               when '{' =>
1926                  Indent (Options.PP_Indentation);
1927               when '}' =>
1928                  Indent (-Options.PP_Indentation);
1930               when '[' =>
1931                  Indent (Options.PP_Cont_Line_Indentation);
1932               when ']' =>
1933                  Indent (-Options.PP_Cont_Line_Indentation);
1935               when '(' =>
1936                  Buffered_Output.Put_Char (C);
1937                  Indent (1); -- extra indentation
1938               when ')' =>
1939                  Buffered_Output.Put_Char (C);
1940                  Indent (-1);
1942               when '^' | '&' =>
1943                  declare
1944                     Index_In_Line : Tab_Index_In_Line;
1945                     Par           : Ada_Tree := Parent_Tree;
1946                  begin
1947                     if J < T'Last and then T (J + 1) in '0' .. '9' then
1948                        J             := J + 1;
1949                        Index_In_Line :=
1950                          Tab_Index_In_Line (Char_To_Digit (T (J)));
1952                     else
1953                        Index_In_Line := 1;
1954                     end if;
1955                     if Par = Tree then
1956                        Par := Ancestor_Tree (2); -- up one more level
1957                     end if;
1958                     Append_Tab
1959                       (Par,
1960                        Tree,
1961                        T (J + 1 .. T'Last),
1962                        Name_Empty,
1963                        Index_In_Line => Index_In_Line,
1964                        Is_Insertion_Point => C = '&');
1965                  end;
1967               when '!' | '?' =>
1968                  if J < T'Last and then T (J + 1) in '0' .. '9' then
1969                     Numeric_Arg := True;
1970                     J           := J + 1;
1972                  else
1973                     Cur_Subtree_Index := Cur_Subtree_Index + 1;
1974                  end if;
1976                  declare
1977                     Subtree_Index : Query_Index;
1979                  begin
1980                     if Numeric_Arg then
1981                        Subtree_Index := Query_Index (Char_To_Digit (T (J)));
1983                     else
1984                        Subtree_Index := Cur_Subtree_Index;
1985                     end if;
1986                     pragma Assert (Subtree_Index in Subtrees_Index);
1987                     --  Put ("Subtree_Index = \1, not in \2..\3 <<\4>>\n",
1988                     --  Image (Subtree_Index), Image (Subtrees'First), Image
1989                     --  (Subtrees'Last), "???Image (Tr.Kind)");
1991                     declare
1992                        Subtree : constant Ada_Tree :=
1993                          Subtrees (Subtree_Index);
1995                     begin
1996                        Used (Subtree_Index) := True;
1997                        if C = '!' then
1998                           if Tree.Kind in An_If_Path | An_Elsif_Path then
1999                              pragma Assert (Subtree_Index = 1);
2000                              If_Statement_Check_1;
2001                           end if;
2003                           Subtree_To_Ada
2004                             (Subtree,
2005                              New_Level (Tree, Subtree_Index, Cur_Level, T),
2006                              Subtree_Index);
2008                           if Tree.Kind in An_If_Path | An_Elsif_Path then
2009                              If_Statement_Check_2 (Cur_Level);
2010                           end if;
2012                        else
2013                           pragma Assert (C = '?');
2015                           declare
2016                              function Scan_To_Tilde return Positive;
2018                              function Scan_To_Tilde return Positive is
2019                              begin
2020                                 loop
2021                                    J := J + 1;
2022                                    exit when T (J) = '~';
2023                                 end loop;
2024                                 return J - 1;
2025                              end Scan_To_Tilde;
2027                              Pre_First : constant Positive := J + 1;
2028                              Pre_Last  : constant Positive := Scan_To_Tilde;
2029                              pragma Assert (T (J) = '~');
2031                              Between_First : constant Positive := J + 1;
2032                              Between_Last  : constant Positive :=
2033                                Scan_To_Tilde;
2034                              pragma Assert (T (J) = '~');
2036                              Post_First : constant Positive := J + 1;
2037                              Post_Last  : constant Positive := Scan_To_Tilde;
2038                              pragma Assert (T (J) = '~');
2040                           begin
2041                              Used (Subtree_Index) := True;
2042                              --  ???The following could use some cleanup
2043                              case Subtree.Kind is
2044                                 when Flat_List_Kinds =>
2045                                    Append (Tree_Stack, Subtree); -- push
2046                                    Subtrees_To_Ada
2047                                      (Subtree,
2048                                       T (Pre_First .. Pre_Last),
2049                                       T (Between_First .. Between_Last),
2050                                       T (Post_First .. Post_Last));
2051                                    Delete_Last (Tree_Stack); -- pop
2053                                 when Not_An_Element =>
2054                                    null;
2056                                 when others =>
2057                                    Interpret_Template
2058                                      (T (Pre_First .. Pre_Last),
2059                                       Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2060                                    --  ???
2061                                    --  if False and then Between /= "" then
2062                                    --  Put ("\1, \2: ???Between = <<\3>>, " &
2063                                    --  "T = <<\4>>\n", "???Image (Tr.Kind)",
2064                                    --  Image (Subtree.Kind), String (Between),
2065                                    --  String (T)); pragma Assert (Between =
2066                                    --  ""); end if;
2067                                    pragma Assert
2068                                      (Kind not in An_If_Path | An_Elsif_Path);
2069                                    --  No need for If_Statement_Check here
2070                                    Subtree_To_Ada
2071                                      (Subtree,
2072                                       New_Level
2073                                         (Tree,
2074                                          Subtree_Index,
2075                                          Cur_Level,
2076                                          T),
2077                                       Subtree_Index);
2078                                    Interpret_Template
2079                                      (T (Post_First .. Post_Last),
2080                                       Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2081                              end case;
2082                           end;
2083                        end if;
2084                     end;
2085                  end;
2087               when ';' =>
2088                  if Implicit_Null_Statement_Seen then
2089                     Implicit_Null_Statement_Seen := False;
2091                  else
2092                     Buffered_Output.Put_Char (C);
2093                  end if;
2095               when others =>
2096                  Buffered_Output.Put_Char (C);
2098            end case;
2100            J := J + 1;
2101         end loop;
2103         if Used /= (Subtrees_Index => True) then -- ???
2104            Buffered_Output.Put ("???Not all used: \1", "???Image (Tr.Kind)");
2105         end if;
2106         --  ???pragma Assert (Used = (Subtrees_Index => True));
2107      end Interpret_Template;
2109      use Alternative_Templates;
2111      function Past_Call_Threshold (Actuals : Ada_Tree) return Boolean is
2112         (Natural (Actuals.Subtree_Count) >
2113            Options.Par_Associations_Threshold
2114            and then
2115            (for some Assoc of Actuals.Subtrees =>
2116               Assoc.Subtrees (1).Kind /= Not_An_Element));
2117      --  True if there are more parameter associations than the threshold,
2118      --  and at least one of them is named.
2120      function Hard_Breaks_For_Call (Kind : Ada_Tree_Kind) return Ada_Template
2121        is (Ada_Template (Must_Replace
2122             (W_Str (Template_Table (Kind).all),
2123              "@ (~,@ ~)", "%(~,%~)")));
2124      --  We use % instead of $ here, so that the indentation of these will not
2125      --  affect following comments.
2127      procedure Prefix_Notation_Call
2128        (Label_Names, Callee, Actuals : Ada_Tree)
2129      is
2131         --  For X.F(Y,Z), which is shorthand for F(X,Y,Z), First is X and Rest
2132         --  is Y,Z.
2134         First : constant Ada_Tree := Actuals.Subtrees (1);
2136         The_Rest : aliased Ada_Tree_Rec :=
2137             (Kind          => An_Association_List,
2138              Checks        => Asis.Extensions.Empty_Check_Set,
2139              Subtree_Count => Actuals.Subtree_Count - 1,
2140              Sloc          => Asis.Text.Nil_Span,
2141              Subtrees      => Actuals.Subtrees (2 .. Actuals.Subtree_Count));
2142         Rest : constant Ada_Tree := The_Rest'Unchecked_Access;
2143         Past : constant Boolean := Past_Call_Threshold (Rest);
2145      begin
2146         if Label_Names.Subtree_Count /= 0 then
2147            raise Program_Error
2148              with "labeled prefix calls not yet implemented";
2149         end if;
2151         --  ???Work around possible bug in Function_Call_Parameters. Not sure
2152         --  why Callee would be A_Selected_Component.
2154         if Callee.Kind /= A_Selected_Component then
2155            Subtree_To_Ada (First, Cur_Level + 1, Index_In_Parent => 1);
2156            Buffered_Output.Put (".");
2157         end if;
2158         Subtree_To_Ada (Callee, Cur_Level + 1, Index_In_Parent => 2);
2159         Subtrees_To_Ada
2160           (Rest,
2161            Pre     =>
2162              (if Past
2163                 then Prefix_Notation_Call_Alt_Templ_2
2164                 else Prefix_Notation_Call_Alt_Templ_1),
2165            Between => (if Past then ",$" else ", "),
2166            Post    => (if Past then ")]" else ")"));
2167      end Prefix_Notation_Call;
2169      procedure Maybe_Blank_Line;
2171      procedure Maybe_Blank_Line is
2172         Insert_Blank_Line_Before : Boolean := False;
2173      begin
2174         if not Options.Insert_Blank_Lines then
2175            return;
2176         end if;
2178         if Tree.Kind = A_Compilation_Unit then
2179            Insert_Blank_Line_Before := True;
2180         end if;
2182         if Tree.Kind in
2183             An_Ordinary_Type_Declaration |
2184            --  ???(if rec etc)A_Record_Type_Definition
2185            --  A_Derived_Record_Extension_Definition
2187               A_Task_Type_Declaration |
2188               A_Protected_Type_Declaration |
2189               A_Single_Task_Declaration |
2190               A_Single_Protected_Declaration |
2191               A_Procedure_Body_Declaration |
2192               A_Function_Body_Declaration |
2193               A_Package_Declaration | -- ???(non lib unit)
2194               A_Package_Body_Declaration |
2195               A_Task_Body_Declaration |
2196               A_Protected_Body_Declaration |
2197               An_Entry_Body_Declaration |
2198               A_Generic_Procedure_Declaration |
2199               A_Generic_Function_Declaration |
2200               A_Generic_Package_Declaration |
2201               An_Enumeration_Type_Definition | --???(if big)
2202               A_Loop_Statement |
2203               A_While_Loop_Statement |
2204               A_For_Loop_Statement |
2205               A_Block_Statement |
2206               An_Extended_Return_Statement |
2207               An_Accept_Statement |
2208               A_Selective_Accept_Statement |
2209               A_Timed_Entry_Call_Statement |
2210               A_Conditional_Entry_Call_Statement |
2211               An_Asynchronous_Select_Statement |
2212               An_If_Path | --???look up to If_Statement, then up to list.
2213               An_Elsif_Path |
2214               An_Else_Path |
2215               A_Case_Path |
2216               A_Record_Representation_Clause
2217--           An_Exception_Handler |???
2219         then
2220            declare
2221               Parent : constant Ada_Tree := Parent_Tree;
2222            begin
2223               if Parent.Kind in Flat_List_Kinds then
2224                  if Parent.Subtrees (1) /= Tree then
2225                     Insert_Blank_Line_Before := True;
2226                  end if;
2227               end if;
2228            end;
2229         end if;
2231         if Insert_Blank_Line_Before then
2232            pragma Assert (Line_Breaks (Last (Line_Breaks)).Hard);
2233            pragma Assert
2234              (Point (Out_Buf) =
2235               Last_Position (Out_Buf) + 1); -- ???Do we need Last_Position?
2236            pragma Assert
2237              (Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Last (Line_Breaks)).Mark) =
2238               Last_Position (Out_Buf));
2239            pragma Assert (Lookback (Out_Buf) = NL);
2240            --  There should already be a hard line break here; we're about to
2241            --  add another one.
2243            Append_Line_Break
2244              (Hard     => True,
2245               Affects_Comments => False,
2246               Level    => 0,
2247               Kind     => Tree.Kind,
2248               Template => Name_Find ("Maybe_Blank_Line"));
2249         end if;
2250      end Maybe_Blank_Line;
2252      use Asis;
2253      Index : Query_Index := 1;
2255      --  Procedures for formatting the various kinds of node that are not
2256      --  fully covered by Template_Table:
2258      procedure Do_Accept_Statement;
2259      procedure Do_Array_Aggregate;
2260      procedure Do_Association;
2261      procedure Do_Attribute_Reference;
2262      procedure Do_Block_Statement;
2263      procedure Do_Compilation_Unit;
2264      procedure Do_Comment;
2265      procedure Do_Case_Path;
2266      procedure Do_Case_Statement;
2267      procedure Do_Component_Clause;
2268      procedure Do_Constrained_Array_Definition; -- also generic formal
2269      procedure Do_Def_Name;
2270      procedure Do_Extended_Return_Statement;
2271      procedure Do_Extension_Aggregate;
2272      procedure Do_Function_Call;
2273      procedure Do_List;
2274      procedure Do_Literal;
2275      procedure Do_Null_Statement;
2276      procedure Do_Ordinary_Type_Declaration;
2277      procedure Do_Parameter_Specification; -- also Formal_Object_Declaration
2278      procedure Do_Pragma;
2279      procedure Do_Procedure_Call_Statement; -- also Entry_Call_Statement
2280      procedure Do_Qualified_Expression;
2281      procedure Do_Record_Aggregate;
2282      procedure Do_Single_Task_Declaration;
2283      procedure Do_Subp_Decl -- subprograms and the like
2284        (Is_Function, Is_Body : Boolean;
2285         Params_Query         : Structural_Queries);
2286      procedure Do_Subtype_Indication;
2287      procedure Do_Task_Type_Declaration;
2288      procedure Do_Usage_Name;
2290      procedure Do_Others; -- anything not listed above
2292      procedure Do_Accept_Statement is
2293      begin
2294         --  If there are no statements or exception handlers, use short form
2296         if Tree.Subtrees (5).Subtree_Count = 0
2297           and then Tree.Subtrees (6).Subtree_Count = 0
2298         then
2299            Interpret_Template (Accept_Statement_Alt_Templ);
2300         else
2301            Interpret_Template;
2302         end if;
2303      end Do_Accept_Statement;
2305      procedure Do_Array_Aggregate is
2306      begin
2307         if Parent_Tree.Kind = An_Enumeration_Representation_Clause then
2308            Interpret_Template ("?[@(~,@ ~)]~");
2309         else
2310            Interpret_Template;
2311         end if;
2312      end Do_Array_Aggregate;
2314      procedure Do_Association is
2315         --  Some have a single name before the "=>", and some have a list
2316         --  separated by "|". Single_Name_Only is True in the former case.
2317         --  Positional_Notation is True if there are no names (no "=>").
2318         --  Single_Name is True if there is a single name before "=>",
2319         --  regardless of whether a list is allowed.
2320         Single_Name_Only : constant Boolean :=
2321           (case Tree.Kind is
2322              when A_Pragma_Argument_Association |
2323                A_Parameter_Association |
2324                A_Generic_Association =>
2325                True,
2326              when A_Discriminant_Association |
2327                A_Record_Component_Association |
2328                An_Array_Component_Association =>
2329                False,
2330              when others => False); -- Can't happen
2331         Positional_Notation : constant Boolean :=
2332           (if Single_Name_Only then Tree.Subtrees (1).Kind = Not_An_Element
2333            else Tree.Subtrees (1).Subtree_Count = 0 -- list length 0?
2334            );
2335      begin
2336         if Positional_Notation then
2337            Interpret_Template ("?~~~!");
2338         --  The "?~~~" generates nothing.
2340         else
2341            declare
2342               Single_Name : constant Boolean :=
2343                 Single_Name_Only or else Tree.Subtrees (1).Subtree_Count = 1;
2344            begin
2345               --  This is needed because the "[]" is not properly nested with
2346               --  the "?~~~".
2347               if Single_Name then
2348                  Interpret_Template ("?~~ ^=>[@ ~!]");
2349               else
2350                  Interpret_Template ("?~ ^|@ ~ ^=>[@ ~!]");
2351               end if;
2352            end;
2353         end if;
2354      end Do_Association;
2356      procedure Do_Attribute_Reference is
2357         Attribute_Designator_Id : constant String :=
2358           To_Lower (Get_Name_String (Tree.Subtrees (2).Ref_Name));
2359      begin
2360         --  If the Attribute_Designator_Identifier is "Update", then we need
2361         --  to avoid generating an extra pair of parentheses, because ASIS
2362         --  represents X'Update(X => Y) as an attribute reference whose
2363         --  Attribute_Designator_Expressions is a list containing the
2364         --  aggregate (X => Y), so it would otherwise come out as
2365         --      X'Update((X => Y)).
2367         if Attribute_Designator_Id = "update" then
2368            pragma Assert (Tree.Kind = An_Implementation_Defined_Attribute);
2369            Interpret_Template ("!'[@!? @~, ~~]");
2370         else
2371            Interpret_Template;
2372         end if;
2373      end Do_Attribute_Reference;
2375      procedure Do_Block_Statement is
2376      begin
2377         --  If Block_Declarative_Items is empty, leave off the "declare"
2379         if Tree.Subtrees (3).Subtree_Count = 0 then
2380            Interpret_Template (Block_Statement_Alt_Templ_1);
2381         else
2382            Interpret_Template (Block_Statement_Alt_Templ_2);
2383         end if;
2384      end Do_Block_Statement;
2386      use Buffered_Output;
2388      procedure Do_Compilation_Unit is
2389      begin
2390--          Put ("--  \1 = \2", "Unit_Kind", Capitalize (Tree.Unit_Kind'Img));
2391--          Interpret_Template ("$", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2392--          Put
2393--            ("--  \1 = \2",
2394--             "Unit_Class",
2395--             Capitalize (Tree.Unit_Class'Img));
2396--          Interpret_Template ("$", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2397--          Put
2398--            ("--  \1 = \2",
2399--             "Unit_Origin",
2400--             Capitalize (Tree.Unit_Origin'Img));
2401--          Interpret_Template ("$", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2402--          Interpret_Template ("$", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2403         Subtrees_To_Ada
2404           (Tree.Subtrees (1),
2405            Pre     => "",
2406            Between => ";$",
2407            Post    => ";$$");
2408         --  If it's a subunit, we need "separate (Parent.Name)"
2410         if Tree.Unit_Kind in A_Subunit then
2411            declare
2412               N    : constant W_Str := Get_Name_String (Tree.Unit_Full_Name);
2413               Last : Positive       := N'Last;
2415            begin
2416               --  Determine parent name by searching for the last '.'
2418               while N (Last) /= '.' loop
2419                  Last := Last - 1;
2420               end loop;
2421               Last := Last - 1;
2423               Put
2424                 ("separate\1(\2)",
2425                  (if Options.RM_Style_Spacing then "" else " "),
2426                  N (1 .. Last));
2427               Interpret_Template ("$", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2428            end;
2429         end if;
2431         case Tree.Unit_Class is
2432            when A_Private_Declaration =>
2433               Put ("private ");
2435            when A_Public_Declaration       |
2436              A_Public_Body                 |
2437              A_Public_Declaration_And_Body |
2438              A_Private_Body                |
2439              A_Separate_Body               =>
2440               null;
2442            when Not_A_Class =>
2443               raise Program_Error;
2444         end case;
2446         Subtree_To_Ada
2447           (Tree.Subtrees (2),
2448            Cur_Level + 1,
2449            Index_In_Parent => 2);
2450         Put (";");
2451         Interpret_Template ("$", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2452         Subtrees_To_Ada
2453           (Tree.Subtrees (3),
2454            Pre     => "",
2455            Between => ";$",
2456            Post    => ";$");
2457      end Do_Compilation_Unit;
2459      procedure Do_Comment is
2460         S : constant W_Str := Get_Name_String (Tree.Text);
2461         pragma Assert (S in Scanner.Gen_Plus | Scanner.Gen_Minus);
2462         --  These are the only ones used, for now.
2463         Gen_Indent : constant Natural :=
2464           Good_Column (Options.Max_Line_Length - Cur_Indentation - S'Length);
2465         pragma Assert ((Gen_Indent mod Options.PP_Indentation) = 0);
2466      begin
2467         pragma Assert (Check_Whitespace);
2468         Check_Whitespace := False;
2469         Interpret_Template
2470           ((1 .. Gen_Indent => ' '),
2471            Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2472         Interpret_Template
2473           (Ada_Template (S),
2474            Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2475         Check_Whitespace := True;
2476         Interpret_Template ("$", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2477         if S = Scanner.Gen_Minus then
2478            Interpret_Template ("$", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
2479         end if;
2480      end Do_Comment;
2482      procedure Do_Case_Path is
2483         Stms : constant Ada_Tree := Tree.Subtrees (2);
2485      begin
2486         --  If the statement list is a single block statement that starts on
2487         --  the same line as the "when", then we assume the user wants to keep
2488         --  it that way. For example:
2489         --
2490         --     when Upper_Case => Upper_Case_Case : begin
2492         if Stms.Subtree_Count = 1
2493           and then Stms.Subtrees (1).Kind = A_Block_Statement
2494           and then Stms.Subtrees (1).Sloc.First_Line = Tree.Sloc.First_Line
2495         then
2496            Interpret_Template ("when ?[@~ |@ ~]~ => " & "?~~;$~");
2498         else
2499            Interpret_Template;
2500         end if;
2501      end Do_Case_Path;
2503      procedure Do_Case_Statement is
2504         --  If all the "when"s appear in the same column as "case", then we
2505         --  assume that's what the user intended, and avoid indenting the
2506         --  "when"s. ???But the old gnatpp doesn't do that, so disable it
2507         --  for now.
2509         Case_Col : constant Positive := Tree.Sloc.First_Column;
2510         --  Column in which "case" appears
2511         Whens_Col : Positive :=
2512           Tree.Subtrees (3).Subtrees (1).Sloc.First_Column;
2513      --  Column in which all the "when"s appear, if they're all the same
2515      begin
2516         for W of Tree.Subtrees (3).Subtrees loop
2517            if W.Sloc.First_Column /= Whens_Col then
2518               Whens_Col := Positive'Last; -- not all the same
2519            end if;
2520         end loop;
2522         Whens_Col := Positive'Last; -- ???disable for now
2523         if Case_Col = Whens_Col and then Case_Col /= 1 then
2524            Interpret_Template (Labels & "case[@ !]@ is$" & "!" & "end case");
2526         else
2527            Interpret_Template;
2528         end if;
2529      end Do_Case_Statement;
2531      procedure Do_Component_Clause is
2532         --  We use "&" to right-justify the three expressions X, Y, and Z in
2533         --  "at X range Y .. Z". We need to lift the Y and Z expressions up so
2534         --  they appear at the same level as X, so the Tree and Parent of the
2535         --  "&" will match that of the following "^". The Index_In_Lines must
2536         --  also match. The end result will be something like:
2537         --     Thing   at 0 range   0 ..  127;
2538         --     Thing_2 at 0 range 128 .. 1023;
2540         pragma Assert
2541           (Tree.Subtrees (3).Kind = A_Discrete_Simple_Expression_Range);
2542         Subtrees : constant Ada_Tree_Array :=
2543           Tree.Subtrees (1 .. 2) & Tree.Subtrees (3).Subtrees;
2544         pragma Assert (Subtrees'Last = 4);
2545         Cc_Templ : constant Ada_Template :=
2546           "! ^at &2! ^2range [@&3! ^3..[@ &4!^4]]";
2547      begin
2548         Interpret_Template (Cc_Templ, Subtrees);
2549      end Do_Component_Clause;
2551      procedure Do_Constrained_Array_Definition is
2552      begin
2553         case Tree.Subtrees (1).Subtrees (1).Kind is
2554            when A_Range_Attribute_Reference | A_Simple_Expression_Range =>
2555               Interpret_Template (Constrained_Array_Definition_Alt_Templ_1);
2556            when others =>
2557               Interpret_Template (Constrained_Array_Definition_Alt_Templ_2);
2558         end case;
2559      end Do_Constrained_Array_Definition;
2561      procedure Do_Def_Name is
2562         Kind : Ada_Tree_Kind;
2563      begin
2564         if Tree.Kind = A_Defining_Expanded_Name then
2565            Interpret_Template ("![@.!]");
2566         else
2567            --  Odd special case for task and protected bodies: If we have
2568            --  "task body T is...", what casing rule should be used for "T"?
2569            --  If the spec is a task type declaration, we should use the rule
2570            --  for types, but if it's a single task declaration, we should use
2571            --  the rule for other names. This is only relevant if
2572            --  PP_Type_Casing /= PP_Name_Casing, which is hardly ever the
2573            --  case.
2575            if Decl_Of_Def (Symtab, Tree).Kind in
2576              A_Task_Body_Declaration | A_Protected_Body_Declaration
2577            then
2578               Kind := Decl_Of_Def_Kind (Symtab, Spec_Of_Body (Symtab, Tree));
2579            else
2580               Kind := Decl_Of_Def_Kind (Symtab, Tree);
2581            end if;
2583            Put ("\1",
2584                 Id_With_Casing (Tree.Def_Name, Kind, Is_Predef => False));
2585         end if;
2586      end Do_Def_Name;
2588      procedure Do_Extended_Return_Statement is
2589      begin
2590         --  If there are no statements or exception handlers, use short form
2592         if Tree.Subtrees (3).Subtree_Count = 0
2593           and then Tree.Subtrees (4).Subtree_Count = 0
2594         then
2595            Interpret_Template (Extended_Return_Statement_Alt_Templ);
2596         else
2597            Interpret_Template;
2598         end if;
2599      end Do_Extended_Return_Statement;
2601      procedure Do_Extension_Aggregate is
2602      begin
2603         if Tree.Subtrees (2).Subtree_Count = 0 then
2604            Interpret_Template ("@(! with @" & "null record)!");
2606         else
2607            Interpret_Template;
2608         end if;
2609      end Do_Extension_Aggregate;
2611      type Precedence_Level is range 1 .. 7;
2612      function Precedence (Expr : Ada_Tree) return Precedence_Level;
2614      function Precedence (Expr : Ada_Tree) return Precedence_Level is
2615      begin
2616         case Expr.Kind is
2617--  ???Don't treat membership tests as operators, for now
2618--            when An_In_Membership_Test | A_Not_In_Membership_Test =>
2619--               return 1;
2620            when An_And_Then_Short_Circuit | An_Or_Else_Short_Circuit =>
2621               return 2;
2623            when A_Function_Call =>
2624               --  Binary operator using operator notation
2626               if Expr.Subtrees (3).Kind /= An_Is_Prefix_Call
2627                 and then Expr.Subtrees (2).Subtree_Count /= 1
2628               then
2629                  pragma Assert
2630                    (Expr.Subtrees (4).Kind /= An_Is_Prefix_Notation);
2631                  pragma Assert (Expr.Subtrees (2).Subtree_Count = 2);
2632                  case Expr.Subtrees (1).Kind is
2633                     when An_And_Operator | An_Or_Operator | An_Xor_Operator =>
2634                        return 2; -- same as 'and then' and 'or else'
2636                     when An_Equal_Operator             |
2637                       A_Not_Equal_Operator             |
2638                       A_Less_Than_Operator             |
2639                       A_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator    |
2640                       A_Greater_Than_Operator          |
2641                       A_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator =>
2642                        return 3;
2644                     when A_Plus_Operator     |
2645                       A_Minus_Operator       |
2646                       A_Concatenate_Operator =>
2647                        return 4;
2649                     when A_Multiply_Operator |
2650                       A_Divide_Operator      |
2651                       A_Mod_Operator         |
2652                       A_Rem_Operator         =>
2653                        return 5;
2655                     when An_Exponentiate_Operator =>
2656                        return 6;
2658                     when others =>
2659                        raise Program_Error;
2660                  end case;
2662               --  Unary operator or normal function-call notation
2664               else
2665                  return 7;
2666               end if;
2668            --  Assume anything else is a primary (highest precedence)
2670            when others =>
2671               return 7;
2672         end case;
2673      end Precedence;
2675      function Get_Arg (Expr : Ada_Tree; N : Query_Index) return Ada_Tree;
2677      function Get_Arg (Expr : Ada_Tree; N : Query_Index) return Ada_Tree is
2678         Assoc : constant Ada_Tree := Expr.Subtrees (2).Subtrees (N);
2679         pragma Assert (Assoc.Kind = A_Parameter_Association);
2680         function Is_Positional
2681           (Assoc : Ada_Tree)
2682            return  Boolean is
2683           (Assoc.Subtrees (1).Kind = Not_An_Element);
2684         pragma Assert (Is_Positional (Assoc));
2686      begin
2687         return Assoc.Subtrees (2);
2688      end Get_Arg;
2690      function Make_Op (Expr : Ada_Tree) return Ada_Tree;
2691      --  Create operator node. This is a separate function to reduce stack
2692      --  usage (for example long strings of "&" can cause deep recursion).
2694      function Make_Op (Expr : Ada_Tree) return Ada_Tree is
2695      begin
2696         return Result : constant Ada_Tree := Make (An_Identifier) do
2697            case Expr.Kind is
2698               when A_Function_Call =>
2699                  declare
2700                     Q_Op_Sym : constant String :=
2701                       To_Lower (Get_Name_String (Expr.Subtrees (1).Ref_Name));
2702                     Un_Q : constant String (1 .. Q_Op_Sym'Length - 2) :=
2703                       Q_Op_Sym (2 .. Q_Op_Sym'Last - 1);
2704                  --  Strip off quotes
2705                  begin
2706                     Result.Ref := Name_Find (Un_Q);
2707                  end;
2709               when An_And_Then_Short_Circuit =>
2710                  Result.Ref := Name_And_Then;
2712               when An_Or_Else_Short_Circuit =>
2713                  Result.Ref := Name_Or_Else;
2715               when others =>
2716                  raise Program_Error;
2717            end case;
2718            Result.Ref_Name := Result.Ref;
2719         end return;
2720      end Make_Op;
2722      procedure Do_Unary_Operator (Expr : Ada_Tree);
2724      procedure Do_Binary_Operator
2725        (Expr      : Ada_Tree;
2726         Is_Right  : Boolean;
2727         Cur_Level : Nesting_Level);
2728      --  Also handles some things that look like operators, like "and then".
2729      --  Is_Right is True if Expr is the right-hand argument of an outer
2730      --  binary operator. Otherwise (Expr is the left-hand argument, or Expr's
2731      --  parent is something else, like a parenthesized expression), Is_Right
2732      --  is False.
2734      function Is_Bin_Op (Expr : Ada_Tree) return Boolean;
2736      procedure Do_Unary_Operator (Expr : Ada_Tree) is
2737         Op       : constant Ada_Tree       := Make_Op (Expr);
2738         Arg1     : constant Ada_Tree       := Get_Arg (Expr, 1);
2739      begin
2740         --  First we have a special case for the Depends aspect specification.
2741         --  We want to pretend that "=>+" is an operator, so we print:
2742         --   "Depends => (A =>+ B)" instead of "Depends => (A => +B)".
2743         --  We don't bother with this for pragma Depends, because that's
2744         --  mainly for the compiler's implementation of the aspect, so we
2745         --  don't expect it to be used much.
2747         if Ancestor_Tree (4).Kind = An_Aspect_Specification
2748           and then Ancestor_Tree (4).Subtrees (1).Ref_Name = Name_Depends
2749         then
2750            pragma Assert (Expr.Subtrees (1).Kind = A_Unary_Plus_Operator);
2751            pragma Assert
2752              (Slice (Out_Buf, Point (Out_Buf) - 4, Point (Out_Buf) - 1)
2753                 = " => ");
2754            declare
2755               Subtrees : constant Ada_Tree_Array := (1 => Arg1);
2756            begin
2757               Replace_Previous (Out_Buf, '+');
2758               Interpret_Template (" !", Subtrees);
2759            end;
2761         --  No special "Depends" case. Put a space after the operator,
2762         --  except for "+" and "-".
2764         else
2765            declare
2766               Subtrees : constant Ada_Tree_Array := (Op, Arg1);
2767            begin
2768               if Expr.Subtrees (1).Kind in
2769                 A_Unary_Plus_Operator | A_Unary_Minus_Operator
2770               then
2771                  Interpret_Template ("!!", Subtrees);
2772               else
2773                  Interpret_Template ("! !", Subtrees);
2774               end if;
2775            end;
2776         end if;
2777      end Do_Unary_Operator;
2779      function Is_Bin_Op (Expr : Ada_Tree) return Boolean is
2780      begin
2781         case Expr.Kind is
2782            when A_Function_Call =>
2783               return Expr.Subtrees (3).Kind /= An_Is_Prefix_Call
2784                 and then Expr.Subtrees (2).Subtree_Count = 2;
2786            when An_And_Then_Short_Circuit | An_Or_Else_Short_Circuit =>
2787               return True;
2789            when others =>
2790               return False;
2791         end case;
2792      end Is_Bin_Op;
2794      procedure Do_Binary_Operator
2795        (Expr      : Ada_Tree;
2796         Is_Right  : Boolean;
2797         Cur_Level : Nesting_Level)
2798      is
2799         Is_Short_C : constant Boolean :=
2800           Expr.Kind in An_And_Then_Short_Circuit | An_Or_Else_Short_Circuit;
2801         Is_Expon : constant Boolean := -- True for "**"
2802           (Expr.Kind in A_Function_Call
2803            and then Expr.Subtrees (1).Kind = An_Exponentiate_Operator);
2804         Op          : constant Ada_Tree := Make_Op (Expr);
2805         Arg1, Arg2  : Ada_Tree;
2806         Arg1_Higher : Boolean; -- Arg1 is higher precedence than Expr
2808      --  Calculate template fragments for the args (Arg1/2_T), that indent
2809      --  if the arg is a higher precedence binary operator than the whole
2810      --  expression.
2812      --  Start of processing for Do_Binary_Operator
2814      begin
2815         if Is_Short_C then
2816            Arg1 := Expr.Subtrees (1);
2817            Arg2 := Expr.Subtrees (2);
2819         else -- function call
2820            Arg1 := Get_Arg (Expr, 1);
2821            Arg2 := Get_Arg (Expr, 2);
2822         end if;
2824         --  The arguments can't have lower precedence than the expression as
2825         --  a whole; that's what precedence means -- you need parens to put
2826         --  a "+" inside a "*". The right-hand argument can't have equal
2827         --  precedence, because Ada has no right-associative binary operators.
2829         pragma Assert (Precedence (Arg1) >= Precedence (Expr));
2830         pragma Assert (Precedence (Arg2) > Precedence (Expr));
2832         Arg1_Higher := Precedence (Arg1) > Precedence (Expr);
2834         --  The recursive calls to Do_Binary_Operator below bypass the
2835         --  normal recursion via Subtree_To_Ada, so we need to pass along the
2836         --  Cur_Level to Interpret_Template. When we reach something that's
2837         --  not a binary op, we switch back to the normal recursion via
2838         --  Interpret_Template on the Arg. We split lines after the
2839         --  operator symbol, as in:
2840         --     Some_Long_Thing +
2841         --     Some_Other_Long_Thing
2842         --  except in the case of short circuits:
2843         --     Some_Long_Thing
2844         --     and then Some_Other_Long_Thing
2845         --  The --split-line-before-op switch causes all operators to be
2846         --  treated like short circuits in this regard.
2847         --
2848         --  All operators are surrounded by blanks, except for "**":
2849         --     Max : constant := 2**31 - 1;
2851         if Is_Bin_Op (Arg1) then
2852            if Is_Right and then Arg1_Higher then
2853               Interpret_Template ("[@", Empty_Tree_Array, Cur_Level);
2854            end if;
2855            Do_Binary_Operator
2856              (Arg1,
2857               Is_Right  => Is_Right,
2858               Cur_Level => Cur_Level + (if Arg1_Higher then 1 else 0));
2859            if Is_Right and then Arg1_Higher then
2860               Interpret_Template ("]", Empty_Tree_Array, Cur_Level);
2861            end if;
2863         else
2864            Interpret_Template
2865              ("!",
2866               Subtrees  => (1 => Arg1),
2867               Cur_Level => Cur_Level);
2868         end if;
2870         if Is_Short_C or Options.Split_Line_Before_Op then
2871            Interpret_Template ("@", Empty_Tree_Array, Cur_Level);
2872         end if;
2873         Interpret_Template
2874           ((if Is_Expon then "!" else " ! "), -- no blanks for "**"
2875            Subtrees  => (1 => Op),
2876            Cur_Level => Cur_Level);
2877         if not (Is_Short_C or Options.Split_Line_Before_Op) then
2878            Interpret_Template ("@", Empty_Tree_Array, Cur_Level);
2879         end if;
2881         if Is_Bin_Op (Arg2) then
2882            Interpret_Template ("[@", Empty_Tree_Array, Cur_Level + 1);
2883            Do_Binary_Operator
2884              (Arg2,
2885               Is_Right  => True,
2886               Cur_Level => Cur_Level + 1);
2887            Interpret_Template ("]", Empty_Tree_Array, Cur_Level + 1);
2889         else
2890            Interpret_Template
2891              ("!",
2892               Subtrees  => (1 => Arg2),
2893               Cur_Level => Cur_Level + 1);
2894         end if;
2895      end Do_Binary_Operator;
2897      procedure Do_Function_Call is
2898      begin
2899         --  Note: Is_Prefix_Notation is for Object.Operation(...) notation,
2900         --  whereas Is_Prefix_Call is for anything that's not an operator
2901         --  notation call. Thus Is_Prefix_Call is True for "&"(X, Y), and
2902         --  False for X&Y.
2904         if Tree.Subtrees (4).Kind = An_Is_Prefix_Notation then
2905            pragma Assert (Tree.Subtrees (3).Kind = An_Is_Prefix_Call);
2906            Prefix_Notation_Call
2907              (Label_Names => Empty (A_Defining_Name_List),
2908               Callee      => Tree.Subtrees (1),
2909               Actuals     => Tree.Subtrees (2));
2911         --  Determine whether to use operator notation, like X+Y instead of
2912         --  "+"(X,Y). We can use operator notation if it's an operator call,
2913         --  and the argument(s) are in positional notation (not named). ???We
2914         --  must use operator notation for "/=", to work around compiler bug.
2915         --  In some cases, "/="(X, Y) doesn't work (on access types?), so we
2916         --  generate (X /= Y) instead.
2918         --  We don't want to translate "&" (STRING'("AB"), STRING'("CDEF"))(5)
2919         --  /= CHARACTER'('E') into ((STRING'("AB") & STRING'("CDEF"))(5)
2920         --  /= CHARACTER'('E')) because an operator-notation call is not a
2921         --  name, and therefore cannot be used as the prefix of an indexed
2922         --  component.
2924         elsif Tree.Subtrees (3).Kind = An_Is_Prefix_Call then
2925            if Past_Call_Threshold (Tree.Subtrees (2)) then
2926               Interpret_Template (Hard_Breaks_For_Call (Tree.Kind));
2927            else
2928               Interpret_Template; -- normal "F (X)" notation
2929            end if;
2931         --  Operator notation:
2933         else
2934            pragma Assert
2935              (Tree.Subtrees (1).Kind in Flat_Operator_Symbol_Kinds);
2936            pragma Assert (Tree.Subtrees (2).Subtree_Count in 1 .. 2);
2938            --  Unary operator
2940            if Tree.Subtrees (2).Subtree_Count = 1 then
2941               Do_Unary_Operator (Tree);
2943            --  Binary operator
2945            else
2946               Do_Binary_Operator
2947                 (Tree,
2948                  Is_Right  => False,
2949                  Cur_Level => Cur_Level);
2950            end if;
2951         end if;
2952      end Do_Function_Call;
2954      procedure Do_List is
2955      --  This formats the list elements with a hard line break in between. It
2956      --  is called when a "!" in a template refers to a list subtree. If you
2957      --  don't want this formatting, you must use "?" instead of "!". See,
2958      --  for example, the template for An_If_Expression, where we want soft
2959      --  line breaks in between paths. Sometimes this is called for a list
2960      --  of one element, in which case the Between doesn't matter (e.g.
2961      --  Defining_Name_List, where there is only one).
2962      begin
2963         Subtrees_To_Ada (Tree, Pre => "", Between => "$", Post => "");
2964      end Do_List;
2966      procedure Do_Literal is
2967         S : constant W_Str := Get_Name_String (Tree.Lit_Val);
2969         function Last_Digit
2970           (First : Positive; Based : Boolean) return Positive;
2971         --  Returns the index of the last digit in S starting at
2972         --  First
2974         procedure Put_With_Underscores
2975           (Part : W_Str; Grouping : Positive; Int : Boolean);
2976         --  Part is the integer part (before the '.', if any) or the
2977         --  fractional part (after the '.'). Int is True for the integer part.
2978         --  For example, for "16#12345.67890#e2", this will be called for Part
2979         --  = "12345" and Int = True, then for Part = "67890" and Int = False.
2980         --  We want to get "16#1_2345.6789_0#e2" (assuming Grouping = 4).
2982         procedure Put_With_Underscores
2983           (Part : W_Str; Grouping : Positive; Int : Boolean)
2984         is
2985            Count : Natural := (if Int then Part'Length else 0);
2986            Inc : constant Integer := (if Int then -1 else 1);
2987            --  For the integer part, we count downward from the Length; for
2988            --  the fractional part, we count upward from zero. If Count is
2989            --  divisible by Grouping, the next character should be preceded by
2990            --  an underscore, except there is never a leading underscore.
2991         begin
2992            for J in Part'Range loop
2993               if J /= Part'First and then Count mod Grouping = 0 then
2994                  Put_Char ('_');
2995               end if;
2996               Put_Char (Part (J));
2997               Count := Count + Inc;
2998            end loop;
2999         end Put_With_Underscores;
3001         function Last_Digit
3002           (First : Positive; Based : Boolean) return Positive
3003         is
3004         begin
3005            for J in First .. S'Last loop
3006               if Is_Digit (S (J)) then
3007                  null;
3008               elsif Based and then Is_Letter (S (J)) then
3009                  null;
3010               else
3011                  return J - 1;
3012               end if;
3013            end loop;
3014            return S'Last;
3015         end Last_Digit;
3017      --  Start of processing for Do_Literal
3019      begin
3020         pragma Assert (Check_Whitespace);
3021         Check_Whitespace := False;
3023         --  In most cases, we simply print out S. All of the complicated code
3024         --  below is for the --decimal-grouping and --based-grouping
3025         --  switches. If --decimal-grouping was used to specify a nonzero
3026         --  value, and we have a numeric literal without a base, and that
3027         --  literal contains no underscores, we insert underscores. Similarly
3028         --  for --based-grouping. A based literal is one containing "#" or
3029         --  ":"; note that "10#...#" is considered based, not decimal.
3031         case Tree.Kind is
3032            when A_String_Literal =>
3033               Put ("\1", S);
3035            when An_Integer_Literal | A_Real_Literal =>
3036               if Options.Decimal_Grouping = 0
3037                 and then Options.Based_Grouping = 0
3038               then
3039                  Put ("\1", S);
3040               else
3041                  declare
3042                     Sharp : constant Natural :=
3043                       (if Find (S, "#") /= 0 then Find (S, "#")
3044                        else Find (S, ":"));
3045                     Underscore : constant Natural := Find (S, "_");
3047                     Grouping : constant Natural :=
3048                       (if Underscore /= 0 then 0
3049                        elsif Sharp = 0 then Options.Decimal_Grouping
3050                        else Options.Based_Grouping);
3052                     Int_First, Int_Last, Frac_First, Frac_Last : Natural;
3053                     --  These point to the slices of the literal that should
3054                     --  have underscores inserted. For example:
3055                     --     For 12345 or 12345E6:
3056                     --       S (Int_First .. Int_Last) = "12345"
3057                     --     For 12345.6789 or 16#12345.6789#E-3:
3058                     --       S (Int_First .. Int_Last) = "12345", and
3059                     --       S (Frac_First .. Frac_Last) = "6789"
3060                  begin
3061                     if Grouping = 0 then
3062                        Put ("\1", S);
3063                     else
3064                        Int_First := Sharp + 1;
3065                        Int_Last :=
3066                          Last_Digit (Int_First, Based => Sharp /= 0);
3067                        Put ("\1", S (1 .. Sharp));
3068                        Put_With_Underscores
3069                          (S (Int_First .. Int_Last),
3070                           Grouping, Int => True);
3071                        if Tree.Kind = An_Integer_Literal then
3072                           Put ("\1", S (Int_Last + 1 .. S'Last));
3073                        else
3074                           Frac_First := Int_Last + 2; -- skip '.'
3075                           Frac_Last := Last_Digit
3076                             (Frac_First, Based => Sharp /= 0);
3077                           pragma Assert
3078                             (S (Int_Last + 1 .. Frac_First - 1) = ".");
3079                           Put_Char ('.');
3080                           Put_With_Underscores
3081                             (S (Frac_First .. Frac_Last),
3082                              Grouping, Int => False);
3083                           Put ("\1", S (Frac_Last + 1 .. S'Last));
3084                        end if;
3085                     end if;
3086                  end;
3087               end if;
3089            when others => raise Program_Error;
3090         end case;
3092         Check_Whitespace := True;
3093      end Do_Literal;
3095      procedure Do_Null_Statement is
3096      begin
3097         --  If a label comes at the end of a statement list, as allowed in Ada
3098         --  2012, ASIS inserts an extra implicit null statement to hang the
3099         --  label off of. We don't want to print that statement, because
3100         --  it wasn't in the source code. We can detect such implicit null
3101         --  statements by checking for a nil Sloc. We also need to suppress
3102         --  the ";" that comes after the implicit 'null', which is the purpose
3103         --  of Implicit_Null_Statement_Seen. We set that flag True here, and
3104         --  the very next template character seen by Interpret_Template will
3105         --  be that ";", so Interpret_Template will suppress the ";" and reset
3106         --  Implicit_Null_Statement_Seen to False.
3108         if Tree.Subtrees (1).Subtree_Count /= 0
3109           and then Asis.Text.Is_Nil (Tree.Sloc)
3110         then
3111            Interpret_Template (Labels);
3112            Implicit_Null_Statement_Seen := True;
3114         else
3115            Interpret_Template;
3116         end if;
3117      end Do_Null_Statement;
3119      procedure Do_Ordinary_Type_Declaration is
3120      begin
3121         if Tree.Subtrees (3).Kind in
3122             A_Derived_Record_Extension_Definition |
3123               A_Record_Type_Definition |
3124               A_Tagged_Record_Type_Definition |
3125               An_Access_To_Procedure |
3126               An_Access_To_Protected_Procedure |
3127               An_Access_To_Function |
3128               An_Access_To_Protected_Function
3129         then
3130            Interpret_Template ("type !! is !" & Aspects);
3131         --  Record_Definition or other subtree will take care of new lines.
3132         --  ???It might be better to have a *weak* newline, though.
3133         else
3134            Interpret_Template;
3135         end if;
3136      end Do_Ordinary_Type_Declaration;
3138      procedure Do_Others is
3139      begin
3140         if Template_Table (Tree.Kind) = null then
3141--            Put ("null templ:\1", Image (Tree.Kind));
3142            Subtrees_To_Ada (Tree, Pre => "{", Between => "|", Post => "}");
3143            raise Program_Error;
3144         else
3145            Interpret_Template;
3146         end if;
3147      end Do_Others;
3149      procedure Do_Parameter_Specification is
3150      begin
3151         Subtrees_To_Ada
3152           (Tree.Subtrees (Index),
3153            Pre     => "",
3154            Between => ",@ ",
3155            Post    => "");
3156         Interpret_Template
3157           (Parameter_Specification_Alt_Templ,
3158            Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
3160         case Tree.Kind is
3161            when A_Parameter_Specification =>
3162               Index := Index + 1;
3164               if Tree.Subtrees (Index).Kind /=
3165                 Not_An_Element
3166               then -- "aliased"
3167                  Subtree_To_Ada (Tree.Subtrees (Index), Cur_Level + 1, Index);
3168                  Put (" ");
3169               end if;
3171            when A_Formal_Object_Declaration =>
3172               null; -- A_Formal_Object_Declaration doesn't have "aliased"
3174            when others =>
3175               raise Program_Error;
3176         end case;
3178         if Tree.Mode in An_In_Mode | An_In_Out_Mode then
3179            Put ("in ");
3180         end if;
3181         Interpret_Template ("^2", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
3182         if Tree.Mode in An_Out_Mode | An_In_Out_Mode then
3183            Put ("out ");
3184         end if;
3185         Interpret_Template ("^3", Subtrees => Empty_Tree_Array);
3187         Index := Index + 1;
3189         if Tree.Subtrees (Index).Kind /= Not_An_Element then -- "not null"
3190            Subtree_To_Ada (Tree.Subtrees (Index), Cur_Level + 1, Index);
3191            Put (" ");
3192         end if;
3194         Index := Index + 1;
3195         Subtree_To_Ada (Tree.Subtrees (Index), Cur_Level + 1, Index);
3197         Index := Index + 1;
3198         if Tree.Subtrees (Index).Kind /= Not_An_Element then
3199            Interpret_Template
3200              (" ^4:=[@ !]",
3201               Subtrees => (1 => Tree.Subtrees (Index)));
3202         end if;
3203      end Do_Parameter_Specification;
3205      procedure Do_Pragma is
3206      begin
3207         Put
3208           ("pragma \1",
3209            Id_With_Casing (Tree.Pragma_Name, Tree.Kind, Is_Predef => False));
3210         Interpret_Template (Pragma_Alt_Templ);
3211      end Do_Pragma;
3213      procedure Do_Procedure_Call_Statement is
3214      begin
3215         if Tree.Kind = A_Procedure_Call_Statement
3216           and then Tree.Subtrees (4).Kind = An_Is_Prefix_Notation
3217         then
3218            Prefix_Notation_Call
3219              (Label_Names => Tree.Subtrees (1),
3220               Callee      => Tree.Subtrees (2),
3221               Actuals     => Tree.Subtrees (3));
3222         elsif Past_Call_Threshold (Tree.Subtrees (3)) then
3223            Interpret_Template (Hard_Breaks_For_Call (Tree.Kind));
3224         else
3225            Interpret_Template;
3226         end if;
3227      end Do_Procedure_Call_Statement;
3229      procedure Do_Qualified_Expression is
3230      begin
3231         if Tree.Subtrees (2).Kind in
3232             A_Record_Aggregate |
3233               An_Extension_Aggregate |
3234               A_Positional_Array_Aggregate |
3235               A_Named_Array_Aggregate
3236         then
3237            Interpret_Template ("!'[@!]");
3238         --  If the thing after the ' is an aggregate, we leave out the
3239         --  parentheses here, because the aggregate will insert them. We
3240         --  want T'(X, Y, Z), not T'((X, Y, Z)).
3242         else
3243            Interpret_Template;
3244         end if;
3245      end Do_Qualified_Expression;
3247      procedure Do_Record_Aggregate is
3248      begin
3249         if Tree.Subtrees (1).Subtree_Count = 0 then
3250            Interpret_Template ("@(null record)!");
3251         else
3252            Interpret_Template;
3253         end if;
3254      end Do_Record_Aggregate;
3256      procedure Do_Single_Task_Declaration is
3257      begin
3258         --  For single task declarations, use short form if
3259         --  Object_Declaration_View is Nil
3261         if Is_Nil (Tree.Subtrees (4)) then
3262            Interpret_Template ("task !" & Aspects & "!!");
3264         else
3265            Interpret_Template;
3266         end if;
3267      end Do_Single_Task_Declaration;
3269      procedure Do_Subp_Decl
3270        (Is_Function, Is_Body : Boolean;
3271         Params_Query         : Structural_Queries)
3272         --  Params_Query is the query for getting the formal parameters
3273      is
3274         --  This is for subprogram declarations and the like -- everything
3275         --  that has a formal parameter list.
3277         Param_Count : constant Query_Count :=
3278           Get (Tree, Params_Query).Subtree_Count +
3279           Boolean'Pos (Is_Function); -- Add one extra for function result
3280      begin
3281         if Param_Count > Query_Count (Options.Par_Specs_Threshold) then
3282            Interpret_Template
3283              (Subp_Decl_With_Hard_Breaks
3284                 (Tree,
3285                  Is_Function,
3286                  Is_Body));
3287         else
3288            Interpret_Template;
3289         end if;
3290      end Do_Subp_Decl;
3292      procedure Do_Subtype_Indication is
3293      begin
3294         if Tree.Subtrees (4).Kind in
3295             A_Range_Attribute_Reference |
3296               A_Simple_Expression_Range
3297         then
3298            Interpret_Template ("?~~ ~?~~ ~!? range ~~~");
3299         elsif Options.RM_Style_Spacing
3300           and then Tree.Subtrees (4).Kind = An_Index_Constraint
3301         then
3302            Interpret_Template ("?~~ ~?~~ ~!?~~~");
3303         else
3304            Interpret_Template ("?~~ ~?~~ ~!? ~~~");
3305         end if;
3306      end Do_Subtype_Indication;
3308      procedure Do_Task_Type_Declaration is
3309      begin
3310         --  For task type declarations, use short form if
3311         --  Type_Declaration_View is Nil
3313         if Is_Nil (Tree.Subtrees (5)) then
3314            Interpret_Template ("task type !!" & Aspects & "!!");
3316         else
3317            Interpret_Template;
3318         end if;
3319      end Do_Task_Type_Declaration;
3321      procedure Do_Usage_Name is
3322         --  The following works around a compiler limitation related to
3323         --  'Elab_Spec and 'Elab_Body attributes. For something like
3324         --  "Ada.Text_IO'Elab_Spec", the compiler does not analyze the prefix
3325         --  "Ada.Text_IO", so it looks like a name that doesn't denote
3326         --  anything, like an identifier specific to a pragma. Setting
3327         --  Elab_Spec_Seen to True tells Id_With_Casing to treat it like a
3328         --  normal name (it really DOES denote something).
3329         Elab_Spec_Seen : Boolean          := False;
3330         N              : Tree_Stack_Index := Last_Index (Tree_Stack);
3331         P              : Ada_Tree_Base;
3332         A              : Name_Id;
3333      begin
3334         while N > 1 and then Tree_Stack (N - 1).Kind = A_Selected_Component
3335         loop
3336            N := N - 1;
3337         end loop;
3338         if N > 1 then
3339            P := Tree_Stack (N - 1);
3340            if P.Kind = An_Implementation_Defined_Attribute then
3341               A := P.Subtrees (2).Ref_Name;
3342               if
3343                 (A = Name_Find ("Elab_Spec")
3344                  or else A = Name_Find ("Elab_Body"))
3345                 and then P.Subtrees (1) = Tree_Stack (N)
3346               then
3347                  Elab_Spec_Seen := True;
3348               end if;
3349            end if;
3350         end if;
3351         --  End special handling for 'Elab_Spec and 'Elab_Body
3353         Put
3354           ("\1",
3355            Id_With_Casing
3356              (Tree.Ref_Name,
3357               Tree.Decl_Kind,
3358               Tree.Is_Predef,
3359               Use_Name_Casing_For_Nils => Elab_Spec_Seen));
3360      end Do_Usage_Name;
3362   --  Start of processing for Subtree_To_Ada
3364   begin
3365      Append (Tree_Stack, Tree); -- push
3367      Maybe_Blank_Line;
3369      case Tree.Kind is
3370         when A_Compilation_Unit =>
3371            Do_Compilation_Unit;
3373         when A_Comment =>
3374            Do_Comment;
3376         when Def_Names =>
3377            Do_Def_Name;
3379         when Usage_Names =>
3380            Do_Usage_Name;
3382         when An_Integer_Literal | A_Real_Literal | A_String_Literal =>
3383            Do_Literal;
3385         when Flat_Pragma_Kinds =>
3386            Do_Pragma;
3388         when A_Null_Statement =>
3389            Do_Null_Statement;
3391         when An_Ordinary_Type_Declaration =>
3392            Do_Ordinary_Type_Declaration;
3394         when A_Procedure_Call_Statement | An_Entry_Call_Statement =>
3395            Do_Procedure_Call_Statement;
3397         when A_Function_Call =>
3398            Do_Function_Call;
3400         when An_And_Then_Short_Circuit | An_Or_Else_Short_Circuit =>
3401            Do_Binary_Operator
3402              (Tree,
3403               Is_Right  => False,
3404               Cur_Level => Cur_Level);
3406         when A_Task_Type_Declaration =>
3407            Do_Task_Type_Declaration;
3409         when A_Single_Task_Declaration =>
3410            Do_Single_Task_Declaration;
3412         when A_Pragma_Argument_Association |
3413           A_Discriminant_Association       |
3414           A_Record_Component_Association   |
3415           An_Array_Component_Association   |
3416           A_Parameter_Association          |
3417           A_Generic_Association            =>
3418            Do_Association;
3420         when Flat_Attribute_Reference_Kinds =>
3421            Do_Attribute_Reference;
3423         when A_Block_Statement =>
3424            Do_Block_Statement;
3426         when A_Subtype_Indication =>
3427            Do_Subtype_Indication;
3429         when A_Case_Path =>
3430            Do_Case_Path;
3432         when A_Case_Statement =>
3433            Do_Case_Statement;
3435         when A_Component_Clause =>
3436            Do_Component_Clause;
3438         when A_Constrained_Array_Definition     |
3439           A_Formal_Constrained_Array_Definition =>
3440            Do_Constrained_Array_Definition;
3442         when An_Extended_Return_Statement =>
3443            Do_Extended_Return_Statement;
3445         when An_Accept_Statement =>
3446            Do_Accept_Statement;
3448         when A_Positional_Array_Aggregate |
3449             A_Named_Array_Aggregate =>
3450            Do_Array_Aggregate;
3452         when A_Qualified_Expression =>
3453            Do_Qualified_Expression;
3455         when A_Record_Aggregate =>
3456            Do_Record_Aggregate;
3458         when An_Extension_Aggregate =>
3459            Do_Extension_Aggregate;
3461         when A_Parameter_Specification | A_Formal_Object_Declaration =>
3462            Do_Parameter_Specification;
3464         when A_Procedure_Declaration       |
3465           A_Null_Procedure_Declaration     |
3466           A_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration |
3467           An_Entry_Declaration             |
3468           A_Generic_Procedure_Declaration  |
3469           A_Formal_Procedure_Declaration   |
3470           A_Procedure_Body_Stub            =>
3471            --  An_Accept_Statement goes through Do_Accept_Statement
3472            Do_Subp_Decl
3473              (Is_Function  => False,
3474               Is_Body      => False,
3475               Params_Query => Parameter_Profile);
3477         when A_Procedure_Body_Declaration |
3478           An_Entry_Body_Declaration       =>
3479            Do_Subp_Decl
3480              (Is_Function  => False,
3481               Is_Body      => True,
3482               Params_Query => Parameter_Profile);
3484         when An_Access_To_Procedure                  |
3485           An_Access_To_Protected_Procedure           |
3486           An_Anonymous_Access_To_Procedure           |
3487           An_Anonymous_Access_To_Protected_Procedure |
3488           A_Formal_Access_To_Procedure               |
3489           A_Formal_Access_To_Protected_Procedure     =>
3490            Do_Subp_Decl
3491              (Is_Function  => False,
3492               Is_Body      => False,
3493               Params_Query => Access_To_Subprogram_Parameter_Profile);
3495         when A_Function_Declaration          |
3496           An_Expression_Function_Declaration |
3497           A_Function_Renaming_Declaration    |
3498           A_Generic_Function_Declaration     |
3499           A_Formal_Function_Declaration      |
3500           A_Function_Body_Stub               =>
3501            Do_Subp_Decl
3502              (Is_Function  => True,
3503               Is_Body      => False,
3504               Params_Query => Parameter_Profile);
3506         when A_Function_Body_Declaration  =>
3507            Do_Subp_Decl
3508              (Is_Function  => True,
3509               Is_Body      => True,
3510               Params_Query => Parameter_Profile);
3512         when An_Access_To_Function                  |
3513           An_Access_To_Protected_Function           |
3514           An_Anonymous_Access_To_Function           |
3515           An_Anonymous_Access_To_Protected_Function |
3516           A_Formal_Access_To_Function               |
3517           A_Formal_Access_To_Protected_Function     =>
3518            Do_Subp_Decl
3519              (Is_Function  => True,
3520               Is_Body      => False,
3521               Params_Query => Access_To_Subprogram_Parameter_Profile);
3523         when Flat_List_Kinds =>
3524            Do_List;
3526         when others =>
3527            Do_Others;
3528      end case;
3530      Delete_Last (Tree_Stack); -- pop
3531   end Subtree_To_Ada;
3533   procedure Convert_Tree_To_Ada (Tree : Ada_Tree) is
3534   begin
3535      Append_Line_Break
3536        (Hard     => True,
3537         Affects_Comments => True,
3538         Level    => 0,
3539         Kind     => Not_An_Element,
3540         Template => Name_Empty);
3541      pragma Assert (Check_Whitespace);
3542      Subtree_To_Ada (Tree, Cur_Level => 0, Index_In_Parent => 1);
3543      pragma Debug (Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (To_W_Str (Out_Buf)));
3544      Append
3545        (Tabs,
3546         Tab_Rec'
3547           (Parent | Tree => null, Mark => Mark (Out_Buf, '$'), others => <>));
3548      --  Append a sentinel tab, whose Position is greater than any actual
3549      --  position. This ensures that as we step through Tabs, there is
3550      --  always one more.
3551      pragma Assert (Is_Empty (Tree_Stack));
3552      Reset (Out_Buf);
3553      pragma Assert (Cur_Indentation = 0);
3554   end Convert_Tree_To_Ada;
3556   procedure Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines;
3557   --  Src_Tokens is the tokens from the original source file. Out_Tokens
3558   --  is the newly-generated tokens. Out_Buf contains the corresponding
3559   --  characters to Out_Tokens. Out_[Tokens|Buf] doesn't contain any
3560   --  comments; they are inserted into the output from Src_Tokens.
3561   --
3562   --  This procedure also does some work in preparation for
3563   --  Copy_Pp_Off_Regions. In particular, it checks that OFF/ON commands are
3564   --  in the proper sequence, and it sets the Pp_Off_Present flag.
3566   procedure Final_Check_Helper;
3567   procedure Final_Check;
3568   --  Final pass: check that we have not damaged the input source text.
3569   --  Parameters and Out_Buf are as for Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines,
3570   --  except that comments are now included in Out_[Tokens|Buf], and this
3571   --  checks that they match the ones in Src_Tokens. Final_Check simply
3572   --  calls Final_Check_Helper, plus asserts that Out_Buf wasn't modified.
3574   --  The code in Final_Check[_Helper] is parallel to the code in
3575   --  Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines, so there's a bit of code duplication.
3576   --  It is worth it to keep Final_Check[_Helper] as simple as possible. If
3577   --  you make changes to one, consider making similar changes to the other.
3579   procedure Raise_Token_Mismatch
3580     (Message              : String;
3581      Src_Index, Out_Index : Scanner.Token_Index;
3582      Src_Tok, Out_Tok     : Scanner.Token);
3583   --  Called when either Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines or Final_Check finds
3584   --  a mismatch. Prints debugging information and raises Token_Mismatch.
3586   procedure Insert_Comment_Text (Comment_Tok : Scanner.Token);
3587   --  Insert the text of the comment into Out_Buf, including the initial
3588   --  "--" and leading blanks.
3590   procedure Insert_Comment_Text (Comment_Tok : Scanner.Token) is
3591      use Scanner;
3593      function Filled_Text
3594        (Comment_Tok    : Token;
3595         Leading_Blanks : Natural)
3596         return           W_Str;
3597      --  Returns the text of the comment after filling (see
3598      --  GNATCOLL.Paragraph_Filling).
3600      function Filled_Text
3601        (Comment_Tok    : Token;
3602         Leading_Blanks : Natural)
3603         return           W_Str
3604      is
3605         use GNATCOLL.Paragraph_Filling, Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
3606         S1 : constant String := Namet.Get_Name_String (Comment_Tok.Text);
3607         S2 : constant String :=
3608           To_String
3609             (Pretty_Fill
3610                (S1,
3611                 Max_Line_Length =>
3612                   Options.Max_Line_Length -
3613                   (Cur_Indentation + String'("--")'Length + Leading_Blanks)));
3614         pragma Debug (Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (From_UTF8 (S2)));
3615      begin
3616         return From_UTF8 (S2);
3617      end Filled_Text;
3619      --  GNAT_Comment_Start causes the comment to start with at least 2
3620      --  blanks.
3622      Leading_Blanks : constant Natural :=
3623        (if
3624           Options.GNAT_Comment_Start and Comment_Tok.Is_Fillable_Comment
3625         then
3626           Natural'Max (Comment_Tok.Leading_Blanks, 2)
3627         else Comment_Tok.Leading_Blanks);
3628      --  In Comments_Only mode, we need to indent "by hand" here. In normal
3629      --  mode, Cur_Indentation will be heeded by the line breaks.
3630      Indentation : constant W_Str :=
3631         (if Options.Comments_Only
3632            then (1 .. Cur_Indentation => ' ')
3633            else "");
3634      Prelude    : constant W_Str   :=
3635        Indentation & "--" & (1 .. Leading_Blanks => ' ');
3636      Do_Filling : constant Boolean :=
3637        Comment_Filling_Enabled and then Comment_Tok.Is_Fillable_Comment;
3638      Text : constant W_Str :=
3639        (if Do_Filling then Filled_Text (Comment_Tok, Leading_Blanks)
3640         else Get_Name_String (Comment_Tok.Text));
3642   --  Start of processing for Insert_Comment_Text
3644   begin
3645      Insert (Out_Buf, Prelude);
3647      pragma Assert (Text (Text'Last) = NL);
3648      for X in Text'First .. Text'Last - 1 loop -- skip last NL
3649         if Text (X) = NL then
3650            Append_Temp_Line_Break;
3651            Insert (Out_Buf, Prelude);
3652         else
3653            Insert (Out_Buf, Text (X));
3654         end if;
3655      end loop;
3656   end Insert_Comment_Text;
3658   procedure Raise_Token_Mismatch
3659     (Message              : String;
3660      Src_Index, Out_Index : Scanner.Token_Index;
3661      Src_Tok, Out_Tok     : Scanner.Token)
3662   is
3663   begin
3664      if Enable_Token_Mismatch then
3665         declare
3666            use Scanner;
3667            Num_Toks : constant Token_Index := 8;
3668            --  Number of tokens before and after the mismatch to print
3669            First_Src_Index : constant Token_Index :=
3670              Token_Index'Max (Src_Index - Num_Toks, 1);
3671            Last_Src_Index : constant Token_Index :=
3672              Token_Index'Min (Src_Index + Num_Toks, Last_Index (Src_Tokens));
3673            First_Out_Index : constant Token_Index :=
3674              Token_Index'Max (Out_Index - Num_Toks, 1);
3675            Last_Out_Index : constant Token_Index :=
3676              Token_Index'Min (Out_Index + Num_Toks, Last_Index (Out_Tokens));
3677         begin
3678            ASIS_UL.Dbg_Out.Output_Enabled := True;
3679            Text_IO.Put_Line ("Src_Buf:");
3680            Dump_Buf (Src_Buf);
3681            Text_IO.Put_Line ("Out_Buf:");
3682            Dump_Buf (Out_Buf);
3684            Text_IO.Put_Line
3685              (Text_IO.Standard_Output,
3686               Message &
3687                 ": Token mismatch: " &
3688                 Get_Name_String (Src_Tok.Text) &
3689                 " --> " &
3690                 Get_Name_String (Out_Tok.Text));
3691            Text_IO.Put_Line (Text_IO.Standard_Output, "Src tokens:");
3692            Put_Tokens
3693              (Src_Tokens,
3694               First     => First_Src_Index,
3695               Last      => Last_Src_Index,
3696               Highlight => Src_Index);
3697            Text_IO.Put_Line
3698              (Text_IO.Standard_Output,
3699               "========================================");
3700            Text_IO.Put_Line (Text_IO.Standard_Output, "Out tokens:");
3701            Put_Tokens
3702              (Out_Tokens,
3703               First     => First_Out_Index,
3704               Last      => Last_Out_Index,
3705               Highlight => Out_Index);
3707            Text_IO.Put_Line (Text_IO.Standard_Output, "Src text:");
3708            Wide_Text_IO.Put
3709              (Wide_Text_IO.Standard_Output, Slice (Src_Buf,
3710                      Src_Tokens (First_Src_Index).Sloc.First,
3711                      Src_Tokens (Last_Src_Index).Sloc.Last,
3712                      Lines => True));
3713            Text_IO.Put_Line (Text_IO.Standard_Output, "Out text:");
3714            Wide_Text_IO.Put
3715              (Wide_Text_IO.Standard_Output, Slice (Out_Buf,
3716                      Out_Tokens (First_Out_Index).Sloc.First,
3717                      Out_Tokens (Last_Out_Index).Sloc.Last,
3718                      Lines => True));
3719         end;
3720      end if;
3721      raise Token_Mismatch;
3722   end Raise_Token_Mismatch;
3724   Pp_Off_Present : Boolean := False;
3725   --  True if there is at least one Pp_Off_Comment. We don't care about
3726   --  Pp_On_Comments, because it's an error to have a Pp_On_Comment without a
3727   --  preceding Pp_Off_Comment. Set True if appropriate by
3728   --  Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines. This allows us to skip the
3729   --  Copy_Pp_Off_Regions pass as an optimization.
3731   procedure Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines is
3732      use Scanner;
3733      --  use all type Token_Vector;
3735      function Match (Tok1, Tok2 : Token) return Boolean;
3736      --  True if the tokens have the same kind and same text, except that the
3737      --  matching is case insensitive for identifiers, reserved words, and
3738      --  string literals that could be operator symbols. The source locations
3739      --  are ignored.
3741      procedure Move_Past_Char;
3742      procedure Move_Past_Out_Tok;
3743      procedure Move_Past_Src_Tok;
3745      procedure Insert_End_Of_Line_Comment;
3746      --  Found an End_Of_Line_Comment comment; copy it to the buffer. If it
3747      --  is too long to fit on the line, turn it into a Whole_Line_Comment,
3748      --  taking care to indent.
3750      --  Note that the Subtree_To_Ada pass already inserted indentation, so we
3751      --  mostly keep the indentation level at zero. The exception is comments,
3752      --  which Subtree_To_Ada didn't see. For comments, we temporarily set the
3753      --  indentation to that of the surrounding code.
3755      procedure Insert_Whole_Line_Comment;
3756      --  Found a Whole_Line_Comment; copy it to the buffer, taking care to
3757      --  indent, except that if the comment starts in column 1, we assume
3758      --  the user wants to keep it that way.
3760      procedure Insert_Declare_Or_Private (Declare_Or_Private : W_Str) with
3761         Pre => Declare_Or_Private in "declare" | "private";
3762         --  If a block statement has no declarations, the earlier passes
3763         --  don't insert "declare", whether or not it was in the source code.
3764         --  If Do_Inserts is True, and there is a comment, this re-inserts
3765         --  "declare" before the comment, to avoid messing up the formatting.
3766         --  Similarly for "private [possible comment] end".
3768      function Extra_Blank_On_Return return Boolean;
3769      --  This is to deal with something like:
3770      --     function Some_Function
3771      --       (A_Parameter       : A_Parameter_Type;
3772      --        Another_Parameter : Another_Parameter_Type)
3773      --        return Result_Type;
3774      --       ^ Need to insert an extra blank there.
3775      --  Returns true if done.
3777      function Match (Tok1, Tok2 : Token) return Boolean is
3778      begin
3779         if Tok1.Kind = Tok2.Kind then
3780            case Tok1.Kind is
3781               when Nil | End_Of_Line | Comment_Kind =>
3782                  pragma Assert (False);
3784               when Start_Of_Input | End_Of_Input | Blank_Line =>
3785                  pragma Assert (Tok1.Normalized = Tok2.Normalized);
3786                  return True;
3788               when Lexeme | Identifier | Reserved_Word =>
3789                  return Tok1.Normalized = Tok2.Normalized;
3791               when Numeric_Literal =>
3792                  if Tok1.Text = Tok2.Text then
3793                     return True;
3794                  end if;
3795                  declare
3796                     Tok1_Text : constant W_Str := Get_Name_String (Tok1.Text);
3797                     Tok2_Text : constant W_Str := Get_Name_String (Tok2.Text);
3798                  begin
3799                     if (Options.Decimal_Grouping = 0
3800                           and then Options.Based_Grouping = 0)
3801                       or else Find (Tok1_Text, "_") /= 0
3802                     then
3803                        return False;
3804                     else
3805                        return Tok1_Text = Replace_All (Tok2_Text, "_", "");
3806                     end if;
3807                  end;
3809               when String_Literal =>
3810                  if Is_Op_Sym_With_Letters (Tok1.Normalized) then
3811                     return Tok1.Normalized = Tok2.Normalized;
3813                  else
3814                     return Tok1.Text = Tok2.Text;
3815                  end if;
3816            end case;
3817         end if;
3819         return False;
3820      end Match;
3822      Src_Index, Out_Index : Token_Index := 2;
3823      --  Skip the first Start_Of_Input token, which is just a sentinel
3825      Src_Tok, Out_Tok : Token;
3827      Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames Syntax_Line_Breaks;
3828      --  Line breaks used for indenting whole-line comments
3830      --  ???
3831      EOL_Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames Enabled_Line_Breaks;
3832--  EOL_Line_Breaks : Line_Break_Vector renames Nonblank_Line_Breaks; Line
3833--  breaks used for indenting end-of-line comments
3835      Cur_Line     : Line_Break_Index := 2;
3836      EOL_Cur_Line : Line_Break_Index := 2; -- for end-of-line comments
3838      procedure Move_Past_Char is
3839      begin
3840         pragma Assert
3841           (Point (Out_Buf) <=
3842            Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark));
3844         --  Step past Line_Breaks at the current position
3846         while Cur_Line <= Last_Index (Line_Breaks)
3847           and then At_Point (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark)
3848         loop
3849            Cur_Line := Cur_Line + 1;
3850         end loop;
3852         --  Step past EOL_Line_Breaks at the current position
3854         while EOL_Cur_Line <= Last_Index (EOL_Line_Breaks)
3855           and then At_Point (Out_Buf, EOL_Line_Breaks (EOL_Cur_Line).Mark)
3856         loop
3857            EOL_Cur_Line := EOL_Cur_Line + 1;
3858         end loop;
3860         --  Step past character
3862         Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
3863      end Move_Past_Char;
3865      procedure Move_Past_Out_Tok is
3866      begin
3867         loop
3868            Move_Past_Char;
3869            exit when At_Point (Out_Buf, Out_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
3870         end loop;
3871      end Move_Past_Out_Tok;
3873      procedure Move_Past_Src_Tok is
3874      begin
3875         loop
3876            Move_Forward (Src_Buf);
3877            exit when At_Point (Src_Buf, Src_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
3878         end loop;
3879      end Move_Past_Src_Tok;
3881      function Extra_Blank_On_Return return Boolean is
3882      begin
3883         if Out_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Return then
3884            declare
3885               Paren : constant Token      := Out_Tokens (Out_Index - 1);
3886               LB    : constant Line_Break := EOL_Line_Breaks (EOL_Cur_Line);
3887            begin
3888               --  If the function has no parameters, or if this is the
3889               --  "return" of a return_statement, then there will be no ")",
3890               --  and we won't do anything. If there is a comment between ")"
3891               --  and "return", we do nothing.
3892               if Paren.Normalized = Name_R_Paren then
3893                  if not LB.Hard -- will be hard if comment present
3894                    and then LB.Enabled
3895                    and then At_Point (Out_Buf, LB.Mark)
3896                  then
3897                     pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) = ' ');
3898                     Move_Past_Char;
3899                     pragma Assert (To_Lower (Cur (Out_Buf)) = 'r');
3900                     Insert (Out_Buf, ' '); -- before "return"
3901                     Move_Past_Out_Tok;
3902                     --  No need to insert ' ' after "return"
3903                     return True;
3904                  end if;
3905               end if;
3906            end;
3907         end if;
3908         return False;
3909      end Extra_Blank_On_Return;
3911      Prev_EOL_Comment_Src_Col : Natural := 0;
3912      --  If the previous line had an end-of-line comment, this is its column
3913      --  in the original source; otherwise 0.
3914      Prev_EOL_Comment_Out_Col : Natural := 0;
3915      --  If the previous line had an end-of-line comment, this is its column
3916      --  in the output; otherwise 0.
3918      procedure Insert_End_Of_Line_Comment is
3919         Indentation  : Natural        := 0;
3920         Prev_Src_Tok : constant Token := Src_Tokens (Src_Index - 1);
3921         pragma Assert (Src_Tok.Sloc.Line = Prev_Src_Tok.Sloc.Line);
3922         Preceding_Blanks : Natural :=
3923           First_Pos (Src_Buf, Src_Tok.Sloc) -
3924           Last_Pos (Src_Buf, Prev_Src_Tok.Sloc) -
3925           1;
3926      --  Number of blanks between the previous token and this comment. Note
3927      --  that tabs have been expanded in Src_Buf.
3928      begin
3929         pragma Assert (EOL_Cur_Line > 1);
3930         Indentation := EOL_Line_Breaks (EOL_Cur_Line - 1).Indentation;
3932         --  If we're just before a blank followed by NL, move past the blank,
3933         --  so we won't add a new NL below.
3935         if not At_Point (Out_Buf, EOL_Line_Breaks (EOL_Cur_Line).Mark)
3936           and then Cur (Out_Buf) = ' '
3937         then
3938            Move_Past_Char;
3939            pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) /= ' ');
3940            if Preceding_Blanks > 0 then
3941               Preceding_Blanks := Preceding_Blanks - 1;
3942            end if;
3943         end if;
3945         --  If this comment is lined up with one on the previous line in the
3946         --  source, then line it up in the output. Otherwise, just preserve
3947         --  Preceding_Blanks. ???Disabled for now.
3949         if False and then Src_Tok.Sloc.Col = Prev_EOL_Comment_Src_Col then
3950            while Cur_Column (Out_Buf) < Prev_EOL_Comment_Out_Col loop
3951               Insert (Out_Buf, ' ');
3952            end loop;
3953         else
3954            for J in 1 .. Preceding_Blanks loop
3955               Insert (Out_Buf, ' '); -- Avoid making line too long???
3956            end loop;
3957         end if;
3958         if False then -- ???Disabled for now.
3959            --  This doesn't work, because Cur_Column is wrong, because Out_Buf
3960            --  does not yet contain any NLs. Also, we presumably need to reset
3961            --  these variables to 0 when we see a line without a comment.
3962            Prev_EOL_Comment_Src_Col := Src_Tok.Sloc.Col;
3963            Prev_EOL_Comment_Out_Col := Cur_Column (Out_Buf);
3964         end if;
3965         Insert_Comment_Text (Src_Tok);
3967         --  In the usual case, the end-of-line comment is at a natural line
3968         --  break, like this:
3969         --      X := X + 1; -- Increment X
3970         --  so we don't need another one. But if the original was:
3971         --      X := -- Increment X
3972         --        X + 1;
3973         --  we need to add a line break after the comment.
3975         if not At_Point (Out_Buf, EOL_Line_Breaks (EOL_Cur_Line).Mark) then
3976            pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) /= NL);
3977            Cur_Indentation := Indentation;
3978            Append_Temp_Line_Break;
3979            Cur_Indentation := 0;
3980         end if;
3981         Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
3982      end Insert_End_Of_Line_Comment;
3984      Pp_On : Boolean := True;
3985      --  True initially, and if the most recently encountered Pp_Off_Comment
3986      --  or Pp_On_Comment was Pp_On_Comment.
3987      Last_Pp_Off_On : Token_Index := 1;
3988      --  If > 1, this is the index in Src_Tokens of the most recently
3989      --  encountered Pp_Off_Comment or Pp_On_Comment. Used to check for
3990      --  errors; they must alternate, OFF, ON, OFF, ....
3992      procedure Insert_Whole_Line_Comment is
3993         function Look_Before return Boolean;
3994         --  True if we should look before the current location to determine
3995         --  indentation level for the comment. If the next lexeme is "begin",
3996         --  for example, we want to indent to the level of "begin", even
3997         --  though there is probably previous code more deeply indented.
3999         procedure Set_Cur_Indent;
4000         --  Set Cur_Indentation as appropriate
4002         function Before_Indentation return Natural;
4003         --  Same as "Line_Breaks (Cur_Line - 1).Indentation", except we skip
4004         --  Line_Breaks with Affects_Comments = False. In other words, this is
4005         --  the previous line-breaks indentation which should affect comments.
4006         function After_Indentation return Natural;
4007         --  Same as "Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Indentation", except we skip
4008         --  Line_Breaks with Affects_Comments = False.In other words, this is
4009         --  the current/next line-breaks indentation which should affect
4010         --  comments.
4012         function Look_Before return Boolean is
4013         begin
4014            if Out_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input then
4015               return True;
4016            end if;
4018            --  Should the following list include "exception"???
4019            return not
4020              (Out_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Begin
4021               or else Out_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_When
4022               or else Out_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Elsif
4023               or else Out_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Else);
4024         end Look_Before;
4026         Indentation : Natural;
4028         procedure Set_Cur_Indent is
4029         begin
4030            if Src_Tok.Sloc.Col = 1
4031              or else Src_Tok.Is_Special_Comment
4032              or else not Options.Format_Comments
4033            then
4034               Cur_Indentation := Src_Tok.Sloc.Col - 1; -- Keep as in input
4036            else
4037               Cur_Indentation := Indentation;
4039               --  Try to make comment fit on line. If we're filling it, then
4040               --  rely on that to make it fit. If Cur_Indentation pushes
4041               --  it past Max_Line_Length, and the comment would fit if
4042               --  not indented, then reduce the indentation.
4044               if
4045                 (not Comment_Filling_Enabled
4046                  or else not Src_Tok.Is_Fillable_Comment)
4047                 and then
4048                   Cur_Indentation + Src_Tok.Width >
4049                   Options.Max_Line_Length
4050                 and then Src_Tok.Width <= Options.Max_Line_Length
4051               then
4052                  Cur_Indentation :=
4053                    Good_Column (Options.Max_Line_Length - Src_Tok.Width);
4054                  pragma Assert
4055                    ((Cur_Indentation mod Options.PP_Indentation) = 0);
4056               end if;
4057            end if;
4058         end Set_Cur_Indent;
4060         function Before_Indentation return Natural is
4061            X : Line_Break_Index := Cur_Line - 1;
4062         begin
4063            while X > 1 and then not Line_Breaks (X).Affects_Comments loop
4064               X := X - 1;
4065            end loop;
4066            return Line_Breaks (X).Indentation;
4067         end Before_Indentation;
4069         function After_Indentation return Natural is
4070            X : Line_Break_Index := Cur_Line;
4071         begin
4072            while X < Last_Index (Line_Breaks)
4073              and then not Line_Breaks (X).Affects_Comments
4074            loop
4075               X := X + 1;
4076            end loop;
4077            return Line_Breaks (X).Indentation;
4078         end After_Indentation;
4080      --  Start of processing for Insert_Whole_Line_Comment
4082      begin
4083         --  Processing in preparation for Copy_Pp_Off_Regions. That depends on
4084         --  an alternating sequence: OFF, ON, OFF, ON, .... So we check that
4085         --  here, and abort processing if it's not true.
4087         case Whole_Line_Comment'(Src_Tok.Kind) is
4088            when Pp_Off_Comment =>
4089               if Pp_On then
4090                  Pp_On := False;
4091                  Last_Pp_Off_On := Src_Index;
4092                  pragma Assert (Last_Pp_Off_On /= 1);
4093               else
4094                  Output.Error_No_Tool_Name
4095                    (Message_Image (Root, Src_Tok.Sloc) &
4096                     ": pretty printing already disabled at " &
4097                     Message_Image (Src_Tokens (Last_Pp_Off_On).Sloc));
4098                  raise Common.Fatal_Error;
4099               end if;
4100            when Pp_On_Comment =>
4101               if Pp_On then
4102                  Output.Error_No_Tool_Name
4103                    (Message_Image (Root, Src_Tok.Sloc) &
4104                     ": pretty printing already enabled at " &
4105                     Message_Image (Src_Tokens (Last_Pp_Off_On).Sloc));
4106                  raise Common.Fatal_Error;
4107               else
4108                  Pp_On := True;
4109                  Last_Pp_Off_On := Src_Index;
4110                  pragma Assert (Last_Pp_Off_On /= 1);
4111               end if;
4112            when Other_Whole_Line_Comment => null;
4113         end case;
4115         --  Comments at the beginning are not indented. The "2" is to skip the
4116         --  initial sentinel NL.
4118         if Point (Out_Buf) = 2 then
4119            Indentation := 0;
4121         --  Otherwise, we indent as for the max of the preceding and following
4122         --  line breaks, except when Look_Before is False (as it is for this
4123         --  comment, which is followed by "else").
4125         else
4126            Indentation := After_Indentation;
4128            if Look_Before then
4129               Indentation := Natural'Max (Indentation, Before_Indentation);
4130            end if;
4131         end if;
4133         --  Make sure Indentation is a multiple of PP_Indentation; otherwise
4134         --  style checking complains "(style) bad column".
4136         Indentation :=
4137           (Indentation / Options.PP_Indentation) * Options.PP_Indentation;
4138         pragma Assert ((Indentation mod Options.PP_Indentation) = 0);
4140         Set_Cur_Indent;
4141         if Src_Tokens (Src_Index - 1).Kind = Blank_Line
4142           or else Lookback (Out_Buf) /= NL
4143         then
4144            Append_Temp_Line_Break;
4145         end if;
4147         loop
4148            --  ???Handle blank lines here, too?
4149            Insert_Comment_Text (Src_Tok);
4150            Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4151            Src_Tok   := Src_Tokens (Src_Index);
4152            exit when Src_Tok.Kind not in Other_Whole_Line_Comment;
4153            Set_Cur_Indent;
4154            Append_Temp_Line_Break;
4155         end loop;
4157         --  If we don't have an enabled line break here, we need to add one.
4159         if not Options.Insert_Blank_Lines
4160           and then not Options.Preserve_Blank_Lines
4161         then
4162            pragma Assert
4163              ((Cur (Out_Buf) = NL) =
4164                 (At_Point (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark)));
4165            pragma Assert
4166              (if
4167                 Cur (Out_Buf) = NL
4168                 then
4169              At_Point (Out_Buf, EOL_Line_Breaks (EOL_Cur_Line).Mark));
4170         end if;
4171         declare
4172            LB_Pos : constant Positive :=
4173              Position (Out_Buf, EOL_Line_Breaks (EOL_Cur_Line).Mark);
4174            P : constant Positive := Point (Out_Buf);
4175         begin
4176            if LB_Pos = P then
4177               null;
4178            elsif Cur (Out_Buf) = ' ' and then LB_Pos = P + 1 then
4179               null;
4180            else
4181               Cur_Indentation := Indentation;
4182               Append_Temp_Line_Break;
4183            end if;
4184         end;
4186         Cur_Indentation := 0;
4187      end Insert_Whole_Line_Comment;
4189      procedure Insert_Declare_Or_Private (Declare_Or_Private : W_Str) is
4190         Out_Tok_Pos : constant Positive :=
4191           Position (Out_Buf, Out_Tok.Sloc.Firstx);
4192         LB_Pos : constant Positive :=
4193           Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Mark);
4194         Prev_LB_Pos : constant Positive :=
4195           Position (Out_Buf, Line_Breaks (Cur_Line - 1).Mark);
4197      begin
4198         --  Either the current or previous line break is just before "begin"
4199         --  or "end"; that's the indentation we want for "declare" or
4200         --  "private", respectively. There is one exception: a named block
4201         --  of the form "Name : begin", we want to insert the declare before
4202         --  "begin", and we don't care about indentation. ???Better would be
4203         --  to use indentation of "Name".
4205         if LB_Pos = Out_Tok_Pos - 1 then
4206            Cur_Indentation := Line_Breaks (Cur_Line).Indentation;
4208         elsif Prev_LB_Pos = Out_Tok_Pos - 1 then
4209            Cur_Indentation := Line_Breaks (Cur_Line - 1).Indentation;
4211         --  The "one exception" mentioned above
4213         else
4214            pragma Assert
4215              (Declare_Or_Private = "declare"
4216               and then Out_Tokens (Out_Index - 1).Text = Name_Colon
4217               and then Out_Tokens (Out_Index - 2).Kind = Identifier);
4218         end if;
4220         Append_Temp_Line_Break;
4221         Insert (Out_Buf, Declare_Or_Private);
4222         Cur_Indentation := 0;
4224         Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4225      end Insert_Declare_Or_Private;
4227      Qual_Nesting : Natural := 0;
4228   --  Count the nesting level of qualified expressions containing aggregates
4229   --  with extra parentheses.
4231   --  Start of processing for Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines
4233   begin
4234      pragma Debug
4235        (Format_Debug_Output ("before Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines"));
4236      Get_Tokens (Out_Buf, Out_Tokens, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters);
4237      --  ???At this point, we might need another pass to insert hard line
4238      --  breaks after end-of-line comments, so they will be indented properly.
4239      --  Or better yet, insert the EOL comments, with tabs and soft line break
4240      --  before, hard line break after.
4241      pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) = NL);
4242      Move_Forward (Out_Buf); -- skip sentinel
4243      Collect_Enabled_Line_Breaks (Syntax_Also => True);
4244      Clear (Temp_Line_Breaks);
4246      --  The two sequences Src_Tokens and Out_Tokens should be identical,
4247      --  with some exceptions where mismatches are possible. The code below
4248      --  to insert comments depends on this fact. We step through the two
4249      --  sequences, copying text into Buffer, and detect any token mismatch.
4250      --  The allowed mismatches are:
4251      --
4252      --     The Out sequence has no comments, so when we detect a mismatch and
4253      --     the source one is a comment, that's where we insert the comment.
4254      --
4255      --     The sequences may have blank lines in different places.
4256      --
4257      --     We normalize "end;" to "end Some_Name;"
4258      --
4259      --     We normalize by removing "declare" from a block statement with no
4260      --     declarative items. We put the "declare" back in here.
4261      --
4262      --     We normalize by removing "private" from a package (etc) when there
4263      --     is nothing in the private part. We put the "private" back in here.
4264      --
4265      --     We normalize a qualified expression with unnecessary parentheses
4266      --     containing an aggregate. That is "T'((X, Y, Z))" is normalized to
4267      --     "T'(X, Y, Z)", where "(X, Y, Z)" is an aggregate. We pretty-much
4268      --     have to do that, because ASIS provides no way to distinguish these
4269      --     two forms.
4270      --
4271      --     We normalize "X : in T" to "X : T" (currently disabled to match
4272      --     the old gnatpp).
4273      --
4274      --     There is a mode in which we insert underscores in numeric
4275      --     literals, as in 12_345_678.
4276      --
4277      --     Allowed Replacements of Characters (see RM-J.2). We normalize "!"
4278      --     to "|" when used as a delimiter. The other allowed replacements
4279      --     (: for # and % for ") are not normalized.
4280      --
4281      --  Any other mismatch is considered to be a bug.
4283      loop
4284         Src_Tok := Src_Tokens (Src_Index);
4285         Out_Tok := Out_Tokens (Out_Index);
4287         pragma Assert (Out_Tok.Kind not in Comment_Kind);
4289         --  Move into comment area???
4290         pragma Assert
4291           (Prev_Lexeme (Out_Tokens, Out_Index).Kind not in
4292              Blank_Line |
4293                Comment_Kind);
4295         --  The order of the if/elsif's below is important in some
4296         --  cases. Blank lines must be handled late, even if they match.
4297         --  End_Of_Line_Comments must be handled before blank lines,
4298         --  because they need to appear at the end of the preceding line.
4299         --  Whole_Line_Comments must be handled after blank lines, because
4300         --  the blank line should precede the comment.
4302         if Src_Tok.Kind /= Blank_Line
4303           and then
4304           (Match (Src_Tok, Out_Tok)
4305            or else
4306            (Src_Tok.Normalized = Name_Bang
4307             and then Out_Tok.Normalized = Name_Bar))
4308         then
4309            exit when Src_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input;
4310            --  i.e. exit when both Src and Out are at end of input
4312            if Extra_Blank_On_Return then
4313               null; -- Extra_Blank_On_Return took care of it
4314            else
4315               Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4316            end if;
4318            Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4319            Out_Index := Out_Index + 1;
4321         else
4322            --  Check for "end;" --> "end Some_Name;" case
4324            if Src_Tok.Text = Name_Semicolon
4325              and then
4326                Prev_Lexeme (Src_Tokens, Src_Index).Normalized =
4327                Snames.Name_End
4328              and then Out_Tok.Kind in Identifier | String_Literal
4329            then
4330               loop -- could be "end A.B.C;"
4331                  Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4332                  Out_Index := Out_Index + 1;
4333                  Out_Tok   := Out_Tokens (Out_Index);
4334                  --  ???Shouldn't have to set Out_Tok here. Either write a
4335                  --  procedure that sets it every time Out_Index changes,
4336                  --  or make Out_Tok a function.
4338                  exit when Out_Tok.Normalized /= Name_Dot;
4340                  Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4341                  Out_Index := Out_Index + 1;
4342                  Out_Tok   := Out_Tokens (Out_Index);
4343                  pragma Assert (Out_Tok.Kind in Identifier | String_Literal);
4344               end loop;
4345               pragma Assert (Out_Tok.Normalized = Name_Semicolon);
4347            --  Check for "end Some_Name;" --> "end;" case. This only happens
4348            --  when the --no-end-id switch was given. Here, the name was
4349            --  present in the source, so we insert it.
4351            elsif not Options.End_Id
4352              and then Out_Tok.Text = Name_Semicolon
4353              and then
4354                Prev_Lexeme (Out_Tokens, Out_Index).Normalized =
4355                Snames.Name_End
4356              and then Src_Tok.Kind in Identifier | String_Literal
4357            then
4358               Insert (Out_Buf, " ");
4359               loop -- could be "end A.B.C;"
4360                  Insert (Out_Buf, Get_Name_String (Src_Tok.Text));
4361                  Move_Past_Src_Tok;
4362                  Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4363                  Src_Tok   := Src_Tokens (Src_Index);
4365                  exit when Src_Tok.Normalized /= Name_Dot;
4367                  Insert (Out_Buf, Get_Name_String (Src_Tok.Text));
4368                  Move_Past_Src_Tok;
4369                  Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4370                  Src_Tok   := Src_Tokens (Src_Index);
4371                  pragma Assert (Src_Tok.Kind in Identifier | String_Literal);
4372               end loop;
4373               pragma Assert (Src_Tok.Normalized = Name_Semicolon);
4375            --  Check for "declare begin" --> "begin" case, with a possible
4376            --  comment between "declare" and "begin".
4378            elsif Src_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Declare
4379              and then Out_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Begin
4380            then
4381               pragma Assert
4382                 (Next_Lexeme (Src_Tokens, Src_Index).Normalized =
4383                  Snames.Name_Begin);
4384               Insert_Declare_Or_Private ("declare");
4386            --  Check for "private end" --> "end" case.
4388            elsif Src_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Private
4389              and then Out_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_End
4390            then
4391               pragma Assert
4392                 (Next_Lexeme (Src_Tokens, Src_Index).Normalized =
4393                  Snames.Name_End);
4394               Insert_Declare_Or_Private ("private");
4396            --  Check for "T'((X, Y, Z))" --> "T'(X, Y, Z)" case
4398            elsif Src_Tok.Text = Name_L_Paren
4399              and then Prev_Lexeme (Src_Tokens, Src_Index).Text = Name_L_Paren
4400               --???Also check that the one before that is a tick!
4401            then
4402               Qual_Nesting := Qual_Nesting + 1;
4403               Insert (Out_Buf, '(');
4404               Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4405            elsif Qual_Nesting > 0
4406              and then Src_Tok.Text = Name_R_Paren
4407              and then Prev_Lexeme (Src_Tokens, Src_Index).Text = Name_R_Paren
4408            then
4409               Qual_Nesting := Qual_Nesting - 1;
4410               Insert (Out_Buf, ')');
4411               Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4413            --  Check for "X : in T" --> "X : T" case
4415            elsif False -- Deletion of "in" is currently disabled
4416              and then Src_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_In
4417              and then Prev_Lexeme (Src_Tokens, Src_Index).Text = Name_Colon
4419            then
4420               Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4422            elsif Src_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Line_Comment then
4423               Insert_End_Of_Line_Comment;
4425            --  If the source has a blank line at this point, send it to the
4426            --  output, but avoid multiple blank lines (unless
4427            --  Preserve_Blank_Lines is True) and blank lines just before
4428            --  End_Of_Input.
4430            elsif Src_Tok.Kind = Blank_Line then
4431               loop
4432                  Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4433                  Src_Tok   := Src_Tokens (Src_Index);
4434                  exit when Src_Tok.Kind /= Blank_Line
4435                    or else Options.Preserve_Blank_Lines;
4436               end loop;
4437               if Src_Tok.Kind /= End_Of_Input
4438                 or else Options.Preserve_Blank_Lines
4439               then
4440                  Append_Temp_Line_Break;
4441               end if;
4443            elsif Src_Tok.Kind in Whole_Line_Comment then
4444               Insert_Whole_Line_Comment;
4446            elsif Out_Tok.Kind = Blank_Line then
4447               Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4448               Out_Index := Out_Index + 1;
4450            --  Else print out debugging information and crash. This avoids
4451            --  damaging the source code in case of bugs.
4453            else
4454               Raise_Token_Mismatch
4455                 ("Inserting",
4456                  Src_Index,
4457                  Out_Index,
4458                  Src_Tok,
4459                  Out_Tok);
4460            end if;
4461         end if;
4462      end loop;
4464      if Last_Pp_Off_On > 1 then
4465         Pp_Off_Present := True;
4466      end if;
4468      pragma Assert
4469        (if not Options.Comments_Only then
4470           Point (Out_Buf) = Last_Position (Out_Buf));
4471      pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) = NL);
4472      Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4474      pragma Assert (Cur_Indentation = 0);
4476      pragma Assert (Src_Index = Last_Index (Src_Tokens));
4477      pragma Assert (Out_Index = Last_Index (Out_Tokens));
4478      pragma Assert (At_End (Out_Buf) and then Lookback (Out_Buf) = NL);
4479      pragma Assert (Cur_Line = Last_Index (Line_Breaks) + 1);
4480      pragma Assert (EOL_Cur_Line = Last_Index (EOL_Line_Breaks) + 1);
4482      pragma Assert (Line_Break_Sorting.Is_Sorted (All_Line_Breaks));
4483      pragma Assert (Line_Break_Sorting.Is_Sorted (Temp_Line_Breaks));
4484      Line_Break_Sorting.Merge
4485        (Target => All_Line_Breaks,
4486         Source => Temp_Line_Breaks);
4487      pragma Assert (Is_Empty (Temp_Line_Breaks));
4488      pragma Assert (Line_Break_Sorting.Is_Sorted (All_Line_Breaks));
4489      pragma Assert (Qual_Nesting = 0);
4490      pragma Debug (Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (To_W_Str (Out_Buf)));
4491      Reset (Out_Buf);
4492      Clear (Out_Tokens);
4493   end Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines;
4495   procedure Final_Check_Helper is
4496      use Scanner;
4497      --  use all type Token_Vector;
4499      function Match (Tok1, Tok2 : Token) return Boolean;
4500      --  Similar to Match in Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines, but here we need
4501      --  to deal with comments.
4503      procedure Move_Past_Char;
4504      procedure Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4505      --  These are similar to the procedures in
4506      --  Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines, but here we don't need to keep
4507      --  track of line breaks.
4509      procedure Collect_Comments
4510        (Tokens : Token_Vector;
4511         Index  : in out Token_Index;
4512         Tok    : in out Token;
4513         Result : in out Char_Vector;
4514         Is_Out : Boolean);
4515      --  Collect up all the text of a sequence of Whole_Line_Comments,
4516      --  ignoring changes made by paragraph filling. Paragraph_Filling might
4517      --  have changed blank to NL and vice versa, and it turns a series of
4518      --  blanks into a single one. Similarly needed if GNAT_Comment_Start is
4519      --  True.
4521      function Match (Tok1, Tok2 : Token) return Boolean is
4522      begin
4523         if Tok1.Kind = Tok2.Kind then
4524            case Tok1.Kind is
4525               when Nil | End_Of_Line =>
4526                  raise Program_Error;
4528               when Start_Of_Input | End_Of_Input | Blank_Line =>
4529                  pragma Assert (Tok1.Normalized = Tok2.Normalized);
4530                  return True;
4532               when Comment_Kind =>
4533                  return
4534                    (Options.GNAT_Comment_Start
4535                     or else Tok1.Leading_Blanks = Tok2.Leading_Blanks)
4536                    and then Tok1.Text = Tok2.Text;
4538               when Lexeme | Identifier | Reserved_Word =>
4539                  return Tok1.Normalized = Tok2.Normalized;
4541               when Numeric_Literal =>
4542                  if Tok1.Text = Tok2.Text then
4543                     return True;
4544                  end if;
4545                  declare
4546                     Tok1_Text : constant W_Str := Get_Name_String (Tok1.Text);
4547                     Tok2_Text : constant W_Str := Get_Name_String (Tok2.Text);
4548                  begin
4549                     if (Options.Decimal_Grouping = 0
4550                           and then Options.Based_Grouping = 0)
4551                       or else Find (Tok1_Text, "_") /= 0
4552                     then
4553                        return False;
4554                     else
4555                        return Tok1_Text = Replace_All (Tok2_Text, "_", "");
4556                     end if;
4557                  end;
4559               when String_Literal =>
4560                  if True or else Is_Op_Sym_With_Letters (Tok1.Normalized) then
4561                     return Tok1.Normalized = Tok2.Normalized;
4563                  else
4564                     return Tok1.Text = Tok2.Text;
4565                  end if;
4566            end case;
4568         elsif Tok1.Kind = End_Of_Line_Comment
4569           and then Tok2.Kind in Whole_Line_Comment
4570         then
4571            return Tok1.Text = Tok2.Text
4572              and then
4573              (if
4574                 not Options.GNAT_Comment_Start
4575               then
4576                 Tok1.Leading_Blanks = Tok2.Leading_Blanks);
4577            --  ???This case will be needed if/when we turn end-of-line
4578            --  comments that don't fit into whole-line comments. That
4579            --  transformation seems questionable, because it would damage
4580            --  idempotency: first run of gnatpp turns an end-of-line comment
4581            --  into a whole-line-comment, and then a second run considers it
4582            --  part of a comment paragraph and fills it.
4583         end if;
4585         return False;
4586      end Match;
4588      Src_Index, Out_Index : Token_Index := 2;
4589      --  Skip the first Start_Of_Input token, which is just a sentinel
4591      Src_Tok, Out_Tok : Token;
4593      procedure Move_Past_Char is
4594      begin
4595         --  Step past character
4597         Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
4598      end Move_Past_Char;
4600      procedure Move_Past_Out_Tok is
4601      begin
4602         --  ???Make sure we're not moving past multiple tokens here. Move past
4603         --  whitespace, then assert we're at token start, then move to end. Or
4604         --  something like that.
4605         loop
4606            Move_Past_Char;
4607            exit when At_Point (Out_Buf, Out_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
4608         end loop;
4609      end Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4611      procedure Collect_Comments
4612        (Tokens : Token_Vector;
4613         Index  : in out Token_Index;
4614         Tok    : in out Token;
4615         Result : in out Char_Vector;
4616         Is_Out : Boolean)
4617      is
4618      begin
4619         while Tok.Kind in Whole_Line_Comment loop
4620            declare
4621               Text : constant W_Str := Get_Name_String (Tok.Text);
4622               function White
4623                 (X    : Positive)
4624                  return Boolean is
4625                 (X <= Text'Last
4626                  and then
4627                  (Is_Space (Text (X)) or else Is_Line_Terminator (Text (X))));
4628               --  True if X points to a space or NL character
4630               pragma Assert
4631                 (Text'First = 1
4632                  and then Text'Last >= 1
4633                  and then (if Text'Last > 1 then not White (1))
4634                  and then White (Text'Last));
4635               X : Positive := 1;
4636            begin
4637               while X <= Text'Last loop
4638                  if White (X) then
4639                     Append (Result, ' ');
4640                     while White (X) loop
4641                        X := X + 1;
4642                     end loop;
4643                  else
4644                     Append (Result, Text (X));
4645                     X := X + 1;
4646                  end if;
4647               end loop;
4648            end;
4650            if Is_Out then
4651               Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4652            end if;
4653            Index := Index + 1;
4654            Tok   := Tokens (Index);
4655         end loop;
4656      end Collect_Comments;
4658   --  Start of processing for Final_Check_Helper
4660   begin
4661      Get_Tokens (Out_Buf, Out_Tokens, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters);
4662      pragma Assert (Cur (Out_Buf) = NL);
4663      Move_Forward (Out_Buf); -- skip sentinel
4665      loop
4666         Src_Tok := Src_Tokens (Src_Index);
4667         Out_Tok := Out_Tokens (Out_Index);
4669         if Src_Index > 5 and then Simulate_Token_Mismatch then
4670            --  Simulate a token mismatch, for testing
4671            Raise_Token_Mismatch
4672              ("Final_Check 0",
4673               Src_Index,
4674               Out_Index,
4675               Src_Tok,
4676               Out_Tok);
4677         end if;
4679         if Src_Tok.Kind /= Blank_Line
4680           and then
4681           (Match (Src_Tok, Out_Tok)
4682            or else
4683            (Src_Tok.Normalized = Name_Bang
4684             and then Out_Tok.Normalized = Name_Bar))
4685         then
4686            exit when Src_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input;
4687            --  i.e. exit when both Src and Out are at end of input
4689            Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4691            Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4692            Out_Index := Out_Index + 1;
4694         else
4695            --  If we're filling comments, then the comments might not match
4696            --  up. For example, a line break could be added such that the
4697            --  first line is too short to be considered part of a fillable
4698            --  comment paragraph, thus turning one comment into two. So
4699            --  we collect them all together and check that their text
4700            --  more-or-less matches.
4701            --
4702            --  Similarly, we do this if GNAT_Comment_Start. For example, if
4703            --  one comment starts with a single blank and the next starts with
4704            --  two, then they will not look like a single paragraph during
4705            --  Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines, but here they will, because an
4706            --  extra blank has been added to the first.
4707            --
4708            --  Actually, we need to do this in any case: if two comments in
4709            --  the input are not indented the same, they will be indented the
4710            --  same in the output, and thus appear to be a fillable paragraph.
4712            if Src_Tok.Kind in Whole_Line_Comment
4713              and then Out_Tok.Kind in Whole_Line_Comment
4714            then
4715               declare
4716                  Src_Comments : Char_Vector;
4717                  Out_Comments : Char_Vector;
4718               begin
4719                  Collect_Comments
4720                    (Src_Tokens,
4721                     Src_Index,
4722                     Src_Tok,
4723                     Src_Comments,
4724                     Is_Out => False);
4725                  Collect_Comments
4726                    (Out_Tokens,
4727                     Out_Index,
4728                     Out_Tok,
4729                     Out_Comments,
4730                     Is_Out => True);
4731                  if Src_Comments /= Out_Comments then
4732                     Text_IO.Put_Line
4733                       (Text_IO.Standard_Output,
4734                        To_UTF8 (To_Array (Src_Comments)) &
4735                        " --> " &
4736                        To_UTF8 (To_Array (Out_Comments)));
4737                     Raise_Token_Mismatch
4738                       ("Final_Check 1",
4739                        Src_Index,
4740                        Out_Index,
4741                        Src_Tok,
4742                        Out_Tok);
4743                  end if;
4744               end;
4746            --  Check for "end;" --> "end Some_Name;" case
4747--???Check next Out token is ";"
4748            elsif Src_Tok.Text = Name_Semicolon
4749              and then
4750                Prev_Lexeme (Src_Tokens, Src_Index).Normalized =
4751                Snames.Name_End
4752              and then Out_Tok.Kind in Identifier | String_Literal
4753            then
4754               loop -- could be "end A.B.C;"
4755                  Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4756                  Out_Index := Out_Index + 1;
4757                  Out_Tok   := Out_Tokens (Out_Index);
4758                  --  ???Shouldn't have to set Out_Tok here. Either write a
4759                  --  procedure that sets it every time Out_Index changes,
4760                  --  or make Out_Tok a function.
4762                  exit when Out_Tok.Normalized /= Name_Dot;
4764                  Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4765                  Out_Index := Out_Index + 1;
4766                  Out_Tok   := Out_Tokens (Out_Index);
4767                  if Out_Tok.Kind not in Identifier | String_Literal then
4768                     Raise_Token_Mismatch
4769                       ("Final_Check 2",
4770                        Src_Index,
4771                        Out_Index,
4772                        Src_Tok,
4773                        Out_Tok);
4774                  end if;
4775               end loop;
4777            --  Check for "X : in T" --> "X : T" case
4779            elsif False -- Deletion of "in" is currently disabled
4780              and then Src_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_In
4781              and then Prev_Lexeme (Src_Tokens, Src_Index).Text = Name_Colon
4782               --???Check prev&next ids match???
4784            then
4785               Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4787            elsif Src_Tok.Kind = Blank_Line then
4788               Src_Index := Src_Index + 1;
4789               Src_Tok   := Src_Tokens (Src_Index);
4791            elsif Out_Tok.Kind = Blank_Line then
4792               Move_Past_Out_Tok;
4793               Out_Index := Out_Index + 1;
4795            --  Else print out debugging information and crash. This avoids
4796            --  damaging the source code in case of bugs.
4798            else
4799               Raise_Token_Mismatch
4800                 ("Final_Check 3",
4801                  Src_Index,
4802                  Out_Index,
4803                  Src_Tok,
4804                  Out_Tok);
4805            end if;
4806         end if;
4807      end loop;
4809      if not Options.Comments_Only
4810        and then not Options.Preserve_Blank_Lines
4811      then
4812         if Point (Out_Buf) /= Last_Position (Out_Buf) then
4813            Raise_Token_Mismatch
4814              ("Final_Check 4",
4815               Src_Index,
4816               Out_Index,
4817               Src_Tok,
4818               Out_Tok);
4819         end if;
4820      end if;
4821      while not At_End (Out_Buf) loop
4822         if not Is_Line_Terminator (Cur (Out_Buf)) then
4823            Raise_Token_Mismatch
4824              ("Final_Check 5",
4825               Src_Index,
4826               Out_Index,
4827               Src_Tok,
4828               Out_Tok);
4829         end if;
4831         Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
4832      end loop;
4834      Reset (Out_Buf);
4836      if Src_Index /= Last_Index (Src_Tokens)
4837        or else Out_Index /= Last_Index (Out_Tokens)
4838      then
4839         Raise_Token_Mismatch
4840           ("Final_Check 6",
4841            Src_Index,
4842            Out_Index,
4843            Src_Tok,
4844            Out_Tok);
4845      end if;
4846   end Final_Check_Helper;
4848   procedure Final_Check is
4849   begin
4850      if Disable_Final_Check then
4851         return;
4852      end if;
4853      if Enable_Token_Mismatch then
4854         declare
4855            Old_Out_Buf : constant Char_Vector := To_Vector (Out_Buf);
4856         begin
4857            Final_Check_Helper;
4858            pragma Assert (To_Vector (Out_Buf) = Old_Out_Buf);
4859            pragma Debug (Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (To_W_Str (Out_Buf)));
4860         end;
4861      else
4862         Final_Check_Helper;
4863      end if;
4864   end Final_Check;
4866   procedure Insert_Alignment (Tokens : Scanner.Token_Vector);
4867   --  Expand tabs as necessary to align things
4869   procedure Insert_Alignment (Tokens : Scanner.Token_Vector) is
4871      procedure Calculate_Num_Blanks;
4873      procedure Calculate_Num_Blanks is
4874         use Scanner;
4875         --  use all type Token_Vector;
4877         --  Note on Col and Num_Blanks components of Tab_Rec: Col is
4878         --  initialized to a bogus value, and Num_Blanks to 0. Process_Line
4879         --  sets Col to the correct value. Flush_Para uses Col, and possibly
4880         --  changes Num_Blanks to some positive value. After the call to
4881         --  Calculate_Num_Blanks, Num_Blanks is used to insert the correct
4882         --  number of ' ' characters. Thus, Col is temporary, used only within
4883         --  Calculate_Num_Blanks, to communicate information from Process_Line
4884         --  to Flush_Para.
4886         Paragraph_Tabs : Tab_In_Line_Vector_Vectors.Vector;
4887         --  One Tab_In_Line_Vector for each line in the current paragraph
4889         procedure Put_Paragraph_Tabs;
4891         procedure Flush_Para;
4892         --  Called at the end of a "tabbing paragraph", i.e. a group of one or
4893         --  more lines that each represents similar constructs that should be
4894         --  treated together for alignment purposes.
4896         procedure Flush_Para is
4897            Num_Lines : constant Tab_In_Line_Vector_Index'Base :=
4898              Last_Index (Paragraph_Tabs);
4899         begin
4900            --  Here we have Paragraph_Tabs set to a sequence of lines (or the
4901            --  tabs in those lines, really). For example, if the input text
4902            --  was (*1):
4903            --
4904            --     package P is
4905            --
4906            --        X                    : T                := 1;
4907            --        A_Long_Variable_Name : T                := 2;
4908            --        Y                    : A_Long_Type_Name := 3;
4909            --
4910            --     end P;
4911            --     ^
4912            --     |
4913            --     column 1
4914            --
4915            --  then previous passes will have turned that into (*2):
4916            --
4917            --     package P is
4918            --
4919            --        X ^1: T ^2:= 1;
4920            --        A_Long_Variable_Name ^1: T ^2:= 2;
4921            --        Y ^1: A_Long_Type_Name ^2:= 3;
4922            --
4923            --     end P;
4924            --
4925            --  The tabs are shown as ^1 and ^2 in (*2) above, although they
4926            --  are really kept in a separate data structure (Tabs) rather than
4927            --  in the text itself, and take up zero columns in the buffer.
4928            --  The "paragraph" we're talking about consists of the three
4929            --  variable-declaration lines. Note that the alignment from the
4930            --  input has been forgotten; we would get the same thing if the
4931            --  input were unaligned. Our job is to align the ":" and ":="
4932            --  symbols, whether or not they were originally aligned.
4933            --
4934            --  ^1 means Index_In_Line = 1; ^2 means Index_In_Line = 2 (see
4935            --  type Tab_Rec). The Col of each tab is currently set to the
4936            --  column in which it appears in (*2), and the Num_Blanks is
4937            --  currently set to 0. The following code sets the Col of each tab
4938            --  to the column in which it WILL appear, and the Num_Blanks to
4939            --  the number of blanks to expand the tab to in order to achieve
4940            --  that.
4941            --
4942            --  We first loop through all the ^1 tabs, and calculate the max
4943            --  Col, which will be the ":" of the A_Long_Variable_Name line.
4944            --  We then loop through those again, and set the Num_Blanks to be
4945            --  the number of blanks needed to reach that max column. For each
4946            --  such ^1 tab, we loop from that ^1, through ^2 and ^3 and so
4947            --  on (we have no ^3... in this example), adjusting their Col
4948            --  accordingly.
4949            --
4950            --  Then we loop through all the ^2 tabs in the same way, and so on
4951            --  for ^3, etc.
4952            --
4953            --  So in this example, we loop down through the ^1 tabs to
4954            --  calculate where to put the ":"'s. Then down through the ^1 tabs
4955            --  again to adjust the Num_Blanks for the ^1 tabs, and loop across
4956            --  to adjust the Col for the ^1 and ^2 tabs. Then down through the
4957            --  ^2 tabs to calculate where to put the ":="'s. Then down through
4958            --  the ^2 tabs to adjust the Num_Blanks for the ^2 tabs, and loop
4959            --  across to adjust the Col for the ^2 tabs. Note that adjusting
4960            --  the Col for the ":"'s affects where we're going to put the
4961            --  ":="'s -- that's the reason for the "loop across" part.
4962            --
4963            --  The end result is to calculate the Num_Blanks so that when
4964            --  we expand the tabs, (*2) above will be turned (back) into
4965            --  the (*1).
4967            --  We must not process a zero-line paragraph. For efficiency, we
4968            --  can avoid processing a one-line paragraph (leaving all tabs, if
4969            --  any with Num_Blanks = 0). Multi-line paragraphs always have at
4970            --  least one tab per line, and all lines have the same number of
4971            --  tabs.
4973            if Num_Lines = 0 then
4974               return;
4975            end if;
4977            if Num_Lines = 1 then
4978               Clear (Paragraph_Tabs);
4979               return;
4980            end if;
4981            pragma Debug (Put_Paragraph_Tabs);
4982            pragma Assert (Last_Index (Paragraph_Tabs (1)) /= 0);
4984            for Index_In_Line in 1 .. Last_Index (Paragraph_Tabs (1)) loop
4985               declare
4986                  Max_Col : Positive := 1;
4987               begin
4988                  for Line of Paragraph_Tabs loop
4989                     declare
4990                        Tab_I : constant Tab_Index := Line (Index_In_Line);
4991                        Tab : Tab_Rec renames Tabs (Tab_I);
4992                     begin
4993                        Max_Col := Positive'Max (Max_Col, Tab.Col);
4994                     end;
4995                  end loop;
4997                  for Line of Paragraph_Tabs loop
4998                     declare
4999                        Tab_I : constant Tab_Index := Line (Index_In_Line);
5000                        Tab : Tab_Rec renames Tabs (Tab_I);
5001                     begin
5002                        if Tab.Is_Fake then
5003                           Tab.Col := Max_Col;
5004                        end if;
5005                        Tab.Num_Blanks := Max_Col - Tab.Col;
5006                        pragma Assert (if Tab.Is_Fake then Tab.Num_Blanks = 0);
5008                        for X_In_Line in Index_In_Line .. Last_Index (Line)
5009                        loop
5010                           declare
5011                              Tab_J : constant Tab_Index := Line (X_In_Line);
5012                              Tab_2 : Tab_Rec renames Tabs (Tab_J);
5013                           begin
5014                              Tab_2.Col := Tab_2.Col + Tab.Num_Blanks;
5015                           end;
5016                        end loop;
5017                        pragma Assert (Tab.Col = Max_Col);
5019                        pragma Assert
5020                          (if Num_Lines = 1 then Tab.Num_Blanks = 0);
5021                        --  Because of that fact, we can skip all this for
5022                        --  1-line paragraphs.
5023                     end;
5024                  end loop;
5025               end;
5026            end loop;
5027            pragma Debug (Put_Paragraph_Tabs);
5029            Clear (Paragraph_Tabs);
5030         end Flush_Para;
5032         Cur_Token_Index : Token_Index := 1;
5033         function Cur_Tok return Token is (Tokens (Cur_Token_Index));
5034         Cur_Tab_Index : Tab_Index := 1;
5035         function Cur_Tab return Tab_Rec is (Tabs (Cur_Tab_Index));
5037         First_Line_Tabs, Cur_Line_Tabs : Tab_In_Line_Vector;
5038         --  Tabs for first line of paragraph and for current line.
5040         procedure Process_Line;
5041         --  Process a single line in Out_Buf. Collect together all relevant
5042         --  tabs in Cur_Line_Tabs. All tabs in Cur_Line_Tabs must have the
5043         --  same Tree (that of the first tab on the line). Other tabs (for
5044         --  more nested constructs) are skipped. So for example:
5045         --     X : T (Discrim => 123) := (This | That => 345);
5046         --  we collect two tabs for ':' and ':=', which have the same Tree
5047         --  (a variable declaration tree). The '|' and '=>' characters in
5048         --  the discriminant constraint and the aggregate also have tabs, but
5049         --  these are skipped, because their Tree is different (more nested).
5050         --  If there are no tabs on the line, then of course Cur_Line_Tabs
5051         --  will be empty. In addition, if we have something like:
5052         --     A := (1 | 2 | 3 => ...);
5053         --  the '|' and '=>' tabs will have the same Index_In_Line, in which
5054         --  case we give up (set Tab_Mismatch to True, and set Cur_Line_Tabs
5055         --  to empty). Those tabs are only of use if we end up enabling line
5056         --  breaks after the '|'s.
5057         --
5058         --  Handling of "insertion points".
5059         --
5060         --  Let's pretend the template for assignment_statement is
5061         --
5062         --     ! ^:= !
5063         --
5064         --  which means insert the left-hand side, followed by " := ",
5065         --  followed by the right-hand side. (It's actually more complicated;
5066         --  this is just an example.) There is a tab before ":=", so multiple
5067         --  assignment_statements line up like this:
5068         --
5069         --     Long_Name        := 1;
5070         --     X                := 10_000;
5071         --     Even_Longer_Name := 1_000_000;
5072         --
5073         --  If we add a tab at the end (just before the ";"): "! ^:= !^2", we
5074         --  get this:
5075         --
5076         --     Long_Name        := 1        ;
5077         --     X                := 10_000   ;
5078         --     Even_Longer_Name := 1_000_000;
5079         --
5080         --  If in addition we add an insertion point before the right-hand
5081         --  side, so the template is: "! ^:= &2!^2", then the blanks are
5082         --  inserted before the right-hand side, resulting in right-justified
5083         --  expressions:
5084         --
5085         --     Long_Name        :=         1;
5086         --     X                :=    10_000;
5087         --     Even_Longer_Name := 1_000_000;
5088         --
5089         --  (We currently do not right-justify those expressions; this is just
5090         --  an example to show how "&" works. "&" is actually used in
5091         --  Do_Component_Clause.)
5093         procedure Process_Line is
5094            Tab_Mismatch : Boolean := False;
5095            First_Time : Boolean := True;
5096            Tree : Ada_Tree_Base;
5097            Insertion_Point : Marker;
5098            Have_Insertion_Point : Boolean := False;
5099            IP_Index_In_Line : Tab_Index_In_Line;
5100         begin
5101            while Cur_Tok.Kind not in End_Of_Input | End_Of_Line | Blank_Line
5102            loop
5103               pragma Assert
5104                 (Cur_Tok.Sloc.First <= Position (Out_Buf, Cur_Tab.Mark));
5105               --  We can have two tabs at the same place if the second one is
5106               --  fake. Also for implicit 'in' mode, etc. Hence 'while', not
5107               --  'if' here:
5108               while Cur_Tok.Sloc.Firstx = Cur_Tab.Mark loop
5109                  if First_Time then
5110                     pragma Assert (Is_Empty (Cur_Line_Tabs));
5111                     First_Time := False;
5112                     Tree := Cur_Tab.Tree;
5113                  end if;
5114                  if Cur_Tab.Tree = Tree then
5115                     if Cur_Tab.Is_Insertion_Point then
5116                        pragma Assert (not Have_Insertion_Point);
5117                        Have_Insertion_Point := True;
5118                        Insertion_Point := Cur_Tab.Mark;
5119                        IP_Index_In_Line := Cur_Tab.Index_In_Line;
5120                     else
5121                        Append (Cur_Line_Tabs, Cur_Tab_Index);
5122                        if Cur_Tab.Index_In_Line /=
5123                          Last_Index (Cur_Line_Tabs)
5124                        then
5125                           Tab_Mismatch := True;
5126                        end if;
5128                        Tabs (Cur_Tab_Index).Col := Cur_Tok.Sloc.Col;
5129                        if Have_Insertion_Point then
5130                           Have_Insertion_Point := False;
5131                           pragma Assert
5132                             (Cur_Tab.Index_In_Line = IP_Index_In_Line);
5133                           Tabs (Cur_Tab_Index).Mark := Insertion_Point;
5134                        end if;
5135                     end if;
5136                  end if;
5138                  Cur_Tab_Index := Cur_Tab_Index + 1;
5139               end loop;
5141               Cur_Token_Index := Cur_Token_Index + 1;
5142            end loop;
5144            if Tab_Mismatch then
5145               Clear (Cur_Line_Tabs);
5146            end if;
5147         end Process_Line;
5149         procedure Check_Tokens_Match (X, Y : Tab_In_Line_Vector);
5150         --  If two lines come from the same construct, then the tokens should
5151         --  match. Raise an exception if they don't.
5153         procedure Check_Tokens_Match (X, Y : Tab_In_Line_Vector) is
5154         begin
5155            pragma Assert (not Is_Empty (X) and then not Is_Empty (Y));
5156            for J in 1 .. Last_Index (X) loop
5157               declare
5158                  XX : constant Tab_Index := X (J);
5159                  YY : constant Tab_Index := Y (J);
5160                  XT : constant Name_Id   := Tabs (XX).Token;
5161                  YT : constant Name_Id   := Tabs (YY).Token;
5162               begin
5163                  if XT /= YT then
5164                     --  "=>" matches a preceding "|"
5165                     if XT = Name_Arrow and then YT = Name_Bar then
5166                        null;
5167                     else
5168                        raise Program_Error;
5169                     end if;
5170                  end if;
5171               end;
5172            end loop;
5173         end Check_Tokens_Match;
5175         procedure Put_Tab_In_Line_Vector
5176           (Name : String;
5177            X    : Tab_In_Line_Vector);
5179         procedure Put_Tab_In_Line_Vector
5180           (Name : String;
5181            X    : Tab_In_Line_Vector)
5182         is
5183         begin
5184            if Is_Empty (X) then
5185               return;
5186            end if;
5188            Dbg_Out.Put ("\1: \t", Name);
5190            for J in 1 .. Last_Index (X) loop
5191               if J /= 1 then
5192                  Dbg_Out.Put ("; ");
5193               end if;
5194               Dbg_Out.Put ("\1", Tab_Image (X (J)));
5195            end loop;
5196            Dbg_Out.Put ("\n");
5197         end Put_Tab_In_Line_Vector;
5199         procedure Put_Paragraph_Tabs is
5200         begin
5201            Dbg_Out.Put
5202              ("\1 Paragraph_Tabs\n",
5203               Image (Integer (Last_Index (Paragraph_Tabs))));
5205            for X of Paragraph_Tabs loop
5206               Put_Tab_In_Line_Vector ("", X);
5207            end loop;
5208            Dbg_Out.Put ("end Paragraph_Tabs\n");
5209         end Put_Paragraph_Tabs;
5211         F_Tab, C_Tab : Tab_Rec;
5213      --  Start of processing for Calculate_Num_Blanks
5215      begin
5216--  Debug printouts commented out for efficiency
5217         while Cur_Tok.Kind /= End_Of_Input loop
5218            declare
5219--               First_Char_In_Line : constant Natural :=
5220--                 Cur_Tok.Sloc.First - Cur_Tok.Sloc.Col + 1;
5221            begin
5222               Process_Line;
5224--               Dbg_Out.Put ("<<");
5226--               for X in First_Char_In_Line .. Cur_Tok.Sloc.First - 1 loop
5227--                  for Tab of Cur_Line_Tabs loop
5228--                     if X = Position (Out_Buf, Tabs (Tab).Mark) then
5229--                        Dbg_Out.Put ("^");
5230--                     end if;
5231--                  end loop;
5232--                  Dbg_Out.Put ("\1", To_UTF8 ((1 => Char_At (Out_Buf, X))));
5233--               end loop;
5234--               Dbg_Out.Put (">>\n");
5235--               Put_Tab_In_Line_Vector ("First", First_Line_Tabs);
5236--               Put_Tab_In_Line_Vector ("Cur", Cur_Line_Tabs);
5238               Cur_Token_Index := Cur_Token_Index + 1;
5239               --  Consume the newline
5241               if Is_Empty (Cur_Line_Tabs) then
5242--                  Dbg_Out.Put ("Flush_Para -- no tabs\n");
5243                  Flush_Para;
5244                  --  Leave tabs from this line with Num_Blanks = 0.
5245                  Clear (First_Line_Tabs);
5247               else
5248                  if Is_Empty (First_Line_Tabs) then
5249                     First_Line_Tabs := Cur_Line_Tabs;
5250                  else
5251                     --  If the Parents don't match, we're at the end of a
5252                     --  paragraph. We also end the paragraph if the line-tab
5253                     --  arrays are of different length, which can only
5254                     --  happen if a comment occurs in the middle of a
5255                     --  tabable construct (e.g. before ":=" in a variable
5256                     --  declaration), thus forcing a tab onto the next line.
5258                     F_Tab := Element (Tabs, First_Line_Tabs (1));
5259                     C_Tab := Element (Tabs, Cur_Line_Tabs (1));
5261                     if C_Tab.Parent = F_Tab.Parent
5262                       and then
5263                         Last_Index (Cur_Line_Tabs) =
5264                         Last_Index (First_Line_Tabs)
5265                     then
5266                        pragma Debug
5267                          (Check_Tokens_Match
5268                             (Cur_Line_Tabs,
5269                              First_Line_Tabs));
5270                     else
5271--                        Dbg_Out.Put ("Flush_Para -- parent mismatch\n");
5272                        Flush_Para;
5273                        First_Line_Tabs := Cur_Line_Tabs;
5274                     end if;
5275                     F_Tab := (others => <>);
5276                     C_Tab := (others => <>);
5277                  end if;
5278                  Append (Paragraph_Tabs, Cur_Line_Tabs);
5279                  Clear (Cur_Line_Tabs);
5280               end if;
5281            end;
5282--            Dbg_Out.Put ("\n");
5283         end loop;
5285         pragma Assert (Cur_Tab_Index = Last_Index (Tabs));
5286      end Calculate_Num_Blanks;
5288   --  Start of processing for Insert_Alignment
5290   begin
5291      if not Alignment_Enabled then
5292         return;
5293      end if;
5295      Clear (Out_Buf_Line_Ends);
5296      Scanner.Get_Tokens
5297        (Out_Buf,
5298         Out_Tokens, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters,
5299         Ignore_Single_Line_Breaks => False,
5300         Line_Ends                 => Out_Buf_Line_Ends'Access);
5302      --  First go through the tabs and set their Num_Blanks field to the
5303      --  appropriate value. Tabs that are not expanded at all will have
5304      --  Num_Blanks left equal to zero.
5306      pragma Debug (Format_Debug_Output ("before Calculate_Num_Blanks"));
5307      Calculate_Num_Blanks;
5308      pragma Debug (Format_Debug_Output ("after Calculate_Num_Blanks"));
5310      --  Now go through the buffer, inserting blanks for tabs that should be
5311      --  expanded. Don't expand a tab if it would make the line too long.
5313      declare
5314         Cur_Tab_Index : Tab_Index := 1;
5315         Cur_Tab       : Tab_Rec   := Tabs (Cur_Tab_Index);
5316         Cur_Line_Num  : Positive  := 1;
5318      begin
5319         while not At_End (Out_Buf) loop
5320            pragma Assert
5321              (Point (Out_Buf) <= Position (Out_Buf, Cur_Tab.Mark));
5323            while At_Point (Out_Buf, Cur_Tab.Mark) loop
5324               if Scanner.Line_Length
5325                   (Out_Buf,
5326                    Out_Buf_Line_Ends,
5327                    Cur_Line_Num) +
5328                 Cur_Tab.Num_Blanks <=
5329                 Options.Max_Line_Length
5330               then
5331                  for J in 1 .. Cur_Tab.Num_Blanks loop
5332                     Insert (Out_Buf, ' ');
5333                  end loop;
5334               end if;
5335               Cur_Tab_Index := Cur_Tab_Index + 1;
5336               Cur_Tab       := Tabs (Cur_Tab_Index);
5337            end loop;
5338            if Cur (Out_Buf) = NL then
5339               Cur_Line_Num := Cur_Line_Num + 1;
5340            end if;
5341            Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
5342         end loop;
5343         pragma Assert (Cur_Tab_Index = Last_Index (Tabs));
5344      end;
5346      Reset (Out_Buf);
5347      pragma Debug (Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (To_W_Str (Out_Buf)));
5348   end Insert_Alignment;
5350   procedure Keyword_Casing;
5351   --  Convert reserved words to lower/upper case based on command-line
5352   --  options.
5354   procedure Keyword_Casing is
5355      --  The usual case is Lower_Case, in which case there's nothing to do,
5356      --  because all of the Ada_Templates have reserved words in lower case.
5357      --  If it's Upper_Case, we loop through the tokens, converting reserved
5358      --  words to upper case.
5359      use Scanner;
5360      --  use all type Token_Vector;
5361      Out_Tok : Token;
5362   begin
5363      case Options.PP_Keyword_Casing is
5364         when Lower_Case =>
5365            null;
5367         when Upper_Case =>
5368            Scanner.Get_Tokens (Out_Buf, Out_Tokens, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters);
5369            for Out_Index in 2 .. Last_Index (Out_Tokens) loop
5370               Out_Tok := Out_Tokens (Out_Index);
5371               loop
5372                  if Out_Tok.Kind = Reserved_Word then
5373                     Replace_Cur (Out_Buf, To_Upper (Cur (Out_Buf)));
5374                  end if;
5375                  Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
5376                  exit when At_Point (Out_Buf, Out_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
5377               end loop;
5378            end loop;
5379            Reset (Out_Buf);
5380      end case;
5381   end Keyword_Casing;
5383   procedure Insert_Form_Feeds;
5384   --  Insert FF after "pragma Page;" if -ff switch was given. It might seem
5385   --  silly to have a whole extra pass for this little feature, but it's a
5386   --  rarely used feature, so we don't care if it's a little slower, and this
5387   --  seems cleanest. We could have put this processing in some other
5388   --  unrelated pass. Note that it would not be easy to do this in
5389   --  Convert_Tree_To_Ada, because the FF goes after the ";", and the ";" is
5390   --  not printed as part of the pragma -- it goes BETWEEN the pragma and
5391   --  whatever comes next. Furthermore, we want to do this last so the FF
5392   --  doesn't get turned back into NL.
5394   procedure Insert_Form_Feeds is
5395      use Scanner;
5396      --  use all type Token_Vector;
5397      Out_Tok, Prev_Tok, Prev_Prev_Tok : Token;
5398   begin
5399      if not Options.Add_FF then
5400         return;
5401      end if;
5403      Scanner.Get_Tokens (Out_Buf, Out_Tokens, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters);
5404      for Out_Index in 2 + 3 - 1 .. Last_Index (Out_Tokens) loop
5405         --  Skip sentinel and first 3 tokens
5407         Out_Tok := Out_Tokens (Out_Index);
5408         Prev_Tok := Out_Tokens (Out_Index - 1);
5409         Prev_Prev_Tok := Out_Tokens (Out_Index - 2);
5410         loop
5411            Move_Forward (Out_Buf);
5412            exit when At_Point (Out_Buf, Out_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
5413         end loop;
5415         if Out_Tok.Text = Name_Semicolon
5416           and then Prev_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Page
5417           and then Prev_Prev_Tok.Normalized = Snames.Name_Pragma
5418         then
5419            Insert_Any (Out_Buf, W_FF);
5420         end if;
5421      end loop;
5422      Reset (Out_Buf);
5423   end Insert_Form_Feeds;
5425   procedure Copy_Pp_Off_Regions;
5426   --  Out_Buf is fully formatted at this point, including regions where pretty
5427   --  printing is supposed to be turned off. This replaces those regions of
5428   --  Out_Buf with the corresponding regions of Src_Buf.
5429   --  Note that this destroys any markers that might be pointing to Out_Buf
5431   procedure Copy_Pp_Off_Regions is
5432      --  The Src_Buf contains a sequence of zero or more OFF and ON
5433      --  commands. The first must be OFF, then ON, then OFF and so on,
5434      --  alternating. If that weren't true, we would have gotten an error in
5435      --  Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines, in which case we don't get here.
5436      --  The final End_Of_Input acts as an ON or OFF as appropriate.
5437      --  The Out_Buf contains a corresponding sequence with the same
5438      --  number of OFF's and ON's.
5440      --  Pretty printing is ON between the beginning and the first OFF, then
5441      --  OFF until the next ON, and so on.
5443      use Scanner;
5445      New_Buf : Buffer;
5446      --  Buffers don't support deletion, so we need to build up a whole new
5447      --  Buffer. This will be moved into Out_Buf when we are done.
5449      procedure Get_Next_Off_On
5450        (Tokens : Token_Vector;
5451         Index : in out Token_Index;
5452         Tok, Prev_Tok : out Token;
5453         Expect : Pp_Off_On_Comment);
5454      --  Get the next OFF or ON (or End_Of_Input). The index of that token in
5455      --  Tokens is returned in Index. The token itself is returned in Tok. The
5456      --  token before Tok is Prev_Tok, which is necessarily an End_Of_Line or
5457      --  New_Line. Expect is purely for assertions; it alternates between OFF
5458      --  and ON; Tok must be as expected (or End_Of_Input).
5460      procedure Copy (Buf : in out Buffer; Up_To : Marker);
5461      --  Copy from Buf to New_Buf, up to the given marker.
5463      procedure Skip (Buf : in out Buffer; Up_To : Marker);
5464      --  Move forward in Buf, up to the given marker, ignoring the characters.
5466      procedure Get_Next_Off_On
5467        (Tokens : Token_Vector;
5468         Index : in out Token_Index;
5469         Tok, Prev_Tok : out Token;
5470         Expect : Pp_Off_On_Comment) is
5471      begin
5472         loop
5473            Index := Index + 1;
5474            Tok := Tokens (Index);
5475            exit when Tok.Kind in Pp_Off_On_Comment | End_Of_Input;
5476         end loop;
5477         Prev_Tok := Tokens (Index - 1);
5478         pragma Assert (Tok.Kind in Expect | End_Of_Input);
5479         pragma Assert
5480           (Prev_Tok.Kind in Start_Of_Input | End_Of_Line | Blank_Line);
5481      end Get_Next_Off_On;
5483      procedure Copy (Buf : in out Buffer; Up_To : Marker) is
5484      begin
5485         while not At_Point (Buf, Up_To) loop
5486            Insert_Any (New_Buf, Cur (Buf));
5487            Move_Forward (Buf);
5488         end loop;
5489      end Copy;
5491      procedure Skip (Buf : in out Buffer; Up_To : Marker) is
5492      begin
5493         while not At_Point (Buf, Up_To) loop
5494            Move_Forward (Buf);
5495         end loop;
5496      end Skip;
5498      Src_Index, Out_Index : Token_Index := 1;
5500      Src_Tok, Out_Tok, Prev_Tok : Token;
5502      Src_Toks : Token_Vector;
5503      --  Note that we don't use Src_Tokens (the one in Ada_Trees.Formatting).
5504      --  We don't want to destroy that one with Ignore_Single_Line_Breaks =>
5505      --  False.
5507   --  Start of processing for Copy_Pp_Off_Regions
5509   begin
5510      --  Optimize by skipping this phase if there are no Pp_Off_Comments
5511      if not Pp_Off_Present then
5512         return;
5513      end if;
5515      --  We need to see End_Of_Line tokens, because when we see an OFF, we
5516      --  want to copy/ignore starting at the beginning of the line on which
5517      --  the OFF appears. For an ON, we ignore the Prev_Tok.
5519      Get_Tokens (Src_Buf, Src_Toks, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters,
5520                  Ignore_Single_Line_Breaks => False);
5521      Get_Tokens (Out_Buf, Out_Tokens, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters,
5522                  Ignore_Single_Line_Breaks => False);
5523      if Debug_Mode then
5524         Dbg_Out.Put ("Copy_Pp_Off_Regions: Src_Toks:\n");
5525         Put_Tokens (Src_Toks);
5526         Dbg_Out.Put ("end Src_Toks:\n");
5527         Dbg_Out.Put ("Copy_Pp_Off_Regions: Out_Tokens:\n");
5528         Put_Tokens (Out_Tokens);
5529         Dbg_Out.Put ("end Out_Tokens:\n");
5530      end if;
5532      --  The following loop repeatedly copies an ON region from Out_Buf to
5533      --  New_Buf (ignoring the corresponding region of Src_Buf), then copies
5534      --  an OFF region from Src_Buf to New_Buf (ignoring the corresponding
5535      --  region of Out_Buf).
5537      loop
5538         Get_Next_Off_On
5539           (Out_Tokens, Out_Index, Out_Tok, Prev_Tok => Prev_Tok,
5540            Expect => Pp_Off_Comment);
5541         Copy (Out_Buf, Up_To => Prev_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
5542         Get_Next_Off_On (Src_Toks, Src_Index, Src_Tok, Prev_Tok,
5543            Expect => Pp_Off_Comment);
5544         Skip (Src_Buf, Up_To => Prev_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
5546         pragma Assert
5547           ((Out_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input) = (Src_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input));
5548         exit when Out_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input;
5550         Get_Next_Off_On (Src_Toks, Src_Index, Src_Tok, Prev_Tok,
5551            Expect => Pp_On_Comment);
5552         Copy (Src_Buf, Up_To => Src_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
5553         Get_Next_Off_On (Out_Tokens, Out_Index, Out_Tok, Prev_Tok,
5554            Expect => Pp_On_Comment);
5555         Skip (Out_Buf, Up_To => Out_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
5557         pragma Assert
5558           ((Out_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input) = (Src_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input));
5559         exit when Out_Tok.Kind = End_Of_Input;
5560      end loop;
5562      Reset (Src_Buf);
5563      Reset (Out_Buf);
5564      Reset (New_Buf);
5566      Move (Target => Out_Buf, Source => New_Buf);
5567   end Copy_Pp_Off_Regions;
5569   procedure Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks (S : W_Str) is
5570   begin
5571      pragma Assert (S'First = 1);
5572      for X in 2 .. S'Last loop
5573         pragma Assert (if S (X) /= ' ' then not Is_Space (S (X)));
5574         if S (X) = NL then
5575            pragma Assert (S (X - 1) /= ' ');
5576         end if;
5577      end loop;
5578      pragma Assert (S (S'Last) = NL);
5579   end Assert_No_Trailing_Blanks;
5581   function Replacements (T : Ada_Template) return Ada_Template;
5583   function Replacements (T : Ada_Template) return Ada_Template is
5584      Temp : W_Str_Access := new W_Str'(W_Str (T));
5585   begin
5586      --  Replacements inserting soft line breaks
5588      Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "? @(~; ~)~", "?[@ (~;@ ~)]~");
5589      Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "? @(~, ~)~", "?[@ (~,@ ~)]~");
5590      Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "? := ~~~", "? :=[@ ~~]~");
5591      Temp := Replace_All (Temp, " renames !", " renames[@ !]");
5592      --  ???Should be a weaker @, at least for function renamings.
5593      Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "? and ~ and ~~", "? and[@ ~ and@ ~]~");
5594      Temp := Replace_All (Temp, " => !", " =>[@ !]");
5596      --  Replacements inserting tabs
5598      Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "=>", "^=>");
5599      Temp :=
5600        Replace_All
5601          (Temp,
5602           "?~, ~~ :? ~~~ !? :=[@ ~~]~",
5603           "?~, ~~ ^:? ~~~ !? ^2:=[@ ~~]~");
5604      Temp :=
5605        Replace_All
5606          (Temp,
5607           "?~, ~~ :? ~~~ constant !? :=[@ ~~]~",
5608           "?~, ~~ ^:? ~~~ constant !? ^2:=[@ ~~]~");
5609      --  This doesn't cover A_Parameter_Specification, which is handled
5610      --  specially by Do_Parameter_Specification.
5612      --  Replacements inserting soft line breaks in comma-separated lists of
5613      --  defining identifiers.
5615      Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "?~, ~~ ^:", "?~,@ ~~ ^:");
5616      --  Note @ without []
5618      --  Replacements for --no-separate-is
5620      if not Options.Separate_Line_For_IS then
5621         Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "@ is", " is");
5622      end if;
5624      --  If the --no-end-id switch was given, do not insert names after "end"
5625      --  during the Convert_Tree_To_Ada pass. Instead, insert them during
5626      --  Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines, and only if they are present in the
5627      --  source.
5629      if not Options.End_Id then
5630         Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "end !1", "end");
5631         Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "end !2", "end");
5632         Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "end?1 ~~~", "end");
5633         Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "end?2 ~~~", "end");
5634         Temp := Replace_All (Temp, "end?3 ~~~", "end");
5635      end if;
5637      return Result : constant Ada_Template := Ada_Template (Temp.all) do
5638         Free (Temp);
5639      end return;
5640   end Replacements;
5642   procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation
5643     (Ada_Template, Ada_Template_Ptr);
5645   procedure Replace_One (Kind : Ada_Tree_Kind; From, To : W_Str);
5646   --  Replace From with To in the template for Kind
5648   procedure Replace_One (Kind : Ada_Tree_Kind; From, To : W_Str) is
5649      Temp : Ada_Template_Ptr := Template_Table (Kind);
5650   begin
5651      Template_Table (Kind) :=
5652        new Ada_Template'(Ada_Template
5653          (Must_Replace (W_Str (Temp.all), From, To)));
5654      Free (Temp);
5655   end Replace_One;
5657   procedure Init_Template_Table is
5658   begin
5659      pragma Assert (not Template_Table_Initialized);
5660      Template_Table_Initialized := True;
5662      --  We can't initialize Template_Table with an aggregate, because we
5663      --  refer to the Kind. The following case-within-loop construction may
5664      --  look odd, but it accomplishes two goals: the 'case' requires full
5665      --  coverage, so the items left null are done so explicitly, and the
5666      --  'for' provides the Kind value to each sub-case that needs it.
5667      --  The 'case' we're talking about is in Template_For_Kind.
5669      for Kind in Ada_Tree_Kind loop
5670         declare
5671            Temp : Ada_Template_Ptr := Template_For_Kind (Kind);
5672         begin
5673            if Temp = null then
5674               Template_Table (Kind) := null;
5675            else
5676               Template_Table (Kind) :=
5677                 new Ada_Template'
5678                   (Munge_Template (Replacements (Temp.all), Kind));
5679               Free (Temp);
5680            end if;
5681         end;
5682      end loop;
5684      --  Some more-specific replacements
5686      --  For Separate_Line_For_THEN_and_LOOP, we want a hard line break before
5687      --  "then" and "loop".
5689      if Options.Separate_Line_For_THEN_and_LOOP then
5690         Replace_One (An_If_Path, "@ then$", "$then$");
5691         Replace_One (An_Elsif_Path, "@ then$", "$then$");
5692         Replace_One (A_While_Loop_Statement, "@ loop$", "$loop$");
5693         Replace_One (A_For_Loop_Statement, "@ loop$", "$loop$");
5695      --  For No_Separate_Line_For_THEN_and_LOOP, we remove the soft line break
5696      --  before "then" and "loop".
5698      elsif Options.No_Separate_Line_For_THEN_and_LOOP then
5699         Replace_One (An_If_Path, "@ then$", " then$");
5700         Replace_One (An_Elsif_Path, "@ then$", " then$");
5701         Replace_One (A_While_Loop_Statement, "@ loop$", " loop$");
5702         Replace_One (A_For_Loop_Statement, "@ loop$", " loop$");
5703      end if;
5705      --  Now do some validity checking on the templates
5707      for Kind in Ada_Tree_Kind loop
5708         declare
5709            T : constant Ada_Template_Ptr := Template_Table (Kind);
5711         begin
5712            if T /= null then
5713               declare
5714                  subtype Constrained_Query_Count is
5715                    Query_Count range 0 .. Num_Queries (Kind);
5716                  Subtree_Count : Query_Count := 0;
5718               begin
5719                  for J in T'Range loop
5720                     case T (J) is
5721                        when '!' | '?' =>
5722                           if J < T'Last and then T (J + 1) in '1' .. '9' then
5723                              pragma Assert
5724                                (Query_Index (Char_To_Digit (T (J + 1))) in
5725                                   Constrained_Query_Count);
5727                           else
5728                              Subtree_Count := Subtree_Count + 1;
5729                           end if;
5731                        --  ??? "{" is always preceded by "$"; we might want a
5732                        --  short-hand for "${".
5734                        when '{' =>
5735                           pragma Assert (T (J - 1) = '$');
5737                        when others =>
5738                           null;
5739                     end case;
5740                  end loop;
5742                  if Subtree_Count /= Constrained_Query_Count'Last then
5743                     raise Program_Error
5744                       with "Wrong Subtree_Count: " & Kind'Img;
5745                  end if;
5746               end;
5747            end if;
5748         end;
5749      end loop;
5751      if Debug_Mode then
5752         Put_Ada_Templates;
5753      end if;
5754   end Init_Template_Table;
5756   procedure Init_Pp_Off_And_On is
5757      use Scanner;
5758   begin
5759      if Options.Pp_Off_String /= null then
5760         pragma Assert (Options.Pp_Off_String.all /= "");
5761         Pp_Off_On_Delimiters.Off := new W_Str'
5762           ("--" & To_Wide_String (Options.Pp_Off_String.all));
5763      end if;
5764      if Options.Pp_On_String /= null then
5765         pragma Assert (Options.Pp_On_String.all /= "");
5766         Pp_Off_On_Delimiters.On := new W_Str'
5767           ("--" & To_Wide_String (Options.Pp_On_String.all));
5768      end if;
5769   end Init_Pp_Off_And_On;
5771   procedure Do_Comments_Only;
5772   --  Implement the --comments-only switch. This skips most of the usual
5773   --  pretty-printing passes, and just formats comments.
5775   procedure Do_Comments_Only is
5776      use Scanner;
5777      Src_Toks : Token_Vector;
5778      Cur_Token_Index : Token_Index := 2; -- skip sentinel
5779      function Cur_Tok return Token is (Src_Toks (Cur_Token_Index));
5781      procedure Assert;
5782      --  If Comments_Only is True, but Comment_Filling_Enabled and
5783      --  GNAT_Comment_Start are both False, then the input and output should
5784      --  be identical. So assert.
5786      procedure Assert is
5787      begin
5788         if Comment_Filling_Enabled or else Options.GNAT_Comment_Start then
5789            return;
5790         end if;
5792         --  Slice removes the extra leading NL
5794         if Slice (Out_Buf, 2, Last_Position (Out_Buf)) /=
5795           To_W_Str (Src_Buf)
5796         then
5797            ASIS_UL.Dbg_Out.Output_Enabled := True;
5798            Text_IO.Put_Line ("Src_Buf:");
5799            Dump_Buf (Src_Buf);
5800            Text_IO.Put_Line ("Out_Buf:");
5801            Dump_Buf (Out_Buf);
5802            pragma Assert (False);
5803         end if;
5804      end Assert;
5806   --  Start of processing for Do_Comments_Only
5808   begin
5809      Get_Tokens (Src_Buf, Src_Toks, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters,
5810                  Ignore_Single_Line_Breaks => False);
5811      Insert_NL (Out_Buf);
5813      while Cur_Tok.Kind /= End_Of_Input loop
5814         if Cur_Tok.Kind in Comment_Kind then
5815            --  Set Cur_Indentation to the number of spaces to be inserted
5816            --  before "--". For whole-line comments, that's one less than the
5817            --  starting column. For end-of-line comments, it's the number of
5818            --  blanks between the last character of the previous token to the
5819            --  first character of this (comment) token.
5821            case Comment_Kind'(Cur_Tok.Kind) is
5822               when Whole_Line_Comment =>
5823                  Cur_Indentation := Cur_Tok.Sloc.Col - 1;
5824               when End_Of_Line_Comment =>
5825                  Cur_Indentation :=
5826                    Cur_Tok.Sloc.First -
5827                    Src_Toks (Cur_Token_Index - 1).Sloc.Last -
5828                    1;
5829               when others => null;
5830            end case;
5832            Insert_Comment_Text (Cur_Tok);
5833            Cur_Indentation := 0;
5834         end if;
5836         loop
5837            if Cur_Tok.Kind not in Comment_Kind then
5838               Insert_Any (Out_Buf, Cur (Src_Buf));
5839            end if;
5840            Move_Forward (Src_Buf);
5841            exit when At_Point (Src_Buf, Cur_Tok.Sloc.Lastx);
5842         end loop;
5844         Cur_Token_Index := Cur_Token_Index + 1;
5845      end loop;
5847      pragma Assert (At_End (Src_Buf));
5848      Reset (Src_Buf);
5849      Reset (Out_Buf);
5851      pragma Debug (Assert);
5852      Final_Check;
5854      Write_Out_Buf;
5855   end Do_Comments_Only;
5857   use Scanner;
5858--  use all type Token_Vector;
5860--  Start of processing for Tree_To_Ada
5863   if Debug_Mode then
5864      ASIS_UL.Dbg_Out.Output_Enabled := True;
5865   end if;
5867   if not Template_Table_Initialized then
5868      Init_Template_Table;
5869      Init_Pp_Off_And_On;
5870   end if;
5872   --  Note that if we're processing multiple files, we will get here multiple
5873   --  times, so we need to clear out data structures left over from last time.
5875   pragma Assert (Cur_Indentation = 0);
5876   Clear (All_Line_Breaks);
5877   Clear (Tabs);
5879   Get_Tokens (Src_Buf, Src_Tokens, Pp_Off_On_Delimiters);
5880   if Debug_Mode then
5881      Dbg_Out.Put ("Src_Tokens:\n");
5882      Put_Tokens (Src_Tokens);
5883      Dbg_Out.Put ("end Src_Tokens:\n");
5884   end if;
5886   Clear (Out_Buf);
5888   --  If --comments-only was specified, format the comments and quit
5890   if Options.Comments_Only then
5891      Do_Comments_Only;
5892      return;
5893   end if;
5895   --  The major passes:
5897   Convert_Tree_To_Ada (Root);
5899   Split_Lines (First_Time => True);
5901   Insert_Comments_And_Blank_Lines;
5903   Split_Lines (First_Time => False);
5905   Insert_NLs_And_Indentation;
5907   Insert_Alignment (Tokens => Out_Tokens);
5909   Keyword_Casing;
5911   Insert_Form_Feeds;
5913   Copy_Pp_Off_Regions;
5915   --  The following pass doesn't modify anything; it just checks that the
5916   --  sequence of tokens we have constructed matches the original source
5917   --  code (with some allowed exceptions).
5919   Final_Check;
5921   --  Finally, print out the result to Current_Output
5923   Write_Out_Buf;
5926   --  If we got an error, don't produce output
5928   when Common.Fatal_Error =>
5929      raise;
5931   when others =>
5932      --  In order to avoid damaging the user's source code, if there is a bug
5933      --  (like a token mismatch in Final_Check), we avoid writing the output
5934      --  file in Do_Diff mode; otherwise, we write the input to the output
5935      --  unchanged. This happens only in production builds.
5937      if Enable_Token_Mismatch then
5938         raise;
5939      else
5940         if Do_Diff then
5941            Output_Written := False;
5942         else
5943            if not At_Beginning (Src_Buf) then
5944               while not At_End (Src_Buf) loop
5945                  Move_Forward (Src_Buf);
5946               end loop;
5947               Reset (Src_Buf);
5948            end if;
5950            Write_Src_Buf;
5951         end if;
5952      end if;
5953end Tree_To_Ada;