1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
5 namespace Internal.Runtime
6 {
7     internal enum ReflectionMapBlob
8     {
9         TypeMap                                     = 1,
10         ArrayMap                                    = 2,
11         GenericInstanceMap                          = 3, // unused
12         GenericParameterMap                         = 4, // unused
13         BlockReflectionTypeMap                      = 5,
14         InvokeMap                                   = 6,
15         VirtualInvokeMap                            = 7,
16         CommonFixupsTable                           = 8,
17         FieldAccessMap                              = 9,
18         CCtorContextMap                             = 10,
19         DiagGenericInstanceMap                      = 11, // unused
20         DiagGenericParameterMap                     = 12, // unused
21         EmbeddedMetadata                            = 13,
22         DefaultConstructorMap                       = 14,
23         UnboxingAndInstantiatingStubMap             = 15,
24         StructMarshallingStubMap                    = 16,
25         DelegateMarshallingStubMap                  = 17,
26         GenericVirtualMethodTable                   = 18,
27         InterfaceGenericVirtualMethodTable          = 19,
29         // Reflection template types/methods blobs:
30         TypeTemplateMap                             = 21,
31         GenericMethodsTemplateMap                   = 22,
32         DynamicInvokeTemplateData                   = 23,
33         BlobIdResourceIndex                         = 24,
34         BlobIdResourceData                          = 25,
35         BlobIdStackTraceEmbeddedMetadata            = 26,
36         BlobIdStackTraceMethodRvaToTokenMapping     = 27,
38         //Native layout blobs:
39         NativeLayoutInfo                            = 30,
40         NativeReferences                            = 31,
41         GenericsHashtable                           = 32,
42         NativeStatics                               = 33,
43         StaticsInfoHashtable                        = 34,
44         GenericMethodsHashtable                     = 35,
45         ExactMethodInstantiationsHashtable          = 36,
46     }
47 }