1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
2 //
3 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Rene Kuettner <rene@bitkanal.net>
4 //
9 #include <QObject>
10 #include <QDateTime>
12 #include "GeoDataLineString.h"
13 #include "GeoDataCoordinates.h"
14 #include "GeoDataLinearRing.h"
16 #include <eclsolar.h>
18 namespace Marble
19 {
21 /**
22  * @brief The representation of an eclipse event
23  *
24  * This class represents an eclipse event on earth. It calculates all
25  * basic information like date and visibility upon initialization.
26  * Expensive calculations like boundary polygons are done the first time
27  * they are requested.
28  *
29  * The calculations are done using the eclsolar backend that has to be
30  * passed to the constructor.
31  */
32 class EclipsesItem : public QObject
33 {
34     Q_OBJECT
36 public:
38     /**
39      * @brief A type of an eclipse event
40      */
41     enum EclipsePhase {
42         TotalMoon               = -4,
43         PartialMoon             = -3,
44         PenumbralMoon           = -1,
45         PartialSun              =  1,
46         NonCentralAnnularSun    =  2,
47         NonCentralTotalSun      =  3,
48         AnnularSun              =  4,
49         TotalSun                =  5,
50         AnnularTotalSun         =  6
51     };
53     /**
54      * @brief Construct the EclipseItem object and trigger basic calculations
55      * @param ecl The EclSolar backend
56      * @param index The object index
57      * @param parent The parent object
58      */
59     explicit EclipsesItem( EclSolar *ecl, int index, QObject *parent = nullptr );
61     ~EclipsesItem() override;
63     /**
64      * @brief The index of the eclipse event
65      *
66      * Returns the index of the eclipse event.
67      *
68      * @return The eclipse events index.
69      */
70     int index() const;
72     /**
73      * @brief Check if the event takes place at a given datetime
74      * @param dateTime The date time to check
75      *
76      * Checks whether or not this eclipse event takes place at the given
77      * @p dateTime. This is true if @p dateTime is between the global
78      * start and end dates of the event.
79      *
80      * @return True if the event takes place at @p dateTime or false otherwise.
81      */
82     bool takesPlaceAt( const QDateTime &dateTime ) const;
84     /**
85      * @brief Returns the phase of this eclipse event
86      * @return the phase or type of this eclipse event
87      * @see phaseText
88      */
89     EclipsesItem::EclipsePhase phase() const;
92     /**
93      * @brief Returns an icon of the eclipse type
94      * @return an icon representing the eclipse's type
95      */
96     QIcon icon() const;
98     /**
99      * @brief Returns a human readable representation of the eclipse type
100      * @return A string representing the eclipse's type
101      * @see phase
102      */
103     QString phaseText() const;
105     /**
106      * @brief Returns the date of the eclipse event's maximum
107      * @return The DateTime of the eclipse's maximum
108      * @see maxLocation
109      */
110     const QDateTime& dateMaximum() const;
112     /**
113      * @brief Returns the start date of the eclipse's partial phase
114      * @return The start date of the partial phase
115      * @see endDatePartial
116      */
117     const QDateTime& startDatePartial() const;
119     /**
120      * @brief Returns the end date of the eclipse's partial phase
121      * @return The end date of the partial phase
122      * @see startDatePartial
123      */
124     const QDateTime& endDatePartial() const;
126     /**
127      * @brief Returns the number of hours the partial phase takes place
128      * @return The number of hours of the partial phase
129      * @see startDatePartial, endDatePartial
130      */
131     int partialDurationHours() const;
133     /**
134      * @brief Returns the start date of the eclipse's total phase
135      *
136      * If the eclipse has a total phase, the date and time of its beginning
137      * is returned. If this is no total eclipse, an invalid datetime object
138      * will be returned.
139      *
140      * @return The start date of the total phase or an invalid date
141      * @see endDateTotal
142      */
143     const QDateTime& startDateTotal() const;
145     /**
146      * @brief Returns the end date of the eclipse's total phase
147      *
148      * If the eclipse has a total phase, the date and time of its ending
149      * is returned. If this is no total eclipse, an invalid datetime object
150      * will be returned.
151      *
152      * @return The end date of the total phase or an invalid date
153      * @see startDateTotal
154      */
155     const QDateTime& endDateTotal() const;
157     /**
158      * @brief Return the eclipse's magnitude
159      * @return The magnitude of the eclipse
160      */
161     double magnitude() const;
163     /**
164      * @brief Return the coordinates of the eclipse's maximum
165      * @return GeoDataCoordinates of the eclipse's maximum
166      * @see dateMaximum
167      */
168     const GeoDataCoordinates& maxLocation();
170     /**
171      * @brief The eclipse's central line
172      * @return The central line of the eclipse
173      */
174     const GeoDataLineString& centralLine();
176     /**
177      * @brief Return the eclipse's umbra
178      * @return The eclipse's umbra
179      */
180     const GeoDataLinearRing& umbra();
182     /**
183      * @brief Return the eclipse's southern penumbra
184      * @return The eclipse's southern penumbra
185      */
186     const GeoDataLineString& southernPenumbra();
188     /**
189      * @brief Return the eclipse's northern penumbra
190      * @return The eclipse's northern umbra
191      */
192     const GeoDataLineString& northernPenumbra();
194     /**
195      * @brief Return the eclipse's sun boundaries
196      * @return The eclipse's sun boundaries
197      */
198     const QList<GeoDataLinearRing>& sunBoundaries();
200     /**
201      * @brief Return the shadow cone of the umbra
202      * @return The shadow cone of the umbra
203      */
204     GeoDataLinearRing shadowConeUmbra();
206     /**
207      * @brief Return the shadow cone of the penumbra
208      * @return The shadow cone of the penumbra
209      */
210     GeoDataLinearRing shadowConePenumbra();
212     /**
213      * @brief Return the shadow cone of the penumbra at 60 percent magnitude
214      * @return The shadow cone of the penumbra at 60 percent magnitude
215      */
216     GeoDataLinearRing shadowCone60MagPenumbra();
218 private:
219     /**
220      * @brief Initialize the eclipse item
221      *
222      * Initializes all properties of the eclipse item and does basic
223      * calculations. Expensive calculations are done as required.
224      *
225      * @see calculate
226      */
227     void initialize();
229     /**
230      * @brief Do detailed calculations
231      *
232      * Do the expensive calculations (like shadow cones) for this eclipse
233      * event. This is normally called on the first request of such data.
234      */
235     void calculate();
237     EclSolar *m_ecl;
238     int m_index;
239     bool m_calculationsNeedUpdate;
240     bool m_isTotal;
241     QDateTime m_dateMaximum;
242     QDateTime m_startDatePartial;
243     QDateTime m_endDatePartial;
244     QDateTime m_startDateTotal;
245     QDateTime m_endDateTotal;
246     EclipsesItem::EclipsePhase m_phase;
247     double m_magnitude;
249     GeoDataCoordinates m_maxLocation;
250     GeoDataLineString m_centralLine;
251     GeoDataLinearRing m_umbra;
252     GeoDataLineString m_southernPenumbra;
253     GeoDataLineString m_northernPenumbra;
254     GeoDataLinearRing m_shadowConeUmbra;
255     GeoDataLinearRing m_shadowConePenumbra;
256     GeoDataLinearRing m_shadowCone60MagPenumbra;
257     QList<GeoDataLinearRing> m_sunBoundaries;
258 };
260 }