1 /*
2 stripped-down version of <xview/notify.h>
4 (c) Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun design
5 patents pending in the U.S. and foreign countries. OPEN LOOK is
6 a trademark of USL. Used by written permission of the owners.
7 */
8 #ifndef _notify_h
9 #define _notify_h
10 #include <sys/types.h>
11 #include <sys/time.h>
13 /*
14  * Client notification function return values for notifier to client calls.
15  */
16 typedef enum notify_value {
17   NOTIFY_DONE		= 0,	/* Handled notification */
18   NOTIFY_IGNORED	= 1,	/* Did nothing about notification */
19   NOTIFY_UNEXPECTED	= 2	    /* Notification not expected */
20 } Notify_value;
22 typedef enum notify_error {
23   NOTIFY_OK               = 0,    /* Success */
24   NOTIFY_UNKNOWN_CLIENT   = 1,    /* Client argument unknown to notifier */
25   NOTIFY_NO_CONDITION     = 2,    /* Client not registered for given
26                                    * condition
27                                    */
28   NOTIFY_BAD_ITIMER       = 3,    /* Itimer type unknown */
29   NOTIFY_BAD_SIGNAL       = 4,    /* Signal number out of range */
30   NOTIFY_NOT_STARTED      = 5,    /* Notify_stop called & notifier not
31                                    * started
32                                    */
33   NOTIFY_DESTROY_VETOED   = 6,    /* Some client didn't want to die when
34                                    * called notify_die(DESTROY_CHECKING)
35                                    */
36   NOTIFY_INTERNAL_ERROR   = 7,    /* Something wrong in the notifier */
37   NOTIFY_SRCH             = 8,    /* No such process */
38   NOTIFY_BADF             = 9,    /* Bad file number */
39   NOTIFY_NOMEM            = 10,   /* Not enough core */
40   NOTIFY_INVAL            = 11,   /* Invalid argument */
41   NOTIFY_FUNC_LIMIT       = 12    /* Too many interposition functions */
42 } Notify_error;
44 typedef enum notify_signal_mode {
45   NOTIFY_SYNC             = 0,
46   NOTIFY_ASYNC            = 1
47 } Notify_signal_mode;
49 /*
50  * Opaque client handle.
51  */
52 typedef	unsigned long Notify_client;
54 /*
55  * A pointer to functions returning a Notify_value.
56  */
57 typedef	Notify_value (*Notify_func)(Notify_client client);
58 typedef	Notify_value (*Notify_func_input)(Notify_client client, int fd);
59 typedef	Notify_value (*Notify_func_signal)(Notify_client client, int
60   signal, Notify_signal_mode mode);
62 #define	NOTIFY_FUNC_NULL        ((Notify_func)0)
63 #define	NOTIFY_FUNC_INPUT_NULL  ((Notify_func_input)0)
64 #define	NOTIFY_FUNC_SIGNAL_NULL ((Notify_func_signal)0)
66 /*
67  * Establish event handler for file descriptor 'fd'. The handler
68  * 'func' is called whenever 'fd' is ready for input. Calling
69  * notify_set_input_func with func=NOTIFY_FUNC_NULL removes
70  * the handler. Return 'func' on success, NOTIFY_FUNC_NULL
71  * on failure.
72  */
73 extern Notify_func_input notify_set_input_func (Notify_client nclient,
74   Notify_func_input func, int fd);
76 /*
77  * Establish event handler for file descriptor 'fd'. The handler
78  * 'func' is called whenever 'fd' is ready for output. Calling
79  * notify_set_input_func with func=NOTIFY_FUNC_NULL removes
80  * the handler. Return 'func' on success, NOTIFY_FUNC_NULL
81  * on failure.
82  */
83 extern Notify_func notify_set_output_func (Notify_client nclient,
84   Notify_func func, int fd);
86 /*
87  * Establish event handler that is called periodically.
88  * The function 'func' is called every 'interval' milliseconds.
89  * To change the period, call the function with the original
90  * 'client' and 'func' values, and a changed value of 'interval'.
91  * An interval value of 0 disables the periodic invocation of
92  * 'func'. No return value.
93  */
94 extern void notify_set_periodic_func(Notify_client client, Notify_func
95   func, int interval);
97 /*
98 * Main loop. Never exits unless notify_stop() is called.
99 */
100 extern  Notify_error  notify_start(void);
102 /*
103 * Abort event handler.
104 */
105 extern  Notify_error  notify_stop(void);
107 /*
108 * Establish signal handler.
109 */
110 extern Notify_func_signal notify_set_signal_func(Notify_client nclient,
111   Notify_func_signal func, int sig, Notify_signal_mode mode);
113 /*
114 * Initialize Readfds (flag = 0), Writefds (1), Exceptfds (2).
115 */
116 extern void notify_set_socket(int sock, int flag);
118 #endif