1 /**
2  * @namespace   biew_plugins_II
3  * @file        plugins/disasm/null_da.c
4  * @brief       This file contains implementation of Data disassembler.
5  * @version     -
6  * @remark      this source file is part of Binary vIEW project (BIEW).
7  *              The Binary vIEW (BIEW) is copyright (C) 1995 Nickols_K.
8  *              All rights reserved. This software is redistributable under the
9  *              licence given in the file "Licence.en" ("Licence.ru" in russian
10  *              translation) distributed in the BIEW archive.
11  * @note        Requires POSIX compatible development system
12  *
13  * @author      Nickols_K
14  * @since       1999
15  * @note        Development, fixes and improvements
16 **/
17 #include <string.h>
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include "reg_form.h"
22 #include "plugins/disasm.h"
23 #include "bconsole.h"
24 #include "biewhelp.h"
25 #include "biewutil.h"
26 #include "reg_form.h"
27 #include "biewlib/file_ini.h"
28 #include "biewlib/pmalloc.h"
30 static int nulWidth = 1;
32 static const char *width_names[] =
33 {
34    "~Byte",
35    "~Word",
36    "~Double word",
37    "~Quad word"
38 };
nulSelect_width(void)40 static tBool __FASTCALL__ nulSelect_width( void )
41 {
42   unsigned nModes;
43   int i;
44   nModes = sizeof(width_names)/sizeof(char *);
45   i = SelBoxA(width_names,nModes," Select bitness mode: ",nulWidth);
46   if(i != -1)
47   {
48     nulWidth = i;
49     return True;
50   }
51   return False;
52 }
54 static char *outstr;
nulDisassembler(__filesize_t ulShift,MBuffer buffer,unsigned flags)56 static DisasmRet __FASTCALL__ nulDisassembler(__filesize_t ulShift,
57                                               MBuffer buffer,
58                                               unsigned flags)
59 {
60   DisasmRet ret;
61   int type,cl;
62   const char *preface;
63   if(!((flags & __DISF_SIZEONLY) == __DISF_SIZEONLY))
64   {
65     memset(&ret,0,sizeof(ret));
66     ret.str = outstr;
67     switch(nulWidth)
68     {
69       case 0: preface = "db ";
70               type = DISARG_BYTE;
71               cl = 1;
72               break;
73       default:
74       case 1: preface = "dw ";
75               type = DISARG_WORD;
76               cl = 2;
77               break;
78       case 2: preface = "dd ";
79               type = DISARG_DWORD;
80               cl = 4;
81               break;
82       case 3: preface = "dq ";
83               type = DISARG_QWORD;
84               cl = 8;
85               break;
86     }
87     ret.codelen = cl;
88     strcpy(outstr,preface);
89     disAppendDigits(outstr,ulShift,APREF_USE_TYPE,cl,buffer,type);
90   }
91   else
92     if(flags & __DISF_GETTYPE) ret.pro_clone = __INSNT_ORDINAL;
93     else
94     switch(nulWidth)
95     {
96       case 0: ret.codelen = 1; break;
97       default:
98       case 1: ret.codelen = 2; break;
99       case 2: ret.codelen = 4; break;
100       case 3: ret.codelen = 8; break;
101     }
102   return ret;
103 }
nulHelpAsm(void)105 static void  __FASTCALL__ nulHelpAsm( void )
106 {
107   hlpDisplay(20010);
108 }
nulMaxInsnLen(void)110 static int    __FASTCALL__ nulMaxInsnLen( void ) { return 8; }
nulGetAsmColor(unsigned long clone)111 static ColorAttr __FASTCALL__ nulGetAsmColor( unsigned long clone )
112 {
113   UNUSED(clone);
114   return disasm_cset.cpu_cset[0].clone[0];
115 }
nulGetBitness(void)116 static int       __FASTCALL__ nulGetBitness( void ) { return DAB_USE16; }
nulGetClone(unsigned long clone)117 static char      __FASTCALL__ nulGetClone( unsigned long clone )
118 {
119   UNUSED(clone);
120   return ' ';
121 }
nulInit(void)122 static void      __FASTCALL__ nulInit( void )
123 {
124   outstr = PMalloc(1000);
125   if(!outstr)
126   {
127     MemOutBox("Data disassembler initialization");
128     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
129   }
130 }
nulTerm(void)132 static void  __FASTCALL__ nulTerm( void )
133 {
134    PFREE(outstr);
135 }
nulReadIni(hIniProfile * ini)137 static void __FASTCALL__ nulReadIni( hIniProfile *ini )
138 {
139   char tmps[10];
140   if(isValidIniArgs())
141   {
142     biewReadProfileString(ini,"Biew","Browser","SubSubMode3","1",tmps,sizeof(tmps));
143     nulWidth = (int)strtoul(tmps,NULL,10);
144     if(nulWidth > 3) nulWidth = 0;
145   }
146 }
nulWriteIni(hIniProfile * ini)148 static void __FASTCALL__ nulWriteIni( hIniProfile *ini )
149 {
150   char tmps[10];
151   sprintf(tmps,"%i",nulWidth);
152   biewWriteProfileString(ini,"Biew","Browser","SubSubMode3",tmps);
153 }
155 REGISTRY_DISASM Null_Disasm =
156 {
158   "~Data",
159   { NULL, "Width ", NULL, NULL },
160   { NULL, nulSelect_width, NULL, NULL },
161   nulDisassembler,
162   NULL,
163   nulHelpAsm,
164   nulMaxInsnLen,
165   nulGetAsmColor,
166   NULL,
167   nulGetAsmColor,
168   NULL,
169   nulGetBitness,
170   nulGetClone,
171   nulInit,
172   nulTerm,
173   nulReadIni,
174   nulWriteIni
175 };