1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2011 CNRS and LIRIS' Establishments (France).
2 // All rights reserved.
3 //
4 // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org)
5 //
6 // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.3/Combinatorial_map/include/CGAL/Combinatorial_map_iterators_base.h $
7 // $Id: Combinatorial_map_iterators_base.h 5ecd852 2021-04-26T21:37:02+01:00 Giles Bathgate
8 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial
9 //
10 // Author(s)     : Guillaume Damiand <guillaume.damiand@liris.cnrs.fr>
11 //
15 #include <CGAL/disable_warnings.h>
17 #include <CGAL/Compact_container.h>
18 #include <queue>
19 #include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
20 #include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
22 namespace CGAL {
24   /** @file Combinatorial_map_iterators_base.h
25    * Basic classes that serve as tools for definition of iterators.
26    There are 3 classes:
27    *  - CMap_dart_iterator<Map,Const> is the basic generic class defining
28    *    what is an interator on darts.
29    *  - CMap_extend_iterator<Map,Ite,Bi> to extend the given iterator by adding
30    *    the involution Bi.
31    *  - CMap_non_basic_iterator<Map_,Ite> to transform the basic iterator Ite
32    *    into the corresponding non basic iterator.
33    *  - CMap_range<Map,It,ConstIt,BasicIt> generic definition of a range
34    *    given an iterator and its const version
35    *  - CMap_const_range<Map,It,ConstIt,BasicIt> generic definition of a const
36    *    range given an iterator and its const version
37    */
38   //****************************************************************************
39   /// OperationState: type to keep the last operation used by the previous ++.
40   typedef char OperationState;
42   /// Enum of all the possible operations used by the ++ operator.
43   enum
44   {
45     OP_NONE = -1, ///< Beginning of the iterator (there is not yet operator++).
46     OP_BETAI,     ///< Previous op was the first beta.
47     OP_BETAI_INV, ///< Previous op was the inverse of the first beta.
48     OP_BETAJ,     ///< Previous op was the second beta.
49     OP_BETAK,     ///< Previous op was the third beta.
50     OP_BETA0I,    ///< Previous op was beta0 o the first beta.
51     OP_BETAI1,    ///< Previous op was the first beta o beta1.
52     OP_BETAIJ,    ///< Previous op was the composition of two beta.
53     OP_BETAJI,    ///< Previous op was the composition of two beta.
54     OP_BETA21,     ///< Previous op was beta21.
55     OP_JUMP,      ///< Previous op was a jump .
56     OP_POP,       ///< Previous op pop a dart from a stack or a queue.
57     OP_END        ///< Previous op go out of the iterator.
58   };
59   //****************************************************************************
60   /** Generic class of iterator onto darts.
61    * Class CMap_dart_iterator is a generic iterator. All the combinatorial
62    * map iterator classes inherit from this class (or one of its subclass).
63    */
64   template < typename Map_,bool Const=false >
65   class CMap_dart_iterator: public boost::mpl::if_c< Const,
66       typename Map_::Dart_container::const_iterator,
67       typename Map_::Dart_container::iterator>::type
68     //public internal::CC_iterator<typename Map_::Dart_container,Const>
69   {
70   public:
71     typedef CMap_dart_iterator<Map_,Const> Self;
73     typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c< Const,
74           typename Map_::Dart_container::const_iterator,
75           typename Map_::Dart_container::iterator>::type Base;
77     typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c< Const,
78                                        typename Map_::Dart_const_handle,
79                                        typename Map_::Dart_handle>::type
80                                      Dart_handle;
81     typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c< Const, const Map_,
82                                        Map_>::type Map;
84     typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
85     typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
86     typedef typename Base::difference_type difference_type;
87     typedef typename Base::pointer pointer;
88     typedef typename Base::reference reference;
90     /// true iff this iterator is basic
91     typedef Tag_true Basic_iterator;
93     typedef typename Map::size_type size_type;
95   public:
96     /// Main constructor.
CMap_dart_iterator(Map & amap,Dart_handle adart)97     CMap_dart_iterator(Map& amap, Dart_handle adart):
98       Base(adart),
99       mmap(&amap),
100       mfirst_dart(adart),
101       mprev_op(OP_NONE)
102     {}
104     /// == operator.
105     bool operator==(const Self& aiterator) const
106     {
107       return ( ((*this==mmap->null_handle) && (aiterator==mmap->null_handle)) ||
108                (mfirst_dart == aiterator.mfirst_dart &&
109                 static_cast<const Base&>(*this)==
110                 static_cast<const Base&>(aiterator)) );
111     }
113     /// != operator.
114     bool operator!=(const Self& aiterator) const
115     { return !operator==(aiterator); }
117     /// Accessor to the initial dart of the iterator.
get_first_dart()118     Dart_handle get_first_dart() const { return mfirst_dart; }
120     /// Accessor to the combinatorial map.
get_combinatorial_map()121     Map* get_combinatorial_map() const { return mmap; }
123     /// Rewind of the iterator to its beginning.
rewind()124     void rewind()
125     { set_current_dart(mfirst_dart); mprev_op = OP_NONE; }
127     /// Test if the iterator is at its end.
cont()128     bool cont() const
129     { return static_cast<const Base&>(*this)!=mmap->null_handle; }
131     /// Get the previous operation used for the last ++.
prev_operation()132     OperationState prev_operation()  const { return mprev_op; }
134   protected:
135     /// Set the current dart to a given dart
set_current_dart(Dart_handle adart)136     void set_current_dart(Dart_handle adart)
137     { Base::operator=(adart); }
139   private:
140     /// operator -- in private to invalidate the base operator.
141     Self& operator--()
142     { return *this; }
143     /// operator -- in private to invalidate the base operator.
144     Self operator--(int)
145     { return *this; }
147   protected:
148     /// test if adart->beta(ai) exists and is not marked for amark
is_unmarked(Dart_handle adart,unsigned int ai,size_type amark)149     bool is_unmarked(Dart_handle adart, unsigned int ai, size_type amark) const
150     { return
151         !mmap->is_marked(mmap->beta(adart,ai), amark);
152     }
154     /// test if adart->beta(ai)->beta(aj) exists
exist_betaij(Dart_handle adart,unsigned int ai,unsigned int aj)155     bool exist_betaij(Dart_handle adart, unsigned int ai, unsigned int aj) const
156     { return !mmap->is_free(adart, ai) && !mmap->is_free(mmap->beta(adart, ai), aj); }
158     /// test if adart->beta(ai)->beta(aj) exists and is not marked for amark
is_unmarked2(Dart_handle adart,unsigned int ai,unsigned int aj,typename Map::size_type amark)159     bool is_unmarked2(Dart_handle adart, unsigned int ai, unsigned int aj,
160                       typename Map::size_type amark) const
161     { return
162         !mmap->is_marked(mmap->beta(adart, ai, aj), amark);
163     }
165   protected:
166     /// The map containing the darts to iterate on.
167     Map* mmap;
169     /// The initial dart of the iterator.
170     Dart_handle mfirst_dart;
172     /// The last operation used for the ++ operator.
173     OperationState mprev_op;
174   };
175   //****************************************************************************
176   /* Class CMap_extend_iterator<Map,Ite,Bi> which extend a given iterator by
177    * adding Bi and by using a stack and a mark.
178    * General case when Ite does not have already a stack.
179    */
180   template <typename Map_,typename Ite,int Bi,
181             typename Ite_has_stack=typename Ite::Use_mark>
182   class CMap_extend_iterator: public Ite
183   {
184   public:
185     typedef CMap_extend_iterator<Map_,Ite,Bi, Ite_has_stack> Self;
186     typedef Ite Base;
188     typedef typename Base::Dart_handle Dart_handle;
189     typedef typename Base::Map Map;
191     typedef Tag_true Use_mark;
193     typedef typename Map::size_type size_type;
195     CGAL_static_assertion( (Bi<=Map::dimension &&
196                             boost::is_same<Ite_has_stack,Tag_false>::value) );
198   public:
199     /// Main constructor.
CMap_extend_iterator(Map & amap,Dart_handle adart,size_type amark)200     CMap_extend_iterator(Map& amap, Dart_handle adart, size_type amark):
201       Base(amap, adart),
202       mmark_number(amark),
203       minitial_dart(adart)
204     {
205       if ( minitial_dart!=amap.null_handle )
206       {
207         this->mmap->mark_null_dart(mmark_number);
208         this->mmap->mark(minitial_dart, mmark_number);
209         if (!this->mmap->is_free(minitial_dart, Bi) &&
210             this->mmap->beta(minitial_dart, Bi)!=minitial_dart )
211         {
212           mto_treat.push(this->mmap->beta(minitial_dart, Bi));
213         }
214       }
215     }
217     /// Rewind of the iterator to its beginning.
rewind()218     void rewind()
219     {
220       CGAL_assertion(mmark_number != Map::INVALID_MARK);
221       Base::operator= ( Base(*this->mmap,minitial_dart) );
222       mto_treat = std::queue<Dart_handle>();
223       this->mmap->mark(minitial_dart, mmark_number);
224       this->mmap->mark_null_dart(mmark_number);
225       if (!this->mmap->is_free(minitial_dart, Bi) &&
226           this->mmap->beta(minitial_dart, Bi)!=minitial_dart)
227       {
228         mto_treat.push(this->mmap->beta(minitial_dart, Bi));
229       }
230     }
232     /// Prefix ++ operator.
233     Self& operator++()
234     {
235       CGAL_assertion(mmark_number != Map::INVALID_MARK);
236       CGAL_assertion(this->cont());
238       do
239       {
240         Base::operator++();
241       }
242       while ( this->cont() &&
243               this->mmap->is_marked(*this, mmark_number) );
245       if ( !this->cont() )
246       {
247         while ( !mto_treat.empty() &&
248                 this->mmap->is_marked(mto_treat.front(), mmark_number))
249         {
250           mto_treat.pop();
251         }
253         if ( !mto_treat.empty() )
254         {
255           Base::operator= ( Base(*this->mmap,mto_treat.front()) );
256           mto_treat.pop();
257           this->mprev_op = OP_POP;
258           CGAL_assertion( !this->mmap->is_marked((*this), mmark_number) );
259           this->mmap->mark((*this), mmark_number);
261           if (
262                !this->mmap->is_marked(this->mmap->beta(*this, Bi), mmark_number) )
263           {
264             mto_treat.push(this->mmap->beta(*this, Bi));
265           }
266         }
267       }
268       else
269       {
270         this->mmap->mark((*this), mmark_number);
271         if (
272              !this->mmap->is_marked(this->mmap->beta(*this, Bi), mmark_number) )
273         {
274           mto_treat.push(this->mmap->beta(*this, Bi));
275         }
276       }
278       return *this;
279     }
281     /// Postfix ++ operator.
282     Self operator++(int)
283     { Self res=*this; operator ++(); return res; }
285   protected:
286     /// Queue of darts to process.
287     std::queue<Dart_handle> mto_treat;
289     /// Index of the used mark.
290     size_type mmark_number;
292     /// Initial dart
293     Dart_handle minitial_dart;
294   };
295   //****************************************************************************
296   /* Class CMap_extend_iterator<Map,Ite,Bi> which extend a given iterator by
297    * adding Bi and by using a stack and a mark.
298    * Specialization when Ite has already a stack.
299    */
300   template <typename Map_,typename Ite,int Bi>
301   class CMap_extend_iterator<Map_,Ite,Bi,Tag_true>: public Ite
302   {
303   public:
304     typedef CMap_extend_iterator<Map_,Ite,Bi,Tag_true> Self;
305     typedef Ite Base;
307     typedef typename Base::Dart_handle Dart_handle;
308     typedef typename Base::Map Map;
310     typedef Tag_true Use_mark;
312     typedef typename Map::size_type size_type;
314     /// Main constructor.
CMap_extend_iterator(Map & amap,Dart_handle adart,size_type amark)315     CMap_extend_iterator(Map& amap, Dart_handle adart, size_type amark):
316       Base(amap, adart, amark)
317     {
318       if ( this->minitial_dart!=amap.null_handle &&
319            !this->mmap->is_free(this->minitial_dart, Bi) &&
320            this->mmap->beta(this->minitial_dart, Bi)!=this->minitial_dart )
321       {
322         this->mto_treat.push(this->mmap->beta(this->minitial_dart, Bi));
323       }
324     }
326     /// Rewind of the iterator to its beginning.
rewind()327     void rewind()
328     {
329       CGAL_assertion(this->mmark_number != Map::INVALID_MARK);
330       Base::rewind();
331       if ( !this->mmap->is_free(this->minitial_dart, Bi) &&
332            this->mmap->beta(this->minitial_dart, Bi)!=this->minitial_dart )
333       {
334         this->mto_treat.push(this->mmap->beta(this->minitial_dart, Bi));
335       }
336     }
338     /// Prefix ++ operator.
339     Self& operator++()
340     {
341       Base::operator++();
343       if ( this->cont() )
344       {
345         CGAL_assertion( this->mmap->is_marked(*this, this->mmark_number) );
347         if (
348             !this->mmap->is_marked(this->mmap->beta(*this, Bi), this->mmark_number) )
349         {
350           this->mto_treat.push(this->mmap->beta(*this, Bi));
351         }
352       }
353       return *this;
354     }
356     /// Postfix ++ operator.
357     Self operator++(int)
358     { Self res=*this; operator ++(); return res; }
359   };
360   //****************************************************************************
361   //* Class CMap_non_basic_iterator allows to transform a basic_iterator onto
362   //* a non basic one, depending if the basic iterator uses mark or not.
363   template <typename Map_,typename Basic_iterator,
364             typename Use_mark=typename Basic_iterator::Use_mark>
365   class CMap_non_basic_iterator;
366   //****************************************************************************
367   template <typename Map_,typename Base_>
368   class CMap_non_basic_iterator<Map_,Base_,Tag_true>:
369     public Base_
370   {
371   public:
372     typedef CMap_non_basic_iterator<Map_,Base_,Tag_true> Self;
373     typedef Base_ Base;
375     typedef typename Base::Map Map;
376     typedef typename Base::Dart_handle Dart_handle;
378     /// True iff this iterator is basic
379     typedef Tag_false Basic_iterator;
381     typedef typename Map::size_type size_type;
383     CGAL_static_assertion( (boost::is_same<typename Base::Basic_iterator,
384                             Tag_true>::value) );
386     /// Main constructor.
CMap_non_basic_iterator(Map & amap,Dart_handle adart1)387     CMap_non_basic_iterator(Map& amap, Dart_handle adart1):
388       Base(amap, adart1, amap.get_new_mark())
389     {}
391     /// Destructor.
392     ~CMap_non_basic_iterator() noexcept(!CGAL_ASSERTIONS_ENABLED)
393     {
394       CGAL_destructor_assertion( this->mmark_number!=Map::INVALID_MARK );
395       if (this->mmap->get_number_of_times_mark_reserved
396           (this->mmark_number)==1)
397         unmark_treated_darts();
398       this->mmap->free_mark(this->mmark_number);
399       this->mmark_number = Map::INVALID_MARK; // To avoid basic class to try to unmark darts.
400     }
402     /// Copy constructor.
CMap_non_basic_iterator(const Self & aiterator)403     CMap_non_basic_iterator(const Self& aiterator):
404       Base(aiterator)
405     { this->mmap->share_a_mark(this->mmark_number); }
407     /// Assignment operator.
408     Self& operator=(const Self& aiterator)
409     {
410       if (this != &aiterator)
411       {
412         if (this->mmap->get_number_of_times_mark_reserved
413             (this->mmark_number)==1)
414           unmark_treated_darts();
415         this->mmap->free_mark(this->mmark_number);
416         this->mmark_number = Map::INVALID_MARK;
418         Base::operator=(aiterator);
419         this->mmap->share_a_mark(this->mmark_number);
420       }
421       return *this;
422     }
424     /// Rewind of the iterator to its beginning.
rewind()425     void rewind()
426     {
427       unmark_treated_darts();
428       Base::rewind();
429     }
431     using Base::operator++;
433     /// Postfix ++ operator.
434     Self operator++(int)
435     { Self res=*this; operator ++(); return res; }
437   protected:
438     /// Unmark all the marked darts during the iterator.
unmark_treated_darts()439     void unmark_treated_darts()
440     {
441       if (this->mmap->is_whole_map_unmarked(this->mmark_number)) return;
443       this->mmap->negate_mark(this->mmark_number);
445       if (this->mmap->is_whole_map_unmarked(this->mmark_number)) return;
447       Base::rewind();
448       while (this->mmap->number_of_unmarked_darts(this->mmark_number) > 0)
449         this->operator++();
450       this->mmap->negate_mark(this->mmark_number);
451       CGAL_assertion(this->mmap->is_whole_map_unmarked(this->mmark_number));
452     }
453   };
454   //****************************************************************************
455   template <typename Map_,typename Base_>
456   class CMap_non_basic_iterator<Map_,Base_,Tag_false>:
457     public Base_
458   {
459   public:
460     typedef CMap_non_basic_iterator<Map_,Base_,Tag_false> Self;
461     typedef Base_ Base;
463     typedef typename Base::Map Map;
464     typedef typename Base::Dart_handle Dart_handle;
466     /// True iff this iterator is basic
467     typedef Tag_false Basic_iterator;
469     CGAL_static_assertion( (boost::is_same<typename Base::Basic_iterator,
470                             Tag_true>::value) );
472     /// Main constructor.
CMap_non_basic_iterator(Map & amap,Dart_handle adart)473     CMap_non_basic_iterator(Map& amap, Dart_handle adart):
474       Base(amap, adart)
475     {}
476   };
477   //****************************************************************************
478   template <typename Map_, typename It, typename Const_it,
479             typename Basic_iterator=typename It::Basic_iterator>
480   struct CMap_range
481   {
482     typedef It iterator;
483     typedef Const_it const_iterator;
CMap_rangeCMap_range484     CMap_range(Map_ &amap, typename Map_::Dart_handle adart) :
485       mmap(amap), mdart(adart), msize(0)
486     {}
beginCMap_range487     iterator begin()             { return iterator(mmap,mdart); }
endCMap_range488     iterator end()               { return iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
beginCMap_range489     const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(mmap,mdart); }
endCMap_range490     const_iterator end() const   { return const_iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
sizeCMap_range491     typename Map_::size_type size() const
492     {
493       if (msize==0)
494         for ( const_iterator it=begin(), itend=end(); it!=itend; ++it)
495           ++msize;
496       return msize;
497     }
emptyCMap_range498     bool empty() const
499     { return mmap.is_empty(); }
500   private:
501     Map_ & mmap;
502     typename Map_::Dart_handle mdart;
503     mutable typename Map_::size_type msize;
504   };
505   //****************************************************************************
506   template <typename Map_, typename It, typename Const_it>
507   struct CMap_range<Map_,It,Const_it,Tag_true>
508   {
509     typedef CMap_range<Map_,It,Const_it,Tag_true> Base_cmap_range;
510     typedef It iterator;
511     typedef Const_it const_iterator;
513     typedef typename Map_::size_type size_type;
515     CMap_range(Map_ &amap, typename Map_::Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=Map_::INVALID_MARK):
516       mmap(amap), mdart(adart), msize(0), mmark(amark)
517     {}
518     iterator begin()             { return iterator(mmap,mdart,mmark); }
519     iterator end()               { return iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle,mmark); }
520     const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(mmap,mdart,mmark); }
521     const_iterator end() const   { return const_iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle,mmark); }
522     typename Map_::size_type size() const
523     {
524       if (msize==0)
525         for ( CMap_non_basic_iterator<Map_,const_iterator> it(mmap,mdart);
526               it.cont(); ++it )
527           ++msize;
528       return msize;
529     }
530     bool empty() const
531     { return mmap.is_empty(); }
532   private:
533     Map_ & mmap;
534     typename Map_::Dart_handle mdart;
535     mutable typename Map_::size_type msize;
536     size_type mmark;
537   };
538   //****************************************************************************
539   template <typename Map_, typename Const_it,
540             typename Basic_iterator=typename Const_it::Basic_iterator>
541   struct CMap_const_range
542   {
543     typedef Const_it const_iterator;
544     CMap_const_range(const Map_ &amap, typename Map_::Dart_const_handle adart):
545       mmap(amap), mdart(adart), msize(0)
546     {}
547     const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(mmap,mdart); }
548     const_iterator end() const   { return const_iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
549     typename Map_::size_type size() const
550     {
551       if (msize==0)
552         for ( const_iterator it=begin(), itend=end(); it!=itend; ++it)
553           ++msize;
554       return msize;
555     }
556     bool empty() const
557     { return mmap.is_empty(); }
558   private:
559     const Map_ & mmap;
560     typename Map_::Dart_const_handle mdart;
561     mutable typename Map_::size_type msize;
562   };
563   //****************************************************************************
564   template <typename Map_, typename Const_it>
565   struct CMap_const_range<Map_,Const_it,Tag_true>
566   {
567     typedef Const_it const_iterator;
568     typedef typename Map_::size_type size_type;
569     CMap_const_range(const Map_ &amap, typename Map_::Dart_const_handle adart,
570                      size_type amark=Map_::INVALID_MARK):
571       mmap(amap), mdart(adart), msize(0), mmark(amark)
572     {}
573     const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(mmap,mdart,mmark); }
574     const_iterator end() const   { return const_iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle,mmark); }
575     typename Map_::size_type size() const
576     {
577       if (msize==0)
578         for ( CMap_non_basic_iterator<Map_,const_iterator> it(mmap,mdart);
579               it.cont(); ++it )
580           ++msize;
581       return msize;
582     }
583     bool empty() const
584     { return mmap.is_empty(); }
585   private:
586     const Map_ & mmap;
587     typename Map_::Dart_const_handle mdart;
588     mutable typename Map_::size_type msize;
589     size_type mmark;
590   };
591   //****************************************************************************
592 } // namespace CGAL
594 #include <CGAL/enable_warnings.h>
596 //******************************************************************************
598 //******************************************************************************