1 /*
2  *   Copyright (c) 2002 by Michael J. Roberts.  All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *   Please see the accompanying license file, LICENSE.TXT, for information
5  *   on using and copying this software.
6  */
7 /*
8 Name
9   osgen.h - definitions for the osgen subsystem
10 Function
12 Notes
14 Modified
15   05/19/02 MJRoberts  - Creation
16 */
18 #ifndef OSGEN_H
19 #define OSGEN_H
21 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
22 /*
23  *   osgen support routines.  These routines are implemented by the
24  *   semi-portable osgen.c layer for use by the underlying osxxx code.
25  */
27 /*
28  *   Initialize the osgen scrollback buffer.  Allocate the given amount of
29  *   space in bytes for scrollback.
30  */
31 void osssbini(unsigned int size);
33 /*
34  *   Delete the scrollback buffer.  This should be called during program
35  *   termination to release memory allocated by osssbini().
36  */
37 void osssbdel(void);
40 /*
41  *   The size, in character cells, of the ENTIRE SCREEN (or, at least, the
42  *   entire part of the screen available for our use).  Note that these
43  *   variables reflect the size of the entire screen - these are NOT
44  *   adjusted for status lines, banners, or anything else.
45  *
46  *   The system-specific "oss" code MUST initialize these variables during
47  *   startup, and MUST then keep them up to date whenever the screen size
48  *   changes (for example, if we're running in a terminal window, and the
49  *   user resizes the window, these must be updated to reflect the new
50  *   window size).  IN ADDITION, whenever the display size changes after
51  *   start-up, the "oss" code MUST call osssb_on_resize_screen() to notify
52  *   the osgen layer of the change.
53  *
54  *   IMPORTANT: In the past, the "oss" code was responsible for initializing
55  *   and maintaining the global variables G_os_linewidth and
56  *   G_os_pagelength.  The "oss" code need not do this any more - in fact,
57  *   the OS code MUST STOP setting G_os_pagelength and G_os_linewidth.
58  *   Change these variables instead.
59  */
60 extern int G_oss_screen_width;
61 extern int G_oss_screen_height;
63 /*
64  *   the "oss" code MUST call this routine whenever G_os_screen_width or
65  *   G_os_screen_height change (except during initialization)
66  */
67 void osssb_on_resize_screen(void);
69 #ifdef RUNTIME
71 /*
72  *   Redraw the screen if necessary.  The oss code MUST call this routine
73  *   whenever it's going to pause for a timed wait, or stop to wait for user
74  *   input.  Specifically, this should be called from the OS implementation
75  *   of the following routines:
76  *
77  *   os_getc()
78  *.  os_getc_raw()
79  *.  os_waitc()
80  *.  os_get_event()
81  *.  os_askfile();
82  *.  os_input_dialog()
83  *.  os_sleep_ms()
84  *.  os_yield();
85  */
86 void osssb_redraw_if_needed(void);
88 /*
89  *   Put the cursor at the default position.  The oss code CAN optionally
90  *   call this at the start of routines that pause for input to put the
91  *   cursor at the default position in the main window.  Depending on how the
92  *   oss code implements text drawing, the osgen code can sometimes leave the
93  *   cursor in a banner window rather than in the main window after drawing.
94  *   This routine will ensure that the cursor is in the main window at the
95  *   end of the main window's text.
96  */
97 void osssb_cursor_to_default_pos(void);
99 #else /* RUNTIME */
101 /* in non-RUNTIME mode, we don't use osssb_redraw_if_needed at all */
102 #define osssb_redraw_if_needed()
104 /* in non-RUNTIME mode, we don't need to reposition the cursor */
105 #define osssb_cursor_to_default_pos()
107 #endif /* RUNTIME */
111 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
112 /*
113  *   ossxxx implementation for osgen.  These routines must be defined by the
114  *   OS-specific subsystem.
115  */
117 /*
118  *   Get extended system information.  This checks to see if the ossxxx
119  *   implementation handles the system information code.  If the osxxx layer
120  *   doesn't want to handle the code, it can return false so that the osgen
121  *   layer will provide a default interpretation.
122  *
123  *   Currently, the following codes should be handled by the oss layer:
124  *
125  *   SYSINFO_TEXT_COLORS - return the level of color support on this
126  *   platform.  Because the ossxxx color interface that osgen uses is limited
127  *   to the ANSI colors, this should normally return one of the ANSI support
128  *   levels if color is supported, or the unsupported level if color isn't
129  *   supported.  Note that if the platform uses a fixed color scheme that
130  *   cannot be controlled via the ossxxx routines, this should usually return
131  *   the "highlighting only" or "parameterized colors" level.
132  *
133  *   SYSINFO_TEXT_HILITE - indicate whether or not highlighted text is
134  *   rendered in a distinctive appearance.
135  */
136 int oss_get_sysinfo(int code, void *param, long *result);
138 /*
139  *   Translate a portable color specification to an oss-style color code.
140  *   This returns a color code suitable for use in ossclr(), ossdsp(), and
141  *   the other ossxxx() routines defined here that take color codes as
142  *   parameters; this color code is opaque to the caller.
143  *
144  *   The purpose of this routine is to translate from the portable interface
145  *   to color to the hardware-specific or OS-specific color coding used in
146  *   the ossxxx layer, so that a caller given a color specified via the
147  *   portable interface can send the appropriate ossxxx color code to the
148  *   lower-level routines.
149  *
150  *   'fg', 'bg', and 'screen_color' are OSGEN_COLOR_xxx values.  'attrs' is a
151  *   combination of OS_ATTR_xxx values (defined in osifc.h).  This routine
152  *   should combine the colors specified by the combination of these values
153  *   to yield an appropriate color code for use in the ossxxx routines.
154  *
155  *   Note that the 'bg' color can be OSGEN_COLOR_TRANSPARENT.  If this is the
156  *   case, the 'screen_color' value should be used to determine the
157  *   background color, if possible.  'fg' should never be transparent.  If
158  *   'bg' is not transparent, then screen color is usually ignored.
159  *
160  *   COLOR SUPPORT IS OPTIONAL, but this routine must be implemented if
161  *   osgen.c is to be used.  If the platform does NOT support explicit color
162  *   settings, this routine should still return an appropriate code that can
163  *   be used with ossclr, etc.  For example, the Unix oss implementation, at
164  *   the time of this writing, used an internal color scheme to select from a
165  *   fixed set of parameterized colors (normal, highlighted, reverse), so the
166  *   Unix implementation could simply return its appropriate internal code,
167  *   largely ignoring the requested colors.  Note, however, that a platform
168  *   with only parameterized colors might still want to inspect the 'fg' and
169  *   'bg' colors for the OSGEN_COLOR_xxx parameterized colors
170  *   (OSGEN_COLOR_TEXT, OSGEN_COLOR_STATUSBG, etc), and return its internal
171  *   code corresponding to the selected parameter color when possible.
172  */
173 int ossgetcolor(int fg, int bg, int attrs, int screen_color);
175 /*
176  *   Translate a key event from "raw" mode to processed mode.  This takes an
177  *   event of type OS_EVT_KEY, and converts the keystroke encoded in the
178  *   event from the raw keystroke to a CMD_xxx code, if appropriate.
179  *
180  *   In effect, this routine converts the event returned from os_get_event()
181  *   to the corresponding command code that would be returned from os_getc().
182  *
183  *   This routine is defined at the "oss" level because the osgen layer is
184  *   semi-portable, and thus needs to be aloof from the details of key
185  *   mappings, which vary by system.
186  */
187 void oss_raw_key_to_cmd(os_event_info_t *evt);
189 /*
190  *   Clear an area of the screen.  The color code is opaque to callers; it is
191  *   meaningful only to the ossxxx implementation.
192  */
193 void ossclr(int top, int left, int bottom, int right, int color);
195 /*
196  *   Display text at a particular location in a particular color.
197  */
198 void ossdsp(int line, int column, int color, const char *msg);
200 /*
201  *   Move the cursor
202  */
203 void ossloc(int line, int column);
205 /*
206  *   Scroll a region of the screen UP one line.
207  */
208 void ossscu(int top_line, int left_column, int bottom_line,
209             int right_column, int blank_color);
211 /*
212  *   Scroll a region of the screen DOWN one line.
213  */
214 void ossscr(int top_line, int left_column, int bottom_line,
215             int right_column, int blank_color);
218 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
219 /*
220  *   osgen attribute names - these are simply substitutes for the regular
221  *   osifc attribute names; they map directly to the corresponding osifc
222  *   attributes.
223  */
227 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
228 /*
229  *   osgen colors.  We don't use full RGB values in the osgen
230  *   implementation, but use a simpler color scheme involving the
231  *   parameterized colors (from the osifc layer), plus the eight ANSI colors
232  *   (black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta), each in a
233  *   "low-intensity" and "high-intensity" version.
234  *
235  *   If an underlying platform supports some colors but not all of the ANSI
236  *   colors defined here, it should simply map each OSGEN_COLOR_xxx color to
237  *   the closest available system color.
238  *
239  *   Some systems use color intensity to render the "hilite" ("bold")
240  *   attribute.  On these systems, it's obviously not possible for the
241  *   caller to select both boldness and the full range of colors
242  *   independently, because that would leave no way to render bold text for
243  *   the brighter half of the range of colors.  Such systems should simply
244  *   treat the high-intensity and low-intensity version of a given color as
245  *   equivalent, and select the high- or low-intensity version according to
246  *   the boldness attribute.  For reference, here's the correspondence
247  *   between the low- and high-intensity versions of the colors:
248  *
249  *   low <-> high
250  *.  black <-> gray
251  *.  maroon <-> red
252  *.  green <-> lime
253  *.  navy <-> blue
254  *.  teal <-> cyan
255  *.  purple <-> magenta
256  *.  olive <-> yellow
257  *.  silver <-> white
258  *
259  *   The comment for each absolute color gives the approximate RGB value we
260  *   expect for the color (given as hex triplets on 00-FF intensity scale).
261  */
263 /* the parameterized colors, mapped to single-byte values for osgen's use */
265 #define OSGEN_COLOR_TEXT        ((char)((OS_COLOR_P_TEXT) >> 24))
266 #define OSGEN_COLOR_TEXTBG      ((char)((OS_COLOR_P_TEXTBG) >> 24))
268 #define OSGEN_COLOR_STATUSBG    ((char)((OS_COLOR_P_STATUSBG) >> 24))
269 #define OSGEN_COLOR_INPUT       ((char)((OS_COLOR_P_INPUT) >> 24))
271 /* "low-intensity" versions of the ANSI colors */
272 #define OSGEN_COLOR_BLACK       0x70                            /* 00 00 00 */
273 #define OSGEN_COLOR_MAROON      0x71                            /* 80 00 00 */
274 #define OSGEN_COLOR_GREEN       0x72                            /* 00 80 00 */
275 #define OSGEN_COLOR_NAVY        0x73                            /* 00 00 80 */
276 #define OSGEN_COLOR_TEAL        0x74                            /* 00 80 80 */
277 #define OSGEN_COLOR_PURPLE      0x75                            /* 80 00 80 */
278 #define OSGEN_COLOR_OLIVE       0x76                            /* 80 80 00 */
279 #define OSGEN_COLOR_SILVER      0x77                            /* C0 C0 C0 */
281 /* "high-intensity" versions of the ANSI colors */
282 #define OSGEN_COLOR_GRAY        0x78                            /* 80 80 80 */
283 #define OSGEN_COLOR_RED         0x79                            /* FF 00 00 */
284 #define OSGEN_COLOR_LIME        0x7A                            /* 00 FF 00 */
285 #define OSGEN_COLOR_BLUE        0x7B                            /* 00 00 FF */
286 #define OSGEN_COLOR_CYAN        0x7C                            /* 00 FF FF */
287 #define OSGEN_COLOR_MAGENTA     0x7D                            /* FF 00 FF */
288 #define OSGEN_COLOR_YELLOW      0x7E                            /* FF FF 00 */
289 #define OSGEN_COLOR_WHITE       0x7F                            /* FF FF FF */
291 #endif /* OSGEN_H */