1 /* vim:expandtab:ts=2 sw=2:
2 */
3 /*  Grafx2 - The Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
5 	Copyright owned by various GrafX2 authors, see COPYRIGHT.txt for details.
7     Grafx2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9     as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
10     of the License.
12     Grafx2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with Grafx2; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
19 */
21 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 ///@file struct.h
23 /// Structures that can be used in the whole program.
24 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25 #ifndef _STRUCT_H_
26 #define _STRUCT_H_
28 #if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(__TRU64__)
29     #include <inttypes.h>
30 #else
31     #include <stdint.h>
32 #endif
34 #include "const.h"
37 // POSIX calls it strcasecmp, Windows uses stricmp... no ANSI standard.
38 #ifdef WIN32
39 #ifdef _MSC_VER
40     #define strcasecmp _stricmp
41 #else
42     #define strcasecmp stricmp
43 #endif
44 #endif
46 // Definition of the base data types
47 ///  8bit unsigned integer
48 typedef uint8_t byte;
49 /// 16bit unsigned integer
50 typedef uint16_t word;
51 /// 32bit unsigned integer
52 typedef uint32_t dword;
53 /// 64bit unsigned integer
54 typedef uint64_t qword;
56 // Named function prototypes
57 // GrafX2 use a lot of function pointer to do the drawing depending in the "fake hardware zoom" and the magnifier status.
58 typedef void (* Func_action) (void); ///< An action.
59 typedef void (* Func_btn_action) (int); ///< An action. Used when you click a menu button or trigger a keyboard shortcut.
60 typedef void (* Func_pixel) (word,word,byte); ///< Set pixel at position (x,y) to color c. Used in load screen to write the data to brush, picture, or preview area.
61 typedef void (* Func_pixel_opt_preview) (word,word,byte,int); ///< Set pixel at position (x,y) to color c. With optional preview.
62 typedef byte (* Func_read)   (word,word); ///< Read a pixel at position (x,y) on something. Used for example in save to tell if the data is a brush or a picture
63 typedef void (* Func_clear)  (byte);
64 typedef void (* Func_display)   (word,word,word);
65 typedef byte (* Func_effect)     (word,word,byte); ///< Called by all drawing tools to draw with a special effect (smooth, transparency, shade, ...)
66 typedef void (* Func_block)     (word,word,word,word,byte);
67 typedef void (* Func_line_XOR) (word,word,word); ///< Draw an XOR line on the picture view of the screen. Use a different function when in magnify mode.
68 typedef void (* Func_display_brush_color) (word,word,word,word,word,word,byte,word);
69 typedef void (* Func_display_brush_mono)  (word,word,word,word,word,word,byte,byte,word);
70 typedef void (* Func_gradient)   (long,short,short);
71 typedef void (* Func_remap)     (word,word,word,word,byte *);
72 typedef void (* Func_procsline) (word,word,word,byte *);
73 typedef void (* Func_display_zoom) (word,word,word,byte *);
74 typedef void (* Func_display_brush_color_zoom) (word,word,word,word,word,word,byte,word,byte *);
75 typedef void (* Func_display_brush_mono_zoom)  (word,word,word,word,word,word,byte,byte,word,byte *);
76 typedef void (* Func_draw_brush) (byte *,word,word,word,word,word,word,byte,word);
77 typedef void (* Func_draw_list_item) (word,word,word,byte); ///< Draw an item inside a list button. This is done with a callback so it is possible to draw anything, as the list itself doesn't handle the content
79 /// A set of RGB values.
80 #ifdef __GNUC__
81 typedef struct
82 {
83   byte R; ///< Red
84   byte G; ///< Green
85   byte B; ///< Blue
86 } __attribute__((__packed__)) T_Components, T_Palette[256] ; ///< A complete 256-entry RGB palette (768 bytes).
87 #else
88 #pragma pack(1)
89 typedef struct
90 {
91   byte R; ///< Red
92   byte G; ///< Green
93   byte B; ///< Blue
94 } T_Components, T_Palette[256] ; ///< A complete 256-entry RGB palette (768 bytes).
95 #pragma pack()
96 #endif
98 /// A normal rectangular button in windows and menus.
99 typedef struct T_Normal_button
100 {
101   short Number;                 ///< Unique identifier for all controls
102   word Pos_X;                   ///< Coordinate for top of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
103   word Pos_Y;                   ///< Coordinate for left of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
104   word Width;                   ///< Width before scaling
105   word Height;                  ///< Height before scaling
106   byte Clickable;               ///< Boolean, unused.
107   byte Repeatable;              ///< Boolean, true if the button activates repeatedly until you release the mouse button. Used for "+" buttons, for example.
108   word Shortcut;                ///< Keyboard shortcut that will emulate a click on this button.
109   struct T_Normal_button * Next;///< Pointer to the next normal button of current window.
110 } T_Normal_button;
112 /// A window control that shows a complete 256-color palette
113 typedef struct T_Palette_button
114 {
115   short Number;                 ///< Unique identifier for all controls
116   word Pos_X;                   ///< Coordinate for top of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
117   word Pos_Y;                   ///< Coordinate for left of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
118   struct T_Palette_button * Next;///< Pointer to the next palette of current window.
119 } T_Palette_button;
121 /// A window control that represents a scrollbar, with a slider, and two arrow buttons.
122 typedef struct T_Scroller_button
123 {
124   short Number;                   ///< Unique identifier for all controls
125   byte Is_horizontal;             ///< Boolean: True if slider is horizontal instead of vertical.
126   word Pos_X;                     ///< Coordinate for top of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
127   word Pos_Y;                     ///< Coordinate for left of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
128   word Length;                    ///< Length before scaling.
129   word Nb_elements;               ///< Number of distinct values it can take.
130   word Nb_visibles;               ///< If this slider is meant to show several elements of a collection, this is their number (otherwise, it's 1).
131   word Position;                  ///< Current position of the slider: which item it's pointing.
132   word Cursor_length;             ///< Dimension of the slider, in pixels before scaling.
133   struct T_Scroller_button * Next;///< Pointer to the next scroller of current window.
134 } T_Scroller_button;
136 /// Special invisible button
137 /// A window control that only has a rectangular "active" area which catches mouse clicks,
138 // but no visible shape. It's used for custom controls where the drawing is done on
139 // a case by case basis.
140 typedef struct T_Special_button
141 {
142   short Number;                  ///< Unique identifier for all controls
143   word Pos_X;                    ///< Coordinate for top of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
144   word Pos_Y;                    ///< Coordinate for left of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
145   word Width;                    ///< Width before scaling
146   word Height;                   ///< Height before scaling
147   word Shortcut;                 ///< Keyboard shortcut that will emulate a click on this button.
148   struct T_Special_button * Next;///< Pointer to the next special button of current window.
149 } T_Special_button;
151 /// Data for a dropdown item, ie. one proposed choice.
152 typedef struct T_Dropdown_choice
153 {
154   short Number;                   ///< Value that identifies the choice (for this dropdown only)
155   const char * Label;             ///< String to display in the dropdown panel
156   struct T_Dropdown_choice * Next;///< Pointer to the next choice for this dropdown.
157 } T_Dropdown_choice;
159 /// A window control that behaves like a dropdown button.
160 typedef struct T_Dropdown_button
161 {
162   short Number;                   ///< Unique identifier for all controls
163   word Pos_X;                     ///< Coordinate for top of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
164   word Pos_Y;                     ///< Coordinate for left of button, relative to the window, before scaling.
165   word Width;                     ///< Width before scaling
166   word Height;                    ///< Height before scaling
167   byte Display_choice;            ///< Boolean, true if the engine should print the selected item's label in the dropdown area when the user chooses it.
168   byte Display_centered;          ///< Boolean, true to center the labels (otherwise, align left)
169   byte Display_arrow;             ///< Boolean, true to display a "down" arrow box in top right
170   byte Bottom_up;                 ///< Boolean, true to make the dropdown panel go above its button instead of below it
171   byte Active_button;             ///< Determines which mouse button(s) cause the dropdown panel to open: LEFT_SIDE || RIGHT_SIDE || (LEFT_SIDE|RIGHT_SIDE)
172   word Dropdown_width;            ///< Width of the dropdown panel when it's open. Use 0 for "same as the dropdown button"
173   T_Dropdown_choice * First_item; ///< Linked list with the choices available for this dropdown.
174   struct T_Dropdown_button * Next;///< Pointer to the next dropdown button of current window.
175 } T_Dropdown_button;
177 /// Data for one item (file, directory) in a fileselector.
178 typedef struct T_Fileselector_item
179 {
180   enum FSOBJECT_TYPE Type;    ///< Type of item: 0 = File, 1 = Directory, 2 = Drive
181   byte Icon;           ///< One of ::ICON_TYPES, ICON_NONE for none.
183   struct T_Fileselector_item * Next;    ///< Pointer to next item of the current fileselector.
184   struct T_Fileselector_item * Previous;///< Pointer to previous item of the current fileselector.
186   word * Unicode_full_name;   ///< Pointer to allocated unicode string. Filesystem name
187   word * Unicode_short_name;  ///< Pointer to allocated unicode string. Name to display
189   char Short_name[36];  ///< Name to display. limited to 35 characters (used in factory.c)
190   char Full_name[1];    ///< Filesystem value.
191   // No field after Full_name[] ! Dynamic allocation according to name length.
192 } T_Fileselector_item;
194 /// Data for a fileselector
195 typedef struct T_Fileselector
196 {
197   /// Number of elements in the current fileselector's ::Filelist
198   unsigned short Nb_elements;
199   /// Number of files in the current fileselector's ::Filelist
200   unsigned short Nb_files;
201   /// Number of directories in the current fileselector's ::Filelist
202   unsigned short Nb_directories;
203   /// Head of the linked list for the fileselector.
204   T_Fileselector_item * First;
205   /// Index for direct access to element number N
206   T_Fileselector_item ** Index;
207 } T_Fileselector;
209 /// "List" button as used in the font selection, skin selection, and brush factory screens. It's like a limited filelist.
210 /// The screenmode selection and load/save screen were written before this existed so they use their own code. It would be nice if they were updated to use this one.
211 typedef struct T_List_button
212 {
213   short Number;                     ///< Unique identifier for all controls
214   short List_start;                 ///< Index of the font to appear as first line
215   short Cursor_position;            ///< Index of the selected line (0=top)
217   T_Special_button  * Entry_button; ///< Pointer to the associated selection control.
218   T_Scroller_button * Scroller;     ///< Pointer to the associated scroller
220   Func_draw_list_item   Draw_list_item; ///< Function to call for each item to draw its line
221   byte                  Color_index;    ///< Background color: From 0->MC_Black to 3->MC_White
223   struct T_List_button * Next;    ///< Pointer to the next list button of current window.
224 } T_List_button;
226 /// A stackable window (editor screen)
227 typedef struct
228 {
229   word Pos_X;
230   word Pos_Y;
231   word Width;
232   word Height;
233   word Nb_buttons;
234   T_Normal_button   *Normal_button_list;
235   T_Palette_button  *Palette_button_list;
236   T_Scroller_button *Scroller_button_list;
237   T_Special_button  *Special_button_list;
238   T_Dropdown_button *Dropdown_button_list;
239   T_List_button     *List_button_list;
240   int Attribute1;
241   int Attribute2;
242   byte Draggable;
243 } T_Window;
245 /// Data for one line of the "Help" screens.
246 typedef struct {
247   char Line_type;     ///< Kind of line: 'N' for normal line, 'S' for a bold line, 'K' for a line with keyboard shortcut, 'T' and '-' for upper and lower titles.
248   const char * Text;  ///< Displayed string.
249   int Line_parameter; ///< Generic parameter depending on line type. For 'K' lines: a shortcut identifier. For others: unused.
250 } T_Help_table;
252 /// Data for one section of the "Help" screens, ie a page.
253 typedef struct
254 {
255   const T_Help_table* Help_table; ///< Pointer to the array of ::T_Help_table that contains the lines
256   word Length;                    ///< Size of the array of lines
257 } T_Help_section;
259 /// Data for one setting of gradients. Warning, this one is saved/loaded as binary.
260 typedef struct
261 {
262   byte Start;     ///< First color
263   byte End;       ///< Last color
264   dword Inverse;  ///< Boolean, true if the gradient goes in descending order
265   dword Mix;      ///< Amount of randomness to add to the mix (0-255)
266   dword Technique;///< Gradient technique: 0 (no pattern) 1 (dithering), or 2 (big dithering)
267   byte  Speed;    ///< Speed of cycling. 0 for disabled, max value COLOR_CYCLING_SPEED_MAX. 1=>0.2856Hz, 64=>18.28Hz
268 } T_Gradient_range;
272 /// Data for a full set of gradients.
273 typedef struct
274 {
275   int Used; ///< Reference count
276   T_Gradient_range Range[16];
277 }  T_Gradient_array;
279 /// Data for one setting of shade. Warning, this one is saved/loaded as binary.
280 typedef struct
281 {
282   word List[512]; ///< List of entries, each one is either a color (0-255) or -1 for empty.
283   byte Step;      ///< Step to increment/decrement on left-clicks.
284   byte Mode;      ///< Shade mode: Normal, Loop, or No-saturation see ::SHADE_MODES
285 } T_Shade;
287 /// Data for one fullscreen video mode in configuration file. Warning, this one is saved/loaded as binary.
288 typedef struct
289 {
290   byte State; ///< How good is the mode supported. 0:Good (white) 1:OK (light) 2:So-so (dark) 4:User-disabled (black); +128 => System doesn't support it at all.
291   word Width; ///< Videomode width in pixels.
292   word Height;///< Videomode height in pixels.
293 } T_Config_video_mode;
295 /// Header for gfx2.cfg
296 typedef struct
297 {
298   char Signature[3]; ///< Signature for the file format. "CFG".
299   byte Version1;     ///< Major version number (ex: 2)
300   byte Version2;     ///< Minor version number (ex: 0)
301   byte Beta1;        ///< Major beta version number (ex: 96)
302   byte Beta2;        ///< Major beta version number (ex: 5)
303 } T_Config_header;
305 /// Header for a config chunk in for gfx2.cfg
306 typedef struct
307 {
308   byte Number; ///< Section identfier. Possible values are in enum ::CHUNKS_CFG
309   word Size;   ///< Size of the configuration block that follows, in bytes.
310 } T_Config_chunk;
313 /// Configuration for one keyboard shortcut in gfx2.cfg
314 typedef struct
315 {
316   word Number; ///< Indicates the shortcut action. This is a number starting from 0, which matches ::T_Key_config.Number
317   word Key;    ///< Keyboard shortcut: SDLK_something, or -1 for none
318   word Key2;   ///< Alternate keyboard shortcut: SDLK_something, or -1 for none
319 } T_Config_shortcut_info;
322 /// This structure holds all the settings saved and loaded as gfx2.ini.
323 typedef struct
324 {
325   char *Font_file;                       ///< Name of the font used in the menus. Matches file skins/font_*.png (Case-sensitive on some filesystems)
326   char *Skin_file;                       ///< String, name of the file where all the graphic data is stored
327   int  Show_hidden_files;                ///< Boolean, true to show hidden files in fileselectors.
328   int  Show_hidden_directories;          ///< Boolean, true to show hidden directories in fileselectors.
329 //  int  Show_system_directories;        ///< (removed when converted from DOS)
330   byte Display_image_limits;             ///< Boolean, true to display a dotted line at the borders of the image if it's smaller than screen.
331   byte Cursor;                           ///< Mouse cursor aspect: 1 Solid, 2 Transparent, 3 Thin
332   byte Maximize_preview;                 ///< Boolean, true to make previews in fileselector fit the whole rectangle.
333   byte Auto_set_res;                     ///< Boolean, true to make grafx2 switch to a new resolution whenever you load an image.
334   byte Coords_rel;                       ///< Boolean, true to display coordinates as relative (instead of absolute)
335   byte Backup;                           ///< Boolean, true to backup the original file whenever you save an image.
336   byte Adjust_brush_pick;                ///< Boolean, true to omit the right and bottom edges when grabbing a brush in Grid mode.
337   byte Auto_save;                        ///< Boolean, true to save configuration when exiting program.
338   byte Max_undo_pages;                   ///< Number of steps to memorize for Undo/Redo.
339   byte Mouse_sensitivity_index_x;        ///< Mouse sensitivity in X axis
340   byte Mouse_sensitivity_index_y;        ///< Mouse sensitivity in Y axis
341   byte Mouse_merge_movement;             ///< Number of SDL mouse events that are merged into a single change of mouse coordinates.
342   byte Delay_left_click_on_slider;       ///< Delay (in 1/100s) between two activations of a repeatable button when you hold left-click.
343   byte Delay_right_click_on_slider;      ///< Delay (in 1/100s) between two activations of a repeatable button when you hold left-click.
344   long Timer_delay;                      ///< Delay (in 1/55s) before showing a preview in a fileselector.
345   T_Components Fav_menu_colors[4];       ///< Favorite colors to use for the menu.
346   int  Nb_max_vertices_per_polygon;      ///< Limit for the number of vertices in polygon tools.
347   byte Clear_palette;                    ///< Boolean, true to reset the palette (to black) before loading an image.
348   byte Set_resolution_according_to;      ///< When Auto_set_res is on, this determines if the mode should be chosen according to the "original screen" information in the file (1) or the picture dimensons (2)
349   int8_t Ratio;                          ///< Determines the scaling of menu and windows: 0 no scaling, 1 scaling, 2 slight scaling, negative= opposite of max scaling
350   byte Fast_zoom;                        ///< Boolean, true if the magnifier shortcut should automatically view the mouse area.
351   byte Find_file_fast;                   ///< In fileselectors, this determines which entries should be sought when typing letters: 0 all, 1 files only, 2 directories only.
352   byte Separate_colors;                  ///< Boolean, true if the menu palette should separate color cells with a black outline.
353   word Palette_cells_X;                  ///< Number of colors to show in a row of the menu palette.
354   word Palette_cells_Y;                  ///< Number of colors to show in a column of the menu palette.
355   byte Palette_vertical;                 ///< Boolean, true if the menu palette should go top to bottom instead of left to right
356   byte FX_Feedback;                      ///< Boolean, true if drawing effects should read the image being modified (instead of the image before clicking)
357   byte Safety_colors;                    ///< Boolean, true to make the palette automatically re-create menu colors if needed after a "Zap" or color reduction.
358   byte Opening_message;                  ///< Boolean, true to display the splash screen on strtup.
359   byte Clear_with_stencil;               ///< Boolean, true to take the stencil into effect (if active) when using the Clear function.
360   byte Auto_discontinuous;               ///< Boolean, true to automatically switch to the discontinuous freehand draw after grabbing a brush.
361   byte Screen_size_in_GIF;               ///< Boolean, true to store current resolution in GIF files.
362   byte Auto_nb_used;                     ///< Boolean, true to count colors in Palette screen.
363   byte Default_resolution;               ///< Default video mode to use on startup. Index in ::Video_mode.
364   char *Bookmark_directory[NB_BOOKMARKS];///< Bookmarked directories in fileselectors: This is the full directory name.
365   char Bookmark_label[NB_BOOKMARKS][24]; ///< Bookmarked directories in fileselectors: This is the displayed name.
366   int  Window_pos_x;                     ///< Last window x position (9999 if unsupportd/irrelevant for the platform)
367   int  Window_pos_y;                     ///< Last window y position (9999 if unsupportd/irrelevant for the platform)
368   word Double_click_speed;               ///< Maximum delay for double-click, in ms.
369   word Double_key_speed;                 ///< Maximum delay for double-keypress, in ms.
370   byte Right_click_colorpick;            ///< Boolean, true to enable a "tablet" mode, where RMB acts as instant colorpicker
371   byte Sync_views;                       ///< Boolean, true when the Main and Spare should share their viewport settings.
372   byte Stylus_mode;                      ///< Boolean, true to tweak some tools (eg:Curve) for single-button stylus.
373   word Swap_buttons;                     ///< Sets which key swaps mouse buttons : 0=none, or GFX2_MOD_CTRL, or GFX2_MOD_ALT.
374   char * Scripts_directory;              ///< Full pathname of directory for Lua scripts
375   byte Allow_multi_shortcuts;            ///< Boolean, true if the same key combination can trigger multiple shortcuts.
376   byte Tilemap_allow_flipped_x;          ///< Boolean, true if the Tilemap tool should detect x-flipped tiles.
377   byte Tilemap_allow_flipped_y;          ///< Boolean, true if the Tilemap tool should detect y-flipped tiles.
378   byte Tilemap_show_count;               ///< Boolean, true if the Tilemap tool should display tile count after analysis.
379   byte Use_virtual_keyboard;             ///< 0: Auto, 1: On, 2: Off
380   byte Default_mode_layers;              ///< Indicates if default new image has layers (alternative is animation)
381   byte MOTO_gamma;                       ///< Number, 10 x the Gamma used for converting MO6/TO8/TO9 palette
383 } T_Config;
385 // Structures utilisées pour les descriptions de pages et de liste de pages.
386 // Lorsqu'on gèrera les animations, il faudra aussi des listes de listes de
387 // pages.
389 // Ces structures sont manipulées à travers des fonctions de gestion du
390 // backup dans "graph.c".
392 typedef struct T_Image
393 {
394   byte * Pixels;
395   int Duration;
396 } T_Image;
398 /// This is the data for one step of Undo/Redo, for one image.
399 /// This structure is resized dynamically to hold pointers to all of the layers in the picture.
400 /// The pointed layers are just byte* holding the raw pixel data. But at Image[0]-1 you will find a short that is used as a reference counter for each layer.
401 /// This way we can use the same pixel data in many undo pages when the user edit only one of the layers (which is what they usually do).
402 typedef struct T_Page
403 {
404   int       Width;   ///< Image width in pixels.
405   int       Height;  ///< Image height in pixels.
406   T_Palette Palette; ///< Image palette.
408   enum IMAGE_MODES Image_mode; ///< 0= layered image, 1=animation,
410   char      Comment[COMMENT_SIZE+1]; ///< Comment to store in the image file.
412   char      * File_directory;     ///< Directory that contains the file.
413   char      * Filename;           ///< Filename without directory.
414   word      * Filename_unicode;   ///< Filename without directory.
415   enum FILE_FORMATS File_format;  ///< File format, in enum ::FILE_FORMATS
416   struct T_Page *Next; ///< Pointer to the next backup
417   struct T_Page *Prev; ///< Pointer to the previous backup
418   T_Gradient_array *Gradients; ///< Pointer to the gradients used by the image.
419   byte      Background_transparent; ///< Boolean, true if Layer 0 should have transparent pixels
420   byte      Transparent_color; ///< Index of transparent color. 0 to 255.
421   int       Nb_layers; ///< Number of layers
422 #if __GNUC__ < 3
423   // gcc2 doesn't suport [], but supports [0] which does the same thing.
424   T_Image    Image[0];  ///< Pixel data for the (first layer of) image.
425 #else
426   T_Image    Image[];  ///< Pixel data for the (first layer of) image.
427 #endif
428   // No field after Image[] ! Dynamic layer allocation for Image[1], [2] etc.
429 } T_Page;
431 /// Collection of undo/redo steps.
432 typedef struct
433 {
434   int      List_size;         ///< Number of ::T_Page in the vector "Pages".
435   T_Page * Pages;             ///< Head of a linked list of pages, each one being a undo/redo step.
436 } T_List_of_pages;
438 /// A single image bitmap
439 /// This struct is used to store a flattened view of the current picture.
440 typedef struct
441 {
442   int       Width;   ///< Image width in pixels.
443   int       Height;  ///< Image height in pixels.
444   byte *    Image;   ///< Pixel data for the image.
445 } T_Bitmap;
447 /// A single memorized brush from the Brush Container
448 typedef struct
449 {
450   byte Paintbrush_shape; ///< Kind of brush
452   // Data for color brush
453   word Width;
454   word Height;
455   byte * Brush; /// < Color brush (if any)
456   T_Palette Palette;
457   byte Colormap[256];
458   byte Transp_color;
459 } T_Brush_template;
461 /// GUI skin data
462 typedef struct
463 {
464   // Mouse
466   /// X coordinate of the mouse cursor's "hot spot". It is < ::CURSOR_SPRITE_WIDTH
467   word Cursor_offset_X[NB_CURSOR_SPRITES];
468   /// Y coordinate of the mouse cursor's "hot spot". It is < ::CURSOR_SPRITE_HEIGHT
469   word Cursor_offset_Y[NB_CURSOR_SPRITES];
470   /// Graphic resources for the mouse cursor.
473   // Sieve patterns
475   /// Preset sieve patterns, stored as binary (one word per line)
476   word  Sieve_pattern[12][16];
478   // Menu and other graphics
480   /// Bitmap data for the menu, a single rectangle.
481   byte Menu_block[3][35][MENU_WIDTH];
482   byte Layerbar_block[3][10][144];
483   byte Animbar_block[3][14][236];
484   byte Statusbar_block[3][9][20];
485   /// Bitmap data for the icons that are displayed over the menu.
487   /// Bitmap data for the different "effects" icons.
489   /// Bitmap data for the different Layer icons.
490   byte Layer_sprite[3][16][LAYER_SPRITE_HEIGHT][LAYER_SPRITE_WIDTH];
491   /// Bitmap data for the Grafx2 logo that appears on splash screen. All 256 colors allowed.
492   byte Logo_grafx2[231*56];
493   /// Bitmap data for the 6x8 font used in help screens.
494   byte Help_font_norm [256][6][8];
495   /// Bitmap data for the 6x8 font used in help screens ("bold" verstion).
496   byte Bold_font [256][6][8];
497   // 12
498   // 34
499   /// Bitmap data for the title font used in help screens. Top-left quarter.
500   byte Help_font_t1 [64][6][8];
501   /// Bitmap data for the title font used in help screens. Top-right quarter.
502   byte Help_font_t2 [64][6][8];
503   /// Bitmap data for the title font used in help screens. Bottom-left quarter.
504   byte Help_font_t3 [64][6][8];
505   /// Bitmap data for the title font used in help screens. Bottom-right quarter.
506   byte Help_font_t4 [64][6][8];
507   /// Bitmap data for the small 8x8 icons.
510   /// A default 256-color palette.
511   T_Palette Default_palette;
513   /// Preview for displaying in the skin dialog
514   byte Preview[16][173];
516   /// GUI color indices in skin palette: black, dark, light, white.
517   byte Color[4];
518   /// Transparent GUI color index in skin file
519   byte Color_trans;
521 } T_Gui_skin;
523 typedef struct {
524   // Preset paintbrushes
526   /// Graphic resources for the preset paintbrushes.
528   /// Width of the preset paintbrushes.
529   word  Width;
530   /// Height of the preset paintbrushes.
531   word  Height;
532   /// Type of the preset paintbrush: index in enum PAINTBRUSH_SHAPES
533   byte  Shape;
534   /// Brush handle for the preset brushes. Generally ::T_Paintbrush::Width[]/2
535   word  Offset_X;
536   /// Brush handle for the preset brushes. Generally ::T_Paintbrush::Height[]/2
537   word  Offset_Y;
539 } T_Paintbrush;
541 /**
542  * Element of a circular linked list in the tile map
543  */
544 typedef struct
545 {
546   int Previous; ///< Previous similar tile in the linked list
547   int Next;     ///< Next similar tile in the linked list
548   byte Flipped; ///< 0:no, 1:horizontally, 2:vertically, 3:both
549 } T_Tile;
551 /// Settings for an entire file selector screen
552 typedef struct T_Selector_settings
553 {
554   byte Format_filter; ///< 0 for "*.*", or a value of enum ::FILE_FORMATS
555   short Position; ///< Index of the first file/entry to display in list
556   short Offset; ///< Position of the "highlight" bar in the file list
557   char  * Directory; ///< Directory currently browsed
558   word  * Directory_unicode; ///< Directory currently browsed
559   char  * filename;  ///< Filename (without directory) of the highlighted file
560   word  * filename_unicode; ///< /// Filename (without directory) of the highlighted file
561 } T_Selector_settings;
563 /// structure for Main or Spare page global data
564 typedef struct
565 {
566   /// Palette
567   T_Palette palette;
568   /// Boolean, means the page has been modified since last save.
569   byte  image_is_modified;
570   /// Width in pixels of the image.
571   short image_width;
572   /// Height in pixels of the image.
573   short image_height;
574   /// X position (in image space) of the pixel to display in the top left corner of screen.
575   short offset_X;
576   /// Y position (in image space) of the pixel to display in the top left corner of screen.
577   short offset_Y;
578   /// File format of the image currently edited as page. It's a value of enum ::FILE_FORMATS
579   enum FILE_FORMATS fileformat;
580   /// File selector settings
581   T_Selector_settings selector;
582   /// X position (in screen coordinates) of the separator between normal and magnified views.
583   short separator_position;
584   /// X position (in screen coordinates) of the first pixel of the magnified view.
585   short X_zoom;
586   /// Proportion of the non-magnified part of the screen.
587   float separator_proportion;
588   /// Boolean, true if the main image has the magnifier active.
589   byte  magnifier_mode;
590   /// Zoom factor used in the magnifier.
591   word  magnifier_factor;
592   /// Width of the magnified view for the page.
593   word  magnifier_height;
594   /// Height of the magnified view for the page.
595   word  magnifier_width;
596   /// X position (in image space) of the pixel to display in the top left corner of the magnified view.
597   short magnifier_offset_X;
598   /// Y position (in image space) of the pixel to display in the top left corner of the magnified view.
599   short magnifier_offset_Y;
600   /// Index of layer currently being edited
601   int current_layer;
602   /// Bitfield that records which layers are visible. 2^0 for 0, 2^1 for 1, 2^2 for 2, etc.
603   dword layers_visible;
604   /// Backup for layers_visible
605   dword layers_visible_backup;
606   /// Index to use next time, when creating incremental backups, to make unique filename.
607   long safety_number;
608   /// Number of edit actions since the last safety backup
609   long edits_since_safety_backup;
610   /// SDL Time of the previous safety backup
611   dword time_of_safety_backup;
612   /// Letter prefix for the filenames of safety backups. a or b
613   byte safety_backup_prefix;
614   /// Tilemap mode
615   byte tilemap_mode;
616   /// Tilemap
617   T_Tile * tilemap;
618   /// Number of tiles (horizontally) for the tilemap
619   short tilemap_width;
620   /// Number of tiles (vertically) for the tilemap
621   short tilemap_height;
622   /// The pixels of visible layers, flattened copy.
623   T_Bitmap visible_image;
624   /// List of backup pages for the main image.
625   T_List_of_pages * backups;
626 } T_Document;
628 typedef struct T_Unicode_Font
629 {
630   struct T_Unicode_Font * Next;
631   dword FirstChar;
632   dword LastChar;
633   byte * FontData;
634 } T_Unicode_Font;
636 #endif