1 /***************************************************************************
2                           towedarray.cpp  -  description
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : Sat Mar 16 2002
5     copyright            : (C) 2002 by Michael Bridak
6     email                : michael.bridak@verizon.net
7 $Id: towedarray.cpp,v 1.3 2003/04/14 05:51:04 mbridak Exp $
8  ***************************************************************************/
10 /***************************************************************************
11  *                                                                         *
12  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
13  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
14  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.     *
15  *    .                                   *
16  *                                                                         *
17  ***************************************************************************/
19 #include "towedarray.h"
20 #include "math.h"
TowedArray()22 TowedArray::TowedArray(){
23 	length = 0;
24         cut = FALSE;
25 }
TowedArray(double latitude,double longitude)26 TowedArray::TowedArray(double latitude, double longitude){
27 	for (int counter=0; counter<100; counter--){
28 		latitude_array[counter] =  latitude;
29 		longitude_array[counter] =  longitude;
30 	}
31 	length = 0;
32         cut = FALSE;
33 }
~TowedArray()34 TowedArray::~TowedArray(){
35 }
RecordPos(double latitude,double longitude)36 void TowedArray::RecordPos(double latitude, double longitude){
37 	for (int counter=99; counter>0; counter--){
38 		latitude_array[counter] = latitude_array[counter-1];
39 		longitude_array[counter] = longitude_array[counter-1];
40 	}
41 	latitude_array[0] = latitude;
42 	longitude_array[0] = longitude;
43 }
Extend()44 int TowedArray::Extend(){
45         if (! cut)
46         {
47 	   winch = 1;
48            return TRUE;
49         }
50         return FALSE;
51 }
Stop()52 void TowedArray::Stop(){
53 	winch = 0;
54 }
ReelIn()55 int TowedArray::ReelIn(){
56     if (! cut)
57     {
58 	winch = 2;
59         return TRUE;
60     }
61     return FALSE;
62 }
CutArray()63 int TowedArray::CutArray()
64 {
65     // if the array is already cut or reeled in, we can't cut it
66     if (cut)
67        return FALSE;
68     if (length == 0)
69        return FALSE;
70     cut = TRUE;
71     length = 0;
72     winch = 0;
73     return TRUE;
74 }
GetLength()75 int TowedArray::GetLength(){
76 return (int)length;
77 }
OperateWinch()78 void TowedArray::OperateWinch(){
79 	switch(winch){
80 		case 0: //Winch is stopped, Do nothing.
81 			break;
82 		case 1: //Extend the winch.
83 			if(length<2600){
84 				length += 5; //5ft per second @ 1/5th sec interval
85 			}
86 			break;
87 		case 2: //Retract the winch.
88 			if(length>0){
89 				length -= 5;
90 			}
91 			break;
92 		default: //just in case.....
93 			//cerr << "Uh, Capt'n somethings wrong with the winch." << endl;
94 			break;
95 	}
96 }
ReturnLatLon(double & rlat,double & rlon)98 void TowedArray::ReturnLatLon(double &rlat, double &rlon){
99 	int index;
100 	index = (int)((length/3)/10);
101 	rlat =  latitude_array[index];
102 	rlon = longitude_array[index];
103 }
ReturnHeading()105 float TowedArray::ReturnHeading(){
106 	int head_index;
107 	int tail_index;
108 	float bearing; //atan() needs doubles
109 	bearing =-1; //if the array is not extended enough
110 							//bearing will return as a neg #
111 	if(length > 240){
112 		tail_index = (int)((length/3)/10);
113 		head_index = tail_index - 8;
114 		bearing = CalcBearing(latitude_array[tail_index], longitude_array[tail_index], latitude_array[head_index], longitude_array[head_index]);
115 	}
116 	return bearing;
117 }
BearingAmbiguity(float bearing)119 float TowedArray::BearingAmbiguity(float bearing){
121 	float ambiguous_bearing;
122 	float our_bearing;
123 	float bearing_difference;
124 	our_bearing=ReturnHeading();
125 	bearing_difference = our_bearing - bearing;
126 	if(bearing_difference < 0) bearing_difference += 360;
128 	ambiguous_bearing = our_bearing + bearing_difference;
129 	return ambiguous_bearing;
130 }
BearingToTarget(double target_latitude,double target_longitude)132 float TowedArray::BearingToTarget(double target_latitude, double target_longitude){
134 	double array_latitude, array_longitude, array_heading, actual_bearing;
135 	float bearing = -1;
137 	if(GetLength() > 240){
138 		array_heading = ReturnHeading();
139 		ReturnLatLon(array_latitude, array_longitude);
140 		actual_bearing = CalcBearing(array_latitude, array_longitude, target_latitude, target_longitude);
141 		if(array_heading > actual_bearing){
142 			actual_bearing += 360.0;
143 		}
144 	bearing = actual_bearing;
145 	}
146 	return bearing;
147 }
CalcBearing(double observer_latitude,double observer_longitude,double target_latitude,double target_longitude)149 float TowedArray::CalcBearing(double observer_latitude, double observer_longitude ,double target_latitude,double target_longitude){
151 	double latdif=0, londif=0, bearing=0; //atan() needs doubles
153 	if (observer_latitude > target_latitude){
154 		latdif = observer_latitude - target_latitude;
155 	}else{
156 		latdif = target_latitude - observer_latitude;
157 	}
158 	if (observer_longitude > target_longitude){
159 		londif = observer_longitude - target_longitude;
160 	}else{
161 		londif = target_longitude - observer_longitude;
162 	}
164 	if ((observer_longitude < target_longitude) &&
165 		(observer_latitude < target_latitude)){
166 		bearing = (360 - ((atan(latdif / londif) * 360) / 6.28318530717958647692));
167 	}
168 	if ((observer_longitude < target_longitude) &&
169 		(observer_latitude > target_latitude)){
170 		bearing = (0 + ((atan(latdif / londif) * 360) / 6.28318530717958647692));
171 	}
172 	if ((observer_longitude > target_longitude) &&
173 		(observer_latitude < target_latitude)){
174 		bearing = (180 + ((atan(latdif / londif) * 360) / 6.28318530717958647692));
175 	}
176 	if ((observer_longitude > target_longitude) &&
177 		(observer_latitude > target_latitude)){
178 		bearing = (180 - ((atan(latdif / londif) * 360) / 6.28318530717958647692));
179 	}
180 	if (londif == 0){
181 		if (observer_latitude > target_latitude){
182 			bearing = 90;
183 		}else{
184 			bearing = 270;
185 		}
186 	}
187 	if (latdif == 0){
188 		if (observer_longitude > target_longitude){
189 			bearing = 180;
190 		}else{
191 			bearing = 0;
192 		}
193 	}
194 	return (float)bearing;
195 }
RangeToTarget(double target_latitude,double target_longitude)197 double TowedArray::RangeToTarget(double target_latitude, double target_longitude)
198 {
199 	//Calculates the distance in yards from the towed array, to the target.
201 	double observer_latitude, observer_longitude;
202 	double latdif = 0, londif = 0;
204 	ReturnLatLon(observer_latitude, observer_longitude);
206 	if (observer_latitude > target_latitude){
207 		latdif = observer_latitude - target_latitude;
208 	}else{
209 		latdif = target_latitude - observer_latitude;
210 	}
211 	if (observer_longitude > target_longitude){
212 		londif = observer_longitude - target_longitude;
213 	}else{
214 		londif = target_longitude - observer_longitude;
215 	}
216 	return sqrt((latdif * latdif) + (londif * londif));
217 }