4 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
5  *                        Simbody(tm): SimTKmath                              *
6  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
8  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
9  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
10  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
11  *                                                                            *
12  * Portions copyright (c) 2006-13 Stanford University and the Authors.        *
13  * Authors: Jack Middleton                                                    *
14  * Contributors: Michael Sherman                                              *
15  *                                                                            *
16  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
17  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
18  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
19  *                                                                            *
20  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
21  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
22  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
23  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
24  * limitations under the License.                                             *
25  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
28 #include "SimTKcommon.h"
29 #include "simmath/internal/common.h"
30 #include "simmath/Differentiator.h"
32 namespace SimTK {
34 /**
35  * The available Optimizer algorithms.
36  * Gradient descent algorithms seek to find a local minimum, and are not
37  * guaranteed to find the global minimum. See the description of Optimizer for
38  * specific information about how to use the algorithms.
39  */
40 enum OptimizerAlgorithm {
41      /// Simmath will select best Optimizer based on problem type.
42      BestAvailable = 0,
43      /// IpOpt algorithm (https://projects.coin-or.org/ipopt);
44      /// gradient descent.
45      InteriorPoint = 1,
46      /// Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm;
47      /// gradient descent.
48      LBFGS         = 2,
49      /// LBFGS with simple bound constraints;
50      /// gradient descent.
51      LBFGSB        = 3,
52      /// C implementation of sequential quadratic programming
53      /// (requires external library:
54      /// ftp://frcatel.fri.uniza.sk/pub/soft/math/matprog/doc/fsqp.html);
55      /// gradient descent.
56      CFSQP         = 4,
57      /// Covariance matrix adaptation, evolution strategy
58      /// (https://github.com/cma-es/c-cmaes);
59      /// this is a randomized algorithm that attempts to find a global minimum.
60      CMAES         = 5,
61      UnknownOptimizerAlgorithm = 6, // the default impl. of getAlgorithm.
62      /// An algorithm that is implemented outside of Simmath.
63      UserSuppliedOptimizerAlgorithm = 7
64 };
66 /**
67  * Abstract class which defines an objective/cost function which is optimized by
68  * and Optimizer object. The OptimizerSystem also defines any constraints which
69  * must be satisfied.
70  */
71 class SimTK_SIMMATH_EXPORT OptimizerSystem {
72 public:
OptimizerSystem()73     OptimizerSystem() : numParameters(0),
74                         numEqualityConstraints(0),
75                         numInequalityConstraints(0),
76                         numLinearEqualityConstraints(0),
77                         numLinearInequalityConstraints(0),
78                         useLimits( false ),
79                         lowerLimits(0),
80                         upperLimits(0) {
81     }
OptimizerSystem(int nParameters)83     explicit OptimizerSystem(int nParameters ) {
84         new (this) OptimizerSystem(); // call the above constructor
85         setNumParameters(nParameters);
86     }
~OptimizerSystem()88     virtual ~OptimizerSystem() {
89         if( useLimits ) {
90             delete lowerLimits;
91             delete upperLimits;
92         }
93     }
95     /// Objective/cost function which is to be optimized; return 0 when successful.
96     /// The value of f upon entry into the function is undefined.
97     /// This method must be supplied by concrete class.
objectiveFunc(const Vector & parameters,bool new_parameters,Real & f)98     virtual int objectiveFunc      ( const Vector& parameters,
99                                  bool new_parameters, Real& f ) const {
100                                  SimTK_THROW2(SimTK::Exception::UnimplementedVirtualMethod , "OptimizerSystem", "objectiveFunc" );
101                                  return -1; }
103     /// Computes the gradient of the objective function; return 0 when successful.
104     /// This method does not have to be supplied if a numerical gradient is used.
gradientFunc(const Vector & parameters,bool new_parameters,Vector & gradient)105     virtual int gradientFunc       ( const Vector &parameters,
106                                  bool new_parameters, Vector &gradient ) const  {
107                                  SimTK_THROW2(SimTK::Exception::UnimplementedVirtualMethod , "OptimizerSystem", "gradientFunc" );
108                                  return -1; }
109     /// Computes the value of the constraints; return 0 when successful.
110     /// This method must be supplied if the objective function has constraints.
constraintFunc(const Vector & parameters,bool new_parameters,Vector & constraints)111     virtual int constraintFunc     ( const Vector & parameters,
112                                  bool new_parameters, Vector & constraints ) const {
113                                  SimTK_THROW2(SimTK::Exception::UnimplementedVirtualMethod , "OptimizerSystem", "constraintFunc" );
114                                  return -1; }
115     /// Computes Jacobian of the constraints; return 0 when successful.
116     /// This method does not have to be supplied if a numerical jacobian is used.
constraintJacobian(const Vector & parameters,bool new_parameters,Matrix & jac)117     virtual int constraintJacobian ( const Vector& parameters,
118                                   bool new_parameters, Matrix& jac ) const {
119                                  SimTK_THROW2(SimTK::Exception::UnimplementedVirtualMethod , "OptimizerSystem", "constraintJacobian" );
120                                  return -1; }
121     /// Computes Hessian of the objective function; return 0 when successful.
122     /// This method does not have to be supplied if limited memory is used.
hessian(const Vector & parameters,bool new_parameters,Vector & gradient)123     virtual int hessian            (  const Vector &parameters,
124                                  bool new_parameters, Vector &gradient) const {
125                                  SimTK_THROW2(SimTK::Exception::UnimplementedVirtualMethod , "OptimizerSystem", "hessian" );
126                                  return -1; }
128    /// Sets the number of parameters in the objective function.
setNumParameters(const int nParameters)129    void setNumParameters( const int nParameters ) {
130        if(   nParameters < 1 ) {
131            const char* where = " OptimizerSystem  Constructor";
132            const char* szName = "number of parameters";
133            SimTK_THROW5(SimTK::Exception::ValueOutOfRange, szName, 1, nParameters, INT_MAX, where);
134        } else {
135            numParameters = nParameters;
136        }
137    }
138    /// Sets the number of equality constraints.
setNumEqualityConstraints(const int n)139    void setNumEqualityConstraints( const int n ) {
140        if( n < 0 ) {
141            const char* where = " OptimizerSystem  setNumEqualityConstraints";
142            const char* szName = "number of equality constraints";
143            SimTK_THROW3(SimTK::Exception::SizeWasNegative, szName, n, where);
144        } else {
145            numEqualityConstraints = n;
146        }
147    }
148    /// Sets the number of inequality constraints.
setNumInequalityConstraints(const int n)149    void setNumInequalityConstraints( const int n ) {
150        if( n < 0 ) {
151            const char* where = " OptimizerSystem  setNumInequalityConstraints";
152            const char* szName = "number of inequality constraints";
153            SimTK_THROW3(SimTK::Exception::SizeWasNegative, szName, n, where);
154        } else {
155            numInequalityConstraints = n;
156        }
157    }
158    /// Sets the number of lineaer equality constraints.
setNumLinearEqualityConstraints(const int n)159    void setNumLinearEqualityConstraints( const int n ) {
160        if( n < 0 || n > numEqualityConstraints ) {
161            const char* where = " OptimizerSystem  setNumLinearEqualityConstraints";
162            const char* szName = "number of linear equality constraints";
163            SimTK_THROW4(SimTK::Exception::SizeOutOfRange, szName, n, numEqualityConstraints, where);
164        } else {
165            numLinearEqualityConstraints = n;
166        }
167    }
168    /// Sets the number of lineaer inequality constraints.
setNumLinearInequalityConstraints(const int n)169    void setNumLinearInequalityConstraints( const int n ) {
170        if( n < 0 || n > numInequalityConstraints ) {
171            const char* where = " OptimizerSystem  setNumLinearInequalityConstraints";
172            const char* szName = "number of linear inequality constraints";
173            SimTK_THROW4(SimTK::Exception::SizeOutOfRange, szName, n, numInequalityConstraints, where);
174        } else {
175            numLinearInequalityConstraints = n;
176        }
177    }
178    /// Set the upper and lower bounds on the parameters.
setParameterLimits(const Vector & lower,const Vector & upper)179    void setParameterLimits( const Vector& lower, const Vector& upper  ) {
180        if(   upper.size() != numParameters  && upper.size() != 0) {
181            const char* where = " OptimizerSystem  setParametersLimits";
182            const char* szName = "upper limits length";
183            SimTK_THROW5(Exception::IncorrectArrayLength, szName, upper.size(), "numParameters", numParameters, where);
184        }
185        if(   lower.size() != numParameters  && lower.size() != 0 ) {
186            const char* where = " OptimizerSystem  setParametersLimits";
187            const char* szName = "lower limits length";
188            SimTK_THROW5(Exception::IncorrectArrayLength, szName, lower.size(), "numParameters", numParameters, where);
189        }
191        // set the upper and lower limits
192        if( useLimits ) {
193            delete lowerLimits;
194            delete upperLimits;
195        }
197        if( upper.size() == 0 ) {
198           useLimits = false;
199        } else {
200           lowerLimits = new Vector( lower );
201           upperLimits = new Vector( upper );
202           useLimits = true;
203        }
204    }
206    /// Returns the number of parameters, that is, the number of variables that
207    /// the Optimizer may adjust while searching for a solution.
getNumParameters()208    int getNumParameters() const {return numParameters;}
209    /// Returns the total number of constraints.
getNumConstraints()210    int getNumConstraints() const {return numEqualityConstraints+numInequalityConstraints;}
211    /// Returns the number of equality constraints.
getNumEqualityConstraints()212    int getNumEqualityConstraints() const {return numEqualityConstraints;}
213    /// Returns the number of inequality constraints.
getNumInequalityConstraints()214    int getNumInequalityConstraints() const {return numInequalityConstraints;}
215    /// Returns the number of linear equality constraints.
getNumLinearEqualityConstraints()216    int getNumLinearEqualityConstraints() const {return numLinearEqualityConstraints;}
217    /// Returns the number of nonlinear equality constraints.
getNumNonlinearEqualityConstraints()218    int getNumNonlinearEqualityConstraints() const {return numEqualityConstraints-numLinearEqualityConstraints;}
219    /// Returns the number of linear inequality constraints.
getNumLinearInequalityConstraints()220    int getNumLinearInequalityConstraints() const {return numLinearInequalityConstraints;}
221    /// Returns the number of linear inequality constraints.
getNumNonlinearInequalityConstraints()222    int getNumNonlinearInequalityConstraints() const {return numInequalityConstraints-numLinearInequalityConstraints;}
224    /// Returns true if there are limits on the parameters.
getHasLimits()225    bool getHasLimits() const { return useLimits; }
226    /// Returns the limits on the allowed values of each parameter, as
227    /// an array of lower bounds and an array of upper bounds, with
228    /// assumed lengths matching the number of parameters.
getParameterLimits(Real ** lower,Real ** upper)229    void getParameterLimits( Real **lower, Real **upper ) const {
230         *lower = &(*lowerLimits)[0];
231         *upper = &(*upperLimits)[0];
232    }
234 private:
235    int numParameters;
236    int numEqualityConstraints;
237    int numInequalityConstraints;
238    int numLinearEqualityConstraints;
239    int numLinearInequalityConstraints;
240    bool useLimits;
241    Vector* lowerLimits;
242    Vector* upperLimits;
244 }; // class OptimizerSystem
246 /**
247  * API for SimTK Simmath's optimizers.
248  * An optimizer finds a minimum to an objective function. Usually, this minimum
249  * is a local minimum. Some algorithms, like CMAES, are designed to find the
250  * global minumum. The optimizer can be constrained to search for a minimum
251  * within a feasible region. The feasible region is defined in two ways: via
252  * limits on the parameters of the objective function; and, for algorithms
253  * other than CMAES, by supplying constraint functions that must be satisfied.
254  * The optimizer starts searching for a minimum beginning at a user supplied
255  * initial value for the set of parameters.
256  *
257  * The objective function and constraints are specified by supplying the
258  * Optimizer with a concrete implemenation of an OptimizerSystem class.
259  * The OptimizerSystem can be passed to the Optimizer either through the
260  * Optimizer constructor or by calling the Optimizer::setOptimizerSystem
261  * method.  The Optimizer class will select the best optimization algorithm to
262  * solve the problem based on the constraints supplied by the OptimizerSystem.
263  * A user can also override the optimization algorithm selected by the
264  * Optimizer by specifying the optimization algorithm.
265  *
266  * <h3> Optimization algorithms and advanced options </h3>
267  *
268  * See OptimizerAlgorithm for a brief description of the available algorithms.
269  * Most of these algorithms have options that are specific to the algorithm.
270  * These options are set via methods like Optimizer::setAdvancedStrOption. If
271  * you want to get going quickly, you can just use the default values of these
272  * options and ignore this section. As an example, an int option
273  * <b>popsize</b> would be set via:
274  *
275  * @code
276  * opt.setAdvancedIntOption("popsize", 5);
277  * @endcode
278  *
279  * For now, we only have detailed documentation for the CMAES algorithm.
280  *
281  * <h4> CMAES </h4>
282  *
283  * This is the c-cmaes algorithm written by Niko Hansen
284  * (https://github.com/cma-es/c-cmaes).
285  *
286  * Some notes:
287  * - This algorithm obeys parameter limits.
288  * - This is a derivative-free optimization algorithm, so methods like the
289  *   following have no effect:
290  *      - Optimizer::useNumericalGradient
291  *      - Optimizer::setDifferentiatorMethod
292  *      - Optimizer::setLimitedMemoryHistory
293  *      - OptimizerSystem::gradientFunc
294  *      - OptimizerSystem::hessian
295  * - This algorithm does not obey constraint functions, so methods like the
296  *   following have no effect:
297  *      - Optimizer::setConstraintTolerance
298  *      - Optimizer::useNumericalJacobian
299  *      - OptimizerSystem::constraintFunc
300  *      - OptimizerSystem::constraintJacobian
301  *      - OptimizerSystem::setNumEqualityConstraints
302  *      - OptimizerSystem::setNumInequalityConstraints
303  *      - OptimizerSystem::setNumLinearEqualityConstraints
304  *      - OptimizerSystem::setNumLinearInequalityConstraints
305  * - The effect of the diagnostics level is as follows:
306  *      - 0: minimal output to console (warnings, errors), some files are
307  *      written to the current directory (errcmaes.err error log).
308  *      - 1: additional output to console.
309  *      - 2: all files are written to the current directory.
310  *      - 3: output to console, and all files are written to the current directory.
311  *
312  *
313  * Encoding of Variables
314  *
315  * Inappropriate initialization of the algorithm may lead to resampling of the
316  * parameter distribution. Since some parameters may be defined in a bounded
317  * region [a, b]. The CMA algorithm involves sampling a random distribution for
318  * the variables (parameters) in the optimization problem. If the sampled values
319  * do not lie within the variables' bounds, CMA must resample the distribution
320  * until the variables lie within the bounds. This resampling is undesirable,
321  * and may prevent the algorithm from functioning properly. There are two ways
322  * to avoid excessive resampling:To overcome this the problem the user can
323  * formulate the problem as follows:
324  *
325  * 1) Either define the bounds of the parameter and choose the appropriate stddev
326  * and initial value for each parameter (see init_stepsize)
327  * 2) Or to reformulate the problem, by rescaling the parameter space so that
328  * each parameter map in a region between e.g. [0, 1] and each parameter has an
329  * initial value of 0.5 and stddev of 0.2 (see comments below).
330  *
331  * The specific formulation of a (real) optimization problem has a tremendous
332  * impact on the optimization performance. In particular, a reasonable parameter
333  * encoding is essential. All parameters should be rescaled such that they have
334  * presumably similar sensitivity (this makes the identity as initial covariance
335  * matrix the right choice). Usually, the best approach is to write a wrapper
336  * around the objective function that transforms the parameters before the actual
337  * function call. The wrapper scales, for example, in each parameter/coordinate
338  * the value [0; 10] into the typical actual domain of the parameter/coordinate.
339  *
340  * The natural encoding of (some of) the parameters can also be "logarithmic".
341  * That is, for a parameter that must always be positive, with a ratio between
342  * typical upper and lower value being larger than 100, we might use 10x instead
343  * of x to call the objective function. More specifically, to achieve the parameter
344  * range [10^–4,10^–1], we use 10^–4×10^3x/10 with x in [0; 10]. Again, the idea
345  * is to have similar sensitivity: this makes sense if we expect the change from
346  * 10^–4 to 10^–3 to have an impact similar to the change from 10^–2 to 10^–1.
347  * In order to avoid the problem that changes of very small values have too less
348  * an impact, an alternative is to choose 10^–1 × (x/10)2 >= 0. In the case where
349  * only a lower bound at zero is necessary, a simple and natural transformation is
350  * x2 × default_x, such that x=1 represents the default (or initial) value and x
351  * remains unbounded during optimization.
352  *
353  * In summary, to map the values [0;10] into [a;b] we have the alternative
354  * transformations a + (b-a) × x/10 or a + (b-a) × (x/10)2 >= a or a × (b/a)x/10 >= 0.
355  *
356  * For more details see: https://www.lri.fr/~hansen/cmaes_inmatlab.html
357  *
358  * Advanced options:
359  *
360  * The default values for options whose name begins with "stop" are specified
361  * at https://github.com/CMA-ES/c-cmaes/blob/master/cmaes_initials.par
362  *
363  * - <b>popsize</b> (int; default: depends on number of parameters) The
364  *   population size (also known as lambda).
365  * - <b>init_stepsize</b> (Vector/Real; default: 0.3) Initial stddev; After the
366  *   encoding of variables, the initial solution point x0 and the initial standard
367  *   deviation (step_size) sigma0 must be chosen. In a practical application, one
368  *   often wants to start by trying to improve a given solution locally. In this
369  *   case we choose a rather small sigma0 (say in [0.001, 0.1], given the x-values
370  *   "live" in [0,10]). Thereby we can also check whether the initial solution is
371  *   possibly a local optimum. When a global optimum is sought-after on rugged or
372  *   multimodal landscapes, sigma0 should be chosen such that the final desirable
373  *   location (or at least some of its domain of attraction) is not far outside of
374  *   x0 ± 2sigma0 in each coordinate. (Remark that in Rn, if each boundary domain is
375  *   in distance sigma, then the boundary corner is sigma*sqrt(n) away, which poses
376  *   a slight dilemma for larger n.)
377  *
378  *   A warning is emitted if this is not set and default value is used for each
379  *   variable.
380  *
381  *   Example setting the init_stepsize:
382  *
383  *   Vector initStepSize(N, 0.3);
384  *   opt.setAdvancedVectorOption("init_stepsize", initStepSize);
385  *   "or"
386  *   opt.setAdvancedRealOption("init_stepsize", 0.3);
387  * - <b>seed</b> (int; default: 0, which uses clock time) Seed for the random
388  *   number generator that is used to sample the population from a normal
389  *   distribution. See note below.
390  * - <b>maxTimeFractionForEigendecomposition</b> (real; default: 0.2)
391  *   Controls the amount of time spent generating eigensystem
392  *   decompositions.
393  * - <b>stopMaxFunEvals</b> (int) Stop optimization after this
394  *   number of evaluations of the objective function.
395  * - <b>stopFitness</b> (real) Stop if function value is smaller than
396  *   stopFitness.
397  * - <b>stopTolFunHist</b> (real) Stop if function value differences of best
398  *   values are smaller than stopTolFunHist.
399  * - <b>stopTolX</b> (real) Stop if step sizes are smaller than stopTolX.
400  * - <b>stopTolUpXFactor</b> (real) Stop if standard deviation increases
401  *   by more than stopTolUpXFactor.
402  * - <b>parallel</b> (str) To run the optimization with multiple threads, set
403  *   this to "multithreading". Only use this if your OptimizerSystem is
404  *   threadsafe: you can't reliably modify any mutable variables in your
405  *   OptimizerSystem::objectiveFun().
406  * - <b>nthreads</b> (int) If the <b>parallel</b> option is set to
407  *   "multithreading", this is the number of threads to use (by default, this
408  *   is the number of processors/threads on the machine).
409  *
410  * If you want to generate identical results with repeated optimizations,
411  * you can set the <b>seed</b> option. In addition, you *must* set the
412  * <b>maxTimeFractionForEigendecomposition</b> option to be greater than or
413  * equal to 1.0.
414  *
415  * @code
416  * opt.setAdvancedIntOption("seed", 42);
417  * opt.setAdvancedRealOption("maxTimeFractionForEigendecomposition", 1);
418  * @endcode
419  *
420  */
421 class SimTK_SIMMATH_EXPORT Optimizer {
422 public:
423     Optimizer();
424     Optimizer( const OptimizerSystem& sys);
425     Optimizer( const OptimizerSystem& sys, OptimizerAlgorithm algorithm);
426     ~Optimizer();
428     /// BestAvailable, UnknownAlgorithm, and UserSuppliedAlgorithm
429     /// are treated as never available.
430     static bool isAlgorithmAvailable(OptimizerAlgorithm algorithm);
432     /// Sets the relative accuracy used determine if the problem has converged.
433     void setConvergenceTolerance(Real accuracy );
434     /// Sets the absolute tolerance used to determine whether constraint
435     /// violation is acceptable.
436     void setConstraintTolerance(Real tolerance);
439     /// Set the maximum number of iterations allowed of the optimization
440     /// method's outer stepping loop. Most optimizers also have an inner loop
441     /// ("line search") which is also iterative but is not affected by this
442     /// setting. Inner loop convergence is typically prescribed by theory, and
443     /// failure there is often an indication of an ill-formed problem.
444     void setMaxIterations( int iter );
445     /// Set the maximum number of previous hessians used in a limited memory
446     /// hessian approximation.
447     void setLimitedMemoryHistory( int history );
448     /// Set the level of debugging info displayed.
449     void setDiagnosticsLevel( int level );
451     void setOptimizerSystem( const OptimizerSystem& sys  );
452     void setOptimizerSystem( const OptimizerSystem& sys, OptimizerAlgorithm algorithm );
454     /// Set the value of an advanced option specified by a string.
455     bool setAdvancedStrOption( const char *option, const char *value );
456     /// Set the value of an advanced option specified by a real value.
457     bool setAdvancedRealOption( const char *option, const Real value );
458     /// Set the value of an advanced option specified by an integer value.
459     bool setAdvancedIntOption( const char *option, const int value );
460     /// Set the value of an advanced option specified by an boolean value.
461     bool setAdvancedBoolOption( const char *option, const bool value );
462     /// Set the value of an advanced option specified by an Vector value.
463     bool setAdvancedVectorOption( const char *option, const Vector value );
466     /// Set which numerical differentiation algorithm is to be used for the next
467     /// useNumericalGradient() or useNumericalJacobian() call. Choices are
468     /// Differentiator::ForwardDifference (first order) or
469     /// Differentiator::CentralDifference (second order) with central the
470     /// default.
471     /// @warning This has no effect if you have already called
472     /// useNumericalGradient() or useNumericalJacobian(). Those must be called
473     /// \e after setDifferentiatorMethod().
474     /// @see SimTK::Differentiator
475     void setDifferentiatorMethod(Differentiator::Method method);
476     /// Return the differentiation method last supplied in a call to
477     /// setDifferentiatorMethod(), \e not necessarily the method currently
478     /// in use. See setDifferentiatorMethod() for more information.
479     /// @see SimTK::Differentiator
480     Differentiator::Method getDifferentiatorMethod() const;
482     /// Return the algorithm used for the optimization. You may be interested
483     /// in this value if you didn't specify an algorithm, or specified for
484     /// Simbody to choose the BestAvailable algorithm. This method won't return
485     /// BestAvailable, even if it's the 'algorithm' that you chose.
486     OptimizerAlgorithm getAlgorithm() const;
488     /// Enable numerical calculation of gradient, with optional estimation of
489     /// the accuracy to which the objective function is calculated. For example,
490     /// if you are calculate about 6 significant digits, supply the estimated
491     /// accuracy as 1e-6. Providing the estimated accuracy improves the quality
492     /// of the calculated derivative. If no accuracy is provided we'll assume
493     /// the objective is calculated to near machine precision. The method used
494     /// for calculating the derivative will be whatever was \e previously
495     /// supplied in a call to setDifferentiatorMethod(), or the default which
496     /// is to use central differencing (two function evaluations per
497     /// gradient entry). See SimTK::Differentiator for more information.
498     /// @see setDifferentiatorMethod(), SimTK::Differentiator
499     void useNumericalGradient(bool flag,
500         Real estimatedAccuracyOfObjective = SignificantReal);
501     /// Enable numerical calculation of the constraint Jacobian, with optional
502     /// estimation of the accuracy to which the constraint functions are
503     /// calculated.  For example, if you are calculating about 6 significant
504     /// digits, supply the estimated accuracy as 1e-6. Providing the estimated
505     /// accuracy improves the quality of the calculated derivative. If no
506     /// accuracy is provided we'll assume the constraints are calculated to near
507     /// machine precision.  The method used for calculating the derivative will
508     /// be whatever was \e previously supplied in a call to
509     /// setDifferentiatorMethod(), or the default which is to use central
510     /// differencing (two function evaluations per Jacobian column. See
511     /// SimTK::Differentiator for more information.
512     /// @see setDifferentiatorMethod(), SimTK::Differentiator
513     void useNumericalJacobian(bool flag,
514         Real estimatedAccuracyOfConstraints = SignificantReal);
516     /// Compute optimization.
517     Real optimize(Vector&);
519     /// Return a reference to the OptimizerSystem currently associated with this Optimizer.
520     const OptimizerSystem& getOptimizerSystem() const;
522     /// Indicate whether the Optimizer is currently set to use a numerical gradient.
523     bool isUsingNumericalGradient() const;
524     /// Indicate whether the Optimizer is currently set to use a numerical Jacobian.
525     bool isUsingNumericalJacobian() const;
526     /// Return the estimated accuracy last specified in useNumericalGradient().
527     Real getEstimatedAccuracyOfObjective() const;
528     /// Return the estimated accuracy last specified in useNumericalJacobian().
529     Real getEstimatedAccuracyOfConstraints() const;
531     // This is a local class.
532     class OptimizerRep;
533 private:
534     Optimizer( const Optimizer& c );
535     Optimizer& operator=(const Optimizer& rhs);
537     OptimizerRep* constructOptimizerRep(const OptimizerSystem&, OptimizerAlgorithm);
getRep()538     const OptimizerRep& getRep() const {assert(rep); return *rep;}
updRep()539     OptimizerRep&       updRep()       {assert(rep); return *rep;}
541     // Hidden implementation to preserve binary compatibility.
542     OptimizerRep* rep;
544 friend class OptimizerRep;
545 }; // class Optimizer
547 } // namespace SimTK