1 // A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.3.2.
3 // Skeleton interface for Bison LALR(1) parsers in C++
5 // Copyright (C) 2002-2015, 2018-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
7 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
12 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 // GNU General Public License for more details.
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 // As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
21 // part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
22 // under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
23 // parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
24 // as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
25 // the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
26 // special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
27 // Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
28 // License without this special exception.
30 // This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
31 // version 2.2 of Bison.
34 /**
35  ** \file DynareBison.hh
36  ** Define the Dynare::parser class.
37  */
39 // C++ LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Akim Demaille.
41 // Undocumented macros, especially those whose name start with YY_,
42 // are private implementation details.  Do not rely on them.
46 // //                    "%code requires" blocks.
47 #line 34 "DynareBison.yy" // lalr1.cc:401
49 #include "ExprNode.hh"
50 #include "CodeInterpreter.hh"
52 #line 53 "DynareBison.hh" // lalr1.cc:401
54 # include <cassert>
55 # include <cstdlib> // std::abort
56 # include <iostream>
57 # include <stdexcept>
58 # include <string>
59 # include <vector>
61 #if defined __cplusplus
62 # define YY_CPLUSPLUS __cplusplus
63 #else
64 # define YY_CPLUSPLUS 199711L
65 #endif
67 // Support move semantics when possible.
68 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
69 # define YY_MOVE           std::move
70 # define YY_MOVE_OR_COPY   move
71 # define YY_MOVE_REF(Type) Type&&
72 # define YY_RVREF(Type)    Type&&
73 # define YY_COPY(Type)     Type
74 #else
75 # define YY_MOVE
76 # define YY_MOVE_OR_COPY   copy
77 # define YY_MOVE_REF(Type) Type&
78 # define YY_RVREF(Type)    const Type&
79 # define YY_COPY(Type)     const Type&
80 #endif
82 // Support noexcept when possible.
83 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
84 # define YY_NOEXCEPT noexcept
85 # define YY_NOTHROW
86 #else
87 # define YY_NOEXCEPT
88 # define YY_NOTHROW throw ()
89 #endif
91 // Support constexpr when possible.
92 #if 201703 <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
93 # define YY_CONSTEXPR constexpr
94 #else
95 # define YY_CONSTEXPR
96 #endif
97 # include "location.hh"
98 #include <typeinfo>
99 #ifndef YYASSERT
100 # include <cassert>
101 # define YYASSERT assert
102 #endif
105 #ifndef YY_ATTRIBUTE
106 # if (defined __GNUC__                                               \
107       && (2 < __GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && 96 <= __GNUC_MINOR__)))  \
108      || defined __SUNPRO_C && 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C
109 #  define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) __attribute__(Spec)
110 # else
111 #  define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) /* empty */
112 # endif
113 #endif
116 # define YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE   YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__pure__))
117 #endif
120 # define YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__unused__))
121 #endif
123 /* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E.  */
124 #if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__
125 # define YYUSE(E) ((void) (E))
126 #else
127 # define YYUSE(E) /* empty */
128 #endif
130 #if defined __GNUC__ && ! defined __ICC && 407 <= __GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__
131 /* Suppress an incorrect diagnostic about yylval being uninitialized.  */
133     _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \
134     _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wuninitialized\"")\
135     _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmaybe-uninitialized\"")
137     _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop")
138 #else
139 # define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) Value
140 #endif
144 #endif
145 #ifndef YY_INITIAL_VALUE
146 # define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) /* Nothing. */
147 #endif
149 # ifndef YY_NULLPTR
150 #  if defined __cplusplus
151 #   if 201103L <= __cplusplus
152 #    define YY_NULLPTR nullptr
153 #   else
154 #    define YY_NULLPTR 0
155 #   endif
156 #  else
157 #   define YY_NULLPTR ((void*)0)
158 #  endif
159 # endif
161 /* Debug traces.  */
162 #ifndef YYDEBUG
163 # define YYDEBUG 1
164 #endif
166 #line 25 "DynareBison.yy" // lalr1.cc:401
167 namespace Dynare {
168 #line 169 "DynareBison.hh" // lalr1.cc:401
172   /// A Bison parser.
173   class parser
174   {
175   public:
176 #ifndef YYSTYPE
177   /// A buffer to store and retrieve objects.
178   ///
179   /// Sort of a variant, but does not keep track of the nature
180   /// of the stored data, since that knowledge is available
181   /// via the current parser state.
182   class semantic_type
183   {
184   public:
185     /// Type of *this.
186     typedef semantic_type self_type;
188     /// Empty construction.
semantic_type()189     semantic_type () YY_NOEXCEPT
190       : yybuffer_ ()
191       , yytypeid_ (YY_NULLPTR)
192     {}
194     /// Construct and fill.
195     template <typename T>
semantic_type(YY_RVREF (T)t)196     semantic_type (YY_RVREF (T) t)
197       : yytypeid_ (&typeid (T))
198     {
199       YYASSERT (sizeof (T) <= size);
200       new (yyas_<T> ()) T (YY_MOVE (t));
201     }
203     /// Destruction, allowed only if empty.
~semantic_type()204     ~semantic_type () YY_NOEXCEPT
205     {
206       YYASSERT (!yytypeid_);
207     }
209 # if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
210     /// Instantiate a \a T in here from \a t.
211     template <typename T, typename... U>
212     T&
213     emplace (U&&... u)
214     {
215       YYASSERT (!yytypeid_);
216       YYASSERT (sizeof (T) <= size);
217       yytypeid_ = & typeid (T);
218       return *new (yyas_<T> ()) T (std::forward <U>(u)...);
219     }
220 # else
221     /// Instantiate an empty \a T in here.
222     template <typename T>
223     T&
emplace()224     emplace ()
225     {
226       YYASSERT (!yytypeid_);
227       YYASSERT (sizeof (T) <= size);
228       yytypeid_ = & typeid (T);
229       return *new (yyas_<T> ()) T ();
230     }
232     /// Instantiate a \a T in here from \a t.
233     template <typename T>
234     T&
emplace(const T & t)235     emplace (const T& t)
236     {
237       YYASSERT (!yytypeid_);
238       YYASSERT (sizeof (T) <= size);
239       yytypeid_ = & typeid (T);
240       return *new (yyas_<T> ()) T (t);
241     }
242 # endif
244     /// Instantiate an empty \a T in here.
245     /// Obsolete, use emplace.
246     template <typename T>
247     T&
build()248     build ()
249     {
250       return emplace<T> ();
251     }
253     /// Instantiate a \a T in here from \a t.
254     /// Obsolete, use emplace.
255     template <typename T>
256     T&
build(const T & t)257     build (const T& t)
258     {
259       return emplace<T> (t);
260     }
262     /// Accessor to a built \a T.
263     template <typename T>
264     T&
as()265     as () YY_NOEXCEPT
266     {
267       YYASSERT (yytypeid_);
268       YYASSERT (*yytypeid_ == typeid (T));
269       YYASSERT (sizeof (T) <= size);
270       return *yyas_<T> ();
271     }
273     /// Const accessor to a built \a T (for %printer).
274     template <typename T>
275     const T&
as() const276     as () const YY_NOEXCEPT
277     {
278       YYASSERT (yytypeid_);
279       YYASSERT (*yytypeid_ == typeid (T));
280       YYASSERT (sizeof (T) <= size);
281       return *yyas_<T> ();
282     }
284     /// Swap the content with \a that, of same type.
285     ///
286     /// Both variants must be built beforehand, because swapping the actual
287     /// data requires reading it (with as()), and this is not possible on
288     /// unconstructed variants: it would require some dynamic testing, which
289     /// should not be the variant's responsibility.
290     /// Swapping between built and (possibly) non-built is done with
291     /// self_type::move ().
292     template <typename T>
293     void
swap(self_type & that)294     swap (self_type& that) YY_NOEXCEPT
295     {
296       YYASSERT (yytypeid_);
297       YYASSERT (*yytypeid_ == *that.yytypeid_);
298       std::swap (as<T> (), that.as<T> ());
299     }
301     /// Move the content of \a that to this.
302     ///
303     /// Destroys \a that.
304     template <typename T>
305     void
move(self_type & that)306     move (self_type& that)
307     {
308 # if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
309       emplace<T> (std::move (that.as<T> ()));
310 # else
311       emplace<T> ();
312       swap<T> (that);
313 # endif
314       that.destroy<T> ();
315     }
317 # if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
318     /// Move the content of \a that to this.
319     template <typename T>
320     void
move(self_type && that)321     move (self_type&& that)
322     {
323       emplace<T> (std::move (that.as<T> ()));
324       that.destroy<T> ();
325     }
326 #endif
328     /// Copy the content of \a that to this.
329     template <typename T>
330     void
copy(const self_type & that)331     copy (const self_type& that)
332     {
333       emplace<T> (that.as<T> ());
334     }
336     /// Destroy the stored \a T.
337     template <typename T>
338     void
destroy()339     destroy ()
340     {
341       as<T> ().~T ();
342       yytypeid_ = YY_NULLPTR;
343     }
345   private:
346     /// Prohibit blind copies.
347     self_type& operator= (const self_type&);
348     semantic_type (const self_type&);
350     /// Accessor to raw memory as \a T.
351     template <typename T>
352     T*
yyas_()353     yyas_ () YY_NOEXCEPT
354     {
355       void *yyp = yybuffer_.yyraw;
356       return static_cast<T*> (yyp);
357      }
359     /// Const accessor to raw memory as \a T.
360     template <typename T>
361     const T*
yyas_() const362     yyas_ () const YY_NOEXCEPT
363     {
364       const void *yyp = yybuffer_.yyraw;
365       return static_cast<const T*> (yyp);
366      }
368     /// An auxiliary type to compute the largest semantic type.
369     union union_type
370     {
371       // prior_distribution
372       // prior_pdf
373       char dummy1[sizeof (PriorDistributions)];
375       // change_type_arg
376       char dummy2[sizeof (SymbolType)];
378       // expression
379       // expression_or_empty
380       // equation
381       // hand_side
382       char dummy3[sizeof (expr_t)];
384       // calibration_range
385       char dummy4[sizeof (pair<expr_t,expr_t>)];
387       // named_var_elem
388       // subsamples_eq_opt
389       // integer_range_w_inf
390       char dummy5[sizeof (pair<string,string>)];
392       // FALSE
393       // FLOAT_NUMBER
394       // DATES
395       // INT_NUMBER
396       // NAME
397       // QUOTED_STRING
398       // TEX_NAME
399       // TRUE
400       // ALPHA
401       // BETA
402       // ABAND
403       // NINV
404       // CMS
405       // NCMS
406       // CNUM
407       // GAMMA
408       // INV_GAMMA
409       // INV_GAMMA1
410       // INV_GAMMA2
411       // NORMAL
412       // UNIFORM
413       // EPS
414       // PDF
415       // FIG
416       // DR
417       // NONE
418       // PRIOR
419       // PRIOR_VARIANCE
420       // HESSIAN
421       // IDENTITY_MATRIX
422       // DIRICHLET
423       // DIAGONAL
424       // OPTIMAL
425       // signed_integer
426       // non_negative_number
427       // signed_number
428       // signed_inf
429       // signed_number_w_inf
430       // boolean
431       // date_str
432       // date_expr
433       // list_sub_sampling_option
434       // sub_sampling_options
435       // filename
436       // namespace_qualified_symbol
437       // namespace_qualified_filename
438       // range
439       // integer_range
440       // signed_integer_range
441       // vec_value_1
442       // vec_value
443       // vec_value_list
444       // vec_of_vec_value
445       // vec_value_1_w_inf
446       // vec_value_w_inf
447       // symbol
448       // number
449       char dummy6[sizeof (string)];
451       // prior_eq_opt
452       // options_eq_opt
453       char dummy7[sizeof (tuple<string,string,string,string>)];
455       // vec_int_number
456       // vec_int_elem
457       // vec_int_1
458       // vec_int
459       char dummy8[sizeof (vector<int>)];
461       // named_var_1
462       // named_var
463       char dummy9[sizeof (vector<pair<string,string>>)];
465       // SYMBOL_VEC
466       // change_type_var_list
467       // vec_str_1
468       // vec_str
469       char dummy10[sizeof (vector<string>)];
470     };
472     /// The size of the largest semantic type.
473     enum { size = sizeof (union_type) };
475     /// A buffer to store semantic values.
476     union
477     {
478       /// Strongest alignment constraints.
479       long double yyalign_me;
480       /// A buffer large enough to store any of the semantic values.
481       char yyraw[size];
482     } yybuffer_;
484     /// Whether the content is built: if defined, the name of the stored type.
485     const std::type_info *yytypeid_;
486   };
488 #else
489     typedef YYSTYPE semantic_type;
490 #endif
491     /// Symbol locations.
492     typedef location location_type;
494     /// Syntax errors thrown from user actions.
495     struct syntax_error : std::runtime_error
496     {
syntax_errorDynare::parser::syntax_error497       syntax_error (const location_type& l, const std::string& m)
498         : std::runtime_error (m)
499         , location (l)
500       {}
syntax_errorDynare::parser::syntax_error502       syntax_error (const syntax_error& s)
503         : std::runtime_error (s.what ())
504         , location (s.location)
505       {}
507       ~syntax_error () YY_NOEXCEPT YY_NOTHROW;
509       location_type location;
510     };
512     /// Tokens.
513     struct token
514     {
515       enum yytokentype
516       {
517         AIM_SOLVER = 258,
518         ANALYTIC_DERIVATION = 259,
520         AR = 261,
522         BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL = 263,
523         BAYESIAN_IRF = 264,
524         BETA_PDF = 265,
525         BLOCK = 266,
526         USE_CALIBRATION = 267,
527         SILENT_OPTIMIZER = 268,
528         BVAR_DENSITY = 269,
529         BVAR_FORECAST = 270,
530         NODECOMPOSITION = 271,
531         DR_DISPLAY_TOL = 272,
532         HUGE_NUMBER = 273,
533         FIG_NAME = 274,
534         WRITE_XLS = 275,
535         BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY = 276,
536         BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT = 277,
537         BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA = 278,
538         INTERACTIVE = 279,
539         SCREEN_SHOCKS = 280,
540         STEADYSTATE = 281,
541         BVAR_PRIOR_MU = 282,
542         BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA = 283,
543         BVAR_PRIOR_TAU = 284,
544         BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN = 285,
545         DETAIL_PLOT = 286,
546         TYPE = 287,
547         BVAR_REPLIC = 288,
548         BYTECODE = 289,
549         ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED = 290,
550         PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION = 291,
551         REALTIME = 292,
552         VINTAGE = 293,
553         CALIB_SMOOTHER = 294,
554         CHANGE_TYPE = 295,
555         CHECK = 296,
556         CONDITIONAL_FORECAST = 297,
558         CONF_SIG = 299,
559         CONSTANT = 300,
560         CONTROLLED_VAREXO = 301,
561         CORR = 302,
562         CUTOFF = 303,
563         CYCLE_REDUCTION = 304,
564         LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION = 305,
565         COMMA = 306,
566         CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS = 307,
567         CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED = 308,
569         DATAFILE = 310,
570         FILE = 311,
571         SERIES = 312,
572         DOUBLING = 313,
573         DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL = 314,
576         DR_ALGO = 317,
577         DROP = 318,
578         DSAMPLE = 319,
579         DYNASAVE = 320,
580         DYNATYPE = 321,
581         CALIBRATION = 322,
583         END = 324,
584         ENDVAL = 325,
585         EQUAL = 326,
586         ESTIMATION = 327,
587         ESTIMATED_PARAMS = 328,
588         ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS = 329,
589         ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT = 330,
590         EXTENDED_PATH = 331,
591         ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR = 332,
592         EXPRESSION = 333,
593         FILENAME = 334,
594         DIRNAME = 335,
595         FILTER_STEP_AHEAD = 336,
596         FILTERED_VARS = 337,
597         FIRST_OBS = 338,
598         LAST_OBS = 339,
599         SET_TIME = 340,
600         OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS = 341,
602         FALSE = 343,
603         FLOAT_NUMBER = 344,
604         DATES = 345,
605         DEFAULT = 346,
606         FIXED_POINT = 347,
607         FLIP = 348,
608         OPT_ALGO = 349,
609         COMPILATION_SETUP = 350,
610         COMPILER = 351,
611         ADD_FLAGS = 352,
612         SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS = 353,
613         ADD_LIBS = 354,
614         SUBSTITUTE_LIBS = 355,
615         FORECAST = 356,
616         K_ORDER_SOLVER = 357,
617         INSTRUMENTS = 358,
618         SHIFT = 359,
619         MEAN = 360,
620         STDEV = 361,
621         VARIANCE = 362,
622         MODE = 363,
623         INTERVAL = 364,
624         SHAPE = 365,
625         DOMAINN = 366,
626         GAMMA_PDF = 367,
627         GRAPH = 368,
628         GRAPH_FORMAT = 369,
630         NOCHECK = 371,
631         STD = 372,
632         HISTVAL = 373,
633         HISTVAL_FILE = 374,
634         HOMOTOPY_SETUP = 375,
635         HOMOTOPY_MODE = 376,
636         HOMOTOPY_STEPS = 377,
637         HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE = 378,
638         HP_FILTER = 379,
639         HP_NGRID = 380,
641         HYBRID = 382,
642         ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER = 383,
643         IDENTIFICATION = 384,
644         INF_CONSTANT = 385,
645         INITVAL = 386,
646         INITVAL_FILE = 387,
647         BOUNDS = 388,
648         JSCALE = 389,
649         INIT = 390,
650         INFILE = 391,
651         INVARS = 392,
652         INT_NUMBER = 393,
653         INV_GAMMA_PDF = 394,
654         INV_GAMMA1_PDF = 395,
655         INV_GAMMA2_PDF = 396,
656         IRF = 397,
657         IRF_SHOCKS = 398,
658         IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD = 399,
659         IRF_CALIBRATION = 400,
660         FAST_KALMAN_FILTER = 401,
661         KALMAN_ALGO = 402,
662         KALMAN_TOL = 403,
663         DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL = 404,
664         SUBSAMPLES = 405,
665         OPTIONS = 406,
666         TOLF = 407,
667         TOLX = 408,
668         PLOT_INIT_DATE = 409,
669         PLOT_END_DATE = 410,
670         LAPLACE = 411,
671         LIK_ALGO = 412,
672         LIK_INIT = 413,
673         LINEAR = 414,
674         LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION = 415,
675         LOAD_IDENT_FILES = 416,
676         LOAD_MH_FILE = 417,
677         LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH = 418,
679         LOGLINEAR = 420,
680         LOGDATA = 421,
681         LYAPUNOV = 422,
682         LINEAR_APPROXIMATION = 423,
683         LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL = 424,
684         LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL = 425,
685         LOG_DEFLATOR = 426,
686         LOG_TREND_VAR = 427,
687         LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR = 428,
688         MARKOWITZ = 429,
689         MARGINAL_DENSITY = 430,
690         MAX = 431,
691         MAXIT = 432,
692         MFS = 433,
693         MH_CONF_SIG = 434,
694         MH_DROP = 435,
695         MH_INIT_SCALE = 436,
696         MH_JSCALE = 437,
697         MH_TUNE_JSCALE = 438,
698         MH_MODE = 439,
699         MH_NBLOCKS = 440,
700         MH_REPLIC = 441,
701         MH_RECOVER = 442,
703         MIN = 444,
704         MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS = 445,
705         MODE_CHECK = 446,
708         MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS = 449,
709         MODE_COMPUTE = 450,
710         MODE_FILE = 451,
711         MODEL = 452,
712         MODEL_COMPARISON = 453,
713         MODEL_INFO = 454,
714         MSHOCKS = 455,
715         ABS = 456,
716         SIGN = 457,
717         MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS = 458,
719         MOMENTS_VARENDO = 460,
721         DIFFUSE_FILTER = 462,
722         SUB_DRAWS = 463,
723         TAPER_STEPS = 464,
724         GEWEKE_INTERVAL = 465,
725         RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS = 466,
727         MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE = 468,
728         MOMENT_CALIBRATION = 469,
729         NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES = 470,
730         RESAMPLING = 471,
731         SYSTEMATIC = 472,
732         GENERIC = 473,
733         RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD = 474,
734         RESAMPLING_METHOD = 475,
735         KITAGAWA = 476,
736         STRATIFIED = 477,
737         SMOOTH = 478,
738         CPF_WEIGHTS = 479,
739         AMISANOTRISTANI = 480,
740         MURRAYJONESPARSLOW = 481,
741         WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS = 482,
743         FILTER_ALGORITHM = 484,
745         CUBATURE = 486,
746         UNSCENTED = 487,
747         MONTECARLO = 488,
749         NAME = 490,
751         INIT_STATE = 492,
752         FAST_REALTIME = 493,
754         GENERATE_IRFS = 495,
755         NAN_CONSTANT = 496,
756         NO_STATIC = 497,
757         NOBS = 498,
758         NOCONSTANT = 499,
759         NODISPLAY = 500,
760         NOCORR = 501,
761         NODIAGNOSTIC = 502,
762         NOFUNCTIONS = 503,
763         NO_HOMOTOPY = 504,
764         NOGRAPH = 505,
765         POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH = 506,
766         POSTERIOR_GRAPH = 507,
767         NOMOMENTS = 508,
768         NOPRINT = 509,
769         NORMAL_PDF = 510,
770         SAVE_DRAWS = 511,
771         MODEL_NAME = 512,
772         STDERR_MULTIPLES = 513,
773         DIAGONAL_ONLY = 514,
774         OBSERVATION_TRENDS = 515,
775         OPTIM = 516,
776         OPTIM_WEIGHTS = 517,
777         ORDER = 518,
778         OSR = 519,
779         OSR_PARAMS = 520,
780         MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP = 521,
781         ADVANCED = 522,
782         OUTFILE = 523,
783         OUTVARS = 524,
784         OVERWRITE = 525,
785         DISCOUNT = 526,
786         PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES = 527,
787         PARAMETERS = 528,
788         PARAMETER_SET = 529,
789         PARTIAL_INFORMATION = 530,
790         PERIODS = 531,
791         PERIOD = 532,
792         PLANNER_OBJECTIVE = 533,
794         PLOT_PRIORS = 535,
795         PREFILTER = 536,
796         PRESAMPLE = 537,
797         PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP = 538,
800         FUNCTION = 541,
801         PRINT = 542,
802         PRIOR_MC = 543,
803         PRIOR_TRUNC = 544,
804         PRIOR_MODE = 545,
805         PRIOR_MEAN = 546,
806         POSTERIOR_MODE = 547,
807         POSTERIOR_MEAN = 548,
808         POSTERIOR_MEDIAN = 549,
809         MLE_MODE = 550,
810         PRUNING = 551,
811         QUOTED_STRING = 552,
812         QZ_CRITERIUM = 553,
813         QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD = 554,
814         DSGE_VAR = 555,
815         DSGE_VARLAG = 556,
816         DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT = 557,
817         TRUNCATE = 558,
818         PIPE_E = 559,
819         PIPE_X = 560,
820         PIPE_P = 561,
821         RELATIVE_IRF = 562,
822         REPLIC = 563,
823         SIMUL_REPLIC = 564,
824         RPLOT = 565,
826         PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY = 567,
827         TARGETS = 568,
828         SHOCKS = 569,
829         SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION = 570,
830         SHOCK_GROUPS = 571,
831         USE_SHOCK_GROUPS = 572,
832         SIGMA_E = 573,
833         SIMUL = 574,
834         SIMUL_ALGO = 575,
835         SIMUL_SEED = 576,
837         SMOOTHER = 578,
838         SMOOTHER2HISTVAL = 579,
839         SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER = 580,
840         STACK_SOLVE_ALGO = 581,
841         STEADY_STATE_MODEL = 582,
842         SOLVE_ALGO = 583,
843         SOLVER_PERIODS = 584,
844         ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE = 585,
845         STDERR = 586,
846         STEADY = 587,
847         STOCH_SIMUL = 588,
848         SYLVESTER = 589,
849         SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL = 590,
850         REGIMES = 591,
851         REGIME = 592,
853         CONDITIONAL = 594,
854         UNCONDITIONAL = 595,
855         TEX = 596,
856         RAMSEY_MODEL = 597,
857         RAMSEY_POLICY = 598,
858         RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS = 599,
859         PLANNER_DISCOUNT = 600,
861         DISCRETIONARY_POLICY = 602,
862         DISCRETIONARY_TOL = 603,
864         TEX_NAME = 605,
865         TRUE = 606,
866         UNIFORM_PDF = 607,
867         UNIT_ROOT_VARS = 608,
868         USE_DLL = 609,
869         USEAUTOCORR = 610,
870         GSA_SAMPLE_FILE = 611,
872         VALUES = 613,
873         VAR = 614,
874         VAREXO = 615,
875         VAREXO_DET = 616,
876         VARIABLE = 617,
877         VAROBS = 618,
878         VAREXOBS = 619,
880         VAR_EXPECTATION = 621,
881         VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL = 622,
883         MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE = 624,
884         WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL = 625,
885         WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL = 626,
887         CROSSEQUATIONS = 628,
888         COVARIANCE = 629,
890         XLS_SHEET = 631,
891         XLS_RANGE = 632,
892         LMMCP = 633,
893         OCCBIN = 634,
894         BANDPASS_FILTER = 635,
895         COLORMAP = 636,
896         VAR_MODEL = 637,
897         PAC_MODEL = 638,
898         QOQ = 639,
899         YOY = 640,
900         AOA = 641,
901         PAC_EXPECTATION = 642,
902         TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL = 643,
903         EQUAL_EQUAL = 644,
904         EXCLAMATION_EQUAL = 645,
905         LESS = 646,
906         GREATER = 647,
907         LESS_EQUAL = 648,
908         GREATER_EQUAL = 649,
909         PLUS = 650,
910         MINUS = 651,
911         TIMES = 652,
912         DIVIDE = 653,
913         UNARY = 654,
914         POWER = 655,
915         EXP = 656,
916         LOG = 657,
917         LN = 658,
918         LOG10 = 659,
919         SIN = 660,
920         COS = 661,
921         TAN = 662,
922         ASIN = 663,
923         ACOS = 664,
924         ATAN = 665,
925         ERF = 666,
926         DIFF = 667,
927         ADL = 668,
928         AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME = 669,
929         SQRT = 670,
930         CBRT = 671,
931         NORMCDF = 672,
932         NORMPDF = 673,
933         STEADY_STATE = 674,
934         EXPECTATION = 675,
935         VAR_ESTIMATION = 676,
936         DYNARE_SENSITIVITY = 677,
937         MORRIS = 678,
938         STAB = 679,
939         REDFORM = 680,
940         PPRIOR = 681,
941         PRIOR_RANGE = 682,
942         PPOST = 683,
943         ILPTAU = 684,
944         MORRIS_NLIV = 685,
945         MORRIS_NTRA = 686,
946         NSAM = 687,
947         LOAD_REDFORM = 688,
948         LOAD_RMSE = 689,
949         LOAD_STAB = 690,
950         ALPHA2_STAB = 691,
951         LOGTRANS_REDFORM = 692,
952         THRESHOLD_REDFORM = 693,
953         KSSTAT_REDFORM = 694,
954         ALPHA2_REDFORM = 695,
955         NAMENDO = 696,
956         NAMLAGENDO = 697,
957         NAMEXO = 698,
958         RMSE = 699,
959         LIK_ONLY = 700,
960         VAR_RMSE = 701,
961         PFILT_RMSE = 702,
962         ISTART_RMSE = 703,
963         ALPHA_RMSE = 704,
964         ALPHA2_RMSE = 705,
965         FREQ = 706,
966         INITIAL_YEAR = 707,
967         INITIAL_SUBPERIOD = 708,
968         FINAL_YEAR = 709,
969         FINAL_SUBPERIOD = 710,
970         DATA = 711,
971         VLIST = 712,
972         VLISTLOG = 713,
973         VLISTPER = 714,
974         SPECTRAL_DENSITY = 715,
975         INIT2SHOCKS = 716,
976         RESTRICTION = 717,
977         RESTRICTION_FNAME = 718,
978         CROSS_RESTRICTIONS = 719,
979         NLAGS = 720,
980         CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM = 721,
981         REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST = 722,
982         DUMMY_OBS = 723,
983         NSTATES = 724,
984         INDXSCALESSTATES = 725,
985         NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR = 726,
986         SPECIFICATION = 727,
987         SIMS_ZHA = 728,
988         ALPHA = 729,
989         BETA = 730,
990         ABAND = 731,
991         NINV = 732,
992         CMS = 733,
993         NCMS = 734,
994         CNUM = 735,
995         GAMMA = 736,
996         INV_GAMMA = 737,
997         INV_GAMMA1 = 738,
998         INV_GAMMA2 = 739,
999         NORMAL = 740,
1000         UNIFORM = 741,
1001         EPS = 742,
1002         PDF = 743,
1003         FIG = 744,
1004         DR = 745,
1005         NONE = 746,
1006         PRIOR = 747,
1007         PRIOR_VARIANCE = 748,
1008         HESSIAN = 749,
1009         IDENTITY_MATRIX = 750,
1010         DIRICHLET = 751,
1011         DIAGONAL = 752,
1012         OPTIMAL = 753,
1013         GSIG2_LMDM = 754,
1014         Q_DIAG = 755,
1015         FLAT_PRIOR = 756,
1016         NCSK = 757,
1017         NSTD = 758,
1018         WEIBULL = 759,
1019         WEIBULL_PDF = 760,
1020         INDXPARR = 761,
1021         INDXOVR = 762,
1022         INDXAP = 763,
1023         APBAND = 764,
1024         INDXIMF = 765,
1025         INDXFORE = 766,
1026         FOREBAND = 767,
1027         INDXGFOREHAT = 768,
1028         INDXGIMFHAT = 769,
1029         INDXESTIMA = 770,
1030         INDXGDLS = 771,
1031         EQ_MS = 772,
1032         FILTER_COVARIANCE = 773,
1033         FILTER_DECOMPOSITION = 774,
1035         EQ_CMS = 776,
1036         TLINDX = 777,
1037         TLNUMBER = 778,
1038         RESTRICTIONS = 779,
1040         OUTPUT_FILE_TAG = 781,
1041         HORIZON = 782,
1042         SBVAR = 783,
1043         TREND_VAR = 784,
1044         DEFLATOR = 785,
1045         GROWTH_FACTOR = 786,
1046         MS_IRF = 787,
1048         GROWTH = 789,
1049         MS_ESTIMATION = 790,
1050         MS_SIMULATION = 791,
1051         MS_COMPUTE_MDD = 792,
1052         MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES = 793,
1053         MS_FORECAST = 794,
1054         SVAR_IDENTIFICATION = 795,
1055         EQUATION = 796,
1056         EXCLUSION = 797,
1057         LAG = 798,
1058         UPPER_CHOLESKY = 799,
1059         LOWER_CHOLESKY = 800,
1060         MONTHLY = 801,
1061         QUARTERLY = 802,
1062         MARKOV_SWITCHING = 803,
1063         CHAIN = 804,
1064         DURATION = 805,
1065         NUMBER_OF_REGIMES = 806,
1066         NUMBER_OF_LAGS = 807,
1067         EPILOGUE = 808,
1068         SVAR = 809,
1070         COEFF = 811,
1071         COEFFICIENTS = 812,
1072         VARIANCES = 813,
1073         CONSTANTS = 814,
1074         EQUATIONS = 815,
1075         EXTERNAL_FUNCTION = 816,
1076         EXT_FUNC_NAME = 817,
1077         EXT_FUNC_NARGS = 818,
1078         FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED = 819,
1079         SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED = 820,
1080         SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY = 821,
1081         COVA_COMPUTE = 822,
1082         SIMULATION_FILE_TAG = 823,
1083         FILE_TAG = 824,
1084         NO_ERROR_BANDS = 825,
1085         ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES = 826,
1086         SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER = 827,
1087         NO_CREATE_INIT = 828,
1088         SHOCK_DRAWS = 829,
1089         FREE_PARAMETERS = 830,
1090         MEDIAN = 831,
1091         DATA_OBS_NBR = 832,
1092         NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH = 833,
1093         PVALUE_KS = 834,
1094         PVALUE_CORR = 835,
1095         FILTERED_PROBABILITIES = 836,
1096         REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED = 837,
1097         PRIOR_FUNCTION = 838,
1098         POSTERIOR_FUNCTION = 839,
1099         SAMPLING_DRAWS = 840,
1100         PROPOSAL_TYPE = 841,
1101         PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND = 842,
1102         PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND = 843,
1103         PROPOSAL_DRAWS = 844,
1104         USE_MEAN_CENTER = 845,
1105         ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS = 846,
1106         THINNING_FACTOR = 847,
1108         SMM_ESTIMATION = 849,
1109         GMM_ESTIMATION = 850,
1111         CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE = 852,
1115         MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS = 856,
1118         SAVE_REALTIME = 859,
1123         MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES = 864,
1126         CENTERED_MOMENTS = 867,
1127         AUTOLAG = 868,
1129         BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG = 870,
1130         WEIGHTING_MATRIX = 871,
1131         PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR = 872,
1132         VERBOSE = 873,
1133         SIMULATION_MULTIPLE = 874,
1134         SEED = 875,
1135         BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT = 876,
1136         EQTAGS = 877,
1137         STEADY_STATE_GROWTH = 878,
1138         ANALYTICAL_GIRF = 879,
1139         IRF_IN_PERCENT = 880,
1140         EMAS_GIRF = 881,
1141         EMAS_DROP = 882,
1142         EMAS_TOLF = 883,
1143         EMAS_MAX_ITER = 884,
1149         NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS = 890,
1150         GRID_NBR = 891,
1151         TOL_RANK = 892,
1152         TOL_DERIV = 893,
1153         TOL_SV = 894,
1154         CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS = 895,
1155         MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS = 896,
1156         MAX_NROWS = 897,
1158         WITH_EPILOGUE = 899,
1159         SYMBOL_VEC = 900
1160       };
1161     };
1163     /// (External) token type, as returned by yylex.
1164     typedef token::yytokentype token_type;
1166     /// Symbol type: an internal symbol number.
1167     typedef int symbol_number_type;
1169     /// The symbol type number to denote an empty symbol.
1170     enum { empty_symbol = -2 };
1172     /// Internal symbol number for tokens (subsumed by symbol_number_type).
1173     typedef unsigned short token_number_type;
1175     /// A complete symbol.
1176     ///
1177     /// Expects its Base type to provide access to the symbol type
1178     /// via type_get ().
1179     ///
1180     /// Provide access to semantic value and location.
1181     template <typename Base>
1182     struct basic_symbol : Base
1183     {
1184       /// Alias to Base.
1185       typedef Base super_type;
1187       /// Default constructor.
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1188       basic_symbol ()
1189         : value ()
1190         , location ()
1191       {}
1193 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1194       /// Move constructor.
1195       basic_symbol (basic_symbol&& that);
1196 #endif
1198       /// Copy constructor.
1199       basic_symbol (const basic_symbol& that);
1201       /// Constructor for valueless symbols, and symbols from each type.
1202 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1203       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, location_type&& l)
1204         : Base (t)
1205         , location (std::move (l))
1206       {}
1207 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1208       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const location_type& l)
1209         : Base (t)
1210         , location (l)
1211       {}
1212 #endif
1213 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1214       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, PriorDistributions&& v, location_type&& l)
1215         : Base (t)
1216         , value (std::move (v))
1217         , location (std::move (l))
1218       {}
1219 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1220       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const PriorDistributions& v, const location_type& l)
1221         : Base (t)
1222         , value (v)
1223         , location (l)
1224       {}
1225 #endif
1226 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1227       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, SymbolType&& v, location_type&& l)
1228         : Base (t)
1229         , value (std::move (v))
1230         , location (std::move (l))
1231       {}
1232 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1233       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const SymbolType& v, const location_type& l)
1234         : Base (t)
1235         , value (v)
1236         , location (l)
1237       {}
1238 #endif
1239 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1240       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, expr_t&& v, location_type&& l)
1241         : Base (t)
1242         , value (std::move (v))
1243         , location (std::move (l))
1244       {}
1245 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1246       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const expr_t& v, const location_type& l)
1247         : Base (t)
1248         , value (v)
1249         , location (l)
1250       {}
1251 #endif
1252 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1253       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, pair<expr_t,expr_t>&& v, location_type&& l)
1254         : Base (t)
1255         , value (std::move (v))
1256         , location (std::move (l))
1257       {}
1258 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1259       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const pair<expr_t,expr_t>& v, const location_type& l)
1260         : Base (t)
1261         , value (v)
1262         , location (l)
1263       {}
1264 #endif
1265 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1266       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, pair<string,string>&& v, location_type&& l)
1267         : Base (t)
1268         , value (std::move (v))
1269         , location (std::move (l))
1270       {}
1271 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1272       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const pair<string,string>& v, const location_type& l)
1273         : Base (t)
1274         , value (v)
1275         , location (l)
1276       {}
1277 #endif
1278 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1279       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, string&& v, location_type&& l)
1280         : Base (t)
1281         , value (std::move (v))
1282         , location (std::move (l))
1283       {}
1284 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1285       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const string& v, const location_type& l)
1286         : Base (t)
1287         , value (v)
1288         , location (l)
1289       {}
1290 #endif
1291 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1292       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, tuple<string,string,string,string>&& v, location_type&& l)
1293         : Base (t)
1294         , value (std::move (v))
1295         , location (std::move (l))
1296       {}
1297 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1298       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const tuple<string,string,string,string>& v, const location_type& l)
1299         : Base (t)
1300         , value (v)
1301         , location (l)
1302       {}
1303 #endif
1304 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1305       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, vector<int>&& v, location_type&& l)
1306         : Base (t)
1307         , value (std::move (v))
1308         , location (std::move (l))
1309       {}
1310 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1311       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const vector<int>& v, const location_type& l)
1312         : Base (t)
1313         , value (v)
1314         , location (l)
1315       {}
1316 #endif
1317 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1318       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, vector<pair<string,string>>&& v, location_type&& l)
1319         : Base (t)
1320         , value (std::move (v))
1321         , location (std::move (l))
1322       {}
1323 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1324       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const vector<pair<string,string>>& v, const location_type& l)
1325         : Base (t)
1326         , value (v)
1327         , location (l)
1328       {}
1329 #endif
1330 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1331       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, vector<string>&& v, location_type&& l)
1332         : Base (t)
1333         , value (std::move (v))
1334         , location (std::move (l))
1335       {}
1336 #else
basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1337       basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const vector<string>& v, const location_type& l)
1338         : Base (t)
1339         , value (v)
1340         , location (l)
1341       {}
1342 #endif
1344       /// Destroy the symbol.
~basic_symbolDynare::parser::basic_symbol1345       ~basic_symbol ()
1346       {
1347         clear ();
1348       }
1350       /// Destroy contents, and record that is empty.
clearDynare::parser::basic_symbol1351       void clear ()
1352       {
1353         // User destructor.
1354         symbol_number_type yytype = this->type_get ();
1355         basic_symbol<Base>& yysym = *this;
1356         (void) yysym;
1357         switch (yytype)
1358         {
1359        default:
1360           break;
1361         }
1363         // Type destructor.
1364 switch (yytype)
1365     {
1366       case 840: // prior_distribution
1367       case 841: // prior_pdf
1368         value.template destroy< PriorDistributions > ();
1369         break;
1371       case 714: // change_type_arg
1372         value.template destroy< SymbolType > ();
1373         break;
1375       case 718: // expression
1376       case 721: // expression_or_empty
1377       case 745: // equation
1378       case 748: // hand_side
1379         value.template destroy< expr_t > ();
1380         break;
1382       case 1006: // calibration_range
1383         value.template destroy< pair<expr_t,expr_t> > ();
1384         break;
1386       case 704: // named_var_elem
1387       case 850: // subsamples_eq_opt
1388       case 1471: // integer_range_w_inf
1389         value.template destroy< pair<string,string> > ();
1390         break;
1392       case 88: // FALSE
1393       case 89: // FLOAT_NUMBER
1394       case 90: // DATES
1395       case 138: // INT_NUMBER
1396       case 235: // NAME
1397       case 297: // QUOTED_STRING
1398       case 350: // TEX_NAME
1399       case 351: // TRUE
1400       case 474: // ALPHA
1401       case 475: // BETA
1402       case 476: // ABAND
1403       case 477: // NINV
1404       case 478: // CMS
1405       case 479: // NCMS
1406       case 480: // CNUM
1407       case 481: // GAMMA
1408       case 482: // INV_GAMMA
1409       case 483: // INV_GAMMA1
1410       case 484: // INV_GAMMA2
1411       case 485: // NORMAL
1412       case 486: // UNIFORM
1413       case 487: // EPS
1414       case 488: // PDF
1415       case 489: // FIG
1416       case 490: // DR
1417       case 491: // NONE
1418       case 492: // PRIOR
1419       case 493: // PRIOR_VARIANCE
1420       case 494: // HESSIAN
1421       case 495: // IDENTITY_MATRIX
1422       case 496: // DIRICHLET
1423       case 497: // DIAGONAL
1424       case 498: // OPTIMAL
1425       case 819: // signed_integer
1426       case 820: // non_negative_number
1427       case 821: // signed_number
1428       case 822: // signed_inf
1429       case 823: // signed_number_w_inf
1430       case 824: // boolean
1431       case 842: // date_str
1432       case 843: // date_expr
1433       case 876: // list_sub_sampling_option
1434       case 877: // sub_sampling_options
1435       case 904: // filename
1436       case 905: // namespace_qualified_symbol
1437       case 906: // namespace_qualified_filename
1438       case 1469: // range
1439       case 1470: // integer_range
1440       case 1472: // signed_integer_range
1441       case 1479: // vec_value_1
1442       case 1480: // vec_value
1443       case 1481: // vec_value_list
1444       case 1482: // vec_of_vec_value
1445       case 1483: // vec_value_1_w_inf
1446       case 1484: // vec_value_w_inf
1447       case 1485: // symbol
1448       case 1486: // number
1449         value.template destroy< string > ();
1450         break;
1452       case 865: // prior_eq_opt
1453       case 870: // options_eq_opt
1454         value.template destroy< tuple<string,string,string,string> > ();
1455         break;
1457       case 1473: // vec_int_number
1458       case 1474: // vec_int_elem
1459       case 1475: // vec_int_1
1460       case 1476: // vec_int
1461         value.template destroy< vector<int> > ();
1462         break;
1464       case 705: // named_var_1
1465       case 706: // named_var
1466         value.template destroy< vector<pair<string,string>> > ();
1467         break;
1469       case 645: // SYMBOL_VEC
1470       case 715: // change_type_var_list
1471       case 1477: // vec_str_1
1472       case 1478: // vec_str
1473         value.template destroy< vector<string> > ();
1474         break;
1476       default:
1477         break;
1478     }
1480         Base::clear ();
1481       }
1483       /// Whether empty.
1484       bool empty () const YY_NOEXCEPT;
1486       /// Destructive move, \a s is emptied into this.
1487       void move (basic_symbol& s);
1489       /// The semantic value.
1490       semantic_type value;
1492       /// The location.
1493       location_type location;
1495     private:
1496 #if YY_CPLUSPLUS < 201103L
1497       /// Assignment operator.
1498       basic_symbol& operator= (const basic_symbol& that);
1499 #endif
1500     };
1502     /// Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols.
1503     struct by_type
1504     {
1505       /// Default constructor.
1506       by_type ();
1508 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1509       /// Move constructor.
1510       by_type (by_type&& that);
1511 #endif
1513       /// Copy constructor.
1514       by_type (const by_type& that);
1516       /// The symbol type as needed by the constructor.
1517       typedef token_type kind_type;
1519       /// Constructor from (external) token numbers.
1520       by_type (kind_type t);
1522       /// Record that this symbol is empty.
1523       void clear ();
1525       /// Steal the symbol type from \a that.
1526       void move (by_type& that);
1528       /// The (internal) type number (corresponding to \a type).
1529       /// \a empty when empty.
1530       symbol_number_type type_get () const YY_NOEXCEPT;
1532       /// The token.
1533       token_type token () const YY_NOEXCEPT;
1535       /// The symbol type.
1536       /// \a empty_symbol when empty.
1537       /// An int, not token_number_type, to be able to store empty_symbol.
1538       int type;
1539     };
1541     /// "External" symbols: returned by the scanner.
1542     struct symbol_type : basic_symbol<by_type>
1543     {
1544       /// Superclass.
1545       typedef basic_symbol<by_type> super_type;
1547       /// Empty symbol.
symbol_typeDynare::parser::symbol_type1548       symbol_type () {}
1550       /// Constructor for valueless symbols, and symbols from each type.
1551 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
symbol_typeDynare::parser::symbol_type1552       symbol_type (int tok, location_type l)
1553         : super_type(token_type (tok), std::move (l))
1554       {
1555         YYASSERT (tok == 0 || tok == token::AIM_SOLVER || tok == token::ANALYTIC_DERIVATION || tok == token::ANALYTIC_DERIVATION_MODE || tok == token::AR || tok == token::POSTERIOR_SAMPLING_METHOD || tok == token::BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL || tok == token::BAYESIAN_IRF || tok == token::BETA_PDF || tok == token::BLOCK || tok == token::USE_CALIBRATION || tok == token::SILENT_OPTIMIZER || tok == token::BVAR_DENSITY || tok == token::BVAR_FORECAST || tok == token::NODECOMPOSITION || tok == token::DR_DISPLAY_TOL || tok == token::HUGE_NUMBER || tok == token::FIG_NAME || tok == token::WRITE_XLS || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA || tok == token::INTERACTIVE || tok == token::SCREEN_SHOCKS || tok == token::STEADYSTATE || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_MU || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_TAU || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN || tok == token::DETAIL_PLOT || tok == token::TYPE || tok == token::BVAR_REPLIC || tok == token::BYTECODE || tok == token::ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED || tok == token::PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION || tok == token::REALTIME || tok == token::VINTAGE || tok == token::CALIB_SMOOTHER || tok == token::CHANGE_TYPE || tok == token::CHECK || tok == token::CONDITIONAL_FORECAST || tok == token::CONDITIONAL_FORECAST_PATHS || tok == token::CONF_SIG || tok == token::CONSTANT || tok == token::CONTROLLED_VAREXO || tok == token::CORR || tok == token::CUTOFF || tok == token::CYCLE_REDUCTION || tok == token::LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION || tok == token::COMMA || tok == token::CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS || tok == token::CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED || tok == token::INITIAL_CONDITION_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::DATAFILE || tok == token::FILE || tok == token::SERIES || tok == token::DOUBLING || tok == token::DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL || tok == token::DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_TOL || tok == token::DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_MAXITER || tok == token::DR_ALGO || tok == token::DROP || tok == token::DSAMPLE || tok == token::DYNASAVE || tok == token::DYNATYPE || tok == token::CALIBRATION || tok == token::DIFFERENTIATE_FORWARD_VARS || tok == token::END || tok == token::ENDVAL || tok == token::EQUAL || tok == token::ESTIMATION || tok == token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS || tok == token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS || tok == token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT || tok == token::EXTENDED_PATH || tok == token::ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR || tok == token::EXPRESSION || tok == token::FILENAME || tok == token::DIRNAME || tok == token::FILTER_STEP_AHEAD || tok == token::FILTERED_VARS || tok == token::FIRST_OBS || tok == token::LAST_OBS || tok == token::SET_TIME || tok == token::OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS || tok == token::KEEP_KALMAN_ALGO_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED || tok == token::DEFAULT || tok == token::FIXED_POINT || tok == token::FLIP || tok == token::OPT_ALGO || tok == token::COMPILATION_SETUP || tok == token::COMPILER || tok == token::ADD_FLAGS || tok == token::SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS || tok == token::ADD_LIBS || tok == token::SUBSTITUTE_LIBS || tok == token::FORECAST || tok == token::K_ORDER_SOLVER || tok == token::INSTRUMENTS || tok == token::SHIFT || tok == token::MEAN || tok == token::STDEV || tok == token::VARIANCE || tok == token::MODE || tok == token::INTERVAL || tok == token::SHAPE || tok == token::DOMAINN || tok == token::GAMMA_PDF || tok == token::GRAPH || tok == token::GRAPH_FORMAT || tok == token::CONDITIONAL_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::NOCHECK || tok == token::STD || tok == token::HISTVAL || tok == token::HISTVAL_FILE || tok == token::HOMOTOPY_SETUP || tok == token::HOMOTOPY_MODE || tok == token::HOMOTOPY_STEPS || tok == token::HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE || tok == token::HP_FILTER || tok == token::HP_NGRID || tok == token::FILTERED_THEORETICAL_MOMENTS_GRID || tok == token::HYBRID || tok == token::ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER || tok == token::IDENTIFICATION || tok == token::INF_CONSTANT || tok == token::INITVAL || tok == token::INITVAL_FILE || tok == token::BOUNDS || tok == token::JSCALE || tok == token::INIT || tok == token::INFILE || tok == token::INVARS || tok == token::INV_GAMMA_PDF || tok == token::INV_GAMMA1_PDF || tok == token::INV_GAMMA2_PDF || tok == token::IRF || tok == token::IRF_SHOCKS || tok == token::IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD || tok == token::IRF_CALIBRATION || tok == token::FAST_KALMAN_FILTER || tok == token::KALMAN_ALGO || tok == token::KALMAN_TOL || tok == token::DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL || tok == token::SUBSAMPLES || tok == token::OPTIONS || tok == token::TOLF || tok == token::TOLX || tok == token::PLOT_INIT_DATE || tok == token::PLOT_END_DATE || tok == token::LAPLACE || tok == token::LIK_ALGO || tok == token::LIK_INIT || tok == token::LINEAR || tok == token::LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::LOAD_IDENT_FILES || tok == token::LOAD_MH_FILE || tok == token::LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH || tok == token::LOAD_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE || tok == token::LOGLINEAR || tok == token::LOGDATA || tok == token::LYAPUNOV || tok == token::LINEAR_APPROXIMATION || tok == token::LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL || tok == token::LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL || tok == token::LOG_DEFLATOR || tok == token::LOG_TREND_VAR || tok == token::LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR || tok == token::MARKOWITZ || tok == token::MARGINAL_DENSITY || tok == token::MAX || tok == token::MAXIT || tok == token::MFS || tok == token::MH_CONF_SIG || tok == token::MH_DROP || tok == token::MH_INIT_SCALE || tok == token::MH_JSCALE || tok == token::MH_TUNE_JSCALE || tok == token::MH_MODE || tok == token::MH_NBLOCKS || tok == token::MH_REPLIC || tok == token::MH_RECOVER || tok == token::POSTERIOR_MAX_SUBSAMPLE_DRAWS || tok == token::MIN || tok == token::MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS || tok == token::MODE_CHECK || tok == token::MODE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE || tok == token::MODE_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_PLOTS || tok == token::MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS || tok == token::MODE_COMPUTE || tok == token::MODE_FILE || tok == token::MODEL || tok == token::MODEL_COMPARISON || tok == token::MODEL_INFO || tok == token::MSHOCKS || tok == token::ABS || tok == token::SIGN || tok == token::MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS || tok == token::MODIFIEDHARMONICMEAN || tok == token::MOMENTS_VARENDO || tok == token::CONTEMPORANEOUS_CORRELATION || tok == token::DIFFUSE_FILTER || tok == token::SUB_DRAWS || tok == token::TAPER_STEPS || tok == token::GEWEKE_INTERVAL || tok == token::RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS || tok == token::RAFTERY_LEWIS_DIAGNOSTICS || tok == token::MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE || tok == token::MOMENT_CALIBRATION || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES || tok == token::RESAMPLING || tok == token::SYSTEMATIC || tok == token::GENERIC || tok == token::RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD || tok == token::RESAMPLING_METHOD || tok == token::KITAGAWA || tok == token::STRATIFIED || tok == token::SMOOTH || tok == token::CPF_WEIGHTS || tok == token::AMISANOTRISTANI || tok == token::MURRAYJONESPARSLOW || tok == token::WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS || tok == token::NONLINEAR_FILTER_INITIALIZATION || tok == token::FILTER_ALGORITHM || tok == token::PROPOSAL_APPROXIMATION || tok == token::CUBATURE || tok == token::UNSCENTED || tok == token::MONTECARLO || tok == token::DISTRIBUTION_APPROXIMATION || tok == token::USE_PENALIZED_OBJECTIVE_FOR_HESSIAN || tok == token::INIT_STATE || tok == token::FAST_REALTIME || tok == token::RESCALE_PREDICTION_ERROR_COVARIANCE || tok == token::GENERATE_IRFS || tok == token::NAN_CONSTANT || tok == token::NO_STATIC || tok == token::NOBS || tok == token::NOCONSTANT || tok == token::NODISPLAY || tok == token::NOCORR || tok == token::NODIAGNOSTIC || tok == token::NOFUNCTIONS || tok == token::NO_HOMOTOPY || tok == token::NOGRAPH || tok == token::POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH || tok == token::POSTERIOR_GRAPH || tok == token::NOMOMENTS || tok == token::NOPRINT || tok == token::NORMAL_PDF || tok == token::SAVE_DRAWS || tok == token::MODEL_NAME || tok == token::STDERR_MULTIPLES || tok == token::DIAGONAL_ONLY || tok == token::OBSERVATION_TRENDS || tok == token::OPTIM || tok == token::OPTIM_WEIGHTS || tok == token::ORDER || tok == token::OSR || tok == token::OSR_PARAMS || tok == token::MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP || tok == token::ADVANCED || tok == token::OUTFILE || tok == token::OUTVARS || tok == token::OVERWRITE || tok == token::DISCOUNT || tok == token::PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES || tok == token::PARAMETERS || tok == token::PARAMETER_SET || tok == token::PARTIAL_INFORMATION || tok == token::PERIODS || tok == token::PERIOD || tok == token::PLANNER_OBJECTIVE || tok == token::PLOT_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST || tok == token::PLOT_PRIORS || tok == token::PREFILTER || tok == token::PRESAMPLE || tok == token::PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP || tok == token::PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SOLVER || tok == token::NO_POSTERIOR_KERNEL_DENSITY || tok == token::FUNCTION || tok == token::PRINT || tok == token::PRIOR_MC || tok == token::PRIOR_TRUNC || tok == token::PRIOR_MODE || tok == token::PRIOR_MEAN || tok == token::POSTERIOR_MODE || tok == token::POSTERIOR_MEAN || tok == token::POSTERIOR_MEDIAN || tok == token::MLE_MODE || tok == token::PRUNING || tok == token::QZ_CRITERIUM || tok == token::QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD || tok == token::DSGE_VAR || tok == token::DSGE_VARLAG || tok == token::DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT || tok == token::TRUNCATE || tok == token::PIPE_E || tok == token::PIPE_X || tok == token::PIPE_P || tok == token::RELATIVE_IRF || tok == token::REPLIC || tok == token::SIMUL_REPLIC || tok == token::RPLOT || tok == token::SAVE_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE || tok == token::PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY || tok == token::TARGETS || tok == token::SHOCKS || tok == token::SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::SHOCK_GROUPS || tok == token::USE_SHOCK_GROUPS || tok == token::SIGMA_E || tok == token::SIMUL || tok == token::SIMUL_ALGO || tok == token::SIMUL_SEED || tok == token::ENDOGENOUS_TERMINAL_PERIOD || tok == token::SMOOTHER || tok == token::SMOOTHER2HISTVAL || tok == token::SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER || tok == token::STACK_SOLVE_ALGO || tok == token::STEADY_STATE_MODEL || tok == token::SOLVE_ALGO || tok == token::SOLVER_PERIODS || tok == token::ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE || tok == token::STDERR || tok == token::STEADY || tok == token::STOCH_SIMUL || tok == token::SYLVESTER || tok == token::SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL || tok == token::REGIMES || tok == token::REGIME || tok == token::REALTIME_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::CONDITIONAL || tok == token::UNCONDITIONAL || tok == token::TEX || tok == token::RAMSEY_MODEL || tok == token::RAMSEY_POLICY || tok == token::RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS || tok == token::PLANNER_DISCOUNT || tok == token::PLANNER_DISCOUNT_LATEX_NAME || tok == token::DISCRETIONARY_POLICY || tok == token::DISCRETIONARY_TOL || tok == token::EVALUATE_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE || tok == token::UNIFORM_PDF || tok == token::UNIT_ROOT_VARS || tok == token::USE_DLL || tok == token::USEAUTOCORR || tok == token::GSA_SAMPLE_FILE || tok == token::USE_UNIVARIATE_FILTERS_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED || tok == token::VALUES || tok == token::VAR || tok == token::VAREXO || tok == token::VAREXO_DET || tok == token::VARIABLE || tok == token::VAROBS || tok == token::VAREXOBS || tok == token::PREDETERMINED_VARIABLES || tok == token::VAR_EXPECTATION || tok == token::VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL || tok == token::PLOT_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE || tok == token::WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL || tok == token::WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL || tok == token::WRITE_LATEX_ORIGINAL_MODEL || tok == token::CROSSEQUATIONS || tok == token::COVARIANCE || tok == token::WRITE_LATEX_STEADY_STATE_MODEL || tok == token::XLS_SHEET || tok == token::XLS_RANGE || tok == token::LMMCP || tok == token::OCCBIN || tok == token::BANDPASS_FILTER || tok == token::COLORMAP || tok == token::VAR_MODEL || tok == token::PAC_MODEL || tok == token::QOQ || tok == token::YOY || tok == token::AOA || tok == token::PAC_EXPECTATION || tok == token::TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL || tok == token::EQUAL_EQUAL || tok == token::EXCLAMATION_EQUAL || tok == token::LESS || tok == token::GREATER || tok == token::LESS_EQUAL || tok == token::GREATER_EQUAL || tok == token::PLUS || tok == token::MINUS || tok == token::TIMES || tok == token::DIVIDE || tok == token::UNARY || tok == token::POWER || tok == token::EXP || tok == token::LOG || tok == token::LN || tok == token::LOG10 || tok == token::SIN || tok == token::COS || tok == token::TAN || tok == token::ASIN || tok == token::ACOS || tok == token::ATAN || tok == token::ERF || tok == token::DIFF || tok == token::ADL || tok == token::AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME || tok == token::SQRT || tok == token::CBRT || tok == token::NORMCDF || tok == token::NORMPDF || tok == token::STEADY_STATE || tok == token::EXPECTATION || tok == token::VAR_ESTIMATION || tok == token::DYNARE_SENSITIVITY || tok == token::MORRIS || tok == token::STAB || tok == token::REDFORM || tok == token::PPRIOR || tok == token::PRIOR_RANGE || tok == token::PPOST || tok == token::ILPTAU || tok == token::MORRIS_NLIV || tok == token::MORRIS_NTRA || tok == token::NSAM || tok == token::LOAD_REDFORM || tok == token::LOAD_RMSE || tok == token::LOAD_STAB || tok == token::ALPHA2_STAB || tok == token::LOGTRANS_REDFORM || tok == token::THRESHOLD_REDFORM || tok == token::KSSTAT_REDFORM || tok == token::ALPHA2_REDFORM || tok == token::NAMENDO || tok == token::NAMLAGENDO || tok == token::NAMEXO || tok == token::RMSE || tok == token::LIK_ONLY || tok == token::VAR_RMSE || tok == token::PFILT_RMSE || tok == token::ISTART_RMSE || tok == token::ALPHA_RMSE || tok == token::ALPHA2_RMSE || tok == token::FREQ || tok == token::INITIAL_YEAR || tok == token::INITIAL_SUBPERIOD || tok == token::FINAL_YEAR || tok == token::FINAL_SUBPERIOD || tok == token::DATA || tok == token::VLIST || tok == token::VLISTLOG || tok == token::VLISTPER || tok == token::SPECTRAL_DENSITY || tok == token::INIT2SHOCKS || tok == token::RESTRICTION || tok == token::RESTRICTION_FNAME || tok == token::CROSS_RESTRICTIONS || tok == token::NLAGS || tok == token::CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM || tok == token::REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST || tok == token::DUMMY_OBS || tok == token::NSTATES || tok == token::INDXSCALESSTATES || tok == token::NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR || tok == token::SPECIFICATION || tok == token::SIMS_ZHA || tok == token::GSIG2_LMDM || tok == token::Q_DIAG || tok == token::FLAT_PRIOR || tok == token::NCSK || tok == token::NSTD || tok == token::WEIBULL || tok == token::WEIBULL_PDF || tok == token::INDXPARR || tok == token::INDXOVR || tok == token::INDXAP || tok == token::APBAND || tok == token::INDXIMF || tok == token::INDXFORE || tok == token::FOREBAND || tok == token::INDXGFOREHAT || tok == token::INDXGIMFHAT || tok == token::INDXESTIMA || tok == token::INDXGDLS || tok == token::EQ_MS || tok == token::FILTER_COVARIANCE || tok == token::FILTER_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::SMOOTHED_STATE_UNCERTAINTY || tok == token::EQ_CMS || tok == token::TLINDX || tok == token::TLNUMBER || tok == token::RESTRICTIONS || tok == token::POSTERIOR_SAMPLER_OPTIONS || tok == token::OUTPUT_FILE_TAG || tok == token::HORIZON || tok == token::SBVAR || tok == token::TREND_VAR || tok == token::DEFLATOR || tok == token::GROWTH_FACTOR || tok == token::MS_IRF || tok == token::MS_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::GROWTH || tok == token::MS_ESTIMATION || tok == token::MS_SIMULATION || tok == token::MS_COMPUTE_MDD || tok == token::MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES || tok == token::MS_FORECAST || tok == token::SVAR_IDENTIFICATION || tok == token::EQUATION || tok == token::EXCLUSION || tok == token::LAG || tok == token::UPPER_CHOLESKY || tok == token::LOWER_CHOLESKY || tok == token::MONTHLY || tok == token::QUARTERLY || tok == token::MARKOV_SWITCHING || tok == token::CHAIN || tok == token::DURATION || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_REGIMES || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_LAGS || tok == token::EPILOGUE || tok == token::SVAR || tok == token::SVAR_GLOBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CHECK || tok == token::COEFF || tok == token::COEFFICIENTS || tok == token::VARIANCES || tok == token::CONSTANTS || tok == token::EQUATIONS || tok == token::EXTERNAL_FUNCTION || tok == token::EXT_FUNC_NAME || tok == token::EXT_FUNC_NARGS || tok == token::FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED || tok == token::SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED || tok == token::SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY || tok == token::COVA_COMPUTE || tok == token::SIMULATION_FILE_TAG || tok == token::FILE_TAG || tok == token::NO_ERROR_BANDS || tok == token::ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES || tok == token::SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER || tok == token::NO_CREATE_INIT || tok == token::SHOCK_DRAWS || tok == token::FREE_PARAMETERS || tok == token::MEDIAN || tok == token::DATA_OBS_NBR || tok == token::NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH || tok == token::PVALUE_KS || tok == token::PVALUE_CORR || tok == token::FILTERED_PROBABILITIES || tok == token::REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED || tok == token::PRIOR_FUNCTION || tok == token::POSTERIOR_FUNCTION || tok == token::SAMPLING_DRAWS || tok == token::PROPOSAL_TYPE || tok == token::PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND || tok == token::PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND || tok == token::PROPOSAL_DRAWS || tok == token::USE_MEAN_CENTER || tok == token::ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS || tok == token::THINNING_FACTOR || tok == token::COEFFICIENTS_PRIOR_HYPERPARAMETERS || tok == token::SMM_ESTIMATION || tok == token::GMM_ESTIMATION || tok == token::CONVERGENCE_STARTING_VALUE || tok == token::CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE || tok == token::CONVERGENCE_INCREMENT_VALUE || tok == token::MAX_ITERATIONS_STARTING_VALUE || tok == token::MAX_ITERATIONS_INCREMENT_VALUE || tok == token::MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS || tok == token::MAX_REPEATED_OPTIMIZATION_RUNS || tok == token::FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION || tok == token::SAVE_REALTIME || tok == token::PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_LARGE_PERTURBATIONS || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_SMALL_PERTURBATIONS || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_POSTERIOR_DRAWS_AFTER_PERTURBATION || tok == token::MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES || tok == token::RANDOM_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION || tok == token::RANDOM_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION || tok == token::CENTERED_MOMENTS || tok == token::AUTOLAG || tok == token::RECURSIVE_ORDER_ESTIMATION || tok == token::BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG || tok == token::WEIGHTING_MATRIX || tok == token::PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR || tok == token::VERBOSE || tok == token::SIMULATION_MULTIPLE || tok == token::SEED || tok == token::BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT || tok == token::EQTAGS || tok == token::STEADY_STATE_GROWTH || tok == token::ANALYTICAL_GIRF || tok == token::IRF_IN_PERCENT || tok == token::EMAS_GIRF || tok == token::EMAS_DROP || tok == token::EMAS_TOLF || tok == token::EMAS_MAX_ITER || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_STRENGTH || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_REDUCEDFORM || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_MOMENTS || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_MINIMAL || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_SPECTRUM || tok == token::NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS || tok == token::GRID_NBR || tok == token::TOL_RANK || tok == token::TOL_DERIV || tok == token::TOL_SV || tok == token::CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS || tok == token::MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS || tok == token::MAX_NROWS || tok == token::SQUEEZE_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::WITH_EPILOGUE || tok == 59 || tok == 40 || tok == 41 || tok == 91 || tok == 93 || tok == 35 || tok == 58 || tok == 46);
1556       }
1557 #else
symbol_typeDynare::parser::symbol_type1558       symbol_type (int tok, const location_type& l)
1559         : super_type(token_type (tok), l)
1560       {
1561         YYASSERT (tok == 0 || tok == token::AIM_SOLVER || tok == token::ANALYTIC_DERIVATION || tok == token::ANALYTIC_DERIVATION_MODE || tok == token::AR || tok == token::POSTERIOR_SAMPLING_METHOD || tok == token::BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL || tok == token::BAYESIAN_IRF || tok == token::BETA_PDF || tok == token::BLOCK || tok == token::USE_CALIBRATION || tok == token::SILENT_OPTIMIZER || tok == token::BVAR_DENSITY || tok == token::BVAR_FORECAST || tok == token::NODECOMPOSITION || tok == token::DR_DISPLAY_TOL || tok == token::HUGE_NUMBER || tok == token::FIG_NAME || tok == token::WRITE_XLS || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA || tok == token::INTERACTIVE || tok == token::SCREEN_SHOCKS || tok == token::STEADYSTATE || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_MU || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_TAU || tok == token::BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN || tok == token::DETAIL_PLOT || tok == token::TYPE || tok == token::BVAR_REPLIC || tok == token::BYTECODE || tok == token::ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED || tok == token::PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION || tok == token::REALTIME || tok == token::VINTAGE || tok == token::CALIB_SMOOTHER || tok == token::CHANGE_TYPE || tok == token::CHECK || tok == token::CONDITIONAL_FORECAST || tok == token::CONDITIONAL_FORECAST_PATHS || tok == token::CONF_SIG || tok == token::CONSTANT || tok == token::CONTROLLED_VAREXO || tok == token::CORR || tok == token::CUTOFF || tok == token::CYCLE_REDUCTION || tok == token::LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION || tok == token::COMMA || tok == token::CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS || tok == token::CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED || tok == token::INITIAL_CONDITION_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::DATAFILE || tok == token::FILE || tok == token::SERIES || tok == token::DOUBLING || tok == token::DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL || tok == token::DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_TOL || tok == token::DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_MAXITER || tok == token::DR_ALGO || tok == token::DROP || tok == token::DSAMPLE || tok == token::DYNASAVE || tok == token::DYNATYPE || tok == token::CALIBRATION || tok == token::DIFFERENTIATE_FORWARD_VARS || tok == token::END || tok == token::ENDVAL || tok == token::EQUAL || tok == token::ESTIMATION || tok == token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS || tok == token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS || tok == token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT || tok == token::EXTENDED_PATH || tok == token::ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR || tok == token::EXPRESSION || tok == token::FILENAME || tok == token::DIRNAME || tok == token::FILTER_STEP_AHEAD || tok == token::FILTERED_VARS || tok == token::FIRST_OBS || tok == token::LAST_OBS || tok == token::SET_TIME || tok == token::OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS || tok == token::KEEP_KALMAN_ALGO_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED || tok == token::DEFAULT || tok == token::FIXED_POINT || tok == token::FLIP || tok == token::OPT_ALGO || tok == token::COMPILATION_SETUP || tok == token::COMPILER || tok == token::ADD_FLAGS || tok == token::SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS || tok == token::ADD_LIBS || tok == token::SUBSTITUTE_LIBS || tok == token::FORECAST || tok == token::K_ORDER_SOLVER || tok == token::INSTRUMENTS || tok == token::SHIFT || tok == token::MEAN || tok == token::STDEV || tok == token::VARIANCE || tok == token::MODE || tok == token::INTERVAL || tok == token::SHAPE || tok == token::DOMAINN || tok == token::GAMMA_PDF || tok == token::GRAPH || tok == token::GRAPH_FORMAT || tok == token::CONDITIONAL_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::NOCHECK || tok == token::STD || tok == token::HISTVAL || tok == token::HISTVAL_FILE || tok == token::HOMOTOPY_SETUP || tok == token::HOMOTOPY_MODE || tok == token::HOMOTOPY_STEPS || tok == token::HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE || tok == token::HP_FILTER || tok == token::HP_NGRID || tok == token::FILTERED_THEORETICAL_MOMENTS_GRID || tok == token::HYBRID || tok == token::ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER || tok == token::IDENTIFICATION || tok == token::INF_CONSTANT || tok == token::INITVAL || tok == token::INITVAL_FILE || tok == token::BOUNDS || tok == token::JSCALE || tok == token::INIT || tok == token::INFILE || tok == token::INVARS || tok == token::INV_GAMMA_PDF || tok == token::INV_GAMMA1_PDF || tok == token::INV_GAMMA2_PDF || tok == token::IRF || tok == token::IRF_SHOCKS || tok == token::IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD || tok == token::IRF_CALIBRATION || tok == token::FAST_KALMAN_FILTER || tok == token::KALMAN_ALGO || tok == token::KALMAN_TOL || tok == token::DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL || tok == token::SUBSAMPLES || tok == token::OPTIONS || tok == token::TOLF || tok == token::TOLX || tok == token::PLOT_INIT_DATE || tok == token::PLOT_END_DATE || tok == token::LAPLACE || tok == token::LIK_ALGO || tok == token::LIK_INIT || tok == token::LINEAR || tok == token::LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::LOAD_IDENT_FILES || tok == token::LOAD_MH_FILE || tok == token::LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH || tok == token::LOAD_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE || tok == token::LOGLINEAR || tok == token::LOGDATA || tok == token::LYAPUNOV || tok == token::LINEAR_APPROXIMATION || tok == token::LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL || tok == token::LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL || tok == token::LOG_DEFLATOR || tok == token::LOG_TREND_VAR || tok == token::LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR || tok == token::MARKOWITZ || tok == token::MARGINAL_DENSITY || tok == token::MAX || tok == token::MAXIT || tok == token::MFS || tok == token::MH_CONF_SIG || tok == token::MH_DROP || tok == token::MH_INIT_SCALE || tok == token::MH_JSCALE || tok == token::MH_TUNE_JSCALE || tok == token::MH_MODE || tok == token::MH_NBLOCKS || tok == token::MH_REPLIC || tok == token::MH_RECOVER || tok == token::POSTERIOR_MAX_SUBSAMPLE_DRAWS || tok == token::MIN || tok == token::MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS || tok == token::MODE_CHECK || tok == token::MODE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE || tok == token::MODE_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_PLOTS || tok == token::MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS || tok == token::MODE_COMPUTE || tok == token::MODE_FILE || tok == token::MODEL || tok == token::MODEL_COMPARISON || tok == token::MODEL_INFO || tok == token::MSHOCKS || tok == token::ABS || tok == token::SIGN || tok == token::MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS || tok == token::MODIFIEDHARMONICMEAN || tok == token::MOMENTS_VARENDO || tok == token::CONTEMPORANEOUS_CORRELATION || tok == token::DIFFUSE_FILTER || tok == token::SUB_DRAWS || tok == token::TAPER_STEPS || tok == token::GEWEKE_INTERVAL || tok == token::RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS || tok == token::RAFTERY_LEWIS_DIAGNOSTICS || tok == token::MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE || tok == token::MOMENT_CALIBRATION || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES || tok == token::RESAMPLING || tok == token::SYSTEMATIC || tok == token::GENERIC || tok == token::RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD || tok == token::RESAMPLING_METHOD || tok == token::KITAGAWA || tok == token::STRATIFIED || tok == token::SMOOTH || tok == token::CPF_WEIGHTS || tok == token::AMISANOTRISTANI || tok == token::MURRAYJONESPARSLOW || tok == token::WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS || tok == token::NONLINEAR_FILTER_INITIALIZATION || tok == token::FILTER_ALGORITHM || tok == token::PROPOSAL_APPROXIMATION || tok == token::CUBATURE || tok == token::UNSCENTED || tok == token::MONTECARLO || tok == token::DISTRIBUTION_APPROXIMATION || tok == token::USE_PENALIZED_OBJECTIVE_FOR_HESSIAN || tok == token::INIT_STATE || tok == token::FAST_REALTIME || tok == token::RESCALE_PREDICTION_ERROR_COVARIANCE || tok == token::GENERATE_IRFS || tok == token::NAN_CONSTANT || tok == token::NO_STATIC || tok == token::NOBS || tok == token::NOCONSTANT || tok == token::NODISPLAY || tok == token::NOCORR || tok == token::NODIAGNOSTIC || tok == token::NOFUNCTIONS || tok == token::NO_HOMOTOPY || tok == token::NOGRAPH || tok == token::POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH || tok == token::POSTERIOR_GRAPH || tok == token::NOMOMENTS || tok == token::NOPRINT || tok == token::NORMAL_PDF || tok == token::SAVE_DRAWS || tok == token::MODEL_NAME || tok == token::STDERR_MULTIPLES || tok == token::DIAGONAL_ONLY || tok == token::OBSERVATION_TRENDS || tok == token::OPTIM || tok == token::OPTIM_WEIGHTS || tok == token::ORDER || tok == token::OSR || tok == token::OSR_PARAMS || tok == token::MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP || tok == token::ADVANCED || tok == token::OUTFILE || tok == token::OUTVARS || tok == token::OVERWRITE || tok == token::DISCOUNT || tok == token::PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES || tok == token::PARAMETERS || tok == token::PARAMETER_SET || tok == token::PARTIAL_INFORMATION || tok == token::PERIODS || tok == token::PERIOD || tok == token::PLANNER_OBJECTIVE || tok == token::PLOT_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST || tok == token::PLOT_PRIORS || tok == token::PREFILTER || tok == token::PRESAMPLE || tok == token::PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP || tok == token::PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SOLVER || tok == token::NO_POSTERIOR_KERNEL_DENSITY || tok == token::FUNCTION || tok == token::PRINT || tok == token::PRIOR_MC || tok == token::PRIOR_TRUNC || tok == token::PRIOR_MODE || tok == token::PRIOR_MEAN || tok == token::POSTERIOR_MODE || tok == token::POSTERIOR_MEAN || tok == token::POSTERIOR_MEDIAN || tok == token::MLE_MODE || tok == token::PRUNING || tok == token::QZ_CRITERIUM || tok == token::QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD || tok == token::DSGE_VAR || tok == token::DSGE_VARLAG || tok == token::DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT || tok == token::TRUNCATE || tok == token::PIPE_E || tok == token::PIPE_X || tok == token::PIPE_P || tok == token::RELATIVE_IRF || tok == token::REPLIC || tok == token::SIMUL_REPLIC || tok == token::RPLOT || tok == token::SAVE_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE || tok == token::PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY || tok == token::TARGETS || tok == token::SHOCKS || tok == token::SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::SHOCK_GROUPS || tok == token::USE_SHOCK_GROUPS || tok == token::SIGMA_E || tok == token::SIMUL || tok == token::SIMUL_ALGO || tok == token::SIMUL_SEED || tok == token::ENDOGENOUS_TERMINAL_PERIOD || tok == token::SMOOTHER || tok == token::SMOOTHER2HISTVAL || tok == token::SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER || tok == token::STACK_SOLVE_ALGO || tok == token::STEADY_STATE_MODEL || tok == token::SOLVE_ALGO || tok == token::SOLVER_PERIODS || tok == token::ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE || tok == token::STDERR || tok == token::STEADY || tok == token::STOCH_SIMUL || tok == token::SYLVESTER || tok == token::SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL || tok == token::REGIMES || tok == token::REGIME || tok == token::REALTIME_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::CONDITIONAL || tok == token::UNCONDITIONAL || tok == token::TEX || tok == token::RAMSEY_MODEL || tok == token::RAMSEY_POLICY || tok == token::RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS || tok == token::PLANNER_DISCOUNT || tok == token::PLANNER_DISCOUNT_LATEX_NAME || tok == token::DISCRETIONARY_POLICY || tok == token::DISCRETIONARY_TOL || tok == token::EVALUATE_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE || tok == token::UNIFORM_PDF || tok == token::UNIT_ROOT_VARS || tok == token::USE_DLL || tok == token::USEAUTOCORR || tok == token::GSA_SAMPLE_FILE || tok == token::USE_UNIVARIATE_FILTERS_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED || tok == token::VALUES || tok == token::VAR || tok == token::VAREXO || tok == token::VAREXO_DET || tok == token::VARIABLE || tok == token::VAROBS || tok == token::VAREXOBS || tok == token::PREDETERMINED_VARIABLES || tok == token::VAR_EXPECTATION || tok == token::VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL || tok == token::PLOT_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE || tok == token::WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL || tok == token::WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL || tok == token::WRITE_LATEX_ORIGINAL_MODEL || tok == token::CROSSEQUATIONS || tok == token::COVARIANCE || tok == token::WRITE_LATEX_STEADY_STATE_MODEL || tok == token::XLS_SHEET || tok == token::XLS_RANGE || tok == token::LMMCP || tok == token::OCCBIN || tok == token::BANDPASS_FILTER || tok == token::COLORMAP || tok == token::VAR_MODEL || tok == token::PAC_MODEL || tok == token::QOQ || tok == token::YOY || tok == token::AOA || tok == token::PAC_EXPECTATION || tok == token::TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL || tok == token::EQUAL_EQUAL || tok == token::EXCLAMATION_EQUAL || tok == token::LESS || tok == token::GREATER || tok == token::LESS_EQUAL || tok == token::GREATER_EQUAL || tok == token::PLUS || tok == token::MINUS || tok == token::TIMES || tok == token::DIVIDE || tok == token::UNARY || tok == token::POWER || tok == token::EXP || tok == token::LOG || tok == token::LN || tok == token::LOG10 || tok == token::SIN || tok == token::COS || tok == token::TAN || tok == token::ASIN || tok == token::ACOS || tok == token::ATAN || tok == token::ERF || tok == token::DIFF || tok == token::ADL || tok == token::AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME || tok == token::SQRT || tok == token::CBRT || tok == token::NORMCDF || tok == token::NORMPDF || tok == token::STEADY_STATE || tok == token::EXPECTATION || tok == token::VAR_ESTIMATION || tok == token::DYNARE_SENSITIVITY || tok == token::MORRIS || tok == token::STAB || tok == token::REDFORM || tok == token::PPRIOR || tok == token::PRIOR_RANGE || tok == token::PPOST || tok == token::ILPTAU || tok == token::MORRIS_NLIV || tok == token::MORRIS_NTRA || tok == token::NSAM || tok == token::LOAD_REDFORM || tok == token::LOAD_RMSE || tok == token::LOAD_STAB || tok == token::ALPHA2_STAB || tok == token::LOGTRANS_REDFORM || tok == token::THRESHOLD_REDFORM || tok == token::KSSTAT_REDFORM || tok == token::ALPHA2_REDFORM || tok == token::NAMENDO || tok == token::NAMLAGENDO || tok == token::NAMEXO || tok == token::RMSE || tok == token::LIK_ONLY || tok == token::VAR_RMSE || tok == token::PFILT_RMSE || tok == token::ISTART_RMSE || tok == token::ALPHA_RMSE || tok == token::ALPHA2_RMSE || tok == token::FREQ || tok == token::INITIAL_YEAR || tok == token::INITIAL_SUBPERIOD || tok == token::FINAL_YEAR || tok == token::FINAL_SUBPERIOD || tok == token::DATA || tok == token::VLIST || tok == token::VLISTLOG || tok == token::VLISTPER || tok == token::SPECTRAL_DENSITY || tok == token::INIT2SHOCKS || tok == token::RESTRICTION || tok == token::RESTRICTION_FNAME || tok == token::CROSS_RESTRICTIONS || tok == token::NLAGS || tok == token::CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM || tok == token::REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST || tok == token::DUMMY_OBS || tok == token::NSTATES || tok == token::INDXSCALESSTATES || tok == token::NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR || tok == token::SPECIFICATION || tok == token::SIMS_ZHA || tok == token::GSIG2_LMDM || tok == token::Q_DIAG || tok == token::FLAT_PRIOR || tok == token::NCSK || tok == token::NSTD || tok == token::WEIBULL || tok == token::WEIBULL_PDF || tok == token::INDXPARR || tok == token::INDXOVR || tok == token::INDXAP || tok == token::APBAND || tok == token::INDXIMF || tok == token::INDXFORE || tok == token::FOREBAND || tok == token::INDXGFOREHAT || tok == token::INDXGIMFHAT || tok == token::INDXESTIMA || tok == token::INDXGDLS || tok == token::EQ_MS || tok == token::FILTER_COVARIANCE || tok == token::FILTER_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::SMOOTHED_STATE_UNCERTAINTY || tok == token::EQ_CMS || tok == token::TLINDX || tok == token::TLNUMBER || tok == token::RESTRICTIONS || tok == token::POSTERIOR_SAMPLER_OPTIONS || tok == token::OUTPUT_FILE_TAG || tok == token::HORIZON || tok == token::SBVAR || tok == token::TREND_VAR || tok == token::DEFLATOR || tok == token::GROWTH_FACTOR || tok == token::MS_IRF || tok == token::MS_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::GROWTH || tok == token::MS_ESTIMATION || tok == token::MS_SIMULATION || tok == token::MS_COMPUTE_MDD || tok == token::MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES || tok == token::MS_FORECAST || tok == token::SVAR_IDENTIFICATION || tok == token::EQUATION || tok == token::EXCLUSION || tok == token::LAG || tok == token::UPPER_CHOLESKY || tok == token::LOWER_CHOLESKY || tok == token::MONTHLY || tok == token::QUARTERLY || tok == token::MARKOV_SWITCHING || tok == token::CHAIN || tok == token::DURATION || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_REGIMES || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_LAGS || tok == token::EPILOGUE || tok == token::SVAR || tok == token::SVAR_GLOBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CHECK || tok == token::COEFF || tok == token::COEFFICIENTS || tok == token::VARIANCES || tok == token::CONSTANTS || tok == token::EQUATIONS || tok == token::EXTERNAL_FUNCTION || tok == token::EXT_FUNC_NAME || tok == token::EXT_FUNC_NARGS || tok == token::FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED || tok == token::SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED || tok == token::SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY || tok == token::COVA_COMPUTE || tok == token::SIMULATION_FILE_TAG || tok == token::FILE_TAG || tok == token::NO_ERROR_BANDS || tok == token::ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES || tok == token::SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER || tok == token::NO_CREATE_INIT || tok == token::SHOCK_DRAWS || tok == token::FREE_PARAMETERS || tok == token::MEDIAN || tok == token::DATA_OBS_NBR || tok == token::NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH || tok == token::PVALUE_KS || tok == token::PVALUE_CORR || tok == token::FILTERED_PROBABILITIES || tok == token::REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED || tok == token::PRIOR_FUNCTION || tok == token::POSTERIOR_FUNCTION || tok == token::SAMPLING_DRAWS || tok == token::PROPOSAL_TYPE || tok == token::PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND || tok == token::PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND || tok == token::PROPOSAL_DRAWS || tok == token::USE_MEAN_CENTER || tok == token::ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS || tok == token::THINNING_FACTOR || tok == token::COEFFICIENTS_PRIOR_HYPERPARAMETERS || tok == token::SMM_ESTIMATION || tok == token::GMM_ESTIMATION || tok == token::CONVERGENCE_STARTING_VALUE || tok == token::CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE || tok == token::CONVERGENCE_INCREMENT_VALUE || tok == token::MAX_ITERATIONS_STARTING_VALUE || tok == token::MAX_ITERATIONS_INCREMENT_VALUE || tok == token::MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS || tok == token::MAX_REPEATED_OPTIMIZATION_RUNS || tok == token::FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION || tok == token::SAVE_REALTIME || tok == token::PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_LARGE_PERTURBATIONS || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_SMALL_PERTURBATIONS || tok == token::NUMBER_OF_POSTERIOR_DRAWS_AFTER_PERTURBATION || tok == token::MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES || tok == token::RANDOM_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION || tok == token::RANDOM_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION || tok == token::CENTERED_MOMENTS || tok == token::AUTOLAG || tok == token::RECURSIVE_ORDER_ESTIMATION || tok == token::BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG || tok == token::WEIGHTING_MATRIX || tok == token::PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR || tok == token::VERBOSE || tok == token::SIMULATION_MULTIPLE || tok == token::SEED || tok == token::BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT || tok == token::EQTAGS || tok == token::STEADY_STATE_GROWTH || tok == token::ANALYTICAL_GIRF || tok == token::IRF_IN_PERCENT || tok == token::EMAS_GIRF || tok == token::EMAS_DROP || tok == token::EMAS_TOLF || tok == token::EMAS_MAX_ITER || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_STRENGTH || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_REDUCEDFORM || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_MOMENTS || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_MINIMAL || tok == token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_SPECTRUM || tok == token::NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS || tok == token::GRID_NBR || tok == token::TOL_RANK || tok == token::TOL_DERIV || tok == token::TOL_SV || tok == token::CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS || tok == token::MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS || tok == token::MAX_NROWS || tok == token::SQUEEZE_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION || tok == token::WITH_EPILOGUE || tok == 59 || tok == 40 || tok == 41 || tok == 91 || tok == 93 || tok == 35 || tok == 58 || tok == 46);
1562       }
1563 #endif
1564 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
symbol_typeDynare::parser::symbol_type1565       symbol_type (int tok, string v, location_type l)
1566         : super_type(token_type (tok), std::move (v), std::move (l))
1567       {
1568         YYASSERT (tok == token::FALSE || tok == token::FLOAT_NUMBER || tok == token::DATES || tok == token::INT_NUMBER || tok == token::NAME || tok == token::QUOTED_STRING || tok == token::TEX_NAME || tok == token::TRUE || tok == token::ALPHA || tok == token::BETA || tok == token::ABAND || tok == token::NINV || tok == token::CMS || tok == token::NCMS || tok == token::CNUM || tok == token::GAMMA || tok == token::INV_GAMMA || tok == token::INV_GAMMA1 || tok == token::INV_GAMMA2 || tok == token::NORMAL || tok == token::UNIFORM || tok == token::EPS || tok == token::PDF || tok == token::FIG || tok == token::DR || tok == token::NONE || tok == token::PRIOR || tok == token::PRIOR_VARIANCE || tok == token::HESSIAN || tok == token::IDENTITY_MATRIX || tok == token::DIRICHLET || tok == token::DIAGONAL || tok == token::OPTIMAL);
1569       }
1570 #else
symbol_typeDynare::parser::symbol_type1571       symbol_type (int tok, const string& v, const location_type& l)
1572         : super_type(token_type (tok), v, l)
1573       {
1574         YYASSERT (tok == token::FALSE || tok == token::FLOAT_NUMBER || tok == token::DATES || tok == token::INT_NUMBER || tok == token::NAME || tok == token::QUOTED_STRING || tok == token::TEX_NAME || tok == token::TRUE || tok == token::ALPHA || tok == token::BETA || tok == token::ABAND || tok == token::NINV || tok == token::CMS || tok == token::NCMS || tok == token::CNUM || tok == token::GAMMA || tok == token::INV_GAMMA || tok == token::INV_GAMMA1 || tok == token::INV_GAMMA2 || tok == token::NORMAL || tok == token::UNIFORM || tok == token::EPS || tok == token::PDF || tok == token::FIG || tok == token::DR || tok == token::NONE || tok == token::PRIOR || tok == token::PRIOR_VARIANCE || tok == token::HESSIAN || tok == token::IDENTITY_MATRIX || tok == token::DIRICHLET || tok == token::DIAGONAL || tok == token::OPTIMAL);
1575       }
1576 #endif
1577 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
symbol_typeDynare::parser::symbol_type1578       symbol_type (int tok, vector<string> v, location_type l)
1579         : super_type(token_type (tok), std::move (v), std::move (l))
1580       {
1581         YYASSERT (tok == token::SYMBOL_VEC);
1582       }
1583 #else
symbol_typeDynare::parser::symbol_type1584       symbol_type (int tok, const vector<string>& v, const location_type& l)
1585         : super_type(token_type (tok), v, l)
1586       {
1587         YYASSERT (tok == token::SYMBOL_VEC);
1588       }
1589 #endif
1590     };
1592     /// Build a parser object.
1593     parser (ParsingDriver &driver_yyarg);
1594     virtual ~parser ();
1596     /// Parse.  An alias for parse ().
1597     /// \returns  0 iff parsing succeeded.
1598     int operator() ();
1600     /// Parse.
1601     /// \returns  0 iff parsing succeeded.
1602     virtual int parse ();
1604 #if YYDEBUG
1605     /// The current debugging stream.
1606     std::ostream& debug_stream () const YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
1607     /// Set the current debugging stream.
1608     void set_debug_stream (std::ostream &);
1610     /// Type for debugging levels.
1611     typedef int debug_level_type;
1612     /// The current debugging level.
1613     debug_level_type debug_level () const YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
1614     /// Set the current debugging level.
1615     void set_debug_level (debug_level_type l);
1616 #endif
1618     /// Report a syntax error.
1619     /// \param loc    where the syntax error is found.
1620     /// \param msg    a description of the syntax error.
1621     virtual void error (const location_type& loc, const std::string& msg);
1623     /// Report a syntax error.
1624     void error (const syntax_error& err);
1626     // Implementation of make_symbol for each symbol type.
1627 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1628       static
1629       symbol_type
make_AIM_SOLVER(location_type l)1630       make_AIM_SOLVER (location_type l)
1631       {
1632         return symbol_type (token::AIM_SOLVER, std::move (l));
1633       }
1634 #else
1635       static
1636       symbol_type
make_AIM_SOLVER(const location_type & l)1637       make_AIM_SOLVER (const location_type& l)
1638       {
1639         return symbol_type (token::AIM_SOLVER, l);
1640       }
1641 #endif
1642 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1643       static
1644       symbol_type
make_ANALYTIC_DERIVATION(location_type l)1645       make_ANALYTIC_DERIVATION (location_type l)
1646       {
1647         return symbol_type (token::ANALYTIC_DERIVATION, std::move (l));
1648       }
1649 #else
1650       static
1651       symbol_type
make_ANALYTIC_DERIVATION(const location_type & l)1652       make_ANALYTIC_DERIVATION (const location_type& l)
1653       {
1654         return symbol_type (token::ANALYTIC_DERIVATION, l);
1655       }
1656 #endif
1657 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1658       static
1659       symbol_type
make_ANALYTIC_DERIVATION_MODE(location_type l)1660       make_ANALYTIC_DERIVATION_MODE (location_type l)
1661       {
1662         return symbol_type (token::ANALYTIC_DERIVATION_MODE, std::move (l));
1663       }
1664 #else
1665       static
1666       symbol_type
make_ANALYTIC_DERIVATION_MODE(const location_type & l)1667       make_ANALYTIC_DERIVATION_MODE (const location_type& l)
1668       {
1669         return symbol_type (token::ANALYTIC_DERIVATION_MODE, l);
1670       }
1671 #endif
1672 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1673       static
1674       symbol_type
make_AR(location_type l)1675       make_AR (location_type l)
1676       {
1677         return symbol_type (token::AR, std::move (l));
1678       }
1679 #else
1680       static
1681       symbol_type
make_AR(const location_type & l)1682       make_AR (const location_type& l)
1683       {
1684         return symbol_type (token::AR, l);
1685       }
1686 #endif
1687 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1688       static
1689       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_SAMPLING_METHOD(location_type l)1690       make_POSTERIOR_SAMPLING_METHOD (location_type l)
1691       {
1692         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_SAMPLING_METHOD, std::move (l));
1693       }
1694 #else
1695       static
1696       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_SAMPLING_METHOD(const location_type & l)1697       make_POSTERIOR_SAMPLING_METHOD (const location_type& l)
1698       {
1699         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_SAMPLING_METHOD, l);
1700       }
1701 #endif
1702 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1703       static
1704       symbol_type
make_BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL(location_type l)1705       make_BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL (location_type l)
1706       {
1707         return symbol_type (token::BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL, std::move (l));
1708       }
1709 #else
1710       static
1711       symbol_type
make_BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL(const location_type & l)1712       make_BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL (const location_type& l)
1713       {
1714         return symbol_type (token::BALANCED_GROWTH_TEST_TOL, l);
1715       }
1716 #endif
1717 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1718       static
1719       symbol_type
make_BAYESIAN_IRF(location_type l)1720       make_BAYESIAN_IRF (location_type l)
1721       {
1722         return symbol_type (token::BAYESIAN_IRF, std::move (l));
1723       }
1724 #else
1725       static
1726       symbol_type
make_BAYESIAN_IRF(const location_type & l)1727       make_BAYESIAN_IRF (const location_type& l)
1728       {
1729         return symbol_type (token::BAYESIAN_IRF, l);
1730       }
1731 #endif
1732 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1733       static
1734       symbol_type
make_BETA_PDF(location_type l)1735       make_BETA_PDF (location_type l)
1736       {
1737         return symbol_type (token::BETA_PDF, std::move (l));
1738       }
1739 #else
1740       static
1741       symbol_type
make_BETA_PDF(const location_type & l)1742       make_BETA_PDF (const location_type& l)
1743       {
1744         return symbol_type (token::BETA_PDF, l);
1745       }
1746 #endif
1747 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1748       static
1749       symbol_type
make_BLOCK(location_type l)1750       make_BLOCK (location_type l)
1751       {
1752         return symbol_type (token::BLOCK, std::move (l));
1753       }
1754 #else
1755       static
1756       symbol_type
make_BLOCK(const location_type & l)1757       make_BLOCK (const location_type& l)
1758       {
1759         return symbol_type (token::BLOCK, l);
1760       }
1761 #endif
1762 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1763       static
1764       symbol_type
make_USE_CALIBRATION(location_type l)1765       make_USE_CALIBRATION (location_type l)
1766       {
1767         return symbol_type (token::USE_CALIBRATION, std::move (l));
1768       }
1769 #else
1770       static
1771       symbol_type
make_USE_CALIBRATION(const location_type & l)1772       make_USE_CALIBRATION (const location_type& l)
1773       {
1774         return symbol_type (token::USE_CALIBRATION, l);
1775       }
1776 #endif
1777 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1778       static
1779       symbol_type
make_SILENT_OPTIMIZER(location_type l)1780       make_SILENT_OPTIMIZER (location_type l)
1781       {
1782         return symbol_type (token::SILENT_OPTIMIZER, std::move (l));
1783       }
1784 #else
1785       static
1786       symbol_type
make_SILENT_OPTIMIZER(const location_type & l)1787       make_SILENT_OPTIMIZER (const location_type& l)
1788       {
1789         return symbol_type (token::SILENT_OPTIMIZER, l);
1790       }
1791 #endif
1792 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1793       static
1794       symbol_type
make_BVAR_DENSITY(location_type l)1795       make_BVAR_DENSITY (location_type l)
1796       {
1797         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_DENSITY, std::move (l));
1798       }
1799 #else
1800       static
1801       symbol_type
make_BVAR_DENSITY(const location_type & l)1802       make_BVAR_DENSITY (const location_type& l)
1803       {
1804         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_DENSITY, l);
1805       }
1806 #endif
1807 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1808       static
1809       symbol_type
make_BVAR_FORECAST(location_type l)1810       make_BVAR_FORECAST (location_type l)
1811       {
1812         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_FORECAST, std::move (l));
1813       }
1814 #else
1815       static
1816       symbol_type
make_BVAR_FORECAST(const location_type & l)1817       make_BVAR_FORECAST (const location_type& l)
1818       {
1819         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_FORECAST, l);
1820       }
1821 #endif
1822 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1823       static
1824       symbol_type
make_NODECOMPOSITION(location_type l)1825       make_NODECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
1826       {
1827         return symbol_type (token::NODECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
1828       }
1829 #else
1830       static
1831       symbol_type
make_NODECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)1832       make_NODECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
1833       {
1834         return symbol_type (token::NODECOMPOSITION, l);
1835       }
1836 #endif
1837 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1838       static
1839       symbol_type
make_DR_DISPLAY_TOL(location_type l)1840       make_DR_DISPLAY_TOL (location_type l)
1841       {
1842         return symbol_type (token::DR_DISPLAY_TOL, std::move (l));
1843       }
1844 #else
1845       static
1846       symbol_type
make_DR_DISPLAY_TOL(const location_type & l)1847       make_DR_DISPLAY_TOL (const location_type& l)
1848       {
1849         return symbol_type (token::DR_DISPLAY_TOL, l);
1850       }
1851 #endif
1852 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1853       static
1854       symbol_type
make_HUGE_NUMBER(location_type l)1855       make_HUGE_NUMBER (location_type l)
1856       {
1857         return symbol_type (token::HUGE_NUMBER, std::move (l));
1858       }
1859 #else
1860       static
1861       symbol_type
make_HUGE_NUMBER(const location_type & l)1862       make_HUGE_NUMBER (const location_type& l)
1863       {
1864         return symbol_type (token::HUGE_NUMBER, l);
1865       }
1866 #endif
1867 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1868       static
1869       symbol_type
make_FIG_NAME(location_type l)1870       make_FIG_NAME (location_type l)
1871       {
1872         return symbol_type (token::FIG_NAME, std::move (l));
1873       }
1874 #else
1875       static
1876       symbol_type
make_FIG_NAME(const location_type & l)1877       make_FIG_NAME (const location_type& l)
1878       {
1879         return symbol_type (token::FIG_NAME, l);
1880       }
1881 #endif
1882 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1883       static
1884       symbol_type
make_WRITE_XLS(location_type l)1885       make_WRITE_XLS (location_type l)
1886       {
1887         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_XLS, std::move (l));
1888       }
1889 #else
1890       static
1891       symbol_type
make_WRITE_XLS(const location_type & l)1892       make_WRITE_XLS (const location_type& l)
1893       {
1894         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_XLS, l);
1895       }
1896 #endif
1897 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1898       static
1899       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY(location_type l)1900       make_BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY (location_type l)
1901       {
1902         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY, std::move (l));
1903       }
1904 #else
1905       static
1906       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY(const location_type & l)1907       make_BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY (const location_type& l)
1908       {
1909         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_DECAY, l);
1910       }
1911 #endif
1912 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1913       static
1914       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT(location_type l)1915       make_BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT (location_type l)
1916       {
1917         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT, std::move (l));
1918       }
1919 #else
1920       static
1921       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT(const location_type & l)1922       make_BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT (const location_type& l)
1923       {
1924         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_FLAT, l);
1925       }
1926 #endif
1927 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1928       static
1929       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA(location_type l)1930       make_BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA (location_type l)
1931       {
1932         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA, std::move (l));
1933       }
1934 #else
1935       static
1936       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA(const location_type & l)1937       make_BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA (const location_type& l)
1938       {
1939         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_LAMBDA, l);
1940       }
1941 #endif
1942 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1943       static
1944       symbol_type
make_INTERACTIVE(location_type l)1945       make_INTERACTIVE (location_type l)
1946       {
1947         return symbol_type (token::INTERACTIVE, std::move (l));
1948       }
1949 #else
1950       static
1951       symbol_type
make_INTERACTIVE(const location_type & l)1952       make_INTERACTIVE (const location_type& l)
1953       {
1954         return symbol_type (token::INTERACTIVE, l);
1955       }
1956 #endif
1957 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1958       static
1959       symbol_type
make_SCREEN_SHOCKS(location_type l)1960       make_SCREEN_SHOCKS (location_type l)
1961       {
1962         return symbol_type (token::SCREEN_SHOCKS, std::move (l));
1963       }
1964 #else
1965       static
1966       symbol_type
make_SCREEN_SHOCKS(const location_type & l)1967       make_SCREEN_SHOCKS (const location_type& l)
1968       {
1969         return symbol_type (token::SCREEN_SHOCKS, l);
1970       }
1971 #endif
1972 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1973       static
1974       symbol_type
make_STEADYSTATE(location_type l)1975       make_STEADYSTATE (location_type l)
1976       {
1977         return symbol_type (token::STEADYSTATE, std::move (l));
1978       }
1979 #else
1980       static
1981       symbol_type
make_STEADYSTATE(const location_type & l)1982       make_STEADYSTATE (const location_type& l)
1983       {
1984         return symbol_type (token::STEADYSTATE, l);
1985       }
1986 #endif
1987 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
1988       static
1989       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_MU(location_type l)1990       make_BVAR_PRIOR_MU (location_type l)
1991       {
1992         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_MU, std::move (l));
1993       }
1994 #else
1995       static
1996       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_MU(const location_type & l)1997       make_BVAR_PRIOR_MU (const location_type& l)
1998       {
1999         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_MU, l);
2000       }
2001 #endif
2002 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2003       static
2004       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA(location_type l)2005       make_BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA (location_type l)
2006       {
2007         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA, std::move (l));
2008       }
2009 #else
2010       static
2011       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA(const location_type & l)2012       make_BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA (const location_type& l)
2013       {
2014         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_OMEGA, l);
2015       }
2016 #endif
2017 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2018       static
2019       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_TAU(location_type l)2020       make_BVAR_PRIOR_TAU (location_type l)
2021       {
2022         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_TAU, std::move (l));
2023       }
2024 #else
2025       static
2026       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_TAU(const location_type & l)2027       make_BVAR_PRIOR_TAU (const location_type& l)
2028       {
2029         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_TAU, l);
2030       }
2031 #endif
2032 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2033       static
2034       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN(location_type l)2035       make_BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN (location_type l)
2036       {
2037         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN, std::move (l));
2038       }
2039 #else
2040       static
2041       symbol_type
make_BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN(const location_type & l)2042       make_BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN (const location_type& l)
2043       {
2044         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_PRIOR_TRAIN, l);
2045       }
2046 #endif
2047 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2048       static
2049       symbol_type
make_DETAIL_PLOT(location_type l)2050       make_DETAIL_PLOT (location_type l)
2051       {
2052         return symbol_type (token::DETAIL_PLOT, std::move (l));
2053       }
2054 #else
2055       static
2056       symbol_type
make_DETAIL_PLOT(const location_type & l)2057       make_DETAIL_PLOT (const location_type& l)
2058       {
2059         return symbol_type (token::DETAIL_PLOT, l);
2060       }
2061 #endif
2062 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2063       static
2064       symbol_type
make_TYPE(location_type l)2065       make_TYPE (location_type l)
2066       {
2067         return symbol_type (token::TYPE, std::move (l));
2068       }
2069 #else
2070       static
2071       symbol_type
make_TYPE(const location_type & l)2072       make_TYPE (const location_type& l)
2073       {
2074         return symbol_type (token::TYPE, l);
2075       }
2076 #endif
2077 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2078       static
2079       symbol_type
make_BVAR_REPLIC(location_type l)2080       make_BVAR_REPLIC (location_type l)
2081       {
2082         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_REPLIC, std::move (l));
2083       }
2084 #else
2085       static
2086       symbol_type
make_BVAR_REPLIC(const location_type & l)2087       make_BVAR_REPLIC (const location_type& l)
2088       {
2089         return symbol_type (token::BVAR_REPLIC, l);
2090       }
2091 #endif
2092 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2093       static
2094       symbol_type
make_BYTECODE(location_type l)2095       make_BYTECODE (location_type l)
2096       {
2097         return symbol_type (token::BYTECODE, std::move (l));
2098       }
2099 #else
2100       static
2101       symbol_type
make_BYTECODE(const location_type & l)2102       make_BYTECODE (const location_type& l)
2103       {
2104         return symbol_type (token::BYTECODE, l);
2105       }
2106 #endif
2107 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2108       static
2109       symbol_type
make_ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED(location_type l)2110       make_ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED (location_type l)
2111       {
2112         return symbol_type (token::ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED, std::move (l));
2113       }
2114 #else
2115       static
2116       symbol_type
make_ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED(const location_type & l)2117       make_ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED (const location_type& l)
2118       {
2119         return symbol_type (token::ALL_VALUES_REQUIRED, l);
2120       }
2121 #endif
2122 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2123       static
2124       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION(location_type l)2125       make_PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION (location_type l)
2126       {
2127         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION, std::move (l));
2128       }
2129 #else
2130       static
2131       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION(const location_type & l)2132       make_PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION (const location_type& l)
2133       {
2134         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_DISTRIBUTION, l);
2135       }
2136 #endif
2137 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2138       static
2139       symbol_type
make_REALTIME(location_type l)2140       make_REALTIME (location_type l)
2141       {
2142         return symbol_type (token::REALTIME, std::move (l));
2143       }
2144 #else
2145       static
2146       symbol_type
make_REALTIME(const location_type & l)2147       make_REALTIME (const location_type& l)
2148       {
2149         return symbol_type (token::REALTIME, l);
2150       }
2151 #endif
2152 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2153       static
2154       symbol_type
make_VINTAGE(location_type l)2155       make_VINTAGE (location_type l)
2156       {
2157         return symbol_type (token::VINTAGE, std::move (l));
2158       }
2159 #else
2160       static
2161       symbol_type
make_VINTAGE(const location_type & l)2162       make_VINTAGE (const location_type& l)
2163       {
2164         return symbol_type (token::VINTAGE, l);
2165       }
2166 #endif
2167 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2168       static
2169       symbol_type
make_CALIB_SMOOTHER(location_type l)2170       make_CALIB_SMOOTHER (location_type l)
2171       {
2172         return symbol_type (token::CALIB_SMOOTHER, std::move (l));
2173       }
2174 #else
2175       static
2176       symbol_type
make_CALIB_SMOOTHER(const location_type & l)2177       make_CALIB_SMOOTHER (const location_type& l)
2178       {
2179         return symbol_type (token::CALIB_SMOOTHER, l);
2180       }
2181 #endif
2182 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2183       static
2184       symbol_type
make_CHANGE_TYPE(location_type l)2185       make_CHANGE_TYPE (location_type l)
2186       {
2187         return symbol_type (token::CHANGE_TYPE, std::move (l));
2188       }
2189 #else
2190       static
2191       symbol_type
make_CHANGE_TYPE(const location_type & l)2192       make_CHANGE_TYPE (const location_type& l)
2193       {
2194         return symbol_type (token::CHANGE_TYPE, l);
2195       }
2196 #endif
2197 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2198       static
2199       symbol_type
make_CHECK(location_type l)2200       make_CHECK (location_type l)
2201       {
2202         return symbol_type (token::CHECK, std::move (l));
2203       }
2204 #else
2205       static
2206       symbol_type
make_CHECK(const location_type & l)2207       make_CHECK (const location_type& l)
2208       {
2209         return symbol_type (token::CHECK, l);
2210       }
2211 #endif
2212 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2213       static
2214       symbol_type
make_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST(location_type l)2215       make_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST (location_type l)
2216       {
2217         return symbol_type (token::CONDITIONAL_FORECAST, std::move (l));
2218       }
2219 #else
2220       static
2221       symbol_type
make_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST(const location_type & l)2222       make_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST (const location_type& l)
2223       {
2224         return symbol_type (token::CONDITIONAL_FORECAST, l);
2225       }
2226 #endif
2227 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2228       static
2229       symbol_type
make_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST_PATHS(location_type l)2230       make_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST_PATHS (location_type l)
2231       {
2232         return symbol_type (token::CONDITIONAL_FORECAST_PATHS, std::move (l));
2233       }
2234 #else
2235       static
2236       symbol_type
make_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST_PATHS(const location_type & l)2237       make_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST_PATHS (const location_type& l)
2238       {
2239         return symbol_type (token::CONDITIONAL_FORECAST_PATHS, l);
2240       }
2241 #endif
2242 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2243       static
2244       symbol_type
make_CONF_SIG(location_type l)2245       make_CONF_SIG (location_type l)
2246       {
2247         return symbol_type (token::CONF_SIG, std::move (l));
2248       }
2249 #else
2250       static
2251       symbol_type
make_CONF_SIG(const location_type & l)2252       make_CONF_SIG (const location_type& l)
2253       {
2254         return symbol_type (token::CONF_SIG, l);
2255       }
2256 #endif
2257 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2258       static
2259       symbol_type
make_CONSTANT(location_type l)2260       make_CONSTANT (location_type l)
2261       {
2262         return symbol_type (token::CONSTANT, std::move (l));
2263       }
2264 #else
2265       static
2266       symbol_type
make_CONSTANT(const location_type & l)2267       make_CONSTANT (const location_type& l)
2268       {
2269         return symbol_type (token::CONSTANT, l);
2270       }
2271 #endif
2272 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2273       static
2274       symbol_type
make_CONTROLLED_VAREXO(location_type l)2275       make_CONTROLLED_VAREXO (location_type l)
2276       {
2277         return symbol_type (token::CONTROLLED_VAREXO, std::move (l));
2278       }
2279 #else
2280       static
2281       symbol_type
make_CONTROLLED_VAREXO(const location_type & l)2282       make_CONTROLLED_VAREXO (const location_type& l)
2283       {
2284         return symbol_type (token::CONTROLLED_VAREXO, l);
2285       }
2286 #endif
2287 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2288       static
2289       symbol_type
make_CORR(location_type l)2290       make_CORR (location_type l)
2291       {
2292         return symbol_type (token::CORR, std::move (l));
2293       }
2294 #else
2295       static
2296       symbol_type
make_CORR(const location_type & l)2297       make_CORR (const location_type& l)
2298       {
2299         return symbol_type (token::CORR, l);
2300       }
2301 #endif
2302 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2303       static
2304       symbol_type
make_CUTOFF(location_type l)2305       make_CUTOFF (location_type l)
2306       {
2307         return symbol_type (token::CUTOFF, std::move (l));
2308       }
2309 #else
2310       static
2311       symbol_type
make_CUTOFF(const location_type & l)2312       make_CUTOFF (const location_type& l)
2313       {
2314         return symbol_type (token::CUTOFF, l);
2315       }
2316 #endif
2317 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2318       static
2319       symbol_type
make_CYCLE_REDUCTION(location_type l)2320       make_CYCLE_REDUCTION (location_type l)
2321       {
2322         return symbol_type (token::CYCLE_REDUCTION, std::move (l));
2323       }
2324 #else
2325       static
2326       symbol_type
make_CYCLE_REDUCTION(const location_type & l)2327       make_CYCLE_REDUCTION (const location_type& l)
2328       {
2329         return symbol_type (token::CYCLE_REDUCTION, l);
2330       }
2331 #endif
2332 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2333       static
2334       symbol_type
make_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION(location_type l)2335       make_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION (location_type l)
2336       {
2337         return symbol_type (token::LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION, std::move (l));
2338       }
2339 #else
2340       static
2341       symbol_type
make_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION(const location_type & l)2342       make_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION (const location_type& l)
2343       {
2344         return symbol_type (token::LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION, l);
2345       }
2346 #endif
2347 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2348       static
2349       symbol_type
make_COMMA(location_type l)2350       make_COMMA (location_type l)
2351       {
2352         return symbol_type (token::COMMA, std::move (l));
2353       }
2354 #else
2355       static
2356       symbol_type
make_COMMA(const location_type & l)2357       make_COMMA (const location_type& l)
2358       {
2359         return symbol_type (token::COMMA, l);
2360       }
2361 #endif
2362 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2363       static
2364       symbol_type
make_CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS(location_type l)2365       make_CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS (location_type l)
2366       {
2367         return symbol_type (token::CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS, std::move (l));
2368       }
2369 #else
2370       static
2371       symbol_type
make_CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS(const location_type & l)2372       make_CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS (const location_type& l)
2373       {
2374         return symbol_type (token::CONSIDER_ALL_ENDOGENOUS, l);
2375       }
2376 #endif
2377 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2378       static
2379       symbol_type
make_CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED(location_type l)2380       make_CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED (location_type l)
2381       {
2382         return symbol_type (token::CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED, std::move (l));
2383       }
2384 #else
2385       static
2386       symbol_type
make_CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED(const location_type & l)2387       make_CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED (const location_type& l)
2388       {
2389         return symbol_type (token::CONSIDER_ONLY_OBSERVED, l);
2390       }
2391 #endif
2392 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2393       static
2394       symbol_type
make_INITIAL_CONDITION_DECOMPOSITION(location_type l)2395       make_INITIAL_CONDITION_DECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
2396       {
2397         return symbol_type (token::INITIAL_CONDITION_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
2398       }
2399 #else
2400       static
2401       symbol_type
make_INITIAL_CONDITION_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)2402       make_INITIAL_CONDITION_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
2403       {
2404         return symbol_type (token::INITIAL_CONDITION_DECOMPOSITION, l);
2405       }
2406 #endif
2407 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2408       static
2409       symbol_type
make_DATAFILE(location_type l)2410       make_DATAFILE (location_type l)
2411       {
2412         return symbol_type (token::DATAFILE, std::move (l));
2413       }
2414 #else
2415       static
2416       symbol_type
make_DATAFILE(const location_type & l)2417       make_DATAFILE (const location_type& l)
2418       {
2419         return symbol_type (token::DATAFILE, l);
2420       }
2421 #endif
2422 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2423       static
2424       symbol_type
make_FILE(location_type l)2425       make_FILE (location_type l)
2426       {
2427         return symbol_type (token::FILE, std::move (l));
2428       }
2429 #else
2430       static
2431       symbol_type
make_FILE(const location_type & l)2432       make_FILE (const location_type& l)
2433       {
2434         return symbol_type (token::FILE, l);
2435       }
2436 #endif
2437 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2438       static
2439       symbol_type
make_SERIES(location_type l)2440       make_SERIES (location_type l)
2441       {
2442         return symbol_type (token::SERIES, std::move (l));
2443       }
2444 #else
2445       static
2446       symbol_type
make_SERIES(const location_type & l)2447       make_SERIES (const location_type& l)
2448       {
2449         return symbol_type (token::SERIES, l);
2450       }
2451 #endif
2452 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2453       static
2454       symbol_type
make_DOUBLING(location_type l)2455       make_DOUBLING (location_type l)
2456       {
2457         return symbol_type (token::DOUBLING, std::move (l));
2458       }
2459 #else
2460       static
2461       symbol_type
make_DOUBLING(const location_type & l)2462       make_DOUBLING (const location_type& l)
2463       {
2464         return symbol_type (token::DOUBLING, l);
2465       }
2466 #endif
2467 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2468       static
2469       symbol_type
make_DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL(location_type l)2470       make_DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL (location_type l)
2471       {
2472         return symbol_type (token::DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL, std::move (l));
2473       }
2474 #else
2475       static
2476       symbol_type
make_DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL(const location_type & l)2477       make_DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL (const location_type& l)
2478       {
2479         return symbol_type (token::DR_CYCLE_REDUCTION_TOL, l);
2480       }
2481 #endif
2482 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2483       static
2484       symbol_type
make_DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_TOL(location_type l)2485       make_DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_TOL (location_type l)
2486       {
2487         return symbol_type (token::DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_TOL, std::move (l));
2488       }
2489 #else
2490       static
2491       symbol_type
make_DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_TOL(const location_type & l)2492       make_DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_TOL (const location_type& l)
2493       {
2494         return symbol_type (token::DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_TOL, l);
2495       }
2496 #endif
2497 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2498       static
2499       symbol_type
make_DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_MAXITER(location_type l)2500       make_DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_MAXITER (location_type l)
2501       {
2502         return symbol_type (token::DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_MAXITER, std::move (l));
2503       }
2504 #else
2505       static
2506       symbol_type
make_DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_MAXITER(const location_type & l)2507       make_DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_MAXITER (const location_type& l)
2508       {
2509         return symbol_type (token::DR_LOGARITHMIC_REDUCTION_MAXITER, l);
2510       }
2511 #endif
2512 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2513       static
2514       symbol_type
make_DR_ALGO(location_type l)2515       make_DR_ALGO (location_type l)
2516       {
2517         return symbol_type (token::DR_ALGO, std::move (l));
2518       }
2519 #else
2520       static
2521       symbol_type
make_DR_ALGO(const location_type & l)2522       make_DR_ALGO (const location_type& l)
2523       {
2524         return symbol_type (token::DR_ALGO, l);
2525       }
2526 #endif
2527 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2528       static
2529       symbol_type
make_DROP(location_type l)2530       make_DROP (location_type l)
2531       {
2532         return symbol_type (token::DROP, std::move (l));
2533       }
2534 #else
2535       static
2536       symbol_type
make_DROP(const location_type & l)2537       make_DROP (const location_type& l)
2538       {
2539         return symbol_type (token::DROP, l);
2540       }
2541 #endif
2542 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2543       static
2544       symbol_type
make_DSAMPLE(location_type l)2545       make_DSAMPLE (location_type l)
2546       {
2547         return symbol_type (token::DSAMPLE, std::move (l));
2548       }
2549 #else
2550       static
2551       symbol_type
make_DSAMPLE(const location_type & l)2552       make_DSAMPLE (const location_type& l)
2553       {
2554         return symbol_type (token::DSAMPLE, l);
2555       }
2556 #endif
2557 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2558       static
2559       symbol_type
make_DYNASAVE(location_type l)2560       make_DYNASAVE (location_type l)
2561       {
2562         return symbol_type (token::DYNASAVE, std::move (l));
2563       }
2564 #else
2565       static
2566       symbol_type
make_DYNASAVE(const location_type & l)2567       make_DYNASAVE (const location_type& l)
2568       {
2569         return symbol_type (token::DYNASAVE, l);
2570       }
2571 #endif
2572 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2573       static
2574       symbol_type
make_DYNATYPE(location_type l)2575       make_DYNATYPE (location_type l)
2576       {
2577         return symbol_type (token::DYNATYPE, std::move (l));
2578       }
2579 #else
2580       static
2581       symbol_type
make_DYNATYPE(const location_type & l)2582       make_DYNATYPE (const location_type& l)
2583       {
2584         return symbol_type (token::DYNATYPE, l);
2585       }
2586 #endif
2587 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2588       static
2589       symbol_type
make_CALIBRATION(location_type l)2590       make_CALIBRATION (location_type l)
2591       {
2592         return symbol_type (token::CALIBRATION, std::move (l));
2593       }
2594 #else
2595       static
2596       symbol_type
make_CALIBRATION(const location_type & l)2597       make_CALIBRATION (const location_type& l)
2598       {
2599         return symbol_type (token::CALIBRATION, l);
2600       }
2601 #endif
2602 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2603       static
2604       symbol_type
make_DIFFERENTIATE_FORWARD_VARS(location_type l)2605       make_DIFFERENTIATE_FORWARD_VARS (location_type l)
2606       {
2607         return symbol_type (token::DIFFERENTIATE_FORWARD_VARS, std::move (l));
2608       }
2609 #else
2610       static
2611       symbol_type
make_DIFFERENTIATE_FORWARD_VARS(const location_type & l)2612       make_DIFFERENTIATE_FORWARD_VARS (const location_type& l)
2613       {
2614         return symbol_type (token::DIFFERENTIATE_FORWARD_VARS, l);
2615       }
2616 #endif
2617 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2618       static
2619       symbol_type
make_END(location_type l)2620       make_END (location_type l)
2621       {
2622         return symbol_type (token::END, std::move (l));
2623       }
2624 #else
2625       static
2626       symbol_type
make_END(const location_type & l)2627       make_END (const location_type& l)
2628       {
2629         return symbol_type (token::END, l);
2630       }
2631 #endif
2632 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2633       static
2634       symbol_type
make_ENDVAL(location_type l)2635       make_ENDVAL (location_type l)
2636       {
2637         return symbol_type (token::ENDVAL, std::move (l));
2638       }
2639 #else
2640       static
2641       symbol_type
make_ENDVAL(const location_type & l)2642       make_ENDVAL (const location_type& l)
2643       {
2644         return symbol_type (token::ENDVAL, l);
2645       }
2646 #endif
2647 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2648       static
2649       symbol_type
make_EQUAL(location_type l)2650       make_EQUAL (location_type l)
2651       {
2652         return symbol_type (token::EQUAL, std::move (l));
2653       }
2654 #else
2655       static
2656       symbol_type
make_EQUAL(const location_type & l)2657       make_EQUAL (const location_type& l)
2658       {
2659         return symbol_type (token::EQUAL, l);
2660       }
2661 #endif
2662 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2663       static
2664       symbol_type
make_ESTIMATION(location_type l)2665       make_ESTIMATION (location_type l)
2666       {
2667         return symbol_type (token::ESTIMATION, std::move (l));
2668       }
2669 #else
2670       static
2671       symbol_type
make_ESTIMATION(const location_type & l)2672       make_ESTIMATION (const location_type& l)
2673       {
2674         return symbol_type (token::ESTIMATION, l);
2675       }
2676 #endif
2677 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2678       static
2679       symbol_type
make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS(location_type l)2680       make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS (location_type l)
2681       {
2682         return symbol_type (token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS, std::move (l));
2683       }
2684 #else
2685       static
2686       symbol_type
make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS(const location_type & l)2687       make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS (const location_type& l)
2688       {
2689         return symbol_type (token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS, l);
2690       }
2691 #endif
2692 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2693       static
2694       symbol_type
make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS(location_type l)2695       make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS (location_type l)
2696       {
2697         return symbol_type (token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS, std::move (l));
2698       }
2699 #else
2700       static
2701       symbol_type
make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS(const location_type & l)2702       make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS (const location_type& l)
2703       {
2704         return symbol_type (token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS_BOUNDS, l);
2705       }
2706 #endif
2707 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2708       static
2709       symbol_type
make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT(location_type l)2710       make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT (location_type l)
2711       {
2712         return symbol_type (token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT, std::move (l));
2713       }
2714 #else
2715       static
2716       symbol_type
make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT(const location_type & l)2717       make_ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT (const location_type& l)
2718       {
2719         return symbol_type (token::ESTIMATED_PARAMS_INIT, l);
2720       }
2721 #endif
2722 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2723       static
2724       symbol_type
make_EXTENDED_PATH(location_type l)2725       make_EXTENDED_PATH (location_type l)
2726       {
2727         return symbol_type (token::EXTENDED_PATH, std::move (l));
2728       }
2729 #else
2730       static
2731       symbol_type
make_EXTENDED_PATH(const location_type & l)2732       make_EXTENDED_PATH (const location_type& l)
2733       {
2734         return symbol_type (token::EXTENDED_PATH, l);
2735       }
2736 #endif
2737 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2738       static
2739       symbol_type
make_ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR(location_type l)2740       make_ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR (location_type l)
2741       {
2742         return symbol_type (token::ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR, std::move (l));
2743       }
2744 #else
2745       static
2746       symbol_type
make_ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR(const location_type & l)2747       make_ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR (const location_type& l)
2748       {
2749         return symbol_type (token::ENDOGENOUS_PRIOR, l);
2750       }
2751 #endif
2752 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2753       static
2754       symbol_type
make_EXPRESSION(location_type l)2755       make_EXPRESSION (location_type l)
2756       {
2757         return symbol_type (token::EXPRESSION, std::move (l));
2758       }
2759 #else
2760       static
2761       symbol_type
make_EXPRESSION(const location_type & l)2762       make_EXPRESSION (const location_type& l)
2763       {
2764         return symbol_type (token::EXPRESSION, l);
2765       }
2766 #endif
2767 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2768       static
2769       symbol_type
make_FILENAME(location_type l)2770       make_FILENAME (location_type l)
2771       {
2772         return symbol_type (token::FILENAME, std::move (l));
2773       }
2774 #else
2775       static
2776       symbol_type
make_FILENAME(const location_type & l)2777       make_FILENAME (const location_type& l)
2778       {
2779         return symbol_type (token::FILENAME, l);
2780       }
2781 #endif
2782 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2783       static
2784       symbol_type
make_DIRNAME(location_type l)2785       make_DIRNAME (location_type l)
2786       {
2787         return symbol_type (token::DIRNAME, std::move (l));
2788       }
2789 #else
2790       static
2791       symbol_type
make_DIRNAME(const location_type & l)2792       make_DIRNAME (const location_type& l)
2793       {
2794         return symbol_type (token::DIRNAME, l);
2795       }
2796 #endif
2797 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2798       static
2799       symbol_type
make_FILTER_STEP_AHEAD(location_type l)2800       make_FILTER_STEP_AHEAD (location_type l)
2801       {
2802         return symbol_type (token::FILTER_STEP_AHEAD, std::move (l));
2803       }
2804 #else
2805       static
2806       symbol_type
make_FILTER_STEP_AHEAD(const location_type & l)2807       make_FILTER_STEP_AHEAD (const location_type& l)
2808       {
2809         return symbol_type (token::FILTER_STEP_AHEAD, l);
2810       }
2811 #endif
2812 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2813       static
2814       symbol_type
make_FILTERED_VARS(location_type l)2815       make_FILTERED_VARS (location_type l)
2816       {
2817         return symbol_type (token::FILTERED_VARS, std::move (l));
2818       }
2819 #else
2820       static
2821       symbol_type
make_FILTERED_VARS(const location_type & l)2822       make_FILTERED_VARS (const location_type& l)
2823       {
2824         return symbol_type (token::FILTERED_VARS, l);
2825       }
2826 #endif
2827 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2828       static
2829       symbol_type
make_FIRST_OBS(location_type l)2830       make_FIRST_OBS (location_type l)
2831       {
2832         return symbol_type (token::FIRST_OBS, std::move (l));
2833       }
2834 #else
2835       static
2836       symbol_type
make_FIRST_OBS(const location_type & l)2837       make_FIRST_OBS (const location_type& l)
2838       {
2839         return symbol_type (token::FIRST_OBS, l);
2840       }
2841 #endif
2842 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2843       static
2844       symbol_type
make_LAST_OBS(location_type l)2845       make_LAST_OBS (location_type l)
2846       {
2847         return symbol_type (token::LAST_OBS, std::move (l));
2848       }
2849 #else
2850       static
2851       symbol_type
make_LAST_OBS(const location_type & l)2852       make_LAST_OBS (const location_type& l)
2853       {
2854         return symbol_type (token::LAST_OBS, l);
2855       }
2856 #endif
2857 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2858       static
2859       symbol_type
make_SET_TIME(location_type l)2860       make_SET_TIME (location_type l)
2861       {
2862         return symbol_type (token::SET_TIME, std::move (l));
2863       }
2864 #else
2865       static
2866       symbol_type
make_SET_TIME(const location_type & l)2867       make_SET_TIME (const location_type& l)
2868       {
2869         return symbol_type (token::SET_TIME, l);
2870       }
2871 #endif
2872 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2873       static
2874       symbol_type
make_OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS(location_type l)2875       make_OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS (location_type l)
2876       {
2877         return symbol_type (token::OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS, std::move (l));
2878       }
2879 #else
2880       static
2881       symbol_type
make_OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS(const location_type & l)2882       make_OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS (const location_type& l)
2883       {
2884         return symbol_type (token::OSR_PARAMS_BOUNDS, l);
2885       }
2886 #endif
2887 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2888       static
2889       symbol_type
2891       {
2892         return symbol_type (token::KEEP_KALMAN_ALGO_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED, std::move (l));
2893       }
2894 #else
2895       static
2896       symbol_type
make_KEEP_KALMAN_ALGO_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED(const location_type & l)2897       make_KEEP_KALMAN_ALGO_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED (const location_type& l)
2898       {
2899         return symbol_type (token::KEEP_KALMAN_ALGO_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED, l);
2900       }
2901 #endif
2902 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2903       static
2904       symbol_type
make_FALSE(string v,location_type l)2905       make_FALSE (string v, location_type l)
2906       {
2907         return symbol_type (token::FALSE, std::move (v), std::move (l));
2908       }
2909 #else
2910       static
2911       symbol_type
make_FALSE(const string & v,const location_type & l)2912       make_FALSE (const string& v, const location_type& l)
2913       {
2914         return symbol_type (token::FALSE, v, l);
2915       }
2916 #endif
2917 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2918       static
2919       symbol_type
make_FLOAT_NUMBER(string v,location_type l)2920       make_FLOAT_NUMBER (string v, location_type l)
2921       {
2922         return symbol_type (token::FLOAT_NUMBER, std::move (v), std::move (l));
2923       }
2924 #else
2925       static
2926       symbol_type
make_FLOAT_NUMBER(const string & v,const location_type & l)2927       make_FLOAT_NUMBER (const string& v, const location_type& l)
2928       {
2929         return symbol_type (token::FLOAT_NUMBER, v, l);
2930       }
2931 #endif
2932 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2933       static
2934       symbol_type
make_DATES(string v,location_type l)2935       make_DATES (string v, location_type l)
2936       {
2937         return symbol_type (token::DATES, std::move (v), std::move (l));
2938       }
2939 #else
2940       static
2941       symbol_type
make_DATES(const string & v,const location_type & l)2942       make_DATES (const string& v, const location_type& l)
2943       {
2944         return symbol_type (token::DATES, v, l);
2945       }
2946 #endif
2947 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2948       static
2949       symbol_type
make_DEFAULT(location_type l)2950       make_DEFAULT (location_type l)
2951       {
2952         return symbol_type (token::DEFAULT, std::move (l));
2953       }
2954 #else
2955       static
2956       symbol_type
make_DEFAULT(const location_type & l)2957       make_DEFAULT (const location_type& l)
2958       {
2959         return symbol_type (token::DEFAULT, l);
2960       }
2961 #endif
2962 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2963       static
2964       symbol_type
make_FIXED_POINT(location_type l)2965       make_FIXED_POINT (location_type l)
2966       {
2967         return symbol_type (token::FIXED_POINT, std::move (l));
2968       }
2969 #else
2970       static
2971       symbol_type
make_FIXED_POINT(const location_type & l)2972       make_FIXED_POINT (const location_type& l)
2973       {
2974         return symbol_type (token::FIXED_POINT, l);
2975       }
2976 #endif
2977 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2978       static
2979       symbol_type
make_FLIP(location_type l)2980       make_FLIP (location_type l)
2981       {
2982         return symbol_type (token::FLIP, std::move (l));
2983       }
2984 #else
2985       static
2986       symbol_type
make_FLIP(const location_type & l)2987       make_FLIP (const location_type& l)
2988       {
2989         return symbol_type (token::FLIP, l);
2990       }
2991 #endif
2992 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
2993       static
2994       symbol_type
make_OPT_ALGO(location_type l)2995       make_OPT_ALGO (location_type l)
2996       {
2997         return symbol_type (token::OPT_ALGO, std::move (l));
2998       }
2999 #else
3000       static
3001       symbol_type
make_OPT_ALGO(const location_type & l)3002       make_OPT_ALGO (const location_type& l)
3003       {
3004         return symbol_type (token::OPT_ALGO, l);
3005       }
3006 #endif
3007 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3008       static
3009       symbol_type
make_COMPILATION_SETUP(location_type l)3010       make_COMPILATION_SETUP (location_type l)
3011       {
3012         return symbol_type (token::COMPILATION_SETUP, std::move (l));
3013       }
3014 #else
3015       static
3016       symbol_type
make_COMPILATION_SETUP(const location_type & l)3017       make_COMPILATION_SETUP (const location_type& l)
3018       {
3019         return symbol_type (token::COMPILATION_SETUP, l);
3020       }
3021 #endif
3022 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3023       static
3024       symbol_type
make_COMPILER(location_type l)3025       make_COMPILER (location_type l)
3026       {
3027         return symbol_type (token::COMPILER, std::move (l));
3028       }
3029 #else
3030       static
3031       symbol_type
make_COMPILER(const location_type & l)3032       make_COMPILER (const location_type& l)
3033       {
3034         return symbol_type (token::COMPILER, l);
3035       }
3036 #endif
3037 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3038       static
3039       symbol_type
make_ADD_FLAGS(location_type l)3040       make_ADD_FLAGS (location_type l)
3041       {
3042         return symbol_type (token::ADD_FLAGS, std::move (l));
3043       }
3044 #else
3045       static
3046       symbol_type
make_ADD_FLAGS(const location_type & l)3047       make_ADD_FLAGS (const location_type& l)
3048       {
3049         return symbol_type (token::ADD_FLAGS, l);
3050       }
3051 #endif
3052 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3053       static
3054       symbol_type
make_SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS(location_type l)3055       make_SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS (location_type l)
3056       {
3057         return symbol_type (token::SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS, std::move (l));
3058       }
3059 #else
3060       static
3061       symbol_type
make_SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS(const location_type & l)3062       make_SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS (const location_type& l)
3063       {
3064         return symbol_type (token::SUBSTITUTE_FLAGS, l);
3065       }
3066 #endif
3067 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3068       static
3069       symbol_type
make_ADD_LIBS(location_type l)3070       make_ADD_LIBS (location_type l)
3071       {
3072         return symbol_type (token::ADD_LIBS, std::move (l));
3073       }
3074 #else
3075       static
3076       symbol_type
make_ADD_LIBS(const location_type & l)3077       make_ADD_LIBS (const location_type& l)
3078       {
3079         return symbol_type (token::ADD_LIBS, l);
3080       }
3081 #endif
3082 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3083       static
3084       symbol_type
make_SUBSTITUTE_LIBS(location_type l)3085       make_SUBSTITUTE_LIBS (location_type l)
3086       {
3087         return symbol_type (token::SUBSTITUTE_LIBS, std::move (l));
3088       }
3089 #else
3090       static
3091       symbol_type
make_SUBSTITUTE_LIBS(const location_type & l)3092       make_SUBSTITUTE_LIBS (const location_type& l)
3093       {
3094         return symbol_type (token::SUBSTITUTE_LIBS, l);
3095       }
3096 #endif
3097 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3098       static
3099       symbol_type
make_FORECAST(location_type l)3100       make_FORECAST (location_type l)
3101       {
3102         return symbol_type (token::FORECAST, std::move (l));
3103       }
3104 #else
3105       static
3106       symbol_type
make_FORECAST(const location_type & l)3107       make_FORECAST (const location_type& l)
3108       {
3109         return symbol_type (token::FORECAST, l);
3110       }
3111 #endif
3112 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3113       static
3114       symbol_type
make_K_ORDER_SOLVER(location_type l)3115       make_K_ORDER_SOLVER (location_type l)
3116       {
3117         return symbol_type (token::K_ORDER_SOLVER, std::move (l));
3118       }
3119 #else
3120       static
3121       symbol_type
make_K_ORDER_SOLVER(const location_type & l)3122       make_K_ORDER_SOLVER (const location_type& l)
3123       {
3124         return symbol_type (token::K_ORDER_SOLVER, l);
3125       }
3126 #endif
3127 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3128       static
3129       symbol_type
make_INSTRUMENTS(location_type l)3130       make_INSTRUMENTS (location_type l)
3131       {
3132         return symbol_type (token::INSTRUMENTS, std::move (l));
3133       }
3134 #else
3135       static
3136       symbol_type
make_INSTRUMENTS(const location_type & l)3137       make_INSTRUMENTS (const location_type& l)
3138       {
3139         return symbol_type (token::INSTRUMENTS, l);
3140       }
3141 #endif
3142 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3143       static
3144       symbol_type
make_SHIFT(location_type l)3145       make_SHIFT (location_type l)
3146       {
3147         return symbol_type (token::SHIFT, std::move (l));
3148       }
3149 #else
3150       static
3151       symbol_type
make_SHIFT(const location_type & l)3152       make_SHIFT (const location_type& l)
3153       {
3154         return symbol_type (token::SHIFT, l);
3155       }
3156 #endif
3157 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3158       static
3159       symbol_type
make_MEAN(location_type l)3160       make_MEAN (location_type l)
3161       {
3162         return symbol_type (token::MEAN, std::move (l));
3163       }
3164 #else
3165       static
3166       symbol_type
make_MEAN(const location_type & l)3167       make_MEAN (const location_type& l)
3168       {
3169         return symbol_type (token::MEAN, l);
3170       }
3171 #endif
3172 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3173       static
3174       symbol_type
make_STDEV(location_type l)3175       make_STDEV (location_type l)
3176       {
3177         return symbol_type (token::STDEV, std::move (l));
3178       }
3179 #else
3180       static
3181       symbol_type
make_STDEV(const location_type & l)3182       make_STDEV (const location_type& l)
3183       {
3184         return symbol_type (token::STDEV, l);
3185       }
3186 #endif
3187 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3188       static
3189       symbol_type
make_VARIANCE(location_type l)3190       make_VARIANCE (location_type l)
3191       {
3192         return symbol_type (token::VARIANCE, std::move (l));
3193       }
3194 #else
3195       static
3196       symbol_type
make_VARIANCE(const location_type & l)3197       make_VARIANCE (const location_type& l)
3198       {
3199         return symbol_type (token::VARIANCE, l);
3200       }
3201 #endif
3202 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3203       static
3204       symbol_type
make_MODE(location_type l)3205       make_MODE (location_type l)
3206       {
3207         return symbol_type (token::MODE, std::move (l));
3208       }
3209 #else
3210       static
3211       symbol_type
make_MODE(const location_type & l)3212       make_MODE (const location_type& l)
3213       {
3214         return symbol_type (token::MODE, l);
3215       }
3216 #endif
3217 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3218       static
3219       symbol_type
make_INTERVAL(location_type l)3220       make_INTERVAL (location_type l)
3221       {
3222         return symbol_type (token::INTERVAL, std::move (l));
3223       }
3224 #else
3225       static
3226       symbol_type
make_INTERVAL(const location_type & l)3227       make_INTERVAL (const location_type& l)
3228       {
3229         return symbol_type (token::INTERVAL, l);
3230       }
3231 #endif
3232 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3233       static
3234       symbol_type
make_SHAPE(location_type l)3235       make_SHAPE (location_type l)
3236       {
3237         return symbol_type (token::SHAPE, std::move (l));
3238       }
3239 #else
3240       static
3241       symbol_type
make_SHAPE(const location_type & l)3242       make_SHAPE (const location_type& l)
3243       {
3244         return symbol_type (token::SHAPE, l);
3245       }
3246 #endif
3247 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3248       static
3249       symbol_type
make_DOMAINN(location_type l)3250       make_DOMAINN (location_type l)
3251       {
3252         return symbol_type (token::DOMAINN, std::move (l));
3253       }
3254 #else
3255       static
3256       symbol_type
make_DOMAINN(const location_type & l)3257       make_DOMAINN (const location_type& l)
3258       {
3259         return symbol_type (token::DOMAINN, l);
3260       }
3261 #endif
3262 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3263       static
3264       symbol_type
make_GAMMA_PDF(location_type l)3265       make_GAMMA_PDF (location_type l)
3266       {
3267         return symbol_type (token::GAMMA_PDF, std::move (l));
3268       }
3269 #else
3270       static
3271       symbol_type
make_GAMMA_PDF(const location_type & l)3272       make_GAMMA_PDF (const location_type& l)
3273       {
3274         return symbol_type (token::GAMMA_PDF, l);
3275       }
3276 #endif
3277 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3278       static
3279       symbol_type
make_GRAPH(location_type l)3280       make_GRAPH (location_type l)
3281       {
3282         return symbol_type (token::GRAPH, std::move (l));
3283       }
3284 #else
3285       static
3286       symbol_type
make_GRAPH(const location_type & l)3287       make_GRAPH (const location_type& l)
3288       {
3289         return symbol_type (token::GRAPH, l);
3290       }
3291 #endif
3292 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3293       static
3294       symbol_type
make_GRAPH_FORMAT(location_type l)3295       make_GRAPH_FORMAT (location_type l)
3296       {
3297         return symbol_type (token::GRAPH_FORMAT, std::move (l));
3298       }
3299 #else
3300       static
3301       symbol_type
make_GRAPH_FORMAT(const location_type & l)3302       make_GRAPH_FORMAT (const location_type& l)
3303       {
3304         return symbol_type (token::GRAPH_FORMAT, l);
3305       }
3306 #endif
3307 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3308       static
3309       symbol_type
3311       {
3312         return symbol_type (token::CONDITIONAL_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
3313       }
3314 #else
3315       static
3316       symbol_type
make_CONDITIONAL_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)3317       make_CONDITIONAL_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
3318       {
3319         return symbol_type (token::CONDITIONAL_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION, l);
3320       }
3321 #endif
3322 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3323       static
3324       symbol_type
make_NOCHECK(location_type l)3325       make_NOCHECK (location_type l)
3326       {
3327         return symbol_type (token::NOCHECK, std::move (l));
3328       }
3329 #else
3330       static
3331       symbol_type
make_NOCHECK(const location_type & l)3332       make_NOCHECK (const location_type& l)
3333       {
3334         return symbol_type (token::NOCHECK, l);
3335       }
3336 #endif
3337 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3338       static
3339       symbol_type
make_STD(location_type l)3340       make_STD (location_type l)
3341       {
3342         return symbol_type (token::STD, std::move (l));
3343       }
3344 #else
3345       static
3346       symbol_type
make_STD(const location_type & l)3347       make_STD (const location_type& l)
3348       {
3349         return symbol_type (token::STD, l);
3350       }
3351 #endif
3352 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3353       static
3354       symbol_type
make_HISTVAL(location_type l)3355       make_HISTVAL (location_type l)
3356       {
3357         return symbol_type (token::HISTVAL, std::move (l));
3358       }
3359 #else
3360       static
3361       symbol_type
make_HISTVAL(const location_type & l)3362       make_HISTVAL (const location_type& l)
3363       {
3364         return symbol_type (token::HISTVAL, l);
3365       }
3366 #endif
3367 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3368       static
3369       symbol_type
make_HISTVAL_FILE(location_type l)3370       make_HISTVAL_FILE (location_type l)
3371       {
3372         return symbol_type (token::HISTVAL_FILE, std::move (l));
3373       }
3374 #else
3375       static
3376       symbol_type
make_HISTVAL_FILE(const location_type & l)3377       make_HISTVAL_FILE (const location_type& l)
3378       {
3379         return symbol_type (token::HISTVAL_FILE, l);
3380       }
3381 #endif
3382 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3383       static
3384       symbol_type
make_HOMOTOPY_SETUP(location_type l)3385       make_HOMOTOPY_SETUP (location_type l)
3386       {
3387         return symbol_type (token::HOMOTOPY_SETUP, std::move (l));
3388       }
3389 #else
3390       static
3391       symbol_type
make_HOMOTOPY_SETUP(const location_type & l)3392       make_HOMOTOPY_SETUP (const location_type& l)
3393       {
3394         return symbol_type (token::HOMOTOPY_SETUP, l);
3395       }
3396 #endif
3397 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3398       static
3399       symbol_type
make_HOMOTOPY_MODE(location_type l)3400       make_HOMOTOPY_MODE (location_type l)
3401       {
3402         return symbol_type (token::HOMOTOPY_MODE, std::move (l));
3403       }
3404 #else
3405       static
3406       symbol_type
make_HOMOTOPY_MODE(const location_type & l)3407       make_HOMOTOPY_MODE (const location_type& l)
3408       {
3409         return symbol_type (token::HOMOTOPY_MODE, l);
3410       }
3411 #endif
3412 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3413       static
3414       symbol_type
make_HOMOTOPY_STEPS(location_type l)3415       make_HOMOTOPY_STEPS (location_type l)
3416       {
3417         return symbol_type (token::HOMOTOPY_STEPS, std::move (l));
3418       }
3419 #else
3420       static
3421       symbol_type
make_HOMOTOPY_STEPS(const location_type & l)3422       make_HOMOTOPY_STEPS (const location_type& l)
3423       {
3424         return symbol_type (token::HOMOTOPY_STEPS, l);
3425       }
3426 #endif
3427 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3428       static
3429       symbol_type
make_HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE(location_type l)3430       make_HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE (location_type l)
3431       {
3432         return symbol_type (token::HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE, std::move (l));
3433       }
3434 #else
3435       static
3436       symbol_type
make_HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE(const location_type & l)3437       make_HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE (const location_type& l)
3438       {
3439         return symbol_type (token::HOMOTOPY_FORCE_CONTINUE, l);
3440       }
3441 #endif
3442 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3443       static
3444       symbol_type
make_HP_FILTER(location_type l)3445       make_HP_FILTER (location_type l)
3446       {
3447         return symbol_type (token::HP_FILTER, std::move (l));
3448       }
3449 #else
3450       static
3451       symbol_type
make_HP_FILTER(const location_type & l)3452       make_HP_FILTER (const location_type& l)
3453       {
3454         return symbol_type (token::HP_FILTER, l);
3455       }
3456 #endif
3457 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3458       static
3459       symbol_type
make_HP_NGRID(location_type l)3460       make_HP_NGRID (location_type l)
3461       {
3462         return symbol_type (token::HP_NGRID, std::move (l));
3463       }
3464 #else
3465       static
3466       symbol_type
make_HP_NGRID(const location_type & l)3467       make_HP_NGRID (const location_type& l)
3468       {
3469         return symbol_type (token::HP_NGRID, l);
3470       }
3471 #endif
3472 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3473       static
3474       symbol_type
make_FILTERED_THEORETICAL_MOMENTS_GRID(location_type l)3475       make_FILTERED_THEORETICAL_MOMENTS_GRID (location_type l)
3476       {
3477         return symbol_type (token::FILTERED_THEORETICAL_MOMENTS_GRID, std::move (l));
3478       }
3479 #else
3480       static
3481       symbol_type
make_FILTERED_THEORETICAL_MOMENTS_GRID(const location_type & l)3482       make_FILTERED_THEORETICAL_MOMENTS_GRID (const location_type& l)
3483       {
3484         return symbol_type (token::FILTERED_THEORETICAL_MOMENTS_GRID, l);
3485       }
3486 #endif
3487 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3488       static
3489       symbol_type
make_HYBRID(location_type l)3490       make_HYBRID (location_type l)
3491       {
3492         return symbol_type (token::HYBRID, std::move (l));
3493       }
3494 #else
3495       static
3496       symbol_type
make_HYBRID(const location_type & l)3497       make_HYBRID (const location_type& l)
3498       {
3499         return symbol_type (token::HYBRID, l);
3500       }
3501 #endif
3502 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3503       static
3504       symbol_type
make_ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER(location_type l)3505       make_ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER (location_type l)
3506       {
3507         return symbol_type (token::ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER, std::move (l));
3508       }
3509 #else
3510       static
3511       symbol_type
make_ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER(const location_type & l)3512       make_ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER (const location_type& l)
3513       {
3514         return symbol_type (token::ONE_SIDED_HP_FILTER, l);
3515       }
3516 #endif
3517 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3518       static
3519       symbol_type
make_IDENTIFICATION(location_type l)3520       make_IDENTIFICATION (location_type l)
3521       {
3522         return symbol_type (token::IDENTIFICATION, std::move (l));
3523       }
3524 #else
3525       static
3526       symbol_type
make_IDENTIFICATION(const location_type & l)3527       make_IDENTIFICATION (const location_type& l)
3528       {
3529         return symbol_type (token::IDENTIFICATION, l);
3530       }
3531 #endif
3532 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3533       static
3534       symbol_type
make_INF_CONSTANT(location_type l)3535       make_INF_CONSTANT (location_type l)
3536       {
3537         return symbol_type (token::INF_CONSTANT, std::move (l));
3538       }
3539 #else
3540       static
3541       symbol_type
make_INF_CONSTANT(const location_type & l)3542       make_INF_CONSTANT (const location_type& l)
3543       {
3544         return symbol_type (token::INF_CONSTANT, l);
3545       }
3546 #endif
3547 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3548       static
3549       symbol_type
make_INITVAL(location_type l)3550       make_INITVAL (location_type l)
3551       {
3552         return symbol_type (token::INITVAL, std::move (l));
3553       }
3554 #else
3555       static
3556       symbol_type
make_INITVAL(const location_type & l)3557       make_INITVAL (const location_type& l)
3558       {
3559         return symbol_type (token::INITVAL, l);
3560       }
3561 #endif
3562 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3563       static
3564       symbol_type
make_INITVAL_FILE(location_type l)3565       make_INITVAL_FILE (location_type l)
3566       {
3567         return symbol_type (token::INITVAL_FILE, std::move (l));
3568       }
3569 #else
3570       static
3571       symbol_type
make_INITVAL_FILE(const location_type & l)3572       make_INITVAL_FILE (const location_type& l)
3573       {
3574         return symbol_type (token::INITVAL_FILE, l);
3575       }
3576 #endif
3577 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3578       static
3579       symbol_type
make_BOUNDS(location_type l)3580       make_BOUNDS (location_type l)
3581       {
3582         return symbol_type (token::BOUNDS, std::move (l));
3583       }
3584 #else
3585       static
3586       symbol_type
make_BOUNDS(const location_type & l)3587       make_BOUNDS (const location_type& l)
3588       {
3589         return symbol_type (token::BOUNDS, l);
3590       }
3591 #endif
3592 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3593       static
3594       symbol_type
make_JSCALE(location_type l)3595       make_JSCALE (location_type l)
3596       {
3597         return symbol_type (token::JSCALE, std::move (l));
3598       }
3599 #else
3600       static
3601       symbol_type
make_JSCALE(const location_type & l)3602       make_JSCALE (const location_type& l)
3603       {
3604         return symbol_type (token::JSCALE, l);
3605       }
3606 #endif
3607 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3608       static
3609       symbol_type
make_INIT(location_type l)3610       make_INIT (location_type l)
3611       {
3612         return symbol_type (token::INIT, std::move (l));
3613       }
3614 #else
3615       static
3616       symbol_type
make_INIT(const location_type & l)3617       make_INIT (const location_type& l)
3618       {
3619         return symbol_type (token::INIT, l);
3620       }
3621 #endif
3622 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3623       static
3624       symbol_type
make_INFILE(location_type l)3625       make_INFILE (location_type l)
3626       {
3627         return symbol_type (token::INFILE, std::move (l));
3628       }
3629 #else
3630       static
3631       symbol_type
make_INFILE(const location_type & l)3632       make_INFILE (const location_type& l)
3633       {
3634         return symbol_type (token::INFILE, l);
3635       }
3636 #endif
3637 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3638       static
3639       symbol_type
make_INVARS(location_type l)3640       make_INVARS (location_type l)
3641       {
3642         return symbol_type (token::INVARS, std::move (l));
3643       }
3644 #else
3645       static
3646       symbol_type
make_INVARS(const location_type & l)3647       make_INVARS (const location_type& l)
3648       {
3649         return symbol_type (token::INVARS, l);
3650       }
3651 #endif
3652 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3653       static
3654       symbol_type
make_INT_NUMBER(string v,location_type l)3655       make_INT_NUMBER (string v, location_type l)
3656       {
3657         return symbol_type (token::INT_NUMBER, std::move (v), std::move (l));
3658       }
3659 #else
3660       static
3661       symbol_type
make_INT_NUMBER(const string & v,const location_type & l)3662       make_INT_NUMBER (const string& v, const location_type& l)
3663       {
3664         return symbol_type (token::INT_NUMBER, v, l);
3665       }
3666 #endif
3667 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3668       static
3669       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA_PDF(location_type l)3670       make_INV_GAMMA_PDF (location_type l)
3671       {
3672         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA_PDF, std::move (l));
3673       }
3674 #else
3675       static
3676       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA_PDF(const location_type & l)3677       make_INV_GAMMA_PDF (const location_type& l)
3678       {
3679         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA_PDF, l);
3680       }
3681 #endif
3682 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3683       static
3684       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA1_PDF(location_type l)3685       make_INV_GAMMA1_PDF (location_type l)
3686       {
3687         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA1_PDF, std::move (l));
3688       }
3689 #else
3690       static
3691       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA1_PDF(const location_type & l)3692       make_INV_GAMMA1_PDF (const location_type& l)
3693       {
3694         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA1_PDF, l);
3695       }
3696 #endif
3697 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3698       static
3699       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA2_PDF(location_type l)3700       make_INV_GAMMA2_PDF (location_type l)
3701       {
3702         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA2_PDF, std::move (l));
3703       }
3704 #else
3705       static
3706       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA2_PDF(const location_type & l)3707       make_INV_GAMMA2_PDF (const location_type& l)
3708       {
3709         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA2_PDF, l);
3710       }
3711 #endif
3712 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3713       static
3714       symbol_type
make_IRF(location_type l)3715       make_IRF (location_type l)
3716       {
3717         return symbol_type (token::IRF, std::move (l));
3718       }
3719 #else
3720       static
3721       symbol_type
make_IRF(const location_type & l)3722       make_IRF (const location_type& l)
3723       {
3724         return symbol_type (token::IRF, l);
3725       }
3726 #endif
3727 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3728       static
3729       symbol_type
make_IRF_SHOCKS(location_type l)3730       make_IRF_SHOCKS (location_type l)
3731       {
3732         return symbol_type (token::IRF_SHOCKS, std::move (l));
3733       }
3734 #else
3735       static
3736       symbol_type
make_IRF_SHOCKS(const location_type & l)3737       make_IRF_SHOCKS (const location_type& l)
3738       {
3739         return symbol_type (token::IRF_SHOCKS, l);
3740       }
3741 #endif
3742 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3743       static
3744       symbol_type
make_IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD(location_type l)3745       make_IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD (location_type l)
3746       {
3747         return symbol_type (token::IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD, std::move (l));
3748       }
3749 #else
3750       static
3751       symbol_type
make_IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD(const location_type & l)3752       make_IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD (const location_type& l)
3753       {
3754         return symbol_type (token::IRF_PLOT_THRESHOLD, l);
3755       }
3756 #endif
3757 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3758       static
3759       symbol_type
make_IRF_CALIBRATION(location_type l)3760       make_IRF_CALIBRATION (location_type l)
3761       {
3762         return symbol_type (token::IRF_CALIBRATION, std::move (l));
3763       }
3764 #else
3765       static
3766       symbol_type
make_IRF_CALIBRATION(const location_type & l)3767       make_IRF_CALIBRATION (const location_type& l)
3768       {
3769         return symbol_type (token::IRF_CALIBRATION, l);
3770       }
3771 #endif
3772 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3773       static
3774       symbol_type
make_FAST_KALMAN_FILTER(location_type l)3775       make_FAST_KALMAN_FILTER (location_type l)
3776       {
3777         return symbol_type (token::FAST_KALMAN_FILTER, std::move (l));
3778       }
3779 #else
3780       static
3781       symbol_type
make_FAST_KALMAN_FILTER(const location_type & l)3782       make_FAST_KALMAN_FILTER (const location_type& l)
3783       {
3784         return symbol_type (token::FAST_KALMAN_FILTER, l);
3785       }
3786 #endif
3787 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3788       static
3789       symbol_type
make_KALMAN_ALGO(location_type l)3790       make_KALMAN_ALGO (location_type l)
3791       {
3792         return symbol_type (token::KALMAN_ALGO, std::move (l));
3793       }
3794 #else
3795       static
3796       symbol_type
make_KALMAN_ALGO(const location_type & l)3797       make_KALMAN_ALGO (const location_type& l)
3798       {
3799         return symbol_type (token::KALMAN_ALGO, l);
3800       }
3801 #endif
3802 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3803       static
3804       symbol_type
make_KALMAN_TOL(location_type l)3805       make_KALMAN_TOL (location_type l)
3806       {
3807         return symbol_type (token::KALMAN_TOL, std::move (l));
3808       }
3809 #else
3810       static
3811       symbol_type
make_KALMAN_TOL(const location_type & l)3812       make_KALMAN_TOL (const location_type& l)
3813       {
3814         return symbol_type (token::KALMAN_TOL, l);
3815       }
3816 #endif
3817 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3818       static
3819       symbol_type
make_DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL(location_type l)3820       make_DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL (location_type l)
3821       {
3822         return symbol_type (token::DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL, std::move (l));
3823       }
3824 #else
3825       static
3826       symbol_type
make_DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL(const location_type & l)3827       make_DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL (const location_type& l)
3828       {
3829         return symbol_type (token::DIFFUSE_KALMAN_TOL, l);
3830       }
3831 #endif
3832 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3833       static
3834       symbol_type
make_SUBSAMPLES(location_type l)3835       make_SUBSAMPLES (location_type l)
3836       {
3837         return symbol_type (token::SUBSAMPLES, std::move (l));
3838       }
3839 #else
3840       static
3841       symbol_type
make_SUBSAMPLES(const location_type & l)3842       make_SUBSAMPLES (const location_type& l)
3843       {
3844         return symbol_type (token::SUBSAMPLES, l);
3845       }
3846 #endif
3847 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3848       static
3849       symbol_type
make_OPTIONS(location_type l)3850       make_OPTIONS (location_type l)
3851       {
3852         return symbol_type (token::OPTIONS, std::move (l));
3853       }
3854 #else
3855       static
3856       symbol_type
make_OPTIONS(const location_type & l)3857       make_OPTIONS (const location_type& l)
3858       {
3859         return symbol_type (token::OPTIONS, l);
3860       }
3861 #endif
3862 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3863       static
3864       symbol_type
make_TOLF(location_type l)3865       make_TOLF (location_type l)
3866       {
3867         return symbol_type (token::TOLF, std::move (l));
3868       }
3869 #else
3870       static
3871       symbol_type
make_TOLF(const location_type & l)3872       make_TOLF (const location_type& l)
3873       {
3874         return symbol_type (token::TOLF, l);
3875       }
3876 #endif
3877 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3878       static
3879       symbol_type
make_TOLX(location_type l)3880       make_TOLX (location_type l)
3881       {
3882         return symbol_type (token::TOLX, std::move (l));
3883       }
3884 #else
3885       static
3886       symbol_type
make_TOLX(const location_type & l)3887       make_TOLX (const location_type& l)
3888       {
3889         return symbol_type (token::TOLX, l);
3890       }
3891 #endif
3892 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3893       static
3894       symbol_type
make_PLOT_INIT_DATE(location_type l)3895       make_PLOT_INIT_DATE (location_type l)
3896       {
3897         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_INIT_DATE, std::move (l));
3898       }
3899 #else
3900       static
3901       symbol_type
make_PLOT_INIT_DATE(const location_type & l)3902       make_PLOT_INIT_DATE (const location_type& l)
3903       {
3904         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_INIT_DATE, l);
3905       }
3906 #endif
3907 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3908       static
3909       symbol_type
make_PLOT_END_DATE(location_type l)3910       make_PLOT_END_DATE (location_type l)
3911       {
3912         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_END_DATE, std::move (l));
3913       }
3914 #else
3915       static
3916       symbol_type
make_PLOT_END_DATE(const location_type & l)3917       make_PLOT_END_DATE (const location_type& l)
3918       {
3919         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_END_DATE, l);
3920       }
3921 #endif
3922 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3923       static
3924       symbol_type
make_LAPLACE(location_type l)3925       make_LAPLACE (location_type l)
3926       {
3927         return symbol_type (token::LAPLACE, std::move (l));
3928       }
3929 #else
3930       static
3931       symbol_type
make_LAPLACE(const location_type & l)3932       make_LAPLACE (const location_type& l)
3933       {
3934         return symbol_type (token::LAPLACE, l);
3935       }
3936 #endif
3937 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3938       static
3939       symbol_type
make_LIK_ALGO(location_type l)3940       make_LIK_ALGO (location_type l)
3941       {
3942         return symbol_type (token::LIK_ALGO, std::move (l));
3943       }
3944 #else
3945       static
3946       symbol_type
make_LIK_ALGO(const location_type & l)3947       make_LIK_ALGO (const location_type& l)
3948       {
3949         return symbol_type (token::LIK_ALGO, l);
3950       }
3951 #endif
3952 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3953       static
3954       symbol_type
make_LIK_INIT(location_type l)3955       make_LIK_INIT (location_type l)
3956       {
3957         return symbol_type (token::LIK_INIT, std::move (l));
3958       }
3959 #else
3960       static
3961       symbol_type
make_LIK_INIT(const location_type & l)3962       make_LIK_INIT (const location_type& l)
3963       {
3964         return symbol_type (token::LIK_INIT, l);
3965       }
3966 #endif
3967 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3968       static
3969       symbol_type
make_LINEAR(location_type l)3970       make_LINEAR (location_type l)
3971       {
3972         return symbol_type (token::LINEAR, std::move (l));
3973       }
3974 #else
3975       static
3976       symbol_type
make_LINEAR(const location_type & l)3977       make_LINEAR (const location_type& l)
3978       {
3979         return symbol_type (token::LINEAR, l);
3980       }
3981 #endif
3982 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3983       static
3984       symbol_type
make_LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION(location_type l)3985       make_LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
3986       {
3987         return symbol_type (token::LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
3988       }
3989 #else
3990       static
3991       symbol_type
make_LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)3992       make_LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
3993       {
3994         return symbol_type (token::LINEAR_DECOMPOSITION, l);
3995       }
3996 #endif
3997 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
3998       static
3999       symbol_type
make_LOAD_IDENT_FILES(location_type l)4000       make_LOAD_IDENT_FILES (location_type l)
4001       {
4002         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_IDENT_FILES, std::move (l));
4003       }
4004 #else
4005       static
4006       symbol_type
make_LOAD_IDENT_FILES(const location_type & l)4007       make_LOAD_IDENT_FILES (const location_type& l)
4008       {
4009         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_IDENT_FILES, l);
4010       }
4011 #endif
4012 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4013       static
4014       symbol_type
make_LOAD_MH_FILE(location_type l)4015       make_LOAD_MH_FILE (location_type l)
4016       {
4017         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_MH_FILE, std::move (l));
4018       }
4019 #else
4020       static
4021       symbol_type
make_LOAD_MH_FILE(const location_type & l)4022       make_LOAD_MH_FILE (const location_type& l)
4023       {
4024         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_MH_FILE, l);
4025       }
4026 #endif
4027 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4028       static
4029       symbol_type
make_LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH(location_type l)4030       make_LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH (location_type l)
4031       {
4032         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH, std::move (l));
4033       }
4034 #else
4035       static
4036       symbol_type
make_LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH(const location_type & l)4037       make_LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH (const location_type& l)
4038       {
4039         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_RESULTS_AFTER_LOAD_MH, l);
4040       }
4041 #endif
4042 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4043       static
4044       symbol_type
make_LOAD_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE(location_type l)4045       make_LOAD_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE (location_type l)
4046       {
4047         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE, std::move (l));
4048       }
4049 #else
4050       static
4051       symbol_type
make_LOAD_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE(const location_type & l)4052       make_LOAD_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE (const location_type& l)
4053       {
4054         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE, l);
4055       }
4056 #endif
4057 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4058       static
4059       symbol_type
make_LOGLINEAR(location_type l)4060       make_LOGLINEAR (location_type l)
4061       {
4062         return symbol_type (token::LOGLINEAR, std::move (l));
4063       }
4064 #else
4065       static
4066       symbol_type
make_LOGLINEAR(const location_type & l)4067       make_LOGLINEAR (const location_type& l)
4068       {
4069         return symbol_type (token::LOGLINEAR, l);
4070       }
4071 #endif
4072 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4073       static
4074       symbol_type
make_LOGDATA(location_type l)4075       make_LOGDATA (location_type l)
4076       {
4077         return symbol_type (token::LOGDATA, std::move (l));
4078       }
4079 #else
4080       static
4081       symbol_type
make_LOGDATA(const location_type & l)4082       make_LOGDATA (const location_type& l)
4083       {
4084         return symbol_type (token::LOGDATA, l);
4085       }
4086 #endif
4087 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4088       static
4089       symbol_type
make_LYAPUNOV(location_type l)4090       make_LYAPUNOV (location_type l)
4091       {
4092         return symbol_type (token::LYAPUNOV, std::move (l));
4093       }
4094 #else
4095       static
4096       symbol_type
make_LYAPUNOV(const location_type & l)4097       make_LYAPUNOV (const location_type& l)
4098       {
4099         return symbol_type (token::LYAPUNOV, l);
4100       }
4101 #endif
4102 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4103       static
4104       symbol_type
make_LINEAR_APPROXIMATION(location_type l)4105       make_LINEAR_APPROXIMATION (location_type l)
4106       {
4107         return symbol_type (token::LINEAR_APPROXIMATION, std::move (l));
4108       }
4109 #else
4110       static
4111       symbol_type
make_LINEAR_APPROXIMATION(const location_type & l)4112       make_LINEAR_APPROXIMATION (const location_type& l)
4113       {
4114         return symbol_type (token::LINEAR_APPROXIMATION, l);
4115       }
4116 #endif
4117 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4118       static
4119       symbol_type
make_LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL(location_type l)4120       make_LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL (location_type l)
4121       {
4122         return symbol_type (token::LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL, std::move (l));
4123       }
4124 #else
4125       static
4126       symbol_type
make_LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL(const location_type & l)4127       make_LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL (const location_type& l)
4128       {
4129         return symbol_type (token::LYAPUNOV_FIXED_POINT_TOL, l);
4130       }
4131 #endif
4132 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4133       static
4134       symbol_type
make_LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL(location_type l)4135       make_LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL (location_type l)
4136       {
4137         return symbol_type (token::LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL, std::move (l));
4138       }
4139 #else
4140       static
4141       symbol_type
make_LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL(const location_type & l)4142       make_LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL (const location_type& l)
4143       {
4144         return symbol_type (token::LYAPUNOV_DOUBLING_TOL, l);
4145       }
4146 #endif
4147 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4148       static
4149       symbol_type
make_LOG_DEFLATOR(location_type l)4150       make_LOG_DEFLATOR (location_type l)
4151       {
4152         return symbol_type (token::LOG_DEFLATOR, std::move (l));
4153       }
4154 #else
4155       static
4156       symbol_type
make_LOG_DEFLATOR(const location_type & l)4157       make_LOG_DEFLATOR (const location_type& l)
4158       {
4159         return symbol_type (token::LOG_DEFLATOR, l);
4160       }
4161 #endif
4162 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4163       static
4164       symbol_type
make_LOG_TREND_VAR(location_type l)4165       make_LOG_TREND_VAR (location_type l)
4166       {
4167         return symbol_type (token::LOG_TREND_VAR, std::move (l));
4168       }
4169 #else
4170       static
4171       symbol_type
make_LOG_TREND_VAR(const location_type & l)4172       make_LOG_TREND_VAR (const location_type& l)
4173       {
4174         return symbol_type (token::LOG_TREND_VAR, l);
4175       }
4176 #endif
4177 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4178       static
4179       symbol_type
make_LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR(location_type l)4180       make_LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR (location_type l)
4181       {
4182         return symbol_type (token::LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR, std::move (l));
4183       }
4184 #else
4185       static
4186       symbol_type
make_LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR(const location_type & l)4187       make_LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR (const location_type& l)
4188       {
4189         return symbol_type (token::LOG_GROWTH_FACTOR, l);
4190       }
4191 #endif
4192 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4193       static
4194       symbol_type
make_MARKOWITZ(location_type l)4195       make_MARKOWITZ (location_type l)
4196       {
4197         return symbol_type (token::MARKOWITZ, std::move (l));
4198       }
4199 #else
4200       static
4201       symbol_type
make_MARKOWITZ(const location_type & l)4202       make_MARKOWITZ (const location_type& l)
4203       {
4204         return symbol_type (token::MARKOWITZ, l);
4205       }
4206 #endif
4207 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4208       static
4209       symbol_type
make_MARGINAL_DENSITY(location_type l)4210       make_MARGINAL_DENSITY (location_type l)
4211       {
4212         return symbol_type (token::MARGINAL_DENSITY, std::move (l));
4213       }
4214 #else
4215       static
4216       symbol_type
make_MARGINAL_DENSITY(const location_type & l)4217       make_MARGINAL_DENSITY (const location_type& l)
4218       {
4219         return symbol_type (token::MARGINAL_DENSITY, l);
4220       }
4221 #endif
4222 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4223       static
4224       symbol_type
make_MAX(location_type l)4225       make_MAX (location_type l)
4226       {
4227         return symbol_type (token::MAX, std::move (l));
4228       }
4229 #else
4230       static
4231       symbol_type
make_MAX(const location_type & l)4232       make_MAX (const location_type& l)
4233       {
4234         return symbol_type (token::MAX, l);
4235       }
4236 #endif
4237 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4238       static
4239       symbol_type
make_MAXIT(location_type l)4240       make_MAXIT (location_type l)
4241       {
4242         return symbol_type (token::MAXIT, std::move (l));
4243       }
4244 #else
4245       static
4246       symbol_type
make_MAXIT(const location_type & l)4247       make_MAXIT (const location_type& l)
4248       {
4249         return symbol_type (token::MAXIT, l);
4250       }
4251 #endif
4252 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4253       static
4254       symbol_type
make_MFS(location_type l)4255       make_MFS (location_type l)
4256       {
4257         return symbol_type (token::MFS, std::move (l));
4258       }
4259 #else
4260       static
4261       symbol_type
make_MFS(const location_type & l)4262       make_MFS (const location_type& l)
4263       {
4264         return symbol_type (token::MFS, l);
4265       }
4266 #endif
4267 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4268       static
4269       symbol_type
make_MH_CONF_SIG(location_type l)4270       make_MH_CONF_SIG (location_type l)
4271       {
4272         return symbol_type (token::MH_CONF_SIG, std::move (l));
4273       }
4274 #else
4275       static
4276       symbol_type
make_MH_CONF_SIG(const location_type & l)4277       make_MH_CONF_SIG (const location_type& l)
4278       {
4279         return symbol_type (token::MH_CONF_SIG, l);
4280       }
4281 #endif
4282 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4283       static
4284       symbol_type
make_MH_DROP(location_type l)4285       make_MH_DROP (location_type l)
4286       {
4287         return symbol_type (token::MH_DROP, std::move (l));
4288       }
4289 #else
4290       static
4291       symbol_type
make_MH_DROP(const location_type & l)4292       make_MH_DROP (const location_type& l)
4293       {
4294         return symbol_type (token::MH_DROP, l);
4295       }
4296 #endif
4297 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4298       static
4299       symbol_type
make_MH_INIT_SCALE(location_type l)4300       make_MH_INIT_SCALE (location_type l)
4301       {
4302         return symbol_type (token::MH_INIT_SCALE, std::move (l));
4303       }
4304 #else
4305       static
4306       symbol_type
make_MH_INIT_SCALE(const location_type & l)4307       make_MH_INIT_SCALE (const location_type& l)
4308       {
4309         return symbol_type (token::MH_INIT_SCALE, l);
4310       }
4311 #endif
4312 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4313       static
4314       symbol_type
make_MH_JSCALE(location_type l)4315       make_MH_JSCALE (location_type l)
4316       {
4317         return symbol_type (token::MH_JSCALE, std::move (l));
4318       }
4319 #else
4320       static
4321       symbol_type
make_MH_JSCALE(const location_type & l)4322       make_MH_JSCALE (const location_type& l)
4323       {
4324         return symbol_type (token::MH_JSCALE, l);
4325       }
4326 #endif
4327 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4328       static
4329       symbol_type
make_MH_TUNE_JSCALE(location_type l)4330       make_MH_TUNE_JSCALE (location_type l)
4331       {
4332         return symbol_type (token::MH_TUNE_JSCALE, std::move (l));
4333       }
4334 #else
4335       static
4336       symbol_type
make_MH_TUNE_JSCALE(const location_type & l)4337       make_MH_TUNE_JSCALE (const location_type& l)
4338       {
4339         return symbol_type (token::MH_TUNE_JSCALE, l);
4340       }
4341 #endif
4342 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4343       static
4344       symbol_type
make_MH_MODE(location_type l)4345       make_MH_MODE (location_type l)
4346       {
4347         return symbol_type (token::MH_MODE, std::move (l));
4348       }
4349 #else
4350       static
4351       symbol_type
make_MH_MODE(const location_type & l)4352       make_MH_MODE (const location_type& l)
4353       {
4354         return symbol_type (token::MH_MODE, l);
4355       }
4356 #endif
4357 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4358       static
4359       symbol_type
make_MH_NBLOCKS(location_type l)4360       make_MH_NBLOCKS (location_type l)
4361       {
4362         return symbol_type (token::MH_NBLOCKS, std::move (l));
4363       }
4364 #else
4365       static
4366       symbol_type
make_MH_NBLOCKS(const location_type & l)4367       make_MH_NBLOCKS (const location_type& l)
4368       {
4369         return symbol_type (token::MH_NBLOCKS, l);
4370       }
4371 #endif
4372 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4373       static
4374       symbol_type
make_MH_REPLIC(location_type l)4375       make_MH_REPLIC (location_type l)
4376       {
4377         return symbol_type (token::MH_REPLIC, std::move (l));
4378       }
4379 #else
4380       static
4381       symbol_type
make_MH_REPLIC(const location_type & l)4382       make_MH_REPLIC (const location_type& l)
4383       {
4384         return symbol_type (token::MH_REPLIC, l);
4385       }
4386 #endif
4387 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4388       static
4389       symbol_type
make_MH_RECOVER(location_type l)4390       make_MH_RECOVER (location_type l)
4391       {
4392         return symbol_type (token::MH_RECOVER, std::move (l));
4393       }
4394 #else
4395       static
4396       symbol_type
make_MH_RECOVER(const location_type & l)4397       make_MH_RECOVER (const location_type& l)
4398       {
4399         return symbol_type (token::MH_RECOVER, l);
4400       }
4401 #endif
4402 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4403       static
4404       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_MAX_SUBSAMPLE_DRAWS(location_type l)4405       make_POSTERIOR_MAX_SUBSAMPLE_DRAWS (location_type l)
4406       {
4407         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_MAX_SUBSAMPLE_DRAWS, std::move (l));
4408       }
4409 #else
4410       static
4411       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_MAX_SUBSAMPLE_DRAWS(const location_type & l)4412       make_POSTERIOR_MAX_SUBSAMPLE_DRAWS (const location_type& l)
4413       {
4414         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_MAX_SUBSAMPLE_DRAWS, l);
4415       }
4416 #endif
4417 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4418       static
4419       symbol_type
make_MIN(location_type l)4420       make_MIN (location_type l)
4421       {
4422         return symbol_type (token::MIN, std::move (l));
4423       }
4424 #else
4425       static
4426       symbol_type
make_MIN(const location_type & l)4427       make_MIN (const location_type& l)
4428       {
4429         return symbol_type (token::MIN, l);
4430       }
4431 #endif
4432 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4433       static
4434       symbol_type
make_MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS(location_type l)4435       make_MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS (location_type l)
4436       {
4437         return symbol_type (token::MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS, std::move (l));
4438       }
4439 #else
4440       static
4441       symbol_type
make_MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS(const location_type & l)4442       make_MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS (const location_type& l)
4443       {
4444         return symbol_type (token::MINIMAL_SOLVING_PERIODS, l);
4445       }
4446 #endif
4447 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4448       static
4449       symbol_type
make_MODE_CHECK(location_type l)4450       make_MODE_CHECK (location_type l)
4451       {
4452         return symbol_type (token::MODE_CHECK, std::move (l));
4453       }
4454 #else
4455       static
4456       symbol_type
make_MODE_CHECK(const location_type & l)4457       make_MODE_CHECK (const location_type& l)
4458       {
4459         return symbol_type (token::MODE_CHECK, l);
4460       }
4461 #endif
4462 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4463       static
4464       symbol_type
make_MODE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE(location_type l)4465       make_MODE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE (location_type l)
4466       {
4467         return symbol_type (token::MODE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE, std::move (l));
4468       }
4469 #else
4470       static
4471       symbol_type
make_MODE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE(const location_type & l)4472       make_MODE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE (const location_type& l)
4473       {
4474         return symbol_type (token::MODE_CHECK_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE, l);
4475       }
4476 #endif
4477 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4478       static
4479       symbol_type
make_MODE_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_PLOTS(location_type l)4480       make_MODE_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_PLOTS (location_type l)
4481       {
4482         return symbol_type (token::MODE_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_PLOTS, std::move (l));
4483       }
4484 #else
4485       static
4486       symbol_type
make_MODE_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_PLOTS(const location_type & l)4487       make_MODE_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_PLOTS (const location_type& l)
4488       {
4489         return symbol_type (token::MODE_CHECK_SYMMETRIC_PLOTS, l);
4490       }
4491 #endif
4492 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4493       static
4494       symbol_type
make_MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS(location_type l)4495       make_MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS (location_type l)
4496       {
4497         return symbol_type (token::MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS, std::move (l));
4498       }
4499 #else
4500       static
4501       symbol_type
make_MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS(const location_type & l)4502       make_MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS (const location_type& l)
4503       {
4504         return symbol_type (token::MODE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_POINTS, l);
4505       }
4506 #endif
4507 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4508       static
4509       symbol_type
make_MODE_COMPUTE(location_type l)4510       make_MODE_COMPUTE (location_type l)
4511       {
4512         return symbol_type (token::MODE_COMPUTE, std::move (l));
4513       }
4514 #else
4515       static
4516       symbol_type
make_MODE_COMPUTE(const location_type & l)4517       make_MODE_COMPUTE (const location_type& l)
4518       {
4519         return symbol_type (token::MODE_COMPUTE, l);
4520       }
4521 #endif
4522 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4523       static
4524       symbol_type
make_MODE_FILE(location_type l)4525       make_MODE_FILE (location_type l)
4526       {
4527         return symbol_type (token::MODE_FILE, std::move (l));
4528       }
4529 #else
4530       static
4531       symbol_type
make_MODE_FILE(const location_type & l)4532       make_MODE_FILE (const location_type& l)
4533       {
4534         return symbol_type (token::MODE_FILE, l);
4535       }
4536 #endif
4537 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4538       static
4539       symbol_type
make_MODEL(location_type l)4540       make_MODEL (location_type l)
4541       {
4542         return symbol_type (token::MODEL, std::move (l));
4543       }
4544 #else
4545       static
4546       symbol_type
make_MODEL(const location_type & l)4547       make_MODEL (const location_type& l)
4548       {
4549         return symbol_type (token::MODEL, l);
4550       }
4551 #endif
4552 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4553       static
4554       symbol_type
make_MODEL_COMPARISON(location_type l)4555       make_MODEL_COMPARISON (location_type l)
4556       {
4557         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_COMPARISON, std::move (l));
4558       }
4559 #else
4560       static
4561       symbol_type
make_MODEL_COMPARISON(const location_type & l)4562       make_MODEL_COMPARISON (const location_type& l)
4563       {
4564         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_COMPARISON, l);
4565       }
4566 #endif
4567 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4568       static
4569       symbol_type
make_MODEL_INFO(location_type l)4570       make_MODEL_INFO (location_type l)
4571       {
4572         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_INFO, std::move (l));
4573       }
4574 #else
4575       static
4576       symbol_type
make_MODEL_INFO(const location_type & l)4577       make_MODEL_INFO (const location_type& l)
4578       {
4579         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_INFO, l);
4580       }
4581 #endif
4582 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4583       static
4584       symbol_type
make_MSHOCKS(location_type l)4585       make_MSHOCKS (location_type l)
4586       {
4587         return symbol_type (token::MSHOCKS, std::move (l));
4588       }
4589 #else
4590       static
4591       symbol_type
make_MSHOCKS(const location_type & l)4592       make_MSHOCKS (const location_type& l)
4593       {
4594         return symbol_type (token::MSHOCKS, l);
4595       }
4596 #endif
4597 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4598       static
4599       symbol_type
make_ABS(location_type l)4600       make_ABS (location_type l)
4601       {
4602         return symbol_type (token::ABS, std::move (l));
4603       }
4604 #else
4605       static
4606       symbol_type
make_ABS(const location_type & l)4607       make_ABS (const location_type& l)
4608       {
4609         return symbol_type (token::ABS, l);
4610       }
4611 #endif
4612 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4613       static
4614       symbol_type
make_SIGN(location_type l)4615       make_SIGN (location_type l)
4616       {
4617         return symbol_type (token::SIGN, std::move (l));
4618       }
4619 #else
4620       static
4621       symbol_type
make_SIGN(const location_type & l)4622       make_SIGN (const location_type& l)
4623       {
4624         return symbol_type (token::SIGN, l);
4625       }
4626 #endif
4627 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4628       static
4629       symbol_type
make_MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS(location_type l)4630       make_MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS (location_type l)
4631       {
4632         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS, std::move (l));
4633       }
4634 #else
4635       static
4636       symbol_type
make_MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS(const location_type & l)4637       make_MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS (const location_type& l)
4638       {
4639         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_DIAGNOSTICS, l);
4640       }
4641 #endif
4642 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4643       static
4644       symbol_type
make_MODIFIEDHARMONICMEAN(location_type l)4645       make_MODIFIEDHARMONICMEAN (location_type l)
4646       {
4647         return symbol_type (token::MODIFIEDHARMONICMEAN, std::move (l));
4648       }
4649 #else
4650       static
4651       symbol_type
make_MODIFIEDHARMONICMEAN(const location_type & l)4652       make_MODIFIEDHARMONICMEAN (const location_type& l)
4653       {
4654         return symbol_type (token::MODIFIEDHARMONICMEAN, l);
4655       }
4656 #endif
4657 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4658       static
4659       symbol_type
make_MOMENTS_VARENDO(location_type l)4660       make_MOMENTS_VARENDO (location_type l)
4661       {
4662         return symbol_type (token::MOMENTS_VARENDO, std::move (l));
4663       }
4664 #else
4665       static
4666       symbol_type
make_MOMENTS_VARENDO(const location_type & l)4667       make_MOMENTS_VARENDO (const location_type& l)
4668       {
4669         return symbol_type (token::MOMENTS_VARENDO, l);
4670       }
4671 #endif
4672 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4673       static
4674       symbol_type
make_CONTEMPORANEOUS_CORRELATION(location_type l)4675       make_CONTEMPORANEOUS_CORRELATION (location_type l)
4676       {
4677         return symbol_type (token::CONTEMPORANEOUS_CORRELATION, std::move (l));
4678       }
4679 #else
4680       static
4681       symbol_type
make_CONTEMPORANEOUS_CORRELATION(const location_type & l)4682       make_CONTEMPORANEOUS_CORRELATION (const location_type& l)
4683       {
4684         return symbol_type (token::CONTEMPORANEOUS_CORRELATION, l);
4685       }
4686 #endif
4687 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4688       static
4689       symbol_type
make_DIFFUSE_FILTER(location_type l)4690       make_DIFFUSE_FILTER (location_type l)
4691       {
4692         return symbol_type (token::DIFFUSE_FILTER, std::move (l));
4693       }
4694 #else
4695       static
4696       symbol_type
make_DIFFUSE_FILTER(const location_type & l)4697       make_DIFFUSE_FILTER (const location_type& l)
4698       {
4699         return symbol_type (token::DIFFUSE_FILTER, l);
4700       }
4701 #endif
4702 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4703       static
4704       symbol_type
make_SUB_DRAWS(location_type l)4705       make_SUB_DRAWS (location_type l)
4706       {
4707         return symbol_type (token::SUB_DRAWS, std::move (l));
4708       }
4709 #else
4710       static
4711       symbol_type
make_SUB_DRAWS(const location_type & l)4712       make_SUB_DRAWS (const location_type& l)
4713       {
4714         return symbol_type (token::SUB_DRAWS, l);
4715       }
4716 #endif
4717 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4718       static
4719       symbol_type
make_TAPER_STEPS(location_type l)4720       make_TAPER_STEPS (location_type l)
4721       {
4722         return symbol_type (token::TAPER_STEPS, std::move (l));
4723       }
4724 #else
4725       static
4726       symbol_type
make_TAPER_STEPS(const location_type & l)4727       make_TAPER_STEPS (const location_type& l)
4728       {
4729         return symbol_type (token::TAPER_STEPS, l);
4730       }
4731 #endif
4732 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4733       static
4734       symbol_type
make_GEWEKE_INTERVAL(location_type l)4735       make_GEWEKE_INTERVAL (location_type l)
4736       {
4737         return symbol_type (token::GEWEKE_INTERVAL, std::move (l));
4738       }
4739 #else
4740       static
4741       symbol_type
make_GEWEKE_INTERVAL(const location_type & l)4742       make_GEWEKE_INTERVAL (const location_type& l)
4743       {
4744         return symbol_type (token::GEWEKE_INTERVAL, l);
4745       }
4746 #endif
4747 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4748       static
4749       symbol_type
make_RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS(location_type l)4750       make_RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS (location_type l)
4751       {
4752         return symbol_type (token::RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS, std::move (l));
4753       }
4754 #else
4755       static
4756       symbol_type
make_RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS(const location_type & l)4757       make_RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS (const location_type& l)
4758       {
4759         return symbol_type (token::RAFTERY_LEWIS_QRS, l);
4760       }
4761 #endif
4762 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4763       static
4764       symbol_type
make_RAFTERY_LEWIS_DIAGNOSTICS(location_type l)4765       make_RAFTERY_LEWIS_DIAGNOSTICS (location_type l)
4766       {
4767         return symbol_type (token::RAFTERY_LEWIS_DIAGNOSTICS, std::move (l));
4768       }
4769 #else
4770       static
4771       symbol_type
make_RAFTERY_LEWIS_DIAGNOSTICS(const location_type & l)4772       make_RAFTERY_LEWIS_DIAGNOSTICS (const location_type& l)
4773       {
4774         return symbol_type (token::RAFTERY_LEWIS_DIAGNOSTICS, l);
4775       }
4776 #endif
4777 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4778       static
4779       symbol_type
make_MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE(location_type l)4780       make_MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE (location_type l)
4781       {
4782         return symbol_type (token::MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE, std::move (l));
4783       }
4784 #else
4785       static
4786       symbol_type
make_MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE(const location_type & l)4787       make_MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE (const location_type& l)
4788       {
4789         return symbol_type (token::MCMC_JUMPING_COVARIANCE, l);
4790       }
4791 #endif
4792 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4793       static
4794       symbol_type
make_MOMENT_CALIBRATION(location_type l)4795       make_MOMENT_CALIBRATION (location_type l)
4796       {
4797         return symbol_type (token::MOMENT_CALIBRATION, std::move (l));
4798       }
4799 #else
4800       static
4801       symbol_type
make_MOMENT_CALIBRATION(const location_type & l)4802       make_MOMENT_CALIBRATION (const location_type& l)
4803       {
4804         return symbol_type (token::MOMENT_CALIBRATION, l);
4805       }
4806 #endif
4807 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4808       static
4809       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES(location_type l)4810       make_NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES (location_type l)
4811       {
4812         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES, std::move (l));
4813       }
4814 #else
4815       static
4816       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES(const location_type & l)4817       make_NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES (const location_type& l)
4818       {
4819         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES, l);
4820       }
4821 #endif
4822 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4823       static
4824       symbol_type
make_RESAMPLING(location_type l)4825       make_RESAMPLING (location_type l)
4826       {
4827         return symbol_type (token::RESAMPLING, std::move (l));
4828       }
4829 #else
4830       static
4831       symbol_type
make_RESAMPLING(const location_type & l)4832       make_RESAMPLING (const location_type& l)
4833       {
4834         return symbol_type (token::RESAMPLING, l);
4835       }
4836 #endif
4837 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4838       static
4839       symbol_type
make_SYSTEMATIC(location_type l)4840       make_SYSTEMATIC (location_type l)
4841       {
4842         return symbol_type (token::SYSTEMATIC, std::move (l));
4843       }
4844 #else
4845       static
4846       symbol_type
make_SYSTEMATIC(const location_type & l)4847       make_SYSTEMATIC (const location_type& l)
4848       {
4849         return symbol_type (token::SYSTEMATIC, l);
4850       }
4851 #endif
4852 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4853       static
4854       symbol_type
make_GENERIC(location_type l)4855       make_GENERIC (location_type l)
4856       {
4857         return symbol_type (token::GENERIC, std::move (l));
4858       }
4859 #else
4860       static
4861       symbol_type
make_GENERIC(const location_type & l)4862       make_GENERIC (const location_type& l)
4863       {
4864         return symbol_type (token::GENERIC, l);
4865       }
4866 #endif
4867 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4868       static
4869       symbol_type
make_RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD(location_type l)4870       make_RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD (location_type l)
4871       {
4872         return symbol_type (token::RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD, std::move (l));
4873       }
4874 #else
4875       static
4876       symbol_type
make_RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD(const location_type & l)4877       make_RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD (const location_type& l)
4878       {
4879         return symbol_type (token::RESAMPLING_THRESHOLD, l);
4880       }
4881 #endif
4882 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4883       static
4884       symbol_type
make_RESAMPLING_METHOD(location_type l)4885       make_RESAMPLING_METHOD (location_type l)
4886       {
4887         return symbol_type (token::RESAMPLING_METHOD, std::move (l));
4888       }
4889 #else
4890       static
4891       symbol_type
make_RESAMPLING_METHOD(const location_type & l)4892       make_RESAMPLING_METHOD (const location_type& l)
4893       {
4894         return symbol_type (token::RESAMPLING_METHOD, l);
4895       }
4896 #endif
4897 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4898       static
4899       symbol_type
make_KITAGAWA(location_type l)4900       make_KITAGAWA (location_type l)
4901       {
4902         return symbol_type (token::KITAGAWA, std::move (l));
4903       }
4904 #else
4905       static
4906       symbol_type
make_KITAGAWA(const location_type & l)4907       make_KITAGAWA (const location_type& l)
4908       {
4909         return symbol_type (token::KITAGAWA, l);
4910       }
4911 #endif
4912 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4913       static
4914       symbol_type
make_STRATIFIED(location_type l)4915       make_STRATIFIED (location_type l)
4916       {
4917         return symbol_type (token::STRATIFIED, std::move (l));
4918       }
4919 #else
4920       static
4921       symbol_type
make_STRATIFIED(const location_type & l)4922       make_STRATIFIED (const location_type& l)
4923       {
4924         return symbol_type (token::STRATIFIED, l);
4925       }
4926 #endif
4927 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4928       static
4929       symbol_type
make_SMOOTH(location_type l)4930       make_SMOOTH (location_type l)
4931       {
4932         return symbol_type (token::SMOOTH, std::move (l));
4933       }
4934 #else
4935       static
4936       symbol_type
make_SMOOTH(const location_type & l)4937       make_SMOOTH (const location_type& l)
4938       {
4939         return symbol_type (token::SMOOTH, l);
4940       }
4941 #endif
4942 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4943       static
4944       symbol_type
make_CPF_WEIGHTS(location_type l)4945       make_CPF_WEIGHTS (location_type l)
4946       {
4947         return symbol_type (token::CPF_WEIGHTS, std::move (l));
4948       }
4949 #else
4950       static
4951       symbol_type
make_CPF_WEIGHTS(const location_type & l)4952       make_CPF_WEIGHTS (const location_type& l)
4953       {
4954         return symbol_type (token::CPF_WEIGHTS, l);
4955       }
4956 #endif
4957 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4958       static
4959       symbol_type
make_AMISANOTRISTANI(location_type l)4960       make_AMISANOTRISTANI (location_type l)
4961       {
4962         return symbol_type (token::AMISANOTRISTANI, std::move (l));
4963       }
4964 #else
4965       static
4966       symbol_type
make_AMISANOTRISTANI(const location_type & l)4967       make_AMISANOTRISTANI (const location_type& l)
4968       {
4969         return symbol_type (token::AMISANOTRISTANI, l);
4970       }
4971 #endif
4972 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4973       static
4974       symbol_type
make_MURRAYJONESPARSLOW(location_type l)4975       make_MURRAYJONESPARSLOW (location_type l)
4976       {
4977         return symbol_type (token::MURRAYJONESPARSLOW, std::move (l));
4978       }
4979 #else
4980       static
4981       symbol_type
make_MURRAYJONESPARSLOW(const location_type & l)4982       make_MURRAYJONESPARSLOW (const location_type& l)
4983       {
4984         return symbol_type (token::MURRAYJONESPARSLOW, l);
4985       }
4986 #endif
4987 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
4988       static
4989       symbol_type
make_WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS(location_type l)4990       make_WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS (location_type l)
4991       {
4992         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS, std::move (l));
4993       }
4994 #else
4995       static
4996       symbol_type
make_WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS(const location_type & l)4997       make_WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS (const location_type& l)
4998       {
4999         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_EQUATION_TAGS, l);
5000       }
5001 #endif
5002 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5003       static
5004       symbol_type
make_NONLINEAR_FILTER_INITIALIZATION(location_type l)5005       make_NONLINEAR_FILTER_INITIALIZATION (location_type l)
5006       {
5007         return symbol_type (token::NONLINEAR_FILTER_INITIALIZATION, std::move (l));
5008       }
5009 #else
5010       static
5011       symbol_type
make_NONLINEAR_FILTER_INITIALIZATION(const location_type & l)5012       make_NONLINEAR_FILTER_INITIALIZATION (const location_type& l)
5013       {
5014         return symbol_type (token::NONLINEAR_FILTER_INITIALIZATION, l);
5015       }
5016 #endif
5017 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5018       static
5019       symbol_type
make_FILTER_ALGORITHM(location_type l)5020       make_FILTER_ALGORITHM (location_type l)
5021       {
5022         return symbol_type (token::FILTER_ALGORITHM, std::move (l));
5023       }
5024 #else
5025       static
5026       symbol_type
make_FILTER_ALGORITHM(const location_type & l)5027       make_FILTER_ALGORITHM (const location_type& l)
5028       {
5029         return symbol_type (token::FILTER_ALGORITHM, l);
5030       }
5031 #endif
5032 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5033       static
5034       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_APPROXIMATION(location_type l)5035       make_PROPOSAL_APPROXIMATION (location_type l)
5036       {
5037         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_APPROXIMATION, std::move (l));
5038       }
5039 #else
5040       static
5041       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_APPROXIMATION(const location_type & l)5042       make_PROPOSAL_APPROXIMATION (const location_type& l)
5043       {
5044         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_APPROXIMATION, l);
5045       }
5046 #endif
5047 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5048       static
5049       symbol_type
make_CUBATURE(location_type l)5050       make_CUBATURE (location_type l)
5051       {
5052         return symbol_type (token::CUBATURE, std::move (l));
5053       }
5054 #else
5055       static
5056       symbol_type
make_CUBATURE(const location_type & l)5057       make_CUBATURE (const location_type& l)
5058       {
5059         return symbol_type (token::CUBATURE, l);
5060       }
5061 #endif
5062 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5063       static
5064       symbol_type
make_UNSCENTED(location_type l)5065       make_UNSCENTED (location_type l)
5066       {
5067         return symbol_type (token::UNSCENTED, std::move (l));
5068       }
5069 #else
5070       static
5071       symbol_type
make_UNSCENTED(const location_type & l)5072       make_UNSCENTED (const location_type& l)
5073       {
5074         return symbol_type (token::UNSCENTED, l);
5075       }
5076 #endif
5077 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5078       static
5079       symbol_type
make_MONTECARLO(location_type l)5080       make_MONTECARLO (location_type l)
5081       {
5082         return symbol_type (token::MONTECARLO, std::move (l));
5083       }
5084 #else
5085       static
5086       symbol_type
make_MONTECARLO(const location_type & l)5087       make_MONTECARLO (const location_type& l)
5088       {
5089         return symbol_type (token::MONTECARLO, l);
5090       }
5091 #endif
5092 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5093       static
5094       symbol_type
make_DISTRIBUTION_APPROXIMATION(location_type l)5095       make_DISTRIBUTION_APPROXIMATION (location_type l)
5096       {
5097         return symbol_type (token::DISTRIBUTION_APPROXIMATION, std::move (l));
5098       }
5099 #else
5100       static
5101       symbol_type
make_DISTRIBUTION_APPROXIMATION(const location_type & l)5102       make_DISTRIBUTION_APPROXIMATION (const location_type& l)
5103       {
5104         return symbol_type (token::DISTRIBUTION_APPROXIMATION, l);
5105       }
5106 #endif
5107 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5108       static
5109       symbol_type
make_NAME(string v,location_type l)5110       make_NAME (string v, location_type l)
5111       {
5112         return symbol_type (token::NAME, std::move (v), std::move (l));
5113       }
5114 #else
5115       static
5116       symbol_type
make_NAME(const string & v,const location_type & l)5117       make_NAME (const string& v, const location_type& l)
5118       {
5119         return symbol_type (token::NAME, v, l);
5120       }
5121 #endif
5122 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5123       static
5124       symbol_type
make_USE_PENALIZED_OBJECTIVE_FOR_HESSIAN(location_type l)5125       make_USE_PENALIZED_OBJECTIVE_FOR_HESSIAN (location_type l)
5126       {
5127         return symbol_type (token::USE_PENALIZED_OBJECTIVE_FOR_HESSIAN, std::move (l));
5128       }
5129 #else
5130       static
5131       symbol_type
make_USE_PENALIZED_OBJECTIVE_FOR_HESSIAN(const location_type & l)5132       make_USE_PENALIZED_OBJECTIVE_FOR_HESSIAN (const location_type& l)
5133       {
5134         return symbol_type (token::USE_PENALIZED_OBJECTIVE_FOR_HESSIAN, l);
5135       }
5136 #endif
5137 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5138       static
5139       symbol_type
make_INIT_STATE(location_type l)5140       make_INIT_STATE (location_type l)
5141       {
5142         return symbol_type (token::INIT_STATE, std::move (l));
5143       }
5144 #else
5145       static
5146       symbol_type
make_INIT_STATE(const location_type & l)5147       make_INIT_STATE (const location_type& l)
5148       {
5149         return symbol_type (token::INIT_STATE, l);
5150       }
5151 #endif
5152 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5153       static
5154       symbol_type
make_FAST_REALTIME(location_type l)5155       make_FAST_REALTIME (location_type l)
5156       {
5157         return symbol_type (token::FAST_REALTIME, std::move (l));
5158       }
5159 #else
5160       static
5161       symbol_type
make_FAST_REALTIME(const location_type & l)5162       make_FAST_REALTIME (const location_type& l)
5163       {
5164         return symbol_type (token::FAST_REALTIME, l);
5165       }
5166 #endif
5167 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5168       static
5169       symbol_type
5171       {
5172         return symbol_type (token::RESCALE_PREDICTION_ERROR_COVARIANCE, std::move (l));
5173       }
5174 #else
5175       static
5176       symbol_type
make_RESCALE_PREDICTION_ERROR_COVARIANCE(const location_type & l)5177       make_RESCALE_PREDICTION_ERROR_COVARIANCE (const location_type& l)
5178       {
5179         return symbol_type (token::RESCALE_PREDICTION_ERROR_COVARIANCE, l);
5180       }
5181 #endif
5182 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5183       static
5184       symbol_type
make_GENERATE_IRFS(location_type l)5185       make_GENERATE_IRFS (location_type l)
5186       {
5187         return symbol_type (token::GENERATE_IRFS, std::move (l));
5188       }
5189 #else
5190       static
5191       symbol_type
make_GENERATE_IRFS(const location_type & l)5192       make_GENERATE_IRFS (const location_type& l)
5193       {
5194         return symbol_type (token::GENERATE_IRFS, l);
5195       }
5196 #endif
5197 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5198       static
5199       symbol_type
make_NAN_CONSTANT(location_type l)5200       make_NAN_CONSTANT (location_type l)
5201       {
5202         return symbol_type (token::NAN_CONSTANT, std::move (l));
5203       }
5204 #else
5205       static
5206       symbol_type
make_NAN_CONSTANT(const location_type & l)5207       make_NAN_CONSTANT (const location_type& l)
5208       {
5209         return symbol_type (token::NAN_CONSTANT, l);
5210       }
5211 #endif
5212 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5213       static
5214       symbol_type
make_NO_STATIC(location_type l)5215       make_NO_STATIC (location_type l)
5216       {
5217         return symbol_type (token::NO_STATIC, std::move (l));
5218       }
5219 #else
5220       static
5221       symbol_type
make_NO_STATIC(const location_type & l)5222       make_NO_STATIC (const location_type& l)
5223       {
5224         return symbol_type (token::NO_STATIC, l);
5225       }
5226 #endif
5227 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5228       static
5229       symbol_type
make_NOBS(location_type l)5230       make_NOBS (location_type l)
5231       {
5232         return symbol_type (token::NOBS, std::move (l));
5233       }
5234 #else
5235       static
5236       symbol_type
make_NOBS(const location_type & l)5237       make_NOBS (const location_type& l)
5238       {
5239         return symbol_type (token::NOBS, l);
5240       }
5241 #endif
5242 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5243       static
5244       symbol_type
make_NOCONSTANT(location_type l)5245       make_NOCONSTANT (location_type l)
5246       {
5247         return symbol_type (token::NOCONSTANT, std::move (l));
5248       }
5249 #else
5250       static
5251       symbol_type
make_NOCONSTANT(const location_type & l)5252       make_NOCONSTANT (const location_type& l)
5253       {
5254         return symbol_type (token::NOCONSTANT, l);
5255       }
5256 #endif
5257 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5258       static
5259       symbol_type
make_NODISPLAY(location_type l)5260       make_NODISPLAY (location_type l)
5261       {
5262         return symbol_type (token::NODISPLAY, std::move (l));
5263       }
5264 #else
5265       static
5266       symbol_type
make_NODISPLAY(const location_type & l)5267       make_NODISPLAY (const location_type& l)
5268       {
5269         return symbol_type (token::NODISPLAY, l);
5270       }
5271 #endif
5272 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5273       static
5274       symbol_type
make_NOCORR(location_type l)5275       make_NOCORR (location_type l)
5276       {
5277         return symbol_type (token::NOCORR, std::move (l));
5278       }
5279 #else
5280       static
5281       symbol_type
make_NOCORR(const location_type & l)5282       make_NOCORR (const location_type& l)
5283       {
5284         return symbol_type (token::NOCORR, l);
5285       }
5286 #endif
5287 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5288       static
5289       symbol_type
make_NODIAGNOSTIC(location_type l)5290       make_NODIAGNOSTIC (location_type l)
5291       {
5292         return symbol_type (token::NODIAGNOSTIC, std::move (l));
5293       }
5294 #else
5295       static
5296       symbol_type
make_NODIAGNOSTIC(const location_type & l)5297       make_NODIAGNOSTIC (const location_type& l)
5298       {
5299         return symbol_type (token::NODIAGNOSTIC, l);
5300       }
5301 #endif
5302 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5303       static
5304       symbol_type
make_NOFUNCTIONS(location_type l)5305       make_NOFUNCTIONS (location_type l)
5306       {
5307         return symbol_type (token::NOFUNCTIONS, std::move (l));
5308       }
5309 #else
5310       static
5311       symbol_type
make_NOFUNCTIONS(const location_type & l)5312       make_NOFUNCTIONS (const location_type& l)
5313       {
5314         return symbol_type (token::NOFUNCTIONS, l);
5315       }
5316 #endif
5317 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5318       static
5319       symbol_type
make_NO_HOMOTOPY(location_type l)5320       make_NO_HOMOTOPY (location_type l)
5321       {
5322         return symbol_type (token::NO_HOMOTOPY, std::move (l));
5323       }
5324 #else
5325       static
5326       symbol_type
make_NO_HOMOTOPY(const location_type & l)5327       make_NO_HOMOTOPY (const location_type& l)
5328       {
5329         return symbol_type (token::NO_HOMOTOPY, l);
5330       }
5331 #endif
5332 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5333       static
5334       symbol_type
make_NOGRAPH(location_type l)5335       make_NOGRAPH (location_type l)
5336       {
5337         return symbol_type (token::NOGRAPH, std::move (l));
5338       }
5339 #else
5340       static
5341       symbol_type
make_NOGRAPH(const location_type & l)5342       make_NOGRAPH (const location_type& l)
5343       {
5344         return symbol_type (token::NOGRAPH, l);
5345       }
5346 #endif
5347 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5348       static
5349       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH(location_type l)5350       make_POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH (location_type l)
5351       {
5352         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH, std::move (l));
5353       }
5354 #else
5355       static
5356       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH(const location_type & l)5357       make_POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH (const location_type& l)
5358       {
5359         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_NOGRAPH, l);
5360       }
5361 #endif
5362 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5363       static
5364       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_GRAPH(location_type l)5365       make_POSTERIOR_GRAPH (location_type l)
5366       {
5367         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_GRAPH, std::move (l));
5368       }
5369 #else
5370       static
5371       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_GRAPH(const location_type & l)5372       make_POSTERIOR_GRAPH (const location_type& l)
5373       {
5374         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_GRAPH, l);
5375       }
5376 #endif
5377 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5378       static
5379       symbol_type
make_NOMOMENTS(location_type l)5380       make_NOMOMENTS (location_type l)
5381       {
5382         return symbol_type (token::NOMOMENTS, std::move (l));
5383       }
5384 #else
5385       static
5386       symbol_type
make_NOMOMENTS(const location_type & l)5387       make_NOMOMENTS (const location_type& l)
5388       {
5389         return symbol_type (token::NOMOMENTS, l);
5390       }
5391 #endif
5392 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5393       static
5394       symbol_type
make_NOPRINT(location_type l)5395       make_NOPRINT (location_type l)
5396       {
5397         return symbol_type (token::NOPRINT, std::move (l));
5398       }
5399 #else
5400       static
5401       symbol_type
make_NOPRINT(const location_type & l)5402       make_NOPRINT (const location_type& l)
5403       {
5404         return symbol_type (token::NOPRINT, l);
5405       }
5406 #endif
5407 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5408       static
5409       symbol_type
make_NORMAL_PDF(location_type l)5410       make_NORMAL_PDF (location_type l)
5411       {
5412         return symbol_type (token::NORMAL_PDF, std::move (l));
5413       }
5414 #else
5415       static
5416       symbol_type
make_NORMAL_PDF(const location_type & l)5417       make_NORMAL_PDF (const location_type& l)
5418       {
5419         return symbol_type (token::NORMAL_PDF, l);
5420       }
5421 #endif
5422 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5423       static
5424       symbol_type
make_SAVE_DRAWS(location_type l)5425       make_SAVE_DRAWS (location_type l)
5426       {
5427         return symbol_type (token::SAVE_DRAWS, std::move (l));
5428       }
5429 #else
5430       static
5431       symbol_type
make_SAVE_DRAWS(const location_type & l)5432       make_SAVE_DRAWS (const location_type& l)
5433       {
5434         return symbol_type (token::SAVE_DRAWS, l);
5435       }
5436 #endif
5437 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5438       static
5439       symbol_type
make_MODEL_NAME(location_type l)5440       make_MODEL_NAME (location_type l)
5441       {
5442         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_NAME, std::move (l));
5443       }
5444 #else
5445       static
5446       symbol_type
make_MODEL_NAME(const location_type & l)5447       make_MODEL_NAME (const location_type& l)
5448       {
5449         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_NAME, l);
5450       }
5451 #endif
5452 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5453       static
5454       symbol_type
make_STDERR_MULTIPLES(location_type l)5455       make_STDERR_MULTIPLES (location_type l)
5456       {
5457         return symbol_type (token::STDERR_MULTIPLES, std::move (l));
5458       }
5459 #else
5460       static
5461       symbol_type
make_STDERR_MULTIPLES(const location_type & l)5462       make_STDERR_MULTIPLES (const location_type& l)
5463       {
5464         return symbol_type (token::STDERR_MULTIPLES, l);
5465       }
5466 #endif
5467 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5468       static
5469       symbol_type
make_DIAGONAL_ONLY(location_type l)5470       make_DIAGONAL_ONLY (location_type l)
5471       {
5472         return symbol_type (token::DIAGONAL_ONLY, std::move (l));
5473       }
5474 #else
5475       static
5476       symbol_type
make_DIAGONAL_ONLY(const location_type & l)5477       make_DIAGONAL_ONLY (const location_type& l)
5478       {
5479         return symbol_type (token::DIAGONAL_ONLY, l);
5480       }
5481 #endif
5482 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5483       static
5484       symbol_type
make_OBSERVATION_TRENDS(location_type l)5485       make_OBSERVATION_TRENDS (location_type l)
5486       {
5487         return symbol_type (token::OBSERVATION_TRENDS, std::move (l));
5488       }
5489 #else
5490       static
5491       symbol_type
make_OBSERVATION_TRENDS(const location_type & l)5492       make_OBSERVATION_TRENDS (const location_type& l)
5493       {
5494         return symbol_type (token::OBSERVATION_TRENDS, l);
5495       }
5496 #endif
5497 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5498       static
5499       symbol_type
make_OPTIM(location_type l)5500       make_OPTIM (location_type l)
5501       {
5502         return symbol_type (token::OPTIM, std::move (l));
5503       }
5504 #else
5505       static
5506       symbol_type
make_OPTIM(const location_type & l)5507       make_OPTIM (const location_type& l)
5508       {
5509         return symbol_type (token::OPTIM, l);
5510       }
5511 #endif
5512 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5513       static
5514       symbol_type
make_OPTIM_WEIGHTS(location_type l)5515       make_OPTIM_WEIGHTS (location_type l)
5516       {
5517         return symbol_type (token::OPTIM_WEIGHTS, std::move (l));
5518       }
5519 #else
5520       static
5521       symbol_type
make_OPTIM_WEIGHTS(const location_type & l)5522       make_OPTIM_WEIGHTS (const location_type& l)
5523       {
5524         return symbol_type (token::OPTIM_WEIGHTS, l);
5525       }
5526 #endif
5527 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5528       static
5529       symbol_type
make_ORDER(location_type l)5530       make_ORDER (location_type l)
5531       {
5532         return symbol_type (token::ORDER, std::move (l));
5533       }
5534 #else
5535       static
5536       symbol_type
make_ORDER(const location_type & l)5537       make_ORDER (const location_type& l)
5538       {
5539         return symbol_type (token::ORDER, l);
5540       }
5541 #endif
5542 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5543       static
5544       symbol_type
make_OSR(location_type l)5545       make_OSR (location_type l)
5546       {
5547         return symbol_type (token::OSR, std::move (l));
5548       }
5549 #else
5550       static
5551       symbol_type
make_OSR(const location_type & l)5552       make_OSR (const location_type& l)
5553       {
5554         return symbol_type (token::OSR, l);
5555       }
5556 #endif
5557 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5558       static
5559       symbol_type
make_OSR_PARAMS(location_type l)5560       make_OSR_PARAMS (location_type l)
5561       {
5562         return symbol_type (token::OSR_PARAMS, std::move (l));
5563       }
5564 #else
5565       static
5566       symbol_type
make_OSR_PARAMS(const location_type & l)5567       make_OSR_PARAMS (const location_type& l)
5568       {
5569         return symbol_type (token::OSR_PARAMS, l);
5570       }
5571 #endif
5572 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5573       static
5574       symbol_type
make_MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP(location_type l)5575       make_MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP (location_type l)
5576       {
5577         return symbol_type (token::MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP, std::move (l));
5578       }
5579 #else
5580       static
5581       symbol_type
make_MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP(const location_type & l)5582       make_MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP (const location_type& l)
5583       {
5584         return symbol_type (token::MAX_DIM_COVA_GROUP, l);
5585       }
5586 #endif
5587 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5588       static
5589       symbol_type
make_ADVANCED(location_type l)5590       make_ADVANCED (location_type l)
5591       {
5592         return symbol_type (token::ADVANCED, std::move (l));
5593       }
5594 #else
5595       static
5596       symbol_type
make_ADVANCED(const location_type & l)5597       make_ADVANCED (const location_type& l)
5598       {
5599         return symbol_type (token::ADVANCED, l);
5600       }
5601 #endif
5602 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5603       static
5604       symbol_type
make_OUTFILE(location_type l)5605       make_OUTFILE (location_type l)
5606       {
5607         return symbol_type (token::OUTFILE, std::move (l));
5608       }
5609 #else
5610       static
5611       symbol_type
make_OUTFILE(const location_type & l)5612       make_OUTFILE (const location_type& l)
5613       {
5614         return symbol_type (token::OUTFILE, l);
5615       }
5616 #endif
5617 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5618       static
5619       symbol_type
make_OUTVARS(location_type l)5620       make_OUTVARS (location_type l)
5621       {
5622         return symbol_type (token::OUTVARS, std::move (l));
5623       }
5624 #else
5625       static
5626       symbol_type
make_OUTVARS(const location_type & l)5627       make_OUTVARS (const location_type& l)
5628       {
5629         return symbol_type (token::OUTVARS, l);
5630       }
5631 #endif
5632 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5633       static
5634       symbol_type
make_OVERWRITE(location_type l)5635       make_OVERWRITE (location_type l)
5636       {
5637         return symbol_type (token::OVERWRITE, std::move (l));
5638       }
5639 #else
5640       static
5641       symbol_type
make_OVERWRITE(const location_type & l)5642       make_OVERWRITE (const location_type& l)
5643       {
5644         return symbol_type (token::OVERWRITE, l);
5645       }
5646 #endif
5647 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5648       static
5649       symbol_type
make_DISCOUNT(location_type l)5650       make_DISCOUNT (location_type l)
5651       {
5652         return symbol_type (token::DISCOUNT, std::move (l));
5653       }
5654 #else
5655       static
5656       symbol_type
make_DISCOUNT(const location_type & l)5657       make_DISCOUNT (const location_type& l)
5658       {
5659         return symbol_type (token::DISCOUNT, l);
5660       }
5661 #endif
5662 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5663       static
5664       symbol_type
make_PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES(location_type l)5665       make_PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES (location_type l)
5666       {
5667         return symbol_type (token::PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES, std::move (l));
5668       }
5669 #else
5670       static
5671       symbol_type
make_PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES(const location_type & l)5672       make_PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES (const location_type& l)
5673       {
5674         return symbol_type (token::PARALLEL_LOCAL_FILES, l);
5675       }
5676 #endif
5677 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5678       static
5679       symbol_type
make_PARAMETERS(location_type l)5680       make_PARAMETERS (location_type l)
5681       {
5682         return symbol_type (token::PARAMETERS, std::move (l));
5683       }
5684 #else
5685       static
5686       symbol_type
make_PARAMETERS(const location_type & l)5687       make_PARAMETERS (const location_type& l)
5688       {
5689         return symbol_type (token::PARAMETERS, l);
5690       }
5691 #endif
5692 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5693       static
5694       symbol_type
make_PARAMETER_SET(location_type l)5695       make_PARAMETER_SET (location_type l)
5696       {
5697         return symbol_type (token::PARAMETER_SET, std::move (l));
5698       }
5699 #else
5700       static
5701       symbol_type
make_PARAMETER_SET(const location_type & l)5702       make_PARAMETER_SET (const location_type& l)
5703       {
5704         return symbol_type (token::PARAMETER_SET, l);
5705       }
5706 #endif
5707 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5708       static
5709       symbol_type
make_PARTIAL_INFORMATION(location_type l)5710       make_PARTIAL_INFORMATION (location_type l)
5711       {
5712         return symbol_type (token::PARTIAL_INFORMATION, std::move (l));
5713       }
5714 #else
5715       static
5716       symbol_type
make_PARTIAL_INFORMATION(const location_type & l)5717       make_PARTIAL_INFORMATION (const location_type& l)
5718       {
5719         return symbol_type (token::PARTIAL_INFORMATION, l);
5720       }
5721 #endif
5722 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5723       static
5724       symbol_type
make_PERIODS(location_type l)5725       make_PERIODS (location_type l)
5726       {
5727         return symbol_type (token::PERIODS, std::move (l));
5728       }
5729 #else
5730       static
5731       symbol_type
make_PERIODS(const location_type & l)5732       make_PERIODS (const location_type& l)
5733       {
5734         return symbol_type (token::PERIODS, l);
5735       }
5736 #endif
5737 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5738       static
5739       symbol_type
make_PERIOD(location_type l)5740       make_PERIOD (location_type l)
5741       {
5742         return symbol_type (token::PERIOD, std::move (l));
5743       }
5744 #else
5745       static
5746       symbol_type
make_PERIOD(const location_type & l)5747       make_PERIOD (const location_type& l)
5748       {
5749         return symbol_type (token::PERIOD, l);
5750       }
5751 #endif
5752 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5753       static
5754       symbol_type
make_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE(location_type l)5755       make_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE (location_type l)
5756       {
5757         return symbol_type (token::PLANNER_OBJECTIVE, std::move (l));
5758       }
5759 #else
5760       static
5761       symbol_type
make_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE(const location_type & l)5762       make_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE (const location_type& l)
5763       {
5764         return symbol_type (token::PLANNER_OBJECTIVE, l);
5765       }
5766 #endif
5767 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5768       static
5769       symbol_type
make_PLOT_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST(location_type l)5770       make_PLOT_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST (location_type l)
5771       {
5772         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST, std::move (l));
5773       }
5774 #else
5775       static
5776       symbol_type
make_PLOT_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST(const location_type & l)5777       make_PLOT_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST (const location_type& l)
5778       {
5779         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_CONDITIONAL_FORECAST, l);
5780       }
5781 #endif
5782 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5783       static
5784       symbol_type
make_PLOT_PRIORS(location_type l)5785       make_PLOT_PRIORS (location_type l)
5786       {
5787         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_PRIORS, std::move (l));
5788       }
5789 #else
5790       static
5791       symbol_type
make_PLOT_PRIORS(const location_type & l)5792       make_PLOT_PRIORS (const location_type& l)
5793       {
5794         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_PRIORS, l);
5795       }
5796 #endif
5797 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5798       static
5799       symbol_type
make_PREFILTER(location_type l)5800       make_PREFILTER (location_type l)
5801       {
5802         return symbol_type (token::PREFILTER, std::move (l));
5803       }
5804 #else
5805       static
5806       symbol_type
make_PREFILTER(const location_type & l)5807       make_PREFILTER (const location_type& l)
5808       {
5809         return symbol_type (token::PREFILTER, l);
5810       }
5811 #endif
5812 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5813       static
5814       symbol_type
make_PRESAMPLE(location_type l)5815       make_PRESAMPLE (location_type l)
5816       {
5817         return symbol_type (token::PRESAMPLE, std::move (l));
5818       }
5819 #else
5820       static
5821       symbol_type
make_PRESAMPLE(const location_type & l)5822       make_PRESAMPLE (const location_type& l)
5823       {
5824         return symbol_type (token::PRESAMPLE, l);
5825       }
5826 #endif
5827 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5828       static
5829       symbol_type
make_PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP(location_type l)5830       make_PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP (location_type l)
5831       {
5832         return symbol_type (token::PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP, std::move (l));
5833       }
5834 #else
5835       static
5836       symbol_type
make_PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP(const location_type & l)5837       make_PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP (const location_type& l)
5838       {
5839         return symbol_type (token::PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SETUP, l);
5840       }
5841 #endif
5842 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5843       static
5844       symbol_type
make_PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SOLVER(location_type l)5845       make_PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SOLVER (location_type l)
5846       {
5847         return symbol_type (token::PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SOLVER, std::move (l));
5848       }
5849 #else
5850       static
5851       symbol_type
make_PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SOLVER(const location_type & l)5852       make_PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SOLVER (const location_type& l)
5853       {
5854         return symbol_type (token::PERFECT_FORESIGHT_SOLVER, l);
5855       }
5856 #endif
5857 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5858       static
5859       symbol_type
make_NO_POSTERIOR_KERNEL_DENSITY(location_type l)5860       make_NO_POSTERIOR_KERNEL_DENSITY (location_type l)
5861       {
5862         return symbol_type (token::NO_POSTERIOR_KERNEL_DENSITY, std::move (l));
5863       }
5864 #else
5865       static
5866       symbol_type
make_NO_POSTERIOR_KERNEL_DENSITY(const location_type & l)5867       make_NO_POSTERIOR_KERNEL_DENSITY (const location_type& l)
5868       {
5869         return symbol_type (token::NO_POSTERIOR_KERNEL_DENSITY, l);
5870       }
5871 #endif
5872 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5873       static
5874       symbol_type
make_FUNCTION(location_type l)5875       make_FUNCTION (location_type l)
5876       {
5877         return symbol_type (token::FUNCTION, std::move (l));
5878       }
5879 #else
5880       static
5881       symbol_type
make_FUNCTION(const location_type & l)5882       make_FUNCTION (const location_type& l)
5883       {
5884         return symbol_type (token::FUNCTION, l);
5885       }
5886 #endif
5887 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5888       static
5889       symbol_type
make_PRINT(location_type l)5890       make_PRINT (location_type l)
5891       {
5892         return symbol_type (token::PRINT, std::move (l));
5893       }
5894 #else
5895       static
5896       symbol_type
make_PRINT(const location_type & l)5897       make_PRINT (const location_type& l)
5898       {
5899         return symbol_type (token::PRINT, l);
5900       }
5901 #endif
5902 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5903       static
5904       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_MC(location_type l)5905       make_PRIOR_MC (location_type l)
5906       {
5907         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_MC, std::move (l));
5908       }
5909 #else
5910       static
5911       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_MC(const location_type & l)5912       make_PRIOR_MC (const location_type& l)
5913       {
5914         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_MC, l);
5915       }
5916 #endif
5917 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5918       static
5919       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_TRUNC(location_type l)5920       make_PRIOR_TRUNC (location_type l)
5921       {
5922         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_TRUNC, std::move (l));
5923       }
5924 #else
5925       static
5926       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_TRUNC(const location_type & l)5927       make_PRIOR_TRUNC (const location_type& l)
5928       {
5929         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_TRUNC, l);
5930       }
5931 #endif
5932 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5933       static
5934       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_MODE(location_type l)5935       make_PRIOR_MODE (location_type l)
5936       {
5937         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_MODE, std::move (l));
5938       }
5939 #else
5940       static
5941       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_MODE(const location_type & l)5942       make_PRIOR_MODE (const location_type& l)
5943       {
5944         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_MODE, l);
5945       }
5946 #endif
5947 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5948       static
5949       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_MEAN(location_type l)5950       make_PRIOR_MEAN (location_type l)
5951       {
5952         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_MEAN, std::move (l));
5953       }
5954 #else
5955       static
5956       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_MEAN(const location_type & l)5957       make_PRIOR_MEAN (const location_type& l)
5958       {
5959         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_MEAN, l);
5960       }
5961 #endif
5962 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5963       static
5964       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_MODE(location_type l)5965       make_POSTERIOR_MODE (location_type l)
5966       {
5967         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_MODE, std::move (l));
5968       }
5969 #else
5970       static
5971       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_MODE(const location_type & l)5972       make_POSTERIOR_MODE (const location_type& l)
5973       {
5974         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_MODE, l);
5975       }
5976 #endif
5977 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5978       static
5979       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_MEAN(location_type l)5980       make_POSTERIOR_MEAN (location_type l)
5981       {
5982         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_MEAN, std::move (l));
5983       }
5984 #else
5985       static
5986       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_MEAN(const location_type & l)5987       make_POSTERIOR_MEAN (const location_type& l)
5988       {
5989         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_MEAN, l);
5990       }
5991 #endif
5992 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
5993       static
5994       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_MEDIAN(location_type l)5995       make_POSTERIOR_MEDIAN (location_type l)
5996       {
5997         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_MEDIAN, std::move (l));
5998       }
5999 #else
6000       static
6001       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_MEDIAN(const location_type & l)6002       make_POSTERIOR_MEDIAN (const location_type& l)
6003       {
6004         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_MEDIAN, l);
6005       }
6006 #endif
6007 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6008       static
6009       symbol_type
make_MLE_MODE(location_type l)6010       make_MLE_MODE (location_type l)
6011       {
6012         return symbol_type (token::MLE_MODE, std::move (l));
6013       }
6014 #else
6015       static
6016       symbol_type
make_MLE_MODE(const location_type & l)6017       make_MLE_MODE (const location_type& l)
6018       {
6019         return symbol_type (token::MLE_MODE, l);
6020       }
6021 #endif
6022 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6023       static
6024       symbol_type
make_PRUNING(location_type l)6025       make_PRUNING (location_type l)
6026       {
6027         return symbol_type (token::PRUNING, std::move (l));
6028       }
6029 #else
6030       static
6031       symbol_type
make_PRUNING(const location_type & l)6032       make_PRUNING (const location_type& l)
6033       {
6034         return symbol_type (token::PRUNING, l);
6035       }
6036 #endif
6037 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6038       static
6039       symbol_type
make_QUOTED_STRING(string v,location_type l)6040       make_QUOTED_STRING (string v, location_type l)
6041       {
6042         return symbol_type (token::QUOTED_STRING, std::move (v), std::move (l));
6043       }
6044 #else
6045       static
6046       symbol_type
make_QUOTED_STRING(const string & v,const location_type & l)6047       make_QUOTED_STRING (const string& v, const location_type& l)
6048       {
6049         return symbol_type (token::QUOTED_STRING, v, l);
6050       }
6051 #endif
6052 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6053       static
6054       symbol_type
make_QZ_CRITERIUM(location_type l)6055       make_QZ_CRITERIUM (location_type l)
6056       {
6057         return symbol_type (token::QZ_CRITERIUM, std::move (l));
6058       }
6059 #else
6060       static
6061       symbol_type
make_QZ_CRITERIUM(const location_type & l)6062       make_QZ_CRITERIUM (const location_type& l)
6063       {
6064         return symbol_type (token::QZ_CRITERIUM, l);
6065       }
6066 #endif
6067 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6068       static
6069       symbol_type
make_QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD(location_type l)6070       make_QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD (location_type l)
6071       {
6072         return symbol_type (token::QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD, std::move (l));
6073       }
6074 #else
6075       static
6076       symbol_type
make_QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD(const location_type & l)6077       make_QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD (const location_type& l)
6078       {
6079         return symbol_type (token::QZ_ZERO_THRESHOLD, l);
6080       }
6081 #endif
6082 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6083       static
6084       symbol_type
make_DSGE_VAR(location_type l)6085       make_DSGE_VAR (location_type l)
6086       {
6087         return symbol_type (token::DSGE_VAR, std::move (l));
6088       }
6089 #else
6090       static
6091       symbol_type
make_DSGE_VAR(const location_type & l)6092       make_DSGE_VAR (const location_type& l)
6093       {
6094         return symbol_type (token::DSGE_VAR, l);
6095       }
6096 #endif
6097 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6098       static
6099       symbol_type
make_DSGE_VARLAG(location_type l)6100       make_DSGE_VARLAG (location_type l)
6101       {
6102         return symbol_type (token::DSGE_VARLAG, std::move (l));
6103       }
6104 #else
6105       static
6106       symbol_type
make_DSGE_VARLAG(const location_type & l)6107       make_DSGE_VARLAG (const location_type& l)
6108       {
6109         return symbol_type (token::DSGE_VARLAG, l);
6110       }
6111 #endif
6112 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6113       static
6114       symbol_type
make_DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT(location_type l)6115       make_DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT (location_type l)
6116       {
6117         return symbol_type (token::DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT, std::move (l));
6118       }
6119 #else
6120       static
6121       symbol_type
make_DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT(const location_type & l)6122       make_DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT (const location_type& l)
6123       {
6124         return symbol_type (token::DSGE_PRIOR_WEIGHT, l);
6125       }
6126 #endif
6127 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6128       static
6129       symbol_type
make_TRUNCATE(location_type l)6130       make_TRUNCATE (location_type l)
6131       {
6132         return symbol_type (token::TRUNCATE, std::move (l));
6133       }
6134 #else
6135       static
6136       symbol_type
make_TRUNCATE(const location_type & l)6137       make_TRUNCATE (const location_type& l)
6138       {
6139         return symbol_type (token::TRUNCATE, l);
6140       }
6141 #endif
6142 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6143       static
6144       symbol_type
make_PIPE_E(location_type l)6145       make_PIPE_E (location_type l)
6146       {
6147         return symbol_type (token::PIPE_E, std::move (l));
6148       }
6149 #else
6150       static
6151       symbol_type
make_PIPE_E(const location_type & l)6152       make_PIPE_E (const location_type& l)
6153       {
6154         return symbol_type (token::PIPE_E, l);
6155       }
6156 #endif
6157 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6158       static
6159       symbol_type
make_PIPE_X(location_type l)6160       make_PIPE_X (location_type l)
6161       {
6162         return symbol_type (token::PIPE_X, std::move (l));
6163       }
6164 #else
6165       static
6166       symbol_type
make_PIPE_X(const location_type & l)6167       make_PIPE_X (const location_type& l)
6168       {
6169         return symbol_type (token::PIPE_X, l);
6170       }
6171 #endif
6172 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6173       static
6174       symbol_type
make_PIPE_P(location_type l)6175       make_PIPE_P (location_type l)
6176       {
6177         return symbol_type (token::PIPE_P, std::move (l));
6178       }
6179 #else
6180       static
6181       symbol_type
make_PIPE_P(const location_type & l)6182       make_PIPE_P (const location_type& l)
6183       {
6184         return symbol_type (token::PIPE_P, l);
6185       }
6186 #endif
6187 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6188       static
6189       symbol_type
make_RELATIVE_IRF(location_type l)6190       make_RELATIVE_IRF (location_type l)
6191       {
6192         return symbol_type (token::RELATIVE_IRF, std::move (l));
6193       }
6194 #else
6195       static
6196       symbol_type
make_RELATIVE_IRF(const location_type & l)6197       make_RELATIVE_IRF (const location_type& l)
6198       {
6199         return symbol_type (token::RELATIVE_IRF, l);
6200       }
6201 #endif
6202 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6203       static
6204       symbol_type
make_REPLIC(location_type l)6205       make_REPLIC (location_type l)
6206       {
6207         return symbol_type (token::REPLIC, std::move (l));
6208       }
6209 #else
6210       static
6211       symbol_type
make_REPLIC(const location_type & l)6212       make_REPLIC (const location_type& l)
6213       {
6214         return symbol_type (token::REPLIC, l);
6215       }
6216 #endif
6217 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6218       static
6219       symbol_type
make_SIMUL_REPLIC(location_type l)6220       make_SIMUL_REPLIC (location_type l)
6221       {
6222         return symbol_type (token::SIMUL_REPLIC, std::move (l));
6223       }
6224 #else
6225       static
6226       symbol_type
make_SIMUL_REPLIC(const location_type & l)6227       make_SIMUL_REPLIC (const location_type& l)
6228       {
6229         return symbol_type (token::SIMUL_REPLIC, l);
6230       }
6231 #endif
6232 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6233       static
6234       symbol_type
make_RPLOT(location_type l)6235       make_RPLOT (location_type l)
6236       {
6237         return symbol_type (token::RPLOT, std::move (l));
6238       }
6239 #else
6240       static
6241       symbol_type
make_RPLOT(const location_type & l)6242       make_RPLOT (const location_type& l)
6243       {
6244         return symbol_type (token::RPLOT, l);
6245       }
6246 #endif
6247 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6248       static
6249       symbol_type
make_SAVE_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE(location_type l)6250       make_SAVE_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE (location_type l)
6251       {
6252         return symbol_type (token::SAVE_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE, std::move (l));
6253       }
6254 #else
6255       static
6256       symbol_type
make_SAVE_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE(const location_type & l)6257       make_SAVE_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE (const location_type& l)
6258       {
6259         return symbol_type (token::SAVE_PARAMS_AND_STEADY_STATE, l);
6260       }
6261 #endif
6262 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6263       static
6264       symbol_type
make_PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY(location_type l)6265       make_PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY (location_type l)
6266       {
6267         return symbol_type (token::PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY, std::move (l));
6268       }
6269 #else
6270       static
6271       symbol_type
make_PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY(const location_type & l)6272       make_PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY (const location_type& l)
6273       {
6274         return symbol_type (token::PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY, l);
6275       }
6276 #endif
6277 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6278       static
6279       symbol_type
make_TARGETS(location_type l)6280       make_TARGETS (location_type l)
6281       {
6282         return symbol_type (token::TARGETS, std::move (l));
6283       }
6284 #else
6285       static
6286       symbol_type
make_TARGETS(const location_type & l)6287       make_TARGETS (const location_type& l)
6288       {
6289         return symbol_type (token::TARGETS, l);
6290       }
6291 #endif
6292 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6293       static
6294       symbol_type
make_SHOCKS(location_type l)6295       make_SHOCKS (location_type l)
6296       {
6297         return symbol_type (token::SHOCKS, std::move (l));
6298       }
6299 #else
6300       static
6301       symbol_type
make_SHOCKS(const location_type & l)6302       make_SHOCKS (const location_type& l)
6303       {
6304         return symbol_type (token::SHOCKS, l);
6305       }
6306 #endif
6307 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6308       static
6309       symbol_type
make_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION(location_type l)6310       make_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
6311       {
6312         return symbol_type (token::SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
6313       }
6314 #else
6315       static
6316       symbol_type
make_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)6317       make_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
6318       {
6319         return symbol_type (token::SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION, l);
6320       }
6321 #endif
6322 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6323       static
6324       symbol_type
make_SHOCK_GROUPS(location_type l)6325       make_SHOCK_GROUPS (location_type l)
6326       {
6327         return symbol_type (token::SHOCK_GROUPS, std::move (l));
6328       }
6329 #else
6330       static
6331       symbol_type
make_SHOCK_GROUPS(const location_type & l)6332       make_SHOCK_GROUPS (const location_type& l)
6333       {
6334         return symbol_type (token::SHOCK_GROUPS, l);
6335       }
6336 #endif
6337 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6338       static
6339       symbol_type
make_USE_SHOCK_GROUPS(location_type l)6340       make_USE_SHOCK_GROUPS (location_type l)
6341       {
6342         return symbol_type (token::USE_SHOCK_GROUPS, std::move (l));
6343       }
6344 #else
6345       static
6346       symbol_type
make_USE_SHOCK_GROUPS(const location_type & l)6347       make_USE_SHOCK_GROUPS (const location_type& l)
6348       {
6349         return symbol_type (token::USE_SHOCK_GROUPS, l);
6350       }
6351 #endif
6352 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6353       static
6354       symbol_type
make_SIGMA_E(location_type l)6355       make_SIGMA_E (location_type l)
6356       {
6357         return symbol_type (token::SIGMA_E, std::move (l));
6358       }
6359 #else
6360       static
6361       symbol_type
make_SIGMA_E(const location_type & l)6362       make_SIGMA_E (const location_type& l)
6363       {
6364         return symbol_type (token::SIGMA_E, l);
6365       }
6366 #endif
6367 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6368       static
6369       symbol_type
make_SIMUL(location_type l)6370       make_SIMUL (location_type l)
6371       {
6372         return symbol_type (token::SIMUL, std::move (l));
6373       }
6374 #else
6375       static
6376       symbol_type
make_SIMUL(const location_type & l)6377       make_SIMUL (const location_type& l)
6378       {
6379         return symbol_type (token::SIMUL, l);
6380       }
6381 #endif
6382 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6383       static
6384       symbol_type
make_SIMUL_ALGO(location_type l)6385       make_SIMUL_ALGO (location_type l)
6386       {
6387         return symbol_type (token::SIMUL_ALGO, std::move (l));
6388       }
6389 #else
6390       static
6391       symbol_type
make_SIMUL_ALGO(const location_type & l)6392       make_SIMUL_ALGO (const location_type& l)
6393       {
6394         return symbol_type (token::SIMUL_ALGO, l);
6395       }
6396 #endif
6397 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6398       static
6399       symbol_type
make_SIMUL_SEED(location_type l)6400       make_SIMUL_SEED (location_type l)
6401       {
6402         return symbol_type (token::SIMUL_SEED, std::move (l));
6403       }
6404 #else
6405       static
6406       symbol_type
make_SIMUL_SEED(const location_type & l)6407       make_SIMUL_SEED (const location_type& l)
6408       {
6409         return symbol_type (token::SIMUL_SEED, l);
6410       }
6411 #endif
6412 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6413       static
6414       symbol_type
make_ENDOGENOUS_TERMINAL_PERIOD(location_type l)6415       make_ENDOGENOUS_TERMINAL_PERIOD (location_type l)
6416       {
6417         return symbol_type (token::ENDOGENOUS_TERMINAL_PERIOD, std::move (l));
6418       }
6419 #else
6420       static
6421       symbol_type
make_ENDOGENOUS_TERMINAL_PERIOD(const location_type & l)6422       make_ENDOGENOUS_TERMINAL_PERIOD (const location_type& l)
6423       {
6424         return symbol_type (token::ENDOGENOUS_TERMINAL_PERIOD, l);
6425       }
6426 #endif
6427 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6428       static
6429       symbol_type
make_SMOOTHER(location_type l)6430       make_SMOOTHER (location_type l)
6431       {
6432         return symbol_type (token::SMOOTHER, std::move (l));
6433       }
6434 #else
6435       static
6436       symbol_type
make_SMOOTHER(const location_type & l)6437       make_SMOOTHER (const location_type& l)
6438       {
6439         return symbol_type (token::SMOOTHER, l);
6440       }
6441 #endif
6442 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6443       static
6444       symbol_type
make_SMOOTHER2HISTVAL(location_type l)6445       make_SMOOTHER2HISTVAL (location_type l)
6446       {
6447         return symbol_type (token::SMOOTHER2HISTVAL, std::move (l));
6448       }
6449 #else
6450       static
6451       symbol_type
make_SMOOTHER2HISTVAL(const location_type & l)6452       make_SMOOTHER2HISTVAL (const location_type& l)
6453       {
6454         return symbol_type (token::SMOOTHER2HISTVAL, l);
6455       }
6456 #endif
6457 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6458       static
6459       symbol_type
make_SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER(location_type l)6460       make_SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER (location_type l)
6461       {
6462         return symbol_type (token::SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER, std::move (l));
6463       }
6464 #else
6465       static
6466       symbol_type
make_SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER(const location_type & l)6467       make_SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER (const location_type& l)
6468       {
6469         return symbol_type (token::SQUARE_ROOT_SOLVER, l);
6470       }
6471 #endif
6472 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6473       static
6474       symbol_type
make_STACK_SOLVE_ALGO(location_type l)6475       make_STACK_SOLVE_ALGO (location_type l)
6476       {
6477         return symbol_type (token::STACK_SOLVE_ALGO, std::move (l));
6478       }
6479 #else
6480       static
6481       symbol_type
make_STACK_SOLVE_ALGO(const location_type & l)6482       make_STACK_SOLVE_ALGO (const location_type& l)
6483       {
6484         return symbol_type (token::STACK_SOLVE_ALGO, l);
6485       }
6486 #endif
6487 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6488       static
6489       symbol_type
make_STEADY_STATE_MODEL(location_type l)6490       make_STEADY_STATE_MODEL (location_type l)
6491       {
6492         return symbol_type (token::STEADY_STATE_MODEL, std::move (l));
6493       }
6494 #else
6495       static
6496       symbol_type
make_STEADY_STATE_MODEL(const location_type & l)6497       make_STEADY_STATE_MODEL (const location_type& l)
6498       {
6499         return symbol_type (token::STEADY_STATE_MODEL, l);
6500       }
6501 #endif
6502 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6503       static
6504       symbol_type
make_SOLVE_ALGO(location_type l)6505       make_SOLVE_ALGO (location_type l)
6506       {
6507         return symbol_type (token::SOLVE_ALGO, std::move (l));
6508       }
6509 #else
6510       static
6511       symbol_type
make_SOLVE_ALGO(const location_type & l)6512       make_SOLVE_ALGO (const location_type& l)
6513       {
6514         return symbol_type (token::SOLVE_ALGO, l);
6515       }
6516 #endif
6517 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6518       static
6519       symbol_type
make_SOLVER_PERIODS(location_type l)6520       make_SOLVER_PERIODS (location_type l)
6521       {
6522         return symbol_type (token::SOLVER_PERIODS, std::move (l));
6523       }
6524 #else
6525       static
6526       symbol_type
make_SOLVER_PERIODS(const location_type & l)6527       make_SOLVER_PERIODS (const location_type& l)
6528       {
6529         return symbol_type (token::SOLVER_PERIODS, l);
6530       }
6531 #endif
6532 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6533       static
6534       symbol_type
make_ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE(location_type l)6535       make_ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE (location_type l)
6536       {
6537         return symbol_type (token::ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE, std::move (l));
6538       }
6539 #else
6540       static
6541       symbol_type
make_ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE(const location_type & l)6542       make_ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE (const location_type& l)
6543       {
6544         return symbol_type (token::ROBUST_LIN_SOLVE, l);
6545       }
6546 #endif
6547 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6548       static
6549       symbol_type
make_STDERR(location_type l)6550       make_STDERR (location_type l)
6551       {
6552         return symbol_type (token::STDERR, std::move (l));
6553       }
6554 #else
6555       static
6556       symbol_type
make_STDERR(const location_type & l)6557       make_STDERR (const location_type& l)
6558       {
6559         return symbol_type (token::STDERR, l);
6560       }
6561 #endif
6562 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6563       static
6564       symbol_type
make_STEADY(location_type l)6565       make_STEADY (location_type l)
6566       {
6567         return symbol_type (token::STEADY, std::move (l));
6568       }
6569 #else
6570       static
6571       symbol_type
make_STEADY(const location_type & l)6572       make_STEADY (const location_type& l)
6573       {
6574         return symbol_type (token::STEADY, l);
6575       }
6576 #endif
6577 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6578       static
6579       symbol_type
make_STOCH_SIMUL(location_type l)6580       make_STOCH_SIMUL (location_type l)
6581       {
6582         return symbol_type (token::STOCH_SIMUL, std::move (l));
6583       }
6584 #else
6585       static
6586       symbol_type
make_STOCH_SIMUL(const location_type & l)6587       make_STOCH_SIMUL (const location_type& l)
6588       {
6589         return symbol_type (token::STOCH_SIMUL, l);
6590       }
6591 #endif
6592 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6593       static
6594       symbol_type
make_SYLVESTER(location_type l)6595       make_SYLVESTER (location_type l)
6596       {
6597         return symbol_type (token::SYLVESTER, std::move (l));
6598       }
6599 #else
6600       static
6601       symbol_type
make_SYLVESTER(const location_type & l)6602       make_SYLVESTER (const location_type& l)
6603       {
6604         return symbol_type (token::SYLVESTER, l);
6605       }
6606 #endif
6607 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6608       static
6609       symbol_type
make_SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL(location_type l)6610       make_SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL (location_type l)
6611       {
6612         return symbol_type (token::SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL, std::move (l));
6613       }
6614 #else
6615       static
6616       symbol_type
make_SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL(const location_type & l)6617       make_SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL (const location_type& l)
6618       {
6619         return symbol_type (token::SYLVESTER_FIXED_POINT_TOL, l);
6620       }
6621 #endif
6622 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6623       static
6624       symbol_type
make_REGIMES(location_type l)6625       make_REGIMES (location_type l)
6626       {
6627         return symbol_type (token::REGIMES, std::move (l));
6628       }
6629 #else
6630       static
6631       symbol_type
make_REGIMES(const location_type & l)6632       make_REGIMES (const location_type& l)
6633       {
6634         return symbol_type (token::REGIMES, l);
6635       }
6636 #endif
6637 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6638       static
6639       symbol_type
make_REGIME(location_type l)6640       make_REGIME (location_type l)
6641       {
6642         return symbol_type (token::REGIME, std::move (l));
6643       }
6644 #else
6645       static
6646       symbol_type
make_REGIME(const location_type & l)6647       make_REGIME (const location_type& l)
6648       {
6649         return symbol_type (token::REGIME, l);
6650       }
6651 #endif
6652 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6653       static
6654       symbol_type
make_REALTIME_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION(location_type l)6655       make_REALTIME_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
6656       {
6657         return symbol_type (token::REALTIME_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
6658       }
6659 #else
6660       static
6661       symbol_type
make_REALTIME_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)6662       make_REALTIME_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
6663       {
6664         return symbol_type (token::REALTIME_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION, l);
6665       }
6666 #endif
6667 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6668       static
6669       symbol_type
make_CONDITIONAL(location_type l)6670       make_CONDITIONAL (location_type l)
6671       {
6672         return symbol_type (token::CONDITIONAL, std::move (l));
6673       }
6674 #else
6675       static
6676       symbol_type
make_CONDITIONAL(const location_type & l)6677       make_CONDITIONAL (const location_type& l)
6678       {
6679         return symbol_type (token::CONDITIONAL, l);
6680       }
6681 #endif
6682 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6683       static
6684       symbol_type
make_UNCONDITIONAL(location_type l)6685       make_UNCONDITIONAL (location_type l)
6686       {
6687         return symbol_type (token::UNCONDITIONAL, std::move (l));
6688       }
6689 #else
6690       static
6691       symbol_type
make_UNCONDITIONAL(const location_type & l)6692       make_UNCONDITIONAL (const location_type& l)
6693       {
6694         return symbol_type (token::UNCONDITIONAL, l);
6695       }
6696 #endif
6697 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6698       static
6699       symbol_type
make_TEX(location_type l)6700       make_TEX (location_type l)
6701       {
6702         return symbol_type (token::TEX, std::move (l));
6703       }
6704 #else
6705       static
6706       symbol_type
make_TEX(const location_type & l)6707       make_TEX (const location_type& l)
6708       {
6709         return symbol_type (token::TEX, l);
6710       }
6711 #endif
6712 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6713       static
6714       symbol_type
make_RAMSEY_MODEL(location_type l)6715       make_RAMSEY_MODEL (location_type l)
6716       {
6717         return symbol_type (token::RAMSEY_MODEL, std::move (l));
6718       }
6719 #else
6720       static
6721       symbol_type
make_RAMSEY_MODEL(const location_type & l)6722       make_RAMSEY_MODEL (const location_type& l)
6723       {
6724         return symbol_type (token::RAMSEY_MODEL, l);
6725       }
6726 #endif
6727 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6728       static
6729       symbol_type
make_RAMSEY_POLICY(location_type l)6730       make_RAMSEY_POLICY (location_type l)
6731       {
6732         return symbol_type (token::RAMSEY_POLICY, std::move (l));
6733       }
6734 #else
6735       static
6736       symbol_type
make_RAMSEY_POLICY(const location_type & l)6737       make_RAMSEY_POLICY (const location_type& l)
6738       {
6739         return symbol_type (token::RAMSEY_POLICY, l);
6740       }
6741 #endif
6742 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6743       static
6744       symbol_type
make_RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS(location_type l)6745       make_RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS (location_type l)
6746       {
6747         return symbol_type (token::RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS, std::move (l));
6748       }
6749 #else
6750       static
6751       symbol_type
make_RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS(const location_type & l)6752       make_RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS (const location_type& l)
6753       {
6754         return symbol_type (token::RAMSEY_CONSTRAINTS, l);
6755       }
6756 #endif
6757 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6758       static
6759       symbol_type
make_PLANNER_DISCOUNT(location_type l)6760       make_PLANNER_DISCOUNT (location_type l)
6761       {
6762         return symbol_type (token::PLANNER_DISCOUNT, std::move (l));
6763       }
6764 #else
6765       static
6766       symbol_type
make_PLANNER_DISCOUNT(const location_type & l)6767       make_PLANNER_DISCOUNT (const location_type& l)
6768       {
6769         return symbol_type (token::PLANNER_DISCOUNT, l);
6770       }
6771 #endif
6772 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6773       static
6774       symbol_type
make_PLANNER_DISCOUNT_LATEX_NAME(location_type l)6775       make_PLANNER_DISCOUNT_LATEX_NAME (location_type l)
6776       {
6777         return symbol_type (token::PLANNER_DISCOUNT_LATEX_NAME, std::move (l));
6778       }
6779 #else
6780       static
6781       symbol_type
make_PLANNER_DISCOUNT_LATEX_NAME(const location_type & l)6782       make_PLANNER_DISCOUNT_LATEX_NAME (const location_type& l)
6783       {
6784         return symbol_type (token::PLANNER_DISCOUNT_LATEX_NAME, l);
6785       }
6786 #endif
6787 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6788       static
6789       symbol_type
make_DISCRETIONARY_POLICY(location_type l)6790       make_DISCRETIONARY_POLICY (location_type l)
6791       {
6792         return symbol_type (token::DISCRETIONARY_POLICY, std::move (l));
6793       }
6794 #else
6795       static
6796       symbol_type
make_DISCRETIONARY_POLICY(const location_type & l)6797       make_DISCRETIONARY_POLICY (const location_type& l)
6798       {
6799         return symbol_type (token::DISCRETIONARY_POLICY, l);
6800       }
6801 #endif
6802 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6803       static
6804       symbol_type
make_DISCRETIONARY_TOL(location_type l)6805       make_DISCRETIONARY_TOL (location_type l)
6806       {
6807         return symbol_type (token::DISCRETIONARY_TOL, std::move (l));
6808       }
6809 #else
6810       static
6811       symbol_type
make_DISCRETIONARY_TOL(const location_type & l)6812       make_DISCRETIONARY_TOL (const location_type& l)
6813       {
6814         return symbol_type (token::DISCRETIONARY_TOL, l);
6815       }
6816 #endif
6817 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6818       static
6819       symbol_type
make_EVALUATE_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE(location_type l)6820       make_EVALUATE_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE (location_type l)
6821       {
6822         return symbol_type (token::EVALUATE_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE, std::move (l));
6823       }
6824 #else
6825       static
6826       symbol_type
make_EVALUATE_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE(const location_type & l)6827       make_EVALUATE_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE (const location_type& l)
6828       {
6829         return symbol_type (token::EVALUATE_PLANNER_OBJECTIVE, l);
6830       }
6831 #endif
6832 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6833       static
6834       symbol_type
make_TEX_NAME(string v,location_type l)6835       make_TEX_NAME (string v, location_type l)
6836       {
6837         return symbol_type (token::TEX_NAME, std::move (v), std::move (l));
6838       }
6839 #else
6840       static
6841       symbol_type
make_TEX_NAME(const string & v,const location_type & l)6842       make_TEX_NAME (const string& v, const location_type& l)
6843       {
6844         return symbol_type (token::TEX_NAME, v, l);
6845       }
6846 #endif
6847 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6848       static
6849       symbol_type
make_TRUE(string v,location_type l)6850       make_TRUE (string v, location_type l)
6851       {
6852         return symbol_type (token::TRUE, std::move (v), std::move (l));
6853       }
6854 #else
6855       static
6856       symbol_type
make_TRUE(const string & v,const location_type & l)6857       make_TRUE (const string& v, const location_type& l)
6858       {
6859         return symbol_type (token::TRUE, v, l);
6860       }
6861 #endif
6862 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6863       static
6864       symbol_type
make_UNIFORM_PDF(location_type l)6865       make_UNIFORM_PDF (location_type l)
6866       {
6867         return symbol_type (token::UNIFORM_PDF, std::move (l));
6868       }
6869 #else
6870       static
6871       symbol_type
make_UNIFORM_PDF(const location_type & l)6872       make_UNIFORM_PDF (const location_type& l)
6873       {
6874         return symbol_type (token::UNIFORM_PDF, l);
6875       }
6876 #endif
6877 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6878       static
6879       symbol_type
make_UNIT_ROOT_VARS(location_type l)6880       make_UNIT_ROOT_VARS (location_type l)
6881       {
6882         return symbol_type (token::UNIT_ROOT_VARS, std::move (l));
6883       }
6884 #else
6885       static
6886       symbol_type
make_UNIT_ROOT_VARS(const location_type & l)6887       make_UNIT_ROOT_VARS (const location_type& l)
6888       {
6889         return symbol_type (token::UNIT_ROOT_VARS, l);
6890       }
6891 #endif
6892 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6893       static
6894       symbol_type
make_USE_DLL(location_type l)6895       make_USE_DLL (location_type l)
6896       {
6897         return symbol_type (token::USE_DLL, std::move (l));
6898       }
6899 #else
6900       static
6901       symbol_type
make_USE_DLL(const location_type & l)6902       make_USE_DLL (const location_type& l)
6903       {
6904         return symbol_type (token::USE_DLL, l);
6905       }
6906 #endif
6907 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6908       static
6909       symbol_type
make_USEAUTOCORR(location_type l)6910       make_USEAUTOCORR (location_type l)
6911       {
6912         return symbol_type (token::USEAUTOCORR, std::move (l));
6913       }
6914 #else
6915       static
6916       symbol_type
make_USEAUTOCORR(const location_type & l)6917       make_USEAUTOCORR (const location_type& l)
6918       {
6919         return symbol_type (token::USEAUTOCORR, l);
6920       }
6921 #endif
6922 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6923       static
6924       symbol_type
make_GSA_SAMPLE_FILE(location_type l)6925       make_GSA_SAMPLE_FILE (location_type l)
6926       {
6927         return symbol_type (token::GSA_SAMPLE_FILE, std::move (l));
6928       }
6929 #else
6930       static
6931       symbol_type
make_GSA_SAMPLE_FILE(const location_type & l)6932       make_GSA_SAMPLE_FILE (const location_type& l)
6933       {
6934         return symbol_type (token::GSA_SAMPLE_FILE, l);
6935       }
6936 #endif
6937 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6938       static
6939       symbol_type
6941       {
6942         return symbol_type (token::USE_UNIVARIATE_FILTERS_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED, std::move (l));
6943       }
6944 #else
6945       static
6946       symbol_type
6948       {
6949         return symbol_type (token::USE_UNIVARIATE_FILTERS_IF_SINGULARITY_IS_DETECTED, l);
6950       }
6951 #endif
6952 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6953       static
6954       symbol_type
make_VALUES(location_type l)6955       make_VALUES (location_type l)
6956       {
6957         return symbol_type (token::VALUES, std::move (l));
6958       }
6959 #else
6960       static
6961       symbol_type
make_VALUES(const location_type & l)6962       make_VALUES (const location_type& l)
6963       {
6964         return symbol_type (token::VALUES, l);
6965       }
6966 #endif
6967 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6968       static
6969       symbol_type
make_VAR(location_type l)6970       make_VAR (location_type l)
6971       {
6972         return symbol_type (token::VAR, std::move (l));
6973       }
6974 #else
6975       static
6976       symbol_type
make_VAR(const location_type & l)6977       make_VAR (const location_type& l)
6978       {
6979         return symbol_type (token::VAR, l);
6980       }
6981 #endif
6982 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6983       static
6984       symbol_type
make_VAREXO(location_type l)6985       make_VAREXO (location_type l)
6986       {
6987         return symbol_type (token::VAREXO, std::move (l));
6988       }
6989 #else
6990       static
6991       symbol_type
make_VAREXO(const location_type & l)6992       make_VAREXO (const location_type& l)
6993       {
6994         return symbol_type (token::VAREXO, l);
6995       }
6996 #endif
6997 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
6998       static
6999       symbol_type
make_VAREXO_DET(location_type l)7000       make_VAREXO_DET (location_type l)
7001       {
7002         return symbol_type (token::VAREXO_DET, std::move (l));
7003       }
7004 #else
7005       static
7006       symbol_type
make_VAREXO_DET(const location_type & l)7007       make_VAREXO_DET (const location_type& l)
7008       {
7009         return symbol_type (token::VAREXO_DET, l);
7010       }
7011 #endif
7012 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7013       static
7014       symbol_type
make_VARIABLE(location_type l)7015       make_VARIABLE (location_type l)
7016       {
7017         return symbol_type (token::VARIABLE, std::move (l));
7018       }
7019 #else
7020       static
7021       symbol_type
make_VARIABLE(const location_type & l)7022       make_VARIABLE (const location_type& l)
7023       {
7024         return symbol_type (token::VARIABLE, l);
7025       }
7026 #endif
7027 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7028       static
7029       symbol_type
make_VAROBS(location_type l)7030       make_VAROBS (location_type l)
7031       {
7032         return symbol_type (token::VAROBS, std::move (l));
7033       }
7034 #else
7035       static
7036       symbol_type
make_VAROBS(const location_type & l)7037       make_VAROBS (const location_type& l)
7038       {
7039         return symbol_type (token::VAROBS, l);
7040       }
7041 #endif
7042 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7043       static
7044       symbol_type
make_VAREXOBS(location_type l)7045       make_VAREXOBS (location_type l)
7046       {
7047         return symbol_type (token::VAREXOBS, std::move (l));
7048       }
7049 #else
7050       static
7051       symbol_type
make_VAREXOBS(const location_type & l)7052       make_VAREXOBS (const location_type& l)
7053       {
7054         return symbol_type (token::VAREXOBS, l);
7055       }
7056 #endif
7057 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7058       static
7059       symbol_type
make_PREDETERMINED_VARIABLES(location_type l)7060       make_PREDETERMINED_VARIABLES (location_type l)
7061       {
7062         return symbol_type (token::PREDETERMINED_VARIABLES, std::move (l));
7063       }
7064 #else
7065       static
7066       symbol_type
make_PREDETERMINED_VARIABLES(const location_type & l)7067       make_PREDETERMINED_VARIABLES (const location_type& l)
7068       {
7069         return symbol_type (token::PREDETERMINED_VARIABLES, l);
7070       }
7071 #endif
7072 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7073       static
7074       symbol_type
make_VAR_EXPECTATION(location_type l)7075       make_VAR_EXPECTATION (location_type l)
7076       {
7077         return symbol_type (token::VAR_EXPECTATION, std::move (l));
7078       }
7079 #else
7080       static
7081       symbol_type
make_VAR_EXPECTATION(const location_type & l)7082       make_VAR_EXPECTATION (const location_type& l)
7083       {
7084         return symbol_type (token::VAR_EXPECTATION, l);
7085       }
7086 #endif
7087 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7088       static
7089       symbol_type
make_VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL(location_type l)7090       make_VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL (location_type l)
7091       {
7092         return symbol_type (token::VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL, std::move (l));
7093       }
7094 #else
7095       static
7096       symbol_type
make_VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL(const location_type & l)7097       make_VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL (const location_type& l)
7098       {
7099         return symbol_type (token::VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL, l);
7100       }
7101 #endif
7102 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7103       static
7104       symbol_type
make_PLOT_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION(location_type l)7105       make_PLOT_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
7106       {
7107         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
7108       }
7109 #else
7110       static
7111       symbol_type
make_PLOT_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)7112       make_PLOT_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
7113       {
7114         return symbol_type (token::PLOT_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION, l);
7115       }
7116 #endif
7117 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7118       static
7119       symbol_type
make_MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE(location_type l)7120       make_MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE (location_type l)
7121       {
7122         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE, std::move (l));
7123       }
7124 #else
7125       static
7126       symbol_type
make_MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE(const location_type & l)7127       make_MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE (const location_type& l)
7128       {
7129         return symbol_type (token::MODEL_LOCAL_VARIABLE, l);
7130       }
7131 #endif
7132 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7133       static
7134       symbol_type
make_WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL(location_type l)7135       make_WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL (location_type l)
7136       {
7137         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL, std::move (l));
7138       }
7139 #else
7140       static
7141       symbol_type
make_WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL(const location_type & l)7142       make_WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL (const location_type& l)
7143       {
7144         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_LATEX_DYNAMIC_MODEL, l);
7145       }
7146 #endif
7147 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7148       static
7149       symbol_type
make_WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL(location_type l)7150       make_WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL (location_type l)
7151       {
7152         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL, std::move (l));
7153       }
7154 #else
7155       static
7156       symbol_type
make_WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL(const location_type & l)7157       make_WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL (const location_type& l)
7158       {
7159         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_LATEX_STATIC_MODEL, l);
7160       }
7161 #endif
7162 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7163       static
7164       symbol_type
make_WRITE_LATEX_ORIGINAL_MODEL(location_type l)7165       make_WRITE_LATEX_ORIGINAL_MODEL (location_type l)
7166       {
7167         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_LATEX_ORIGINAL_MODEL, std::move (l));
7168       }
7169 #else
7170       static
7171       symbol_type
make_WRITE_LATEX_ORIGINAL_MODEL(const location_type & l)7172       make_WRITE_LATEX_ORIGINAL_MODEL (const location_type& l)
7173       {
7174         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_LATEX_ORIGINAL_MODEL, l);
7175       }
7176 #endif
7177 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7178       static
7179       symbol_type
make_CROSSEQUATIONS(location_type l)7180       make_CROSSEQUATIONS (location_type l)
7181       {
7182         return symbol_type (token::CROSSEQUATIONS, std::move (l));
7183       }
7184 #else
7185       static
7186       symbol_type
make_CROSSEQUATIONS(const location_type & l)7187       make_CROSSEQUATIONS (const location_type& l)
7188       {
7189         return symbol_type (token::CROSSEQUATIONS, l);
7190       }
7191 #endif
7192 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7193       static
7194       symbol_type
make_COVARIANCE(location_type l)7195       make_COVARIANCE (location_type l)
7196       {
7197         return symbol_type (token::COVARIANCE, std::move (l));
7198       }
7199 #else
7200       static
7201       symbol_type
make_COVARIANCE(const location_type & l)7202       make_COVARIANCE (const location_type& l)
7203       {
7204         return symbol_type (token::COVARIANCE, l);
7205       }
7206 #endif
7207 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7208       static
7209       symbol_type
make_WRITE_LATEX_STEADY_STATE_MODEL(location_type l)7210       make_WRITE_LATEX_STEADY_STATE_MODEL (location_type l)
7211       {
7212         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_LATEX_STEADY_STATE_MODEL, std::move (l));
7213       }
7214 #else
7215       static
7216       symbol_type
make_WRITE_LATEX_STEADY_STATE_MODEL(const location_type & l)7217       make_WRITE_LATEX_STEADY_STATE_MODEL (const location_type& l)
7218       {
7219         return symbol_type (token::WRITE_LATEX_STEADY_STATE_MODEL, l);
7220       }
7221 #endif
7222 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7223       static
7224       symbol_type
make_XLS_SHEET(location_type l)7225       make_XLS_SHEET (location_type l)
7226       {
7227         return symbol_type (token::XLS_SHEET, std::move (l));
7228       }
7229 #else
7230       static
7231       symbol_type
make_XLS_SHEET(const location_type & l)7232       make_XLS_SHEET (const location_type& l)
7233       {
7234         return symbol_type (token::XLS_SHEET, l);
7235       }
7236 #endif
7237 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7238       static
7239       symbol_type
make_XLS_RANGE(location_type l)7240       make_XLS_RANGE (location_type l)
7241       {
7242         return symbol_type (token::XLS_RANGE, std::move (l));
7243       }
7244 #else
7245       static
7246       symbol_type
make_XLS_RANGE(const location_type & l)7247       make_XLS_RANGE (const location_type& l)
7248       {
7249         return symbol_type (token::XLS_RANGE, l);
7250       }
7251 #endif
7252 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7253       static
7254       symbol_type
make_LMMCP(location_type l)7255       make_LMMCP (location_type l)
7256       {
7257         return symbol_type (token::LMMCP, std::move (l));
7258       }
7259 #else
7260       static
7261       symbol_type
make_LMMCP(const location_type & l)7262       make_LMMCP (const location_type& l)
7263       {
7264         return symbol_type (token::LMMCP, l);
7265       }
7266 #endif
7267 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7268       static
7269       symbol_type
make_OCCBIN(location_type l)7270       make_OCCBIN (location_type l)
7271       {
7272         return symbol_type (token::OCCBIN, std::move (l));
7273       }
7274 #else
7275       static
7276       symbol_type
make_OCCBIN(const location_type & l)7277       make_OCCBIN (const location_type& l)
7278       {
7279         return symbol_type (token::OCCBIN, l);
7280       }
7281 #endif
7282 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7283       static
7284       symbol_type
make_BANDPASS_FILTER(location_type l)7285       make_BANDPASS_FILTER (location_type l)
7286       {
7287         return symbol_type (token::BANDPASS_FILTER, std::move (l));
7288       }
7289 #else
7290       static
7291       symbol_type
make_BANDPASS_FILTER(const location_type & l)7292       make_BANDPASS_FILTER (const location_type& l)
7293       {
7294         return symbol_type (token::BANDPASS_FILTER, l);
7295       }
7296 #endif
7297 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7298       static
7299       symbol_type
make_COLORMAP(location_type l)7300       make_COLORMAP (location_type l)
7301       {
7302         return symbol_type (token::COLORMAP, std::move (l));
7303       }
7304 #else
7305       static
7306       symbol_type
make_COLORMAP(const location_type & l)7307       make_COLORMAP (const location_type& l)
7308       {
7309         return symbol_type (token::COLORMAP, l);
7310       }
7311 #endif
7312 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7313       static
7314       symbol_type
make_VAR_MODEL(location_type l)7315       make_VAR_MODEL (location_type l)
7316       {
7317         return symbol_type (token::VAR_MODEL, std::move (l));
7318       }
7319 #else
7320       static
7321       symbol_type
make_VAR_MODEL(const location_type & l)7322       make_VAR_MODEL (const location_type& l)
7323       {
7324         return symbol_type (token::VAR_MODEL, l);
7325       }
7326 #endif
7327 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7328       static
7329       symbol_type
make_PAC_MODEL(location_type l)7330       make_PAC_MODEL (location_type l)
7331       {
7332         return symbol_type (token::PAC_MODEL, std::move (l));
7333       }
7334 #else
7335       static
7336       symbol_type
make_PAC_MODEL(const location_type & l)7337       make_PAC_MODEL (const location_type& l)
7338       {
7339         return symbol_type (token::PAC_MODEL, l);
7340       }
7341 #endif
7342 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7343       static
7344       symbol_type
make_QOQ(location_type l)7345       make_QOQ (location_type l)
7346       {
7347         return symbol_type (token::QOQ, std::move (l));
7348       }
7349 #else
7350       static
7351       symbol_type
make_QOQ(const location_type & l)7352       make_QOQ (const location_type& l)
7353       {
7354         return symbol_type (token::QOQ, l);
7355       }
7356 #endif
7357 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7358       static
7359       symbol_type
make_YOY(location_type l)7360       make_YOY (location_type l)
7361       {
7362         return symbol_type (token::YOY, std::move (l));
7363       }
7364 #else
7365       static
7366       symbol_type
make_YOY(const location_type & l)7367       make_YOY (const location_type& l)
7368       {
7369         return symbol_type (token::YOY, l);
7370       }
7371 #endif
7372 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7373       static
7374       symbol_type
make_AOA(location_type l)7375       make_AOA (location_type l)
7376       {
7377         return symbol_type (token::AOA, std::move (l));
7378       }
7379 #else
7380       static
7381       symbol_type
make_AOA(const location_type & l)7382       make_AOA (const location_type& l)
7383       {
7384         return symbol_type (token::AOA, l);
7385       }
7386 #endif
7387 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7388       static
7389       symbol_type
make_PAC_EXPECTATION(location_type l)7390       make_PAC_EXPECTATION (location_type l)
7391       {
7392         return symbol_type (token::PAC_EXPECTATION, std::move (l));
7393       }
7394 #else
7395       static
7396       symbol_type
make_PAC_EXPECTATION(const location_type & l)7397       make_PAC_EXPECTATION (const location_type& l)
7398       {
7399         return symbol_type (token::PAC_EXPECTATION, l);
7400       }
7401 #endif
7402 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7403       static
7404       symbol_type
make_TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL(location_type l)7405       make_TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL (location_type l)
7406       {
7407         return symbol_type (token::TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL, std::move (l));
7408       }
7409 #else
7410       static
7411       symbol_type
make_TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL(const location_type & l)7412       make_TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL (const location_type& l)
7413       {
7414         return symbol_type (token::TREND_COMPONENT_MODEL, l);
7415       }
7416 #endif
7417 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7418       static
7419       symbol_type
make_EQUAL_EQUAL(location_type l)7420       make_EQUAL_EQUAL (location_type l)
7421       {
7422         return symbol_type (token::EQUAL_EQUAL, std::move (l));
7423       }
7424 #else
7425       static
7426       symbol_type
make_EQUAL_EQUAL(const location_type & l)7427       make_EQUAL_EQUAL (const location_type& l)
7428       {
7429         return symbol_type (token::EQUAL_EQUAL, l);
7430       }
7431 #endif
7432 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7433       static
7434       symbol_type
make_EXCLAMATION_EQUAL(location_type l)7435       make_EXCLAMATION_EQUAL (location_type l)
7436       {
7437         return symbol_type (token::EXCLAMATION_EQUAL, std::move (l));
7438       }
7439 #else
7440       static
7441       symbol_type
make_EXCLAMATION_EQUAL(const location_type & l)7442       make_EXCLAMATION_EQUAL (const location_type& l)
7443       {
7444         return symbol_type (token::EXCLAMATION_EQUAL, l);
7445       }
7446 #endif
7447 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7448       static
7449       symbol_type
make_LESS(location_type l)7450       make_LESS (location_type l)
7451       {
7452         return symbol_type (token::LESS, std::move (l));
7453       }
7454 #else
7455       static
7456       symbol_type
make_LESS(const location_type & l)7457       make_LESS (const location_type& l)
7458       {
7459         return symbol_type (token::LESS, l);
7460       }
7461 #endif
7462 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7463       static
7464       symbol_type
make_GREATER(location_type l)7465       make_GREATER (location_type l)
7466       {
7467         return symbol_type (token::GREATER, std::move (l));
7468       }
7469 #else
7470       static
7471       symbol_type
make_GREATER(const location_type & l)7472       make_GREATER (const location_type& l)
7473       {
7474         return symbol_type (token::GREATER, l);
7475       }
7476 #endif
7477 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7478       static
7479       symbol_type
make_LESS_EQUAL(location_type l)7480       make_LESS_EQUAL (location_type l)
7481       {
7482         return symbol_type (token::LESS_EQUAL, std::move (l));
7483       }
7484 #else
7485       static
7486       symbol_type
make_LESS_EQUAL(const location_type & l)7487       make_LESS_EQUAL (const location_type& l)
7488       {
7489         return symbol_type (token::LESS_EQUAL, l);
7490       }
7491 #endif
7492 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7493       static
7494       symbol_type
make_GREATER_EQUAL(location_type l)7495       make_GREATER_EQUAL (location_type l)
7496       {
7497         return symbol_type (token::GREATER_EQUAL, std::move (l));
7498       }
7499 #else
7500       static
7501       symbol_type
make_GREATER_EQUAL(const location_type & l)7502       make_GREATER_EQUAL (const location_type& l)
7503       {
7504         return symbol_type (token::GREATER_EQUAL, l);
7505       }
7506 #endif
7507 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7508       static
7509       symbol_type
make_PLUS(location_type l)7510       make_PLUS (location_type l)
7511       {
7512         return symbol_type (token::PLUS, std::move (l));
7513       }
7514 #else
7515       static
7516       symbol_type
make_PLUS(const location_type & l)7517       make_PLUS (const location_type& l)
7518       {
7519         return symbol_type (token::PLUS, l);
7520       }
7521 #endif
7522 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7523       static
7524       symbol_type
make_MINUS(location_type l)7525       make_MINUS (location_type l)
7526       {
7527         return symbol_type (token::MINUS, std::move (l));
7528       }
7529 #else
7530       static
7531       symbol_type
make_MINUS(const location_type & l)7532       make_MINUS (const location_type& l)
7533       {
7534         return symbol_type (token::MINUS, l);
7535       }
7536 #endif
7537 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7538       static
7539       symbol_type
make_TIMES(location_type l)7540       make_TIMES (location_type l)
7541       {
7542         return symbol_type (token::TIMES, std::move (l));
7543       }
7544 #else
7545       static
7546       symbol_type
make_TIMES(const location_type & l)7547       make_TIMES (const location_type& l)
7548       {
7549         return symbol_type (token::TIMES, l);
7550       }
7551 #endif
7552 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7553       static
7554       symbol_type
make_DIVIDE(location_type l)7555       make_DIVIDE (location_type l)
7556       {
7557         return symbol_type (token::DIVIDE, std::move (l));
7558       }
7559 #else
7560       static
7561       symbol_type
make_DIVIDE(const location_type & l)7562       make_DIVIDE (const location_type& l)
7563       {
7564         return symbol_type (token::DIVIDE, l);
7565       }
7566 #endif
7567 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7568       static
7569       symbol_type
make_UNARY(location_type l)7570       make_UNARY (location_type l)
7571       {
7572         return symbol_type (token::UNARY, std::move (l));
7573       }
7574 #else
7575       static
7576       symbol_type
make_UNARY(const location_type & l)7577       make_UNARY (const location_type& l)
7578       {
7579         return symbol_type (token::UNARY, l);
7580       }
7581 #endif
7582 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7583       static
7584       symbol_type
make_POWER(location_type l)7585       make_POWER (location_type l)
7586       {
7587         return symbol_type (token::POWER, std::move (l));
7588       }
7589 #else
7590       static
7591       symbol_type
make_POWER(const location_type & l)7592       make_POWER (const location_type& l)
7593       {
7594         return symbol_type (token::POWER, l);
7595       }
7596 #endif
7597 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7598       static
7599       symbol_type
make_EXP(location_type l)7600       make_EXP (location_type l)
7601       {
7602         return symbol_type (token::EXP, std::move (l));
7603       }
7604 #else
7605       static
7606       symbol_type
make_EXP(const location_type & l)7607       make_EXP (const location_type& l)
7608       {
7609         return symbol_type (token::EXP, l);
7610       }
7611 #endif
7612 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7613       static
7614       symbol_type
make_LOG(location_type l)7615       make_LOG (location_type l)
7616       {
7617         return symbol_type (token::LOG, std::move (l));
7618       }
7619 #else
7620       static
7621       symbol_type
make_LOG(const location_type & l)7622       make_LOG (const location_type& l)
7623       {
7624         return symbol_type (token::LOG, l);
7625       }
7626 #endif
7627 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7628       static
7629       symbol_type
make_LN(location_type l)7630       make_LN (location_type l)
7631       {
7632         return symbol_type (token::LN, std::move (l));
7633       }
7634 #else
7635       static
7636       symbol_type
make_LN(const location_type & l)7637       make_LN (const location_type& l)
7638       {
7639         return symbol_type (token::LN, l);
7640       }
7641 #endif
7642 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7643       static
7644       symbol_type
make_LOG10(location_type l)7645       make_LOG10 (location_type l)
7646       {
7647         return symbol_type (token::LOG10, std::move (l));
7648       }
7649 #else
7650       static
7651       symbol_type
make_LOG10(const location_type & l)7652       make_LOG10 (const location_type& l)
7653       {
7654         return symbol_type (token::LOG10, l);
7655       }
7656 #endif
7657 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7658       static
7659       symbol_type
make_SIN(location_type l)7660       make_SIN (location_type l)
7661       {
7662         return symbol_type (token::SIN, std::move (l));
7663       }
7664 #else
7665       static
7666       symbol_type
make_SIN(const location_type & l)7667       make_SIN (const location_type& l)
7668       {
7669         return symbol_type (token::SIN, l);
7670       }
7671 #endif
7672 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7673       static
7674       symbol_type
make_COS(location_type l)7675       make_COS (location_type l)
7676       {
7677         return symbol_type (token::COS, std::move (l));
7678       }
7679 #else
7680       static
7681       symbol_type
make_COS(const location_type & l)7682       make_COS (const location_type& l)
7683       {
7684         return symbol_type (token::COS, l);
7685       }
7686 #endif
7687 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7688       static
7689       symbol_type
make_TAN(location_type l)7690       make_TAN (location_type l)
7691       {
7692         return symbol_type (token::TAN, std::move (l));
7693       }
7694 #else
7695       static
7696       symbol_type
make_TAN(const location_type & l)7697       make_TAN (const location_type& l)
7698       {
7699         return symbol_type (token::TAN, l);
7700       }
7701 #endif
7702 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7703       static
7704       symbol_type
make_ASIN(location_type l)7705       make_ASIN (location_type l)
7706       {
7707         return symbol_type (token::ASIN, std::move (l));
7708       }
7709 #else
7710       static
7711       symbol_type
make_ASIN(const location_type & l)7712       make_ASIN (const location_type& l)
7713       {
7714         return symbol_type (token::ASIN, l);
7715       }
7716 #endif
7717 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7718       static
7719       symbol_type
make_ACOS(location_type l)7720       make_ACOS (location_type l)
7721       {
7722         return symbol_type (token::ACOS, std::move (l));
7723       }
7724 #else
7725       static
7726       symbol_type
make_ACOS(const location_type & l)7727       make_ACOS (const location_type& l)
7728       {
7729         return symbol_type (token::ACOS, l);
7730       }
7731 #endif
7732 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7733       static
7734       symbol_type
make_ATAN(location_type l)7735       make_ATAN (location_type l)
7736       {
7737         return symbol_type (token::ATAN, std::move (l));
7738       }
7739 #else
7740       static
7741       symbol_type
make_ATAN(const location_type & l)7742       make_ATAN (const location_type& l)
7743       {
7744         return symbol_type (token::ATAN, l);
7745       }
7746 #endif
7747 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7748       static
7749       symbol_type
make_ERF(location_type l)7750       make_ERF (location_type l)
7751       {
7752         return symbol_type (token::ERF, std::move (l));
7753       }
7754 #else
7755       static
7756       symbol_type
make_ERF(const location_type & l)7757       make_ERF (const location_type& l)
7758       {
7759         return symbol_type (token::ERF, l);
7760       }
7761 #endif
7762 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7763       static
7764       symbol_type
make_DIFF(location_type l)7765       make_DIFF (location_type l)
7766       {
7767         return symbol_type (token::DIFF, std::move (l));
7768       }
7769 #else
7770       static
7771       symbol_type
make_DIFF(const location_type & l)7772       make_DIFF (const location_type& l)
7773       {
7774         return symbol_type (token::DIFF, l);
7775       }
7776 #endif
7777 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7778       static
7779       symbol_type
make_ADL(location_type l)7780       make_ADL (location_type l)
7781       {
7782         return symbol_type (token::ADL, std::move (l));
7783       }
7784 #else
7785       static
7786       symbol_type
make_ADL(const location_type & l)7787       make_ADL (const location_type& l)
7788       {
7789         return symbol_type (token::ADL, l);
7790       }
7791 #endif
7792 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7793       static
7794       symbol_type
make_AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME(location_type l)7795       make_AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME (location_type l)
7796       {
7797         return symbol_type (token::AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME, std::move (l));
7798       }
7799 #else
7800       static
7801       symbol_type
make_AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME(const location_type & l)7802       make_AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME (const location_type& l)
7803       {
7804         return symbol_type (token::AUXILIARY_MODEL_NAME, l);
7805       }
7806 #endif
7807 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7808       static
7809       symbol_type
make_SQRT(location_type l)7810       make_SQRT (location_type l)
7811       {
7812         return symbol_type (token::SQRT, std::move (l));
7813       }
7814 #else
7815       static
7816       symbol_type
make_SQRT(const location_type & l)7817       make_SQRT (const location_type& l)
7818       {
7819         return symbol_type (token::SQRT, l);
7820       }
7821 #endif
7822 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7823       static
7824       symbol_type
make_CBRT(location_type l)7825       make_CBRT (location_type l)
7826       {
7827         return symbol_type (token::CBRT, std::move (l));
7828       }
7829 #else
7830       static
7831       symbol_type
make_CBRT(const location_type & l)7832       make_CBRT (const location_type& l)
7833       {
7834         return symbol_type (token::CBRT, l);
7835       }
7836 #endif
7837 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7838       static
7839       symbol_type
make_NORMCDF(location_type l)7840       make_NORMCDF (location_type l)
7841       {
7842         return symbol_type (token::NORMCDF, std::move (l));
7843       }
7844 #else
7845       static
7846       symbol_type
make_NORMCDF(const location_type & l)7847       make_NORMCDF (const location_type& l)
7848       {
7849         return symbol_type (token::NORMCDF, l);
7850       }
7851 #endif
7852 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7853       static
7854       symbol_type
make_NORMPDF(location_type l)7855       make_NORMPDF (location_type l)
7856       {
7857         return symbol_type (token::NORMPDF, std::move (l));
7858       }
7859 #else
7860       static
7861       symbol_type
make_NORMPDF(const location_type & l)7862       make_NORMPDF (const location_type& l)
7863       {
7864         return symbol_type (token::NORMPDF, l);
7865       }
7866 #endif
7867 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7868       static
7869       symbol_type
make_STEADY_STATE(location_type l)7870       make_STEADY_STATE (location_type l)
7871       {
7872         return symbol_type (token::STEADY_STATE, std::move (l));
7873       }
7874 #else
7875       static
7876       symbol_type
make_STEADY_STATE(const location_type & l)7877       make_STEADY_STATE (const location_type& l)
7878       {
7879         return symbol_type (token::STEADY_STATE, l);
7880       }
7881 #endif
7882 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7883       static
7884       symbol_type
make_EXPECTATION(location_type l)7885       make_EXPECTATION (location_type l)
7886       {
7887         return symbol_type (token::EXPECTATION, std::move (l));
7888       }
7889 #else
7890       static
7891       symbol_type
make_EXPECTATION(const location_type & l)7892       make_EXPECTATION (const location_type& l)
7893       {
7894         return symbol_type (token::EXPECTATION, l);
7895       }
7896 #endif
7897 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7898       static
7899       symbol_type
make_VAR_ESTIMATION(location_type l)7900       make_VAR_ESTIMATION (location_type l)
7901       {
7902         return symbol_type (token::VAR_ESTIMATION, std::move (l));
7903       }
7904 #else
7905       static
7906       symbol_type
make_VAR_ESTIMATION(const location_type & l)7907       make_VAR_ESTIMATION (const location_type& l)
7908       {
7909         return symbol_type (token::VAR_ESTIMATION, l);
7910       }
7911 #endif
7912 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7913       static
7914       symbol_type
make_DYNARE_SENSITIVITY(location_type l)7915       make_DYNARE_SENSITIVITY (location_type l)
7916       {
7917         return symbol_type (token::DYNARE_SENSITIVITY, std::move (l));
7918       }
7919 #else
7920       static
7921       symbol_type
make_DYNARE_SENSITIVITY(const location_type & l)7922       make_DYNARE_SENSITIVITY (const location_type& l)
7923       {
7924         return symbol_type (token::DYNARE_SENSITIVITY, l);
7925       }
7926 #endif
7927 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7928       static
7929       symbol_type
make_MORRIS(location_type l)7930       make_MORRIS (location_type l)
7931       {
7932         return symbol_type (token::MORRIS, std::move (l));
7933       }
7934 #else
7935       static
7936       symbol_type
make_MORRIS(const location_type & l)7937       make_MORRIS (const location_type& l)
7938       {
7939         return symbol_type (token::MORRIS, l);
7940       }
7941 #endif
7942 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7943       static
7944       symbol_type
make_STAB(location_type l)7945       make_STAB (location_type l)
7946       {
7947         return symbol_type (token::STAB, std::move (l));
7948       }
7949 #else
7950       static
7951       symbol_type
make_STAB(const location_type & l)7952       make_STAB (const location_type& l)
7953       {
7954         return symbol_type (token::STAB, l);
7955       }
7956 #endif
7957 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7958       static
7959       symbol_type
make_REDFORM(location_type l)7960       make_REDFORM (location_type l)
7961       {
7962         return symbol_type (token::REDFORM, std::move (l));
7963       }
7964 #else
7965       static
7966       symbol_type
make_REDFORM(const location_type & l)7967       make_REDFORM (const location_type& l)
7968       {
7969         return symbol_type (token::REDFORM, l);
7970       }
7971 #endif
7972 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7973       static
7974       symbol_type
make_PPRIOR(location_type l)7975       make_PPRIOR (location_type l)
7976       {
7977         return symbol_type (token::PPRIOR, std::move (l));
7978       }
7979 #else
7980       static
7981       symbol_type
make_PPRIOR(const location_type & l)7982       make_PPRIOR (const location_type& l)
7983       {
7984         return symbol_type (token::PPRIOR, l);
7985       }
7986 #endif
7987 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
7988       static
7989       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_RANGE(location_type l)7990       make_PRIOR_RANGE (location_type l)
7991       {
7992         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_RANGE, std::move (l));
7993       }
7994 #else
7995       static
7996       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_RANGE(const location_type & l)7997       make_PRIOR_RANGE (const location_type& l)
7998       {
7999         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_RANGE, l);
8000       }
8001 #endif
8002 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8003       static
8004       symbol_type
make_PPOST(location_type l)8005       make_PPOST (location_type l)
8006       {
8007         return symbol_type (token::PPOST, std::move (l));
8008       }
8009 #else
8010       static
8011       symbol_type
make_PPOST(const location_type & l)8012       make_PPOST (const location_type& l)
8013       {
8014         return symbol_type (token::PPOST, l);
8015       }
8016 #endif
8017 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8018       static
8019       symbol_type
make_ILPTAU(location_type l)8020       make_ILPTAU (location_type l)
8021       {
8022         return symbol_type (token::ILPTAU, std::move (l));
8023       }
8024 #else
8025       static
8026       symbol_type
make_ILPTAU(const location_type & l)8027       make_ILPTAU (const location_type& l)
8028       {
8029         return symbol_type (token::ILPTAU, l);
8030       }
8031 #endif
8032 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8033       static
8034       symbol_type
make_MORRIS_NLIV(location_type l)8035       make_MORRIS_NLIV (location_type l)
8036       {
8037         return symbol_type (token::MORRIS_NLIV, std::move (l));
8038       }
8039 #else
8040       static
8041       symbol_type
make_MORRIS_NLIV(const location_type & l)8042       make_MORRIS_NLIV (const location_type& l)
8043       {
8044         return symbol_type (token::MORRIS_NLIV, l);
8045       }
8046 #endif
8047 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8048       static
8049       symbol_type
make_MORRIS_NTRA(location_type l)8050       make_MORRIS_NTRA (location_type l)
8051       {
8052         return symbol_type (token::MORRIS_NTRA, std::move (l));
8053       }
8054 #else
8055       static
8056       symbol_type
make_MORRIS_NTRA(const location_type & l)8057       make_MORRIS_NTRA (const location_type& l)
8058       {
8059         return symbol_type (token::MORRIS_NTRA, l);
8060       }
8061 #endif
8062 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8063       static
8064       symbol_type
make_NSAM(location_type l)8065       make_NSAM (location_type l)
8066       {
8067         return symbol_type (token::NSAM, std::move (l));
8068       }
8069 #else
8070       static
8071       symbol_type
make_NSAM(const location_type & l)8072       make_NSAM (const location_type& l)
8073       {
8074         return symbol_type (token::NSAM, l);
8075       }
8076 #endif
8077 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8078       static
8079       symbol_type
make_LOAD_REDFORM(location_type l)8080       make_LOAD_REDFORM (location_type l)
8081       {
8082         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_REDFORM, std::move (l));
8083       }
8084 #else
8085       static
8086       symbol_type
make_LOAD_REDFORM(const location_type & l)8087       make_LOAD_REDFORM (const location_type& l)
8088       {
8089         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_REDFORM, l);
8090       }
8091 #endif
8092 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8093       static
8094       symbol_type
make_LOAD_RMSE(location_type l)8095       make_LOAD_RMSE (location_type l)
8096       {
8097         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_RMSE, std::move (l));
8098       }
8099 #else
8100       static
8101       symbol_type
make_LOAD_RMSE(const location_type & l)8102       make_LOAD_RMSE (const location_type& l)
8103       {
8104         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_RMSE, l);
8105       }
8106 #endif
8107 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8108       static
8109       symbol_type
make_LOAD_STAB(location_type l)8110       make_LOAD_STAB (location_type l)
8111       {
8112         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_STAB, std::move (l));
8113       }
8114 #else
8115       static
8116       symbol_type
make_LOAD_STAB(const location_type & l)8117       make_LOAD_STAB (const location_type& l)
8118       {
8119         return symbol_type (token::LOAD_STAB, l);
8120       }
8121 #endif
8122 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8123       static
8124       symbol_type
make_ALPHA2_STAB(location_type l)8125       make_ALPHA2_STAB (location_type l)
8126       {
8127         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA2_STAB, std::move (l));
8128       }
8129 #else
8130       static
8131       symbol_type
make_ALPHA2_STAB(const location_type & l)8132       make_ALPHA2_STAB (const location_type& l)
8133       {
8134         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA2_STAB, l);
8135       }
8136 #endif
8137 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8138       static
8139       symbol_type
make_LOGTRANS_REDFORM(location_type l)8140       make_LOGTRANS_REDFORM (location_type l)
8141       {
8142         return symbol_type (token::LOGTRANS_REDFORM, std::move (l));
8143       }
8144 #else
8145       static
8146       symbol_type
make_LOGTRANS_REDFORM(const location_type & l)8147       make_LOGTRANS_REDFORM (const location_type& l)
8148       {
8149         return symbol_type (token::LOGTRANS_REDFORM, l);
8150       }
8151 #endif
8152 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8153       static
8154       symbol_type
make_THRESHOLD_REDFORM(location_type l)8155       make_THRESHOLD_REDFORM (location_type l)
8156       {
8157         return symbol_type (token::THRESHOLD_REDFORM, std::move (l));
8158       }
8159 #else
8160       static
8161       symbol_type
make_THRESHOLD_REDFORM(const location_type & l)8162       make_THRESHOLD_REDFORM (const location_type& l)
8163       {
8164         return symbol_type (token::THRESHOLD_REDFORM, l);
8165       }
8166 #endif
8167 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8168       static
8169       symbol_type
make_KSSTAT_REDFORM(location_type l)8170       make_KSSTAT_REDFORM (location_type l)
8171       {
8172         return symbol_type (token::KSSTAT_REDFORM, std::move (l));
8173       }
8174 #else
8175       static
8176       symbol_type
make_KSSTAT_REDFORM(const location_type & l)8177       make_KSSTAT_REDFORM (const location_type& l)
8178       {
8179         return symbol_type (token::KSSTAT_REDFORM, l);
8180       }
8181 #endif
8182 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8183       static
8184       symbol_type
make_ALPHA2_REDFORM(location_type l)8185       make_ALPHA2_REDFORM (location_type l)
8186       {
8187         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA2_REDFORM, std::move (l));
8188       }
8189 #else
8190       static
8191       symbol_type
make_ALPHA2_REDFORM(const location_type & l)8192       make_ALPHA2_REDFORM (const location_type& l)
8193       {
8194         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA2_REDFORM, l);
8195       }
8196 #endif
8197 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8198       static
8199       symbol_type
make_NAMENDO(location_type l)8200       make_NAMENDO (location_type l)
8201       {
8202         return symbol_type (token::NAMENDO, std::move (l));
8203       }
8204 #else
8205       static
8206       symbol_type
make_NAMENDO(const location_type & l)8207       make_NAMENDO (const location_type& l)
8208       {
8209         return symbol_type (token::NAMENDO, l);
8210       }
8211 #endif
8212 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8213       static
8214       symbol_type
make_NAMLAGENDO(location_type l)8215       make_NAMLAGENDO (location_type l)
8216       {
8217         return symbol_type (token::NAMLAGENDO, std::move (l));
8218       }
8219 #else
8220       static
8221       symbol_type
make_NAMLAGENDO(const location_type & l)8222       make_NAMLAGENDO (const location_type& l)
8223       {
8224         return symbol_type (token::NAMLAGENDO, l);
8225       }
8226 #endif
8227 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8228       static
8229       symbol_type
make_NAMEXO(location_type l)8230       make_NAMEXO (location_type l)
8231       {
8232         return symbol_type (token::NAMEXO, std::move (l));
8233       }
8234 #else
8235       static
8236       symbol_type
make_NAMEXO(const location_type & l)8237       make_NAMEXO (const location_type& l)
8238       {
8239         return symbol_type (token::NAMEXO, l);
8240       }
8241 #endif
8242 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8243       static
8244       symbol_type
make_RMSE(location_type l)8245       make_RMSE (location_type l)
8246       {
8247         return symbol_type (token::RMSE, std::move (l));
8248       }
8249 #else
8250       static
8251       symbol_type
make_RMSE(const location_type & l)8252       make_RMSE (const location_type& l)
8253       {
8254         return symbol_type (token::RMSE, l);
8255       }
8256 #endif
8257 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8258       static
8259       symbol_type
make_LIK_ONLY(location_type l)8260       make_LIK_ONLY (location_type l)
8261       {
8262         return symbol_type (token::LIK_ONLY, std::move (l));
8263       }
8264 #else
8265       static
8266       symbol_type
make_LIK_ONLY(const location_type & l)8267       make_LIK_ONLY (const location_type& l)
8268       {
8269         return symbol_type (token::LIK_ONLY, l);
8270       }
8271 #endif
8272 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8273       static
8274       symbol_type
make_VAR_RMSE(location_type l)8275       make_VAR_RMSE (location_type l)
8276       {
8277         return symbol_type (token::VAR_RMSE, std::move (l));
8278       }
8279 #else
8280       static
8281       symbol_type
make_VAR_RMSE(const location_type & l)8282       make_VAR_RMSE (const location_type& l)
8283       {
8284         return symbol_type (token::VAR_RMSE, l);
8285       }
8286 #endif
8287 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8288       static
8289       symbol_type
make_PFILT_RMSE(location_type l)8290       make_PFILT_RMSE (location_type l)
8291       {
8292         return symbol_type (token::PFILT_RMSE, std::move (l));
8293       }
8294 #else
8295       static
8296       symbol_type
make_PFILT_RMSE(const location_type & l)8297       make_PFILT_RMSE (const location_type& l)
8298       {
8299         return symbol_type (token::PFILT_RMSE, l);
8300       }
8301 #endif
8302 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8303       static
8304       symbol_type
make_ISTART_RMSE(location_type l)8305       make_ISTART_RMSE (location_type l)
8306       {
8307         return symbol_type (token::ISTART_RMSE, std::move (l));
8308       }
8309 #else
8310       static
8311       symbol_type
make_ISTART_RMSE(const location_type & l)8312       make_ISTART_RMSE (const location_type& l)
8313       {
8314         return symbol_type (token::ISTART_RMSE, l);
8315       }
8316 #endif
8317 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8318       static
8319       symbol_type
make_ALPHA_RMSE(location_type l)8320       make_ALPHA_RMSE (location_type l)
8321       {
8322         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA_RMSE, std::move (l));
8323       }
8324 #else
8325       static
8326       symbol_type
make_ALPHA_RMSE(const location_type & l)8327       make_ALPHA_RMSE (const location_type& l)
8328       {
8329         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA_RMSE, l);
8330       }
8331 #endif
8332 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8333       static
8334       symbol_type
make_ALPHA2_RMSE(location_type l)8335       make_ALPHA2_RMSE (location_type l)
8336       {
8337         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA2_RMSE, std::move (l));
8338       }
8339 #else
8340       static
8341       symbol_type
make_ALPHA2_RMSE(const location_type & l)8342       make_ALPHA2_RMSE (const location_type& l)
8343       {
8344         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA2_RMSE, l);
8345       }
8346 #endif
8347 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8348       static
8349       symbol_type
make_FREQ(location_type l)8350       make_FREQ (location_type l)
8351       {
8352         return symbol_type (token::FREQ, std::move (l));
8353       }
8354 #else
8355       static
8356       symbol_type
make_FREQ(const location_type & l)8357       make_FREQ (const location_type& l)
8358       {
8359         return symbol_type (token::FREQ, l);
8360       }
8361 #endif
8362 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8363       static
8364       symbol_type
make_INITIAL_YEAR(location_type l)8365       make_INITIAL_YEAR (location_type l)
8366       {
8367         return symbol_type (token::INITIAL_YEAR, std::move (l));
8368       }
8369 #else
8370       static
8371       symbol_type
make_INITIAL_YEAR(const location_type & l)8372       make_INITIAL_YEAR (const location_type& l)
8373       {
8374         return symbol_type (token::INITIAL_YEAR, l);
8375       }
8376 #endif
8377 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8378       static
8379       symbol_type
make_INITIAL_SUBPERIOD(location_type l)8380       make_INITIAL_SUBPERIOD (location_type l)
8381       {
8382         return symbol_type (token::INITIAL_SUBPERIOD, std::move (l));
8383       }
8384 #else
8385       static
8386       symbol_type
make_INITIAL_SUBPERIOD(const location_type & l)8387       make_INITIAL_SUBPERIOD (const location_type& l)
8388       {
8389         return symbol_type (token::INITIAL_SUBPERIOD, l);
8390       }
8391 #endif
8392 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8393       static
8394       symbol_type
make_FINAL_YEAR(location_type l)8395       make_FINAL_YEAR (location_type l)
8396       {
8397         return symbol_type (token::FINAL_YEAR, std::move (l));
8398       }
8399 #else
8400       static
8401       symbol_type
make_FINAL_YEAR(const location_type & l)8402       make_FINAL_YEAR (const location_type& l)
8403       {
8404         return symbol_type (token::FINAL_YEAR, l);
8405       }
8406 #endif
8407 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8408       static
8409       symbol_type
make_FINAL_SUBPERIOD(location_type l)8410       make_FINAL_SUBPERIOD (location_type l)
8411       {
8412         return symbol_type (token::FINAL_SUBPERIOD, std::move (l));
8413       }
8414 #else
8415       static
8416       symbol_type
make_FINAL_SUBPERIOD(const location_type & l)8417       make_FINAL_SUBPERIOD (const location_type& l)
8418       {
8419         return symbol_type (token::FINAL_SUBPERIOD, l);
8420       }
8421 #endif
8422 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8423       static
8424       symbol_type
make_DATA(location_type l)8425       make_DATA (location_type l)
8426       {
8427         return symbol_type (token::DATA, std::move (l));
8428       }
8429 #else
8430       static
8431       symbol_type
make_DATA(const location_type & l)8432       make_DATA (const location_type& l)
8433       {
8434         return symbol_type (token::DATA, l);
8435       }
8436 #endif
8437 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8438       static
8439       symbol_type
make_VLIST(location_type l)8440       make_VLIST (location_type l)
8441       {
8442         return symbol_type (token::VLIST, std::move (l));
8443       }
8444 #else
8445       static
8446       symbol_type
make_VLIST(const location_type & l)8447       make_VLIST (const location_type& l)
8448       {
8449         return symbol_type (token::VLIST, l);
8450       }
8451 #endif
8452 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8453       static
8454       symbol_type
make_VLISTLOG(location_type l)8455       make_VLISTLOG (location_type l)
8456       {
8457         return symbol_type (token::VLISTLOG, std::move (l));
8458       }
8459 #else
8460       static
8461       symbol_type
make_VLISTLOG(const location_type & l)8462       make_VLISTLOG (const location_type& l)
8463       {
8464         return symbol_type (token::VLISTLOG, l);
8465       }
8466 #endif
8467 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8468       static
8469       symbol_type
make_VLISTPER(location_type l)8470       make_VLISTPER (location_type l)
8471       {
8472         return symbol_type (token::VLISTPER, std::move (l));
8473       }
8474 #else
8475       static
8476       symbol_type
make_VLISTPER(const location_type & l)8477       make_VLISTPER (const location_type& l)
8478       {
8479         return symbol_type (token::VLISTPER, l);
8480       }
8481 #endif
8482 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8483       static
8484       symbol_type
make_SPECTRAL_DENSITY(location_type l)8485       make_SPECTRAL_DENSITY (location_type l)
8486       {
8487         return symbol_type (token::SPECTRAL_DENSITY, std::move (l));
8488       }
8489 #else
8490       static
8491       symbol_type
make_SPECTRAL_DENSITY(const location_type & l)8492       make_SPECTRAL_DENSITY (const location_type& l)
8493       {
8494         return symbol_type (token::SPECTRAL_DENSITY, l);
8495       }
8496 #endif
8497 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8498       static
8499       symbol_type
make_INIT2SHOCKS(location_type l)8500       make_INIT2SHOCKS (location_type l)
8501       {
8502         return symbol_type (token::INIT2SHOCKS, std::move (l));
8503       }
8504 #else
8505       static
8506       symbol_type
make_INIT2SHOCKS(const location_type & l)8507       make_INIT2SHOCKS (const location_type& l)
8508       {
8509         return symbol_type (token::INIT2SHOCKS, l);
8510       }
8511 #endif
8512 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8513       static
8514       symbol_type
make_RESTRICTION(location_type l)8515       make_RESTRICTION (location_type l)
8516       {
8517         return symbol_type (token::RESTRICTION, std::move (l));
8518       }
8519 #else
8520       static
8521       symbol_type
make_RESTRICTION(const location_type & l)8522       make_RESTRICTION (const location_type& l)
8523       {
8524         return symbol_type (token::RESTRICTION, l);
8525       }
8526 #endif
8527 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8528       static
8529       symbol_type
make_RESTRICTION_FNAME(location_type l)8530       make_RESTRICTION_FNAME (location_type l)
8531       {
8532         return symbol_type (token::RESTRICTION_FNAME, std::move (l));
8533       }
8534 #else
8535       static
8536       symbol_type
make_RESTRICTION_FNAME(const location_type & l)8537       make_RESTRICTION_FNAME (const location_type& l)
8538       {
8539         return symbol_type (token::RESTRICTION_FNAME, l);
8540       }
8541 #endif
8542 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8543       static
8544       symbol_type
make_CROSS_RESTRICTIONS(location_type l)8545       make_CROSS_RESTRICTIONS (location_type l)
8546       {
8547         return symbol_type (token::CROSS_RESTRICTIONS, std::move (l));
8548       }
8549 #else
8550       static
8551       symbol_type
make_CROSS_RESTRICTIONS(const location_type & l)8552       make_CROSS_RESTRICTIONS (const location_type& l)
8553       {
8554         return symbol_type (token::CROSS_RESTRICTIONS, l);
8555       }
8556 #endif
8557 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8558       static
8559       symbol_type
make_NLAGS(location_type l)8560       make_NLAGS (location_type l)
8561       {
8562         return symbol_type (token::NLAGS, std::move (l));
8563       }
8564 #else
8565       static
8566       symbol_type
make_NLAGS(const location_type & l)8567       make_NLAGS (const location_type& l)
8568       {
8569         return symbol_type (token::NLAGS, l);
8570       }
8571 #endif
8572 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8573       static
8574       symbol_type
make_CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM(location_type l)8575       make_CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM (location_type l)
8576       {
8577         return symbol_type (token::CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM, std::move (l));
8578       }
8579 #else
8580       static
8581       symbol_type
make_CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM(const location_type & l)8582       make_CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM (const location_type& l)
8583       {
8584         return symbol_type (token::CONTEMP_REDUCED_FORM, l);
8585       }
8586 #endif
8587 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8588       static
8589       symbol_type
make_REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST(location_type l)8590       make_REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST (location_type l)
8591       {
8592         return symbol_type (token::REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST, std::move (l));
8593       }
8594 #else
8595       static
8596       symbol_type
make_REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST(const location_type & l)8597       make_REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST (const location_type& l)
8598       {
8599         return symbol_type (token::REAL_PSEUDO_FORECAST, l);
8600       }
8601 #endif
8602 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8603       static
8604       symbol_type
make_DUMMY_OBS(location_type l)8605       make_DUMMY_OBS (location_type l)
8606       {
8607         return symbol_type (token::DUMMY_OBS, std::move (l));
8608       }
8609 #else
8610       static
8611       symbol_type
make_DUMMY_OBS(const location_type & l)8612       make_DUMMY_OBS (const location_type& l)
8613       {
8614         return symbol_type (token::DUMMY_OBS, l);
8615       }
8616 #endif
8617 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8618       static
8619       symbol_type
make_NSTATES(location_type l)8620       make_NSTATES (location_type l)
8621       {
8622         return symbol_type (token::NSTATES, std::move (l));
8623       }
8624 #else
8625       static
8626       symbol_type
make_NSTATES(const location_type & l)8627       make_NSTATES (const location_type& l)
8628       {
8629         return symbol_type (token::NSTATES, l);
8630       }
8631 #endif
8632 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8633       static
8634       symbol_type
make_INDXSCALESSTATES(location_type l)8635       make_INDXSCALESSTATES (location_type l)
8636       {
8637         return symbol_type (token::INDXSCALESSTATES, std::move (l));
8638       }
8639 #else
8640       static
8641       symbol_type
make_INDXSCALESSTATES(const location_type & l)8642       make_INDXSCALESSTATES (const location_type& l)
8643       {
8644         return symbol_type (token::INDXSCALESSTATES, l);
8645       }
8646 #endif
8647 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8648       static
8649       symbol_type
make_NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR(location_type l)8650       make_NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR (location_type l)
8651       {
8652         return symbol_type (token::NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR, std::move (l));
8653       }
8654 #else
8655       static
8656       symbol_type
make_NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR(const location_type & l)8657       make_NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR (const location_type& l)
8658       {
8659         return symbol_type (token::NO_BAYESIAN_PRIOR, l);
8660       }
8661 #endif
8662 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8663       static
8664       symbol_type
make_SPECIFICATION(location_type l)8665       make_SPECIFICATION (location_type l)
8666       {
8667         return symbol_type (token::SPECIFICATION, std::move (l));
8668       }
8669 #else
8670       static
8671       symbol_type
make_SPECIFICATION(const location_type & l)8672       make_SPECIFICATION (const location_type& l)
8673       {
8674         return symbol_type (token::SPECIFICATION, l);
8675       }
8676 #endif
8677 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8678       static
8679       symbol_type
make_SIMS_ZHA(location_type l)8680       make_SIMS_ZHA (location_type l)
8681       {
8682         return symbol_type (token::SIMS_ZHA, std::move (l));
8683       }
8684 #else
8685       static
8686       symbol_type
make_SIMS_ZHA(const location_type & l)8687       make_SIMS_ZHA (const location_type& l)
8688       {
8689         return symbol_type (token::SIMS_ZHA, l);
8690       }
8691 #endif
8692 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8693       static
8694       symbol_type
make_ALPHA(string v,location_type l)8695       make_ALPHA (string v, location_type l)
8696       {
8697         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8698       }
8699 #else
8700       static
8701       symbol_type
make_ALPHA(const string & v,const location_type & l)8702       make_ALPHA (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8703       {
8704         return symbol_type (token::ALPHA, v, l);
8705       }
8706 #endif
8707 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8708       static
8709       symbol_type
make_BETA(string v,location_type l)8710       make_BETA (string v, location_type l)
8711       {
8712         return symbol_type (token::BETA, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8713       }
8714 #else
8715       static
8716       symbol_type
make_BETA(const string & v,const location_type & l)8717       make_BETA (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8718       {
8719         return symbol_type (token::BETA, v, l);
8720       }
8721 #endif
8722 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8723       static
8724       symbol_type
make_ABAND(string v,location_type l)8725       make_ABAND (string v, location_type l)
8726       {
8727         return symbol_type (token::ABAND, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8728       }
8729 #else
8730       static
8731       symbol_type
make_ABAND(const string & v,const location_type & l)8732       make_ABAND (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8733       {
8734         return symbol_type (token::ABAND, v, l);
8735       }
8736 #endif
8737 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8738       static
8739       symbol_type
make_NINV(string v,location_type l)8740       make_NINV (string v, location_type l)
8741       {
8742         return symbol_type (token::NINV, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8743       }
8744 #else
8745       static
8746       symbol_type
make_NINV(const string & v,const location_type & l)8747       make_NINV (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8748       {
8749         return symbol_type (token::NINV, v, l);
8750       }
8751 #endif
8752 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8753       static
8754       symbol_type
make_CMS(string v,location_type l)8755       make_CMS (string v, location_type l)
8756       {
8757         return symbol_type (token::CMS, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8758       }
8759 #else
8760       static
8761       symbol_type
make_CMS(const string & v,const location_type & l)8762       make_CMS (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8763       {
8764         return symbol_type (token::CMS, v, l);
8765       }
8766 #endif
8767 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8768       static
8769       symbol_type
make_NCMS(string v,location_type l)8770       make_NCMS (string v, location_type l)
8771       {
8772         return symbol_type (token::NCMS, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8773       }
8774 #else
8775       static
8776       symbol_type
make_NCMS(const string & v,const location_type & l)8777       make_NCMS (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8778       {
8779         return symbol_type (token::NCMS, v, l);
8780       }
8781 #endif
8782 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8783       static
8784       symbol_type
make_CNUM(string v,location_type l)8785       make_CNUM (string v, location_type l)
8786       {
8787         return symbol_type (token::CNUM, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8788       }
8789 #else
8790       static
8791       symbol_type
make_CNUM(const string & v,const location_type & l)8792       make_CNUM (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8793       {
8794         return symbol_type (token::CNUM, v, l);
8795       }
8796 #endif
8797 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8798       static
8799       symbol_type
make_GAMMA(string v,location_type l)8800       make_GAMMA (string v, location_type l)
8801       {
8802         return symbol_type (token::GAMMA, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8803       }
8804 #else
8805       static
8806       symbol_type
make_GAMMA(const string & v,const location_type & l)8807       make_GAMMA (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8808       {
8809         return symbol_type (token::GAMMA, v, l);
8810       }
8811 #endif
8812 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8813       static
8814       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA(string v,location_type l)8815       make_INV_GAMMA (string v, location_type l)
8816       {
8817         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8818       }
8819 #else
8820       static
8821       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA(const string & v,const location_type & l)8822       make_INV_GAMMA (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8823       {
8824         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA, v, l);
8825       }
8826 #endif
8827 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8828       static
8829       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA1(string v,location_type l)8830       make_INV_GAMMA1 (string v, location_type l)
8831       {
8832         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA1, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8833       }
8834 #else
8835       static
8836       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA1(const string & v,const location_type & l)8837       make_INV_GAMMA1 (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8838       {
8839         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA1, v, l);
8840       }
8841 #endif
8842 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8843       static
8844       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA2(string v,location_type l)8845       make_INV_GAMMA2 (string v, location_type l)
8846       {
8847         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA2, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8848       }
8849 #else
8850       static
8851       symbol_type
make_INV_GAMMA2(const string & v,const location_type & l)8852       make_INV_GAMMA2 (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8853       {
8854         return symbol_type (token::INV_GAMMA2, v, l);
8855       }
8856 #endif
8857 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8858       static
8859       symbol_type
make_NORMAL(string v,location_type l)8860       make_NORMAL (string v, location_type l)
8861       {
8862         return symbol_type (token::NORMAL, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8863       }
8864 #else
8865       static
8866       symbol_type
make_NORMAL(const string & v,const location_type & l)8867       make_NORMAL (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8868       {
8869         return symbol_type (token::NORMAL, v, l);
8870       }
8871 #endif
8872 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8873       static
8874       symbol_type
make_UNIFORM(string v,location_type l)8875       make_UNIFORM (string v, location_type l)
8876       {
8877         return symbol_type (token::UNIFORM, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8878       }
8879 #else
8880       static
8881       symbol_type
make_UNIFORM(const string & v,const location_type & l)8882       make_UNIFORM (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8883       {
8884         return symbol_type (token::UNIFORM, v, l);
8885       }
8886 #endif
8887 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8888       static
8889       symbol_type
make_EPS(string v,location_type l)8890       make_EPS (string v, location_type l)
8891       {
8892         return symbol_type (token::EPS, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8893       }
8894 #else
8895       static
8896       symbol_type
make_EPS(const string & v,const location_type & l)8897       make_EPS (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8898       {
8899         return symbol_type (token::EPS, v, l);
8900       }
8901 #endif
8902 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8903       static
8904       symbol_type
make_PDF(string v,location_type l)8905       make_PDF (string v, location_type l)
8906       {
8907         return symbol_type (token::PDF, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8908       }
8909 #else
8910       static
8911       symbol_type
make_PDF(const string & v,const location_type & l)8912       make_PDF (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8913       {
8914         return symbol_type (token::PDF, v, l);
8915       }
8916 #endif
8917 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8918       static
8919       symbol_type
make_FIG(string v,location_type l)8920       make_FIG (string v, location_type l)
8921       {
8922         return symbol_type (token::FIG, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8923       }
8924 #else
8925       static
8926       symbol_type
make_FIG(const string & v,const location_type & l)8927       make_FIG (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8928       {
8929         return symbol_type (token::FIG, v, l);
8930       }
8931 #endif
8932 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8933       static
8934       symbol_type
make_DR(string v,location_type l)8935       make_DR (string v, location_type l)
8936       {
8937         return symbol_type (token::DR, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8938       }
8939 #else
8940       static
8941       symbol_type
make_DR(const string & v,const location_type & l)8942       make_DR (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8943       {
8944         return symbol_type (token::DR, v, l);
8945       }
8946 #endif
8947 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8948       static
8949       symbol_type
make_NONE(string v,location_type l)8950       make_NONE (string v, location_type l)
8951       {
8952         return symbol_type (token::NONE, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8953       }
8954 #else
8955       static
8956       symbol_type
make_NONE(const string & v,const location_type & l)8957       make_NONE (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8958       {
8959         return symbol_type (token::NONE, v, l);
8960       }
8961 #endif
8962 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8963       static
8964       symbol_type
make_PRIOR(string v,location_type l)8965       make_PRIOR (string v, location_type l)
8966       {
8967         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8968       }
8969 #else
8970       static
8971       symbol_type
make_PRIOR(const string & v,const location_type & l)8972       make_PRIOR (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8973       {
8974         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR, v, l);
8975       }
8976 #endif
8977 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8978       static
8979       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_VARIANCE(string v,location_type l)8980       make_PRIOR_VARIANCE (string v, location_type l)
8981       {
8982         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_VARIANCE, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8983       }
8984 #else
8985       static
8986       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_VARIANCE(const string & v,const location_type & l)8987       make_PRIOR_VARIANCE (const string& v, const location_type& l)
8988       {
8989         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_VARIANCE, v, l);
8990       }
8991 #endif
8992 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
8993       static
8994       symbol_type
make_HESSIAN(string v,location_type l)8995       make_HESSIAN (string v, location_type l)
8996       {
8997         return symbol_type (token::HESSIAN, std::move (v), std::move (l));
8998       }
8999 #else
9000       static
9001       symbol_type
make_HESSIAN(const string & v,const location_type & l)9002       make_HESSIAN (const string& v, const location_type& l)
9003       {
9004         return symbol_type (token::HESSIAN, v, l);
9005       }
9006 #endif
9007 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9008       static
9009       symbol_type
make_IDENTITY_MATRIX(string v,location_type l)9010       make_IDENTITY_MATRIX (string v, location_type l)
9011       {
9012         return symbol_type (token::IDENTITY_MATRIX, std::move (v), std::move (l));
9013       }
9014 #else
9015       static
9016       symbol_type
make_IDENTITY_MATRIX(const string & v,const location_type & l)9017       make_IDENTITY_MATRIX (const string& v, const location_type& l)
9018       {
9019         return symbol_type (token::IDENTITY_MATRIX, v, l);
9020       }
9021 #endif
9022 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9023       static
9024       symbol_type
make_DIRICHLET(string v,location_type l)9025       make_DIRICHLET (string v, location_type l)
9026       {
9027         return symbol_type (token::DIRICHLET, std::move (v), std::move (l));
9028       }
9029 #else
9030       static
9031       symbol_type
make_DIRICHLET(const string & v,const location_type & l)9032       make_DIRICHLET (const string& v, const location_type& l)
9033       {
9034         return symbol_type (token::DIRICHLET, v, l);
9035       }
9036 #endif
9037 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9038       static
9039       symbol_type
make_DIAGONAL(string v,location_type l)9040       make_DIAGONAL (string v, location_type l)
9041       {
9042         return symbol_type (token::DIAGONAL, std::move (v), std::move (l));
9043       }
9044 #else
9045       static
9046       symbol_type
make_DIAGONAL(const string & v,const location_type & l)9047       make_DIAGONAL (const string& v, const location_type& l)
9048       {
9049         return symbol_type (token::DIAGONAL, v, l);
9050       }
9051 #endif
9052 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9053       static
9054       symbol_type
make_OPTIMAL(string v,location_type l)9055       make_OPTIMAL (string v, location_type l)
9056       {
9057         return symbol_type (token::OPTIMAL, std::move (v), std::move (l));
9058       }
9059 #else
9060       static
9061       symbol_type
make_OPTIMAL(const string & v,const location_type & l)9062       make_OPTIMAL (const string& v, const location_type& l)
9063       {
9064         return symbol_type (token::OPTIMAL, v, l);
9065       }
9066 #endif
9067 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9068       static
9069       symbol_type
make_GSIG2_LMDM(location_type l)9070       make_GSIG2_LMDM (location_type l)
9071       {
9072         return symbol_type (token::GSIG2_LMDM, std::move (l));
9073       }
9074 #else
9075       static
9076       symbol_type
make_GSIG2_LMDM(const location_type & l)9077       make_GSIG2_LMDM (const location_type& l)
9078       {
9079         return symbol_type (token::GSIG2_LMDM, l);
9080       }
9081 #endif
9082 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9083       static
9084       symbol_type
make_Q_DIAG(location_type l)9085       make_Q_DIAG (location_type l)
9086       {
9087         return symbol_type (token::Q_DIAG, std::move (l));
9088       }
9089 #else
9090       static
9091       symbol_type
make_Q_DIAG(const location_type & l)9092       make_Q_DIAG (const location_type& l)
9093       {
9094         return symbol_type (token::Q_DIAG, l);
9095       }
9096 #endif
9097 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9098       static
9099       symbol_type
make_FLAT_PRIOR(location_type l)9100       make_FLAT_PRIOR (location_type l)
9101       {
9102         return symbol_type (token::FLAT_PRIOR, std::move (l));
9103       }
9104 #else
9105       static
9106       symbol_type
make_FLAT_PRIOR(const location_type & l)9107       make_FLAT_PRIOR (const location_type& l)
9108       {
9109         return symbol_type (token::FLAT_PRIOR, l);
9110       }
9111 #endif
9112 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9113       static
9114       symbol_type
make_NCSK(location_type l)9115       make_NCSK (location_type l)
9116       {
9117         return symbol_type (token::NCSK, std::move (l));
9118       }
9119 #else
9120       static
9121       symbol_type
make_NCSK(const location_type & l)9122       make_NCSK (const location_type& l)
9123       {
9124         return symbol_type (token::NCSK, l);
9125       }
9126 #endif
9127 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9128       static
9129       symbol_type
make_NSTD(location_type l)9130       make_NSTD (location_type l)
9131       {
9132         return symbol_type (token::NSTD, std::move (l));
9133       }
9134 #else
9135       static
9136       symbol_type
make_NSTD(const location_type & l)9137       make_NSTD (const location_type& l)
9138       {
9139         return symbol_type (token::NSTD, l);
9140       }
9141 #endif
9142 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9143       static
9144       symbol_type
make_WEIBULL(location_type l)9145       make_WEIBULL (location_type l)
9146       {
9147         return symbol_type (token::WEIBULL, std::move (l));
9148       }
9149 #else
9150       static
9151       symbol_type
make_WEIBULL(const location_type & l)9152       make_WEIBULL (const location_type& l)
9153       {
9154         return symbol_type (token::WEIBULL, l);
9155       }
9156 #endif
9157 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9158       static
9159       symbol_type
make_WEIBULL_PDF(location_type l)9160       make_WEIBULL_PDF (location_type l)
9161       {
9162         return symbol_type (token::WEIBULL_PDF, std::move (l));
9163       }
9164 #else
9165       static
9166       symbol_type
make_WEIBULL_PDF(const location_type & l)9167       make_WEIBULL_PDF (const location_type& l)
9168       {
9169         return symbol_type (token::WEIBULL_PDF, l);
9170       }
9171 #endif
9172 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9173       static
9174       symbol_type
make_INDXPARR(location_type l)9175       make_INDXPARR (location_type l)
9176       {
9177         return symbol_type (token::INDXPARR, std::move (l));
9178       }
9179 #else
9180       static
9181       symbol_type
make_INDXPARR(const location_type & l)9182       make_INDXPARR (const location_type& l)
9183       {
9184         return symbol_type (token::INDXPARR, l);
9185       }
9186 #endif
9187 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9188       static
9189       symbol_type
make_INDXOVR(location_type l)9190       make_INDXOVR (location_type l)
9191       {
9192         return symbol_type (token::INDXOVR, std::move (l));
9193       }
9194 #else
9195       static
9196       symbol_type
make_INDXOVR(const location_type & l)9197       make_INDXOVR (const location_type& l)
9198       {
9199         return symbol_type (token::INDXOVR, l);
9200       }
9201 #endif
9202 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9203       static
9204       symbol_type
make_INDXAP(location_type l)9205       make_INDXAP (location_type l)
9206       {
9207         return symbol_type (token::INDXAP, std::move (l));
9208       }
9209 #else
9210       static
9211       symbol_type
make_INDXAP(const location_type & l)9212       make_INDXAP (const location_type& l)
9213       {
9214         return symbol_type (token::INDXAP, l);
9215       }
9216 #endif
9217 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9218       static
9219       symbol_type
make_APBAND(location_type l)9220       make_APBAND (location_type l)
9221       {
9222         return symbol_type (token::APBAND, std::move (l));
9223       }
9224 #else
9225       static
9226       symbol_type
make_APBAND(const location_type & l)9227       make_APBAND (const location_type& l)
9228       {
9229         return symbol_type (token::APBAND, l);
9230       }
9231 #endif
9232 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9233       static
9234       symbol_type
make_INDXIMF(location_type l)9235       make_INDXIMF (location_type l)
9236       {
9237         return symbol_type (token::INDXIMF, std::move (l));
9238       }
9239 #else
9240       static
9241       symbol_type
make_INDXIMF(const location_type & l)9242       make_INDXIMF (const location_type& l)
9243       {
9244         return symbol_type (token::INDXIMF, l);
9245       }
9246 #endif
9247 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9248       static
9249       symbol_type
make_INDXFORE(location_type l)9250       make_INDXFORE (location_type l)
9251       {
9252         return symbol_type (token::INDXFORE, std::move (l));
9253       }
9254 #else
9255       static
9256       symbol_type
make_INDXFORE(const location_type & l)9257       make_INDXFORE (const location_type& l)
9258       {
9259         return symbol_type (token::INDXFORE, l);
9260       }
9261 #endif
9262 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9263       static
9264       symbol_type
make_FOREBAND(location_type l)9265       make_FOREBAND (location_type l)
9266       {
9267         return symbol_type (token::FOREBAND, std::move (l));
9268       }
9269 #else
9270       static
9271       symbol_type
make_FOREBAND(const location_type & l)9272       make_FOREBAND (const location_type& l)
9273       {
9274         return symbol_type (token::FOREBAND, l);
9275       }
9276 #endif
9277 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9278       static
9279       symbol_type
make_INDXGFOREHAT(location_type l)9280       make_INDXGFOREHAT (location_type l)
9281       {
9282         return symbol_type (token::INDXGFOREHAT, std::move (l));
9283       }
9284 #else
9285       static
9286       symbol_type
make_INDXGFOREHAT(const location_type & l)9287       make_INDXGFOREHAT (const location_type& l)
9288       {
9289         return symbol_type (token::INDXGFOREHAT, l);
9290       }
9291 #endif
9292 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9293       static
9294       symbol_type
make_INDXGIMFHAT(location_type l)9295       make_INDXGIMFHAT (location_type l)
9296       {
9297         return symbol_type (token::INDXGIMFHAT, std::move (l));
9298       }
9299 #else
9300       static
9301       symbol_type
make_INDXGIMFHAT(const location_type & l)9302       make_INDXGIMFHAT (const location_type& l)
9303       {
9304         return symbol_type (token::INDXGIMFHAT, l);
9305       }
9306 #endif
9307 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9308       static
9309       symbol_type
make_INDXESTIMA(location_type l)9310       make_INDXESTIMA (location_type l)
9311       {
9312         return symbol_type (token::INDXESTIMA, std::move (l));
9313       }
9314 #else
9315       static
9316       symbol_type
make_INDXESTIMA(const location_type & l)9317       make_INDXESTIMA (const location_type& l)
9318       {
9319         return symbol_type (token::INDXESTIMA, l);
9320       }
9321 #endif
9322 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9323       static
9324       symbol_type
make_INDXGDLS(location_type l)9325       make_INDXGDLS (location_type l)
9326       {
9327         return symbol_type (token::INDXGDLS, std::move (l));
9328       }
9329 #else
9330       static
9331       symbol_type
make_INDXGDLS(const location_type & l)9332       make_INDXGDLS (const location_type& l)
9333       {
9334         return symbol_type (token::INDXGDLS, l);
9335       }
9336 #endif
9337 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9338       static
9339       symbol_type
make_EQ_MS(location_type l)9340       make_EQ_MS (location_type l)
9341       {
9342         return symbol_type (token::EQ_MS, std::move (l));
9343       }
9344 #else
9345       static
9346       symbol_type
make_EQ_MS(const location_type & l)9347       make_EQ_MS (const location_type& l)
9348       {
9349         return symbol_type (token::EQ_MS, l);
9350       }
9351 #endif
9352 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9353       static
9354       symbol_type
make_FILTER_COVARIANCE(location_type l)9355       make_FILTER_COVARIANCE (location_type l)
9356       {
9357         return symbol_type (token::FILTER_COVARIANCE, std::move (l));
9358       }
9359 #else
9360       static
9361       symbol_type
make_FILTER_COVARIANCE(const location_type & l)9362       make_FILTER_COVARIANCE (const location_type& l)
9363       {
9364         return symbol_type (token::FILTER_COVARIANCE, l);
9365       }
9366 #endif
9367 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9368       static
9369       symbol_type
make_FILTER_DECOMPOSITION(location_type l)9370       make_FILTER_DECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
9371       {
9372         return symbol_type (token::FILTER_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
9373       }
9374 #else
9375       static
9376       symbol_type
make_FILTER_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)9377       make_FILTER_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
9378       {
9379         return symbol_type (token::FILTER_DECOMPOSITION, l);
9380       }
9381 #endif
9382 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9383       static
9384       symbol_type
make_SMOOTHED_STATE_UNCERTAINTY(location_type l)9385       make_SMOOTHED_STATE_UNCERTAINTY (location_type l)
9386       {
9387         return symbol_type (token::SMOOTHED_STATE_UNCERTAINTY, std::move (l));
9388       }
9389 #else
9390       static
9391       symbol_type
make_SMOOTHED_STATE_UNCERTAINTY(const location_type & l)9392       make_SMOOTHED_STATE_UNCERTAINTY (const location_type& l)
9393       {
9394         return symbol_type (token::SMOOTHED_STATE_UNCERTAINTY, l);
9395       }
9396 #endif
9397 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9398       static
9399       symbol_type
make_EQ_CMS(location_type l)9400       make_EQ_CMS (location_type l)
9401       {
9402         return symbol_type (token::EQ_CMS, std::move (l));
9403       }
9404 #else
9405       static
9406       symbol_type
make_EQ_CMS(const location_type & l)9407       make_EQ_CMS (const location_type& l)
9408       {
9409         return symbol_type (token::EQ_CMS, l);
9410       }
9411 #endif
9412 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9413       static
9414       symbol_type
make_TLINDX(location_type l)9415       make_TLINDX (location_type l)
9416       {
9417         return symbol_type (token::TLINDX, std::move (l));
9418       }
9419 #else
9420       static
9421       symbol_type
make_TLINDX(const location_type & l)9422       make_TLINDX (const location_type& l)
9423       {
9424         return symbol_type (token::TLINDX, l);
9425       }
9426 #endif
9427 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9428       static
9429       symbol_type
make_TLNUMBER(location_type l)9430       make_TLNUMBER (location_type l)
9431       {
9432         return symbol_type (token::TLNUMBER, std::move (l));
9433       }
9434 #else
9435       static
9436       symbol_type
make_TLNUMBER(const location_type & l)9437       make_TLNUMBER (const location_type& l)
9438       {
9439         return symbol_type (token::TLNUMBER, l);
9440       }
9441 #endif
9442 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9443       static
9444       symbol_type
make_RESTRICTIONS(location_type l)9445       make_RESTRICTIONS (location_type l)
9446       {
9447         return symbol_type (token::RESTRICTIONS, std::move (l));
9448       }
9449 #else
9450       static
9451       symbol_type
make_RESTRICTIONS(const location_type & l)9452       make_RESTRICTIONS (const location_type& l)
9453       {
9454         return symbol_type (token::RESTRICTIONS, l);
9455       }
9456 #endif
9457 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9458       static
9459       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_SAMPLER_OPTIONS(location_type l)9460       make_POSTERIOR_SAMPLER_OPTIONS (location_type l)
9461       {
9462         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_SAMPLER_OPTIONS, std::move (l));
9463       }
9464 #else
9465       static
9466       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_SAMPLER_OPTIONS(const location_type & l)9467       make_POSTERIOR_SAMPLER_OPTIONS (const location_type& l)
9468       {
9469         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_SAMPLER_OPTIONS, l);
9470       }
9471 #endif
9472 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9473       static
9474       symbol_type
make_OUTPUT_FILE_TAG(location_type l)9475       make_OUTPUT_FILE_TAG (location_type l)
9476       {
9477         return symbol_type (token::OUTPUT_FILE_TAG, std::move (l));
9478       }
9479 #else
9480       static
9481       symbol_type
make_OUTPUT_FILE_TAG(const location_type & l)9482       make_OUTPUT_FILE_TAG (const location_type& l)
9483       {
9484         return symbol_type (token::OUTPUT_FILE_TAG, l);
9485       }
9486 #endif
9487 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9488       static
9489       symbol_type
make_HORIZON(location_type l)9490       make_HORIZON (location_type l)
9491       {
9492         return symbol_type (token::HORIZON, std::move (l));
9493       }
9494 #else
9495       static
9496       symbol_type
make_HORIZON(const location_type & l)9497       make_HORIZON (const location_type& l)
9498       {
9499         return symbol_type (token::HORIZON, l);
9500       }
9501 #endif
9502 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9503       static
9504       symbol_type
make_SBVAR(location_type l)9505       make_SBVAR (location_type l)
9506       {
9507         return symbol_type (token::SBVAR, std::move (l));
9508       }
9509 #else
9510       static
9511       symbol_type
make_SBVAR(const location_type & l)9512       make_SBVAR (const location_type& l)
9513       {
9514         return symbol_type (token::SBVAR, l);
9515       }
9516 #endif
9517 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9518       static
9519       symbol_type
make_TREND_VAR(location_type l)9520       make_TREND_VAR (location_type l)
9521       {
9522         return symbol_type (token::TREND_VAR, std::move (l));
9523       }
9524 #else
9525       static
9526       symbol_type
make_TREND_VAR(const location_type & l)9527       make_TREND_VAR (const location_type& l)
9528       {
9529         return symbol_type (token::TREND_VAR, l);
9530       }
9531 #endif
9532 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9533       static
9534       symbol_type
make_DEFLATOR(location_type l)9535       make_DEFLATOR (location_type l)
9536       {
9537         return symbol_type (token::DEFLATOR, std::move (l));
9538       }
9539 #else
9540       static
9541       symbol_type
make_DEFLATOR(const location_type & l)9542       make_DEFLATOR (const location_type& l)
9543       {
9544         return symbol_type (token::DEFLATOR, l);
9545       }
9546 #endif
9547 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9548       static
9549       symbol_type
make_GROWTH_FACTOR(location_type l)9550       make_GROWTH_FACTOR (location_type l)
9551       {
9552         return symbol_type (token::GROWTH_FACTOR, std::move (l));
9553       }
9554 #else
9555       static
9556       symbol_type
make_GROWTH_FACTOR(const location_type & l)9557       make_GROWTH_FACTOR (const location_type& l)
9558       {
9559         return symbol_type (token::GROWTH_FACTOR, l);
9560       }
9561 #endif
9562 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9563       static
9564       symbol_type
make_MS_IRF(location_type l)9565       make_MS_IRF (location_type l)
9566       {
9567         return symbol_type (token::MS_IRF, std::move (l));
9568       }
9569 #else
9570       static
9571       symbol_type
make_MS_IRF(const location_type & l)9572       make_MS_IRF (const location_type& l)
9573       {
9574         return symbol_type (token::MS_IRF, l);
9575       }
9576 #endif
9577 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9578       static
9579       symbol_type
make_MS_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION(location_type l)9580       make_MS_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
9581       {
9582         return symbol_type (token::MS_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
9583       }
9584 #else
9585       static
9586       symbol_type
make_MS_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)9587       make_MS_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
9588       {
9589         return symbol_type (token::MS_VARIANCE_DECOMPOSITION, l);
9590       }
9591 #endif
9592 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9593       static
9594       symbol_type
make_GROWTH(location_type l)9595       make_GROWTH (location_type l)
9596       {
9597         return symbol_type (token::GROWTH, std::move (l));
9598       }
9599 #else
9600       static
9601       symbol_type
make_GROWTH(const location_type & l)9602       make_GROWTH (const location_type& l)
9603       {
9604         return symbol_type (token::GROWTH, l);
9605       }
9606 #endif
9607 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9608       static
9609       symbol_type
make_MS_ESTIMATION(location_type l)9610       make_MS_ESTIMATION (location_type l)
9611       {
9612         return symbol_type (token::MS_ESTIMATION, std::move (l));
9613       }
9614 #else
9615       static
9616       symbol_type
make_MS_ESTIMATION(const location_type & l)9617       make_MS_ESTIMATION (const location_type& l)
9618       {
9619         return symbol_type (token::MS_ESTIMATION, l);
9620       }
9621 #endif
9622 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9623       static
9624       symbol_type
make_MS_SIMULATION(location_type l)9625       make_MS_SIMULATION (location_type l)
9626       {
9627         return symbol_type (token::MS_SIMULATION, std::move (l));
9628       }
9629 #else
9630       static
9631       symbol_type
make_MS_SIMULATION(const location_type & l)9632       make_MS_SIMULATION (const location_type& l)
9633       {
9634         return symbol_type (token::MS_SIMULATION, l);
9635       }
9636 #endif
9637 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9638       static
9639       symbol_type
make_MS_COMPUTE_MDD(location_type l)9640       make_MS_COMPUTE_MDD (location_type l)
9641       {
9642         return symbol_type (token::MS_COMPUTE_MDD, std::move (l));
9643       }
9644 #else
9645       static
9646       symbol_type
make_MS_COMPUTE_MDD(const location_type & l)9647       make_MS_COMPUTE_MDD (const location_type& l)
9648       {
9649         return symbol_type (token::MS_COMPUTE_MDD, l);
9650       }
9651 #endif
9652 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9653       static
9654       symbol_type
make_MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES(location_type l)9655       make_MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES (location_type l)
9656       {
9657         return symbol_type (token::MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES, std::move (l));
9658       }
9659 #else
9660       static
9661       symbol_type
make_MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES(const location_type & l)9662       make_MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES (const location_type& l)
9663       {
9664         return symbol_type (token::MS_COMPUTE_PROBABILITIES, l);
9665       }
9666 #endif
9667 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9668       static
9669       symbol_type
make_MS_FORECAST(location_type l)9670       make_MS_FORECAST (location_type l)
9671       {
9672         return symbol_type (token::MS_FORECAST, std::move (l));
9673       }
9674 #else
9675       static
9676       symbol_type
make_MS_FORECAST(const location_type & l)9677       make_MS_FORECAST (const location_type& l)
9678       {
9679         return symbol_type (token::MS_FORECAST, l);
9680       }
9681 #endif
9682 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9683       static
9684       symbol_type
make_SVAR_IDENTIFICATION(location_type l)9685       make_SVAR_IDENTIFICATION (location_type l)
9686       {
9687         return symbol_type (token::SVAR_IDENTIFICATION, std::move (l));
9688       }
9689 #else
9690       static
9691       symbol_type
make_SVAR_IDENTIFICATION(const location_type & l)9692       make_SVAR_IDENTIFICATION (const location_type& l)
9693       {
9694         return symbol_type (token::SVAR_IDENTIFICATION, l);
9695       }
9696 #endif
9697 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9698       static
9699       symbol_type
make_EQUATION(location_type l)9700       make_EQUATION (location_type l)
9701       {
9702         return symbol_type (token::EQUATION, std::move (l));
9703       }
9704 #else
9705       static
9706       symbol_type
make_EQUATION(const location_type & l)9707       make_EQUATION (const location_type& l)
9708       {
9709         return symbol_type (token::EQUATION, l);
9710       }
9711 #endif
9712 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9713       static
9714       symbol_type
make_EXCLUSION(location_type l)9715       make_EXCLUSION (location_type l)
9716       {
9717         return symbol_type (token::EXCLUSION, std::move (l));
9718       }
9719 #else
9720       static
9721       symbol_type
make_EXCLUSION(const location_type & l)9722       make_EXCLUSION (const location_type& l)
9723       {
9724         return symbol_type (token::EXCLUSION, l);
9725       }
9726 #endif
9727 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9728       static
9729       symbol_type
make_LAG(location_type l)9730       make_LAG (location_type l)
9731       {
9732         return symbol_type (token::LAG, std::move (l));
9733       }
9734 #else
9735       static
9736       symbol_type
make_LAG(const location_type & l)9737       make_LAG (const location_type& l)
9738       {
9739         return symbol_type (token::LAG, l);
9740       }
9741 #endif
9742 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9743       static
9744       symbol_type
make_UPPER_CHOLESKY(location_type l)9745       make_UPPER_CHOLESKY (location_type l)
9746       {
9747         return symbol_type (token::UPPER_CHOLESKY, std::move (l));
9748       }
9749 #else
9750       static
9751       symbol_type
make_UPPER_CHOLESKY(const location_type & l)9752       make_UPPER_CHOLESKY (const location_type& l)
9753       {
9754         return symbol_type (token::UPPER_CHOLESKY, l);
9755       }
9756 #endif
9757 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9758       static
9759       symbol_type
make_LOWER_CHOLESKY(location_type l)9760       make_LOWER_CHOLESKY (location_type l)
9761       {
9762         return symbol_type (token::LOWER_CHOLESKY, std::move (l));
9763       }
9764 #else
9765       static
9766       symbol_type
make_LOWER_CHOLESKY(const location_type & l)9767       make_LOWER_CHOLESKY (const location_type& l)
9768       {
9769         return symbol_type (token::LOWER_CHOLESKY, l);
9770       }
9771 #endif
9772 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9773       static
9774       symbol_type
make_MONTHLY(location_type l)9775       make_MONTHLY (location_type l)
9776       {
9777         return symbol_type (token::MONTHLY, std::move (l));
9778       }
9779 #else
9780       static
9781       symbol_type
make_MONTHLY(const location_type & l)9782       make_MONTHLY (const location_type& l)
9783       {
9784         return symbol_type (token::MONTHLY, l);
9785       }
9786 #endif
9787 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9788       static
9789       symbol_type
make_QUARTERLY(location_type l)9790       make_QUARTERLY (location_type l)
9791       {
9792         return symbol_type (token::QUARTERLY, std::move (l));
9793       }
9794 #else
9795       static
9796       symbol_type
make_QUARTERLY(const location_type & l)9797       make_QUARTERLY (const location_type& l)
9798       {
9799         return symbol_type (token::QUARTERLY, l);
9800       }
9801 #endif
9802 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9803       static
9804       symbol_type
make_MARKOV_SWITCHING(location_type l)9805       make_MARKOV_SWITCHING (location_type l)
9806       {
9807         return symbol_type (token::MARKOV_SWITCHING, std::move (l));
9808       }
9809 #else
9810       static
9811       symbol_type
make_MARKOV_SWITCHING(const location_type & l)9812       make_MARKOV_SWITCHING (const location_type& l)
9813       {
9814         return symbol_type (token::MARKOV_SWITCHING, l);
9815       }
9816 #endif
9817 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9818       static
9819       symbol_type
make_CHAIN(location_type l)9820       make_CHAIN (location_type l)
9821       {
9822         return symbol_type (token::CHAIN, std::move (l));
9823       }
9824 #else
9825       static
9826       symbol_type
make_CHAIN(const location_type & l)9827       make_CHAIN (const location_type& l)
9828       {
9829         return symbol_type (token::CHAIN, l);
9830       }
9831 #endif
9832 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9833       static
9834       symbol_type
make_DURATION(location_type l)9835       make_DURATION (location_type l)
9836       {
9837         return symbol_type (token::DURATION, std::move (l));
9838       }
9839 #else
9840       static
9841       symbol_type
make_DURATION(const location_type & l)9842       make_DURATION (const location_type& l)
9843       {
9844         return symbol_type (token::DURATION, l);
9845       }
9846 #endif
9847 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9848       static
9849       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_REGIMES(location_type l)9850       make_NUMBER_OF_REGIMES (location_type l)
9851       {
9852         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_REGIMES, std::move (l));
9853       }
9854 #else
9855       static
9856       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_REGIMES(const location_type & l)9857       make_NUMBER_OF_REGIMES (const location_type& l)
9858       {
9859         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_REGIMES, l);
9860       }
9861 #endif
9862 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9863       static
9864       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_LAGS(location_type l)9865       make_NUMBER_OF_LAGS (location_type l)
9866       {
9867         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_LAGS, std::move (l));
9868       }
9869 #else
9870       static
9871       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_LAGS(const location_type & l)9872       make_NUMBER_OF_LAGS (const location_type& l)
9873       {
9874         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_LAGS, l);
9875       }
9876 #endif
9877 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9878       static
9879       symbol_type
make_EPILOGUE(location_type l)9880       make_EPILOGUE (location_type l)
9881       {
9882         return symbol_type (token::EPILOGUE, std::move (l));
9883       }
9884 #else
9885       static
9886       symbol_type
make_EPILOGUE(const location_type & l)9887       make_EPILOGUE (const location_type& l)
9888       {
9889         return symbol_type (token::EPILOGUE, l);
9890       }
9891 #endif
9892 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9893       static
9894       symbol_type
make_SVAR(location_type l)9895       make_SVAR (location_type l)
9896       {
9897         return symbol_type (token::SVAR, std::move (l));
9898       }
9899 #else
9900       static
9901       symbol_type
make_SVAR(const location_type & l)9902       make_SVAR (const location_type& l)
9903       {
9904         return symbol_type (token::SVAR, l);
9905       }
9906 #endif
9907 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9908       static
9909       symbol_type
make_SVAR_GLOBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CHECK(location_type l)9910       make_SVAR_GLOBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CHECK (location_type l)
9911       {
9912         return symbol_type (token::SVAR_GLOBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CHECK, std::move (l));
9913       }
9914 #else
9915       static
9916       symbol_type
make_SVAR_GLOBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CHECK(const location_type & l)9917       make_SVAR_GLOBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CHECK (const location_type& l)
9918       {
9919         return symbol_type (token::SVAR_GLOBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CHECK, l);
9920       }
9921 #endif
9922 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9923       static
9924       symbol_type
make_COEFF(location_type l)9925       make_COEFF (location_type l)
9926       {
9927         return symbol_type (token::COEFF, std::move (l));
9928       }
9929 #else
9930       static
9931       symbol_type
make_COEFF(const location_type & l)9932       make_COEFF (const location_type& l)
9933       {
9934         return symbol_type (token::COEFF, l);
9935       }
9936 #endif
9937 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9938       static
9939       symbol_type
make_COEFFICIENTS(location_type l)9940       make_COEFFICIENTS (location_type l)
9941       {
9942         return symbol_type (token::COEFFICIENTS, std::move (l));
9943       }
9944 #else
9945       static
9946       symbol_type
make_COEFFICIENTS(const location_type & l)9947       make_COEFFICIENTS (const location_type& l)
9948       {
9949         return symbol_type (token::COEFFICIENTS, l);
9950       }
9951 #endif
9952 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9953       static
9954       symbol_type
make_VARIANCES(location_type l)9955       make_VARIANCES (location_type l)
9956       {
9957         return symbol_type (token::VARIANCES, std::move (l));
9958       }
9959 #else
9960       static
9961       symbol_type
make_VARIANCES(const location_type & l)9962       make_VARIANCES (const location_type& l)
9963       {
9964         return symbol_type (token::VARIANCES, l);
9965       }
9966 #endif
9967 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9968       static
9969       symbol_type
make_CONSTANTS(location_type l)9970       make_CONSTANTS (location_type l)
9971       {
9972         return symbol_type (token::CONSTANTS, std::move (l));
9973       }
9974 #else
9975       static
9976       symbol_type
make_CONSTANTS(const location_type & l)9977       make_CONSTANTS (const location_type& l)
9978       {
9979         return symbol_type (token::CONSTANTS, l);
9980       }
9981 #endif
9982 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9983       static
9984       symbol_type
make_EQUATIONS(location_type l)9985       make_EQUATIONS (location_type l)
9986       {
9987         return symbol_type (token::EQUATIONS, std::move (l));
9988       }
9989 #else
9990       static
9991       symbol_type
make_EQUATIONS(const location_type & l)9992       make_EQUATIONS (const location_type& l)
9993       {
9994         return symbol_type (token::EQUATIONS, l);
9995       }
9996 #endif
9997 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
9998       static
9999       symbol_type
make_EXTERNAL_FUNCTION(location_type l)10000       make_EXTERNAL_FUNCTION (location_type l)
10001       {
10002         return symbol_type (token::EXTERNAL_FUNCTION, std::move (l));
10003       }
10004 #else
10005       static
10006       symbol_type
make_EXTERNAL_FUNCTION(const location_type & l)10007       make_EXTERNAL_FUNCTION (const location_type& l)
10008       {
10009         return symbol_type (token::EXTERNAL_FUNCTION, l);
10010       }
10011 #endif
10012 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10013       static
10014       symbol_type
make_EXT_FUNC_NAME(location_type l)10015       make_EXT_FUNC_NAME (location_type l)
10016       {
10017         return symbol_type (token::EXT_FUNC_NAME, std::move (l));
10018       }
10019 #else
10020       static
10021       symbol_type
make_EXT_FUNC_NAME(const location_type & l)10022       make_EXT_FUNC_NAME (const location_type& l)
10023       {
10024         return symbol_type (token::EXT_FUNC_NAME, l);
10025       }
10026 #endif
10027 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10028       static
10029       symbol_type
make_EXT_FUNC_NARGS(location_type l)10030       make_EXT_FUNC_NARGS (location_type l)
10031       {
10032         return symbol_type (token::EXT_FUNC_NARGS, std::move (l));
10033       }
10034 #else
10035       static
10036       symbol_type
make_EXT_FUNC_NARGS(const location_type & l)10037       make_EXT_FUNC_NARGS (const location_type& l)
10038       {
10039         return symbol_type (token::EXT_FUNC_NARGS, l);
10040       }
10041 #endif
10042 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10043       static
10044       symbol_type
make_FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED(location_type l)10045       make_FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED (location_type l)
10046       {
10047         return symbol_type (token::FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED, std::move (l));
10048       }
10049 #else
10050       static
10051       symbol_type
make_FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED(const location_type & l)10052       make_FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED (const location_type& l)
10053       {
10054         return symbol_type (token::FIRST_DERIV_PROVIDED, l);
10055       }
10056 #endif
10057 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10058       static
10059       symbol_type
make_SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED(location_type l)10060       make_SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED (location_type l)
10061       {
10062         return symbol_type (token::SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED, std::move (l));
10063       }
10064 #else
10065       static
10066       symbol_type
make_SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED(const location_type & l)10067       make_SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED (const location_type& l)
10068       {
10069         return symbol_type (token::SECOND_DERIV_PROVIDED, l);
10070       }
10071 #endif
10072 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10073       static
10074       symbol_type
make_SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY(location_type l)10075       make_SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY (location_type l)
10076       {
10077         return symbol_type (token::SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY, std::move (l));
10078       }
10079 #else
10080       static
10081       symbol_type
make_SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY(const location_type & l)10082       make_SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY (const location_type& l)
10083       {
10084         return symbol_type (token::SELECTED_VARIABLES_ONLY, l);
10085       }
10086 #endif
10087 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10088       static
10089       symbol_type
make_COVA_COMPUTE(location_type l)10090       make_COVA_COMPUTE (location_type l)
10091       {
10092         return symbol_type (token::COVA_COMPUTE, std::move (l));
10093       }
10094 #else
10095       static
10096       symbol_type
make_COVA_COMPUTE(const location_type & l)10097       make_COVA_COMPUTE (const location_type& l)
10098       {
10099         return symbol_type (token::COVA_COMPUTE, l);
10100       }
10101 #endif
10102 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10103       static
10104       symbol_type
make_SIMULATION_FILE_TAG(location_type l)10105       make_SIMULATION_FILE_TAG (location_type l)
10106       {
10107         return symbol_type (token::SIMULATION_FILE_TAG, std::move (l));
10108       }
10109 #else
10110       static
10111       symbol_type
make_SIMULATION_FILE_TAG(const location_type & l)10112       make_SIMULATION_FILE_TAG (const location_type& l)
10113       {
10114         return symbol_type (token::SIMULATION_FILE_TAG, l);
10115       }
10116 #endif
10117 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10118       static
10119       symbol_type
make_FILE_TAG(location_type l)10120       make_FILE_TAG (location_type l)
10121       {
10122         return symbol_type (token::FILE_TAG, std::move (l));
10123       }
10124 #else
10125       static
10126       symbol_type
make_FILE_TAG(const location_type & l)10127       make_FILE_TAG (const location_type& l)
10128       {
10129         return symbol_type (token::FILE_TAG, l);
10130       }
10131 #endif
10132 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10133       static
10134       symbol_type
make_NO_ERROR_BANDS(location_type l)10135       make_NO_ERROR_BANDS (location_type l)
10136       {
10137         return symbol_type (token::NO_ERROR_BANDS, std::move (l));
10138       }
10139 #else
10140       static
10141       symbol_type
make_NO_ERROR_BANDS(const location_type & l)10142       make_NO_ERROR_BANDS (const location_type& l)
10143       {
10144         return symbol_type (token::NO_ERROR_BANDS, l);
10145       }
10146 #endif
10147 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10148       static
10149       symbol_type
make_ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES(location_type l)10150       make_ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES (location_type l)
10151       {
10152         return symbol_type (token::ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES, std::move (l));
10153       }
10154 #else
10155       static
10156       symbol_type
make_ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES(const location_type & l)10157       make_ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES (const location_type& l)
10158       {
10159         return symbol_type (token::ERROR_BAND_PERCENTILES, l);
10160       }
10161 #endif
10162 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10163       static
10164       symbol_type
make_SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER(location_type l)10165       make_SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER (location_type l)
10166       {
10167         return symbol_type (token::SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER, std::move (l));
10168       }
10169 #else
10170       static
10171       symbol_type
make_SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER(const location_type & l)10172       make_SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER (const location_type& l)
10173       {
10174         return symbol_type (token::SHOCKS_PER_PARAMETER, l);
10175       }
10176 #endif
10177 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10178       static
10179       symbol_type
make_NO_CREATE_INIT(location_type l)10180       make_NO_CREATE_INIT (location_type l)
10181       {
10182         return symbol_type (token::NO_CREATE_INIT, std::move (l));
10183       }
10184 #else
10185       static
10186       symbol_type
make_NO_CREATE_INIT(const location_type & l)10187       make_NO_CREATE_INIT (const location_type& l)
10188       {
10189         return symbol_type (token::NO_CREATE_INIT, l);
10190       }
10191 #endif
10192 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10193       static
10194       symbol_type
make_SHOCK_DRAWS(location_type l)10195       make_SHOCK_DRAWS (location_type l)
10196       {
10197         return symbol_type (token::SHOCK_DRAWS, std::move (l));
10198       }
10199 #else
10200       static
10201       symbol_type
make_SHOCK_DRAWS(const location_type & l)10202       make_SHOCK_DRAWS (const location_type& l)
10203       {
10204         return symbol_type (token::SHOCK_DRAWS, l);
10205       }
10206 #endif
10207 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10208       static
10209       symbol_type
make_FREE_PARAMETERS(location_type l)10210       make_FREE_PARAMETERS (location_type l)
10211       {
10212         return symbol_type (token::FREE_PARAMETERS, std::move (l));
10213       }
10214 #else
10215       static
10216       symbol_type
make_FREE_PARAMETERS(const location_type & l)10217       make_FREE_PARAMETERS (const location_type& l)
10218       {
10219         return symbol_type (token::FREE_PARAMETERS, l);
10220       }
10221 #endif
10222 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10223       static
10224       symbol_type
make_MEDIAN(location_type l)10225       make_MEDIAN (location_type l)
10226       {
10227         return symbol_type (token::MEDIAN, std::move (l));
10228       }
10229 #else
10230       static
10231       symbol_type
make_MEDIAN(const location_type & l)10232       make_MEDIAN (const location_type& l)
10233       {
10234         return symbol_type (token::MEDIAN, l);
10235       }
10236 #endif
10237 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10238       static
10239       symbol_type
make_DATA_OBS_NBR(location_type l)10240       make_DATA_OBS_NBR (location_type l)
10241       {
10242         return symbol_type (token::DATA_OBS_NBR, std::move (l));
10243       }
10244 #else
10245       static
10246       symbol_type
make_DATA_OBS_NBR(const location_type & l)10247       make_DATA_OBS_NBR (const location_type& l)
10248       {
10249         return symbol_type (token::DATA_OBS_NBR, l);
10250       }
10251 #endif
10252 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10253       static
10254       symbol_type
make_NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH(location_type l)10255       make_NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH (location_type l)
10256       {
10257         return symbol_type (token::NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH, std::move (l));
10258       }
10259 #else
10260       static
10261       symbol_type
make_NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH(const location_type & l)10262       make_NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH (const location_type& l)
10263       {
10264         return symbol_type (token::NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH, l);
10265       }
10266 #endif
10267 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10268       static
10269       symbol_type
make_PVALUE_KS(location_type l)10270       make_PVALUE_KS (location_type l)
10271       {
10272         return symbol_type (token::PVALUE_KS, std::move (l));
10273       }
10274 #else
10275       static
10276       symbol_type
make_PVALUE_KS(const location_type & l)10277       make_PVALUE_KS (const location_type& l)
10278       {
10279         return symbol_type (token::PVALUE_KS, l);
10280       }
10281 #endif
10282 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10283       static
10284       symbol_type
make_PVALUE_CORR(location_type l)10285       make_PVALUE_CORR (location_type l)
10286       {
10287         return symbol_type (token::PVALUE_CORR, std::move (l));
10288       }
10289 #else
10290       static
10291       symbol_type
make_PVALUE_CORR(const location_type & l)10292       make_PVALUE_CORR (const location_type& l)
10293       {
10294         return symbol_type (token::PVALUE_CORR, l);
10295       }
10296 #endif
10297 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10298       static
10299       symbol_type
make_FILTERED_PROBABILITIES(location_type l)10300       make_FILTERED_PROBABILITIES (location_type l)
10301       {
10302         return symbol_type (token::FILTERED_PROBABILITIES, std::move (l));
10303       }
10304 #else
10305       static
10306       symbol_type
make_FILTERED_PROBABILITIES(const location_type & l)10307       make_FILTERED_PROBABILITIES (const location_type& l)
10308       {
10309         return symbol_type (token::FILTERED_PROBABILITIES, l);
10310       }
10311 #endif
10312 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10313       static
10314       symbol_type
make_REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED(location_type l)10315       make_REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED (location_type l)
10316       {
10317         return symbol_type (token::REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED, std::move (l));
10318       }
10319 #else
10320       static
10321       symbol_type
make_REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED(const location_type & l)10322       make_REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED (const location_type& l)
10323       {
10324         return symbol_type (token::REAL_TIME_SMOOTHED, l);
10325       }
10326 #endif
10327 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10328       static
10329       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_FUNCTION(location_type l)10330       make_PRIOR_FUNCTION (location_type l)
10331       {
10332         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_FUNCTION, std::move (l));
10333       }
10334 #else
10335       static
10336       symbol_type
make_PRIOR_FUNCTION(const location_type & l)10337       make_PRIOR_FUNCTION (const location_type& l)
10338       {
10339         return symbol_type (token::PRIOR_FUNCTION, l);
10340       }
10341 #endif
10342 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10343       static
10344       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_FUNCTION(location_type l)10345       make_POSTERIOR_FUNCTION (location_type l)
10346       {
10347         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_FUNCTION, std::move (l));
10348       }
10349 #else
10350       static
10351       symbol_type
make_POSTERIOR_FUNCTION(const location_type & l)10352       make_POSTERIOR_FUNCTION (const location_type& l)
10353       {
10354         return symbol_type (token::POSTERIOR_FUNCTION, l);
10355       }
10356 #endif
10357 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10358       static
10359       symbol_type
make_SAMPLING_DRAWS(location_type l)10360       make_SAMPLING_DRAWS (location_type l)
10361       {
10362         return symbol_type (token::SAMPLING_DRAWS, std::move (l));
10363       }
10364 #else
10365       static
10366       symbol_type
make_SAMPLING_DRAWS(const location_type & l)10367       make_SAMPLING_DRAWS (const location_type& l)
10368       {
10369         return symbol_type (token::SAMPLING_DRAWS, l);
10370       }
10371 #endif
10372 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10373       static
10374       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_TYPE(location_type l)10375       make_PROPOSAL_TYPE (location_type l)
10376       {
10377         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_TYPE, std::move (l));
10378       }
10379 #else
10380       static
10381       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_TYPE(const location_type & l)10382       make_PROPOSAL_TYPE (const location_type& l)
10383       {
10384         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_TYPE, l);
10385       }
10386 #endif
10387 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10388       static
10389       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND(location_type l)10390       make_PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND (location_type l)
10391       {
10392         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND, std::move (l));
10393       }
10394 #else
10395       static
10396       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND(const location_type & l)10397       make_PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND (const location_type& l)
10398       {
10399         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_UPPER_BOUND, l);
10400       }
10401 #endif
10402 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10403       static
10404       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND(location_type l)10405       make_PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND (location_type l)
10406       {
10407         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND, std::move (l));
10408       }
10409 #else
10410       static
10411       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND(const location_type & l)10412       make_PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND (const location_type& l)
10413       {
10414         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_LOWER_BOUND, l);
10415       }
10416 #endif
10417 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10418       static
10419       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_DRAWS(location_type l)10420       make_PROPOSAL_DRAWS (location_type l)
10421       {
10422         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_DRAWS, std::move (l));
10423       }
10424 #else
10425       static
10426       symbol_type
make_PROPOSAL_DRAWS(const location_type & l)10427       make_PROPOSAL_DRAWS (const location_type& l)
10428       {
10429         return symbol_type (token::PROPOSAL_DRAWS, l);
10430       }
10431 #endif
10432 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10433       static
10434       symbol_type
make_USE_MEAN_CENTER(location_type l)10435       make_USE_MEAN_CENTER (location_type l)
10436       {
10437         return symbol_type (token::USE_MEAN_CENTER, std::move (l));
10438       }
10439 #else
10440       static
10441       symbol_type
make_USE_MEAN_CENTER(const location_type & l)10442       make_USE_MEAN_CENTER (const location_type& l)
10443       {
10444         return symbol_type (token::USE_MEAN_CENTER, l);
10445       }
10446 #endif
10447 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10448       static
10449       symbol_type
make_ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS(location_type l)10450       make_ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS (location_type l)
10451       {
10452         return symbol_type (token::ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS, std::move (l));
10453       }
10454 #else
10455       static
10456       symbol_type
make_ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS(const location_type & l)10457       make_ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS (const location_type& l)
10458       {
10459         return symbol_type (token::ADAPTIVE_MH_DRAWS, l);
10460       }
10461 #endif
10462 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10463       static
10464       symbol_type
make_THINNING_FACTOR(location_type l)10465       make_THINNING_FACTOR (location_type l)
10466       {
10467         return symbol_type (token::THINNING_FACTOR, std::move (l));
10468       }
10469 #else
10470       static
10471       symbol_type
make_THINNING_FACTOR(const location_type & l)10472       make_THINNING_FACTOR (const location_type& l)
10473       {
10474         return symbol_type (token::THINNING_FACTOR, l);
10475       }
10476 #endif
10477 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10478       static
10479       symbol_type
10481       {
10482         return symbol_type (token::COEFFICIENTS_PRIOR_HYPERPARAMETERS, std::move (l));
10483       }
10484 #else
10485       static
10486       symbol_type
make_COEFFICIENTS_PRIOR_HYPERPARAMETERS(const location_type & l)10487       make_COEFFICIENTS_PRIOR_HYPERPARAMETERS (const location_type& l)
10488       {
10489         return symbol_type (token::COEFFICIENTS_PRIOR_HYPERPARAMETERS, l);
10490       }
10491 #endif
10492 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10493       static
10494       symbol_type
make_SMM_ESTIMATION(location_type l)10495       make_SMM_ESTIMATION (location_type l)
10496       {
10497         return symbol_type (token::SMM_ESTIMATION, std::move (l));
10498       }
10499 #else
10500       static
10501       symbol_type
make_SMM_ESTIMATION(const location_type & l)10502       make_SMM_ESTIMATION (const location_type& l)
10503       {
10504         return symbol_type (token::SMM_ESTIMATION, l);
10505       }
10506 #endif
10507 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10508       static
10509       symbol_type
make_GMM_ESTIMATION(location_type l)10510       make_GMM_ESTIMATION (location_type l)
10511       {
10512         return symbol_type (token::GMM_ESTIMATION, std::move (l));
10513       }
10514 #else
10515       static
10516       symbol_type
make_GMM_ESTIMATION(const location_type & l)10517       make_GMM_ESTIMATION (const location_type& l)
10518       {
10519         return symbol_type (token::GMM_ESTIMATION, l);
10520       }
10521 #endif
10522 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10523       static
10524       symbol_type
make_CONVERGENCE_STARTING_VALUE(location_type l)10525       make_CONVERGENCE_STARTING_VALUE (location_type l)
10526       {
10527         return symbol_type (token::CONVERGENCE_STARTING_VALUE, std::move (l));
10528       }
10529 #else
10530       static
10531       symbol_type
make_CONVERGENCE_STARTING_VALUE(const location_type & l)10532       make_CONVERGENCE_STARTING_VALUE (const location_type& l)
10533       {
10534         return symbol_type (token::CONVERGENCE_STARTING_VALUE, l);
10535       }
10536 #endif
10537 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10538       static
10539       symbol_type
make_CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE(location_type l)10540       make_CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE (location_type l)
10541       {
10542         return symbol_type (token::CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE, std::move (l));
10543       }
10544 #else
10545       static
10546       symbol_type
make_CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE(const location_type & l)10547       make_CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE (const location_type& l)
10548       {
10549         return symbol_type (token::CONVERGENCE_ENDING_VALUE, l);
10550       }
10551 #endif
10552 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10553       static
10554       symbol_type
make_CONVERGENCE_INCREMENT_VALUE(location_type l)10555       make_CONVERGENCE_INCREMENT_VALUE (location_type l)
10556       {
10557         return symbol_type (token::CONVERGENCE_INCREMENT_VALUE, std::move (l));
10558       }
10559 #else
10560       static
10561       symbol_type
make_CONVERGENCE_INCREMENT_VALUE(const location_type & l)10562       make_CONVERGENCE_INCREMENT_VALUE (const location_type& l)
10563       {
10564         return symbol_type (token::CONVERGENCE_INCREMENT_VALUE, l);
10565       }
10566 #endif
10567 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10568       static
10569       symbol_type
make_MAX_ITERATIONS_STARTING_VALUE(location_type l)10570       make_MAX_ITERATIONS_STARTING_VALUE (location_type l)
10571       {
10572         return symbol_type (token::MAX_ITERATIONS_STARTING_VALUE, std::move (l));
10573       }
10574 #else
10575       static
10576       symbol_type
make_MAX_ITERATIONS_STARTING_VALUE(const location_type & l)10577       make_MAX_ITERATIONS_STARTING_VALUE (const location_type& l)
10578       {
10579         return symbol_type (token::MAX_ITERATIONS_STARTING_VALUE, l);
10580       }
10581 #endif
10582 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10583       static
10584       symbol_type
make_MAX_ITERATIONS_INCREMENT_VALUE(location_type l)10585       make_MAX_ITERATIONS_INCREMENT_VALUE (location_type l)
10586       {
10587         return symbol_type (token::MAX_ITERATIONS_INCREMENT_VALUE, std::move (l));
10588       }
10589 #else
10590       static
10591       symbol_type
make_MAX_ITERATIONS_INCREMENT_VALUE(const location_type & l)10592       make_MAX_ITERATIONS_INCREMENT_VALUE (const location_type& l)
10593       {
10594         return symbol_type (token::MAX_ITERATIONS_INCREMENT_VALUE, l);
10595       }
10596 #endif
10597 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10598       static
10599       symbol_type
make_MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS(location_type l)10600       make_MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS (location_type l)
10601       {
10602         return symbol_type (token::MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS, std::move (l));
10603       }
10604 #else
10605       static
10606       symbol_type
make_MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS(const location_type & l)10607       make_MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS (const location_type& l)
10608       {
10609         return symbol_type (token::MAX_BLOCK_ITERATIONS, l);
10610       }
10611 #endif
10612 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10613       static
10614       symbol_type
make_MAX_REPEATED_OPTIMIZATION_RUNS(location_type l)10615       make_MAX_REPEATED_OPTIMIZATION_RUNS (location_type l)
10616       {
10617         return symbol_type (token::MAX_REPEATED_OPTIMIZATION_RUNS, std::move (l));
10618       }
10619 #else
10620       static
10621       symbol_type
make_MAX_REPEATED_OPTIMIZATION_RUNS(const location_type & l)10622       make_MAX_REPEATED_OPTIMIZATION_RUNS (const location_type& l)
10623       {
10624         return symbol_type (token::MAX_REPEATED_OPTIMIZATION_RUNS, l);
10625       }
10626 #endif
10627 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10628       static
10629       symbol_type
make_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION(location_type l)10630       make_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION (location_type l)
10631       {
10632         return symbol_type (token::FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION, std::move (l));
10633       }
10634 #else
10635       static
10636       symbol_type
make_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION(const location_type & l)10637       make_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION (const location_type& l)
10638       {
10639         return symbol_type (token::FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION, l);
10640       }
10641 #endif
10642 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10643       static
10644       symbol_type
make_SAVE_REALTIME(location_type l)10645       make_SAVE_REALTIME (location_type l)
10646       {
10647         return symbol_type (token::SAVE_REALTIME, std::move (l));
10648       }
10649 #else
10650       static
10651       symbol_type
make_SAVE_REALTIME(const location_type & l)10652       make_SAVE_REALTIME (const location_type& l)
10653       {
10654         return symbol_type (token::SAVE_REALTIME, l);
10655       }
10656 #endif
10657 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10658       static
10659       symbol_type
make_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION(location_type l)10660       make_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION (location_type l)
10661       {
10662         return symbol_type (token::PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION, std::move (l));
10663       }
10664 #else
10665       static
10666       symbol_type
make_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION(const location_type & l)10667       make_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION (const location_type& l)
10668       {
10669         return symbol_type (token::PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION, l);
10670       }
10671 #endif
10672 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10673       static
10674       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_LARGE_PERTURBATIONS(location_type l)10675       make_NUMBER_OF_LARGE_PERTURBATIONS (location_type l)
10676       {
10677         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_LARGE_PERTURBATIONS, std::move (l));
10678       }
10679 #else
10680       static
10681       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_LARGE_PERTURBATIONS(const location_type & l)10682       make_NUMBER_OF_LARGE_PERTURBATIONS (const location_type& l)
10683       {
10684         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_LARGE_PERTURBATIONS, l);
10685       }
10686 #endif
10687 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10688       static
10689       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_PERTURBATIONS(location_type l)10690       make_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_PERTURBATIONS (location_type l)
10691       {
10692         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_SMALL_PERTURBATIONS, std::move (l));
10693       }
10694 #else
10695       static
10696       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_PERTURBATIONS(const location_type & l)10697       make_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_PERTURBATIONS (const location_type& l)
10698       {
10699         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_SMALL_PERTURBATIONS, l);
10700       }
10701 #endif
10702 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10703       static
10704       symbol_type
10706       {
10707         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_POSTERIOR_DRAWS_AFTER_PERTURBATION, std::move (l));
10708       }
10709 #else
10710       static
10711       symbol_type
make_NUMBER_OF_POSTERIOR_DRAWS_AFTER_PERTURBATION(const location_type & l)10712       make_NUMBER_OF_POSTERIOR_DRAWS_AFTER_PERTURBATION (const location_type& l)
10713       {
10714         return symbol_type (token::NUMBER_OF_POSTERIOR_DRAWS_AFTER_PERTURBATION, l);
10715       }
10716 #endif
10717 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10718       static
10719       symbol_type
make_MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES(location_type l)10720       make_MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES (location_type l)
10721       {
10722         return symbol_type (token::MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES, std::move (l));
10723       }
10724 #else
10725       static
10726       symbol_type
make_MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES(const location_type & l)10727       make_MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES (const location_type& l)
10728       {
10729         return symbol_type (token::MAX_NUMBER_OF_STAGES, l);
10730       }
10731 #endif
10732 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10733       static
10734       symbol_type
10736       {
10737         return symbol_type (token::RANDOM_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION, std::move (l));
10738       }
10739 #else
10740       static
10741       symbol_type
make_RANDOM_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION(const location_type & l)10742       make_RANDOM_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION (const location_type& l)
10743       {
10744         return symbol_type (token::RANDOM_FUNCTION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION, l);
10745       }
10746 #endif
10747 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10748       static
10749       symbol_type
10751       {
10752         return symbol_type (token::RANDOM_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION, std::move (l));
10753       }
10754 #else
10755       static
10756       symbol_type
make_RANDOM_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION(const location_type & l)10757       make_RANDOM_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION (const location_type& l)
10758       {
10759         return symbol_type (token::RANDOM_PARAMETER_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION, l);
10760       }
10761 #endif
10762 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10763       static
10764       symbol_type
make_CENTERED_MOMENTS(location_type l)10765       make_CENTERED_MOMENTS (location_type l)
10766       {
10767         return symbol_type (token::CENTERED_MOMENTS, std::move (l));
10768       }
10769 #else
10770       static
10771       symbol_type
make_CENTERED_MOMENTS(const location_type & l)10772       make_CENTERED_MOMENTS (const location_type& l)
10773       {
10774         return symbol_type (token::CENTERED_MOMENTS, l);
10775       }
10776 #endif
10777 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10778       static
10779       symbol_type
make_AUTOLAG(location_type l)10780       make_AUTOLAG (location_type l)
10781       {
10782         return symbol_type (token::AUTOLAG, std::move (l));
10783       }
10784 #else
10785       static
10786       symbol_type
make_AUTOLAG(const location_type & l)10787       make_AUTOLAG (const location_type& l)
10788       {
10789         return symbol_type (token::AUTOLAG, l);
10790       }
10791 #endif
10792 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10793       static
10794       symbol_type
make_RECURSIVE_ORDER_ESTIMATION(location_type l)10795       make_RECURSIVE_ORDER_ESTIMATION (location_type l)
10796       {
10797         return symbol_type (token::RECURSIVE_ORDER_ESTIMATION, std::move (l));
10798       }
10799 #else
10800       static
10801       symbol_type
make_RECURSIVE_ORDER_ESTIMATION(const location_type & l)10802       make_RECURSIVE_ORDER_ESTIMATION (const location_type& l)
10803       {
10804         return symbol_type (token::RECURSIVE_ORDER_ESTIMATION, l);
10805       }
10806 #endif
10807 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10808       static
10809       symbol_type
make_BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG(location_type l)10810       make_BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG (location_type l)
10811       {
10812         return symbol_type (token::BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG, std::move (l));
10813       }
10814 #else
10815       static
10816       symbol_type
make_BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG(const location_type & l)10817       make_BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG (const location_type& l)
10818       {
10819         return symbol_type (token::BARTLETT_KERNEL_LAG, l);
10820       }
10821 #endif
10822 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10823       static
10824       symbol_type
make_WEIGHTING_MATRIX(location_type l)10825       make_WEIGHTING_MATRIX (location_type l)
10826       {
10827         return symbol_type (token::WEIGHTING_MATRIX, std::move (l));
10828       }
10829 #else
10830       static
10831       symbol_type
make_WEIGHTING_MATRIX(const location_type & l)10832       make_WEIGHTING_MATRIX (const location_type& l)
10833       {
10834         return symbol_type (token::WEIGHTING_MATRIX, l);
10835       }
10836 #endif
10837 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10838       static
10839       symbol_type
make_PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR(location_type l)10840       make_PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR (location_type l)
10841       {
10842         return symbol_type (token::PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR, std::move (l));
10843       }
10844 #else
10845       static
10846       symbol_type
make_PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR(const location_type & l)10847       make_PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR (const location_type& l)
10848       {
10849         return symbol_type (token::PENALIZED_ESTIMATOR, l);
10850       }
10851 #endif
10852 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10853       static
10854       symbol_type
make_VERBOSE(location_type l)10855       make_VERBOSE (location_type l)
10856       {
10857         return symbol_type (token::VERBOSE, std::move (l));
10858       }
10859 #else
10860       static
10861       symbol_type
make_VERBOSE(const location_type & l)10862       make_VERBOSE (const location_type& l)
10863       {
10864         return symbol_type (token::VERBOSE, l);
10865       }
10866 #endif
10867 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10868       static
10869       symbol_type
make_SIMULATION_MULTIPLE(location_type l)10870       make_SIMULATION_MULTIPLE (location_type l)
10871       {
10872         return symbol_type (token::SIMULATION_MULTIPLE, std::move (l));
10873       }
10874 #else
10875       static
10876       symbol_type
make_SIMULATION_MULTIPLE(const location_type & l)10877       make_SIMULATION_MULTIPLE (const location_type& l)
10878       {
10879         return symbol_type (token::SIMULATION_MULTIPLE, l);
10880       }
10881 #endif
10882 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10883       static
10884       symbol_type
make_SEED(location_type l)10885       make_SEED (location_type l)
10886       {
10887         return symbol_type (token::SEED, std::move (l));
10888       }
10889 #else
10890       static
10891       symbol_type
make_SEED(const location_type & l)10892       make_SEED (const location_type& l)
10893       {
10894         return symbol_type (token::SEED, l);
10895       }
10896 #endif
10897 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10898       static
10899       symbol_type
make_BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT(location_type l)10900       make_BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT (location_type l)
10901       {
10902         return symbol_type (token::BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT, std::move (l));
10903       }
10904 #else
10905       static
10906       symbol_type
make_BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT(const location_type & l)10907       make_BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT (const location_type& l)
10908       {
10909         return symbol_type (token::BOUNDED_SHOCK_SUPPORT, l);
10910       }
10911 #endif
10912 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10913       static
10914       symbol_type
make_EQTAGS(location_type l)10915       make_EQTAGS (location_type l)
10916       {
10917         return symbol_type (token::EQTAGS, std::move (l));
10918       }
10919 #else
10920       static
10921       symbol_type
make_EQTAGS(const location_type & l)10922       make_EQTAGS (const location_type& l)
10923       {
10924         return symbol_type (token::EQTAGS, l);
10925       }
10926 #endif
10927 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10928       static
10929       symbol_type
make_STEADY_STATE_GROWTH(location_type l)10930       make_STEADY_STATE_GROWTH (location_type l)
10931       {
10932         return symbol_type (token::STEADY_STATE_GROWTH, std::move (l));
10933       }
10934 #else
10935       static
10936       symbol_type
make_STEADY_STATE_GROWTH(const location_type & l)10937       make_STEADY_STATE_GROWTH (const location_type& l)
10938       {
10939         return symbol_type (token::STEADY_STATE_GROWTH, l);
10940       }
10941 #endif
10942 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10943       static
10944       symbol_type
make_ANALYTICAL_GIRF(location_type l)10945       make_ANALYTICAL_GIRF (location_type l)
10946       {
10947         return symbol_type (token::ANALYTICAL_GIRF, std::move (l));
10948       }
10949 #else
10950       static
10951       symbol_type
make_ANALYTICAL_GIRF(const location_type & l)10952       make_ANALYTICAL_GIRF (const location_type& l)
10953       {
10954         return symbol_type (token::ANALYTICAL_GIRF, l);
10955       }
10956 #endif
10957 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10958       static
10959       symbol_type
make_IRF_IN_PERCENT(location_type l)10960       make_IRF_IN_PERCENT (location_type l)
10961       {
10962         return symbol_type (token::IRF_IN_PERCENT, std::move (l));
10963       }
10964 #else
10965       static
10966       symbol_type
make_IRF_IN_PERCENT(const location_type & l)10967       make_IRF_IN_PERCENT (const location_type& l)
10968       {
10969         return symbol_type (token::IRF_IN_PERCENT, l);
10970       }
10971 #endif
10972 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10973       static
10974       symbol_type
make_EMAS_GIRF(location_type l)10975       make_EMAS_GIRF (location_type l)
10976       {
10977         return symbol_type (token::EMAS_GIRF, std::move (l));
10978       }
10979 #else
10980       static
10981       symbol_type
make_EMAS_GIRF(const location_type & l)10982       make_EMAS_GIRF (const location_type& l)
10983       {
10984         return symbol_type (token::EMAS_GIRF, l);
10985       }
10986 #endif
10987 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
10988       static
10989       symbol_type
make_EMAS_DROP(location_type l)10990       make_EMAS_DROP (location_type l)
10991       {
10992         return symbol_type (token::EMAS_DROP, std::move (l));
10993       }
10994 #else
10995       static
10996       symbol_type
make_EMAS_DROP(const location_type & l)10997       make_EMAS_DROP (const location_type& l)
10998       {
10999         return symbol_type (token::EMAS_DROP, l);
11000       }
11001 #endif
11002 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11003       static
11004       symbol_type
make_EMAS_TOLF(location_type l)11005       make_EMAS_TOLF (location_type l)
11006       {
11007         return symbol_type (token::EMAS_TOLF, std::move (l));
11008       }
11009 #else
11010       static
11011       symbol_type
make_EMAS_TOLF(const location_type & l)11012       make_EMAS_TOLF (const location_type& l)
11013       {
11014         return symbol_type (token::EMAS_TOLF, l);
11015       }
11016 #endif
11017 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11018       static
11019       symbol_type
make_EMAS_MAX_ITER(location_type l)11020       make_EMAS_MAX_ITER (location_type l)
11021       {
11022         return symbol_type (token::EMAS_MAX_ITER, std::move (l));
11023       }
11024 #else
11025       static
11026       symbol_type
make_EMAS_MAX_ITER(const location_type & l)11027       make_EMAS_MAX_ITER (const location_type& l)
11028       {
11029         return symbol_type (token::EMAS_MAX_ITER, l);
11030       }
11031 #endif
11032 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11033       static
11034       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_STRENGTH(location_type l)11035       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_STRENGTH (location_type l)
11036       {
11037         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_STRENGTH, std::move (l));
11038       }
11039 #else
11040       static
11041       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_STRENGTH(const location_type & l)11042       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_STRENGTH (const location_type& l)
11043       {
11044         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_STRENGTH, l);
11045       }
11046 #endif
11047 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11048       static
11049       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_REDUCEDFORM(location_type l)11050       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_REDUCEDFORM (location_type l)
11051       {
11052         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_REDUCEDFORM, std::move (l));
11053       }
11054 #else
11055       static
11056       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_REDUCEDFORM(const location_type & l)11057       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_REDUCEDFORM (const location_type& l)
11058       {
11059         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_REDUCEDFORM, l);
11060       }
11061 #endif
11062 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11063       static
11064       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_MOMENTS(location_type l)11065       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_MOMENTS (location_type l)
11066       {
11067         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_MOMENTS, std::move (l));
11068       }
11069 #else
11070       static
11071       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_MOMENTS(const location_type & l)11072       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_MOMENTS (const location_type& l)
11073       {
11074         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_MOMENTS, l);
11075       }
11076 #endif
11077 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11078       static
11079       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_MINIMAL(location_type l)11080       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_MINIMAL (location_type l)
11081       {
11082         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_MINIMAL, std::move (l));
11083       }
11084 #else
11085       static
11086       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_MINIMAL(const location_type & l)11087       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_MINIMAL (const location_type& l)
11088       {
11089         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_MINIMAL, l);
11090       }
11091 #endif
11092 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11093       static
11094       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_SPECTRUM(location_type l)11095       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_SPECTRUM (location_type l)
11096       {
11097         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_SPECTRUM, std::move (l));
11098       }
11099 #else
11100       static
11101       symbol_type
make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_SPECTRUM(const location_type & l)11102       make_NO_IDENTIFICATION_SPECTRUM (const location_type& l)
11103       {
11104         return symbol_type (token::NO_IDENTIFICATION_SPECTRUM, l);
11105       }
11106 #endif
11107 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11108       static
11109       symbol_type
make_NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS(location_type l)11110       make_NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS (location_type l)
11111       {
11112         return symbol_type (token::NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS, std::move (l));
11113       }
11114 #else
11115       static
11116       symbol_type
make_NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS(const location_type & l)11117       make_NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS (const location_type& l)
11118       {
11119         return symbol_type (token::NORMALIZE_JACOBIANS, l);
11120       }
11121 #endif
11122 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11123       static
11124       symbol_type
make_GRID_NBR(location_type l)11125       make_GRID_NBR (location_type l)
11126       {
11127         return symbol_type (token::GRID_NBR, std::move (l));
11128       }
11129 #else
11130       static
11131       symbol_type
make_GRID_NBR(const location_type & l)11132       make_GRID_NBR (const location_type& l)
11133       {
11134         return symbol_type (token::GRID_NBR, l);
11135       }
11136 #endif
11137 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11138       static
11139       symbol_type
make_TOL_RANK(location_type l)11140       make_TOL_RANK (location_type l)
11141       {
11142         return symbol_type (token::TOL_RANK, std::move (l));
11143       }
11144 #else
11145       static
11146       symbol_type
make_TOL_RANK(const location_type & l)11147       make_TOL_RANK (const location_type& l)
11148       {
11149         return symbol_type (token::TOL_RANK, l);
11150       }
11151 #endif
11152 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11153       static
11154       symbol_type
make_TOL_DERIV(location_type l)11155       make_TOL_DERIV (location_type l)
11156       {
11157         return symbol_type (token::TOL_DERIV, std::move (l));
11158       }
11159 #else
11160       static
11161       symbol_type
make_TOL_DERIV(const location_type & l)11162       make_TOL_DERIV (const location_type& l)
11163       {
11164         return symbol_type (token::TOL_DERIV, l);
11165       }
11166 #endif
11167 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11168       static
11169       symbol_type
make_TOL_SV(location_type l)11170       make_TOL_SV (location_type l)
11171       {
11172         return symbol_type (token::TOL_SV, std::move (l));
11173       }
11174 #else
11175       static
11176       symbol_type
make_TOL_SV(const location_type & l)11177       make_TOL_SV (const location_type& l)
11178       {
11179         return symbol_type (token::TOL_SV, l);
11180       }
11181 #endif
11182 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11183       static
11184       symbol_type
make_CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS(location_type l)11185       make_CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS (location_type l)
11186       {
11187         return symbol_type (token::CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS, std::move (l));
11188       }
11189 #else
11190       static
11191       symbol_type
make_CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS(const location_type & l)11192       make_CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS (const location_type& l)
11193       {
11194         return symbol_type (token::CHECKS_VIA_SUBSETS, l);
11195       }
11196 #endif
11197 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11198       static
11199       symbol_type
make_MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS(location_type l)11200       make_MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS (location_type l)
11201       {
11202         return symbol_type (token::MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS, std::move (l));
11203       }
11204 #else
11205       static
11206       symbol_type
make_MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS(const location_type & l)11207       make_MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS (const location_type& l)
11208       {
11209         return symbol_type (token::MAX_DIM_SUBSETS_GROUPS, l);
11210       }
11211 #endif
11212 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11213       static
11214       symbol_type
make_MAX_NROWS(location_type l)11215       make_MAX_NROWS (location_type l)
11216       {
11217         return symbol_type (token::MAX_NROWS, std::move (l));
11218       }
11219 #else
11220       static
11221       symbol_type
make_MAX_NROWS(const location_type & l)11222       make_MAX_NROWS (const location_type& l)
11223       {
11224         return symbol_type (token::MAX_NROWS, l);
11225       }
11226 #endif
11227 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11228       static
11229       symbol_type
make_SQUEEZE_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION(location_type l)11230       make_SQUEEZE_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION (location_type l)
11231       {
11232         return symbol_type (token::SQUEEZE_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION, std::move (l));
11233       }
11234 #else
11235       static
11236       symbol_type
make_SQUEEZE_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION(const location_type & l)11237       make_SQUEEZE_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION (const location_type& l)
11238       {
11239         return symbol_type (token::SQUEEZE_SHOCK_DECOMPOSITION, l);
11240       }
11241 #endif
11242 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11243       static
11244       symbol_type
make_WITH_EPILOGUE(location_type l)11245       make_WITH_EPILOGUE (location_type l)
11246       {
11247         return symbol_type (token::WITH_EPILOGUE, std::move (l));
11248       }
11249 #else
11250       static
11251       symbol_type
make_WITH_EPILOGUE(const location_type & l)11252       make_WITH_EPILOGUE (const location_type& l)
11253       {
11254         return symbol_type (token::WITH_EPILOGUE, l);
11255       }
11256 #endif
11257 #if 201103L <= YY_CPLUSPLUS
11258       static
11259       symbol_type
make_SYMBOL_VEC(vector<string> v,location_type l)11260       make_SYMBOL_VEC (vector<string> v, location_type l)
11261       {
11262         return symbol_type (token::SYMBOL_VEC, std::move (v), std::move (l));
11263       }
11264 #else
11265       static
11266       symbol_type
make_SYMBOL_VEC(const vector<string> & v,const location_type & l)11267       make_SYMBOL_VEC (const vector<string>& v, const location_type& l)
11268       {
11269         return symbol_type (token::SYMBOL_VEC, v, l);
11270       }
11271 #endif
11274   private:
11275     /// This class is not copyable.
11276     parser (const parser&);
11277     parser& operator= (const parser&);
11279     /// State numbers.
11280     typedef int state_type;
11282     /// Generate an error message.
11283     /// \param yystate   the state where the error occurred.
11284     /// \param yyla      the lookahead token.
11285     virtual std::string yysyntax_error_ (state_type yystate,
11286                                          const symbol_type& yyla) const;
11288     /// Compute post-reduction state.
11289     /// \param yystate   the current state
11290     /// \param yysym     the nonterminal to push on the stack
11291     state_type yy_lr_goto_state_ (state_type yystate, int yysym);
11293     /// Whether the given \c yypact_ value indicates a defaulted state.
11294     /// \param yyvalue   the value to check
11295     static bool yy_pact_value_is_default_ (int yyvalue);
11297     /// Whether the given \c yytable_ value indicates a syntax error.
11298     /// \param yyvalue   the value to check
11299     static bool yy_table_value_is_error_ (int yyvalue);
11301     static const short yypact_ninf_;
11302     static const short yytable_ninf_;
11304     /// Convert a scanner token number \a t to a symbol number.
11305     static token_number_type yytranslate_ (int t);
11307     // Tables.
11308   // YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
11309   // STATE-NUM.
11310   static const short yypact_[];
11312   // YYDEFACT[STATE-NUM] -- Default reduction number in state STATE-NUM.
11313   // Performed when YYTABLE does not specify something else to do.  Zero
11314   // means the default is an error.
11315   static const unsigned short yydefact_[];
11317   // YYPGOTO[NTERM-NUM].
11318   static const short yypgoto_[];
11321   static const short yydefgoto_[];
11323   // YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- What to do in state STATE-NUM.  If
11324   // positive, shift that token.  If negative, reduce the rule whose
11325   // number is the opposite.  If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error.
11326   static const short yytable_[];
11328   static const short yycheck_[];
11330   // YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
11331   // symbol of state STATE-NUM.
11332   static const unsigned short yystos_[];
11334   // YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives.
11335   static const unsigned short yyr1_[];
11337   // YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols on the right hand side of rule YYN.
11338   static const unsigned char yyr2_[];
11341     /// Convert the symbol name \a n to a form suitable for a diagnostic.
11342     static std::string yytnamerr_ (const char *n);
11345     /// For a symbol, its name in clear.
11346     static const char* const yytname_[];
11347 #if YYDEBUG
11348   // YYRLINE[YYN] -- Source line where rule number YYN was defined.
11349   static const unsigned short yyrline_[];
11350     /// Report on the debug stream that the rule \a r is going to be reduced.
11351     virtual void yy_reduce_print_ (int r);
11352     /// Print the state stack on the debug stream.
11353     virtual void yystack_print_ ();
11355     /// Debugging level.
11356     int yydebug_;
11357     /// Debug stream.
11358     std::ostream* yycdebug_;
11360     /// \brief Display a symbol type, value and location.
11361     /// \param yyo    The output stream.
11362     /// \param yysym  The symbol.
11363     template <typename Base>
11364     void yy_print_ (std::ostream& yyo, const basic_symbol<Base>& yysym) const;
11365 #endif
11367     /// \brief Reclaim the memory associated to a symbol.
11368     /// \param yymsg     Why this token is reclaimed.
11369     ///                  If null, print nothing.
11370     /// \param yysym     The symbol.
11371     template <typename Base>
11372     void yy_destroy_ (const char* yymsg, basic_symbol<Base>& yysym) const;
11374   private:
11375     /// Type access provider for state based symbols.
11376     struct by_state
11377     {
11378       /// Default constructor.
11379       by_state () YY_NOEXCEPT;
11381       /// The symbol type as needed by the constructor.
11382       typedef state_type kind_type;
11384       /// Constructor.
11385       by_state (kind_type s) YY_NOEXCEPT;
11387       /// Copy constructor.
11388       by_state (const by_state& that) YY_NOEXCEPT;
11390       /// Record that this symbol is empty.
11391       void clear () YY_NOEXCEPT;
11393       /// Steal the symbol type from \a that.
11394       void move (by_state& that);
11396       /// The (internal) type number (corresponding to \a state).
11397       /// \a empty_symbol when empty.
11398       symbol_number_type type_get () const YY_NOEXCEPT;
11400       /// The state number used to denote an empty symbol.
11401       enum { empty_state = -1 };
11403       /// The state.
11404       /// \a empty when empty.
11405       state_type state;
11406     };
11408     /// "Internal" symbol: element of the stack.
11409     struct stack_symbol_type : basic_symbol<by_state>
11410     {
11411       /// Superclass.
11412       typedef basic_symbol<by_state> super_type;
11413       /// Construct an empty symbol.
11414       stack_symbol_type ();
11415       /// Move or copy construction.
11416       stack_symbol_type (YY_RVREF (stack_symbol_type) that);
11417       /// Steal the contents from \a sym to build this.
11418       stack_symbol_type (state_type s, YY_MOVE_REF (symbol_type) sym);
11419 #if YY_CPLUSPLUS < 201103L
11420       /// Assignment, needed by push_back by some old implementations.
11421       /// Moves the contents of that.
11422       stack_symbol_type& operator= (stack_symbol_type& that);
11423 #endif
11424     };
11426     /// A stack with random access from its top.
11427     template <typename T, typename S = std::vector<T> >
11428     class stack
11429     {
11430     public:
11431       // Hide our reversed order.
11432       typedef typename S::reverse_iterator iterator;
11433       typedef typename S::const_reverse_iterator const_iterator;
11434       typedef typename S::size_type size_type;
stack(size_type n=200)11436       stack (size_type n = 200)
11437         : seq_ (n)
11438       {}
11440       /// Random access.
11441       ///
11442       /// Index 0 returns the topmost element.
11443       T&
operator [](size_type i)11444       operator[] (size_type i)
11445       {
11446         return seq_[size () - 1 - i];
11447       }
11449       /// Random access.
11450       ///
11451       /// Index 0 returns the topmost element.
11452       T&
operator [](int i)11453       operator[] (int i)
11454       {
11455         return operator[] (size_type (i));
11456       }
11458       /// Random access.
11459       ///
11460       /// Index 0 returns the topmost element.
11461       const T&
operator [](size_type i) const11462       operator[] (size_type i) const
11463       {
11464         return seq_[size () - 1 - i];
11465       }
11467       /// Random access.
11468       ///
11469       /// Index 0 returns the topmost element.
11470       const T&
operator [](int i) const11471       operator[] (int i) const
11472       {
11473         return operator[] (size_type (i));
11474       }
11476       /// Steal the contents of \a t.
11477       ///
11478       /// Close to move-semantics.
11479       void
push(YY_MOVE_REF (T)t)11480       push (YY_MOVE_REF (T) t)
11481       {
11482         seq_.push_back (T ());
11483         operator[] (0).move (t);
11484       }
11486       /// Pop elements from the stack.
11487       void
pop(int n=1)11488       pop (int n = 1) YY_NOEXCEPT
11489       {
11490         for (; 0 < n; --n)
11491           seq_.pop_back ();
11492       }
11494       /// Pop all elements from the stack.
11495       void
clear()11496       clear () YY_NOEXCEPT
11497       {
11498         seq_.clear ();
11499       }
11501       /// Number of elements on the stack.
11502       size_type
size() const11503       size () const YY_NOEXCEPT
11504       {
11505         return seq_.size ();
11506       }
11508       /// Iterator on top of the stack (going downwards).
11509       const_iterator
begin() const11510       begin () const YY_NOEXCEPT
11511       {
11512         return seq_.rbegin ();
11513       }
11515       /// Bottom of the stack.
11516       const_iterator
end() const11517       end () const YY_NOEXCEPT
11518       {
11519         return seq_.rend ();
11520       }
11522       /// Present a slice of the top of a stack.
11523       class slice
11524       {
11525       public:
slice(const stack & stack,int range)11526         slice (const stack& stack, int range)
11527           : stack_ (stack)
11528           , range_ (range)
11529         {}
11531         const T&
operator [](int i) const11532         operator[] (int i) const
11533         {
11534           return stack_[range_ - i];
11535         }
11537       private:
11538         const stack& stack_;
11539         int range_;
11540       };
11542     private:
11543       stack (const stack&);
11544       stack& operator= (const stack&);
11545       /// The wrapped container.
11546       S seq_;
11547     };
11550     /// Stack type.
11551     typedef stack<stack_symbol_type> stack_type;
11553     /// The stack.
11554     stack_type yystack_;
11556     /// Push a new state on the stack.
11557     /// \param m    a debug message to display
11558     ///             if null, no trace is output.
11559     /// \param sym  the symbol
11560     /// \warning the contents of \a s.value is stolen.
11561     void yypush_ (const char* m, YY_MOVE_REF (stack_symbol_type) sym);
11563     /// Push a new look ahead token on the state on the stack.
11564     /// \param m    a debug message to display
11565     ///             if null, no trace is output.
11566     /// \param s    the state
11567     /// \param sym  the symbol (for its value and location).
11568     /// \warning the contents of \a sym.value is stolen.
11569     void yypush_ (const char* m, state_type s, YY_MOVE_REF (symbol_type) sym);
11571     /// Pop \a n symbols from the stack.
11572     void yypop_ (int n = 1);
11574     /// Constants.
11575     enum
11576     {
11577       yyeof_ = 0,
11578       yylast_ = 14604,     ///< Last index in yytable_.
11579       yynnts_ = 833,  ///< Number of nonterminal symbols.
11580       yyfinal_ = 433, ///< Termination state number.
11581       yyterror_ = 1,
11582       yyerrcode_ = 256,
11583       yyntokens_ = 654  ///< Number of tokens.
11584     };
11587     // User arguments.
11588     ParsingDriver &driver;
11589   };
11592 #line 25 "DynareBison.yy" // lalr1.cc:401
11593 } // Dynare
11594 #line 11595 "DynareBison.hh" // lalr1.cc:401