1 /******************************************************************************
2 *     FILE: pgapack.h: This file contains all constant and structure
3 *                      definitions definitions for PGAPack as well as all
4 *                      function declarations.
5 *     Authors: David M. Levine, Philip L. Hallstrom, David M. Noelle,
6 *              Brian P. Walenz
7 ******************************************************************************/
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <math.h>
11 #include <time.h>
12 #include <limits.h>
13 #include <float.h>
14 #include <string.h>
15 #include <ctype.h>
16 #include <mpi.h>
19 /*  If OPTIMIZED, remove various sanity checks, and debug output.
20  *
21  *  PGADebugEntered(a)      - Print a debug message about entering "a"
22  *  PGADebugExited(a)       - Print a debug message about exiting "a"
23  *  PGAFailIfNotSetup(a)    - Fail fatally if PGASetUp has not been called
24  *  PGAFailIfSetup(a)       - Fail fatally if PGASetUp has been called
25  *  PGACheckDataType(a, D)  - Fail fatally if the datatype is not D
26  */
27 #ifndef OPTIMIZE
28 #define OPTIMIZE 0
29 #define PGADebugEntered(a) \
30   PGADebugPrint(ctx, PGA_DEBUG_ENTERED, a, "Entered", PGA_VOID, NULL)
31 #define PGADebugExited(a) \
32   PGADebugPrint(ctx, PGA_DEBUG_EXIT, a, "Exited", PGA_VOID, NULL)
33 #define PGAFailIfNotSetUp(Name)  \
34   if (ctx->sys.SetUpCalled == PGA_FALSE) \
35      PGAError(ctx, "PGASetUp must be called before " Name, \
36               PGA_FATAL, PGA_VOID, NULL)
37 #define PGAFailIfSetUp(Name)  \
38   if (ctx->sys.SetUpCalled == PGA_TRUE) \
39      PGAError(ctx, Name " must be called before PGASetUp", PGA_FATAL, \
40 	      PGA_VOID, NULL)
41 #define PGACheckDataType(Name, DataType) \
42   if (ctx->ga.datatype != DataType) \
43      PGAError(ctx, "DataType is incorrect for " Name,PGA_FATAL,PGA_VOID,NULL)
44 #else
45 #undef OPTIMIZE
46 #define OPTIMIZE 1
47 #define PGADebugPrint(a,b,c,x,y,z) ;
48 #define PGADebugEntered(a) ;
49 #define PGADebugExited(a) ;
50 #define PGAFailIfNotSetUp(Name)  ;
51 #define PGAFailIfSetUp(Name)  ;
52 #define PGACheckDataType(Name, DataType) ;
53 #endif
55 /*****************************************
56 *           BINARY   MACROS              *
57 *****************************************/
58 #ifndef WL
59 #error WL must be defined on the command line!
60 #endif
62 #define ONEL        ((PGABinary)1)
63 #define BIT(x,y)    (y&(ONEL<<((WL-1)-(x))))    /* true if bit is 1,         */
64 #define SET(x,y)    (y|=(ONEL<<((WL-1)-(x))))   /* set a bit to 1            */
65 #define UNSET(x,y)  (y&=(~(ONEL<<((WL-1)-(x)))))/* set a bit to 0, clear     */
66 #define TOGGLE(x,y) (y^=(ONEL<<((WL-1)-(x))))   /* complement a bits value   */
67 #define INDEX(ix,bx,bit,WL) ix=bit/WL;bx=bit%WL /* map global column (bit)   */
68                                                 /* to word (ix) and bit (bx) */
70 /*****************************************
71 *       ABSTRACT DATA TYPES              *
72 *****************************************/
73 #define PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY      1    /* Array of unsigned ints            */
74                                       /* parsed into bits    : binary.c    */
75 #define PGA_DATATYPE_INTEGER     2    /* Array of ints       : integer.c   */
76 #define PGA_DATATYPE_REAL        3    /* Array of doubles    : real.c      */
77 #define PGA_DATATYPE_CHARACTER   4    /* Array of characters : character.c */
78 #define PGA_DATATYPE_USER        5    /*  --user defined--                 */
80 #define PGABinary                unsigned long
81 #define PGAInteger               signed long int
82 #define PGAReal                  double
83 #define PGACharacter             signed char
85 #define PGA_INT                   1
86 #define PGA_DOUBLE                2
87 #define PGA_CHAR                  3
88 #define PGA_VOID                  4
91 /*****************************************
92 *              BOOLEANS                  *
93 *****************************************/
94 #define PGA_TRUE                   1
95 #define PGA_FALSE                  0
97 /*****************************************
98 *                FLAGS                   *
99 *****************************************/
100 #define PGA_FATAL                 1
101 #define PGA_WARNING               2
103 /*****************************************
104 *             MISC CONSTANT              *
105 *****************************************/
106 #define PGA_TEMP1                -1138
107 #define PGA_TEMP2                -4239
109 #define PGA_OLDPOP               -6728
110 #define PGA_NEWPOP               -8376
112 #define PGA_UNINITIALIZED_INT    -3827
113 #define PGA_UNINITIALIZED_DOUBLE -968.3827
115 /*****************************************
116 *        DEBUG LEVELS                    *
117 *****************************************/
118 #define PGA_DEBUG_ENTERED        12
119 #define PGA_DEBUG_EXIT           13
120 #define PGA_DEBUG_MALLOC         80
121 #define PGA_DEBUG_PRINTVAR       82
122 #define PGA_DEBUG_SEND           22
123 #define PGA_DEBUG_RECV           23
125 #define PGA_DEBUG_MAXFLAGS       1000
127 /*****************************************
128 *           DIRECTION                    *
129 *****************************************/
130 #define PGA_MAXIMIZE            1    /* specify direction for fitness calc  */
131 #define PGA_MINIMIZE            2    /* specify direction for fitness calc  */
133 /*****************************************
134 *         STOPPING CRITERIA              *
135 *****************************************/
136 #define PGA_STOP_MAXITER        1    /* Stop: for maximum iterations      */
137 #define PGA_STOP_NOCHANGE       2    /* Stop: no change in best string    */
138 #define PGA_STOP_TOOSIMILAR     4    /* Stop: homogeneous population      */
140 /*****************************************
141 *            CROSSOVER                   *
142 *****************************************/
143 #define PGA_CROSSOVER_ONEPT     1    /* One point crossover                */
144 #define PGA_CROSSOVER_TWOPT     2    /* Two point crossover                */
145 #define PGA_CROSSOVER_UNIFORM   3    /* Uniform   crossover                */
147 /*****************************************
148 *            SELECTION                   *
149 *****************************************/
150 #define PGA_SELECT_PROPORTIONAL 1    /* proportional selection              */
151 #define PGA_SELECT_SUS          2    /* stochastic universal selection      */
152 #define PGA_SELECT_TOURNAMENT   3    /* tournament selection                */
153 #define PGA_SELECT_PTOURNAMENT  4    /* probabilistic tournament selection  */
155 /*****************************************
156 *            FITNESS                     *
157 *****************************************/
158 #define PGA_FITNESS_RAW         1    /* use raw fitness (evaluation)        */
159 #define PGA_FITNESS_NORMAL      2    /* linear normalization fitness        */
160 #define PGA_FITNESS_RANKING     3    /* linear ranking fitness              */
162 /*****************************************
163 *            FITNESS (MINIMIZATION)      *
164 *****************************************/
165 #define PGA_FITNESSMIN_RECIPROCAL  1 /* reciprocal fitness                  */
166 #define PGA_FITNESSMIN_CMAX        2 /* cmax fitness                        */
168 /*****************************************
169 *               MUTATION                 *
170 *****************************************/
171 #define PGA_MUTATION_CONSTANT   1    /* Real/Integer: Fixed value           */
172 #define PGA_MUTATION_RANGE      2    /* Real/Integer: Uniform range         */
173 #define PGA_MUTATION_UNIFORM    3    /* Real: +- Uniform random no.         */
174 #define PGA_MUTATION_GAUSSIAN   4    /* Real: +- Gaussian random no.        */
175 #define PGA_MUTATION_PERMUTE    5    /* Integer: Permutation (swap)         */
177 /*****************************************
178 *        POPULATION REPLACEMENT          *
179 *****************************************/
180 #define PGA_POPREPL_BEST         1   /* Select best   string                */
181 #define PGA_POPREPL_RANDOM_NOREP 2   /* Select random string w/o replacement*/
182 #define PGA_POPREPL_RANDOM_REP   3   /* Select random string w/  replacement*/
184 /****************************************
185  *       REPORT OPTIONS                 *
186  ****************************************/
187 #define PGA_REPORT_ONLINE        1    /* Print the online analysis           */
188 #define PGA_REPORT_OFFLINE       2    /* Print the offline analysis          */
189 #define PGA_REPORT_HAMMING       4    /* Print the Hamming distance          */
190 #define PGA_REPORT_STRING        8    /* Print the string                    */
191 #define PGA_REPORT_WORST         16   /* Print the worst individual          */
192 #define PGA_REPORT_AVERAGE       32   /* Print the average of the population */
194 /*****************************************
195 *            RANDOMIZER                  *
196 *****************************************/
197 #define PGA_RINIT_PERCENT        1  /* real percent offset                   */
198 #define PGA_RINIT_RANGE          2  /* real range                            */
199 #define PGA_IINIT_PERMUTE        1  /* integer permutation                   */
200 #define PGA_IINIT_RANGE          2  /* integer range (nonunique)             */
201 #define PGA_CINIT_LOWER          1  /* all lowercase letters                 */
202 #define PGA_CINIT_UPPER          2  /* all uppercase letters                 */
203 #define PGA_CINIT_MIXED          3  /* both upper and lower case letters     */
205 /*****************************************
206 *         SET USER FUNCTION              *
207 *****************************************/
208 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_CREATESTRING            1
209 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_MUTATION                2
210 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_CROSSOVER               3
211 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_PRINTSTRING             4
212 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_COPYSTRING              5
213 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_DUPLICATE               6
214 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_INITSTRING              7
216 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_STOPCOND                9
217 #define PGA_USERFUNCTION_ENDOFGEN                10
218 #define PGA_NUM_USERFUNCTIONS                    10
220 /*****************************************
221 *           MPI SEND/RECV TAGS           *
222 *****************************************/
223 #define PGA_COMM_STRINGTOEVAL        1  /* MPI tag for sending string       */
224 #define PGA_COMM_EVALOFSTRING        2  /* MPI tag for returning evaluation */
225 #define PGA_COMM_DONEWITHEVALS       3  /* MPI tag for ending parallel eval */
230 /*****************************************
231 *       INDIVIDUAL STRUTURE              *
232 *****************************************/
234 typedef struct {                    /* primary population data structure   */
235   double evalfunc;                  /* evaluation function value           */
236   double fitness;                   /* fitness    function value           */
237   int    evaluptodate;              /* flag whether evalfunc is current    */
238   void   *chrom;                    /* pointer to the GA string            */
239 } PGAIndividual;
242 /*****************************************
243 *          GA ALGORITHM STRUCTURE        *
244 *****************************************/
245 typedef struct {
246     int datatype;            /* data type: binary, integer, or real       */
247     int optdir;              /* direction of optimization                 */
248     int tw;                  /* total number of words, full + partial     */
249     int fw;                  /* number of full (WL length) words          */
250     int eb;                  /* number of extra bits in last NOT full word*/
251     int PopSize;             /* Number of strings to use                  */
252     int StringLen;           /* string lengths                            */
253     int StoppingRule;        /* Termination Criteria                      */
254     int MaxIter;             /* Maximum number of iterations to run       */
255     int MaxNoChange;         /* # of iters with no change before stopping */
256     int MaxSimilarity;       /* % of pop the same before stopping         */
257     int NumReplace;          /* Number of string to replace each gen      */
258     int PopReplace;          /* Method of choosing ind.s to copy to newpop*/
259     int iter;                /* iteration (generation) counter            */
260     int ItersOfSame;         /* # iters with no change in best            */
261     int PercentSame;         /* % of pop that is homogeneous              */
262     int NoDuplicates;        /* Don't allow duplicate strings             */
263     int CrossoverType;       /* Type of crossover for genetic algorithm   */
264     int SelectType;          /* Type of selection for genetic algorithm   */
265     int SelectIndex;         /* index of Select for next two individuals  */
266     int FitnessType;         /* Type of fitness transformation used       */
267     int FitnessMinType;      /* Transformation for minimization problems  */
268     int MutateOnlyNoCross;   /* Mutate only strings not from crossover    */
269     int MutationType;        /* Type of mutation used                     */
270     int MutateIntegerValue;  /* Multiplier to mutate Integer strings with */
271     int MutateBoundedFlag;   /* Confine integer alleles to given range    */
272     double MutateRealValue;  /* Multiplier to mutate Real strings with    */
273     double MutationProb;     /* Starting mutation probability             */
274     double CrossoverProb;    /* Crossover probability                     */
275     double UniformCrossProb; /* Prob of bit select in uniform crossover   */
276     double PTournamentProb;  /* Prob of selection in Prob. Tournament     */
277     double FitnessRankMax;   /* MAX value for use in ranking              */
278     double FitnessCmaxValue; /* Cmax value used to convert minimizations  */
279     double restartAlleleProb;/* prob of changing an allele in a restart   */
280     int restart;             /* whether to use the restart operator       */
281     int restartFreq;         /* frequency with which to restart           */
282     int *selected;           /* array of indices for selection            */
283     int *sorted;             /* array of sorted individual indices        */
284     PGAIndividual *oldpop;   /* pointer to population (old)               */
285     PGAIndividual *newpop;   /* pointer to population (new)               */
286 } PGAAlgorithm;
290 /*****************************************
291 *        OPERATIONS STRUCTURES           *
292 *****************************************/
293 typedef struct PGAContext PGAContext;
294 typedef struct {
295     void         (*CreateString)(PGAContext *, int, int, int);
296     int          (*Mutation)(PGAContext *, int, int, double);
297     void         (*Crossover)(PGAContext *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
298     void         (*PrintString)(PGAContext *, FILE *, int, int);
299     void         (*CopyString)(PGAContext *, int, int, int, int);
300     int          (*Duplicate)(PGAContext *, int, int, int, int);
301     void         (*InitString)(PGAContext *, int, int);
302     MPI_Datatype (*BuildDatatype)(PGAContext *, int, int);
303     int          (*StopCond)(PGAContext *);
304     void         (*EndOfGen)(PGAContext *);
305 } PGACOperations;
307 typedef struct {
308     int          (*Mutation)(void *, void *, void *, void *);
309     void         (*Crossover)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *);
310     void         (*PrintString)(void *, void *, void *, void *);
311     void         (*CopyString)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *);
312     int          (*Duplicate)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *);
313     void         (*InitString)(void *, void *, void *);
314     int          (*StopCond)(void *);
315     void         (*EndOfGen)(void *);
316 } PGAFortranOperations;
318 /*****************************************
319 *          PARALLEL STRUCTURE            *
320 *****************************************/
321 typedef struct {
322     int      MPIAlreadyInit;   /* Flag whether MPI was previously initialized*/
323     int      NumIslands;       /* Number of islands in island model          */
324     int      NumDemes;         /* Number of demes in neighborhood model      */
325     MPI_Comm DefaultComm;      /* Default communicator for PGARun            */
326     int      MPIStubLibrary;   /* Boolean: real or stub version of MPI       */
327 } PGAParallel;
329 /*****************************************
330 *          REPORT STRUCTURE              *
331 *****************************************/
332 typedef struct {
333      int    PrintFreq;               /* How often to print statistics reports*/
334      int    PrintOptions;
335      double Offline;
336      double Online;
337      double Average;
338      double Best;
339      time_t starttime;
340 } PGAReport;
343 /*****************************************
344 *          SYSTEM STRUCTURE              *
345 *****************************************/
346 typedef struct {
347     int    UserFortran;             /* user routines in Fortran or C?        */
348     int    SetUpCalled;             /* has PGASetUp been called?             */
349     int    PGAMaxInt;               /* largest  int     of machine           */
350     int    PGAMinInt;               /* smallest int     of machine           */
351     double PGAMaxDouble;            /* largest  double  of machine           */
352     double PGAMinDouble;            /* smallest double  of machine           */
353 } PGASystem;
356 /*****************************************
357 *          DEBUG STRUCTURE               *
358 *****************************************/
359 typedef struct {
360     int PGADebugFlags[PGA_DEBUG_MAXFLAGS];
361 } PGADebug;
363 /*****************************************
364 *      INITIALIZATION STRUCTURE          *
365 *****************************************/
366 typedef struct {
367     int    RandomInit;             /* flag whether to randomize strings    */
368     double BinaryProbability;      /* probability that a Bit will be 1     */
369     int    RealType;               /* type of real      initialization     */
370     int    IntegerType;            /* type of integer   initialization     */
371     int    CharacterType;          /* type of character initialization     */
372     int    *IntegerMin;            /* minimum of range of integers         */
373     int    *IntegerMax;            /* maximum of range of integers         */
374     double *RealMin;               /* minimum of range of reals            */
375     double *RealMax;               /* maximum of range of reals            */
376     int    RandomSeed;             /* integer to seed random numbers with  */
377 } PGAInitialize;
379 /*****************************************
380 *      SCRATCH DATA STRUCTURES           *
381 *****************************************/
382 typedef struct {
383     int    *intscratch;            /* integer-scratch space                 */
384     double *dblscratch;            /* double- scratch space                 */
385 } PGAScratch;
387 /*****************************************
388 *          CONTEXT STRUCTURE             *
389 *****************************************/
390 struct PGAContext {
391     PGAAlgorithm           ga;
392     PGACOperations         cops;
393     PGAFortranOperations   fops;
394     PGAParallel            par;
395     PGAReport              rep;
396     PGASystem              sys;
397     PGADebug               debug;
398     PGAInitialize          init;
399     PGAScratch             scratch;
400 };
402 /*****************************************
403 *          binary.c
404 *****************************************/
406 void PGASetBinaryAllele ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int i, int val );
407 int PGAGetBinaryAllele ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int i );
408 void PGASetBinaryInitProb ( PGAContext *ctx, double probability );
409 double PGAGetBinaryInitProb (PGAContext *ctx);
410 void PGABinaryCreateString(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int initflag);
411 int PGABinaryMutation( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double mr );
412 void PGABinaryOneptCrossover(PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1, int c1,
413                              int c2, int pop2);
414 void PGABinaryTwoptCrossover(PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1, int c1,
415                              int c2, int pop2);
416 void PGABinaryUniformCrossover(PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
417                                int c1, int c2, int pop2);
418 void PGABinaryPrintString( PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp, int p, int pop );
419 void PGABinaryCopyString (PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2);
420 int PGABinaryDuplicate( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2);
421 void PGABinaryInitString(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
422 MPI_Datatype PGABinaryBuildDatatype(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
423 int PGABinaryHammingDistance ( PGAContext *ctx, PGABinary *s1, PGABinary *s2 );
424 void PGABinaryPrint( PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp, PGABinary *chrom, int nb );
426 /*****************************************
427 *          char.c
428 *****************************************/
430 void PGASetCharacterAllele (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int i, char value);
431 char PGAGetCharacterAllele (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int i);
432 void PGASetCharacterInitType(PGAContext *ctx, int value);
433 void PGACharacterCreateString (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int InitFlag);
434 int PGACharacterMutation( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double mr );
435 void PGACharacterOneptCrossover(PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
436                                 int c1, int c2, int pop2);
437 void PGACharacterTwoptCrossover( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
438                               int c1, int c2, int pop2);
439 void PGACharacterUniformCrossover(PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
440                                 int c1, int c2, int pop2);
441 void PGACharacterPrintString ( PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp, int p, int pop);
442 void PGACharacterCopyString (PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2,
443                              int pop2);
444 int PGACharacterDuplicate( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2);
445 void PGACharacterInitString(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
446 MPI_Datatype PGACharacterBuildDatatype(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
448 /*****************************************
449 *          cmdline.c
450 *****************************************/
452 void PGAReadCmdLine( PGAContext *ctx, int *argc, char **argv );
453 void PGAParseDebugArg(PGAContext *ctx, char *st);
454 void PGAStripArgs(char **argv, int *argc, int *c, int num);
456 /*****************************************
457 *          create.c
458 *****************************************/
460 PGAContext *PGACreate ( int *argc, char **argv,
461                         int datatype, int len, int maxormin );
462 void PGASetUp ( PGAContext *ctx );
463 void PGASetRandomInitFlag(PGAContext *ctx, int RandomBoolean);
464 int PGAGetRandomInitFlag (PGAContext *ctx);
465 void PGACreatePop (PGAContext *ctx, int pop);
466 void PGACreateIndividual (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int initflag);
468 /*****************************************
469 *          cross.c
470 *****************************************/
472 void PGACrossover ( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
473                     int c1, int c2, int pop2 );
474 int PGAGetCrossoverType (PGAContext *ctx);
475 double PGAGetCrossoverProb (PGAContext *ctx);
476 double PGAGetUniformCrossoverProb (PGAContext *ctx);
477 void PGASetCrossoverType (PGAContext *ctx, int crossover_type);
478 void PGASetCrossoverProb( PGAContext *ctx, double crossover_prob);
479 void PGASetUniformCrossoverProb( PGAContext *ctx, double uniform_cross_prob);
481 /*****************************************
482 *          debug.c
483 *****************************************/
485 void PGASortFuncNameIndex(PGAContext *ctx);
486 #if OPTIMIZE==0
487 void PGADebugPrint( PGAContext *ctx, int level, char *funcname,
488                    char *msg, int datatype, void *data );
489 #endif
490 void PGASetDebugLevel(PGAContext *ctx, int level);
491 void PGAClearDebugLevel(PGAContext *ctx, int level);
492 void PGASetDebugLevelByName(PGAContext *ctx, char *funcname);
493 void PGAClearDebugLevelByName(PGAContext *ctx, char *funcname);
494 int PGAGetDebugLevelOfName(PGAContext *ctx, char *funcname);
495 int PGAGetDebugFlag(PGAContext *ctx, char *funcname);
496 void PGASetDebugFlag11(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
497 void PGASetDebugFlag20(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
498 void PGASetDebugFlag21(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
499 void PGASetDebugFlag30(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
500 void PGASetDebugFlag32(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
501 void PGASetDebugFlag34(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
502 void PGASetDebugFlag36(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
503 void PGASetDebugFlag40(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
504 void PGASetDebugFlag42(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
505 void PGASetDebugFlag44(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
506 void PGASetDebugFlag46(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
507 void PGASetDebugFlag48(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
508 void PGASetDebugFlag50(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
509 void PGASetDebugFlag52(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
510 void PGASetDebugFlag54(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
511 void PGASetDebugFlag56(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
512 void PGASetDebugFlag58(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
513 void PGASetDebugFlag60(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
514 void PGASetDebugFlag62(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
515 void PGASetDebugFlag64(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
516 void PGASetDebugFlag66(PGAContext *ctx, int Flag);
517 void PGAPrintDebugOptions(PGAContext *ctx);
519 /*****************************************
520 *          duplcate.c
521 *****************************************/
523 int PGADuplicate(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop1, int pop2, int n);
524 void PGAChange( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop );
525 void PGASetNoDuplicatesFlag( PGAContext *ctx, int no_dup);
526 int PGAGetNoDuplicatesFlag (PGAContext *ctx);
528 /*****************************************
529 *          evaluate.c
530 *****************************************/
532 void PGASetEvaluation ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double val );
533 double PGAGetEvaluation ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop );
534 void PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop,
535                                    int status );
536 int PGAGetEvaluationUpToDateFlag ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop );
537 double PGAGetRealFromBinary(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start,
538                             int end, double lower, double upper);
539 double PGAGetRealFromGrayCode(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start,
540                                   int end, double lower, double upper);
541 void PGAEncodeRealAsBinary(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start,
542                                int end, double low, double high, double val);
543 void PGAEncodeRealAsGrayCode(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start,
544                               int end, double low, double high, double val);
545 int PGAGetIntegerFromBinary(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start,
546                                  int end);
547 int PGAGetIntegerFromGrayCode(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start,
548                                    int end);
549 void PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start,
550                               int end, int val);
551 void PGAEncodeIntegerAsGrayCode(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start,
552                                 int end, int val);
553 double PGAMapIntegerToReal (PGAContext *ctx, int v, int a, int b, double l,
554                             double u);
555 int PGAMapRealToInteger(PGAContext *ctx, double r, double l, double u, int a,
556                         int b);
558 /*****************************************
559 *          fitness.c
560 *****************************************/
562 void PGAFitness ( PGAContext *ctx, int popindex );
563 int PGARank( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int *order, int n );
564 double PGAGetFitness ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop );
565 int PGAGetFitnessType (PGAContext *ctx);
566 int PGAGetFitnessMinType (PGAContext *ctx);
567 double PGAGetMaxFitnessRank (PGAContext *ctx);
568 void PGASetFitnessType( PGAContext *ctx, int fitness_type);
569 void PGASetFitnessMinType( PGAContext *ctx, int fitness_type);
570 void PGASetMaxFitnessRank( PGAContext *ctx, double fitness_rank_max);
571 void PGAFitnessLinearNormal ( PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop );
572 void PGAFitnessLinearRank ( PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop );
573 void PGAFitnessMinReciprocal ( PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop );
574 void PGAFitnessMinCmax ( PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop );
575 void PGASetFitnessCmaxValue( PGAContext *ctx, double val);
576 double PGAGetFitnessCmaxValue (PGAContext *ctx);
578 /*****************************************
579 *          hamming.c
580 *****************************************/
582 double PGAHammingDistance( PGAContext *ctx, int popindex);
584 /*****************************************
585 *          heap.c
586 *****************************************/
588 void PGADblHeapSort ( PGAContext *ctx, double *a, int *idx, int n );
589 void PGAIntHeapSort ( PGAContext *ctx, int *a, int *idx, int n );
591 /*****************************************
592 *          integer.c
593 *****************************************/
595 void PGASetIntegerAllele (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int i, int value);
596 int PGAGetIntegerAllele (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int i);
597 void PGASetIntegerInitPermute ( PGAContext *ctx, int min, int max);
598 void PGASetIntegerInitRange (PGAContext *ctx, int *min, int *max);
599 int PGAGetIntegerInitType (PGAContext *ctx);
600 int PGAGetMinIntegerInitValue (PGAContext *ctx, int i);
601 int PGAGetMaxIntegerInitValue (PGAContext *ctx, int i);
602 void PGAIntegerCreateString (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int InitFlag);
603 int PGAIntegerMutation( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double mr );
604 void PGAIntegerOneptCrossover(PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
605                               int c1, int c2, int pop2);
606 void PGAIntegerTwoptCrossover( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
607                               int c1, int c2, int pop2);
608 void PGAIntegerUniformCrossover(PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
609                                 int c1, int c2, int pop2);
610 void PGAIntegerPrintString ( PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp, int p, int pop);
611 void PGAIntegerCopyString (PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2);
612 int PGAIntegerDuplicate( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2);
613 void PGAIntegerInitString(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
614 MPI_Datatype PGAIntegerBuildDatatype(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
616 /*****************************************
617 *          mpi_stub.c
618 *****************************************/
621 /*****************************************
622 *          mutation.c
623 *****************************************/
625 int PGAMutate(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
626 void PGASetMutationType( PGAContext *ctx, int mutation_type);
627 int PGAGetMutationType (PGAContext *ctx);
628 void PGASetMutationRealValue( PGAContext *ctx, double val);
629 double PGAGetMutationRealValue (PGAContext *ctx);
630 void PGASetMutationIntegerValue( PGAContext *ctx, int val);
631 int PGAGetMutationIntegerValue (PGAContext *ctx);
632 void PGASetMutationBoundedFlag(PGAContext *ctx, int val);
633 int PGAGetMutationBoundedFlag(PGAContext *ctx);
634 void PGASetMutationProb(PGAContext *ctx, double mutation_prob);
635 double PGAGetMutationProb (PGAContext *ctx);
637 /*****************************************
638 *          parallel.c
639 *****************************************/
641 void PGARunGM(PGAContext *ctx, double (*f)(PGAContext *, int, int),
642 	      MPI_Comm comm);
643 void PGAEvaluateSeq(PGAContext *ctx, int pop,
644 		    double (*f)(PGAContext *, int, int));
645 void PGAEvaluateCoop(PGAContext *ctx, int pop,
646 		     double (*f)(PGAContext *, int, int), MPI_Comm comm);
647 void PGAEvaluateMS(PGAContext *ctx, int pop,
648 		   double (*f)(PGAContext *c, int p, int pop), MPI_Comm comm);
649 void PGAEvaluateSlave(PGAContext *ctx, int pop,
650 		      double (*f)(PGAContext *, int, int), MPI_Comm comm);
651 void PGAEvaluate(PGAContext *ctx, int pop,
652 		 double (*f)(PGAContext *, int, int), MPI_Comm comm);
653 MPI_Datatype PGABuildDatatype(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
654 void PGASendIndividual(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int dest, int tag,
655                        MPI_Comm comm);
656 void PGAReceiveIndividual(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int source, int tag,
657                           MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status);
658 void PGASendReceiveIndividual(PGAContext *ctx, int send_p, int send_pop,
659                               int dest, int send_tag, int recv_p, int recv_pop,
660                               int source, int recv_tag, MPI_Comm comm,
661                               MPI_Status *status);
662 void PGARunIM(PGAContext *ctx, double (*f)(PGAContext *c, int p, int pop),
663               MPI_Comm tcomm);
664 void PGARunNM(PGAContext *ctx, double (*f)(PGAContext *c, int p, int pop),
665               MPI_Comm tcomm);
666 int PGAGetRank (PGAContext *ctx, MPI_Comm comm);
667 int PGAGetNumProcs (PGAContext *ctx, MPI_Comm comm);
668 void PGASetNumIslands( PGAContext *ctx, int n);
669 int PGAGetNumIslands (PGAContext *ctx);
670 void PGASetNumDemes( PGAContext *ctx, int numdemes);
671 int PGAGetNumDemes (PGAContext *ctx);
672 void PGASetCommunicator( PGAContext *ctx, MPI_Comm comm);
673 MPI_Comm PGAGetCommunicator( PGAContext *ctx);
675 /*****************************************
676 *          pga.c
677 *****************************************/
679 void PGARun(PGAContext *ctx, double (*evaluate)(PGAContext *c, int p, int pop));
680 void PGARunMutationAndCrossover (PGAContext *ctx, int oldpop, int newpop);
681 void PGARunMutationOrCrossover ( PGAContext *ctx, int oldpop, int newpop );
682 void PGAUpdateGeneration(PGAContext *ctx, MPI_Comm comm);
683 int PGAGetDataType (PGAContext *ctx);
684 int PGAGetOptDirFlag (PGAContext *ctx);
685 int PGAGetStringLength (PGAContext *ctx);
686 int PGAGetVariableStringLength (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
687 int PGAGetGAIterValue (PGAContext *ctx);
688 void PGASetMutationOrCrossoverFlag( PGAContext *ctx, int flag);
689 void PGASetMutationAndCrossoverFlag( PGAContext *ctx, int flag);
690 int PGAGetMutationOrCrossoverFlag (PGAContext *ctx);
691 int PGAGetMutationAndCrossoverFlag (PGAContext *ctx);
693 /*****************************************
694 *          pop.c
695 *****************************************/
697 void PGASortPop ( PGAContext *ctx, int pop );
698 int PGAGetPopSize (PGAContext *ctx);
699 int PGAGetNumReplaceValue (PGAContext *ctx);
700 int PGAGetPopReplaceType (PGAContext *ctx);
701 int PGAGetSortedPopIndex ( PGAContext *ctx, int n );
702 void PGASetPopSize (PGAContext *ctx, int popsize);
703 void PGASetNumReplaceValue( PGAContext *ctx, int pop_replace);
704 void PGASetPopReplaceType( PGAContext *ctx, int pop_replace);
706 /*****************************************
707 *          random.c
708 *****************************************/
710 int PGARandomFlip ( PGAContext *ctx, double p );
711 int PGARandomInterval( PGAContext *ctx, int start, int end);
712 double PGARandom01( PGAContext *ctx, int newseed );
713 double PGARandomUniform( PGAContext *ctx, double start, double end);
714 double PGARandomGaussian( PGAContext *ctx, double mean, double sigma);
715 int PGAGetRandomSeed(PGAContext *ctx);
716 void PGASetRandomSeed(PGAContext *ctx, int seed);
718 /*****************************************
719 *          real.c
720 *****************************************/
722 void PGASetRealAllele (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int i, double value);
723 double PGAGetRealAllele (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int i);
724 void PGASetRealInitPercent ( PGAContext *ctx, double *median, double *percent);
725 void PGASetRealInitRange (PGAContext *ctx, double *min, double *max);
726 double PGAGetMinRealInitValue (PGAContext *ctx, int i);
727 double PGAGetMaxRealInitValue (PGAContext *ctx, int i);
728 int PGAGetRealInitType (PGAContext *ctx);
729 void PGARealCreateString (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int initflag);
730 int PGARealMutation( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double mr );
731 void PGARealOneptCrossover( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
732                            int c1, int c2, int pop2);
733 void PGARealTwoptCrossover( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
734                            int c1, int c2, int pop2);
735 void PGARealUniformCrossover( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1,
736                              int c1, int c2, int pop2);
737 void PGARealPrintString (PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp, int p, int pop);
738 void PGARealCopyString ( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2);
739 int PGARealDuplicate( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2);
740 void PGARealInitString ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
741 MPI_Datatype PGARealBuildDatatype(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
743 /*****************************************
744 *          report.c
745 *****************************************/
747 void PGAPrintReport(PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp, int pop);
748 void PGASetPrintOptions (PGAContext *ctx, int option);
749 void PGASetPrintFrequencyValue( PGAContext *ctx, int print_freq);
750 int PGAGetPrintFrequencyValue (PGAContext *ctx);
751 void PGAPrintPopulation ( PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp, int pop );
752 void PGAPrintIndividual ( PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp, int p, int pop );
753 void PGAPrintString ( PGAContext *ctx, FILE *file, int p, int pop );
754 void PGAPrintContextVariable ( PGAContext *ctx, FILE *fp );
756 /*****************************************
757 *          restart.c
758 *****************************************/
760 void PGARestart(PGAContext *ctx, int source_pop, int dest_pop);
761 void PGASetRestartFlag(PGAContext *ctx, int val);
762 int PGAGetRestartFlag(PGAContext *ctx);
763 void PGASetRestartFrequencyValue(PGAContext *ctx, int numiter);
764 int PGAGetRestartFrequencyValue(PGAContext *ctx);
765 void PGASetRestartAlleleChangeProb(PGAContext *ctx, double prob);
766 double PGAGetRestartAlleleChangeProb(PGAContext *ctx);
768 /*****************************************
769 *          select.c
770 *****************************************/
772 void PGASelect( PGAContext *ctx, int popix );
773 int PGASelectNextIndex ( PGAContext *ctx );
774 void PGASetSelectType( PGAContext *ctx, int select_type);
775 int PGAGetSelectType (PGAContext *ctx);
776 void PGASetPTournamentProb(PGAContext *ctx, double ptournament_prob);
777 double PGAGetPTournamentProb(PGAContext *ctx);
778 int PGASelectProportional(PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop);
779 void PGASelectSUS( PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop );
780 int PGASelectTournament( PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop );
781 int PGASelectPTournament( PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop );
783 /*****************************************
784 *          stop.c
785 *****************************************/
787 int PGADone(PGAContext *ctx, MPI_Comm comm);
788 int PGACheckStoppingConditions( PGAContext *ctx);
789 void PGASetStoppingRuleType (PGAContext *ctx, int stoprule);
790 int PGAGetStoppingRuleType (PGAContext *ctx);
791 void PGASetMaxGAIterValue(PGAContext *ctx, int maxiter);
792 int PGAGetMaxGAIterValue (PGAContext *ctx);
793 void PGASetMaxNoChangeValue(PGAContext *ctx, int max_no_change);
794 void PGASetMaxSimilarityValue(PGAContext *ctx, int max_similarity);
796 /*****************************************
797 *          system.c
798 *****************************************/
800 void PGAError( PGAContext *ctx, char *msg,
801                int level, int datatype, void *data );
802 void PGADestroy (PGAContext *ctx);
803 int PGAGetMaxMachineIntValue (PGAContext *ctx);
804 int PGAGetMinMachineIntValue (PGAContext *ctx);
805 double PGAGetMaxMachineDoubleValue (PGAContext *ctx);
806 double PGAGetMinMachineDoubleValue (PGAContext *ctx);
807 void PGAUsage( PGAContext *ctx );
808 void PGAPrintVersionNumber( PGAContext *ctx );
810 /*****************************************
811 *          user.c
812 *****************************************/
814 void PGASetUserFunction(PGAContext *ctx, int constant, void *f);
816 /*****************************************
817 *          utility.c
818 *****************************************/
820 double PGAMean ( PGAContext *ctx, double *a, int n);
821 double PGAStddev ( PGAContext *ctx, double *a, int n, double mean);
822 int PGARound(PGAContext *ctx, double x);
823 void PGACopyIndividual( PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2);
824 int PGACheckSum(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
825 int PGAGetWorstIndex(PGAContext *ctx, int pop);
826 int PGAGetBestIndex(PGAContext *ctx, int pop);
827 PGAIndividual *PGAGetIndividual ( PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
828 void PGAUpdateAverage(PGAContext *ctx, int pop);
829 void PGAUpdateOnline(PGAContext *ctx, int pop);
830 void PGAUpdateOffline(PGAContext *ctx, int pop);
831 int PGAComputeSimilarity(PGAContext *ctx, PGAIndividual *pop);