1 /*	$NetBSD: postmap.c,v 1.4 2022/10/08 16:12:47 christos Exp $	*/
3 /*++
4 /* NAME
5 /*	postmap 1
7 /*	Postfix lookup table management
9 /* .fi
10 /*	\fBpostmap\fR [\fB-bfFhimnNoprsuUvw\fR] [\fB-c \fIconfig_dir\fR]
11 /*	[\fB-d \fIkey\fR] [\fB-q \fIkey\fR]
12 /*		[\fIfile_type\fR:]\fIfile_name\fR ...
14 /*	The \fBpostmap\fR(1) command creates or queries one or more Postfix
15 /*	lookup tables, or updates an existing one.
16 /*
17 /*	If the result files do not exist they will be created with the
18 /*	same group and other read permissions as their source file.
19 /*
20 /*	While the table update is in progress, signal delivery is
21 /*	postponed, and an exclusive, advisory, lock is placed on the
22 /*	entire table, in order to avoid surprises in spectator
23 /*	processes.
25 /* .ad
26 /* .fi
27 /*	The format of a lookup table input file is as follows:
28 /* .IP \(bu
29 /*	A table entry has the form
30 /* .sp
31 /* .nf
32 /*	     \fIkey\fR whitespace \fIvalue\fR
33 /* .fi
34 /* .IP \(bu
35 /*	Empty lines and whitespace-only lines are ignored, as
36 /*	are lines whose first non-whitespace character is a `#'.
37 /* .IP \(bu
38 /*	A logical line starts with non-whitespace text. A line that
39 /*	starts with whitespace continues a logical line.
40 /* .PP
41 /*	The \fIkey\fR and \fIvalue\fR are processed as is, except that
42 /*	surrounding white space is stripped off. Whitespace in lookup
43 /*	keys is supported in Postfix 3.2 and later, by surrounding the
44 /*	key with double quote characters `"'. Within the double quotes,
45 /*	double quote `"' and backslash `\\' characters can be included
46 /*	by quoting them with a preceding backslash.
47 /*
48 /*	When the \fB-F\fR option is given, the \fIvalue\fR must
49 /*	specify one or more filenames separated by comma and/or
50 /*	whitespace; \fBpostmap\fR(1) will concatenate the file
51 /*	content (with a newline character inserted between files)
52 /*	and will store the base64-encoded result instead of the
53 /*	\fIvalue\fR.
54 /*
55 /*	When the \fIkey\fR specifies email address information, the
56 /*	localpart should be enclosed with double quotes if required
57 /*	by RFC 5322. For example, an address localpart that contains
58 /*	";", or a localpart that starts or ends with ".".
59 /*
60 /*	By default the lookup key is mapped to lowercase to make
61 /*	the lookups case insensitive; as of Postfix 2.3 this case
62 /*	folding happens only with tables whose lookup keys are
63 /*	fixed-case strings such as btree:, dbm: or hash:. With
64 /*	earlier versions, the lookup key is folded even with tables
65 /*	where a lookup field can match both upper and lower case
66 /*	text, such as regexp: and pcre:. This resulted in loss of
67 /*	information with $\fInumber\fR substitutions.
69 /* .ad
70 /* .fi
71 /* .IP \fB-b\fR
72 /*	Enable message body query mode. When reading lookup keys
73 /*	from standard input with "\fB-q -\fR", process the input
74 /*	as if it is an email message in RFC 5322 format.  Each line
75 /*	of body content becomes one lookup key.
76 /* .sp
77 /*	By default, the \fB-b\fR option starts generating lookup
78 /*	keys at the first non-header line, and stops when the end
79 /*	of the message is reached.
80 /*	To simulate \fBbody_checks\fR(5) processing, enable MIME
81 /*	parsing with \fB-m\fR. With this, the \fB-b\fR option
82 /*	generates no body-style lookup keys for attachment MIME
83 /*	headers and for attached message/* headers.
84 /* .sp
85 /*	NOTE: with "smtputf8_enable = yes", the \fB-b\fR option
86 /*	disables UTF-8 syntax checks on query keys and lookup
87 /*	results. Specify the \fB-U\fR option to force UTF-8
88 /*	syntax checks anyway.
89 /* .sp
90 /*	This feature is available in Postfix version 2.6 and later.
91 /* .IP "\fB-c \fIconfig_dir\fR"
92 /*	Read the \fBmain.cf\fR configuration file in the named directory
93 /*	instead of the default configuration directory.
94 /* .IP "\fB-d \fIkey\fR"
95 /*	Search the specified maps for \fIkey\fR and remove one entry per map.
96 /*	The exit status is zero when the requested information was found.
97 /*
98 /*	If a key value of \fB-\fR is specified, the program reads key
99 /*	values from the standard input stream. The exit status is zero
100 /*	when at least one of the requested keys was found.
101 /* .IP \fB-f\fR
102 /*	Do not fold the lookup key to lower case while creating or querying
103 /*	a table.
104 /*
105 /*	With Postfix version 2.3 and later, this option has no
106 /*	effect for regular expression tables. There, case folding
107 /*	is controlled by appending a flag to a pattern.
108 /* .IP \fB-F\fR
109 /*	When querying a map, or listing a map, base64-decode each
110 /*	value. When creating a map from source file, process each
111 /*	value as a list of filenames, concatenate the content of
112 /*	those files, and store the base64-encoded result instead
113 /*	of the value (see INPUT FILE FORMAT for details).
114 /* .sp
115 /*	This feature is available in Postfix version 3.4 and later.
116 /* .IP \fB-h\fR
117 /*	Enable message header query mode. When reading lookup keys
118 /*	from standard input with "\fB-q -\fR", process the input
119 /*	as if it is an email message in RFC 5322 format.  Each
120 /*	logical header line becomes one lookup key. A multi-line
121 /*	header becomes one lookup key with one or more embedded
122 /*	newline characters.
123 /* .sp
124 /*	By default, the \fB-h\fR option generates lookup keys until
125 /*	the first non-header line is reached.
126 /*	To simulate \fBheader_checks\fR(5) processing, enable MIME
127 /*	parsing with \fB-m\fR. With this, the \fB-h\fR option also
128 /*	generates header-style lookup keys for attachment MIME
129 /*	headers and for attached message/* headers.
130 /* .sp
131 /*	NOTE: with "smtputf8_enable = yes", the \fB-b\fR option
132 /*	option disables UTF-8 syntax checks on query keys and
133 /*	lookup results. Specify the \fB-U\fR option to force UTF-8
134 /*	syntax checks anyway.
135 /* .sp
136 /*	This feature is available in Postfix version 2.6 and later.
137 /* .IP \fB-i\fR
138 /*	Incremental mode. Read entries from standard input and do not
139 /*	truncate an existing database. By default, \fBpostmap\fR(1) creates
140 /*	a new database from the entries in \fBfile_name\fR.
141 /* .IP \fB-m\fR
142 /*	Enable MIME parsing with "\fB-b\fR" and "\fB-h\fR".
143 /* .sp
144 /*	This feature is available in Postfix version 2.6 and later.
145 /* .IP \fB-N\fR
146 /*	Include the terminating null character that terminates lookup keys
147 /*	and values. By default, \fBpostmap\fR(1) does whatever is
148 /*	the default for
149 /*	the host operating system.
150 /* .IP \fB-n\fR
151 /*	Don't include the terminating null character that terminates lookup
152 /*	keys and values. By default, \fBpostmap\fR(1) does whatever
153 /*	is the default for
154 /*	the host operating system.
155 /* .IP \fB-o\fR
156 /*	Do not release root privileges when processing a non-root
157 /*	input file. By default, \fBpostmap\fR(1) drops root privileges
158 /*	and runs as the source file owner instead.
159 /* .IP \fB-p\fR
160 /*	Do not inherit the file access permissions from the input file
161 /*	when creating a new file.  Instead, create a new file with default
162 /*	access permissions (mode 0644).
163 /* .IP "\fB-q \fIkey\fR"
164 /*	Search the specified maps for \fIkey\fR and write the first value
165 /*	found to the standard output stream. The exit status is zero
166 /*	when the requested information was found.
167 /*
168 /*	Note: this performs a single query with the key as specified,
169 /*	and does not make iterative queries with substrings of the
170 /*	key as described for access(5), canonical(5), transport(5),
171 /*	virtual(5) and other Postfix table-driven features.
172 /*
173 /*	If a key value of \fB-\fR is specified, the program reads key
174 /*	values from the standard input stream and writes one line of
175 /*	\fIkey value\fR output for each key that was found. The exit
176 /*	status is zero when at least one of the requested keys was found.
177 /* .IP \fB-r\fR
178 /*	When updating a table, do not complain about attempts to update
179 /*	existing entries, and make those updates anyway.
180 /* .IP \fB-s\fR
181 /*	Retrieve all database elements, and write one line of
182 /*	\fIkey value\fR output for each element. The elements are
183 /*	printed in database order, which is not necessarily the same
184 /*	as the original input order.
185 /* .sp
186 /*	This feature is available in Postfix version 2.2 and later,
187 /*	and is not available for all database types.
188 /* .IP \fB-u\fR
189 /*	Disable UTF-8 support. UTF-8 support is enabled by default
190 /*	when "smtputf8_enable = yes". It requires that keys and
191 /*	values are valid UTF-8 strings.
192 /* .IP \fB-U\fR
193 /*	With "smtputf8_enable = yes", force UTF-8 syntax checks
194 /*	with the \fB-b\fR and \fB-h\fR options.
195 /* .IP \fB-v\fR
196 /*	Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. Multiple \fB-v\fR
197 /*	options make the software increasingly verbose.
198 /* .IP \fB-w\fR
199 /*	When updating a table, do not complain about attempts to update
200 /*	existing entries, and ignore those attempts.
201 /* .PP
202 /*	Arguments:
203 /* .IP \fIfile_type\fR
204 /*	The database type. To find out what types are supported, use
205 /*	the "\fBpostconf -m\fR" command.
206 /*
207 /*	The \fBpostmap\fR(1) command can query any supported file type,
208 /*	but it can create only the following file types:
209 /* .RS
210 /* .IP \fBbtree\fR
211 /*	The output file is a btree file, named \fIfile_name\fB.db\fR.
212 /*	This is available on systems with support for \fBdb\fR databases.
213 /* .IP \fBcdb\fR
214 /*	The output consists of one file, named \fIfile_name\fB.cdb\fR.
215 /*	This is available on systems with support for \fBcdb\fR databases.
216 /* .IP \fBdbm\fR
217 /*	The output consists of two files, named \fIfile_name\fB.pag\fR and
218 /*	\fIfile_name\fB.dir\fR.
219 /*	This is available on systems with support for \fBdbm\fR databases.
220 /* .IP \fBfail\fR
221 /*	A table that reliably fails all requests. The lookup table
222 /*	name is used for logging only. This table exists to simplify
223 /*	Postfix error tests.
224 /* .IP \fBhash\fR
225 /*	The output file is a hashed file, named \fIfile_name\fB.db\fR.
226 /*	This is available on systems with support for \fBdb\fR databases.
227 /* .IP \fBlmdb\fR
228 /*	The output is a btree-based file, named \fIfile_name\fB.lmdb\fR.
229 /*	\fBlmdb\fR supports concurrent writes and reads from different
230 /*	processes, unlike other supported file-based tables.
231 /*	This is available on systems with support for \fBlmdb\fR databases.
232 /* .IP \fBsdbm\fR
233 /*	The output consists of two files, named \fIfile_name\fB.pag\fR and
234 /*	\fIfile_name\fB.dir\fR.
235 /*	This is available on systems with support for \fBsdbm\fR databases.
236 /* .PP
237 /*	When no \fIfile_type\fR is specified, the software uses the database
238 /*	type specified via the \fBdefault_database_type\fR configuration
239 /*	parameter.
240 /* .RE
241 /* .IP \fIfile_name\fR
242 /*	The name of the lookup table source file when rebuilding a database.
244 /*	Problems are logged to the standard error stream and to
245 /*	\fBsyslogd\fR(8) or \fBpostlogd\fR(8).
246 /*	No output means that no problems were detected. Duplicate entries are
247 /*	skipped and are flagged with a warning.
248 /*
249 /*	\fBpostmap\fR(1) terminates with zero exit status in case of success
250 /*	(including successful "\fBpostmap -q\fR" lookup) and terminates
251 /*	with non-zero exit status in case of failure.
253 /* .ad
254 /* .fi
255 /* .IP \fBMAIL_CONFIG\fR
256 /*	Directory with Postfix configuration files.
258 /*	Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes.
260 /* .ad
261 /* .fi
262 /*	The following \fBmain.cf\fR parameters are especially relevant to
263 /*	this program.
264 /*	The text below provides only a parameter summary. See
265 /*	\fBpostconf\fR(5) for more details including examples.
266 /* .IP "\fBberkeley_db_create_buffer_size (16777216)\fR"
267 /*	The per-table I/O buffer size for programs that create Berkeley DB
268 /*	hash or btree tables.
269 /* .IP "\fBberkeley_db_read_buffer_size (131072)\fR"
270 /*	The per-table I/O buffer size for programs that read Berkeley DB
271 /*	hash or btree tables.
272 /* .IP "\fBconfig_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
273 /*	The default location of the Postfix main.cf and master.cf
274 /*	configuration files.
275 /* .IP "\fBdefault_database_type (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
276 /*	The default database type for use in \fBnewaliases\fR(1), \fBpostalias\fR(1)
277 /*	and \fBpostmap\fR(1) commands.
278 /* .IP "\fBimport_environment (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
279 /*	The list of environment variables that a privileged Postfix
280 /*	process will import from a non-Postfix parent process, or name=value
281 /*	environment overrides.
282 /* .IP "\fBsmtputf8_enable (yes)\fR"
283 /*	Enable preliminary SMTPUTF8 support for the protocols described
284 /*	in RFC 6531, RFC 6532, and RFC 6533.
285 /* .IP "\fBsyslog_facility (mail)\fR"
286 /*	The syslog facility of Postfix logging.
287 /* .IP "\fBsyslog_name (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
288 /*	A prefix that is prepended to the process name in syslog
289 /*	records, so that, for example, "smtpd" becomes "prefix/smtpd".
290 /* .PP
291 /*	Available in Postfix 2.11 and later:
292 /* .IP "\fBlmdb_map_size (16777216)\fR"
293 /*	The initial OpenLDAP LMDB database size limit in bytes.
294 /* SEE ALSO
295 /*	postalias(1), create/update/query alias database
296 /*	postconf(1), supported database types
297 /*	postconf(5), configuration parameters
298 /*	postlogd(8), Postfix logging
299 /*	syslogd(8), system logging
301 /* .ad
302 /* .fi
303 /*	Use "\fBpostconf readme_directory\fR" or
304 /*	"\fBpostconf html_directory\fR" to locate this information.
305 /* .na
306 /* .nf
307 /*	DATABASE_README, Postfix lookup table overview
308 /* LICENSE
309 /* .ad
310 /* .fi
311 /*	The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
312 /* AUTHOR(S)
313 /*	Wietse Venema
314 /*	IBM T.J. Watson Research
315 /*	P.O. Box 704
316 /*	Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
317 /*
318 /*	Wietse Venema
319 /*	Google, Inc.
320 /*	111 8th Avenue
321 /*	New York, NY 10011, USA
322 /*--*/
324 /* System library. */
326 #include <sys_defs.h>
327 #include <sys/stat.h>
328 #include <stdlib.h>
329 #include <unistd.h>
330 #include <fcntl.h>
331 #include <ctype.h>
332 #include <string.h>
334 /* Utility library. */
336 #include <msg.h>
337 #include <mymalloc.h>
338 #include <vstring.h>
339 #include <vstream.h>
340 #include <msg_vstream.h>
341 #include <readlline.h>
342 #include <stringops.h>
343 #include <split_at.h>
344 #include <vstring_vstream.h>
345 #include <set_eugid.h>
346 #include <warn_stat.h>
347 #include <clean_env.h>
349 /* Global library. */
351 #include <mail_conf.h>
352 #include <mail_dict.h>
353 #include <mail_params.h>
354 #include <mail_version.h>
355 #include <mkmap.h>
356 #include <mail_task.h>
357 #include <dict_proxy.h>
358 #include <mime_state.h>
359 #include <rec_type.h>
360 #include <mail_parm_split.h>
361 #include <maillog_client.h>
363 /* Application-specific. */
365 #define STR	vstring_str
366 #define LEN	VSTRING_LEN
368 #define POSTMAP_FLAG_AS_OWNER	(1<<0)	/* open dest as owner of source */
369 #define POSTMAP_FLAG_SAVE_PERM	(1<<1)	/* copy access permission from source */
370 #define POSTMAP_FLAG_HEADER_KEY	(1<<2)	/* apply to header text */
371 #define POSTMAP_FLAG_BODY_KEY	(1<<3)	/* apply to body text */
372 #define POSTMAP_FLAG_MIME_KEY	(1<<4)	/* enable MIME parsing */
378  /*
379   * MIME Engine call-back state for generating lookup keys from an email
380   * message read from standard input.
381   */
382 typedef struct {
383     DICT  **dicts;			/* map handles */
384     char  **maps;			/* map names */
385     int     map_count;			/* yes, indeed */
386     int     dict_flags;			/* query flags */
387     int     header_done;		/* past primary header */
388     int     found;			/* result */
391 /* postmap - create or update mapping database */
postmap(char * map_type,char * path_name,int postmap_flags,int open_flags,int dict_flags)393 static void postmap(char *map_type, char *path_name, int postmap_flags,
394 		            int open_flags, int dict_flags)
395 {
396     VSTREAM *NOCLOBBER source_fp;
397     VSTRING *line_buffer;
398     MKMAP  *mkmap;
399     int     lineno;
400     int     last_line;
401     char   *key;
402     char   *value;
403     struct stat st;
404     mode_t  saved_mask;
406     /*
407      * Initialize.
408      */
409     line_buffer = vstring_alloc(100);
410     if ((open_flags & O_TRUNC) == 0) {
411 	/* Incremental mode. */
412 	source_fp = VSTREAM_IN;
413 	vstream_control(source_fp, CA_VSTREAM_CTL_PATH("stdin"), CA_VSTREAM_CTL_END);
414     } else {
415 	/* Create database. */
416 	if (strcmp(map_type, DICT_TYPE_PROXY) == 0)
417 	    msg_fatal("can't create maps via the proxy service");
418 	dict_flags |= DICT_FLAG_BULK_UPDATE;
419 	if ((source_fp = vstream_fopen(path_name, O_RDONLY, 0)) == 0)
420 	    msg_fatal("open %s: %m", path_name);
421     }
422     if (fstat(vstream_fileno(source_fp), &st) < 0)
423 	msg_fatal("fstat %s: %m", path_name);
425     /*
426      * Turn off group/other read permissions as indicated in the source file.
427      */
428     if ((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_SAVE_PERM) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
429 	saved_mask = umask(022 | (~st.st_mode & 077));
431     /*
432      * If running as root, run as the owner of the source file, so that the
433      * result shows proper ownership, and so that a bug in postmap does not
434      * allow privilege escalation.
435      */
436     if ((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_AS_OWNER) && getuid() == 0
437 	&& (st.st_uid != geteuid() || st.st_gid != getegid()))
438 	set_eugid(st.st_uid, st.st_gid);
440     /*
441      * Open the database, optionally create it when it does not exist,
442      * optionally truncate it when it does exist, and lock out any
443      * spectators.
444      */
445     mkmap = mkmap_open(map_type, path_name, open_flags, dict_flags);
447     /*
448      * And restore the umask, in case it matters.
449      */
450     if ((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_SAVE_PERM) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
451 	umask(saved_mask);
453     /*
454      * Trap "exceptions" so that we can restart a bulk-mode update after a
455      * recoverable error.
456      */
457     for (;;) {
458 	if (dict_isjmp(mkmap->dict) != 0
459 	    && dict_setjmp(mkmap->dict) != 0
460 	    && vstream_fseek(source_fp, SEEK_SET, 0) < 0)
461 	    msg_fatal("seek %s: %m", VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp));
463 	/*
464 	 * Add records to the database. XXX This duplicates the parser in
465 	 * dict_thash.c.
466 	 */
467 	last_line = 0;
468 	while (readllines(line_buffer, source_fp, &last_line, &lineno)) {
469 	    int     in_quotes = 0;
471 	    /*
472 	     * First some UTF-8 checks sans casefolding.
473 	     */
474 	    if ((mkmap->dict->flags & DICT_FLAG_UTF8_ACTIVE)
475 		&& !allascii(STR(line_buffer))
476 		&& !valid_utf8_string(STR(line_buffer), LEN(line_buffer))) {
477 		msg_warn("%s, line %d: non-UTF-8 input \"%s\""
478 			 " -- ignoring this line",
479 			 VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno, STR(line_buffer));
480 		continue;
481 	    }
483 	    /*
484 	     * Terminate the key on the first unquoted whitespace character,
485 	     * then trim leading and trailing whitespace from the value.
486 	     */
487 	    for (value = STR(line_buffer); *value; value++) {
488 		if (*value == '\\') {
489 		    if (*++value == 0)
490 			break;
491 		} else if (ISSPACE(*value)) {
492 		    if (!in_quotes)
493 			break;
494 		} else if (*value == '"') {
495 		    in_quotes = !in_quotes;
496 		}
497 	    }
498 	    if (in_quotes) {
499 		msg_warn("%s, line %d: unbalanced '\"' in '%s'"
500 			 " -- ignoring this line",
501 			 VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno, STR(line_buffer));
502 		continue;
503 	    }
504 	    if (*value)
505 		*value++ = 0;
506 	    while (ISSPACE(*value))
507 		value++;
508 	    trimblanks(value, 0)[0] = 0;
510 	    /*
511 	     * Leave the key in quoted form, because 1) postmap cannot assume
512 	     * that a string without @ contains an email address localpart,
513 	     * and 2) an address localpart may require quoting even when the
514 	     * quoted form contains no backslash or ".
515 	     */
516 	    key = STR(line_buffer);
518 	    /*
519 	     * Enforce the "key whitespace value" format. Disallow missing
520 	     * keys or missing values.
521 	     */
522 	    if (*key == 0 || *value == 0) {
523 		msg_warn("%s, line %d: expected format: key whitespace value",
524 			 VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno);
525 		continue;
526 	    }
527 	    if (key[strlen(key) - 1] == ':')
528 		msg_warn("%s, line %d: record is in \"key: value\" format; is this an alias file?",
529 			 VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno);
531 	    /*
532 	     * Optionally treat the vale as a filename, and replace the value
533 	     * with the BASE64-encoded content of the named file.
534 	     */
535 	    if (dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_SRC_RHS_IS_FILE) {
536 		VSTRING *base64_buf;
537 		char   *err;
539 		if ((base64_buf = dict_file_to_b64(mkmap->dict, value)) == 0) {
540 		    err = dict_file_get_error(mkmap->dict);
541 		    msg_warn("%s, line %d: %s: skipping this entry",
542 			     VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno, err);
543 		    myfree(err);
544 		    continue;
545 		}
546 		value = vstring_str(base64_buf);
547 	    }
549 	    /*
550 	     * Store the value under a (possibly case-insensitive) key, as
551 	     * specified with open_flags.
552 	     */
553 	    mkmap_append(mkmap, key, value);
554 	    if (mkmap->dict->error)
555 		msg_fatal("table %s:%s: write error: %m",
556 			  mkmap->dict->type, mkmap->dict->name);
557 	}
558 	break;
559     }
561     /*
562      * Close the mapping database, and release the lock.
563      */
564     mkmap_close(mkmap);
566     /*
567      * Cleanup. We're about to terminate, but it is a good sanity check.
568      */
569     vstring_free(line_buffer);
570     if (source_fp != VSTREAM_IN)
571 	vstream_fclose(source_fp);
572 }
574 /* postmap_body - MIME engine body call-back routine */
postmap_body(void * ptr,int unused_rec_type,const char * keybuf,ssize_t unused_len,off_t unused_offset)576 static void postmap_body(void *ptr, int unused_rec_type,
577 			         const char *keybuf,
578 			         ssize_t unused_len,
579 			         off_t unused_offset)
580 {
581     POSTMAP_KEY_STATE *state = (POSTMAP_KEY_STATE *) ptr;
582     DICT  **dicts = state->dicts;
583     char  **maps = state->maps;
584     int     map_count = state->map_count;
585     int     dict_flags = state->dict_flags;
586     const char *map_name;
587     const char *value;
588     int     n;
590     for (n = 0; n < map_count; n++) {
591 	if (dicts[n] == 0)
592 	    dicts[n] = ((map_name = split_at(maps[n], ':')) != 0 ?
593 			dict_open3(maps[n], map_name, O_RDONLY, dict_flags) :
594 		    dict_open3(var_db_type, maps[n], O_RDONLY, dict_flags));
595 	if ((value = dict_get(dicts[n], keybuf)) != 0) {
596 	    if (*value == 0) {
597 		msg_warn("table %s:%s: key %s: empty string result is not allowed",
598 			 dicts[n]->type, dicts[n]->name, keybuf);
599 		msg_warn("table %s:%s should return NO RESULT in case of NOT FOUND",
600 			 dicts[n]->type, dicts[n]->name);
601 	    }
602 	    vstream_printf("%s	%s\n", keybuf, value);
603 	    state->found = 1;
604 	    break;
605 	}
606 	if (dicts[n]->error)
607 	    msg_fatal("table %s:%s: query error: %m",
608 		      dicts[n]->type, dicts[n]->name);
609     }
610 }
612 /* postmap_header - MIME engine header call-back routine */
postmap_header(void * ptr,int unused_header_class,const HEADER_OPTS * unused_header_info,VSTRING * header_buf,off_t offset)614 static void postmap_header(void *ptr, int unused_header_class,
615 			           const HEADER_OPTS *unused_header_info,
616 			           VSTRING *header_buf,
617 			           off_t offset)
618 {
620     /*
621      * Don't re-invent an already working wheel.
622      */
623     postmap_body(ptr, 0, STR(header_buf), LEN(header_buf), offset);
624 }
626 /* postmap_head_end - MIME engine end-of-header call-back routine */
postmap_head_end(void * ptr)628 static void postmap_head_end(void *ptr)
629 {
630     POSTMAP_KEY_STATE *state = (POSTMAP_KEY_STATE *) ptr;
632     /*
633      * Don't process the message body when we only examine primary headers.
634      */
635     state->header_done = 1;
636 }
638 /* postmap_queries - apply multiple requests from stdin */
postmap_queries(VSTREAM * in,char ** maps,const int map_count,const int postmap_flags,const int dict_flags)640 static int postmap_queries(VSTREAM *in, char **maps, const int map_count,
641 			           const int postmap_flags,
642 			           const int dict_flags)
643 {
644     int     found = 0;
645     VSTRING *keybuf = vstring_alloc(100);
646     DICT  **dicts;
647     const char *map_name;
648     const char *value;
649     int     n;
651     /*
652      * Sanity check.
653      */
654     if (map_count <= 0)
655 	msg_panic("postmap_queries: bad map count");
657     /*
658      * Prepare to open maps lazily.
659      */
660     dicts = (DICT **) mymalloc(sizeof(*dicts) * map_count);
661     for (n = 0; n < map_count; n++)
662 	dicts[n] = 0;
664     /*
665      * Perform all queries. Open maps on the fly, to avoid opening unnecessary
666      * maps.
667      */
668     if ((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_HB_KEY) == 0) {
669 	while (vstring_get_nonl(keybuf, in) != VSTREAM_EOF) {
670 	    for (n = 0; n < map_count; n++) {
671 		if (dicts[n] == 0)
672 		    dicts[n] = ((map_name = split_at(maps[n], ':')) != 0 ?
673 		       dict_open3(maps[n], map_name, O_RDONLY, dict_flags) :
674 		    dict_open3(var_db_type, maps[n], O_RDONLY, dict_flags));
675 		value = ((dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_SRC_RHS_IS_FILE) ?
676 			 dict_file_lookup : dicts[n]->lookup)
677 		    (dicts[n], STR(keybuf));
678 		if (value != 0) {
679 		    if (*value == 0) {
680 			msg_warn("table %s:%s: key %s: empty string result is not allowed",
681 			       dicts[n]->type, dicts[n]->name, STR(keybuf));
682 			msg_warn("table %s:%s should return NO RESULT in case of NOT FOUND",
683 				 dicts[n]->type, dicts[n]->name);
684 		    }
685 		    vstream_printf("%s	%s\n", STR(keybuf), value);
686 		    found = 1;
687 		    break;
688 		}
689 		switch (dicts[n]->error) {
690 		case 0:
691 		    break;
692 		case DICT_ERR_CONFIG:
693 		    msg_fatal("table %s:%s: query error",
694 			      dicts[n]->type, dicts[n]->name);
695 		default:
696 		    msg_fatal("table %s:%s: query error: %m",
697 			      dicts[n]->type, dicts[n]->name);
698 		}
699 	    }
700 	}
701     } else {
702 	POSTMAP_KEY_STATE key_state;
703 	MIME_STATE *mime_state;
704 	int     mime_errs = 0;
706 	/*
707 	 * Bundle up the request and instantiate a MIME parsing engine.
708 	 */
709 	key_state.dicts = dicts;
710 	key_state.maps = maps;
711 	key_state.map_count = map_count;
712 	key_state.dict_flags = dict_flags;
713 	key_state.header_done = 0;
714 	key_state.found = 0;
715 	mime_state =
716 	    mime_state_alloc((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_MIME_KEY) ?
717 			     0 : MIME_OPT_DISABLE_MIME,
718 			     (postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_HEADER_KEY) ?
719 			     postmap_header : (MIME_STATE_HEAD_OUT) 0,
720 			     (postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_FULL_KEY) ?
721 			     (MIME_STATE_ANY_END) 0 : postmap_head_end,
722 			     (postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_BODY_KEY) ?
723 			     postmap_body : (MIME_STATE_BODY_OUT) 0,
724 			     (MIME_STATE_ANY_END) 0,
725 			     (MIME_STATE_ERR_PRINT) 0,
726 			     (void *) &key_state);
728 	/*
729 	 * Process the input message.
730 	 */
731 	while (vstring_get_nonl(keybuf, in) != VSTREAM_EOF
732 	       && key_state.header_done == 0 && mime_errs == 0)
733 	    mime_errs = mime_state_update(mime_state, REC_TYPE_NORM,
734 					  STR(keybuf), LEN(keybuf));
736 	/*
737 	 * Flush the MIME engine output buffer and tidy up loose ends.
738 	 */
739 	if (mime_errs == 0)
740 	    mime_errs = mime_state_update(mime_state, REC_TYPE_END, "", 0);
741 	if (mime_errs)
742 	    msg_fatal("message format error: %s",
743 		      mime_state_detail(mime_errs)->text);
744 	mime_state_free(mime_state);
745 	found = key_state.found;
746     }
748     if (found)
749 	vstream_fflush(VSTREAM_OUT);
751     /*
752      * Cleanup.
753      */
754     for (n = 0; n < map_count; n++)
755 	if (dicts[n])
756 	    dict_close(dicts[n]);
757     myfree((void *) dicts);
758     vstring_free(keybuf);
760     return (found);
761 }
763 /* postmap_query - query a map and print the result to stdout */
postmap_query(const char * map_type,const char * map_name,const char * key,int dict_flags)765 static int postmap_query(const char *map_type, const char *map_name,
766 			         const char *key, int dict_flags)
767 {
768     DICT   *dict;
769     const char *value;
771     dict = dict_open3(map_type, map_name, O_RDONLY, dict_flags);
772     value = ((dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_SRC_RHS_IS_FILE) ?
773 	     dict_file_lookup : dict->lookup) (dict, key);
774     if (value != 0) {
775 	if (*value == 0) {
776 	    msg_warn("table %s:%s: key %s: empty string result is not allowed",
777 		     map_type, map_name, key);
778 	    msg_warn("table %s:%s should return NO RESULT in case of NOT FOUND",
779 		     map_type, map_name);
780 	}
781 	vstream_printf("%s\n", value);
782     }
783     switch (dict->error) {
784     case 0:
785 	break;
786     case DICT_ERR_CONFIG:
787 	msg_fatal("table %s:%s: query error",
788 		  dict->type, dict->name);
789     default:
790 	msg_fatal("table %s:%s: query error: %m",
791 		  dict->type, dict->name);
792     }
793     vstream_fflush(VSTREAM_OUT);
794     dict_close(dict);
795     return (value != 0);
796 }
798 /* postmap_deletes - apply multiple requests from stdin */
postmap_deletes(VSTREAM * in,char ** maps,const int map_count,int dict_flags)800 static int postmap_deletes(VSTREAM *in, char **maps, const int map_count,
801 			           int dict_flags)
802 {
803     int     found = 0;
804     VSTRING *keybuf = vstring_alloc(100);
805     DICT  **dicts;
806     const char *map_name;
807     int     n;
808     int     open_flags;
810     /*
811      * Sanity check.
812      */
813     if (map_count <= 0)
814 	msg_panic("postmap_deletes: bad map count");
816     /*
817      * Open maps ahead of time.
818      */
819     dicts = (DICT **) mymalloc(sizeof(*dicts) * map_count);
820     for (n = 0; n < map_count; n++) {
821 	map_name = split_at(maps[n], ':');
822 	if (map_name && strcmp(maps[n], DICT_TYPE_PROXY) == 0)
823 	    open_flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;	/* XXX */
824 	else
825 	    open_flags = O_RDWR;
826 	dicts[n] = (map_name != 0 ?
827 		    dict_open3(maps[n], map_name, open_flags, dict_flags) :
828 		  dict_open3(var_db_type, maps[n], open_flags, dict_flags));
829     }
831     /*
832      * Perform all requests.
833      */
834     while (vstring_get_nonl(keybuf, in) != VSTREAM_EOF) {
835 	for (n = 0; n < map_count; n++) {
836 	    found |= (dict_del(dicts[n], STR(keybuf)) == 0);
837 	    if (dicts[n]->error)
838 		msg_fatal("table %s:%s: delete error: %m",
839 			  dicts[n]->type, dicts[n]->name);
840 	}
841     }
843     /*
844      * Cleanup.
845      */
846     for (n = 0; n < map_count; n++)
847 	if (dicts[n])
848 	    dict_close(dicts[n]);
849     myfree((void *) dicts);
850     vstring_free(keybuf);
852     return (found);
853 }
855 /* postmap_delete - delete a (key, value) pair from a map */
postmap_delete(const char * map_type,const char * map_name,const char * key,int dict_flags)857 static int postmap_delete(const char *map_type, const char *map_name,
858 			          const char *key, int dict_flags)
859 {
860     DICT   *dict;
861     int     status;
862     int     open_flags;
864     if (strcmp(map_type, DICT_TYPE_PROXY) == 0)
865 	open_flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;		/* XXX */
866     else
867 	open_flags = O_RDWR;
868     dict = dict_open3(map_type, map_name, open_flags, dict_flags);
869     status = dict_del(dict, key);
870     if (dict->error)
871 	msg_fatal("table %s:%s: delete error: %m", dict->type, dict->name);
872     dict_close(dict);
873     return (status == 0);
874 }
876 /* postmap_seq - print all map entries to stdout */
postmap_seq(const char * map_type,const char * map_name,int dict_flags)878 static void postmap_seq(const char *map_type, const char *map_name,
879 			        int dict_flags)
880 {
881     DICT   *dict;
882     const char *key;
883     const char *value;
884     int     func;
886     if (strcmp(map_type, DICT_TYPE_PROXY) == 0)
887 	msg_fatal("can't sequence maps via the proxy service");
888     dict = dict_open3(map_type, map_name, O_RDONLY, dict_flags);
889     for (func = DICT_SEQ_FUN_FIRST; /* void */ ; func = DICT_SEQ_FUN_NEXT) {
890 	if (dict_seq(dict, func, &key, &value) != 0)
891 	    break;
892 	if (*key == 0) {
893 	    msg_warn("table %s:%s: empty lookup key value is not allowed",
894 		     map_type, map_name);
895 	} else if (*value == 0) {
896 	    msg_warn("table %s:%s: key %s: empty string result is not allowed",
897 		     map_type, map_name, key);
898 	    msg_warn("table %s:%s should return NO RESULT in case of NOT FOUND",
899 		     map_type, map_name);
900 	}
901 	if (dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_SRC_RHS_IS_FILE) {
902 	    VSTRING *unb64;
903 	    char   *err;
905 	    if ((unb64 = dict_file_from_b64(dict, value)) == 0) {
906 		err = dict_file_get_error(dict);
907 		msg_warn("table %s:%s: key %s: %s",
908 			 dict->type, dict->name, key, err);
909 		myfree(err);
910 		/* dict->error = DICT_ERR_CONFIG; */
911 		continue;
912 	    }
913 	    value = STR(unb64);
914 	}
915 	vstream_printf("%s	%s\n", key, value);
916     }
917     if (dict->error)
918 	msg_fatal("table %s:%s: sequence error: %m", dict->type, dict->name);
919     vstream_fflush(VSTREAM_OUT);
920     dict_close(dict);
921 }
923 /* usage - explain */
usage(char * myname)925 static NORETURN usage(char *myname)
926 {
927     msg_fatal("usage: %s [-bfFhimnNoprsuUvw] [-c config_dir] [-d key] [-q key] [map_type:]file...",
928 	      myname);
929 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)933 int     main(int argc, char **argv)
934 {
935     char   *path_name;
936     int     ch;
937     int     fd;
938     char   *slash;
939     struct stat st;
940     int     postmap_flags = POSTMAP_FLAG_AS_OWNER | POSTMAP_FLAG_SAVE_PERM;
941     int     open_flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
942     int     dict_flags = (DICT_FLAG_DUP_WARN | DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX
944     char   *query = 0;
945     char   *delkey = 0;
946     int     sequence = 0;
947     int     found;
948     int     force_utf8 = 0;
949     ARGV   *import_env;
951     /*
952      * Fingerprint executables and core dumps.
953      */
956     /*
957      * Be consistent with file permissions.
958      */
959     umask(022);
961     /*
962      * To minimize confusion, make sure that the standard file descriptors
963      * are open before opening anything else. XXX Work around for 44BSD where
964      * fstat can return EBADF on an open file descriptor.
965      */
966     for (fd = 0; fd < 3; fd++)
967 	if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1
968 	    && (close(fd), open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0)) != fd)
969 	    msg_fatal("open /dev/null: %m");
971     /*
972      * Process environment options as early as we can. We are not set-uid,
973      * and we are supposed to be running in a controlled environment.
974      */
975     if (getenv(CONF_ENV_VERB))
976 	msg_verbose = 1;
978     /*
979      * Initialize. Set up logging. Read the global configuration file after
980      * parsing command-line arguments.
981      */
982     if ((slash = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != 0 && slash[1])
983 	argv[0] = slash + 1;
984     msg_vstream_init(argv[0], VSTREAM_ERR);
985     maillog_client_init(mail_task(argv[0]), MAILLOG_CLIENT_FLAG_NONE);
987     /*
988      * Check the Postfix library version as soon as we enable logging.
989      */
992     /*
993      * Parse JCL.
994      */
995     while ((ch = GETOPT(argc, argv, "bc:d:fFhimnNopq:rsuUvw")) > 0) {
996 	switch (ch) {
997 	default:
998 	    usage(argv[0]);
999 	    break;
1000 	case 'N':
1001 	    dict_flags |= DICT_FLAG_TRY1NULL;
1002 	    dict_flags &= ~DICT_FLAG_TRY0NULL;
1003 	    break;
1004 	case 'b':
1005 	    postmap_flags |= POSTMAP_FLAG_BODY_KEY;
1006 	    break;
1007 	case 'c':
1008 	    if (setenv(CONF_ENV_PATH, optarg, 1) < 0)
1009 		msg_fatal("out of memory");
1010 	    break;
1011 	case 'd':
1012 	    if (sequence || query || delkey)
1013 		msg_fatal("specify only one of -s -q or -d");
1014 	    delkey = optarg;
1015 	    break;
1016 	case 'f':
1017 	    dict_flags &= ~DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX;
1018 	    break;
1019 	case 'F':
1020 	    dict_flags |= DICT_FLAG_SRC_RHS_IS_FILE;
1021 	    break;
1022 	case 'h':
1023 	    postmap_flags |= POSTMAP_FLAG_HEADER_KEY;
1024 	    break;
1025 	case 'i':
1026 	    open_flags &= ~O_TRUNC;
1027 	    break;
1028 	case 'm':
1029 	    postmap_flags |= POSTMAP_FLAG_MIME_KEY;
1030 	    break;
1031 	case 'n':
1032 	    dict_flags |= DICT_FLAG_TRY0NULL;
1033 	    dict_flags &= ~DICT_FLAG_TRY1NULL;
1034 	    break;
1035 	case 'o':
1036 	    postmap_flags &= ~POSTMAP_FLAG_AS_OWNER;
1037 	    break;
1038 	case 'p':
1039 	    postmap_flags &= ~POSTMAP_FLAG_SAVE_PERM;
1040 	    break;
1041 	case 'q':
1042 	    if (sequence || query || delkey)
1043 		msg_fatal("specify only one of -s -q or -d");
1044 	    query = optarg;
1045 	    break;
1046 	case 'r':
1047 	    dict_flags &= ~(DICT_FLAG_DUP_WARN | DICT_FLAG_DUP_IGNORE);
1048 	    dict_flags |= DICT_FLAG_DUP_REPLACE;
1049 	    break;
1050 	case 's':
1051 	    if (query || delkey)
1052 		msg_fatal("specify only one of -s or -q or -d");
1053 	    sequence = 1;
1054 	    break;
1055 	case 'u':
1056 	    dict_flags &= ~DICT_FLAG_UTF8_REQUEST;
1057 	    break;
1058 	case 'U':
1059 	    force_utf8 = 1;
1060 	    break;
1061 	case 'v':
1062 	    msg_verbose++;
1063 	    break;
1064 	case 'w':
1065 	    dict_flags &= ~(DICT_FLAG_DUP_WARN | DICT_FLAG_DUP_REPLACE);
1066 	    dict_flags |= DICT_FLAG_DUP_IGNORE;
1067 	    break;
1068 	}
1069     }
1070     mail_conf_read();
1071     /* Enforce consistent operation of different Postfix parts. */
1072     import_env = mail_parm_split(VAR_IMPORT_ENVIRON, var_import_environ);
1073     update_env(import_env->argv);
1074     argv_free(import_env);
1075     /* Re-evaluate mail_task() after reading main.cf. */
1076     maillog_client_init(mail_task(argv[0]), MAILLOG_CLIENT_FLAG_NONE);
1077     mail_dict_init();
1078     if ((query == 0 || strcmp(query, "-") != 0)
1079 	&& (postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_ANY_KEY))
1080 	msg_fatal("specify -b -h or -m only with \"-q -\"");
1081     if ((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_ANY_KEY) != 0
1082 	&& (postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_ANY_KEY)
1083 	== (postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_MIME_KEY))
1084 	msg_warn("ignoring -m option without -b or -h");
1085     if ((postmap_flags & (POSTMAP_FLAG_ANY_KEY & ~POSTMAP_FLAG_MIME_KEY))
1086 	&& force_utf8 == 0)
1087 	dict_flags &= ~DICT_FLAG_UTF8_MASK;
1089     /*
1090      * Use the map type specified by the user, or fall back to a default
1091      * database type.
1092      */
1093     if (delkey) {				/* remove entry */
1094 	if (optind + 1 > argc)
1095 	    usage(argv[0]);
1096 	if (strcmp(delkey, "-") == 0)
1097 	    exit(postmap_deletes(VSTREAM_IN, argv + optind, argc - optind,
1098 				 dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_LOCK) == 0);
1099 	found = 0;
1100 	while (optind < argc) {
1101 	    if ((path_name = split_at(argv[optind], ':')) != 0) {
1102 		found |= postmap_delete(argv[optind], path_name, delkey,
1103 					dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_LOCK);
1104 	    } else {
1105 		found |= postmap_delete(var_db_type, argv[optind], delkey,
1106 					dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_LOCK);
1107 	    }
1108 	    optind++;
1109 	}
1110 	exit(found ? 0 : 1);
1111     } else if (query) {				/* query map(s) */
1112 	if (optind + 1 > argc)
1113 	    usage(argv[0]);
1114 	if (strcmp(query, "-") == 0)
1115 	    exit(postmap_queries(VSTREAM_IN, argv + optind, argc - optind,
1116 			  postmap_flags, dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_LOCK) == 0);
1117 	while (optind < argc) {
1118 	    if ((path_name = split_at(argv[optind], ':')) != 0) {
1119 		found = postmap_query(argv[optind], path_name, query,
1120 				      dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_LOCK);
1121 	    } else {
1122 		found = postmap_query(var_db_type, argv[optind], query,
1123 				      dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_LOCK);
1124 	    }
1125 	    if (found)
1126 		exit(0);
1127 	    optind++;
1128 	}
1129 	exit(1);
1130     } else if (sequence) {
1131 	while (optind < argc) {
1132 	    if ((path_name = split_at(argv[optind], ':')) != 0) {
1133 		postmap_seq(argv[optind], path_name,
1134 			    dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_LOCK);
1135 	    } else {
1136 		postmap_seq(var_db_type, argv[optind],
1137 			    dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_LOCK);
1138 	    }
1139 	    exit(0);
1140 	}
1141 	exit(1);
1142     } else {					/* create/update map(s) */
1143 	if (optind + 1 > argc)
1144 	    usage(argv[0]);
1145 	while (optind < argc) {
1146 	    if ((path_name = split_at(argv[optind], ':')) != 0) {
1147 		postmap(argv[optind], path_name, postmap_flags,
1148 			open_flags, dict_flags);
1149 	    } else {
1150 		postmap(var_db_type, argv[optind], postmap_flags,
1151 			open_flags, dict_flags);
1152 	    }
1153 	    optind++;
1154 	}
1155 	exit(0);
1156     }
1157 }