3 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
4 *
5 * Admin Language File
6 *
9define("PRFLAN_1", "Site Information");
10define("PRFLAN_2", "Site Name");
11define("PRFLAN_3", "Site URL");
12define("PRFLAN_4", "Site Link Icon/Button");
13define("PRFLAN_5", "Site Tagline");
14define("PRFLAN_6", "Site Description");
15define("PRFLAN_7", "Main site admin");
16define("PRFLAN_8", "Main site admin email");
17define("PRFLAN_9", "Site Disclaimer");
18// define("PRFLAN_10", "Theme");
19// define("PRFLAN_11", "Site Theme");
20// define("PRFLAN_12", "Click here to preview themes");
21define("PRFLAN_13", "Display Information");
22define("PRFLAN_14", "Display theme information?");
23define("PRFLAN_15", "Display render time?");
24define("PRFLAN_16", "Display sql queries?");
25define("PRFLAN_17", "Compress Site Output Using gzip");
26define("PRFLAN_19", "Signup Page Options");
27define("PRFLAN_21", "Date Display options");
28define("PRFLAN_22", "Short date format");
29define("PRFLAN_23", "Long date format");
30define("PRFLAN_24", "Forum date format");
31define("PRFLAN_25", "For more information on date formats see the");
32define("PRFLAN_26", "Time offset");
33define("PRFLAN_27", "Example, if you set this to +2, all times on your site will have two hours added to them");
34define("PRFLAN_28", "User Registration/Login");
35define("PRFLAN_29", "Activate user registration system?");
36define("PRFLAN_30", "allow users to register as members on your site");
37//define("PRFLAN_31", "Use email verification for signups?");
38define("PRFLAN_32", "Allow anonymous posting?");
39define("PRFLAN_33", "switch this off to allow only registered members to post comments etc");
40define("PRFLAN_35", "Enable flood protection?");
41define("PRFLAN_36", "Flood timeout");
42define("PRFLAN_37", "Auto Ban");
43define("PRFLAN_38", "Time required in seconds between 2 posts for areas where users can post (chatbox, forums...). if a user post too fast, he will be redirected to the homepage");
44define("PRFLAN_40", "Filter profanities?");
45define("PRFLAN_41", "if checked swearing will be replaced with string below");
46define("PRFLAN_42", "Replace string");
47define("PRFLAN_43", "Filter words");
48define("PRFLAN_44", "words to censor, separate with a comma");
49define("PRFLAN_45", "Use COPPA on signup page?");
50define("PRFLAN_46", "for more info on COPPA see");
51define("PRFLAN_47", "Security &amp; Protection");
52define("PRFLAN_48", "User Tracking method");
53define("PRFLAN_49", "Cookies");
54define("PRFLAN_50", "Sessions");
55define("PRFLAN_52", "Save Changes");
56define("PRFLAN_53", "Site Preferences");
57define("PRFLAN_55", "Cookie/Session name");
58define("PRFLAN_56", "Timezone");
59define("PRFLAN_58", "Restrict website to members only");
60define("PRFLAN_59", "ticking will restrict all areas apart from the front page and signup page to members only");
61define("PRFLAN_60", "Use SSL only");
62define("PRFLAN_61", "Redirect all traffic through SSL (https)");
63define("PRFLAN_76", "Display CAPTCHA on signup page.");
64define("PRFLAN_77", "Admin Display Options ");
65define("PRFLAN_78", "Leave blank to disable");
66// define("PRFLAN_80", "Click here to view");
67define("PRFLAN_81", "Display CAPTCHA on login page.");
68define("PRFLAN_83", "example");
69define("PRFLAN_87", "Comments/Posting");
70define("PRFLAN_88", "Turn on nested comments");
71define("PRFLAN_89", "Display new comment icon");
72define("PRFLAN_90", "Allow posters to edit their comments");
74// define("CUSTSIG_1", "Settings Saved!");
75define("CUSTSIG_2", "Real Name:");
76// define("CUSTSIG_3", "Website:");
77// define("CUSTSIG_4", "Birthday:");
78// define("CUSTSIG_5", "Location:");
79define("CUSTSIG_6", "Signature:");
80define("CUSTSIG_7", "Avatar:");
81// define("CUSTSIG_8", "Time-Zone:");
82define("CUSTSIG_12", "Hide");
83define("CUSTSIG_13", "Fields");
84define("CUSTSIG_14", "Display");
85define("CUSTSIG_15", "Required");
86define("CUSTSIG_16", "Minimum Length for Passwords");
87define("CUSTSIG_17", "Subscribe to content/mailouts");
88define("CUSTSIG_18", "Disallow usernames");
89define("CUSTSIG_19", "usernames containing the following text will be rejected, separate entries by commas");
90define("CUSTSIG_20", "User Custom Title");
91define("CUSTSIG_21", "Email Confirmation");
92define("CUSTSIG_22", "Option to hide email");
94define("PRFLAN_91", "If someone is attacking your site by multiple requests to your server, his IP will be automatically banned ! Best done with server config if possible!!!");
95define("PRFLAN_92", "Secure signup verification -- hide password in email?");
96define("PRFLAN_93", "strftime function page at php.net");
97define("PRFLAN_94", "here");
98define("PRFLAN_95", "Display plugins info:");
99define("PRFLAN_96", "Will display info on all admin pages for each plugin supporting this type of feature");
100define("PRFLAN_97", "Unique 'Plugins info' menu:");
101define("PRFLAN_98", "If disabled, each plugin will display its own info in an individual menu. If enabled all info will be displayed in one menu.");
102define("PRFLAN_101", "Text Rendering");
103define("PRFLAN_102", "Replace clickable URLs");
104define("PRFLAN_103", "If ticked, and 'Make Clickable' (above) is also ticked, posted URLs or Email addresses are displayed as a hyperlink using text from the textboxes below. This keeps very long URLs/Emails from breaking layout.");
105define("PRFLAN_104", "URL replacement text");
106define("PRFLAN_105", "Replacement visible text for clickable URLs. Image can be used by using &lt;img&gt; tag, with full path to image"); //FIXME HTML
107define("PRFLAN_106", "Core preferences saved to database.");
108define("PRFLAN_107", "Email link replace text");
109define("PRFLAN_108", "text to replace email links with, image can be used by using &lt;img&gt; tag, with full path to image"); //FIXME HTML
110define("PRFLAN_109", "Wrap long words in main text");
111define("PRFLAN_110", "words longer than the length entered will be wrapped onto a new line");
112define("PRFLAN_111", "Wrap long words in menu text");
113// define("PRFLAN_112", "On");
114define("PRFLAN_113", "Off");
115define("PRFLAN_116", "Class which can post HTML");
116define("PRFLAN_117", "This will allow users to post most HTML code anywhere on the site, select the userclass to allow this.");
117define("PRFLAN_118", "Use Geshi for syntax highlighting");
118define("PRFLAN_119", "Geshi is an open source multi-language syntax highlighter, see [link] for more information");
119define("PRFLAN_120", "Default Geshi syntax language");
120define("PRFLAN_121", "if no language is specified in the code bbtag, this language will be used for highlighting");
121define("PRFLAN_122", "Enable WYSIWYG textareas");
122define("PRFLAN_123", "Will display a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor in textareas when available. Applies only to Admins and Users that are allowed to post HTML.");
123define("PRFLAN_124", "Use 'classic' nextprev look");
124define("PRFLAN_125", "Turning this on will show the nextprev pages as 1 2 3 ... 21 22 23, instead of the new look with the dropdown.");
125define("PRFLAN_126", "Text to display on signup page");
126define("PRFLAN_127", "Make URLs clickable");
127define("PRFLAN_128", "Turning this on will convert posted URLs or Email addresses to hyperlinks");
128define("PRFLAN_129", "Disallow multiple logins");
129define("PRFLAN_130", "Activating this will prevent more than one person logging in with the same username/password (login detail sharing)");
130// define("PRFLAN_131", "Activate use of [php] bbcode");
131// define("PRFLAN_132", "Activating this will allow authorized users to post [php] code in certain areas");
132define("PRFLAN_133", "GD extension required, not found");
133define("PRFLAN_134", "Redirect all requests to site URL");
134define("PRFLAN_135", "for example, if your site URL above is set to http://foo.com, anyone requesting http://www.foo.com will be redirected to http://foo.com"); //FIXME HTML
135define("PRFLAN_136", "Maximum Signups permitted from the same IP address.");
136define("PRFLAN_137", "Display Memory Usage");
137define("PRFLAN_138", "Display CAPTCHA on forgotten password page.");
138define("PRFLAN_139", "Display warning when main administrator password hasn't changed for at least 30 days");
139define("PRFLAN_140", "Text to display after signup form has been submitted.");
140//define("PRFLAN_141", "Allow registration using XML User Profiles");
141define("PRFLAN_142", "Flood Only");
142define("PRFLAN_143", "Failed Login Only");
143define("PRFLAN_144", "Flood &amp; Failed Login");
144define("PRFLAN_145", "Links in new window");
145define("PRFLAN_146", "Tick here to make all links open in a new window (this will apply sitewide). ");
146define("PRFLAN_147", "Developer Mode");
147define("PRFLAN_148", "Activate developer functions. This is for developers only. Do not use on production sites for security reasons.");
148define("PRFLAN_149", "Advanced Features");
149define("PRFLAN_150", "Select e107 authentication method");
150define("PRFLAN_151", "e107 - No alternate authentication methods installed");
152define("PRFLAN_31", "Email Verification");
153define("PRFLAN_152", "No Verification");
154define("PRFLAN_153", "Admin Approval");
155define("PRFLAN_154", "New user verification method");
156define("PRFLAN_155", "Display name and login name may be different for");
157define("PRFLAN_156", "Reset ALL Display Names");
158define("PRFLAN_157", "All Display Names have been reset to the Username");
159define("PRFLAN_158", "Display Name maximum length (5..100)");
160define("PRFLAN_159", "viewing this page with");
161define("PRFLAN_160", "Check remote servers when validating email addresses.");
162define("PRFLAN_161", "Allow users to post comments");
163define("PRFLAN_162", "Site Contact Information");
164define("PRFLAN_163", "e.g. Company Name, Address, Phone, etc.");
165define("PRFLAN_164", "Allow users to email copy of contact email to self");
166define("PRFLAN_165", "Possible opening for allowing spam, use with caution");
167define("PRFLAN_166", "Show emoticon images on comment form?");
168define("PRFLAN_167", "Make entering an email address optional"); // subject to change.
169define("PRFLAN_168", "Site Contact Person(s)");
170define("PRFLAN_169", "If the chosen group contains more than one person, the user will be asked to select a person from the group.");
171//define("PRFLAN_170", "Use reverse DNS to allow host banning");
172//define("PRFLAN_171", "Turning this option on will allow you to ban users by hostname, rather then just IP or email address.  <br />NOTE: This may affect pageload times on some hosts");
173define("PRFLAN_172", "Login Name maximum length (10..100)");
174define("PRFLAN_173", "Check for e107 updates once/day");
175define("PRFLAN_174", "Name for responses to emails from site");
176define("PRFLAN_175", "This will appear in the 'From' field of registration and other emails from this site");
177define("PRFLAN_176", "Email address for emails from site");
178define("PRFLAN_177", "Address specified for replies to emails from this site.");
179define("PRFLAN_178", "Password transmission method");
180define("PRFLAN_179", "(Only supported if using sessions for user tracking.)");
181define("PRFLAN_180", "Plaintext");
182define("PRFLAN_181", "CHAP, plaintext fallback");
183define("PRFLAN_182", "CHAP only");
184define("PRFLAN_183", " CHAP requires JS enabled in user's browser");
185define("PRFLAN_184", "User login method");
186// define("PRFLAN_185", "(as well as login name)");
187// define("PRFLAN_186", "Yes");
188// define("PRFLAN_187", "No");
189define("PRFLAN_188", "Password encoding");
190define("PRFLAN_189", "md5 (Legacy)");
191define("PRFLAN_190", "Salted");
192define("PRFLAN_191", "(md5 is usually adequate for an Intranet, and often for other sites)");
193define("PRFLAN_192", "Generate random predefined login names according to a pattern");
194define("PRFLAN_193", "To allow users to set their own login names, leave blank");
195define("PRFLAN_194", "# alpha[br]. numeric[br]* alphanumeric[br]Other chars used as entered.");
196// define("PRFLAN_195", "Changed values:");
197define("PRFLAN_196", "Log all page accesses");
198define("PRFLAN_197", "Auto-login new user after clicking on signup link");
199define("PRFLAN_198", "If disabled, user has to explicitly log in after signup");
200//define("PRFLAN_199", "");
203define("PRFLAN_154a", "If 'Admin Approval' is selected, it is recommended that you enable email notification on user signup [here].");
204define("PRFLAN_196a", "Log directory:");
206define("PRFLAN_199", "Show Admin Sub-links");
207define("PRFLAN_200", "If enabled, Admin slide down navigation menu (if supported by the current theme) will render sub-links when needed (e.g. News - Create news item).");
208define("PRFLAN_201", "Username and Password");
209define("PRFLAN_202", "Email and Password");
210define("PRFLAN_203", "Username/Email and Password");
211define("PRFLAN_204", "Separate plugins into their own menu.");
212define("PRFLAN_205", "If enabled, plugins will be displayed in their own navigation menu, similar to e107 v0.7 and before.");
213define("PRFLAN_206", "Members-only URL exceptions");
214define("PRFLAN_207", "Members only-mode will be disabled for URLs that match any of the terms in this list. One per line.");
215define("PRFLAN_208", "User class which can email links to items on site");
216define("PRFLAN_209", "Other Features");
217define("PRFLAN_210", "Comments/Posting");
218define("PRFLAN_211", "Cannot make email address optional if required for validation or login");
219define("PRFLAN_212", "Value for [x] too high - changed to [y]");
220define("PRFLAN_213", "Value for [x] too low - changed to [y]");
221define("PRFLAN_214", "Site Logo");
222define("PRFLAN_215", "Class which can post &lt;script&gt; and similar tags");
223define("PRFLAN_216", "(Requires HTML posting rights as well)");
224define("PRFLAN_217", "Filter HTML content");
225define("PRFLAN_218", "If 'off', puts users at increased risk of XSS exploits posted by members of the above class, or prior to 0.7.24");
227define("PRFLAN_219", "Not allowed characters found in Cookie name (alphanumeric characters allowed only). Cookie name not saved.");
228define("PRFLAN_220", "HTML Abuse filter (experimental)");
229define("PRFLAN_221", "Blocks some unmatched tags for those allowed to post HTML");
230define("PRFLAN_222", "Display CAPTCHA on admin-area login page.");
231define("PRFLAN_223", "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart");
232// define("PRFLAN_222", "Moderate Comments made by");
233// define("PRFLAN_223", "Comments will require manual approval by an admin prior to being visible to other users");
235define("PRFLAN_224", "User registration system");
237define("PRFLAN_225", "Used by Facebook and others. Should be a square image of at least 800px in width and height.");
238define("PRFLAN_226", "Used by some themes as the header image on some pages.");
239define("PRFLAN_227", "Used by some themes. Place 'SITETAG' in your theme to use this value.");
240define("PRFLAN_228", "Used by some themes. Place 'SITEDESCRIPTION' in your theme to use this value.");
241define("PRFLAN_229", "Used by some themes. Place 'SITEDISCLAIMER' in your theme to use this value.");
242define("PRFLAN_230", "Date/Time Input-Field format");
244define("PRFLAN_231", "Maximum failed logins before ban:");
245define("PRFLAN_232", "Failed logins from the same IP will be banned after this many attempts.");
246define("PRFLAN_233", "Moderate Comments made by:");
247define("PRFLAN_234", "Comments will require manual approval by an admin prior to being visible to other users");
248define("PRFLAN_235", "Comment Sorting:");
249define("PRFLAN_236", "Most recent comments first");
250define("PRFLAN_237", "Most recent comments last");
252define("PRFLAN_238", "File Uploading");
253define("PRFLAN_239", "The maximum upload size imposed by your php.ini settings is:");
254define("PRFLAN_240", "Filetype upload limits");
255define("PRFLAN_241", "** For security reasons these values may only be changed manually in the following file:");
257define("PRFLAN_242", "Javascript Frameworks (for testing purposes only)");
258define("PRFLAN_243", "Auto (on-demand)");
259define("PRFLAN_244", "Admin Area");
260define("PRFLAN_245", "Front-End");
261define("PRFLAN_246", "Both");
262define("PRFLAN_247", "Disabled");
264define("PRFLAN_248", "Disable scripts consolidation");
265define("PRFLAN_249", "If disabled, scripts will be loaded in one consolidated file");
266define("PRFLAN_250", "Enable consolidated scripts zlib compression:");
267define("PRFLAN_251", "Used only when script consolidation is enabled");
268define("PRFLAN_252", "Disable consolidated scripts server cache:");
269define("PRFLAN_253", "Disable consolidated scripts browser cache:");
271define("PRFLAN_254", "Email &amp; Contact Info");
272define("PRFLAN_255", "File Uploading");
273define("PRFLAN_256", "Advanced Options");
274define("PRFLAN_257", "Libraries");
276define("PRFLAN_258", "Contact Form Visibility");
277define("PRFLAN_259", "Register & Login");
278define("PRFLAN_260", "Login Only");
279define("PRFLAN_261", "Field options");
280define("PRFLAN_262", "Password in Email Confirmation");
281define("PRFLAN_263", "Should be unique to this website");
283define("PRFLAN_264", "Frontpage is login page (login.php)");
284define("PRFLAN_265", "Frontpage is splash page (membersonly.php)");
285define("PRFLAN_266", "When logged out, which page should the user be directed to?");
286define("PRFLAN_267", "Emailing method");
288define("PRFLAN_268", "Frontend Inline-Editing");
289define("PRFLAN_269", "Admins with this userclass (and the appropriate admin permissions) will be able to edit html directly via the frontend area.");
290define("PRFLAN_270", "Contact Form Filtering");
291define("PRFLAN_271", "Ignore form submissions containing these words or phrases. One per line.");
293define("PRFLAN_272", "Session Lifetime");
294define("PRFLAN_273", "Lifetime in seconds. 0 = until the browser is closed. ");
295define("PRFLAN_274", "Contact form will only be visible to this userclass group.");
296define("PRFLAN_275", "View this page using https (SSL) to modify this option");
297define("PRFLAN_276", "PHP Default (Preferred)");
299define("PRFLAN_277", "GDPR Settings");
300define("PRFLAN_278", "URL to the Privacy Policy");
301define("PRFLAN_279", "Make sure the url exists! It's best to use an absolute url. This setting will be used on all places that require a consent from the user (e.g. signup, contact form/menu, etc.).");
302define("PRFLAN_280", "URL to the website terms and conditions");
303define("PRFLAN_281", "The 2 links above are used on various page on this site (e.g. signup and contact form/menu).\nPlease create 2 pages (if not already done) that contain your 'Privacy Policy' and the websites 'Terms and conditions'.\nThere are several websites that can generate those text for you.\nCopy the urls of this websites into the fields above (e.g. /page/privacy-policy or /page/terms-and-conditions).\nJust make sure, the pages and urls exist and are working!");
305define("PRFLAN_282", "Session Save Method");