1 /***************************************************************************
3     file                 : car.h
4     created              : Sun Jan 30 12:00:15 CET 2000
5     copyright            : (C) 2000-2013 by Eric Espie, Bernhard Wymann
6     email                : torcs@free.fr
7     version              : $Id: car.h,v 2014/03/17 18:11:41 berniw Exp $
9  ***************************************************************************/
11 /***************************************************************************
12  *                                                                         *
13  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
14  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
15  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
16  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
17  *                                                                         *
18  ***************************************************************************/
20 /** @file
21     		This is the car structure.
22     @author	<a href=mailto:torcs@free.fr>Eric Espie</a>
23     @version	$Id: car.h,v 2014/03/17 18:11:41 berniw Exp $
24     @ingroup	carstruct
25     @note	Short cuts are to be used with the carElt structure.
26 */
29 #ifndef __CARV1_H__
30 #define __CARV1_H__
32 #include <track.h>
33 #include <plib/sg.h>
35 #define CAR_IDENT	0
37 #define MAX_NAME_LEN	32
39 /* designation */
40 #define FRNT_RGT	0	/**< front right */
41 #define FRNT_LFT	1	/**< front left */
42 #define REAR_RGT	2	/**< rear right */
43 #define REAR_LFT	3	/**< rear left */
44 #define FRNT		0	/**< front */
45 #define REAR		1	/**< rear */
46 #define RIGHT		0	/**< right */
47 #define LEFT		1	/**< left */
50 /** Wheels Specifications */
51 typedef struct
52 {
53     tdble	rimRadius;	/**< Rim radius */
54     tdble	tireHeight;	/**< Tire height  */
55     tdble	tireWidth;	/**< Tire width */
56     tdble	brakeDiskRadius; /**< Brake disk radius */
57     tdble	wheelRadius;	/**< Overall wheel radius */
58 } tWheelSpec;
59 /* structure access short cuts */
60 #define _rimRadius(i)		info.wheel[i].rimRadius 	/**< short cut to tWheelSpec#rimRadius */
61 #define _tireHeight(i)		info.wheel[i].tireHeight	/**< short cut to tWheelSpec#tireHeight */
62 #define _tireWidth(i)		info.wheel[i].tireWidth		/**< short cut to tWheelSpec#tireWidth */
63 #define _brakeDiskRadius(i)	info.wheel[i].brakeDiskRadius	/**< short cut to tWheelSpec#brakeDiskRadius */
64 #define _wheelRadius(i)		info.wheel[i].wheelRadius	/**< short cut to tWheelSpec#wheelRadius */
66 /** Static visual attributes */
67 typedef struct {
68     int		exhaustNb;	/**< Number of exhaust pipes (max 2) */
69     t3Dd	exhaustPos[2];	/**< Position of exhaust pipes */
70     tdble	exhaustPower;	/**< Power of the flames (from 1 to 3) */
71 } tVisualAttributes;
73 /** Static Public info */
74 typedef struct {
75     char	name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/**< Driver's name */
76 	char	teamname[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/**< Team name */
77     char	carName[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/**< Car object name */
78     char	category[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/**< Car's category */
79     int		raceNumber;		/**< Car's race number */
80     int		startRank;		/**< Car's starting position */
81     int		driverType;		/**< Driver type */
82     int		skillLevel;		/**< Driver's skill level (0=rookie -> 3=pro) */
83     tdble	iconColor[3];		/**< Car color in leaders board */
84     t3Dd	dimension;		/**< Car's mesures */
85     t3Dd	drvPos;			/**< Driver's position */
86     t3Dd	bonnetPos;		/**< Bonnet's position */
87     tdble	tank;			/**< Fuel tank capa */
88     tdble	steerLock;		/**< Steer lock angle */
89     t3Dd	statGC;			/**< Static pos of GC (should be the origin of car axis) */
90     tWheelSpec	wheel[4];		/**< Wheels specifications */
91     tVisualAttributes visualAttr; 	/**< Visual attributes */
92 } tInitCar;
93 /* structure access short cuts */
94 #define _name		info.name			/**< short cut to tInitCar#name */
95 #define _teamname	info.teamname		/**< short cut to tInitCar#teamname */
96 #define _carName	info.carName			/**< short cut to tInitCar#carName */
97 #define _category	info.category			/**< short cut to tInitCar#category */
98 #define _driverType	info.driverType			/**< short cut to tInitCar#driverType */
99 #define _skillLevel	info.skillLevel			/**< short cut to tInitCar#skillLevel */
100 #define _raceNumber	info.raceNumber			/**< short cut to tInitCar#raceNumber */
101 #define _startRank	info.startRank			/**< short cut to tInitCar#startRank */
102 #define _dimension	info.dimension			/**< short cut to tInitCar#dimension */
103 #define _dimension_x	info.dimension.x		/**< short cut to tInitCar#dimension.x */
104 #define _dimension_y	info.dimension.y		/**< short cut to tInitCar#dimension.y */
105 #define _dimension_z	info.dimension.z		/**< short cut to tInitCar#dimension.z */
106 #define _drvPos_x	info.drvPos.x			/**< short cut to tInitCar#drvPos.x */
107 #define _drvPos_y	info.drvPos.y			/**< short cut to tInitCar#drvPos.y */
108 #define _drvPos_z	info.drvPos.z			/**< short cut to tInitCar#drvPos.z */
109 #define _bonnetPos_x	info.bonnetPos.x		/**< short cut to tInitCar#bonnetPos.x */
110 #define _bonnetPos_y	info.bonnetPos.y		/**< short cut to tInitCar#bonnetPos.y */
111 #define _bonnetPos_z	info.bonnetPos.z		/**< short cut to tInitCar#bonnetPos.z */
112 #define _statGC		info.statGC			/**< short cut to tInitCar#statGC */
113 #define _statGC_x	info.statGC.x			/**< short cut to tInitCar#statGC.x */
114 #define _statGC_y	info.statGC.y			/**< short cut to tInitCar#statGC.y */
115 #define _statGC_z	info.statGC.z			/**< short cut to tInitCar#statGC.z */
116 #define _iconColor	info.iconColor			/**< short cut to tInitCar#iconColor */
117 #define _tank		info.tank			/**< short cut to tInitCar#tank */
118 #define _steerLock	info.steerLock			/**< short cut to tInitCar#steerLock */
119 #define _exhaustNb	info.visualAttr.exhaustNb	/**< short cut to tVisualAttributes#exhaustNb */
120 #define _exhaustPos	info.visualAttr.exhaustPos	/**< short cut to tVisualAttributes#exhaustPos */
121 #define _exhaustPower	info.visualAttr.exhaustPower	/**< short cut to tVisualAttributes#exhaustPower */
123 #define RM_DRV_HUMAN	1
124 #define RM_DRV_ROBOT	2
130 /** One penalty */
131 typedef struct CarPenalty
132 {
133     int penalty;	/**< penalty type */
134     int lapToClear;	/**< the lap before the penalty has to be cleared */
135     GF_TAILQ_ENTRY(struct CarPenalty) link;
136 } tCarPenalty;
138 GF_TAILQ_HEAD(CarPenaltyHead, struct CarPenalty);
140 /** Race Administrative info */
141 typedef struct {
142     double		bestLapTime;
143     bool commitBestLapTime;		/* If a rule violation happens (e.g. cutting a corner) the laptime is not commited (false) */
144     double		deltaBestLapTime;
145     double		curLapTime;
146     double		lastLapTime;
147     double		curTime;
148     tdble		topSpeed;
149 	tdble		currentMinSpeedForLap;	// Min speed on current lap, reset on start line crossing
150     int			laps;
151     int			nbPitStops;
152     int			remainingLaps;
153     int			pos;
154     double		timeBehindLeader;
155     int			lapsBehindLeader;
156     double		timeBehindPrev;
157     double		timeBeforeNext;
158     tdble		distRaced;
159     tdble		distFromStartLine;
160     double		scheduledEventTime;
161     tTrackOwnPit 	*pit;
162     int			event;
163     tCarPenaltyHead	penaltyList;	/**< List of current penalties */
164 	tdble penaltyTime;
165 } tCarRaceInfo;
166 /* structure access */
167 #define _bestLapTime		race.bestLapTime
168 #define _commitBestLapTime race.commitBestLapTime
169 #define _deltaBestLapTime	race.deltaBestLapTime
170 #define _curLapTime		race.curLapTime
171 #define _curTime		race.curTime
172 #define _lastLapTime		race.lastLapTime
173 #define _topSpeed		race.topSpeed
174 #define _currentMinSpeedForLap	race.currentMinSpeedForLap
175 #define _laps			race.laps
176 #define _nbPitStops		race.nbPitStops
177 #define _remainingLaps		race.remainingLaps
178 #define _pos			race.pos
179 #define _timeBehindLeader	race.timeBehindLeader
180 #define _lapsBehindLeader	race.lapsBehindLeader
181 #define _timeBehindPrev		race.timeBehindPrev
182 #define _timeBeforeNext		race.timeBeforeNext
183 #define _distRaced		race.distRaced
184 #define _distFromStartLine	race.distFromStartLine
185 #define _pit			race.pit
186 #define _scheduledEventTime	race.scheduledEventTime
187 #define _event			race.event
188 #define _penaltyList		race.penaltyList
189 #define _penaltyTime	race.penaltyTime
191 /** Public info on the cars */
192 typedef struct {
193     tDynPt	DynGC;		/**< GC data (car axis) */
194     tDynPt	DynGCg;		/**< GC data (world axis) */
195 	tdble	speed;		// total speed, sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz)
196     sgMat4	posMat;		/**< position matrix */
197     tTrkLocPos	trkPos;		/**< current track position. The segment is the track segment (not sides)*/
198     int		state;	    	/**< state of the car.
199 				   <br>The states are:
200 				   - RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH
201 				   - RM_CAR_STATE_PIT
202 				   - RM_CAR_STATE_DNF
203 				   - RM_CAR_STATE_PULLUP
205 				   - RM_CAR_STATE_PULLDN
206 				   - RM_CAR_STATE_OUT
207 				   - RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU
208 				   - RM_CAR_STATE_BROKEN
210 				*/
211 #define RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH	 	0x00000100				/**< Car having passed the finish line */
212 #define RM_CAR_STATE_PIT	 	0x00000001				/**< Car currently stopped in pits */
213 #define RM_CAR_STATE_DNF	 	0x00000002				/**< Car did not finish */
214 #define RM_CAR_STATE_PULLUP	 	0x00000004				/**< Car pulled out in the air */
215 #define RM_CAR_STATE_PULLSIDE	 	0x00000008				/**< Car pulled out in the air */
216 #define RM_CAR_STATE_PULLDN	 	0x00000010				/**< Car pulled out in the air */
217 #define RM_CAR_STATE_OUT		(RM_CAR_STATE_DNF | RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH)/**< Car out of race */
218 #define RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU	 	0x000000FF				/**< Do not simulate the car */
219 #define RM_CAR_STATE_BROKEN	 	0x00000200				/**< Engine no more working */
220 #define RM_CAR_STATE_OUTOFGAS	 	0x00000400				/**< Out of Gas */
221 #define RM_CAR_STATE_ELIMINATED	 	0x00000800				/**< Eliminated due to rules infringement */
222 #define RM_CAR_STATE_SIMU_NO_MOVE	0x00010000 				/**< Simulation without car move (i.e. clutch applied and no wheel move)  */
223     tPosd	corner[4];
225 } tPublicCar;
226 /* structure access */
227 #define _DynGC		pub.DynGC
228 #define _pos_X		pub.DynGC.pos.x
229 #define _pos_Y		pub.DynGC.pos.y
230 #define _pos_Z		pub.DynGC.pos.z
231 #define _roll		pub.DynGC.pos.ax
232 #define _pitch		pub.DynGC.pos.ay
233 #define _yaw		pub.DynGC.pos.az
234 #define _yaw_rate	pub.DynGC.vel.az
235 #define _speed_x	pub.DynGC.vel.x
236 #define _speed_y	pub.DynGC.vel.y
237 #define _speed_z	pub.DynGC.vel.z
238 #define _accel_x	pub.DynGC.acc.x
239 #define _accel_y	pub.DynGC.acc.y
240 #define _accel_z	pub.DynGC.acc.z
241 #define _state		pub.state
242 #define _trkPos		pub.trkPos
243 #define _speed_X	pub.DynGCg.vel.x
244 #define _speed_Y	pub.DynGCg.vel.y
245 #define _corner_x(i)	pub.corner[i].ax
246 #define _corner_y(i)	pub.corner[i].ay
247 #define _posMat		pub.posMat
249 /** Dynamic wheel information */
250 typedef struct {
251     tPosd	relPos;		/**< position relative to GC */
252     tdble	spinVel;	/**< spin velocity rad/s */
253     tdble	brakeTemp;	/**< brake temperature from 0 (cool) to 1.0 (hot) */
254     int		state;		/**< wheel state */
255     tTrackSeg	*seg;		/**< Track segment where the wheel is */
256     tdble rollRes;              /**< rolling resistance, useful for sound */
257 	tdble   temp_in, temp_mid, temp_out;
258 	tdble   condition;
259 	tdble slipSide;
260 	tdble slipAccel;
261 	tdble Fx;
262 	tdble Fy;
263 	tdble Fz;
264 } tWheelState;
265 #define _ride(i)	priv.wheel[i].relPos.z
266 #define _brakeTemp(i)	priv.wheel[i].brakeTemp
267 #define _wheelSpinVel(i) priv.wheel[i].spinVel
268 #define _wheelSeg(i)	priv.wheel[i].seg
269 #define _wheelSlipSide(i) priv.wheel[i].slipSide
270 #define _wheelSlipAccel(i) priv.wheel[i].slipAccel
271 #define _wheelFx(i) priv.wheel[i].Fx
272 #define _wheelFy(i) priv.wheel[i].Fy
273 #define _wheelFz(i) priv.wheel[i].Fz
274 #define _tyreT_in(i) priv.wheel[i].temp_in
275 #define _tyreT_mid(i) priv.wheel[i].temp_mid
276 #define _tyreT_out(i) priv.wheel[i].temp_out
277 #define _tyreCondition(i) priv.wheel[i].condition
280 #define MAX_GEARS	10	/* including reverse and neutral */
282 typedef struct tCollisionState_ {
283 	int collision_count;
284 	sgVec3 pos;
285 	sgVec3 force;
286 } tCollisionState;
288 /** Data known only by the driver */
289 typedef struct {
290     void	*paramsHandle;	/**< accessible parameters for modules */
291     void	*carHandle;	/**< parameters for car caracteristics */
292     int		driverIndex;	/**< index when multiple drivers are in the same dll */
293     char	modName[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/**< dll name */
294     tWheelState	wheel[4];
295     tPosd	corner[4];	/**< car's corners position */
296     int		gear;	    	/**< current gear */
297     tdble	fuel;	    	/**< remaining fuel (liters) */
298     tdble	enginerpm;
299     tdble	enginerpmRedLine;
300     tdble	enginerpmMax;
301     tdble	enginerpmMaxTq;
302     tdble	enginerpmMaxPw;
303     tdble	engineMaxTq;
304     tdble	engineMaxPw;
305     tdble	gearRatio[MAX_GEARS];	/**< including final drive */
306     int		gearNb;			/**< incl reverse and neutral */
307     int		gearOffset;		/**< gearRatio[gear + gearOffset] is the ratio for gear */
308     tdble	skid[4];		/**< skid intensity */
309     tdble	reaction[4];    /**< reaction on wheels */
310     int		collision;		/**< Collision value for graphics and sound, clearing is managed by consumers */
311 	int		simcollision;	/**< For rules etc. reflects the collision state from simu */
312 	float   smoke;
313     t3Dd	normal;
314     t3Dd	collpos;        /**< Collision position, useful for sound*/
315     int		dammage;
316     int		debug;
317 	tCollisionState collision_state; /**< collision state */
318 } tPrivCar;
319 /* structure access */
320 #define _driverIndex	priv.driverIndex
321 #define _paramsHandle	priv.paramsHandle
322 #define _carHandle	priv.carHandle
323 #define _modName	priv.modName
324 #define _enginerpm	priv.enginerpm
325 #define _enginerpmRedLine	priv.enginerpmRedLine
326 #define _enginerpmMax	priv.enginerpmMax
327 #define _enginerpmMaxTq	priv.enginerpmMaxTq
328 #define _enginerpmMaxPw	priv.enginerpmMaxPw
329 #define _engineMaxTq	priv.engineMaxTq
330 #define _engineMaxPw	priv.engineMaxPw
331 #define _gearRatio	priv.gearRatio
332 #define _gearNb		priv.gearNb
333 #define _gearOffset	priv.gearOffset
334 #define _fuel		priv.fuel
335 #define _gear		priv.gear
336 #define _debug		priv.debug
337 #define _skid		priv.skid
338 #define _reaction	priv.reaction
339 #define _dammage	priv.dammage
341 /** Info returned by driver during the race */
342 typedef struct {
343     tdble	steer;	    /**< Steer command [-1.0, 1.0]  */
344     tdble	accelCmd;   /**< Accelerator command [0.0, 1.0] */
345     tdble	brakeCmd;   /**< Brake command [0.0, 1.0] */
346     tdble	clutchCmd;  /**< Clutch command [0.0, 1.0] */
347     int		gear;  	    /**< [-1,6] for gear selection */
348     int		raceCmd;    /**< command issued by the driver */
349 #define RM_CMD_NONE		0	/**< No race command */
350 #define RM_CMD_PIT_ASKED	1	/**< Race command: Pit asked */
351     char	msg[4][32];     /**< 4 lines of 31 characters 0-1 from car 2-3 from race engine */
352 #define RM_MSG_LEN	31
353     float	msgColor[4]; /**< RGBA of text */
354     int		lightCmd;    /**< Lights command */
355 #define RM_LIGHT_HEAD1		0x00000001	/**< head light 1 */
356 #define RM_LIGHT_HEAD2		0x00000002	/**< head light 2 */
357 } tCarCtrl;
358 #define _steerCmd	ctrl.steer
359 #define _accelCmd	ctrl.accelCmd
360 #define _brakeCmd	ctrl.brakeCmd
361 #define _clutchCmd	ctrl.clutchCmd
362 #define _gearCmd	ctrl.gear
363 #define _raceCmd	ctrl.raceCmd
364 #define _msgCmd		ctrl.msg
365 #define _msgColorCmd	ctrl.msgColor
366 #define _lightCmd	ctrl.lightCmd
368 struct RobotItf;
370 typedef struct
371 {
372 	tdble value;
373 	tdble min;
374 	tdble max;
375 } tCarPitSetupValue;
379 typedef struct
380 {
381 	// Steer
382 	tCarPitSetupValue steerLock;
384 	//Wheel
385 	tCarPitSetupValue wheelcamber[4];
386 	tCarPitSetupValue wheeltoe[4];
387 	tCarPitSetupValue wheelrideheight[4];
389 	// Brake
390 	tCarPitSetupValue brakePressure;
391 	tCarPitSetupValue brakeRepartition;
393 	//Suspension
394 	tCarPitSetupValue suspspring[4];
395 	tCarPitSetupValue susppackers[4];
396 	tCarPitSetupValue suspslowbump[4];
397 	tCarPitSetupValue suspslowrebound[4];
398 	tCarPitSetupValue suspfastbump[4];
399 	tCarPitSetupValue suspfastrebound[4];
401 	// Anti-rollbar
402 	tCarPitSetupValue arbspring[2];
404 	// Third element
405 	tCarPitSetupValue thirdspring[2];
406 	tCarPitSetupValue thirdbump[2];
407 	tCarPitSetupValue thirdrebound[2];
408 	tCarPitSetupValue thirdX0[2];
410 	// Gears [1-8]
411 	tCarPitSetupValue gearsratio[MAX_GEARS - 2];	// without reverse/neutral
413 	// Wings
414 	tCarPitSetupValue wingangle[2];
416 	// Differential
417 	tCarPitSetupValue diffratio[3];
418 	tCarPitSetupValue diffmintqbias[3];
419 	tCarPitSetupValue diffmaxtqbias[3];
420 	tCarPitSetupValue diffslipbias[3];
421 	tCarPitSetupValue difflockinginputtq[3];
422 	tCarPitSetupValue difflockinginputbraketq[3];
423 	enum TDiffType { NONE = 0, SPOOL = 1, FREE = 2, LIMITED_SLIP = 3, VISCOUS_COUPLER = 4};
424 	TDiffType diffType[3];
425 } tCarPitSetup;
427 /** Command issued by the car during pit stop */
428 typedef struct
429 {
430     tdble		fuel;
431     int			repair;
432 #define RM_PIT_REPAIR		0
433 #define RM_PIT_STOPANDGO	1
434     int			stopType;
435 	tCarPitSetup setup;
436 } tCarPitCmd;
437 #define _pitFuel	pitcmd.fuel
438 #define _pitRepair	pitcmd.repair
439 #define _pitStopType	pitcmd.stopType
442 /** Car structure (tCarElt).
443     This is the main car structure, used everywhere in the code.
444 */
445 typedef struct CarElt
446 {
447     int			index;	/**< car index */
448     tInitCar		info;	/**< public */
449     tPublicCar		pub;	/**< public */
450     tCarRaceInfo	race;	/**< public */
451     tPrivCar		priv;	/**< private */
452     tCarCtrl		ctrl;	/**< private */
453     tCarPitCmd		pitcmd;	/**< private */
454     struct RobotItf	*robot;	/**< private */
455     struct CarElt	*next;
456 } tCarElt;
460 /* sections in xml description files */
462 #define SECT_SIMU_SETTINGS "Simulation Options"
463 #define SECT_CAR		"Car"
464 #define SECT_FRNT		"Front"
465 #define SECT_FRNTWING		"Front Wing"
466 #define SECT_FRNTAXLE		"Front Axle"
467 #define SECT_FRNTARB		"Front Anti-Roll Bar"
468 #define SECT_FRNTRGTWHEEL	"Front Right Wheel"
469 #define SECT_FRNTLFTWHEEL	"Front Left Wheel"
470 #define SECT_FRNTRGTSUSP	"Front Right Suspension"
471 #define SECT_FRNTLFTSUSP	"Front Left Suspension"
472 #define SECT_FRNTRGTBRAKE	"Front Right Brake"
473 #define SECT_FRNTLFTBRAKE	"Front Left Brake"
474 #define SECT_FRNTDIFFERENTIAL	"Front Differential"
475 #define SECT_REAR		"Rear"
476 #define SECT_REARWING		"Rear Wing"
477 #define SECT_REARAXLE		"Rear Axle"
478 #define SECT_REARARB		"Rear Anti-Roll Bar"
479 #define SECT_REARRGTWHEEL	"Rear Right Wheel"
480 #define SECT_REARLFTWHEEL	"Rear Left Wheel"
481 #define SECT_REARRGTSUSP	"Rear Right Suspension"
482 #define SECT_REARLFTSUSP	"Rear Left Suspension"
483 #define SECT_REARRGTBRAKE	"Rear Right Brake"
484 #define SECT_REARLFTBRAKE	"Rear Left Brake"
485 #define SECT_REARDIFFERENTIAL	"Rear Differential"
486 #define SECT_CENTRALDIFFERENTIAL	"Central Differential"
487 #define SECT_STEER		"Steer"
488 #define SECT_BRKSYST		"Brake System"
489 #define SECT_AERODYNAMICS	"Aerodynamics"
490 #define SECT_ENGINE		"Engine"
491 #define SECT_CLUTCH		"Clutch"
492 #define SECT_DRIVETRAIN		"Drivetrain"
493 #define SECT_GEARBOX		"Gearbox"
494 #define SECT_DRIVER		"Driver"
495 #define SECT_BONNET		"Bonnet"
496 #define SECT_GROBJECTS		"Graphic Objects"
497 #define SECT_EXHAUST		"Exhaust"
498 #define SECT_LIGHT		"Light"
500 /* parameters names */
501 #define PRM_CATEGORY		"category"
502 #define PRM_LEN			"body length"
503 #define PRM_WIDTH		"body width"
504 #define PRM_OVERALLLEN		"overall length"
505 #define PRM_OVERALLWIDTH	"overall width"
506 #define PRM_HEIGHT		"body height"
507 #define PRM_MASS		"mass"
508 #define PRM_FRWEIGHTREP		"front-rear weight repartition"
509 #define PRM_FRLWEIGHTREP	"front right-left weight repartition"
510 #define PRM_RRLWEIGHTREP	"rear right-left weight repartition"
511 #define PRM_GCHEIGHT		"GC height"
512 #define PRM_TANK		"fuel tank"
513 #define PRM_FUEL		"initial fuel"
514 #define PRM_CENTR		"mass repartition coefficient"
515 #define PRM_INERTIA		"inertia"
516 #define PRM_EFFICIENCY		"efficiency"
517 #define PRM_TYPE		"type"
518 #define PRM_SIZE		"size"
520 /* Tires */
521 #define PRM_MU			"mu"
522 #define PRM_RIMDIAM		"rim diameter"
523 #define PRM_TIREWIDTH		"tire width"
524 #define PRM_TIRERATIO		"tire height-width ratio"
525 #define PRM_RIDEHEIGHT		"ride height"
526 #define PRM_TOE			"toe"
527 #define PRM_CAMBER		"camber"
528 #define PRM_CA			"stiffness"
529 #define PRM_RFACTOR		"dynamic friction"
530 #define PRM_EFACTOR		"elasticity factor"
531 #define PRM_PRESSURE		"pressure"
532 #define PRM_LOADFMAX		"load factor max"
533 #define PRM_LOADFMIN		"load factor min"
534 #define PRM_OPLOAD		"operating load"
537 #define PRM_SPR			"spring"
538 #define PRM_SUSPCOURSE		"suspension course"
539 #define PRM_BELLCRANK		"bellcrank"
540 #define PRM_PACKERS		"packers"
541 #define PRM_SLOWBUMP		"slow bump"
542 #define PRM_SLOWREBOUND		"slow rebound"
543 #define PRM_FASTBUMP		"fast bump"
544 #define PRM_FASTREBOUND		"fast rebound"
545 #define PRM_BUMPTHRESHOLD	"fast bump threshold"
546 #define PRM_REBOUNDTHRESHOLD	"fast rebound threshold"
548 #define PRM_XPOS		"xpos"
549 #define PRM_YPOS		"ypos"
550 #define PRM_ZPOS		"zpos"
552 #define PRM_STEERLOCK		"steer lock"
553 #define PRM_STEERSPD		"max steer speed"
555 #define PRM_BRKDIAM		"disk diameter"
556 #define PRM_BRKAREA		"piston area"
557 #define PRM_BRKREP		"front-rear brake repartition"
558 #define PRM_BRKPRESS		"max pressure"
560 #define PRM_CX			"Cx"
561 #define PRM_FCL			"front Clift"
562 #define PRM_RCL			"rear Clift"
563 #define PRM_FRNTAREA		"front area"
564 #define PRM_WINGAREA		"area"
565 #define PRM_WINGANGLE		"angle"
567 /* Engine */
568 #define PRM_REVSLIM		"revs limiter"
569 #define PRM_REVSMAX		"revs maxi"
570 #define PRM_TICKOVER		"tickover"
571 #define PRM_RPM			"rpm"
572 #define PRM_TQ			"Tq"
573 #define ARR_DATAPTS		"data points"
574 #define PRM_FUELCONS		"fuel cons factor"
575 #define PRM_ENGBRKCOEFF		"brake coefficient"
576 #define PRM_POWER		"power"
577 #define PRM_TURBO               "turbo"
578 #define PRM_TURBO_RPM           "turbo rpm"
579 #define PRM_TURBO_FACTOR        "turbo factor"
580 #define PRM_TURBO_LAG           "turbo lag"
582 #define PRM_RATIO		"ratio"
583 #define PRM_BIAS		"bias"
585 #define ARR_GEARS		"gears"
586 #define PRM_SHIFTTIME		"shift time"
588 #define	PRM_ROLLCENTER		"roll center height"
590 #define LST_RANGES		"Ranges"
591 #define PRM_THRESHOLD		"threshold"
592 #define PRM_CAR			"car"
593 #define PRM_WHEELSON		"wheels"
594 #define PRM_ENV			"env"
595 #define PRM_BONNET		"bonnet"
596 #define PRM_WHEEL_TEXTURE	"wheel texture"
597 #define PRM_SHADOW_TEXTURE	"shadow texture"
599 #define PRM_MIN_TQ_BIAS		"min torque bias"
600 #define PRM_MAX_TQ_BIAS		"max torque bias"
601 #define PRM_MAX_SLIP_BIAS	"max slip bias"
602 #define PRM_LOCKING_TQ		"locking input torque"
603 #define PRM_LOCKINGBRAKE_TQ		"locking brake input torque"
604 #define PRM_VISCOSITY_FACTOR	"viscosity factor"
607 #define VAL_DIFF_NONE		"NONE"
608 #define VAL_DIFF_SPOOL		"SPOOL"
609 #define VAL_DIFF_FREE		"FREE"
613 #define VAL_TRANS_RWD		"RWD"
614 #define VAL_TRANS_FWD		"FWD"
615 #define VAL_TRANS_4WD		"4WD"
618 /* graphic */
619 #define PRM_TACHO_TEX		"tachometer texture"
620 #define PRM_TACHO_XSZ		"tachometer width"
621 #define PRM_TACHO_YSZ		"tachometer height"
622 #define PRM_TACHO_XPOS		"tachometer x pos"
623 #define PRM_TACHO_YPOS		"tachometer y pos"
624 #define PRM_TACHO_NDLXSZ	"tachometer needle width"
625 #define PRM_TACHO_NDLYSZ	"tachometer needle height"
626 #define PRM_TACHO_XCENTER	"tachometer needle x center"
627 #define PRM_TACHO_YCENTER	"tachometer needle y center"
628 #define PRM_TACHO_XDIGITCENTER	"tachometer digit x center"
629 #define PRM_TACHO_YDIGITCENTER	"tachometer digit y center"
630 #define PRM_TACHO_MINVAL	"tachometer min value"
631 #define PRM_TACHO_MAXVAL	"tachometer max value"
632 #define PRM_TACHO_MINANG	"tachometer min angle"
633 #define PRM_TACHO_MAXANG	"tachometer max angle"
635 #define PRM_SPEEDO_TEX		"speedometer texture"
636 #define PRM_SPEEDO_XSZ		"speedometer width"
637 #define PRM_SPEEDO_YSZ		"speedometer height"
638 #define PRM_SPEEDO_XPOS		"speedometer x pos"
639 #define PRM_SPEEDO_YPOS		"speedometer y pos"
640 #define PRM_SPEEDO_NDLXSZ	"speedometer needle width"
641 #define PRM_SPEEDO_NDLYSZ	"speedometer needle height"
642 #define PRM_SPEEDO_XCENTER	"speedometer needle x center"
643 #define PRM_SPEEDO_YCENTER	"speedometer needle y center"
644 #define PRM_SPEEDO_XDIGITCENTER	"speedometer digit x center"
645 #define PRM_SPEEDO_YDIGITCENTER	"speedometer digit y center"
646 #define PRM_SPEEDO_MINVAL	"speedometer min value"
647 #define PRM_SPEEDO_MAXVAL	"speedometer max value"
648 #define PRM_SPEEDO_MINANG	"speedometer min angle"
649 #define PRM_SPEEDO_MAXANG	"speedometer max angle"
650 #define PRM_SPEEDO_DIGITAL  "speedometer digital"
652 #define PRM_WHEEL_3D        "3d wheel basename"
653 #define PRM_WHEEL_3D_DIR    "3d wheel directory"
655 /* Lights */
656 #define	VAL_LIGHT_HEAD1		"head1"
657 #define	VAL_LIGHT_HEAD2		"head2"
658 #define	VAL_LIGHT_BRAKE		"brake"
659 #define	VAL_LIGHT_BRAKE2	"brake2"
660 #define	VAL_LIGHT_REVERSE	"reverse"
661 #define	VAL_LIGHT_REAR		"rear"
662 /* Simulation Options */
663 #define PRM_DAMAGE_TYRES "damage/tyres"
664 #define PRM_DAMAGE_SUSPENSION "damage/suspension"
665 #define PRM_DAMAGE_ALIGNMENT "damage/alignment"
666 #define PRM_DAMAGE_AERO "damage/aero"
667 #define PRM_MODEL_AEROFLOW "model/aero/flow"
668 #define PRM_MODEL_AERO_FACTOR "model/aero/factor"
669 #define PRM_MODEL_TYRE_TEMPERATURE "model/tyre/temperature"
671 // Collision constants.
672 #define SEM_COLLISION			0x01
673 #define SEM_COLLISION_XYSCENE	0x02
674 #define SEM_COLLISION_CAR		0x04
675 #define SEM_COLLISION_Z			0x08
676 #define SEM_COLLISION_Z_CRASH	0x10
679 #endif /* __CARV1_H__ */