1// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
2// See LICENSE for copying information.
4package metainfo
6import (
7	"fmt"
8	"strconv"
9	"strings"
10	"time"
12	"storj.io/common/memory"
13	"storj.io/storj/satellite/metabase/segmentloop"
14	"storj.io/storj/satellite/metainfo/piecedeletion"
17const (
18	// BoltPointerBucket is the string representing the bucket used for `PointerEntries` in BoltDB.
19	BoltPointerBucket = "pointers"
22// RSConfig is a configuration struct that keeps details about default
23// redundancy strategy information.
25// Can be used as a flag.
26type RSConfig struct {
27	ErasureShareSize memory.Size
28	Min              int
29	Repair           int
30	Success          int
31	Total            int
34// Type implements pflag.Value.
35func (RSConfig) Type() string { return "metainfo.RSConfig" }
37// String is required for pflag.Value.
38func (rs *RSConfig) String() string {
39	return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d/%d/%d-%s",
40		rs.Min,
41		rs.Repair,
42		rs.Success,
43		rs.Total,
44		rs.ErasureShareSize.String())
47// Set sets the value from a string in the format k/m/o/n-size (min/repair/optimal/total-erasuresharesize).
48func (rs *RSConfig) Set(s string) error {
49	// Split on dash. Expect two items. First item is RS numbers. Second item is memory.Size.
50	info := strings.Split(s, "-")
51	if len(info) != 2 {
52		return Error.New("Invalid default RS config (expect format k/m/o/n-ShareSize, got %s)", s)
53	}
54	rsNumbersString := info[0]
55	shareSizeString := info[1]
57	// Attempt to parse "-size" part of config.
58	shareSizeInt, err := memory.ParseString(shareSizeString)
59	if err != nil {
60		return Error.New("Invalid share size in RS config: '%s', %w", shareSizeString, err)
61	}
62	shareSize := memory.Size(shareSizeInt)
64	// Split on forward slash. Expect exactly four positive non-decreasing integers.
65	rsNumbers := strings.Split(rsNumbersString, "/")
66	if len(rsNumbers) != 4 {
67		return Error.New("Invalid default RS numbers (wrong size, expect 4): %s", rsNumbersString)
68	}
70	minValue := 1
71	values := []int{}
72	for _, nextValueString := range rsNumbers {
73		nextValue, err := strconv.Atoi(nextValueString)
74		if err != nil {
75			return Error.New("Invalid default RS numbers (should all be valid integers): %s, %w", rsNumbersString, err)
76		}
77		if nextValue < minValue {
78			return Error.New("Invalid default RS numbers (should be non-decreasing): %s", rsNumbersString)
79		}
80		values = append(values, nextValue)
81		minValue = nextValue
82	}
84	rs.ErasureShareSize = shareSize
85	rs.Min = values[0]
86	rs.Repair = values[1]
87	rs.Success = values[2]
88	rs.Total = values[3]
90	return nil
93// RateLimiterConfig is a configuration struct for endpoint rate limiting.
94type RateLimiterConfig struct {
95	Enabled         bool          `help:"whether rate limiting is enabled." releaseDefault:"true" devDefault:"true"`
96	Rate            float64       `help:"request rate per project per second." releaseDefault:"1000" devDefault:"100" testDefault:"1000"`
97	CacheCapacity   int           `help:"number of projects to cache." releaseDefault:"10000" devDefault:"10" testDefault:"100"`
98	CacheExpiration time.Duration `help:"how long to cache the projects limiter." releaseDefault:"10m" devDefault:"10s"`
101// ProjectLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default project limits.
102type ProjectLimitConfig struct {
103	MaxBuckets int `help:"max bucket count for a project." default:"100" testDefault:"10"`
106// Config is a configuration struct that is everything you need to start a metainfo.
107type Config struct {
108	DatabaseURL          string      `help:"the database connection string to use" default:"postgres://"`
109	MinRemoteSegmentSize memory.Size `default:"1240" testDefault:"0" help:"minimum remote segment size"` // TODO: fix tests to work with 1024
110	MaxInlineSegmentSize memory.Size `default:"4KiB" help:"maximum inline segment size"`
111	// we have such default value because max value for ObjectKey is 1024(1 Kib) but EncryptedObjectKey
112	// has encryption overhead 16 bytes. So overall size is 1024 + 16 * 16.
113	MaxEncryptedObjectKeyLength int                  `default:"1280" help:"maximum encrypted object key length"`
114	MaxSegmentSize              memory.Size          `default:"64MiB" help:"maximum segment size"`
115	MaxMetadataSize             memory.Size          `default:"2KiB" help:"maximum segment metadata size"`
116	MaxCommitInterval           time.Duration        `default:"48h" testDefault:"1h" help:"maximum time allowed to pass between creating and committing a segment"`
117	MinPartSize                 memory.Size          `default:"5MiB" testDefault:"0" help:"minimum allowed part size (last part has no minimum size limit)"`
118	MaxNumberOfParts            int                  `default:"10000" help:"maximum number of parts object can contain"`
119	Overlay                     bool                 `default:"true" help:"toggle flag if overlay is enabled"`
120	RS                          RSConfig             `releaseDefault:"29/35/80/110-256B" devDefault:"4/6/8/10-256B" help:"redundancy scheme configuration in the format k/m/o/n-sharesize"`
121	SegmentLoop                 segmentloop.Config   `help:"segment loop configuration"`
122	RateLimiter                 RateLimiterConfig    `help:"rate limiter configuration"`
123	ProjectLimits               ProjectLimitConfig   `help:"project limit configuration"`
124	PieceDeletion               piecedeletion.Config `help:"piece deletion configuration"`